Ascension 80

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Vance: Dr. Zeus, you will return that World Heavyweight Championship or face very steep legal repercussions. But you can keep the cham- Wait. Let me correct that. You can keep the FORMER World Champion. Because we'll be crowning a brand new one. At Lethal Lottery. In none other than the 30 man match itself!!!


The crowd becomes completely ecstatic as the Riders panic and throw fits in the ring at the blockbuster announcement.

Mr. Banks: I suggest you guys re-think your plan because what you did was give 30 superstars a chance to hope to win the big one. At San Juan Puerto Rico, at Lethal Lottery, it really will be the Biggest and Hottest Battle Ever Fought. Get ready for your match later because you guys still work for me.


With a historic main event announced, the Superstars Of WZCW look to make an impact on the road to the Biggest Battle in History. Tonight they will do their best to mark their niche. Veracruz, get ready. Tonight, people will ascend.




Connor: Welcome back, everybody. To the sold out Plaza De Toros in Veracruz, Mexico! Like Mikey Stormrage would say, Live Mas! It's time for Ascension!

Cohen: That's right, tonight Constantine makes his first title defense against the shy but dangerous Aubrey Sloan. And as announced on Meltdown last night we have Theron Daggershield vs Diabolos. Lets get to it!


Constantine makes his way out to the ring alone with the Elite X Championship around his waist. He flaunts it and gets in the ring with a mic at hand.

Constantine: I'm gonna make this quick and easy. I had shrimp puffs, red wine and some damn good egg rolls imported from a catering service in Texas since all you landscapers eat and drink is burritos and tequila. We are not happy with these silly mishandlings by management lately. First it's putting Showtime and Winters in a TLC match with 3 other teams instead of..... I don't know... ONE ON ONE? Then we have a totally random World title match. Which ends with someone else coming in and running off with the title belt. What happened to the traditionalism around here? And now to make matters worse, I'm wrestling a girl straight out of the Himalayas. Off the set of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Oh, and she chases squirrels. She chases squirrels!

Constantine starts mockingly acting like a squirrel, gnawing at the title as the crowd boo's him. He laughs before regaining his composure.

Here's a nut! Want the nut? I'm wrestling a nut. Man. Oh, and before I forget. Matt. Mr. Tastic. We want an answer in 2 weeks. We're not waiting any longer than that. You want to be seen as a big boy? Well the door is open to hang with the big boys. Are you coming


Aubrey rushes down the ramp full speed and startles Constantine. He starts running when she enters the ring and Aubrey chases right after him. Constantine jumps the barricade and creates some distance.

What the hell are you doing!?!

Sloan: You said you're a squirrel! So here I am to catch you! And when I do, I will not let go. That belt you hold will be the perfect trophy of my achievement. You'll not elude me like the rest.

Sloan throws the mic down as her music hits. The crowd cheers her on as Constantine backs away. Fans stretch out and pat the challenger on the back and she turns to return the gesture as we fade to black.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, on loan from Gloom County Police Force, weighing 218 pounds, Detective Frank Mortlock!

After a moment of indulging in their displeasure he shakes his head and moves towards the ring, pulling his elbow away from a fan that got a bit too close for his liking. He stopped and looked out at the crowd once more before removing his hat and coat and hanging them on the ring post. Climbing the steps he begins to roll up his sleeves and perform a few quick punching combinations after stepping through the ropes.

Connor: Detective Mortlock doesn't seem to be in a good mood this evening.

Cohen: He should be! Why does he want to waste his time with a relic like Daddy Mack?

And his opponent from Boise, Idaho, weighing 280 pounds, Daddy Mack!


His music comes on, he walks to the ring purposefully, and gesticulates and greets the crowd as he heads to the ring.

Connor: A rather simple entrance for Daddy Mack this evening. But the crowd seems to enjoy his return!

Cohen: Frankly Cat, I'm surprised he even has theme music.

Mortlock eyes the returning Daddy Mack long and hard as referee Katie Shepard calls for the bell.


