Ascension 54

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
We open Ascension to a panning shot of the crowd when the lights suddenly go out. The crowd pops in anticipation when a spotlight appears.

Connor: Welcome to WZCW Ascension, live at ringside, I’m Cat Connor and next to me is Jack Cohen as we prepare for one last stop before Apocalypse.”

Cohen: “We are going to open up with the contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship match at the pay-per-view!”

Showtime steps up into the spotlight and gets a roar in response from this capacity crowd.

Cohen: “David Cougar has offered to put up his career at Apocalypse and he still hasn’t heard whether Drake has accepted his challenge.”

Connor: “I expect Drake will announce tonight his intentions regarding the match. He seems reluctant to even consider Showtime as a true opponent.”

Showtime has made his way down to the ring and with a mic in hand, he looks ready for business.

Cougar: “I’ve waited for a number of weeks to get an answer from our cowardly World Champion and tonight he has to face me in this ring and sign this damn contract! This is happening here and now!”


With the crowd booing and expecting to see the champion, the arrival of Max Powers doesn’t alleviate the crowds’ reaction. Max has a mic but doesn’t approach the ring.

Connor: “It’s fair to say that Cougar is not appreciative of Max turning up.”

Cohen: “David Cougar is never going to be happy. Let Max speak will ya?”

Powers: “Mr Cougar, you are done demanding things from my client. I will not allow you to demand unreasonable things from him.”

Cougar: “Maxie, this contract needs Drake’s signature on it and that needs to be done tonight.”

From behind Powers, Drake appears. He places his hand on the shoulder of his agent and reassures him before taking his mic. Drake walks down to the ring and Cougar seems contented.

Callahan: “Cougar, you are a failure wrapped up in a broken down shell. I’ll happily sign this contract because I don’t see a challenger to my World Heavyweight Championship, I see a mere roadbump in my path to becoming a great legend in WZCW. In what world do you think that I will do anything but retire you at Apocalypse!?”

Cougar: “You really are deluded Drake. Do you really think I am going to lie down for you, knowing my career is on the line? And not just my career is on the line, but the prize that I chased my entire career? You have my World Championship and you may well claim my career but you will never have my respect or the respect of these brilliant fans.”

Cougar: “You can threaten the company all you want with your contract demands but I can assure you, if these fans don’t respect you then why should the company place any value in what you can do?”

Callahan: “Show, I’m going to come out of Apocalypse with everything I want, your career, your dreams and my World Heavyweight Championship and you will be left with nothing except your company pension.”

Drake signs the contract and shoves the paper towards Cougar.

Cougar: “Well Drake you don’t scare me and your demands don’t either. It’s my pleasure to sign this damn contract at last.”

Showtime goes to sign but as he does, Callahan assaults him, clubbing him across the back and stomping him to the floor.

Cohen: “It’s no real surprise that this has come to blows. The egos of these two don’t allow them to co-exist.”

Callahan then picks him up and whips him into the corner but Showtime gets a boot up to the face. Drake swipes with an attempted lariat but Showtime ducks it and hits the Ratings Crash!! With the crowd fully behind him and eating up this attack, Showtime stands Drake up and hits the Final Act!!! Show grabs the mic and gets in Drake’s face. He slaps the mat three times.

Cougar: “At Apocalypse, your Final Act as WZCW World Champion will be one of my finest moments!”

Connor: “I’d say that was a surprise for Drake and Max! Callahan thought he had the advantage but the former World Champion fought back hard.”

Show signs the contract and drops it over Drake before posing on the middle rope of the nearby corner. Max Powers comes down to tend to Callahan.

Connor: Welcome back to Ascension ladies and gentlemen. After the fall-out of the contract signing that began the show this evening, we’re already underway with Steven Kurtesy vs. Drake Callahan.

Cohen: And it’s a travesty too as this all comes after that dreadful David Cougar’s assault on our champion. Not to mention the fact that Mr. Powers was sent to the back afterwards as to not interfere while Kurtesy is allowed to have his mentee in his corner. This match should be rescheduled.

Connor: I’m afraid not as--oh my goodness!

We return our focus to the match as Steven Kurtesy is in full control after Callahan’s misfortunes at the hands of “Showtime”. So much so in fact that Kurtesy is close to locking in Solitary Confinement, though Callahan is sloppily fighting. Flailing like a man possessed, the former alcoholic manages to break out of the submission and scramble away and towards the other side of the ring. Kurtesy is in hot pursuit though and it’s only a matter of time before he is breathing down Callahan’s neck. The former Kingdom Come main eventer looks to lock in a different submission hold to take out Callahan; Hypnosis! However, just as the move is about to be fully locked in, Drake rolls through, managing to create more distance between himself and Kurtesy. The former heavyweight champion is again quick to chase after his prey though and Callahan this time backs himself into a corner. With no time to plan for this match after Cougar’s actions, Drake takes the only course of action that makes sense to him; he exits the ring. The chorus of boos begins as Callahan takes a breather in front of the commentary desk. The fans heckle the heavyweight champion, and even though he is being verbally abused, he believes he is safe. Not so as he turns around to be greeted by the sight of a flying Steven Kurtesy who executes a beautiful seated senton. The crowd cheers wildly for the move.

Kurtesy is quickly to his feet, and he’s going for a quick, decisive victory over the champion, hoping to launch himself into championship contention once more. He lifts Callahan up and tosses him into the ring. He soon follows and goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Drake’s kick-out is followed by yet more attempts to seek salvation. He tries to roll himself onto his belly and crawl away, but to no avail. Kurtesy refuses to let him slip through his fingers and hits Drake with a palm strike, bouncing his head off the mat. Again, Kurtesy is into the cover, rolling Drake onto his back; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Slightly irritated, Kurtesy is still looking for that quick win over his enemy this evening and as such he is breaking out all the big moves early. This time he again goes for Solitary Confinement, hoping that there is enough damage already done to Callahan. Drake though instinctively headbutts Kurtesy and escapes from the good professors grips once more. With Kurtesy checking his nose for blood, Drake goes for an attack for the first time, executing a snap DDT. There is no cover though as Drake is still trying to regain his composure and even try and find his footing in the match. Kurtesy is soon stirring again and has begun to get to his feet even before Callahan. Drake however sees this and is swiftly to his feet, getting in a fast big boot to down Kurtesy. Again Drake refuses to cover, and chooses instead to move into the ropes to recover. There he is greeted by Kurtesy’s mentee, Isabel Stone. She gives Callahan a look and he sneers at her before saying something less than pleasant. The fans proceed to boo as if on cue.

