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Ascension 55

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

The crowd explodes with sheer delight as pyrotechnics go off in equally loud fashion making the opening scene of this, Ascension 55 a deafening delight. After the fireworks cease, the crowd’s volume increases further, extremely pleased with the sight of WZCW Ascension!

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our 55th broadcast of WZCW Ascension! Tonight we feature several phenomenal contests, capped off with tonight’s main event; Steven Holmes vs. Celeste Crimson. Talk about a two worlds colliding!

Cohen: True enough CC, but before that we’ve got a variety of quality contests and--


Cohen: Why must I always be interrupted?

The crowd cheers mightily, though a few boos do occur at various spots around the arena as James Howard kicks off this Ascension broadcast. He makes his way onto the stag before Selena Anderson gives us the formal introduction:

Anderson: Ladies & gentlemen, please welcome; JAMES HOWARD!

Again, the crowd offers a mainly positive reaction for Howard, though boos are littered about. Howard himself is deadpan. There is no emotion on his face, and he walks to the ring with pace, hoping to enter the ring and get his message, whatever that may well be across. He is dressed in a tracksuit, as if ready for a fight, though he is not scheduled to wrestle this evening.

Connor: No doubt James Howard must be in a somewhat rough place ahead of his Aftershock bout against Action Saxton and Saboteur’s mentee Krypto.

Cohen: Rough place? Oh please. He dropped the dead weight that was Mikey Stormrage and made an impact all over the Tag Team Championship match at Apocalypse. I’d call that good business on Howard’s part.

Connor: So it was good business to be detained by security?

Before Cohen can answer this question, Howard has taken Selena Anderson’s microphone and is ready to speak, cutting off any potential further dialogue our commentators may have.

Howard: I promise not to take up too much of your time folks, but there is something I need to address.

At this point Howard takes a deep breath, readying himself for his speech, preparing to let it all out at once.

Howard: At Apocalypse, my friend, tag team partner and an all around good guy in Mikey Stormrage was assaulted by someone. Now I was blindsided before I could see the attack, and I was banged up slightly, but Mikey took the brunt of the assault. This cowardly act saw Mikey ruled out for an indefinite period. Now at this stage, WZCW officials are investigating the incident, but as of right now, I’m launching my own, personal investigation into this case.

There is a very mixed response for that, which slightly catches Howard off guard, forcing him to stop very briefly. He looks at the crowd, his emotion still not obvious.

Howard: Now, to me it’s obvious that the list of suspects could potentially be a mile long, but really, we all know that this was either the work of Strikeforce’s primary rivals in Action Saxton & Saboteur...

The mention of the tag champions draws a good pop from this audience, though Howard is again unmoved.

Howard: Or it was the work of...


Howard shoots a look straight at the titantron and stage set-up, his deadpan expression sinking into a sea of anger. This anger is reflected by the crowd who boo thunderously. This outpouring of negativity draws out the duo of Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff; The New Church. Both men are smiling, though Westhoff’s grin is far larger than the more subtle expression on Jacobs’ face. The former has a microphone in hand, cutting off Howard’s speech entirely.

Westhoff: Howard my boy!

This opening line alone garners Westhoff some distinctly loud cheers. He isn’t too surprised by the reaction, but he looks out into the audience and his grin grows even larger somehow. Westhoff and Jacobs begin to slowly walk down the stage and ramp as Westhoff speaks.

Westhoff: Howard, the time has come. You’ve been seeking the truth, but in reality it has been staring you right in the face. It’s obvious you still cannot see that truth but--

Enraged, Howard’s anger boils over and he cuts off Westhoff very quickly and sharply.

Howard: What truth Westhoff? What are you babbling about? Do you know what happened to Mikey? HUH?

Westhoff: But of course I know what happened to Mikey. He was taken from you...from us, by a pair of snakes in the grass. The truth that you seek is that Mr. Stormrage was taken down not by myself and the good Mr. Jacobs, but by that dastardly duo of Action Saxton and Saboteur.

Howard has calmed himself somewhat, but this claim has infuriated the crowd. They are not happy at the suggestion that their heroes in Saxton & Saboteur were responsible for such actions. At this point, both Westhoff and Jacobs are at the bottom of the ramp, and are seeking to enter the ring, where Howard stands.

Howard: So what you’re telling me is that you have nothing to do with this?

Westhoff: Precisely. We have nothing to do with the assault on yourself and Mr. Stormrage.

Howard: Somehow you don’t strike me as someone that speaks the truth...at least not a whole lot.

Jacobs takes exception to this and takes a step forward, a serious look on his face. He seems prepared to confront Howard, but Westhoff extends his arm out, signalling for him to back off for the moment.

Westhoff: You may not believe me Howard, but I am out here, willing to assist in your investigation. I am here offering you a chance to triple your work force on this case. I am here, preaching the truth, and extending an olive branch. I come here, and I offer you the opportunity to join us in our quest!

Westhoff remains happy with the words he utters and his grin is still entrenched upon his face, almost as if it were a permanent feature. Then he extends his hand...

Westhoff: What do you say Howard my boy?

Before Howard can even consider the offer from Westhoff, the incredibly loud theme music for the Tag Team Champions of the World hits, disrupting proceedings. Howard now glances upwards and away from New Church, surveying the stage area once more, and sure enough he is rewarded with the arrival of the tag champs. Both men have their belts buckled nicely around their waists. Saxton has a mic of his own once more.

Saxton: I’ll try to make this as blunt as can be sucka’s; Howard, you do not shake that honky in the ring’s hand, ya’ here me?!?

At this stage, Saxton hands the mic to his partner in crime; Saboteur.

Saboteur: That’s right Howard. Myself and Saxton here are expert detectives and we can tell there’s something up with New Church. You should be working with us to find out what happened to our good buddy Mikey.

Glancing back and forth at both teams, Howard appears unimpressed by both teams until he smiles at Westhoff, who takes this as a sign. He drops his mic and extends his arm for a hand-shake, but rather than Howard’s hand, he instead feels Howard’s head. A slight trickle of blood runs out of a staggered Westhoff’s nose. Again, Jacobs step forward to defend his partner, but Westhoff yet again denies Jacobs passage. Howard exits the ring, his mic still in hand.

Howard: I don’t trust you...

Howard points at New Church.

Howard: And my gut certainly tells me not to trust you!

Howard points at Saxton...though not Saboteur intriguingly.

Howard: I don’t need the help of either of you, especially knowing that one of you is responsible. You’re both compromised, and I’ll find out what happened to Mikey by myself.

Howard drops his mic, storming up the ramp. The New Church stand in the ring with Westhoff no longer grinning. Saxton and Saboteur separate to allow Howard past them. As he passes the tag champions, Howard gives Saxton a long, lingering stare, almost probing him with his eyes, Saxton squints. The tension is obvious.