Daddy Mack steps out towards center ring and throws his hands out wide, turning to look out at the crowd to draw them into the spectacle of the returning old timer. The Detective's eyes never leave the more experienced wrestler for a moment as he panders to the crowd. When Mack returns his attention to Frank he finds the man stepping forward and leveling a heavy boot right into the old man's gut. Mortlock quickly follows up with an overhand clubbing blow to the shoulder blade area and pulls him into a rough side headlock. Frank cranks down hard, wrenching the submission hold and dropping down to a knee a few times to really apply the pressure. Mack howls out screams of "NO" when referee Shepard calls for his submission and begins to back the younger man up towards the ropes to force a break.

Connor: Mortlock doesn't waste any time, hoping to make this match quick.

Cohen: I don't blame him. Daddy Mack can't keep up with someone so much younger than him.

Mortlock glares in response to both Katie's instruction to release Mack and Mack's lazy tactic. The two meet center ring a second time after Daddy shouts out to the crowd again, taunting the Detective. Frank, like before, rushes in again but this time is answered with a rough two handed shove that sends him back reeling almost on his ass. Mortlock looks back incredulously at the old star and steps in, shoving the man back. Mack accepts the shove and uses it to hit the ropes, bouncing back in to meet Frank with a collar and elbow tie up that he transitions into a side headlock of his own. Pandering to the ground a bit, he grinds his forearm into Mortlock's head quickly then swings around to force Frank into a hammer lock, then transitioning to send the Detective to the mat with a hip toss.

Connor: And now some old school maneuvers from Daddy has Mortlock reeling a bit.

Cohen: For heaven's sake Cat, Mortlock is merely indulging him for a moment.

Frank collects himself on one knee after recovering from the display of simple chain wrestling and spits down at his opponent's feet while he continues to taunt him and get the crowd into his favor. Mack beckons Mortlock to come back and fight and the Detective obliges, socking the old man with a dirty uppercut as he rises. Daddy staggers back but Frank pursues, landing a follow up hard right hand to the jaw and a left to the body. Backing up Mack into the corner, Mortlock drives several well placed knees into the gut and tossing him to the mat for a quick count of one. After the quick pin attempt, Mortlock gets to his feet and lays in several Prison Stomps, to the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and stomach. Still having Mack down, Frank leaps up to drop a knee across the forehead, securing the old man up again for another quick pin.

1... 2-Mack kicks out immediately after Katie lands the second count, pushing the Detective away from him and getting to a knee. Mortlock continues the pressure and grabs Daddy by the hair to drag him to his feet, setting him up and slamming him down with a suplex. Mortlock again cinches Mack in a cover for only a two count, shoving his face as he gets to his feet. Spitting at Mack's feet again, he hoists him up and tosses him through the ropes to the apron. Mack tries to retaliate with a haymaker but Frank blocks it, laying in a counter right and a clubbing overhead blow to the shoulder blades to knock Mack to his knees on the apron. Seizing the opportunity, the Detective hooks the old man up for the Hard Justice, planting him face first into the mat.

Connor: Mortlock connects with Hard Justice! Daddy Mack looks to be out!

Cohen: Send him to a late retirement Detective!

Mortlock makes the cover and Shepard gets only a count of one as Daddy Mack powers out, nearly throwing Frank into Katie and rolling to his knees, staring at the stunned Detective. Frank steps in and lays a heavy hand into Daddy's jaw, a second, then a third but Mack only laughs at him, shaking his head and rising to his feet. Mortlock moves in again but Daddy meets him with a series of punches, shouting "WO! WO! WO!" each time, each punch backing Frank towards the ropes. Mack Irish Whips Mortlock across the ring, catching him in the face with a well placed big boot. He collects Frank off the ground and tosses him towards the ropes again, this time springing off the ropes on his side as well and catching Mortlock with a wicked clothesline.

Daddy picks up Frank again and calls out to the crowd before lifting the Detective up over his head with a powerful Big Mack, dropping him hard on the mat below. Spinning around in place, Mack points to the corner turnbuckle then slaps his elbow several times to signify the end. Climbing to the second turnbuckle, the old man takes to the air and drives a hard Mack Attack into the younger competitor, securing a leg and making the cover.

