Ascension 82

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Lord And Master
Staff member
Ascenion begins with a cold open...


A pitch black room is seen. However on the distance, a very small light can be seen. It gets bigger. Bigger. BIGGER. Bi- Oh my!

A computer screen and an enigmatic man of mystery and enigma sits typing away too fast for it to be anything coherent. The dead silence that isn't so silent because of the loud typing is broken by snickering which slowly becomes a cackling laugh. The man on the computer's identity becomes clear then. A man of such magnitude that he is only known by the 14th letter of the alphabet. M.

M: mmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMHahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! What awaits the 29 other unlucky participants of Lethal Lottery? Hahahahaha. No one knows. No one knows what the Magnificent Mr. M has planned for them. No-no. No know will ever know. No one will ever see. No one will ever hear. No one will ever smell the ultra secret plan I will use but will begin to explain all alo-

M turns around and looks straight at the camera. Well sorta. He looks just a tad bit up above it.

M:Who are you? How did you find me? Why are you staring? Are you spying? Do you have gum?

Cameraman: I'm shooting a promo.

M: …........................................
….....................Spy! Activate alarm! Codename: Polka dot!

Cameraman: What?

Suddenly a catapult appears out of nowhere and launches a very fat and angry cat full speed straight ahead. The screen falls into static with the sounds of very angry pussy pounding away.

M: mmmmmmmMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmMMMMMhahahahahahahaha.....






Connor: Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to Ascension! We have a full slate of action coming up tonight, include an incredible main event where Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon will face off with the Pale Riders!

Cohen: And I have no doubt we'll see the newest elite unit in WZCW excel against the "challenge" of Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon.

Connor: But first, we understand we have an update from an area hospital, where Eurasian Champion Matt Tastic is being held...


We see a hospital and then step inside. Just outside one of the rooms is Mikey Stormrage with a somber look in his face as Stacey Madison steps in and puts her hand on his shoulder with an equally worried look.

Stacey: Mikey, I hate to ask but how is Mr. Tastic holding up?

Mikey: *sigh* A minor concussion and back trauma. Luckily it was nothing major.

Stacey: Just tell me if you don't feel like answering, but do you think happenings of Meltdown will ultimately distract you from Lethal Lottery?

Mikey: Stacey, I just saw a friend who can't defend himself suffer grave injuries thanks to the participants. This doesn't distract me. It infuriates me.

Stacey: If I were to say that maybe your jokes were out of place. What would you say?

Mikey: I'm sorry, but at what point were we actually endangering lives, Stacey? We just wanted to entertain the people. You know, our jobs. I'd understand name calling, insulting us, even jumping us from behind. Attacking loved ones though? Pulling the people we care for out of their seat and attacking them like that? Showtime went too far.

Stacey: And what about your situation with Ricky?

Mikey: …..In due time. When I meet him in the Lottery, as I go around eliminating 28 others, the last one will be Ricky and I'll make him look himself in the mirror so he can hopefully realize what a mis-dressed idiot he is.

Stacey: OK. Good luck to you, Mikey. Is Matt in the room?

Mikey: Yeah. But I seriously doubt he'll talk.

Stacey walks into the room to find Granpa Tastic laying asleep on a bed. Matt sits right by him. Bloody. The dry blood from the Meltdown attack still covers his face and eyes which stare open wide with anger leaking through at Granpa.

Stacey: Matt? Matt how are you holding up right now?

Matt: …...................

Stacey: Any words?


Stacey: I guess this is a bad time for you. I'll let you be.

Stacey is about to leave, but Matt grabs her mic and pulls it towards himself.

Matt: …............Showtime....... You'll pay. With your blood.


Cohen: Ascension will be right back, after this!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring, from Seattle, Washington, Corvus!

The crowd boos as Corvus raises his arms and paces around the ring.

Connor: Corvus, looking to pick up a victory here tonight and get back on track.


And his opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pa., weighing 235 pounds, Mick Overlast!

Overlast comes out on stage with arms extended at either side. When he reaches the top of the ramp, he puts his hands on his hips, smiling and taking in the crowd's reaction. He slaps a few hands on his way down and rolls into the ring.

Cohen: Speaking of guys who need a win, here comes Mick Overlast. Ever since he returned and tried to be all buddy buddy with Blade again, he has been searching for consistency.

Connor: Sometimes wins aren't what's important, making amends can be...

