Ascension 71

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

A round of pyro greets the fans to another exciting episode of Ascension! The crowd in Bercy, France is going ballistic, as the crowd pans in on crazy fans, all ready for non-stop action.


Triple X enters the arena, on a mission to make a statement. The crowd is completely against Triple X, as he seems to revel in the boos.

Connor:"Well, look like we're not waiting long to start this show. The enigmatic Triple X is on his way to the ring, and with his recent actions, who knows what he has to say?"

Cohen:"Whatever it is, I like this recent turn, and am glad to see this man come out to address the public."

Triple X grabs a mic, and bows in front of the audience.

X:"Thank you, thank you. Now, as you all know, I've been a busy, busy man these past few weeks. But I'm not out here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about King for a Day. And how I deserve to be a part of that match. So if Big Dave will come out, say he's appalled by my actions, put me in the match, blah, blah, we know-"


X:"Oh, good, of course!"

Blade makes his way out to the ring, storming to face the man who's attacked him.

Cohen:"Of course, that blowhard Blade has to come out and make it all about himself."

Connor:"Blade has every right to confront Triple X."

Blade:"Oh Triple X, now that I can get you face to face... I used to have so much respect for you. And for as great as you are... Boy, are you quite the coward. I mean, I'll steal, but I'm upfront about it. And you? You'll attack someone behind their back. But, I have to give you this; at least you're being honest that you want to steal some deserving star's shot at the World Title. So tell me, X, why do you deserve to be in King for a Day, when you've only been back two weeks?"

Triple X messes with his hair, and offers a smug smile.

X:"You... You really don't get it, Blade. The World Title, that's gravy. I'll become World Champion... Unlike you..."

The crowd boos, as Blade looks pissed.

X: "But being in King for a Day isn't about that, for me. No, what I care about most... Is making sure you don't win. That you're in as much pain as possible. Because you, Blade, took months off my career. So I'm going to take away the one thing you care about most... But hey, at least I'll do it to your face, right?"


Cohen:"Oh look, we get the man in the doghouse, to do his routine again."

Connor:"Big Dave may be in the doghouse, but he's still GM of Ascension, and still makes the decisions around here."

Dave: Enough! Listen guys, you want to exchange barbs, do it in a place that won't interrupt the show! I already have enough problems, and I really don't have to deal with this, so I'll make it even easier for you, Triple X; yes, you're in King for a Day!"

A mixed reception to this announcement, excited at the thought of Triple X being stuck with Blade, and that Triple X has a chance at the World Title.

Dave: "Oh, and Blade... I wouldn't mind you taking care of business against Triple X.

Big Dave and Blade both stare down Triple X, as he smirks. He offers a wink to Blade, as Dave leaves the arena, music playing in the background.

Connor:" A big announcement, Triple X is now in the King for a Day match."

Cohen:"And if there's any good in the world, we may be looking at our new WZCW Champion."

Connor:"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a wonderful show tonight, so stay tuned for the debut of two brand new superstars, up next!"
Stacy:"Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time... Theron Daggershield."

Theron can be seen playing with his sword, and tossing the five in his hand.

Stacy:"Dagger I... You know, I can't do this seriously. You can't believe this is all reality, do you?"

Theron stops playing with his sword, to look at Stacy.

Theron:"I'm sorry?"

Stacy:"You know what I mean, all of this! The dice, the sword, the monsters, everything. You have to be joking, right? You can't believe this is reality. That you're some noble hero."

Theron:"Well, of course it isn't, Stacy. There's no dragons, there's no wizards. And Dr. Zeus is surely no monster; but these dice were there for me when I was little. When no one else would listen to me, these dice gave me a chance to escape it all, and be someone. And now? Now I am someone... But these dice make me a hero. And when I roll my dice, and hit my critical hit-"

Theron rolls his dice, and hits two twenties.

Theron:"Your loss is your reality, and my victory is mine."

