Ascension 62

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the Frog
Narrator: Tonight... on Ascension 62-

Shot of “Showtime” David Cougar answering his cell on Meltdown 86.

The WZCW World Heavyweight Champion-

Showtime spears Steven Holmes to the mat and unloads punches on him.

Has a bone to pick with the number one contender for his title-

Holmes stands on the stage ramp, waving Showtime’s cell phone.

Who has Holmes contacted that has enraged the WZCW Champion?

Drake Callahan hits Faded Memory on Showtime and pins him 1... 2... 3.

And a war has started over someone’s identity-

El Califa Dragon takes down Callahan, but is hit by a clothesline by Chris K.O.

Two men are determined to reveal El Califa as the Harbinger of Chaos-

Callahan and K.O. have their hands on El Califa mask when Showtime swings a chair, just missing them.


Shots of all five men, plus Celeste Crimson, in action.

Showtime and Holmes lead their respective teams in the Main Event, a 6 person tag team match-

Shot of Showtime pinning Celeste to retain the World Title.

Will Celeste be able to coexist with her team?

Shot of El Califa speaking privately with Showtime.

Will El Califa be able to trust Showtime?

Shots of Holmes, Callahan, and K.O. each backstabbing someone in the ring.

Will the three egos on Holmes’ team be able to coexist for one night?

A close up of Holmes and Showtime with the WZCW Title behind them.

That match and more will happen tonight on Ascension!


Pyro shoots up from the stage and loud cracking pyro explodes from the top. The camera shoots around at the audience on attendance as the location for tonight's show, Omaha Nebraska, is displayed on screen.

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentleman, I am Cat Connor and alongside me as always my partner, Jack Cohen, and tonight Jack we got a star studded 6 person tag team match as out Main Event.

Cohen: Huge star power that you will only find here in WZCW. The World Heavyweight Champion verse his number one contender. Drake Callahan verse El Califa, and Celeste and K.O. have a huge history against one and other. This match has big implications for all wrestlers as they look to build momentum for Lethal Lottery which is just one month away.


The crowd erupts with cheers as WZCW Champion “Showtime” David Cougar walks onto the stage. He stands at the top of the ramp and holds the belt above his head, which brings on huge pyro that shoots up behind him. The crowd roars and Showtime walks down the ramp.

Connor: And kicking things off here on Ascension, it looks like the World Champion wants to address a few things before his match later tonight.

Cohen: He always knows how to make an entrance.

Showtime heads towards the ring and stops to pose with a few fans with cameras for pictures. He gets to the stairs and climbs into the ring. Showtime stands on the second rope and holds his belt up, getting loud cheers as he heads towards Anderson, who hands him her mic.

Showtime: First, I just want to say that I’m really excited to be here in Omaha, Nebraska!

The crowd cheers loudly as Showtime waits for them to quiet down.

Indeed, it’s a real thrill to be here, it is almost as exciting as being able to finally get my hands on Holmes in a match where he can’t run from. Holmes is a terrific wrestler and at Lethal Lottery it will be an honour to defeat him once again for the WZCW Title, but lately as you may have all seen by my behaviour towards him, he’s been getting just a little bit under my skin of late. It’s true, the coolest champion in WZCW history is getting his feathers riled up by a peacock, a man with a lot of pomp, but no circumstance in any of his claims. No, a peacock is much too good to call Mr. Holmes, this man is much more like a bug crawling up your skin, and once you get ahold of it, you finally squish it.

Showtime drops the mic and pretends to squish something on the mat. He kicks his leg back and then picks up the mic.

Erik will you please clean that up. That’s what you seem to be out here all the time for, cleaning up your brothers messes. Maybe I should be taking Holmes a little bit more seriously, after all he is the number one contender, but I’m having so much fun comparing him to other living creatures. You know what, I got one more, this is it, the animal Holmes is most closely related to is... the donkey.

The crowd laughs and Showtime gets them to start a “Hee-Haw” chant.

Seriously though, this match between Holmes and myself is beginning to get very personal. He has begun to infiltrate my private life, my personal space that has nothing to do with him or this belt. My family does not need to be harassed by this individual, and Holmes if you continue I promise you that I won’t let up until I leave you a bloody mess on the mat.

The crowd cheers loudly as Showtime lowers the mic and then brings it up.

But enough of all this negativity, we are going to try and have lots of fun here tonight. That’s what we all came here to see, good matches and to share some fun and excitement. What I would like to do next is invite my team down to the ring and show Holmes, Callahan, and K.O. that we are united against their bullying and their lies. So everyone please welcome first, El Califa Dragon...

Showtime points to the stage as the music plays.


The crowd boos as instead Steven Holmes walks onto the stage. He looks back towards the curtain and instead of his brother Erik Holmes, a short bald man in a suit walks out with a briefcase. The two begin their walk down to the stage.

Connor: Instead of El Califa, Holmes seems to have answered Showtime’s call. I wonder who he has brought with him?

Holmes enters the ring and then assists the other man into the ring. Holmes walks across the ring to grab a mic, with his eyes glaring at Showtime’s with a smile on his face.

Holmes: What’s wrong Showtime? I’m hearing all this anger coming out of you. After all that I have done, I’m surprised you wouldn’t want your family out at ringside to watch you compete at Lethal Lottery. I guess maybe that’s because you don’t want them to see you get embarrassed and humiliated by me in the ring, which is precisely what will happen when we fight.

The crowd boos loudly as Holmes continues.

I’m really glad you came out here and expressed such barbaric rage and threats towards me. It validates the board of directors recent decision they made regarding us. Please let Mr. Smyth explain.

Holmes hands the mic to Mr. Smyth who opens his briefcase.

Mr. Smyth: Mr. Cougar, I am a lawyer that represents WZCW and its board of directors and I have in my hand a contract signed by all the board members that you, “Showtime” David Cougar, are not allowed touch Steven Holmes, unless physically provoked or unless you are competing against each other in a match, until your match at Lethal Lottery happens. Now the board has not outlined what punishment would occur if such an event happened, but they have stated that they would review the situation and consequences would be handed out, which could be as stern as a suspension and the stripping of your WZCW Title.

Mr. Smyth leaves the documents for Showtime to look over and then quietly exits the ring. Showtime glances at the papers and then drops them as he is about to leave.

Say where are you going Showtime? You’ve said it before that you’re the biggest star in this company, that you’re irreplaceable. There’s no punishment laid out there, why don’t you take a chance and strike me down like you said you wanted to.

Holmes holds his arms to the side defenseless as Showtime stands and contemplates it. He then shakes his head and straddles through the ropes and starts to walk away.

Showtime... please don’t go. What would Brenna say?

Showtime stops in his tracks on the ramp.

You know Showtime, your wife, what would she say? You know, I just happen to have Brenna’s number here. Why don’t I just give her a call now and ask?

Showtime turns around and heads back towards the ring and slides in. Showtime stands face to face with Holmes, no more than a mere inch away. Holmes smiles and laughs as Showtime’s fist is clenched, but then he relaxes it and turns back and exits the ring, taking Holmes mic with him. Showtime turns back and speaks.

Why don’t you try asking again after I kick your donkey-ass later tonight.

