Ascension 77

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again


The camera pans around the arena as the crowd comes alive.

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we are live tonight from the sold out 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I'm Cat Connors and along side me as always, my broadcast partner, Jack Cohen.

Cohen: Thanks Cat. Pleasure as always to be here by such a pleasant looking woman as yourself, and always nice to be in Philly. I just hope the action tonight is more entertaining than 76ers have been lately.

The crowd boos loudly as Jack's smile is shown on the tron.

Connor: We definitely have some big matches tonight. New comers Frank Mortlock and Jimmy Wonder square off in one on one action, as well as a big number one contender match between Triple X and S.H.I.T.

Cohen: Not to mention former Mayhem Champion Vega teaming up with the tricky Dr. Zeus to take on Eve Taylor and Aubrey Sloan, as well as a big six man tag match that will feature our EurAsian champion Mikey Stormrage. Still no word on whether or not the fat ass will face disciplinary action for the heinous actions he and Young Justice took part in against the esteemed Chuck Myles.


Cohen: And here comes a shining example of what this company is all about.

Connor: Oh please Jack.

Matt Tastic walks to the ring, but not before stopping to dump a box of candy into his mouth throw his empty box into the crowd. He swallows and picks up a mic.

Tastic: So I've been asked day in and day for the past week. They asked me. Why? Why Stormrage? What did he ever do to you? Those are such stupid questions. People asking me why I did what I did. Saying it was heinous. Disgusting. Dishonorable. Wanna know what I think of that?

Matt flips the crowd off and then turns to the camera. He shows off the bird straight at the camera with a smug expression on his face.

I. Don't. Give. A shit. I attacked Stormrage because he has a nice piece of gold that was basically handed down to him, by his lousy, sympathetic, good for nothing “friend”. I was in a war with Fallout and he nearly took out my back like what happened last year. But when Stormrage and Howard wrestled their I Quit match, Howard simply called it quits mid-match and forfeited. Mikey didn't beat him. So why the hell does he have that title? I'm just here to correct the issue like the good samaritan that I am. I am the heart and soul of this company after all. And I have to lead by example. I-


Mikey comes out to the stage with a steel chair and microphone in hand. The Eurasian title dangling from his shoulder. Matt becomes defensive in the ring and looks on.

Woah, woah, woah, woah. Rodeo clown. Just stop it right there. Why the rush? Can't you wait for the tag team match? You'll spoil the fun. You'll-

Mikey feigns heading down to the ring, but stops after one simple step.

HEY!! I SAID STAY THERE! Don't come down here, or I'll beat you up again, fatass!

Mikey nods “no” from the stage and opens the chair, sitting on it backwards with his belt on his lap.

Stormrage: You know, I haven't even gone down there and you're already all hyper and defensive. I'm not here to fight. I just want to talk. See, I've been thinking the same things you said over the course of the week too. Why? Why me? What did I ever do to him? It took me a while, but I figured it out. There's no secret motive. And you don't have anything against me. Truth is, you're just too bitter inside and attack whoever you feel is in a better position than you, but weaker.

Matt stops pacing the ring and stays still in the middle. Listening carefully to Mikey.

You're alone. Come on, Matt. Just admit it. We're like two high school misfits. I'm the overweight nerd with the confidence issues, and you're the lonely troublemaker doing anything for attention. You get mad when no one pays attention so you do something crazy. But tell me something, after you beat Titus by spitting soda in his face.... Gotta admit, that was clever. And you were backstage all smiles and laughs, how did you feel inside? Because I know for a fact you had no one to go celebrate to. No one told you “congratulations”. No one said “good job”. You were just back there. Alone.

Mikey gets off the chair and carries it off down the aisle with him. Matt slowly backtracks in the ring as Mikey approaches and gets in the ring.

You and I are alike. Two misfits looking for a way to fit in. But you're missing something. And I see what it is. James helped me through thick and thin. Maybe that's what you need too. Listen, I know what you want. And I'm willing to give you that chance. But you need to promise me one thing. Lighten up. I know you're in it for yourself. But that doesn't mean you need to isolate yourself to a corner and be all alone. We're here for you. We all respect you. What do you say?

* Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! *

Matt looks on, but just walks by Mikey laughing in disgust.

Connor: Well it seems that Matt Tastic wanted no part of the offer from Stormrage.

Cohen: And why would he Cat? Matt Tastic is no charity case. He doesn't take hand outs, unlike some of our so called champions. Good for you Matt. I hope you give that nerd a noogie and two Indian burns later!

Connor: That match later tonight, up next Frank Mortlock locks horns with Jimmy Wonder. Don't go away!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first,on loan from Gloom County Police Force, weighing 218 pounds, Detective Frank Mortlock!

Mortlock pauses at the entrance way looking over the crowd as they begin to pepper him with boos.

Connor: Coming out first for this match is a guy who is probably as dirty as they come.

Cohen: What do you mean? He's here to finally reign in all these yahoos under the heavy hand of justice and I say it's about damn time.

After a moment of indulging in their displeasure he shakes his head and moves towards the ring, pulling his elbow away from a fan that got a bit too close for his liking. He stopped and looked out at the crowd once more before removing his hat and coat and hanging them on the ring post. Climbing the steps he begins to roll up his sleeves and perform a few quick punching combinations after stepping through the ropes.


And his opponent, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 203 pounds, The Magical, Jimmy Wonder!

Jimmy breaks out from the curtain to the sound of his music and the crowd, doing a quick spin that sends his cap flaring out behind him.

Connor: This guy, Wonder, is going to be something great. His performance at Aftershock 33 was magical.

Cohen: Seriously? Magical? You're the reason I tend to turn to drinking, y'know that, right?

Jimmy tips his hat to the cameraman and beckons him to follow him. Pointing out a younger woman in the audience near the entrance he offers her a deck of cards, instructing her to pick out five. Leaving the deck with her, he returns to the center of the entrance way and flips each card between his fingers a few times before tossing them up in the air one after another. As the cards come back down he snaps his fingers, causing the cards to hover in midair, spinning in front of him. The crowd gasps and Jimmy pops off his hat, sweeps up the cards with it and spins the hat around, making it disappear! The crowd cheers out as Jimmy finally heads to the ring, touching hands along the way, and leaping to his feet in front of the Detective, shouting TA-DA! with a smile on his face.

Cohen: Can we just get on with this? Sheesh!

Mortlock shares Cohen's sentiments by slapping the taste out of the Magician's mouth before the bell even rings, pushing him forward into the corner.

Connor: Oh c'mon! That was uncalled for! What a party pooper!

*Ding, Ding, Ding!*

The Detective wastes little time pinning Wonder in the corner with a serious of fists to the face and body, pulling away only when referee Elizabeth Prince warns him a disqualification is imminent. The man stares a sidelong glance into the ref for a moment before running back towards Wonder to plant a knee into the midsection but Jimmy slips out of the way. With Jimmy free and Mortlock in the corner, confused momentarily, the Magician runs in with a knee of his own, burying it deep into the Detective's gut. He pulls him out by the wrist and smashes a forearm into Frank's face, causing the man to stagger back into the corner.

Connor: See there? Jimmy's proving he's not some sideshow act by standing up to this awful officer.

Cohen: Yeah yeah, back him up all you want, but soon he'll be in cuffs where he belongs just like the rest of these weirdos!

Jimmy's beginning to feel the cycle of momentum he's created, he grabs Frank's wrist again and pulls him from the corner, slipping to his side and taking him down with a quick Side Russian. He goes for the cover...


