At least their theme song was good

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Leading A Revolution
I have an interesting question that came to mind while watching some wrasslin' recently. What are some past and present superstars who didn't do much or weren't that big at all, but had an awesome theme song. We can talk all day about the awesome theme songs that the greats like Austin and The Rock had, but talk for a second about the guys who sucked, or at least accomplished very little, but still had an awesome theme song. I have a few picks that come to mind for myself:

Alex Riley - I'm talking about his Say it to My Face theme song. I liked that theme song. Sadly I can't tell you if I really liked him, because by the time he was let loose as a singles guy on the main roster he poof disappeared, and now just does stuff for the WWE Network pre/post show panels

The Miz- Don't get me wrong, he's accomplished alot, more than he should have in my opinion, but I think he's a mediocre talent at best. However he's always had one of my favorite theme songs.

The Brood - For the most part, the Brood did nothing except give us Edge, and Christian, who didn't become big until they broke away from the Brood. that said, There theme song was cool and creepy at the same time.

The Real Americans - I think both Cesaro and Swagger are talented. I actually think Cesaro is EXTREMELY talented, but they fall into the didn't do much category, as the WWE never got as much out of them as they could. I do though personally love their(now just swaggers) theme song. I don't know why. It just comes across bad ass to me.

Chuck Palumbo - You will remember meeeeee!!! Not really chuck, but I do remember you're theme song.

Honorable Mention:
Scott Stiener - From a WWE standpoint he was a flop, but I dug his theme song, full with the siren and everything. He was succesful in WCW but I was never a fan.

I'm sure there is a lot more, but my mind is drawing a blank. So maybe you guys can help refresh it. What are your choices?
Off the top of my head, I would say the already-mentioned Alex Riley and Chuck Palumbo, and then my two names would be Zack Gowen and Maven. Especially Maven, I think he had one of the best theme songs in WWE history.
DLO Brown- I still crank "You better Recognize from time to time". I even do the corresponding head movements and strut that come along with his entrance lol. DLO sucked, but his entrance and music made me a fan.

Val Venis - Hello Ladies. It was very pornographic and kind of enjoyable

XPac - I heard his theme and I loved it , but knew that I was going to the bathroom as soon as he got in the ring
Very fun/good question/thread...good choices by everyone so far, so I'll try not to repeat any of those. In TNA, the one that sticks out to me is Abyss. It starts out all nice, and then the metal kicks in. Then he gets in the ring, and all I want to do is say "bang bang". From the WCW days, 2 themes that jumped out to me were Tank Abbott and Saturn. Tank was horrible in WCW, but Saturn held his own. Tank's theme was down right bad a$$, and Saturn's theme (the one that started with the siren when he was at the end of his stint with the flock - not the "what are you looking at" theme) fit him to a "t". In WWF/E, 3 themes that stood out were T&A, Raven, and Tommy Dreamer's 3rd wwe theme. Raven's theme is one of the best that Jim Johnston has ever composed - it's still my ringtone. T&A's theme was one of those themes that you could start humming for no reason, and one of your buddies would finish it - it was catchy. Dreamer's 3rd theme is just a basic bad a$$ hard metal theme. Thoughts?
Not meaning to repeat, but I'm going with Alex Riley. He had really good entrance music. He also had the talent until... well you know the story.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
I was a big fan of Ezikel Jackson's theme, "Domination". It's great to work out or run to.

I also really enjoyed Cryme Tyme's theme. I'd pop every time I heard "Brooklyn, Brooklyn!"

I feel like music makes or breaks the character in the WWE. It literally sets the tone.

