Ascension 73

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus


The crowd roars, as the camera pans around to the excited fans. One fans sign says "Ricky has the World Title. There is no God." And the fans are eager for another fantastic night of WZCW action.

Connor:Welcome everyone, to another eventful night of Ascension! I'm Cat Connor, as always joined by my partner, Jack Cohen. And ton-


Connor:Oh God, already?

Cohen:Allow me to introduce the new holder of the WZCW Heavyweight Title, Ricky Runn!

The camera shows Ricky Runn, being carried to the ring in a platinum seat, by the Swag Pack. He sits upon his new throne elegantly, as the Swag Pack huffs to get him down the entrance aisle. Ricky looks quite pleased with himself, riding down the ring in a gaudy, jewel encrusted seat. Joe Mason in particular looks as though he's about to pass out, carrying Ricky and the obviously heavy seat over his head.

Connor:He may have the belt, but I can tell you now, Ricky won't be accepted as champion until he beats Barbosa. And speaking of the belt, where is it?

Cohen:Old Ricky Runn might have lost it... But I think new Ricky Runn has something better in mind!

The Swag Pack make it to ringside, and drop the throne. Ricky gets up, celebrates to the crowd, as they show their disapproval. Ricky orders for the Swag Pack to get on all fours, as he walks on top of them, to enter the ring. Once in the ring, Ricky begins posing, and grabs the mic.

Ricky:Yeeeeeeeeeah Boi!!!!!!!!!

The crowd boos, as Ricky holds his head high, clearly proud of himself. The crowd boos vociferously

Ricky:That's right, none of you believed in me. You didn't. And you didn't. And I know tubby in the front row, who's been eatin too much fried chicken, didn't either! Well believe it now, bitches... I have the WZCW World Heavyweight Title!

This elicits mighty boos.

Connor:Has, not won.

Cohen:Can it, toots.

Ricky:And now that I'm champion, I'm going to swag like I've never swagged before! You may feel free to call this, My Swagabration!

More boos, as Ricky stands, in appreciation of himself.

Ricky:I'd like to thank all the little people that got me here. All the people that were in my way, all the haters. And I have to admit... I have to thank my Swag Pack!

The Swag Pack rolls into the ring, though it looks like they are still about to pass out. Hollywood Jameson lays in the ring, looking like a beached whale.

Ricky:So I bought you boys a little something. A token of my love. I decided to pool together last month's paychecks for you all, and give you this!

He reaches to a ring attendant, who is giving him a rectangular object, hidden underneath a cover. Ricky pulls open the cover, and reveals to the world his present:


Ricky:Isn't it beautiful? Now tha-


Saboteur, holding balloons, makes his way out to the ring. He stops for photos with the crowd, gives high fives to fans who don't even ask for them... But is loved by the fans, cheered thoroughly. He walks down the aisle, and into the ring, clutching his balloons. Ricky looks infuriated by this, and throws a mini temper tantrum in the ring.

Cohen: Leave it to that party pooper Saboteur to spoil another guys big moment!

Saboteur asks for a microphone, but Ricky interrupts him before he can speak.

Ricky: What are you doing here?! This is my swagabration, you ain't got enough swag to be here!

Saboteur looks around to the fans, and offers his balloons to Ricky Runn.

Saboteur:You can't have a good party without balloons! What the hell's wrong with you?!

The crowd pops at this, and starts a chant

We want balloons! We want balloons! We want balloons!

Saboteur: I figured this party would blow without me. Spoilers; I'm right, once again. So I just thought I'd have a bowl of punch, say hi to Hollywood Jameson, escort Darren Bull from the premises, and politely ask you

Sabotuer pulls Ricky Runn close to him, by his shirt.

Saboteur: Do you realize what you've done?!

Ricky pulls away, with a look of disgust on his face.

Ricky: Fool, I beat Barbosa!

Saboteur: No, let me explain something, you didn't beat Barbosa. Let me tell you what you did; you took the title belt, from a manic depressant. You took the one thing that matters, from a guy with violent mood swings, who feels no sense of remorse, and is perhaps the most violent man I've ever seen. And you thought this would end well for you?!

Ricky swallows hard, as though he's thinking this through for the first time.

Saboteur: I'm surprised you're not dead yet. And God only knows what you've done to the belt. You're not wearing it, so you're probably planning some gigantic reveal. Something gaudy, and absolutely hideous. So go on, just show us the title.

Ricky looks around, getting a little more nervous. Saboteur goes to the ropes, at first unaware of Ricky's jitters, and places his head in his hands.

Saboteur: Go on, just show us all the belt.

Ricky reaches for his mic, and begins to stammer.

Ricky: Well, I... See, I, what had happened was..

The crowd laughs a little, as Saboteur looks towards Ricky.

Saboteur:.... You don't have the belt, do you?

Ricky looks much more nervous, but doesn't say anything. Saboteur facepalms, and walks towards Ricky.

