Ascension 78

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management


The camera pans around the crowd as the pyro finishes, the crowd cheering loudly.

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Ascension 78! I'm Cat Connor and alongside me my broadcast partner, Jack Cohen!

Cohen: I'm excited for tonight Cat!

Connor: As am I Jack. We have a great show for you tonight, headlined by Dr. Zeus facing off against Vega!


The crowd immediately begins booing as Ricky Runn makes his way out with the Swag Pack behind him, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship tucked into his pants. He walks down the ramp, thrusting his hips towards everyone in the crowd before hopping up onto the apron and entering the ring. He lowers his glasses as he looks out at the crowd, thrusting once again towards particular women in the crowd.

Ricky: Ladies you know I look good tonight.

The ladies cheer for Ricky as he grins in the adulation, before taking his mic back up.

Ricky: It's too bad I can't say the same for girls in Detroit!

The crowd jeers loudly as Ricky laughs loudly, the Swag Pack all joining.

Ricky: Did I tell you guys could laugh? Get out of my ring!

The Swag Pack hesitantly obliges their guru, taking their place on the outside.

Ricky: Did you all see what I did to Triple X last night? Oh man there's no way he can show his face here tonight after that loss. I mean, I'd be embarrassed if I was pinned by El Califa Dragon. That dude has no swag whatsoever. "Honor this, honor that". I'm too swag to care about honor and crap like that.


Triple X makes his way out to more boos from the crowd. He walks down the ramp, and upon reaching the ring he stares down the Swag Pack on each side of him, almost begging them to attack. They part ways though at Ricky's behest, and Triple X climbs into the ring with a microphone.

Triple X: You're a real piece of work Ricky Runn, but most importantly that Title belt you call a World Championship is a real piece of garbage.

Ricky: Don't be hating on the swag bro. Hate on me all you want but don't be mad about the swag.

Triple X already has annoyed look on his face as he looks back at the Swag Pack circling the ring.

Triple X: Ricky, your little posse of losers may have cost me my match last night, but they're not gonna do the same at All or Nothing. While you run around drinking and smoking, and whatever you do to pass the time and the knowledge of how pathetic you are, I'm training every single day, for the moment I become World Heavyweight Champion.

Ricky: Training? Do you even lift bro? I do, and you know what I'm curling? This bad boy right here, every single night!

Ricky pulls the title belt out and mocks doing curls with the World Championship.

Ricky: Besides, like I said, you got embarrassed last night man. I mean, who loses to a masked unswag like freak in El Califa?

Triple X leans in close, his eyes staring right through Ricky's shudder shades.

Triple X: You do.

Ricky flings his sunglasses off as he starts to get irritated.

Ricky: You don't know what happened man. Califa is so full of unswag it set my swag meter off kilter. I was robbed!

Triple X and Ricky both turn towards the entrance stage, where Mr. Banks makes his way out in a very expensive three piece suit. He motions for the music to cut as he raises his mic.

Banks: You bring up some very interesting points you two. You see, while I enjoyed your bickering in the back, and while you two certainly have zero in common other than wanting the World Title, there is one more thing that is similar.

Triple X: And pray tell, what would that be, sir?

Banks: The way I see it, I believe there is a third man that should be qualified enough to be in this little back and forth you have going on. A man who's defeated both of you in a span of three weeks. Therefore, at All or Nothing, there will be a third participant in the World Title match, and that man is, El Califa Dragon!

Cohen: What?!?! But Califa already has a match at All or Nothing.

Ricky and Triple X are beside themselves, pacing the ring as El Califa walks out onto the stage, a little confused and clearly not prepared for this. He looks to Banks, his head tilted sideways.

El Califa: El Califa....he doesn't understand Mr. Banks.

Banks: My boy, you have put on some outstanding performances these past few weeks, and I would simply like to reward you. Now, there's the little matter of that belt you have around your waist.

Califa looks down and places his hand on his WZCW Tag Team Title belt, his head lowering a bit.

Banks: I'm afraid you'll have to give up the World Tag Team Titles with Amber Warren if you want this match.

Ricky: Why are you wasting your time bro? Just keep your tag title because you can't compete with the Swagalicious Champion!

Califa ponders for several moments before looking up at Banks, nodding his head.

El Califa: He has a request Mr. Banks. He would like to defend his WZCW Tag Team Titles at All or Nothing, and if Los Magnificos Dragones are able to defend them successfully, he will give up his half of the titles and Amber Warren may choose a new partner.

Banks: You're sure? You want to wrestle two matches in one night?

El Califa: Si. It's something El Califa must do for Amber Warren.

Triple X: This is absurd! I won my right against S.H.I.T. to face Ricky Runn for the title, I didn't sign up for this!

Banks: Then perhaps you should have defeated Mr. Dragon here last night Triple X. Now my decision is final. At All or Nothing. it will be Triple X vs. Ricky Runn vs........El Califa Dragon!

The crowd pops as Banks' music plays as he walks to the back, El Califa staring out at Ricky Runn and Triple X, the two in the ring yelling and pointing at Califa.

Connor: Explosive news here to kick off Ascension! Mr. Banks has added in El Califa to the World Title match at All or Nothing!

Cohen: What an idiot! He had a clear shot at the World Title, but instead he's going to compete in a TLC match earlier in the night? There won't be anything left of Califa after that match!

Connor: We'll have to wait and see on that Jack. But coming up next, we have Illapa squaring off with Jimmy Wonder!

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Hollywood Florida, "The Magical" Jimmy Wonder!

Jimmy appears on stage with a scarf at hand gyrating his hips in preparation for a trick. He waves to the crowd before covering his face with the scarf and counts off. 1! 2! 3! He takes the scarf off and he's wearing Disasterpiece's face paint.

Cohen: Holy moley, talk about old school.

Connor: Think he can pull a rabbit out of the hat and win tonight?

Cohen: Win? Yes. The rabbit? No.


Anderson: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Terrance Howe, "The Goddess" Ilapa!

The music plays but no one appears on stage. Instead, Ilapa appears out of the crowd and leaps the barricade and then into the ring alone.

Connor: She ditched Terrance last week, it seems he still hasn't caught up with her.

Referee Keith Morse checks the two and starts the match.

* Ding Ding Ding *

As soon as the bell rings though, Ilapa lays down flat on the mat. Jimmy Wonder and Keith Morse look on confused as Ilapa insists on a cover from the magician but he seems to refuse.

Cohen: Do it, you idiot! It's a free win!

Ilapa keeps on insisting but Wonder says no. Ilapa gets up frustrated and pins Jimmy to a corner. She starts choking on him. Keith Morse tries to pull her out, but she won't listen. He starts his count. 1...! 2......!

Connor: What is going on here?

As the count goes on, Terrance Howe appears walking down the ramp. 3......! But Ilapa just chokes harder as Jimmy can't seem to fight out of it. 4.......! Terrance reaches ringside and.... 5!

Ilapa finally lets go and starts to run off.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a disqualification, your winner--

As Selena is about to declare the winner, Ilapa passes by and intimidates Selena making her run off rather than finish the announcement. Ilapa runs through the crowd while Terrance chases after her.

