Ascension 84

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Lord And Master
Staff member

As the pre-show pyro goes off, the camera pans around the sold out IZOD Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The WZCW faithful show their support, screaming at the top of their lungs and cheering their hearts outs.

Connor: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the eighty fourth edition of WZCW Ascension. I'm Cat Connors alongside as always my partner, the incomparable Jack Cohen. Jack, we have a big night tonight.

Cohen: Right you are Cat. We have an Elite X title match, a main event between two powerhouses, and much much more.


The crowd comes alive as Mikey Stormrage walks onto the stage. He has his ring shorts and his Game Over! t-shirt on, but more omportantly he has a piece of arm candy, Ty Burna's former manager Serafina! She is wearing a brand new Live Más shirt and a pair of short jean shorts. The two make their way to the ring as the crowd chants.

Stormrage: Whats up guys?

The crowd comes alive once again.

I have some big news to announce right here in East Rutherford!

Cheap pop or not, the crowd loves Stormrage's pandering.

As you can see, my lovely assistant here is modeling the brand new Live Más t-shirt that is available only at

Stormrage gives a cheesy thumbs up and smile as the crowd begins to chant.

Live Más Live Más Live Más

Now I understand that this little Live Más movement isn't for everyone. I mean when Matt and I started it we were just having fun, and it sort of took off and grew into much more than we could have imagined. We could have forced some replayed comedy, or we could have been super real dark and brooding cereal with everyone, but we just ran with it. Live Más is all about going big, and that is what we do, we go big. My advice to everyone is to lighten up and head over to and buy one of these fine shirts, now available in children's sizes.

Cohen: I swear I read that going big crap off a Taco Bell bag.

Stormrage: Speaking of going big, Serafina and I had quite a night the other night, if you know what I mean.

Stormrage gives a giant wink before he and Serafina high five.


Strormrage readies for Beard, but he doesn't show. Instead of appearing in person, he shows up on the tron.

Beard: Michael, Michael, my old foe. You haven't changed a bit since we first met. It is all fun and games for you. Here you are, less than twenty four hours removed from being named number one contender, and you are out here bragging about sexual exploits.

Stormrage: Dude, have you seen her, you'd brag too if you got that. Not that you could get much of anything with that wicked neckbeard you got going on. All you need is a fedora and a Tumblr account and you are set bro. Maybe a bag of Cheetos and a Mt. Dew.

Beard: Enough! Not that you could even get past Ty at Kingdome Come, but if my a massive stroke of luck you do, I deserve a better opponent for my title than a comedy act like you.

Stormrage: Not if, but when I beat Ty Burna ...


Before he can finish, Mikey is the victim of a deadly boot to the face, a Consecrated Banishment from Ty Burna, who came through the crowd. He turns his attention to Serafina, who does her best to scramble out of the ring. Stormrage does his best to get to his feet, but can only grab the pant leg of Ty Burna, at least distracting him long enough for Serafina to escape. For Stormrage's insolence, Ty locks on The Harbinger's Omen, choking the life out of Stormrage as Serafina looks on in horror and refs rush the ring to try to break it up.

Beard: See you later this evening Mikey. Your time will come.

Cohen: This is the greatest thing ever!

Connor: Someone needs to stop this!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a EurAsian Title Qualifier!


Introducing first, from the lap of luxury, weighing 179 pounds, the gentlemanly insect and friend to all, elegANT!

Connor: I really like elegANT. He is a breath of fresh air in this company.

Cohen: I work with idiots.


And his opponent, from Centerville, Texas, weighing 102 pounds, Lexi Hayes!

Connor: A big opportunity here for the young Hayes. I'm rooting for her.

Cohen: Way to be impartial Cat.

Keith Morse is in charge of the action here tonight, and he checks both competitors for foreign objects. Satisfied, he calls for the bell.

Connor: Here we go folks. Winner is one step closer to the coveted EurAsian title.

elegANT offers his hand like a true gentleman, and Lexi obliges. After they shake, the masked elegANT goes on the offensive with some quick shots and a dropkick. Lexi goes to the ropes, forcing a break in the action. SHe tries to come back with an Irish whip, but is reversed. elegANT drops down and she leaps, only to be caught with a leaping kick by her masked foe. She goes to a knee but manages to grab a rope, forcing the ref to step in. Ever the gentleman, elegANT stops his offense long enough for Lexi to recover.