I wonder when Jim Johnson gets inducted in to the WWE Hall of Fame.
Mideon's theme. The one used in the wrestlemania 2000 game on N64 is one of those themes that i enjoyed but thought the wrestler himself didn't do much. Still my favorite wwe attitude era theme. Also the theme i used for my in game Sid CAW. I think it sounded almost identical to his WCW theme
Dan Severn had an awesome entrance theme, and I think they may have used it for Steve Blackman a few times after Severn left WWE. It was tough as nails.
Drew mcintyre's broken dreams theme song when he used the chosen one gimmick, when he came out to the broken dreams theme it just felt like that was a badass heels song that was meant for to be for the most hated guy there.
I also agree with Alex Riley's theme, even though he had just a spark of a wrestling career.
One that they really didn't suck but really was just a short lived pairing in my mind was te rated rko theme song. Having both edges theme song and ortons together!!! Never thought it would've sounded that badass.
Hei-Den, Heidenreich. It wasn't great, but I've always remembered it. I know he had some decent moments and feuds, but I always remember fit finlay from WCW more than wwe, but his wwe theme (not the Irish jig one) was awesome.
Some really good picks here.

The Brood, Alex Riley, Drew McIntyre, Maven, Zack Gowen, Ezekial Jackson, but I suppose those ones are too obvious.

D-Lo Brown's "You Better Recognize" ("I think you better recognize...I think...I think") which I liked a lot better than his most popular theme, "Danger At The Door".

Mad props to the poster who mentioned Dan Severn. His theme is beast. If Stone Cold never used "Glass Shatters", I think he should've Severn's theme as his entrance music.

X-Pac was mentioned, how about his theme as The 123 Kid? He may have been a low carder but the theme was as fun as watching him in the ring.

Someone said The Nexus, which got me thinking of 4 other factions - The Union, The Revolution, The Radicalz, and The Dark Carnival. The Union was short-lived, The Revolution never really made an impact in WCW, The Radicalz found more success as singles wrestlers than as a group, and The Dark Carnival was...well, it was just Vampiro with the fuckin' Insane Clown Posse, but all 4 groups had badass themes.

Around the time Big Zeke started using "Domination", Luke Gallows also used another Attitude Era theme as his entrance music while he was part of the Straight Edge Society. It was a remix of the St Valentines Day Massacre and Rebellion PPV themes. Great song, Gallows was just untalented and would come out to silence when it was time for him to wrestle. All you could hear was this theme as he entered the arena.
The final 3 I have in mind certainly don't suck, they're great talent, but they never made it as big as they should've - Matt Hardy, Vampiro, and Victoria. I used to pop for the intro of Matt's theme, Vampiro's theme was a song you could really chill and listen to all day, and "All The Things She Said" fit Victoria's psychotic character perfectly. It also topped the charts while she was using it.
Shamrock's theme was always good to me. I loved Ken Shamrock in his early UFC career. His WWE deal was, well, less than spectacular, but his theme was good.
I like 3MB's music for a comedy jobber heel group, and I also have to give a nod to Drew Mac's Broken Dreams. Should 3MB ever disband, I hope Broken Dreams will be Drew Mac's once again or some kind of revised version of it, and A-Riley is pretty good to.
Dusty Rhodes American Dream theme. I don't think he accomplished that much in WWE compared to other organizations. I still jam to it. The Repo Mans theme was awesome also! The Mountie did win the IC title once or twice but I love his theme also! Hillbilly Jim? List can go on forever.
#1 that came straight to my head was "Yo, you're dealing with the X-Factor!" "I gave everything I ever wanted, but I'll never get that baaaaaaaaack". My friend and I used to run to the TV when that song that came on. Other than the finisher, the "X Marks the Spot" (cool name for a finish), the only thing I can tell you about the history of X-Factor is that song. It's not the beginning of the original, so it's a great edit. I'm not an Uncle Kracker fan either. Most memorable thing X-Pac and Albert ever did in my mind. #1.

Of course, X-Factor didn't end up doing much. But at least their theme song was good!

Hard one to answer though, because most guys that have a good song can work. It's easier to name wrestlers with a song that sucks and it hurts them. I'm talking to you, Randy Orton. Stephanie McMahon's song is awful.

Great topic. I usually just lurk, but I can't help but add in. For me, the music and the entrance is arguably the most important thing. I think it's very important.
There were quite a few in that late Attitude era... I always used Marc Mero's "Marvellous" theme on the old games for my CAW as it was a great tune, one that could easily suit someone today.

I also loved Severns, it was the closes to "Iron Man" and the LOD's original entrance there had been.