Theron leaves, as a non-descript head follows him from the shadows.


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 225 pounds, Jonathan Hyada!

Hyada comes out to small reaction. He gets on one knee and bows to the crowd in a show of respect before marching to the ring.

Connor: This man has an extensive background in MMA, various martial arts disciplines and such.

Cohen: I don't think they care much for that here in France. They just wanna see someone get beat up.

Connor: He'll never use weapons, he says.

Cohen: Wow, lucky for him there's no Mayhem Division then.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, Ramparte!

Ramparte comes out to small fanfare with his butler by his side.

Cohen: Let me guess. With a crazy name like that...... Another MMA guy.

Connor: Satanic narcissist actually.

Cohen: Great. Just what we need. Another Ty Burna.

He hands his cane to his butler and heads to the ring. Referee Dillon Morse rings the bell to start the match.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Both men circle the ring looking for the first move. Hyada quickly finds a spot for a waistlock and takes down his opponent Ramparte. He turns around for a Front Facelock as the ref checks for a tap. Ramparte pulls to try and get out and reaches the ropes. Dillon Morse signals for a ropebreak but as he does Ramparte keeps pulling and eventually slides out of the ring.

Cohen: What's this?

He starts to walk around ringside taunting fans as both Dillon and Hyada look on bewildered. Though something makes Ramparte stop dead in his tracks. Selena Anderson. He slowly walks toward her and she eventually notices and becomes uncomfortable in her chair.

Connor: Looks like Selena found herself an admirer.

Dillon instructs Hyada to go get him, but Hyada looks bewildered, not wanting to run the risk of a potential ring out. Soon enough though, he reluctantly heads out. He pulls Ramparte and waits for him to turn around before hitting him with a series of punches. He finishes up the combo with an Uppercut to send the odd man reeling to the ring apron.

Cohen: What the? Why didn't he hit him when he had his back turned?

Connor: Honor.

Cohen: In wrestling? Gimme a break.

Ramparte gets back in the ring and Hyada follows but as he gets up, Ramparte catches him in a Fireman's Carry and slams him down Spinebuster style. He covers.....




But Hyada kicks out at two according to referee Dillon Morse. Ramparte stands him back up, but doing so leads to Hyada connecting with a series of kicks around Ramparte's anatomy. He finishes up with a Snap Suplex. He rolls over for a pin attempt.




But it gets just two. He gets Ramparte back up and goes for an Irish Whip. He attempts a Clothesline, but Ramparte ducks and Springboards into a One-Armed DDT. Hyada bounces back up to his feet and Ramparte follows up with a Double Underhook Rolling Facebuster for the cover.




Anderson: Here is your winner, Ramparte!!

Connor:Looks like Ramparte is the rookie getting the win on this night. It was a give and take, but this unpredictable guy was able to pull it off.

Dillon Morse raises Ramparte's arm in victory, but he doesn't seem to concerned with celebrating. He stares towards ringside again, but Dillon orders him back to the locker room.

Cohen: I like the guy's finishing move. I guess time will tell what these two can bring to the table.
Anderson: Ladies and gentleman, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 152 pounds, Isabel Stone!

Isabel walks to the ring, a little less confident than usual, but with the same scowl on her face.

Connor: Isabel seems to be a little off tonight; you'd think giving the dominant Elite X Champion a good showing wouldn't mess with someone like that.

Cohen: "Isabel is a competitor, and she had been riding high until that loss. I'm sure she'll pull through though."

Izzy enters the ring and awaits her opponent.

Anderson: And... Her opponent!



A man in a mask walks down to the ring. He walks oddly, and climbs into the ring.

Cohen:"Oh, what is this, did Armando Paradyse get another gimmick?

Connor:"I have to admit, it's a little unorthodox."

The masked man walks over to Anderson and whispers in his ear.

Anderson: Her opponent, Diabolos!