Mortlock kicks out quickly, showing that the early offense hasn't had that much impact yet and rolls away towards the ropes. Jimmy backs away and holds his arms open to the crowd, racking in cheers and taunting the Detective. Frank stares at him from his knees and wipes his mouth to check for blood as he gets up. Wonder beckons him to come in and the two meet in the center of the ring in a tie up. Mortlock proves he's got an edge over the Magician in strength by forcing him into a side headlock. He rapidly grinds his forearms over and over into the side of Wonder's head while keeping his eyes on referee Prince. With no other reason than to just torment the man, Frank grabs a handful of hair and yanks on it, dragging the Magician around with him wherever he sees fit. Prince admonishes Mortlock who lets go of the hair, only to grab it again when she asked if Jimmy wished to submit, shouting "YOU LIKE THAT? HUH?!"

Cohen: Haha! Just how I like it, this Mortlock takes pleasure in the little things that make men squeal!

Connor: And you're the one to claim there's too many weirdos here?

Jimmy screams out at the hair pulling and forces Mortlock against the ropes, causing Prince to start a count for Frank to release the hold. Before he does though, Wonder uses the ropes to push Mortlock off towards the opposite side of the ring, breaking the headlock. Frank springs off the ropes towards Jimmy who ducks a coming clothesline, Frank off the other side comes barreling in with another clothesline that's ducked again. This time Jimmy takes off running the ropes and drops Mortlock with a flying forearm to the jaw as the Detective was bouncing off for a third time. With Frank down, Jimmy executes a trio of elbow drops.

Connor: Jimmy's starting to pick up the pace!

Wonder doesn't stop to go for a cover, instead he lifts up Mortlock and puts him down with a scoop slam then climbing out to the apron. Jimmy turns, raising his hand to the crowd to keep them enthralled before gripping the top rope, jumping up to springboard into the ring but oh God what a clothesline from Mortlock, catching Jimmy in the air after returning to his feet.

Cohen: What was that about picking up the pace?

Mortlock hooks the leg. 1... 2-- no, Jimmy kicks out right at two. Mortlock guides Jimmy up by a yank of the hair and sends him into the corner, connecting with several kicks to the gut. He pulls Wonder away from the turnbuckle and sizes him up, laying in a brutal jab, cross combination, the good Ol' One-Two. The Magician staggers, putting up his own fists in defense but is unable to stop the lightning quick uppercut that connects with his jaw, dropping him back into the corner yet again. Mortlock stalks in, leveling a kick to the gut for good measure before pressing his foot into Wonder's throat, choking him. Elizabeth Prince begins her count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- and Mortlock breaks it right before she breaths out the five count.

Mortlock backs away, smiling to himself for a moment then moves right back in, taking hold of Jimmy's wrist and Irish Whipping him across the ring to the other corner. Jimmy connects chest first, letting out a very audible cry of pain, and falls back to the ground. Frank steps over the fallen Magician and lowers himself into the mount position, grabbing a fistful of hair and homing in with a series of punches. Again Prince admonishes Mortlock for his rule bending when he walks away from Wonder.

Connor: This guy is taking every little chance he can to spit on the rulebook.

Cohen: I bet he thinks he's back in a Gloom County interrogation room right now, just look at him! He's really enjoying this.

Mortlock waves Prince off and returns to Jimmy as he's slowly finding his feet beneath him. Grabbing a handful of hair yet again, he screams something at the Magician and launches him towards the corner a second time. Jimmy reverses it however and sends Mortlock back first into the turnbuckle with a hard Irish Whip and following it up with a drop kick to the knee to take him down. Wasting no time, Jimmy hits the ropes and connects with a knee drop across the chest, hooking up the near leg and arm for a pinning combination.

1... 2... Frank kicks out a half beat before the three. Jimmy pulls the Detective up by his collar, aiming a pair of kicks to the stomach then taking hold of the hand and wrist, yanking it and twisting it. Mortlock howls in pain as Wonder wrenches the arm, dragging him along to the corner. It looks as if Jimmy's setting up for his beloved Old School Hurricanrana but Frank throws a few wild punches to Jimmy's exposed midsection. Mortlock pulls his arm free and staggers off, holding his shoulder in pain before spinning around quickly and making a mad dash towards Wonder with a clothesline. Wonder ducks under, catches a waistlock and hits a beautiful German Suplex.

1... 2... 3-- No, a kick out!

Connor: It really seems that these two are so closely matched. They have a nearly equal counter to each others' offense.

Cohen: Just give it time, Frank will put this guy away in the slammer soon!

Following the German, Jimmy hoists Frank up and puts him in the corner, taking off running to the opposite side then running at Mortlock to drive a knee into his gut. Jimmy returns to the opposite corner and turns to the crowd, waving his arms up and down to get them rallying behind him with continued cheers. Turning back to Frank he launches himself like a bullet out of the corner, running the length of the ring and leaping up, wrapping his legs around Frank's head to take him down in a Hurricanrana! But wait, Frank blocks it, he stops Jimmy from completing the move and hauls him up, looking to slam him down with a power bomb, but Jimmy starts raining fists down on Mortlock while on his shoulders. The Detective begins to stumble and it looks like he's aiming to toss Jimmy to the outside but the Magician pulls an amazing trick and shifts his body weight, dumping Frank to the floor below while hanging onto the top rope and pulling himself back into the ring.

Jimmy, ever the showman spins around the middle of the ring to a cheering crowd, fueling his body with their noise. He studies Mortlock as he gets up, the Magician springing off the ropes and launching himself into the air yet again in a Suicide Dive over the top.

Mortlock jumped up and swung his forearm forward, catching Jimmy under the jaw as he soared, collapsing the two men on the mat outside.

Coonor: Dear Lord again with a vicious clothesline!

Cohen: I think the Magician really needs to stop relying on that one trick.

Mortlock finds his feet first and grabs Jimmy by the hair, pulling him to his feet and lands a quick Inverted Atomic Drop. Wonder clutches his groin in pain, leaving him unable to defend himself as the Detective slams his face into the apron, getting a combined "oooooooooooooooh" from the crowd. Mortlock slams Jimmy's face a second time, then a third before rolling in the ring momentarily to break Prince's count. As Jimmy staggers away, Mortlock runs along the ring apron and catches Jimmy with a running bulldog from the apron to the outside!

Frank gets up to his feet and exams the fallen Wonder, waving him off and sliding into the ring to let Prince start her ten count.





Jimmy starts to stir, shaking his head and lifting his body off the ground.



Jimmy slowly gets to his feet and leans against the apron.


He makes it back into the ring just as Prince was about to call eight on her count. Mortlock mutters a silent curse and pulls Jimmy up to put him in position for the Hard Justice. Mortlock stares out at the crowd as they support Jimmy.


But they're quickly silenced as Frank drops Jimmy face first to the mat with the hanging DDT. He pulls Jimmy to the middle of the ring and makes the cover.



Jimmy just barely rolled his shoulder off the mat.

Cohen: How in the world did he survive a combination like that?!

Connor Magic?

Cohen: Guh...

Mortlock's face is twisted in anger and confusion, not understanding how in the world Jimmy can keep going. He goes for a cover again: 1, 2, 3- kick out! And again: 1, 2, 3- kick out! Jimmy's continued kick outs infuriate Frank as he gets up into the face of Prince, giving the riot act to the referee about slow counts. After a few moments of arguing, Mortlock turns around to re-engage Jimmy and is met with a Disaster Kick! Both competitors are prone on the mat, Jimmy attempting to crawl over for the cover. He finally reaches Frank and throws an arm over him...



Thre-- Mortlock gets his foot on the rope!

Jimmy shakes his head, trying to clear the cobwebs as again the crowd gets behind him.


