Ascension 98

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The camera spins around the crowd, revealing the hyped up masses. Everyone seems to be totally excited for the show. After a few more shots of the fans in the arena, the camera goes out to ringside; where Jack Cohen is sat beside his broadcast partner Cat Connor.

Connor: Thank you for joining us once again, ladies and gentlemen, in the BC Place in Vancouver. Last night was an amazing show with so many twists and turns. But tonight, the ante is sure to be upped even more with Vance Bateman promising us a massive announcement.

Cohen: And with the announcement that Ty Burna is going to be the fourth person inducted into the WZCW Hall of Fame on Meltdown last night, I don't really see how we can top that. But trust me, if anyone can think of a bigger piece of news, then it is definitely Vance Bateman and Becky Serra.

Connor: Well, speaking of those two, lets hand you over now to the two General Managers of WZCW respectively. Vance Bateman and Becky Serra are in the ring and I can't wait to hear why.

The camera changes to show Vance and Becky in the ring already with wide smiles on their faces. Both of them are dressed smartly as the road to Kingdom Come brings out the best in everyone.

Serra: Thank you for joining us everyone in Canada here tonight.

With that, a huge cheer goes around the audience.

Serra: You are now tunes into the best show in all of WZCW and tonight we are going to show you why. The new EurAsian Champion makes his first appearance as a Champion tonight. And, as if that wasn't enough for you, we have the incredible Dr. Zeus taking on the former World Champion, The Beard in our main event!

Again, another huge cheer goes around the arena as the main event is announced.

Bateman: Well, whether it is the better or show or not, I promised you a series of huge announcements and that is what I am going to deliver right here and right now. Last night, on Meltdown, Ty Burna was announced as the fourth wrestler to go into the WZCW Hall of Fame.

A third eruption of noise emanates from the crowd at the mere mention of the Hall of Fame entrant.

Bateman: Oh you like that, huh? Well, let me whet your appetite for Kingdom Come just a little bit more, shall I? What do the likes of Corey Payne, Big Dave and John Constantine all have in common?

Some of the more clever members of the WZCW audience have already figured out the conundrum as Becky puts her hand to her chin to think about the question. After a moment, Vance gives a huge smile and continues.

Bateman: That's right! They are all winners of the King For A Day briefcase. And right here, right now, we are pleased to announce-

Serra: Pleased to announce that King For A Day will make it's anticipated return at this year's Kingdom Come event!

Becky turns to Vance and gives him a wry little smile.

Serra: Hey, you got the Hall of Fame announcement on your show...

Vance gives Becky a nod of approval before raising his hands and taking a back-seat.

Serra: And what's more than that, the names of the competitors have already been agreed. The winner of the match will receive a title shot for his choice of Championships between the EurAsian Championship and the Elite X Championship. Long has this match been used to elevate talent to higher esteem and with the re-introduction of this match, we hope to do the same thing once again.

An excited applause goes around the arena as the announcement is made.

Serra: Looking to book their place in a Championship match are Kendrick Xavier, Cassanova, Vee A.D.Z, Noah Ryder, Gino Galucci and the former Elite X Champion... Kagura Ozhora! This match promises to be one for the ages and we wish everyone the best of luck!

Vance and Becky get a standing ovation from the Vancouver faithful as they exit the ring.

Connor: Well, there you have it, folks! The announcements just keep on coming this week as King For A Day makes it's way back into the WZCW calendar.

Cohen: Let me tell you something, Cat. That match is not for the feint of heart. It changes people and not always for the better. Constantine, Corey Payne, Big Dave... They've all been in there and been successful as a result. Everyone is going to need to be on top of their game in that match because it can end careers!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is scheduled for one fall...

After a few moments, Vee explodes from out behind the curtain and looks totally hyped up for the upcoming match. He throws a few punches at the air before finally giving a cocky smile to the assembled masses. With that, he begins moving down the ramp; staying agile as he bounces from one foot to the other.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 141 pounds, from Surrey, England... Vee A.D.Z!!

Connor: Vee looks so hyped up for the match tonight. It's a huge opportunity for him being completely honest. Scumm is riding a wave of momentum right now and a win here could propell him towards a match at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Right! As a wrestler, you have to seize every opportunity that is given to you. By luck of the draw, Vee has been given this one. He needs to show the world that he can hang with the best of them and this is his chance.

Vee continues down the ramp until he reaches the bottom of it. He quickly mounts the security barrier to one side and then does a somersault from it with ultimate ease. Again, a cocky smile appears on his face as he slides under the bottom rope and tosses his shirt into the crowd.

Vee waits in the ring for a moment, looking up at the stage as Scumm finally makes his first appearance; the EurAsian Championship thrown over his right shoulder proudly. Scumm has a huge smile on his features as he raises both of his arms out to his side and spins around on top of the stage for everyone to see him and his Championship.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 223 pounds, from London, England... He is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Johnny Scumm!!

Cohen: Well, no on thought it would be possible for this young man to come back to WZCW and be successful. But the only person who believed it was that man right there.

Connor: Absolutely right. Scumm has shown a lot of desire since his return and landed very lucky when Chris KO hung up his boots. He wanted it more than Black and he claimed it as a result. Uu have to give him some credit for that.

Scumm unceremoniously spits down the ramp before finally moving down it. The crowd give him a very similar reaction to that of Vee but he doesn't seem to care one iota. Finally, Scumm reaches the bottom of the ramp and climbs the steps into the ring. He hands off the Championship to the referee who passes it outside.

Connor: A battle of the Brits here tonight. Neither man will want to lose but one of them has to. Let's get to it!

Both men eye each other as the start of the match is delayed. Scumm begins mouthing towards Vee as his ego begins to grow in his first outing inside of a WZCW ring as EurAsian Champion. But Vee is not one to be bothered by the egotistical yammerings of the Champion; resulting in a fierce square up in the middle of the ring. But the serenity of the start of the match is shattered when Scumm finally lands a knee to the gut of his opponent, buckling him for the first time in the match. With that, Scumm hits the ropes and them immediately hits his opponent with a running dropkick to the side of the head upon his return. Scumm immediately covers Vee, looking to put this match to bed very early on. As the referee tries to get down, Vee makes the kick out; simultaneously breaking the count and showing Scumm that he is not going to be beat as easy as that. Scumm gets back to his feet with a look of serious aggression on his face as Vee does the same. But it is the Champion who looks like the aggressor in the early stages of this match; grabbing Vee by his head and leading him over to the corner of the ring. He nails Vee with a heavy clubbing shot to the face that sends Vee stumbling backwards into the corner. With Vee now at his mercy in the corner, Scumm lands a few devastating chops to the bare chest of his opponent and then quickly runs across the ring towards the other side of the ring. After a moment of concentration, Scumm runs across the ring and lands a beautifully executed running splash to Vee; taking the fight to his challenger and dropping him to the canvas for another time.

Connor: It has to be said, the EurAsian Championship has really given Scumm a shot in the arm seemingly. He is so energetic right now that it's going to be hard for Vee to stop the rot here.

Cohen: It really is amazing what a Championship win will do for you, CC. Scumm looks like he belongs in that bracket right now anyway because Vee is toiling already.

Scumm pulls Vee back to his feet before backing him up into the corner once again. Grabbing the ropes, Scumm raises his leather boot and puts it to the throat of his opponent, choking him without any mercy at all. The referee gets right on top of Scumm and immediately uses his count to break the hold. As the referee reaches the count of 4, Scumm releases Vee but the damage may already have been done. Vee falls to one knee as Scumm begins to taunt to the crowd. Seizing his opportunity to really put the screws to Vee, Scumm grabs his head and lands a beautiful bulldog, that takes Vee back to the canvas and into a whole world of trouble. Scumm raises his arms out in celebration as the crowd become pretty hostile. But not wasting too much time, he gets down to cover Vee for the second time in the match. This time, the referee does manage to make a count. 1... 2... Kick out with no time to spare! The EurAsian Champion seems to be enjoying himself now as he slowly gets back to his knees as Vee is still holding his throat. Scumm walks over towards the side of the ring where the commentary tables lie and begins hurling insults towards the fans and the commentators.

Scumm: I hope you're reporting all of this, Jack!? This is what glory looks like! This is what a true Champion does to anyone who stands in his way. I'm going to be the greatest WZCW EurAsian Champion in the history of this company.

Connor: Big words from Johnny Scumm here tonight. Maybe he should spend more time concentrating on his opponent and less time trying to tell us how to do our jobs. This match is far from over.

Cohen: Well, it's about time someone told you how to do your job, CC. But he's right, too. He has taken Vee apart from the first moment of this match and no one is going to stop him now. Don't worry folks, I'll report all of the great work, just like he asked.