Even Isabel is a little perplexed at this image. She tries to get in closer, to see what this is about, as James Aubrey rings the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Isabel circles her opponent, who hasn't moved at all. She stalks up to him, and as soon as she gets in striking distance,


Diabolo hits with a massive right hand, right into the face of Isabel Stone. Isabel stumbles back, as Diabolos celebrates as though he's won the world title. He turns his back to Isabel, as he looks to the crowd. Isabel recovers, and walks right up to Diabolos.

Connor:"Diabolos seems to believe... That would be enough to put down Isabel Stone."

Cohen:Cohen: Stone is such a strong competitor, there's absolutely no way one strike could knock her down.

Diabolos turns around, right into a boot to the gut. He holds his stomach, as Isabel hits a bitch slap. She gets on top and start throwing punches, and then a moonsault on the fallen debuting superstar. She hooks the leg for a cover...



Kick out by Diabolos! She moves into the corner, as she allows for Diabolos to stand up. While he's dazed, she runs at him to spear him into the corner. But Diabolos steps aside, allowing for Isabel to go face first, right into the middle turnbuckle. Diabolos grabs Stone by the hair... Allowing a chance to sniff her hair, before setting her up for a DDT. He plants her head into the ground, and looks extremely excited at what he's done.

Cohen: There's... Something a little off about this guy. Are we sure this isn't Armando Paradyse?"

Connor:"Whoever he is, he's pretty impressive, holding his own against a competitor who was this close to being Elite X Champion."

Diabolos starts stomping on Isabel, and sets up for a pendulum elbow drop. Isabel moves out of the way, right before he can connect, and climbs the second turnbuckle. She almost instinctually beckons for the fan's approval... Before realizing what she's doing, and hits a double elbow drop onto Diabolos' back! She goes for a cover...



Kick out by Diabolos! Isabel is getting frustrated, as she climbs the top rope. As she climbs up, Stone looks to the fans, and hears some cheers. The feeling is new to her, and as she climbs, the cheers become a bit louder.

Cohen:"Stone's taking too much time, not capitalizing on what she needs to!"

She finally sets herself up, and flies to hit the Crash Course! But Diabolos moves, allowing for Isabel Stone to land face first into the mat! Diabolos steadies himself, as Isabel grabs her face, in pain. Diabolos places Isabel between his legs, and lifts her up for a cradle piledriver! The move connects, as Diabolos flaots over and covers Stone.




Cohen:"What in the world?!?!"

Connor:"Well, it isn't Armando Paradyse, that's for sure. Even Anderson is confused!

Anderson: Here is your winner.... Diabolos?

Diabolos hand is raised, as everyone is rendered utterly speechless. He walks out of the ring, as Isabel is beginning to regain consciousness, and realize what happened.

Cohen:"Isabel wasted too much time, and it really cost her."

Connor:"Nevertheless, a very impressive debut by this man... But who is he?"

In the locker room, Fallout barges through the doorway, and looks around.

Fallout:"Where are they, damn it?"

Fallout rummages through random lockers, clearly in look of something. As his search goes on, he grows more fervent, gruntin as he throws things around.

Fallout:"Reality, huh? We'll teach him about reality, soon enough, yes.

Fallout finally looks excited, as he holds a smal, red silk bag in his hand. He laughs to himself. He opens the red bag, to show red dice.

Fallout:"Game over, kid."

Fallout walks away, clutching the dice in his hand.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 478 pounds, the team of Atsushi Kiriyama and Aleksandr Cuba, the Demon Foreigners!

Unfamiliar music plays over the arena as the lights dim in the arena as red and yellow lights flicker all around the stage. Aleksandr Cuba makes his way to the top of the ramp and drops to his knees, an evil grin spreading across his face. Atsushi Kiriyama slinks out of the backstage area on his hands and knees. Blood red lighting replaces the previous lighting canvassing Kiriyama's features making him look slightly maniacal. Kiriyama follows Cuba to the ring on his hands and knees, as he reaches the ringside area he jumps to his feet and rolls in the ring taking a crouching position in the corner alert to the slightest movement and sound on the tips of his toes.

