Ascension 68

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Narrator: Tonight, Ascension 68 will play host to a deadly main-event.

The camera shows the mad-man Barbosa and then shows The Elite Steven Holmes.

Narrator: Tonight is not about championships. It's about blood.

We hear an audio clip from when the announcers freaked out after Barbosa put Steven Holmes through the announcer's table on Meltdown 90 during the Kingdom Come PPV cycle.

Narrator: Tonight is about revenge.

The camera shows a clip of Holmes laying in the wreckage of the table and Barbosa standing tall over him.

Narrator: Not only for one's self, but for allies as well.

The camera shows a clip of Barbosa beating Celeste Crimson at Kingdom Come V to become the #1 Contender for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Narrator: What is left for a man who has lost the thing he loves the most-

The camera shows a clip of the distraught Steven Holmes after losing the world title at Kingdom Come V.

Narrator: And only a grudge to sustain him.

We see a clip of Holmes talking about being better than Showtime and being more worthy than Barbosa of a title shot.

Narrator: Can the elite exact revenge?

We see a clip of Holmes staring maniacally.

Narrator: Or will the path of the destruction continue?

We see clip after clip of Barbosa destroying people like Holmes, Showtime, Celeste, and Vega.

Narrator: Tonight, in the main event of Ascension 68... We find out!

Suddenly, the intro video kicks up for everyone at home.​



Saboteur is sitting at a folding table with a sign in front that says, “New Tag Team Partner Auditions,” written in orange crayon. A small line has formed with hopefuls that would like to be tag team champions along with Saboteur. At the back of the line is Backstage Worker Bob, in front of him is Hollywood Jameson and his extra skin, and in front of Jameson is Armando Paradyse. At the very front of the line, though, is the most swagtastic superstar in WZCW.

Ricky Runn: So check it, I’m thinking you and me could be the next Runn Reynolds Runn, and just like Triple R, I’ll be the star of the team. I’m thinking we make our team name Ricky Runn and the Swagtastic Seven, and we hire six other bros to stand around the ring and peep out the babe sitch in the audience.

Saboteur: Yeah, whatever. What I’m really looking for right now is somebody to have my back if I get jumped by TSA goons or Holmes and Celeste or Whoopi Goldberg. Do you think you can do that for me?

Ricky Runn pauses in deep reflection.

Ricky Runn: Dude… what if we could Yeezy to be our manager? Yo, that would be so tight.

Vance Bateman cuts to the front of the line and starts waving his arms.

Bateman: Alright ladies, nothing to see here, if you don’t have a match on Ascension then get the hell out of my arena!

The line disperses and Bateman turns his attention to Saboteur.

Bateman: Look for a new partner on your own time, Saboteur, not when you have a match. Now hit the bricks, slick, that bout is coming on next!

Saboteur rises and glares at Bateman.

Saboteur: Alright Bateman, I’ll go, but I’m on to you.

Saboteur excuses himself from the table but yells one final warning as he’s walking away.

Saboteur: You can tell Whoopi that I know what she’s up to, and I’m coming for her!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall and it is second round match for the Gold Rush Tournament!

The crowd pops at the announcement from Anderson. However, the crowd immediately turns sour as they hear a theme they dread.

The ever controversial Justin Cooper makes his way out onto the entrance ramp. He grins evilly as the crowd soaks him in boos.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia, weighing 210 pounds, Mr. Cooper!

Connor: Well partner, Justin Cooper shocked the world last round as he not only returned from a few months hiatus, but he snuck his way into the Gold Rush Tournament to advance to round 2 after not even being advertised!

Cohen: No shock here CC. Cooper has proved time and time again that he can swing with the best. Do you not remember when he beat Constantine and Chris K.O. in the same night?

Connor: Trust me, I remember. Cooper won’t let us forget.

Cooper is now in the ring as he stalks the ropes and waits for his upcoming opponent.

The crowd shouts in glee as the man they all have to come love known as The Beard makes his way out of the gorilla position. Beard slaps his chest in pride as the crowd continue to love on him.

Anderson: And the challenger, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, "The Manliest Man in Professional Wrestling" The Beard!

Connor: He goes from trumping his friend Grizzly Bob to become the manliest man in WZCW to defeating a vital member of TSA to reaching this point. The Beard is at a crossroad in his career, and I think a win or loss here could really define his future in this company. He has proven to be a great superstar, but can he become one of the elites?

Cohen: I hate to say it CC, but I can’t deny that the Beard is hot. However, he is facing a major tidal wave in Justin Cooper.

The camera shows Beard entering through the ropes as he makes his way into the ring. He strokes his beard as he steps towards Cooper, but then backs up to his corner. Cooper stares at him coldly.

Cohen: Here is another fun stat CC, did you know that Justin Cooper is 2-0 against The Beard.

Connor: The third time's the charm, right?

The referee is now checking on both men. He requires a nod from both of them, and he gets it. With that, the bell is rung and the match begins.

Beard aggressively stomps to the center of the ring as Cooper meets him head on. They both go in for a high grapple and lock up until Beard overpowers Cooper and throws him down. However, Cooper no-sells the throw-down and quickly gets back up. He rushes at Beard, but Beard responds by sending two large palms into his chest. Cooper flails backwards, but then under-hooks in for a European Uppercut! The pop is crisp as Beard flails back. This gives Cooper enough time to run over to a set of nearby ropes. He bounces off of them and returns to Beard with a flying shoulder block. However, Beard meets him shoulder-to-shoulder and sends Cooper falling onto his back. The crowd pops as Beard roars in masculinity. He holds up his elbow and drops it on the chest of the grounded Cooper! Beard stays on for the cover as the referee slides in,


Beard gets barely anything as Cooper kicks out and rolls away. Beard climbs to his own feet and now both men are standing. Cooper slowly backs into a nearby corner and crouches as he examines his opponent. Beard didn't come to wait, he came to fight. He rushes to the corner where Cooper is, but Cooper ducks out and rolls underneath the ropes to the outside. Beard is able to catch himself as Cooper now stands outside with his back turned to the manly superstar. The crowd at ringside boo him, but Cooper just tells them to shut up. He looks back towards the ring, but he is horrified to see that Beard is gripping the top ropes and leaping forward! He tucks and rolls as he executes a cannonball senton over the top rope and straight towards Cooper. Cooper side-steps just in the nick of time and Beard crashes into the outside barricade! The crowd gasp as Cooper catches his breath in relief.

Cohen: What a bone-headed maneuver!

Connor: Beard was seeing gold as he sacrificed his body. But it was all for naught.

Cooper steps back over to Beard, who is gripping his neck in pain on the ground. Cooper yanks him up by his neck and carries him over to the apron. He rolls Beard inside and then follows after them. Cooper crawls onto him for the cover,


Beard kicks out to the shock of many. However, Cooper is quick to capitalize as he sends a few punches into the forehead of Beard. He then proceeds to pull him up to his feet. Cooper kicks the gut of Beard and grapples his head. He then hooks one of his legs to pull him back for a fisherman’s suplex! He bridges on the downfall and the referee slides in for a count,


Cooper shakes his head “no” to the referee to let him know of his disagreement with the count.

Cohen: Look at him CC. Look at what the foolishness of the Beard cost him. He can’t just put his body on the line like that against such an elite opponent in Justin Cooper.