Saboteur: Let me make sure I have this clear...





The crowd boos Ricky, as his cheeks turn bright red. He looks almost in tears.

Connor: Just when you thought Ricky Runn as champion couldn't get more embarrassing.

Cohen:.... I got nothing. This is pretty bad.

Ricky begins to speak up, in a panic.

Ricky: It wasn't my fault, it was the damn airline! They lost the belt, it was in my suitcase! We were flying international, and no one bought my first class ticket, and-

Saboteur: I don't care how you lost it! Normally this is the part where I say something funny.... But no, you're just an absolute moron!

The crowd cheers on Saboteur.

Saboteur: And if I were you, I'd worry about getting the belt back. I mean, Barbosa's going to kill you anyway, but at least if you get back the belt... Nah, you're pretty screwed. And, hell... Maybe I should do the job, myself. And then, maybe I should do something you didn't; beat Barbosa. And then, maybe I'll be champion... Yeah, I like that plan. Let's try it, huh? How about we start that plan... Tonight! See you later, Runn!

Saboteur leaves a crestfallen Ricky Runn in the ring, as his Swag Pack rushes to make him feel better.

Connor: Folks.... Ricky Runn has lost the belt. We do not have a title belt.

Cohen:..... I totally expected this from Ricky Runn!

Connor:Well, now he has to deal with an angry Saboteur, and S.H.I.T. And his partner is Vega! Folks, don't go anywhere, our first match is coming next!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

Blade and Grizzly Bob appear on stage standing side by side with their hands crossed looking on. They then turn to each other before shaking hands and heading to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first at a combined weight of 585 pounds, Blade and Grizzly Bob!

Cohen: Here comes “Plunderfat”. The “Heavy Heist”. The “Ninja Bears”

Connor: What in the hell are you doing?!

Cohen: Naming these guys!

The lights go out as the music plays and after a while the arena is covered by dim blue lights. Dr. Zeus appears on the stage with his stretcher and a dust mask on signaling to the crowd to be quiet. He stations the stretcher which can be seen to have something on them before heading to the ring.

Cohen: The hell is that on the stretcher? Wait a minute. Is that...?

The camera pans on it to show someone in the fetal position. Sleeping.

Cohen: That's Diabolos!! What the hell is he doing?!?

Connor: Sleeping?

After a while, the lights come back on and we see Diabolos sleeping on the stretcher at the top of the entrance ramp. He holds a picnic basket around his arms curled up in the fetal position.

Connor: I stand corrected. He's hibernating.

Cohen: WHAT?!

Anderson: And their opponents, the team of Dr. Zeus and............ Diabolos?!

Zeus steps into the ring along with Blade and the two meet up with referee Keith Morse. Grizzly stands by the apron as the bell rings.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Before the action can get under way, Bob looks over at the stage towards Diabolos. He seems to step out of the apron, but Blade approaches him and instructs him to stay there. The two seem to argue for a bit, but eventually Bob settles down. Zeus however sneaks behind Blade and starts to choke him against the corner. After a little bit, Bob tags himself in, leading the good doctor to back up and rethink.

Connor:I think it finally dawned on Zeus' twisted, rhyming, mind that it's two on one out there.

Bob steps in and charges for a Clothesline knocking down the good doctor. He repeats the dosage knocking Zeus down a second time. The third time has Bob going for a Suplex and he tags Blade in. Blade grabs the enigma and throws him off to the ropes. He tries to grab the oncoming Zeus, but he counters by dropping to his knees and hitting a Throat Thrust. Blade turns around looking for space to breath, but Zeus tries a roll-up.



Th- Kickout!!

Cohen: The Good Doctor needs to keep Blade from tagging out. Focus on that crazy thief, doc.

Blade gets out of it and as soon as he does, Zeus surprises him with the Euthanasia. Blade frantically tries to get out of it and to tag in Grizzly Bob, but Zeus does his best to steer away each time. After some hard struggling, Blade manages to Armdrag out of the lethal hold for some fresh air.

Connor: Wow. Zeus almost won the match by himself there.

Zeus tries it again, but Blade, reacting quickly, barrel rolls out and catches Zeus in a Belly To Belly Suplex. Blade points to the turnbuckle as the crowd begins to rally behind him.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Blade goes up top and leaps off for a Frog Splash. He connects and covers.



Thr- But the good doctor does not stay down.

We get a shot of Diabolos in the ramp, still asleep as Blade gets up to tag the distracted Grizzly Bob.

Cohen: Why's Bob so worried about Diabolos? The guy is asleep over there.

Connor: He's done some weird stuff in the past to Grizzly Bob. This could be some sort of crazy trap.

Cohen: That picnic basket screams nothing but terror, right?

Bob enters after giving Diabolos another glance. He locks an Abdominal Stretch on Zeus and for an odd reason the good doctor is trying to reach his corner for a tag. Zeus Hip Tosses his way out and as he does so, he locks the Euthanasia on Grizzly Bob. Blade, realizing the danger, rushes into the ring and breaks the hold but......