Cat Connor is interrupted by Corvus attacking Overlast. Referee Dillon Morse is forced to call for the bell to signal the start of the match. He hammers away with rights and lefts, backing Overlast into the corner. He then whips him across the ring and he hits the opposite turnbuckle hard. Corvus follows it up with a hard running elbow. Overlast stumbles out of the corner and Corvus slams him down hard and follows it up with a leg drop. He forgoes a pin attempt and grabs Overlast and drags him to his feet. As he tried to get him to his feet, Overlast surprises him and rolls him up with a small package. Dillon Morse slides into position and makes the count. 1!...2!...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Mick Overlast!

Connor: Talk about a shocking win.

Cohen: Such is life for Corvus it seems.

After the match Corvus is on his feet and sneak attacks Overlast, who had his hands up celebrating. He hammers away, eventually managing to tie up an arm of Overlast in the ropes. He stomps away, threatening the referee as he tries to intervene.

Connor: Someone stop this!


Almost on cue, Blade rushes down the ramp and slides into the ring and begins to combat Corvus. He throws stiff right hands, backing Corvus into the ropes. Corvus fights back, managing to Irish whip Blade across the ring. Blade manages to hang onto the top rope and as Corvus rushes him, he ducks and drops him over the top rope, looking to be in top form for the upcoming Lethal Lottery. Just then the lights go out.

Cohen: Cheap ass third world country.

When the lights come back up, the Men in Black are surrounding the ring. Blade and Overlast come back to back, ready to fight as a few of the Men in Black climb onto the apron. Overlast and Blade look nervous as they enter the ring. Just as a few of the men begin to attack Overlast, Blade slides out of the ring unharmed and retreats up the ramp. He looks on as the entire league of men get into the ring and beat down on Overlast, before he retreats behind the curtain.

Connor: Why is Blade running off?

A few seconds later he returns with a chair in hand and charges down the ramp, the crowd goes wild. He slides into the ring and the Men in Black begin to clear, leaving Overlast and Blade in the ring. Blade reaches out his hand to pull Overlast to his feet, but as soon as Overlast is on his knees, Blade plants the chair firmly across the skull of Overlast. As a bloodied Overlast drops to the canvas Blade turns and looks to the Men in Black who have collected on the ramp. He holds his hand out in salute and the Men salute him back.

Connor: Don't tell me!

Cohen: Blade has been leading the Men in Black all along!
The Swag Pack along with Ricky Runn and Becky Serra are by the parking lot. The Swag Pack makes a load of noise around Runn and Serra, hopping around and such.

Ricky: Aw-right, Aw-right, Aw-right, boys. Next stop, Matt Tastic's cesspool of a hometown where the Swagtastic Voice of a Generation will become twice the Swagtastic by becoming a two time World Champ. Swagzilla will be walkin' into Kingdom Come as champ like he oughta. Right baby?

Becky: Yes. And anyone who stands in your way will suffer humiliation. Just like Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic did at Meltdown.

The two kiss as the scene fades.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Aubrey makes her way out, looking a bit skittish as she looks around the arena at all the fans cheering. She quickly makes her way down the entrance ramp and rolls into the ring, stretching in the corner as she waits for her opponent.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 155 lbs, Aubrey Sloan!

Connor: Looks like someone finally got her entrance music right.

Cohen: That is literally all you have to say about Sloan tonight Cat?

Connor: Not at all, she faces a good test tonight in Frank Mortlock, as both prepare to enter the Lethal Lottery for the first time.

Cohen: ...Just go back to discussing her entrance theme.


Frank Mortlock makes his way out to boos as he walks across the entrance stage and quickly down the entrance ramp to the ring. He stops and takes his hat and coat off, hanging both up slowly on a ring post before entering the ring. He shadow boxes a little bit as he stares down Aubrey.

Anderson: And her opponent, weighing in at 218 lbs, Detective Frank Mortlock!

Connor: Mortlock looks to get back on the right path tonight, and he looks fully prepared to do just that.

Cohen: How is this fair? Mortlock has seen everything horrible in this world, while Aubrey is a sheltered little girl? Actually I'm alright with this.

Referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell as Mortlock locks up with Aubrey, backing her up into the corner. Prince calls for the clean break as Mortlock holds his hands up, Aubrey holding hers up in a defensive position. He steps back but rushes towards Aubrey, who ducks under, turns and delivers stiff chops mixed in with a flurry of kicks. Now Mortlock tries to cover up until Prince backs Aubrey up. Aubrey watches carefully as Mortlock comes out of the corner, slapping his chest as he goes to lock up again. He pulls Aubrey into a side headlock, really wrenching down on it as Aubrey can't seem to get out of it. She backs him up into the ropes and sends him across. Mortlock comes across and knocks her down with a shoulder. He looks and rebounds off the ropes, hopping over Aubrey who slides down to her stomach, rebounds again and goes for a clothesline. Aubrey ducks under and tries to lock him up with a tiger suplex but Mortlock counters with an over the shoulder arm drag, sending her across the ring and under the ropes to the outside. Mortlock yells out at the crowd, causing them to boo before he rolls under the ropes and grabs hold of Aubrey. Prince starts the ten count, warning Mortlock to get it back in the ring, but Mortlock ignores her, lifting Aubrey up and dropping her face first onto the barricade. Aubrey crumbles to ground as Mortlock grabs her by the hair, lifting her up before delivering a stiff shot right to the stomach. He holds her up by the hair and continues the process before going to whip her into the apron. Instead he holds onto her hair and she crashes to the ground from her own momentum. Frank stomps her once before rolling into the ring to break the ten count. He rolls back out and grabs Aubrey, but she counters by simply pulling him face first into the steel steps. Mortlock falls to the ground as Aubrey pulls herself back into the ring as Prince continues the new ten count, now up to four.

Connor: A nice counter by Aubrey has got Mortlock hurt on the outside, putting a quick end to Mortlock's dirty tactics.

Cohen: Hey if you don't want your hair pulled, don't have any!

Connor: Was that your body's natural response to start going bald then Jack?

Cohen: ...Shut up Connor.

Mortlock pulls himself together and rolls back into the ring at eight but is met with a dropkick that sends him into the corner. Aubrey gets back to her feet and begins delivering stiff knees to the stomach before transitioning to kicks to the stomach. She grabs Mortlock's arm and pulls him from the corner before dropping him with a short arm lariat. She goes for the cover, 1..................2....Mortlock kicks out. Aubrey locks in a chin lock, keeping Mortlock grounded. Mortlock struggles to a knee before shoving Aubrey away. Aubrey stops suddenly and rushes forward, connecting with a leg lariat! Mortlock gets dropped, but is quick back to his feet. Aubrey grabs him, and goes to flip him over with a snap suplex. Mortlock blocks it, causing Aubrey to try again. He blocks again and suddenly connects with an uppercut. Aubrey is stunned by the strike, and Mortlock follows up with the old one-two combination. Aubrey stumbles backwards into the corner. Mortlock walks over and begins delivering hard right hands before wrapping his arm around Aubrey's neck, running across the ring and connecting with a bulldog. He kneels up for a moment, staring at the crowd before flipping her back over and going for the cover with a forearm to the face, 1....................2.......Aubrey kicks out!

Connor: Some great back and forth action here, it seems Mortlock's boxing background has caught Aubrey off guard.

Cohen: He's a hardened veteran in both rings Cat. He just showed it there.

Mortlock pulls Aubrey up and tosses her through the ropes to the apron. He holds on and pulls her forward, hanging her feet on the ropes before dropping her down with the Hard Justice DDT. The crowd voices their displeasure as Mortlock gets up, motioning for Police Brutality. He motions for Aubrey to get up, rushing forward as she stands back up slowly. He jumps up, but Aubrey catches him! Mortlock's eyes go wide as she holds him up with ease, dropping him to his feet before delivering a Saito Suplex! Mortlock sits up after the suplex before dropping back down to his back. Aubrey remains down as well, and Prince checks on both before beginning the ten count. At the count of five both begin to stir. The crowd cheers on Aubrey, trying to coax her to get up first. She obliges, and as Mortlock sits back up, she connects with the Yakuza kick! Aubrey goes for the cover, 1....................2.........Mortlock kicks out! Aubrey begins to look frustrated before getting back to her feet. She grabs Mortlock's legs, and turns him over for a Boston Crab! Mortlock yells in pain as Aubrey sits back deep into it. Mortlock begins pulling himself towards the ropes, scratching his way there and reaching out desperately to break the hold.

Connor: Aubrey has that hold in deep!

Cohen: Come on Mortlock! Use every trick in the book!