Scumm continues his tirade towards the fans as he moves back towards the middle of the ring and his opponent; who has now managed to get back to one knee. Scumm, realising that this is a good opportunity, goes for a running boot to the side of the head. But Vee manages to move out of the way with no time to spare. Scumm follows through on the move and then spins around to where Vee now is. Knowing that it is now or never for Vee, he nails Scumm with a snap DDT that takes Scumm to the canvas for the first time in the match. He quickly rolls over the EurAsuian Champion for a sudden pin attempt but it is a fruitless endeavour with Scumm kicking out at a count of 1. Vee uses the nearby ropes to steady himself as he quickly gets back to his feet. Scumm is not as quick back to his feet but does have a ruthless look of unmitigated anger on his features as the camera catches his features. Slowly but surely, Scumm gets back to a vertical base. But it is for naught as Vee immediately follows up his offence with a springboard DDT of his own. The crowd suddenly come alive as this match does the same. Scumm, not knowing when enough is enough tries to get back to his feet once again but Vee is on somewhat of a roll now and immediately nails him with an excellently executed spinning heel kick that takes Scumm back to the canvas. The crowd are on their feet as Vee falls on top of the EurAsian Champion for the cover! 1... 2... Scumm only just manages to lift his shoulder from the canvas!

Cohen: Are you kidding me?

Connor: What an exceptional turnaround this has been from Vee. Moments ago, you would never have bet on this outcome but it really seems as though Scumm has underestimated his opponent.

Vee gets back to his feet, still a little weary from the trials of the match that went before his sudden domination. He gives the crowd a taunt that signals that this match will soon be over; which is met with a mixed response from the crowd. Scumm doesn't know what has hit him lately but he is slow to get back to his feet. Vee trails him from behind, watching as he moves into the corner of the ring and using the ropes and turnbuckles to get back to his feet. As he finally reclaims his vertical base, she spins around to rest in the corner. Vee knows that this is his chance to really kill off the EurAsian Champion and immediately runs at him, ailing him the frontflip senton in the corner! The crowd have seen what that normally leads to before and even more people are on their feet as Scumm falls onto the canvas on his back. Vee slowly goes through the ropes and gives the fans a taunt to signal that the EurAsian Champion is in deep trouble. Slowly but surely Vee starts to mount the turnbuckle. It looks as though Vee is going to try and end this match with THE AIRBORNE END!

Connor: I don't believe what I am seeing here, Jack!Vee is setting up for the finish of this match and the EurAsian Champion has nowhere to go!

Cohen: Come on, Scumm! You're better than this, dammit!

Just as Vee begins to steady himself on the top rope, Scumm quickly rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope and onto the canvas. The let down crowd immediately voice their disapproval but Scumm doesn't seem to care. Vee looks stunned and annoyed by the cowardice of the EurAsian Champion and immediately jumps down from the top rope. The referee pleads with Scumm to bring the match back inside the ring but it looks as though the Champion has had enough of the way this match is going. He moves around the ring slowly as the referee begins his 10 count.


Scumm has almost made a half rotation of the ring by this point as he nears the commentary tables once again. He looks inside the ring to where Vee is waiting for him; always ready to go.

Cohen: Go get him, Scumm!


Scumm is still trying to collect himself in this match but the time is beginning to slip away from him. He gives Vee a horrific look of anger before turning on his heel and heading towards the timekeeper.

Connor: It doesn't look as though Scumm wants any part of his opponent tonight, Jack. Why don't you go ahead and report that!


Scumm grabs his EurAsian Championship from ringside and begins walking off with his title clutched to his chest. The crowd again voice their disappointment as Vee cannot believe what has just happened to this match and his chances of a famous win over the EurAsian Champion. Scumm gives Vee a greedy smile as he continues to clutch his Championship.


The referee signals for the bell as Vee has his head in his hands; completely undone by the cowardice of the supposed Champion.

Anderson: Here is your winner by count out... Vee ADZ!

Despite winning the match, Vee looks stunned and raging as Scumm continues up the ramp; continually looking at Vee and smiling widely.

Cohen: Great tactical loss that one, CC. Scumm has bigger fish to fry than the likes of Vee. He's got Kingdom Come to prepare for after all!

Connor: Vee has been absolutely robbed of a great win here tonight, folks. I don't think this will be the end of the hatred between these two.


As Scumm rounds the curtain, the EurAsian Championship still clutched in his hands, he meets the gaze of a few disgusted WZCW workers. Not one to be dettered by what others think of him, Scumm gives them the middle finger and a look of disgust before start*ing down the corridor.

Voice: You can't run forever, you know?

Hearing the voice, Scumm quickly turns his head to find Titus sitting on a chair to his far left. Titus looks pleased with himself as he chows down on an apple in his right hand. Scumm moves towards Titus with an amused look on his features now. Scumm looks the former World Champion up and down before slapping the apple out of his hand and laughing.

Scumm: And what would you know about it, old man?

Titus doesn't seem too bothered by the violent action and the lack of respect that Scum seems to be displaying. Instead, he slowly gets to his feet and moves towards the EurAsian Champion until they are face to face. Some WZCW officials begin to crowd around the two men as they finally get nose to nose. However, Titus doesn't seem to wan to rise to the bait from Scumm and simply gives a laugh of his own.

Titus: I know a lot. I've seen it all in this place. And one thing I know for sure is that everything catches up with you eventually.

Titus begins to walk away but turns slowly as he does.

Titus: Hey, Champ. Keep your eyes peeled, huh? It seems like everyone would like a shot at that Championship of yours.

Scumm lets the look of disgust cross his features again as Titus continues down the corridor.
We cut backstage to where WZCW's newest superstar is waiting for us, large pizza box in hand and a massive smile on his face. The pizza box itself has a picture of Galucci's face on it but remains closed.

Galucci: Hello, WZCW world! As you have probably recognised, I am indeed the Gino Galucci! You've probably seen my around the world on the boxes of the world famous Galucci pizza box?

Gino pauses for a momonet, almost as if he is waiting for the world to respond to his claims. Nodding his head in recognition of his own missing recognition, Gino continues.

Galucci: Since my debut at Lethal Lottery, a lot have people have been asking me about who I am and what I stand for. Well, what better way to sum me up and for me to explain that you... Than a pizza with all my favourite toppings?

Gino gives a massive smile as he opens the pizza box, revealing the most delicious looking pizza; emerging through the heat smoke. Gino allows everyone to take it all in; a mixture of beautiful colours.

Galucci: Look at that, beautiful isn't it? Smooth as you like, that American cheese just sets the base perfectly. Pepperoni for that classic authentic taste. Mushrooms because... Well... Well, because they are delicious. Jalapeños for that extra piece of flavour and that extra bite. And of course, Galucci's trademarked sauce that holds all of the secrets to success. Just like this pizza's ingredients, I am full of bite. I am smooth as you like in the ring and I am totally delicious. But more than, the secret to what makes me so good is just that... A secret.

At that, Kendrick Xavier walks past the rookie and nudges the pizza from the arms of Gino, knocking it to the floor. Gino looks stunned as he peers past the cardboard box to the splattered pizza on the stone floor. Kendrick, not caring about his actions, merely continues on his way, leaving Gino with a sour look on his features and an even more sour taste in his mouth.

Cohen: Wow!

Connor: Well, that could be an omen for Gino in his first proper match in WZCW. It it could give him the incentive to make Xavier and Cassanova pay. We'll find out momentarily.


Anderson: The following match is a triple threat match and is scheduled for one fall!

After a few moments, Cassanova finally makes his way out onto the stage, accompanied by a scarecrow holding a book. Nova gives it a cocky smile before patting it on the shoulder and starting the long walk down to the ring; the fans giving him hell as he walks past them.

Connor: This is a big opportunity for Cassanova here tonight. Just like everyone else in this match. Proving that you are the best in the business is tough and it doesn't get much tougher than a triple threat match.

Cohen: We'll see, Cat. I like this Kid. He doesn't care what anyone thinks and that's important. I've got a good feeling about his future here.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 200 pounds... “The Bookworm” Cassanova!!

In his trademarked style, Cassanova begins crawling towards the ring before finally reaching it. He slinks under the bottom rope and mounts the far turnbuckle. He gives the crowd a quick taunt that is met with a chorus of booing before dropping back to the canvas and waiting for his opponents to arrive.

As the music begins, the lights dim down and a flickering gold spotlight forms on the stage. A few seconds later, Kendrick comes wheeling out on a Hovertrax vehicle dressed in a traditional boxer's robe with "X-Man" scrolling across the back of his robe. He smiles and waves to the crowd as he rolls down the ramp, soaking in the reaction that he's getting.

Anderson: Now introducing, weighing in at 215 pounds. The”X-Man” Kendrick Xavier!!

Connor: Well, as you seen a little earlier, Kendrick is undoubtedly focussed for this match. Just ask poor Gino Galucci and his pizza.