Showtime turns back and heads up the ramp as Holmes smiles in the ring, until the fans resume their "Hee-Haw" chant.

Connor: An explosive confrontation to kick off Ascension here tonight.

Cohen: I would say so, it leaves me very excited to see what will happen later tonight.

Connor: And Jack tonight is going to be full of action. The Elite X champion Sam Smith is in action taking on former champion Mick Overlast. Connor Reese and Ricky Runn battle for Lethal Lottery Immunity and a No DQ match between two hungry new comers, Trash and Dustin Hunter, is coming all up right after the break.
Anderson: The opening contest is a No Disqualifications match, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers as the former musician hits the stage, rocking the "metal" horns in the air. He bangs to the music before running down the ramp, hi-fiving as many fans as he can before sliding into the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 227 pounds; Thrash!

Thrash gets to the turnbuckles and ascends them, throwing up the metal horns once more before looking out into the audience, pointing to signs in the audience that shows support for him as well as getting the crowd into the music.

Cohen: What an awesome match to kick-start the show by throwing the rulebook out the window.

Connor: Well I don't think Vance Bateman had a choice - whether this match has disqualifications or not, I can guarantee that this will be turning into a fight considering how this rivalry has panned out thus far.

Cohen: With Hunter making a statement using Thrash as an example, you mean? Dustin was doing whatever he could to make a name for himself and he did just that.

Connor: So has Thrash who has been doing so with victories under his belt as well as getting the backing from this crowd.


Boos can be heard throughout the arena as Dustin Hunter slowly walks onto the stage with a hoodie over his face, stopping at the top of the ramp and turning around. Behind him, another superstar walks out: "The Addiction" Brent Blaze, who comes up beside Hunter and shakes hands before making their way down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 230 pounds; "The Nightmare" Dustin Hunter!

Connor: This is an interesting development as it seems Dustin has some back-up for this match: is Blaze out here for revenge from his last match with Thrash or is there something more to it?

Cohen: Who cares? It's a smart move on Hunter who has gotten himself some insurance just in case things go south. Blaze has beaten a few stars here since his recent inception so he isn't someone to laugh at.

Connor: Thrash better be careful and find an equaliser... fast.

Hunter enters the ring as Blaze stays on the outside, lingering around ringside as Hunter slowly takes off his hoodie, throwing it in the direction of Thrash that manages to hit him in the face. Thrash grabs the hoodie and throws it outside as the referee, Dillon Morse, asks both competitors if they are ready. They both scream yes and the bell is signalled, starting the match.

Just like a competition stallion, Thrash bursts out of the gates and instantly takes down Hunter to the ground, going for the mounted position and hammering Hunter with shot after shot. The crowd is loving the action as the two roll around in the ring, looking to get the advantage with fists flying everywhere. The two get too close to the apron and both roll to the outside. They are both quick to get to their feet, whereby Hunter is able to crash tackle Thrash straight into the closest barricade. Thrash clutches his back as Hunter takes a second to shake his head before grabbing Thrash by his, slamming it against the top of the barricade. Thrash bounces off and is on the ground crawling as Hunter is hot pursuit, delivering a kick to the gut of Thrash. Hunter signals for Blaze to get him something and he obliges, going over to the commentary booth, grabbing two steel chairs. The crowd boos as Blaze is getting involved somewhat who passes one of the chairs to Hunter before backing off, placing the other chair down so Blaze can sit on it and watch the action instead of getting involved. Hunter kicks Thrash once more before delivering a chair shot to the back of Thrash. Blaze claps as he relaxes on the chair, asking for Hunter to do a chair shot for him. Hunter nods and repays the favour Blaze did earlier, hitting another shot to the back of Thrash before discarding the chair away. Hunter gets on top of Thrash and delivers a series of elbow smashes without any interruption. The crowd boos as Hunter gets up and taunts the fans, yelling at them that this is what Thrash deserves. Blaze calls out to Hunter to continue the great work and applauds his efforts, despite what the crowd thinks.

Connor: A very one-sided affair thus far in favour of Dustin.

Cohen: I'm telling you, CC: Brent Blaze was a smart investment for Hunter even if this rivalry doesn't particularly involve him.

Thrash uses the barricade to trip to get to his feet but Hunter delivers a clubbing blow to the back Thrash, causing him to go back down to his knees. Hunter then picks up Thrash slowly before yanking his arm and delivering a fireman's carry onto the thinly-padded concrete. Thrash continues to clutch his back as Hunter remains on his knees with a smile on his face. He gets up, looking for the recently discarded chair and throws it into the ring before going back over to Thrash, picking him up and doing the same. He slides in as well, attempting a pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Thrash as determined by the referee (Dillon). Hunter gets to his feet as Thrash crawls to the nearest corner, looking to use the turnbuckles to get to his feet. He (Dustin) picks up the chair and measures up Thrash, ramming the edge of the chair into the back of Thrash who drops to his knees again with his face buried in the second turnbuckle. Hunter then opens up the chair, placing it down a couple of metres away from the corner and looks to be leaving enough room for a run up as Thrash slowly gets back to his feet. Thrash turns around to face his opponent charging at him, using the chair as a platform to dive off, hitting a corner dropkick onto Thrash who immediately collapses to the ground. Hunter quickly rolls Thrash into a cover... 1... 2... Thrash just kicks out in time to which Hunter contests with the referee who dismisses the claim with a laid-back attitude. He decides not to waste time and applies a sleeper hold-esque submission on Thrash, keeping him grounded for the time being.

Cohen: Dustin has been utilising that chair well; he could probably come up with 10 different ways of punishing Thrash in this match without even thinking!

Connor: The more he delivers, the less chance Thrash has of winning or even surviving this match. He better come up with something or hope his opponent makes a mistake.

The crowd start to get behind Thrash, creating a slow applaud and chanting his name as Hunter continues to apply the pressure. However, the noise of the crowd pumps the adrenaline through the veins of Thrash who looks to be gaining the energy to mount some sort of comeback. Blaze has stood up from his seated position, trying to convince the crowd to be quiet but it is to no avail. Thrash is able to feed off the crowd, slowly getting to his feet and begins walking in a circle, building enough momentum to run at a corner and duck at the last second, causing Hunter to smash his head on the top turnbuckle. Hunter staggers back as Thrash leans on the ropes to catch his breath and gets back to his feet. Hunter moves forward again but gets a back kick for his troubles, followed up by Thrash running at Hunter with a knee lift. Both men go to their knees as the crowd cheers for Thrash and Blaze leaning on the apron, concerned for Hunter. Thrash gets to his feet and staggers to the ropes, leaning on them for a second as Hunter moves towards the chair, folding it up and looking to use it as a weapon. Thrash turns around and sees Hunter going for a swing but Thrash ducks, grabbing the back of Hunter's neck and delivers a instant neckbreaker. Thrash grabs the chair that Hunter used to wield and smacks the canvas with it, looking to deliver his own pain to his opponent, waiting for the right time to strike. As Hunter gets in the perfect position, Blaze jumps up on the apron and distracts Thrash who goes for a swing but Blaze avoids the contact. He turns around to see Hunter going for a tackle but Thrash evades, smacking Hunter along the back as moves past. Hunter rebounds off the ropes, allowing Thrash to drill a chair shot straight across the face of Hunter that knocks him to the canvas. Thrash looks to call for the finish, slapping his knee to signify the end.