Cohen: Well this was an odd scene.

Connor: It seems Ilapa has troubles with her higher-ups.

Cohen: It seems painting his face like the shortest reigning WZCW Champion didn't do Jimmy Wonder any favors.


A large group of superstars are standing around in the office of Kenneth Banks, clearly upset.


Eve Taylor: We want a spot on All or Nothing!

Banks: Yes but standing around yelling rabble rabble rabble isn't going to help anything!

Random Voice: We don't know what else to do sir!


Banks: Well how do you think we can fix this?

Aubrey Sloan:Uhhh, well we need to find a way to get us on the show.

Jimmy Wonder: Yes, we need some sort of match that we can participate in.


Eve Taylor: Wait, thats it. A match. A giant match we can all participate in.

Banks: Okay fine. Everyone not scheduled for the pay per view will be eligible for a battle royal with the winner getting a shot at the Elite X title. Now please get out of my office!

Diabolos stomps out onto the ring, a manic energy as boos rain down on him.

Anderson: Introducing first, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 200 pounds, Diabolos!

Diabolos gets into the ring and starts pacing around the ring.

Titus comes out onto the ramp and jumps on his toes, getting himself psyched up.

Anderson: And his opponent, from—

Suddenly, Showtime and Winters run out from backstage, and Winters cracks a chair into Titus’ spine.

Connor: What the hell!?

Titus yells out in pain and falls forward onto his knees. Showtime and Winters stand over their fallen foe as Titus tries to crawl down the ramp, away from his attackers. Showtime smirks before kicking Titus square in the skull. This seems to knock Titus out completely, and he rolls down the rest of the ramp.

Showtime and Winters casually stroll down towards Titus. Showtime grabs Titus by the hair and pulls him up to his knees. Winters smashes the chair over Titus’ head, busting him wide open. With blood gushing down Titus’ face, Showtime picks him up and rolls him into the ring. Diabolos is looking on and shouts at James Aubrey to call for the bell. Aubrey refuses at first, deciding to check on Titus instead. Titus is slumped in the corner, his face a crimson mask.

Showtime slides into the ring and grabs Aubrey by his shirt, shouting at him to call for the bell. He lets go of the ref, who reluctantly calls for the bell. Showtime steps out of the ring, and Diabolos begins to stalk his foe. Titus crawls out of the corner towards Diabolos. Diabolos picks him up and hits the Cradle of the Old Ones. Diabolos pins him, 1… 2… 3.

Showtime and Winters applaud Diabolos’ victory as the referee raises his arm.

Anderson: The winner of this match…. Diabolos.

Diabolos slides out of the ring and heads up the ramp. Showtime and Winters slide into the ring and stand over Titus, who is motionless. With Diabolos looking on on the stage with great intrigue, Winters still holds the chair in his hand, and gets ready to raise it, until Constantine comes down the ring, walking at pace. He slides into the ring and holds a hand up to stop Winters, shaking his head.

Cohen: Is Constantine actually saying that Titus has had enough!?

Connor: Constantine still considers Titus a friend.

Winters and Showtime look confused as Constantine asks Winters not to attack Titus anymore. Winters lowers the chair, looking irritated, and Constantine takes the chair from him. Suddenly, Constantine raises the chair and smashes it across Titus’ back in one quick motion. The crowds boos are deafening now. Constantine throws the chair down with a smirk, and tells the other two men to pick Titus up. Showtime and Winters pull Titus to his feet, before pushing him into Constantine, who hits the Axis of Evil. The three men stand over Titus and they hold their arms up in unison.


Stacy Madison: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time....ugh....The EurAsian Champion, Mikey Stormrage.

The crowd cheers at the camera zooms out to reveal Stormrage, dressed rather appropriately for once, his title belt over his shoulder and standing next to a display that is covered by a sheet.

Stormrage: Stacy, don't be bumming. I've got great news, and I'm not just here to announce I finally got past the first boss in Dark Souls Two!

Stacy shakes her head, clearly she would rather be elsewhere.

Now I've been in this company for a couple years, I've won some matches, picked up a few titles, I even got laid a few times. Today though, right here in Detroit, the home of Robocop, history has been made!

You lost weight?

No, noob. Check this out!

Stormrage pulls the sheet away to reveal what was underneath.


I'm finally on a poster! So come out to Fairlane Town Center tomorrow where I will be signing copies of the poster, posing for pictures, you name it. I'll be kissing hands and shaking babies all day!

Connor: Should someone tell him....

Cohen: No. Maybe we get lucky and he gets arrested.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, the team of Aubrey Sloan and the Fabulous Eve Taylor!

Eve walks onto the stage to a few pockets of applause around the arena. She has to coax the timid Aubrey onto the stage, trying to convince her to wave to the fans. Eve takes her time, interacting with some of her fans while Aubrey makes her way into the ring as quickly as possible. The young Sloan makes climbs into the ring and stands next to referee Keith Morse while Eve panders to the crowd on the turnbuckle.

Conner: It's a real shame what happened to these two women last week, hope they've recovered completely.

Cohen: If not, they're going to be easy pickings tonight.


Anderson: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 410 pounds, Cerberus!

The Hounds of Health appear at the top of the entrance ramp, presenting their now well known smug reaction to the crowd that boos them. Tonight they're lacking their trademark fruits and veggies, as both men are staring intently at their two opponents already in the ring. Ramparte seems fairly entranced by the pair, Flex nervous yet fairly excited. Slowly they make their way down to the ring, talking back and forth to one another before climbing into the ring.

Conner: These two gotta be riding high in the clouds tonight, they beat the team of Young Justice and Stormrage last week and got themselves into a triple threat title match.

Cohen: Eve and Aubrey may be in for quite the match tonight as I'm sure Cerberus is not only looking to continue winning, but they're most likely also more than fine with using these two girls as practice for All or Nothing.

Referee Morse stands in the center of the ring awaiting to call the start of the match, both members of Cerberus stand in their corner sharing whispers while staring at the girls while Aubrey and Eve talk amongst themselves, avoiding the fairly hungry eyes of the Hounds. Aubrey elects to start the match for her team while Ramparte starts for his.


Ramparte walks to the center of the ring, wearing a smug smile as he continues to eye the younger female fighter as she slowly circles him, attempting to measure his defenses. She moves in, stepping forward to deliver an opening strike but Ramparte stops her, holding his hand out in front of him then raising it high in an invitation for a test of strength.

Conner: What's he doing...?

Cohen: He's always had a thing for beautiful women, he probably doesn't want to mess that up.

Sloan eyes the Catalyst's hand with suspicion, looking back at Eve for advice. Eve nods in agreement to Aubrey's silent question who turns back to Ramparte just in time to see that raised hand coming in for an open hand strike. Sloan ducks under it, being arguably the fastest of the four competitors and connects with a kick to Ramparte's hamstring. The Catalyst grimaces in pain and wheels around, this time showing his own speed as he catches her follow up kick. He sweeps out her leg to send Sloan to the mat and follows in with a dropping elbow that Aubrey avoids by rolling to the side. The two find their feet across from one another, though Aubrey is the first to get on the move as she steps in, feigning a kick to the leg and following through with a kick to the ribs. Ramparte staggers back, holding his right side and glaring daggers into the woman. He circles around to Flex for a moment to share a word and then beckons Sloan to come out fighting once again.