Connor: I will admit that he seems to be paying for it. He is favoring his neck whenever he gets a chance.

Cooper returns to his feet, and pulls the large Beard up with him. Beard is in a complete daze as Cooper whips him into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Cooper gets into a stance that appears to set him in motion to execute a scoopslam. Beard returns with the momentum, but just as he reaches Cooper he lunges forward and hits Cooper face-first with his beard and chin. The crowd pops as Cooper falls back onto the ring mat.

Connor: An innovative flying Beard out of nowhere!

Beard and Cooper both rise to their feet at the same time. Cooper will not be had and proceeds to retaliate. However, he walks right into the burly arms of Beard, who wraps him up. Cooper tries to flail free, but Beard is already pulling him in for a belly-to-belly suplex. Beard gets up from the belly-to-belly while holding his neck. However, upon rotating his neck he pops it. Beard then smiles as it seems he got the crink out. He beats his chest wildly as he backs up from Cooper, who is slowly stirring to his feet in a daze. The crowd is going absolutely nuts as Beard begins stomping his foot; hyping up the big boot he is about to place in the face of Cooper. Cooper finally staggers up to his feet as he slowly turns around to face Beard. Beard rushes in and goes for a colossal big boot, but no! Cooper ducks out of the way and gets behind Beard. Beard takes a moment to collect himself, but he walks right into the arm of Cooper going around his neck. Cooper is about to execute his finisher, Your Final Verse! Cooper gets ready to pull back, but he is stunned by an elbow into his neck from the aggressive Beard! Cooper loosens up the hold, and it allows Beard to roll behind Cooper and hook an arm in-between the former Elite X Champion’s legs! He pulls Cooper into a roll-up pin with the the roaring crowd behind him. The referee slides in for the count,

Cooper wiggles his legs violently. Beard’s hand is open as he tries to press the pin down with his forearm.
Cooper seems to be wiggling free and looks to break the count, but then suddenly we see the free-hand of Beard grab onto the tights of Cooper!

The crowd roars in approval as the referee rushes to raise Beard’s hands. Cooper flops out of the pin and immediately begins yelling about his tights.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and advancing to the semi-finals of the Gold Rush Tournament, The Beard!

Cohen: Did something about that look odd to you CC?

Connor: A little, but I think it was just an accident. Who cares, Justin Cooper is a creep! The Beard advances!

Cohen: Hmmm..

Beard is already out of the ring as he plays to the crowd, who love on him immensely. Cooper is still in the ring arguing with the referee. The camera cuts to commercial with the last shot being of Beard celebrating.


We cut backstage and we see Dustin Hunter and his valet, Katie, watching footage from Meltdown where Chris K.O. got counted-out against his opponent S.H.I.T. on a flat-screen television in the hallway. Suddenly, Chris storms into the camera view down the hallway. He walks down towards Hunter, who quickly turns off the TV. He runs up to meet Hunter.

Hunter: Look Chris, what you did for Katie and I this past week, well I want to make it up to you tonight. I'll take care of Howard. Don't worry.

Chris stops and stares at Hunter.

Chris: That robotic loon spoiled my plans on Meltdown, but I don't need your help at all. Whatever you think you owe me, forget it! I need to send a message tonight, and I'm going to do it on my own.

Chris walks off camera, leaving Hunter with a serious look upon his face.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd explodes in cheers as the sound of the Beastie Boys blasts through the arena. He jumps out of the entrance area, embracing the cheers of the fans as he holds his Tag Team Championships up high, rotating around 360 degrees before heading down the ramp and hi-fiving the fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, he is the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Saboteur!

Connor: Saboteur had a huge win over former WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Steven Holmes, last round on Ascension. Now he finds himself in the sights of the Sacrificial Altar, taking on D.C. tonight as he looks to stay hot since winning the tag team championships at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Ignoring the idiocy of him trying to hold both of the tag team championships by himself, he didn't even properly beat Holmes last week! It was a fast count!


Anderson: And his opponent, from The City of Angels, weighing 220 pounds, "The Future" D.C.!

D.C. makes his way to the entrance stage with a microphone in hand. He shouts into it as soon as he's visible.

D.C.: Cut the music!

Connor: D.C. apparently has something to say to the entire WZCW Universe.

Cohen: He's an important man! He can't wait around to make his thoughts known - they've just got to come out!

The music ends and every eye turns toward D.C., who makes his way to the ring as he talks.

D.C.: It's time for everyone in this company to understand why we're doing what we're doing - why I'm doing what I'm doing. There's an idea out there being spread by the likes of Drake Callahan that we're just rabid dogs, or hired muscle. That is a crock of ----

The broadcast is muted briefly as the crowd boos and mutters amongst themselves.

D.C.: If any of you think that the Sacrificial Altar answers to the powers that be, think again. We answer only to the one, true, higher power, and it is through his guidance that we will save this company. This little tournament? Nobody cares. A loss here and there? Nobody cares. The Altar is on the path of destiny. We're on the path that was designed for us before anyone was even here. We're on the path that the Grand Mystique chose for us, and that, for all of you ignorant, backwater morons is to take over this company. We're not here to convert you. We're here to tear down your idols, kill your heroes, and conquer. You want the good guys to stop us? Well, get used to this - there aren't any good guys. There's just us, and we're the evillest sons of bitches you've ever seen.

Connor: Disturbing thoughts from D.C. there, but the Sacrificial Altar apparently wants to be clear that they're going nowhere anytime soon.

D.C. finally finishes as he steps into the ring. Saboteur is closely examining - or attempting to examine - the sole of his boot before a tap on the shoulder from referee Elizabeth Prince reminds him of the impending match. D.C. drops the mic and takes off his shirt, readying himself for the match. The bell rings and we are ---


Cohen: Oh, come on! He's got nothing to do with any of this!

Connor: Are you forgetting that D.C. went after Drake Callahan after his match with David Whitman last night on Meltdown?

D.C. turns back to face the entrance ramp, anticipating the imminent arrival of Drake Callahan! The crowd turns as well, not sure what to think of the development. Drake arrives on the stage to a decidedly mixed reaction, microphone in hand. He raises it, but only scratches his head before shrugging and pointing back at the ring. D.C. yells something - only to take an elbow to the back of the head from Saboteur! D.C. drops to one knee as Saboteur runs backward, charges, and NAILS HIM WITH THE DEATH BLOW! He covers and gets one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Saboteur!

Cohen: Oh, come on! D.C. clearly wasn't even ready!

Connor: The bell rang, Jack! That's an official decision!

Saboteur's arm is raised by Prince but the cameras turn rapidly toward Drake Callahan, who tosses the microphone aside and charges toward the ring! Saboteur looks at the oncoming charge and points at the crowd, calling for them to help him out before he slides out of the ring, leaps and bodysurfs his way to safety. Drake pays him no mind as he slides into the ring, locking in the Bitter End on D.C.!

Cohen: Someone get him out of there! This isn't a match!

Connor: Drake's not particularly interested in the fine details, Jack!

Drake wrenches hard on the Bitter End as D.C. tries to tap, but Jack Cohen is right - this is no match! Drake keeps the hold on - but transitions over to an armbar! He wrenches even harder and D.C. lets out a scream of pain, still tapping!

Cohen: He's going to cause serious injury!

