Ascension 57

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It's Showtime!
Unscripted 2012

Harrys: The following contest is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships!

Leon: Okay ladies and gentlemen, now that both teams are out here and ready to compete, we will now reveal which match stipulation you chose for these four men.

What match stipulation will the World Tag Team Titles be fought under?

a) Country Whippin' match - 30%
b) "I Quit" match - 35%
c) No DQ Tornado Elimination match - 35%

Leon: Well then... with the fans voting being split between an "I Quit" match and a No DQ Tornado Elimination match, it looks like we have no choice but to combine the two options.

The crowd begins to cheer pre-emptively at this revelation.


Howard has gotten to his feet and starts hitting a series of kicks to the chest of Saxton before finishing off with one to the head. Stormrage comes over to Howard and informs him of Saboteur's status. Howard tells Stormrage to fetch something as Howard delivers a couple of stomps to Saxton. Stormrage comes back with the kendo stick and the steel chair. Strikeforce pick up Saxton with Howard grabbing the kendo stick and using it to create a sleeper hold submission with the stick apply the pressure. Howard tells Stormrage to use the chair to knock the wind out of him. He is a little hesitant but further encouragement from Howard gives Stormrage the confidence to do whatever necessary, hitting Saxton with the chair in the abdomen/chest region. The crowd reacts to this as Stormrage hits a couple more with him asking the ref to come over. Saxton yells "NO" when the ref asks, causing Howard to clutch the kendo stick closer to Saxton's throat. Howard tells Stormrage to help him up on the apron, doing so to make this sleeper hold become a hangman's chokehold. It doesn't take long for Saxton to go red in the face and for him to be the first...

Saxton: ... I... quit... fool...

The choking sounds as Saxton barely talks into the microphone are a little disturbing to the crowd, as well as Strikeforce who immediately let go and stop the attack on Saxton.

Harrys: Action Saxton has been eliminated!


Stormrage gets up, still clutching his stomach and tries to go over and help his partner. However, a hand on his shoulder prevents him from moving and spins him around. It's Saxton and he hits Stormrage with a Karate chop, following up with the Kung Fu kick. Saxton holds onto his throat as he manages to make his way towards Howard, Saboteur & and the referee who is focused on a possible elimination.

Cohen: I thought Saxton was eliminated? He shouldn't be interfering.

Connor: Again Jack... no DQ.

Saxton heads over to Howard and from behind, pulls the kendo stick away from Saboteur's neck and across the neck of Howard, choking him out this time. The referee sees this and informs Saxton that he is eliminated and shouldn't be interfering.

Saxton: It's no DQ!

The referee sighs and says that Saboteur must be the one to make Howard say the words so Saxton cannot be involved in any decision. Saxton isn't too pleased but he drops the kendo stick, allowing Howard some breathing room. Saxton puts his arms into the air and lets Saboteur do the dirty work as he recovers. Saboteur tells Saxton to hold Howard back and measures him up. Saboteur delivers a low blow to Howard, who is in a lot of pain from the shot and tries to breath but the kendo stick did do some damage to his windpipe. Saboteur doesn't stop there though and hits another low blow. The crowd gasps as the look on Howard's face tells the story. He goes to wind-up the last shot and a 3rd low-blow connects, causing Howard to scream out:

Howard: I quit... I quit...

The pitch is a little higher than normal as Saxton let's go of Howard and tells Saboteur to go after Stormrage.

Harrys: James Howard has been eliminated!


Saboteur slowly gets to his feet and begins climbing the top rope again to finish off the match. As he gets to the top, he dives off for the Airbourne Assassin but Stormrage evades, causing Saboteur to hit the canvas. Stormrage shakes off and recovers, looking to gain some momentum by rebounding off the ropes and hitting a mini-Stormrage Splash on Saboteur. The force crushes Saboteur but Stormrage is determined and isn't done yet. Clutching his stomach, Stormrage goes for another splash. He gets up slower but manages to hit for a third time. Saboteur and Stormrage's guts are hurting but Mikey is determined. He looks for the turnbuckles and begins to climb. Saxton is up and he tries to prevent Stormrage but Howard is there to hold Saxton back, distraction him.

Copeland: This might be Stormrage's only chance to win.

Cohen: C'mon... jump!

Stormrage flies through the air and hits his Stormrage Splash; completely on target. Stormrage lays on Saboteur, cutting off the air circulation as the referee approaches to find out...

Saboteur: ... I ... quit.



Howard slides into the ring and helps Stormrage up to his feet, almost in tears as the referee hands them the tag team championships. Howard is very excited to hold onto these belts and hugs his partner as Saxton slowly pulls Saboteur out of the ring. Saxton and Howard catch eyes and both men nod to each other as a sign of respect. The crowd continues clapping and cheers for both teams as Saxton heads up with the ramp with a limp Saboteur whilst Howard helps Stormrage to his feet. Saxton and Saboteur thank the fans for the support as the head up the ramp and through the curtain. Howard and Stormrage hold up the tag team titles in victory and a smile on their face... but Howard's face turns from a smile into concern as he pushes Stormrage out of the way as two attackers slide into the ring and double-team Howard. It is Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff of the New Church leading the assault.

The attackers are teaming up on Howard with shot after shot without anything he can do. Stormrage tries to help but from another point in the crowd, The Grand Mystique appears and holds him back! Westhoff taunts him from inside the ring. The dastardly duo continue the beatdown on Howard before lifting him up and whipping him across the ring; Westhoff hits a spear on Howard with great impact. GM is forcing Mikey to watch. Jacobs immediately grabs Howard by the throat and hits Payday, slamming him into the ground. Westhoff signals for Jacobs to end this, setting up a powerbomb. Westhoff goes to the top rope; the Final Judgement connects on Howard who lands very, very awkwardly on his neck, bouncing off the canvas. Howard is not moving from that shot. The New Church look over to see what they have done as the crowd boos heavily

The camera catch up with The New Church at the back of the arena as they are surrounded by the company security who protects them from the baying crowd. The Grand Mystique ignores the bloodhungry masses and speaks.

GM: "James Howard is the next casualty of our vision but he is not the second and Steamboat Ricky was not the first...

I've been the true driving force behind the New Church since Apocalypse. You were all so desperate to pin the blame on my brothers here but they were simply the distractions that we needed. The New Church are proud to claim responsibility for these attacks but who took Mikey Stormrage out at Apocalypse? It was ME!"


The crowd is on their feet as the opening pyro goes off and the cameras sweep across the crowd. A variety of home made signs supporting or denouncing wrestlers are visible. Many fans do their best to get on camera, even if it is only for a brief second.

Connor: Good evening everyone and welcome to Ascension! I'm Cat Connor alongside my broadcast partner Jack Cohen, and Jack we have some big things planned for the first Ascension of the new year.

Cohen: We have a little bit of everything tonight folks. We have a Mayhem title match, a Battle Bowl Qualifier, a big six man tag match involving the remaining member of the tag team champions teaming up with the team he just beat to do battle with The New Church, and a match between two former World Champions, Titus takes on Drake Callahan in our main event here on Ascension!


Connor: Speaking of champions, here comes a man who made history at the Unscripted pay-per-view.

Cohen: I've given Stormrage hell in the past, but after what he witnessed at the hands of The New Church, you have to feel for him.

The crowd comes alive as Mikey Stormrage steps from behind the curtain. He has one tag team title draped over his shoulder, the other secured around his waist, hugging tightly to his Strikeforce t-shirt. He has his head down as he walks to the ring. He takes a seat on the ring steps and takes a moment to listen to his music as a ring tech hands him a mic. After a few moments he stands and steps into the ring as his music dies down.

