Ascension Anarchy 2 (Episode 23)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Ascension opens with Vance Bateman in the center of the ring, the Roulette Wheel directly behind him.

Vance: My apologizes to the fans of Meltdown rewinds, but let's forget about that horrid show from last night and focus on the PPV quality show we will have tonight. With the talent that has yet to be used, I have no doubt that Ascension will prove once again it is the superior show to Meltdown.

Suddenly the lights go out and Blackened The Sun whispers throughout the arena. The lights come up and Bateman is looking from side to side but Ty stands directly behind him, a mic in hand and the WZCW World Title on his shoulder.

Ty: Well well Bateman, allow us to reveal to the people, what I already know.

Bateman turns around and gives a disgusted look at Ty before speaking.

Bateman: If you insist Ty.

Bateman reaches for the Roulette Wheel but Ty grabs hold just before Bateman spins it. A smirk forms on Ty's face.

Ty: On second thought Vance, I have a better idea. Why ruin such high drama now when it will be better served later?

Bateman: Would you make up your mind? Just because you are WZCW World Champion does not mean I will grant you special privileges.

Ty: Well if you're so inclined on that stance Bateman, perhaps it is time for chance to reveal it's suitors.

Showtime walks out to boos from the crowd. He holds the Elite X title high into the air as he walks down the entrance ramp. He enters the ring and grabs a mic from the ring assistant.

Showtime: For once I agree with my arch rival. Hell let's see what the Main Event will be Bateman.

Show turns to Ty and suddenly the tension between the two becomes thick.

Showtime: I have a great feeling it will be me taking that WZCW World Title from you this evening Ty.

Ty suddenly smiles wide and begins laughing manically. He brushes his hair back and motions to Bateman to spin the wheel. Bateman does so and the wheel begins spinning. The wheel begins slowing down Ty Burna, Gordito, Cory Allen, Scott Hammond, and finally stops at Showtime Cougar.

Showtime: I knew it! I'll give Ascension the ratings that hack Austin Reynolds could only dream of achieving!

Bateman: Let's see the rest of the match stipulations.

The wheel spins again and lands on Triple Threat. Showtime doesn't waver and Bateman spins it once more and lands on Lethal Lottery Qualifier. Showtime's grin continues to grow as another spin of the wheel reveals Mark Hancock as his first opponent. Bateman spins the wheel one final time, the wheel spins and goes over the remaining wrestlers, Hammond, Sherman, Everest, Winters, and reaches Austin Reynolds. The needle hangs on the final peg between Reynolds and Ty Burna, and slips back into Austin Reynold's space. Showtime's grin suddenly fades fast and Ty begins laughing once more and the crowd pops loudly.

Ty: Good luck with your doppelganger tonight Showtime, I suggest you go get ready.

Show is speechless and he drops his mic and quickly exits the ring. His eyes show a state of disbelief.

Bateman: Well Ty I'm going to give you one honor this evening.

Ty: And what would that be Bateman? Carrying your show once again since this is a rare appearance for me?

Bateman: Watch your tongue boy. Now please spin the wheel to reveal our first match of the night.

Ty: Sure why not.

Ty reaches up and spins the wheel and it goes through the remaining wrestlers once more, it lands on Tag Team Match. Ty spins the wheel once more and it lands on MD 50 World Title Shot to the delight of the crowd. Ty smirks and waits to spin the wheel once more.

Ty: You sure you want me to decide who has an opportunity for this title shot Vance?

Bateman: It's all random and I doubt you have the ability to decide your possible opponent.

Ty: You have such little faith in me Bateman, watch.

Ty spins the wheel again and it lands on Alex Bowen. Another spin of the wheel stops on Steven Holmes. Ty continues to spin the wheel and it lands on Sam Smith. The final spin for the last participant begins spinning and goes through Gordito, Winters, Hays, Big Dave and finally lands on Everest! The crowd pops loudly to Everest's name.

Ty: Guess I'll be seeing one of these four men at Meltdown 50. So Bateman, I drew your match, whoever gets the pinfall in the upcoming match gets the pleasure of being decimated by me. I hope you're happy.

Bateman: I certainly a...

The lights suddenly go out and they come up after a few moments and Ty is gone from the ring. Bateman looks furious at being cut off.

Bateman: Get those four men out here and start the first match!
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, where the person who scores the winning pin will earn a title shot at Meltdown 50!

The crowd starts cheering out loud as Everest makes his way out and raises his hands on the stage before heading down the ramp. He shifts his head from side to side but not giving too much notice to the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Connor: Everest had some interesting words to say in regards to Big Dave, he wants a rematch and he wants it soon, but tonight, he has the possibility of leaving with a title shot, do you think this will spark a reaction from Dave?

Cohen: Of course it will! Everest gets something that Big Dave wants, aside from each other, a possible shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!

Everest climbs into the ring and raises his arms again before rolling them in a warm up fashion as “Wake Up” starts playing, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd as Sam Smith, he’s about to signal for the lights to go down but Everest taps his wrist like a watch so Smith shrugs and heads down the ring with a cocky look, signalling a belt around his waist.

Anderson: His partner, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 235 pounds, Sam Smith!