Cohen: What a loser. He needs to attack.

Connor: Some women respect a gentleman, Jack.

Cohen: Oh go home and curl up to your nine cats and read Twilight.

Once on her feet, Lexi goes for a tie up, but elegANT uses his size advantage in the match to reverse position and throw Lexi to the ropes. He attempts a tilt-a-whirl slam, but Lexi shows off amazing athleticism and flips out, landing on her feet. elegANT charges, and its Lexi who hits the tilt-a-whirl slam to some positive reactions from the crowd. She takes a moment to fire up the crowd, up she runs into a boot from her opponent. He takes her to the corner and connects with a couple of punches before he isolates an arm and tosses her over his shoulder with it. He kicks at the arm before he begins to wrench on it, Lexi looking to be in pain. She lies back to relieve some of the pressure, but her shoulders are on the mat. 1!...2!...and she rolls back over before the count of three. From his superior position, elegANT rolls Lexi up with a La magistral cradle. 1!...2!...and Lexi manages to kick out before three again.

Cohen: Credit where credit is due, he found a point to attack and is going for it.

As Lexi tries to get to her feet, elegANT still has control of her arm. She starts to fight back with some kicks to the midsection before she fires off right hands, backing them into the corner. She breaks the hold before she grabs an arm for herself and hits an impressive springboard arm drag. She makes the cover. 1!...2!...but elegANT gets a shoulder up.

Connor: C'mon girl!

Lexi drags elegANT to his feet and whips him to the ropes. He leaps over the ducking Lexi, only for Lexi to take him down with a spinning heel kick. He rolls out of the ring to buy himself a moment and the ref begins to count.

Lexi wastes little time however and leaps over the top rope with an impressive plancha. elegANT is wise to it though and sidesteps, leaving Lexi to crash face first into the mat below. He takes a moment to check on his opponent before he rolls her back into the ring just before the count of eight.

Cohen: Ugh! No, attack!

Once back in the ring he slams Lexi down with a body slam before he steps onto the apron and uses the top rope to aid himself and flips over, hitting a senton. As elegANT tries to get Lexi on her feet, she rolls him in in a cradle. 1!...2!...and he just manages to kick out as Keith Morse's hand was coming down for three. Lexi connects with a dropkick to the knee of her opponent. This buys her enough time to scale the top rope, and she comes off with a beautiful cross body. She stays on top 1!...2!...3! NO! elegANT had his foot on the rope and the ref waves off the call. Lexi looks stunned as she and the crowd thought it was over.

Connor: Oh it looked to be over right there.

Lexi goes to lock in a sleeper hold before elegANT can get to his feet. She appears to have some issue applying it as they struggle to their feet, and elegANT drops down, connecting with an unorthodox jawbreaker to free himself. With Lexi stumbling around, holding her jaw in obvious pain, the masked star hits a running knee lift to the jaw, putting Lexi down. He then looks up and signals that he is feeling froggy. He climbs to the top rope and leaps off, frog splash connects, Good Day Madam! He hooks the leg, 1!...2!...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, elegANT!

elegANT cheers, cupping both his hands above his head and shaking them, before he goes over to check on his opponent. Lexi is in obvious pain, but she nods and shakes hands with the winner.

Cohen: Don't shake her hand loser.

Connor: Lexi came close, but in the end, elegANT lives the lap of luxury with the victory.


Backstage we see Mikey with a towel and some ice on him as he sits on a bench with Serafina by him with a worried face. Matt Tastic pops in on screen to see what's happened.

Matt: I go to the office to figure out this title business and then I see you getting booted in the face. What the hell happened, man?

Mikey: Ty's jealous of the D. Ain't that right Sera?

Serafina blushes and turns away as Matt stares at her seriously.

Matt: Christ, Mikey. There's a time to be fun and a time to-

Mikey: Be serious? Come on, man.

Matt: No, a time to watch your own ass! There's a psychotic megalomaniac obsessed with you and you stole his damn girlfriend to boot. And you drop your guard in front of a 300 pound wrecking ball.

Mikey: I'm 300 pounds too, you know.

Matt: ....Oh. Just stay focused, Mikey. Don't go all "womanizer" on me just because you scored. And by the way, I'm not too trusting of her.

