Ascension 81

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management




The lights go out as the crowd pops loudly. Lights flicker throughout the arena before flames erupt from the corner posts, and red lights flood the arena. Standing in the middle is Ty Burna and Serafina, his head lowered and holding a large scythe in his right hand. He raises his head slowly as the music begins to die down. Ty brings up a microphone with his other hand as Serafina looks around the ring, keeping watch.

Ty: Dr. Zeus, Amber Warren, Fallout. These three names believe they can beat me at my own game. That their actions truly warrant greater power than the moves I have made in the past. El Califa Dragon was sacrificed last night at the altar of the Pale Riders.

The crowd boos loudly, but begins to fade in with El Califa chants. Ty looks out at the crowd before turning to them.

Ty: I will be the first to admit that I have never been the most humble WZCW star in my time here, but I do not need words to gain your respect. You all respect me for my abilities in this ring, the mind games are just the first act in any war I am in. Tonight however, tonight there will be no mind games. There will be blood, there will be destruction, there will be.....Chaos.

The Chaos symbol begins glowing in the ring as Ty smirks, his eyes glowing red as he let's out a blood thirsty roar, the crowd responding in kind.

Ty: Amber Warren shall be no more than a carcass I throw down at the bottom of the altar. She will be my sacrifice tonight, and her head will hang on the blade of my scythe. The time has come to put an end to the Pale Riders, one by one, until all that remains is Dr. Zeus, and he shall cower in fear of the Harbinger of Chaos. And when it is said and done, at the Lethal Lottery, I WILL reclaim my ultimate possession. I will take back what was stolen from me. WZCW will have a true champion once aga..


The red lights wash away as the lights come back up, with Dr. Zeus, Amber Warren, and Fallout standing on the entrance stage. The crowd rains down boos all around them, but yet all three only stare straight forward at Ty. Ty slowly tilts his head towards them, turning to their direction. The Pale Riders begin descending the entrance ramp as Ty motions for them to bring it. Serafina slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in and holding it up preparing to fight as well as the crowd is begging for them to fight. As Zeus climbs up onto the apron, Ty swings his scythe towards him, and Zeus drops off the apron, laughing at the former world champion.

Dr. Zeus: Ty Burna, The King of Darkness.
Oh, please, forgive me, your highness.

Zeus bows in a mock show of respect as does Amber and Fallout. Ty grits his teeth as his eyes glow brightly as he stares them down.

Ty: You mock a title you have no business even understanding Zeus.

Dr. Zeus: I understand what it means to be a servant of God.
While you stand before me, a worthless fraud.
Once, when you were young, you could do the devil's deed,
But in the lottery, you'll tire out, and fall victim to your own greed.

Ty: Idiot, do you truly believe it matters where I start in the Lottery? I won it as the number 7 entrant, and I lasted until the final four last year after coming in early.

Dr. Zeus: Such vain pride for such a foolish quest,
Please tell me, do you really believe you're the best?

Ty: I am the best.

Dr. Zeus: And such a vain man, would never turn down a fight
Could you outlast the whole roster in one night?

Ty stares towards Zeus, but he quits gritting his teeth and a smirk forms on his face. He begins laughing loudly as he spins the scythe in his hand.

Ty: You worry that much about my capabilities?

Dr. Zeus: I know that you're powered by Hell's very might.
But I dare you to start the Lottery from #1... To prove yourself right.

Ty: A challenge? I have never backed down from one Zeus. I have faced every rival I have ever had. I put myself willingly in a Cell with the deranged Barbosa, merely to appease his appetite for destruction. If that is the best you can do, then consider the challenge accepted.

Dr. Zeus: That is, if you even make it to the lottery.
I'll see you later tonight... For now, farewell to thee.

Zeus drops the mic and turns to make his way back up the entrance ramp, Fallout following suit. Amber remains still, staring straight through Ty as Ty stares right at her. She finally turns and makes her way back to catching up with her fellow Riders. Just before they reach the stage Ty lifts his arm up and pillars of fire erupt in front of the Riders. Zeus stares forward before turning back to Ty.

Ty: Before you walk away to play with your ponies Zeus. I did have one final thing to say. There's more than just accepting a challenge laid out in front of me.

Ty climbs up onto the second rope and leans over it, his voice deepening and becoming louder.

Ty: I will make sure I see every single one of you Riders in the Lethal Lottery, and I am now guaranteed that you will not escape my wrath! Thus it is written, so it shall come to pass!

Ty drops the mic as the lights wash away in red again, the crowd cheering loudly as Ty and Zeus stare towards one another with the pillars of flames behind Zeus.