Connor: The newcomer is being shown a thing or two by the veteran, what do you make of his chances to getting the shot?

Cohen: Gordito managed to get one, why can’t he?

Smith rolls under the ropes and points to himself before Everest gets up into his face and talks to him about tactics, Smith looks bemused at what Everest has to say and even disputes it slightly, but they’re cut off by the sound of ‘The Hills Have Eyes” starts playing as Alex Bowen emerges onto the stage with a smile on his face, he signals for holding something in his hands, but he looks at them and looks sad at nothing being there. He stands at the top of the stage in wait.

Anderson: Their opponents, first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 247 pounds, Alex Bowen!

The fans boo but it gets heavier as ‘Hells Bells’ hits and the Tag Team Champion Steven Holmes emerges on the stage, looking disapprovingly at Bowen who walks up to Holmes and taps his title belt which Holmes doesn’t approve of and tells him to start heading down the ramp, to which Bowen does so with Holmes behind him but keeping at a distance.

Anderson: And representing The Crashin Movement, from London, England, weighing 240 pounds, he is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Steven Holmes!

Connor: Holmes doesn’t seem to approve of his partner for the evening.

Cohen: You’re kidding? Going from Steven Kurtesy to this clown, it’s like being told you can’t stay in the penthouse suite and have to be in the janitor’s room!

Bowen leaps up onto the apron and climbs in immediately as Holmes goes around the ring, Bowen mocks his opponent to which Sam Smith then hits a sudden clothesline and the bell is rung as Everest looks on unconvincingly as Smith stomps down on his opponent before allowing him to get back up before meeting him with a dropkick, he goes for a quick cover 1…….2..kickout by Bowen. He gets Bowen up and pushes him up to the ropes and tries to irish whip but Bowen counters it and hits an elbow into the face of Smith which knocks him back and then drops the elbow again on his head. Bowen gets up and tags in Holmes who still looks reluctant around his partner. He gets in an drops a knee on Smith’s head before allowing him to stagger back up to his feet before Holmes drags him into the corner and slams his head against the turnbuckle and then again before shoving him away and allowing Smith to run at him only to counter into a belly to belly suplex, which has Everest trying to cheer him on and reach for a tag in the corner.

Holmes keeps an eye on Everest in the corner as gets Smith up and tries to go for a vertical suplex but it is blocked, as well as the second attempt before Smith counters into one of his own. He looks at his corner but shrugs off Everest right before Holmes takes him down again with a clothesline. Holmes goes to his corner but stops for a second as he allows Bowen to tag back in as he runs and hits a headbutt on the mat, he goes for the cover, 1……2…..kickout by Smith. Bowen gets Smith up and hits him in the abs, he does so a couple of times before applying an abdominal stretch which has Smith wincing in pain, Bowen keeps elbowing Smith in the abs as he keeps stretching out his torso, he stretches him once more before shoving him down to the canvas. He goes back to his corner and gives a weird smile at Holmes before tagging him in. Holmes stands over Smith who’s slowly crawling in the middle of the ring, Holmes checks the distances and then locked on the Aristocracy Reigns, holding Smith’s head tight as he tries to hold off the pain.

Cohen: Looks like Holmes is getting that title shot, Smith’s taken so much he has to tap surely?!

Connor: It’s not over just yet, Everest is waiting patiently on the outside.

Cohen: Good luck there! Smith knows rightfully that he deserves a shot when Everest has had so many!

Smith looks to be wearing down as Holmes keeps trying to have the hold applied tighter by the second, Smith starts fading out as the referee raises an arm, drops it, he raises it again, drops it a second time, the referee goes to raise his hand a third time but Everest leaps over the top rope and clotheslines Holmes off to release the hold which gets some life back into Smith as Everest gets out of the ring and back to his corner. Holmes gets up and argues with the ref about what just occurred but the referee says there’s little he can do, so he gets up in Everest’s face and has a go at him, allowing Smith to sneak up and get a school boy, 1……2…..kickout by Holmes. In the shock of being almost pinned, Holmes crawls towards his corner as Smith reluctantly does so as well. He reaches his corner as Everest reaches out but Smith continues to ignore him and gets up on the ropes nearby right as Bowen is tagged in and goes straight for Smith who blocks a shot from him, only for Everest to blind tag him from behind to the cheer of the crowd which has them in excitement as he unloads some rights on Bowen before irish whipping him and hitting a spinebuster. Smith realises what happened and gets up in Everest’s face to argue with him, that this is his shot for the winning as his partner looks on in disbelief, but this allows Bowen to get up and he goes for a leaping splash which Everest dodges and Smith is taken down as he rolls to the outside of the ring.