Connor: Well there we have it, James Howard claims he needs no help in finding the attacker, and I’m not sure I can blame him for going solo on this one.

Cohen: I suppose you’re right, I mean why would he want those two blasted Muppets on the stage following him around when we know it was probably them who took out Mikey the idiot anyway?

Cat is close to responding when suddenly the gargantuan face of Ascension’s General Manager, Vance Bateman appears on screen, and he doesn’t look too pleased.

Bateman: Saxton, Saboteur, New Church! Your four gentlemen have wasted enough time standing out there, elongating Howard’s speech. You are scheduled to face off against each other tonight, so why not make that match, right now?

The crowd cheers this decision, a rarity for Bateman’s declarations. His face disappears before there can be any argument. New Church appear somewhat disgruntled by the move, but Saxton and Saboteur smile, delighted. They unbuckle their belts and proceed down to the ring as we fade to commercial break.
We return to the arena, joining our opening contest as it’s already began. In the ring at the moment, Derek Jacobs has a chokehold applied to the ever-powerful Action Saxton. The referee counts the illegal manoeuvre: 1...2...3...4...BREAK-UP! Jacobs holds his hands up, making sure they’re clear of the tag champion, only to return to choking him immediately. Mason Westhoff has a massive grin on his face as his partner continues to choke away.

Connor: Welcome back to Ascension ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, we’re already underway with the New Church facing off with reigning tag team champions Action Saxton and Saboteur, and Derek Jacobs is continuously strangling Action Saxton in there. Surely the referee has to step in?

Cohen: Not likely CC. Jacobs is working intelligently. He’s breaking before the five count each time and wearing his opponent down. Dull for us here observing, but very effective in that ring.

Indeed it is as Jacobs once more applies the hold, but this time he incurs the wrath of Saxton’s partner, the unpredictable Saboteur. The masked man leaps across the ring to pound away with wild fists at Jacobs. This only serves to irritate the member of New Church and he hits Saboteur with a swinging elbow, sending the other half of the tag champions right back to his corner. Jacobs, now somewhat disgruntled tags in his ally and partner Mason Westhoff. Like a Cheshire cat, Westhoff enters with a sickening smile. He saunters over to a recovering Saxton and chooses to take his time with his adversary. His slow pace though dramatically speeds off when he drops a somewhat shocking leg drop right across Saxton’s throat. What follows is a quick cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Westhoff isn’t even remotely surprised and almost immediately grabs Saxton’s head, laying stiff elbows into the front, side and back of the skull, knocking the big man loopy. Again, a cover, this time forcing his elbow into Saxton’s face. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Westhoff this time comes out of the pinning position and grins wildly. He extends his hand backward, and his partner, Jacobs, tags in.

Saxton struggles to get into a recovery position, and attempts to crawl towards his corner where Saboteur is no placed once more, hoping for the tag, elongating himself as far as possible to reach his powerhouse partner. Much like Westhoff, Jacobs walks with a cocky swagger, standing in front of Saxton, blocking him from making the tag. He snickers briefly while Saxton scowls, both in pain and in anger. With one mighty paw, Jacobs hoists Saxton to his feet before blasting him backwards, away from his partner with a mighty big boot. Saxton is once more in enemy territory, and the New Church could not be happier. Jacobs lifts an arm upwards, taunting both his opponents and the capacity crowd. A melee of boos rains down hard upon Jacobs who merely smiles in retort. The big man tags in Westhoff and the strategy of the New Church is paying off superbly so far. Westhoff remains arrogant as he enters, lifting Saxton up and addressing him quietly, but offensively. Whatever is said burns Saxton, and that’s not a good thing for Westhoff. Now with rage fuelling him, a fire lights in Saxton’s eyes and with great determination, Saxton backhands Westhoff wildly.

Cohen: Uh, oh. I think Westhoff might want to shut his mouth in future.

With that in mind, Westhoff shoots Saxton a look of surprise, and perhaps fear. He backs away into neutral territory, hoping to stay safe from the enraged Saxton, but it is no use. The beaten and bruised ladies man is now running high on adrenaline, and it increases Saxton’s mobility in part. He is behind Westhoff before he can backtrack to a corner. With great force, Saxton smashes a big time karate chop onto the top of Westhoff’s head. He clutches in agony as Saxton loads up for a signature move; Kung Fu Kick! Saxton is in position, ready to hit the move, but Westhoff, despite his pain, sees it coming and bails, rolling under the bottom rope. The crowd boos mercilessly, unhappy that the comeback has been interrupted. Saxton certainly isn’t happy either and is hot in pursuit. Derek Jacobs sees an opening here though and looks to take down his fellow big man on the floor, but Saxton’s partner is to the rescue; Super Saboteur! The dive comes from nowhere and carries great momentum with it as it takes down Jacobs. The resulting thud though distracts Saxton momentarily, allowing Westhoff a chance to regain his advantage, an opportunity he seizes by decking the unsuspecting Saxton with an incredibly rough lariat. Westhoff then decides it’s time to return to the ring, perhaps sensing a count-out is afoot.

Connor: That momentary distraction may win New Church this one, even if it is via count-out.

Cohen: A win is a win my dear.

Having returned to the ring, Westhoff scoots backwards, away from the ropes and the other match participants, creating some distance as the referee begins his count.


Slowly climbing to his feet, Westhoff stands tall in the ring, as Saboteur, Saxton and Jacobs squirm in pain on the outside.


Saxton grabs the apron, using it to bring himself up to a standing position of sorts.


Recovering further, Saxton slides into the ring. He holds his neck in some pain; however this does not appease a panicked Westhoff who had not predicted the Saxton comeback.

Cohen: How did he get back in on time?

As Cohen poses that question, Westhoff shakes off his surprise and goes for an assault on Saxton’s obviously wounded neck. He sprints, seeking to execute a facebuster, something Saxton notices. Saxton spins on the spot and delivers a twirling punch right to Westhoff’s face. The Arkansas native is dropped like a bad habit as the crowd cheers wildly. Dazed, Westhoff stares up at the lights, little birds probably flying around his head. Saxton though is unrelenting and taunts, setting up for his finisher; Black Dynamite! After some brief theatrics, Saxton leaps into the air, contorting his elbow so it is well placed to finish Westhoff off, but at the last second, a revived Derek Jacobs pulls his partner to some form of safety. Saxton’s elbow hits the mat with authority. He grimaces in pain as Jacobs smiles, entering the ring, much to the referee’s chagrin. The official seeks to stop Jacobs causing any further damage as the illegal man, but he bypasses the ref, choosing instead to grab Saxton by the neck. What follows though is not a chokehold though, but a hoist to a standing position. Jacobs hand never leaves Saxton’s throat though and he lifts him off of the mat now, choosing to execute his own finisher; The Payday! The brutal Chokeslam connects, causing Saxton to bounce off the mat. Once again though, Saboteur is into the ring to save his buddy.

