Ascension Anarchy 6 (Ep. 95)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
We open up with Matt Tastic & Mikey Stormrage walking through the backstage area conversing with each other. Tastic has a gym bag over his shoulder and doesn't appear to be too interested. Mikey is carrying a backpack with both hands on the straps. They walk past Theron Daggershield who appears to be waiting near the carpark entrance. Mikey & Theron wave to each other but Tastic doesn't. Mikey notices Tastic's mood and turns to him.

Stormrage: Hey man, I know you lost the World title but it's the Roulette tonight! Anything could happen!

Tastic: Dorian had his match on Meltdown. Whatever match I get won't be anything special.

???: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Stormrage and Tastic look up to see who it is but before they can look, Theron springs up with glee and runs into the picture.

Theron: Could it be the ever-elusive triple question mark finally making his debut!

When all three men see that it is the General Manager of Ascension Rebecca Serra, Mikey & Theron look a little disappointed.

Theron: Damn, it's not him.

Serra: First of all, you do realise the triple question mark is just a place-holder for a mystery opponent, right? It's like vacant being a place-holder for when the title has no owner.

Stormrage: You ruin all that is fun in the WZCW.

Serra: Shut up, Mikey. Secondly, you three should be excited to me because I need to talk to you about your respective matches tonight. Matt, are you ready to compete?

Tastic shrugs.

Tastic: I guess.

Serra: Good, get to the ring. You've got a Triple Threat match and it's about to start. I think you'll enjoy what's in store.

Tastic sighs and walks off. Mikey looks to follow him but Becky steps in front of him, putting up her hand to tell him to stop.

Serra: As for you two...

A taxi pulls up behind the two of them.

Serra: ... I have strict orders by Mr. Banks to send the two of you to meet him at an undisclosed location. This is all he said. This is all I know. Now...

Becky walks up to the taxi and opens the door.

Serra: Please, get in.

Mikey & Theron look at each other with a puzzled look for a moment before Mikey raises his hand and runs at the taxi.

Stormrage: Shotgun!

Theron: Again? Ugh... and you wonder why I don't travel with you on these treks.

The two superstars continue bickering about Mikey calling the front seat as they close the doors and the taxi drives off. We are left with a shot of Rebecca Serra who has a big smirk on her face.

Serra: Enjoy the ride, fella's.



The fans inside Celtic Park give a big ovation for Matt Tastic who takes a few seconds longer than normal to walk out onto the stage, still dressed in his street clothes and gym bag on his shoulder. He looks out into the crowd as he is putting on his tape around his hands, waving to them when he gets the chance.

Anderson: Tonight's opening contest is a Triple Threat match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Southwestern, Puerto Rico, weighing 238 pounds... "The Invincible" MATT TASTIC!

Connor: Welcome everyone here tonight to the 6th Annual Roulette Anarchy on Ascension. I'm Catherine Connor and I'm with my broadcast partner Jack Cohen and we're kicking off this show right now!

Cohen: That's right, CC. No faffing about in Glasgow tonight. We get the former World champion competing in the first match of the night and we've only been on the air for a few minutes. How great is this?

Connor: Indeed. However, one has to be curious about where Mr. Banks has requested to meet Theron & Mikey tonight. How urgent does it have to be to call away both of them as we go live?

Cohen: Who knows? But this is the Roulette Rounds: it's the theme of the night! I, for one, cannot wait to see who Tastic's opponent is going to be!

Tastic gets in the ring and meets with referee Keith Morse, telling him he is doing some last minute prep. Tastic takes off his hoodie and shirt, pulling out some "Live Mas" armbands and putting them on. He begins doing some stretches in the ring as well as running the ropes to get himself warmed up. His music dies down as Tastic clears his gym bag from the ring, informing referee Morse that he is ready for competition. Morse nods before both turn to the ramp and wait for the next opponent.


Cohen: NO WAY!

Connor: I think it is!

The crowd roars for the return of one of the biggest superstars in WZCW as Titus walks through the curtain and looks out to everyone in the arena. Matt Tastic has now focused his full attention on Titus, almost awoken from his indifference from before and looks pumped. Titus stares right back at him and nods his head.

Anderson: His opponent, making his way to the ring, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, 2014 Hall of Fame inductee... this... is... TITUSSSSSSSSSS!

Cohen: It is thunderous at Celtic Park, CC! They are going crazy for the return of the legendary Titus!

Connor: Rebecca Serra wasn't wrong when she said to Tastic that he'd enjoy the surprise he was getting! These two have some major history with each other; they were rivals at one point in their careers! In fact, their final match in their feud was the reason Baez, The Killjoy was reborn into Matt Tastic and kick-started Tastic's amazing run of his career.

Cohen: I'm usually an impartial commentator but I cannot wait to see the former two-time World champion get back in the ring and do what he does best!

Titus interacts with all the fans by hi-fiving them or shaking their hand. He looks happy to be back as does the fans. He gets to ringside and stares at Tastic, asking him if he is ready. Tastic nods with approval as Titus climbs the steps.

Connor: And we've still got one more opponent left. Who could it be? We'll find out when we return!
We come back from commercial break to see Titus jumping back down from the turnbuckles after posing, turning to see Matt Tastic. The two of them approach in the middle of the ring, talking to each other. Titus offers a hand towards Matt and the two of them shake hands before backing off to their respective area of the ring.

Connor: Welcome back everybody. If you've just joined us, WZCW Hall of Famer Titus has made his return and is facing former World champion Matt Tastic and an unknown opponent who we are about to find out... right now!


The fans don't have much reaction to the music belonging to the Eternal Question after the big surprise that was Titus. The legend has an unsure look on his face but shrugs his shoulders as the two competitors wait for Question.

Connor: Here comes a wrestler who hasn't exactly been on the greatest of runs in recent weeks.

Cohen: Question started off strong with two very decisive wins in his first matches, both coincidentally being Triple Threat matches. Maybe Question can get the ball rolling once more with his preferred match type?

Connor: We'll have to see Question brings to the table and who the final opponent will be when we return!

Tastic & Titus are waiting for Question who has yet to make his appearance. They turn to each other and have no idea what is happening...

... until...

... the titantron flickers on with a shaky camera (as the cameraman is running) towards a scene that has occurred. We see an unconscious Eternal Question laying in a pool of his own blood somewhere in the backstage area. Medical personnel are tending to Question whilst security scramble and figure out what happened. It is a chaotic scene in the back.

Connor: What happened?

Cohen: Whoever attacked the Eternal Question did so with brutal force and aimed to make sure he never makes it to the ring again.

The feed ends and we go back to the ring where Tastic is conversing with the referee with Titus coming up as well, asking what will happen to the match. Referee Morse has no idea and shakes his head, waiting to hear from his earpiece as to what will happen.