1... 2... 3!

Shepard calls for the bell.

*Ding, ding, ding!*

And here is your winner, Daddy Mack!

Connor: Daddy Mack scores the big win on his debut....well in WZCW anyway!

Cohen: Maybe there is something to Daddy Mack. He gives us legends something to believe in. I'll get in the ring soon enough Cat!

Connor: I hope not for all our sake Jack.

Daddy Mack has his arm raised in victory by the referee as Mortlock slowly rolls out of the ring.


We go backstage where Constantine is talking strategy with fellow Elite members Showtime and Michael Winters.

Constantine: She's a lost little girl. What hope does she have of beating someone like me?

Showtime: True, but you know the rules John, never take anyone for granted. Right Winters?

Showtime shoots Winters a rather pissed off look, but Winters shrugs it off.

Winters: We'll get another shot at the tag titles. God has given us this path to take, and we must follow his guidance.

Just then Steven Holmes walks up, and the tension mounts immediately, Constantine standing straight and staring down his former associate. Holmes merely smirks as he looks at each member of Elite, before settling on Winters.

Holmes: You three call yourselves Elite? Bah, I see weakness in your group. Not to mention I've been Elite for far longer than the three of you can claim.

Winters: Your time is over Holmes, you fell from grace a long time ago.

Holmes: Fall from grace, tell you what boy, next week why don't you see if you can stand up to a true Elite, a man of refined taste and true royalty. Aristocracy Reigns next week. I'll see you there, boy.

Holmes walks off as Winters is fuming as Showtime and Constantine shoot each other glances, seeming to think the same thing.

Connor: Steven Holmes has taken issue with The Elite, and he's called out Michael Winters for next week!

Cohen: Why can't we all just get along? I like all four of these guys.
We cut backstage where Stacey Madison is standing by with Theron Daggershield and Diablos.

Stacey: Breaking news here at Ascension. Triple X and Vega have failed to show up for their scheduled tag team match, so in it's place tonight, we have Theron Daggershield going one on one with Diabolos. Theron, have you heard any word from Vega?

Theron shakes his head no as he looks to Stacey.

Theron: Unfortunately no Stacey, I think he's taking the loss at All or Nothing harder than expected. I know he'll do the right thing and bounce back from this.

Stacey: Diabolos, does this change anything now that it's a singles match?

Diabolos: It changes everything Stacey! Here I was going to take a break on the apron while Triple X did all the hard work! I even brought a 3DS with for tonight!

Stacey: were going to play games during your match?

Diabolos: Hell yes! Who wouldn't take that advantage? You hear me Daggy?

Theron looks conflicted at this, his love of gaming and wrestling intertwining.

Theron: Well....what type of game? An RPG?

Diabolos begins laughing, doubling over.

Diabolos: I wouldn't be caught dead playing one of those. No, I'm talking about Animal Crossing! I can't help but love those furry little bastards. Wait, you're distracting me. I'm taking your head off tonight Theron!

Diabolos storms off, leaving Stacey and Theron dumbfounded, their jaws dropped.

Stacey: Well......I guess there you have it. Theron against Diabolos tonight! And I hope they keep me away from these freaks once and for all.

Stacey walks off as Theron can only help but shake his head.


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Buckinghamshire, England, weighing 235 pounds, "The Elite," Steven Holmes!

As the opening cords of Beethoven's 5th Symphony hit, the lights die but for one lone spotlight. As the music begins to swell and build, a robed figure emerges at a slow pace; Steven Holmes. He pouts with disdain as the crowd lavishes him with hatred. He shakes his head and proceeds to make his way down the ramp. He does not interact with the audience. He wipes his feet before setting foot on the ring steps and then proceeds up them towards the apron. There, he once more wipes his feet before pausing, taking the crowd in and then entering the ring. The spotlight still with him, Holmes makes his way to the centre of the ring and raises his right arm, his index finger extended upward as he does and poses. This lasts for a few moments before the lights return to normality.