Mikey Stormrage: Sorry about that, I'm not used to hearing that song when I'm out here. I forgot how it ended.

The crowd chuckles as Mikey flashes a smile.

Stormrage: Now you will have to forgive me, I was usually the silent partner, so this is a bit new to me. I have a few things I'd like to address here tonight. Firstly, I'd like everyone to know that James Howard is still in the hospital. He has been moved to a normal room, and is spending time with his new son. Little dude is a poop machine, but James was finally able to change his first diaper yesterday. Unfortunately for James, it is going to be a while before we see him in this ring again, if ever. I know he is watching right now, so I just want him to know that regardless of whether he comes back or not, we are always thunder buddies for life.

The crowd erupts in chants of "Thunder Buddies!"

Stormrage: That does bring me to my second point. I've got these two nice shiny gold belts, but no one to share them with. I've had talks with a lot of guys in the back. I have the unenviable task of replacing James Howard. I considered a lot of names, I took a lot of attributes into consideration. My new partner would need to be in top notch shape, they would have to be loyal, a good teammate, they would have to give me health kits in Call of Duty. So who is my new partner? Maybe Ricky Runn? A guy I know can function in a great team, and I guy I can genuinely call a friend. Maybe Titus? How cool would it be to team with an accomplished actor and genuine super hero? Maybe Celeste Crimson? I have to admit, I would love to stand on the apron and watch a gorgeous lady kick some butt night in and night out. How about Mister Alhazred? We would never lose the backstage gaming tournaments. Maybe my new partner is Triple X. So many flippy moves. I took all of that into account, and had a long talk with management. After some long and careful consideration, I've come to a decision. I have decided that my new partner will be, no one.

The crowd sits in stunned silence.

Cohen: Can he do that? Can he defend both belts by himself?

Connor: I guess we will find out soon enough.

Stormrage: There are some great guys back there, guys who can call me a friend, guys who can call themselves champions, but there was only one who could say he made history by being part of the first team to win tag gold twice, only one who could kick my ass one second and laugh with me the next, only one who could call me brother. In my mind no one can take the place of James Howard.

Stormrage unstraps the belt from around his waist, hoisting it in the air.

Stormrage: This one is for you buddy.

He drops the belt, letting it fall to the ground. He then takes the belt on his shoulder and throws it to the ground as well.

Stormrage: There is only one Strikeforce, and until the day Strikeforce is whole again, those mean nothing to me. As of this moment, I am officially vacating the tag team titles.

The crowd is again stunned, though a few pockets of boos start to pop up.

Stormrage: That brings me to my third point, The New Church and Grand Mystique. I have been told not to touch the trio until our match later tonight. These men have a constant thorn in my side for months, but I could easily push them out of my mind. I had my eyes on a bigger prize, reclaiming gold and proving that I was part of the greatest team in the world. I'm a goofy guy, I could deal with their antics. Hell, at one point we staged a sit in and I ordered Jack Cohen over there to order me takeout. That is how serious I took them. Their attack at Apocalypse, nothing more than an inconvenience in the long run. I'm well versed in cheat codes, I know all about doing whatever it takes to gain an upper hand. At Unscripted though, they crossed a line. An unprovoked attack on a defenseless man, a man who just gave his all in a match I wish I could forget, because of the extremes I went to to win. I made Saboteur quit, I made history. I should have been celebrating. Instead I was forced to watch a vicious assault on my partner, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I am normally not a man who seeks vengeance, but vengeance is on my mind. Believe me when I say I will have my revenge. I have a feeling a lot of my fans aren't going to like me when I'm finished. One of my favorite television programs preaches love and tolerance. To hell with that. Mystique, you can hide behind your little mask, but I will get my hands on you, and when I'm done you will need a mask to hide your scars. Jacobs, Westhoff, you can expect me like you expect Jesus to come back. I will not stop until you feel the physical pain my partner felt. I won't stop until you feel the emotional pain you made me feel. God forgives, I don't. If you want mercy, take your asses to church, because at Unscripted you set me on a path to a dark place, and I'm dragging the three of you with me. I will make you homesick for a place that doesn't exist, a place where I don't haunt your thoughts and dreams. You can pray for salvation, but I promise you salvation will not come. You will feel the weight of your sins. Normally this is the part where I tell you it's Game Over, but Game Over implies you can start again. When I'm finished, you won't be able to start over.

Stormrage drops the mic and removes his Strikeforce shirt, placing it over the titles before he exits the ring and heads back up the ramp.

Connor: Wow! A lot to take in there. Mikey Stormrage officially vacating the tag team titles.

Cohen: Not to mention he has thrown down the gauntlet.

Connor: They say actions speak louder than words, but those were some very loud words promising even louder actions.

Cohen: They say don't poke the bear. It looks like The New Church just poked a pretty big bear with a pretty small stick.


Camera shows Action Saxton and Saboteur standing in an office room.

Saxton: So, what happens now Sucka?


Saboteur slams his hands down on a desk. His partner shoots an odd look at him and then returns his sight forward. The camera turns around and we see Vance Bateman.

Bateman: Well gentleman, you bring up very interesting points regarding the WZCW tag team titles. Now I can’t simply give you the titles back. That could destroy the integrity of them. You lost them fair and square so you will have to win them back in some way.

Saboteur: And how do you propose that hmm? There’s nobody to defend them. I can’t simply take down the air around them, I’ll get tired.

Bateman: Look as you may know by now, we were going to announce a tag team tournament at Unscripted...

Saxton: The Battle Wall?

Saboteur: No, The Fruity Bowl.

Bateman: It’s called the Battle Bowl you fools. Now the Battle Bowl was going to determine a new number one contender to take on the tag team champions at All or Nothing, but since there are no tag team champions anymore now that Mickey has vacated the belts, the Battle Bowl will conclude at All or Nothing where the winner will become the new WZCW Tag Team Champions. At Unscripted, The Bearded Gent and The New Church both won their matches and in two weeks they will face each other to see who advances to the finals of the Battle Bowl. You both being former champions, I’m going to cut you guys a little slack and automatically qualify you into the Battle Bowl, but in two weeks time you’ll have to compete against the winner of STA, and Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen. The winner of that match will advance to finals and face either Bearded Gent or The New Church.

Saboteur: Ohhh... I hate those guys.

Bateman: Then I would get ready for your match tonight against them. Now leave.

Saxton and Saboteur both nod their heads and leave as Bateman stares down at his desk and begins to sign some papers.

Connor: Saboteur and Saxton have qualified for the Battle Bowl and coming up after the break we find out who they will be facing. Cooper and Bowen verse STA. Who will represent STA tonight? Don’t go away, that match is next!
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a quarterfinal match in the Battle Bowl!


Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 487 pounds, the team of Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper!

The two enter side by side, Cooper smiling like a madman, Bowen scowling at everything. The fans let them hear it as the two make their way down with determination, Cooper sliding into the ring while Bowen takes the steps up. The two mount opposite turnbuckles and stare out into the crowd.

Connor: These two came together in surprising and shocking fashion at Unscripted, and made their presence felt. Together, they attacked Barbosa and S.H.I.T. after their grueling match, and Cooper, with some assistance from Bowen, defeated both Constantine and Chris K.O. in a three way contest.

Cohen: It's the most impressive victory in the history of WZCW! A titanic feat to topple two of the best in WZCW! Cooper deserves a world title shot - and Bowen too!

Connor: Cooper I can understand, but what did Bowen do?

Cohen: I'll tell you what - he made an impact! He went from nowhere to the top of his game, by taking what management wasn't giving him with force! That's something to respect.