Cohen: I saw these two in their debut match on Aftershock and let me tell you, they may not have won, but I think they've got huge potential in WZCW.

Connor: They've really got to prove something here tonight, though. Two losses to start a tag team career would hardly be promising.


Anderson: And introducing their opponents, at a combined weight of 591 pounds, the team of Grizzly Bob and Bobby Adams!

Grizzly Bob and Bobby Adams make their way out together, the crowd giving them a warm welcome as they get to the ring.

Connor: Grizzly Bob faced these two last round on Aftershock with Haven as his partner. We've not heard from Haven yet since then, but Grizzly has found Bobby Adams to be his partner this time around.

Cohen: We also saw Grizzly Bob taken out by a mysterious gang of some sort. Something is afoot in WZCW and I'm not sure we've seen the end of it.

Referee Elizabeth Prince waits for everyone to decide on who will start the match. Bobby Adams and Aleksandr Cuba step into the ring to face off. Prince signals for the bell and we are underway. Adams and Cuba circle each other slowly to start off, both of them tentative to engage with a new opponent. They close together and engage in a wristlock. Adams gets the better of it, transitioning it to a hammerlock and forcing Cuba to his knees. Adams drops an elbow into Cuba's neck and then hits the ropes. He rebounds, throws a kick, and Cuba ducks under it and rolls away. Adams attempts to recover and lands awkwardly on his leg. He grimaces in pain and tries to take a step, stumbling as he does so. He shoots a glance at Cuba, but not before Cuba charges at him with a clothesline. Adams gets knocked off his feet and clutches his leg while Cuba gathers the situation. He shoots an evil grin at his partner before getting back on Adams. He pulls Adams up from the ground and reels off a German suplex. He pulls him back up, elevates him, and HURLS HIM INTO THE CORNER WITH A POWERBOMB! Adams clutches to the top rope desperately, trying not to fall, but it's to no avail as Cuba follows up with a Yakuza kick! Adams snaps back and then falls out of the corner. Cuba goes for the cover, getting one, two, but only two!

Connor: It looks like Adams might be hurt in there. He threw a pretty wild kick and might have pulled something.

Cohen: I won't disagree with you there, Cat. It looks like the Foreigners saw it too, as Aleksandr Cuba is just throwing the arsenal at Adams right off the bat and getting all of it.

Bob calls for the tag and tries to encourage his partner, but Adams is hardly able to get to his own two feet with his leg. Cuba gives him a look before casually tagging in Kiriyama. Kiriyama leaps over the ropes into the ring and goes after Adams immediately. He forces him to his feet, only to drop him again with a Hangman's neckbreaker. After he hits the ground, he goes after him with a series of kicks to the injured leg. Adams reaches in the general direction of his corner but really gets nowhere with it as Kiriyama has him pinned down. Kiriyama pulls him up and whips him across the ring into a neutral corner, Adams stumbling all the way there. Kiriyama charges at him with a clothesline in the corner, then turns him up and lifts him up, setting him on the top rope. Kiriyama takes a few steps back, then charges, leaps, and NAILS THE SUPERNOVA! Adams is thrown across the ring and Kiriyama goes after him. Grizzly Bob has clearly seen enough and charges into the ring - no, Aleksandr Cuba is behind him! He takes his leg out from under him and Bob falls, smashing his head against the turnbuckle as he goes down. Cuba slides into the ring against the protests of Elizabeth Prince. She begins a five count, but that's more than enough time for the two of them to set up - and TAKE ADAMS DOWN WITH UNDER THE GUN! Adams is wiped out as Cuba slides out of the ring, Kiriyama covers, getting one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the Demon Foreigners!

Cohen: Never even letting Grizzly Bob enter the match is pretty impressive. That's what I call cutting the ring in half.