Matt heads off but not before giving Serafina a serious look.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Elite X Championship!


Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger, making her way down the runway, from Milan, Italy; "The Fabulous" Eve Taylor!

Taylor walks out and treats the stage as a fashion runway. She stops at the top of the ramp and poses before enthusiastically marching towards the ring. Taylor interacts with the fans, commenting on their appearance and giving them "tips" (i.e. harsh insults) whilst doing so with a smile on her face. She stands in the middle of the ring and soaks in the "adulation" of the crowd.

Connor: Eve Taylor has been here before but she has perhaps never been more ready to become a champion than she is right now.

Cohen: But she has a huge roadblock to overcome in Constantine, who has dominated as champion!


Anderson: And her opponent, from The King's Court, weighing 265 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, Constantine!

As the music starts, all of the lights in the arena go out. When the lyrics of the song begin, a single spotlight shines down onto the ramp, revealing a solitary Constantine with his chin dipped to his chest. Constantine slowly raises his head and as the chorus begins, he throws his arms out to the side. With that, fireworks light up the arena to the side of him as the lights resume. Constantine moves down the ramp, a look of smarmy hatred on his face. He does not dare make contact with the fans at ringside and, once at the ring, looks around the arena once again. Climbing the steps and into the ring, Constantine mounts the turnbuckle before throwing his arms out once more.

Connor: Constantine looks all business here as he prepares to defend his title.

Cohen: He has to be - he has everything to lose in this match, and knows that a win could put him one step closer to the world title.

Referee Elizabeth Prince has the call in this one as she takes the title belt from Constantine and presents it to both competitors. She raises it to the fans before handing it off to a ringside attendant. The bell rings and we are underway. Constantine and Taylor lock up to start, and -

A cheer goes up as Aubrey Sloan charges down to the ring! Taylor turns, confused, as Sloan slides into the ring and pounces on Taylor! Prince signals for the disqualification and Constantine looks bemused as he looks on. Sloan pounds fists into Taylor's face as Eve tries to cover up and Prince tries to pull her off. Security comes down and separates Sloan who has a wild look in her eye.

Connor: What the heck has happened here?

Cohen: Aubrey Sloan has ruined this match! She looks like a woman possessed!

Sloan struggles against the security and screams at Taylor, beyond words, and Eve has Elizabeth Prince checking on her. Constantine coldly walks away from the ring with his title as we go to commercial.


Returning to the show backstage, we see Stacey Madison ready with her mic at hand.

Stacey: Ladies and gentlemen, Stacey Madison here with breaking news. Due to unforeseen circumstances the match between SHIT and Steven Holmes which was originally to take place here tonight at Ascension will instead take place on Aftershock. Standing by me right now is one of the participants of that match, Steven Holmes. The Elite himself.

Steven appears on screen with a smear on his face as the crowd boo's.

Stacey: Mr. Holmes, any word on your opponent now that your match has been postponed by a day?

Steven: If you're wondering why I postponed the match, look no further than my foot, dear child.

The camera looks down to Steven's shoe. But nothing can be see.

Stacey: What is it?

Steven: I stubbed my toe last night panicking and fetching water for my pregnant wife in the middle of the night. I can't compete like this. I'm a nervous wreck. I sit day and night paranoid of the tele ringing and getting the big news.

Stacey: Umm... But didn't Cel-

Steven: Oh, fine. It is a bunch of rubbish. I don't have a single clue why the match was changed. Maybe there's an issue with the bloody robot or something. It doesn't change the fact that I'm facing a bloody robot. What the hell has happened to this bloodgutted company anyway? Robots. A hermit with a volleyball. I'm gonna tell you something, sunshine. Sooner or later, I'm gonna take that bloke and slap that overgrown shrubbery in his face he calls beard and bring him back to reality. Chris KO is a bloody wanker. And I will pop his stupid ball too.

Steven walks off and Stacey is about to speak. But Steven pops back on screen.

Steven: And I'll ship the robot off to the scrap heap where it belongs too.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!


Mick Overlast comes out onto the stage, posing for the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pa., weighing 235 pounds, Mick Overlast!

He poses in the ring, waiting for his opponent.


Derek Jacobs heads toward the ring, walking with a purpose.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 285 pounds, he is Dr. Pain: Derek Jacobs!