Connor: This could be it for Hunter!

Cohen: C'mon Blaze, do something.

As Thrash sets up for his finisher, Blaze slides into the ring with a chair of his own and decides to charge at Thrash. He goes for a swing but again, Thrash evades and the chair bounces off the top rope, rebounding back into the face of Blaze. The crowd cheers loudly as Thrash clotheslines Blaze to the outside of the ring, looking down at Blaze. Thrash turns around and he is met by a step-up enzuigiri by Hunter, causing Thrash to go groggy and drop down to a knee. Boos come from the crowd as Hunter calls for the end, setting up for the Dream Crusher and taunting to the crowd that he is going to win this match for a few seconds. Just as he looks to complete the move, Thrash is able to surprise Hunter and lifts him up; For Whom The Bell Tolls connects on top of the chair that Blaze dropped! Thrash makes the pin...

... 1

... 2

... 3!

The referee signals for the bell as the crowd cheers. Thrash is able to get to his feet and have his hand raised by the referee as Blaze is almost on his feet on the outside. Before Thrash can relish in the victory, Blaze slides into the ring as Thrash exits, celebrating with the fans on the outside as Blaze checks on Hunter.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Thrash!

Connor: Despite the assistance of Brent Blaze at ringside, Thrash was able to overcome the odds and come away with another victory this week over his rival Dustin Hunter. A well-earned victory for the former musician.

Cohen: I doubt both men will forget about this match though - this was the one match that Dustin needed to win and he couldn't rise to the occasion. He'll need to go back to the drawing board but this potential partnership with Blaze is intriguing...

Thrash walks up the ramp as Blaze helps Hunter to his feet, who isn't looking too impressed with the loss he racked up. Blaze tries to give him encouraging words but it doesn't seem to work as Hunter looks away, putting his hands on his hips as he shakes his head.


We cut backstage and we see WZCW Superstar, El Califa Dragon lacing up his boots. We hear a small cheer from the crowd within the Ohio arena. Califa continues lacing until he sees another pair of boots enter the scene. The camera zooms back and it reveals none other than Steven Holmes. Califa looks up at him, but then continues to lace up his boots. Holmes rubs his chin and smiles as he walks behind the bench and behind Califa. He looks down at him and speaks.

Holmes: Califa, I have no qualms with you. Now my partners do, but I care not who you are or what your purpose is in this business.

Califa continues lacing, but it appears that he is listing to the aristocrat.

Holmes: What I do care about is making sure that no one gets duped by David Cougar any longer. You know David Cougar, right?

Holmes moves to the other side of Califa, but is still behind him.

Holmes: The same David Cougar that wrestled with Ty Burna at Kingdom Come III and probably knows him better than either Drake Callahan or Christ K.O. The man knows Ty Burna inside and out. In fact, I have it on good authority that Cougar would do anything to make sure that Ty Burna never comes back and steals his limelight. Ever since he has been gone, Cougar has flourished. So why would Cougar ever want Burna to come back?

Califa finishes lacing his boots and sternly stands up to address Holmes.

Califa: Do you have a point?

Holmes just smiles.

Holmes: All I am saying is that I am sure if you were Ty Burna that Cougar of all people will be able to figure it out. Especially after teaming with you tonight.

Holmes slightly bows and then backs out of the room and out of camera view. Califa just looks on as the camera transitions out.


We cut to a different area of the backstage where things have broken down. The camera at first can't catch what's going on but suddenly comes into focus on Brent Blaze and Dustin Hunter putting the boots to Thrash. They lift him up and toss him across a nearby table, Thrash landing hard on the concrete. Hunter mounts him and delivers blow after blow, Thrash unable to cover up from the assault. Blaze pulls Hunter off of him, the two nod to each other before lifting Thrash up. Hunter sets Thrash up for a German Suplex. Blaze hits a superkick on Thrash as Hunter suplexes him backwards, sending Thrash through the table. Officials finally rush onto the scene, pushing Hunter and Blaze away from Thrash. The two begin laughing as the officials check on the downed man.

Hunter: Welcome to the Carnival of Carnage Thrash!

The two turn and walk away as we focus in on Thrash getting medical attention before we go to commercial.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! The winner of this match will receive immunity from the Lethal Lottery draw!


Anderson: Introducing first, from The Dawn of a New Era, weighing in at 234lbs, Connor Reese!

The house lights go down, save a single spotlight that focuses on the curtain. Reese emerges, showing little to no emotion. He casually makes his way to the ring, rolling in under the bottom rope.

Connor: Reese, going through a bit of a funk recently. He doesn't appear to be himself in recent weeks.

Cohen: A win and a free ticket to the Lottery may just pull him out of that funk.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 220lbs, Ricky Runn!

Ricky jumps from behind the curtain, but a string of loose rhinestones from his pants catch on the curtain. Oblivious to this, Ricky takes off sprinting to the ring, taking the curtain with him. Before he gets to the ring, he trips on the curtain, tumbling down the rest of the ramp. The crowd erupts in laughter.

Cohen: Terrific. The monkey has caused more damage. I certainly hope this comes out of his paycheck.

Connor: That monkey knows how to put on a hell of a show for the fans, even if he has had a string of bad luck in recent weeks.

As Ricky rolls into the ring, sans curtain, Connor jumps him immediately, forcing the ref to ring the bell. After a handful of kicks and stomps, Ricky is able to pull himself up by the ropes, causing the ref to force a break. Runn takes his time to pull himself together, before he and Reese square off proper. Despite the speed advantage, Runn finds himself on the wrong end of some stiff right hands. Reese follows every third punch with a sharp left kick. He keeps this near perfect rhythm, eventually backing Runn into the corner. Reese continues striking until the ref reaches a count of four. Before Runn is able to compose himself, Reese jumps back in. This time he throws punches with his left hand and the kicks with his right leg to keep Runn off balance. Runn is able to partially block one of the punches, but Reese continues his pace by Irish whipping Runn hard into the corner. Reese charges, but Runn is able to duck at the last second. Reese crashes chest first into the turnbuckle, and the Daredevil seizes the opportunity with a roll up pin 1...2...Reese is able to kick out. Runn uses his speed to roll to the apron, before spring boarding in with a cross body. He stays on top of Reese for the cover 1...2...and again Reese kicks out.

Connor: A fast start by Reese, but Runn looks like he is turning the tide.

Cohen: It will take more than a roll up and a flippy move to put down an athlete the caliber of Reese.

Runn lifts Reese and sizes him up for a dropkick square on the chin. Again he goes for a cover, 1...2...and again a kick out. Runn brings his opponent to his knees, ascends to the second turnbuckle. He jumps and hit a missile dropkick to the back of Reese's head. As Runn goes into yet another cover, Reese puts his foot on the ropes. As the ref is informing Runn of the foot on the ropes, Reese shoves Runn into the referee. For a few moments referee James Aubrey is off balance, and Reese hits a low blow on Runn, the crowd letting out an audible groan. As Runn doubles over in pain, Reese goes for a Russian legsweep, driving Runn into the mat. He keeps Runn wrapped up and in an impressive display of strength, lifts Runn back to his feet, this time delivering a forward Russian legsweep. He rolls Runn over and hooks the leg, 1...2...and Runn gets a shoulder up.