Triple X's theme hits and he, along with Talia run down the aisle past the sleeping Diabolos. X gets on the apron and screams at Zeus for a tag. Blade turns to Triple X and goes for the attack, but X jumps off the apron. Zeus grabs Blade and hooks another Euthanasia on him. Blade starts to fade....

Cohen: Hey!! Zeus, that's not the legal man!


Bob is heard from the distance and Zeus turns around. He finds the big man on the top rope as Blade uses the distraction to get away. Bob leaps off the top with the Flying Bear and a cover!!




Anderson: Here are your winners, the team of Grizzly Bob and Blade!

The duo celebrates but it doesn't last long as Talia gets in the ring and slaps Blade. She turns to leave but Bob happens to be in the way. She backsteps and bumps into Blade with his face red from the slap. X panics and screams for her to get out as Zeus falls off the ring crushed by the flying big man.

Connor: What's gonna happen here?

Blade grabs Talia and asks Bob to get a mic and he obliges.

Blade: Alright, I'm getting sick of this. I'm not one to put my hands on women, but I do have a breaking point. X, I'm sick of you getting in my business all the time. Seriously, you just sent a woman to slap me for you. Just how low do you wanna sink?

Blade grabs Talia with his forearm by her neck and stands behind her as both Triple X and Bob seem to panic. Diabolos is seen on the background still asleep.

Blade: I'm done being nice. You reap what you sow, X. I don't discriminate. She got herself involved physically, so she'd better be ready to pay the price.

X paces around panicking about what to do.

Blade: We could do that and be crude. Or we could do what the people pay for. And that's watch us wrestle. You and me. One on one, “Xander”. Accept the match and I'll let her go unharmed.

X begins to panic even more, but is clearly signaling no at Blade. Blade grabs Talia and places her head between his legs setting her up for the Halo.

Cohen: Don't do it, Blade!! Dammit, accept the match, X!!

X continues to panic and hesitate as Blade begins to slowly hook Talia's flailing arms. The crowd chants “YES” louder and louder each time.

Connor: COME ON, X! He's gonna do it!!

X bites his fingers but eventually gives up and screams “Fine. I accept.” Blade promptly releases Talia as Bob looks on and the crowd cheers at the announcement. Talia gets out of the ring and X checks on her. The two start to bicker as well as make their way up the ramp.

Connor: What the hell was X stalling for? What was he, afraid of Blade?

Cohen: I don't know, but the match is on. But for when?

The tandem of Bob and Blade go up the ramp clapping hands with the fans, but stop by Diabolos and check up on him. Bob pokes him and suddenly...

Diabolos: I AM THE BEA---- ZZZZZZZzzzzzz...........

Diabolos startles them but he goes back to sleep. The two look at each other before Bob goes over and flips over the stretcher making Diabolos fall over. He's still asleep as the scene fades.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from the Soviet Union, weighing 248 pounds, Aleksandr Cuba!

The lights dim in the arena as red and yellow lights flicker all around the stage. Aleksandr makes his way to the top of the ramp and drops to his knees, where he stares at his opponent with a wicked grin on his face. He then slaps himself in the face to pump himself up before running and sliding into the ring.

Copeland: Cuba will look tonight to pick up a win over Amber Warren for his team as Atsushi Kiriyama was defeated by the other half of the tag team champions last night.

Cohen: I think this whole notion of trying to evaluate the Foreigners for a tag team title shot through singles matches is ridiculous, frankly. They're a tag team! Give them a match against the champions and I think we'd see what they can really do.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, she is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Amber Warren!

As soon as her theme is heard, Warren wastes no time in making her way down the ramp to slap hands with the fans. When she gets in the ring, she blows kisses as she rises on the turnbuckle. She lifts her title belt above her head with a look of extreme joy before settling in the ring.

Connor: Amber Warren and her partner El Califa Dragon finally rose to become tag team champions at Apocalypse, and I don't think I've ever seen a happier champion.

Cohen: They won in a handicap match, Cat! That hardly proves their worthiness. If it were up to me, those titles would be vacant right now until we could determine a real team to be champion. Until they defend those belts in a real two on two match, there's a huge asterisk next to their name in my book.