Connor: We hope Eternal Question makes a speedy recovery but what of tonight's triple threat, Jack?

Cohen: No idea, CC. No idea...

The crowd begins to speculate what will happen until the lights get turned off, letting only the natural light from the open roof providing the only way to see. A single spotlight shines on the ramp near the entrance area for a few seconds when a bloodied hospital bed is pushed out by itself with an undone strait-jacket laying on it.

Cohen: But he's...

Connor: ... it... it can't be...


Connor: Oh Lord no... how did he esc... why is he out here? Where is security to stop him?

One of the most feared men in WZCW history slowly walks out and up to his hospital bed, caressing it as he looks up with his un-kept beard and cold stare.

Anderson: ... A-and their opponent, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds... "The Good Doctor"... DR. ZEUS!

Cohen: I think he's back for good, CC.

Connor: After everything he did when he was here the first time? The mind manipulation with Amber Warren & The Beard, turning them into despicable monsters. The blood-curdling feud with Steven Kurtesy, tormenting and torturing each other. And now the vicious attack on Eternal Question?

Cohen: I haven't an answer for you. Let's just hope Tastic or Titus have one for themselves in this match.

The lights are back on as Zeus wheels down the hospital bed to ringside. Tastic & Titus don't know how to react to this as Zeus slides slowly into the ring, getting to his feet in a creepy manner. Tastic shakes his head in disbelief at the level of competition in the ring as Titus closes his fists, ready to fight. Zeus snickers at his opponents as referee Keith Morse hesitates for a moment to signal the bell. Referee Morse signals for the bell.


Titus grabs Zeus and brings him into the corner, questioning Zeus on what happened with the Eternal Question. Zeus only responds with maniacal laughing as he gets interrogated before hitting Titus with a surprise headbutt, knocking Titus away. Tastic runs at Zeus, trying for a running stinger splash but Zeus evades, hitting Tastic with a throat thrust. Tastic holds on his throat as Zeus runs the ropes and hits a running bulldog on Tastic. Zeus has a smirk on his face as he stands tall. The triumph is short lived as Zeus turns around a kesagiri chop by Titus, following up with a European uppercut. Zeus is knocked silly, allowing Titus to one-up Zeus by hitting a springboard bulldog on Zeus. Titus pops up on his feet and looks out to the crowd, throwing up his arm in the air as they cheer for their favourite in this match.

Connor: Zeus might be back to his old tricks but Titus is still on top of his game.

Cohen: The old man hasn't lost a step!

Zeus rolls to the outside of the ring to recover whilst Tastic looks to get up. Titus looks to give Tastic a European uppercut but Tastic blocks, pushing Titus back to the ropes. Tastic charges him with a clothesline but Titus ducks, evading the attack. Tastic stops running at the ropes and sees Titus charging him. Tastic back body drops Titus over the ropes and sends him crashing into Zeus on the outside. Tastic gets the fans to rally behind him as he pumps up in the middle of the ring, waiting for both opponents to get to their feet. He runs the ropes and hits a plancha suicida, knocking down both Zeus & Titus. Tastic lands on his feet and celebrates with the fans in the front row. Tastic grabs Zeus and throws him into the ring. Tastic jumps on the apron and hits the tope atomico on Zeus before covering...

... 1
... kick-out by Zeus.

Zeus tries getting up but Tastic grabs him with a half nelson lock, helping him to his feet but not letting go. He hits a series of knee strikes to the head of Zeus before delivering a vertical suplex (with the half nelson lock), driving Zeus into the canvas. Tastic goes fort the cover...

... 1
... 2
... Titus manages to break up the pin as Zeus kicks out.

Cohen: Smart by Titus. Even if Zeus was going to kick out, better to be safe than sorry by interrupting the pin.

Connor: Especially with Tastic gaining control of the match & the will to find a win after losing the World title.

Titus gets to his feet and wait for Tastic, hitting him with a spinning heel kick to the stomach that takes Tastic down to a knee. Titus runs the ropes and looks for a swinging neckbreaker but Tastic pushes him past, delivering a overhead belly-to-belly to Titus off the rebound. Titus clutches his back as Tastic crawls to a cover...

... 1
... 2
... Titus kicks out with Zeus breaking up the pin as well.

Zeus gets to his feet and waits for Tastic, hitting him with a spinning heel kick to the stomach of his own, taking Tastic down to a knee again. Zeus runs the ropes and looks for a swinging neckbreaker... but as Tastic goes to push Zeus, Zeus stops in his path and hits a throat thrust to Tastic instead. He then lifts up Tastic for a Samoan drop and plants him into the canvas.

Cohen: He might be crazy but Zeus is ingenious in his movements.

Zeus sits up and smirks to himself but doesn't see Titus get up, taking aim as Zeus is still seated. Titus runs off the ropes and kicks Zeus squarely in the face. Titus points to his head with a smile before looking out to the crowd who laugh with him.

Connor: But Titus is the veteran and they know all the tricks.

He follows up with a running knee drop on Zeus before making the cover...

... 1
... 2
... this time, it is Tastic who breaks up the pin.

Tastic slowly gets to his feet, shaking the cobweb and waits for Titus. He hits Titus with a chop & fist combination... chop, fist, chop, fist... until Titus is staggered back into the corner. Tastic delivers a couple more chops and fists before rallying the fans, back away to the opposite corner. Tastic runs at Titus and looks for the Guillotine Wheel Kick... but Titus evades the contact and Tastic stops himself on the turnbuckles. He turns around and gets hit with a clothesline. Titus sends Tastic behind him as he climbs the ropes, positioning himself. He leaps off the top rope and hits a flying clothesline on Tastic. Titus gets to his feet and signals for the end. He positions himself for the Tit Drop but he sees Zeus get to his feet and focuses on himself. Titus kicks Zeus in the stomach and GOES FOR THE TIT DROP...

Cohen: He's got it!

... but Zeus pulls his head out last second, grabbing Titus in a cobra clutch submission with a tight grip. Titus tries to escape but Zeus doesn't let go, delivering a cobra clutch suplex. Titus grabs his head as he rolls to the outside as Zeus watches him. He turns around to see a groggy Tastic go to pick up Zeus for the Headache Driver but Zeus immediately counters by tripping the legs. He positions Tastic's head underneath the ropes, delivering the "Last Rites" to Tastic. Tastic grabs his throat as he splutters, gasping for air. Zeus snickers at his work.

Connor: Such a sick and twisted human being.