All attention is turned to the ramp as the crowd awaits the arrival of the STA. It takes a while for any music to hit, until...


The crowd is excited but confused by the General Manager of Meltdown's sudden appearance. He looks extremely annoyed as he holds a sheet of paper in his hands. He lifts a mic up and addresses the crowd.

Dave: I received this message from Connor Reese just moments ago. He has informed me that tonight, the STA will be represented by Wilhelm Wunderbar and Benjamin Hoss.

The crowd boos at hearing the names, but Dave has more to say.

Dave: I want to make it clear to Connor publicly that WZCW will not be a place where he gets to send people out to fight his battles. You are officially on notice.

As for you two in the ring, your actions at Unscripted will not be tolerated either. You both are on thin ice right now in WZCW, so if you're planning on blowing up the ring again here tonight, I would suggest you seriously rethink that for your jobs sake.


The STA contingent makes its way out, Alicia and Sascha leading a blindfolded Hoss to the ring. The crowd is almost mystified at the sight of the 400 pound monster being led to the ring like a lamb to the slaughter. Wunderbar stalks behind them, shouting orders that are apparently unneeded, as the women have things under control. The strange parade gets to the ring and the women lead Hoss into the ring and slowly remove his blindfold. He stares blankly at his opponents across the ring, making no move of aggression toward them - yet. Wunderbar climbs the steps next to him and remains outside the ring.

Connor: One of the strangest groups you'll ever see in WZCW has sent a contingent to the Battle Bowl - but just because they're strange doesn't make them any less dangerous. This cadre directed by Alexander Stark is extremely dangerous.

Cohen: And Dave is completely unjustified to tell Connor that he should be out here! The STA functions as a unit, and they can send out anyone they want to wrestle! A blatant abuse of power by our general manager.

The women retreat to ringside, Alicia preparing to direct her brother in combat. The referee instructs Cooper and Bowen to separate, Cooper opting to stay in the ring. The referee checks Cooper for anything illegal and apparently considers doing so with Hoss, but gives him the benefit of the doubt with an ashen look on his face. He is about to signal for the bell before Dave interrupts him.

Dave: Hang on a minute. This is going to be a clean match, if it's in my power. I want anyone not involved in this match removed from ringside.

The STA women and Wunderbar immediately look panicked, knowing full well that Hoss is useless without Alicia as his side. They conference among themselves, desperately trying to decide what to do.

Dave: NOW! Or I'll start firing people.

Alicia and Sascha have no choice but to begin to retreat. Hoss is quick to note that his sister is leaving up the ramp. He tries to follow her, walking into the ropes. He appears not to notice that the ropes are in his way, trying to walk right through them as he grows more and more frustrated. He figures it out after a couple of moments and begins to follow Alicia, who is shouting at him to go back. He looks confused, but tries to follow her nonetheless. Wunderbar shouts for him to stay and he snaps back, terror on his face. He is caught desperately between Alicia, standing at the ramp, and Wunderbar, screaming for him to come back.

Dave: Good enough. Ring the bell!

The ref signals for it and we are underway. Wunderbar is distracted, screaming at Hoss, and Cooper comes over to him and grabs him by the head, tossing him into the ring. Bowen comes into the ring at Cooper's tag, knocking the daylights out of Wunderbar with a stiff clap to the head. Wunderbar is spun around and Cooper hooks him from the back and NAILS him with Your Final Verse! Cooper rolls out of the ring and Bowen picks Wunderbar up, hooks him between his legs and HITS THE END OF DAYS! Wunderbar is unconscious as Bowen covers him, getting one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen!

Wunderbar is knocked out in the ring as Hoss is still looking confused on the ramp. Without Wunderbar screaming at him, however, he continues to follow Alicia, who is all but pulling her hair out as he makes his way toward her. Dave looks impassive at the entrance stage as he watches Cooper and Bowen celebrate their victory.

Connor: Strange just got stranger, and I don't know that I can fully explain what we saw here.

Cohen: Dominance by Cooper and Bowen, taking advantage of the weaknesses of their opponent! You have to be ready for your manager to get ejected, even if it is by a totally unjustified tyrant.

Connor: And with that, the team of Bowen and Cooper keeps rolling as they advance to the next round of the Battle Bowl to face Saboteur and Action Saxton. They both will be in action later on, teaming up with Mickey Stormrage to face The Grand Mystique and The New Church! That match is still to come on Ascension.


The camera cuts backstage and we see WZCW superstar, Jimmy Flynn, standing next to Leon Kensworth. Kensworth pulls a microphone up to his lips and begins to speak.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the man who will challenge the controversial superstar, Vega, tonight for the Mayhem Championship. Jimmy, I have to ask you. How are you feeling tonight?

Flynn: I feel good Leon. In fact, I can feel the electricity in the air tonight. Everything just feels right. By the end of tonight, I believe without a shadow of a doubt that I will be leaving this arena with the Mayhem Title around my waist.

We can hear a faint crowd pop inside of the arena. Flynn continues.

Flynn: Not only will I win Leon, but I am going to make history.

Kensworth: History?

Flynn: History.

Kensworth: History?


Kensworth seems a bit startled by Flynn's expressive response. Kensworth's timid reaction gets a chuckle from the crowd inside of the arena. Kensworth pushes up his glasses and then raises the microphone to his lips.

Kensworth: May I ask exactly how you are going to make history?

Flynn: Yes. You see, I am going to go out there tonight and beat Vega, but not in the way you might think. I won't use a steel chair, a baseball bat, a table, or steel steps. No, I am going to use my god-given wrestling talent. I am going to show Vega what real wrestling is. I am going to become the first person to win a Mayhem Championship without using a single foreign object. On top of that, I am going to do it for the fan.

The crowd pops and then Flynn smiles before slapping Kensworth on the chest in a good gesture. He walks off camera and the scene fades out.
Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is a Mayhem Rules Match and it is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!


As the song starts a wide range of multi-color lights beat to the bass of the music. Jimmy Flynn emerges from the back to a decent sized pop from the crowd. He takes a knee at the top of the ramp and points to the sky.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger from Eastport, Maine, weighing 200 pounds, Jimmy Flynn!

Connor: He is the purist; the man we all know as the “Devil’s Dancer”, Jimmy Flynn! And tonight he will go one on one in a Mayhem Rules match, but there is one catch. Flynn has claimed that he will do something that has never been done before. He claims that he will win the Mayhem Championship without using a single weapon.

Cohen: I will believe it when I see it CC. Vega is on fire as of late, and I don’t think a pure wrestler can compete in the type of Mayhem that Vega has to endure every week.

We return to see Flynn spinning in the ring with his arms extended, but his intro is cut off by the arrival of the champion.


The arena lights fade out as the music begins to play. Once the singing begins an aura that resembles the sun’s glow slowly illuminates the stage. We see Vega standing tall with his trench coat on and the WZCW Mayhem Championship raised into the air. The crowd responds with a set of boos.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 175 pounds, he is the defending WZCW Mayhem Champion, Vega!

The crowd boos as Vega walks down the entrance ramp.

Cohen: Listen CC. You know as well as anyone that I am a great judge of character. I am telling you right now. I am telling everyone at home right now. Vega is the next Alex Bowen in the Mayhem Division.

Connor: That is a bold prediction and I am sure that Jimmy Flynn has something to say about that tonight.

Vega is now in the ring and we see him hand off the Mayhem Title to the referee in the ring. Vega returns to his respective corner and takes off his trench coat. He tosses it to the outside and then turns around to see Flynn on the other side in his owner corner. The referee checks to make sure both men are separated and then walks into the center of the ring. He hoists the title into the air and the crowd lets out a pretty good pop for the opportunity of witnessing a title match tonight. The referee then proceeds to hand off the title to a ring-side official. Suddenly, a small chant breaks out from the crowd.