Referee Keith Morse contents himself that both competitors are separated into their respective corners and then signals for the bell. It rings and we are underway. The two circle one another to get underway and quickly get into a lockup, each of them dropping a knee, trying to get an advantage. Cuba gets the better of it and shoves Warren into the ropes, but Warren reverses it quickly and gets Cuba into the corner. Morse starts a count and Warren backs off at 2, letting Cuba catch his breath. Cuba makes his way back out to the center of the ring, the two lock up again, and this time Cuba takes hold of Warren's arm, wrenching it hard as he takes the advantage. He transitions to a hammerlock and Warren reverses quickly, wrenching Cuba's arm. Cuba tries to counter, can't do so, he manages to get behind Warren and with one arm elevate her! But Warren reverses quickly, turns it into a modified bulldog, and slams Cuba's head into the mat! Warren goes back to Cuba's arm and wrenches it hard as Cuba struggles to get up from the mat. Cuba manages to roll to one side, gets up, and reverses the hold, taking hold of Warren's arm. He transitions to a side headlock and backs up a step, Warren wrenches free of it and shoves Cuba into the ropes. Cuba rebounds and knocks Warren to the mat with a shoulder block. Cuba hits the ropes again and rebounds, but Warren rolls under him, gets to her feet, Cuba rebounds, and Warren catches him with a Pele kick! Warren goes for a quick cover and gets one, two, but only two as Cuba kicks out.

Connor: Very back and forth in the early going here, but I'm not too surprised to see Warren trying to take an early win after a big impact move like that.

Cohen: Warren probably wants to get this one over as quickly as possible - she's without her teammate for the first time in a long time, and I think Cuba has her outconditoned, so it behooves her to try to win quickly.

Warren stands up and goes for Cuba's legs, but Cuba rolls aside and out of the ring. Warren goes to the ropes and yells something at Cuba, who responds by grabbing Warren's leg and dragging her out of the ring. Warren tries to get her balance as Cuba throws a punch - but Warren blocks it, and counters with a stiff palm thrust to Cuba's chest that backs him up a few steps. Warren follows him and knocks him hard again, drawing a warning from the inside for a closed fist at the same time Morse is trying to get the two of them back in the ring. Warren rolls back into the ring, followed shortly by Cuba. Both of them are quickly back on their feet, and Cuba takes the advantage as the bigger man puts a boot into Warren. He furiously stomps her a few times before picking her up and shoving her hard into the corner. Cuba kicks Warren in the gut while she's tied up in the corner and Morse starts a count. Cuba pulls her out of the corner in answer and then slaps her hard across the face, knocking Warren to the ground. Warren slumps across the ropes, but Cuba gives her no reprieve, grabbing hold of Warren's legs as he falls back, slamming Warren upward into the middle rope face first. Morse warns Cuba but the damage is done as Warren rolls onto her stomach and over the ring apron. Morse goes to ensure he wants to continue. She does and the match continues. She struggles to her feet and suddenly Cuba is there, throwing his signature Yashin kick! But Warren ducks aside and Cuba instead gets tied up in the ropes! Warren kicks him hard in the back and he crumples, staying just inside the ropes. He crawls to a corner and stands up - and Warren NAILS HIM WITH A PENDULUM KICK IN THE CORNER! Warren throws him out of the corner and Cuba is laid out. She scales to the top rope and NAILS THE SIN CITY EXPRESS! SHE COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Amber Warren!

Warren gets to her feet with the help of Morse and her hand is raised in celebration. Warren waves to the crowd for a moment before doubling over with a grimace, looking worn down from the match. She straightens up though and is able to make his way out of the ring as Cuba sits up and grabs his head, gritting his teeth and looking furiously on at Warren.

Connor: Warren scores a solid victory over Cuba and it looks like maybe we'll need to find new contenders elsewhere.

Cohen: Don't get ahead of yourself, Cat. The Foreigners are still the top tag team in this company other than the champions, and they're due a title match. Losing singles matches doesn't mean a thing in my book.



Titus walks to the ring, with a determined look on his face. He makes sure to slap hands with the fans, but clearly looks very intense.

Connor: And a welcome surprise, Titus is here on Ascension!

Cohen: What's he doing out here?! He has no business here, he had his match and lost!

Connor: Clearly, he has unfinished business...

Titus grabs a chair from ringside, and walks into the ring.

Titus: Cut the music, cut it, please.

He enters the ring, to the cheers of the fans. He offers his hand up to the air, which inspires the fans to cheer even more.

Titus: Thank you, but frankly, now isn't the time. We all know why I'm out here... It's Showtime. Now, I know he's here...

The crowd boos this, and Titus lets them air their grievances.

Titus: But of course he's not here to fight, not at all, no. Showtime, come on out.... Pal.... Titus wants a word with you. And I'll just sit here until I get it.

Titus sits down in his chair. There's a moment of silence, as the anticipation fills the air.


Showtime walks into arena... Behind Mr. Oklahoma. Oklahoma walks with a purpose to the ring, while Showtime saunters behind him. The look of intensity hasn't changed on Titus' face, as he looks at his former friend. Oklahoma and Showtime enter the ring, with Oklahoma taking the microphone, to a chorus of boos. Titus looks on in bemusement, but gets out of the chair.

Titus: Oh, how sweet, Showtime's taken on a puppet. Feel free to tell your master this is between him and I.