Everest gets behind Bowen and hits a fallaway reverse DDT, he gets up again and challenges his opponent to come at him which he does so once back on his feet and is caught with a belly to belly, Bowen gets up and Everest grabs him again, shifting behind him and throwing him over with a German suplex, he turns and hits a spinning heel kick on Holmes to knock him off the apron as he stands waiting and ready for Bowen who climbs back to a vertical base, he turns and Everest unleashes The Rock Slide on him and goes for the cover, 1…....2……Smith grabs Bowen’s foot and puts it on the rope. The crowd boos in disbelief and Everest looks surprised at what occurred, asking him what he is doing and why he helped Bowen to which Smith responds with “It’s my shot!” as he gets back on the apron. Everest looks disappointed before he looks straight at him and then leaps up to kick him in the head with the enizguri which knocks him out. Everest goes back over to baseball slide Holmes into the barricade as he got back up to his feet, the former champion goes back to Bowen, grabbing him by then head, then holding his leg, throwing him over with a Fisherman’s suplex, 1……..2……..3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Everest and Sam Smith. As Everest got the pin, he will face Ty Burna at Meltdown 50 for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Connor: Everest pretty much did this one by himself, rightfully earning the shot at Meltdown 50, what a match that will be!

Cohen: By himself? Sam Smith provided more to the match than Everest did, the former champion stole that man’s glory! Should be Smith going to face Ty, not Everest!

The crowd cheer in a frenzy as Everest has his hand raised and notions to them about the victory, he points to his waist and motions the number three while mouthing “It will happen!” He goes to leave and head up the ramp as Smith is laying against the ring apron, looking on in disbelief and anger. Holmes holds onto his head as he gets his tag belt back while Bowen is still out in the ring, Everest raises his arms one more in time in victory, much to the approval of the crowd.


We’re backstage with Big Dave who’s watching a television set, watching Everest celebrate his victory. Dave looks displeased and angry at the situation that’s just occurred, he gets up and walks to the television set to switch it off as he pauses for a moment before he smirks and heads off out of his locker room.


Now we're in Vance Bateman's office who's with Johnny Sherman, he stands there looking content.

Bateman: So as you can see Mr. Sherman, your match which will be next is a standard rules match against Scott Hammond. Naturally we'll keep watch on your progress and maybe if either of you impress, it can lead to better things. You better get going as you're up in any moment.

Sherman leaves as there's another knock at the door, Gordito enters in which gets a great reaction from the crowd.

Bateman: Ah, Mr. Gordito. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on a great performance at All or Nothing, while it may have not been a victorious one, your "I'm Sludge Pitter!" T-Shirts have doubled in sales on, your great efforts have been noticed. Now, what can I do you for?

Gordito: That's great to hear Bateman, and no doubt I will be aiming to challenge for the title again soon, I won't aim to disappoint the fans out there. But my point is strictly to business and that is whether I've been drawn yet for a match tonight?

Bateman: Well, I still have 8 men including yourself left to draw for tonight. So you possibly could be in a tag team match, triple threat, fatal fourway or one on one competition, maybe special stipulations. But to make it easier, we'll spin it now to determine your match and opponent for tonight. Roulette, please decide our stipulation here.

The Roulette spins again much like before and begins to slow down between tag and singles based bouts, Ladder, Tag Table, Singles, Singapore Cane, Mayhem Rules. Gordito smiles at the sight of the draw.

Gordito: I like that very much, the type of match that got me on the scene here. Now spin for my opp...

Bateman: Ah da da da. I will spin it! Roulette, who is Gordito's opponent?

The Roulette spins through the seven remaining superstars left, it starts to slow down Ty Burna, Chris Jones, Michael Winters, Big Dave, Cory Allen. Gordito breathes a sigh of relief given he just missed out on Big Dave.

Bateman: There you go Gordito, some fresh meat for you to compete against. You'll face off later on tonight, but if there's anything that's guaranteed is that I'm sure more shirts will shift after tonight!

Gordito: Here's hoping Bateman! Thanks again and see you later!

Gordito leaves as Bateman has a nice smirk on his face before he goes to sit back down at his desk.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Papercut hits to a pop and Scott Hammond makes his way out with a grin on his face. He raises his right before making his way down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from London, England, Scott Hammond!

Connor: Hammond is out here without Wasabi Toyota tonight.

Cohen: Good, I can't stand seeing that lardass walking around...

He gets into the ring and taunts for the crowd, soaking in the applause.

The Saints are Coming hits and Johnny Sherman makes his way out, smiling broadly. He walks down to the ring, nodding enthusiastically and slapping the hands of some fans.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Adelaide, Australia, Johnny “First Class” Sherman!

Connor: The multi-generational star has built up a cult fanbase on the indy circuit and the internet, he's sure to make a big splash in WZCW!

Cohen: We'll see, we'll see...

Sherman rolls into the ring and gets up onto the turnbuckle, looking out into the crowd. He hops down and the referee calls for the bell. Sherman holds out his hand and Hammond hesitates before shaking it. The two quickly lock up and Sherman gets a headlock on Hammond before taking him to the mat. Hammond uses his strength to break the headlock, and quickly gets to his feet, but he’s met with a quick Armdrag by Sherman. Hammond gets up to his knees and looks at Sherman with a slightly surprised expression. He gets back to his feet and the two men circle each other. Suddenly, Hammond charges at Sherman, picking him and smashing his back into the corner before following up with a flurry of right hands. Hammond backs out of the corner before charging forward again, crushing Sherman in the corner, before following up with a Belly to Belly suplex, sending Sherman across the ring. Hammond goes for a pin, 1... 2... Sherman kicks out. Hammond stomps on Sherman’s head as Sherman tries to get to his feet. Hammond gets Sherman in a Full Nelson, about to slam him to the mat, but Sherman drops to his knees and flips Hammond over his shoulder. Both men get to their feet quickly, and Hammond runs at Sherman, going for a clothesline, but Sherman ducks under it. Hammond turns around and Sherman catches him with a Big Boot. Sherman goes for his first pin of the match, 1... 2... Hammond kicks out. Sherman slaps on an armbar and Hammond grits his teeth in pain as he tries to reach for the ropes with his free arm. Hammond is able to use his strength to drag himself forward and latch onto the ropes. Sherman lets go but gets up and quickly drops a knee on Hammond’s hurt arm.