Cohen: Haha! Peer pressure for the purist Jimmy Flynn. I knew it! There are fans here who I am sure spent their hard earned money on tickets tonight just to see this match. You wanna know why? Because everyone likes to look at a car crash! It may not be the most humane thing, but everyone likes to see the wreckage. Flynn is trying to overcome a stigma that has been stapled for years in just one night? Good luck buddy! You may be a cookie cutter nice boy, but these hardcore fans will eat you alive.

Vega grins at the crowd’s chant and we see that Flynn is just trying to ignore them. The referee looks at both men and gets a respective nod from the two. With that he calls for the bell and the match begins!

The two men charge each other in the center of the ring. They grapple up, but Flynn gets the edge. He grapples the waist of Vega and then spins himself to be behind him. He reaches up and hooks the arms, which sets Vega up to slam his face down on the mat with a Russian leg sweep! The move connects, but Vega quickly rolls away and gets back up to his feet. Flynn also gets to his feet as he looks over at Vega, who is rubbing his chin from the pain.

They walk up to each other in the center of the ring again. This time Vega goes for the first strike and sends a stiff right kick to the left thigh of Flynn. Flynn tries to block it, but he fails. Vega sends his left leg into the right thigh of Flynn. Flynn has to eat the kick as he steps backwards from the assault. Vega attacks again; right, left, right, left, right, CATCH! Flynn is backed all the way up against the ropes, but he is able to finally grab hold of Vega’s leg. Vega shakes his head no, but Flynn reaches up and grabs the arm of Vega. He hoist Vega up on his shoulders and performs a spinning fireman’s carry! Vega’s back hits the mat hard and Flynn is laying on top of him. The referee slides into make the count, 1.....Kick Out!

Flynn uses the ropes near him to pull himself up, but by the time he gets up he is surprised to see that Vega has grabbed some ropes and pulled himself to the outside.

Connor: It seems as though Vega is done trying to “out-wrestle” the purist, who is clearly eating his lunch in this match.

Cohen: The Mayhem Division was never about wrestling CC. It has always been about using your surroundings.

Vega is on the outside and he kneels down in order to lift up the ring apron skirt and look under the ring. Flynn notices what he is doing and hurries over to where Vega is at. Flynn reaches through the middle ropes and grabs the hair of Vega. Vega grunts in pain as Flynn slowly pulls him up to a standing position, but wait! Vega has something in his hand! SMACK! Flynn’s hair-pulling move was his own folly. Vega sends a chair into the face of Flynn. This causes Flynn to stumble backwards and drop to his knees in the ring. He holds his face in pain as Vega raises the chair on the outside. The crowd boos him for the most part, but a small section of hardcore fans cheer him on.

Vega then proceeds to slide into the ring with the chair. Flynn is still on his knees from the chair shot. Vega walks up to him and swings the chair back and then into the back of Flynn. It looks like a jolt of electricity goes through the body of Flynn as he stiffens up and then tumbles down onto his stomach. Vega drops the chair and then proceeds to kick the mid-section of Flynn. This causes him to grip his stomach in pain and roll over onto his back. Vega immediately pounces on him and starts sending various punches and forearms into the face of Flynn.

Connor: Uh oh, Vega is a master at punch and kick combos. He has extensive training that has turned his fists and feet into deadly weapons themselves.

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Flynn is just eating the blows as he tries to feebly block them with his arms. Vega finally tires out from the strike and repositions himself on top of Flynn for a pin attempt, 1.......2.Kick Out! Vega shakes his head in disappointment at the referee and rises to his feet. As Vega goes to grab the chair he dropped earlier, we see Flynn slowly trying to rise to his feet. He is shaking the cobwebs out, and Vega sees this and grins as he approaches Flynn, who is in a kneeling position. Vega stops whenever he reaches Flynn and stares at his head. Vega mouths the words, “I’m going to enjoy this.” He raises the chair high into the air as he prepares to slam the chair down hard on the head of Flynn!

Connor: He is going to take off his head like some kind of executioner!

Vega has the chair raised high, but he is shocked to see Flynn lung out of his kneeling position and wrap his arms around his waist. Flynn quickly re-positions himself to be behind Vega and then picks Vega off of his feet. It is a delayed lift, but Flynn is able to execute a belly-to-back suplex! Vega has to let go of the chair and it goes flying to the other side of the ring. Flynn, who is still aching from the chair shots earlier, slowly gets up to his feet. Surprisingly, Vega is able to crawl towards some ropes and pull himself up at about just the same speed.

The two men both get to their feet at the same time. They run at each other and Vega attempts something that looks like a clothesline, but Flynn catches it and turns the maneuver into an arm trap neck-breaker! The crowd pops at this and Flynn goes for the cover,


The crowd is hyped now over the two count. Flynn gingerly gets back up to his feet. He pants as he wipes away the sweat from his forehead. He looks over at the chair in the ring and goes over to it. Flynn hesitates for a moment, but then reaches down and picks it up. This receives a huge pop from the crowd.

Cohen: He is a liar! He is a cheat! He is going back on his word!

Flynn holds the chair with both hands and looks over at Vega, who is still on the ground. He looks out at the crowd and mouths the words, “Sorry”, before tossing the chair out of the ring.

Connor: Now don’t jump to assumptions Cohen.

He walks over to Vega and grabs him by the hair. He pulls him up, but receives a nasty surprise upon doing so. *DING* Is that the bell? No, that is the sound of Vega’s forearm slamming into the manhood of Flynn. Flynn grabs his balls and falls down onto the ground.

Connor: Poor Flynn.

Cohen: Put some ice on it!

Vega doesn’t get up to his feet, but instead crawls over to the ropes and pulls himself underneath them and to the outside. He pulls up the ring-apron skirt and pulls out a wooden table! The hardcore fans and even some of the non-hardcore fans give the debut of the table into the match a decent pop. Vega grabs it and slides it into the ring. He slides in with it and looks over at Flynn, who is still wailing in pain on the ground. Vega then proceeds to set up the table. After doing so, he walks over to Flynn and picks him up by the hair. Vega grabs the arm of Flynn and then hoist him up on his shoulders!

Cohen: It is time for The Killswitch!

Flynn flails his legs and the turbulence is too much for Vega. He lets Flynn down and then Flynn proceeds to pick Vega up in a position for his Falling Powerslam finisher! Once again, Flynn is conflicted with emotions as he looks at the table set out before him.

Connor: Flynn could end this right now if he just sent Vega through the table!

Flynn shakes his head no and turns away from the table with Vega still hoisted up. Vega now begins flailing his legs and sending elbow jabs into the body of Flynn. This causes Flynn to stumble towards the nearby ropes. Vega takes the opportunity to grab the top rope and pull himself out of the maneuver and onto the outside ring apron. Flynn shakes the pain away from his body and approaches Vega. Vega jumps onto the bottom rope and propels his knee up into the face of Flynn! The move sends Flynn staggering backwards and grabbing his face in imense pain.

Connor: A springboarded Knee Strike from Vega off of the outside ring apron! Wow!

Vega jumps off the apron and once again looks under the ring. He spots something under there and grins big time. He pulls out a crutch.

Cohen: A crutch?