Oklahoma: Mr. Avison, I'm here on behalf of David Cougar. Now, if you need to say something to Mr. Cougar, then he has granted me power of attorney to speak for him, and accept messages.

Showtime looks aloof in the background, relaxing on the ropes.

Titus: And I assume he granted you his balls as well, yes?

The crowd cheers at this, and Showtime looks momentarily perturbed, but becomes aloof again.

Oklahoma: Mr. Avison, I'd like to inform you that there is only one way to get business done with Mr. Cougar, and that is through me. So, if you would like to tell me what type of business brings my client out here-

Titus: A match.

The crowd comes unglued at this. Showtime perks up a little, but a nonchalant grin appears on his face.

Titus: Titus and Showtime. One time only. Unscripted. Where I'm going to beat the everlasting-

Oklahoma: Mr. Avison! Now, while I must admit that the business to this is... Appealing... That I must inform you that Mr. Cougar's contract to WZCW expires at Meltdown 100. Which means, my friend, that Mr. David Cougar is not contractually obligated to any match, unless he agrees to it.

The crowd boos at this revelation. Showtime laughs, as Mr. Oklahoma looks behind, to check on his client.

Oklahoma: And as such, Mr. Cougar is going to be a very busy man. So, it will be very difficult to pencil him into this little match you have planned here.

Titus: Little? This would only be the biggest match in WZCW history.

The crowd cheers, almost as though they're agreeing with Titus.

Titus: But no... The star can only be bothered when it's convenient. Never mind the fact that I'm just as big a star, too. I've won my awards, I've won my belts. Now, look at you, buddy... You're in movies, and everything. And I don't know if you realize it, but all you've ever wanted to be, is just like me.

Showtime finally explodes, and grabs the mic from Oklahoma.

You're goddamn right, I did!

The crowd mixes in between cheers and boos at this; cheers that Showtime has spoken up, and boos over what he's said.

Showtime: I've always wanted to be the legend! The guy that everyone loves... The one icon in this promotion. And I have every damn right to be... I've won more world titles than anyone. I've done more for this company than just about any man. I've beaten everyone there is to beat. But you know what... No one puts me in that legend category.

The crowd boos this.

Showtime:Whenever there's some legend, held over the heads of these morons, everyone starts to clamor. Oh God, maybe Steamboat Ricky's back! Ooh, Ty Burna was backstage! Everest, my God, I want him back! And we all sit and wait... And all the while, I keep on stealing the shows.

Showtime smirks at this.

Showtime: And look at you. All you have to do is waltz back, and you get pushed to the forefront! Titus, the legend, Titus. I've heard legends of that man, right? Isn't that the saying? Well, where's the legend, huh?

Once again, the crowd boos vehemently.

Showtime: You know, I was world champion two pay per views ago. And yet, everyone just kept talking about Barbosa. How he was the guy now. Well, screw that, I'm still the guy! I always have been, and always will be!

Showtime looks down.

Showtime: Except I'm not. Not to them. No, all you have to do is just show up, and they love you again. Well, where's that for me, huh?! How many Oscars do I have to win before people remember me, huh?!

Showtime looks up, and smiles

Showtime: No... No, I'll be remembered. And if I have to be remembered for being the guy that put Titus Avison out of action for good... So be it...

Showtime goes to sucker punch Showtime, but Titus blocks it, with a punch of his own! Oklahoma goes to interfere, but Titus grabs him.

Cohen: Let the man go, he's not a real competitor!

Connor: Give it to him, Titus!

Titus looks near mad, as he grabs Oklahoma, and sets him up for the Tit Drop.


Showtime stands before a now fallen Titus... Steel chair dented, and in hand. He looks down at Titus, and hits him with the chair once more. Titus writhes in agony, as Showtime grins at his actions. He motions for Oklahoma to get Titus up.

Connor: This is uncalled for.

Cohen: This has been coming to Titus his whole career!

Titus tries to fight off, but doesn't have the strength. Showtime sets the chair down, right before Titus. He sets up Titus, and delivers a massive Tit Drop, right onto the steel chair! Showtime talks trash, and Oklahoma straightens out his suit, before backing his client away. Showtime's music plays, as he leaves the ring, with Titus laid out on the canvas.

Connor: My God... Folks, we may have witnessed Titus' Last Act.

Cohen: And not a moment too soon!

Medical staff rushes to Titus, as he lays in the ring, still motionless

Connor: We're.... We're going to take a break, and get some medical attention for Titus. Stay with us.
Anderson: The following conest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Elite X Championship!


Introducing first, the challenger, from Pripyat, Ukraine, weighing in at 255lbs, Fallout!

Fallout stamps down the ramp at a fairly fast pace, whilst an orange cloud follows behind him to the ring. He completely ignores the audience as if they weren’t even there and fails to acknowledge them. He then jumps to the apron and enters the ring with haste.

Connor: Big opportunity for young Fallout here tonight. Will the calculating Fallout be able to capitalize?