Connor: Drake has managed to gain a breather thanks to some quick thinking, but I don’t think he should be distracted by Isabel Stone when his main focus should be the ever dangerous Steven Kurtesy.

And sure, enough, Cat is correct. Kurtesy is back and with a vengeance as he fires off a few vile kicks to the body and legs. One particularly violent blow reduces Drake to one knee, setting him up for a huge roundhouse kick to the head. This takes Drake down and unlike his opponent, Kurtesy goes for the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Kurtesy can’t believe it, and neither can the crowd, but at the last second, the champion has managed to kick-out. Dismayed, Kurtesy even checks with the referee to make sure he didn’t get the win, but he is greeted with 2 once more. The trained psychiatrist slams his hand against the mat and has a very brief dialogue with his mentee who also can’t believe the lack of a win there. He shrugs his shoulders, and looks to continue the assault once more, lifting Drake to his feet. He quickly sends the former EurAsian champion to the mat again with a spinning wheel kick. Almost immediately following the move, Kurtesy looks at the turnbuckle and nods. He exits through the ring ropes and onto the apron, proceeding to slowly climb up to the top rope. He steadies himself as the crowd volume increases once more. Kurtesy turns around and leaps backwards, the audience taking a huge gasp as he does so. Kurtesy arches beautifully in midair and looks to come down, but at the last moment, Drake notices the incoming moonsault and rolls out of the way of a collision. Kurtesy is met with the mat, which he bounces off of, hard.

Cohen: And down came Kurtesy, cradle and all.

Connor: That was a big risk move from Steven Kurtesy, and it did not pay off for him.

True enough, Kurtesy is slumped in the centre of the ring, barely moving as the move caused him to crash and burn. By contrast, Drake is lying on his back, breathing exceptionally heavily. He is first of all, relieved he avoided the move, and two ecstatic that his foe is in a prone position. Drake pushes Kurtesy onto his back and goes in for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The arena comes unglued for a brief moment as they are stunned Kurtesy didn’t stay down. Callahan is stunned by the move. He stares directly at the referee and holds three fingers up, hoping for the 3, but alas, he is, much like Kurtesy, greeted by a mere 2. Almost crying, Drake scrambles towards the referee. Onto his feet, the ref tries to back away from Drake, but is soon into the ropes. Callahan, the heavyweight champion pulls at the trouser leg of the referee, insisting that it was a three. He uses the official as a support of sorts, using his body to get to his feet. He shoves the symbol for 3 into the referee’s face, but again only 2 is the answer. Callahan shakes his head and turns around, only to be greeted by a rising Kurtesy. Drake panics for a moment, stunned that Kurtesy is up so soon after such a hard hitting failure, but he soon sees the opportunity in front of him and attacks. He hits a dropkick which bounces Kurtesy into the corner, which he in turn bounces out of and into Drake’s clutches, the champion delivering a brainbuster!

Connor: The Hangover from Callahan!

Cohen: No CC, that’s now the Faded Memory! Get with the picture dear.

Whatever it is called, Drakes’ finishing move is devastating and leaves Kurtesy laying. Drake falls onto a cover. 1...2...3!


Drake raises one solo arm in victory, still exhausted following this rollercoaster of a match. He is panting for breath and desperate for the championship he worked so hard to capture. Soon enough, the referee returns the gold to its rightful owner and Callahan clutches it to his body as if it were a piece of his very soul. Drake then gets to his feet and fastens the belt over his shoulder, before posing to a symphony of hatred. He promptly exits the ring upon Kurtesy’s start to stir.

Connor: Steven Kurtesy gave a hell of a fight, but luck and resourcefulness worked in Drake Callahan’s favour to win this brief, but emotional battle of two main events talents.


Barbosa is walking backstage through the corridors when he is stopped by a stage-hand who looks a bit nervous and confused. He takes a deep breath and address Barbosa.

Um... your match has been re-scheduled, sir... it starts in less than a minute.

The stage-hand then walks off, not happy about the announcement. Barbosa watches him, a little confused about the situation as well. He then starts to get a little worried now, remembering everything that has been annoying him lately and begins to get a little stressed as he makes his way to the ring area.

Connor: Apparently the card has been altered. This doesn't sound right at all, Jack.

Cohen: Either way, we get to see Showtime vs. Barbosa coming up next!



The song plays throughout the arena, garnering boos from the audience as they await the arrival of the Ultimate Inmate. It takes a while for Barbosa to reach the arena and enter onto the stage due to his position in the backstage area. He walks out and looks ready for action but notices that the annoucer, Selena Anderson is not in the ring announcing him to come down to the ring, nor is there a referee present. Barbosa's walk to the ring slows down dramatically as these facts come to light and process in Barbosa's brain.

Connor: Something doesn't seem right here.

Just as Barbosa clicks and knows whats going on, SHIT comes from out of nowhere and delivers an ambush attack on Barbosa on the rampway, causing him to drop to the ground. The robot begins pummelling Barbosa and the two ensue into a brawl, loved by the fans.

Connor: SHIT just set-up Barbosa for an assault!

Cohen: I don't think that walking talking computer program has the software to plan something like this.

The two continue to brawl as security personnel and referees come out, breaking up the fight before anything gets worse. Barbosa breaks free and attacks SHIT again, brawling even more. It takes a while for the personnel to restrain both men.


Whilst this is all happening, we see Mister Alhazred looking through the monitor backstage with a huge grin, laughing silently to himself as he holds a screwdriver in one hand. He turns around and pays the same stage-hand from before off. He looks at the screen one more time before walking off.

Cohen: I knew it! That sneaky Alhazred set these two men up!

Connor: Something has got to be done about these three and their obsession with each other before it gets too much.

Cohen: Alhazred just manipulated SHIT again and paid off a corrupt stage-hand... I think its already there, CC.


Backstage we see James Howard and Mickey Stormrage talking before their upcoming matches.