Connor: The rookie is clearly drawing on his indie experience here to damage Hammond.

Cohen: I don’t see what all the fat internet nerds see in him. I’m so bored by him I’m actually listening to your commentary, Cat.

Sherman grabs Hammond by the wrist and pushes his knee into Hammond’s arm, making Hammond shout out in pain. But Hammond uses his free arm to grab Sherman by the head and reverses Sherman’s submission into the Anaconda Vice! Sherman franticly tries to struggle out of it but Hammond has it cinched in tight. Sherman manages to deliver a kick to Hammond’s head, making Hammond release the hold. Both men get to their feet and Sherman runs at Hammond but Hammond picks him up into a Military Press before dropping him on his face. Hammond goes for a pin, 1... 2... Sherman kicks out. Hammond, favouring his arm slightly, picks up Sherman and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Hammond goes for a Back Body Drop, but Sherman hits him with a Swinging Neckbreaker. With both men down, the referee starts to count. Both men get to their feet at 7 and Sherman hits Hammond with a series of right hands, backing him into the corner. Sherman then backs up and runs at Hammond, hitting him with a clothesline in the corner. Sherman walks back again and goes for another but Hammond ducks under it and grabs Sherman by the waist before hitting a big German Suplex. Hammond goes for a pin, 1... 2... Sherman gets a shoulder up! Hammond begins to look a bit frustrated. He climbs up to the top rope and leaps off, hitting Sherman with a Flying Headbutt. Hammond goes for another pin, 1... 2... Sherman kicks out again! Hammond pounds the mat with his fist, looking annoyed.

Connor: Sherman won’t stay down! He may be new to the big time, but he’s certainly got his resilience from his father and grandfather.

Cohen: I wonder if Pizza Hut would deliver a pizza to me here....

Hammond signals for the end and picks up Sherman, going for London’s Calling. But Sherman struggles out of it and lands behind Hammond and hits him with an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker. Sherman goes for a pin, 1... 2... Hammond kicks out. Sherman gets up and starts measuring up Hammond. Hammond manages to get to his feet and Sherman grabs his arm, going for the Shermanator, but Hammond counters by lifting Sherman up onto his shoulders. Sherman struggles again, but this time Hammond hits London’s Calling! Hammond covers Sherman, 1... 2.... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Scott Hammond!

Hammond gets up and raises his arms. He pats the unconscious Sherman on the shoulder before rolling out of the ring and slapping the hands of some of the fans at ringside.

Connor: Hammond dealt with a tough obstacle tonight, but we know that tag team gold is his primary concern.

Cohen: Is it over? Oh thank god, that felt like a 60 minute Iron Man match...


We're backstage with Constantine and Showtime Cougar who are in the parking lot, they're having a chuckle amongst themselves, until Showtime gets on to serious business.

Showtime: The odds might have been high, but I can't believe I got rigged to face Reynolds. But tonight, I will stop his dreams of entering the Lottery just like I did with the Elite X Championship, and hey, Hunter Kravinoff took advantage, but you'll get your rightful shot soon and then you can eliminate him from the Lottery itself to have the last laugh.

Constantine: I guess...but you sure you don't want me nearby to assist at all?

Showtime: Given what happened on Meltdown, it's better to keep Reynolds trying to keep chase, if we split then he will have a harder time trying to find us. Not to mention I can take care of him, if he's focused on me, it means I can make my victory over him all the more sweeter!

Constantine: True, well I better get...

Constantine looks on in shock which puzzles Showtime until he looks in the same direction. The camera pans to reveal Constantine's limo has been heavily vandalised, tyres slashed, windows smashed, the paintwork keyed. The bonnet has been spray painted with a star on it and the words "Ratings just went up!" Constantine and Showtime look angry at the situation, Constantine moreso, Showtime grabs him by the arms.

Showtime: Look! I got this covered! You get going and I'll take care of him, I'll sort him out tonight and we'll think of something bigger for next week. Ok? Now go!
“The following match on Ascension Anarchy will be fought under Mayhem Rules!!”

The crowd pops.

ICP’s Juggalo Homies booms throughout the arena and Cory Allen emerges to some muted cheers.

“On his way to the ring, from Delray, Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 220lbs, this is Cory Allen!”

He high-fives the crowd and when he gets to the ring, he throws his basketball shirt to the crowd.

“And his opponent, from San Francisco, California, weighing in at 257lbs, he is The Dirty One, GORDITO!!!!”