Connor: An explosive opening here on Ascension! I'm Cat Connor and with me is Jack Cohen. Jack! Ty has accepted the gauntlet Zeus has thrown down, and he will now enter at number one at the Lethal Lottery!

Cohen: Not a very smart move by Ty. He knew he was being baited, and yet he took it with a smile on his face.

Connor: But that's the type of fighter Ty is. In any case he faces Amber Warren later tonight, in a Mayhem Rules match. But coming up next, we have Mick Overlast and Blade taking on the Tag Team Champions Young Justice!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen! The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, at a combined weight of 416lbs, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Young Justice!

The tag team champions make their way onto the stage to a round of applause. Jon is much more reserved than the outgoing Haven, who runs up and down both sides of the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. Jon simply makes his way to the ring and slides inside, working on a few punch combinations.

Connor: The Tag Team Champions, Young Justice, ever growing in popularity, will be up against a stern test in two veterans tonight. Mick Overlast and Blade.

Cohen: Two clowns like this have no place in this business. I look forward to Blade and Overlast teaching them a lesson here tonight.


And their opponents. Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing 235 pounds, Mick Overlast!

Overlast makes his way on stage to a mix of cheers and boos. He slowly makes his way down the ramp and stops at the bottom and awaits his partner.


His partner, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade makes his way on stage, to a similar reaction to Overlast. Blade though shows some reluctance in approaching his partner. When they meet up Overlast appears ready to go, but Blade has some reservations. The two climb onto the apron and have a quick chat regarding their game plan.

Connor: Already a bit of dissension between Blade and Overlast. You have to wonder if they will be able to get along here tonight.

Cohen: They have history together, but they are veterans and both men yearn to win. They will put their issues aside and shut up the doubters like you Cat.

Dillon Morse is in charge of the action for the tag contest. He goes over last minute instructions and calls for the bell. It will be Overlast and Hyada starting it off. Jon offers a handshake, and Mick obliges. After the show of sportsmanship the two back off and begin to circle before they finally tie up. Neither man is able to get the advantage so they separate and back away. They circle each other before locking up. Overlast uses his strength advantage to push Hyada backwards against the turnbuckle. He begins to pound away, striking him with vicious haymakers. Hyada covers up and then reverses him, lighting Overlast up with chops to the chest. He tries to Irish Whip him out of the corner, but Overlast counters and hits a suplex driving the martial artist onto his neck and shoulders. He applies a reverse chinlock, as Hyada begins to struggle. He elbows his way free and reveres Overlast into a headlock. Mick shows no signs of slowing down and knocks Jon away with a series of punches followed by a headbutt.

Connor: Mick Overlast running at full speed here early on, not slowing down at all.

Overlast begins to pound away on Hyada, and then floors him a backbreaker. He drags him to the ropes and ties up one of Hyada's hands in the ropes and stomps away, as the ref counts. Overlast breaks at four, but sneaks one last kick to the head which knocks Hyada loopy. He whips him across the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Jon ducks and hits a springboard crossbody, only for Overlast to roll through. He tries for an early sneak pin. 1!...But Hyada kicks out with ease and springs to his feet and hits an armdrag, before locking in a side headlock. Overlast struggles, but manages to get to his feet. Jon keeps the headlock locked in as he drags Mick to the corner and tags in his partner. Haven leaps into the ring and connects with a big dropkick to the head of Overlast. The caped superstar hooks a leg. 1!...2!...but Overlast kicks out.

Connor: It appears that Overlast has run out of steam after his hot start.

Cohen: Don't worry, Mick will find his second wind soon enough.

Haven uses the ropes to pull off a beautiful springboard elbow to the grounded Overlast. He hooks the leg a second time after the elbow. 1!...but Overlast gets the shoulder up with ease this time. Haven drags Overlast to his feet and softens him up with a couple of right hands before he drops him back down with a spinning wheel kick. The crowd cheers as Haven then runs to the ropes and connects with a picture perfect springboard moonsault. He stays on top of Overlast and the ref slides into place. 1!...2!...and once again Overlast kicks out.

Cohen: I told you he wouldn't go away easy Cat. Mick is hanging tough.

Haven claps his hands together in a bit of frustration before he pulls Overlast back to his feet. Mick tries to fight back, throwing some short punches to the midsection but a knee to the guy and Haven is able to Irish whip Overlast across the ring. As he hits the ropes, Blade tags himself in, unseen by Haven. As Haven flips Overlast over with a back body drop, Blade rushes in and floors the tag champ with a big clothesline. Haven gets to his feet confused but Blade keeps up the offense and hammers away with huge right hands before he connects with a stiff kick to the midsection. With Haven doubled over, Blade connects with a fisherman's suplex. He bridges and the ref slides into position. 1!...2!...And Hayada just gets in the break up the pin. A huge brawl begins to take place with all four men now in the ring and throwing wild punches. Dillon Morse is having trouble restoring order as the four men brawl.