Cohen: This isn't a restaurant, Cat. You have to be focussed in this line of work. You can't waste your time on baking pizzas when everyone else is focussing on beating you into little bits. I don't blame Kendrick Xavier for getting rid of that pizza.

He stops at the time keeper's area and steps away from the Hovertrax and climbs up to the ring apron. Xavier moves into the ring and scales up the turnbuckle, pumping his arms to get the crowd hyped up. He finally jumps down and gets his last stretches out of the way as he waits for his final opponent.

After a few seconds, Gino Galucci appears on the stage, the same look of disgust and anger on his face from moments ago. He doesn't waste any time on getting down to business as he makes a run for the ring and, perhaps, for his opponents.

Anderson: And finally, weigh-

Cohen: Forget the intro, get out of there! Galucci has some retribution to claim! I love it!

As soon as Gino reaches the ring, he slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. He quickly gets back to his feet and then runs at Xavier; launching into a jumping Lou Thesz press and following up with some heavy punches. The referee signals for the bell and this match is underway. Punch after punch rains down on the technology fanatic as tears begin to form in the corner of Galucci's eyes. After a moment of shock; and perhaps just allowing Galucci to get the upper hand on Xavier, Cassanova decides to get involved in the match. Sauntering over to where Galucci and Xavier are scrapping, he finally grabs Galucci by the head pulls him to his feet. But Galucci has started this match like a greyhound out of the traps and begins pounding on Cassanova without any hesitation. Backwards he drives Cassanova with some nicely executed chops to the chest. All the way back to the ring ropes he drives him; lighting up his chest as he does so. Eventually, Galucci grabs the arm of Cassanova and whips him across the ring. Unfortunately for Xavier; who is just getting to his feet, Cassanova crashes into him rather unceremoniously, knocking him through the ropes and out onto the floor below. Galucci gives the arena a smile as the fans begin to show their appreciation for such a good start to a WZCW career. Galucci wastes no time though as he moves towards Cassanova on the nearby canvas. WZCW's resident bookworm doesn't seem to know much about what is going on as Galucci pulls him back to his feet; the impact of earlier still messing with his faculties. But Galucci doesn't care one jot as he measures him and then nails him with an European uppercut that doesn't make the situation any better for Cassanova. Nova recoils backwards and bounces off of the ropes. Galucci looks to follow up his great offensive start with another attack. But from nowhere, Cassanova finds a burst of energy and rolls Galucci up with a pin. The shock of the move is reflected in the burst of noise from the crowd. Te referee gets in position and Galucci's shoulders are down! 1... 2... Kick out with absolutely no time to spare. The crowd let out a sigh of relief as this match carries on and both men get back to their feet without any great fuss. Galucci looks angry with himself for allowing that to happen but Cassanova knows that he has to follow up on his shock pinfall attempt whilst Galluci is vulnerable. Galluci runs at the bookworm but is met with a startling kick to the jaw. Not done there, Cassanova follows it up with a Hurricarana that sends Galucci under the bottom rope and out onto the floor below.

Connor: What a blistering pace to this match already. All three of these guys seem full of energy, so I don't see this one being a 40-minute classic.

Cohen: Galucci is the unknown quantity for my money. The attack on Xavier to start this match off is exactly the sort of impact that a new wrestler needs to make in this business.

Connor: And all over a pizza...

Cassanova puts both of his arms up, taunting the crowd; who meet his gesture with a flurry of booing and hatred. But Cassanova looks very pleased with his work as Galucci nurses his back on the outside of the ring. But there is something that even Cassanova has forgotten about... But not for long as Xavier enters the ring and nails Cassanova with a clubbing double axe handle from behind. The crowd burst into life once again as Xavier begins to take his early-match frustrations out on Cassanova. Stomping with his right boot, it looks as though Xavier is a man possessed. Picking Cassanova up until his opponent is on his knees, Xavier looks to deal some major impact early on. He grabs the arms and locks in the double under-hooks before hoisting Cassanova into the air and planting him with a suplex that shakes the ring. The crowd, once again, explode into life as the impact of Cassanova hitting the canvas reverberates around the arena. Wasting little time, however, Xavier is soon back on his feet and looking to inflict yet more punishment on his opponent. He walks over to Cassanova, who is still lying motionless on the canvas before turning him over and immediately locking him the camel clutch. There is nowhere for the bookworm to go and the bottom rope seems like it is a long way away. The pain in Cassanova's eyes is plain for everyone to see as Xavier cranks back on the hold, trying to inflict the most damage. But, thankfully for Cassanova, the submission is broken as Galucci re-enters the ring and lands a swift kick to the back of Xavier's unprotected head. Cassanova slouches into a heap as Xavier slumps beside him. Galucci knows that he must seize the opportunity and covers Cassanova for the first time in the match. The referee counts the fall as the crowd holds it's breath. 1... 2... Kick out! Galucci gets back to his knees and runs his hands through his hair in disbelief. But he is quickly back on the offensive as he uses his boot to roll Cassanova towards the edge of the ring and clear some space for himself to take the fight to Xavier.

Cohen: Stay calm, kid!

Connor: I did point out that this match seems to be being wrestled at a hundred miles an hour, and the energy coming from all three men is a sight to behold. But you're right, Jack, Galucci can't get down on his luck at this juncture. He needs to keep on doing what he has been doing and picking the bones.

Cohen: A triple threat match is all about dealing as much damage as possible and then getting out of there. A smart wrestler allows the other two to beat the Hell out of each other and then, as you say, picks up the scraps.

The look on Xavier's face suggests that he doesn't know where he is at present after that damaging kick to the back of his skull. But Galucci doesn't seem to mind as he slowly picks Xavier back up. Moving Xavier back into the corner, Galucci nails him with an excellent flurry of punches and chops as he extends his advantage in this contest. The crowd seem to be totally invested in Gino and his energy as he mounts the turn-buckle and begins raining down punches on his helpless opponent; the crowd counting them with excitement as he does.

Crowd: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6...

Cohen: Careful now!

But the inexperience of Galucci shows as he stops his punches for a moment to give a wide smile to the assembles masses. Xavier seizes the opportunity to turn the tide in his own favour and immediately tosses Galucci over the top rope and crashing to the floor once again. The crowd are stunned by the horrific bump that Galucci takes as he begins to moan on the outside of the ring. Far from being victorious, however, Xavier slumps into the corner and begins to unscramble his brain. But the time for recovery is short as Cassanova begins to roll into the ring once again. Knowing that he has to take the offensive in this match, Xavier uses the top ropes to pull himself back to his feet. Xavier measures his opponent as Cassanova struggles to reclaim his vertical base. Once he does though, Xavier immediately runs at him and looks to take the fight to him, But, surprisingly, Cassanova rallies and hit Xavier with a stunning clothesline that blows the match wide open once again! The crowd are stunned by the resilience of all three men as a few different chants begin throughout the arena; with even the fans unsure of who they want to win this match. Cassanova, however, doesn't seem to have the energy to make the cover and instead uses the time to try and recover before any more harm can befall him. But as Xavier begins to stir, Cassanova knows that the time for action is now. He rolls onto his stomach and uses the ropes to get himself back to a vertical base; studying Xavier as if he were a good book. As Xavier finally makes his way back to a vertical base, Cassanova runs at him, looking to deal some major damage with a running high knee. But Xavier moves out of the way at the last second, causing Cassanova to miss. Cassanova immediately turns around in an effort to reclaim the advantage but is absolutely flattened with a twist of fate! Both men hit the canvas as Xavier slowly crawls across the ring and drops and arm over the fallen bookworm! 1... 2... From nowhere, Galucci enters the ring and breaks the count!

Connor: I thought that was it!

Cohen: What did we say earlier, Cat? Galucci is picking his moments to strike.

Connor: Well, he left it late enough. These guys have just pounded holy hell out of each other in this match; it really is anyone game at this stage. It's been back and forth for so much of this match. You have to believe that one moment of madness or brilliance will mean the difference between an impressive win and a crushing defeat.