End on 9 hits to a huge reaction. Gordito comes out and goes to both sides of the stage, taunting and posing for the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring, looking calm but determined. He gets into the ring and eyes up his opponent from across the ring.

Connor: "What a great draw. Both Cory Allen and Gordito have genuine experience and success in the Mayhem division and so neither man has the advantage here in this Mayhem rules encounter."

As the bell rings, Allen rushes at Gordito and tries to get an early advantage. Gordito avoids him and then catches him in an arm drag, a drop toe hold and then a body slam. Gordito plays to the crowd while Cory pensively rubs his back.

Cory and Gordito tie up again. Allen turns him and gets hammerlocked and delivers a belly to back suplex. With the arm still tied, Gordito lands on it! Allen immediately goes to wrench on the arm and apply even more pressure on it. Allen whips Gordito and levels him with a hurracanrana that forces Gordito to roll out of the ring.

Connor: “The Dirty One, fresh off his first main event match, enjoyed his experience at All or Nothing and doesn’t want it to end just yet. A win here will keep up his momentum.”

Cohen: “But Cory Allen is a talented man himself and this randomly selected stipulation will suit him perfectly.”

Allen climbs to the second rope, faces the outside of the ring and floors Gordito on the outside with a huge jumping axe handle. Allen looks under the ring and emerges with a chair. Gordito moves away from Allen. As Cory moves around the corner, Gordito kicks him in the gut. The chair drops. Gordito sees it and tries to drop him with the Meteor of War but Allen blocks it and stops himself being planted. Gordito punishes his back with more clubbing blows but still cant connect with the Meteor of War. He instead releases the double underhook and slams him into the ring barrier and then hits him with a Russian Leg Sweep into the same barrier!Gordito rolls Allen into the ring for a cover.

1...2...kick out by Cory Allen.

Gordito drags Allen up and puts him in the corner, before slapping him in the chest. Allen replies with a slap of his own and they exchange battering slaps that echo around the arena. Gordito shoves his knee into Corys gut and puts a headlock on Allen. Gordito drags him to the ropes and uses the ropes to springboard out of it but Allen keeps his headlock on and tries to lock in a crossface! Allen forward rolls out of it, turns and dropkicks Gordito in the face. Cover!

1...2...kick out by Gordito

Cohen: “Stiff stuff from Allen who looks very impressive.”

Allen climbs onto the top rope and moonsaults himself off towards Gordito but gets only mat as the The Dirty One rolls out the way. Gordito gets up and picks up his opponent and drops him with a Samoan drop! Cover!!!

1...2...feeble kick out by Allen.

Connor: “Gordito has no intention of letting this match slip by him and he looks impressive.”

Both men get up slowly but Gordito seems to have a bit more awareness about him. He rolls outside and pulls a table out from underneath the ring. He holds it as he prepares to roll it into the ring and is met with a vaulting body press from the juggalo!

The contact takes it out from both men and again, they get up again slowly. They exchange forearms blows before Allen drops him with a jawbreaker! He picks Gordito up and rolls him inside and covers him but only gets two. Allen is infuriated so he sets up the table in the corner and sets up as if to hit his falling reverse DDT but Gordito fights out of it and hits a chop block! As Allen clutches his knee, Gordito picks himself up and shoves Allen head first into the corner and through the table.

Cohen: “Oh that has to hurt!”

Allen falls to his knees and has no idea where he is so Gordito turns him around and drops him with the Meteor of War and then covers!

Connor: “Meteor of War connects!!!! It has to be over!”

The ref counts, 1....2....3!!!

Harrys: “And your winner of this match, The Dirty One, GORDITO!!!”

We cut backstage to Everest walking out of his dressing room in a proper suit and looks cleaned up. Meanwhile Ty and Serafina happen to be walking down the same corridor and they stop right in front of Everest.

Ty: Congratulations on your victory Everest, I'm pleased it is you who will be facing me at Meltdown 50, someone worthy of challenging the champion.

Everest: Appreciate the sentiments Ty but don't think I'll take it easy on you. This is my world after all.

Ty: That's all well and good Everest, but I will be the one going on to main event Kingdom Come. It is my destiny to be there. And just because I have respect for you as a warrior, and the fact I've saved you in the past, do not take that as a sign of weakness. At Meltdown 50 I will decimate you and remain champion.

Ty pats Everest on the shoulder and begins walking along with Serafina.

Serafina: Have a good night Everest!

Everest looks on and chuckles before walking down the corridor the opposite way.
Anderson: The following Contest is scheduled for one fall!

Amaranth begins playing and Chris Jones makes his way out to a number of boos from the crowd. He makes his way down the entrance ramp completely ignoring the crowd and he hops up to the second turnbuckle on the outside and poses as the crowd boos him more.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He stands 6'2" and weighs 227 lbs, Chris Jones!

Becoming the Bull starts playing and Bomb starts to make his way out when suddenly Big Dave runs out from the back with a chair in hand and slams it against the back of Bomb, sending him careening to the ground. Dave begins slamming the chair over and over into the head of Bomb before lifting him up and dropping him down hard with the Stamp of Authority. Bomb is unconscious and Dave kicks him off the entrance ramp as the crowd boos loudly.

Connor: What was that all about? Dave has nothing to do with this match up?