Connor: That's what I call taking advantage of a clearly injured opponent. I can't believe this match was allowed to continue.

Cuba re-enters the ring and he and Kiriyama have their hands raised by Prince. A medic is out quickly to take a look at Adam's leg and Grizzly Bob stirs, shaking out his head as he takes in the result.


James Howard can be seen pacing back and forth in front of his locker room door, cell phone in hand. He looks frustrated, repeatedly dialing a number that appears to be disconnected. Leon Kensworth walks up to him.

Kensworth: James, what's going on? Anything I can help you with?

Howard: I've been trying to get hold of Mikey. How do you guys keep in touch with him?

We usually don't. He just sort of shows up, comes and goes as he pleases.

Just as James is about to speak, Barbosa walks up. He doesn't say anything, he simply looks over Leon and his tag partner later in the night. He looks down at the belt around James' waist, then looks down at the belt in his own hand. He gives James one last look before he walks away. James watches Barbosa walk away as a backstage worker runs up and hands Leon a piece of paper.

You better look at this.

As he hands James the paper, he reads it aloud.

Aftershock. Let me open your eyes to the beauty James.

Leon and James look at each other as James crumbles the paper and tosses it away as he walks back into his locker room.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a two on one handicap match!

The crowd pops as Theron Daggershield emerges, sword in hand. He raises it to a cheering crowd before heading down the ramp.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, from Stephenville, Texas, Theron Daggershield!

Theron reaches the ring and instinctively goes for his dice, but grimaces instead and rolls into the ring.

Connor: A tall order for Theron Daggershield tonight, even with a partner, as stopping Dr. Zeus is a lot to ask of someone so inexperienced. And without his lucky dice, even.

Cohen: Lucky dice! I'm glad someone finally took them away from him. He needs to learn that in the real world, you only get as far as your muscles and your brains take you.


The lights in the arena strobe violently as the music picks up with Corvus jumping over the barricade, surprising those at ringside at how quick he was able to get down to the ring whilst the majority cheer for him. He slides into the ring and perches himself onto the top turnbuckle, occasionally staring out into the crowd to survey the arena.

Anderson: And his partner, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 260 pounds, Corvus!

Connor: Corvus found himself on the wrong end of a decision to Fallout last time around, but he and Theron have a real chance here to make a name for themselves with a win over Dr. Zeus.

Cohen: Don't count on it. Zeus could ten of the likes of Corvus.


Anderson: And their opponent, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, "The Good Doctor" Zeus!

The music begins to play as the arena grows dark. On the Tron is a video of a young women playing with a music box. As she begins to sing, Zeus emerges on stage, pushing a doctor's bed down the ramp. He climbs into the ring and takes a spot in the corner across from his opponents.

Connor: Dr. Zeus is still recovering from a loss to Steven Kurtesy at Redemption...

Cohen: Recovering? You're kidding me, right? He got screwed at Redemption. Zeus isn't recovering from anything. He's getting ready to take his revenge, that's what he's doing.

Referee Elizabeth Prince separates everyone into their appropriate corners and checks which of the team of Theron and Corvus will start. Corvus steps forward and Zeus watches him in cold silence. Prince signals for the bell and we are underway. Zeus slowly starts to come at Corvus and Corvus offers a wristlock. Zeus, impassive, takes it and the two begin to jockey for position. Zeus gets the better of it and uses the advantage to whip Corvus into the corner. He charges at him and hits him with his shoulder, before pulling him out and trying a Samoan drop. He elevates Corvus but Corvus pops out of the hold and lands on his feet behind Zeus. Zeus spins around but Corvus nails him with a hard right hand and then goes for a quick powerslam. He gets all of it and covers Zeus, getting one, but only one as Zeus won't be put away that easily. Corvus stands up and hits the ropes, rebounds, leaps and drops a knee on Zeus. He hits the ropes again and drops a leg, this time going for a cover. He gets one, two, but only two as Zeus kicks out. Corvus pulls Zeus to his feet and tries to whip him into a corner, but Zeus reverses it and sends Corvus heading into the corner instead. Zeus nails him with an elbow and follows with a running bulldog, planting Corvus headfirst into the mat.