Getting to his feet he points his finger into the air, signalling to the crowd that the grand finale is at hand. With Mortlock still flat on his back, the Magician begins the slow climb to the top. Nearing the top, Jimmy turns to look out at the crowd one more time to gain their approval but wore an expression of confusion as the people started shouting at him to turn around. Wonder, puzzled, looked back towards where he expected Mortlock to be, however he was welcomed with the sight of the Detective bounding up the ropes and dragging the Magician down from his perch with a vicious Police Brutality!

Connor Oh geez--!

Cohen: Yeah-ha-ha-ha!

Mortlock grabbed the arm of Wonder and dragged the lifeless body away from the ropes, executing the cover.



Jimmy's leg begins to move.


Cohen: Yes! Ship him off in the paddy wagon boys, this one's a lifer!

Prince calls for the bell.

*Ding, ding, ding!*

And here is your winner, Frank Mortlock!

Mortlock rolls off of the cover and lays stills for a good amount of time, referee Prince raising his hand while he's still down. Slowly he gets to his feet and holds his head in his hand, staring down at Jimmy who is barely stirring before exiting the ring with a hard fought victory.

Connor: While this Detective seems to be as crooked as they come, he did pull off an amazing counter.

Cohen: Let that be a lesson to this lounge act, you gotta pay attention to your opponent more than the people!


Just outside the women's locker room, Aubrey Sloan is seated on top of an equipment cart, her eyes closed. Eve Taylor walks out of the locker room and approaches Sloan. She places a hand on her shoulder, startling Sloan.

Taylor: Girl we are going to have some fun tonight. You and I under the bright lights, in front of twenty thousand adoring fans.

Sloan doesn't respond, she looks uneasy.

I promise by the end of the night, those people will be chanting your name.

Sloan perks up a little.

And when we hit the town to celebrate our victory I will introduce you to call my contacts in the business. You have a good look, you could make it big.

Sloan cracks an uneasy smile and speaks in a hushed tone.

Sloan: And I could make friends?

You better believe it girlfriend! Now lets go go talk strategy.


The camera returns from commercial break to Selena Anderson standing in the center of the ring.

Anderson: Please welcome at this time, Young Justice!

Cohen: What are these two clowns up to now?


Young Justice make their way out to the delight of the fans. The slap hands with the fans as they make their way down the ramp. They both slide into the ring and grab microphones from the ringside attendant.

Haven: You know Jon. We've been teaming together for a little while now, and seeing as how we got a victory over the Demon Foreigners last week, I say we grasp opportunity by the ropes and make a request.

Hyada: I agree Haven, and so I think it's time we challenge the World Tag Team Champions, Los Magnificos Dragones to a match at All or Nothing for the titles!

The crowd pops at the thought of the two speedy teams going at it at All or Nothing when suddenly Los Magnificos Dragones' music hits.


El Califa makes his way out, excited to be there as he plays to the crowd, his tag team title wrapped around his waist. Amber looks more reserved, almost annoyed that she has to be out there. The two walk down the ramp and enter the ring with El Califa holding a microphone. Amber leans in the corner, her title draped around her shoulder. El Califa goes to speak when suddenly...


Ramparte and Flex Mussel make their way out to the entrance stage, both men laughing as they talk to each other for a moment.

Ramparte: Your "victory" over The Demon Foreigners? That wasn't a victory, they didn't even want to waste a breath taking you two idiots down.

Flex: Oui Oui, besides, we, Cerberus, are clearly the number one contenders to the Tag Team Titles. Why don't you two go hit the gym and build up and maybe you can be as physically built as yours truly, Flex Mussel!

Flex, well, flexes to boos from the crowd as El Califa turns towards Cerberus and shakes his head, lifting the mic up to speak.

El Califa: El Califa would have to agree with you Cerberus.

Flex and Ramparte look a bit shocked, a smile forming on their faces at El Califa's words.

El Califa: But you see, the way El Califa sees it, you haven't done much either Cerberus!

The reaction quickly shifts in the two on stage as Young Justice snickers behind El Califa.

El Califa: Amber Warren and I have taken on all comers. El Califa has even had the World Champion pinned to the mat had it not been for outside interference. But El Califa grows bored waiting for either of you teams to wake up and show us something. Dragons do not await a knight to try and slay them! They bring on the challenge! So El Califa proposes a match at All or Nothing. It will end all arguments among you four, and Los Magnificos Dragones will show how great they truly are! Los Magnificos Dragones will take on Cerberus, and Young Justice in a Triple Threat Tag Team match!

Amber: Yawn.

The five men suddenly turn towards Amber Warren who still leans against the ropes, her head looking to the side of the ring and as disinterested as possible. The crowd doesn't even have a chance to cheer for the challenge.

Amber: I got a better idea. Like I always do Califa. We've beaten Cerberus rather easily, and I don't see these "heroes" putting up much of a fight either. Maybe for once they'll find a real damsel in distress because I am not her!

Amber suddenly pulls herself out of the corner and walks right up to Haven and Hyada, her eyes staring right through them.

Hyada: So what are you proposing?

Amber studies Hyada for a moment before a sinister sneer forms on her face.

Amber: Carnage. Destruction. I want to see bodies broken and lives shortened by my hand. I will put a stamp on this reign as champion, and so at All or Nothing, it will be a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match.

Amber's voice remains low, venomous in nature as she stares down the young tag team, Haven swallowing hard. El Califa watches on silently before lowering his head. He suddenly looks up and nods as he looks towards Cerberus.

El Califa: So what will it be Cerberus? El Califa and Amber Warren are prepared to go to war at All or Nothing for these titles! Are you?

Ramparte and Flex converse between themselves as the crowd has popped for the TLC announcement. They turn back to the ring and yellow together.

Cerberus: You're on!

El Califa nods as he turns back towards Amber and Young Justice. He puts his hand on Amber's shoulder and pulls her back away from Haven, but Califa takes her place.

El Califa: And what say you two?

Haven looks back to Hyada and nods his head towards his partner.

Haven: Heroes never back down from a challenge. We accept!

El Califa nods his head as he pats the shoulders of Haven and Hyada. He unstraps his World Tag Team Title and holds it up.

El Califa: Then it's settled! At All or Nothing, Los Magnificos Dragones will put their titles up high above this arena, and we will go through absolute hell for them! Cerberus! Young Justice! Prepare yourselves, because us Dragons will soar high and swipe our titles out of the sky!

El Califa flips the mic away as Los Magnificos Dragones' music plays. El Califa climbs the turnbuckle and holds his title up high as Amber has already exited the ring, walking towards the back as Cerberus points towards the ring as Young Justice looks up at El Califa, but most importantly the Tag Team Title belt.

Connor: The challenge has been set down! A triple threat TLC match at All or Nothing for the World Tag Team Titles!

Cohen: This is great Cat! I didn't expect Amber Warren to have the proverbial balls to lay out a TLC match!
Vega is stretching backstage, getting ready for his tag team match. Footsteps can be heard coming towards Vega... Slow, at first, but loud. The steps dominate the hallways Vega is stretching in, echoing throughout the room. Vega tries to block out the sound, but the steps are coming towards him... Booming and booming, finally angering Vega. Vega tries to focus on his boot straps, tying his shoelaces, until the sound becomes unbearable. Like a heartbeat, the rhythm of the steps pound in Vega's head. Finally, Vega looks up to the cause of these footsteps.

Vega finds Alexis, standing in front of him.

Vega rolls his eyes, and tries to focus on his boots. Alexis tries to get Vega's attention.

Vega: I'm not sure what you want me to say, Alexis...

Alexis: Tell me what's going on, Vega.

Vega: That's my business, Alexis, not yours...