Conner: I think if he keeps acting so arrogantly with her, things may not go his way for very long.

Sloan starts to close in, feeling confidant that she's found the proper pace with her opponent. She opens with a quick jab but Ramparte has none of it, blocking it with one arm and burying a quick and hard uppercut right into the midsection of Sloan.

Cohen: Well, I think he's done playing with her.

Ramparte continues to hold her by her wrist and delivers another hard uppercut, backing Sloan up into the corner for a moment before yanking her back out and knocking her down with a clothesline. Releasing her wrist, Ramparte smiles down at the prone woman, chuckling to himself. He reaches down, lifting her up by the wrist and knocking her down with a second clothesline, again leaving her laying there as he enjoys his moments of power over the beautiful woman. He smiles at the crowd who respond with a wave of boos that he soaks in with pride. Taking her hand for the third time he leads her over to Flex, tagging in the Healthiest Man alive. Flex grabs her wrist and torques the arm, wrenching it behind her back. Mussel sets her up for a hammerlock back suplex but Aubrey rolls back off Flex's shoulder, landing behind him and leaping straight up to connect with a solid dropkick right to the back of the head. Flex staggers forward, turning around just in time to catch a running knee that knocks him back into Sloan's own corner. Aubrey tags in Eve, delivering a few well placed punches and kicks to the cornered man while her partner enters the ring. Sloan pulls Flex out of the corner and whips him into the ropes, right into Taylor's waiting hip toss. She goes for a cover, 1, 2... quick kickout by the Healthiest Man Alive.

Conner: I think by the pace that Eve and Aubrey are setting, it's safe to say that they've recovered from last week and are confident about a win tonight.

Cohen: I wouldn't count out Cerberus yet, I think the Hounds are more than willing to take a few swats before clamping down on their prey.

Taylor wrenches Flex's arm as the two begin to get up, landing a series of elbow strikes to drive Flex to his knees in pain, showing off that she's got some power of her own. She wrenches the arm again, transitioning it into a hammerlock to pin Mussel to the mat. With him in place, she drives a few solid knees into the shoulder and tricep, trying to weaken the strength of the Monsieur of Muscle. Referee Morse checks to see if Flex wants to submit, who refuses, and allows Eve to continue. Mussel, gritting his teeth in pain powers himself to his feet, though still locked in the hammerlock. Eve uses his own body as a shield as he looks for a way to counter the hold until she leaves herself open long enough for Flex to find her nose with a back elbow. With the hold broken, Flex is quick to follow up, wrapping Taylor up around the waist and taking her down with a hard belly to belly into a cover. 1... 2, Eve kicks out. Flex gets to his feet, shaking the pain and deadness from his arm before leading Eve up by her hair. Just as she's found her feet, Flex takes her down with a second belly to belly. Not bothering with the cover this time, he simply hoists Eve up yet again, hooking her quickly and lifting her for a delayed vertical suplex, pulling off a quick set of pulse squats before slamming her down. He gets to his feet and spins around to face Sloan, flexing his muscles to taunt her and the crowd. Sloan tries to take a swipe at him but Flex backs off just out of range.

Cohen: What did I tell you? They were just biding their time.

Conner: Yeah, well one day that strategy is going to come back and bite them.

Flex leads Eve over to his corner and tags Ramparte back in while Aubrey calls out for Eve to fight back. Ramparte kicks Eve in the gut, knocking her to a sitting position in the corner, then leaps up off the second rope to land with a hard single foot stop to Eve's shin and ankle area. Taylor screams in pain, grabbing at her ankle that's faced years of stress from her modeling career. The Catalyst kicks her hands away and follows up with another leaping stomp to the same ankle that leaves Eve screaming yet again. Sloan is calling out for her new friend and partner to fight back, slamming on the turnbuckle in anger, not even realizing the crowd is getting behind her as well. Ramparte pulls Sloan out from the corner and drops a knee on her ankle, then again on her shin and a third time onto her upper leg. Eve screams out and tries to kick the Catalyst away when he rolls her over, dropping a knee onto the back of her leg and wrenching her ankle back in a simple yet viscous submission. Morse questions Taylor if she wishes to continue, who refuses to give up while she screams and pounds on the mat in pain. Sloan can't take seeing her friend in so much pain anymore and moves to get in the ring, but Flex yells at Morse to stop her as she charges forward. During the commotion Mussel trades places with Ramparte, locking in a single leg half crab.

Conner: Come on ref, do your job!

Cohen: He is! He prevented Aubrey from illegally interfering! Open your eyes and be unbiased for once!

With Aubrey finally settled, though still upset for her friend, Morse turns around to find Flex in the ring instead of Ramparte. He questions the Hounds of Health who feign innocence, claiming that they had made a very legal tag. Letting it go, Morse gets into position to check on Eve who is trying desperately to crawl to the bottom rope. With fingertips just an inch away from safety the Monsieur of Muscle drags her back towards the center of the ring but releases the hold and going into a quick cover to try to catch Eve off guard. 1... 2... Eve shoots the shoulder up, unable to use her weak leg to help kick out and immediately grabs it when Flex lets off from the cover. Flex goads her into standing, popping off various muscular poses to intimidate and impress, stepping in to "help her up." As Mussle moves to grab the fashion star, Eve hooks the earlier damaged arm and drops down with a quick arm DDT, now causing the Healthiest Man Alive to scream out in pain. With Eve finally able to create some space, she staggers to her feet and tumbles into her corner, making the tag to the waiting Sloan.

Aubrey vaults the top rope and takes down the somewhat recovered Mussel with a running leg lariat that knocks him back down. She quickly recovers a shares a leg lariat with Ramparte as well, knocking him down off the apron. Sloan spins around, finding Flex once again getting up and promptly knocks him down with a lethal Yakuza Kick to the head. She pauses, noticing Eve still in the corner clutching her leg and moves to go attend her friend but Taylor calls out for her to make the cover. Though a bit torn, Aubrey makes the cover.



Flex kicks out.

Conner: I don't think Cerberus is going to like that they made Aubrey mad.

Cohen: I don't think a few kicks are going to stop them, they're hounds, not squirrels!

Aubrey gets up quickly from the cover, pulls Flex up and hooks him around the waist to take him down with a lightning fast Saito Suplex. She goes for the cover again.



3--No! Ramparte breaks up the pin. Hoisting Sloan up he gets her onto his shoulders, setting her up for a reverse Death Valley Driver, but Aubrey slips out of his grasp to land behind his back just as Eve catches him with a surprise Photo Shoot, knocking the Catalyst down over Aubrey like a school yard bully. She begins hammering away at the man with fists and elbows, rolling out of the way as Aubrey shouts "EVE!", who lands a jumping leg drop from the middle turnbuckle. The two girls pick up Ramparte, sending him off the rope. He ducks their double clothesline attempt and hits the opposite side ropes (hopping over Flex), bounding off and leap frogging his partner who pops up, delivering a boot to each of the ladies with a split drop kick. Ramparte grabs Eve and crotches her over the top rope, getting a resounding "Ooooooooooooooooh" from the crowd and slaps her square in the face, knocking her off the rope and down to the outside floor. Noticing Eve was taken care of, Flex shoots Sloan off the rope and elevates her up into the air, Aubrey catching a wicked kick to the face from Ramparte on her way down.