The crowd burst into life again as Xavier looks utterly stunned that he hasn't won the match. But Galucci is quickly upon him; looking to take the lead in this match once again. He nails Xavier with a few stomps before picking him up and exhibiting some well-placed energy. He backs Xavier up into the nearby ropes and then whips him across the ring. Upon his return, Galucci jumps onto the ropes and then launches himself off of them, connecting beautifully with a springboard dropkick! Galucci gets onto his knees quickly and crawls towards where Xavier lying before covering him. The crowd holds it's breath as the referee counts the fall! 1... 2... Xavier manages to roll a shoulder out with no time to spare! Galucci can't believe it and immediately begins laying into Xavier with some stiff shots. He covers him once again, looking to pick up his first win in WZCW! The referee counts once more. 1... 2- Xavier manages to roll a shoulder out once again, this time a little quicker than last. Galucci gets to his knees and puts one hand to his forehead; struggling to comprehend how someone can keep kicking out from the punishment they have gone through. Galucci, undeterred by what is going on, gets back to his feet and moves over towards Cassanova. He immediately gets on top of him and looks for the cover once again! The referee counts a third successive pinfall! 1- Kick out from WZCW's resident bookworm! The crowd begin to laugh as the desperation begins to show on the features of Galucci. He gets back onto his knee before a look of, almost, epiphany crosses his features. Gino gets back to his feet before dropping three successful elbow drops to the back of Cassanova. Nova looks as though his goose is cooked in this match as Gino uses his boot to roll him out of the ring and moves back towards Xavier. He grabs at the head of Xavier in an attempt to pick him up but Xavier is ready for him and pulls him to the canvas with a sudden burst of energy of his own. Quickly, Xavier manages to transition into the STF and Galucci is in a world of trouble and pain!

Connor: Well, it looks as though Galucci finally cracked under the pressure of trying to find his first win in WZCW and has let his game plan slip through his fingers.

Cohen: Let me tell you something, Cat, that move is locked in tight. And when you are right in the middle of the ring like Gino finds himself in right now, the ropes seem like an eternity away. Let's see what this kid is really made of...

Connor: This match has been so competitive. But this could spell the end!

Galucci has nowhere to go as he struggles against the move in the middle of the ring. The crowd are stunned by the sudden turnaround in this match but not for the first time. Xavier cranks back on the chin of his opponent in an attempt to put this match to bed and finish it off once and for all. But Galucci is in no mood to allow this match to slip through his fingers so unceremoniously. Slowly but surely, he pulls himself across the canvas as the referee continues to ask him if he wants to give up. But the former boxer-turned pizza maker shakes his head vehemently, slowly moving towards the bottom rope and his ultimate salvation in this match. Galucci reaches out for the ropes and with one more nudge forward should reach it... But just as he touches the ropes, Xavier pulls him back into the middle of the ring and, amazingly, re-applies the exact same hold. The pained cries of agony that were coming from Galucci are now magnified and cranked up as the pizza maker has to try and escape the hold once more! The referee continues to ask Galucci if he wants to give up but it seems as though Galucci has a lot of fight left in him as, once again, he begins to crawl across the canvas with Xavier on his back. Finally, the bottom rope is within his reach. Galucci raises his hands into the air for extra length and then makes a grab for the bottom rope. BUT ONCE AGAIN, Xavier pulls him back into the middle of the ring! Xavier goes to lock in the STF for the third time in the match! But Galucci uses all of his energy to instead roll through and put Xavier in a small package! This could be it as the referee counts the sudden pinfall attempt! 1... 2... Kick out! So close for the pizza maker of WZCW!

Cohen: No way!

Connor: I don't believe what I am seeing here tonight. These guys have been bating each other with such venom and no one can seem to put this match to bed! I really thought that Gino would tap when that hold was locked in the second time but it seems as though Xavier got carried away this time.

Cohen: What a match!

After what seems like an eternity, both men start to get back to their vertical base but Gino is now requiring the use of the ropes to do so; the pain in his legs and lower back obviously taking a toll on the rookie. Gino falls against the ropes as Xavier slowly gets to his feet in the middle of the ring. But from behind Xavier comes Cassanova, who has re-introduced himself into the match. He nails Xavier with a running clubbing blow to the back of his head and then targets Gino; who is still resting against the ropes. Cassanova runs at the pizza chef and hits him with a running clothesline that takes the rookie to the outside again, his legs buckling beneath him as he lands. Cassanova raises both arms into the air as he finally regains the momentum in the match. But it is very short-lived indeed as he turns back to his immediate opponent; Xavier. But in his haste to celebrate, Cassanova has allowed Xavier too much time to recover! X-CHIP! Xavier falls onto his opponent as he lands his finisher. The referee counts the fall! 1... 2... 3! It's all over!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner... Kendrick Xavier!

Connor: Wow! What a match that was. And what a great showing from everyone involved. Xavier picks up the win here tonight but Cassanova and Gino were definitely impressive.

Cohen: I have to give it to these three guys. A triple threat is a hard match to stand out in but they managed it. I don't think this is the last time we see these guys come together.

Xavier is helped to his feet by the referee, who then hoists his arm into the air. On the outside of the ring, Gino Galucci uses the apron to pull himself up long enough to see Xavier having his arm raised in victory. Gino looks stunned and upset but gives an understanding nod to suggest that he enjoyed his first WZCW outing.

Cohen: No shame in losing like that, Kid.
Anderson: This match is scheduled for one fall!

Beethoven’s music fills the arena as the crowd grows eerie realizing who’s about to come out. The theme quickly transitions before a spotlight shines down on a figure on the entrance ramp – Steven Holmes, cane in hand. As if presenting a circus act, Holmes motions with his hands for all to behold – Abel Hunnicutt makes appears on the entrance alongside his master. Together, they begin marching down the ring only for Abel to speed up as he opens the ropes for his master to enter.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Deadhorse, Alaska – weighing in at 267 pounds – ABEL HUNNICUTT!

Connor: Coming off the heels of Lethal Lottery, you have to be impressed with Abel’s performance. Not only did he show the WZCW universe what he’s capable of, but he almost won the Lethal Lottery match. If that doesn’t impress you, I don’t know what will.

Cohen: Yeah yeah. Abel was able to be one of the last people eliminated from the match but that’s just it Cat, he was eliminated – he didn’t win.

Connor: Tell that to the giant who’s looking at you right now.

Indeed Abel towers over the top rope and gives the commentary team an odd look – mostly towards Cohen. Boos rain down on Abel and Holmes as they await the next competitor.

Anderson: His opponent, from the Last Chance Saloon – weighing in at 15 stone – GARTH BLACK!

Garth Black is met with some cheers from the crowd as he tries his best to pump up the hometown crowd. The cameras get a close up look at Black, who then looks into the camera and says, “Let’s go to work.” Downing his water bottle about ¼ the way through, he begins making his way down the entranceway.

Cohen: Why is Garth Black even still in this business? It’s not like he’s done anything noteworthy as of late – hell, for a very long time actually.

Connor: Never underestimate the spirit that Black possesses, Jack. Just you wait, I think he’ll surprise a lot of people right here.

Black enters the ring before scaling the nearest turnbuckle to acknowledge the fans once more garnering him a big ovation from the crowd. Referee Keith Morse has to back up Abel who was getting a little too close for comfort which Black responds to by smirking. Before long, both competitors are ready and Morse calls for the bell.

With a head full of steam, Abel runs towards Black looking to steamroll right through him but Black anticipates this and dodges, retreating to the other corner. Holmes can be heard telling Abel to get Black and destroy him. Abel, heeding his master’s commands, tries to steamroll Black once again, only for Black to dodge yet again. Black wags his finger not only towards Abel but towards Holmes as well which gets him a pop from the crowd. This obviously pisses off Abel who tries a clothesline, but Black sees this just in time and scores with a go-behind. Seeing an opening, Black uses it to land a loud enziguri to the back of Abel’s head – stunning the monster. Abel is a little spaghetti-legged and Black uses this opportunity to sweep the legs from under the monster. Abel lands with a loud thud right on the math. Black quickly scales to the second rope and leaps off – Diving Elbow right to the heart of Abel! Black quickly shoots the half of Abel’s massive leg.

ONE ...
TWO ...

Connor: Black is looking good right now. Not only that but he's playing games with Holmes as well.

Cohen: Yeah, he won't be able to keep this up.

Abel’s strength is shown here as he basically threw Black off of him to kickout of that one. He rolls out of the ring towards his master, looking to gain advice. Holmes can be heard telling Abel to get up and unleash his inner monster. Black tries to go to the outside but referee Keith Morse stops him from doing so. Morse instructs Abel to get back into the ring. It takes a few seconds for Abel to find his bearings but he seemingly clears the cobwebs and rolls back into the ring. As soon as he does, Black begins stomping on Abel. This worked for a few second before Abel shoves Black away. When Black tries to go on the offensive again, he’s met with boot right between the eyes. The crowd can be heard oooh-ing at that high impact move from Abel. Now it’s Abel’s turn for some offense. He picks up Black and places him on his shoulders. Abel then runs towards the turnbuckle and drops Black so that his head connects with the top turnbuckle. Abel whips himself to the ropes and on the rebound – lands a devastating European Uppercut that not only floors back but makes him land a few feet from the center of the ring. Instead of going for a conventional pin, Abel simply puts his boot on Black’s torso.

ONE ...
TWO ...

Connor: Maybe if he actually pinned him the right way, this match would've been over. Nonetheless, Abel continues to impress with all these power moves he's dishing out.

Cohen: Why don't you go and tell him that Cat? Let me know how that goes.

Connor: Whatever.

