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Ascension 61

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Pyro flies off into the air as Ascension 61 prepares to kick-off! The fans are pumped, the newly remixed and revamped opening filling them with a sense of excitement and anticipation. We see various shots of fans in attendance, screaming as loud their lungs will allow them before we fade into a shot of a man already in the ring; the familiar figure of Vance Bateman:

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ascension’s General Manager; Vance Bateman!

The crowd boos as Bateman stands alone in the ring, a microphone in hand. He looks out to see the arena and fans that are highly vocal. His expression is deadpan throughout and he does not change, even as he puts the mic to his lips:

Bateman: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to what promises to be an exciting edition, as always, of Ascension. Before we get to that though I have an announcement to make and it concerns this incident that occurred on Meltdown:

After getting his hand raised in victory, Drake walks over and grabs a mic from the ringside assistant.

Drake: Burna! I beat your puppet Showtime. Your rouge is over, get out here and tell the world the truth! Tell them that you are El Califa Dragon!

Drake looks towards the entrance stage, waiting for a response. A few moments pass and nothing happens. Drake looks frustrated as he walks towards the edge of the ring.

Drake: I always figured you were a coward Ty, but I never expected you cower like


The crowd bursts into cheers as El Califa Dragon walks out onto the top of the entrance stage, mic in hand. He motions to cut the music as he begins speaking.

Califa: El Califa se cansa de que Drake Callahan. Ya he demostrado que soy mejor que tú. (El Califa grows tired of you Drake Callahan. I've already proven I'm better than you.)

Drake laughs as he exits the ring and stands at the bottom of the ramp.

Drake: That's cute Ty, when did you become a savant in Google Translate? Let's face it Ty, I just beat your attack dog Showtime in the center of this ring. The mirage is over, it's time to show the people that it's you under that mask!

El Califa begins laughing at the top of the entrance ramp, sliding off his robe and dropping it to the ground.

Califa: Drake, El Califa once thought it was insanity that he saw flashing in your eyes. El Califa was wrong. It's not insanity I see, it's fear. You fear the Demonio del Caos. You fear the truth Drake Callahan, it is not I that has caused your downfall from World Champion, it is your own shortcomings!

Drake: Lies! This is all your fault Ty, and it's time you pay for you getting involved in my business!

Califa: El Califa got involved in your business? If I'm not mistaken Drake, it is you that targeted me first! It doesn't matter to El Califa, he will end this, even if he has to do it right now!

El Califa and Drake both drop their mics and suddenly run towards each other. Califa surprises drake with the Rolling Fire, knocking the former Champion down. Califa gets up to his feet quickly and holds his arms up to cheers from the crowd. He backs up the ramp as Drake gets up to his knees, fuming at getting best. He stares down El Califa as the luchador points out to the crowd as he backs up. He turns but is suddenly taken out by the appearing Chris K.O. with The Sword! The crowd boos loudly as Chris stands over the luchador, staring down at Drake before nodding his head. Drake gets back to his feet as Chris mounts El Califa and begins delivering blow after blow. He gets up and both he and Drake begin delivering boot after boot to the out cold El Califa.

Copeland: This is disgusting. Chris K.O. has taken out another superstar, and now he appears to have aligned with Drake Callahan!

Cohen: It's high time that Chris joined this fight. Ty Burna is a menace and it's time for the White Knight to cleanse WZCW of him once and for all!

The two continue their assault before Drake lifts him up and hits The Faded Memory brainbuster right onto the stage. Drake stands up and looks to Chris and they nod to each other. They kneel down and begin to pull the mask off of El Califa when suddenly Showtime runs up the stage, swinging a chair towards the two. Drake and Chris back away as Showtime stands over El Califa, chair ready to strike. Chris and Drake converse before yelling at Showtime that he'll pay for getting in the middle of this before exiting to the back as Showtime checks on El Califa as Meltdown goes off the air.

The fans boo as the video fades out, Bateman’s expression still emotionless. He prepares to talk once more:

Bateman: As a result of these actions, the four men involved, El Califa Dragon...

The crowd offers solid cheers for the masked man.

Bateman: ...Drake Callahan...

The fans boo the conspiracy theorists name to the high heavens.

Bateman: ...Chris K.O...

The crowd again boos, unhappy with K.O.’s inclusion.

Bateman: ...and the World’s Heavyweight Champion “Showtime” David Cougar...

This garners a mass amount of cheers as fan-favourite and top-man in the company, “Showtime” is included in the match.

Bateman: ...will participate in a massive tag team contest which will main event--


Before Bateman can finish, the crowd roars into a frenzy of mass revulsion as the theme music for the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship enters the arena. Peering out of his mostly closed eyes, Steven Holmes smirks. He is alone, a rarity in this day and age following the arrival of his brother and bodyguard Erik. He strolls down to ringside, bearing his teeth. Bateman looks at Holmes, the first hint of emotion on his face; slight concern. Holmes brushes his feet on the ring apron before entering, the crowd still booing him madly. He takes a microphone from a nearby stage-hand before completing his interruption of Bateman.

Holmes: Now then Mr. Bateman, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. After all there were other parties involved in the fracas that occurred. In fact had I not just cost David Cougar his match with Drake Callahan? Was it not my presence that allowed for such events to transpire?

Bateman: I suppose so yes, but why bring that up?

Holmes: Because Mr. Bateman, I’m quite concerned with the events that transpired and it is in my great sense of responsibility that compels me to suggest adding myself to this tag team main event. Indeed I would relish the chance to help clean up such a mess especially when it concerns a future opponent of mine in David Cougar. And thus I am offering to serve with Chris K.O. and Drake Callahan as they combat these foes of ours.

Holmes lowers his mic and gives Bateman a knowing look. Bateman cracks a smile of sorts and nods.

Bateman: Very well, you wish to be included, so be it. The match will now be a six man tag. In one corner will be Chris K.O., Drake Callahan and Steven Holmes and in the other, “Showtime” David Cougar, El Califa Dragon and, to make things fair, a partner of their own choosing.

The crowd offers a mixed response to the whole decree. On one hand this is one hell of an exciting match-up, on the other it came as a result of Steven Holmes’ presence and interruption. Holmes gives Bateman a nod and smirk before slowly taking his leave. Bateman stands alone once again in the ring.

Connor: Did you hear that Jack, a huge main event match for the next set of shows; Steven Holmes, Drake Callahan and Chris K.O. teaming up to face-off with El Califa Dragon, “Showtime” and a partner of their own choosing!

Cohen: Ah, but that’s next time CC, we’ve still got a full show ahead of us tonight my dear.

Connor: Indeed we do and amongst it all, championship contests, comeback performances and so much more tonight on Ascension 61!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


John Constantine walks out onto the stage and lowers his head. Two women walk out and remove the crown from his head and take off his rope. Constantine extends his arms out and walks down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from The King's Court, weighing 265 lbs, "The King" John Constantine!