Referee Morse tries to check on Tastic but Zeus pushes him out of the way, LOCKING IN EUTHANASIA ON TASTIC! He keeps the grip tight as Tastic gasps for air and tries to fight out but the harsh pinch on the nerves forces Tastic to give up before any serious damage occurs. Titus on the outside tries to slide in and save the match but it is too late as the referee signals for the bell as Tastic submits.

Anderson: Here is your winner by submission, the "Good Doctor" Dr. Zeus!

Zeus swiftly exits the ring and up the ramp, leaving Titus in the ring with Tastic who is trying to breath. Titus stares down Zeus and makes sure he doesn't come back before tending to Titus with the referee.

Cohen: Whatever opinion you have about Dr. Zeus, he just made his return and achieved something huge in his first match back. Zeus just defeated a Hall of Famer and the man who was very recently the World champion.

Connor: I just fear for the safety of all the competitors here in WZCW now that he is around. I hope Mr. Banks and his General Managers have him on a tight leash and have eyes on him all the time.

Cohen: He might enjoy that type of punishment, CC. Regardless, a win for Zeus tonight and another loss for Tastic.

Connor: I hope no serious damage occurred.

Titus and referee Morse help Tastic to his feet and check on him. Tastic nods and says he is fine yet still coughing. Titus makes double sure is okay and Tastic insists he is fine before he gives him a sporting hug. Titus claps for Tastic as Titus leaves the ring, a little annoyed he didn't win but still putting on a smile for the fans as he interacts with them.

Cohen: Looks like both Titus and Tastic are in good shape.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A dashcam shows Mikey Stormrage and Theron Daggershield in the taxi that is taking them to their mystery location. Stormrage is riding shotty (like he called) and Theron is looking out the window from the backseat. Mikey has a taco bell bag in his lap as he munches loudly on a doritos loco taco.

Theron: I hope we aren’t late to wherever we are going. Especially after we made a… pit stop.


Theron: Speaking of, any ideas on where we might be going?

Mikey sips on a baja blast to wash down the food in his mouth.

Mikey: No idea, but are you as disappointed as me that isn’t a celebrity version of cash cab?

Theron: Cash cab?

Mikey: Yeah, you know. Cash cab. You answer trivia for money and stuff.

Mikey inhales another doritos taco.

Theron: I don’t th-

Mikey loudly licks the doritos residue off his fingers.

Theron: Think I have hea-

Mikey slurps his baja blast.

Theron: Heard of that one…

Mikey: AHH.

Mikey finishes his meal and crumbles up the trash in the taco bell bag. Theron smiles from behind as he tries to not get annoyed. Suddenly, Mikey starts screaming into his iphone.


Mikey laughs as Theron cocks an eyebrow.

Mikey: Just kidding. Hey, let’s listen to some music to pass the time.

Mikey turns on mariachi music as Theron looks out the window and slowly taps his index finger on the inside door handle. The scene fades out.
We return from commercial break to see Matt Tastic still in the ring, almost fully recovered from the previous match. He is rubbing his throat with his hand and takes his time breathing. In the other hand is a microphone and looks to speak to the audience who give him cheers.

Cohen: Is he still in the ring? His match is over! Stop hogging all the spotlight, Matt! He's probably just doing this to feel good about himself due to him losing the World title.

Connor: Come off it, Jack. He's allowed to address the crowd if he feels necessary. If this was a problem, Becky would've cut him off before the commercial.

Cohen: It better be quick. I want to get to the next match!

Tastic fidgets with the microphone in his hand before putting it up to his mouth, ready to speak.

Tastic: Well... I'm not sure why I grabbed this microphone, to be honest. I don't have anything important to say or nothing to address at this moment. I mean, it's not like I won the World Heavyweight championship or anything... I lost it... and tonight, I lost again to the surprise return of Dr Zeus. Both of which were due to submissions. So much for "The Invincible One" moniker.

Tastic pauses for a moment, unsure of what to say next.

Tastic: I guess what I'm trying to get off my chest is an apology to the WZCW Universe. I am the man who you all consider the best; the mega star; the Ace of WZCW. You have all supported me on my journey to becoming the greatest superstar who ever stepped foot in this ring and yet, the last few weeks I've been coming up short. I lost the championship to Constantine, I won the gold again through the issues of the Elite and Mikey helping me, and then I couldn't even defend my title once against Dorian Slaughter.

Tastic shakes his head, disappointed at himself.

Tastic: I'm the man you put as the face of the company and I haven't been delivering. For that, I am sorry. I don't know where the future lies but it's probably not at the top.

The crowd tries to rally support for Matt but it doesn't seem to have much affect. Tastic waves to the fans and shakes his head, telling them not to worry about him.

Connor: Matt really feels depressed about the entire situation.

Cohen: There comes a point in everyones' careers where they must accept they aren't the best any more, CC. Tastic can't live the dream forever.

Tastic looks to leave the ring.


The crowd gives a mixed reaction to one half of the WZCW World Tag Team champions Ramparte who isn't dressed to compete. He has a microphone in hand and has a grin on his face as he looks out to the crowd. Tastic wonders what Ramparte is doing as he slowly walks down the ramp, still feeling the effects of his Tables match from Meltdown.

Connor: What's he doing out here?

Cohen: Oh, so it's okay for Tastic to be out here but not Ramparte? I see you're playing favourites tonight.

Connor: When a member of Cerberus comes out, somebody gets ambushed. I don't trust this one bit.

Cohen: Does Ramparte look in any condition to attack anyone? Besides, Cerberus is done with that. Did you not listen to them when they were speaking these past few weeks?

Ramparte slowly enters the ring as Tastic is looking around him, waiting for something bad to happen. Ramparte puts a hand up to re-assure him.

Ramparte: No need to fret, Matt. None of my Cerberus counterparts are going to ambush you from behind. Eve Taylor is in the back berating the beautician somewhere and Flex missed his flight so it's just me... and I'm not going to attack you; I'm a little banged up from my Tables match on Meltdown, you see.

Ramparte lets out a small chuckle but Tastic isn't amused. Ramparte clears his throat and puts on a serious face.

Ramparte: Look Matt, I apologise for what happened at Unscripted. Seriously, you have my condolences. Losing the very championship you adore and fight for every day to someone you consider your enemy or rival really hits your core. I've been there myself when Hard Metal Penetration defeated Flex and myself for the World Tag Team titles at Kingdom Come last year. We were depressed, angry, conflicted... lots of emotions, my friend.

Ramparte puts a hand on Tastic's shoulder, looking as sympathetic as possible. Tastic just stares at the hand.

Ramparte: But don't fear about someone like Dorian Slaughter becoming the face of the company because he isn't. It's someone who is standing in this ring right now and I think you'll find the fans will agree with me?

Ramparte takes a moment to pause, letting the crowd make their voice be heard. Ramparte lifts up the microphone to allow the voice echo through the system better.