Alexis grabs Vega's cheeks, to force him to make eye contact with her.

Alexis: I know when you're planning something, Vega... I know you. And I know when you have something planned. So tell me what it is...

Vega: Alexis, you should also know this about me. The only thing for sure about me...

Vega slaps away Alexis hand, and gets up. He starts walking away, with a grin on his face.

Vega: Is nothing's for sure...

Vega turns his back, as Alexis looks on, with a mixture of scorn and hurt. She sighs heavily, and leans against the wall... Looking absolutely exhausted. Alexis starts walking the opposite way of Vega, almost absent-mindedly. As she walks away... She bumps into Theron Daggershield. Theron greets her with a quick apology, before realizing who she is,

Theron: Hey.... You know Vega, don't you? You two...

Alexis folds her arms, clearly uncomfortable with this. Theron realizes this, and tries to switch the conversation.

Theron: Well, regardless, it's very nice to meet you. You... You must be a very patient person...

This perks Alexis interest, as she unfolds her arms.

Alexis: How do you mean?

Theron: Well... You know, being with Vega. I mean... I don't know the Vega you know... But he's just... I don't know what to do.

Theron sighs at this.

Theron: Have you been watching what he's-.

Alexis: No.

Alexis looks away, almost knowing she answered too fast. Theron raises an eyebrow, and tries to make eye contact with Alexis.

Theron: Have you tried reaching him?


Theron: Why do you bother with him?

Alexis: I haven't tried anything! Look... You may not see what I see. But I believe in him.

Theron pauses for a second.

Theron:... Why?

Alexis: Because, I know him! He.... He can have good in him....

Alexis barges forward, leaving Theron alone. Theron stands alone, deep in thought, before walking away.


Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, the team of Aubrey Sloan and the Fabulous Eve Taylor!

Eve walks onto the stage to a few pockets of applause around the arena. She has to coax the timid Aubrey onto the stage, trying to convince her to wave to the fans. Eve takes her time, interacting with some of her fans while Aubrey makes her way into the ring as quickly as possible. The young Sloan makes climbs into the ring and stands next to referee Keith Morse while Eve panders to the crowd on the turnbuckle.

Connor: You know I love to see this Jack. Two women teaming up to prove they are just as good as the boys.

Cohen: You know I love when two women decide to partner up as much as anyone, but this is a bit of an odd pair. On one hand you have the confident glamorous Eve Taylor, on the other the shy and reserved Aubrey Sloan. I don't see them gelling well.


And their opponents, first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 185lbs, Vega!

As the spotlights pulse in time with the music Vega makes his way to the top of the ramp as the crowd voices their disapproval. He pauses briefly and kneels, tracing a V with his finger. He then makes his way to the foot of the ramp and awaits his partner for the evening.

Connor: The team of Vega and Zeus will have the experience advantage tonight, but there have been some unusual interactions between the two over the past few weeks, and it leads me to question if they can stay on the same page.

Cohen: Vega is a professional. You don't get to be the man who retires the Mayhem Championship by being some scrub off the street. I'm confident in his ability to coexist with The Good Doctor tonight.


And his partner, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus!

As the music hits, Zeus methodically makes his way from behind the curtain. The crowd boos the deranged doctor as he keeps his eyes focused on Vega. When he reaches the foot of the ramp, he pauses to exchange stares with his partner. The two share a few inaudible words before they both roll into the ring.

Connor: I don't see it Jack. There appears to be some tension between the two.

Cohen: There is always tension between two people Cat. Unlike the tension between you and I, which is only sexual in nature, Vega and Zeus are both alpha wolves. They have one goal in mind, but separate plans on how to get there. The two men are too smart to let that come between them and a W tonight however.

As Mr. Morse checks both teams for foreign objects, it is decided that Aubrey Sloan will start off against Zeus. The methodical Zeus stalks Sloan around the ring as the bell sounds, signaling the start of the match. Sloan takes a defensive stance as she dances around the ring with Zeus. The deranged doctor keeps his hands down, almost inviting her to attack him, and the youngster seems unsure. Finally she begins to close the distance, lowering her guard a bit, and a hard right hand to the jaw stops her in her tracks. Zeus follows it up with a couple more punches, but Sloan shows uncanny strength and blocks a shot and begins to fire back with her own punches. She hits a second, a third, a fourth, the doctor staggers, and a dropkick puts Zeus on the ground first. As the crowd cheers her effort, Aubrey further lowers her guard, almost cracking a smile. As Zeus gets back to his feet, he flashes a wicked grin and again invites the young Sloan to advance. She shows some confidence and advances. She fakes a punch and connects with a kick to the leg. She then feigns a second kick, but connects with a body shot. She launches a kick to the body, but Zeus catches it. Sloan goes for an enzuigiri, but Zeus ducks. With Sloan on uneasy legs, Zeus kicks her legs out from under her. The crowd boos as she gets back to her feet and Zeus taunts her. He grabs her and shoots her into the ropes, putting her down with a clothesline. As she gets to her feet, Zeus again throws her to the ropes, and a second clothesline puts her back down. He lifts her to her feet and wraps a hand around her throat. The ref steps in and begins the five count, but Aubrey kicks Zeus in the gut and breaks the choke. She begins to chop away at the legs of Zeus with razor sharp kicks. She loads up for a big kick to the head, but Zeus ducks. With his opponent facing away from him, Zeus plants Sloan with a backbreaker. He takes a few steps back and readies for a leg drop, but Sloan rolls out of the way, all the way to her corner and tags in Taylor. The former model comes in as Zeus in on his ass in the ring and slams his head to the mat before she looks for a cover. 1!...but only one for Eve as Zeus kicks out easily.

Connor: So far this match has been very back and forth, with Sloan and Zeus almost equal on offense. The fresh Eve Taylor is in now however, so the girls should look to capitalize.

Cohen: Eve may be fresh, but not much appears to be taken out of Zeus, as he kicks out after only one.

Eve lifts Zeus back to a seated position and secures an arm. She twists it behind his back, and drives her knee into his back. As Zeus balls his free hand into a fist in pain, Eve hammers an elbow into the arm. A second elbow and Zeus yells out. A third, a fourth, a fifth. Finally Zeus is able to grab a handful of hair and break free. He gets to a knee, holding his arm. Eve shakes the hair from her eyes and drags Zeus back to his feet. A couple of right hands serve as more of a distraction than damage, before Eve executes a hip throw. She keeps hold of the arm, and again goes to work by twisting it behind Zeus' back. Zeus fights, using impressive leg strength to bridge he and Eve to their feet despite the hold being locked in. He reaches back and again finds a handful of hair, but this time he hangs on and leaps forward, falling onto his back, slamming Eve face first into the mat. Zeus holds his arms as he walks over to tag in Vega. Vega steps in, Zeus shaking his arm out as he steps to the apron. Eve is on her feet, but a small amount of blood is trickling from her nose.

Connor: That doesn't look good.

Vega, in a rare display of sportsmanship, allows Eve a moment to wipe her nose before he advances, drawing the ire of Zeus. Vega quickly puts Zeus' doubts to rest by displaying his high level Muay Thai skills, working Eve over with punches and kicks. With Eve backed into the corner, Vega slaps the right arm of Eve before he Irish whips her across the ring. He follows her, connecting with a back elbow just as Eve hits the turnbuckle. He walks out of the corner and runs to the ropes, spring boarding for a kick. Eve slips out of the turnbuckle and avoids the kick, but Vega displays his rare breed of athleticism and springs off the far ropes and connects with the kick anyway. Eve hits the ground and Vega again runs to the ropes, spring boarding into a moonsault. He lays on top for pin. 1!...2!...but Eve kicks out and two.