Howard: Can you believe that they didn’t put us against Saxton and Saboteur at Apocalypse.

Stormrage: We were the tag team champions man. Where is our rematch? I’m tired of the two of us getting screwed by this new management.

Bateman: Gentleman...

Vance Bateman enters from behind them and continues speaking.

Bateman: I hope that you aren’t bad mouthing management right now. What seems to be the reason for your disgruntlement?

Howard: The fact that Big Dave booked New Church to compete against Saxton and Saboteur and not us.

Stormrage: He’s the one that should go Bateman. We mostly certainly weren’t talking about you when we were talking about bad management.

Howard and Bateman look at Stormrage and Bateman speaks.

Bateman: I have to agree, that Big Dave is a rookie when it comes to management and it should’ve been me in charge of Meltdown, not him, but I do understand where you’re coming from. Tell you what, let’s make this sporting and really put it to Dave for not including you guys.

Howard and Stormrage smile and look to Bateman for his owner.

Bateman: Tonight, you both face the tag team champions in singles contests. If you successfully beat them in your matches I will add you to the WZCW Tag Team Title match at Apocalypse.

Howard and Stormrage both look at Bateman with some disappointment in his answer.

Bateman: Look, you want to stick it to Big Dave for not including you guys, beating the tag team champions will show him how wrong he is. I have good faith in both of you. Now go.

Howard and Stormrage leave as Bateman watches them walk down the hallway.

Connor: Mickey Stormrage and James Howard must beat the tag team champions to get into the tag title match. Stormrage faces Saxton when we return.
Anderson: This match is scheduled for one fall!


Mikey takes a couple of steps forward, pausing at the top of the ramp raising his arm in the air. He enters the ring he climbs to the second turnbuckle and shouts his catchphrase "Game Over!" before jumping down and hitting the ropes a few times

Anderson: Introducing first, from Indianapolis, Indiana weighing 315 pounds, Mikey Stormrage


Saxton shadow boxes on the way down the ramp before climbing into the ring and ripping his shirt off. He plays to the crowd and stares down his rival Stormrage.

Anderson: And his opponent from Harlem, New York weighing in at 270 pounds, Action Saxton!

Connor: This should be a great match between two rivals that know each other well.

Cohen: Too well if you ask me...

The two big men circle each other before locking up. They grapple, each vying for position, trying to overpower the other. After a few seconds they back away in a stalemate. They grapple again, and stalemate a second time. Mikey looks frustrated, while Saxton plays to the crowd. They lock up a third time and Mickey uses his weight advantage to push Saxton backwards. He gains some momentum and shoves him against the turnbuckle; Mickey hits a knife edge chop in the corner, as the crowd oh’s and ah’s. He hits another, but Saxton shrugs off the pain, grabs the larger man, and turns the tables. Saxton hits a knife edge chop of his own, as Mikey tries to cover up.

Saxton tries to whip the larger him across the ring, but Mikey counters and sends Saxton back against the turnbuckle. He follows up with an avalanche splash as Saxton looks dazed. He stumbles forward and Stormrage sends him flying with a belly to belly suplex. Stormrage measures Saxton and hits a short arm lariart, before pinching the nerve in his neck. Saxton struggles and elbows his way to his feet, he takes the larger man over with a snapmare and kicks him in the back of the head. He grabs Stormrage and begins to elbow him in the head. Stormrage falls to the mat laid out, as Saxton backs up off the ropes and hit a diving knee drop.

Connor: Some nice back and forth action between these two…

Cohen: These two guys know each other so well at this point they can almost guess each other’s moves.

He brings the larger man to his feet and whips him off the ropes, but Stormrage charges back and knocks him down with clothesline. He picks Saxton up and slams him down to the canvas. He takes him down with a snapmare and mocks Saxton by kicking him in the head. He plays to the crowd and bounces off the ropes, but Saxton stands and meets him with a spinning punch to the face. Stromrage is dazed and falls against the ropes, but Saxton follows up with a shuffle side kick that sends the larger man through the second rope and dumps him on the outside. Saxton quickly climbs to the top rope, and takes Mikey down with a diving overhead chop.

The two men continue to brawl on the outside. Saxton drapes Stormrage over the apron and chops him. He repeats the move, as Mikey writhes in pain. He drags him over to the steel ring steps and tries to drive his head against it, but Stormrage counters the sends Saxton head first into the steel. They continue to brawl and Mikey throws Saxton back first against the steel steps. He slides back into the ring with a smirk on his face, as Saxton struggles to recover. The ref begins to count…



But Saxton rolls back into the ring. Stormrage meets him and starts to pound away; he throws him back against the turnbuckle and begins to stomp away on the smaller man. The referee steps in and pushes Stormrage away as Saxton gets to his feet. He charges forward but Saxton counters with a punch to the face. He hits a punching combination, and hits a spin kick which takes the 300 pounder down. He measures Mikey and hits a kung fu kick, and goes for a cover. The referee counts.


But Stormrage kicks out immediately. Saxton whips Stormrage into the ropes, but he counters with a knee lift and hits a stun gun T-bone suplex. He runs off the ropes and hits a seated senton and goes for a cover of his own. The referee counts…


But Saxton shows his resilience by kicking out at one. Stormrage hits a knife edge chop, and backs Saxton up against the ropes. He hits another knee lift and follows up with a snap suplex. He floats over and locks in an armbar. Saxton stands and backs the larger man against the ropes. Stormrage whips Saxton forward and he tries to hit a clothesline, but Saxton ducks, bounces off the adjacent ropes and hits a flying spinning heel kick. Saxton begins to build some momentum with a series of kicks to the knees before chop blocking the larger man which sends him down to the mat. Saxton begins to work over Stormrages leg but he quickly elbows himself free. He stands and hits a belly to back suplex, as Saxton bounces off the mat. Stormrage begins to trash talk and starts to climb the top rope.

Connor: What the? Stormrage is climbing to the top!