He reaches just inches away when Aubrey suddenly stands up, pulling him towards the center of the ring but it allows Mortlock to spin around and kick Aubrey off of him. She leans against the ropes before rushing forward, but Mortlock gets up and connects with an inverted atomic drop! He clotheslines Aubrey down hard. He goes for the cover, 1...................2..........Aubrey kicks out again! Mortlock slams his fist down into the mat, staring right at Aubrey before pulling her to the center of the ring. He flips her over and tries to apply the Mort Lock! Aubrey struggles against it, able to flip around and suddenly pulls him forward with a small package, 1......................2.................Mortlock kicks out! Both spin over and Mortlock goes for Police Brutality again! Aubrey is able to flip forward as Mortlock falls back! Mortlock gets to his feet but gets caught with a butterfly suplex! Aubrey gets to her feet and pulls Mortlock to his feet, and lifts him up, connecting with the Brainbuster! Aubrey goes for the cover, 1..................2..................3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Aubrey Sloan!

Connor: Aubrey Sloan continues her innovative ways in the ring, with a big win over the Detective tonight!

Cohen: did she flip away from Police Brutality?! I don't get it!

Aubrey gets to her feet as Prince lifts her arm up in the air, and Aubrey suddenly realizes everyone is cheering for her. She smiles worriedly before dropping down and rolling out of the ring as Mortlock slowly comes to in the ring.

Cerberus appear on screen. Backstage where Flex is doing push ups on a stack of pallets, Ramparte reads a book and Eve is fixing herself up in a mirror.

Ramparte: Three heads of beauty. One single body of elegance.

Eve: At Lethal Lottery, our elegance will radiate across the world.

Flex: And the three heads will be Tag Team and World Champions.

Ramparte: We'll consume any who oppose.

Eve: And cleanse the world as we go.

Flex: One ugly person at a time.

Cerberus: Hail Cerberus!

We cut backstage where Leon Kensworth and a camera man are running after a group of the Men in Black and Blade.

Kensworth: Blade! Blade! A moment please.

The suited men stop and part, almost on cue, as Blade makes his way to Leon.

Blade: I already know what you are going to ask Leon. When I returned, wanting to help these people, they said they were behind me. It’s so easy to lend their support from the comfort of their couches when I’m trying to help them… But where were those same people when I was getting attacked by Triple X or Diabolos? Nowhere near me… So I found people who really believed in my cause…

Then Men in Black surround Blade and the interview, standing to attention.

Blade: True brothers, who would try to bring equality to this world by any means necessary. I didn’t choose to do this, the hypocrites out there drove me to it.

Blade walks away. The Men in Black follow, marching in rows of two.


Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the main event of Ascension! A tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Amber Warren and Dr. Zeus, they are the Pale Riders!

Smoke fills the entrance ramp as the lights dim. A large shadow forms and off the smoke emerges Dr. Zeus pushing his signature hospital bed. On it sits Amber Warren with her legs crossed as the two make their way to the ring to a chorus of boo's. They reach ringside and Amber stands up to get into the ring as Dr. Zeus climbs into the ring.

Cohen: Here comes the Dragon Queen. Look at her so majestic on that throne.

Connor: It's a girl in skimpy jeans sitting on a gurney, Jack. Calm down.

Anderson: And their opponents, introducing first from Cleveland, Ohio, this is Ty Burna!!

Ty slowly walks down the aisle as the arena is layered with red strobe lights echoing the evil red eyes of the Harbinger of Chaos. He enters the ring with symbol of Chaos lighting the center.

Cohen: To me, Ty coming down first is an act of arrogance. These two just cannot work together at all.

Connor: If I've learned anything from wrestling it's that nothing brings two wrestlers together better than a common foe. And Amber has done a terrific job of angering both these guys.

Anderson: And his tag team partner, from Culiacan, Mexico, El Califa Dragon!

El Califa runs down the ramp and into the ring quickly and attempts to confront Amber but she simply backs away from him.

Connor: Amber may duck Califa today but there will be nowhere to hide when they have their grudge match at Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: How's that ducking, Cat? You're saying when the match is. Why go for it today and waste your energy?

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rings as instructed by Jun Akiyama. Ty stands perfectly still as Dr. Zeus is poised for battle. After a bit of stalling though, Amber slaps Zeus in the back for the tag surprising him. She orders him the apron and steps in with the utmost confidence. She locks up with Ty who pushes back. She hides between the ropes forcing Jun to call for the rope break and bother Ty. He tries to go on the offensive but Amber goes right back to the ropes for cover. El Califa calls out for the tag and after a bit of staring each other, Ty obliges. El Califa steps in as Amber gets back into the center. The two lock up and once again, Amber pulls back to the ropes and Jun forces the rope break. He keeps El Califa in the middle as Amber just stays on the ropes mocking her former partner. Eventually Califa has enough and leapfrogs over Akiyama and Dropkicks the prone Amber knocking her off to the outside. Zeus comes in for the attack, but Califa sidesteps him. Jun pulls him back and orders Zeus to his corner as Ty drops and pursues Amber. She panics and heads back into the ring to be met by El Califa.