Cohen: Baez is a crafty veteran, so Fallout will need to be on top of his game tonight and keep the mistakes to a minimum if he wants to stand a chance.


Introducing next, from Rats Ass, weighing in at 238lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Baez!

Baez makes his way on stage, placing his Elite X title in front of his crotch and stroking it with his hands as the crowd boos. He makes his way to the ring and begins to thrust obscenely into the belt.

Connor: Pure class from Matt Tastic here.

Cohen: Hahahaha I love it. And be professional Cat, this is Baez, I have no idea who this Matt Tastic fellow is.

The match starts and Baez is all over Fallout. Rights and lefts, sharp kicks, the occasional headbutt, and Baez is in total control. He throws Fallout into the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline on the rebound. He lifts Fallout back to his feet and works to secure a hammerlock. As he wrenches on the hold he positions himself and takes Fallout down with another clothesline. He hooks a leg..
Fallout is able to easily get a shoulder up however.

Connor: Tastic in total control in the early going.

Cohen: Who is this Matt Tastic you speak of Cat? I only see our Elite X Champion Baez in the ring.

Baez begins to lift Fallout to his feet, but the challenger fires off with some stiff right hands to the midsection. Baez retreats long enough to allow Fallout to stand, then takes a running start. Fallout ducks and immediately grabs the champ around the waist. He throws Baez across the ring with a German Suplex. He then takes a running start as the champ gets to his feet and flies into a forearm smash, but Baez throws the ref in the way!

Cohen: Well the ref is down, and Baez is already on the outside of the ring, with chair in hand.

Fallout chases Baez outside the ring, but he runs into a vicious chair shot to the face! The chair takes on the rough outline of Fallout's specially made gas mask as the challenger falls to the ground. The crowd boos loudly, forgoing their hatred of Fallout momentarily to jeer at Baez, who has taken to taunting his foe.

Connor: What an asshole!

Cohen: Catherine, such language!

Baez rolls Fallout back into the ring and pulls the ref into position before he cockily covers Fallout..
Thr-NO! Fallout kicked out! Baez is stunned as Fallout managed to get a shoulder up just before the ref's hand came down.

Cohen: He survived a nuclear meltdown, I guess a chair shot is nothing in comparison.

Baez begins to throw an absolute fit, arguing with the ref, stomping and pouting around the ring. Fallout begins to stir and hurries to roll up the champ..
Baez just gets a shoulder up.

Connor: Fallout almost pulled it out, taking the champ by surprise.

Baez is on his feet and angrily rushes toward Fallout. Fallout keenly ducks and then plants Baez with The Mushroom Cloud. Before he can capitalize however, Baez rolls out of the ring and grabs his title belt before walking up the ramp.

Cohen: Well it looks like Baez has had enough and is walking out of here tonight.


Baez freezes in his tracks as S.H.I.T.s music hits. The champ looks around for the robotic menace, but he is nowhere to be found. Suddenly Fallout attacks and grabs Baez from behind, before he slams his head into the ring post and throws him back to the ring. Before Fallout is able to capitalize, Baez again rolls out of the ring, but this time he is met my S.H.I.T. at the foot of the ramp. As Baez scrambles back to the ring, he runs into Half-Life by Fallout! He hooks a leg..

Here is your winner, and the NEW WZCW Elite X Champion, Fallout!

Cohen: No! Baez was robbed!

Fallout allows the ref to raise his hand before he shoves him aside and takes his new title belt and stares deeply at it before he walks back up the ramp.

Connor: Congratulations to our new Elite X Champion!


Backstage, Big Dave and Mr. Banks are standing together in Dave's office.

Banks: I don't know if you keep up with our flagship program, Dave, but I made an announcement last night.

Dave: Oh, I heard. And I've already got a match in mind.

Banks: Do you? Wonderful! Vance told me he needed to consider, look over the roster, and carefully select the best possible main event for Meltdown 100, but I'm sure you've come up with something just wonderful.

Dave grins for a moment before composing himself.

Dave: It's a shame Vance was planning on a main event, because I think I've found a show stealer. I'm getting really tired of seeing Ricky Runn walk around like he's actually the world champion. I think he needs to prove himself, don't you? So I think, at Meltdown 100, we should have ourselves an old fashioned street fight. Ricky Runn and Barbosa, one on one, for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Banks blinks once before smiling widely and clapping Dave on the back.

Banks: David, Vance is going to hate you.

Dave: Don't worry, he already does.
Backstage we see Matt Tastic with a towel over him and the Baez mask in his hand shouting in anger.

Matt: DAMMIT!! LOOK AT WHAT THAT ROBOT DID!! He screwed me!! Damn you... DAMN YOU! I'm gonna get you for th--

As Matt screams the sound of equipment falling catches his attention as well as the cameraman who turns to show what it is. More equipment falls and SHIT emerges through it. Breaking everything in sight.

Matt: Damn you.... DAMN YOU!!