Cohen: This can only end badly…

Mikey takes his sweet time and Saxton cuts him off at the top with a punch. He climbs the turnbuckle and tries to superplex the larger man off the top, but Stormrage blocks him. Saxton clubs him in the back, but Stormrage responds with head butts. One last punch sends Saxton down to the mat. Mikey readies himself and flies off the top with a splash, crushing Saxton under his girth! He goes for the cover, and the referee counts…



But Saxton somehow manages to kick out. Stormrage looks stunned and so do the fans. He calls for the finish and grabs Saxton and places him in the powerbomb position. He readies himself and lifts Saxton up, but he counters mid move and falls to his feet. He immediately hits an overhead chop which sends Stormrage reeling. He follows up with a megaton punch which staggers the big man. Saxton plays to the crowd and finishes with a spinning punch to the face which drops him. Stormrage falls to the mat as Saxton goes for the cover. The referee counts…



But Stormrage manages to kick out, and Saxton can’t believe it. The two men begin to trade blows chopping each other back and forth. Saxton begins to get the upper hand, but Stormrage responds with another knee lift, and picks Saxton off the mat and onto his shoulder. He runs around the ring and hits a running powerslam. He signals for the Game Over and sets Saxton up, but he back drops out of it. He signals for the Crane Kick as Stormrage stands. He goes for the kick, but Stormrage catches his foot and spins him around and nails a clothesline.

Connor: What’s it going to take! Both of these guys have given it there all.

Cohen: I’m surprised either of them have anything left at all.

He starts to drag Saxton over to the corner, but Saxton shows resilience and kicks the big man in the head and frees himself. He begins to respond with body shots and hits a Mongolian chop which sends Stormrage reeling once more. He whips Stormrage into the ropes and with a burst of strength hits a spinebuster! He plays to the crowd and signals for the Crane Kick. He measures Stormrage but before he can make the kick he’s cut off by James Howard, Stormarages partner, who runs down to the ring and causes the distraction. Saboteur and Krypto tail behind but stop in their tracks as Howard does nothing but watch on. Saxton turns around: Game Over connects!

1... 2... Saxton has his foot on the ropes but the referee doesn't see it and counts to 3!

Krypto and Saboteur are confused and are complaining to the referee as Saxton clearly had his foot on the bottom rope. Howard does nothing but back away and when asked about it, Howard doesn't give an answer.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Mikey Stormrage!

Saboteur gets in Howard's face about things with Krypto trying to play the mediator between the two men. Both men in the ring are beginning to stir and realise what has happened but we fade out to Howard and Saboteur arguing on the outside in an intense fashion.

Connor: Despite the match end, Stormrage has won match one for his team. Can Howard do it against Saboteur, after the break?
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing in at 198 lbs, he is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Saboteur! And his opponent, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 223 lbs, James Howard!

Howard and Saboteur are inside the ring already, while their partners stand outside the ring watching.

Connor: What a match we just had between one half of these two teams, now we get to see if Howard can make it two for two for Strikeforce and get into the WZCW Tag Team Title match at Apocalypse.

Cohen: The champs chances went when Saxton couldn't pick up win verse Stormrage. Clearly the best verse worse of each team. Howard should scoop up the easy win verse Saboteur.

Both men slowly start to circle the ring. Saboteur stops and does his best impersonation of a MMA fighter. Howard does not look happy upon this display. The two lock of and Howard clinches Saboteur up close and tries to legsweep him to the mat. Saboteur turns his body and executes a perfect judo toss. Howard looks up from the mat as Saboteur appears thrilled at the move. Howard jumps to his feet and locks up with Saboteur. Howard moves in behind Saboteur and grabs him by the waist. Howard lifts him off the mat and goes to slam him to the mat. Saboteur grabs his opponents head and counters into a snapmare. Saboteur stands up and follows quickly with a kick to the back. Howard cries out a little in pain as Saboteur runs past him to the ropes. Saboteur bounces back and sees Howard ready to pounce. Howard jumps up with a knee and Saboteur baseball slides under to avoid the kick. Howard turns around and Saboteur hits a bell clap, stunning Howard.

Connor: Saboteur with a lot of offense early goes for More Cowbell!

Saxton cheers his partner on as Stormrage shouts to Howard. Saboteur grabs Howard’s head and goes for a headbutt. Howard drops to his knees and grabs Saboteur’s legs and flips him onto the mat. Howard crawls up and places his forearm across the face of his opponent while delivering kidney shots. The ref gets up to 4 before Howard stops the attack. Saboteur attempts to get to his feet, but Howard runs at him with a knee, keeping him on the mat. Howard grabs Saboteur by the neck and starts hitting Muay Thai knee strikes to the head and abdomen of him. Howard pushes Saboteur face down to the mat and tries to apply and arm bar. Saboteur squirms around and is able to get a foot on the ropes. The ref begins to count, but Howard lets go soon after. Howard positions his fists ready to punch. He swings at Saboteur as he stands, but saboteur dodges the hook. Howard turns to face him and tries a straight jab and Saboteur dodges again. Saboteur says he can do boxing too and brings both his fists up. He then executes a perfect Ali shuffle. He turns to Saxton to make sure he was watching and when he turns back he eats a fist from Howard. The blow knocks Saboteur down, but he quickly springs back up. Howard follows with a snapmare and then locks in a butterfly lock. Saboteur looks really out from that punch.

Connor: Howard has really turned up the intensity here.

Cohen: And why shouldn’t he CC. Howard needs to win here for Strikeforce to be included in the tag team title match at Apocalypse. A lot is at stake here.

Saboteur still looks out of it as the ref goes to grab his hand. Saboteur slaps the hand away but then his head and arms go back to limb. The ref tries it again and again Saboteur’s hand slaps it away and then keeps slapping at the air until the ref stands back. Saboteur shakes his hands like a man possessed and then grabs Howard by the head. He drives in into the top of his and then continues this move until Howard finally lets go. Both men are holding their heads in pain from the move. The ref starts his 10 count as Saxton, Krypto and Mickey cheer on their respective partners. Saboteur needs the ropes to get up, but both men make it to their feet by 7. Howard traps Saboteur against the ropes and irish whips him across the ring. Saboteur comes back full steam and hits Super Saboteur!

Connor: Diving lariat, the move gets Saboteur back in the offensive.