He takes the crutch and holds out in front of him. You would think that he just found the holy grail of weapons. He slides back into the ring with the crutch and gets to his feet. Flynn is turned away from him and his still holding on to his face. Vega holds the crutch up just like a baseball bat. Flynn now slowly begins to turn around to face Vega. Three, two, one, Flynn removes his hands from his face and turns towards Vega. Vega swings directly at Flynn’s head, but Flynn ducks! The momentum of the swing has turned Vega away from Flynn. Flynn grabs him from behind and is prepared to execute another maneuver! Vega acts on a whim and drops the crutch. He then proceeds to send a stiff elbow into the side of Flynn. This causes Flynn to loosen his grip, which allows Vega to reverse the hold. Vega now grapples the front of Flynn and takes a quick glance over his shoulder to see the wooden table near by. He picks up Flynn and is able to execute an exploder suplex! Flynn crashes through the table!

The crowd perks up and Vega slowly crawls a short distance to drape an arm over Flynn.


The crowd boos, but you can still feel the buzz from the pop of the table spot.

Cohen: I told you it could not be done. You cannot win a Mayhem Championship without using a weapon!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, and still WZCW Mayhem Champion, Vega!

The referee brings the Mayhem Title to Vega, who is still laying on the ground over the table debris. Vega asks for it despite laying on the ground. The referee drops it on him and Vega hugs it to his chest, as he rest his head on Flynn’s body like a pillow.

Connor: What a match on the first set of shows this year. The Mayhem Division is heating up and I can’t wait to see who challenges Vega next.

The last shot we get is Vega finally getting to his feet and the referee checking on Flynn in the background. The camera cuts out.


Backstage, we see Mason Westhoff and Derek Jacobs, dressed for action but seemingly distracted by the events at the opening of the show.

Jacobs: Did you see Mikey out there boohooing in front of the world, Brother Westhoff?

Westhoff: I did, Brother Jacobs and it was good. Beautiful even. To see a fun-loving baffoon reduced almost to tears on live television due to or actions was delicious.

The self-congratulatory joviality of the New Church is tempered by the arrival of the diabolical Grand Mystique.

Westhoff: Your Eminence, might I just congratulate you once again on how you have manipulated the whole tag team division to fit your own design. The way you used Strikeforce as a tool to smash the "undefeatable" veneer of Saxton and Saboteur only to then destroy that tool has been nothing short of masterful.

Jacobs: Yeah, masterful!

GM: Everything has been proceeding as I have foreseen. But this is but half the plan completed. The titles may be vacated but there are still other teams in the way as this so-called BattleBowl tournament demonstrates.

Westhoff: They will be no match for us, Master - Masque, Beard, Bowen, Cooper, Reese, Wunderbar, Saxton, Saboteur, they will all fall to our now united church just as James Howard did.

Before Westhoff and GM can revel in their seemingly inevitable victory, Jacobs pipes up with another name.

Jacobs: What about Mikey? He will be looking for revenge.

GM dismissively waves away that protest.

GM: Stormrage is a broken man, devoid of hope and direction. Should he decide to stand up to us, he will provide no challenge.

Westhoff merely nods in acceptance of the gospel according to Grand Mystique, although Jacobs seems less certain. Perhaps realising that slight hesitance, the Universal Evil ads a proviso.

GM: But just to be certain, let us add more physical pain to the emotional torment that is his current existence.

Both Westhoff and Jacobs nod at this plan as all three make their way towards the ring.


Elsewhere backstage, Action Saxton and Saboteur are also preparing for their upcoming match.

Saxton: You ready, sucka?

Saboteur: Actually, no. For once, Saboteur fills ill-prepared for combat.

Saxton: What has got you in such a funk?

Saboteur: Where do I start? We lost our tag titles, I have not been able to get my time machine working again and now not only do we have the Great Mistake and the Second-Hand Synagogue to deal with, we have to do so alongside that blubbering goof...

Saxton: The same "blubbering goof" who made you submit away our tag team gold?

Saboteur: Eugh... don't remind me. There is not enough No More Tears to wash away that experience.

Saxton: There might be if you actually showered properly.

Saboteur: You know it was such an flab attack that drove Barbosa mad? You are lucky I am such a well-rounded individual.

Saboteur starts to chuckle at his lambasting of Stormrage. Saxton starts to do so but quickly stops. The spandexed superstar realises this and with a slum of his shoulders, gives something of a sigh.

Saboteur: He's behind me, isn't he?

Saxton nods as Saboteur turns around to find an intense looking Mikey Stormrage standing behind him.

Saboteur: Damn, I wish I had some fluxtonium right about now... Hey, buddy!

This illicits no response from Mikey.

Saxton: Listen, playa. Sorry about having to give up the tag team titles. That was about as unjive as it gets.

Stormrage: I chose to give them up.

Saboteur: Why the hell would you do that?

Mikey gives no reply again, choosing instead to fix Saboteur with a stare before then pushing past. However, before he disappears around the corner, he turns back towards his tag partners for the night.

Stormrage: Just remember that while they may have gone as far as to injure my partner, putting his career at risk, Grand Mystique and his New Church manipulated both of you too.

With that, Mikey heads off, leaving Saboteur and Saxton alone.

Saboteur: What's bugging him?

Saxton: You mean besides seeing his best friend have his career potentially taken from him and having to give up the tag team titles without a fight?

Saboteur: Yeah.

Saxton: Revenge.

Saboteur: Oooooh, a quest for rewengay... that can be a lot of fun. Best served cold, you know. Like Gazpacho or Vichyssoise. But he isn't going to go after General Motors and Total Non-stop Crapiness alone?

Saxton turns to Saboteur without saying anything.

Saboteur: Oh, okay. Just so long as he does not goof around and get in our way out there.

Saxton looks back in the direction that Mikey went.

Saxton: I do not think that will a problem...

Both Saxton and Saboteur then begin moving to follow Mikey towards the ring.

Saboteur: Hey, Sax. Would you give up the titles for me?

Saxton: Er... Sure.

Saboteur: You do not sound certain of that...

Saxton: Well, the mommas do expect a certain level of style from Action Saxton.

Saboteur: That tag title belt did look good on you. Good thing we will be getting them back at All or Nothing after winning this sugar bowl.

Saxton: Oh, you know it, sucka!

Connor: 6 man tag team action is coming up next. Don't change the channel, this match will be a can't miss showdown!
Anderson: The follow contest is a six man tag team match and is scheduled for one fall...

The arena is bathed in darkness for the arrival of the first team of competitors.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 523lbs, Derek Jacobs, Mason Westhoff, the New Church!

At the end of the introduction, a spotlight cuts through the darkness, illuminating the centre of the ring to reveal Westhoff in his usual kneeling pose, his arms outstretched in supplication while Jacobs towers over him, his arms raised in the air.

After a few seconds in this pose, Westhoff climbs to his feet and moves to the side, his head bowed as if in supplication. Jacobs retires to a position opposite Westhoff, his head simiarly bowed deferentially.

As suddenly as it had appeared, the spotlight between Westhoff and Jacobs goes out, leaving the arena in complete darkness once more.

The chorus of boos ringing out is deafening as after a few flickers of light, the spotlight returns to the same gap left by the disciples only now it is filled by the trenchcoat wearing, masked leader of the New Church.

Anderson: And their partner, from the deepest, darkest corner of the universe, weighing in at 364lbs, he is the Universal Evil, the Grand Mystique!

After lapping up the hostile reception of the crowd, Grand Mystique, Westhoff and Jacobs remove their entrance gear and the then take up a position opposite the entrance way, awaiting their opponents.

Connor: These three look ready for action.

Cohen: Our trio of former tag team champions better beware.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 315lbs, Mikey Stormrage!

To large cheers from the crowd, Mikey walks throught the curtain but this is not the same playful Stormrage we are used to seeing. There are no video-game inspired poses and no high-fives as he power-walks his way down the aisle. As he approaches ringside, Westhoff and Jacobs move forward to cut off his entrance into the ring.