Connor: Steven Holmes made his shocking return to WZCW during our annual roulette rounds, and the whole WZCW Universe is on notice.

Cohen: I couldn't be more excited to see him back! A former world champion, and a future one!


Anderson: And his opponent, making her way down the runway, from Milan, Italy; "The Fabulous" Eve Taylor!

As the singing begins, Taylor walks out to the beat of the music, treating the stage as a fashion runway. She stops at the top of the ramp and poses for the fans before enthusiastically marching towards the ring, interacting with the fans and repeating the words of the song along the way. She slides into the ring and jumps onto the nearest turnbuckle, making a "T" symbol with both hands towards the crowd as she rallies them in support of herself.

Connor: From former world champion to bright rising star here - Eve Taylor has to be looked at as an underdog in this fight.

Cohen: An underdog is right. Ha!

With both competitors in the ring, referee Dillon Morse signals for the bell and we are underway. Holmes strides into the center of the ring, looking to lock up, while Taylor wisely avoids such a confrontation with her heavier opponent. She tries for a kick but Holmes dodges out of the way, the two of them chasing each other around the ring in such a manner before Holmes charges in and locks her in a headlock. Taylor is able to force her way into the corner and Holmes has to break the hold. Taylor gets out of the corner and again tries to kick away at Holmes, but he simply lets a blow land before going back to his headlock. This time he gets to one knee and forces Taylor down with him. She struggles in the hold but Holmes has it in tight. Holmes eventually pulls her up and transitions to a neckbreaker! He covers and gets one, two, but only two as Taylor kicks out. Holmes gets up and taunts the crowd, snarling fiercely at the fans as Taylor recovers behind him. Taylor gets to her feet and she suddenly rolls up Holmes! She gets one, two, but only two as Holmes kicks out! Taylor springs up and Holmes looks surprised as he is also on his feet. Taylor has him off his game as she she lands a kick square in his solar plexus and she follows it up with a quick DDT!

Connor: Taylor did just what she needed to do to get into this one, and that was catch Steven Holmes off guard.

Cohen: Holmes is never off his guard! She lucky, that's all!

Taylor continues with a stomp to Holmes's midsection and then she backs up, letting Holmes getting to his feet. She grabs his arm and goes for the Catwalk! She's up on the ropes - and she nails it! She goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two as Holmes kicks out. Taylor gets to her feet and pulls Holmes up to a knee. She hits the ropes and goes for a running knee strike, but Holmes ducks aside and Taylor stumbles past him. She turns around and Holmes takes her out with a clothesline! Holmes pulls her up and nails her with a European uppercut, then covers her and gets one, two, but only two as she kicks out. Holmes picks her up once more, keeps ahold of her - he's setting up for the end! He has her - but she wriggles out, Holmes is forced to duck back down to grab her, Taylor reveres and she locks in the Wardrobe Malfunction! Holmes struggles furiously as he tries to avoid the tap out, he struggles to the side, he's almost there - he can't get to the ropes! He screams in pain and then rolls over, forces his wait on Taylor and making her break the hold! He stays on her, picks her up, this time he has her and he NAILS THE IMPERIAL IMPALER! He covers and gets one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Steven Holmes!

Holmes has his arm raised and he winces as Morse goes for his bad arm. He pulls it to the side and grimaces at Taylor as he stumbles out of the ring, leaving her down.

Connor: Holmes is just lethal with that piledriver, and it seems like when he wants it, he gets it.

Cohen: Just like everything else in his life!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Theron Daggershield comes to the entrance way, adorned in red, yellow, and purple lighting, as the crowd cheers him on. Theron poses with his prop sword, and aims it towards the ring, making his way down the aisle.

Anderson: Intoducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190 pounds, The Warblade, Theron Daggershield!

Connor: Theron's looking to regain some of that momentum he had three weeks ago, when he beat Showtime.

Cohen: Yes, he's been rolling snake eyes the past few weeks, hasn't he?

Connor:.... Dude, if you're going to pigeonhole a dice joke here, it could at least be for the right game.