Saboteur waits for Howard to stand and hits a european uppercut. The move stumbles Howard, but doesn’t put him to the mat. The next move does and it’s a spinning wheel kick by Saboteur. He goes for the first cover of the match. 1... 2 Howard kicks out. Howard stands up and swings a punch at Saboteur. He ducks it and does a leg takedown, sending Howard backwards into the ring corner. Saboteur stands and kicks at the midsection of Howard. He runs back the opposite way and then turns around and hits a stinger splash on Howard. Howard stumbles a bit and Saboteur punches him repeatedly in the midsection. He finishes the combo with a slap that seems to have awaken Howard. Look of fury in his eyes causes Saboteur to backtrack. Howard with a clothesline, Saboteur ducks the move. He hops onto the middle rope in the corner Howard once occupied and turns around. Howard is faster though and hits a running knee causing Saboteur to fall off the ropes. Howard picks him up and goes for a bulldog. Saboteur slips his head out just before Howard leaps and the tough fighter crashes on the mat by himself. Saboteur feels the energy from the crown and signals for the Death Blow. Stormrage quickly climbs onto the apron and distracts the ref. Krypto is on him in a second and latches onto his leg. Stormrage tries to shake him off as Saxton joins the scene. Stormrage is able to grab Krypto from his leg and throw him at Saxton as Mickey jumps off the apron. The commotion as distracted Saboteur who takes his eyes off Howard. Howard runs up from behind and grabs Saboteur by the waist. He spins him half around and then hits a german suplex into a bridge pin. The ref slides to call the pinfall, not noticing Saboteur’s feet touching the middle rope. Stormrage grabs on the middle rope and pulls it just out of reach as the ref counts. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, James Howard!

Howard is overcome with joy in the ring as his partner slides in to join him. Saboteur slowly rolls out of the ring and asks where Saxton was, to which his partner points at Krypto.

Connor: This is not fair at all. Strikeforce cheated to pick up the win here... again!

Cohen: They simply showed that they are the best functioning, cooperating, tag team in the division. Seems to me though that there is trouble at home between Saboteur, Saxton, and Krypto.

The three outside continue to talk as Howard and Stormrage hug in the middle of the ring which then gets interrupted by the voice of Vance Bateman

Bateman: Congratulations gentleman! You lived up to my expectations against the tag team champions despite one of the matches being a draw... but I guess we can waver that as a win for both men which means both of you won anyway. So, I will live up to my end and I am pleased to announce that Strikeforce will now be included in the tag team title match at Apocalypse.

The audience cheers and boos the announcement as Strikeforce start to taunt Saboteur and Saxton, who both look ready to jump the ring if Krypto wasn’t pulling on their hands weakly trying to stop them.

Bateman: But you know I also got to thinking that maybe a triple threat tag team title match wasn’t big enough for Apocalypse. Sure we have the former tag team champions and the fast rising team of The New Church, but is three teams really enough. Up until now Saxton and Saboteur have had your guys number and New Church hasn’t beaten them either. So I thought I need a team that has beaten the dominant tag team champions of Action Saxton and Saboteur and I thought, well there is one team that was able to beat the champions. So at Apocalypse it will be Saxton and Saboteur defending against, The New Church, against Strikeforce, and against... Matt Tastic and the King for a Day holder John Constantine!

A loud eruption of cheers comes from the crowd. Howard and Stormrage are screaming and yelling inside the ring. Saxton and Saboteur look down towards Bateman and then back at Strikeforce in the ring and raises the title belts.

Connor:What a huge announcement we just heard. The Tag Team Title match at Apocalypse as now doubled in teams. Action Saxton and Saboteur, New Church, Strikeforce, and now Matt Tastic and John Constantine. This may very well steal the show.

Cohen: Unbelievable how much the former tag team champions. Not only are that not getting a 2 on 2 rematch, they have to compete against two other tag teams as well for the titles.
Anderson: The following is a tag team contest, scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 523 pounds, they are the team of Logan Burnside and Justin Cooper!

The team of Cooper and Burnside makes its way out to the entrance ramp to a chorus of boos and derision from the crowd. Cooper has a manic grin on his face while Burnside hulks behind him, inexplicably carrying a bottle of maple syrup, offering it here and there to several fans, all of whom have the good sense to reject it. On arriving at ringside, Burnside has nothing better to do with it than to set it down next to the ring, though he looks at it longingly. Cooper snaps something at him and the two retreat into the corner to discuss strategy.

Connor: These are two are arguably the most...interesting mentor and mentee pairing, but no one can deny their success - both were winners the last time we brought you to WZCW television, and Cooper defeated the Elite X Champion, Mick Overlast.

Cohen: And an impressive victory it was, and now Justin Cooper is definitely thinking big dreams of becoming the Elite X Champion.


Anderson: Introducing next, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, Mick Overlast!

Mick Overlast makes his way out, displaying the championship belt proudly to the crowd that boos him all the way out. He cockily struts to the ring before sliding into the ring and offering the belt one more time, a smirk on his face. He casually eyes Cooper and his smirk lessens a bit.

Connor: And here is our Elite X Champion now, Mick Overlast. One of our best young talents today, but he is being threatened by both Justin Cooper and his partner tonight.

Cohen: If there's anyone that can survive that onslaught, it's this kid. He's tough as nails, but slick as oil.


Anderson: And his partner, from Phoenix, Arixona, weighing in at 220 pounds, Triple X!

Triple X explodes onto the stage to a roar for the crowd. He charges down the ramp slapping hands with fans the whole way and leaps into the ring, bouncing up on the balls of his feet as he stares down Cooper and Burnside before giving a long look to his partner, Overlast.

Connor: Ever the fan favorite, the former champion is in a precarious position tonight as he is partnered with his greatest enemy in WZCW.

Cohen: You think he's in a tough position? Overlast is the one is a bad place! Not only is he partnered with a drug addict, he's got to face off against the number one man gunning after his title!