Connor: There is a lot of bad blood still brewing underneath the surface for this match - during Sam Smith's first tenure with the company and the Elite X championship, Constantine and Smith were involved in a rivalry for the championship and it seems a lot of feelings re-surfaced over the course of a few WZCW house shows this past week.

Cohen: You can definitely see it in the eyes of Constantine as he prepares himself for this match - he is focused on this match and I wouldn't be surprised if Smith was as well. Neither man has repented nor forgiven each other for what has happened in the past and they I don't expect them to do so any time soon.


Anderson: And introducing his opponent his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Washington, D.C., he is the Elite X Champion...Sam Smith!

Connor: This man has been on a roll as of late - is there anybody in WZCW right now who is able to defeat Sam Smith, Jack?

Cohen: Well CC, the last person to defeat Sam Smith inside the ring was Showtime David Cougar. Constantine was also unable to beat the World Champion, but he held his own throughout the match. I would put him on a short list of wrestlers right now who I think could defeat the Elite X Champion, considering their past.

Sam Smith walks down the ramp and enters the ring. He raises the belt above his head and then hands the ref his title belt. The crowd has not responded very favourably to either man, but there is a definite buzz about this match. The bell rings and Constantine and Smith slowly circle the ring. Smith suddenly charges in on Constantine, but “The King” straddles under the top rope and calls Smith off him before the ref makes the call. Smith backs up and Constantine re-enters the ring. The two approach each other slowly and then forcefully lock up. Constantine has the strength advantage and backs Smith up towards the corner. Right before they hit, Smith turns Constantine around and throws him into the corner. Constantine blocks most of his body as Smith gets a few rib shots in before the ref reaches 4. Smith stands up and Constantine grabs him by the face and forcefully pushes him backwards. Smith stops himself short of centre and Constantine runs at him with a Lariat. Smith ducks the move and when Constantine turns around he takes him to the mat with an Arm Drag. Smith gets to his feet still holding onto his opponents arm and begins to wrench it. Constantine bends over, but then stealth-fully lifts Smith off his legs with his free arm and hits a Backbreaker on him. Constantine goes for the first pin of the match, but gets a long 1 count. Constantine lifts Smith up to his feet and kicks him in the gut. He then hooks Smith’s head under his arm and goes for a Suplex. Smith is able to block the attempt with his leg, Constantine tries again, but Smith blocks it and counters with a Snap Suplex. Constantine rolls to his knees and turns back in time to see a Roundhouse Kick by Smith. Constantine bring his arms up in time, but the force of the kick sends Constantine back to the mat where he rolls and falls to the outside.

Connor: Sam Smith has been unbeatable for several months and shows why early on in this match, taking it to Constantine early and not backing down.

Cohen: True, but you saw how easily Constantine was able to hit a big power move and go right into a pinfall attempt. One or two moves is all it will take for The King to reclaim this match.

Smith rolls outside the ring as Constantine crawls away on the floor. He gets to his feet, but Smith pushes him from behind into the steel stairs. The ref starts to count as Smith begins to stomp on Constantine as he is up against the stairs. Smith presses his foot into the chest of Constantine as the ref has reached the count of 5. Smith slowly picks his opponent up and rolls him into the ring. Smith slides in after and Constantine rolls onto his knees. Smith helps him get to his feet and sets him up for a Suplex. Smith lifts Constantine off the ground and holds him upside down vertically until he drops him back onto his back. Falcon Arrow! Smith goes for the cover 1... 2... Constantine kicks out. Smith stands up and shouts that he is the best there is. The crowd gives a mixed response of mostly boos. Smith walks over the corner and climbs onto the top rope. He stares down at his opponent and then leaps off the top rope with an elbow drop. Constantine moves just in time and Smith lands on the mat. Smith gets up quickly, but is defenseless as he holds his right arm. Constantine capitalizes on the situation with a Chop Block from behind, bringing Smith to his knees and onto the mat.

Connor: Smith took just a second too long and now Constantine has Smith down on the mat.

Constantine gets to his feet and grabs Smith by the leg. He pulls him back towards the centre and then slams the knee of Smith into the mat. Smith holds his knee as Constantine starts stomping on the leg. The crowd boos loudly as Constantine continues the assault as Smith drags himself towards the ropes. Smith grabs onto the bottom rope, but Constantine continues the attack up to the count of 4. The ref backs Constantine away from Smith as he slowly lifts himself to his feet. Constantine gives Smith no time to attack as he kicks the leg out from under Smith, sending him falling back to the mat.

Cohen: And this is where Constantine really begins to show his dominance. He is so good at putting his opponents down on the mat and keeping him there with well placed attacks.

Constantine grabs the leg of Smith again and pulls him away from the ropes. Constantine lifts his opponent to his feet, but Smith is able to counter with a few punches to the face. Smith backs up and bounces off the ropes in a slow run. Constantine counters with a Drop Toe Hold. Smith hits the mat and Constantine grabs the back of Smith’s leg and locks in the STF.

Connor: Constantine has Smith is the STF. Will he tap out?

Cohen: Is the streak over?

Smith starts to pull himself towards the ropes and luckily is not far away as he grabs onto the bottom rope. Constantine lets go after 4 and circles the ring, part catching his breath, but also savouring his near victory. He stares at Smith as he struggles to get back to his feet. Constantine waits behind Smith and actually licks his lips, waiting to strike once Smith is up. Smith gets to his feet and Constantine grabs him from behind. Constantine goes for Collateral Damage, but Smith is able to roll over and lands on his feet. His leg buckles a bit on landing and Smith bends over in pain. Constantine turns around and goes to strike, but Smith grabs his legs and flips him onto his back. Smith puts his foot between Constantine’s legs and then crosses them. Constantine tries to fight out of it, but Smith is able to turn him over into a Sharpshooter.

Connor: The Sharpshooter is locked in! Constantine may tap here.

Cohen: The streak lives on. Sam Smith is unstoppable.

The King cries out in pain as Smith has the hold locked in tightly. Constantine buries his face into the mat and then lifts his upper body off the mat and drags himself towards the ropes. Smith is not able to stand his ground, due to the damage done to his leg. Constantine continues to pull them closer to the ropes and with one final lunge, grabs onto the bottom rope. Smith lets go of the hold and hobbles around the ring in discomfort. He looks at Constantine down on the mat and signals for Nightfall. Constantine uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. He stands up looking dazed and turns around to face Smith. Smith ducks down and lifts Constantine off his feet. Smith has Constantine horizontal over his shoulders and slowly stands up straight, his legs shaking underneath him. Constantine starts to move and elbows Smith repeatedly in the head. He gets a clean shot on the face and Smith drops his opponent. Smith hobbles in the ring, trying to see, which allows Constantine to lift Smith off the mat. Axis of Evil Twisting Spinebuster! Constantine falls on top for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, John Constantine!