The cameras pick up Holmes applauding his protégé and instructs him to not let up and to keep doing what he’s currently doing. A devious smile creeps up on the face of Abel, before turning back to Black. The Wales native tries his best to get to his feet, using Abel to try and balance himself. Abel lets him before pushing him towards the ropes – on the rebound, Abel lifts Black to the air and drops him down with a flapjack. Not only that but Abel jumps and lands a Double Foot Stomp right on Black’s torso. Unlike earlier, Abel drops down and hooks both legs.

ONE ...
TWO ...

Abel isn’t satisfied and tries another pin.

ONE ...
TWO ...

Abel and Holmes are now screaming at referee Keith Morse but Abel doesn’t get up from his position. He goes for a third pin in a row.

ONE ...
TWO ...

Connor: Abel's starting to get frustrated here. That can't be good for Black.

Cohen: You're damn right Cat. Smartest thing you've said the entire night.

The crowd pops at the resilience of Black but this only angers Abel even more. Because of that, Abel simply gets Black to his feet and dumps him outside of the ring through the middle rope. Abel goes to the corner to seek advice from Holmes yet again. The two are head-to-head discussing possible attacks. The cameras pick up Black trying to make his way into the ring. Before long, Abel separates from his master with Black inside the ring just in time for Abel to do more damage. Abel gets Black to his feet once more and whips him hard towards the turnbuckle. Almost immediately, Abel runs with Black and scores a huge splash in the corner. Abel whips Black to the other corner and as soon as Black turns around, Abel’s entire body comes flying in towards him – SPLASH!

Abel admires his work and looks towards his master who gives him a nod. Abel doesn’t let up and again gets Black to his feet. He whips Black across the ropes, here it comes – Superiority Reflex! NO! Abel was able to pop Black up but instead of the Uppercut landing, Black scores with a dropkick right on the kisser. Abel wasn’t expecting that as he moves backwards, sitting on the middle rope. Black uses this opportunity to run towards Abel and dropkick him right out of the ring. The crowd is getting into it now as they pop huge for Black’s momentary offense. Referee Keith Morse checks on Black first and then Abel, who is getting screamed at by Holmes to get up. Black obviously uses this time to catch a breather but knows he can’t take too long.

Connor: I told you, Jack! Black is showing some incredible heart here. This is just what he needs.

Cohen: Like I said earlier, he won’t be able to keep this up. Trust me.

Finally getting a breather, Black rolls out of the ring. He comes eye-to-eye with Holmes. Referee Keith Morse is heard shouting a warning to Holmes not to get involved. Holmes steps away from Abel which prompts Black to try and get Abel to his feet. When he does, Black whips Abel shoulder-first right through the steel steps! The top step flies off from its original position. Referee Keith Morse tells Black to bring the action back inside the ring but Black pays no attention, prompting Morse to begin his count.


Black then begins stomping on Abel, letting out his frustrations. With the action spilling outside, a fan is seen offering Black a bottle of water. Black sees this but swipes it away, getting him boos from the crowd. Black again begins stomping away at Abel.

Connor: New attitude shown here by Black. Definitely not winning over the crowd here tonight with that move.

Cohen: Huh, maybe this guy isn’t a waste of space.

Black gets back into the ring before rolling out once again. It looks like Black intends to win this one inside the ring. Once he rolls Abel inside the ring, Abel finds the corner to try and get a breather but Black runs towards him and connects with a splash of his own! He climbs the second rope and begins raining down punches on the skull of Abel – the crowd counting along with the punches.


Referee Keith Morse gets Black down to the ring before he’s able to finish off the typical 10 punches. Holmes then gets on the apron, swinging his cane around. Morse goes over to Holmes to stop him from interfering. Before long, Abel turns Black around, kicks him in the gut, and scores with a Swinging Neckbreaker - NO! Black spins through it and nails Abel with a lowblow! With the monster down, Black immediately scales the turnbuckle. He doesn't waste anytime and leaps off the top turnbuckle – The Come Down connects! Holmes sees the entire sequence as his eyes go big towards Black. The referee looks back to see what Holmes is looking at and he sees Black pinning Abel.

ONE ...
TWO ...

Anderson: Here is your winner – GARTH BLACK!

Connor: No way. Did you see that?! Did he just do that?

Before Cohen is able to respond, Black is right in front of their announce desk. He slams the desk with his hands and gets up close and personal with Cohen.

Black: I told you! I told you! I told you I'd win!

Connor is shocked at the attitude displayed here tonight by Garth Black. The crowd feels the same way as boos rain down from the crowd. Black steps away only for referee Keith Morse to try and raise his hand in victory. Black swipes his hand away from Morse and begins walking away. However, he stares at Holmes, who is staring right back at him. A devious smirk comes to Black's face while Holmes is not impressed.

Connor: Well, I had a feeling we'd see Garth Black come through tonight but not in this way.

Cohen: You're telling me. Get that maniac away from me. Where the hell is security?!
We cut backstage and into the locker room, where Logan McAllister and Armando Paradyse sit on the on the wooden benches; getting themselves sorted for the upcoming match. After a moment of searching in his bah, Logan shoots to his feet and throws his water bottle against the wall. Unmoved by Logan's action, Armando continues to pull his knee pads on.

Logan: I'm totally on edge, man! What a chance... What an opportunity for us!

Armando raises his head for a moment as Logan continues to pace around the locker room without any real direction or purpose.

Logan: Here we are, the newest tag team on the block and they've put us up against the WZCW Tag Team Champions! Do you realise that a win here tonight could put us in the Tag Team Championship match against Live Mas at Kingdom Come? That's all! One win away from challenging from a title at Kingdom Come.

Logan gives a wide smile as Armando continues to ignore him.

Logan: Hayden is going to be so proud of his old man after tonight, let me tell you. And when I take him to Kingdom Come this year, he's going to love everything about WZCW even more. Everything I've worked for, everyt-

Armando: Hold it right there, man! Let me tell you something. I've been around the block enough times to tell you that nothing is set in stone. And the Tag Champs are something else. Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage beat Cerberus for those Championships, damn it! Now get your head out of your ass, focus on tonight's match and let's make sure that we show everyone what the Men of Mayhem are all about!

Logan gives Armando a smile as Armando finally gets to his feet. Sharing a fist bump, the Men of Mayhem leave the locker room and approach their fate.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


As the slow music begins, Constantine enters the arena, the burlap sack over his head. He slowly walks from side to side of the stage; every now and then putting his hands to his head. He slowly moves down the ramp, a single beam of light illuminating him, the rest of the arena plunged into darkness. When he arrives at the ring, he slinks under the bottom rope and removes the mask; revealing his tired features.

Harrys: From The Depths of Despair, weighing 265 pounds, Constantine!!!

Connor: The political mind is now gone. We are seeing a new Constantine before our eyes. One we should "expect".

Copeland: This Constantine scares me. There is no telling what this man will do now...


Alhazred walks through the curtains with his fist raised high. He stops at the top of the ramp and looks around at the crowd. He looks at his hand, twists his wrist and bends his fingers before heading down the ramp. He slides in the ring and walks around it holding his fist in the air. He goes to a corner and talks to himself.

Harrys: And the challenger, from His Secret Underground Laboratory, weighing 178 pounds, Alhazred!!!

Connor: ...yet this creep scares me more.

Copeland: If there is any man in the back that can step up to the dark Consty, it's Alhazred. "Expect" gyrations tonight!


Both men square up to one another- face to face without a hint of pacifism in their eyes. The audience watch the display of charisma with bated breath. Constantine looks down on Al, and tilts his head in mock fashion. Not to be upstaged, the mad scientist takes his hands, places them on his own head, and profusely starts thrusting his hips. This gets the crowd roaring, but Constantine decks him in the face to end the taunting.

He stomps Alhazred into the ground until referee Katie Shepard instructs him to stop. He gives the ref a look and returns to his work, but Al slides out of the ring to get a breather.

Copeland: The show to win over the audience may have been in vain. Neither men are in the WZCW Universe's good graces right now.

Connor: But only one of these men are professional. Root for him.

Copeland: The guy wearing a burlap sack?

Connor: A professional burlap sack.

Alhazred eggs the former politician outside of the ring and begins a wild sprint around the ring. Contantine right on his tail. Constantine manages to catch up and clubs him across his back! The referee is at a count 3! when Alhazred is rolled back into the ring. In manic fury, Alhazred rolls back up, rebounds off the ropes, and hits Contantine with a Springboard Clothesline! With John down, Al lands a Fist Drop, a Fist Drop, a very lewd gesture is made with his hand, and finally a third Fist Drop! Constantine reels away into a corner as Katie Shepard keeps Al from following up.

Copeland: Oh come on, let these two duke it out!

Connor: She's doing her job, SeaBass. Jesus.