Connor: This is quickly getting out of hand!

A big knee to the gut of Haven by Blade puts him down, allowing Blade and Overlast to connect with a gigantic double clothesline that sends all three men spilling over the top rope. Just as the former Sons of Destiny get to their feet Haven comes flying over the top rope and splashes down on top of the two. The ref, absolutely overwhelmed by the chaos hasn't even bothered to start his ten count.

Cohen: The ref needs to step in and restore some damn order. This is completely unprofessional.

Haven gets to his feet and helps his partner to his, just before Overlast and Blade get to theirs. Blade rolls into the ring shortly after Haven. The bigger Blade manages to get the upper hand after the two trade shots. He sets up Haven for a German suplex, but Haven flips out and lands on his feet. He quickly runs and leapfrogs over Blade and tags in his partner. Hyada jumps in with a big punch, staggering Blade. He continues to use a beautiful combination or martial arts strikes to back Blade up. Hyada backs in into the Sons of Destiny corner, where Overlast makes a blind tag. Hyada doesn't see it as he Irish whips Blade across the ring. Haven however catches this and yells it out and just as Overlast steps in. Hyada ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a springboard Superman punch, The Falling Star! Haven grabs hold of Blade and pulls him out of the ring just as Jon makes the cover. 1!...2!...3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Young Justice!

Cohen: No! A complete sham job by the ref cost Blade and Overlast.

Haven grabs the title belts from the time keeper's area and slides into the ring to celebrate the victory with Jon. Meanwhile Overlast has come to and tries to apologize to Blade, who is upset over the loss and is having none of it.

Connor: Well some communication issues between the former stable mates caused them to fall, but congratulations to the tag team champs on another hard fought victory.


Connor: Oh great, what do they want?

Cohen: They’ve come to breathe fire on these fakers, CC.

The three-headed group of Cerberus comes out with cocky smiles. Each one has a microphone as Flex Mussel, Ramparte, and Eve Taylor remain on the entrance ramp.

Mussel: Ladies and gentlemen, these two “heroes” are not who you think they are.

The crowd responds with instant boos.

Taylor: They are putting on a facade that has fooled you all.

Ramparte: We have been saying it since day one, but we finally have some proof.

Ramparte waves a floppy picture in the air. YJ look on from the ring, worn out from their match. Ramparte hands over the picture to Mussel.

Mussel: What we have here is a picture that we have shown to Ascension GM, Chuck Myles. He agrees with us that it warrants enough concern worth looking into. Let us present Exhibit A!

Mussel points up at the titantron until we see a photo of what appears to be Haven at a party. Throughout the party there are several people drinking and heavy smoke in the air. The camera shows Haven in the ring, and he begins to look nervous.

Mussel: This photo shows that Haven was at a Tier 10 Fraternity party this past week.

Hyada: Yeah, and that is a crime how?!?

Hyada interjects as the camera shows him now with a microphone in the ring. Mussel holds up a finger.

Mussel: Exhibit B: At that party, we can confirm that one individual was busted for possession of drugs and arrested. Which means, it is very likely that one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Haven, partook in drug related activity!

The crowd gasps as Hyada retorts.

Hyada: That’s balderdash! Isn’t that right, Haven?

Hyada looks over at Haven. Haven hesitates to answer, but then agrees with Hyada that it is absurd. Hyada nods slowly and then turns his attention back to Cerberus.

Taylor: Oh, you don’t have to respond, Haven. Besides, how could we trust a druggie.

The crowd boos at Taylor’s insult.

Mussel: That’s right, we will get our answers tomorrow night on Aftershock, as we have been given permission to administer an emergency drug test to Haven! And if he fails, he, along with Hyada, will be stripped of the WZCW Tag Team Titles!

Cerberus begins to laugh as their music plays. Hyada looks furious in the ring as he begins to question Haven if he is sure he didn’t do anything at the party. Haven denies doing anything. The scene fades out.

Cohen: I knew it! I knew that Haven was a bad influence. There are kids around the world who look up to these fakers, and Haven has soiled their minds with his irresponsible actions. You can’t deny it now, CC!

Connor: Haven hasn’t taken the test yet, Cohen. I have faith that this is all one big misunderstanding.

We cut backstage where Theron Daggershield is prepping for his match against Mr. Butty. Suddenly the Elite, Showtime, Constantine, and Michael Winters, walk by and Constantine puts his shoulder into Theron.

Theron: Hey, what's your problem Constantine.