Cohen: I told you Ricky didn't have what it takes to stick around.

Connor: Reese is certainly regaining control in an impressive way.

The Stark Talent Agency protege lifts Runn to his feet. He puts him in a full nelson, preparing him for the Extinction Event. As he lifts, Ricky is able to roll behind, and connects with Hell Yeah! Reese decides to roll out of the ring to take a break, but Runn follows.
He grabs his opponent from behind and connects with a punch to the jaw to Reese. He follows it up with a kick to the midsection, before Irish whipping Reese into the ring post. He does his best to use his hands to cushion the impact, but the damage is done. Runn hops onto the barricade and begins to play to the crowd, oblivious to the ref's count.
Connor: Ricky Runn in control of this match, but he needs to get his head in the game.
7! Runn encourages the crowd to throw their hands in the air, causing a young fan in the front row to spill their soda all over the barricade.
8! Reese is back in the ring at this point, with Runn finally realizing what is going on. As he turns to run back to the ring, he slips on the soda, falling into the crowd.

Mr. Aubrey calls for the bell and raises the arm of Reese.

Anderson: Here is your winner, as the result of a countout, Connor Reese!

A small amount of blood trickles from Reese's forehead as the referee raises his hand in victory. Reese stands for a few moments eying Runn, who is holding his head as he climbs back over the barrier.

Connor: I can't believe it, Ricky Runn was in control of this match, but his showmanship and string of bad luck bit him, and cost him the match.

Cohen: It isn't bad luck or showmanship Cat. He is an ignorant monkey who has been trained to sing and dance for fans.


We cut backstage where Chris K.O. and Drake Callahan have arrived in the arena. They converse as they walk through the hallway towards their private locker room.

Drake: It's time we show the world Chris. Tonight we show the world the truth that Ty Burna is hiding behind the mask of El Califa.

Chris: We will expunge WZCW of the virus that is Ty Burna. It's clear that Showtime's team can't get along, it'll be easy pickings for us.

Just as they reach their locker room, the backstage hand Bob walks up with a rectangular package in hand.

Bob: Excuse me, Drake?

Drake: I don't have time for this, what do you want?

Bob: A package arrived for you earlier today.

Bob hands over the package to Drake, who accepts it with an agitated look on his face. Bob scurries off quickly as Drake and Chris look at the curious package. He flips it around looking for a return name and address, with no luck.

Chris: it already.

Drake looks up at Chris before ripping open the package, discarding the paper quickly. He flips it back over and holds it up, revealing it to be the Ouija Board Game. A note is taped to the box and Drake flips it open.

Drake: El Califa believed you and Christopher would get bored spouting off theories to one another, so he bought you this to keep you entertained. Enjoy. El Califa.

Drake crumples the paper in his hand as his eyes widen. He takes the board game and throws it against the wall, busting the box wide open. Chris quickly leads him into the locker room, looking back at the Ouija board with a glare before closing the door. The camera pans down to the Ouija board, which has opened up and the planchette upside down on top of it. Suddenly it flips over and begins moving slowly, stopping at the letter C then H, A, O.....and we go to commercial.




We cut backstage and we see Showtime entering a locker room. The camera follows him in and we see Celeste Crimson tightening her gear. Showtime pauses because he feels a little embarrassed, but then he speaks up.

Showtime: Celeste, has Holmes came to talk to you? Califa just told me that he visited him earlier in the night.

Celeste shakes her head no.

Celeste: No, what would he talk to me about?

Showtime: Probably trying to get you to turn against me by telling you that I'm only out for myself and that I am a liar. He is trying to put the team on the rocks before our match.

Celeste just nods nonchalantly and continues tightening her gear.

Celeste: Oh.

Showtime: Alright, well then I guess it is a good thing that Holmes didn't tell you any of that stuff.

Celeste: Yeah, but you did.

Celeste proceeds to walk past Showtime and off-camera. Showtime isn't quite sure if she was joking or not. The camera fades out.
We return to WZCW and it now appears that Vance Bateman is standing inside of the ring. He has a microphone in hand and behind him is a giant easel that is covered up by a sheet. Some type of picture is being hidden for the time being. Bateman raises the microphone up to his mouth.

Bateman: Here on Ascension I always promise you the best talent and best booking by any General Manager in WZCW. Earlier in the night you got to witness a No Disqualification match.

The crowd cheers.

Bateman: And for our main event you will get to witness six of the biggest stars in our company compete in a six-man tag!

The crowd cheers some more.

Bateman: In conjunction with bringing you the best action, I also hope to bring you the best entertainment in any way possible. In that I have snagged and secured the official poster reveal for Lethal Lottery 2013 here on Ascension!

Bateman gestures at the giant veiled easel behind him.

Bateman: The Lethal Lottery in WZCW truly represents what its name is all about. The lethal aspect is that of danger and trial. One must go through 29 other men to capture a prize that very few will ever see in their tenure in WZCW. Even some of the greatest competitors in WZCW ever have the title of Lethal Lottery winner vacant on their trophy shelf.

Bateman pauses and looks out at the crowd.

Bateman: The lottery aspect is that of chance. Just like hitting the jackpot, so will the winner elevate himself into a position of glory. All chips are down at the 2013 Lethal Lottery! Titles will be on the line, spirits will be crushed, but dreams will be awakened! Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you this year's Lethal Lottery poster:

With that, Bateman pulls off the veil and reveals the poster.



The GM is interrupted by none other than the Empire where only two out of the three members enter the arena, being Justin Cooper & Alex Bowen. Cooper has a microphone in his hand as Bowen stands nexts to Cooper with his arms folded and unimpressed with everything. The two walk down the ramp together as their music dies down.

Cooper: Speaking of the Lethal Lottery which, by the way, could use a little more us in the cover photo... there seems to be a bit of an issue that has yet to resolve itself. Would you like to let Mr. Bateman know of this little issue, Alex?

Cooper hands the microphone to Bowen.

Bowen: Yes I would Justin. It seems that everybody who has earned themselves a championship opportunity since the All or Nothing has been granted a championship opportunity expected for two particular individuals and those two particular individuals are coming down to that ring where you stand Mr. Bateman. You see, I don't know if you were watching Aftershock but we defeated the Tag Team Champions fair and square, which should allow us a shot at the titles... but we have yet to see that title match.

Bowen gives back the microphone as the two climb into the ring.

Cooper: The King of the Empire defeated the Elite X champion in singles competition and he gets a title shot which is perfectly understandable so why don't you give us one? Is it because the Bearded Gentlemen have paid you off and are ducking us or is the company afraid that the Empire will take all the championships for ourselves and become the most powerful stable in the history of this company? Is-

The crowd cheers as the ranting ways of Cooper and Bowen are interrupted by the two most complex superstars WZCW has to offer; Barbosa & SHIT. They too come out with a microphone and decide to stay on the stage as their music dies down. Bateman is a little annoyed at the interruptions but is willing to let them speak.

Barbosa: Um... hi guys! Remember us?

SHIT takes the microphone.