The crowd is going wild as they watch D.C. writhe in pain, until ---


The music of the Sacrificial Altar plays as all three remaining members appear on the entrance way! Whitman and Westhoff charge the ring with their leader, the Grand Mystique, making his way along more deliberately! Drake keeps the hold on as long as he dares before breaking it off and standing to meet the charge of Whitman and Westhoff. Whitman gets there first and throws a right hand at Drake - Drake blocks and kicks Whitman in the gut! Westhoff comes at him from the side and Drake throws an elbow, sending him back. He steps forward and knees Whitman in the face - and he gets a huge lariat from Mason Westhoff to send him crashing to the mat!

Connor: The Sacrificial Altar is out for the rescue, but it might to be about to become a search and destroy mission.

Cohen: You reap what you sow, Cat. Drake tried to take out D.C., but he forgot about the backup.

Mystique reaches the ring as Westhoff kicks at Drake furiously on the ground. Whitman briefly checks on D.C., who is clutching at his arm and screaming something at Whitman. Whitman looks over his shoulder at Mystique and goes to him at a nod from his leader. Mystique says something to Westhoff and Westhoff stops kicking, instead pulling him to his feet. Westhoff lifts Drake and elevates him - CRUSHES HIM WITH THE WRATH OF THE ALMIGHTY! Westhoff backs off and Whitman takes his turn, pulling Drake to his feet, and NAILING THE BURNING HAMMER! Both Westhoff and Whitman pull Drake to his feet, sending him reeling toward the Grand Mystique. Mystique holds Drake's chin for a moment, shouts something at him before grabbing hold of him and DESTROYING HIM WITH THE HAND OF PROPHECY!

Connor: This is difficult to watch, Jack...

Cohen: And Drake trying to break D.C.'s arm wasn't? He deserves this, if you ask me!

Westhoff pulls D.C. to his feet to join them in the center of the ring. D.C. is clutching his left arm in serious pain, but raises his right hand along with the rest of his allies in the Sacrificial Altar as their music plays, Mystique keeping one foot on the prone body of Drake Callahan as the crowd boos furiously at the assembled stable.


Beard walks down the halls, looking tired and sore but pleased after his victory over Cooper. Becky Serra catches up to him, microphone in hand.

Becky: Beard? Can I get a few words about your victory?

Beard: The victory doesn’t matter now. What matters is the semi-finals at Redemption. I’ve shown that I’m capable of beating the best this company has to offer, and I’ve shown that I can win this whole tournament.

The sound of clapping comes from off-screen. The camera zooms back to show Blade in the frame, applauding Beard.

Blade: A good victory, Beard. But, if I’m remembering the brackets correctly, that means you and I will face off in the semi-finals at Redemption. I respect what you can do in the ring, but I don’t plan on being stopped.

Beard: You’re awfully confident for someone who hasn’t been impressive in two years. This is 2013, people don’t care about your victory over Titus, or your EurAsian title run anymore. When’s the last time you had a victory that mattered?

Blade: I don’t know, but the next victory that matters will come at Redemption, when I beat two people in one night to become the number one contender. And I’ll start with you.

Beard remains umimpressed as he keeps his steely gaze on Blade.

Blade: But look at the bright side. At least you’ll have a match at the Pay Per View. See you then, big guy.

Blade walks off as a hint of a smirk is noticeable under Beard’s facial hair.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd erupts in cheers as Ace Stevens enters on the stage as the beat kicks in with a confident smile on his face. He admires the view from the top of the ramp before walking down, fixing up his hair as he high-fives fans on the way down.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 228 pounds; "The American Hero" Ace Stevens!

Connor: This is Stevens' first time back on WZCW television since Kingdom Come where he fought in a brutal Mayhem Rules match against the current Mayhem champion Vega for the title.

Cohen: He seems to be very prone to injuries, CC. Every time he loses a Mayhem title match, he gets injured. First Apocalypse and now Kingdom Come.

Connor: Well Jack, he is here tonight and looks as fit as he has been and he comes back to a huge challenge.

Ace slides into the ring where he is greeted by referee Keith Morse before looking out to the audience, leaning on the ropes as he smiles at the fans. He then asks for a microphone and a ringside worker obliges. He hands him the mic and Stevens takes to the center of the ring.

Stevens: Hey guys.

The crowd lets off a quick cheer.

Stevens: I took a beating at the Dodgers Stadium when I challenged Vega for the championship and after all I threw at him, I didn't get the job done. Hell, I couldn't even make it to the shows last time we were live. But just because I went down doesn't mean I'm out yet. I'm still standing here and I'm ready to climb that mountain again even though I missed out on the Gold Rush tournament. Tonight, it starts with Zeus but considering he got knocked out of the first round by Matt Tastic, I guy who I almost equal in Mayhem championship reigns, I guess it shouldn't be too hard to get the ball rolling.

When one star begins to fall, another one takes its place. Ace Stevens star will begin to burn bright once more and for that, I promise.

Stevens puts the microphone down on the ground for the ringside worker to reach in and grab, taking it back to the timekeeper's area. Steven proceeds to take off his jacket and glasses as he waits for his opponent.

Cohen: Strong words by Stevens but can he truly back them up?


The crowd begins to boo heavily as the eerie music of the good doctor plays throughout the arena. Zeus comes out with his signature hospital bed, pushing it down the ramp as the titantron flickers furiously.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus!

Cohen: Just because he suffered one loss doesn't mean he is falling any time soon.

Connor: Zeus has had bigger things on his mind as of late, namely the recent appearance and mind games of Steven Kurtesy who seems to be lurking in the shadows. That could throw anyone off their game, especially Zeus.

Cohen: Kurtesy? Pah... he isn't brave enough to show his face or come back to the company. Why should Zeus worry about an old man such as him? I'm sure Zeus is smart enough to know that this match with Stevens is the priority right now.

Zeus leaves his hospital bed against the apron before slowly getting into the ring, staring at Stevens who is ready to go. Zeus gives off a smirk as he watches Stevens do some last minute stretches. Stevens flashes back a smile to Zeus as the referee checks on both men before he calls for the bell.


Zeus approaches Stevens with caution, looking to lock-up with him but Stevens isn't interested in grappling, putting up his fists and bounces around like a boxer. Zeus lunges at Stevens but Ace moves out of the way, delivering a quick jab to Zeus as he turns around. Zeus wipes his face as Stevens begs him to come back for more as he continues to bounce around. Zeus tries to feign Stevens but Ace catches him out, jabbing him again. Frustrated, Zeus goes for a haymaker but Stevens ducks, hitting Zeus with a knife-edge chop. Zeus clutches his chest as Stevens goes in, hitting Zeus with repeated kicks before smacking him with a European uppercut. Whilst Zeus is momentarily stunned, Stevens gains some steam and hits Zeus with a high knee, knocking him out of the ring. Stevens raises his hands to the air as the crowd cheers for him whilst Zeus slowly gets to his feet, recovering from the barrage of strikes from Stevens. Zeus is very angry, kicking the barricade as he walks around the ring.

Connor: Ace has done an excellent job to unravel Zeus so quickly.

Cohen: You're out of your mind. Zeus just started off this contest badly, is all. We all have our bad days. He just needs to focus and regroup.