He climbs into the ring and paces, waiting for the bell.

The two men circle as the bell rings. They grab a collar and elbow tie-up, but the larger Jacobs quickly is able to toss Overlast backwards into the corner. He looks a bit surprised, but comes out of the corner after a moment, shaking his arms out. The two men tie-up again, and again Jacobs tosses Overlast backward into a corner. This time Mick comes out with a half-smile on his face. They both go in for a third tie-up, but Overlast ducks under a grabs a rear waistlock. Before Jacobs has a chance to react, Mick steps on the back of Dr. Pain’s left leg, taking him down to one knee so Overlast can grab a side headlock. Jacobs backs into the ropes and shoots Overlast off. Derek sets for a big boot, but the rebounding Mick slides underneath and grabs Jacobs’ other leg, bringing the big man to the mat. Overlast tries to lock in a half crab, but before he can get it locked in, Derek slips out and rolls to the floor.

Connor: We expected this match to be power against technique, and we’ve seen just that so far, Johnny.

Cohen: Mick Overlast better be careful. He’s a good wrestler, but he’s in deep trouble if Derek Jacobs takes control.

Jacobs walks around the ring to the stairs and makes his way back in. They lock up again, but Overlast is able to slip out with one of Derek’s arms for a wristlock. The look on Jacobs’ face is one more of annoyance than pain, but he seems to be unsure of his next move. Derek chooses to back Overlast into the nearest corner. Referee James Aubrey comes in to call for a clean break, but instead, Jacobs uses his free arm to drive elbows into Mick’s head. Aubrey finally gets Dr. Pain out of the corner, but not before Overlast is left barely able to stand in the corner. Jacobs quickly heads back into the corner and lays boots into the midsection of Overlast. Aubrey backs Derek up, allowing Mick to start trying to pull himself up. Jacobs gets away from the referee and picks up Overlast the rest of the way in order to lift Mick up and drop him with Snake Eyes. Overlast stumbles out of the corner, but falls to the mat when Jacobs drills him in the back of the head with a lariat. He goes for a cover, but Overlast rolls him up, 1…2… Derek kicks out.

Cohen: It was only a matter of time before Jacobs took over.

Connor: Derek Jacobs isn’t the man who just got a near fall. Don’t count Mick out yet.

Both men scramble back to their feet; Jacobs much more quickly. Derek tries for another lariat, but Overlast catches the arm and locks in a crossface chickenwing. Mick doesn’t have the leverage he wants, so he jumps up and locks in a body scissors. Dr. Pain is quickly down to a knee, trying to find a way out of the hold. Jacobs is able to slip his head out, but Overlast quickly locks in a dragon sleeper before Derek can take advantage. Jacobs is fading, going down to a seated position. Referee Aubrey goes in to check on Jacobs, but suddenly Derek rolls back, putting Mick’s shoulders down, 1…2.. Overlast slips out. Overlast gets back to his feet and grabs Jacobs head. He pulls Derek up and attempts a running bulldog, but Jacobs catches Mick in midair, turns him upside down, and plants him with a tombstone piledriver! Dr. Pain falls on top for the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Derek Jacobs!

Connor: That was a very impressive counter by Derek Jacobs.

Cohen: Derek is always impressive. Always.

Jacobs poses in the center of the ring as the referee checks on Overlast. As Jacobs walks up the ramp though....


Ascension general manager Chuck Myles walks down the aisle as Jacobs leaves and Overlast is taken out. He grabs a mic.

Hello, East Rutherford. In case you didn't know, I'm Chuck Myles. General Manager of this nice show you're enjoying. I assume you've been watching. And you saw what happened during the Elite X title match. And I, much like you, am not pleased.

Constantine: Well neither am I!!

Myles turns to find Constantine walking to the ring with the Elite X title en tow.

I am an Elite, dammit! I deserve better than this. Because of that squirrel chasing idiot, I'm one title defense behind. I could've had all seven by Kingdom Come.

Myles: Funny you say that given you've skipped a few defenses. But you clearly feel confident. You say you'll win all 7 matches and had enough nerve to interrupt me. Seeing that's the case, I think I'll tweak my idea a bit.

Constantine: What idea?

Myles: Simple, my friend. 3 people seem to be tangled in a championship situation. What's the answer to that riddle?

Constantine: So you're gonna put me in a 3 way match for the title?