Flex makes the cover.



3No! Sloan refuses to be pinned and rolls a shoulder up.

Referee Morse backs up Ramparte to get him out of the ring but he shoves past him on his own, seeing Eve starting to climb onto the apron. He joins her outside just long enough to roll her back into the ring, putting all four competitors into play yet again. The Catalyst shoves Eve into the corner but is pulled away by Morse before he can level any kind of additional offense.

Cohen: Morse you idiot! What are you doing?! Let him at her! Let them fight!

Conner: Cerberus isn't at All or Nothing yet! There's still rules to this match y'know!

Flex moves in to break up the drama between his partner and the ref, pushing himself in between Ramparte and Morse as Aubrey has finally gotten to her feet. Seeing this, Ramparte steps in and levels a big kick to Aubrey's groin, toppling her, causing the crowd to wince in unison yet again. Morse catches the low blow out of the corner of his eye and moves to call for the bell but Ramparte rushes in to stop him, arguing that it can't be a disqualification.

Cohen: Is... is that even illegal? I mean, they don't have...

Conner: Of course it should be illegal, it's still a low blow!

Flex leaves Ramparte and Morse arguing, turning around just in time for a recovered Taylor to land her own low blow in retaliation to the Healthiest Man Alive, unseen by Morse, and getting the crowd to respond with an even louder "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!"

Cohen: Now I know that one's illegal!

Conner: Fair is fair I guess.

Eve pulls her partner over Flex who is clutching his crushed dumbbell and screams at Morse to make the count as he finally gets Ramparte out of the ring. Letting the prior kick on Aubrey go he slides in to make the count.



3---No! Ramparte again makes the save!

Conner: Ramparte must think this is All or Nothing, he's certainly treating this match almost as if there's no referee there!

Cohen: Can you blame him? Eve may have just ended the healthiest lineage ever!

Ramparte is again forced out of the ring by referee Morse, being warned for the last time that if he interferes Cerberus will be disqualified. As he does so Aubrey manages to make it to her corner, tagging in a fresher Taylor who quickly picks up the still injured Flex. She whips him away from her own corner, sending him right into Ramparte and knocking the Catalyst off the apron again! Bouncing back off the rope, Flex tries to score with a clothesline but Eve ducks it, catching the arm and dragging the Monsieur of Muscle into the Wardrobe Malfunction! Flex begins to scream out in pain, scratching and clawing at the mat with his good arm to try and get to the rope. Ramparte tries to slide back into the ring but is met with a baseball slide kick from Sloan, leaving Mussel all alone!

He reaches for the rope.



But he taps out! Flex taps!

Here are your winners by submission, the team of Aubrey Sloan and Eve Taylor!

Cohen: That's not fair! She hit him low! Ref, what the hell are you doing out there?!

Conner: Didn't seem to bother you at all when Ramparte hit Aubrey low.

Cohen: That's because she's a... She doesn't have a...

Conner: Whether you agree with it or not, Aubrey and Eve just proved to Cerberus, and perhaps every other tag team, that they aren't just "practice" for big pay-per-view matches.

Aubrey and Eve celebrate in the ring, both still favoring their injuries while Ramparte helps pull a wounded Flex out under the bottom rope and hobble off, Flex trying to hold both his arm and groin in pain.


Back from commercial, Flex is in the ring, still holding his arm, and nursing his groin. He demands a microphone, as Ramparte waits by his side. Flex tries to warm up his arm, by flexing it.

Flex:This means nothing!

The crowd boos this, as Flex looks out to the audience.

Flex: Shut up, you fat oafs!

This causes the crowd to boo even louder.

Flex: We're the best team this division has to offer! And we get the chance to prove that, in TLC! Personally, I would have preferred something more sporting... A test of strength seems fitting... But Ramparte and I are being given a fair chance at the titles. We-


Amber Warren comes to the entrance way, uninvited. Nevertheless, the fans seem happy to see her. She comes alone, microphone in hand, and speaks as she comes to the ring.

Amber: Boys... Boys... Boys... I asked Califa if I could come out here and address you both, personally. Since it's very likely that this will be as close as you get to my tag team title belt-

Amber holds the title for all to see.

Amber: I felt that you should get a good look at it, real close up

Amber enters the ring.

Ramparte: Little girl... It looks so strange to see you without big brother Califa here to clean your messes. But it's nice that you were considerate enough to ask him permission before you came out.

The crowd boos this, as Ramparte takes the microphone back from Ramparte.

Flex:It's ok, Amber. Because after we take those belts from you, I'm sure you'll be able to eat your feelins out at whatever awful buffet you find yourself waddling into. I mean, you know a lot about doing that, Fatty Warren...

The crowd boos this, as Flex gives a smug grin.


Hyada makes his way down to the ringside, as the crowd cheers him on. Hyada is wearing a Punisher hoodie.

Hyada: Enough! Look, for once, I agree with Ramparte... I don't like the idea of using weapons, to decide who is going to be the best man.

Amber begins to get upset with that comment, before Hyada holds up his hand.

Hyada: If you think I forgot you gave a concussion to my tag team partner, you're sadly mistaken. So I don't want to hear a damn word from you!

The crowd cheers Hyada's intensity, but not necessarily his message.

Hyada: And I'm sick of hearing from you two, as well. So let's just cut to the chase, give these people what they want, and just start fighting now...

Amber, Hyada, and Cerberus all look to one another. Their heads turn, so all four can keep an eye on another. Flex and Ramparte nod to one another, as Hyada and Warren look around, to see who's going to make the first move! The crowd screams with anticipation, as finally... Hyada strikes! But he strikes at Amber first!

Connor: Hyada still begrudges Amber for what she did to his partner!

Hyada and Amber continue to fight, as Ramparte and Flex now take advantage of the moment! They strike Hyada first, double teaming her while Amber is reeling. They separate the two, and start to make work of them. Cerberus have taken control, much to the chagrin of the crowd. Flex and Ramparte tie up Warren in the ropes, and Flex screams for Ramparte to get a chair. Ramparte obliges, and rolls out to get a chair. Amber is tied up in the ropes, as Califa runs down to help! The crowd goes wild, as Califa rolls into the ring. He starts to unknot Amber, which is stopped by Flex! But Hyada kicks Flex in the face, and both Califa and Hyada work to untie Amber. Amber, Hyada, and Califa all stare at Cerberus, as the crowd goes wild.


Vance Bateman rushes from the back, with a microphone in hand. The crowd boos Vance, for breaking up the action.

Bateman: Clearly, there's a lot of animosity here, and enough tension between the three of you. So, I was thinking... What would happen if we added a little something extra to this...