John Constantine has done it! Someone has finally beaten Sam Smith.

Connor: I don’t believe it, I am a touch speechless. Both men gave a great effort, but Constantine was the better wrestler tonight. This win should put Constantine in contention for a future Elite X Title shot.

Cohen: Contention? Constantine should be Elite X Champion. He beat Sam Smith clean. The King deserves to be champion and since he’s been screwed out of the World Title, the Elite X Title should be his to bring prestige to.

Constantine slowly gets to his feet inside the ring. The ref raises his hand and he stares down at Sam Smith. The ring announcer slides in the Elite X Title and the ref picks it up and goes to put it on Smith. Constantine stops the ref and snatches the title from him. Constantine stares down at the belt and then a smile forms across his face. He goes to hand the belt back to the ref, but then drops it down by his feet and exits the ring. The ref picks up the belt and hands it to Smith, who clutches onto it and rolls over to see Constantine walking up the ramp with his eyes still on Smith and the Elite X belt.

Connor: I have the feeling Jack, that this feud between these two and the Elite X Title may only be beginning.


We see Celeste Crimson emerge from a locker room as she opens the door with a cellphone at her ear, talking to somebody on the phone. We join in mid-sentence as the conversation continues.

Celeste: ... I still don't understand why I should get involved in all of this.

Celeste pauses, waiting for a response from the person she is conversing with.

Celeste: Alright, alright... if you feel I am that important to be tagging alongside you and Califa then what choice have you left me... yes, that is a yes. I will do it... what am I doing at the arena?

A smile forms on the face of Crimson.

Celeste: Taking care of some... business.

Celeste hangs up her phone and puts it away before she heads off.

Connor: Business?
We return from the commercial to see Sandy walking down the infamous corridor to the gorilla position, psyching herself up for her upcoming match. However, her path to the arena isn't a clear one as she is stopped by Celeste Crimson who has a serious look on her face.

Deserts: What do you want, Celeste?

Crimson looks her up and down before answering.

Celeste: I'm here to give you one last chance, Sandy. You walk out there tonight and compete for the Mayhem championship, you will only prove to me that you don't want to be my friend.

Sandy looks at Celeste dead in the eyes.

Deserts: If that's what you think I'm doing, then so be it.

She brushes past Celeste, bumping her slightly as she walks past. Celeste watches her as she continues, shaking her head slowly.


We transition to Ascension live with a shot of the capacity crowd who begin to cheer as they realise the show has come back on the air. We then fade to Selena Anderson in the centre of the ring. She puts the mic to her mouth and speaks into it:

Anderson: This next contest, set for one-fall, is for the MAYHEM CHAMPIONSHIP!

The crowd roars, a reaction which sustains upon the theme that follows:


Anderson: Introducing first the challenger, from the Night’s Watch, weighing 140 pounds; SANDY DESERTS!

The challenger for this evening emerges. She does her 360 degree spin/gold mist combination before making her way down the ramp, her excitement apparent. She slaps some fans hands en-route. She has a wide grin, but anticipation is apparent from her expressions.

Connor: Tonight, Sandy Deserts has a chance to earn a spot in history by becoming not only the latest Mayhem Champion, but also by becoming the first woman in history to take a championship in WZCW.

Cohen: No bias on your part then, eh CC?

Sandy climbs into the ring and poses very briefly before signalling for her opponent to make his way out here. It is not long before her wish is granted:


Anderson: And her opponent; from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 175 pounds, he is the Mayhem Champion; VEGA!

Emerging, Vega smiles in complete contrast to his reactions last time he defended the gold under unknown circumstances. He knows what awaits him here and with the Mayhem Championship alongside him, he saunters out very casually.

Connor: There is a possibility that Vega will take this match too lightly and Sandy may punish him.

Cohen: Maybe, but Vega has shown himself to be a star talent and it won’t be long now before he’s afforded the opportunities higher up the pecking order that he should have awhile back.

Vega now reaches the bottom of the ramp, his stupid grin still plastered on his face. He enters the ring before rushing over to the turnbuckle to pose. He poses in the corner. Vega descends from the turnbuckle and the brawl is immediately on! Sandy throws rights and lefts, determined to unleash her frustrations on the separation from Celeste Crimson and capture her first gold in WZCW. Vega is staggered having not fully completed his entrance. He drops the Mayhem belt in the ring and takes various fists to the face. Vega throws a kick at Sandy, but she swings under it and unleashes a backhand chop for good measure. The champion falls to the mat and rolls under the ring in a bid to create separation. The crowd boos this action or inaction if you will. The crowd yells at Vega, but the Mayhem Champion retorts, his attention diverted away. He turns around to see a falling Sandy coming down on top of him with a springboard seated senton. He has no time to react and cannot brace himself so he takes the full 143 pound force. Sandy bounces out still bright and excited. She smiles and pumps her fist drawing a strong reaction from the crowd.

Connor: Sandy Deserts’ quest to become the first female to win some gold in this company is off to a good start wouldn’t you say Jack?

Cohen: Maybe, but let’s see how she does when she isn’t jumping poor Vega from behind.

Climbing to his feet, Vega uses anything and everything to bring his staggered soul to his feet. Eventually up on two feet with the help of the announce table, Vega turns to see Sandy thrust her hand into his throat. He grabs his injured gullet out of instinct, leaving his midsection exposed as Sandy hits a nasty knee strike. Vega is doubled over in pain before Sandy sets up for a Rahnei. She hits a cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Vega won’t go down so easy, but Sandy has dominated so far and she isn’t looking to let up. She goes to lift the struggling Vega up, but the crafty champion grabs Sandy’s waist and tosses her into the steel ring post face first! Her face bounces off the metal and she goes flying. Vega is just glad for the breather as the fans unleash their hatred onto him. The referee rushes to check on Sandy. He checks to see if she is okay and a slight glimpse of red can be seen, indicating blood. The referee appears concerned, but Vega is not. He, having recovered from the initial assault, shoves the match official away to attack his fallen foe.

Hoisting her up, Vega holds her by the face, noting the blood. He smiles and hooks her in, hoping to deliver his finisher; the Killswitch! He kisses Sandy on the cheek to add insult to her injuries and spins around, but he has counted Sandy out perhaps a tad too soon. She spins out from the move and Vega turns right around into and instinctual legsweep. Sandy follows up with a fist drop and falls into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Sandy rolls off, a hairline wound revealing a little bit of blood trickling out of her head. She wipes it, unconcerned and decides to go looking underneath the ring for weapons. She pulls out a kendo stick but appears un-amused. She shakes her head and casts it aside. She digs deeper into the recesses of the ring and finds a box of tools. She seems intrigued and looks inside for a weapon, all the while her adversary begins to rise. Her curiosity though takes too long and Vega runs at her, delivering a knee strike to the back of her head all the while using his cat like skills to land safely on the ring apron. Sandy is no her knees, the toolbox in front of her and Vega, on the apron smashes a kick into her skull. She crashes back first on the outside protective matting.