Myles: I was. Then you interrupted me. Now I'm putting you in a 3 way match for the title where the winner is credited with 2 defenses.

Sounds good to me. Good job, Chuck. You did the right thing.

Constantine seems to leave but as he reaches the ropes....

Myles: And it'll be in a Steel Cage.

Constantine stops dead in his track as the crowd cheers for the announcement. He pulls back with a shocked look in his face to look at Chuck Myles.

Myles: You might be an Elite, but I'm still your boss. I suggest you suck it up before you make it worse for yourself. That match is happening in our next series of shows. So you may wanna prep yourself.

Myles drops the mic and passes by the stunned champion and heads up the ramp as we fade to commercial.






Anderson: The following contest is your main event of the evening! Introducing first, San Francisco, California by way of Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 325 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!

Mikey charges out to the ramp absorbing the cheers from the crowd. He marches to the ring making his hand sign and saluting the fans as they chant with him.

*Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas!*

Connor: Fitting theme song given his motto. Mikey looks to build momentum as he's set to face Ty Burna one on one at Kingdom Come. What a match for him.

Cohen: I personally feel that'll be a mismatch. If he want's to stand any sort of chance, he'd better bring his game here tonight against a very game Beard.


Anderson: And his opponent.... He is The Beeeeard!!!

The Beard appears from smoke filling the stage sitting down. From the lowest point of the smoke he raises his World title belt. Before getting up and slowly walking to the ring.

Connor: Lets make one thing perfectly clear. Beard may have that World title belt. But he was stripped of the official status as World Champion when he abandoned his responsibilities with WZCW. The recognized World Champion is Matt Tastic, Beard's opponent at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Ah, give me a break, Cat. Beard never lost as Champion. Matt may have beaten everyone else, but the one man he did not beat is this man. The one who last had the title. He is the rightful champion and he's back to prove it and will do so at Kingdom Come.
The two big men circle each other looking for ground to start the match.


Mikey reaches out to grab Beard, but he grabs Mikey's arm and wrings it to start things off. He pulls Mikey's hair and then guts him with a knee taking the air right out of him. Beard yanks on Mikey's hair and drags him across the ring before settling him on the turnbuckles. Beard chokes away as referee Keith Morse counts him. 1! 2! 3! 4! 5-But Beard finally lets go. He hits a clubbing blow on Mikey before he finally backs off. He shoves Keith away and goes back on the attack, but Mikey kicks Beard in the gut and hammers away to create separation.

Connor:Mikey better go on the offensive now. Beard is far more dangerous than before.

Mikey begins to mount an offense with a series of chops. He whips Beard across the ring and hooks a Belly To Belly and flips over! Live Mas connects and Mikey quickly goes for the cover. 1! 2! 3-But it's not enough as Beard gets the shoulder up. Mikey hits several elbow shots to keep Beard down, but the powerhouse gets to his knees and shovels Mikey to the ropes. Mikey comes back but ends up getting picked up and Scoop Slammed hard against the mat. Mikey flails from the impact but before he can do much, Beard pulls him back up and Scoop Slams him again! Mikey stays down but that doesn't satisfy Beard. He reaches for Mikey's hair again, but this time gets punted in the face. Beard backs off covering his face from the impact as Mikey gets up. He runs the ropes for the attack. But as he comes in, Beard Flapjacks Mikey face first to the canvas! Mikey bounces and with little time to react, Beard scoops him up and drops him with brute force against the mat once again!

Cohen: Man, Beard just has an answer for everything.

Connor: And most of those answers seem to be bodyslams. How much can Mikey's back take?

Beard covers Mikey, grinding his forearm across the gamer's face. 1! 2! 3-But Mikey kicks out! Mikey tries to get up, but Beard violently yanks Mikey back down to the mat and pounds on him. The ref tries to pull Beard off but to no success. Beard instead gets up and chases Keith across the ring with an intimidating stare sending the official sprinting out of the ring. Beard turns back to Mikey, but before he can attack, Mikey manages to toss the big man up and hit the Falcon Punch!!

*Lets Go Mikey! Lets Go Mikey! Lets Go Mikey! Lets Go Mikey!*

Mikey quickly goes to the top rope and leaps hitting the Stormrage Splash and goes for the cover........


The ref finally gets back in the ring and counts!