The Elite stop and turn, Constantine getting right up in Theron's face.

Constantine: My problem is there nothing but leeches like you standing in our way when we're walking.

Theron: Villain! You walk like corrupt kings around here. I think it's time someone stands up to you!

Constantine smirks and begins laughing as does Showtime and Winters.

Constantine: And what's a pipsqueak like you going to do about it?

Theron: It just so happens Constantine, that I Theron Daggershield still have an Elite X Title shot that I won a couple months ago. I notice you don't have a match at the Lethal Lottery. I'm cashing that opportunity in. Prepare yourself Constantine! I shall claim victory and the Elite X Title at the Lethal Lottery. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a match.

Theron walks past Constantine, putting his shoulder into him this time as Constantine's face contorts into anger as Showtime stares back towards Theron. He slaps Constantine's back and talks quietly to his partner.

Showtime: I think it's time to teach him a lesson, and show him what happens when you disrespect The Elite!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Theron Daggershield comes to the entrance way, adorned in red, yellow, and purple lighting, as the crowd cheers him on. Theron poses with his prop sword, and aims it towards the ring, making his way down the aisle.

Anderson: Intoducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190 pounds, The Warblade, Theron Daggershield!

Cohen: Ok, so I've been doing some research on dice games, because of last week. I managed to do some field research, actually.

Connor: .... I'm listening, Cohen.

Cohen: So, what you gotta do is rolls sevens, and take the money from the-

Connor: Oh, God damn it!

Theron walks to the ring and rolls his d20 before entering, jumps into the ring, takes off his trenchcoat and sunglasses before striking another pose. His eyes reveal a fiery determination, as he waits for his opponent.


Mr. Butty walks slowly towards the ring in his shirt, trousers and tie combination and with his glasses on the tip of his nose so that he can look down on people.

Anderson: His opponent, from from England, weighing 227 pounds, Mr. Butty!

Cohen: Man, I'm so glad to see this man return to WZCW, and enlighten the masses here.

Connor: You know, high school teachers really only need to know the level of their content level. Their real prime objective is to hit the Common Core in America, but in other countries, there are different standards and-

Cohen: Nerd!

He challenges children at ringside to spell difficult words, he will snap his fingers in their faces and challenge them to calculate quickly and he will pick fault with his opponent when he enters the ring. He enters, and gives a huge grin to Elizabeth Prince separates the two fighters. Theron nods that he's ready to fight, as she calls the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Butty calls Theron to the middle of the ring, and the two go nose to nose with one another. Butty slaps Theron, as the crowd oohs at the nonchalance of the attack. Theron holds his cheek, and checks his teeth, before returning with a hard right. The crowd cheers as Theron throws a jab, which has Mr. Butty reeling even more. The glasses on Butty's face fly in the air, as Butty tries to measure where they will land. He tries to grab them, but for keeping his eye off Theron, he is rewarded with a clothesline, down to the mat! Theron roars to the crowd, as the crowd cheers in approval. Mr. Butty slowly makes it to his feet, as Theron turns around. Butty is still wobbly, as Theron grabs him by the lower body, and hits an atomic drop, which downs the teacher! The crowd cheers, as Mr. Butty holds his crotch in agony. Butty staggers around the ring, knees held tight together, as the crowd laughs at the sight of him walking around the ring. Finally, Butty falls to his face, holding his private parts in agony. Theron climbs the ropes, motioning to the crowd to get on their feet, and cheer on The Warblade. Theron climbs to the top, as Butty makes it to all fours. Butty makes it to a knee, and then wobbles to his feet, as Theron measures his opponent. Theron flies off the top rope, throwing his legs out for a missile dropkick.

Mr. Butty rolls out of the way at just the right moment though, and Theron crashes hard to the canvas. Theron's right knee hits the mat, and hard, as Theron screams in agony. Butty hurries over to take advantage, but Elizabeth Prince keeps him at bay, due to the amount of pain Theron seems to be in. Theron holds his knee, which seems to have suffered an injury upon impact. Prince goes over to check on Theron, asking if he wants to continue. Between screams of agony, Theron screams that he wants to continue the fight. Prince orders for Theron to try and reach his feet, attempting to sort if Theron can continue the fight. Theron makes it to one knee, but when trying to make it to one foot, Theron screams out in agony. Theron lunges towards the ropes, trying to get help to make it to his feet. But Mr. Butty comes in, with a stomp right into the back of the knee. The crowd hisses at the villainous Butty, as he lays another boot into the inside of Theron's knee.

Connor: What cowardice from Mr. Butty! Now he tries to kick a man while he's down.