SHIT: We are Barbosa & S.H.I.T, the team that successfully defeated the Tag Team Champions at Meltdown 87 and the team that successfully defeated the team that successfully defeated the Tag Team Champions at Aftershock 20. Therefore, we are the team that will be receiving a championship opportunity.

Barbosa: What he said.

Cooper & Bowen look quite annoyed at what has been said by their rivals as the crowd cheers in favour of SHIT's proposal.

Cooper: Just because we lost to you doesn't mean that prevents us from a shot at the tag team titles. We deserve them just as much as you two do.

Bateman: Although they do make a very good point.

Cooper turns around in disgust at Bateman's comment. Bowen cracks his knuckles at this as well, not appreciating any of this.

Bateman: But so do you two. Both the Empire and whatever the two of you call yourselves have proven that you are capable of defeating the Tag Team champions and I commend you for that. I do apologise if no championship opportunity has come around as of yet but I think we might have ourselves a very easy solution: The Bearded Gentlemen will defend their championships against both the Empire as well as Barbosa & SHIT at the Lethal-

Bateman is now looking pissed unlike the crowd who welcomes the team of Saboteur & Action Saxton with open arms. They walk out besides Barbosa & SHIT and put their hands in the air, signifying they come in peace.

Bateman: I suppose you want to claim your stake at a championship shot too, right? Well, unlike these other two teams, you haven't beaten the tag team champions so I suggest you lea-

Saxton: Hold on a minute there, sucka. Before you finish that sentence, we've got a proposal to offer.

Saboteur: We perfectly understand that the two of us have lost two PPV's in a row fighting for the Tag Team Championships and we perfectly understand that both teams have proven that they deserve a shot. But...

Saboteur gets on his knees.

Saboteur: Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please can we have a shot at the tag team titles?

The crowd laughs at the childish voice that Saboteur is putting on. Everyone looks at him like an idiot, especially Bateman.

Saboteur: With a sugar-coated cherry on top?

Bateman: I don't like cherries.

The crowd laughs as we can hear Saxton mention that they should have went with strawberries instead.

Saxton: Well... plan B, I guess. How about this: you give us a chance at the Bearded Gentlemen next week, just like both teams have had the chance this week and last. If we are able to beat the champions, will you consider us as possible contenders for shot at the titles?

Bateman ponders on this as Cooper is yelling at Vance not accept the offer and award them the titles.

Bateman: Okay, I think that's completely fair: should you defeat the tag team champions next week, you'll be added to that tag team title match at the Lethal Lottery but under one condition - this will be your final chance at capturing the titles. Should you fail to win, you will not get another chance until after Kingdom Come, understood?

The two of them look at each other for a moment before Saxton & Saboteur respond with nods.

Bateman: Good, then it is settled. Now... get the HELL out of MY ring!

Bateman exits the ring immediately and yells at the Empire to do the same. The crowd buzzes as Vance walks up the ramp and tells the other two teams to leave the arena now so the show can continue.

Connor: Wow... what a huge announcement by Bateman!

Cohen: The Empire got what they wanted but it seems a bit unfair that two other teams could be potentially involved.

Connor: Barbosa & SHIT have already earned their contendership and Vance has given Saboteur/Saxton one final chance at becoming champions since they lost the belts at Unscripted. I think it is perfectly fair.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Mick Overlast makes his way out to a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd. He stands at the top of the stage staring out at the fans before crossing his arms and walking down the entrance ramp. He walks up the steel steps, unfolding his arms and entering the ring. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle, staring out at the crowd with his hands at his side.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 240 lbs, Mick Overlast!


The Elite X Champion Sam Smith makes his way out, the belt wrapped around his waist. The crowd immediately begins booing, though having seemingly little effect on Smith. He walks down the ramp and enters the ring via the steel steps. As he stands in the center of the ring he unstraps his title and raises it up high, taunting Overlast in the process as the crowd rains down boos once again.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!

Connor: Overlast has made it clear that he's gunning for the Elite X title again since his return, while Smith is coming off a tough loss to the leader of The Empire Constantine. Smith certainly has to be feeling the pressure with so many contenders angling for a shot at his title.

Cohen: Smith was on quite a winning streak before finally falling to the King himself Constantine. I got a feeling he's going to take out the frustrations of losing out on Overlast tonight.

The ref signals for the bell and the two men lock up in the center of the ring. Smith takes advantage with a side headlock before delivering a fist to the head. Overlast stumbles back briefly before coming back with shots of his own, backing Smith into the ropes and whipping him across. Off the rebound Overlast goes for his powerslam but Smith spins off and hip tosses Overlast to the mat. Smith grabs Overlast's legs and tries for the Sharpshooter but Overlast is able to kick him off. He gets up quickly and he and Smith face off to a mixed reaction from the crowd. They circle each other in the ring before locking up again. Overlast shoves Smith's arms away and hits a quick belly to back suplex. He hooks a leg, 1......Smith kicks out. Overlast kneels up and begins dropping multiple right hands to Smith before standing up and kicking him in the chest. He gets up and drops a knee across the forehead, causing Smith to pull himself up and place a hand on his forehead as he backs up into the corner. Overlast follows up and begins punching Smith again as Smith covers up. The ref begins the five count and forces Overlast back after four. Overlast shoves past the ref but Smith gets a kick to the gut in, doubling Overlast over. Smith grabs him and quickly snaps off a suplex, floating over and going for the lateral press, 1.......2...Overlast kicks out. Smith sits him up and hooks a rear chin lock to keep Overlast grounded.

Connor: Smith is in control here, as he just connected with a picture perfect snap suplex. I'm curious though Jack, last night we saw Smith's ally Rush lose the Eurasian title in a huge triple threat match to the new champion Triple X. Smith and Rush have been so dominant until recently, are they starting to crumble?

Cohen: Absolutely not. Rush was clearly put at a disadvantage last night and Triple X like always takes advantage of the situation he gets put in. Smith is still the Elite X champion, and the pair are a force to be reckoned with still.

Overlast begins fighting out of the lock, getting up to one knee as he begins elbowing Smith in the stomach. Smith finally releases the hold and Overlast is able to connect with a swinging neckbreaker, slowing down the Elite X champion. Overlast is up and bounces off the ropes, hitting a hard shoulderblock on the rising Smith. The impact knocks Smith through the second and bottom ropes to the outside, landing outside hard. Overlast slides out after him, kicking Smith in the head before lifting him up. He drags him over to the announce table, lifting Smith up before dropping him head first across it. Smith bounces off and collapses to the ground. The ref has already begun the ten count, up to four as he yells at Overlast to bring the match back into the ring. Overlast ignores him as he pulls Smith back up and sending him back first into the side of the ring. Overlast delivers more punches, focusing on the ribs before delivering a hard right to the head. Smith looks dazed but Overlast lifts him up again, dropping him head first onto the apron. At the count of seven Overlast rolls Smith back in. He follows and goes for the cover, 1............2......Smith kicks out! Overlast looks exasperated as he stares up at the referee holding two fingers up. Smith tries to pull himself up but Overlast is all over him, lifting and sending him into the corner. He begins deliver repeated elbows to the head. He pulls Smith from the corner and goes for a short armed clothesline but Smith ducks under. As Overlast turns around Smith blasts him with a roundhouse kick! Both men collapse to the ground and the ref checks on both men.