Theron walks to the ring and rolls his d20 before entering, jumps into the ring, takes off his trenchcoat and sunglasses before striking another pose. His eyes reveal a fiery determination, as he waits for his opponent.


The crowd boos, as the lights come down on the arena. Diabolos appears in red light, making his way down the aisle.

Anderson: His opponent, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 200 pounds, Diabolos!

Connor: I'm... Still a little perplexed about that meeting between Ty Burna and Diabolos last night...

Cohen: Cat, it's Ty Burna and Diabolos. The less you try and make sense of these two, the better.

Connor:... Fair enough.

Diabolos slides under the ring, and points up to the heavens, as flames shoot out of the turnbuckle. The lights come up, as James Aubrey checks to see if both men are prepared for the match. Theron shakes his head, and James Aubrey calls for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Theron waves Diabolos on, indicating he wants to start this match, and start it quickly. He circles around Diabolos, who has yet to move. Theron bounces off the ropes, running towards Diabolos. But Diabolos stands still in the middle of the ring, pensive in thought. Diabolos even closes his eyes, and folds his arms. Theron seems less and less assured, for every second that Diabolos stands still. The crowd starts to boo, as Diabolos puts a finger to his mouth, deep in thought.

Cohen: Well, I have heard of slowing down the pace of a match...

Connor: Diabolos... You now what, you were right, it's best to not try and guess what Diabolos is thinking.

Theron meets Diabolos in the middle of the ring. He pokes a finger at Diabolos, and shrugs his shoulders at the referee. He pushes Diabolos... But Diabolos is still not moving. Theron, initially deciding to be a fair sport and waiting for Diabolos, has had enough, and throws an elbow at Diabolos. But Diabolos moves his head at the very last second, countering with a jumping uppercut. Theron is dazed, as Diabolos mode of attack has thrown Theron off. Theron falls back towards the ropes, and bounces off the ropes, still dizzy from Diabolos crushing jumping uppercut. As Theron moveds back towards Diabolos, the Old One Worshipper jumps for a hurricanrana, catching Theron on the rebound. Theron hits head first into the mat, as Diabolos tries to hook one leg, and get a quick cover. 1... Kick out! Theron kicks his free leg out, which breaks the hold of Diabolos second leg. Diabolos is back to his stance, in the middle of the ring, finger on his mouth. Theron makes it to his feet, in a huff, and throws another punch. Diabolos, again, dodges the attack, shifting his head to the right. Diabolos hits a magnificent backfist, which again staggers Theron! Theron spins, spit flying out his mouth, as Diabolos locks in a waistlock. He releases the lock, but holds on to Theron's arm, bringing him in for the Rainmaker! Diabolos delivers a hellacious clothesline, but Theron ducks, almost out of sheer instinct, and runs towards the ropes. As Diabolos turns around, Theron has already bounced off the ropes, and is launching for a spinning wheel kick! Theron connects, which takes Diabolos down!

Connor: Theron needed some time to figure out Diabolos limited movement, maxiumum pain plan, but has thwarted Diabolos defenses.

Cohen: Yep, he really rolled two sixes there.

Connor: You know, that's actually not that good a roll...

Diabolos wobbles to his feet, as Theron springboards off the ropes, for an elbow smash! Theron crashes into Diabolos, and quickly scrambles over, for the cover. 1...2... Just two! Diabolos kicks his leg out, as soon as Aubrey's hand goes down for two. Theron considers his next move, and goes to climb the top turnbuckle. Once again, Theron is going to rely on his risk, high payoff, as he measures a groggy Diabolos. Diabolos makes it to his feet, and attempts a missile dropkick. But Diabolos side steps at the last moment, and Theron goes crashing stomach first into the canvas. Theron holds his stomach, as Diabolos hits an elbow to the back of the fallen Theron. He then moves towards the back of Theron's head, and drops another elbow. He then drops a second one, and then a third one, as the crowd boos. Diabolos then steps on the back of Theron, stomping down on him while on his back. Theron howls out in pain, as Diabolos continues to jump up and down on his back. James Aubrey admonishes the move... Almost as if it were a choke. Aubrey starts count to five, threatening Diabolos with a disqualification. 1...2...3...4.. Diabolos jumps off of Theron's back, before Aubrey has the chance to disqualify him. Diabolos starts to complain to the ref, which allows Theron breathing room.