Matt grabs a piece of the debris and throws it at the robot. But it doesn't flinch at all. Matt doesn't seem fazed and grabs a large pipe. He hits SHIT with it to zero effect.

SHIT: SHIT exists only to destroy.

Matt hits it again this time breaking the pipe.

SHIT: SHIT exists only to destroy.

Matt grabs a box and throws it but the robot just swipes it off the air and muttering it's phrase.

SHIT: SHIT exists only to destroy.

Matt defensively backs up as SHIT walks towards him with deadly intent. But eventually, Matt is caught in a dead end. The robot marches slowly as Matt looks on with rage and defiance despite having nowhere to go. SHIT raises it's right arm above it's head....

Matt: I hate you. I'll get you for this, robot.

SHIT Piston Chops Matt Tastic and knocks him down as security comes in to stop any further fighting. But Matt is out cold.


Vega rises onto the stage looking displeased as the crowd shower him with hate. As Alexis joins him, he makes his way down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Vega!

The couple stand together in the ring, exchanging a few words as the spotlight shines down on them.

Ricky Runn comes out, looking nervous as he heads down the ramp without his usual swagger.

Anderson: And his partner, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Swagtastic voice of a generation", Ricky Runn!

Connor: The number one contender is looking on edge tonight.

Cohen: He has the belt, call him the champion!

Connor: Except, apparently he doesn’t have the belt.

Runn eyes up Vega before sliding into the ring. The mood is tense between them, but that seems to disappear as their opponents’ music hits:

The crowd give a big pop as Saboteur emerges, fired up.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, Saboteur!

He heads towards the ring, giving high fives on the way, but stops short of the ring. Despite Vega beckoning him to get in the ring, Saboteur waits for his partner.

The crowd gives a huge response for the former Elite X champion. It stops at the top of the ramp as the crowd cheers.

Anderson: And his partner, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, S.H.I.T.!

Connor: He may have lost the Elite X title, but the crowd love him.

Cohen: I don’t get it. He failed, he didn’t get his World Title shot…

SHIT joins Saboteur at the end of the ramp and they get into the ring together. Referee Jurou Akiyama calls for the bell and it’s SHIT starting out against Vega. They circle each other for a moment before tying up in the centre of the ring. Neither man seems to be getting the advantage until Vega breaks the grapple with a knee to SHIT’s gut. He Snapmares the robot to the ground and applies a chinlock. SHIT quickly elbows his way out of it, stunning Vega for a moment, and allowing SHIT to get up. Vega charges at SHIT, but SHIT sidesteps and send his opponent over the top rope to the outside.

Vega is furious with himself, pounding his fists on the apron. Alexis whispers some words in his ear, and he nods, calmed by whatever she said. He slowly gets back into the ring, and looks like he’s about to tie up with SHIT again, until he turns and slaps Runn on the chest, tagging himself out. Ricky didn’t see it coming, and it takes a second to set in as he slowly goes through the ropes into the ring.

Connor: Yeah, I’m sure that’s the body language of a champion.

Cohen: Barbosa is hardly a better option. Ricky is the lesser of two evils.

Ricky walks forward to a waiting SHIT and throws a right hand, but it’s blocked and SHIT unloads on the Swagtastic one. Right hand after right hands lands, sending Ricky stumbling back into the corner. SHIT Irish Whips Ricky across the ring and Ricky hits the turnbuckles. SHIT runs at him and goes for a corner Splash, but Ricky manages to rolls out of the way. SHIT bounces off the turnbuckles and Ricky hits a Back Suplex, before going for the first pin of the match,


Kick out! With SHIT down, Vega gets tagged in and goes on the attack. He pulls SHIT up and backs him into the corner and begins to unleash a series of kicks, first to the gut, then to the head. Vega backs away and puts his fist in the air before running at his opponent and hitting a devastating Superman punch. SHIT falls forward onto the mat and Vega goes for the pin,



Kick out by SHIT. SHIT sits up and reaches out to Saboteur, who is bouncing up and down on the apron, desperate to get in, but Vega kicks SHIT’s hand. He follows up by casually bouncing himself off the ropes and kicking SHIT in the face. He goes for another cover,



Kick out by SHIT! Vega tags in Runn, who quickly hits a Springboard Moonsault and goes for yet another pin,



Kick out by SHIT!

Cohen: Vega and Runn are actually working together like a well-oiled machine. Which is ironic cause, y’know, look who they're beating up…

Ricky stomps on SHIT’s head a few times before posing for the crowd, who boo venomously. Ricky runs off the ropes and goes for the YOLO roll but SHIT gets his knees up, and Ricky lands on them back first! The crowd begin clapping unison as SHIT crawls across the ring, with Ricky crawling after him. SHIT is inches away from Saboteur, and Ricky lunges for SHIT’s leg, but doesn’t quite make it, and Saboteur is tagged in!