Cohen: Hey, Cat! Theron used to be an adventurer, before he took a missile dropkick to the-

Connor: Damn it, Cohen, you're too old to make that reference!

Theron writhes in agony, still trying to use the ropes to pull himself up. Elizabeth Prince pushes back Butty, ordering him to obey her instructions. Butty holds his hands up, as Theron struggles to his feet. He winces at the pressure being put on his leg, and hops on his good leg. He stares angrily at Butty, who looks on smugly at The Warblade. Theron tries to jump towards Butty, in an attempt to reach out to him. Theron throws wild punches at Butty, before Butty hits a clip to the knee of Theron. Theron crashes to the ground, as Mr. Butty smiles at the audience.

Connor: Theron needs to protect his leg, before he gets into any more trouble.

Cohen: Theron's already in trouble, Cat. Butty's found the weakspot, and he's going to attack it for maximum damage.

Butty wraps his legs around Theron's bad knee, and lands a knee down on Theron's hurt knee. Again, Theron screams in agony, as Butty attacks the knee. Prince admonishes for Butty to relieve the pressure, which Butty takes the time to lift the ankle, and turn it to a submission hold. Theron screams in pain, but refuses to submit. He will not surrender, as he violently lashes out for the ropes. He moves towards the ropes, and grabs the bottom rope, which allows for Prince to call for the hold to be broken. She begins her count. 1....2...3...4... Butty breaks the hold right before five, as he rightfully asserts he has the right to do. Theron now needs the ropes just to support his weight, and get back to his feet, but even that can't help. He flails around, as Butty comes to pick off the bones, standing over the fallen Warblade. He grabs the injured leg, and prepares for the figure four leg lock. But as he steps over the leg, Theron kicks him away, and Butty flies towards the ropes. Butty bounces off the ropes, and then starts running towards Theron. Theron hits a monkey flip with his good leg, which makes the crowd come alive! Butty hits his back, and Theron attempts with all his strength to fight to his feet. One one leg, Theron lunges at Butty with a flying forearm! The crowd is going wild, as Theron jumps with one leg, and signals that he wants to bring an end to Mr. Butty!

Connor: Theron's gonna do it!

Cohen: That's impossible!

Connor: Theron does the impossible!

Theron rallies support, and the adrenaline gives him enough chance to bounce off the ropes for a springboard dropkick. But Theron's leg buckles, as he falls to the mat in agony. Butty makes it to his feet, and notices his fallen opponent, still grabbing at his knee. Butty grabs Theron's leg and drags him to the middle of the ring. He steps over Theron's knee, and locks his leg around Theron's, sitting down for a figure four in the middle of the ring! Theron refuses to tap, though, begging Prince to not stop the match! Butty cranks up the pressure, and a vicious smile forms on Butty's mouth, for the first time ever. He starts to wrench the leg into an ungodly angle. Theron begins to lose consciousness, but desperately fights to stay in the match! But he can fight no longer, and falls to the mat. Try as he might, there is nowhere to go, and the pain has caused him to pass out. Prince counts down Theron's shoulders. 1...2...3....

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Mr. Butty kicks off Theron's leg, which gets an admonishing from Elizabeth Prince.

Anderson: The winner of this match, Mr. Butty!

Connor: A... Very different performance from Mr. Butty...

Cohen: He attacked the weak point, but he did so in such a vicious way. Looks like no dice for Theron.

Mr. Butty rolls out of the ring, licking his chops, as Theron lays in the ring, getting his knee checked out. He is regaining consciousness, but still seems in a massive amount of pain.

We go backstage where Leon Kensworth is standing by.

Leon: Joining me at this time, Amber Warren.

Amber walks in, and immediately stares right through Leon.

Amber: Make this quick Leon. I have a legend to destroy tonight.

Leon: About that Amber, earlier tonight Ty put himself in the number one spot at the Lethal Lottery.

Amber begins laughing almost uncontrollably before she pushes Leon up against the wall, the laughing stop as she slowly wraps her hand around Leon's and the mic. She speaks very quietly, with an evil tone.

Amber: Let me make one thing clear Leon. Dr. Zeus has empowered me. He has given me the confidence to walk into a Mayhem Rules match against Ty Burna of all people, and know I will be victorious. Ever since that fraud has come back, that's all I've heard about. Ty Burna this, Ty Burna that. After tonight, all you will hear about is how Amber Warren took his spotlight, and put out his fire, once and for all.

Leon: I.....I understand.

Amber: As far as the Lethal Lottery is concerned, it doesn't matter. Ty will be broken tonight. He was already a shell of his former self, and now I will shatter what remains. You saw what we did to El Califa Dragon last night, now Ty leaves an open invitation to join El Califa's fate. And I will be the Pestilence that swarms around the Harbinger, and put him down.