Ramparte: The face of the company is Ramparte... and his trusty tag team partner and dear friend Flex Mussel, the greatest Tag Team champions in the history of WZCW!

The crowd boos as they hear it. Ramparte is joyous about it but Tastic cannot believe what is coming out of Ramparte's mouth.

Ramparte: Cerberus will take over the reigns as the face of the company and do so with pride, Matt. You see, we've been facing off against high level competition ever since Lethal Lottery last year, around about the same time as you did. You captured your first World title when Flex & I captured our first World Tag titles together. We've been competing in World Tag titles as long and as often as you have been competing in World title matches. It only makes sense that Flex & I carry the reigns... and yes, it will take the two of us to fill your big shoes.

Tastic looks slightly annoyed.

Tastic: HEY! I don't have big feet!

Ramparte: Sorry, I meant that as a compliment.

Tastic lets out a laugh out of frustration and annoyance.

Tastic: Seriously? You came out here to try and compliment me by reminding me of my loss and then bragging about your own victories as well as me finding solace in the fact that two men who "were formerly considered" the most dirtiest fighters in the game are going to take the void I've left and represent this company for the people and their children alike?

Ramparte looks confused.

Ramparte: Well... yeah!

Tastic: WRONG! C'mon, dude! I know you're a loner and the only friends you've got is a jacked-up meat head who jacks off with meat and a heel-clicking blonde Dorothy wannabe bimbo who thinks she's the God's gift to the world but I thought you at least had a better way with words. I thought you were better than that.

Ramparte is now getting annoyed.

Ramparte: Excuse me? I come here to cheer you up and this is how you treat me? I'm one half of the World Tag Team champions! We're about to crack the record for the longest reigning championships of all time and we've beaten every team that WZCW has had to offer! As a former World champion, you need to treat me with a little bit more respect!

Tastic gets up close to Ramparte, getting in the face of Ramparte after the war of words. Ramparte stands his ground but doesn't push Tastic.

Connor: This feel to the wayside quickly!

Cohen: We might have a fight on our hands.

After a few seconds, Tastic takes a step back and calms down a bit.

Tastic: You know what, you're right. Everything you said was entirely correct and I can't fault it... except for one little tiny detail. You say you've defeated every team WZCW has to offer then answer me this: when was the last time you defeated Live Mas?

Ramparte look at Tastic intently. You can almost see that there are thoughts and questions are running through the brain of Ramparte at that statement. The crowd get hyped up over the call-out, watching what is happening with more interest than ever.

Tastic: That's what I thought. Next time you come out here, you better get your facts straight but I will thank you for one thing: you've given me some hope for the future and even though I failed the fans, I will find a way to make it up to them.

Tastic drops the microphone and leaves Ramparte in the ring by himself, still thinking about what Tastic just said. Matt leaves up the ramp, interacting with all the fans.

Connor: That was an interesting exchange.

Cohen: Phew! No fight between these two guys. Just a simple miscommunication by two completely opposite people. It happens sometimes... I was starting to get worried.

Connor: Something tells me this won't be the last time Ramparte & Matt Tastic will be sharing the same ring together. Plus, now that I think about it... I don't think Cerberus have ever officially defeated Live Mas in tag team competition. This could get even more interesting, Jack.

Tastic leaves through the curtain as Ramparte is still in the ring with a hand over his mouth, fully realising what Tastic meant.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We are backstage where Dr. Zeus is pushing his hospital bed from before down the corridors of Celtic Park. He is whispering to himself as Leon Kensworth catches up with Zeus, looking to ask a question. He seems hesitant however as Zeus does not look at him.

Zeus: Are you here to marvel at me?
Or do you have a... question? Let's start, shall we?

Zeus snickers to himself. Leon clears his throat.

Kensworth: Tonight, you made your return to WZCW with a victory over Titus & Matt Tastic, two very high-ranking superstars. But prior to that, you took out the Eternal Question and-

Zeus cuts him off.

Zeus: The Eternal Question is a man who hunts for fun.
Any woman who he preys on could've done it, any one.
I do not have time nor the care to make him suffer, to make him hurt,
As I am simply here to pick up where I left off and continue God's work.

Zeus smiles and walks off with his hospital bed.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, County of Crawley, England, weighing 141 pounds, Vee A! D! Z!!!

There are some cheers for the rookie as he makes his way onto the stage. He takes a moment to soak in the applause. He slaps some hands on the way down the ramp before he somersaults into the ring, to a nice little pop for the display of athleticism.

Connor: So it will be the rookie Vee A.D.Z. in action tonight. He picked up a win in his first ever WZCW outing, but the Roulette Rounds are a whole new monster.

Cohen: You said it Cat. All the prep, all the game planning, all the strategy, it goes out the window when your name is called to fight.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing 222 lbs, "The Unforgettable" Noah Ryder!

The fans cheer as Ryder makes his way onto the stage. He looks at his opponent from the ramp, as if studying him. He then begins to pound his chest before he cups his hands and yells along with his theme song. He sprints to the ring and slides in, and climbs the nearest turnbuckle, where he raises his arms high to more applause from the fans.

Cohen: So now we have the man who couldn't get it done at Unscripted, losing his ELite X title opportunity.

Connor: Oh hush Jack, he put up a valiant performance. He also appears to be sporting some new ink tonight as well.

Referee Katie Shepard has drawn the assignment tonight, and she checks the two men for foreign objects before she calls for the bell.


The two men circle each other briefly, before Vee fakes a kick and initiates a tie up. He uses his speed to slip behind Noah, where he clubs him across the back with a forearm. He pounds away with another forearm, then a third, before Noah gets to the ropes. Shepard is late getting to the break, so Vee is able to slip in another shot.

Cohen: I find it interesting that the rookie referee has drawn this assignment between two rookies.

Connor: She does her best, but as you just saw, she still has a lot to learn between the ropes.

The two men tie up again after some gesturing, and the larger Noah gets the advantage. He works an arm wringer, and drops a big elbow onto the arm. While Vee is shaking his arm out, Noah connects with a dropkick and we have our first pinfall of the contest.
T-Not even two as Vee kicks out with ease. Back on their feet and the two men fake some punches and kicks, but neither is ready to commit to any offense. Finally Ryder cuts off the ring with a nice feint, and closes the gap. He ties up, and works another arm wringer, but this time he uses it to set up an Irish whip into the ropes. Off the rebound and Vee ducks a clothesline, only to hit the ropes and springboard off and connect with clothesline of his own. On the mat he works a sort of reverse chinlock, but Ryder powers to his feet, the hold still locked in however. Ryder uses his size to try to throw Vee away, but he lands on his feet. He responds by charging at Ryder and flooring him with a dropkick to the knee. He runs and connects with a springboard moonsault and lands on top for the pin.
But two is all he gets, as Ryder kicks out. As Noah tries to stand, Vee plants him with a snap DDT. He hooks the leg this time.
Again two is all he gets and Vee is frustrated and slams his fist into the mat.