Referee Keith Morse gets to a count of 5 before Stevens decides to take matters in his own hands, pursuing Zeus who doesn't appear to be focused on his opponent. Stevens grabs Zeus by the back of the head and slams it into the barricade, much to the delight of the fans before throwing him into the ring. Zeus tries to get up but Stevens catches him with a swinging neckbreaker. He covers...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Zeus.

The good doctor tries to get to his feet on his own but Stevens assists him before hitting him across the chest with a knife-edge chop, sending Zeus into the corner. Stevens takes a couple of steps back before running at Zeus, looking for a corner splash. Zeus manages to push himself out of the corner, causing Stevens to take the blow. Zeus gains some speed and rebounds off the ropes with a running bulldog onto Stevens. Zeus takes a moment to recover as Stevens rolls to the outside.

Cohen: Where's he going?

Zeus shakes his head as he sees his opponent exit the ring, deciding to do so as well. As Stevens turns around, Zeus is there and begins choking Stevens on the outside, using two hands to push him towards the barricade and bend his back over the top rail.

Zeus: A great therapy session thus far Steven, you've really broken the seal
But I've got to ask you one question - how does this make you feel?

As Zeus continues to choke Stevens with the crowd booing this display, referee Keith Morse exits the ring and pulls off Zeus, demanding he bring Stevens in the ring. Zeus smirks as he delivers a throat thrust to Stevens. Morse warns Zeus and tells him last chance as Zeus grabs Stevens, shoving him into the ring. As Stevens gets up, Zeus levels him with a lariat before finishing off with a leg drop. Zeus covers Stevens...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Ace as Zeus smiles wickedly.

Connor: I'm not so sure if Zeus knows that this is Ace Stevens and not Steven Kurtesy.

Cohen: If Zeus envisions the latter option, he'll have a lot of motivation to end this one decisively.

Zeus has gotten Ace in a dragon sleeper variation, wrenching his neck back. Morse checks on Stevens and is in prime position to call the submission but Stevens refuses to quit. Slowly, Stevens is able to get to his feet with the crowd solidly behind him, supporting him. Stevens fights back with a couple of shots before Zeus lets go, allowing him to hit another knife-edge chop before gaining speed. He runs at Zeus but the good doctor is prepared, lifting Stevens up and slamming him down with a Samoan drop. Zeus quickly covers...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out again by Stevens.

Zeus mounts Stevens almost immediately, delivering a series of headbutts to the grounded Stevens. The good doctor stands up and positions Stevens underneath the bottom rope, hitting the Decapitator on Stevens as he holds his neck, almost choking. Zeus covers again with an elbow across the face of Stevens...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out for a third time.

Zeus looks in another submission to the head of Stevens, this time keeping Ace on the ground and is in complete control with Morse in perfect position.

Cohen: Can't hold on forever.

Connor: Ace comes from the land of Mayhem, Jack. He's been hit with much worse.

Once more, the fans begin to cheer for their hero of the match and although Stevens is slow to respond, he manages to muster the energy to get to his knees. He lifts up one knee and tries to stand up but Zeus has the leverage, unable to stand. However, Stevens hits Zeus with a couple of elbow shots to the temple before performing a desperation snapmare, breaking the hold. The crowd cheers as Stevens crawls on the ground, looking to mount a comeback as Zeus recovers quickly. The good doctor goes over to Stevens and picks him up but Stevens hits a series of jabs. Zeus breaks the momentum up with a throat thrust before whipping Stevens across the ring. Zeus goes for a back body drop but Stevens retaliates with a facebreaker knee smash. Zeus lifts his head up and holds his nose before Stevens manages to pick up Zeus for an Airplane spin, twirling around a few times before putting Zeus back down. Both men are groggy from the spinning but Stevens capitalises with a lifting DDT. Stevens finishes up with a slick of the hair and an elbow to the heart of Zeus before going for a pin attempt...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Zeus.

Stevens sits up and gets to his feet, leaning on the ropes for a couple of seconds before signalling for the end of the match. He measures up Zeus as he gets to his feet, looking for the Punchline but Zeus evades very early, causing Stevens to stop in his tracks. He turns around and Zeus tried for Euthanasia but Stevens blocks it, holding the doctor's arm before transitioning it into the Winged Eagle (cross armbreaker)! The crowd cheers as Zeus panics slightly, trying to escape the hold as Morse asks Zeus if he is going to quit. Zeus refuses as the pain shoots through his arm, especially as he slowly gets to his feet with Steven still on the ground, holding the arm tight. Using his free hand, Zeus grabs the jaw of Stevens and locks in Euthanasia. Both men are inflicting pain on each other with a double submission.

Connor: A double submisson! Both men have got their finishing submissions locked in on each other and we appear to be at a stalemate.

Cohen: Now it's about who will break first.

Stevens and Zeus stare at each other as they hold the submissions but it is Ace who starts to fight, using his legs to smack Zeus across the face and arm he is using to lock in the submission, eventually causing Zeus to let go. Zeus steps back and then stomps on the face of Stevens with authority, causing Stevens to be dazed for a couple of seconds, enough time for Zeus to escape the hold but Zeus stumbles over Stevens, crawling on his hands and knees as Stevens recovers. It takes a few seconds but it is Stevens who gets to his feet, going over to Zeus who has flipped on his back and holds his arms up as if to say "no more." Stevens laughs as he gets close but Zeus kicks the patella of Stevens, causing him to spill forward and giving Zeus the opportunity to lock in Pulling the Plug (gogoplata). Stevens, caught by surprise in the center of the ring, has no idea how to escape and he flails about as he tries to figure it out. However, due to exhaustion and previous damage, Stevens fades fast before referee Morse calls for the bell due to Stevens slipping into unconsciousness.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Dr. Zeus!

The crowd boos heavily, partially due to Zeus winning but moreso for Zeus not letting go of the hold despite Stevens being out cold. Keith Morse does his absolute best to break the hold but it is a slow process to remove the Zeus from keeping the submission locked tight.

Connor: What has Zeus left to prove? He beat Stevens - no need for this.

Cohen: He's sending a message to Kurtesy, CC. He's showing him exactly what he is capable of in the ring.

Eventually, Morse has gotten Zeus out of the hold and tends to the fallen Stevens. Zeus stands up, smirking at the damage he has done and slowly exits the ring, continuing to watch Stevens lay on the canvas. He waits for a few more seconds before grabbing his hospital bed and leaving back up the ramp at a very slow pace, looking around the arena. Zeus stands on the top of the ramp, overlooking everybody before hopping onto the top of his hospital bed. Zeus begins laughing loudly with his arms outstretched.

Zeus: Where is he?
That coward Kurtesy!

Zeus continues to laugh as the crowd boos his statement whilst Ace Stevens, who has managed to recover, sits up and looks at Zeus, shaking his head in disbelief.

Connor: He's gone mad.

Cohen: But after what Kurtesy has done to Zeus over the past couple of weeks, he does raise a good question. Where is he?


Becky: Ladies and gentlemen I am joined now by Keystone City’s own, Titus!

Titus: It’s a pleasure as always, Becky.

Becky: Titus, you have a match against Dr. Coberer coming up, but right now the buzz is focused around your role in the Vega vs. Showtime main event bout on Meltdown. What were your intentions when you got involved in that match?