The crowd perks up at this.

Bateman: It is my duty to inform you all that Titus will be unavailable for All or Nothing. This of course leaves Showtime open for All or Nothing, and after discussing the situation with his lawyer, Mr. Oklahoma, I've decided that Showtime and Michael Winters will be added to this TLC match, making it a fatal four way!

The crowd cheers this, as the people in the ring are not sure of what to make of the situation. Cerberus take this chance to attack Warren, Califa, and Hyada, but now the three have a numbers advantage. Warren looks to Califa, and they both look to Hyada, as they all make a truce to work together, to fight Cerberus! They brawl, clubbing one another, before Hyada of all people grabs the chair! Flex sees this and flees, but as Ramparte tries to flee, Amber Warren hits a roundhouse kick to the side of his head. He goes down with a thud, as Hyada still holds the chair! Amber and Hyada make eye contact, with Califa getting in the middle... Just in case. Hyada holds the chair for some time, thinking things over... But Amber is goading him...

Amber: Hit me!

Hyada has a look on anger on his face, as Amber opens her arms.

Amber:Hit me!

Hyada wrenches the chair in his hand, as Califa tries to stop Amber Warren! But Amber pushes Califa aside, and screams one more time!

Amber:Hit Me!


Hyada is no longer holding the chair; he has thrown it down. But in throwing it down, it lands on Ramparte, who bellows out in pain, as the steel hits his stomach. The chair bounces in the air, as Hyada gives Amber Warren a death glare, and leaves the ring. Amber returns the look, as Califa immediately tries to talk reason into Amber.

Connor: My God... If that's just a preview...

Cohen: And now that we're adding Showtime and Winters?!

Connor: Folks... Don't go away. More Ascension, coming next.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Blue, purple, yellow, and red lights invade the entrance way, as Theron walks out, wearing his coat and sunglasses

Anderson: Introducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190 pounds, Theron Daggershield!

Theron holds his prop sword in hand and does poses with it on the ramp and does some slashing poses while pyro goes off.

Cohen: Well, it was fun while it lasted, kid.

Connor: Is that what you tell her when it's over, Jack?

Cohen: I was going to make the point that this kid's run is over with, and that he has no chance against Showtime. But sure, sex jokes... Why not?

Theron rolls his d20, and jumps into the ring, bouncing up and down to prepare for what is the biggest match of his life.

A cloud of smoke fills the stage as the music begins to play.


As soon as "It's Showtime" bellows, the smoke disappears, as Showtime stands at the entrance way. He caually saunters down the aisle.

Anderson: His opponent, from Hollywood, California, weighing 222 pounds, “Showtime” David Cougar!

Cohen: Showtime is the elite of the elites. There is no way Theron beats him. He'll be lucky to last five minutes.

Connor: Showtime's talents can never be questioned. But I question how seriously he's taking this. Look at him saunter down to the ring.

Cohen: That's the confident walk of a man who has won multiple world titles. He has all the reason in the world to be confident. And Theron is the exact kind of person that Showtime wants to make a statement against. Theron stands for everything Showtime wants to get rid of.

He staddles through the ropes and then spins around, holding his arms up as pyro shoots up around the ring. The explosion brings Theron to the middle of the ring. Showtime walks towards Theron and referee Dillon Morse, who keeps checks Theron Daggershield. Dillon calls for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Showtime smugly grins at Theron, who has a determined look on his face. He gently shooves Theron, sarcastically looking to the referee. He raises his eyebrows, as Theron looks angered. He pushes Showtime hard, this time visually angered by Showtime's nonchalance. Showtime slaps Theron hard in the face, which sends Theron reeling. He then grabs Theron's head, and holds him in a headlock, taking him over his hip, and holding him there. Showtime calls for Dillon to count a fall, but Theron's shoulder is up before Dillon can even count to one. Showtime smiles, as Theron tries to fight out of Showtime's headlock. He makes it to one knee, and pushes Showtime off of his head. Showtime bounces into the ropes, and Theron attempts a leapfrog. But Showtime catches Theron mid air, and manages to suplex him to the ground, to a rousing chorus of boos from the audience. Showtime goes towards the ropes, and leans on them, yawning for all to see. Theron makes to his base, on all fours, as Showtime nudges him with his boot.

Connor: Showtime seems firmly in control here.

Cohen: Oh come on, Cat, what did you really expect here? A match?

Showtime stomps down on Theron's hands, in a mocking manner. He walks around the ring, gloating to a thunderous round of boos. He starts to dance around Theron, before going to pick him up by the head. But Theron throws a right, into the stomach of Showtime! Showtime bellows in pain, as Theron follows it up with another right, fighting to his feet. He stands up, and slaps Showtime in the face! The crowd cheers on, as Theron looks to gain some semblance of momentum. But before he can even get started, Showtime grabs his hair, and drags his head, kneeing him in the gut, and elbowing him in the back. Theron falls to his knees, as for the first time all match, Showtime looks angered. His moves are no longer lazily thrown; now they're crisp, and each attack has a power to it. He bounces off of the ropes, and hits a high knee, to the face of Theron Daggershield. He looks down at his handiwork, and goes right bsck to his smug demeanor. He walks around the ring, clearly showing what happens when The Warblade mounts an attack. Showtime puts a foot on the fallen Theron, and orders Morse to make the count. 1... No, just one! Theron takes Showtime's foot, and throws it off his chest. This staggers Showtime, as he falls down on his butt. The Warblade makes it to a knee, and sees his chance... He pounces on David Cougar, wildly throwing lefts and rights, to the crowd's approval. Dillon Morse tries to break Theron from his wild flurry. Showtime is able to get a foot in between the two, and throws Theron off of him, monkey flipping him across the ring. Embarassed, Showtime grabs his face, and shows his anger once more. He watches as Theron gets to his knees, and runs towards him, grabbing his neck and violently throwing it down with a neckbreaker. Showtime then hits a standing leg drop, and then another, for the young wrestler's insolence. Showtime, now clearly angered, looks down, and drops an elbow on Theron. He regains his cool, and smiles smugly once more, but this time really tries to cover Theron. He hooks the leg, as Dillon counts the cover. 1... 2.... No, just a two count! Showtime's face is clearly perturbed, as he looks down at his fallen foe.

Connor: Showtime can't seem to keep Theron down.

Cohen: Well, it's hard when your opponent doesn't seem to realize he can't win!