Amber shoves Leon as she walks away as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 271 pounds, representing The Elite, Michael Winters!

Smoke slowly fills the top of the ramp as the arena lights have gone low but not completely dark. A purple hue over the fog as Michael Winters slowly walks out and stops at the top of the ramp, he kneels down in prayer for a moment and then stands up and makes a cross across his chest and mutters a prayer to himself.

Connor: Michael Winters and Steven Holmes have been talking a lot lately about who is truly Elite in WZCW, but there's no better way to resolve that than a match, is there, Jack?

Cohen: Certainly not, Cat, certainly not. But how could you choose between such great superstars? Why can't they all be Elite?

Anderson: And his opponent, from Buckinghamshire, England, weighing 235 pounds, "The Elite," Steven Holmes!

As the opening cords of Beethoven's 5th Symphony hit, the lights die but for one lone spotlight. As the music begins to swell and build, a robed figure emerges at a slow pace; Steven Holmes. He pouts with disdain as the crowd lavishes him with hatred. He shakes his head and proceeds to make his way down the ramp. He does not interact with the audience. He wipes his feet before setting foot on the ring steps and then proceeds up them towards the apron. There, he once more wipes his feet before pausing, taking the crowd in and then entering the ring. The spotlight still with him, Holmes makes his way to the centre of the ring and raises his right arm, his index finger extended upward as he does and poses. This lasts for a few moments before the lights return to normality.

Connor: I think the problem, Jack, is there's just no resolving the egos of everyone in the Elite with Steven Holmes.

Cohen: Egos? There's no egos among greats like that! It's about standards! Keeping the standards of the Elite high is necessary, and I think this match is going to prove that both of them are more than good enough!

Holmes and Winters stare each other down and the referee is about to signal for the bell, but they're interrupted by...

Connor: Well, I guess it only makes sense that the rest of the Elite would be here to observe, and to cheer on Michael Winters against Steven Holmes...

Cohen: Maybe they'll join us on commentary!

"Showtime" David Cougar and the Elite X Champion, Constantine, make their way onto the entrance stage. Holmes looks somewhat upset with their presence, while Winters looks confused. They make their way down the ramp and then slide into the ring. They go to Winters corner, Constantine patting him on the back while Showtime leans in to offer advice.

Connor: Seems like a last minute pep talk from the Elite.

Winters nods along with Showtime's advice and the Elite drop out of the ring to stand in Winters corner. The referee looks frustrated with the interruption but signals for the bell and we are underway. The two opponents close quickly - but the Elite are back in the ring! They break up the lockup - and CONSTANTINE NAILS WINTERS WITH THE ELITE X TITLE!

Cohen: What in the world?!

Connor: Was...was that an accident?

Holmes looks on, apparently baffled, until he and Showtime make eye contact, and Holmes starts chuckling. Constantine stares down at Winters and Holmes come up, picks him up, and NAILS THE IMPERIAL IMPALER! Showtime turns over the limp body of Winters and locks in the Commercial Break! Winters is too far gone to even try to tap, and the referee pleased with Showtime to let Winters out. Constantine shoves the ref out of the way and Showtime wrenches one last time before dropping Winters. The three men left standing raise their hands together and apparently proclaim a new Elite.

Connor: I don't believe what we've just seen, Jack! Apparently the Elite have decided that Michael Winters is out...and Steven Holmes is in?!

Cohen: I always said Winters just didn't have it! Steven Holmes was the original elite, and now he's joined up with the best of the best! Constantine, Holmes, and Showtime! What a group!

The new Elite stands over Winters body as the scene fades out, the crowd around them stunned at what they've just witnessed.

We immediately cut backstage as Blade and Mick Overlast look at a monitor, looking at old footage of the Men in Black attacking various WZCW superstars.

Overlast: Blade, we need to stop this.

Blade doesn't respond, merely watching the monitor, his eyes holding a cold stare.

Overlast: Blade! Come on man listen to me!

Overlast tries to shake Blade out of it but Blade snaps at him.

Blade: Isn't it funny Overlast, that shortly before you return, the Men In Black show up attacking everyone?

Overlast: What are you talking about? I saved you from them last week! You could be in a hospital bed.

Blade: Convenient isn't it Mick? Almost as if you knew when they were going to show up.

Overlast looks blown away at the accusation, turning his head for a moment before getting into Blade's face.

Overlast: Look I know we haven't been on good terms for so long, but damn it Blade, I'm on your side here!

Blade: And you were on my side a couple years ago! So what's changed that you're now trying to get on my good side?