Running high on adrenaline, the masked madman sprints at Jacobs, forcing him backwards, and eventually, both men tumble across the ring and over the top rope, taking them both out of the equation once more. Someone who isn’t out of the equation though is Mason Westhoff who is no longer dazed. He sneaks back into the ring, and crawls over Saxton’s lifeless corpse, making the cover. At first the referee is pre-occupied by the brawl between Saboteur and Jacobs, but he soon notices the pinfall attempt. He is into position: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Saxton pops out with great strength. The crowd goes wild. Westhoff is stunned. Even more stunning though is Saxton’s reaction. Saxton didn’t just prevent a loss, but he is somehow high on adrenaline, and is to one of his knees, shaking with power. Westhoff turns and notices the almighty sight. Saxton rises to his feet, shaking his fists, almost powering up, ready for a final assault. For the umpteenth time in this contest, Westhoff backs away, fearing that Saxton’s new powers may be bad news for him. Eventually though, Westhoff backs himself into the corner, and has nowhere else to turn. Saxton grabs Westhoff by the neck with both hands and brings him to a standing position. Swiftly following this, Saxton delivers his other finisher; Black Lightning! The devastating kick leaves Westhoff lifeless, and with no Jacobs to save him, the pin is an easy one: 1...2...3!


Saxton punches the air with his fist, signalling a great emotional release. He’s delighted with a win over his rivals. As Saxton climbs to his feet, Saboteur enters too; both tag team titles in hand. He passes Saxton one and keeps another for himself. The dynamic duo celebrate the victory.

Connor: Another win for Action Saxton and Saboteur who continue to cement themselves asd the premier team in WZCW!

Cohen: That might be true now CC, but keep in mind, this situation with James Howard is far from over. I doubt the masked buffoon and the machismo master have heard the last of the New Church on this matter.


We cut backstage to see Leon Kensworth standing with a microphone. The camera zooms out and it is revealed that he is with WZCW superstar, Ricky Runn. The pop can be heard from within the arena as Kensworth pulls the microphone up to his mouth.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with Ri-

Runn puts his finger up to Kensworth's lips.

Runn: Shhhhh...

A small moment of silence occurs and then Runn pulls his finger away.

Runn: Can you hear them Leon? Can you hear the voices?

Kensworth looks around the room, but sees no one.

Runn: The voices inside my head. You see, everyone keeps telling me, "flip monkey, flip" , but these voices are telling me, "win Ricky, win!"

Runn stops for a moment, but then continues.

Runn: Tonight will be a show for all to see. We will see Ricky Runn vs. Triple X in a five-star performance. You better believe that this monkey is going to flip, and that this Ricky is going to win!

With that, Runn walks out of the camera view and leaves Kensworth kind of confused.
The following match is scheduled for one fall! From Phoenix, Arizona, he weighs 220 lbs, Triple X!!


Connor: “This should be a great match! Their styles are really going to mesh well!”

Cohen:“You kidding me? This is a piss break!”

Triple X walks on the stage, running to each side of the stage, hyping the crowd up. He holds up his arms up making his trademark X symbol as he walks down, acknowledging fans. He slides into the ring. He mounts the turnbuckle, playing to the crowd again until he is interrupted by:

Connor: “Go if you want but this is going to be can’t miss TV.”


His opponent from Chicago, Illinois, he weighs 225lbs, the Second City Daredevil, Ricky Runn!

Ricky bounces onto the stage and sprints down to the ring before posing in the corners. He jumps down and sees Triple X opposite him. As the bell rings and they prepare to engage, they slap hands respectfully before circling each other.

Cohen: “I hate this guy And I hate this respect crap.”

Connor: “Who don’t you hate? Wait, don’t answer that.”

They tie up eagerly and Ricky forces X to the ropes. X tries to twist around in the grapple but Ricky shoves him off, X grabs a arm and tries to take Ricky down. Ricky fights it and takes a wristlock before using the ropes and flying off with a head scissors that takes the former Elite X champ down. But he isn’t down for long and despite Ricky keeping his head trapped to the mat, X presses himself, backflips over Ricky and hits a dropkick to Ricky’s face! X goes for a cover but barely gets a one count. X brings Ricky up quickly and drops him square in the centre of the mat with a body slam but Ricky kicks X in the head on the way down. Both men roll away to opposite corners before kipping up simultaneously much to the crowds delight.

Connor: “What a spectacular start!”

Cohen: “By these manly male gymnasts!”

The youngsters charge across to each other, Ricky ducks a clothesline and hits a smart enziguri that sends XXX to his knees, Ricky hits a snap mare and then a dropkick to the face. He follows up with the flashy Rick Roll before going to cover X; he barely gets a one count of his own. Ricky goes to the middle rope and dives off to hit a leg drop but X moves and Ricky’s spine is unnaturally compressed by the canvas. Ricky seems winded by the blow and X takes advantage quickly by whipping him hard into the opposite corner. X charges but Ricky gets a weak boot up. Ricky tries to hit a running move but X presses him over the top rope, Ricky lands on the apron comfortably but X springs himself off the middle rope and hits a move not unlike a Whisper in the Wind. Ricky falls to the outside but drags himself up valiantly. The knowledgeable crowd rises to their feet as they spy X backing off, he runs to the corner, jumps to the top rope, steps across to the adjoining rope and flies off, diving towards Ricky but the Daredevil foils the spectacular move by hitting a dropkick to the chest of Triple X as he falls to the ringside flooring!

Connor: “The crowd are on their feet with another incredible sequence.”

Cohen: “I can get behind this now. Triple X just had his ribs crushed!”

The spectacular sequence has kept the crowd on their feet and the noise shows the youngsters are truly keeping them engrossed. X is crushed and Ricky is still looking to shake the cobwebs, having instinctively snatched the advantage. The referee is using his ten count and slowly, Ricky picks up X and sends him into the ring. Ricky follows before laying an arm across X’s chest. 1....2....X gets his leg on the bottom rope!! Ricky drags X to the nearest corner; he slowly drags himself to the top rope and steadies himself before flying flying off with the R&R but X moves! Ricky rolls through it and lands safely on his feet. X is still on his knees and hits the RickyRana into a pin attempt! 1.....2.....X just about kicks out.

Connor: “Ricky got damn lucky that he didn’t hurt himself off the R&R attempt”

Cohen: “Come on Ricky, show a little spunk!”