Cohen: Win or lose, Vega never ceases to amaze me with his athletic prowess.

Vega stomps at the downed Eve while planning his next move. He then drags her to her feet and drags her to his corner. He tags in Zeus, who hits a kick to the midsection as Vega restrains Eve. Zeus lifts Eve's head and headbutts her hard, the sounds heard through the arena, even Vega recoiling a little. He then whips her into the ropes before a Samoan drop puts her down. He drags her closer to his corner and tags in Vega. Vega climbs to the top rope, then steps onto the shoulders of the 6'4 Dr. Zeus. He leaps and connects with a big splash. He hooks a leg. 1!...2!...Eve manages to get a shoulder up. Vega shakes his head, but stays on task. He kneels and hammers away with brutal hammerfists, the ref warning him. One! Two! Three! Four! Vega relents reluctantly. He pulls Eve to her feet and tags Zeus back in. The two ready up and connect with a big double suplex. Zeus hooks a leg, the ref waiting for Vega to leave the ring before she begins her count. 1!...2!...And Eve barely gets a shoulder up. Zeus slams his hand into the mat and stands and begins to argue with Vega, who clearly took too long getting out of the ring. As the two go back and forth, Eve slowly begins to crawl to her corner. Just as Vega gets Zeus to turn around, Sloan is tagged in. Vega tags himself in at the last minute, unseen by Sloan. A big dropkick puts Zeus down, he pops up but she hits a second dropkick. He gets to a knee, and Sloan sets up and connects with a butterfly suplex. She bridges just as Vega steps in and kicks her in the back of the head.

Cohen: What did I tell you Cat. Vega and Zeus are on the same page. Haha what a play by Vega.

Connor: Looked like a cheap shot to me Jack.

As Sloan rolls onto her back from the kick, Vega rushes in. Sloan, in a heads up move, uses her legs to monkey flip Vega, but he lands on the second turnbuckle. He moonsaults off, but Sloan rolls out of the way. However Vega lands on his feet. Sloan springs to her and wraps Vega around the waste before he can get his balance and runs him into the ropes and rolls him up! 1!...2!...and Zeus breaks up the pin. Eve Taylor rushes into the ring and with a big thrust kick takes Zeus out of the ring. She follows him out of the ring and the two begin to brawl on the outside. Zeus uses his superior size however, and launches Eve hard into the barricade. Inside the ring Vega, ever adept at cheating, sneaks in an eye poke while the ref watches the brawl. This gives him the space he needs to pull Sloan into his guard and secure the triangle choke! Sloan tries to find the ropes, but she is too far away and the hold is locked in. She fights and in an impressive display of strength she lifts Vega into the air.

Connor: This is how Blade managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat from Vega in Dublin!

She slams Vega down, but doesn't break the hold! Instead she bridges over and has Vegas shoulders pinned to the mat! 1!...2!...And Vega is forced to give up his hold to kick out. Sloan rolls onto her back gasping for air as Vega angrily gets to his feet. He calls for the end, making a gun out of his fingers and putting them to his head. He lifts Sloan to her feet and readies her for The Kill Shot. He tries to swing Sloan over, but she pushes him aside. He runs in, but Sloan leapfrogs and Vega crashes into the turnbuckle. Sloan then runs and connects with a Yakuza kick! The crowd starts to cheer as Sloan looks around at the audience. She lifts Vega to his feet and raises him into the air for a brainbuster and she connects! She hooks the leg! 1!...2!...3! NO! Dr. Zeus managed to put Vega's foot on the ropes at the last second, the ref just catching it and waving off the pin. Sloan looks at the ref confused, asking what exactly happened as Zeus climbs into the ring. Unseen by the ref he drags Vega to the apron and slaps his hands together, faking the tag. The ref hears the sound and acknowledges the tag just as Zeus spins Sloan around and grips her at the top of the throat dragging her to the ground. Euthanasia! Eve Taylor gets into the ring, but Vega has enough wits to grab her as she tries to slide in, forcing her to the ground below. The ref checks on Sloan who appears to be out cold. He checks Sloan, all the while Zeus keeps the hold locked on. There is no response from Sloan and the ref calls for the bell.

Here are your winners by technical submission, Dr. Zeus and Vega!

Cohen: I told you Cat. In the end Zeus and Vega worked through a rough spot or two to come away with the win.

Connor: It was a great effort for young Aubrey Sloan, but in the end her inexperience proved to much to overcome.

As Vega and Zeus stand over their falling opponents, suddenly the lights go out. For several seconds, the only sounds are those of a panicking audience. After several moments, the lights go back on, with several men dressed from head to toe in black are surrounding the ring.

Connor: It’s those men again! The ones that took out Isabel Stone!

As the men in black take their positions, Vega slinks out of the ring and leaps the crowd barrier, making his escape. Inside the ring, Zeus stands, on guard. Aubrey and Eve are slowly getting to their feet. As quick as a lightning strike, the Men in Black slide into the ring and begin attacking the three of them.

The largest man pulls Eve up and proceeds to hit a devastating Powerbomb. Two smaller men pick up Aubrey and hit a big Double Chokeslam. A few men pull Zeus out of the ring, and he gets a chair shot to the head, busting him open. He’s picked back up and two men lift him into a Suplex position, holding him high in the air, before dropping him down onto the announce table. The table collapses beneath the impact of the Suplex, and Zeus lies unconscious among the rubble.

The Men in Black all get into the ring, and they all raise a single arm in the air, in unison, to a shocked silence from the crowd. The lights go out again for several moments. As they come back on, all the men are gone.

Cohen: What… What was that?

Connor: I don’t know, but there’s something very dangerous going on here…
Anderson: The following contest is a six man tag team match scheduled for one fall!


Flex Mussell and Ramparte make their way out to the top of the entrance ramp, the crowd booing them loudly as Flex smirks. They begin making their way down while Flex hands out fruits and vegetables to the crowd as Ramparte simply walks past him, ignoring his pleas to help. Flex drops his bag but not before grabbing one of his protein shakes and downing it. He slides into the ring alongside Ramparte, mocking the crowd as the boos continue.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 410 pounds, Cerberus!


Matt Tastic makes his way out with a small tub of popcorn, casually chowing away as he walks down the ramp, the crowd booing him loudly as he tosses one in the air and catches it in his mouth. He rolls into the ring, continuing to eat his popcorn to the chagrin of Flex. Tastic shrugs as Flex yells towards him.

Anderson: And their tag team partner, weighing in at 238 pounds, Matt Tastic!

Connor: It appears Tastic has already irked his tag team partners with his nonchalant snacking habits.

Cohen: And Flex has good reason to be upset. He's only looking out for Tastic's health!


Mikey Stormrage's music hits as he and Young Justice all make their way out together, looking significantly better than they were on Meltdown. Hyada adjusts his gear as Mikey throws his hand into the air. Hyada stops in front of the ring and slams his fist into the ground with Haven leaping over him and tumbling to stopping in front of the ring. The three enter the ring and slap hands as Mikey unstraps his Eurasian Championship and holds it high into the air to the delight of the fans.

Anderson: And their opponents, the team of Young Justice, and the Eurasian Champion Mikey Stormrage!

Connor: Well it's certainly good to see Stormrage and Young Justice have recovered from Spring Break.

Cohen: This is wrestling not college! If they want to act like frat boys then maybe they should get out of this business.