Connor: Perhaps the craftier of the two, a good reversal from Zeus has him with the better of Corvus for a moment.

Cohen: There's not all that much difference between Zeus and his opponents tonight in terms of experience, but it just feels like Zeus is so far past their level. It really speaks to what he's done in such a short time in WZCW.

Zeus follows up with a backbreaker to Corvus and a cover, getting one, two, but only two. He pulls Corvus to his feet and whips him into the corner once more, this time following slowly and lifting him upward onto the top rope. He follows, hooks Corvus, leaps and NAILS A TOP ROPE DDT! He covers and gets one, two, but only two! Corvus kicks out and Zeus looks to keep up the offensive. Zeus pulls Corvus to his feet, but Corvus still has life in him as he punches Zeus in the jaw and forces Zeus to take a step back. Zeus responds with a punch in kind and the two trade a brief series of blows, before Corvus merely ducks under one of Zeus's shots and then reels off a T-bone suplex! Corvus is too exhausted to make the cover, instead reaching for his corner. Zeus has nowhere to turn to as he begins to stir, instead recognizing his best bet is to hold back Corvus. Corvus is a hair's breadth away from Theron before Zeus has a hold on his legs - Zeus is pulling him back -but Corvus gets the tag! The crowd pops as Theron Daggershield hits the ring, sliding through the ropes and forcing Zeus to back off of Corvus. Theron goes for an elbow shot on Zeus, but the bigger man blocks it and pulls Theron in, then elevates and drops him with a Samoan drop, killing his momentum instantly. Zeus looks at him in disgust before heading to the top rope, turning his back on Daggershield, and preparing for the moonsault - but Theron is up, he runs to the corner, he THROWS ZEUS OFF THE TOP! Zeus is laid out on the mat and Daggershield scrambles to the top, and FLIES OFF WITH THE LIMIT BREAK! He cover and gets one, two - and three!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the team of Corvus and Theron Daggershield!

Connor: I don't believe it! Just like that, Theron Daggershield has stolen the win for his team!

Cohen: Stolen is the right word! What was that, a fast count? Come on, ref! That's the second time in a row he's cheated his way to a win!

Connor: I didn't see any cheating, Jack, just another shocking upset from Theron Daggershield and now his partner, Corvus.

Cohen: Let's not ignore that. If Zeus had someone to tag out to, you'd be looking at a whole different result tonight.

Zeus has rolled to the outside of the ring and is staring furious death at Theron Daggershield, who merely grins as he and Corvus's hands are raised as winners of the match.
Ascension returns to a camera on the run as loud noises are heard from an upcoming corner. The camera turns wildly and as it focuses, we see two bodies laying prone on the ground. Both the Grand Mystique and David Whitman are laid out on the ground, neither of them so much as stirring. The cameraman wildly calls for a medic and turns off the shot, leaving only darkness.

Connor: Folks, we'll keep you posted on what we just saw backstage but it looks like a scary situation as two members of the Sacrificial Altar looked to be in serious trouble.

Cohen: It's clearly one of those hoodlums from last night! Drake, or one of the Dragones! Mr. Banks should have them all fired!

Connor: However, the show must go on, as we have one more huge match on the card tonight!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest, scheduled for one fall is your main event for the evening!


Introducing first, from Leeds, England, weighing 223 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, James Howard!

Howard walks to the ring with his hoodie open, revealing his gold, and hood up. As he walks onto the ramp he turns with his back to the crowd with arms outstretched. He shadowboxes down the remainder of the ramp before climbing the stairs and onto the turnbuckle, arm raised before hopping over and into the ring.

Connor: James Howard, looking to bounce back from a loss last week, you have to wonder if his head in on straight recently.