Ricky begins to show a little frustration and he picks up X who cradles Ricky into a cover, 1....2 Ricky kicks out and gets to his feet first, he goes straight for the Hell Yeah reverse neckdrop but X counters and hits the Adrenaline Rush! Ricky recoils and crawls away, holding his neck. X sprints across and stops him from going any further, hitting the X-Press! X goes for a cover, 1.....2.....Ricky narrowly kicks out. Both men struggle to their feet and the audience get behind these fan-favourites once more. X kicks Ricky in the gut and takes his arm into the hammerlock before twisting rapidly and hitting a short-arm clothesline to the neck that sends Ricky to the mat but the feisty Chicago native gets back up straight away but the former Elite X champ drops Ricky with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. With Ricky dazed, XXX stands back and prepares to hit the X Rated kick. He waits for Ricky to come towards him and when he does, Ricky ducks the kick and goes for his own finisher, the Ricky Runndown, but X elbows him in the face!

Connor: “The pace has really kicked up and both men are really flying now.”

Cohen: “I like the use of the elbow to the face. It’s much more simple and effective than these flips and dives.”

X whips Ricky to the ropes but Ricky kicks him in the chest as he comes back. Ricky tries to lift him up but X turns it into a Yoshi Tonic! 1......2.....Ricky kicks out valiantly once more at two. X picks him up once more and goes for a suplex but Ricky floats over and pushes X chest first into the turnbuckle and then he hits the Hell Yeah neck drop! Cover for Ricky this time, 1.....2......X kicks out just about this time.

Connor: “Ricky is becoming more desperate by the moment, Triple X just isn’t willing to quit but these two are letting it all hang out.”

Cohen: “Any advantage is being lost within seconds. One of these kids needs to step up and take the advantage”

Triple X is slow to get up but Ricky shakes his head and goes outside of the ring and prepares to hit another big springboard move but as he flies, Triple X hits the X Rated kick in midair to Ricky! Runn crashes to the mat, devastated by the big kick and the subsequent impact to the canvas. The pinfall is inevitable! 1........2........3!! Triple X wins a thrilling match!

Your winner by pinfall, Triple X!!

Cohen: “That’s more like it! X put himself out there and nailed Ricky because he went too far!”

Connor: “Ricky Runn went for the big hi-flying move once too often and left himself open! Triple X is too good not to take a chance like that!”

Cohen: “Ricky wasn’t going to kick out of a move like that on his own. That monkey needs a tag partner!”

Connor: “Original Jack. Highly original.”


We see Celeste Crimson in her locker room. It’s darkened but her eyes light up with determination.

Steven Holmes may not respect women but he hasn’t come across anyone like me. I barely feel pain and I’ve seen it all so Mr Holmes cannot do anything to me that I’ve not faced before. Steven Holmes needs to learn that he will respect what I offer and if he doesn’t then I will kick his head off and take his spot in the Unscripted main event for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Elite X Championship!

The crowd erupts in anticipation of the title match.


Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Washington, D.C., he is...Sam Smith!

Smith casually makes his way out to the entrance ramp, coolly ignoring the chants and howls of derision that emanate from the crowd down to him. He shakes his arms out as he heads down the entrance ramp at a brisk clip. The cameras have him looking a little worse for the wear, with bags under his eyes, but nonetheless, he slides into the ring and raises one hand, drawing the ire of the crowd as he does so. He cracks his neck and heads to a corner to await the arrival of his opponent.

Connor: We now welcome you to this championship contest as Sam Smith takes on our new champion, Justin Cooper, who defeated Mick Overlast at Apocalypse.

Cohen: And that defeat is a hotly contested issue, as while Justin Cooper is a respected competitor in WZCW who demonstrated his ability to defeat Mick Overlast in the past, as we see in the wake of Overlast's departure from the company, his opponent was almost certainly not 100% going into that match. There's a lot of people who are saying that Justin Cooper does not deserve to be champion right now.

Connor: But not you, Jack?

Cohen: He won the match! It's good enough for me. But I'll say this - defending tonight will solidify him as a champion. A lot of guys would complain about having to defend so soon, but Justin Cooper will have a chance to shut everyone up with a victory tonight. But Sam Smith is no pushover - he's had a shot coming to him for a long time, and as a former champion, he knows exactly what it'll take to get it done tonight.


Anderson: And introducing his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Sydney, Australia, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion...Justin Cooper!

Cooper makes his way out to the entrance ramp with a maniacal grin on his face and the Elite X Championship strapped around his waist. He takes a small bow at the entrance ramp before charging down the ramp and sliding into the ring. He takes a look at Sam Smith and feigns falling asleep, closing his eyes and putting his head in his hands. Smith shows no reaction, as Cooper looks up and laughs as if he's just told the funniest joke in the world.

Connor: The ever eccentric Justin Cooper has made his arrival, and you can't help but feel he is dramatically underestimating the talent of his opponent tonight.

Cohen: It is somewhat worrisome to hear the attitude he's taken to Smith, but some guys need to be cocky to win. We'll see how it works out for him tonight.

Cooper hands his belt over to the referee and the referee presents it to both men. Smith looks into it deeply for a long moment before nodding it away, while Cooper strokes it lovingly and makes as if to grab it back, but the referee quickly takes it back. The referee presents the belt to the crowd and they respond accordingly, cheering for one of WZCW's top prizes. The referee hands the belt off to a production crew member, then separates the competitors into their respective corners. He checks them both for anything illegal, and satisfied that both men are clean, he signals for the bell and we are underway. The two lock up quickly and Smith gets the better of it, using his technical skills to quickly throw Cooper to the mat. Smith hits the ropes, but Cooper is up quickly; Smith changes his plans and hits a shoulder block, knocking Cooper right back to the mat. Smith hits the ropes once more, Cooper rolls under him, Smith rebounds, Cooper is up to meet him, he goes for an arm drag, Smith blocks and turns it into a clothesline! Smith takes a breath to assess the situation as Cooper is down and trying to shake the stars out of his eyes. Smith stomps a boot into Cooper's face, then repeats the stomp onto Cooper's arm. Smith walks around and grabs Cooper's legs, and stomps a foot into his gut, really punishing him. He lets Cooper stumble to his knees before kicking him in the gut, following by a kick to the face, laying Cooper out once more. Smith pulls Cooper to his feet and whips him into the corner and follows him with a clothesline. He aims a few more well placed strikes to Cooper's body before taking a moment to catch a breath.

Connor: And so far it seems as though Cooper might have underestimated his opponent, as Smith is really dissecting him with strikes left and right.

Cohen: But I'll tell ya, he isn't wrong about him being boring! Oh, look, he punches and kicks! Give me a Dragon Superrana '87, Special Dairy Variant IV!