Cohen: Ah, come on, ref, that was a legal move!

Connor: No, it isn't... I mean, I think. I'm not really sure...

Theron makes it to his knees, as Diabolos measures him up. Diabolos goes to the corner, and places his hand together, signalling the Hadouken is on its way! Theron makes it to his feet, completely unaware of the attack coming his way. Diabolos swivels his hands, preparing his ball of energy, and prepares to thrust it into the abdomen of Theron. But Theron jumps out of the way, and Diabolos' attack misses. Theron then turns Diabolos around, and hits him with an atomic drop! Diabolos holds his groin, and looks extremely in pain. Theron then places his head underneath Diabolos' arm, and hits a lovely northern lights suplex! James Aubrey counts the fall. 1...2.... No, two count! Theron couldn't keep Diabolos down for a three count, and is growing a little more frustrated at his inability to keep Diabolos down. Theron Daggershield signals that it's time for the Critical Hit, begging for Diabolos to rise to his feet. Diabolos manages to get to a knee, but Theron already has begun the motion, grabbing Diabolos' head! But Diabolos pushes away, sending Theron towards the ropes. Theron bounces off the ropes, and Diabolos bends down for a a back body drop. Theron kicks him in the gut, though, and prepares for the Critical Hit! But Diabolos grabs him in a waistlock, and grabs onto Theron's wrist. Diabolos sends Theron out, but holds onto his wrist, hitting the Rainmaker, and sending Theron down with a clothesline from the Mouth of Madness! Theron is down, and Diabolos makes the cover. 1...2....3!!!!! Diabolos gets to a knee, as James Aubrey lifts his arm.

Anderson: The winner of this match, Diabolos!

Connor: A rather heady match by Diabolos... He used all of Theron's mistakes against him.

Cohen: Yeah... If you didn't know any better, you'd say he's a seasoned vet.

Diabolos rolls out of the ring, as Theron gets up, holding the back of his head. Diabolos does a little dance, as Theron pounds the mat, in anger.

Young Justice is backstage hanging out, their WZCW Tag Team titles over their shoulders when Eve Taylor walks up to them.

Eve: Oh dear, you're not dressing like that are you?

Haven and Hyada look towards each other, perplexed that the famous model is talking to them.

Haven: What's wrong with our costumes?

Eve: Oh dear, everything. You want to be seen and you want to look fabulous when you're fighting off criminals.

Haven looks back to Hyada again, Hyada shrugging his shoulders.

Hyada: Sooo what do you recommend then?

Eve puts a finger to her lips, looking contemplative in nature.

Eve: You would look great in red, both of you. Lots and lots of red. In fact, I would say covered in blood would be for the best.

Before Haven and Hyada can respond, Cerberus suddenly attacks from behind! They put the boots to the champions as Eve laughs, boos coming in from the crowd.

Connor: No, don't tell me....

Cohen: Yes! Eve is the third head of Cerberus!

Flex lifts up Hyada and delivers Full Body Fitness, while Ramparte delivers a skull crushing chair shot to Haven. With both members of Young Justice down and out, blood dripping from Hyada's foreahead, Ramparte and Flex lift up Haven and toss him to Eve, who delivers the Fashion Statement! Officials run in to break up the fight, as all three members Cerberus stand tall over the tag team champions.

Ramparte: I told you two you should be very afraid.

Cerberus laughs as they walk off as officials check on Young Justice as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest, is for the Elite X Championship and is scheduled for one fall!


Aubrey slowly makes her way out to the top of the entrance ramp, looking a bit nervous as she tries to not look around into the crowd. She walks quickly down the ramp before sliding into the ring, walking to a corner and lowering her head, focusing on her breathing to calm herself down.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 155 pounds, Aubrey Sloan!

Connor: Aubrey has her first opportunity at gold tonight here as she takes on the Elite X Champion Constantine!