Cohen: If he wants to hang onto that title for the foreseeable future, he needs to get his head right and not worry about his former best friend or anything but the gold.


And his partner, making his way to the ring, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds, he is the WZCW Heavyweight champion, Barbosa!

Barbosa makes his way to the ring, his title belt dangling in his hand. He makes his way down the ramp, rolling into the ring and looking into the eyes of his partner. He looks at the title belt in his hands, then to Howard, as if to say he will take the lead tonight.

Connor: Barbosa, in his second reign as champion, may have his own issues keeping focus tonight. He has been trying to get his hands on the ever elusive Ricky Runn recently.

Cohen: Barbosa is more than capable of handling his business, but he needs to take point tonight. He is the world champion for a reason, and Howard needs to realize that.


And their opponents, at a combined weight of 400 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Magnitúdinis!

As the violin begins to sound, the lights are extinguished bar one lone spotlight. It beams down at the top of the ramp and the “King” and “Queen” enter to unanimous hatred. They survey their audience and Steven Holmes chuckles. Celeste is cold, unmoved. She extends her arm and hand out to her lover. He takes it and turns to face her. He pulls her in and they kiss passionately. After breaking the lip lock, Holmes smirks and they separate, still linking arms though. They saunter down the ramp before coming to the apron where Holmes helps his beau ascend the steel steps. She in turn holds the ropes open for her man who wipes his feet before entering the ring. He does not return the favour and Celeste enters over the top rope. They make their way to the centre of the ring where Holmes stands in the spotlight, holding his arm up high, holding one finger upwards while Celeste does the same. They are holding hands with their spare limb. Then, the lights come back on in full.

Connor: Pretty unanimous boos for the tag team champs. You have to wonder if their experience as a team will help them trump their opponents tonight.

Cohen: They are getting booed because they are good. They took out Saboteur to win the titles, and haven't looked back. They don't care what the fans think and I applaud them.

The ref goes over last minute instructions as Barbosa and Howard talk strategy. It is decided that Barbosa will start things off against Steven Holmes. The two men quickly circle before they tie up. They fight for supremacy, with Barbosa backing Holmes into the corner. The ref calls for a break and Barbosa reluctantly gives up control. The two return to the center of the ring with Holmes going low on the World Champion. He manages to get behind and hit a clubbing blow to the upper back. Barbosa stumbles away and Holmes follows, grabbing him and spinning him around. He hits a couple of solid right hands before he ties up and works to secure a headlock. He uses it to pull Barbosa to the corner and he tags in Celeste. With the headlock still secured, Celeste comes in and hits a swift kick to the ribs. She follows it up with a couple of elbows to the back, before she grabs Barbosa around the waist and connects with a belly to back suplex. She rolls into a cover..
And Barbosa powers out. Celeste is still in control as she stomps away at the leg of Barbosa. He manages to crawl to the safety of the ropes and stand up, but Celeste keeps up the attack. She grabs hold of an arm and wrenches on it, wringing it around. She sweeps the legs out from under Barbosa, before she latches onto a chin lock. She reaches out and tags the extended hand of Steven Holmes, who steps in and kicks the face of Barbosa. He covers the champ as Celeste steps out of the ring..
Barbosa manages to kick out again at one, but Holmes is still in control. He grabs the head of Barbosa and Irish whips him into the ropes. Holmes doesn't see Howard tag himself in however. Barbosa is able to duck at attempted clothesline from Holmes, just as Howard launches himself into the ring with a springboard clothesline of his own. He connects and the crowd begins to get fired up. He begins to work Holmes over with a series of sharp punches, causing him to cover up. When he does, he further showcases his MMA background, taking Holmes to the mat and unleashing a brutal series of punches to the body. The ref steps in to pull the two apart, with Howard sneaking in a clean shot to the face on the way out.

Cohen: He can't do that! Punching a beautiful woman in the face, how dare he!