Smith grabs Cooper by the head and runs him along the ropes to the other corner, and tries to slam his face into the turnbuckle. Cooper puts the brakes on at the last second, though, and elbow Smith in the gut. He gets a few more elbows into the gut and chest of Smith and Smith staggers off in the other direction. Smith gets into the corner and Cooper pursues with rapid strikes and he furiously beats him down to sitting in the corner. He's really laying into him and the fists look closed; the referee backs him off. Cooper retreats to the other side of the ring and he looks furious; Smith slowly struggles to a standing position in the corner. Cooper slowly stalks over to the corner and Smith looks dazed; but Smith suddenly explodes out of the corner and reverses Cooper into the corner, then punches him hard in the gut. Cooper is stunned and Smith levels a right hand into his chin and follows with shots to the body; the ref starts a count and Smith backs off a few steps. He's back in quickly though and he makes to whip Cooper into the opposite corner, but Cooper reverses it, sending Smith ahead of him. Smith turns around and hits the corner, but rebounds out and takes Cooper down with a clothesline. Cooper is knocked head over heels, but Smith is on him quickly, pulling him up and taking him down to the center of the ring with a snapmare. He goes for the first cover of the match and gets one, but only one. Smith gets to this feet while Cooper struggles to his knees. Smith stomps on Cooper's hand, leaving Cooper cringing in pain. Smith then pulls Cooper to his feet and elevates him, then smashes him down across his knee with a textbook backbreaker. He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two. Smith stands up once more and reconsiders, before lifting Cooper up, whipping him into the ropes, but Cooper desperately reverses it midway, and on the rebound, knees Smith hard in the gut, flipping him over and to the mat.

Connor: And after it looked like Smith was going to really dominate this match, Cooper has finally shown some life and will have a chance to put some hurt on his opponent.

Cohen: Never count a champion out of the game, Cat! The best of the best always find a way back into the match.

Cooper takes a moment to collect himself before lifting Smith up, elevating him and dropping him across the ropes, the cables cutting into Smith's gut. Smith clutches onto the outside ropes, but Cooper backs up, charges, and knocks Smith off the ropes, crashing to the outside and into the security barrier! Cooper takes the time to rest inside the ring while Smith struggles to get to his feet and into the ring, doing so while the ref counts. The ref makes it all the way to eight before Smith is back in, but a well rested Cooper is on him immediately, dragging him to the center of the ring and locking in a headlock. Smith struggles to a vertical base, getting first to one knee before standing all the way up. He's able to get an arm into Cooper's gut, then one to the head to break the hold. But Cooper is only dazed for a moment, catching Smith with a European uppercut and following with a Devil Lock DDT! He goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two. Smith struggles to a sitting position, but Cooper drops a knee into his back and then follows with a shot across the chest, before locking in once more a headlock. Taking much longer this time, Smith slowly works his way to one knee, then all the way to his feet, then fights out with axe handles to Cooper's gut! This time, he doesn't allow Cooper to separate from him, and follows with shots to the gut before trying to whip him into the corner. But Cooper reverses, sending Smith hurtling toward the corner instead. Cooper charges and flies with a leaping lariat in the corner, smashing into Smith! The force of it sends Smith toppling out to the mat. Cooper climbs to the top rope, but the unfamiliar territory does him no favors, as Smith is able to take the rope out from under him in a desperation move, crotching him on the top rope.

Connor: Cooper was really rolling there until his questionable decision to go up high cost him.

Cohen: It is a questionable decision, but listen, to be the best in this business, you can't be afraid to do whatever it takes! He's still in this fight, but Smith isn't the kind of guy to let you get away with a mistake.

With Cooper hung up in the ropes, Smith throws a few haymakers before climbing up to the top with Cooper. He lifts him up into a suplex position...and he hits it, a massive superplex! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two! Cooper has kicked out shockingly! Smith takes a moment to think of his next move, letting Cooper get to his feet. Smith takes him down with a clothesline; Cooper pops out and Smith repeats it; Cooper pops up again, goes for a clothesline of his own, but Smith ducks under it! Cooper rebounds off the ropes and Smith catches him with a stunning roundhouse kick! He doesn't go for the cover, letting Cooper roll away to the ropes. Cooper rolls to the outside and Smith pursues, but just as Smith is out, Cooper leaps back into the ring. Cooper hits the ropes as Smith gets back in; he rebounds and looks for a huge clothesline, but Smith ducks under! Cooper puts the brakes on and in his moment of hesitation, Smith leaps and hits a huge, picture perfect dropkick! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two! Smith pulls Cooper to his feet but Cooper reverses it, kneeing Smith in the gut and hitting a double arm DDT. He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! Both men stay on the ground in an attempt to recover; but Cooper is up first, just as Smith is sitting up. Cooper goes for a vicious kick to the head, but Smith lays flat just in time to send Cooper running over him. Smith gets up quickly and Cooper goes for a punch, but Smith dodges, kicks him in the gut, and then hits a sidewalk slam! He declines the cover, backs off and waits for his next move; he waits for Cooper to get his feet, then elevates him onto his shoulders, looking for Nightfall! But Cooper slips out behind the back, and sets up for Your Final Verse! Smith rolls through, sending Cooper hurtling across the ring, Cooper gets to his feet, charges, Smith ducks, elevates him across his shoulders again and CRUSHES HIS FACE WITH NIGHTFALL! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here is your winner and the NEW WZCW ELITE X CHAMPION, SAM SMITH!

Smith gets to his feet with the referee's assistance, getting his hand raised and the belt strapped around his waist as he celebrates with half a grin, half a grimace on his face. Cooper rolls out of the ring, dazed, as Smith stands alone, celebrating his moment of glory.

Connor: An incredible back and forth contest here on Ascension, and unbelievably, Justin Cooper's reign as Elite X Champion is over just as soon as it's begun, with Sam Smith reclaiming his championship prize.

Cohen: And in the end, you do have to wonder if Cooper really did just underestimate his competition too much. Either way, Sam Smith was the better man tonight and he is our new champion.


We cut backstage again and we see a huge wall of hair. The camera zooms back and we see that it is The Beard lacing up his boots in a backstage locker room. We hear the sound of a door opening off-screen and then see Le Gentlemen Masqué in his signature entrance attire enter the scene. He is twirling his white cane in-between his fingers as The Beard finishes lacing up his boots.

The Gent: Are you ready Jasper, sorry, I mean "The Beard".

The Beard throws up his hand as if to stop The Gent.

Beard: No, not tonight.

The Gent looks confused.

Beard: Tonight, call me "Le Beard"!