Cohen: Vega has taken control just as I thought he would. Sandy had no chance in a direct fight.

Connor: Is he dipping into that toolbox?

Indeed Vega is and the champion pulls out what appears to be a hammer. A thought crosses his mind and a half-smile breaks onto his face. He drops from the apron to the mat and tosses the hammer up in the air, catching it as it comes back down. He then tosses it aside, deciding that perhaps isn’t the best choice of weapon. In fact, he disregards the toolbox entirely, sliding it casually away with his left leg. The champion instead picks his challenger up and spins her around elegantly, holding her hand and sort of dancing with her. Eventually, while still holding Sandy’s hand, Vega leaps to the barricade keeping the fans and athletes separate. He runs along it, dragging the partially groggy Sandy along for the ride. Then Vega leaps at his opponent and whips off a hurricanrana! Climbing to his feet, Vega takes a bow, this display of arrogance infuriating the fans who respond very negatively. Vega drops into a lacklustre cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Unsurprised, Vega feigns disappointment. Again he smiles, knowing that he has the chance to play with his foe further. He brings her to a standing position and whips Sandy into the timekeepers table, sending her over into the area where Selena Anderson sits. Flipped right over, practically in Selena’s lap, Sandy is in trouble.

Sensing domination, the champion grabs Sandy’s arm and drags her weak body out of the crash-sight. Again he falls down onto a very light cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Vega strokes his beard and throws his hands in the air, mocking Sandy. The booing again intensifies. Then he decides enough is enough. He signals for the crowd to simmer down and climbs to his feet. Looking around for an instrument of destruction, Vega notes a chair that has come free as a result of Selena and Sandy’s earlier ‘meeting’. He twirls the chair around before measuring it up to where Sandy’s skull is placed on the mat. He makes sure that he has the inch perfect strike and he picks the chair up before bringing it down with a sick thud! However, Sandy has managed to roll out of the way just in the nick of time. Only Vega’s hands feel the punishment and the violent vibrations force him to drop the chair. He tries to shake the pain from his hands and turns away for a split second, allowing Sandy to get to her knees. As Vega turns, Sandy catches the Mayhem Champion with a sickening uppercut to the groin; a low blow! The crowd ignites into joyous cheers. Vega collapses backwards, falling in close-to-slow motion. Sandy crawls over him into a cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Connor: So close! I thought Sandy had that in the bag.

Sandy looks frustrated, perhaps hoping for an outright victory there. She doesn’t linger on this disappointment for long though and drags herself up. With one hand she checks for blood on her forehead and holds her back with the other. Vega still holds his crotch in agony. The challenger takes notice of the chair Vega was going to cave her skull in with. She slowly leans down to grab it. She pick it up and analyses it for a moment before breaking into a slightly twisted smile of her own. Sandy brings the chair up and goes to town on Vega with it. She unleashes several swift chair shots, each more powerful than the last. Ultimately Sandy hits Vega five times before throwing the chair aside. She drops into a cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Digging deep, Vega still manages to kick out.

Cohen: What resilience! What heart! Vega is a true champion. What a man!

With Jack Cohen’s compliments still ringing in our ears, Sandy can’t quite believe it. She stares dead at the referee who shows her two fingers, indicating a two count. With her frustrations manifesting outwards, Sandy hits her hand off the floor. She though is defiant and rises up, bringing Vega with her. A plan formed quickly in her head, Sandy throws Vega into the ring. She grabs the chair, now slightly bent, and tosses it into the ring. Sandy follows the weapon and her adversary into the squared circle. Vega roles as far away from the action as he needs to, staying on the opposite side of the ring, trying to bide himself time. Meanwhile, Sandy picks up the chair as the referee re-enters the ring. Anger beginning to form, Sandy holds the chair tightly and smacks it off the mat, indicating for Vega to rise. Surprisingly, the champion obliges relatively quickly, appearing staggered and groggy. Sandy charges at him, hoping to batter him, but Vega has been recovering and he throws his weight behind a massive straight kick which buckles the chair right into Sandy’s face! The crowd groans as Sandy collapses and Vega hops around, his foot in pain. He drops into a cover, careful as to not hurt his foot further; 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner and STILL MAYHEM CHAMPION; VEGA!

Cohen: The brains outsmart the so called beauty. I’d think brute was actually more appropriate.

Connor: Sandy gave a great performance out there, but ultimately she let her frustrations get the better of her.

The referee awards Vega his championship, handing it to him as he lies on the mat. He is clearly in a little bit of discomfort and he rolls very carefully out of the ring. He tries to keep as much weight as possible off of his wounded foot and he hobbles away, raising his championship high into the air in defiance. Sandy is dazed, confused and potentially concussed and she looks to the ceiling, her eyes open, but the lights probably blinding her. She turns to look at the ring ramp and sees Vega leaving, but through blurry eyes notices a new presence at the top of the ring ramp; Celeste Crimson. Sandy at this point uses the bottom rope to bring herself up somewhat. She looks through the ropes at her supposed tag partner. Celeste’s presence is motivation enough for Sandy to try and bring herself up to her feet. Vega finally limps out of the arena, bypassing Celeste who is deadpan, her focus on Sandy at all times. Sand y leans on the ropes and looks straight at Celeste who replies with words:

Celeste: Are you happy now?

Sandy appears confused but there is no time to question Celeste as the submission specialist turns and leaves.

Connor: What is going on with Celeste Crimson?

Cohen: I’m not sure, but I’m liking it thus far.


Bateman: ...yeah I think that location will be good. We can pack at least two thousand extra people into that venue and with some of the plans I have in mind for...

Bateman drops his cellphone as John Constantine comes barging into his office. He is still in his ring gear after his match earlier in the night. He throws his hands down violently on the table.

Constantine: I'm coming to you because I know Big Dave will give me some BS excuse. I should be a champion right now! You saw me pin Smith in the middle of the ring. The Elite X title should be mine!

Bateman: Calm down John. I saw you, it was a very impressive victory. I give you my word that you will get your shot in due time.

Bateman's answer isn't good enough for the former King for a Day. He expresses his anger by raking his hands across the desk, knocking things to the floor.

Constantine: I want it next week. Sam Smith, John Constantine, one on one for the Elite X title, and I won't take no for an answer!

Bateman: I'm sorry John, Smith is already booked in a match that I cannot change. Besides, Rush will be defending his title against Triple X and Mason Westhoff. Do you want to play second fiddle to that?

