At this point, who belongs and who doesn't...

Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
ECW's been on for months now and we're getting a pretty good feel for where the company is headed. We've seen what we know to be ECW and what is merely a warmup for SD and RAW.

So, who do you think belongs? Who doesn't belong?

Here's my take:

Who belongs
Rob Van Dam
Tommy Dreamer
Ball Mahoney
Test (he epitomizes what power wrestling should be - ruthless and intense)
CM Punk (we all agree that he's the future)

Kevin Thorn (I like the wrestling style but the gimmick needs to go)
Mike Knox

Who doesn't belong
Big Show (nobody - except some WWE fans who show up at ECW events - has bought into this "extreme giant")
Shannon Moore (a very obscure move of the WWE to put him in ECW)
Rene Dupree
Matt Striker

Guys who aren't really used
Stevie Richards
Christopher W. Anderson
Tony Mamaluke
Little Guido (he and Mamaluke should be on more, all ECW needs is an actual tag team divisio)
Al Snow
Danny Doring

Who needs to retire
Terry Funk
I apologize for I left out Hardcore Holly. After his match with RVD, I'm buying into Holly being accepted (in a heel role, of course) by the ECW fans. Anyone who can take a gash like that better be accepted by ECW fans.
Who Belongs:
All The Originals...
CM Punk
Shannon Moore
Hardcore Holly

Who Doesnt:
Rene Dupree
Big Show
Kevin Thorn

Mike Knox
Who Belongs:
All The Originals
CM Punk
Hardcore Holly

Kevin Thorn
Shonnon Moore

Who doesn't belong:
Big Show
Rene Dupree
Matt Striker
Mike Knox sucks. Standard issue WWE big guy, with absolutely pitiful mic skills. He sounds like he's reading off of cue cards when he cuts a promo. This feud between him and Punk will surely be to get Punk over - after that, hopefully we'll see far less of both Knox and that tart Kelly Kelly.

I don't know why WWE has placed Big Show, Shannon Moore, Matt Striker, Rene Dupree and The Basham Brothers in ECW. My guess is for Show, Vinnie is rewarding his "favorite giant" by putting him on top. Moore should go back to SmackDown! and compete amongst the Cruiserweights. Striker and Dupree were nothing more than regulars on Heat before they were moved. I'm guessing Dupree is there out of a lack of anything else for him, and Striker is there because ECW has become the gimmick dumping ground (see also Kevin Thorn).

Test is a very boring big guy IMO. Maybe its because I'm far more excited by the hardcore, scientific and luchador-inspired styles that the original ECW had, but Test has the generic big guy style of wrestling that might work fine on Raw and SmackDown!, but it's very bland when you think of what ECW used to be. His mic skills are nothing special, either.

I'm fine with everyone else in ECW. WWE needs to bring up some talent that is reminiscent of the original ECW, and they should sign some older talent as well. Most importantly, I really think Vince McMahon should FIRE KEVIN DUNN!!!!!
who to keep:
1. CM Punk
2. RVD
3. Test (oddly he is growing on me as a heel)
4. Tommy Dreamer (glad to see him win a match)
5. Sandman (glad to see him getting pushed)
6. Sabu
7. Matt Striker (i know, i know, NO ONE LIKES HIM and thats exactly why i think he belongs. i think this guy will prove himself in the near future. he is so easy to hate and going after the sandman is perfect!!! now i'm willing to be wrong and eat my words here. but i think he belongs)
8. Hardcore Holly (w/o a doubt i knew this guy was going to be a stud in ECW and i hope to see him get a title he deserves it!)
Not Sure:
1. Kevin Thorn w/ Ariel (think we need to see more sci fi'ish characters to really enjoy the "dark character")
2. Mike Knox (as long as he stays around paul heyman he may have a chance)
3. Renee Dupree (he really looks WAY BETTER than he did on raw or smackdown. his new look and style could really get him over as a real heal. he also seems to have more charisma and more personality than before)
4. Big Show (i like the gimmick and have always thought he makes a better heal than face. i just dont think he should have gotten the belt w/o earning it.)