Constantine and Alhazred meet in the center of the ring for a test of strength. A quick back and forth struggle gives Constantine the upper hand and shoves Al into a turnbuckle. As Constantine grabs Al, Al kicks him in the midsection and executes a DDT...Constantine's head connects with the lower turnbuckle! John covers his face in pain as Alhazred pulls him to the center of the ring. Seeing an opportunity, he steps away and climbs the top rope.

He jumps...

Diving Fist Drop...???

It hits! Alhazred puts John Constantine down and hooks the leg for the pin.



Constantine kicks out! Alhazred wastes no time with a flurry of elbow drops to his face. Over and over again they fall until Katie Shepard gets to her 5 count. Pissed, Alhazred goes to the corner where Constantine's burlap sack is.

Copeland: he?


After Alhazred dry humps the bag's eyeholes, he tosses it out of the ring. This gives Constantine time to get up. Alhazred with a Level 5!!! Constantine ducks, turns around, and lifts Alhazred up into The Cabin In The Woods!!! ALHAZRED IS DOWN AND THE REFEREE STARTS THE PIN COUNT!



But Constantine notices his sack is on the outside of the ring and breaks his own pin! A maddening fury escapes the man as he mounts Alhazred and proceeds with Recompense! The multiple strikes land squarely into Al and busts his forehead wide open. Blood flows down into his eyes.

Copeland: My god...stop it, Constantine!

Connor: This...this isn't right.

Laughing to himself, Constantine picks Alhazred back up. Alhazred swipes at him with what he has left, but it's ineffective. The smile is broken when Constantine sees a familiar person standing on the ramp- watching the fight commence.

Connor: That can't be.

Copeland: It is! S.H.I.T.

With the distraction, Alhazred bellows in anger- Face Hugger! But the move doesn't follow through, it does stagger Constantine though, who pulls Al to the ground for an STF. The STF is locked in and Alhazred fights with all he has. He clutches his hand into a fist, refusing to tap out. Blood covers the entirety of his face and it blinds him. He doesn't see S.H.I.T. standing on the ramp. He struggles and tugs but cannot get to the bottom rope.

Copeland: For the love of GOD, Al- tap! Save yourself here!

Connor: He's too crazy to tap. He's going to pass out.

True to Connor's words, Alhazred starts to lull his head and the fist lies against the mat as if dead. Referee Katie Shepard takes his hand into her own, raises it, and let's go...

Katie: "1!!"

She raises it a second time...

Katie: "2!!"

A final time...

Katie: "3!!"

Katie calls for the bell. Constantine lets go, surprised that Alhazred didn't tap after the barrage of attacks. S.H.I.T. turns and leaves as mysteriously as he appeared. Al continues to sleep against the canvas until officials pull him up.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Constantine!!!

Copeland: But what a showing for Alhazred. Fighting until he couldn't fight anymore. He had to bleed to be put down it seems.

Connor: Brave showing, yeah. But Constantine had the offense from the get-go. But what was up with Al's old partner S.H.I.T.? Do I smell a Hard Metal Penetration Reunion?

Copeland: There's no telling. All I know is we are definitely on the road to Kingdom Come Seven.


We cut backstage to see Stacey Madison running in front of a shaky camera. It seems as though the picture being shown is of the backstage arena but it is hard to tell.

Madison: Keep up, Larry! I swear to God if we miss him I'm going to freak out!

The camera continues to shake until Stacey seems to come to a slower pace. Finally, the camera stops shaking as Larry as also comes to a halt; hot on the heels of the female interviewer for WZCW. He gets closer as she peers her head around the corner. Larry does the same until the large and imposing figure of the former Heavyweight Champion; Constantine, can be seen.

Madison: Constantine! If I could get a word with you for just one moment?

Stacey makes a break for Constantine but the Power Trip seems less than interested in what Stacey has to say. He shoves his way past her and then seemingly hits Larry as he passes the camera. Stacey turns around quickly before Constantine can turn the corner and yells towards him; a determined look on her face.

Madison: How disappointed are you that Ty Burna is going into the Hall of Fame before you?

Constantine stops suddenly as if a bolt of lightning has paralysed him into submission. Constantine slowly turns his head as Larry and the camera back off slowly until they are safely behind Stacey; who seems fearless in the face of the ruthless monster.

Constantine: Disappointed? I don't think so. Raging? Humiliated? Perhaps those are better words than the one you have so will fully chosen.

The Power Trip walks towards Stacey but she stands her ground despite swallowing hard.

Constantine: Ty Burna being inducted into the Hall of Fame? How do you think I feel, Stacey? Everything I have done for this place, all of the things I have sacrificed and this is how I am repaid? Having my nose rubbed in it? Well, mark my words, Stacey, this matter is far from finished. Glory is my ultimate goal and those who sit atop the mountain should beware of the sharp fall.

The lights in the hallway begin to flicker on and off as Constantine seems to disappear. When the lights come back on, Constantine has donned his burlap sack and moves menacingly towards the camera. Suddenly, he shoots towards it, obscuring it in black; his demonic laugh can be heard through the darkness.

Constantine: Expect me!
Anderson: This match is scheduled for one fall!


Armando Paradyse and Logan McAllister step out onto the stage under a shower of flashing red lights. Brittany steps out on front of them as they pose for a second before making their way to the ring, running their mouths to the fans the whole way.

Anderson: Introducing first, accompanied by their manager and weighing in at a combined weight of 525 pounds...Men! Of! Mayhem!

Connor: We've seen these two before, Jack, not having the best of luck as singles wrestlers, but they seem to be refocused under the tutelage of Ms. O' Shea.

Cohen: They'll need to be, if they want to stand a chance tonight.

Connor: This young tag team certainly looks to hit the ground running against an experienced team that has had their own troubles of late.

Cohen: If you knew anything about Cerberus, and why would you, you'd know that they're fine. You'll see that here tonight.

Logan and Armando flank Brittany in the ring as she continues to run her mouth at the front row.

Anderson: And their opponents...


Ramparte slithers onto the stage, clutching his cane, glaring into the ring at his opponents.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, the Catalyst of WZCW...Ramparte!

Connor: Where's Eve, if they're on the same page?

Cohen: I'm sure she just wanted to let Ramparte get a little of the spotlight himself, after suffering two tough losses at Lethal Lottery.

As Ramparte pulls himself to his feet, and makes his way down the ramp...


Anderson: And making her way down the runway, the reigning Elite X champion, hailing from Milan, Italy...Eve...Taylor!

Eve poses at the top of the stage, holding her new belt above her head as she flashes a smile towards the crowd. Ramparte turns and looks on as his partner struts past him towards the ring.

Cohen: See? They're on the same page, even entering the ring together.

Connor: I'm not sure they're even in the same book, but congratulations to Eve for being the first woman to hold two different titles in WZCW history.

Cohen: The buzz around the locker room is that she had quite the unique celebration with her new belt, Cat.

The two teams face off as Anderson and Brittany exit the ring. Eve tells Ramparte she'll start as the bell rings. Armando opens up with right hands as the bell rings, and staggers Eve into the ropes. An Irish whip is followed up by a hard short-arm clothesline that rocks Eve to the mat. Armando smiles at the crowd as Eve pulls herself to her feet, and backs him off with an elbow. Armando tries for a test of strength, but is met with a knife edge chop that rushes the blood to his skin. Another one backs him into the ropes, and Eve give him an Irish whip of her own. She loads up a big boot, but Armando telegraphs it and slides under her leg, countering with an atomic drop. He leans off the ropes and takes Eve down with a running bulldog, before making the tag.

Logan rushes into the ring for a cover. 1...Kickout. He pulls Eve to her feet and whips her into the far corner. He follows her in with a knee to the gut, and throws her out with an exploder suplex.

Connor: Eve desperately needs to make the tag. She seems to have underestimated just how motivated these young guns might be.

Cohen: They'll be fine. It's still early.

Eve gets to her feet, almost as if by reflex, and is met with a spinebuster followed by multiple elbows and forearms as she protects her face with her arms. She gets her feet into Logan's midsection and is able to push him off. She gets to her feet, and slaps Logan across the face hard as Brittany yells from outside. Logan grabs his face and looks at Eve in disbelief, who then follows up with a backhand before charging in for a takedown, that is countered into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Logan grabs her leg and drags her to the corner, tagging in Armando. He enters the ring with a springboard leg drop across the face, but the standing moonsault is met by knees. Eve crawls across the ring as Armando clutches his chest, trying to catch his breath.

Eve dives and makes the tag, as Logan tags himself in, saving his partner. Ramparte and Logan meet in the middle of the ring, with Logan getting the better of his smaller opponent as they trade a flurry of punches. Logan attempts another exploder suplex, but Ramparte flips out, landing on his feet. He drops a quick series of elbows onto Logan before he can even realize what happens. He attempts a cover, hooking the leg. 1...Kickout. He pulls Logan to his feet, and sends him into the corner. He follows through with a European uppercut that knocks Logan off his feet, and follows up with a boot choke against the bottom turnbuckle.