However, this does nothing to deter Mikey as he slides into the ring alone, leading to Jacobs and Westhoff unloading numerous kicks and stomps to their grounded opponent. In spite of this, Mikey makes it to his feet and blasts away with big rights and lefts, first staggering his two assailants and then sending first Jacobs and then Westhoff sprawling to the outside. He then steps forward to go face to face with the Grand Mystique.

Connor: This had to be what Mikey wanted. One on one with the orchestrator of his recent torment.

Cohen: He needs to be careful what he wishes for.

Connor: The Universal Evil certainly has a confident air about him.

However, just as Mikey is about to get his hands on GM, Westhoff and Jacobs re-enter the ring and blindside the former tag team champion. All three members of the New Church proceed to stomp a mudhole in the downed Stormrage.

Cohen: Mikey started like a house on fire but the numbers game was always going to tell in this match.

Connor: Match? This isn't a match. This is a massacre.

Connor is quite right as the bell has not rung and the referee is trying desperately to stop the three on one assault so the match can actually begin. However, GM and the New Chruch show no signs of letting up their stomping on the floored Stormrage.

Anderson: And his partners, at a combined weight of Insanely Manly Kilometres, Action Saxton and Saboteur, they are...

Anderson tails off, her introdcution unfinished, as Saxton and Saboteur emerge on stage and sprint down the aisle and slide into the ring to mix it up with Westhoff and Jacobs, leaving GM to continue to put the boots to Mikey. This chaos continues until the referee then calls for help from the back and numerous officials and backstage staff flood the ring in an attempt to enforce some order.

Gradually, they are able to force the New Church into one corner and Saxton, Saboteur and Stormrage into another, divided by a sea of bodies. The Grand Mystique is taking this separation as an opportunity to hurl abuse at Mikey, taunting him over the injury the New Church inflicted on Howard.

Needless to say, this illicits another attempt by Mikey to charge through the crowd of officials to get to his tormentor. However, this time it is Saxton and Saboteur who pull him back, seemingly in an attempt to calm him down. Saxton then clearly suggests something to Saboteur and Mikey, both of whom agree rapidly and things seem to settle down enough for the actual beginning of the match and the officials and staff begin to exit the ring.

However, the competitors do not and the New Church even move forward to the centre of the ring, continuing to taunt Stormrage, who takes a step forward looking like he is going to rise to the bait. Instead, in one quick move, Saxton and Saboteur then lift Mikey into the air and hurl him at the members of the New Church!

Connor: Double Fastball Special!

Cohen: That was more of a bowling ball than a baseball...

Connor: So does taking out all three of the New Church count as a turkey?

As Jacobs and Mystique both roll to the ouside and Saxton and Saboteur both retreat to the apron, leaving Mikey alone in the ring with Westhoff, the referee decides that this is as close to an orderly start as he is going to get and therefore calls for the opening bell.

Mikey grabs Westhoff by one of his arms and after giving GM another stare, drills the acolyte with a big short clothesline. However, he does not let go of the arm and Westhoff is quickly wrenched back to his feet to eat another clothesline and then a third. Dragging him to his feet a third time, Mikey repositions Westhoff's arm and slams him backwards with a Russian leg sweep. With no relenting in his offence, Stormrage then scoops up Westhoff and after holding him for a few seconds, slams him down near the New Church corner, before pointing at GM.

Connor: Mikey clearly wants Westhoff to tag in Mystique.

Cohen: Again, he better be careful what he wishes for.

Instead, it is Jacobs that tags in.

Cohen: Let's see if Mikey can match power with Jacobs before he gets to face the big dog.

The massive Jacobs immediately challenges Mikey to shoulder charge him. Mikey obliges at bouncing off the ropes but is not caught unawares when Jacobs reneges on the challenge and attempts to level him with a lariat. Ducking it, Mikey rebounds with kitchen sink strike that doubles Jacobs over, allowing him to then hit a running knee lift. Jacobs rises quickly but runs straight into an impressive feat of strength as Mikey scoops him up off his feet and body-slams him into his own corner, pointing once again at GM.

This time, Grand Mystique does tag in and the second that he steps into the ring, Mikey charges at him. However, ever the wiley competitor, GM stays close to the ropes and once Mikey makes contact the referee intervenes in an attempt to force the break. And once the ref is unsight, GM unleashes a devastating eye-gouge and then bouncing off the ropes drives Mikey back towards the New Church corner with a side on shoulder charge.

The Universal Evil then tags back out to Westhoff, who ascends to the top rope and catches the rising Mikey with a double axehandle. A quick tag sees Jacobs join Westhoff in throwing Mikey into the ropes and flattening him with a tandem shoulder block. Jacobs then returns the favour from earlier in picking up Stormrage in a deplayed scoop slam. Unsurprisingly though, he does not deposit Mikey in his own corner.

The New Church follower hauls Mikey to his feet once more and send him hard to the buckle with an Irish whip. Another quick tag to Westhoff but before exiting, Jacobs takes advantage of the five count and throws a couple of big elbows onto the prone Stormrage. Before the referee has to get involved, he throws his hands up and exits the ring but before Mikey even thinks about any kind of respite, a charging Westhoff connects with a big running boot right to the jaw, which sends Mikey crumbling to canvas.

With Mikey now seemingly subdued, GM stretches out his hand and demands to be tagged back in. However, the second that Westhoff obliges, Saboteur and Saxton drop down off the apron. A rumble of concern spreads across the arena, fearing what Saxton and Saboteur might be about to do.

Cohen: Saxton and Saboteur are clearly not interested in having this match... They never were.

Connor: Surely they are not going to leave Mikey to a major beating?

This move has even gotten the Grand Mystique's attention, restoring the air of confidence he had exuded earlier and leading him to gesture to the crowd like this was all part of his plan. However, just as it looks like Saxton and Saboteur are going to leave, they race around the ring to pull Westhoff and Jacobs down from the apron, initiating a free-for-all. Under the tirade of the Saxton/Saboteur assault, first Westhoff and then Jacobs escape into the crowd. However, the former tag team champions do not let that stop them and the four are soon fighting up through the audience and out of the arena.

Connor: You were right, Jack. Saxton and Saboteur really did not have much interest in this match. But they were interested in kicking some New Church rear end!

Cohen: Yeah, but look what they have left in the ring. Poor deluded Mikey has been left all alone at the mercy of the Grand Mystique. And he is a man that knows no mercy.

Indeed, seemingly unperturbed by the disappearance of his allies, GM is intermixing his stomps on the downed Mikey with antagonistic invective.

GM: How does it feel to fail your friend, Mikey?

He then drops a elbow on Mikey's back.

GM: If you could not save him from me, what makes you think you will be able to save yourself?

When Mikey continues to fight his way back to his feet, GM unleashes a big right hand and follows it up with more kicks and stomps before pushing Mikey under the bottom rope to the outside, where he follows.

GM: Don't worry, you will be reunited with him soon enough.

With that, GM picks up a chair from ringside and despite the remonstrations of the referee looks set to to bludgeon the struggling Mikey. However, before he can rear back, noise from the big screen catches his attention. It is now showing where the other two-thirds of this match has gone with Saboteur and Saxton brawling in the concession area with Jacobs and Westhoff.

First the camera focuses in on Action Saxton, who is feeding the downed Westhoff popcorn straight from the machine. After every mouthful he asks Mason the same question.

Saxton: You want some more?

*BAM* Saxton punches Westhoff in the face.

Saxton: You want some more?

*BAM* Saxton punches Westhoff in the face again.

Saxton: Hey, Sab! This sucka says he is still hungry!