Constantine doesn't speak, but the look on his face tells how angry he is. Bateman picks up a binder that had been knocked to the floor and flips through a few pages.

I can do this for you though: the Ascension prior to the Lethal Lottery, you will go against Sam Smith in the main event and it will be for the Elite X championship. That should bring in some serious ratings, don't you think?

Constantine relaxes and begins to smile. He extends his arms and shakes hands with his boss.

Constantine: I knew I could count on you Vance.

Connor: A huge announcement. This match just made official, Constantine will get another shot at Sam Smith, this time with the Elite X title on the line.

Cohen: I can't wait. Two of the best in the game today. Can Sam Smith recover and regroup in time to keep his title, or will the hard charging Constantine finally capture gold? It is gonna be a good one.

Connor: One question though - who is Smith facing next week?
We return from commercial in the trainer's room where Sam Smith is being examined after his match. Aside from some bumps and bruises, the trainer gives him the all clear. Smith shoves him aside before grabbing his Elite X title and walking out. Once outside he bumps into Mick Overlast who is geared up in his ring attire.

Overlast: Oh how the mighty have fallen. I knew the first thing I wanted to do upon coming back was win back the Elite X title, but I had no idea it would be that easy.

Smith: Let me tell you something Mick, while you were gone on your little vacation, I was becoming the most dominant figure in the company. Triple X, Justin Cooper, Celeste Crimson, all have fallen before me. This loss is nothing but a bump in the road. Next week I will start a new streak.

Overlast: You're right, next week you will start a new streak. A losing streak, when I beat you, and get one step closer to regaining what is rightfully mine.

Overlast points to Smith's Elite X title before shoving him out of the way and walking past. A group of various backstage workers retrain Smith as he tries to go after Overlast.

Connor: Well you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. Smith will look to rebound next week as he takes on Overlast one on one.

Cohen: A huge opportunity for Overlast. Non title, but a win will surely rocket him up the ladder. It will be no easy task though, as Smith will be dead set against back to back losses.

Connor: That may be true but Overlast has to get through tonight first in his return match against Mister Alhazred which is going to happen, right now!


We return to the arena where referee Elizabeth Prince & Selena Anderson are inside of the ring, waiting patiently as they discuss with each other.


The crowd fills the arena with mostly cheers whilst there are some few in the audience that still give the former Son of Destiny boos as he walks out onto the stage. He crosses his arms as he looks out to the crowd with a half smile appearing on his face before walking down the ramp, uncrossing his arms.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds; Mick Overlast!

Connor: Some cautionary fans in the audience here tonight who are not forgiving of what Overlast did prior to leaving WZCW.

Cohen: And? To be a successful wrestler, you must eliminate all distractions that distract you and these people are one of the biggest problem. If Mick wants to be as successful as he was before, he needs to ignore them.

Overlast hops into the ring and stands on one of the turnbuckles, staring into the audience with his hands on his hips as he sees a large portion of fans cheering for Overlast. He jumps down and awaits his opponent.


Once again, most of the fans in Denver are excited to hear the arrival of Alhazred and his theme (namely those who booed Overlast). A multi-coloured triforce symbol forms on the rampway as Alhazred walks out looking a little untidy with his hair in a mess, one of his boots not laced up properly and his power glove looking like it hasn't been taken care of in a while.

Anderson: And his opponent, from his hidden underground laboratory, weighing in at 178 pounds; Mister Alhazred!

Cohen: Someone should hijack his day planner and write down "take care of personal hygiene" somewhere in there - this guy is a mess.

Connor: If you were being bugged and chased after by an interplanetary species, you would be too.

Cohen: He was unclean before Krypto became a factor.

Alhazred slides underneath the bottom rope and stands in the centre of the ring, checking that his glove is still in tact, powering it up before the match starts. The referee calls over Overlast to come to the centre (who is currently leaning on the ropes) but hesitates, looking at his opponent with a weird look and muttering the words "you're still here?" He shakes his head and sighs as he readies himself for action, allowing the referee to signal the bell.

The two circle each other for a bit before they meet each other in the middle. Overlast thinks collar-elbow tie-up but Alhazred drops to one knee and directs a strong right punch straight into the stomach of Overlast. Alhazred staggers back, a little shocked at the power that Alhazred possesses, allowing Alhazred to hit a quick hurricanrana on Overlast, sending him across the ring. Overlast is a little slow to his feet as Alhazred heads over to his position, going to the ropes and springboarding off to hit a clothesline. Alhazred tops it all off with a quick fist drop before he pins Overlast... 1... 2... kick-out by Mick. Overlast cannot believe what he is experiencing as he tries getting up but Alhazred mounts him, delivering a series of repeated elbow strikes. Alhazred transitions this to a chin lock whilst Overlast is on the ground, causing the referee to come over and check on him. Overlast tells her that he isn't quitting in his return match and does his best to get to his feet, albeit being slow. Overlast delivers a few shots to the stomach of Alhazred to force the break, which he does, to create some space. Overlast runs off the ropes and tries for a neckbreaker but Alhazred side-steps the move. He waits for Overlast to turn around and lifts up his arm to hit a heart punch, causing Overlast to stagger uncontrollably into the corner. Alhazred follows Overlast, getting behind him and into the corner. He uses the ropes to jump up and push Overlast forward before running at him, hitting a one-handed bulldog. Overlast rolls on his back as Alhazred gets to his feet and walks to the corner, sliding up to the second turnbuckle as he delivers a diving fist drop to the face of Overlast. Alhazred takes a second or two to recover before going to the corner but this time, climbing to the top.

Connor: I think Overlast has got a bit of ring rust to shake off because Alhazred is just dominating him right now. Not a single layer of offense by Mick as of yet.

Alhazred, perched on the top, decides that it is a good a time as any to jump off and go for a diving elbow drop... but Overlast manages to roll out of the way, causing Alhazred to crash into the canvas, clutching his back in pain as Overlast uses this opportunity to recover.

Cohen: Could someone with ring rust do that? Most men coming back from a hiatus or absence would already have been put away by now... but Mick isn't like most men.