Howard backs off long enough for Celeste to stand before he goes back on the attack. A stiff kick to the midsection doubles Celeste over and Howard connects with a snap suplex. He floats over into a pin..
And Celeste gets a shoulder up. Howard keeps up the pace, pulling Celeste to her feet. He attempts to Irish whip her, but Celeste is able to overpower Howard and reverse. A shot from Holmes, unseen by the ref, causes him to stumble. Celeste takes advantage by connecting with a hip toss. She takes a moment to catch her breath before she tags in her partner in crime. Holmes instantly goes on the attack, targeting the neck and shoulder area. He plants a knee into the back of Howard and pulls back on his arms, executing a surfboard. Howard screams in pain, his bad shoulder slowly being forced from the socket.

Connor: Howard is in serious trouble, his shoulder nearing a breaking point.

Holmes tries to pull back even harder, but Howard manages to slip an arm free. He uses it to grab a hand full of hair and break the hold. Howard tries to crawl to the corner, but Holmes is able grab him and drag him back to the center of the ring. A couple of straight rights softens Howard up enough to set up a suplex. Holmes lifts Howard high, and plants him down hard. He keeps the suplex hold locked and and showing impressive power, lifts Howard to his feet a second time, planting him back down with a second powerful suplex. He forgoes a pin attempt to tag in Celeste. As he tags Celeste in he hops to the second turnbuckle. A shuffle side kick knocks Howard to the ground, allowing Holmes to come off with a double foot stomp, straight into the gut of Howard. Holmes rolls out of the ring as Celeste hooks the leg...
Thr...No! Howard manages to get his foot on the rope.

Connor: Great ring awareness by Howard there. He was likely done, but had the presence of mind to get his foot on the rope.

Cohen: Howard was likely done indeed. A shear stroke of luck there.

Celeste lifts Howard to his feet, and starts to connect with a series of knife edge chops to the chest. Howard is staggering, barely on his feet, when Celeste calls for the Spirit Crusher. She fires it off, but Howard ducks. Celeste regains her footing and turns right into the TKO! She is planted down hard, and Howard is also out!

Both Celeste and Howard begin to stir, the crowd coming alive as Barbosa extends his arm as far as possible.
Celeste in on her feet, giving chase to Howard, but Howard dives and tags in Barbosa as the crowd explodes. Celeste pulls up, but Barbosa is on her, taking her down with a huge clothesline. She hops up and is met with the same result. Holmes charges in but runs into a brilliant sambo suplex. He rolls out of the ring as Celeste is back on her feet. She charges in but runs straight into the Doppelgänger!
Two! Steven Holmes is back in the ring, but James Howard flies in with a springboard kick, taking him out

Here are your winners, the team of Barbosa and James Howard!

Barbosa raises his arm for a moment before Howard rolls back into the ring. The two shake hands before they go their separate ways, each man keeping a tight grasp on their championship belt.

Connor: Unbelievable victory the team of Howard and Barbosa tonight. It took them nearly the entire match to get on the same page, but they proved victorious over the tag champs.

Cohen: A solid win no doubt, but Holmes and Celeste showed the teamwork needed to stay a force for a long time. I'd still pick them nine times out of ten Cat.

Connor: Well that about does it for us here tonight. For Jack Cohen, I'm Cat Connor, we hoped you enjoyed the show tonight. Good night everyone.

As the end credits roll on screen the final shot is of Holmes and Celeste in the ring checking on each other while Barbosa's theme music plays.
Yaz: Howard/Barbosa vs. Magnitudinis, Segments
Harthan: Zeus vs. Corvus & Daggershield, Bobby Adams & Grizzly Bob vs. Demon Foreigners, Segments
Haiku: Isabel Stone vs. Diabolos, Segments
Killjoy: Ramparte vs. Jonathan Hyada, Segments

Thanks everybody for joining us. Come back tomorrow for the last stand of Mayhem!
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