From off screen, Saboteur can be heard shouting back.

Saboteur: Then give him some more!

Saxton winds up for Megaton Punch but in that moment's distraction and delay, Westhoff is able to lift the nearest thing to hand - a bottle of ketchup and squirt it in the face of Saxton.

Saxton: Aw, damn! My eyes!

Westhoff then squirts some mustard onto Saxton's head.

Saxton: Aw, damn! My hair! I am going to get you for that, sucka!

But before he can, Westhoff launches the semi-blinded Saxton over the concession stand counter with a hip toss, before sinking to his knees and spitting out some of the popcorn lodged in the his mouth.

The camera then pans toward a t-shirt stand where Saboteur is beating on Jacobs. In the midst of this chaos, Saboteur spots something out of the corner of his eye and immediately rings Jacobs' bell with the Bell Clap. He then grabs whatever it was that he saw and steps in front of the camera so we cannot see what he is doing.

When he is finished, he sits down beside the dazed Jacobs, revealing that he has put a limited edition Saboteur mask on his opponent. Putting his arm around JacobSaboteur, he throws a big thumbs up like they are posing for a photo. Saboteur then completes More Cowbell! by levelling Jacobs with a big headbutt. The New Church member falls back onto the t-shirt table and the camera zooms in to get a closer look.

Over the chaos and the rumbling of the crowd, off screen Saboteur can be heard to shout.

Saboteur: There can be only one Saboteur... and that is me! Super Saboteur!

Saboteur then launches himself back into shot with the Super Saboteur! diving lariat that not only takes out the prone Jacobs but also destroys the concession stand. As Saboteur pulls himself out of the wreckage he raises his hands in apology.

Saboteur: Sorry, sorry. Don't worry, I'll pay for that. That was my fault.

However, Saboteur then turns straight into a Divine Intervention from Westhoff! With both of his opponents briefly incapacitated, Mason quickly drags Jacobs from the ruins of the t-shirt stand and leads him away from the carnage..

Back at ringside, Grand Mystique has been watching this concession stand brawl most intently and nods at the seemingly positive result. However, it seems to draw a strangely positive reaction from the crowd but once the camera pans back from focusing on GM, it is revealed why...

Connor: Mikey is up!

Grand Mystique turns back around only to come face to face with an irate Stormrage, who unloads with a huge bomb that staggers the big man, forcing him to drop the chair. Mikey then grabs GM and slams his face hard into the ring apron and without letting go slams him onto the anounce table and then back onto the apron again, before rolling his opponent into the ring.

Mikey goes to follow but much like Saboteur just minutes before, something catches his eye. He bends down and picks up the chair that GM has only just dropped. As Mikey slides back into the ring so armed, GM is now in full begging off mode.

Connor: I do not think that there is much mercy in Mikey either...

However, just as Mikey is in his backswing, his aim is switched by the return of Jacobs and Westhoff to the ring, with the former taking the full force of the chair right between the eyes!

Unsurprisingly, the referee calls for the bell and then tries to get in between Mikey and the striken Jacobs. GM quickly uses the sacrifice of his disciple to escape to the outside and when the referee continues to remonstrate with Mikey, along with Westhoff reaches into the ring to drag Jacobs to the outside.

Connor: Poor Jacobs! Mikey was swinging for the fences there!

Cohen: He took one for his team!

Connor: GM was definitely fortune to escape largely unscathed there.

Saboteur and Saxton arrive back through the crowd and join Mikey in the middle of the ring just in time for the official word on the result.

Anderson: Here are your winners as a result of a disqualification, The New Church!

Saboteur and Saxton exchange looks before both shrug.

Saboteur: This rewengay quest could be a lot of fun.

Saxton: Not too happy about my hair...

Saboteur: Just another thing to add to the rewengay list.

Amongst the joviality of his tag team partners, the raging torrent that is Mikey Stormrage has not taken his eyes off the retreating New Church. He then walks forward, climbs up the ropes, points at the Grand Mystique and screams.

Stormrage: I'm going to fucking get you, Mystique! You have not seen the last of me!

Connor: Looks like this feud is far from over...


The camera shows a backstage hallway where a group of ring officials are standing in a circle. The camera pushes through them and we see Titus lying on the floor, clutching his ribs. Vance Bateman enters the picture.

Bateman: What the hell happened here?

EMT: It looks like someone attacked Titus. He may have broken ribs.

Bateman: This is just great..... hey you.

Bateman points a finger and the camera turns in the direction where we see Big Dave.

Dave: What happened here Vance? Can't control what happens on your show?

Bateman: I know your business with Titus is not finished yet. Even though you're retired from competing due to your injuries, you still can't help but feud with people on the roster, like Steven Holmes and now Titus. I can't prove you did it, and I know somehow you're the reason behind it, but I don't have time right now to have you questioned. I have to find a replacement and save my main event.

Bateman storms off camera as Dave bends down and helps the ring personal assist Titus.

Connor: Titus has been assaulted backstage. Who attacked Titus and will he be able to compete tonight, or will Vance have to find a late replacement? Our main event, whatever it will be, is next!
Anderson: It is now time for our main event and it is set for one fall!

The crowd utters a brief cheer, pleased it’s getting such a high profile main event. They soon quieten down awaiting the combatants:


Thunderous booing replaces the silence as the former Heavyweight Champion enters the arena.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds; DRAKE CALLAHAN!

Adorned on Drake’s face is the protective mask he had shown before. He is not at all happy and mouths off several times en-route to the ring.

Connor: We heard earlier from Drake that he has this face-mask as a result of the damage sustained from Hell in a Cell, most noticeably the assault with the chair from Titus. That would also provide motive for the assault on Titus from earlier.

Cohen: Perhaps...

Callahan now enters the ring and stares out across the arena, face like thunder beneath his facial protection. His music ceases and there is a moment of silence from the speakers as Drake starts arguing with the crowd in general as the boos begin to increase in lieu of the music. The noise is deafening as Drake gives up arguing and shakes his head in disgust. He turns his attention to the ring ramp. He awaits his adversary.

Connor: Is Titus going to be able to compete here tonight following that assault from earlier?

Cohen: Smart money says no CC. I can cut you in on that if you’d like?

Still there is no Titus. Drake’s face begins to turn as he smiles slyly at the apparent no-show from the Oscar winner. He leans back into a corner and relaxes as the referee shrugs his shoulders and makes his way over to Selena Anderson to declare a forfeit when suddenly...


The crowd erupts into a monster reaction. Part of it is positive while the other half are deeply negative. Regardless, enter Chris K.O.: WZCW’s resident “White Knight”. He is dressed to compete, a change from his earlier attire. He also holds a microphone for a likely explanation.

K.O.: Now I’m sure we’re all wondering where Titus is, but it appears that he won’t be able to compete tonight.

This draws further boos.

K.O.: However, as the White Knight of WZCW, I Chris K.O., am fully prepared to rescue the day and fight this injustice, taking Titus’ place!

The mixed reaction returns, this time with more boos. Drake is visibly angered and starts arguing with the referee, no doubt spouting about conspiracy theories. K.O. makes his way down the ramp, reaching the end as he continues.

K.O.: Therefore I shall be your opponent this evening Drake Callahan! Referee, if you would be so kind...

As K.O. puts his mic on the ground and prepares to remove his helmet yet another interruption occurs, but this may well be a welcome one:


The crowd comes unglued as this theme can only be attributed to one man; Titus! Surprised, K.O. turns to the entrance way and looks on intently. After a small delay, Titus arrives, clutching his ribs. He is grimacing as he enters and looks at the ring. As he storms down the ramp, he doesn’t take his eyes from K.O. As he too reaches the bottom of the ramp, he stares dead at K.O, who returns the look with an icy gaze. The tense moment concludes as K.O. lifts his helmet and slowly turns, but doesn’t take his eyes from Titus. For a few moments, Titus keeps his eyes fixed on Chris before turning his attention to the ring.