Showtime climbs the turnbuckle now, measuring his fallen opponent. He teases climbing to the top rope, but decides that the second will be suitable enough. He leaps out to Theron, but Theron has moved while Showtime is in mid air! Showtime tries to reposition himself to land on his feet, but Theron connects with a dropkick, that hits Showtime right in the jaw! This dazes Showtime, as he walks right into a northern lights suplex! Theron tries to hold on to Showtime, as Showtime kicks for freedom, and Dillon counts the cover. 1... No, just one! Showtime kicks out of the suplex, surprised by this turn of events. Theron leaps to the opportunity, as he jumps high into the air for a hurricanrana! The crowd goes wild, as Theron goes to bring Showtime down. But Showtime is able to stop Theron's momentum, and pulls him back into the air. He delivers a vicious powerbomb, that sends Theron's head bouncing off the mat. What was once a raucous crowd now sits in silence, as Showtime indicates that it's over. He gives his vintage cocky smile once more, and lazily covers Theron, sure that he can't kick out of such a hellacious powerbomb. Dillon counts the cover... 1...2.... No, just two! The crowd roars, as Showtime sits in stunned silence. The crowd comes unglued, as Theron fights up to a seated position. Angered, Showtime grabs Theron's head, and forces him into the nearest corner. He starts stomping on a seated Theron, unforgivingly landing boot after boot into Theron's stomach. With each boot, the once unglued crowd grows more and more silent. He screams in Theron's face, Who do you think you are?! Before landing one more vicous boot. He then indicates that it's time to stop the show... He is going to finish Theron off. Showtime picks up Theron, and places him on the top rope... Indicating that it's time for the Final Curtain. Theron rouses himself, though, and as Showtime climbs the ropes, Theron is able to push him off! Out of desperation, and with crowd behind him, Theron attempts the Dragoon Jump, a Flying Elbow that hits the mark! He hooks Showtime's leg, as Morse counts the fall. 1....2.... No, just two! Theron lays on the mat, as Showtime stirs.

Connor: Even you have to admit, Jack, this is an impressive outing by Theron!

Cohen: He's getting in more than I thought he would... But I still think Showtime's firmly in control.

Theron starts to get desperate, realizing the amount of punishment he's taken. Showtime to his knees, and Theron hits a punch, right to Showtime's face. The crowd goes Oooh, as Theron's wild haymaker hits the mark. Theron hits another one, which reels Showtime again. Again, the crowd goes Oooh. Theron winds up for another punch, as Showtime is to his feet... But Showtime ducks, and grabs Theron's neck. Showtime hits The Ratings Crash, a Side Effect that sends Theron Daggershield crashing to the ground. Once more, the crowd is silent, as Showtime rolls over to cover Theron. He confidently hooks Theron's leg, with the other arm raised with his index finger pointed, calling himself #1. 1... 2... Three/ No, just two! Theron kicks out at the very last chance, as Showtime sits in shock once again. The crowd is going wild, as Showtime pounds the mat in frustration. He then decides that it's time to make The Warblade quit... He grabs Theron's legs, and applies The Commercial Break, a Texas Cloverleaf. Theron tries to fight out, but seems to have no strength left in his body. Dillon Morse goes to see if Theron Daggershield will give up. No! Theron screams out in agony, as Showtime applies even more pressure. Showtime feels like this match is his, as Theron desperately claws to get to the ropes. He's actually moving, as Showtime ratchets up the pressure. Theron claws with every inch of his being, and is getting closer and closer! He's so close, he can just about touch the bottom rope. In one last flail, Theron tries to reach for the ropes, and his limp body falls.

Fortunately, it falls right in the ropes, forcing Showtime to break the hold! Dillon Morse informs Showtime that he is to break the hold. Showtime looks beside himself with anger, as he can't believe what's happening. He starts to argue with Dillon Morse, as Theron slowly begins to stir. As the argument gets more heated, Showtime tries to physical intimidate referee Morse. Dillion, however, is having none of it. He gets into Showtime's face, as Showtime returns the favor. Theron makes it to one knee, as he watches Showtime start to point a finger at Morse. Finally, Showtime pushes the referee! The crowd boos, as Showtime shoves Dillon Morse! But their rancor is turned to excitement, as Dillon Morse pushes back! Showtime staggers back, and into a waiting Theron Daggershield... Who unleashes a Critical Hit, out of nowhere! The crowd goes unglued, as Theron as hit his finishing move!

Connor: Unbelievable!

Cohen: Seriously, what the hell is this?!

But as Theron makes it to his knees, he seems to feel this won't be enough. He asseses the situation, and looks out to the arena.The crowd cheers him on, as Theron gets to his feet... And starts to climb the ropes.

Cohen: What... What's he doing? Why didn't he go for a cover?

The crowd goes silent, wondering what he's going to do. Even Theron doesn't seem to sure of himself, as he slowly makes his way to the top rope.

Connor: Don't do this, kid... Get the pinfall while you can...

Showtime is still down, as Theron is at the top rope. He looks once more to the crowd, and makes a slashing motion. Theron Daggershield leaps out, for a shooting star press. Showtime looks to be stirring, in the ring, as Theron flies...

Theron hits the shooting star press! He connects, and hooks a leg!


The crowd comes unglued, as Theron makes it to his knees, shocked at what has happened. Dillon Morse goes to raise his hand.

Anderson:The winner of this match... Theron Daggershield!

Cohen: I don't believe it!

Theron know lays in the ring, holding his stomach, with a smile on his face.

Connor: He did it! Theron beat Showtime! In what has to be a major upset, Theron Daggershield pinned Showtime David Cougar!

Theron celebrates and rolls out of the ring, elated with this upset victory. Showtime curses himself in the ring, as he lays on the ground, pounding the mat.

Cohen: I still don't believe it!

Connor: Believe what you want Jack... Theron Daggershield just proved he can do the impossible!


Suddenly, we cut backstage, where Blade and Diabolos are locked in a fierce brawl, throwing hard right hands at each other with reckless abandon. Some of the locker room comes out and breaks the fight up, holding the two men back.

The two men are pulled apart, but suddenly Blade breaks free and charges at his nemesis. He spears Diabolos through the group of wrestlers and takes him down, throwing right hands to the head. Again, the other wrestlers quickly manage to pull the two men apart. Vance Bateman puts himself between the two men.

Bateman: Stop it! Stop, you idiots! If you really need to beat the hell out of each other, you’ll do it properly. We’ll have Blade against Diabolos at All or Nothing! And since you love fighting backstage so much, it’ll be Falls Count Anywhere! Now get out of here before I suspend you both.

Blade and Diabolos both still look worked up, but there’s a wall of wrestlers between them, so they have no choice but to stand down.
We go backstage where Stacy Madison is standing by.

Becky: Joining me at this time, Triple X!

Triple X walks into the picture, clearly in a bad mood as he runs his hands through his hair.

Becky: Triple X, earlier tonight Mr. Banks made the announcement that El Califa Dragon will be joining you and Ricky Runn in the World Title match at All or Nothing. What are your thoughts on that?

Triple X: How do you think I feel Becky? Instead of a one on one match and a chance to put that idiot in his place, I'm forced to deal with El Califa Dragon now? How is this fair?

Becky: Well he has defeated both you and Ricky Runn so.....

Triple X: I don't care about that Becky. It doesn't matter who they put this in the match! I was robbed at Unscripted, that World Title should be around my waist right now. And just like I put down El Califa's partner Amber Warren, I'll take care of him and avenge my loss last night.

Triple X grabs the mic from Becky and stares into the camera, pointing into it.

Triple X: I am better than everyone in WZCW. I am the best, not that clown Ricky Runn, not that masked coward El Califa Dragon. I will be the best World Heavyweight Champion this company will ever see! And it starts at All or Nothing. The Straight Edge Era will usher in greatness, and I will lead this company to the light!