Connor: A desperation kick from Smith has leveled the playing field and gives him a chance to recover!

Cohen: But has the damage been done? Smith looked out on his feet after the repeated blows to the head.

The ref begins the ten count as both men try to pull themselves up. Smith however reaches out and grabs Overlast's foot. Suddenly he locks in a heel hook and has Overlast yelling out in pain. Smith grapevines the hold and Overlast is reaching out desperately for the ropes. The ref asks Overlast if he wants to quit and he shakes his head no. He continues reaching out, pushing against Smith to get closer to the ropes. With one final reach he's able to get the ropes and the ref begins the five count on Smith. Smith finally breaks the hold at four, getting to his feet as Overlast holds his leg in pain. Overlast pulls himself up and Smith is quick to attack, whipping him across the to the ropes. Overlast tries for a clothesline but stumbles, allowing Smith to lift him up and hit a big sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg, 1........2......Overlast kicks out! Smith, undeterred, lifts Overlast up, hooking his arms behind him and delivering a tiger suplex. Instead of bridging the suplex he gets back up and signals for Nightfall. The crowd boos as Smith gets a sadistic grin on his face, motioning for Overlast to get up. As his opponent obliges, Smith lifts him up onto his shoulders but the moment swings Overlast close enough to the ropes and he grabs hold, but Smith is able to pull him away. Overlast is able to get off Smith's shoulders and hooks him in a suplex position. He lifts Smith up but his leg buckles, allowing Smith to counter and lift him up onto his shoulders, delivering Nightfall! Overlast collapses from the impact of Smith's knee and Smith falls into the cover, 1...........2..........3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, the Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!

Connor: Sam Smith picks up the victory with Nightfall here tonight, and perhaps puts Overlast in his rear view mirror.

Cohen: However, the shadow of The Empire is hovering over Sam Smith. Regardless, Smith is back to his winning ways.

Smith gets back to his feet and referee hands him the Eltie X Title. Smith raises the title high into the air as the crowd boos loudly. He looks down at Overlast and spits down at him before exiting the ring, draping the title over his shoulder as the referee checks on the downed Overlast. Smith proceeds to make his way to the back.

Connor: Well tonight we would like to take a moment and thank our sponsors for tonight show. First, Wheat Thins-

Connor: MUST HAVE wheat thins.

And then our other sponsor, Pepperidge Farm-

Connor: Do you remember whenever Doug Crashin was Mayhem Champion? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

As soon as Smith steps behind the curtain, Leon Kensworth is waiting for him, microphone in hand. Smith initially walks past, but Leon runs after him.

Leon: Sam, Sam, Sam. Impressive victory tonight over Mick Overlast. It seems that you have already put the loss to Constantine last week in the rear view mirror. How do you plan to learn from the loss and improve on your performance in your title defense next week?

Smith gives Leon an ugly look, before taking the mic from his hand and shoving him aside.

Smith: Of course it was impressive. I'm the Elite X champion. I have defeated every challenger who has dared try to knock me off my perch. Mich Overlast is hardly a challenger though. He goes away for months and comes back thinking he can touch me. I put him in his place tonight. Maybe he can go away for a few more months and come back when I'm World Champion.

As Leon tries to make his way back into the camera shot, Smith again shoves him aside.

As far as learning from my loss, there is nothing to learn. I had Constantine on the verge of defeat, and a few lucky elbows let him slip away. He is a tough competitor, but he is below me. Regardless, Monday night I will be on Aftershock to not only grace the peons in the audience with my presence, but to get a first hand look at John in action.


We cut to a six-panel shot of Celeste Crimson, El Califa Dragon, "Showtime" David Cougar, Steven Holmes, Drake Callahan, and Chris K.O. making their way down a hallway. The crowd lights up inside of the arena. Celeste is stretching her arm while she walks, Califa and is tightening his mask, Showtime is shaking his arms in anticipation, Holmes is smiling evilly, Drake has a scowl upon his face, and Chris is placing his mouth-guard in his mouth.

Connor: Ladies and gentlemen we are just moments away from our massive main-event. Team Showtime will take on Team Holmes in what is sure to be a PPV worthy match-up. Don't go away because the match is coming up next!
Anderson: The following contest is our main event for the evening and it is a 6 Man Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos heavily as the music of the number one contender blasts throughout the arena, especially when he walks out from behind curtain very slowly. The boos increase as his partners, Drake Callahan & Chris K.O are following behind, meeting up to him at the top of the ramp so the three men can stand tall together. All three of them look at each other, nodding in unison as they walk down to ringside. Holmes has a smirk on his face, Callahan yells various insults to the crowd and K.O holds his hands out in a holier-than-thou way.

Anderson: Introducing first, the team of Drake Callahan, Chris K.O & Steven Holmes!

Cohen: This is what makes for a scary combination, CC: it's not only because of who is on this team but how they've arrived to the ring. When will you ever see these three walk down the ramp together like this?

Connor: That's quite true, Jack. However, considering who they've got to face tonight, I don't believe they have any other choice. There is a lot of history heading into this match and I still can't believe that the GM's have let this contest go ahead.

All three men are now currently in the ring, discussing with each other strategies about how the match will go down, ignoring the request from the referee Keith Morse as to who will start first.


Cheers now drown out the boos quite quickly as the masked wrestler comes out running from the curtain, nodding his head to the music as he tries to get the crowd into the match whilst on top of the stage. Califa then stands on the top of the ramp, staring down all three of his opponents, two of which are watching him intently. He makes a slow walk down to ringside.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing in at 180 pounds; El Califa Dragón!

Connor: It still baffles me that everybody continues to name-drop Ty Burna when El Califa is around.

Cohen: After all the things we've seen happen? You can't be serious? I know Drake Callahan is a complete lunatic but the evidence is piling up and will continue to do us until the truth is exposed.

Connor: If you want to be the man to remove the mask from El Califa to find out then be my guest. I won't believe until I see his face for myself - until then, it's just like any conspiracy theory with a lot of "evidence" backing it.

Califa hops on the apron, hesitant to enter the ring without his partners although a goading Callahan beckons him to join them. Califa stands on what little ground he has secure before his team mates show up.


The crowd doesn't cheer as much for Celeste but it is still quite evident that the crowd is still supporting her, considering who her opponents are. She walks out a serious look on her face, walking down the ramp and focusing her sight on the ring.

Anderson: His partner, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 pounds, Celeste Crimson!

Connor: I can't help but think that Celeste is the odd one out in this whole situation.

Cohen: How so? She has a history with Chris K.O when he was involved with the Apostles of Chaos and considering El Califa's situation, she should have some sort of vested interest in that. Not to mention her beef with Steven Holmes that's been happening over the last couple of weeks.

Connor: I don't know... something just doesn't sit right with me.

Celeste also hops up on the apron but instead of standing next to Califa, she goes to her team's corner, and waits there, indicating that is ready for the match to start.


The crowd explodes with cheers as the current World Heavyweight Champion's music hits the arena. He walks out onto the stage, completely pumped for this match and holds his championship up high. He looks around the arena and sees that everybody in the crowd fully supports him. He then looks towards the ring where all five competitors stare at him intently, especially Steven Holmes. Cougar looks at all of them and decides to tread lightly, slowly walking down the ramp.