Connor: So it appears that Chris K.O. was ready to “save the day” when it didn’t quite need saving, eh Jack?

Cohen: Indeed CC, and perhaps there is something linked between K.O.’s desire to ride in and slay the so called “bad guy” and the assault earlier on Titus?

As the question lingers, Titus gingerly enters the ring. The referee approaches him to ask him if he’s okay to begin. Drake has returned to looking calm, quite readily prepared to face an injured Titus. Signalling that he’s prepared to face Callahan, the referee calls for the start of the match. The bell rings, the crowd cheers and we are underway. Immediately, Drake seeks to target the wounded ribs and fires a kick towards the area. Titus though is prepared for such an attack and backs off, entering into the ropes. He is swift out of the way as Drake comes forward with real aggression. Titus glances left and right, seeking a way out of the predicament as Callahan again comes forward. Drake now lunges at Titus whose instinct tells him to execute a powerful uppercut. It connects, but as Drake backs away, Titus clutches at his forearm, the mask causing some damage to the former two time world champion. As Titus shakes it off, Drake blindisdes him, forcing him into the corner. There he unleashes a multitude of punches and elbows, drawing a count from the ref: 1...2...3...4... Shortly before the five count he backs out of the corner, only to run into it with a dropkick. Titus bounces violently into the turnbuckle.

Connor: Drake has control of this match right now as Titus continues to reel from the effects of the backstage assault from earlier.

Dropping to the mat whilst still in the corner, Titus is dazed. Callahan sees a great opening and sprints right at his prone foe. He delivers a vicious knee to the cornered Titus who flops forwards. Drake pulls Titus forward as he goes for the cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Relentless though, Drake doesn’t even miss a beat after the near fall and fires a couple of straight fists and Titus’ exposed ribs. Clutching his wounded midsection, Titus leaves his face unprotected and Drake tees off on his skull with a headbutt. The presence of the protective mask draws jeers from the crowd. The volume of this resentment causes Drake to stop for a moment as a grim look comes across his face. He pulls Titus up as he rises to his feet and knees him hard in the gut. Titus falls to one knee only to be picked right back up as Drake delivers a sidewalk slam. He floats over into a cover quickly. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Burning a hole through the referee, Drake looks somewhat frustrated by the lack of a three count, but returns his gaze to the wounded legend.

Grabbing at Titus’ leg, Drake attempts to turn the Keystone native onto his stomach. Once there, a half-Boston crab is applied! Titus lets out screams of anguish as Callahan seeks to exploit the injury and extend Titus’ pain and suffering. With his arms reaching out, Titus is desperate for a way out, but lies in the dead centre of the ring. He claws at the mat desperate to alleviate the pain brought on by the hold. Drake torques Titus’ back further, increasing the pain. In his current position, Titus can barely get air to his lungs and with such intense pain actually begins to black–out. His eyes begin to close and the referee is in position to see the move applied. He tries to see if Titus is tapping, but instead he seems limp. In a test to see if Titus is totally out, the referee prepares to drop his arm three times. A small “TITUS!” chant begins. The ref raises the arm and it falls the first time. 1! The chant grows louder as the whole crowd begins to get involved. The arm falls for a second time. 2! Drake is nodding signalling that he believes it’s all over. The crowd is roaring now as it stomps its feet to try and resurrect Titus. The arm is dropped for the third fall. Time seems to pass by slower than before. The arm falls towards the mat but mere inches before it hits the canvas, the arm stops. Titus is still in it! Drake is astonished as the roof comes off. The crowd is in a wave of euphoria.

Cohen: How..?

Connor: I don’t know, but Titus has survived!

Fuming, Drake begins to scream at the referee as he seeks to maintain the hold. The crowd continues its Titus chant. As his arms begin to shake, Titus’s eyes pop wide open. He seems to be riding a wave of adrenaline. He uses all his might to push himself upwards, forcing Drake forwards. Callahan digs his nails into Titus’ leg to keep a hold of the half-crab, but Titus’ momentum is too great and he forces Drake off. The masked man crashes forward, smashing his already sensitive face off the mat. He clutches at it in true pain. Both men are on the mat. They both begin to rise, Drake keeping hold of his face, trying to reposition his mask and Titus grabbing his ribs. Now both in a standing position, Titus tells Drake to bring it and Callahan does just that, firing off a clothesline. Titus ducks it though and swings round into a neckbreaker. He immediately knows what he wants to follow up with and grabs at Callahan’s ankle, trying to turn the tables on his adversary. He tries to turn Drake onto his front to execute the submission fully, but Callahan resists continually. He tries to fire a kick at Titus’ face, but the movement allows Titus to move him onto his front and fully hook in the Ankle Lock!

Connor: The roles are reversed! Will Drake show as much resilience as Titus did?

As Titus contorts Drake’s ankle in horrendous and vile ways, Callahan screams and reaches out. He’s desperate for the ropes, just as Titus was earlier. He crawls forward, dragging Titus towards the ropes, but the legend is quick to pull him back into the centre. The crowd is imploring for Drake to tap. Callahan grits his teeth and digs deep in an attempt to not give in. Then, Titus applies a grapevine leg lock to extend the pain further. It appears the Drake is in deep trouble now. Drake looks like he’s about to cry the pain is so intense. His face is a portrait of woe. He kicks out at Titus desperate for something, anything to break the hold. He raises his hand to tap as he strikes out with his leg once more. Fate befalls Callahan though as the supposedly errant kick actually hits its intended target, catching Titus square in the injured ribs. Feeling the grip weaken, Drake strikes at Titus again, and a third time before Titus finally releases the Ankle Lock. A forth kick winds Titus fully and allows Drake to slink out of the grapevine too. He crawls into the ropes, using them to bring himself to his feet.

He begins to limp as Titus clutches at his ribs and in a kneeling position on the mat. Drake limps quickly over to Titus and tries to get him in position for the final blow; Faded Memory! He has Titus up quickly, but still there is fight left in the film star. He fires a kick into drake’s gut and falls back down with Drake bent over. Titus comes off the ropes and leaps upward, looking to crash down with the Tit Drop! Drake though senses danger and pulls backwards. Titus lands on his feet, but turns forward, leaving the ribs exposed as Drake leaps head first into the target area. Using the facemask, Titus is dealt a devastating blow. He drops to his knees one last time as Drake hooks him up for a second attempt at the Faded Memory. He lifts him high and drops him hard. Drake floats over into a cover. 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner; DRAKE CALLAHAN!

Connor: Titus fought bravely, but in the end his injuries were too great and drake was able to expose them enough for victory.

Cohen: Smart stratagem CC. That’s a great game plan and even with his wounds, Drake was able to pull this one off.

The referee raises Callahan’s arm high and he breathes heavily after hard fought contest. He grins at his handiwork before bowing mockingly. He begins to take his leave, adjusting his protective mask the entire time. The referee drops down to check on the injured Titus.

Connor: Well it seems like we’re out of time here at Ascension. Tune in tomorrow for Aftershock where the 2012 End of Year awards will be handed out!

Cohen: But it’s already 2013!

Connor: Quiet you! Anyway, I’m Cat Connor and he’s Jack Cohen and we’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight!

We fade out to black as our closing shots show us both Titus down on the mat, deeply wounded and Drake beginning to argue with the crowd once more despite his victory.
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