Alhazred is almost at his feet, using the ropes and the turnbuckle to stand up as he continues to clutch his back. Overlast is on one knee, catching his breath before standing on his own two feet. He makes his way over to Alhazred but he puts his feet up, smacking Overlast in the face. Alhazred charges out of the corner but Overlast catches him from the corner of his eye, lifting him up and delivering a backbreaker on Alhazred. Overlast remains in a sitting position to tend to his face as Alhazred's back is in more pain for him. Alhazred flips over onto his stomach and begins crawling to the ropes as Overlast gets up, hitting a knee drop on the back of Alhazred who cries out in pain. Overlast gets on the back of Alhazred and locks him in position, pulling Alhazred back into a crossface chickenwing position. However, Alhazred fights out of this and squirms around quite a lot, forcing Overlast to a standing position with Alhazred to gain the leverage advantage. The submission attempt is too time and effort for Overlast, switching it up by punching Overlast in the gut and delivering a quick belly-to-back suplex on Alhazred, causing further damage on the back. He goes for a pinfall attempt... 1... 2... kick-out by Alhazred. The crowd is getting into the match with cheers and chants for both men as Overlast gets to his feet whilst Alhazred attempts to do the same. Alhazred seems to be taking too long for Overlast and Mick lends him a hand to get to his feet, only for Overlast to kick Alhazred in the stomach and hit a snap suplex. Overlast leaves the position applied on the canvas and brings Alhazred to his feet, looking to go for another move. Instead of a snap suplex, Overlast spins Alhazred 180 and locks in a Dragon sleeper. Overlast manages to keep the hold locked on for a few seconds before he notices Alhazred powering up the power glove to a higher level. Before he Alhazred can counter the move, Overlast thinks on his feet and drops Alhazred with a reverse DDT and a cover... 1... 2... kick-out.

Cohen: Quick thinking by Overlast there - he neutralised Alhazred before he could figure out a counter to his submission.

Connor: He was off to a slow start but he is starting to impress, especially since he potentially has a shot at propelling himself up the ladder as a top contender for Sam Smith's Elite X title.

As Overlast gets to his feet and Alhazred struggles to do the same, the crowd begins to boo heavily. Mick is able to see in his vision what the crowd is booing: the Elite X champion coming out onto the stage and doing nothing but stand there, watching Overlast with the title across his shoulders.

Connor: Speak of the devil...

Cohen: Mick shouldn't get distracted as he is close to a victory. Focus on the match.

Overlast stares at Smith for a couple of seconds before the referee reminds him that he is still wrestling. He turns around and sees Alhazred in the corner, almost to his feet. He walks over and begins delivering elbows to Alhazred before whipping him across the ring as Overlast runs in the other direction. When the two meet, Overlast hits a running shoulder block on Alhazred, knocking him down to the ground. Overlast looks down at Alhazred for a moment as he gets up before running off the ropes, catching Alhazred with a successful swinging neckbreaker. Another cover... 1... 2... kick-out. We see Smith on the ramp let out a small laugh as Mick couldn't put Alhazred away. Overlast sees this and motions to Smith that he should watch this, picking up Alhazred to his feet. Mick stares at Smith once more before he goes to deliver the Lasting Impression... but Alhazred is able to counter into a sleeper hold and take Mick by surprise! Overlast flails about furiously and tries to escape the submission but Alhazred keeps a hold on Overlast as if his life depended on it. It lasts for a few more seconds until Overlast begins slipping out and eventually breaks free, pushing Alhazred away as he recovers for a second. Overlast quickly goes over to Alhazred but is met with the Rising Dragon Fist by Alhazred, knocking Overlast back before Alhazred powers up his glove. Level 5 by Alhazred connects as Overlast spins around, dropping to one knee. Alhazred uses this opportunity to hip thrust before putting Overlast between his legs to deliver the White Van Driver!

Cohen: No way!

He goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3!

Connor: Alhazred did it, he won.

Cohen: Wow.

Elizabeth, the referee, calls for the bell and signals the end of this match as Alhazred is slow to his feet. His music hits as the referee raises his arm in victory whilst Overlast is laying out on the canvas. Smith shakes his head and leaves the stage through the curtain.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Mister Alhazred!

Cohen: Thanks to the distraction that Smith provided, Overlast lost this match to Alhazred and his damned power glove.

Connor: Smith didn't do anything - he came out here to observe. He had no business coming out here and it did cause Overlast to look away but in terms of illegal activity, Smith was following the rules.

Cohen: A clever power-play by Smith, I guess. Overlast is not enough of a threat to get physically involved with but somewhat of a curiosity for Smith to watch. Next week is going to be interesting...

Connor: Let's hope Overlast's ring rust is gone by then otherwise he won't be seeing himself as an Elite X title contender for a while.

Alhazred is outside the ring and holds his hand high in the air whilst Overlast is in the middle of the ring, being tended to by the referee as he slowly gets to a seated position. He clearly isn't impressed with his first loss during his return match as he watches the victor walk up the ramp.


The camera cuts backstage to Leon Kensworth standing next to a sweaty Vega. He is putting most of his weight on one foot, still showing some of the effects of his brutal match earlier in the night, but he has the Mayhem Title draped across his shoulder.

Kensworth: I'm here with current WZCW Mayhem Champion Vega. Vega, earlier tonight you were victorious over a very game Sandy Deserts. After another impressive title defense, do you see anyone being able to take the title from you?

Vega takes a moment to ponder his answer before speaking.

Vega: No. You see Leon, I have a long history of bending and even breaking the rules. In the mayhem environment however, there are no rules. It is a lawless division, where anything goes. To say I am well versed in those situations is an understatement. It doesn't matter who they put in front of me, I will beat them. Washed up rock stars, delusional women trying to hold onto former glory, monkeys who put on a song and dance routine for the amusement of fans, corporate poster boys, hell even a man who thinks he is an alien, they have all fallen to me. No one in this company can touch me.

Kensworth begins to speak again, but Vega puts an arm around his shoulder.

Now if you will excuse me Mr. Kensworth, I have some sixty eight Glendronach waiting for me back at my hotel suite.

Leon and Vega part ways, walking in opposite directions. After taking a few steps Leon realizes his wallet is missing, he turns to confront Vega, but he is already out of sight.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined 468 pounds, the team of Action Saxton and Saboteur!

Action Saxton and Saboteur emerge onto the stage to a thunderous ovation as the crowd welcomes the former tag team champions. Saxton looks intense and focused while Saboteur calmly waves to the crowd. As the pair make their way to the ring, Saboteur takes plenty of time to high five and shake hands with every fan, even doubling back and getting both sides of the ramp, while Saxton charges down with singular determination to enter the ring. He gives Saboteur a death glare as Saboteur signs a young fan's replica Saboteur mask, though Saboteur pays him no mind, taking his time before joining his partner in the ring.

Connor: Big weeks for Action Saxton and Saboteur last week, as Saxton wrestled in a Grocery Store Brawl and Saboteur challenged for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Cohen: Big losses last week is more like it. Combined with their loss in a big upset to the Bearded Gentlemen at All or Nothing, I have to say I feel like we're seeing these two falling apart.

Connor: That seems a little hasty, don't you think, Jack?

Cohen: When you've been around as long as I have, you start to get a feel for this kind of thing.


Anderson: And introducing their opponents, weighing in at a combined 467 pounds, the team of Barbosa and S.H.I.T.!