Connor: Looks like frustration is setting in for Vee.

Cohen: Rookie mistake. He needs to stay on the offensive.

Vee tries to drag Noah to his feet, but Ryder fires back with punches to the midsection. He keeps firing back until Vee is backed up far enough for him to stand. He continues to fire off hard rights, but Vee connects with a spin back kick. He thinks he has the upper hand, but Ryder hits the pendulum clothesline, sending Vee flipping through the air. Ryder calls for the end, and sets up for the Blow Ryder, Irish whipping his opponent into the corner. He runs and looks for the big kick, but Vee ducks and rolls him up.
Th-No Ryder reverses the roll up and now Vee's shoulders are on the mat!
Three! Vee kicks out, but it is too late, the ref has counted three.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Noah Ryder!

Ryder throws his hands in the air with the ref, before he and Vee share a quick handshake. Vee exits the ring and Ryder climbs the nearest turnbuckle and throws his hands high in the air to applause.

Connor: So a decent battle between two rookies ends in Ryder being victorious.

Cohen: So its back to the drawing board for Vee, and likely back to blowing title shots for Ryder.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We see Titus exiting the catering area with a bottle of water and a towel over his shoulder. People are welcoming him back to WZCW and he nods with a smile, thanking every person who does so. He goes to leave but is stopped by another WZCW Hall of Famer and old friend Everest.

Everest: Welcome back, T.

Titus & Everest give each other a friendly hug.

Titus: Thanks, E.

Everest: I can't believe you're back but it's great to see you again.

Titus: You too. It's been too long. When are you going to lace up the boots and hop in their with me again? You know, Kingdom Come is around the corner and we're one a-piece. We should go for the tiebreaker!

Everest: I would love to Titus but I don't I'll be able to compete at that level again. I don't want to step in the ring against you unless I'm 110%.

Titus: I understand. Hey, I got to go. Nice seeing you.

Everest: See you later... oh, and sorry about the loss to Zeus.

Titus: 'Tis nothing but a little bit of ring rust. I'll get there eventually.

Titus and Everest hug, parting ways. Titus walks off with Everest smiling, reminiscing all the memories they shared. He laughs to himself before continuing off in the other direction... when suddenly...


Everest gets attacked from behind, pushing him into the cameraman who gets knocked over. Everest gets beaten up as the cameraman struggles to get the feed back on but is too late. When the feed is re-established, the attacker is left and Everest is hurt on the ground.

Titus: ... Everest? Everest!

Titus runs back over after hearing what happened and looks around. He looks at the cameraman.

Titus: Did you see who it was?

Cameraman: Yes but I've never seen him before in my life!

Titus looks around before tending to his friend. A medical trainer nearby runs up and helps with Everest.

Cohen: Who keeps attacking these people? First Backstage Bob & Eternal Question... now Everest?
Anderson: And the following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! With the winners receiving a mystery prize!

Cohen: Sounds exciting…


Anderson: Introducing first from Mexico, weighing 250 pounds, The King of Mayhem, Armando Paradyse!

Armando Paradyse walks through the curtain with mixed fan fair. His music blares and he comes out dancing with his Mayhem title around his waist, he does a few pelvic thrust toward the females he can see and blows kisses some of the other ones in the back. He slides through the bottom rope and takes off his title and screams that he is the greatest mayhem champion ever!

Connor: Well the WZCW universe is now witnessing the long awaited in-ring return of former WZCW superstar Armando Paradyse…

Cohen: I don’t know what you’re talking about Cat Paradyse never left; he was El Swago the entire time!


Anderson: And his partner, from Independence Mental Health Institute: Independence, Iowa, The Man Only Known as John Doe!

John Doe enters through the curtain; He slowly walks to the ring, and then climbs onto the apron and steps through the ropes. He pays little to no mind to Armando as he waits in the corner for their opponents.

Connor: A new WZCW competitor making his first appearance here tonight, though I’m not sure what to make of him.

Cohen: Well one thing we do know is that he is not friendly. Should be interesting to try to see him coexist with the motor mouth that is Armando Paradyse


Anderson: And their opponent, from The lap of luxury, The gentlemanly insect and friend to all, elegANT!

ElegANT Comes out from behind the curtain, waving at the crowd in his backstage attire. As he comes down the ramp, he shakes every single person’s hand, and does the same for everyone around the ring including all the WZCW ringside people (including commentators). Once he has finished shaking everyone’s hand, he climbs into the ring, shakes the referee and ring announcer’s hands, and waves to the crowd on all four turnbuckles before handing his top hat, sportcoat, and cane to a ringside attendant.

Connor: While he is no longer the Elite X champion the gentlemanly insect has not lost his polite demeanor.

Cohen: I don’t trust a man who is smiles and handshakes after losing a championship.

Connor: But he’s an insect Jack.

Cohen: Is that supposed to make it better?!


Anderson: And his partner, making her way down the runway, from Milan, Italy; "The Fabulous" Eve Taylor!

Cohen: Finally a normal, wholesome, and good hearted wrestler enters this match.

Connor: Eve Taylor is far from wholesome, but what she does have is a future Elite X title shot. I wonder if that will lead to some conflict with the former Elite X champion and her partner elegANT.

A no nonsense Eve quickly makes her way down to the ring not paying any attention to jeering fans. elegANT attempts to discuss strategy with her before the match starts but Eve will have none of it.

Cohen: The fashion model doesn’t seem too talkative tonight.

Connor: Maybe she’s got other things on her mind, like the whereabouts of Flex Mussel.

The bell rings as Armando and elegANT look to start things off. Paradyse and the insect lock up with the slightly taller Armando getting the upper hand backing elegANT into a corner. The ref signals for a clean break and Armando looks to oblige until he looks to go for a cheap shot. elegANT was seemingly expecting it however as he not only blocks but responds with a shot of his own sending Armando back dazed. elegANT then shoots out of the corner to bounce off the ropes and hits a running cross body taking Paradyse down! He immediately picks him back up looking to hit a Body slam splash but repeated elbows to head from Paradyse allows the former Mayhem champion to escape. He takes advantage of a dazed elegANT and hits a snap suplex and then immediately into a cover 1…2…elegANT kicks out! Armando drags the insect back to his corner and tags in the newcomer John Doe. The new superstar takes his sweet time entering the ring much to the dismay of Paradyse but when he finally does he immediately begins vicious stomps to the head of elegANT.