The referee gives some instructions to all four men and checks them over for anything illegal. Satisfied, he sends them over to their corners and instructs them to separate. Cooper sends Burnside to the apron, while Overlast and Triple X argue about the decisions for a little while. At a shout from the ref to get it over with, X reluctantly leaves the ring, leaving Overlast to face Cooper. The referee signals for the bell and we are underway. Overlast shoots for a takedown immediately and Cooper is caught off guard, and Overlast immediately takes him down and starts laying into him with punches. The ref tries to pull him off for closed fists and Cooper pops to his feet, but Overlast is ready with strikes to the face that have Cooper reeling after each shot. Overlast hits the ropes and charges, knocking down Cooper with a shoulder block. He hits the ropes again but Cooper gets up too quickly, and Cooper sends Overlast hurling to the ropes. Overlast catches himself on the ropes, though, and Cooper is caught flat footed when Overlast pops out quickly with a right hand. Overlast tries to hurl Cooper into the corner but Cooper reverses it; as Overlast heads into the corner, he leaps up and over and Cooper charges underneath him, then Overlast jumps back out into the ring. The display of agility catches Cooper off guard as he comes out to the center of the ring and gets caught with an arm drag takedown. Overlast hits the ropes, measures Cooper, and drops a knee on him. Overlast goes for a cover getting one, two, but only two.

Connor: And here in the early going, Mick Overlast looks awfully good against the man that defeated him last week.

Cohen: Never underestimate Mick Overlast's ability to plan and learn from a defeat. I guarantee he has a whole new gameplan against Justin Cooper.

Overlast pulls Cooper to his feet and Cooper breaks out of it with a low kick, then grabs hold of Overlast and charges over to his own corner in desperation. He smashes Overlast into the turnbuckle and tags in Burnside, who enters and chops Overlast hard. Overlast tries to fight back but loses a battle of strikes against the bigger, stronger man, leaving Overlast on his back while Burnside listens to direction from Cooper on the apron. He continues striking on the ground and Overlast forces himself to his hands and knees; Burnside grabs hold of his opponent's head in an improvised submission hold. Overlast fights valiantly to a vertical base, but Burnside smashes a punch to his back that sends him right back to the mat. Burnside hits the ropes, but does so slowly; Overlast pops to his feet rapidly and counters with a snap suplex, using Burnside's own momentum against him! Both men are down and trying to get to their partners; Overlast too dazed to care about tagging in X, and he does so before Burnside can reach Cooper! Burnside stands to meet the assault and greets a springboard forearm smash from Triple X. He follows with a few quick chops and an enzuigiri that sends Burnside staggering into the ropes. As he comes out again, he's met by a spinning heel kick that finally takes him down. X measures him and hits him with a standing moonsault; he follows with a stunning shooting star press that completes the X-Press! He makes his way to the top rope and starts calling for X-Rated, looking to finish this one early! But as he stands at the top, Cooper sneaks up behind and shoves him off! The ref warns him but he is uncaring and X is yelling something at him on the outside. Burnside rolls out of the ring in the meantime and by the time X turns around, he is on his way to the other side of the ring. X follows in pursuit and is nearly caught by a huge clothesline from Cooper, but ducks under it and punches Cooper out; but then Burnside catches him off guard with a massive clothesline that sends him to the mat on the outside, looking dazed.

Connor: And it's textbook deviousness that gives the advantage here to Cooper and Burnside, but I have to say, X and Overlast looked surprisingly impressive in the early going.

Cohen: You mean Overlast looked impressive, and X flipped around like a monkey.

Overlast, shockingly, has come to defend X against Burnside and gets into a fistfight with him on the outside. The ref pulls Overlast away as he is not the legal man, and Burnside stomps on X's gut. Burnside rolls X into the ring and goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two. Cooper meanwhile has returned to the apron; Burnside is pulling X to his feet, but X is fighting with right hands, trying to break free. Burnside smashes a knee into his gut to stop that; he lifts up X and drops him with a Fallaway Slam. He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two. Burnside looks to Cooper and Cooper tells him to tag him in, and Burnside does so, then elevates Cooper at his instruction, dropping him down on top of X suplex style. He goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two. He looks a little frustrated and stands up, turns X over, and locks him into a Boston crab. X struggles with it mightily but can't break free as the crowd cheers him on; finally, after a short while, he gets to the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. Cooper maintains control and swings a wide kick at X's gut; but X catches it and reverses it into an enzuigiri! He goes for a quick cover and gets one, two, but only two! Both men are up on their feet and X, somewhat dazed, charges Cooper only to get a double arm DDT smashing his face into the mat. Cooper covers, getting one, two, but only two, and then moves to tag in Burnside while dragging X with him.

Connor: These two are practicing excellent tag team wrestling as the leader Cooper has obviously prepared Burnside well for this.

Cohen: And I just want to say - this junkie had a golden opportunity to tag in Overlast and get a fresh body in there, and he passed it up for a cover. What a moron!

Burnside comes in and kicks X in the face on the ground. X tries to struggle to his feet with punches, but Burnside stops him with an abdominal stretch. It takes X some time to get out of it, but he does fight out with punches, though damage appears to be done. X tries to fight him off again, but Burnside instead lifts him up horizontally and elevates him, dropping him down - but X counters with a DDT! Both men are down and Overlast is screaming for a tag; he gets it with a leap from X! Cooper is tagged in at the same time! Cooper charges but Overlast takes him down with a clothesline; Cooper pops up and tries again with the same result. Cooper gets up more slowly and Overlast hits him with a big right hand, then forces him to the ropes. Cooper reverses an attempted whip and sends Overlast flying to the ropes; on the rebound, though, Overlast counters with another clothesline, this time on the dead run! He pulls Cooper to his feet and hits him with a European upper cut, followed by a big backbreaker! He goes for a cover, getting one, but Burnside breaks it up! X charges into the ring and tries to take down Burnside, but Burnside takes control and tosses him out of the ring. Or so he thinks, as X hangs on and stays on the apron with Burnside's back turned to him! X springboards in and Burnside turns at the last second - and counters! He catches X in mid air and DESTROYS HIM with THE ANIMAL WITHIN! He pushes X out of the ring just as Cooper and Overlast are getting to their feet, and Cooper catches Overlast with Your Final Verse! He covers him and gets one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Logan Burnside and Justin Cooper!