Referee Elizabeth Prince signals for the bell as Haven starts off with Ramparte. The two circle around each other before locking up. Ramparte pushes Haven away before firing off a quick spin kick. Haven ducks under the way and hits a kick to the leg. Ramparte buckles momentarily but returns a kick of his own. He continues kicking away before backing Haven into the ropes and sends him across. He goes for a back body drop but telegraphs it, Haven jumps and rolls over the back of Ramparte and connects with a forearm to the face as Ramparte turns around. Haven quickly whips Ramparte into the corner, tagging in his partner Hyada who comes in and delivers stiff kicks to the midsection. He then begins the beginning sequence of his punching combination, but Ramparte blocks and connects with a quick drop kick. He drags Hyada to the center of the ring and goes for the cover, 1............2...Hyada kicks out. Ramparte gets up and tags in Tastic who comes in and goes for a quick leg drop but Hyada moves out of the way. Hyada lifts him up and goes for a few knees to the stomach but Tastic shoves him away into the ropes. Tastic rushes towards him but Hyada ducks under, sending Tastic crashing to the floor outside! Flex and Ramparte both rush the ring as do Haven and Mikey. They meet Cerberus head on and in the scuffle they toss both villains to the outside. Haven and Hyada point to the crowd as Mikey exits to the apron, crossing his arms as Young Justice run to the opposite ropes before using Mikey as a spring board onto Flex and Ramparte! Mikey for his part jumps off and delivers a stiff elbow to the top of Tastic's head. The crowd cheers loudly as Young Justice and Mikey are getting fired up.

Connor: It's clear that Mikey and Young Justice are hear to bring the fight to their rivals here tonight!

Cohen: What's that Cat? I can't hear you over the earthquake from Mikey's landing.

Mikey tosses in Tastic as Haven and Hyada slide into the ring as well. Hyada goes for the cover on Tastic, 1............2..Tastic kicks out. Hyada tags Mikey in and Mikey rubs his hands together, ready to get his hands on Tastic. Tastic sits up and sees Mikey and quickly rolls to the other corner, tagging in a waiting Flex Mussel. Flex enters the ring and the talking begins immediately, Flex almost looking disgusted at Mikey's figure. Flex holds his hand up and rolls to the outside, Mikey holding his hands up in confusion. Flex grabs his bag and procures another protein shake. He slides back into the ring and hands it to Mikey, who takes it and looks at it. He looks up at the crowd who boo loudly, trying to get Mikey not to drink it. Flex continues to coerce him into it. Mikey shrugs and cracks it open, taking a long drink from it as Flex nods his head in approval. Mikey's eyes go big suddenly as he suddenly spits out all of the shake into Flex's face, who doesn't even blink as he looks down, wiping away the shake from his face but Mikey suddenly downs him with a clothesline, eliciting laughter from the crowd. He tosses the shake outside the ring as he lifts Flex up and connects with a backbreaker. He shoves Flex down and goes for the pin, 1...........2....Flex kicks out! Mikey plays to the crowd before grabbing for Flex, but Flex hits a quick headbutt, stumbling the big man back. Flex gets up and dives at the leg, taking Mikey down as he tags in Tastic. Tastic gets in and stomps away at Mikey before grabbing Mikey's leg and DDT'ing it into the mat. Mikey holds his leg in pain as Tastic continues to kick away at the hurt body part. He grabs Mikey by the ears and pulls him up. He tries to whip him across but Mikey counters. Mikey goes for a clothesline but Tastic ducks under, and off the rebound again he he hits a running lariat neckbreaker, downing the Eurasian Champion and allowing Mikey to go for the pin 1............2.......Mikey kicks out! Undeterred, Tastic drags Mikey to his corner, Ramparte tagging himself in and choking Mikey in the corner with his foot. Prince administers the five count, Ramparte letting go at four as the crowd boos loudly.

Connor: Flex got a face full of his own protein shake, but it seems that's only woken up the team of Cerberus and Tastic now as they have isolated Mikey and cut off half the ring.

Cohen: This is what pure determination looks like Cat. While Young Justice and Mikey were having a grand old time, Cerberus and Tastic were doing their homework.

Ramparte begins driving his elbow into the face of Mikey, repeating it twice before delivering a hard slap to the face as well. Mikey kicks at him but Ramparte catches it, tagging in Flex before dragging Mikey's leg over the bottom rope. Flex drives his knee down across the leg, causing Mikey to writhe in pain as Flex yells at him. Flex grabs the leg and suddenly flips over Mikey into a half Boston Crab. He wrenches back on the bad leg, Mikey yelling out in pain as he tries to reach for the ropes. He looks to his corner, as Haven and Hyada are trying to get the crowd into it, who reply in earnest. Mikey begins dragging himself towards his corner, his hand outstretched as are Haven and Hyada's. Just as Mikey is about to make the tag, Flex let's go and drags Mikey back towards his corner, grapevining the leg and tagging in Tastic, who comes in and delivers an elbow to the leg again. He gets to his feet and lifts Mikey's leg up, driving the knee hard into the mat. Tastic doesn't let up, delivering humiliating small kicks to the face of Mikey, forcing him to roll into the corner. Tastic delivers a number of kicks to the midsection before spinning and going for a heel kick but Mikey catches his foot, tossing Tastic across the ring. He throws elbows back into the faces of Ramparte and Flex before dropping to one knee. He gets up and has a running start to his corner but Tastic meets him, low bridging him with an attempted flapjack, causing Mikey to hit face first. Tastic gets up and punches Haven and Hyada off the corner. He turns back to Mikey, taunting him loudly but Mikey suddenly lifts up Tastic and hits a Falcon Punch! The crowd pops as Tastic careens out of the ring and Mikey collapses as he turns over to his corner, his hand outstretched, but no one is to be found.

Connor: Mikey gave himself the opening he needed, but there's no one to make the tag from Young Justice!

Cohen: Savvy move by the veteran Tastic. He made sure Mikey would be stuck in the ring by himself.

Mikey lowers his head as he pulls himself up, but meanwhile Ramparte has the referee distracted as Flex runs in and begins delivering stiff uppercuts to the Eurasian Champion. Haven and Hyada rush to get to their corner from the outside but Flex is able to whip Mikey into their corner, sliding out of the ring as the referee turns around, just in time for Tastic to reenter the ring. He runs forward and goes for an elbow smash but Mikey moves out of the way! Tastic turns around and suddenly gets hit with the Sabin Special! Mikey rolls off of Tastic, as the crowd cheers loudly for Mikey to make the tag. Tastic is down as well, and the referee begins the standing ten count. Mikey slowly drags himself to the corner as Tastic begins to move as well. Just as Tastic makes the tag to Ramparte, Mikey makes the tag to Haven! Haven hops the ropes and ducks under a clothesline from Ramparte, bouncing off the ropes and connecting with a spinning wheel kick! Rmaparte bounces off the mat and gets up but Haven springboards off the ropes with another kick to the chest. The crowd is cheering loudly as Haven whips him across. Haven snaps off a quick fireman's carry, keeping his opponent dizzy. Ramparte gets up and looks a little lost but Haven quickly snapmare him over and delivers a stiff dropkick to the back of the head. He goes for the cover, 1.............2.......Flex breaks up the pin and picks up Haven, delivering a thunderous Belly to Belly Suplex!

Connor: Haven was so close to victory there!

Cohen: But Flex is showing the ways of a true tag team and saving the match!