Connor: This John Doe seems to be very unsettling…

Doe picks elegANT up by the head and throws him back first into a turnbuckle. He then applies a boot choke as the ref implores him to stop and he does by a nine count. He then Irish whips elegANT into the other turnbuckle but as he’s running elegANT jumps clear up to the top rope and jumps back off changing directions in mid-air and landing a hurricanrana on John Doe! He takes this opportunity to tag in Eve who at first is reluctant to enter but quickly decides to take advantage of her opponent’s weakened and state and quickly begins stomping away on the bigger John Doe. Eve bounces of the ropes looking to hit a running kick but John meets her with a spinning back fist knocking her straight to the ground! As she lays sprawled out across the mat John takes an uncomfortable amount of time just staring at her as Armando yells at him to make the cover. Instead of doing just chat he gets to the tope rope and waits of her to get up to deliver a double axe handle knocking her back down.

Cohen: This John Doe is certainly a methodical one.

Before Doe can do any more damage Armando tags himself in and immediately goes for the cover 1...2…Eve kicks out! Armando wastes little time picking Eve back up and hitting an atomic drop on her and immediately go into a knee bar. elegANT begins pleading with Eve to make it to the ropes but Armando looks to have the submission maneuver locked in tight. After a bit of struggling however Eve uses her good leg to begin to deliver precise kicks right to Armando’s head. She delivers them repeatedly to his skull and each one is harder and faster than the last. Eventually Armando is forced to let go and Eve becomes free to try to call to her partner. Armando doesn’t look to let this happen however as he gets on the apron and looks to hit a springboard leg drop right on the back of Eve’s neck but she moves out the way he misses! Both competitors are down and begins crawling to their respective corners!

Connor: This match could be anybody’s now, who will make it to their partner first?

Both Paradyse and Eve tag in their partner’s at the same time and John quickly enters the ring only to be met with a springboard flying forearm smash taking him down! elegANT pops right back up to knock Armando off the apron with a jumping knee lift! As John attempts to sit back up elegANT hits a running bicycle kick and immediately goes for the cover 1...2…John kicks out!

Cohen: This guy has a better pain threshold than anyone imagined.

elegANT gets to the top rope looking to hit the frog splash but Armando grabs his leg to distract him. Eve quickly runs over with the basement drop kick to knock him down while John recovers to hit a shining wizard taking her out. As he gets to his feet elegANT leaps off the top rope looking to hit a flying cross body but John catches him in mid-air! He then maneuvers the insect’s body into a full nelson slam for the cover! 1…2…elegANT kicks out! John cannot believe he kicked out and begins to stare at his downed opponent both out anger and curiosity. Angry that his partner isn’t capitalizing an annoyed Armando tags himself in much to the dismay of John. Before Armando can do anything John turns him around but doesn’t say a word…he just stares at him. elegANT soon pops back up and drop kicks Armando into John just as Eve pulls down the top rope sending John down to the floor. Armando then turns around into a jumping high knee and Eve tags herself in to hit The Fashion Statement. She quickly hooks the leg 1…2…3!

Anderson: And here are your winners, Eve Taylor and elegANT!

Cohen: And the miscommunication kills the short lived team of Armando Paradyse and John Doe, what a shame.

Connor: Eve and elegANT worked better as a team than I thought they would tonight, aside from Eve practically stealing the pin.


The General Manager of Ascension Rebecca Serra walks out and down the ramp towards the ring with a microphone in hand clapping Eve Taylor & elegANT, still recovering from the match. Serra enters the ring before she speaks.

Serra: Congratulations to the two of you! You've earned the opportunity to face whoever you like when we head to Croke Park in Dublin, Ireland. Now, I know the two of you just wrestled a match but it would make my job easier if the two of you knew who you wanted to face. So hurry up with your choice. I've got things to do.

Serra asks them again without the microphone. Eve goes up to Serra.

Taylor: My first language isn't English but it sounds like you asked us who we'd like to face as if we have to team up against another team. Is that correct?

Serra: That's what I said. So, let me ask you again... who do you want to face as a team?

elegANT steps up.

elegANT: ... the World Tag Team champions Cerberus?

Taylor: Um... n-

Serra: Done! You've got it! You two will be facing Flex Mussel & Ramparte next week in a tag team match!

The crowd pops massively as Taylor cannot believe what has just been said.

Taylor: Wait, what? I didn't approve of this!

Serra: elegANT and yourself are a team, Miss Taylor. You can make the decisions for each other.

Becky goes to leave as Taylor is freaking out. However, she grabs Becky's microphone.

Taylor: Wait... can it be for the Tag Team titles?

Serra thinks about it.

Serra: ... that's a bold strategy, Miss Taylor. Let's see if it pays off in Dublin, Ireland. Consider it done.

The crowd pops loudly again as Taylor drops the microphone, realising what she just asked for. She is beside herself as elegANT looks happy with the decision.

Connor: Oh my!

Cohen: Is that official? Is Becky serious?

Connor: I think she is! Eve Taylor & elegANT will be teaming up to take on the Tag Team champions for the titles, the two other stablemates of Cerberus! This is huge!

Cohen: But why did Eve request it for the Tag titles?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

One half of the WZCW World tag team champions Flex Mussel can be seen frantically entering the building with luggage in hand and title belt around his waist. He is quickly confronted by his tag team partner Ramparte flanked by his Butler Morley

Flex: Please don’t tell I missed the Roulette Rounds…

Ramparte: The show is just about over Flex…

Flex: Just my luck, missed my flight, misplaced my luggage, and not a damn cab in sight for hours.

Ramparte: Usually you’re more organized than this; I take it your mind is still on your date with Svetlana?

Flex: I’ll uh….tell you about it later. Did I miss anything of interest?

Ramparte: Well, I had a very interesting conversation with Matt Tastic.

Flex: Tell me about it.

Ramparte: I will later but I believe we've got some new contenders for our belts.

Flex: Oh really?

Ramparte: Indeed... but I don't think you'll like it...

The tag team champions exit the arena as Morley handles Flex’s bags on the way out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They look at each other confused, unsure of how to approach this situation until they see the Owner of WZCW Mr. Banks walk out through the entrance with a smile on his face. He walks over to the two superstars and goes to shake their hands.

Banks: Gentlemen! Welcome! Please, follow me.

Theron & Mikey hesitate for a second before following the boss.

Cohen: What's happening?

Connor: I have no-

Connor is cut off, as if she is listening to someone talk to her.

Connor: Okay... yes... alright, thanks Rebecca.

Cohen: Rebecca? You mean the General Manager? What did she say?