1! 2! 3-NO!!
Beard gets the shoulder up at two and a half! Mikey pounds the ground in frustration as ref Keith Morse argues about the count. Mikey justifies the he was out of the ring when he shouldn't but Keith argues it was still two.

Connor: That's not really fair, Mikey had Beard pinned and the referee was out of the ring.

Cohen: Well of course he was. It was for his own safety. Mikey can't argue that.

Beard staggers back up slowly and Mikey is right there to polish him off. He raises the bearded big man for the Game Over, but Beard fights out of it. He gets to a vertical base and Mikey has to attack with something else. Mikey rushes for momentum and leaps into the air as he heads toward his adversary for a Crossbody. But Beard catches him, twirls him and then slams him against the mat! Beard repeats the dosage. This time pressing Mikey overhead in a display of incredible strength as the 300 plus pounder is slammed down. Beard doesn't go for a cover or anything though. Instead he looks around towards the crowd with a big grin on his face. He circles the ring exclaiming: This is what is needed!!

*Beard suck! Beard suck! Beard suck! Beard suck! Beard suck!*

He gets on his knees and stalks Mikey but the crowd suddenly goes from jeers to cheers and catches Beards attention. He turns around to spot Matt Tastic by the time keepers table. He looks at the two World title belts before dropping Beards on the ground and looking at the ring. Beard approaches Matt as Mikey gets up. Beard laughs at Matt as Matt himself grins knowing Mikey is up. Beard's eyes deter from Matt though and suddenly he turns Clotheslines Mikey down!!

Connor: What the hell?!? How did Beard know Mikey was right behind him!?!

Beard grabs the knocked down Stormrage and presses him overhead before dropping him back first. He repeats the dosage a second time. He pulls Mikey by the hair and performs the maneuver a 3rd time!! Mikey looks down right out of it as Beard seems to keep the slams going. Matt looks worried at whats going on and sets off to ringside but.... BAM! Someone knocks Matt down! It's Ty Burna!!

Cohen:Beard saw Ty Burna in the crowd! That's how he knew Mikey was behind him! Ty must've signalled him.

Connor: What?! Why would Ty help Beard?

To screw with Mikey obviously.

Matt's down on the floor and Ty circles ringside as Beard keeps the slams going. Instead of going for the pinfall. The ref instructs him to stop but to no avail. Mikey seems to have no chance to mount a comeback. Keith waves at the timekeeper and the bell sounds.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, referee Keith Morse has called for the bell. Due to failure to obey, The Beard has been disqua-

Anderson is cut off by Ty Burna who throws the mic away. As that happens Beard corners the official, Keith and screams at him. Keith runs over to Anderson and tells her something.

Anderson: .......Ladies and gentlemen, due to Mikey Stormrage being unable to compete, the winner of this match is The Beard!!

Beard raises his hands as Ty approaches him with his belt. He drapes it over Beards shoulder and looks at him with an evil grin.

Cohen: I see it now. Ty wants Beard to be Champion so Ty can take the title from him. Ty wants that loss back and seems to be willing to side with Beard to get it.

What kind of nonsense is this?! You win by pinfalls, not alledged knockouts.

Cohen: The ref called it.

Connor: Because Beard scared him.

Beard tosses Mikey out of the ring as Ty looks on with his sinister smile. He throws Matt Tastic into the ring as Beard looks at him. He picks up both World title belts and stands over Matt. Mikey then gets back in the ring to attack, but Ty cuts him off and the beating is on. Both men pummel Mikey down before tossing him out of the ring. Beard quickly grabs the knocked out Matt Tastic and heaves him overhead. Tossing him right at Mikey. They're both laid out by ringside as Beard raises both belts. Ty looks at him satisfied but at the same time desiring the titles Beard holds.

Connor: Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage have been laid out two days straight and we're still missing the contract signing at Aftershock. Things look very bleak for the World Champion and his potential future challenger.

Cohen: If things keep going like this, it'll be Beard vs Ty what we'll be looking forward to. Probably at Kingdom Come, while Matt and Mikey head for the hospital.

And with that the scene fades to black as Ascension comes to a close.

Yaz - Opening, Hayes vs ElegAnt
Thriller - Jacobs vs Overlast
Harthan - Taylor vs Constantine
KJ - Stormrage vs Beard, Segments
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