Anderson: And their partner, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 219 pounds; he is the current WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, "Showtime" Cougar!

Cohen: I'm not sure if you noticed but when David made his entrance, everybody in the ring, including his own team-mates, were staring at him. I think Holmes' mind games are coming into effect.

Connor: If you're a World champion, you automatically have a target on your back so it doesn't surprise me that everybody would be watching what Cougar is doing. Whether Holmes had something to do with it remains to be seen.

Show has made it to ringside and looks at both his partners. Celeste continues to watch on as Califa moves aside on the apron, allowing Cougar to jump up. Cougar enters the ring followed by Califa whilst Celeste chills in their corner. It is decided quickly that Cougar is the man to start the match, allowing the opponents to discuss at who should start first, ultimately allowing Callahan to kick-start of things. The referee sees that everybody is in position and rings the bell.

The two instantly go for a collar-elbow tie-up with Callahan getting the early advantage thanks to a well-placed knee strike. He delivers a punch to the head of Show who holds his face and backs to the ropes. Callahan goes to whip Show but it is reversed with Show sending Callahan for the run. Show prepares himself and looks to deliver a standing spinning clothesline but Callahan connects first with a running big boot to the face, planting him down. Show rolls to the ropes and tries to use them to get up as Callahan makes his way over. He picks up Show by the head and brings him to their corner, delivering a sidewalk slam. He goes for a quick cover but doesn't get past one. He keeps Show grounded as Callahan tags in Holmes who enters the ring to a chorus of boos and hits a knee drop on Show. Callahan rolls out as Holmes applies an adominal stretch close to his corner. It is a long way for Show to get a tag but it is close for him to reach for the ropes. As he does so, Callahan on the outside pulls the ropes back. The referee catches this and leans through the middle rope, warning Callahan about this who keeps the referee distracted as Chris grabs the hand of Holmes and yanks it back as far as he can without hurting Holmes, increasing the pressure that Holmes is applying and causing Show to scream in pain. The crowd boos as this is going on with Califa yelling at the referee to turn around. As the ref is done with Callahan, Chris lets go of Holmes hand and turns around to see the match going normally.

Cohen: Working as a cohesive unit already. Impressive.

Connor: Three men have to work together to get the advantage over one - doesn't sound very impressive to me.

Holmes sees that this submission attempt isn't getting anywhere and decides to request a tag from KO who accepts. The referee immediately begins counting as Holmes continues the hold whilst KO delivers a couple of shots to the gut of Show. Holmes stops at four and instantly gets back on the apron whilst KO takes control of the match. He grabs Show and picks him up from his kneeling position to deliver a European uppercut, causing Show to stagger towards the ropes. KO comes over and whips him across the ring. KO goes for a running knee strike at the oncoming Show but he evades with a forward roll and continues running. KO turns around and sees Show, running at him and getting hit by a flying elbow. Show takes a moment to recover as KO tries to get to his feet. Show is up and goes over to KO, hitting him with a knife edge chop before grabbing a hold of his head and forcing him into his corner, blocking him off from escape. After a couple of seconds, Califa tags himself into the match by slapping the back of Show. The World champion exits at Califa enters, delivering the Violent Flurry - chop after punch after chop after punch numerous times - until KO staggers out of the corner allowing Califa to go for a roundhouse kick. KO ducks the attack, going behind Califa and delivering a german suplex pin... 1... kick-out by Califa. KO is quick to get in a tag to Callahan as Califa gets to his feet. Callahan licks his lips as he goes over to Califa but before he can mount any offense, Califa hits the roundhouse kick on Callahan, making him very groggy. He finishes off Callahan with a hurricanrana, sending Callahan across the ring to Califa's corner. The Dragon follows and extends his hand towards Celeste who has yet to enter the match. She slowly tags herself in as Califa picks up Callahan, putting him in the corner and holding him there until Celeste enters the ring. Califa exits as Celeste delivers a couple of body shots, elbow strikes and kicks to the cornered Callahan, picking her spots carefully. She grabs Callahan and delivers a Belly-to-Belly, tossing him across the ring towards his team-mates. As Celeste gets up, KO is able to reach over the ropes and tag himself into the match, quickly entering the ring. Celeste is shocked to see KO as delivers a spinning wheel kick to take her down. He gets up and taunts to the crowd as they boo heavily at KO.

Connor: A mistake on the part of Celeste there, giving the opposing team a chance to recover.

Cohen: And that's what you do: when your opponent slips up, take advantage of it as much as you can because when you've got high-profile stars like these, you take what you can get.

Celeste is almost up to her feet as KO approaches her, delivering a toe kick to the stomach of Celeste before picking her up and slamming her down with a scoop slam near her team-mates. Callahan is back on the apron now and requests to enter as KO tags him in. He keeps a foot on her stomach as Callahan enters and delivers a standing shooting star press onto Celeste. KO exits as Callahan gets up, finishing things off with a standing moonsault on Celeste. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Celeste. She does her best to try and get to her corner but Callahan grabs the legs of Celeste and wraps around them, locking in a figure four leg lock. The submission queen does not react to the hold in pain but is flailing about, trying to find a way to get to the ropes or attack Callahan to break the hold. Callahan screams for her to tap as he continues the pressure but Celeste still has no reaction other than trying to escape. After a few more seconds of the hold being locked in, she turns herself and Callahan on their stomachs, switching the pressure to Callahan who definitely feels the pain. Callahan lets go of the hold before any major damage is done as Celeste tries to get to her feet but the submission has slowed her legs down. Callahan gets to his feet almost immediately and stalks Celeste, calling for the end of the match. As she gets up, Callahan goes for the Faded Memory but Celeste slips behind Callahan and staggers a bit. Callahan turns around is met by a sloppy shuffle side kick but it still gets the job done, stunning Callahan for a moment to allow Celeste to hit an Evenflow DDT. Holmes & KO look worried and begin discussing something as Celeste looks to be crawling for a tag to any partner. Just as Celeste tags in Califa, KO & Holmes charge at Show and Califa, knocking them down off the apron. Holmes goes over to Callahan and drags him into his corner as KO exits the ring, going after Califa. He hits a running knee strike on Califa before slamming his head on the apron and tossing him into the ring. The crowd boos as Callahan makes the tag to Holmes and he enters the ring whilst the referee (Keith Morse) warns his team that if they pull another stunt like this, they'll get punished.

Cohen: Excellent strategy! As soon as one hurt team member tags in a fresh partner, do as much damage as possible to the fresh partner to keep the opposing team's options limited. All they have to do is prevent Showtime from getting the tag and you'll have a victory.

Connor: Although I think Keith the official isn't giving them any more lenience.