Connor: I'll tell you during the commercial break, Jack. Right now, grab a microphone and come in the ring with me.
We come back from commercial break to see Jack Cohen & Catherine Connor standing in the ring with a microphone in their hands. Cohen poses for the fans as Connor simply smiles as they send some cheers their way.

Connor: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! I hope you've enjoyed the Anarchy that has taken place on Ascension tonight but it seems we've got one last surprise... in store.

Cohen: Don't give it away, CC!

Connor: I couldn't resist, Jack. However, I've been told I must reveal one of the twists: this next Roulette spectacular won't be occurring in this ring... nor will it take place anyway inside Celtic park.

Cohen: So please WZCW Universe: Direct yourselves to the Titantron and enjoy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We go back to where Mikey & Theron were previously but this time, we are inside what appears to be a large store. Theron & Mikey look around at all the tools, equipment and materials neatly stacked on all the shelves. They pry around for a few seconds before Mr. Banks comes into the fray with senior official Jurou Akiyama. Theron & Mikey instantly click what is about to happen.

Banks: Ah, I see with the presence of Mr. Akiyama that you understand what is about to happen. Well, I won't beat around the bush then. The Roulette has decided that the two of you will be fighting each other inside this Hardware Store.

Mikey & Theron look at each other, realising that the bonding they've done throughout the taxi ride is about to go out the window.

Banks: The winner of this match will receive a championship match of their choice: an Elite X title shot, an Eurasian title shot or a World Tag Team title shot. It's up to the winner which one they choose. Now, what are the rules to a Hardware Store Brawl? Well, there are two: 1) you cannot leave the Hardware Store and 2) you must win by pinfall or submission.

Banks smiles as he turns to Mr. Akiyama.

Banks: I leave this in your very capable hands, sir... oh, and one more thing guys. Feel free to use anything inside this store to use as a weapon. It's on the house.

Mr. Banks does up his suit jacket as he walks out. Akiyama gets in the middle of Theron & Mikey, telling to split up. They are hesitant but eventually nod at each other, backing away from each other to get prepared as best they can for the match.

Connor: That's right, ladies and gentlemen! Two years ago, we gave you the infamous Grocery Store Brawl and tonight in Glasgow, the Roulette has decided on a Hardware Store Brawl for the first time ever.

Cohen: It'll be interesting to see these two mix it up where weapons are plentiful.

Connor: These two have never been enemies. I doubt they'll use weapons.

Cohen: If they want to win, they'll have to, CC!

Akiyama goes over to the counter to where a service bell and a stereo sits. He inserts a familiar CD into the stereo. He looks over to Theron Daggershield and asks if he is ready. Theron grabs his buster sword and does his theatrics with it, planting it firmly into the ground, Ned Stark style.

Theron: The Warblade of Mystra was born ready!

Akiyama looks over to Mikey Stormrage, asking if he is ready. Mikey has his head lowered, casting his backpack aside before putting his fist into his palm.

Stormrage: Game on!

Akiyama nods his head and rings the service bell, hitting play on the stereo.


Akiyama: FIGHT!

Theron & Mikey get into their fighting stance, looking to close the distance between each other. Mikey throws a couple of fake attacks, before going in for a jumping roundhouse kick. Theron gets taken aback by Mikey's sudden agility, putting up his hands to block the attack as best as possible. Mikey runs in for a low shot to the stomach before spinning around and hitting a kitchen sink knee shot to Theron, knocking him back. Mikey jumps in the air, delivering a double kick combo before finishing up with a final kick, knocking Theron into the counter dazed and confused.

Cohen: When the hell did Mikey learn to be so agile?

Connor: Well, Bob is the fastest character. Theron Yoshimitsu over there better grab his sword and fight back because Mikey is Tekken the battle to him early on!

Cohen: ... I have no clue what you just said.

Mikey charges Theron with the Jump Man Splash but Theron ducks out of the way, causing Mikey to slam straight into the register, causing the money drawer to open and smack Mikey in the head. Mikey grabs his head as Theron pulls him up, looking to see if he is okay. Mikey pushes him away towards a wall of keys. Mikey charges but again Theron moves out of the way, driving straight through all the keys. The sound of jingling keys jiggle Mikey's belly as he lays on the ground, trying to get up. Theron turns around to see the carnage where one massive key lays on the ground. Theron is immediately attracted to it and he picks it up with wide eyes. He swings it around before equipping it, sizing up Mikey.

Cohen: Is that some sort of key blade?

Connor: Something inside of Theron has been unlocked!

Theron smacks Mikey with the key, whipping him down the nearest aisle full of random tools. Theron uses his swordsmanship to continue smacking Mikey who feels the pain, trying to retreat. Theron slashes towards Mikey, catching it between Mikey's stomach and arm. They pause, looking at each other before Theron turns the key on Mikey. Mikey's eyes glaze over and falls back, acting as if he just got slayed!

Theron: D-d-d-dun du-du dundedun!

He covers...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Mikey.

Mikey does his best to get up, using a nearby wheelbarrow for stability. He stands up where Theron is ready, picking up Mikey for an inverted atomic drop. Mikey holds onto his groin and turns around, giving Theron the chance to hit an atomic drop on Mikey, landing him into the wheelbarrow. Mikey lies in the wheelbarrow out of it as Theron takes a moment to recover. Theron grabs the handles and tries to push the wheelbarrow but he hasn't the strength to push Mikey anywhere.

Connor: Theron's stuck in the mud with Mikey inside.

Cohen: There goes the easy way for Theron to transport Mikey into a barrage of things.

Theron instead tips over the wheelbarrow, causing Mikey to fall to the floor. Theron thinks for a second before going back to the tools section, grabbing a couple of a couple of screwdrivers.

Cohen: Mikey's screwed.

He goes over to Mikey who is getting up and goes for an attack but Mikey picks up Theron for a sidewalk slam, driving him into the wheelbarrow! Mikey disarms Theron of the screws, recovering for a second or two before grabbing the handles. Mikey takes Theron for a stroll down the middle corridor, looking to see what aisle he wants to take Theron down. He sees a bunch of shovels on display and Mikey smiles. He charges at it as fast as he can, pushing the wheelbarrow with Theron inside into the wall of spades. They all come tumbling down on Theron and the wheelbarrow!

Connor: It's raining shovels!

Cohen: Theron's getting buried!

As the last of the shovels hits Theron (who lets out a moan), Mikey pushes all them out of the way and makes a cover on Theron...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Theron.

Mikey gets to his feet and grabs Theron, trying to pick him up. However, Theron delivers a knee to Mikey to create some separation. Theron grabs one of the shovels and smack Mikey in the stomach, causing him to drop to the ground. Theron discards the shovel and walks off past Mikey, down one of the aisles and disappears. Mikey does his best to recover, holding his stomach as he gets to his feet.