It seems Amber is caught between a rock in a hard place. The two men she's angered with her actions are after her at once here tonight.

This isn't fair. This male on female violence.

Califa goes on the attack on Amber. He Irish Whips her before Back Body Dropping her with a huge toss. Amber bounces hard with agony in her face but she gets right back up. That proves to be a mistake as Califa meets her with a standing Dropkick that pushes her to the ropes. As she bounces back, the masked luchador catches her and Huricanrana's her. He gets up and the very second he turns his back, Dr. Zeus enters the fray once again and knocks Califa down. Zeus pulls the limp Amber to his corner and tags himself into the match. He quickly gets in the ring and locks a Front Chancery on Califa to keep him from tagging Ty into the match. He stands to knee Califa on the head for extra damage as the latino wrestler tries to push forward but to no avail. Zeus gets back up and pulls over Califa to the corner where the recovered and rested Amber Warren tags herself in. She climbs to the top ropes and drops a Double Sledge to the back of Califa as Zeus exits. She whips Califa to the parallel corner, to keep him away from Ty, and charges. Hitting him with a Pendulum Kick. Califa falls down and Amber covers. 1..........! 2..............! 3-But Califa raises the shoulder at two!

Cohen: Amber and Zeus are such a cohesive unit. Ty and Califa just don't stand a chance.

Connor:Zeus and Amber have been teaming up just as long as Califa and Ty have. What do you mean?

Cohen: What do I mean? Think, Cat. Zeus and Warren have been a unit the last few months. Ty and Califa just happen to hate the same people. There's no chemistry or connection between those two.

Amber puts Califa in the lower turnbuckle and kicks him a few times before running to tag in Zeus. He quickly steps in and hits a Clothesline in the corner before following it up with a Bulldog as Ty can be seen pacing his corner of the ring in desperation. Zeus stands Califa up and Headbutts him a couple of times. He follows the offense with a quick Samoan Drop, slamming Califa to the mat. Zeus gets back up and taunts Ty who in his anger gets in the ring only to immediately pulled away by Jun Akiyama. As that happens, Zeus and Amber switch with Zeus clapping his hands to imitate a tagging. Amber steps in and attacks as Ty returns to his corner after arguing. But Jun doesn't notice the illegal switch. Amber attacks away and whips Califa to the ropes. As he comes back, she tries a Spinning Wheel Kick but Califa ducks and keeps going. On the way back, she tries a Clothesline but he once again ducks and keeps going. One more go around and the two meet, Califa gets on Ambers shoulders hooking her head. The two turn a good four times before Califa spikes Ambers head HARD on the mat with a huge Tornado DDT. But Califa is also down from the exhaustion.

Connor: Califa has to make the tag to turn this match around!

Cohen: Well so does Amber. Why are you so biased against a fellow female, Cat?

Califa and Amber dig down deep for the energy to get to their respective corners. They both seem at equal distance as both Ty and Zeus desperately stretch their arms out for the tag. Amber and Califa stretch on out on their feet and leap towards their respective partners for the tag. Califa tags! But Amber is short an inch and Ty steps in! She reaches out again for the tag to Zeus but the delay clearly puts Ty on the drivers seat as he tee's off on the Rhyming One with vicious fists as he gets in the ring. An Irish Whip leads to a very quick Shoulderbreaker. He runs the ropes and leaps in the air to drop the Running Knee, scrapping Zeus' face. Zeus gets up from the attack but that allows Ty to kick Zeus perfectly in the back of the head for the pin. 1!................ 2!................... 3!- But Zeus barely gets the shoulder up. Ty, without hesitation, gets Zeus up and drives him to the corner. He whips Zeus to the opposite side full speed and as Zeus bounces off, Ty hits the X Plex for another cover. 1!............ 2!....... 3-But yet again Zeus gets out. Ty gets behind the fallen Good Doctor and measures him as his eyes shine their evil shinny red. But before he can follow up, Amber gets in the ring to charge. Ty attacks with his Consecrated Banishment, but Amber skids right under it. As she gets back up though, Califa yanks her out of the ring. Ty tags Califa but turns to Zeus before walking out to the ring apron and kicks Zeus in with the Consecrated Banishment! Califa measures Zeus and a soon as he gets to one knee, he hits the Rolling Fire! Ty signals something to Califa and as he does, he runs the ropes as does Califa. Both opposite each other as Ty hits a Suicide Dive to Amber on the outside!! Califa hits “Dragon De Vuelo” on Zeus and cover! 1!! 2!! 3!!!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon!!