Overlast: I'm atoning for past sins Blade. I made a mistake when I stabbed you in the back. I thought it was best for my career to get away from you and Hammond. I was wrong, and right now if I can help you get back at the Men In Black, then I can correct that mistake, now, will you accept my help.

Overlast holds his hand out, and Blade looks at it for several moments before reaching out and shaking it.

Blade: You got it Mick. But I still got my eye on you.

We cut to another part of the backstage area as Ty Burna and Serafina are walking towards the entrance stage.

Connor: What is going through the mind of Ty Burna as he prepares for his Mayhem Rules match with Amber Warren? That's coming up next!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for your Ascension main event. The following contest is a Mayhem rules match scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, representing the Pale Riders, she is Amber Warren!!

Amber appears on stage surrounded by druids. Each holding banners on poles as she walks past each one. She wears street clothes. A tank top, long jeans and leather boots instead of her usual ring gear.

Connor: Amber is clearly armed for war as she walks past these dru- Wait a minute!

One of the druids in the background noticeably isn't holding up his banner. Amber doesn't notice and the druid removes his hood to reveal Ty Burna after Amber walks past him. The crowd goes mad and Amber stops in front of the ring confused by the reaction as Ty towers right behind her. She slowly turns with a scared face almost expecting him to be there. And the brawl is on. Ty, still wearing the robe delivers stiff right hands on Amber as she staggers back onto the ring skirt. Ty Irish Whips her on to the ringpost as the assigned referee, Jun Akiyama calls the two back in to the ring. Ty removes the robe violently with his evil eyes dead set on the fallen Amber. He grabs her by the hair and stands her up before pushing her on to the barricade. He delivers a series of shoulder thrusts to keep Amber down. But all of the sudden, he's yanked away! By the druids!

Cohen: Even the extras of the show fall for Amber's charm?

Connor: Charm? More like brainwashing. Probably a courtesy from Dr. Zeus.

They all start to beat down on Ty Burna as Amber crawls away to catch her breath. About 8 of them pummel the former Champion. Pushing him off to the entrance ramp. Ty tries his best to create some separation, but the numbers game is clearly too much. He manages to grab one and pulls him by the robe sending him face first to the barricade. He repeats the dosage twice, dwindling the numbers. Back to his feet, he fights off the remaining 5, pushing them back with his offense. The druids come back in but........ CONSECRATED BANISHMENT!! Ty drills one in the face. A second one swings with a haymaker, but Ty ducks and hits his signature Consecrated Banishment yet again! 5 down, 3 to go! Another CB Kick! The remaining two look on from the distance trying to plan something. They charge both at once and one is met with yet another Consecrated Banishment. But the remaining grunt manages to catch Ty and pounds away on him. He tries, but Ty brushes the punches off and tosses the grunt on to the barricade. The crowd goes wild as the grunt lays standing. Not that it matters because Ty hits his 5th Consecrated Banishment in a row to knock down all the troublesome druids.

Connor: It's like watching someone play an 80's Beat 'Em Up game. Ty just took down 8 mooks like nobody's business.

Cohen: It's Ty Burna. This guy is just all violence. Amber needs to be extremely clever to beat him.

Ty brushes off the damage as looks around for Amber Warren. As he walks by ringside, the Dragon Queen suddenly rushes up the ring skirt and to a nearby top rope. As Ty spots her, she leaps at him crashing right atop of him. She quickly starts whaling on him with her fists noticeably taped up heavily. Ty tries to block, but Amber grabs him by his hair and gets clear shots right on his forehead. We see as the blows little by little cut open the former WZCW owner. Ty tries to get up as Amber, despite being in control, doesn't exactly have the power to keep the much taller and stronger Ty Burna down. Amber hangs on to the hair as Ty gets to his knees. He elbows the cultist vixen right in the gut several times to get her to let go and eventually gets his wish. Amber backs away from Ty as he tries to catch his breath. He looks over his shoulder thinking his next move through rather than blindly chasing after Amber. She walks around desperately looking for something under the ring. Ty looks on methodically from the distance with the blood covering his face.

Connor: Smart move for the former champion to take it easy. He's already fallen into several of Amber's traps.