Barbosa and S.H.I.T. make their way out to the stage, S.H.I.T. stalking without passion to the ring with the occasional disdainful glance into the crowd, although with a vague air of curiosity. Barbosa, meanwhile, follows more slowly, muttering and apparently carrying on a conversation with himself. The crowd cheers, although many don't know quite how to react to the surprisingly not undisputedly strangest team in WZCW.

Cohen: The freak show continues here, folks. I remember when we at least forced wrestlers to be human.

Connor: Barbosa is coming off a loss to Drake Callahan in a triple threat, but S.H.I.T. picked up a big win in a four way submission match.

Cohen: The problem with the Mayhem rounds is, as fun as they are, it's very hard to capitalize on your success. S.H.I.T. got a big singles win, but is that going to stop his teaming with Barbosa? Management around here obviously isn't good enough to read the writing on the wall.

Connor: Joining up with the conspiracy theorists, Jack?

Cohen: Look at who's pointing the fingers, and you'll see a lot of talent and a lot of brains, Cat.

Everyone enters the ring and the referee separates the two teams into their respective corners. It appears that Saboteur and S.H.I.T. will be starting this match off. The referee signals for the bell and we are underway. The two dance around each other for a moment and S.H.I.T. makes the first move, grabbing a side headlock. Saboteur almost wriggles out of it but S.H.I.T. holds on and transitions to an armdrag that lays Saboteur out, while S.H.I.T. wrenches his arm. Saboteur fights to a vertical base and S.H.I.T. switches back to the headlock, but Saboteur backs him up into the ropes and uses them as leverage to send S.H.I.T. bouncing to the other side of the ring. Saboteur steadies himself to catch S.H.I.T. but S.H.I.T. has him scouted and takes him down on the rebound with a shoulder block. S.H.I.T. quickly pulls Saboteur back to his feet and that proves to be a mistake as Saboteur hits a quick right hand that staggers S.H.I.T.. Saboteur gathers himself for a moment and then turns on S.H.I.T. with a hard chop, and Saboteur follows it by cornering S.H.I.T. and tagging in Saxton. Saboteur wraps behind S.H.I.T. and pushes him at Saxton, who leaps and hits a short crossbody onto the mechanical man! Saxton goes for the cover but gets only one, S.H.I.T. kicking out easily. Saxton hits a hard chop that sends S.H.I.T. to the corner, where Saxton follows. S.H.I.T. tries to counter with a wild punch, but Saxton ducks under it as S.H.I.T.'s momentum takes him out of the corner. Saxton turns him around and hits another stiff chop to S.H.I.T.. He goes for another and S.H.I.T. blocks it, but Saxton answers with a hard uppercut! They've made their way to Saboteur and Saxton tags in his partner.

Connor: Solid, efficient tag team wrestling here by former champions.

Cohen: Emphasis former.

Saxton pulls S.H.I.T. out a bit and lifts him up and over his head, then all the way back down with a powerslam, showcasing his strength. Saxton exits the ring and Saboteur follows by hitting the ropes, rebounding, leaping up, and dropping a big knee on S.H.I.T.! He goes for the cover and gets one, but only one. Saboteur pulls S.H.I.T. to his feet, S.H.I.T. tries to regain control, but Saboteur fights him off, whips him into the ropes, and hits an armdrag on the rebound that he transitions to an arm wrench. S.H.I.T. is able to fight his way to a vertical base and counter the move the hard way, with an elbow to Saboteur's face. He goes for another but Saboteur has an uppercut for him this time, leaving S.H.I.T. to stagger to an empty corner. Saboteur grabs him by the head and pulls him over to his own corner, where he smashes S.H.I.T.'s face into the turnbuckle before tagging in Saxton. Saboteur holds onto S.H.I.T.'s arm for a moment while Saxton hits the middle rope, leaps off, and smashes S.H.I.T.'s arm hard on his way down. Saxton hits a no nonsense punch right to S.H.I.T.'s jaw to follow it up, then lifts up the robotic terror from the side and drops him with a side slam! He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two as S.H.I.T. kicks out.

Connor: Very impressive so far for Saxton and Saboteur. They're cutting the ring right in half, and you're not going to have much success if you can't tag your partner into the ring.

Cohen: The fundamentals of tag team wrestling win you titles. It's an important thing to remember, that as fast or as good looking as you might be, you still have to go out there and grind it out, old school.

Saxton grabs hold of S.H.I.T.'s arm and pulls him into his corner, tagging in Saboteur. Saxton whips S.H.I.T. into the corner and Saboteur waits for him, then sweeps under him and knocks his legs out from beneath him. S.H.I.T. catches himself on his knees, but that might have been a mistake, as he catches two simultaneous lethal roundhouse kicks! If a machine could ever be conscious, this one certainly was not! Barbosa charges the ring, desperately trying to buy his partner a moment, but he gets a stiff shot from Saxton for his trouble! He cautiously backs off a step, but S.H.I.T. uses the time to roll out of the ring, saving the match after all. Barbosa helps S.H.I.T. up to the apron and just a hair into the ring so that he can tag in, finally entering this contest. Saxton leaves the ring and Barbosa and Saboteur have a momentary staredown before Barbosa throws caution to the wind and wildly clotheslines Saboteur! The violence of the move caught Saboteur off guard as Barbosa takes him down hard. Barboa slowly pulls Saboteur to his feet and forces him into a neutral corner, hitting an elbow to the side of Saboteur's head before snapmaring him into the center of the ring. Barbosa drops an elbow but Saboteur wriggles out from under it just enough, and keeps on going to tag in Saxton! Saxton wastes no time going after Barbosa with chops to the chest, forcing him into a neutral corner. He chops Barbosa once more for good measure and then tries to whip him across the ring, but Barbosa reverses it and sends Saxton into the corner instead. Barbosa charges once more but Saxton gets a leg up, nailing Barbosa in the face and backing him off. This time it's Saxton who charges wildly at Barbosa, but Barbosa reverses wildly, hurling Saxton over his head and WILDLY INTO THE CORNER! Saxton hit every part of the corner with every part of his body on that one, and the crowd groans in sympathetic pain. Saxton dully rolls out of the ring; it's unclear whether he's even conscious right now.

Connor: A brutal reversal by Barbosa, and that's the kind of thing you have to wary about with him. He knows every part of this ring is a weapon, and he'll use it against you whenever he can.

Cohen: They're in the ring with a madman. Hell, they're four madmen in a ring! I'll be surprised if no one is in the morgue by the end of this one.

Barbosa gathers himself once more and then tries to locate Saxton on the outside. S.H.I.T. gestures pointedly and Barbosa eventually catches on, then rolls to the outside and forcibly returns Saxton to the ring, rolling him in. He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two as Saxton kicks out! He had just enough time to recover. Barbosa stomps once on Saxton's chest before pulling him to his feet, lifting him up, and dropping him HARD AGAINST HIS KNEE WITH A CRUSHING BACKBREAKER! Barbosa opts to forgo the cover and instead tags in a rejuvenated S.H.I.T., who he then promptly lifts up, and then press slams down on top of Saxton! S.H.I.T. covers and gets one, two, but only two! Saxton just kicked out!