Please Get Rid Of
1. Shannon Moore
2. CW Anderson
3. Stevie Richards (never been a fan, i've always thought he's a cheap rip off of Shawn Michaels)
Im sick of this test bashing. I cant think of a better big man in the wwe in the last 10 years bar kane/taker. He CAN wrestle, hes a legit monster, hes got the look, i dont know why he was released in the 1st place, and why people always make an example out of him, especially when theres crap like balls mahoney on the roster. I dont care if he was an original, hes talentless, just like sandman. ANybody can throw a chair shot and bleed, its stuntwork, not wrestling, and belongs in CZW, not the wwe. Dont get me wrong, i liked ecw, it had some of the best matches of the 90's, and the 2 wwe produced ppv's have been the best thing, bar tna, in wrestling in the last few years.But to slag off guys like test and thorn for poor wrestling skills when you have Balls Mahoney on board is just unfair. And if balls mahoney is so cool and extreme...what was he doing at the worst thing wrestling has ever seen the other night, ecw strip poker? I rest my case.
And by the way, ECW really needs to bring back Lance Storm. I dont care if the guy is retired or not,vince make the guy an offer.
I believe that they all belong.. This isnt the ECW from back in the day.. This is the WWE version of ECW.. They all have proven to be good wrestlers and deserving for a shot to succeed.. The only person I feel doesnt even belong in the WWE is Dupree.. Its not because I think he's a bad wrestler (which he's not).. I just hate the guy..
i dont understand all of the Big Show bashing...think about "real life" this guy would fucking destroy anybody in his path...i think that is the escence of his role in ECW right now...more power to the big man...i think he should hold onto the title for a LONG time, that way when the title switch happens, it will be that much more sweeter
it's funny back in the old ecw no one liked dreamer until he took sandmans cane shots then everyone thought he was a badass

same goes for guys like knox test etc once they do something to prove themselfs you will accept them being in ecw
Smokeydogg said:
it's funny back in the old ecw no one liked dreamer until he took sandmans cane shots then everyone thought he was a badass

same goes for guys like knox test etc once they do something to prove themselfs you will accept them being in ecw

If Test or Knox had a huge gash like Hardcore Holly did, I bet you both of them would start crying and ask to stop the match. Maybe I will be slightly impressed by a cane or chair shot that they take. But it won't change the fact that they are both standard-issue WWE big guys that don't know a wristlock from a wristwatch and can't cut promos to save their lives.
Code Red said:
If Test or Knox had a huge gash like Hardcore Holly did, I bet you both of them would start crying and ask to stop the match. Maybe I will be slightly impressed by a cane or chair shot that they take. But it won't change the fact that they are both standard-issue WWE big guys that don't know a wristlock from a wristwatch and can't cut promos to save their lives.

So it takes the blood aspect for you to accept someone as an ECW name? I don't think guys need to get themselves a ridiculous gash just to be accepted. In the new WWeCW thus far, I believe the best match was put on by Test and RVD. They both made respectable contributions. Perhaps Test hasn't proven himself to many of you, but I know what ECW is about and I'm convinced that he encompasses that
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
I apologize for I left out Hardcore Holly. After his match with RVD, I'm buying into Holly being accepted (in a heel role, of course) by the ECW fans. Anyone who can take a gash like that better be accepted by ECW fans.

It isn't like he planned on or wanted to take that gash though. Wrestler get hurt llike that all the time by accident, and he didn't plan on the metal from that table scraping him. It is one thing when Sabu or Dreamer or Foley have barbed wire ripping into their skin on purpose. I am not saying Holly isn't a man for being able to take that and not cry, but I don't think it automatically means he is accepted. I fell of my bike one time and scraped my knee, but that doesn't make me hardcore.
I believe that because of the Test attack that occurred recently, they may have opted to turn Hardcore Holly face. This may have something to do with the pop he received after his match with RVD.

i hate to agree but i have to.. come on.. first off we dont see hardcore matches no more and they are planning to die that down even more.. they got rid of francine and credible and soon prob the other originals other then sabu, balls, sandman, rvd and dreamer. they should of built mamaluke and both guidos together and build al snow and richards and the other originals other then use them to build wwe guys we know of already... but here is my list

CM Punk
Originals of Course
Thorn and Ariel (i like them, they are a good character)
Holly (he has proven his strength since the 90's when he started, he is finally getting credit but for something he didnt plan on doing)