Connor: Where did Daggershield go?

Mikey tracks after Theron, turning around the corner when suddenly Mikey steps on a rake ont he floor, causing the handle to whack Mikey in the face.

Stormrage: *mumbling angrily unders his breath*

Mikey pushes the rake away and takes another step forward but gets another rake to the face! Mikey continues to seethe to himself under his breath before pushing away the rake. He goes to take another step before realising the trap Theron laid. A bunch of rakes are along the floor. Mikey shakes his head and turns around... but Theron is there!

Theron: Say hello to my broomstick!

Theron smacks Mikey with the straw end of the broom, causing Mikey to knock him backwards into the rakes, which fly into his face. Mikey gets really angry as he throws the rake across the room and charges Theron. Theron evades the attack, whipping Mikey into a nearby set of shelves. Mikey staggers back as Theron climbs the shelves, diving off with a missile dropkick! Mikey is knocked back into a big stack of paint cans, causing all the paint to spill all over the floor! Mikey is covered in a variety of colours as Theron goes for the cover...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Mikey.

Cohen: These guys are out to paint the town red with their blood! This is turning into something else!

Connor: It's for a championship opportunity, Jack. Who wouldn't want to fight hard for it even if it means fighting inside a Hardware Store?

Theron grabs the head of Mikey and picks him up, bringing him to the big paint section. He slams Mikey's head on the counter before going back to the fallen paint cans. He grabs one of the cans with its lid, placing the can on the counter. Theron smacks Mikey in the head with a paint can lid before putting the paint can over the head of Mikey. He grabs a mallet and begins smacking the paint can. Mikey holds the sides of the paint can as he feels the pain before Theron grabs the paint can on his head, shaking it around. Theron takes it off Mikey's head and sees the new colour inside, happy with the colour.

Theron: Aw! I made rainbow!

He throws the rest of the paint at Mikey, dousing him in the sticky stuff. He grabs the paint can and smacks Mikey upside the head, causing Mikey to drop to the ground. Theron covers...

... 1
... 2
... Mikey just barely kicks out.

Theron sits up, thinking of something to finish Mikey off. Theron grabs an idea, putting a headlock over Mikey and pulling him back to the tools section. Mikey struggles to fight out of the headlock, eventually hitting a back suplex on Theron into the ground. Theron clutches his back as Mikey crawls to the tools section. He grabs a tool bag and clips it around his waist, filling it with a random assortment of tools before grabbing a hard hat. He grabs one for Theron and staggers over towards him as he gets up. Mikey whacks Theron in the stomach with the hard hat before putting it on properly for Mikey.

Cohen: Safety first, CC!

Connor: How has any of this been safe?

Mikey does his best to bring Theron over to the Lumber section of the hardware, revealing multiple shelves full of different sizes and thickness of wooden pieces. Mikey notices a nearby forklift and smiles, looking to take advantage. However,Theron fights out of Mikey's hold, looking to fight back. Theron lays down a few elbow smashes on Mikey, trying to knock him silly and create some space. Mikey takes a couple of steps back before charging Theron, looking for a crossbody but Theron evades and Mikey collides with the immovable forklift. Mikey lays on top of the forks, moaning in pain.

Cohen: You could say that Mikey just fu-

Connor: Jack!

Cohen: Fumbled! What do you think I was going to say?

Theron looks at the beast of a machine and smiles.

Theron: Time to tame this foul beast!

He hops into the drivers seat and turns on the ignition, noticing the smoke coming out of the exhaust. He looks around the forklift, including the logo and smiles.

Theron: I've always wanted to ride a dragon!

Theron takes the forklift made by the "Dragon Inc." company and takes Mikey for an awesome trip across the warehouse, placing him on a pile of wooden palettes next to a series of set of wooden tables. Mikey rolls off onto the palettes as Theron slowly backs away in the forklift. He turns it off and jumps onto the roof of the forklift, taking aim at Mikey. He leaps off the forklift and hits the Dragoon Jump onto Mikey! He connects with precision but takes a bit of the damage with the fall and surprisingly, the palettes to refuse to break!

Cohen: Where were those palettes made? Japan?

Theron turns over and covers Mikey...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Mikey.

Theron gets to his feet and looks to end the match, staying poised for Mikey to get to his feet.

Connor: He's not looking to break those palettes, is he?

Cohen: I think Theron just wants to end this before anything else happens!

Mikey turns around and Theron GOES FOR THE CRITICAL HIT!

... BUT MIKEY COUNTERS IT, pushing Theron up into the air for a big Falkon Punch! Theron is knocked silly and off the palettes into a stack of wooden tables! Theron crashes into the wood, causing them to break! He lays in a pile of wood and sawdust, hurting from the fall. Mikey realises what has happened and sees where he is situated. He looks down at his body from all the paint splashed on him before, noticing the rainbow colours on his body. Mikey smiles.

Mikey: It's time to fly like Rainbow Dash!


Connor: Oh my goodness!

Both Mikey and Theron are out of it, leaving Akiyama stunned for a couple of seconds, worried about both men. However, he notices Mikey's body on Theron with his shoulders down. He assumes the position and counts the fall...

... 1
... 2
... 3!

Akiyama pulls out the service bell and rings it, calling the end of the match.

Cohen: Mikey Stormrage did it! He emerged the victor in this Hardware Store Brawl and earns himself a title opportunity for the future! What a win for Mikey!

Connor: But at what cost, Jack? Mikey & Theron beat the crap out of each other in a Hardware Store for this and they don't even hate each other. They're friends!

Cohen: It's the nature of the Roulette, CC. You can't stop it nor can you argue with it. Mikey & Theron put it all out there for the opportunity but it was Mikey who wanted it more... and he certainly earned it.

Connor: Well, I hope we have some medical personnel on the scene to help these two...

Akiyama does his best to clear the wreckage as trainers and medics come to check on both men with Mr. Banks applauding the effort from afar. He seems happy with the result of the match.

Cohen: At least the boss is happy.

Mikey is helped to his feet as Theron is pulled out of the wood.

Connor: With that final match, this is the end of the Roulette Rounds. It's been fun having you join us for this anarchy on Ascension tonight and we'll see you next time in Ireland.
Who Wrote What:

Again, don't read and spoil it for yourself!

Dynamite - Tag Team match, Segments
FalK - Opening, Triple Threat, Hardware Store Brawl, Ramparte/Tastic exchange, Segments
Kermit - Segments
Yaz - Vee ADZ vs. Noah Ryder

Well, that concludes the Roulette Rounds. However, the next few rounds should very interesting. Hope you all enjoyed and get ready for the next set of boards!
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