Ricky tries to attack with a right hand, but Saboteur ducks under it and runs into the ropes, coming back with a big Clothesline. Ricky gets up quickly, only to be met with a Spinning Wheel Kick! Ricky pulls himself over to the corner and Saboteur runs at him, hitting a Stinger Splash! With Ricky down, Saboteur feeds off the energy of the crowd, signalling for the Death Blow! But from behind comes Vega, who blind-tagged himself in while Ricky was in the corner, with a big elbow strike to the head. Saboteur falls to his knees clutching the back of his head and Vega kicks him hard in the chest before going into a full mount position and beginning a vicious ground and pound!

Cohen: Vega is looking like a man possessed tonight!

As the Akiyama-san makes the five count, he has to pull Vega off Saboteur, even threatening to DQ him, which Vega shrugs off. Vega struts to the ropes and gets out onto the apron and wait for Saboteur to get up. Though shaky, Saboteur gets up on his own. Vega springboards off the top rope and goes for a flying Elbow. Saboteur ducks under it, but Vega lands on his feet and hits a lightning quick Roundhouse kick and Saboteur crumbles to the mat! Vega goes for the pin,



Saboteur gets a shoulder up! Vega grabs Saboteur’s raised arm, the one used to kick out, and immediately locks in the Triangle Choke! Saboteur begins to struggle, but he starts to fade as Vega smiles a sick smirk. Saboteur’s body begins to go limp, but the crowd aren’t dismayed, cheering as loudly as they can!


But it doesn’t seem to do any good, as Saboteur seems completely gone. Akiyama drops down and raises Saboteur’s free arm. He drops it once, and it hits the mat…


He raises the arm again, and drops it again, and it hits the mat for the second time.


Akiyama raises the arm a third time and drops it. It looks like it’s over but no! Saboteur holds up his hand mere inches from the mat and crowd goes crazy. Saboteur somehow begins to get up, moving to his knees, then moving to his feet. Suddenly, Saboteur hits a European Uppercut on Vega’s leg! And another and another! Vega releases the choke, clutching his leg. Saboteur, though released, falls back down the mat. The crowd clap, stomp their feet, hit the barricade trying to encourage him to get to his corner. Finally he begins to crawl, but Vega is already on his feet, limping over to Saboteur.

He pulls Saboteur up by the mask and hits a hard right hand, but Saboteur hits the GOOOOOOAL out of nowhere and both men collapse to the mat! The crowd is roaring as Saboteur crawls to his corner while Vega shakes his head clear and gets to his own corner. Ricky gets tagged in, but seconds later, Saboteur manages to tag in SHIT and the place erupts!

SHIT hits a clothesline on Ricky, followed by another, and then a third! SHIT climbs up to the top rope and doesn’t wait a second before jumping off and hitting Mechanical Mayhem! He goes for the pin,



Broken up by Vega! As Vega begins to stomp away at SHIT, Saboteur clotheslines Vega over the top rope and to the outside. As Vega uses the crowd barricade to get up, Saboteur climbs to the top rope, and leaps off, hitting Super Saboteur on the outside! Inside the ring, both legal men are up. Ricky turns around into a kick to the gut and SHIT goes for the Piston Chop, but Ricky dodges it before dropping to his knees and hitting a Low Blow! Akiyama-san immediately calls for the bell!

Anderson: Here are you winners by disqualification, Saboteur and S.H.I.T!

Connor: What a cowardly move by Ricky Runn! He’s no champion!

Despite the referee trying to stop it, Runn continues to stomp away at SHIT. Saboteur makes the save, pulling Runn of of SHIT and hitting a series of right hands. But it comes to a screeching halt as Vega hits Saboteur from behind with a chair.

The heat from the crowd is palpable as Vega and Runn continue to assault Saboteur. But those boos turn into a big pop as Barbosa runs down the ramp to make the save. He hits Runn with a big Clothesline before hitting Vega with shots to the head, following up by clotheslining Vega over the top rope. The champ turns his attention back to Runn, who quickly rolls out of the ring and retreats up the ramp.

Back inside the ring, Barbosa quickly checks on SHIT, who seems to be okay. The champ turns back around, only to see Saboteur staring him down. Barbosa says he doesn't want to fight. Saboteur stares for a few more moments before finally leaving the ring and making his way back up the ramp.

Cohen: With that many crazy freaks in the ring, it's a miracle that it ended so calmly...

Connor: But one thing is for sure, even without the actual belt, there is still a big target on Barbosa's back. Thanks for joining us for Ascension, we'll see you tomorrow for Aftershock!

Sabs & SHIT vs. Runn & Vega - Blade
Baez vs. Fallout - Sir Douche Baggington
Amber vs. Cuba, Segments - Harthan
Zeus & Diabolos VS. Bob & Blade - Killjoy
Segments, Opening - Haiku

Once again, sorry for the delay. AF and boards are coming tomorrow wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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