Connor: My God! Ty Burna just went luchador on is! He sped across and flew right on to Amber.

Cohen: Why the man on woman violence? Why did he have to throw his 230 pound body on her like that? People can see that as sexual harassment, you know.

Connor: All wrestlers, male or female sign waivers before competing allowing said violence. If you really think Ty and Califa's actions are wrong, you should look at the things Amber as done to them.

As Califa gets up to his feet and has his hand raised, Fallout appears from behind Ty as is also getting up. Fallout rushes forward and swings a chair, but Ty ducks under and the chair brains Amber. She crumbles to the ground in a heap as Ty spins Fallout around and begins throwing stiff right hands. Amber remains on the ground and Califa rolls out of the ring, standing over his former partner. He kneels down to check on her as blood pours down her face and her eyes rolling in the back of her head. Califa looks around, calling for trainers as Ty continues his battle with Fallout.

Connor: Amber looks to have been seriously hurt from that chair shot. She hasn't moved since being struck!

Cohen: And that idiot Califa is just sitting there enjoying the moment!

With no trainers in sight, Califa slowly cradles his arms around her and lifts her up, slowly carrying her around the ring to the entrance ramp. Zeus has stirred and stares down the two former tag partners, silently seething before turning his attention to Ty and Fallout. Fallout has Ty backed into a corner and his dropping huge strikes while Ty tries to cover up. Finally Ty shoves him away and goes for Consecrated Banishment, but Fallout slides away and hits Ty with Half Life! Zeus rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring for something as Fallout rolls the near lifeless Ty into the ring.

Connor: Ty is helpless once again against the Riders!

Cohen: And it looks like Zeus has something up his sleeve.

Zeus pulls out a black bag from under the ring and slides back in. Fallout suddenly fails to hold Ty back as he rushes forward towards Zeus and goes for Consecrated Banishment again, but Zeus avoids the attack. Fallout suddenly delivers a foot to the face of Ty as he turns around, dropping him again as Zeus begins laughing maniacally. Fallout drags Ty to the ropes, twisting them around Ty's arms and locking them in place. He stomps away at him for several moments before Zeus signals for him to stop. He stands before Ty, pulling out a circle of barbed wire.

The Lord has spoken Ty.
For us to live, you must die.
But before I take you down the path of execution.
I shall show you the the power of the messiah's crucifixion!

Zeus takes the barbed wire and places it swiftly onto Ty's head. The Harbinger screams in pain as the barbed wire pierces into his scalp, blood begins pouring down his face as Zeus begins laughing loudly. Fallout brings in the chair from outside, still dented from Amber earlier.

Though my most cherished Rider has fallen.
My voice shall be the chorus of the downtrodden.
And so shall Chaos fall to the righteousness of the Lord.
The false prophet of the Devil shall fall onto my sword!

Zeus takes the chair from Fallout and slams it down directly onto the crown of barbed wire, causing it to bury deeper in Ty's skin. A manic looks forms in Zeus's eyes as he rains down chair shot after chair shot, and soon Ty slumps down, his eyes closed as the blood continues to run down his face and drip to the floor.

Connor: That barbed wire.....Zeus has gone too far this time! Just look at the blood pooling under Ty!

Zeus: All hail the King of Darkness!

Zeus opens Ty's hand open and places a leg of the chair inside it before backing up and mockingly kneeling before Ty. The crowd boos loudly as the camera zooms on Ty wearing the crimson mask before the WZCW logo flashes across the screen and the scene fades out.

Ty & ECD vs. Zeus & Warren, Segments - KJ
Mortlock vs. Sloan - Ty
Overlast vs. Corvus, Segments Yaz
Segments - Harthan

Thanks to everyone for helping. Sorry it's a bit later than expected, we had some trouble with shifting matches around this round and folks getting swamped with real life stuff. We're almost the Lethal Lottery!

Don't get hyped, stay hyped.
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