Triple X drops the mic and walks off as we cut away.


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The lights dim down as the crowd begins to boo, spotlights shining down randomly in various spots until merging into two larger spotlights in the shape of a V. An opening slowly cracks open at the top of the entrance stage and soon Vega rises up, eliciting a louder boofrom the crowd. He yells out as he walks down the ramp at his own pace before sliding into the ring. As he stands up the spotlights shine down on him once again in the form of a V as he gazes up to the sky.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 185 pounds, Vega!

Connor: This war for Vega's soul has been raging for the past few weeks Jack. And it comes to ahead tonight as Vega takes on Dr. Zeus!

Cohen: There's no way Vega's fighting tonight. He'll bow down like the good little boy he is and join Dr. Zeus and The Beard!

Chastity makes her way out to the entrance stage and down to the middle of the ramp. She winds up a music box and lays it down, and soon:


The arena dims, Chastity singing to the music. The lights completely go out except for the Tron which seems to be glitching out. Zeus makes his way out, with The Beard behind him. The two walk down to the ring, staring down Vega as Zeus directs Beard to the side. He climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring, his eyes never leaving Vega.

Anderson: And the challenger, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus..

Connor: Is Zeus about to get his way tonight? Will Vega really join him?

Cohen: Look at that powerhouse team Cat. He'd be stupid not to.

Referee Jurou Akiyama calls for the bell as Vega comes out of the corner to meet Zeus in the center of the ring. Zeus rhymes to Vega to kneel before him and join him, but Vega shakes his head no. Anger twists on Zeus's face as he screams at Vega to do so. Vega lowers his head for a moment, and slowly begins dropping to one knee. The crowd boos as a twisted smile forms on Zeus's face, but Vega suddenly springs up and catches Zeus with an uppercut! Zeus stumbles backwards as the crowd suddenly cheers again as Vega charges, delivering stiff right shots to the good doctor. Zeus covers up and backs between the ropes, forcing Referee Akiyama to call for the break. Vega continues to swing wildly but Akiyama backs him up forcefully as Vega stares right at Zeus. Zeus slowly pulls himself back up, cracking his jaw as he stands upright. Vega rushes towards him again but Zeus counters and throws him into the ropes. He connects with a back body drop, sending Vega onto his back as Vega paces around his prey. He delivers a headbutt to the rising Vega, knocking him back into the ropes. Zeus delivers a few rights of his own before finishing with a throat thrust, dropping Vega to the mat. Zeus places his foot on his throat, pulling back on the ropes for added effect. Akiyama starts the five count and Zeus breaks at 4, holding his arms up innocently. As Akiyama admonishes Zeus, Beard comes from the outside and blatantly chokes Vega to boos from the crowd.

Connor: Not only does Vega have to contend with the dangerous Dr. Zeus in the ring, but possibly the even more dangerous Beard on the outside!

Cohen: This is what he gets Cat. He's receiving his due punishment.

Beard backs off as Zeus walks past Akiyama and lifts Vega up, slapping him across the face before whipping him across to the other corner. Zeus charges forward but Vega gets a leg up, stopping Zeus in his tracks. Vega turns around and jumps up, springboarding off the corner turnbuckle and hitting a stiff forearm to the face. It drops Zeus, who bounces back up but Vega immediately gets him with a Judo Side Throw, staying one step ahead of Zeus. Vega quickly gets full mount, delivering blow after blow to Zeus who covers up as best he can. Zeus suddenly grabs one of Vega's strikes and goes for Pulling The Plug! He struggles to lock in the hold while Vega tries to pull away. Zeus is able to get his legs wrapped around but Vega finally breaks free, stepping backwards as Zeus pulls himself up. Vega goes for a flying knee but Zeus ducks under and dumps Vega to the outside. Beard circles around as Zeus drops down on the other side, cornering the downed Vega. Vega gets up to his feet to see himself in the predicament, lifting his arms up in a fighting stance towards Beard. Zeus charges from the other side but Vega suddenly trips him up, springing off the back of Zeus and back onto the apron before coming off with a flying knee to Beard! Vega quickly slides into the ring and begins taunting Zeus who checks on Beard as Akiyama warns Zeus to get back in the ring. Zeus' face contorts into even more anger as he slams his hands onto the apron before sliding into the ring. He rushes at Vega who ducks under and locks in a crucifix, sending Zeus over for a pin attempt, 1................2.............Zeus kicks out!

Connor: That's the Vega we know. He's outsmarting and slipping in and out of Zeus' grips.

Cohen: Forget all that Cat. Our King for a Day is down!

Vega lifts Zeus up and sends him into the corner. He walks up and delivers a stiff kick to the midsection. Again, and another as Zeus drops down to the mat this time. Vega returns the favor from earlier, placing his foot on the throat of Zeus as Vega yells at him to ask for forgiveness. Akiyama forces Vega back, but Vega rushes forward and delivers stomps to the chest of Zeus, forgoing his usual stylized attacks for straight forward brutality. He grabs Zeus by the hair and drags him up into the center of the ring and gets Zeus in a Muay Thai clinch. Zeus suddenly breaks his grip and lifts him up, delivering a sudden Samoan Drop! Both men are down and Akiyama checks on both before starting the ten count. At the count of four both men begin to stir, Vega rolling over to the ropes as Zeus is slow to his feet, At seven both are up and both charge each other. Vega goes for a clothesline but Zeus ducks under, stopping briefly before rushing Vega from behind and delivering a running bulldog. He goes for the cover, 1................2...........Vega kicks out!

Connor: A back and forth battle going on here. Both are excellent submission specialists, and I don't doubt making the other tap out would be a huge for either man.

Cohen: Indeed it would. Zeus making Vega scream out in pain would be music to my ears.

Zeus slowly gets up and backs up into the corner, walking out before delivering a stiff legdrop across the throat. He goes for the cover, 1............2.....Vega kicks out. Zeus suddenly wraps his hand around Vega's throat with a blatant choke, screaming at him in the only way Zeus could, in rhyme, as Akiyama begins the five count. At four he breaks the choke, but immediately goes right back to it, eliciting another five count. Again at four he breaks the hold. He lifts Vega up and tosses him into the corner. He rushes forward and delivers a stiff splash in the corner, crushing Vega. Zeus backs up and goes for it again but Vega pulls himself onto the top turnbuckle, forcing Zeus headfirst into the turnbuckle. Vega stands up and begins tightrope walking, balancing on the top rope before flying off and delivering a big time huracanrana! Zeus gets sent flying across the ring, rolling to the outside to catch his breath but Vega doesn't let up, running off the ropes and flying over the top rope onto Zeus! The crowd cheers at the amazing agility of Vega who gets up and lifts his arm up high into the air. He grabs Zeus by the head and slams him repeatedly into the barrier as Akiyama begins the ten count.

Cohen: Come on ref! That's blatant cheating. Disqualify him!

Connor: Despite what my colleague thinks, that is not cheating, and Vega is intent on taking his frustration out on the good doctor!