Cohen: What kind of backwater forest did they find this girl? Seriously, earlier tonight she chased our great Elite X Champion and pretending he was a squirrel!


The lights go down as a spotlight shines down on the entrance stage. Constantine stands in the light, his chin down to his chest before throwing his arms out, pyro going off on both sides of him. The spotlight follows Constantine down as he walks down the ramp, ignoring the booing fans around him. He walks up the steps and enters the ring, climbing up the turnbuckle and unstrapping the Elite X Title from his waist. He holds it up high as the lights come back up. He turns towards Sloan and stares her down before hopping off the turnbuckle.

Anderson: And her opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, the Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Cohen: Now that is the look of a true champion! Constantine should easily pick up his first defense tonight.

Connor: Constantine shouldn't underestimate Aubrey however, it could prove to be dangerous.

Referee Keith Morse lifts up the Elite X Title before handing it to the ringside assistant and calls for the bell. Constantine goes to lock up but Aubrey slips behind and delivers a kick to the leg. Constantine limps forward a moment as Aubrey circles around him, delivering a dropkick that knocks him into the corner. Aubrey rushes forward and hits a clothesline in the corner, surprising the Elite X Champion at her energy. Aubrey goes for a kicking combination in the corner, and Referee Morse warns Aubrey to back off. She does so, looking to Morse with a scared look. Suddenly Constantine comes out of the corner and runs her over with a shoulder block. Constantine cracks his jaw before picking Aubrey up and lifting her up with a vertical suplex. He holds her up for a few moments before dropping her down hard to the mat. He floats over and delivers mounted punches, raining down blows to Aubrey's head as Morse starts the five count to stop. He stops at four but he holds onto her head before slamming it down and going for the lateral press, 1............2...Aubrey kicks out. Constantine lifts her up and whips her across into the ropes. He delivers a big time back body drop, but Aubrey flips forward enough to land on her feet! Constantine yells out to the crowd and posing, oblivious to Aubrey standing in wait for him to turn around. Finally he does so and Aubrey surprises him with a Saito Suplex! Constantine is dropped hard and quickly escapes to the outside to catch his breath dropping to a knee. Aubrey looks around for a moment before slowly exiting the ring. She grabs Constantine and delivers a snap suplex, driving Constantine's back into the ground as Referee Morse begins the ten count.

Connor: Aubrey showing she can go toe to toe with Constantine here tonight. She's suplexing Constantine like a rag doll!

Cohen: A few lucky throws. Experience will win out in this match.

Aubrey grabs hold of Constantine and goes to whip him across into the barricade, but Constantine reverses it, sending the more lithe Aubrey crashing into it. She cringes in pain as Constantine stares her down, a vicious look forming on his face as he walks over to her. He starts dropping right hand after right hand, targeting the head of Aubrey. Morse's count is up to six as Constantine drags her from the barricade and slams her head first into the apron before tossing her back into the ring. He goes for a cover, 1..............2.....Aubrey kicks out. Constantine gets to his feet and backs up into the ropes and delivers a knee drop right across the head. Aubrey holds her forehead in pain as Constantine doesn't let up, dragging her up and lifting her up, delivering a painful back breaker. Constantine holds her up for a moment before lifting her back up and connecting with it again! He lifts her up a final time and drops her down with a sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg, 1................2...........Aubrey kicks out again! Constantine is up quickly and begins stomping away on her, stepping away and leaning against the corner turnbuckle, posing once more which draws boos from the crowd.

Connor: Constantine is certainly taking his time in the ring tonight, wanting more to agitate the fans then put Aubrey away.

Cohen: He's just gotta make this somewhat interesting. I mean, Aubrey hasn't put up much of a fight yet.