Connor: We all know Saxton and Saboteur's propensity for using one another as a weapon. Are we seeing some mind games here?

Cohen: These two wouldn't know the difference between a mind game and the real mind! One of them hasn't got a brain - and the other one's a robot!

S.H.I.T. pulls Saxton to his feet and goes after him with knee strikes to the face, Saxton countering wildly with a chop, but S.H.I.T. just backs him into a corner and goes after him with shoulder shots to the gut. He takes hold of Saxton once more and forces him into his corner, tagging in Barbosa. S.H.I.T. kicks Saxton's knees out from behind, and then two partners hit simultaneous roundhouse kicks!

Connor: Wait just a minute! They are using Saxton and Saboteur's moves!

Cohen: Hey, it's not cheating. S.H.I.T. claims he can download anything to his hard drive, after all - he probably knows all seventeen versions of the Chick-fil-a Special.

Connor: The what?

Cohen: The most deadly submission known to man! Forgotten by almost everyone...except for me, and maybe the robot here! I guess we'll find out, won't we?

Barbosa continues the assault with another backbreaker and Saxton has got to be just about done here. He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but ONLY TWO! Saxton wildly staggers to his feet but he's in the wrong part of town, and Barbosa hits a hard shot to his jaw that staggers him again. Barbosa viciously lays into him with stomps to the gut, the referee having to back him off from using the ropes as leverage. Barbosa lets up for a second before picking up Saxton and hurling him into a neutral corner. Barbosa looks vicious as he steps on Saxton's throat, again using the ropes as leverage! The increasingly out of control Barbosa has to be warned by the ref again and backed away. Barbosa again pulls Saxton to his feet and throws an uppercut, Saxton responding with a desperate right hand, he gains a momentary advantage and tries to whip Barbosa into the ropes, but Barbosa reverses, Saxton leaps on the rebound but Barbosa catches him! Barbosa has an armload of Saxton and he goes for a Samoan Drop....but Saxton lands on his feet! An incredible display of athleticism by Saxton and it could be the Samoan drop was just a bit sloppy, and the crowd cheers for him - but Barbosa TEARS HIS HEAD OFF WITH A CLOTHESLINE!

Connor: Just when you thought they were getting back into it, Barbosa's explosive violence maintains the status quo.

Cohen: Let's keep in mind who the only former world champion in this ring is. He might be insane, but he's also the best man in this match.

Barbosa goes for the cover and Saxton incredibly kicks out at the last second. Barbosa pulls Saxton to his feet, whips him to a neutral corner, charges after him, but Saxton slips away at the last second! Barbosa turns to face Saxton and Saxton desperately gets off a back body drop! Both men are down and reaching for their corners! Saxton is on his knees! He staggers over, Barbosa is up, he tags in S.H.I.T. - but HERE COMES SABOTEUR! Saboteur is a house of fire and he takes S.H.I.T. down hard with a big clothesline, S.H.I.T. pops up and whips Saboteur into the ropes, Saboteur rebounds with a flying European uppercut! S.H.I.T. staggers up and Saboteur kicks him in the gut hard, straightening him out! He claps S.H.I.T. round the head and then VICIOUSLY HEADBUTTS HIM!

Connor: Does anybody need some MORE COWBELL?!

Cohen: ...I've lost what little respect I had remaining for you as a journalist.

S.H.I.T. rolls over to the corner and Saboteur plots his next move, S.H.I.T. pulls himself up to stand - and Saboteur wipes him out with a Stinger splash! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but here's Barbosa to break it up! Saxton is back in the ring as well! Saxton charges Barbosa, Barbosa ducks under, Saxton turns to face him - and Barbosa sends him crashing down with a clothesline! He forcibly picks him up, takes him to the edge of the ropes, and THROWS HIM OUT OF THE RING! Barbosa turns back to S.H.I.T. and Saboteur, both recovering from the headbutt and subsequent broken up pin attempt. Barbosa gets ahold of Saboteur from behind, spins him around, lifts him up for a powerbomb, and uses the top rope for the assist, hitting the Mood Stablizer! He yells something at S.H.I.T. who crawls over and locks in the Industrial Strength Vice! Barbosa runs interference, but Saxton is nowhere to be seen, and Saboteur has no choice but to tap out!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners, Barbosa and S.H.I.T.!

The victors stand together in the ring for a brief moment before having their hands raised. They both look almost too absorbed in their own thoughts to process the win. Saboteur rolls out of the ring, mumbling and complaining about the grievous injuries suffered, and Saxton is apparently still out cold on the outside.

Connor: One team rebounds big, another team takes another step back. Is it time to push the panic button on Saxton and Saboteur?

Cohen: It's time to congratulate the winners, Cat. A big win that moves them further up the ladder. As for Saxton and Saboteur, it's the moments like these and how you react to them that will separate one time champions from multiple time champions. My gut says they don't have what it takes.

Connor: That's all we have for tonight, folks, and we'll see you tomorrow for WZCW Aftershock. For Jack Cohen, I'm Catherine Connor and this has been WZCW Ascension! Thank you for joining... wait a second!

In an instant, we see Justin Cooper & Alex Bowen jumping the barricade and into the ringside area. Saboteur turns around and gets clocked by Cooper with a clothesline as Bowen slides into the ring, ambushing S.H.I.T from behind with a cheap attack. Barbosa sees his partner fall and turns around to see Justin Cooper jump him as well, tackling him to the ground and delivers punches as Bowen stomps on the body of Barbosa. Bowen sees that both Saboteur & S.H.I.T are recovering and are soon to retaliate, warning his partner Cooper to hurry up. The two members of the Empire quickly slide out of the ring and over the barricade as Saboteur slides into the ring & S.H.I.T gets to his feet, making sure that no more attacks happen from this point on. The Empire looks impressed with their work as the crowd boo's relentlessly at their actions. Cooper raises his hands in the air as Bowen smirks as they back off into the crowd.

Connor: This has got to stop. Can someone seriously do something about these ambushes?

The scene ends with S.H.I.T lifting up Barbosa to his feet as Saxton is coming to who is being tended to by Saboteur.
Who Wrote What:

FalK - Alhazred vs. Overlast & Segments
Harthan - Barbosa/SHIT vs. Saboteur/Saxton
FunKay - Opening & Mayhem Title
Showtime - Smith vs. Constantine
Yaz - Segments

Again, sorry about the delay but that means we get a double whammy today - Ascension now and Aftershock later. We'll see you in a few more hours with another show then if all goes according to plan.

And yeah, that new intro was by Killjoy as well. Rep him for the awesome sauce.
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