Logan looks ecstatic at the victory, while Cooper can only stare at Overlast on the mat. Overlast rolls to a corner; X, on the outside, is barely stirring and the ref is checking on him. Burnside says something to Cooper and they begin to speak, while an attendant hands Overlast his belt back. When Cooper is done talking, he turns to Overlast again - only to find him charging at him with the title belt! He ducks out of the way at the last second, leaving Overlast to BRAIN Burnside with the championship! Overlast turns quickly to face Cooper, but Cooper is too quick, striking him hard across the face and hitting a second YOUR FINAL VERSE! Cooper is the last man standing and takes a long look at the championship belt, which he picks up with a smile on his face. He holds it for a long moment before he is distracted by a groan from Burnside. He pulls Logan to his feet and Burnside, holding his head, says something to Cooper with a laugh. Cooper looks at him slowly, then back to the belt...and SMASHES the belt in Burnside's head! The crowd is flabbergasted at this turn of events, but Cooper isn't done; he sets the belt on the ground, pulls Burnside up, and executes Your Final Verse, sending Burnside's head CRASHING into the belt with a sick thud. Burnside looks to be out cold and Cooper picks up the belt again, and with a last look, tosses it onto Overlast. He makes his way out of the ring, whistling to himself as he leaves the carnage behind.

Connor: I...I can't explain what just happened here, folks, but it appears that Justin Cooper is out of business with Logan Burnside.

Cohen: He's crazy! Insane! Loco! Off the reservoir! And...and I think I like it a little bit, Cat.

Connor: “Well I wonder what the General Manager is going to say about this.”

Cohen: “I have a feeling Cooper is going to like hearing from Vance Bateman.”

Bateman comes to the top of the stage and shakes his head as Cooper stands alone with Overlast and Burnside reeling from his actions.

Bateman:“OK, Justin. Well done, you have successfully destroyed your rookie and left our Elite X Champion laying once more. I don’t think Mr Overlast is going to be happy once he comes to. Then again he never did have the best temper.”

Cooper raises his arm as he wonders whether Bateman can make his point.

Bateman: “But this is not going to make him any happier, Justin, you are the number one contender to the Elite X champion and you will face Mick Overlast at Apocalypse. Congratulations, though I hope the other mentors don’t follow your actions, expecting the same success.”


Drake Callahan is backstage, still in his ring attire, walking down the corridor very carefully. He finds Vance Bateman's office and sneaks inside, looking to wait for the GM to return from the ring area.
Anderson: The following contest is your main event for this evening and it is scheduled for one fall!


For the second time this evening, Barbosa walks out onto the stage to a booing audience although he is very wary of his surroundings this time around, watching out for any interference that might be had. He cautiously continues down to the ring, sometimes clutching his head as he tries to think.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing in at 237 pounds; Barbosa!

Connor: Barbosa's even more unusual walk down to the ring was caused due to what happened earlier this evening when he was ambushed by SHIT, an attacked manipulated by Mister Alhazred.

Cohen: I don't know why he should be worried though as Bateman has personally said during the commercial break that if anyone interferes in this match, they will be suspended indefinitely.

Connor: Finally some justice done by our Ascension General Manager.

Barbosa enters the ring and sticks to a corner, sitting in it as he mutters to himself, waiting for his opponent.


The crowd cheers wildly for the arrival of "Showtime" as he confidently walks onto the top of the ramp, looking out into the audience and smiles to the audience. He raises his hands and proceeds down the ramp, high-fiving a few fans on the way down to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 219 pounds; "Showtime" Cougar!

Connor: There is some history between the two of these competitors and should this be Showtime's last time we see him on WZCW television, there could not have been a better opponent for Show.

Cohen: Let's just hope Barbosa isn't too distracted for this match so we can witness a classic. I'm ready for this one, Cat.

Showtime performs his signature pose for the fans on the turnbuckles before jumping down, doing his last minute stretches before the music and the fans die down. The ref asks Show if he is okay to start and he nods, jumping up and down. The ref asks Barbosa and only muttering can be heard with him still sitting in the corner. The ref warns Barbosa that if doesn't respond, he won't even start the match. Barbosa nods and agrees he is ready, standing up near the corner. The referee rings the bell...

... and Barbosa explodes from the corner, gunning straight for Cougar. Show manages to jump at the last second, evading the attack. He turns around and gets into a defensive stance as Barbosa continues to charge, rebounding off the ropes: dropkick from Showtime to start things off, knocking down Barbosa. He rolls out of the ring immediately, causing Show to follow him quickly as Barbosa recovers. Barbosa tries to sucker punch Show but he blocks the attempt, returning the favour with a classic knife edge chop on the outside. The crowd "woo's" in response as Barbosa stumbles back across the ringside area. Show catches up and delivers another big chop along the chest, causing Barbosa to seek refuge along the barricade. Showtime hits once more whilst Barbosa hangs along the barricade before he enters the ring and rolls back out, breaking the referee's count. Show measures up Barbosa and hits a standing spinning clothesline with his opponent still rested along the barricade. The impact almost causes Barbosa to topple into the crowd but instead, he drops back down and onto the thinly-padded mats. As Barbosa crawls around to try and get up, Showtime does something a little unconventional and hops onto the barricades, waiting for his prey to stand up. As Barbosa does, Showtime jumps off and lands a spear, driving both men into the apron. Barbosa feels the majority of the attack as his back went straight into the side of the ring.

Connor: That's got to hurt.

Cohen: I can't believe Show is already going for the big risks so early. He should be pacing himself.

Showtime is up and manages to drag Barbosa to his feet, rolling him into the ring. Show follows inside and goes for a quick cover but Barbosa kicks out at the 1 count. Show keeps the aggressive start by getting up and delivering a standing leg drop to Barbosa across the throat, followed by another pin... 1... kick-out before two this time. Show tries locking in a triangle choke hold for an easy submission but Barbosa has wherewithal to struggle free, again going to the outside. Show gives a sigh of frustration and goes out after Barbosa once more, who walks around ringside with Show in pursuit. Show grabs the back of Barbosa's head and tries to bring him back into the ring but Barbosa counters with a swift knee to the gut, causing enough damage to allow Barbosa to hit a barrage of open club shots to the back of Cougar before kneeing him once more. Barbosa shakes off the cobwebs before moving backwards to charge at Show, hitting a running kitchen sink style knee strike. Show clutches his gut on the floor as Barbosa takes a couple of seconds to breathe before breaking the ref's count. He goes back to to the outside and this time it is Barbosa who throws Show into the ring. Show isn't damaged enough for a pin attempt however and is moving around in the ring, trying to get back to a vertical base. Barbosa grabs Show and hits an inverted atomic drop before following it up with a STO. Instead of going for a cover, Barbosa immediately locks in a reverse chinlock to keep the pressure applied to Show.