Un Proven:
Dupree (real extreme? hasnt wrestled in an extreme match yet

Dont Belong:
Big Show... ok hes done with... no one really needs him.. keeping him in ECW is just killing his name.. and belive it or not his name was once big.. just not as big as hell ever be
If the wwe really wana make ECW great, they should scout for the best wrestlers in the world at the minuite i.e. ring of honour and get some CZW guys in for the hardcore stuff, have a show thats half hardcore,half 5* pro wrestling, and watch the ratings go sky high.
Who belongs
Big Show
Rob Van Dam
Tommy Dreamer
Ball Mahoney
CM Punk
Kevin Thorn
Mike Knox
Matt Striker
Terry Funk(they need to have him in a managers position to help someone try and get the belt off Big Show)

Who doesn't belong
Shannon Moore
Rene Dupree
hey_yo said:
The new ECW sucks and it's just Vince trying to make a buck off of a dead organization.

desimandem said:


1st of all if you are not going to respond to the question or discussion, then don't post here. your responses have nothing to do with the topic.
We have discussed a billion times it is not ECW, and that's ok because compared to the garbage presented to us the first few weeks of ECW's return, what we have now is not that bad. Dupree and Moore are the only ones IMO who don't belong. Im used to seeing Knoxx, and after hearing that Heyman picked him out I'm over him being in ECW. Show and Holly earned the right to be there (to me anyway). Test is probably the only one who is right smack in the middle. I don't want to relate ECW as a 3rd brand (even if it is). Originals like Sandman, Dreamer, RVD, and Sabu make it hard to do that. Doring, the FBI and CW could be used to do something other than jobbing but I guess sombody's gotta get that job. Dunn is a big fan against ECW, and that works against the ECW faithful fanbase. Credible's gone, and Roadkill is training with some new gimmick in either OVW, or DSW. 2 Cold might be back, or he might be Flash Funk in Smackdown. The thing is that they needed new wrestlers, Thorn and Punk are being used as "new breed" guys (I mean it can't be all old ECW originals) Dupree and Striker are probably the 2 that need to go.
punkrawk424 said:
who to keep:

3. Stevie Richards (never been a fan, i've always thought he's a cheap rip off of Shawn Michaels)
Stevie Richards is really good just to let ya know. The only reason WWE keeps him is to keep him away from TNA because they know that if they got him that they would actually do something with him. It's like why they paid Matt Hardy big bucks just to sit around. Stevie Richards has skills but he's just not allowed to showcase them. He's better than John Cena that's for damn sure.
mr. krinkle said:
i dont understand all of the Big Show bashing...think about "real life" this guy would fucking destroy anybody in his path...i think that is the escence of his role in ECW right now...more power to the big man...i think he should hold onto the title for a LONG time, that way when the title switch happens, it will be that much more sweeter

agreed. Anybody else smell a Big Show vs. CM Punk Wrestlemania this year. That would be a hell of a match n imagine the crowd when Punk topples(sp?) the giant.
mr. krinkle said:
i dont understand all of the Big Show bashing...think about "real life" this guy would fucking destroy anybody in his path...i think that is the escence of his role in ECW right now...more power to the big man...i think he should hold onto the title for a LONG time, that way when the title switch happens, it will be that much more sweeter

The Big Show just doesn't belong in WWECW. If you watched ECW, you know that they placed far less emphasis on larger wrestlers than WWE and WCW. The most hardcore thing that Big Show can do is take chair shots and fall 4 feet from the ring apron through a pre-cut table - nothing special at all compared to RVD, Sabu, Rey Mysterio Jr., Raven, and New Jack (I don't care if he's insane - New Jack = Ratings!). I would like to see him perform well in a ladder match or jump off a balcony - that's when he will earn my respect and prove that he deserves his place in WWECW.

Truth be told, I don't think The Big Show is that bad. He is a good entertainer and better in the ring than anyone else his size past and present. I hold ECW to a higher standard and feel that he's not up to snuff for the quality of wrestling that I have seen from ECW. They really need to send Big Show to SmackDown! and send over guys like Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio instead - not only are they ECW originals, but they are far more representative of the ECW styles than Big Show.

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