1...2...3...Ramparte releases the hold as the ref backs him up. Logan gets to his feet, and makes his way towards Armando for the tag. Ramparte jumps onto the ropes, knocking Armando to the floor, and taking Logan down with a leg lariat. Another cover. 1...2...Kickout!

Cohen: Ramparte has really come into this match like a ball of fire!

Connor: His mind certainly seems to be more focused on this match than Eve's was, but we'll see how long he can keep up this offense against two much larger opponents.

Ramparte and Logan both get to their feet, but immediately are down again as a snap suplex has Logan dazed. Ramparte goes into the ropes for another springboard leg lariat, as Eve tags herself in. Ramparte jumps to his feet and looks confused as Eve steps through the ropes.

The miscommunication allows Logan to roll into his corner, tagging in Armando Paradyse. Armando takes both opponents down with a crossbody and rolls to his feet, smiling for the crowd once again. Ramparte rolls outside, and Eve surprises Armando by raking his back, leaving 8 long welts on his flesh. A high heel kick knocks him to his knees, and Eve takes him down with a Mascanrana. As Armando rolls to his back, Eve stomps him repeatedly before posing to the crowd.

Connor: Ramparte doesn't seem to like the showboating, but you can't blame Eve for feeling a little full of herself right now.

Cohen: I told you, Cat. They'll be fine. Eve is in control, and has earned the right to showboat a little after becoming the new Elite X champ.

As Armando gets to a knee, Eve gives him a sharp kick to the chest, knocking him back down, before mounting him for unblocked elbows to the head, before raking her forearm across the bridge of his nose.

Armando tosses his opponent off and uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet, checking his mouth and nose for blood. Eve grabs two handfuls of hair, but can't take him down. He shoves her into the corner, and attempts a shuffling side kick, but she tags in Ramparte and bails, causing him to get hung up on the top rope. Ramparte delivers a chop, and sets Armando up in a tree of woe. A baseball slide to the face knocks Armando into the ring. As the ref checks on Armando, Ramparte runs the ropes, knocking Logan off the apron with an elbow and dropping a running elbow to the back of Armando's head.

Cohen: Ramparte certainly seems to be channeling some inner aggression tonight. And look at Eve, cheering him on from the apron.

Connor: He'll need to do that, and keep up this pace, if he wants to score a win tonight, Jack. I'm not sure how much longer he can count on Eve's support.

He grabs a handful of hair, and slams his face into the mat, forcing the ref to back him off. Armando is barely on his feet as Ramparte connects with a dropkick, staggering him. Another one has Armando leaning on the ropes, and is followed by an Irish whip. Armando telegraphs the back body drop and counters with a running knee followed by a quick neckbreaker and a lazy pin, lying back on his opponent. 1...Kickout!

Logan: Get your head in the game, Armando!

Brittany repeats the same, and more, from the outside, as Armando gets to his feet with the smile disappearing off his face. Ramparte follows, and is sent right back down with a snap DDT. Armando hooks the leg. 1...2...Kickout!

Armando grabs the hair and delivers 3 more right hands, and another hook of the leg. 1...2...Kickout!

Ramparte rolls out of the ring to regroup, but is met by Logan who rolls him back inside. Ramparte gets to all fours, but a boot to the side of the head knocks him down. Armando shoots the half, and hooks the leg. 1...2...Kickout!

Armando's frustration shows as he slams the mat and yells at the ref. He pulls Ramparte to his feet, and loads up another DDT, but Ramparte counters with a double leg takedown, followed by a stomp to the midsection as he keeps Armando's legs raised. Ramparte ascends the turnbuckles, and drops a knee to Armando's head, before hooking the leg. 1...2...Kickout!

Armando's kickout sends Ramparte almost halfway across the ring, as both men struggle to their feet. A right hand is countered by one in kind. Another! Another! Armando tries to sneak a left, but it's blocked and countered by the Book End! Ramparte covers Armando, burying his elbow into his neck as the ref counts. 1...2...Kickout at 2 and a half!

Connor: Ramparte is beside himself right now, and Eve seems none to pleased on the apron, Jack.

Cohen: He's really given Cerberus some life here, but can't seem to keep the big man down.

As Ramparte pleads with the ref, Armando makes the hot tag to Logan. Logan charges in with a shoulder block, sending Ramparte clear across the ring and through the ropes. Eve comes to his side, but Ramparte shrugs her off. He rolls in, and is greeted by a 1-2 combo, knocking him fact first into the turnbuckle. Logan grabs him and connects with a German suplex, before rolling through another. As he gets to his feet, pulling Ramparte up with him, the agony shows on Ramparte's face. The third and final German suplex leaves him lying motionless on the canvas as Logan goes for a quick pin. 1...2...Kickout with just inches to spare!

Connor: Ramparte's perseverance is certainly paying off. He could really use a tag right now though!

Cohen: Eve looks primed and ready to get in there! Ramparte just needs to find his way into the right corner!

Logan's disbelief shows on the faces of Armando and Brittany as well. He pulls Ramparte to his feet, and signals for The Provider! He tosses him onto his shoulders and pauses, before tossing Ramparte into the air, and Ramparte lands on his feet again! He dives for his corner, but Eve is nowhere to be found!

Cohen: Where is that jezebel?!

Connor: It looks to me, like she's taking her belt and leaving! She's heading for the ramp! And I don't think Ramparte can tell where she is, in his daze!

Logan tags in Armando, and waits for Ramparte to get to his feet. Before he can spot his partner, Logan whips him across the ring, and they connect with the M3! Brittany jumps on the apron and counts with Logan as Armando hooks the leg!


Anderson: Your winners, by pinfall...Men! Of! Mayhem!

Cohen: I can't believe it! They stole that win!

Connor: If Eve didn't have questions to answer after that incident at the Lottery, she surely does now, essentially costing her team the win by bailing on Ramparte, just as he had seemed to be turning the tables!

We'll have to see what comes of this, but even I can't help but think that there just may be something to these rumors swirling around Cerberus!

Logan and Brittany embrace and celebrate, as Armando poses on the turnbuckle. Hayden runs to the ring and is lifted onto Logan's shoulder as the winners have their hands raised by the referee.

Copeland: And here comes Flex!

Connor: Not a moment too soon...

Flex Mussel rushes the ring and slides in. As Ramparte and Eve begin to argue, he gets between them, begging them to stop the fighting. Flex raises a hand to both Eve and Ramparte. Ramparte locks eyes with his long time friend and partner. Eve bites her lip, unsure of what is about to happen. Flex Mussel gestures at his chest, and places his hand across his heart. He yells an inaudible "Hail Cerberus!", trying to get the members to reconcile and do likewise. Ramparte tilts his head at Eve Taylor. Trying to cut the tension, Flex asks to be handed a microphone.

Flex: Friend, brother...please. Do this for me. We can storm Kingdom Come! Lay waste to this New Age of tag teams who want to take what once was ours! Let us not hurt one another. Please...Eve...we can still be the Cerberus that reigned supreme! I DO NOT WANT THIS! We...we are all we have...

Eve stares down The Catalyst. The Catalyst licks his lips at The Fabulous One. Ram asks for the microphone. Flex hands it to him and steps aside.

Ramparte: But I do want this...I-I want what SHE has replaced us with!!!

He points at The Elite X Title. Eve stiffens.

Ramparte: I demand you face AT KINGDOM COME! Give us the opportunity to tear your whole world away from you. You're not worthy to be called The Third Head of Cerberus. It's time to put this dog to sleep- starting with the bitch!

Having enough, Eve Taylor clutches her title and swats at Ramparte, but Ramparte ducks! Eve hits Flex square in the face! Flex goes down like a cut tree and Eve Taylor hesitates. She turns around and Ramparte kicks her and brings her down with The Denoument!!!

Copeland: Oh shit!

Connor: It's gone. Cerberus is hailed no more! I can't believe this turn of events. Look at Ramparte!

Ramparte stares down at Eve Taylor in absolute shock- as if he couldn't believe what he had just done. The crowd rise to their feet; their jaws on the floor and the volume inside the arena stifling. He pulls at his own hair, grabs the Elite X Title, and rolls out of the ring quickly. On the runway, he turns back in tears. Flex Mussel barely pulls himself up with the bottom rope. The two share a look of hopelessness as Cerberus disintegrates. Ramparte mouths "I didn't mean to do that." but as he walks backwards he psyches himself up as the crowd begins to chant for Kingdom Come. He remembers he has the Elite X Championship in his hands. He hoists it above his head and lets out a maddening scream of defiance. Flex Mussel looks on dumbfounded.
The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, he is the winner of the 2015 Lethal Lottery, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus...