Flex begins pounding away on Haven as Prince tries to warn him to get out. Hyada flies into the ring and assaults Flex with the Dragon Raid combination! Flex tries to cover up to no avail and Hyada continues his attack, clinching Flex and hitting a rising knee, then a roundhouse side kick, and an elbow to the sternum! Flex is dazed and may be out on his feet as Hyada goes to spring off the ropes for the Falling Star! But Flex suddenly grabs hold of his legs, dropping him on the back of his head. He yells out to the crowd before he begins the Spin And Win! Hyada is sent spinning through the air as Flex rotates around and around in the ring at least fifteen times before letting Hyada go. Hyada hits the mat and rolls to the outside as Flex gets pumped up and yells out to the crowd. Little does he know however when he turns around he walks right into the hulking mass of Mikey who lifts him up and Hits Game Over! Flex rolls to the outside as Haven tries to get to his feet. Prince orders Mikey to his corner as Ramparte and Haven are back to their feet, delivering stiff kicks back and forth until Haven rolls away from one, springboarding off the ropes and catching Ramparte with a Tornado DDT! He goes for the cover, 1...............2.....Ramparte kicks out! Mikey holds his hand out for the tag as Haven motions to the crowd and then to Mikey.

Connor: I think Mikey wants to finish what he started here tonight.

Cohen: Well of course. Mikey finishes everything he starts.

Connor: You think that highly of him Jack?

Cohen: He finishes every plate he starts! From bacon wrapped burgers to the vat of grease the fries came out of!

Haven goes to tag in Mikey but suddenly Mikey is pulled off the apron by Tastic! Tastic begins a violent flurry of punches before slamming Mikey head first into the steel steps. Haven begins to exit to help him out but Ramparte suddenly turns him around and delivers The Cataclysm! Haven is out in the middle of the ring and Ramparte goes for the cover, 1..................2..........3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the team of Cerberus, and Matt Tastic!

Connor: Tastic came up from behind and laid out Mikey! Mikey hasn't moved an inch since eating the steel steps!

Cohen: He waited for his opportunity to strike and he took full advantage of it Cat!

Ramparte gets to his feet as Tastic motions for the belt around his waist over Mikey. Ramparte isn't done however, throwing bomb after bomb on the downed Haven while Flex tosses Hyada in as well. Cerberus continues it's assault on Young Justice, before setting up for the DWI!


Connor: Here comes the Tag Team Champions!

Los Magnificos Dragones suddenly runs out from the back and down the entrance ramp. They slide into the ring and begin delivering shots with Cerberus. The champions get the advantage and deliver stereo dropkicks, sending Flex and Ramparte to the outside. El Califa goes to check on Hyada and Haven as Cerberus backs up the ramp, fuming at the interference of Amber and El Califa. Hyada gets to his feet and leans against the corner as El Califa helps up Haven. Haven nods his head gratefully before shaking hands with the luchador. El Califa nods his head as Haven goes to try and thank Amber. Amber has her masked face turned down and away from Haven who tries to say thank you, but Amber suddenly delivers a brutal super kick, knocking Haven clear out. Hyada rushes towards Amber angrily, yelling towards her. El Califa steps in front of Hyada out of instinct and holds him back. Amber looks towards Hyada then towards Cerberus, shrugging her shoulders as she flips backwards out of the ring. She walks authoritatively up the ramp, brushing right past Cerberus without a care in the world as Hyada continues to yell and point at El Califa. Califa tries to calm him down as medics come to the ring as Haven hasn't moved a bit.

Connor: This does not look good Jack.

Cohen: Normally I'm one that enjoys such things, but this was too much from Amber Warren.

Califa kneels down and checks on Haven along with Hyada. Haven begins to stir, but it's clear he's not all there. The medics come in and begin performing the Impact test on Haven as Califa stands up and stares down Amber Warren who stands at the top of the ramp, holding both Tag Team Titles up high. The crowd cheers as Haven slowly gets to his feet, Hyada helping him up, but the Tag Team Champions do not move an inch until Amber turns and shrugs again, walking to the back as Califa turns to help Haven.

Connor: All I can say for sure Jack, is that at All or Nothing when these three teams all hit head first, it's going to be a hellacious match!

Cohen: A trainwreck is more like it Cat.

Matt Tastic is still at the top of the ramp, having watched the entire brawl. He simply shakes his head and makes obscene gestures toward his crotch as everyone walks out.

Hey. Hey, Matt. I'm still not done trying to get through to you. I'm serious. I know what it's like being alone. I know what it's like being isolated. It eats away at you. Don't let it win. Listen, if it helps convince you, you'll get the match you want. You and me. One on one. At All or Nothing for the Eurasian Championship.

Mikey has taken a mic and rolled back into the ring, sitting with his title belt over his shoulder. He slowly stands as Tastic returns to the ring. Mikey extends his hand and raises the Eurasian Championship signaling the challenge. Matt looks perplexed and takes his own mic to speak.

You're saying that you'll just give me a shot at the title? And all you want is to shake your hand and lighten up? Are you stupid? Is this some bad attempt to screw with me? Why should I trust you? Why should I trust anyone? I've been here for four years and don't get a single drop of respect. Ever. But here you are, practically martyring yourself for my sake.

Like I said, Matt. I know what it's like. And I'd hate to see anyone else go through it. I lost the girl. I almost lost my best friend. But I was lucky enough that he helped me out. I wanna help you now. We can be friends and still fight. I miss seeing you go around being all quirky. Playing Gameboy backstage or watching anime. It was fun. What do you say? Lets put the needless animosity aside. We don't need animosity to have a match.

Mikey extends the hand again as Matt looks on. The crowd seems decisive with their chants again.


Eventually, Matt shakes the hand. But pulls Mikey in with a serious look.

If you're really that decided on helping me like this? So be it. I accept. But I want you to know something, Mikey. I will take that title away from you. By any means necessary. At the end of the day, I'm in it for number one. And nothing will change that. Do NOT underestimate me.

Matt tries to leave, but Mikey holds on, yanking Matt back.

Likewise, buddy.
Leon Kensworth is backstage, microphone in hand, preparing for his next interview.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time... Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology!

The crowd fervently cheers, as S.H.I.T. makes his way into sight of the camera.

Leon: S.H.I.T., this is absolutely new ground for you... How do you handle this chance to become number one contender And how does this affect your match with Triple X?

S.H.I.T. takes a second to analyze the question.

S.H.I.T.: Hypothesis: S.H.I.T. does not understand this situation. Factual evidence: Triple X has also never been in this scenario before.

S.H.I.T. looks over to Kensworth.

S.H.I.T.: Should that change how this one views this match?

Leon seems puzzled, by this question.

Leon: Well, this is kind of a big deal, isn't it?

S.H.I.T. considers the data, once more.

S.H.I.T.: Affirmative. This one watched when Barbosa was in said hypothetical situation before. S.H.I.T. noted what happened... Barbosa became champion. Is this factual?

Leon: Yes, yes it is.

S.H.I.T.: More factual evidence: S.H.I.T. has been in title matches more recently than Triple X. Triple X's last title match came against Chris KO. Is this factual?

Leon: It is.

S.H.I.T.: Hypothesis reached... Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology has an advantage on Triple X. S.H.I.T.'s lack of experience is negated by Triple X's lack of experience. That leaves the only logical conclusion... Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology will be the next challenger for Ricky Runn.

S.H.I.T. looks to Leon once more.

S.H.I.T.: Does this hypothesis satisfy your inquisitions?

Leon: It does, S.H.I.T. Thank you very much.

S.H.I.T. walks away, to get prepared for his match.

Connor: Don't go away folks, big main event up next!


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Number One Contenders match, for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship!


the lights dim, until only a spotlight remains as Triple X emerges from the curtain, standing in the center, to the crowd's disgust. Triple X soaks in the boos of the audience. He looks down, soaking in the atmosphere, before throwing his hands up in an X above his head.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 225 pounds, Triple X!

Triple X talks trash to the fans, on his way to the ring.

Cohen: That man you see there is the man who will finally take the jump to the heights he's been destined to, ever since he step foot in WZCW.