Titus: Well Becky, you probably know just as well as anyone backstage that Vega has been asking for a higher level of competition lately, and it seems the fearless leaders at WZCW HQ have decided to oblige him. Now Vega may have been well within his rights to use his Mayhem Title to clean Showtime’s clock on Meltdown, but that doesn’t make it the right thing to do. That’s why I interrupted the match.

Becky: I’m not sure I follow. This was a morality driven venture?

Titus: In a way, I suppose, but that wasn’t my focus. No, I just wanted to further test Vega to see if he’s truly ready to wrestle with the top competitors in WZCW. You see, Vega lost his composure out there, and it cost him the match. A true main event player would have found another way to finish off Showtime, but Vega let his personal issues with me get in the way of claiming the most important victory of his career.

Becky: So you don’t think Vega is ready to be a main event level competitor in this company?

Titus: Well that’s a rather blunt way of putting it, but quite frankly… no, I don’t believe Vega is ready.

Becky: Titus, thank you for your time.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Keystone City Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, This is… Titus!

The crowd roars as the legend enters the arena with his arms raised in the air and a growing smile grows across his face. After basking in the love of the WZCW universe, Titus starts jogging down the entrance ramp, hi-fiving the fans as he goes.

Connor: You can’t deny that no matter what city we’re in, the fans always love Titus!

Cohen: Yeah well, they’re not going to be cheering so loudly when Vega gets his revenge for losing his match thanks to Titus’ interference!

Connor: I doubt Titus is concerned about Vega right now, Jack. Titus said it himself: real main eventers keep their focus on their opponent, and that’s just what Titus is going to do as he faces a very dangerous opponent tonight.

Titus slides into the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle in the nearby corner. Titus points to his fans before dropping down and resting in the corner.


Anderson: And his opponent, weighing 150 pounds, Dr. Coberer!

The lights dim as a shadowy figure walks onto the stage, the tall and slender stature of which is unmistakably that of Dr. Coberer. The crowd boos the WZCW newcomer has he walks to the ring with little fanfare.

Connor: Dr. Coberer won his debut battle royale on last week’s Aftershock, but he did it in a cowardly fashion. Of course, I’m sure you’ll think what he did was…

Cohen: Smart, Catherine. Very smart. I don’t know when using the rules of a match to your advantage became, “cowardly.” As far as I’m concerned, Dr. Coberer just played his hand better than anyone else, and walked away with a victory as a result.

Connor: Well, tonight we’ll see if he can handle a one on one bout where he’ll have nowhere to hide.

Coberer slithers into the ring and stares at Titus, who remains unfazed in his corner. With both men in the ring the ref calls for the bell and the match begins.

Titus approaches Coberer, but Coberer stays in his place. Titus goes to lock up with Coberer, but the doctor takes a swipe at Titus’ face instead, just barely grazing Titus with his fingers. Titus rubs his cheek as he backs up and reevaluates his attack. Titus again approaches Coberer and looks to lockup with the doctor, and again Coberer strikes, but this time Titus is ready. Titus leans back out of the reach of Dr. Coberer and uses his quick reflexes to grab Coberer’s arm. Titus twists the arm, putting Coberer in an armlock, and he follows this up by kicking out Coberer’s legs from underneath him, finishing the attack by droping a leg across Coberer’s neck. Titus rolls onto Coberer for the cover.



Coberer gets his shoulder up quickly and pushes Titus away so he has room to stand up. Unfortunately, as soon as Coberer gets to his feet, Titus wraps his arms around the neck of Coberer for a sleeper hold! Coberer’s height gives him a distinct advantage as Titus stands on his tiptoes to keep the submission tight, but Titus’ weight advantage makes it difficult for the mad doctor to drag his opponent to the ropes. After several seconds in the sleeper, Coberer drops to the mat rear first, hitting Titus with a modified jawbreaker. The move does not land flush on Titus, but it’s enough to break the hold, and Coberer scurries away as Titus rubs some stiffness out of his jaw.

Connor: Early on and it seems that both Titus’ strength and experience give him the edge over the newcomer, but this could be a window for Dr. Coberer to mount some offense of his own.

Both Coberer and Titus walk to the middle of the ring with the intent to strike, but Titus’ kick to the gut connects before Coberer is able to land a chop on Titus’ chest. Titus follows the kick with a European uppercut that swings Coberer around, and Titus takes this opportunity to grab hold of Coberer’s neck and hit a swinging neckbreaker! Titus rolls over for the pin.




Coberer’s long legs serve him well as his ankle is draped comfortable over the bottom rope. Titus is forced to break the pin and give Coberer some space to regain his verticality. Coberer and Titus again move towards each other to strike, but this time Coberer stops and allows Titus to make the first move: a kick to the leg. Coberer is prepared for this, however, and catches the leg before using it to take Titus down to the mat. With his grip tight around the Titus’ left ankle, Coberer flips the hero of Keystone City onto his stomach and lifts the knee of Titus up before driving it back down into the mat. Titus grimaces in pain, but the assault is not over. Coberer positions Titus’s left leg so that his foot is pointed towards the ceiling, then the doctor falls back on the leg, locking Titus into an Indian Deathlock! Titus howls as the very painful move inflicts serious damage to his knee and shin, but he is able to slide out of the lock with little effort. The move has still inflicted a great deal of pain in a short period of time, a fact that is evident by Titus’ inability to stand up without hopping around in pain. Coberer takes note of this and takes Titus down with a fuller leglock! Coberer grabs Titus’ leg and cranks the submission, and Titus has nowhere to go!

Cohen: It’s textbook wrestling: if your opponent is stronger than you, take out his legs, and Coberer has done just that!

Titus is thrashing around on the mat trying to grab a rope or perhaps loosen the hold, but Coberer’s grip is tight. The ref asks him if he wants to quit, but Titus violently shakes his head no. The crowd is on their feet clapping for Titus to break the hold and get to his feet, and this seems to be the push Titus needs. Titus rolls onto his back and sends kicks into the chest of Coberer. Coberer withstands the first two kicks, but is forced to break the hold on the third. Both men roll backward and get to their feet, but Coberer is much more surefooted than Titus. He charges at his weakened foe, but Titus uses his one good leg to jump into the air and brings his left leg crashing down on the back of Coberer’s skull!

Connor: Tit Drop!

Cohen: But with the left leg so damaged, will it be enough?

Coberer is on the mat, and Titus rolls him over for the pin.




The ref calls for the bell as Titus slowly gets to his feet. He is unable to place any weight on his left leg, but a smile crosses his face as his arm is raised in victory.

Anderson: The winner of the match… Titus!

The crowd cheers as the Hero of Keystone celebrates his victory. Dr. Coberer slithers back out of the ring, grabbing his head as he makes his escape.

Connor: So where’s Vega, Jack? Didn’t you say he was coming?

Cohen: Clearly Vega is too good of a sport to ruin Titus’ fun. Can’t say the same about Mr. Avion though…

Connor: Let’s just focus on the fact that Titus managed to pull off a pretty impressive victory tonight over an opponent that had him close to tapping out.

Cohen: One lucky move, Cat, and it’s going to take a lot more than one lucky move for Titus to get back to the top.


We cut backstage and we see Leon Kensworth standing by with James Howard. The crowd pops within the arena.

Kensworth: Now James, last week was a devastating loss. With your recent full plate, I have to ask, what is on your mind?