The Good Doctor emerges with his stretcher. On it is written Theron with black spraypaint and an IV is attached to it. He drags it all down the ramp before he enters the ring. However there is something new to him. As he wears a new, disturbing looking mask over his face.

Cohen: This man. Look at him! He is the future of this business, Cat. A true leader of this industry and we saw that at Lethal Lottery with his performance.

Connor: That may be true, but one of the lower points of that performance was The Beard fooling him and turning his back on a Pale Riders reunion. And that mask. What is that? If he wasn't creepy enough before, now he's wearing that.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, The Beard!

The Beard appears on the ramp to a great ovation. He measures the crowd as Dr. Zeus exits the ring.

Connor: He returned at Lethal Lottery after a lengthy absence and turned down an offer from Dr. Zeus. He's here for revenge from the man who corrupted him!

Cohen: Corrupted? He became a World Champion under Zeus.

Zeus stands outside holding his arms up. Beard stares him down and can't wait any longer. He charges down the ramp and starts to slug away at Zeus. The two exchange fists on ringside as the crowd cheers on Beard. Referee Jurou Akiyama asks them to stop but to no avail. Beard ducks a punch and lands an uppercut right to the jaw. It sends Zeus staggering back. He hits a Big Boot to the face of the 2015 Lethal Lottery winner and plays to the crowd.

Connor: The action has spilled outside the ring. This is not good, the match hasn't even begun yet.

Jurou Akiyama exits the ring and admonishes Beard who just tells him to “give him a minute.” He looks on at the fans as Zeus stirs on the mat. He tries to crawl but Beard grabs him by the hair. He looks on wondering what to do as Zeus yells no at his foe. Beard tries to throw him in the ring, but Zeus blocks it and turns the attack on The Beard. Sending him against the apron. Beard screams in pain as Zeus takes a breather. Jurou Akiyama instructs him to get in the ring but isn't even acknowledged by Zeus. He does however oblige and throws The Beard in before he follows suit. They enter and so does Jurou. Zeus measures The Beard, waiting for him to stand up and as soon as he does, Jurou finally rings the bell.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Connor:Finally, referee Jurou Akiyama has a handle on things.

Cohen: In or out of the ring makes no difference. The Beard is in there with a very dangerous man, Cat. Allowing the match to begin without using any weapons may have been a bad move.

Zeus whips Beard across the ring and chases him for a splash but Beard gets out of the way. He clobbers Zeus with a big right knocking him on his behind. Beard taunts him and runs the ropes. Connecting with the Beard Wash. He stomps away on his former associate and eventually Jurou Akiyama has to intervene. Beard does not relent. He keep assaulting Zeus so Jurou begins his count to break. 1, 2, 3, 4, he counts and Beard stops before the 5 holding his hands up to signify his stopping the attack. Beard reaches out for Zeus and pulls him back up and toward a turnbuckle. He bashes Zeus' head against it hard making the Good Doctors head bounce. But Beard holds on. He repeats the dosage several times but after about the fourth blow, Zeus grabs the ropes to hold off the attack. He elbows Beard who loses his breath. A second shot grants Zeus his release. He delivers a third for good measure. He then deposits Beard against the same turnbuckle. He chops Beard hard making him yell in agony. He takes one simple step away from the turnbuckle, but the Good Doctor pushes him back. He measures his victim and signals with his finger as if he was dissecting Beard before delivering another capillary popping chop to his chest. Beard once again stretches his mouth wide in agony.

Connor: Those chops take the breath right out of The Beard. It's a scary thought, but that's what most of Zeus' offense focuses on.

Cohen:Of course, Cat. It wears your opponent out faster. The need to breath more, it messes with your pacing.

And once again is cut short by Zeus. Who this time proceeds to use a simple choke on Beard. Jurou intervenes to no response forcing him to count again. 1, 2, 3, 4 he counts but Zeus stops before 5 as well. Echoing Beard with his hands in the air. Beard holds his chest as well as the ropes to keep himself composed as Zeus mocks him from the distance. He approaches him for the attack, but Beard cut him off with a right hand. He whips him across the ring and knocks him down with a Spinning Wheel Kick.



Zeus gets the shoulder up. Beard gets to his feet first and makes a big leap for a Leg Drop, but Zeus gets out of the way. He quickly uses the chance and grabs a Dragon Sleeper. He pulls back on the furry neck of The Beard but he gets up and turns around. The Beard then hits a big Vertical Suplex. He holds his thighs still feeling the effects of the missed Leg Drop which takes time from him recomposing himself. He gets back to his feet and Zeus begins to stir. Beard grabs him, but after feeling that several times, Zeus sees his chance and trips Beard sending him headfirst to the ropes and basically hitting throat on them. He lays draped on them. Zeus brags him by the beard in an awkward position and pulls on him against the ropes. Jurou Akiyama once again has to intervene and begins his count with Zeus releasing it again at 5. Zeus then shoves Akiyama out of the way and grabs Beard by the legs. He sets him up for the Last Rites on the ropes and manages to apply it. Catapulting Beard upward against the ropes.

Cohen: Another move that takes the wind out of you. What a scary strategy.

Connor: Beard shows he's still more than capable of keeping up though.

Zeus capitalizes on his offense with a cover.



But it only gets 2. Zeus quickly goes back on the assault and hooks the Dragon Sleeper again. He kneels as Jurou Akiyama checks to see if Beard taps or is unable to continue, but the Bearded One shows he still has fight in him. He pumps himself up and tries the same counter as earlier but Zeus has it scouted. He quickly releases and catapults The Beard up the air with his shoulders for a Samoan Drop. Dr. Zeus opens his arms as if he was performing some sort of presentation and stalks the groggy Beard. He readies for a big move but as he's about to attack with Euthanasia, The Beard shoves the arm off and hits a quick Exploder Suplex.

Connor: That's the power of The Beard. With one move the playing field is even. Zeus looks to be just as worn and torn as Beard if not more now.

Cohen: He's never been much of a thinker though, that's why he needed Zeus last year.

Both men are left exhausted on the canvas as the referee checks on the two. They stagger, showing signs of life. They both look at each other as the crawl up to their feet. They exchange rights as they both try to get back up. Little by little, blow by blow, they pick up more speed with each punch being thrown faster and faster. Eventually they get to their feet still slugging it out. The crowd cheers Beard's offense and boo Zeus'. They keep going with Beard little by little being able to take advantage. Zeus' offense dies down bit by bit until eventually Beard takes full control. He whips Zeus across the ring and hits a Jumping High Knee. Stopping Zeus cold and making him grab his jaw. Beard gains momentum and dashes across the ropes. He leaps into the air and comes crashing down onto Zeus with the Running Crossbody. He presses for the pin cover.



But only gets two as Zeus raises a shoulder. Beard quickly gets up and without any stalling raises Zeus up. He applies a Dragon Sleeper to ready the Poetic Justice, but Zeus Snapmare's him off. As soon as Beard lands on the canvas, Zeus grabs under Beard's chin for the Euthanasia and delivers it. He drops to his knees in a cackling dark prayer as he looks at the damage. Beard staggers, but Zeus quickly locks his submission hold. Pulling The Plug. He applies it with great pressure until The Beard shows no signs of life. The referee is forced to call for the bell as Beard seems out.

Anderson: Here is your winner by submission, Dr. Zeus!!

Well, no one can say he's not ready for Kingdom Come. Defeating The Beard was no easy feat.

Cohen:He won by choking out another man. That's right, Cat. And that's what Theron Daggershield will have to deal with at Kingdom Come. And last I checked, he's nowhere near the size of Beard.

Dr. Zeus walks up the aisle looking at what's he's done with an evil smirk. He pushes up the stretcher he brought out signaling at the name written. Theron. The Beard is shown recomposing himself. He looks on frustrated at Dr. Zeus.

At the top of the entrance the lights go out with one small light over Dr. Zeus. The Beard is shown looking on.

Dr. Zeus: Tick tock. Tick tock. The day comes closer.

Tick tock. Tick tock. The time draws near.

Tick tock. Tick tock. What will you do, Theron?

Tick tock. Tick tock. When the reaper is here?

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. ……………………………………………...
Opening - Dave
Dr. Zeus vs. The Beard - Killjoy
Eve Taylor/Ramparte vs. The Men of Mayhem - NSL
Constantine vs. Alhazred - Spidey
Abel Hunnicutt vs. Garth Black - Jam
Johnny Scumm vs. Vee ADZ - Dave
Cassanova vs. Kendrick Xavier - Dave
Segments - Dave / Spidey

I need to give a special shout-out to the 3 guest writers this round. NSL, Jam and K Web did a great job given that it was their first time writing a match for WZCW. This show would have been mightily delayed if it were not for them and the members of Creative who worked really hard to get them out. Rep them for their hard work, it only takes a second.
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