The Beard grins at The Gent and then the two of them walk off camera.
Anderson: The following contest is a tag team contest, scheduled for one fall!


As per usual, Capone takes his time to make his appearance in the arena and slowly prances from the curtain with a smirk on his face half-covered by the hoodie that he wears as the crowd boos him. Capone spins on his heel and briskly walks down the ramp with a bit of cockiness, yelling at the fans who yell at him.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Portland, Oregon, weighing in at 242 pounds; "The Subculture Saviour" Jacoby Capone!

Connor: Capone had an amazing start here in WZCW but has recently been snapped back to reality with a couple of losses under his belt.

Cohen: I don't think a reality check would be the right words for it, CC. I'd say more of a slump; every wrestler gets them now and then and for Capone, having it this early in his career is for better, not worse.

Capone is on the turnbuckle now, taking off his hoodie and showcasing a band that nobody knows of as if they were a legendary artist before taking it off and tossing it just short of the crowd. He jumps off and lands in the ring.


Cohen: Hold on a second...

A quick change of pace as we switch to cheers with Josh Young walking out through the curtain, looking around the arena before bowing his head with a single spotlight shining on him. He then sprints down to the ring and slides into the ring, getting on the turnbuckles to taunt for the fans.

Anderson: Next, his tag team partner, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 201 pounds; "The Shooting Star" Josh Young!

Cohen: Why is Josh Young competing on Ascension? He's featured in a triple threat match for Aftershock!

Connor: There is no Triple Threat match on Aftershock this week, Jack. He is Capone's partner for the week as Bateman seems to be throwing together previous tag teams from the last few weeks.

Cohen: No, Scott Williams is Capone's partner tonight.

Connor: Williams? He got fired. I think you're starting to lose the plot... either that or old age has finally caught up to you.

Young gets off the turnbuckles and goes over to Capone where the two just stare at each other, neither one of them really impressed to be teaming with the other. They begin discussing (or arguing as I should say) who will be starting first.


The crowd cheers wildly as The Beard storms out and spins around with his arms outstretched as the Masked Gentleman follows him, spinning his signature white cane around. The two meet at the top of the ramp before walking down together.

Anderson: And their opponents; at a combined weight of 460 pounds; Le Beard and Le Gentleman Masqué!

Cohen: Looks like we have a Frenchmen and a person who doesn't know how to shave coming down to the ring... and he is being accompanied by the Beard as well!

Connor: Innovative...

Cohen: Someone's ought to be.

The Beard slides into the ring, keeping enough distance to allow Capone/Young to stay on their side of the ring whilst the Gent disrobes down to his ring attire. He politely gives it to a crew member before gets on the ring apron with the Beard ready to start. Capone quickly gets on the apron, rendering their recent argument useless. Young shrugs and agrees to start, allowing the referee to signal the bell.

Young extends out a hand to the Beard who accepts it and the crowd cheers the sportsmanship with the only person complaining being Capone on the apron. Both men circle each other with Beard ready for a tie-up but Young knows that he has no chance at winning that engagement, so he instead opts for a spinning back kick that catches the Beard by surprise. He quickly follows up with a scissors kick before going for a pin... but Beard has enough awareness to press Young into the air, away from him. Young gets up fast and stays on Beard, hitting a jumping elbow drop before Beard can get to his feet. Young hits a few more elbows before trying for a cover... 1... again, Beard powers out of the pinfall attempt. Young goes for a run off the ropes but Capone slaps the back of Young, tagging himself in with a chorus of boos. Young shrugs as he watches Capone stalk the big man. Capone shoves a kick in the face of the Beard, following up with a knee drop to the chest. Capone picks up both legs of the big man and hits a leg drop to the groin. Cover now by Capone... 1... 2... power out for the third time, embarrassing Capone. He picks up the Beard and tries locking in a bear hug but his arms are just a little bit too short to lock it in completely, allowing Beard to pick up Capone and run straight into the corner, causing a lot of pain for Capone. He moves back and hits a corner splash, almost flattening Capone. Beard tags in his partner the Gent to a big cheer, who springboards over the ropes and springboards off the inside ropes to hit a roundhouse kick to Capone who is still in the corner. Capone drops to his knees as the Gent builds a head of steam, hitting a clothesline on Capone. He covers... 1... 2... Capone manages to kick out.

Connor: The Beard and the Gentleman are really starting to look like a well-oiled machine out there. Could this possibly be a new tag team in our ranks?

Cohen: One coordinated move by two individuals and already you are throwing long-term commitments on the table: I'm glad I'm not dating you.

Capone does his try and get away from harm but Gent is there to help him up so he can be hit with a nice knife edge chop. Capone clutches his chest as the Gent slaps him across the face, moving his hands to his face so Gent has another free shot with a second chop. Gent drops to his knees and hits a throat thrust that knocks Capone on his back. As Gent approaches Capone for a cover, Capone kicks the knee of Gent and he collapses, landing head first on Capone's knee. Capone is able to mount Gent and hit him with a few punches before turning Gent over to nail a curb storm. Capone stumbles over to Young and slaps his chest, ordering Young to get in and finish the job. Young hesitates but he climbs to the top of the turnbuckles and hits a moonsault on Gent... 1... 2... kick-out. Young waits for the Gent to get up, measuring his opponent and hits a spinning neckbreaker. Young doesn't let go though and picks up Gent, finishing the combination off with a spinning reverse STO. He covers once more... 1... 2... kick-out.

Connor: I don't know how one man can spin so much like that.

Cohen: Victory via confusion and dizziness must work apparently.

Young is near the ropes and gets the crowd rowdy, looking to go for a big move. He waits for the Gent to get up and springboards off the ropes, jumping at him. He swings around Gent and goes for a DDT but the Gent manages to reverse the move into a quick-hitting STO of his own. The crowd is impressed and cheers as he covers Young... 1... 2... kick-out.

Cohen: And that's why I said "apparently."

Connor: Excellent counter by the Gent there!

The Gent waits for Young to get to his feet, measuring him for his own moves now: snap DDT. As Young did to the Gent, he does not let go and picks up Young to his feet and goes to hit a flip over DDT but Young escapes the move and blind tags Capone who does not see the tag coming. Capone is confused for a moment as Gent shrugs and goes over to Capone, bringing him in the hard way. Gent measures up Capone as he gets up and goes for a leg lariat but Capone evades the contact and grabs Gent mid-air to slam him down with a Samoan drop. Capone shakes off the shock from being tagged in unceremoniously and focuses on the Gent and hits a running senton splash... 1... 2... kick-out for the Gent. Capone measures up the Gent and signals for his signature flying lariat attack, slowly swinging his arm in a 360 degree motion. As Gent gets up, Capone goes for the shot but Gent rolls out of the way and tags back in the big man, much to the pleasure of the crowd and the dismay of Capone. The Beard rushes in as Capone races at him; Beard connecting with a big boot off the bat. Capone gets up and Beard hits a series of repeated elbow strikes to the head of Capone before dropping him with a sidewalk slam. He follows up with a high speed leg drop before going for the pin... 1... 2... Young comes in to make the save.