Amber finds a trashcan lid under the ring and gets it. Ty finally gets to his feet as Amber also gets up after getting the lid. She spots Ty looking straight at her with his evil eyes from across the ring. Ty begins to walk slowly and methodically towards her as she threatens to hit him. He keeps his walk and Amber gets ready to swing. As she does, it does NOTHING to Ty who simply looks on angrily at her. She tries several times to absolutely no effect. Ty grabs her by the scruff of the neck and tosses her into the ring between the ropes. He gets in the ring and referee Jun Akiyama finally rings the bell.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Amber takes advantage and runs the ropes. She leaps on Ty and hits a Huricanrana. She gets right up and Springboards falling on the quick to stand Ty with a Crossbody. Cover! 1!........2!...........3-No!! Ty powers out with the shoulder for two. As he gets to his knees, Amber runs and hits a low Dropkick on him and then drops on him with a running Senton Splash. She races outside for weapons and finds a kendo stick. She gets back in and as Ty gets back up, she quickly swings for the fences. Decking Ty right on the back with a shot heard all the way to Peru. She takes several shots as Ty goes back down to his knees. With him groggy, Amber takes a good measure and then strikes Ty directly on the head!

Cohen: Oh good God, Almighty! She killed him!

Connor: I think Ty's done!

Ty drops down to the canvas to a total stun for the audience. Amber shoots the half and hooks the leg.

1.............!.................2...........!................3-But Ty suddenly kicks out!!! Amber looks on in total disbelief. Despite Ty kicking out, he lays motionless on the ground still. Amber gets up and drags Ty to the center of the ring and measures. She runs to the corner and leaps up it for the Sin City Express, but Ty barely rolls out of the way letting Amber crash and burn on the canvas.

Let's Go Ty! Let's Go Ty! Let's Go Ty! Let's Go Ty!

The crowd cheers on the Harbinger of Chaos who struggles just to get his head up as Amber also tries to get a hold of herself. Jun Akiyama accesses the damage, but the rules of the match don't let him do much else. Both competitors slowly get up and Amber quickly goes on the attack. She looks to kick Ty but he catches it. He turns her over, but Amber goes for the Dragon Whip. It knocks Ty back to the ropes. Using the momentum though, Ty hits a Running Knee to knock Amber down. He grabs her and Underhooks her for the Double Underhook Backbreaker to put her down before he gives his evil glare towards the energetic crowd.

Cohen: I think the wheels are turning on that sick mind of his.

Ty goes outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out a table and throws it in the ring as Amber begins to stir. Inside, he sets the table on the corner as Amber is now on her knees. Ty grabs her and gives her several knees to the gut before turning to her back and hooking the X-Plex on her. She bounces on the canvas and ends up seated right by the table as Ty stands by the opposite turnbuckle waiting for Amber to get back up. Amber slowly gets up but just as Ty begins to charge for the Consecrated Banishment, she gets out of the ring. Ty, not skipping a beat, goes right after her. He charges towards her but Amber quickly hits a Spinning Heel Kick to stop Ty. It knocks him to the barricade as Amber backs away in desperation. She screams out in frustration as Ty gets right back up. The crowd goes wild for Ty, but a fan seems to be heckling him. He turns to spot the fan in a plastic Fallout mask and eyeballs him.

Connor: Why is Ty paying attention to the fan? That's not like him to get distracted.

Cohen: I don't think that's a fan, I think Ty see's right through the disguise!

Ty jumps the barricade and chases the alleged fan for a bit. Right back to the barricade area, Ty follows him. He follows the fan and yanks the mask to reveal..... FALLOUT! For a brief second, Ty is confused and that's enough for a second person in a Fallout mask to appear and toss Ty right back to ringside where Amber waits and slaps Ty across the face. Enraged now, Ty lets out a primal scream and rushes after Amber into the ring. She stands cornered right by the table and Ty eyeballs her as Amber panics. Ty charges for Consecrated Banishment, but Amber ducks and catapults Ty against the table! She quickly capitalizes and hits the Sin City Express! The Moonsault leads to the cover! 1!.......2!........3!!!!!!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Amber Warren!!!

As soon as the bell rings, Amber leaves and leaps through the crowd towards Fallout and the masked man. Who it was is not shown as Ty is left enraged down on the canvas after the surprise finish.

Connor: I can't believe it! She did it? It took 10 men, but Amber beat Ty?! And who was under the other mask?

Cohen: You better believe it. It was Dr. Zeus. I doubt it could've been anyone else. You know how protective he is. But that firecracker got it done big time tonight. She doesn't need El Califa's protection. She's said it before, and tonight she proved it.

Connor: Anyway this was a hell of a main event. Bodies everywhere, trash all over and a beaten Ty Burna in the center of the ring. How will all this play out? For now, I'm Cat Connors alongside Jack Cohen for Ascension. Good night everybody. Wow.

Ty: Segments
Haiku: Butty vs. Theron, Opening
Yaz: Tag Match
Harthan: Holmes vs. Winters
KJ: Warren vs. Burna

Yaz here. So yeah, there is a show and stuff. I think these credits are correct. If not blame KJ.

KJ here. Fuck Yaz.
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