Howard: Kensworth, if I told you what I was thinking the whole world might just think I was a villian. But don't get me wrong. I'm just frustrated. I'm frustrated with brats like Ricky Runn, with bullies like Chris K.O., and friends like Mikey Stormrage. I just want answers Kensworth. I'm tired of being spoken through actions. I want words. I want explanations. Even if I have to beat them out of people. Dustin Hunter is the closest thing that K.O. has to an ally in this company. I'm going to go out there tonight and beat down a vile man until I draw out the WZCW EurAsian Champion. Ready or not, here I come.

Howard walks off camera, leaving Kensworth alone and a fading black screen.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall!

The lights go out and then come back on in blood red as Dustin Hunter walks out in his trademark hoody with his valet, Katie, right behind him. The crowd share their distaste with him.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230 pounds, "The Nightmare" Dustin Hunter!

Connor: Last week, Dustin Hunter shared the win with Chris K.O. over Jimmy Flynn and S.H.I.T., but it was not without a speed bump or two.

Cohen: That’s right CC. Hunter tried to take K.O. out with that ringmaster cane that he has been carrying around. Look, I see potential in Hunter, but if he wants longevity in this company, he needs to stay away from the wolves.

Hunter has now made it to the ring as Katie remains on the outside. She watches Hunter as he enters through the ropes and removes his hoody.

The crowd pops wildly as the former two-time WZCW tag team champion makes his way out. He is also sporting a hoody as he walks out with a spin and then raises his arms to praise from the crowd.

Anderson: And the challenger, from Leeds, England, weighing 223 pounds, James Howard!

Connor: James Howard has been dealing with a heavy load recently. First, there was the loss at Kingdom Come V to The Sacrificial Altar, then his best friend Mikey Stormrage straight up went missing and shunned him, and finally last week he made an early exit out of the Gold Rush Tournament due to the attack from Chris K.O.

Cohen: You say that last one like it is a bad thing. Howard should feel honored that Chris has singled him out. Maybe he’ll finally get to rub elbows with top tier talent! Haha!

Howard is finally making his way into the squared circle as he hops over the ropes and into the ring. He makes his way over to the opposite turnbuckle of Dustin as he begins to remove his own hoody. Now, they both stand opposite of each other in the ring. Howard is rolling his wrists as he stares down Dustin. Dustin responds by slapping his head to psyche himself up as the crowd buzzes. The referee finally attends to both men and gets s a respective nod from both of them. With that, the referee calls for the bell and the match is underway.

Dustin and Howard immediately step out into the center of the ring. They begin circling around until Dustin finally goes in for a high grapple, but Howard fires in with a jab to his jaw. Dustin flinches backwards and Howard comes in for another. Suddenly, a barrage of punches come flying at the face of Dustin until he staggers all the way back into some ropes. Howard takes advantage of this and pushes Dustin back and then pulls him forward as he whips him to the other side of the ring. Dustin runs full speed until he bounces off of the ropes. His momentum carries him back and Howard is waiting for him as he goes airborne with a dropkick into the chest of Dustin! Dustin falls back and eats the mat hard.

Dustin rebounds off of the impact and rolls up to his feet, but Howard is already standing and greets him with a kick into the gut. Dustin bends over in pain, which allows Howard to turn around and grab Dustin’s head for a snapmare! He follows up the snapmare with a butterfly lock that gets the crowd buzzing! Dustin groans in pain as Howard wrenches the manuever.

Connor: Howard has Dustin Hunter in a very early submission that could drain the former member of the Carnival of Carnage. This match could be over before we know it.

Cohen: I don’t know CC. I would like to believe that the skill of K.O. rubbed off on Hunter from last week when they teamed up.

Howard continues to pull on Dustin’s arms as he groans in pain. The referee is kneeling next to him as he inquiries whether or not Dustin wants to give-up. Dustin refuses and Howard finally decides to let go. Dustin falls back onto his back in pain as Howard stares down at him from a standing position. He reaches down and grabs a handful of hair as he pulls him up into a grapple. Howard reaches for some tights as he yanks Dunter back for a snap suplex! Howard crawls onto Dustin for the cover,

2/Kick Out!

Howard rises to his knees off of Dustin and looks down at his opponent. He sends in a couple punches into his forehead before continuing to pick him up into a standing position once again.

Cohen: Howard has controlled this match from the beginning. Hunter needs to spring to life!

Howard grabs the arm of Dustin and whip him into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Dustin bounces off of them and returns to Howard, who is prepared to strike. However, Dustin turns sideways and drives an elbow into the chest of Howard out of nowhere! Howard grabs his chest in pain, but Dustin is already reaching in to lift Howard on his shoulders and drop him back down on the other side for a snap fireman’s carry slam. Howard is still gripping his chest in pain as he rolls back up to his feet, almost no-selling the fireman’s carry slam. Dustin has positioned himself in a crouching position as Howard turns and staggers right into a sidewalk slam from Dustin! The crowd boos as Dustin stays on for the pin,

2/ Kick Out!

Connor: An unexpected spurt of energy from Dustin Hunter as he takes control of the match!

Dustin doesn’t get the count he wanted and is frustrated as he jumps up and begins sending several kicks into the side of Howard. Howard rolls with each one until Dustin kicks him all the way to the ropes and out of the ring! Howard falls off of the outside apron and onto the black mat down below. The referee runs over to the ropes and peers down below before beginning to count Howard out. Dustin walks into the center of the ring and taunts at the fans as they boo him mercilessly. The referee is at 3 now as Howard looks to be stirring on the outside. Dustin notices this as the referee makes his way to 4. Howard is now crouched over as he rises to his feet and hops up onto the apron and rolls himself in under the bottom rope. Dustin will have none of it as he proceeds to bounce off the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. He returns to the defenseless Howard and slides in for a drop kick that sends him flying back out of the ring and under the bottom rope! Howard shoots into the barricade and crashes down on the outside.

Cohen: Ruthless aggression; I love it!

Dustin gets up to his feet and runs to a turnbuckle as the crowd boos him. He climbs it and points down at Howard as he taunts him. The referee begins to count out Howard again as he reaches 2. Dustin just continues to taunt and taunt as the referee continues his count,





Suddenly, Howard begins to stir on the outside.


Howard finally stumbles up to his feet! Dustin notices this and hops off of the turnbuckle.


Howard makes it over to the ring apron. The crowd is really buzzing now!


Howard quickly rolls in and makes it to his feet as Dustin is crouched on the other side of the ring. Howard notices this just as Dustin charges him for an assault. However, Dustin is not prepared for what Howard does next. The former tag-team champion pounces off of one foot and jumps up to deliver a stiff knee strike into the jaw of Dustin.

Connor: Dustin has to be seeing stars!

Dustin looks highly dazed as he stumbles around like a wobbly building. Howard just waits for Dustin to fall. Finally, the former carnie stumbles onto his knees right in-front of Howard. Howard smiles and looks out at the crowd. He steps up and begins delivering a series of kicks into the chest of Dustin. The crowd pop for each crisp sounding kick. Finally, Howard to pulls back for the final one. He heaves back his leg and goes in for a deadly blow, but no! Dustin drops and ducks underneath it. He quickly gets back up to his feet behind a bamboozled Howard. He grabs him and pulls Howard back into a German suplex with the bridged pin! The crowd is stunned as the referee slides in for the count,


Cohen: We almost just witnessed a huge upset!