Connor: Great save! The Beard was on fire and no way of putting him out, forcing Young to make the break.

Cohen: He knew it was in his best interest to help out the Subculture Saviour.

The Gent enters the ring as Young backs off to his corner, not wanting any more trouble to occur. Gent gets back on the apron as the Beard recovers, picking up Capone... but before Beard can do anything, Capone hits a Russian legsweep on Beard. Capone gets up and goes to Young on the apron who would like a tag. Capone yells at Young that if he thinks he can do this, then he will: Capone tags and he exits the ring. He yells out to Young that he doesn't need help from him and he clearly doesn't need help back, walking out on his partner. Young looks confused as he enters the ring and watches Capone leave. He turns around quickly though as Beard is running at Young: flying crossbody to Young. The Beard signals for the end and picks up Young, hitting the Poetic Justice to end the match with a 3 count.

The bell rings and the referee raises the hand of the Beard as the Gent comes into the ring to congratulate his partner. Capone can be seen exiting through the curtain as the announcement is made.

Anderson: Here are your winners; the Beard and Le Gentleman Masqué!

Cohen: Looks like our Saviour has just taught Young a lesson by leaving him stranded.

Connor: What lesson was needed to be taught? The way I see it: he didn't appreciate Young coming to make the save and took it offensively. How is trying to win the match a crime?

Cohen: It's a hipster thing, CC. Get with the times.

Young is coming to as Beard and Gent taunt for the fans. Gent turns around and being the gentleman he is, helps up the rookie to his feet and raises his hand. The Beard joins in as the three men celebrate in the ring, despite Young being the one who got pinned.

Connor: Wow... a nice display of sportsmanship between the three men. This is why I love this business.

Cohen: Back in the day, men used to want to kill each other when they lost to one another... now its all friendship and magic.

Connor: It's 2012, not 1867 Jackie. Get with the times.


We flip to Steven Holmes who looks perfectly regal in his current attire. He tightens the tape around his waist and adjusts his robe before focussing on the camera.

Celeste Crimson is not a weak woman. She is in fact a credit to her kind. But the simple truth is that even the best woman could not crush my momentum. These next few shows are going to be my crowning glory and I will demonstrate to the world why I will be the next World Heavyweight Champion! Celeste, you are just a speed bump or maybe an ample pair of bumps in the road to my destiny.

The Elite superstar turns and cackles before walking off screen where his evil laughter screeches into silence.


We are backstage and we see Justin Cooper, with sweat covering his body, barge into Vance Bateman's office.

Bateman: What the hell?

Cooper: Damn it Bateman. I had to defend my title the very next show after I won it. How in the hell is that fair? I demand a rematch immediately.

Bateman: Listen to me you crazy fool. Don't just come here and demand something after you were the one who lost the match clean. However, you will have a chance to get your vengeance. I am putting together an Elite X #1 Contender League. In this league there will be four participants. I have been wracking my brain over who would be the final fourth man, but I guess the former Elite X Champion will fit in just fine.

Bateman sizes up Cooper, and then Cooper responds by glaring at Bateman.

Bateman: So, on Ascension 56 we will see the four league members divided into twos. Mr. Baller will take on Mister Alhazred in one-on-one competition for points and you will take on...

Bateman pauses for a moment.

Bateman: Triple X! At the end of the league, the man with the most points will face Sam Smith for the Elite X Title at Unscripted.

Cooper looks content with the news and walks out the room, slamming the door behind him. However, an unexpected knocking is heard at the door right after Cooper leaves. Bateman walks over to it and opens it up. Upon opening it, he sees Krypto in a Bane mask.

Krypto: Tri-

Bateman slams the door shut. The camera zooms in on his face.

Bateman: Damn freaks.

The scene then fades to black.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers loudly as Celeste Crimson walks out on stage, looking around the arena before continuing down the ramp with her war face on. She seems to be determined and focused for the upcoming match as she passes by the fans that wish to hi-five her.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 pounds; Celeste Crimson!

Connor: WZCW's resident Russian is walking down to the ring with a purpose tonight, moreso than usual.

Cohen: I'm not noticing a difference, honestly. Celeste always seems angry and overly-focused.

Celeste hops over the ropes and goes to a turnbuckle, taunting for the fans before patiently waiting for her opponent, rubbing her hands together and doing some last minute stretches.


It takes a while for Holmes to emerge but when he does, the crowd boos loudly at his arrival. He walks slowly to the top of the ramp, looking straight at Celeste with a smirk, licking his lips. Celeste gives him a smirk back, laughing at how insane Holmes has become. Holmes slowly walks down the ramp, not taking his eyes off her.

Anderson: And her opponent, from Buckingham, England, weighing in at 235 pounds; Steven Holmes!

Cohen: This is going to be an amazing first encounter match. Holmes has been on a destructive path recently and Celeste is the toughest female I've ever met.

Connor: One will think that Celeste has an alterer motive to avenge the loss of her good friend Chris K.O. from Apocalypse.

Cohen: You could say the same for Holmes and his quest for the World title as a win over Celeste will solidify him being a credible challenger.

Holmes slowly enters the ring and stands in the middle, looking directly at Celeste as he raises one arm and points to the ceiling. Celeste isn't impressed with the cockiness as she continues to prepare with stretches. The referee creates enough space between the two before checking both competitors for any foreign objects. He is satisfied with his lack of findings and signals for the bell.

Holmes tells Celeste to bring it, making her smile as she approaches him. Out of nowhere, Holmes slaps her across the face, causing the crowd to "oooo" across the arena. Celeste's demeanour quickly changes from serious to anger as she turns around and backhands Holmes. She grabs Holmes around the throat before thrusting him towards her, hitting a belly to belly suplex. Before Holmes is able to get up, Celeste is already continuing the attacks with a harsh snap kick to the ribs of Holmes before kicking him across the face. She follows up with a stomp to the face before executing a standing moonsault. She covers Holmes with an elbow across his face... 1... kick-out by Holmes but Celeste isn't done, locking in a side headlock to keep the Elite one down. Holmes is still a bit shocked and allows Celeste to keep the hold on for a while longer but Holmes eventually finds a way to get to his feet. Before he can counter, Celeste hits a release German suplex on the Englishman and follows up quickly with another cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Celeste doesn't capitalise with a submission this time: instead, she picks up Holmes and whips him into the corner. She runs at Holmes and goes for a TM flip kick in the corner, following up with a back handspring. A completely dazed Holmes staggers out of the corner, allowing Celeste to hit an Evenflow DDT. Celeste gets up and stands over the body of Holmes, deciding to finish the combo with a standing moonsault... 1... 2... kick-out in the nick of time.