Cohen: You go ahead and tell him that CC. I'm staying right here.

Dave turns towards the ring and begins walking towards it with a purpose. Jones watches and quickly exits the ring as Dave enters. Jones quickly walks up the ramp and washes his hands of the whole match and Dave grabs a mic.

Dave Bateman! I'm sick of waiting for my match. I've cleared the show of the losers and no talent hacks now give me my match now! You gave Everest a World Title shot, I want what I deserve, qualifiers, shots, anything, but no matter what, I want my match and I want it right now!

Suddenly the lights go out in the arena and the crowd cheers in anticipation. Blackened the Sun begins playing and the lights come up with Ty squarely in front of Dave. Dave suddenly grins widely as does Ty as the two stare each other down. Suddenly Bateman comes up on the Tron and interrupts them.

Bateman: You want your match now Dave? Fine, but it's not what you believe it is. The Roulette Wheel has spoken and it will be Michael Winters and Hays facing you Big Dave, and it will be a Lethal Lottery Qualifier.

Dave: So a triple threat match against two nobodies? Perfect.

Bateman: You didn't let me finish Dave, it's a tag team match, and your partner, is the man standing right next to you!

The crowd pops loudly as Dave slowly looks over at Ty and Ty returns the stare before Bateman speaks again.

Bateman: If your team wins Dave, you will qualify for the Lethal Lottery. Good luck.

The Tron goes out and Dave and Ty stare each other down once more, and Ty raises the WZCW World Title high into the air.

Cohen: Big Dave and Ty Burna on the same team?!? This is almost unfair!

Connor: But can Dave count on Ty to help him in this match? Will Ty trust Dave? We'll find out right after this commercial break.
We return from commercial to see Big Dave and Ty Burna staring at each other in the ring, not taking notice of anything else. It is shown that Serafina has made her way down to ringside as well.

Anderson: The following contest is tag team match, scheduled for one fall, where the winning team will qualify for the third annual WZCW Lethal Lottery! Already in the ring, first, from London, England, weighing in at 268 pounds... Big Dave! And his tag team partner, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... Ty Burna!

Cohen: How does this match make any sense? Ty Burna is in a Lethal Lottery qualification match, but the World Champion is the only person ineligible to compete.

Connor: That may be true, but, as we learned earlier tonight, Ty Burna is set to face Everest at Meltdown 50 for the title. Should he lose, he has a back-up plan by entering himself into the Lottery. What I'm more worried about is how Dave and Ty will get along as a team, given Dave is in quite the foul mood.

"Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies)" by Fear Factory as Michael Winters bursts through the curtain to a cheering crowd and goes to the centre of the stage. He crosses his forehead and chest, looks to the sky and heads to the ring.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 267 pounds... Michael "The Truth" Winters!

Winters gets to ring-side and decides to wait for his tag team partner before entering the ring. He claps the hands of fans near him as "Make Ya Girl" by The Rangers bursts through the speakers.

Anderson: His tag team partner, from Columbus, Ohio, weighing in at 215 pounds... The Say Hays Kid!

Winters looks up the ramp and doesn't see anyone walking down. Moments pass and people are confused to the whereabouts of Hays, until something pops up onto the titantron.

The picture is fuzzy but it's visible the man holding the camera is running down a hall with someone. At a closer look and a re-focused picture, multiple trainers and medics are tending to an unconscious Hays with the man running with the cameraman appearing as Justin Cooper. He pushes people back and tends to Hays.

Cooper: Who the hell would do such a thing!

Medic: Sir, you'll need to stand back and let us help him.

A couple of people pull Cooper off and he watches the staff get Hays on a stretcher.

As the feed cuts out, Winters slowly turns back to the ring and realises he is on his own. He looks up to the sky and clasps his hands together for a brief moment. He nods to the sky and jumps onto the apron. The referee asks him if he wants to continue with the match as a handicap and he obliges. Just before Winters gets into the ring to officially start the match, the crowd begins cheering wildly as Everest makes his way down to the ring, much to the dismay of Big Dave who is infuriated by the sight. Ty also stares down Everest, who is smiling at the both of them.

Cohen: First we see Hays get attacked by someone for some reason, now Everest has the nerve to come down to the ring... he doesn't belong out here!

Connor: I think Everest is out here to get a close-up view of his rival and his opponent in the future. Considering Winters has opted to go in alone, he could use all the support he can get.

Winters, confused, looks at him as Everest comes up behind him and looks back. He says a couple of words and nods at him, prompting Winters to get pumped. He enters the ring and warms himself up. Dave argues with Ty that he will start, which Ty reluctantly agrees to and gets on the apron. The referee signals for the bell.