Both men spring out of the broken bridged manuever. They slowly crawl to their feet at the same time and charge each other in the center of the ring, but it is Dustin who gets the first shot in, and it could prove fatal for Howard. Howard eats a kick into his gut and bends over, which puts him in prime position for Dustin to pull him in and tuck his head in-between his legs. Dustin taunts the crowd and seems to be signalling for his finisher, Dream Crusher. He reaches down to pull the arms of Howard through his legs, but he takes too long and Howard whips out the legs of Dustin right out from underneath him! Howard then crawls over Dustin and up to his head. He roughly puts himself into position and locks in-

Connor: Tenzan Choke! Tenzan Choke! Dustin Hunter is at the mercy of James Howard in the center of the ring!

Cohen: This is bad for Hunter!

The crowd is going wildly as Dustin goes crazy while locked in the deadly submission. Suddenly, the camera shows someone hopping the barricade at ringside. It is none other than the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O., and he has a steel chair with him!

Cohen: Look CC, it is Chris K.O.!

Connor: What a snake!

He jumps onto the apron and the referee takes notice. He runs over to stop Chris, but Chris nails him with a steel chair shot.

Connor: Disgusting!

Howard notices this and releases Hunter from the submission. He tries to quickly get to his feet and approach the in-coming EurAsian Champion, but Chris is already in the ring and sends the top of the steel chair into the stomach of Howard. Howard bends over in pain as Chris drops the chair; only to pull Howard’s head down with a DDT onto the steel! The crowd is red hot as they boo the hell out of Chris. The champion gets up to his feet and reaches down for the arm of Howard. He drags him over to the center of the ring and then pulls the damaged Dustin over on top of him. Chris drops to his knees and slams the mat three times quickly. He gets up as the crowd continues to boo him and yells at the officials to ring the bell, but they refuse.

Connor: This isn’t a win! This match can’t even continue because Chris K.O. has taken down the damn referee!

Cohen: It’s a “W” in my book! What an upset!

The crowd continues to boo as Howard groans in pain on the ringmat, with the dazed Dustin rolling over to the side of the ring. Katie is there to pull him out and tend to him. Chris gets handed a microphone from a ringside official as he begins to address the situation.

Chris: Congrats on your win Hunter, but James and I need to talk.

The camera shows Dustin leaning up against the apron on the outside as Katie attends to him. The crowd boos as Chris walks over to Howard and looks down at him.

Chris: You know, you really should take this as a compliment. The fact that I’m targeting you and coming out here to make your life a living hell. You are going to play a big role in what I am hoping to accomplish. And that is sending a message.

The crowd boos.

Chris: Sending a message to everyone in the locker-room that I am not a stone to be stepped on. I am the WZCW EurAsian Champion and I am here to stay as the WZCW EurAsian Champion. I will not be usurped by any young-ling in the back. Not even you James.

Chris crouches down and puts Howard’s head into a headlock as the crowd boos once again.

Chris: Next week, you and I are going to have a little match. A non-title one. And James-

The crowd boos.

Chris: And Oklahoma City.

The crowd boos even louder!

Chris: I’m going to make sure the message is sent!

Chris slams his microphone into James head as he stands up. His music begins to play as the crowd just lights him up with boos. Chris hops back over the barricade and walks up the ramp. The camera shows Howard holding his forehead in the ring, and then the camera shows Hunter backing up the stage ramp with Katie by his side. The camera fades to black.


Steven Holmes & Celeste Crimson are heading towards the gorilla position but before they can prepare themselves, Leon Kensworth enters the equation and stops them from going any further.

Kensworth: Steven, do you mind if I ask you a quick question about-

Celeste grabs the microphone off Leon, not letting him finish.

Celeste: There is nothing that my darling needs to say. Tonight, we'll let our actions speak for us.

Celeste drops the microphone as Holmes & Celeste head off.

Connor: Steven Holmes vs. Barbosa, coming up next.
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Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Celeste Crimson, he is “The Elite” Steven Holmes!

Out on the stage the lovely duo appears holding hands. Holmes holds Celeste out and the two share a kiss before heading for the ring.

Connor: This is a chance at early redemption for Holmes. He has a chance to get back at Barbosa tonight for what happened several weeks ago.

Meltdown 90 said:
[/COLOR]Barbosa turns around and sees Holmes with the chair. Holmes looks at the chair and then shakes his head “no.” He shouts, “It wasn’t me.” But it is too late. Barbosa is enraged as he grabs the chair from Holmes and yanks it out of his hands. He slams it into the head of Holmes, who drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring. Celeste is there to help him as she quickly pulls him over to the announcer’s table to retrieve his world championship. However, Barbosa is already out of the ring and is there to greet them. Celeste rushes at him, but Barbosa nails her with a chair shot! The crowd is crazy as Barbosa proceeds to send a chair shot into the gut of Holmes.

Cohen: He has lost it!

Barbosa drops the chair and tucks Holmes’ head in-between his legs. The crowd is cheering wildly as Barbosa picks up Holmes and drops him into the announcer’s table!


The crowd is roaring in approval as Barbosa stares coldly down at Holmes.



Holmes looks on in disgust at what was just shown as Celeste consoles him.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Bedlam, Barbosa!

Barbosa appears on stage as the crowd pops. He looks on soaking the atmosphere without much expression and heads down to the ring.

Cohen: This man is a sick mind. But you can't outluck someone as skilled as Steven Holmes twice. This is Holmes' night.

Barbosa gets on the ring apron and looks at the crowd. It's just enough for Steven to attack him from behind forcing referee Jun Akiyama to ring the bell.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Steven is quick to go after the fallen Barbosa as Celeste exits the ring in the opposite direction. Holmes lifts and pushes Barbosa against the barricades at ringside several times with the utmost brutality. It's followed up by hard punches to his head as Jun begins to count for a ring out.



Steven grabs his foe by the head and drives him against the ring apron as Barbosa finally shows symptoms of pain.



Steven grabs Barbosa's arm and slams it against the nearby ring post for damage. A second and a third time follow as Barbosa tries to get away to shake off the pain.

Cohen: Keep on him, Holmes. He's got this one now.

Connor: Don't undersell Barbosa. He's surprised us before.



Steven re-enters the ring to break the count as Barbosa tries to compose himself. Steven argues with Akiyama. Distracting him long enough for Celeste to attack Barbosa from behind for a brief glimpse as the crowd loudly boo's. Steven stops and heads back out for Barbosa. But the resourceful manic clubs the elite in the gut to force some separation. He shoves Steven onto the barricade hard and heads for the ring. Steven gets his wits about and heads in as well. Barbosa clutches his arm but delivers some heavy shots on his adversary before sending him off with an Irish Whip. He catches Holmes with an Inverted Atomic Drop and then combo's it with an STO to provide the first cover of the match.



Thr-- But Holmes kicks out.

Cohen: Oh great. Shake it off, Holmes.

Connor: I told you he can surprise us.

Barbosa gets up and tries to pull up Holmes. But Holmes, realizing the earlier damage to arm cranks on it with an arm wrench. He pulls Barbosa down and scissors him to ground him as the ref asks if he wants to give up. A resounding but painful “NO” keeps the match going as Holmes applies the pressure. Barbosa tries desperately to pull himself and Holmes to the ring ropes to break the hold as Celeste is by the area yelling at Barbosa to give up.