Connor: Celeste is really bringing it to Holmes tonight. A little payback from that slap at the start of the match.

Cohen: I've always been a Holmes kind of guy but disrespecting a fresh Celeste wasn't the smartest idea in the world.

Celeste is already up and is waiting for Steven to get to his feet. He takes his time but this allows Celeste to set herself up for her next move. As Holmes gets to his feet and turns around, Celeste goes for the Shuffle Side Kick... Holmes ducks and reverses with a quick snap neckbreaker. Celeste clutches the back of neck as Holmes utilises this time to recover from the early goings of the match. Holmes slowly gets up as does Celeste but out of nowhere, Holmes jumps up and runs, rebounding off the ropes at a high speed to hit a running high knee, putting Celeste back down on the canvas. Holmes follows up with a well-placed knee drop. Holmes pins... 1... kick-out by Celeste. Steven wipes his lips to check for any blood as he slowly gets up and stalks Celeste, waiting for her to stand on her own. When she gets on one knee, Holmes locks his arms around her head and is quickly able to perform a standing vertical suplex, delaying the inevitable fall for Celeste. He manages to keep her up in the air for a good 5 seconds before crashing down into the canvas, rolling through for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Holmes brings up Celeste as he brings himself up at a slow pace, allowing him enough time to properly set-up a northern lights suplex with the bridging cover... 1... 2... again, kick-out by Celeste.

Cohen: It'll only be a matter of time before Celeste does not have the energy to kick-out. This deadly series of simple suplexes has taken down many competitors.

Connor: I believe Celeste is also a suplex-connoisseur, she knows what its like to take damage and reverse these moves too.

Holmes has slapped on a chinlock on Celeste and has struggled to find a way out. Slowly, she gets up to a vertical position and tries her luck at some elbow shots as a means of escape. Unfortunately, before she can hit the charming third, Holmes counters into a belly to back suplex. Instead of going for a pin here, he underhooks the arms of Celeste and slowly brings her to her feet, hitting a couple of savage knee strikes before nailing a suplex... 1... 2... kick-out. Holmes is starting to get a bit frustrated with the near falls as he believes this match has gone past his expected time limit. He applies an abdominal stretch onto Celeste on the ground, stretching her sides before re-applying the lock in a standing position, picking up Celeste along the way. Holmes has this submission locked in tight in the middle of the ring, desperately trying to get the victory here but pulling hard. Celeste withstands the damage taken here and does her best not to tap. The crowd starts to rally behind Celeste, giving her adrenaline something to feed off. She starts to feel it pump through her veins and is able to manage stepping out of the hold, delivering a standing hip toss to Holmes. The crowd cheers as Celeste drops to one knee as Holmes is shocked, getting up fast to take down the Russian woman. Holmes goes for a desperate strike but Celeste gets behind Holmes; another German suplex. Both competitors are down and are quite tired at this point. The referee begins the count.

Connor: A pivotal moment in the match here; this could be Celeste's only opportunity to mount a comeback on Holmes.

Cohen: C'mon Steven! You can't give this woman any chance to recover. Get up!

We are at the count of 4 where Holmes begins to stir whilst Celeste is still catching her breath. The crowd unanimously wants Crimson to get to her feet and defeat Holmes but it looks like Steven will be up first. We get to a 7 when Holmes is on his feet and Celeste is on her one knee. Holmes goes over to Celeste but she pushes him back, hitting a backflip kick on Holmes that stuns him, allowing her to follow up with a jumping enzuigiri. Dazed, Holmes staggers back and gives time for Celeste to recover; she takes him down with a shuffle side kick. Celeste waves to the crowd that it is time for some pain as she quickly snaps on the Divine Intervention. Holmes tries to desperately escape the hold, rolling through to throw Celeste into the corner. Holmes recovers and charges at Celeste into the corner. She sees this coming and gets in position, leapfrogging Holmes over her to intentionally make him land on the turnbuckles. Holmes does so with surprisingly good accuracy, balancing himself out. He slowly turns around and sees a running Celeste, charging at the corner to run up the turnbuckles and perform a belly-to-belly from the top. Both competitors crash down hard although Celeste is able to get up within seconds, calling for the end.

Connor: This could be it!

Holmes slowly gets up as Celeste prepares her leg to take out Holmes. He is up, she goes for the Spirit Crusher... but the contact misses on the account that Holmes ducks. He fades behind her and tries for a German suplex of his own but as he lifts, she counters into a pinning combination... 1... 2... kick-out just in the nick of time. Both competitors get up and Holmes goes to strike but Celeste reverses into a fujiwara armbar... Holmes rolls out of the attempt before anything can happen. Holmes sneaks behind Celeste for the Superiority Complex... Celeste slides out. She tries to lock in Pyromancy but Holmes hits a hip toss. Holmes manages to lock in a tight full nelson and hit Celeste with the Superiority Execution, not bridging the move.

Cohen: So many submission reversals; I love it. What I love more is Holmes reverting back to his ever reliant suplexes.

Connor: And this could spell the end for Celeste.

Holmes measures her woman as she slowly gets up, underhooking her arms once more and delivering a few more knee shots before switching to the Imperial Impaler. Holmes flips over Celeste and locks in Aristocracy Reigns. The crowd cheers on Celeste to find a way to escape but the damage has been done and Celeste decides to fight another day, tapping out to Holmes.

The crowd boos as the match ends and the bell rings in favour of Holmes, who keeps Celeste locked in the hold for a few more seconds before release it, getting to his feet and putting one index finger up in the air.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Steven Holmes!

Cohen: Impressive victory for Holmes tonight by defeating the Submission Queen with his own submission.

Connor: A great technical match despite the winner... but that victory keeps the Steven Holmes momentum going, showcasing just exactly why he should be considered for the World title.

Cohen: Considered? It should be Showtime defending it solely against Holmes, no other competitors needed. It is time for the Elite to shine.

Connor: Either way, it is the end of our broadcast so from the both of us here, goodnight.

We end the show with Holmes having a smirk on his face and exhausted as Celeste begins to stir.
Who Wrote What:

FalKon - Holmes vs. Celeste & Beard/Gent vs. Capone/Young
Harthan - Elite X title match
FunKay - Ascension Opening + Sab/Sax vs. New Church
Kermit - Lots of segments
Numbers - XXX vs. Runn

We are now 2/3 of the way there... yay!
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