Dave looks straight at Everest and begins berating him, ignoring Winters. Everest just smiles as Winters performs a school boy roll-up... 1... 2... kick-out by Dave, who is caught by surprise. Dave gets up and is embarrassed. He runs at Winters who picks him up with a sidewalk slam. He goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out. He picks up Dave and hits a couple of European uppercuts. He tries Irish whipping Dave, but it's countered to Winters running and hits Dave with a flying forearm smash. Again, he goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out again. Winters gets up and Dave from the ground position, kicks Winters in the leg. Dave is quick to his feet and kicks Winters in the back of the knee, chopping the big man down to his knees. He hits a roundhouse kick to Winters face that knocks him down. Dave drags over Winters to his corner and extends his hand to Ty, but Ty walks down the steeps and talks to Serafina about something. The crowd cheers as Dave looks at Ty in disgust and yells at him. Ty acts surprised to see Dave wanting a tag and gets back on the apron for a tag but Dave has other ideas and runs at Winters, but Michael drops back to the ropes and pulls them down, low-bridging Dave to crash to the floor with the crowd cheering. Whilst Winters recovers in the ring, Everest is seen walking slowly over to Dave and watches him get up. Dave looks at him back and begins telling him off, just staring at each other. It provides enough distraction for Winters to grab the head of Dave and pull him up to the apron, flipping Dave over the top rope the hard way. Winters sets up behind Dave and goes for the Crucifix.

Connor: If Winters can lock this in, he may stand a chance of winning.

Cohen: C'mon Dave, reverse it!

Winter is just about to lock it in but Dave rolls out of the predicament. Winters gets up and is met by a running spear by Dave. Quickly, Dave runs to his corner and slaps the chest of Ty. The ref calls it as a tag as Dave lays on the apron with Ty looking a bit displeased by the blatant slap. He gets into the ring and ducks an attempted clothesline by Winters, turning it into a Russian legsweep. Ty gets up and hits a running knee drop to the face of Winters. He goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Winters. Ty grabs both arms of Winters and locks in a strait-jacket strangehold submission. The crowd gets behind Winters as he tries to get up, which he does and swings Ty's arms around to perform a neckbreaker. Both men are down for a short moment before they get up. Winters Irish whips Ty and tries for a clothesline, but Ty ducks and off the rebound hits Winters with a running high knee. At this point, Dave is recovered and is screaming at Ty for the tag, but Ty ignores him. Dave gets frustrated and enters the ring, telling off Ty to his face. The referee tries to separate them as the two exchange some words. Winters is up and clotheslines both of them over the top rope, with Everest moving out of the way. The referee begins the count as the two men get to their feet. Dave gets up and sees Everest. He says a couple of words to him before turning around to Ty, blaming Ty for what happened. As Everest shakes his head and turns around, Dave pushes Ty and continues berating him. Ty turns his head and pushes Dave back, causing him to knock Everest down. Ty gets back into the ring and sees Winters poised. Winters goes to strike, but Ty ducks. Winters turns around and gets hit with the Consecrated Banishment. He goes for a cover... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell, Ty's music hits and Serafina gets into the ring to meet with Ty.

Anderson: Here are your winners and have qualified for the third annual WZCW Lethal Lottery... Big Dave and the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Connor: Winters put up a valiant effort but the odds were stacked against him before the bell rang.

Cohen: Am I the only one that sees the irony of Ty Burna winning Big Dave a spot in the Lethal Lottery, even with the ruling that was stipulated for Dave concerning the World Championship?

Connor: Ty made a statement to Dave in winning the match, saying that he doesn't care whether or not he becomes the number one contender. He'll defend against anyone and will not be intimidated.

The ref helps Winters out of the ring as Ty is handed his championship belt and ascends the top turnbuckle to celebrate. Everest and Dave are on their feet on the outside, going face to face with each other exchanging some heated words. The camera gets a shot of Everest and Dave on the outside, with Ty on the adjacent turnbuckle, with all three men scouting each other out.


We're backstage as the Elite X Champion Showtime Cougar is walking through the backstage area, he spots something in the distance, he gets closer to reveal it's Mark Hancock.

Showtime: Hey Mark! Buddy! You're Main Eventing Ascension with me tonight aren't you?! I know you must be excited because I am too, because I get to enter the Lethal Lottery and get rid of Austin Reynolds for good! Now, I know you're in this match and think you have a chance, but let's be realistic here, my plan is go to out and there get rid of Austin Reynolds, all I ask of you is that you stay out my way and I will make sure your time in the Main Event is enough for you still remember! Possibly through the bruises you may get, but keep in line and we'll make this night so much more easier.

He pats him on the back.

Ok, see you out there!

Showtime heads off as Hancock watches on in disbelief at the arrogance from Showtime.

Connor: As you just heard ladies and gentleman, our Main Event is up next. Triple Threat match for a Lethal Lottery spot, don't go anywhere!
Anderson: The following is a triple threat match, with the winner earning a spot in the Lethal Lottery match!


The spotlights around the stage spin around the arena until they all meet in the center focusing on one point as a set of pyros go off as Showtime Cougar arises from the stage with his back facing the crowd. He stretches out his arms as he slowly turns around and stares down at the Elite X belt.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada and weighing in at 219 pounds, he is the new Elite X Champion, Showtime Cougar!

Cougar makes his way into the ring as “Rooster” hits and Mark Hancock begins making his way toward the ring.