* Bar-Bo-Sa! Bar-Bo-Sa! Bar-Bo-Sa! *

The crowd loudly chants for the manic in support as he keeps on pulling. Referee Jun Akiyama has to instruct Celeste to back off as her boyfriend struggles to keep Barbosa down. But after a bit, Barbosa makes to ropes to break the hold. But Holmes wont let go. Jun argues and begins to count.





Fi-- As Holmes finally relinquishes the hold. Barbosa gets up as does Holmes. Celeste gets on the apron, arguing with Jun. “He has until five” she says which gives Holmes enough time to sneak a rake to the eyes of Barbosa. He follows with an impactful German Suplex to send the #1 Contender down.

"Holmes Has No Balls!"
* Clap-Clap * Clap-Clap * Clap *
"Holmes Has No Balls!"
* Clap-Clap * Clap-Clap * Clap *

Cohen: Not this nonsense again. He's keeping that rampaging loon down and he has no balls? I don't get that.

Connor: It's just the fans having fun, Cohen. Lighten up.

Cohen: No.

Holmes goes back to the arm dropping big knee drops on it as Celeste cheers on. He presses Barbosa down to the mat for a pin.




Barbosa kicks out which prompts Holmes to drop more knees on his arm and hook both legs for another attempt.



Thr-- But once again, it's just a near fall.

Cohen: Holmes is wearing down Barbosa. How long can he keep up before he's forced to give up?

Connor: I gotta wonder how Barbosa comes to that decision of tapping out or not.

Cohen: I imagine a poker table being flung and several small Barbosa's fighting it out.

Holmes gets frustrated from the nearfalls failing and argues with Akiyama as Barbosa tries to get up. Holmes goes back to him, but Barbosa is able to fight back. Several punches are followed by a Sambo Suplex as Barbosa throws out a primal scream to pump himself up. He follows up with his patented Duplicity. The combo DDT's now turn the match completely on his favor as Celeste panics. He tries to raise Holmes up for a Powerbomb but is unable to due to the arm. Holmes tries to take advantage but gets countered into the Split Personality backbreaker. He tries to pick up Holmes for the Doppleganger but once again the arm gives out.

Cohen: Oh-oh. Now what? Barbosa's finishing move is totally useless!

Connor: Oh boy. Now I really think Holmes has this.

Holmes grins slyly realizing the fruits of his damage and goes to finish off the seemingly distraught Barbosa. He knocks him down with the Superiority Execution and turns him for the Aristocracy Reigns. Barbosa screams in pain with no way out. The referee checks as Celeste screams for him to tap. But no answer. Just yells. Barbosa tries to scurry under to escape the hold. He slips under the legs and gets back up. Holmes attacks but gets caught as Barbosa attempts another Sambo Suplex. His only effective attack of the match. He throws his hips and lift Holmes up. The force was great enough to flip Barbosa himself over.

Connor: Wa-.... Was that?!.....

Cohen: The Final Act?! Are you kidding me? A standing Final Act?!

Connor: Oh my God, he did! That was Showtime's Final Act!!

He covers Holmes.....




Anderson: The winner of the match, Barbosa!!

Connor: He did it! He beat Holmes clean this time!

Cohen: Holmes had this match in the bag. Barbosa couldn't use any power moves. Where did he get that Final Act from?

Connor: I told you he could surprise us. At least Holmes didn't go through the announce table.

Barbosa gets his hand raised as Celeste enters the ring to console and secure Steven Holmes as he lays on the ground. Holmes holds up a hand to Celeste's face and caresses it, causing her to get infuriated. She stands up and looks at Barbosa who has his back turned to her, clenching her fists as she shakes her head.

Connor: What is Celeste thinking...?

Celeste charges at Barbosa, tackling him from behind and sending him into the turnbuckles, throwing shots into the back of Barbosa as he tries to cover up. The crowd boos as this assault continues with Akiyama pulling back on Celeste, attempting to stop her. She wriggles out and flails her arms about, smacking Akiyama and knocking him down. She stares back at the fallen referee before turning around to see Barbosa fighting back!

Cohen: Barbosa's hitting a girl!

Connor: And Celeste knocked out a referee. Barbosa is defending himself.

Barbosa manages to knock back Celeste a couple of steps, sending her into the turnbuckles. Barbosa takes a couple of steps back and looks to hit the roaring elbow but Holmes manages to pull Celeste out of the way. Barbosa runs into the corner, Holmes drops to his hands and knees and Celeste is able to hit a shuffle side kick on Barbosa, knocking him down. Celeste goes over to Holmes, helping up to his feet and the share an embracing kiss as they both smile wickedly. They both turn to the recovering Barbosa as Celeste holds his arms behind his back.

The crowd erupts in a sea of cheers as Holmes & Celeste stare at the entrance ramp to see the music of the World champion play.

Connor: Finally, someone to stop this!

Showtime comes and runs down the ramp, sliding into the ring with his World championship. Showtime stands up and looks to do something but he stops in his tracks, hesitating to make a move. Celeste looks on as she continues holding Barbosa hostage as he begins struggling. She looks over to Holmes and all he does is smirk at the fact that Showtime is almost torn as the crowd pleads for Showtime.

Connor: What are you waiting for Show?

Cohen: To help or not to help Barbosa. That is the question.

Showtime tells Holmes to politely step away but he asks what him if he is going to do anything about it. Before Showtime has a chance to respond...

Again, the crowd pops at the arrival of Saboteur who bolts down the ramp. He slides into the ring, pushing past Showtime as he attacks Holmes. The two men get into a brawl as the crowd cheers, especially when Barbosa manages to escape from being held back by giving Celeste an arm drag.

Connor: Thank you Saboteur!

Saboteur manages to clothesline Holmes out of the ring whilst Barbosa grabs the fallen body of Celeste and tosses her to the outside. The crowd cheers as Saboteur & Barbosa manage to defeat the bad guys. However, something snaps in Barbosa quickly as he goes up to Showtime, pushing him with as much strength as he has left, sending Show back as he was caught off guard. Show gets angry and pushes Barbosa as well and look to go to blows but Saboteur acts as the mediator, getting in between both men and preventing anything from happening. Show & Barbosa exchange words as Saboteur keeps them bay, sharing an intense staredown as Holmes & Celeste recover on the outside.

Cohen: Let them fight, Saboteur! Let Showtime come out to do what he wanted to do.

Connor: And what was that? We still don't know whether Showtime wanted to prevent the attack or do the bidding himself whilst Barbosa was down. Either way, we we'll have to wait to find out the answers as we have to sign off. This has been Cat Connor and Jack Cohen with Ascension. Goodnight, everybody.

We end with the Show & Barbosa staring off, Holmes & Celeste smirking as they head back up the ramp and Saboteur getting jittery as he has to deal with the situation in the ring.

BLADE - Segments
FALKON - Zeus vs. Stevens, Segments, Ending
HARTHAN - D.C. vs. Saboteur
KERMIT - Cooper vs. Beard, Hunter vs. Howard, Opening, Segments
KILLJOY - Barbosa vs. Holmes,
JGLASS - Coberer vs. Titus, Segments

Hey everybody, I hope you guys all had a swell weekend. Here we are with show #2. Expect Aftershock up tomorrow. Cheers and congrats to the tournament advancer!
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