I guess it's how you're judging this is it crap wrestlers with great music or guys who were disappointing? If it's the latter then sure Gangrel goes in there cos everythng upto the match itself was amazingly put together, same for the above guys. Going further back, I always loved watching Honky Tonk Man's entrance but hated his matches... but for me the worst wrestler with the best music was "Kona" Crush. It was a little generic but that tune was a great theme for that time and totally wasted on the complete fail that was face Crush. It's close with Hogan and Voodoo Chile, but it get's a coolness pass just that Hendrix was used...costing $650,000 for the privelige mind...

An honorable mention also goes out to the Oddities and Koko B. Ware... both were among the first to use "proper songs" once Vince had realised he had to pay for them. Sure "The Bird" by Morris Day was pretty cheap and ICP were fans so took a low cut but those songs were better than the wrestler that got them...
HHH's "My Time" theme during his premature 1999 main event push made him seem like a bigger deal than his in-ring performances suggested, but that could easily apply to every theme over the course of his career.

Mark Henry's "The Beat Kicks" song had a catchy sound despite the man himself being far from his renaissance period.

Boogeyman never put on a wrestling clinic, but his theme song was appropriately spooky.

While he has a ways to advance, Bo Dallas' "inspirational" theme is leaps and bounds better than his previous one - enough to make anyone into a Boliever.
The first ones that come to mind for me are Maven and Gangrel.

Everyone loves the entrance of Gangrel/The Brood, coming up through the ring of fire on the stage and the haunting, gothic electronic music they had. It's definitely one of my favourite entrance themes of all time and one I still have on my ipod to this day and listen to regularly. In the ring however, Gangrel really wasn't that great. He had a good suplex and I loved the Impaler DDT, but other than that he didn't do much well.

Maven was the first winner of WWE's "Tough Enough" show and did get a pretty decent push for a while, beating Undertaker for the Hardcore Title, eliminating the Dead Man from the Royal Rumble and being involved with Evolution in a storyline albeit briefly. He threw a great dropkick but the thing he will be remembered for mostly is his entrance theme. It was a great rock song, and performed by the band Mercy Drive (if I remember rightly) who sang Randy Orton's "Burn In My Light". Maven won't be remembered as anything special, but his theme music will.
Drew McIntyre's theme Broken Dreams was one of the most badass entrance themes of all time. Too bad it was wasted on a boring-ass Superstar. If they were smart they would have saved it for Orton. "Voices" got old years ago and "Broken Dreams" + signature Orton slow walk to the ring would have been an epic sight.

I wonder when Jim Johnson gets inducted in to the WWE Hall of Fame.

Jim Johnston - soundtracking wrestling for 30 years and counting. He deserves a spot up there almost as much as the WWE video package guy. :icon_lol:
Public Enemy's theme song wasn't too bad, but my god I couldn't stand watching them and The Nasty Boys in WCW. If there were ever 4 worse wrestler in the ring at the same time, I can't think of it. RIP Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge
Crush's surfer dude theme & Test's first theme were good, I just couldn't take to either wrestler.
Im gonna go with The Orient Express

Absolutely loved their theme song. While I thought they were pretty good in the ring...thet didnt accomplish much in their careers. Having Fuji at their side kept them in the mix, but in reality they were nothing more than glorified jobbers.
The main example that comes to mind for me is Alex Riley. He had one of the best entrance theme songs I have ever heard. He briefly turned face after beating up The Miz back in 2011, and then did nothing until he showed up again as part of the panel for the Pre-Show and Backstage Pass shows for Raw and Smackdown. What a waste of such an awesome theme song. If they have no plans of ever making Riley do anything in the ring then they should give that song to someone else who can actually use it. Drew McIntyre during his Chosen One storyline also had a really cool entrance theme song.
I'll have to go with A-Ry's. It reminded me of Young LA ft. TI,and Young Dro- Ain't I. That's why I liked the song so much.Just that song alone should have got him a push.
In my opinion xpac theme was pretty good much better evolution of dx sound.There were also a little scary Gangrel and fast rhythming Blackman's themes.
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