At the count of four Vega whips Zeus across towards the apron but Zeus counters, sending Vega back first into the hard edge. Vega grimaces in pain but Zeus tosses him into the ring. He walks over to the corner and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, balancing himself with his back to Vega. He flies off and connects with a moonsault! He goes for the cover, 1...........2........Vega kicks out again! Zeus gets up, clearly frustrated and picks up Vega once more, sending him into the corner. Zeus backs up and rushes forward for another splash, but Akiyama finds himself out of position and takes the move along with Vega! Akiyama falls down as Vega slumps against the corner. Zeus lifts Vega to a seated position on the top turnbuckle, climbing up and setting up for a superplex. Vega counters however with right hands and finally shoves Zeus off to the mat. Vega catches his breath before pulling himself up to a standing position and flies off as Zeus gets up, catching him with the Flying Triangle Choke! Zeus yells out in pain as Vega clinches in the submission tight.

Connor: Vega's got him locked in the Triangle Choke!

Cohen: But not for long Cat!

As Zeus fades in the hold, The Beard suddenly enters and pulls Vega off of Zeus and delivers Poetic Justice! Vega is out as Beard goes to help Zeus up, the crowd suddenly coming alive as Theron comes running down from the outside! He slides into the ring and Beard goes to meet him but Theron ducks under a clothesline and delivers a Critical Hit! The crowd pops loudly as Theron goes to help Vega to his feet, Akiyama still out in the ring. Vega shakes the cobwebs out as he looks to his helping him, his eyes growing wide as Theron nods his head in encouragement. Theron goes to help Akiyama to his feet as Vega lines up Zeus for a running Kill Shot. Theron helps Akiyama to his feet, but Beard recovers enough to pull Theron to the outside as Vega rushes forward, grabbing Zeus but Zeus counters out of it and suddenly locks in Euthanasia! Vega grabs at Zeus's forearm, trying to break the hold as Zeus forces him down flat on his back. Akiyama sees the pin attempt in a blur and begins the count, 1........................Zeus suddenly gets his legs up on the ropes, forcing the hold down further..........2........................3 just as Vega kicks out!

Anderson: Here is your winner....the Good Doctor Zeus....

Cohen: Yes! That's what you get Vega for spitting in the face of the good doctor!

Connor: Akiyama didn't see the feet on the ropes by Zeus. Vega couldn't kick out in time due to the added pressure!

Dr. Zeus steadies himself to his feet, laughing to himself as Vega gets to one knee. He has a sour look on his face, angered at how Dr. Zeus managed to screw him over. Zeus calls for a microphone, as he motions towards Vega. Vega looks on, with a cross look, as Dr. Zeus begins to speak.

Dr. Zeus:Your salvation is almost at hand,
All that is needed is to meet one last demand!
For God's Grace to be attained,
One final sacrifice must be made!

Vega looks confused by this, and shrugs his shoulders. He calls for a microphone, getting to his feet.

Vega:... You're joking right? I mean... I handed you Theron on a silver platter on Meltdown. I gave you your sacrifice!

Dr. Zeus smiles, and wags his finger.

Dr. Zeus: You did give us Theron, that much is true,
But Theron seems to mean nothing to you.
Sacrifice means losing something that you hold dear.
So... Vega, bring us Alexis, and bring her right here...

The crowd boos the notion of this. Theron and Beard have now entered the ring. The Beard puts his hand on Zeus' shoulder, while Theron goes to consult Vega. He starts excitedly yelling to Vega, protesting Dr. Zeus' words. Vega holds his hand up to Theron, and pushes him to the side.

Vega: Come on, Zeus. It's not getting funny. No... Just, no.

The crowd cheers Vega on, but Dr. Zeus looks infuriated by Vega's rebuke.

Dr. Zeus: This isn't a joke, I'll offer this one last time!
Bring us Alexis, and absolve yourself of your crimes!

Vega gets serious about this, and is getting angered.

Vega: Piss off!

The crowd roars with approval, as Vega gets right in Zeus' face. Zeus looks angered at first... But a smirk crosses his face.

Dr. Zeus:It seems you've drawn a line in the sand.
But Vega... When you deny fate... Fate forces you to play your hand...

Dr. Zeus motions towards the entrance way... Where Chastity is standing, with the bloodied body of Alexis. She carries the limp body of Alexis, as the crowd gasps. Vega's mouth is open, as he can't believe what he's seeing... Alexis' lifeless body, hanging between the arms of Dr. Zeus' flunkie. The Beard smiles a great smile, as Dr. Zeus laughs a blood curdling laugh. Theron puts an arm on Vega's shoulder... Who can't even seem to form any emotion. He stands, completely paralyzed, as Theron tries to speak to him. He shakes Vega... Who's face has turned to a rage, like no one has ever seen before! Vega runs at Zeus, and tackles him, throwing forceful punches at the grounded Doctor. The Beard attempts to break this up, but is dropkicked by Theron! Theron clotheslines The Beard over the top rope, as The Beard falls over! Vega is throwing hard punches, bloodying Zeus' nose in the process., Vega screams to the heavens, and rolls outside of the ring. He rips a chair from ringside, and enters the ring, standing over Zeus.


Vega slams the chair down hard on the back of Zeus! And again! A third time! Vega's sunglasses have fallen off, showing that his eyes are welling with tears. His face is blood red, as he brings the chair down on the back of Dr. Zeus, once again! A fifth, then a sixth time! Vega screams in pure anger, as Chastity looks on in horror from the stage! Vega winds back one last time... And this time, hits Vega in the head with the chair! He takes the microphone he dropped, and looks to Theron Daggershield.

Vega: Hey! You want to make these fuckers bleed out?!

Theron is taken back by the violence in Vega's voice, by the rage consumed in him.

Vega: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?!

Theron nods his head.

Vega: Do you want to get rid of this piece of crap?!

Vega points down to Dr. Zeus, as Theron once again nods.

Vega: Then at All or Nothing, you have a partner. You and me... Versus them...

Vega kneels down to Zeus, and gets right in his face.

Vega: How's that sound for a sacrifice...

The Beard climbs back into the ring, as Theron and Vega roll out. The Beard takes the lifeless Zeus in his arms, as Vega's face is still blood red. Theron can't seem to believe what he's witnessed.

Connor: My God... War and Death against Theron and Vega?

Cohen: I think Vega has a death wish...

Connor: We have to go folks! All or Nothing! It's coming in two weeks! My God! What will these four men do to one another...

The WZCW copyright information pops up, as the last image we see is Vega's blood red face, streaming with tears, as he turns around to go check on Alexis.

First off, big thanks to Ty for formatting this in my absence. Rep him hard.

Ty: Zeus/Vega, segments, being a boss
Haiku: Theron/Showtime, segments
Blade: Titus/Diabolos, segments
Killjoy: Ilapa/Wonder, that pimp ass OG beast poster
Yaz: segments

Big thanks again to DarksideEric for guest writing the tag match.

So there we go people, the last show before the PPV. Or do we call them Special Attractions now, or whatever WWE is calling them these days? Regardless, hope you fellas enjoy. All or Nothing, here we come.
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