Anderson: Next, his opponent…

Selena Anderson stops talking as she sees Austin Reynolds burst out from behind the curtain and charge down the aisle, knocking Mark Hancock into the barricade in the process. He slides in under the bottom rope and launches himself at Showtime. The referee doesn’t know what to do as the former Elite X Champion in laying into the new Champion with lefts and rights. Reynolds finally lets up and lets out a scream that draws a huge reaction from the crowd. Cougar stumbles to his feet and backs into the nearest corner. Reynolds charges and tries to catch Cougar with a monkey flip, but Showtime lands on his feet. Reynolds sets, waits for Showtime to turn around and connects with a roaring elbow once he does. While Reynolds is facing away, however, Hancock is able to slide in the ring and connects with a running knee when Reynolds turns back toward him. The referee calls for the bell now that all three men are in the ring as Hancock goes for a pin on Reynolds, 1.. and a kick-out. Reynolds gets to his feet a bit dazed, and is clotheslined to the outside by Hancock. Hancock turns around and is met with a knife-edged chop to the chest from Cougar. Showtime connects with another chop and tries to shoot Hancock off the ropes. Hancock reverses it but is dropped by a flying elbow from Showtime. Cougar goes for a pin, 1…2. and Hancock kicks out. Cougar connects with a couple right hands to the skull of Hancock and climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle. Reynolds comes flying up to the apron from the floor, however, and shoves Showtime off to the floor, where he lands chest first on top of the ringside barricade. Reynolds signals, waits for Hancock to get back to his feet and springboards for the Ego Crush. Hancock is able to hold on to Reynolds, however, shifts his grip, and plants him with a piledriver. Hancock taunts the crowd for a moment and goes for a pin, 1…2… and it’s broken up by Showtime, who dove in from the floor.

Connor: High paced action so far in this match. I think Austin Reynolds might be more motivated by revenge against Showtime Cougar than the Lethal Lottery spot in this match.

Cohen: He’s a fool if that’s the case. The Lethal Lottery can make a career. Maybe if he had been a little better at All or Nothing, he would have the right motive for winning this match.

Hancock looks extremely annoyed, as he thought he had Reynolds beaten. He scrambles to his feet and starts throwing rights at Showtime before locking in a full nelson. Hancock turns with his back toward the ropes and sends Cougar over the top and to the floor with a release tiger suplex. Hancock turns back to Reynolds, who is struggling to get to his feet. Reynolds swings with a right hand at Hancock, who ducks it and scores with a German suplex. Reynolds clutches at his neck as Hancock climbs to the top rope. He pauses for a moment, before connecting with an elbow drop. He goes for a cover, 1…2… and Reynolds gets the shoulder up at the last possible moment. Hancock is frustrated and mounts Reynolds and lets loose with ground and pound to the head and upper torso of Reynolds. The referee has to pull Hancock off as he won’t stop using the closed fists. Hancock gets around the ref and goes to inflict more damage on Austin Reynolds, but he his met with a kip-up Frankensteiner. Both men are down as the audience roars in approval of the athleticism of the former Elite X Champ. Reynolds and Hancock both slowly make it back to their feet as Showtime climbs back to the apron. Hancock chargers for a forearm smash, but Reynolds jumps over the charging Hancock and connects with a dropsault, knocking Cougar back to the floor. Hancock catches himself and charges at Reynolds again, but eats a leg lariat for his trouble. Hancock hits the mat hard enough to bounce back up and is met with a lungblower. Reynolds motions to fire up the crowd and hits an Asai moonsault and holds on for the pin, 1…2.. Hancock is able to kick out. Reynolds is quickly back to his feet and waits for Hancock to return to his feet. Once he does, Reynolds hits the Five Star and signals that the end is near. He turns around to see Showtime back in the ring. Cougar hits The Ratings Crash and rolls Reynolds out of the ring. He then turns his attention to the Hancock, who is still down and clutching at his back. Showtime taunts the crowd and locks in the Commercial Break, forcing Hancock to tap out!

Anderson: The winner of the match, and now in the Lethal Lottery match, Showtime Cougar!

The referee gets the Elite X belt from the timekeeper and holds Cougar’s arm up until Showtime sees Reynolds coming back into the ring. Showtime takes off up the ramp as Reynolds tries to get his hands on Cougar. Reynolds yells at Cougar from the ring as Showtime poses with the Elite X Championship on the stage.

Connor: And Showtime Cougar steals another victory from Austin Reynolds here tonight. The Elite X Champion with be entering the Lethal Lottery through the back door.

Cohen: He didn’t steal anything, CC. All he did was outsmart Austin Reynolds once again, and that is why Showtime will be the greatest Elite X Champ in WZCW history.

Connor: That may yet to be seen. Well Ladies and Gentleman, we have reached the end of Madness and Anarchy, I hope you have enjoyed the unpredictability as much as we have. We'll return to normal programming next week, so stay tuned to to find out more. Until next time, alongside Jack Cohen, I am Cat Connor, have a good night!
Who wrote what:

Allen/Gordito -Numbers
Jones/Bomb Segment, Opening, Backstage - Ty
Cougar/Reynolds/Hancock - Thriller
Everest/Smith vs. Holmes/Bowen, Backstage - Phoenix
Hays/Winters vs. Ty/Dave - Falkon
Sherman/Hammond - Blade

Please rep the people above for their hard work, and as always feedback on the show is greatly appreciated.
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