Holmes picks up Califa for a standing delayed vertical suplex, showcasing his strength by keeping Califa up in the air for a few seconds before drilling him down to the ground. Holmes goes for the pin but decides to break it up before the referee counts to one, shaking his head and saying that this isn't enough. Holmes locks Califa's arms behind his back and slowly picks him up to his feet, delivering a couple of knee strikes to Califa before finishing off with an underhook suplex. Holmes watches Califa clutch his back and smirks, a little more pleased with his work but still doesn't warrant him to make a pin. He goes over to Califa, picks him up and brings him to a neutral corner, lifting him up onto the top turnbuckle, looking to perform a huge superplex. Before Holmes can execute the move, Califa fights out of the situation and manages to push off Holmes who crashes to the ground. Califa looks to take advantage but KO tries to prevent it who gets a kick to the face by Califa for his troubles, knocking him off the apron and down to the floor. The crowd cheers as Holmes gets up and Califa leaps off with a tornado DDT. Both men are laid out on the canvas with Callahan the only man available for Holmes to tag whilst Show is begging to get in the match with Celeste trying to catch her breath on the apron. The crowd begins to get hyped as both competitors crawl to their corners slowly, desperately for a tag. Holmes gets to his first and gets Callahan who tries to stop Califa but it is no use as Cougar gets the tag! The crowd cheers loudly as Callahan begs for him not to attack before going for a self-defense punch. Cougar counter and hits a series of blows himself before finishing off with a dropkick. Callahan gets up and gets a spinning standing clothesline for his troubles. Callahan crawls to the corner as Cougar fires up, getting the crowd hyped up as well.

Connor: Cougar is building momentum for his team - this could spell the end.

Cohen: Not unless someone hurries up and gets in there to stop him.

Cougar charges at Callahan but evades the contact, pointing to his head that he out-smarted Cougar. He turns around and sees that Cougar has leaped onto the second turnbuckle and dives at Callahan, taking him down with a spear. Cougar gets up and stalks Callahan, waiting for him to get up and hits the Show Stopper on Callahan. He picks up the legs of Callahan and signals for the Commercial Break but as he struggles to get Callahan in the hold, we see KO enter the ring, quickly "unsheath" and hit the Sword on Cougar. The crowd boos as KO interferes and potentially saving the match. He is happy with the result until we see Califa springboard off the top rope and deliver a hurricanrana on KO, sending him to the outside of the ring. Califa slowly gets to his feet using the ropes but is quickly sent to the outside by a running knee strike by Holmes. He slowly walks backwards, happy with what he has done to Califa but walks back into a recovered Cougar. Holmes closes his eyes and prays that it isn't him and slowly turns around, discovering that it is and begs for mercy. Show grabs Holmes and tries to do something but the two are tussling together as the recovered Celeste enters the ring, seeing what both men are doing. She hesitates to try and save Show from Holmes (who is the illegal man), closing her eyes and delivering the Spirit Crusher! She opens up and sees that Holmes is still standing but drops to the ground to back away from Celeste as she has realised that Cougar was the one who got the brunt of the force. Celeste cannot believe what she has done and covers her mouth, shocked that she hit the World champion. She drops to the canvas and rolls to the outside of the ring, unsure of what to do as she slowly heads up the ramp. The crowd begins to boo as a recovered El Califa stands up and asks what is going on but Celeste doesn't answer, walking up the ramp.

Cohen: What just happened?

Connor: I have no idea... something is not right with Celeste. She would never walk out on her partners like this.

The referee is trying to make sense of all of this and tries getting Holmes out of the ring until Califa enters, helping out the referee by tossing Holmes to the outside in revenge. Califa gets back on the apron and begs for the tag. Callahan is nearly recovered as Show crawls to Califa and makes the tag, exhausted from the roundhouse kick. Califa is by himself as he enters the ring and charges at Callahan with a headscissors that he transitions into a face plant. Instead of going for an armbar however, Califa turns over Callahan onto his back.

Califa: Time for the final Seance!

Califa proceeds to lock in a triangle choke hold on Callahan whose eyes are wider than ever after hearing that statement, realising whose submission hold this belongs to. Califa applies the pressure of the hold for a while as the crowd cheers loudly as this is the only chance Califa has of winning. Callahan looks to tap out of the submission until KO charges into the ring with a steel chair in hand, driving the edge of the chair into the stomach of El Califa and disqualifying his team.

The crowd boos heavily as the referee signals for the end of the match. The referee tries to take away the chair from KO before any damage is done but he uses the chair to throw the referee around the ring like a rag doll, discarding the chair in the process. KO seems out for blood as he begins stomping away at Califa before transitioning to mounted punches. Callahan slowly gets up to his feet and looks on, recovering from the submission. Just as Califa looks about helpless, Callahan comes over and tries to remove the mask from Califa as KO holds him down, desperate to reveal the identity of Califa.

Connor: Someone needs to stop this!

Cohen: No, let them find out who Califa really is!

Before this can happen, Showtime recovers and comes to the aid of Califa to a cheering audience. He fights off Callahan & KO with punches, knocking both down in the process as Califa rolls out of the ring. KO is up first but he gets the Ratings Crash for his efforts.. Callahan is up next and gets Show with a toe kick, trying for the Faded Memory but Show slips behind him and hits the Backstage on Callahan. Show then delivers a double clothesline to both KO & Callahan who are standing next to each other (who were hanging on the ropes) and they both go to the outside. Showtime turns around and sees Holmes in the middle of the ring, looking to fight him but doesn't do anything about. Holmes begs for Show to hit him but the World champion refuses and turns his back on Holmes. As he looks to walk away, Holmes speaks up.

Holmes: Running away from your fights like a cowardly dog again, Showtime? Imagine what that cretin of a son Clayton would think of you.

Show stops and turns around, looking to confront Holmes but instead gets taken down by his brother Erik instead with a tackle into the ropes. Erik delivers fist after fist to Showtime, absolutely obliterating Show in the face as he pins him against the ropes Erik finishes off things but delivering an eye gouge to both eyes of Show before Steven pulls his brother off Show, indicating that it is quite enough for one night. Showtime, however, doesn't see the switch and charges at the person closest in view despite being almost blinded, spear-tackled Steven to the ground as he pushes his brother Erik out of the way. Show fights back with a series of fists until he hears the laughter of Steven, stopping for a second before he delivers one big fist to the face of Steven. Erik kicks Show away from Steven and pulls him to the outside of the ring, retreating up the ramp as Show is tending to his face and eyes which are blurred. Erik carries Steven who begins laughing at the situation as the crowd boos.

Cohen: I think I know what has just happened and what is going to come for the future of Showtime.

Connor: You seriously can't blame Showtime here: he was blinded by Steven's brother with an eye gouge and couldn't see anything. Show was going after Erik, not Steven.

Cohen: Didn't you hear Steven laugh then watch Show follow up with one more fist. I'd buy it if Show stopped after he discovered it was Steven but he knew when he took that last shot. It's over for Show.

Connor: And so is this show as we have run out of time so we'll have to wait what will happen to Showtime. This has been Catherine Connor & Jack Cohen calling Ascension, goodnight everyone.

We end off with the Holmes' brothers walking up the ramp as Showtime is trying to get up to his feet and clear his eyes to see properly.

Falkon - No DQ: Thrash vs. Dustin Hunter , Showtime/Califa/Celeste vs. Holmes/K.O./Callahan , Segments
Kermit - Segments
Killjoy - Lethal Lottery Poster
Showtime - Opening
Ty - Sam Smith vs. Mick Overlast, Segments
Yazlov - Connor Reese vs. Ricky Runn, Segments

Rep these gentlemen for a great job. Especially Killjoy for such an awesome LL Poster. Cheers!
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