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Ascension 87: Frank Driscoll vs. Veejay

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
An interesting test for the only rookie who didn't manage to pick up a win in his first match as the new preacher Frank Driscoll takes on the more experienced Bollywood star Veejay. India's greatest export has been impressing many people with his performance despite what his win/loss record indicates and looks to be slowly moving up the ladder. Seeing an opportunity to rise up quickly, Driscoll looks to knock down Veejay and climb his spot as his own.

This won't be a pretty or fair fight.

Deadline is Wednesday, December 17th, at 11:59PM, CST. Deadlines available upon request.
Stevie Chimmel! Live!

Backstage: Are you ready to go?

Veejay: Yes.

Worker 1: In 3……2…….1

Welcome to the Stevie Chimmel! Live! Tonight, we have a very special guest with us. I apologize, it’s not Fat Demon. It’s none other than Bollywood’s victor, the latest Hollywood sensation aaaand a WZCW superstar, VEEEEJAAAAY!!

Veejay enters the set. The music starts playing as Veejay and Stevie shake hands.

Stevie: Ladies and gentlemen, if you don’t know Veejay…………. don’t ask me. *laughter * But seriously, if you don’t know Veejay, don’t ask me, ask him. But before you start asking, I’ll ask him a few questions. That’s a lot of asking, isn’t it?

Veejay: Sure, it is. But I am game. So ask away anything, except my bank account number and SSN.

Stevie: Why?

Veejay: Cuz I don’t remember either. *laughter*

Stevie: Oh! So let’s take seats and get the show started.

Both sit down and music plays again.

Stevie: So, Veejay. We’ve heard so much about you and your endeavors in Bollywood. The highest grossing star of Bollywood, every lady’s dream man, the fittest man on earth etc. Then you decided to enter the world of pro-wrestling and joined one of the biggest promotions in the US, WZCW. But even that was not enough for you. You have now signed on for Scavengers 2, sequel to the highest grossing movie of last year Scavengers and the 10th movie in the Marvelous Cinematic Universe. You’ve already made a mark in the US. Having done all of this, had you ever had a thought that one day you’ll be on “Stevie Chimmel! Live!”? *laughter*

Veejay (laughing): Honestly speaking, I was thinking why you didn’t call me sooner. It was always at the back of my mind that whatever happens, I’ll come to this show once. And now I am here. So finally, your lifelong dream has been realized.

Stevie: Yeah, yeah. So, how does it feel to be one of the most successful and wealthiest people on this earth?

Veejay: Feels good. All this success and money is great. Now I only have one more dream left.

Stevie: What is it?

Veejay: Build a huge building where I can keep all my money and swim in it everyday, a la Uncle Scrooge.

Stevie: I’d like to come to your place then. Seriously though, after accomplishing so much, what’s left to do?

Veejay: A lot! I have still a lot to do. I am yet to conquer my official debut in Hollywood. I am yet to win the WZCW World heavyweight championship. I am yet to buy me a few mansions in the US. I am yet to sleep with 1000 girls. So much is left to do!

Stevie: So, you’re saying you’ll never stop working?

Veejay: May be one day when I am a 1000 years old and can’t move for shit. But till then, why should I?

Stevie: May be when aliens attack?

Veejay: May be.

Stevie: Still, a man at such a young age has had tremendous amount of success and still hungry for more. Don’t you feel like sitting down and take a break?

Veejay: I do. That’s why I am here, no? *laughter*

Stevie: Great! So, tell us something about your movie.

Veejay: It’s a movie I star in. Need I say more? Buy a ticket and watch it.

Stevie: At least something about our role?

Veejay: No can do. It’s not even in pre-production. All I can say is we all are hyped and ready to go.

Stevie: Alright. I’ll buy a ticket. Let’s talk about something else. Let’s talk about the other part of your career. Your WZCW career.

Veejay: Hmm…..sure.

Stevie: You’ve been around in WZCW for sometime now. How has been the experience?

Veejay: It’s been good. I’ve been able to beat up a few, picked up a few scars myself. But it’s been good.

Stevie: Yeah, but despite impressing a lot of people, you’ve not been able to win a whole lot. What went wrong?

Veejay: it’s still early days. Those people saw me as a threat and then put me in matches I shouldn’t have been. Few of them got lucky, so yeah. But I can assure you: all of it is going to change soon.

Stevie: Didn’t your recently offered an alliance to Mr. elegANT, who refused it? And then after your match in which you were disqualified, you attacked him? Let’s see the snippets.

Veejay runs towards him, is Irish Whipped to the ropes, bounces back and dodges elegANT's clothesline, reaches the other side of the ring and is met with a Springboard Forearm Smash! Veejay is spead out as elegANT calls for the end. Once again he takes his time climbing up the top ropes. Veejay shows signs of consciousness. elegANT notices this and instead of going for the Good Day Sir, he slaps his elbow repeatedly. The crowd clap their hands together in time with him as he jumps high into the air with a second Nicest Elbow Drop You've Ever Seen! He pins Veejay.



Seeing that Veejay's leg is underneath the bottom rope, elegANT informs Katie Shephard to stop counting. He takes a moment to pull Veejay back up, and is raked in the eye for his troubles! Katie Shephard calls for the bell and disqualifies him. Furious, Veejay lifts elegANT into the Victory Lap and brings the gentlemanly insect crashing down to the mat! He grimaces at the fans and leaves silently.

I am not sure why you’re showing this. The world saw that I had the match won when they disqualified me.

Stevie: But you raked his eye!

Veejay: So? Is he that soft that can’t take that? You gotta be kidding me. elegANT is still learning the tricks of the trade. I am going to teach him how the world works. No ant can stop me from doing that!

Stevie: Ok, Ok. Don’t get angry. Your next opponent is….(takes out a piece of paper) Frank Driscoll. What’s your strategy against him?

Veejay: Frank who?

Stevie: Frank Dr…

Veejay:Exactly! It doesn’t matter if it’s Frankenstien himself. As I said earlier, things in WZCW are going to change fast.

Stevie: You do realize that Frankenstien wasn’t the monster, right?

Veejat: Is that right? *laughter*

Stevie: Yes. There’s one question everyone’s wondering about. Now that you have signed up for a movie, what about WZCW?

Veejay: What about it?

Stevie: How are you going to manage both?

Veejay: That’s not a problem. My movie doesn’t go into production for sometime. Even when it does go, I am working a light schedule. Plus, I am not going anywhere till I become the WZCW World Heavyweight champion. I owe myself that much. Don’t worry, I’ll manage. You’ll see more of me now.

Stevie: Fantastic! Well, we’re approaching the end of this episode. I am sorry That Fat Demon was bumped of this show because of lack of time. Before we go off air, we’ll read some tweets sent to Veejay by our audience. Here’s one funny one. Veejay you suck. I hope you jump of a cliff.That was something. Here’s another one. Fuck you Veejay.These people sure love ya!

Veejay: They sure do! Now, before I go, I have one thing to do.

Stevie: What is that?

Veejay: I have to destroy the set. Don’t mind, it’s nothing personal. I just don’t like you.

Veejay starts tearing down the place, from couch to the table and then goes to the live band, orders everyone out and breaks every instrument out there. He sees what he’s done and walks up to to Stevie.

Veejay: This is for Fat Demon. He’s my friend! (looks around at the broken pieces of set) You do have insurance, right? *laughter*

Cut to black.
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