Connor: Only if he gets by S.H.I.T.

Cohen: And that women you hear there is a woman who does not do her job well.

He slides into the ring and runs the ropes a few times before throwing the X up again.


Anderson: His opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T emerges on the top of the ramp, surveying the arena, the noise and then the ring. A cold blue light prevails over the arena, as the crowd comes unglued for the The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics. S.H.I.T. looks on stoically, making his way to the ring as the fans cheer him on.

Connor: For both of these competitors, this is a whole new opportunity. This has been long deserved for S.H.I.T.

Cohen: Long deserved? He could have had his title shot if he beat Matt Tastic, but he couldn't do it.

Connor: You know Matt cheated him out of that title...

Cohen: Cheat, schmeat.

S.H.I.T. enters the ring, as referee Jun Akiyama brings the two wrestlers together. Both look calm, in the face of perhaps their most important match, in their careers. Both men realize the stakes, as Akiyama gives them both instructions, before ringing the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Triple X circles around his opponent, not too sure of how exactly to attack this Mechanical Mecca. He starts throwing low kicks, to the knees of S.H.I.T. These are blocked by the robot, who allows for Triple X to hit the cardboard shin plates. S.H.I.T. follows in kind... Before being able to get very close to Triple X, and getting in a few jabs. S.H.I.T. is finally close enough, that he can grab a headlock on Triple X. He takes Triple X over, and holds him in a headlock, as the crowd cheers to support Triple X.

Connor: Triple X can not allow for S.H.I.T. to get close to him... All of his best attacks require space, and for him to fly.

Cohen: You can not keep a man like Triple X grounded forever.

Triple X makes it to his knees, while S.H.I.T. continues to wrench on the head. Triple X screams in pain, as the industrial grip of this robot squeezes on his head. Finally, he makes it to his feet, and pushes at the robot. This causes S.H.I.T. to release the headlock, and forces him towards the ropes, which he bounces off of. Triple X leapfrogs S.H.I.T., who bounces off of the other side of the ring, and runs full speed at Triple X. When he reaches him, he's met with a spinning wheel kick, right into the face. The crowd boos, as Triple X makes an X with his arms again, and prepares his next move. He delivers a roundhouse kick, which sends S.H.I.T. reeling into the ropes. Triple X hits a Cactus Clothesline, which sends Triple X and S.H.I.T. over the top rope! S.H.I.T. falls to the floor, while Triple X manages to hold on, and skin the cat back into the ring. As S.H.I.T. regains his bearings, he jumps onto the ropes, and performs a springboard shooting star. But S.H.I.T. is up and running, and catches Triple X in a waistlock! He gives Triple X a belly to belly suplex, into the guardrails, as the crowd cheers for the incedible strength of the Mechanical Mecca! Triple X lays in agony as the floor, as Jun Akiyama goes to start counting out both men.


S.H.I.T. looks down at his fallen opponent, in a considerable amount of pain, on the floor. Triple X hollers in agony, as the crowd chants for S.H.I.T.

S-H-I-T *Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap* S-H-I-T *Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap* S-H-I-T *Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap*

S.H.I.T. grabs Triple X's head, and rolls him back into the ring. Triple X lies on his back, near the ropes, as S.H.I.T. gets up to the apron. The robot then propels himself from the ropes, and flips in the air, almost mimicking a move Triple X would perform. But the move is to no avail, as Triple X moves out of the way, letting S.H.I.T. land head first into the mat. Triple X attempts to take this chance, for a cover. 1...2.. Two count! Triple X holds his back, as Jun acknowledges it was only two. Triple X starts wildly looking around the ring, and notices the top turnbuckle. He starts to climb the ropes, back towards S.H.I.T.... Which proves a costly mistake. S.H.I.T. has gotten on his feet, and stops Triple X, before he can jump off of the top rope. S.H.I.T. hits Triple X in the back three times, which wobbles Triple X. X crotches himself on the top rope, completely stopping any momentum he had. The Mechanical Mecca grabs Triple X's head and neck, and prepares him for what should be a hellacious Industrial Breaker! S.H.I.T. connects, as Triple X's neck whiplashes from the impact. S.H.I.T. crawls over, and makes a cover. 1...2... No, just a two count! The Mechanical Mecca senses that the human's body is growing weak, though, and knows he can keep the attack on. He whips S.H.I.T. into the ropes, and holds Triple X for a spinebuster. But Triple X is able to hold onto the head of the Scaled one, and plants his head into the mat for a brutal DDT. The Straight Edged Wrestlers crawls over onto S.H.I.T. for the cover. 1... 2... Just barely two!

Cohen: How was that just two?!

Connor: Triple X, in spite of everything, just may not have the arsenal to do much damage to the Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology.

Triple X pounds the mat in frustration, as it seems S.H.I.T.'s known tolerance for punishment is tilting this match in his favor. He looks around again, and notices the ropes again. He prepares to springboard off of the ropes again, but this time connects, with a knee right into the face of S.H.I.T. He then starts with the X-Press, landing a standing moonsault on the robot. But as he goes for his shooting star press, S.H.I.T. gets his knees up, just in time. S.H.I.T. stuggles to his feet, as does Triple X. Triple X makes a desperate run up the turnbuckle, to attempt a whisper in the wind. But as he comes down, he's caught by S.H.I.T., who delivers a powerbomb, sending Triple X down to the mat.


Connor: This is it!


Cohen: Oh God, no!

3... No, Triple X gets his shoulder up at two!

Cohen: Oh... Thank God, I thought this was over.

Connor: S.H.I.T. was so close, to getting the chance of a lifetime!

S.H.I.T. scans and analyzes the situation, trying to analyze his best chance for victory. S.H.I.T. starts scaling the top rope... And reaches the top. He looks out to the crowd, as a groggy Triple X makes it to his feet. S.H.I.T. looks at the adoring fans, chanting his name. He holds his claw high in the air, calling for a Piston Chop from the top rope. S.H.I.T. flies off the top rope, and holds his claw high!


Before S.H.I.T.'s chop can come down... Triple X has already connected with the X-Rated Superkick!

Cohen: Unbelievable! Out of nowhere!

Triple X falls over an unconscious S.H.I.T., as Jun Akiyama counts the cover. 1...2...3....

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Triple X sits up, and rolls out of the ring, in exhaustion.

Anderson: The winner of this match... Triple X!

Connor: It was just one mistake...

Cohen: And that one mistake cost S.H.I.T. everything! Way to go, Triple X!

Connor: I admit I didn't expect it... But Triple X is the number one contender!

Triple X celebrates up the ramp, elated with himself. The crowd is in stunned silence, as Triple X happily trots up the ramp. Inside the ring, S.H.I.T. is starting to stir... And looks depressed. He hangs his head low, as the music dies down. The crowd supports the Mechanical Mecca... As he sits in the ring, dejectedly. S.H.I.T. hangs his head low... And leaves the ring. He walks up the ramp, head and shoulders slouched, as the crowd cheers him... But the mood is very somber. S.H.I.T. looks back at the ramp, as the logo appears for WZCW... And S.H.I.T. walks out of sight as the copyright info flashes on screen and the screen fades to black.

Yaz the OG: Eve Taylor & Aubrey Sloan vs. Vega & Dr. Zeus, sgements, opening
Ty: 6 man tag, segments
Haiku: Triple X/S.H.I.T, segments
KJ: Opening, segments

Shout out to Darkside Eric for guest writing Mortlock/Wonder

There you have it folks. A 100% April Fools free Ascension. We now have #1 contenders for the World, EurAsian, and tag titles. AoN is shaping up nicely if I do say so myself. Expect boards within the next 24 hours.
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