Constantine walks over and begins to pick up Aubrey when she suddenly pulls him forward into a small package for the pin, 1..............2.............almost 3! Constantine kicks out at the last second. Constantine gets to his feet first and swings wildly at the rising Aubrey but she ducks under and wraps her arms around his waist, hitting a German Suplex with a bridge! 1.................2..............Constantine kicks out! Aubrey rolls over to the ropes as Constantine drags himself up in the corner. Aubrey suddenly rushes forward and connects with a Yakuza kick! Constantine is in a fog from the kick, dropping down to his knees. Aubrey grabs him and connects with a cradle DDT! She hooks the leg, 1...................2..................Constantine kicks out again! Aubrey drops an elbow to the back of Constantine's neck, doing it again before lifting Constantine up. She gets double underhooks and tries for a butterfly suplex, but Constantine resists. She tries again but is blocked. Constantine breaks free and lifts her up, falling backwards with a fallaway slam! Aubrey hits the mat hard and falls to the outside. Constantine takes advantage to catch his breath, as Aubrey lies prone on the outside. Morse starts the ten count, and Constantine seems to be fine with a count out win.

Cohen: It doesn't matter how you win, as long you keep the title! And that's smart thinking from Constantine.

Connor: Aubrey is down in front of us here at the announce table, the count is up to five and she hasn't moved yet!

Morse continues the count, now up to six as Aubrey finally turns over onto her stomach, trying to get back to her feet as the count is to seven now. At eight she stumbles towards the apron, still on her knees as she grips the ring apron. At nine she finally slides back in but is met with stomps from Constantine as she rolls back in. He drops a forearm across the back of her neck before driving knees into her ribs. Aubrey yells out in pain. He drags her into the center of the ring and sets her up for a powerbomb. He lifts her up but she tries to punch her way out of it. She succeeds and slides down, trying a sunset flip. Constantine stumbles as she pulls on his legs, trying to bring the bigger competitor down. Constantine finally has enough and simply drops down, pinning her down, 1...................2............Aubrey kicks out. Constantine is back up and signals for the Axis of Evil! He prepares, waiting for Aubrey to get back up. As he does he lifts her up but Aubrey floats over, hitting an enziguri to the side of Constantine's head! Constantine falls forward, and Aubrey quickly locks in her Out of Exile submission! Constantine yells out in pain as Aubrey pulls back on the submission, driving her knee into Constantine's.

Connor: Aubrey has got Constantine locked in tight in Out of Exile! He's desperately reaching for the ropes!

Cohen: Constantine is in trouble! He's gotta break that hold or the Elite X Title is gone!

Constantine pulls himself closer to the ropes, grimacing in immense pain as Aubrey does all she can to hold onto the submission. Constantine drops down, his hand raised just about to tap. Referee Morse asks if he wants to tap and he shakes his head no, pushing himself back up and pulling towards the ropes again. He's mere inches away and with one final burst he grabs the bottom rope. The crowd is deflated as Morse tells Aubrey to break the hold, who does so immediately. She holds her head, knowing she was that close to winning the title as Constantine tries to pull himself up in the corner. Aubrey gets a determined look on her face as she walks over to Constantine, grabbing him and whipping him across. She goes for a leg lariat but Constantine catches her and rams her back first into the turnbuckle! She stumbles forward and Constantine lifts her up, connecting with the Axis of Evil! He hooks the leg, 1................2...............3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, and still Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Connor: Constantine connects with the Axis of Evil to keep the Elite X Title. He's got the first defense under his belt, only six more to go before he can cash in the title for a World Title shot!

Cohen: But right now we don't even have a World Champion! Besides who's to say Constantine doesn't go out and simply win the Lethal Lottery and become World Champ that way?

Connor: This is also true for Aubrey Sloan, who put up one hell of a fight tonight.

Constantine slowly gets up as Referee Morse lifts his hand up in victory, presenting him with the Elite X Championship. Showtime and Winters make their way out to join the celebration as Aubrey Sloan slowly rolls out of the ring in pain. The Elite raise their arms up but are suddenly distracted as Steven Holmes makes his way out, clapping his hands sarcastically. Winters drops his arms and points towards Holmes, yelling towards him. Holmes simply sticks his nose up as Constantine and Showtime watch.

Connor: Holmes is ready to take back his namesake. And we're out of time here for Ascension, for Jack Cohen, I'm Cat Connor, good night!

The camera goes back and forth as Holmes and Winter continue to stare each other down as Ascension goes off the air.
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