Cohen: He might have many voices in his head but he picked the right one to listen to: wear down your opponent and don't go for covers.

Connor: Either one can win you the match so they're just as effective as each other.

Show is starting to get a little bit of energy pumping through his body to be able to attempt at getting to a vertical base. Barbosa does nothing to stop this as both men are standing with Show going for an elbow to escape the hold. Barbosa ducks, Showtime swings around to face him and Barbosa delivers an overhead Sambo suplex in response, the impact of the throw focussing solely on the back of Show's neck. Barbosa again does not go for the cover but instead tries for a submission, getting a front facelock applied to Show and delivering knee strikes when necessary to keep Show down. The striking knees of Barbosa render escaping or reversing the hold useless for Show, unable to perform a counter. However, Barbosa's ring positioning wasn't at its best and the submission is taking place near the ropes. Show is able to extend his leg for a rope break which Barbosa let's go at the count of four. Barbosa doesn't let Show take a breather and picks him up, setting him up for a powerbomb. He drives Show straight into the corner, causing Show to bounce out of the corner onto one knee. Barbosa gets behind him and hits a running bulldog to finish it up. Barbosa sits on the ground with his arms resting on his bent knees, taking a moment to recover his stamina and slow down his breathing before returning to Show for a cover who has yet to move much... 1... 2... kick-out by Show.

Connor: Too much time wasted by Barbosa there.

Cohen: I think he just wants to toy with Show.

Barbosa slowly gets to his feet and backs himself into a corner, laying in wait as Show is doing his very best to rise to his feet at a slow pace. Barbosa watches on until Show eventually makes it to his feet, charging at him with a swinging neckbreaker to drive him back into the canvas. Another pin attempt goes amiss for Barbosa as he gets back to his feet, planning his next move for Show, muttering to himself again.

Connor: It's almost as if Barbosa is imaging Show as either SHIT or Alhazred... this is more of a statement than a match for Barbosa.

Barbosa begins pleading for Show to get up who takes slower than last time. It is almost disgusting to watch as Barbosa is almost salivating. Show is up and turns around to meet Barbosa who kicks him in the stomach and clutches Show's head under his arms: DDT that drives Show into the ground. Barbosa is smiling at his efforts and slowly gets up, bringing Show back up with him for Barbosa to complete his infamous Duplicity. Sure as he planned, Barbosa hits another DDT. Barbosa wants to cause more damage however and picks up Show for another DDT... but when Barbosa goes to execute, Show blocks the attack. The defiance of Show is met with confusion by Barbosa who tries again and only the same result occurs. Barbosa tries a third but Show manages to transition the move into the Ratings Crash. Both men are down on the canvas but the counter by Show wasn't damaging enough to keep Barbosa down for long as he gets to his feet at a slower than normal pace whilst Show is still laying on the ground. Barbosa shakes his head as he gets to his feet, going to pick up Show but he counters and this time, successfully locks in the triangle chokehold from the ground. Barbosa desperately does everything he can to exit the hold and within seconds of being in agonising pain, he grabs the ropes. Show is forced to let go and he does so, allowing enough time for Show to stir and attempt to get up. Barbosa is shocked at this turn in momentum and tries to do something fast. As Barbosa approaches Show, Cougar trips him and locks in the Commercial Break from out of nowhere, dragging Barbosa into the centre of the ring.

Cohen: Where did this sudden strength come from?

Connor: You're forgetting that this is Showtime, Jack.

Showtime is using the last bit of his energy reserves and adrenaline to keep the hold locked on and applying the most amount of pressure he can. This last resort however is causing the fans to cheer on as Barbosa can be seen in high amounts of pain. He is scratching and clawing his way to try and find the ropes or turn himself over but Show is giving everything he's got to prevent Barbosa from doing anything but tap. Barbosa screams out in pain but then, suddenly his expression changes to laughter as he suddenly enjoys the idea of being within pain. Show pulls back harder, bringing Barbosa back to reality and screams once more, considering tapping. Show uses his last bit of energy to pull back but ultimately lets go of the hold and drops to his knees, unable to continue the submission due to exhaustion and damage. Barbosa is almost out of it too, despite controlling most of this match but the submission did its work to put both men on an equal playing field. Show and Barbosa struggle to get to their feet, both using the ropes to climb desperately to a vertical position. The referee reaches a count of nine before both men are at their feet.

Barbosa turns around first before Show and kicks him in the gut, putting him in a powerbomb position, signalling for the Mood Stabilizer. However, before he can do anything, Show counters and performs a roll-up pin with Barbosa off-guard... 1... 2... the ref counts 3 as Barbosa kicks out.

Cohen: What!?

Connor: Show did it!

The referee signals for the bell and calls for the match's end, eliciting a positive and cheering reaction from the crowd after they realise what has happened. Barbosa, who is on his knees, cannot believe he lost. He is staring into a whole new dimension and rolls out of the ring, muttering to himself as he heads up the ramp. Show is on his knees as the referee raises his hands.

Anderson: Here is your winn...

For the last time tonight, the Ascension theme hits the arena and out comes Vance Bateman, interrupting the celebration of Showtime, waging his finger. Show is unable to get to his feet yet, still recovering from the match.

Bateman: That was a might impressive victory you got there Showtime, pretty good it was... however, there was a little tiny bit of information that I forgot to inform you about.

Show looks over to Bateman, ignoring his injuries for the time being to listen.

Bateman: You know how I set this whole "Pick Your Poison" thing where you chose Kurtesy to be Callahan's opponent and Drake picks your opponent for this evening? Unfortunately for you, Drake didn't pick Barbosa as your opponent... but don't worry, he visited me earlier and picked your opponent for you...


The crowd boos heavily as Callahan walks out in full ring attire and his World Heavyweight title around his waist. He looks at Bateman and the two of them shake hands with the two exchanging a laugh as Callahan walks down the ramp, Bateman following behind clapping his hands. Everyone is confused at what is happening as Callahan enters the ring, leaving the belt on the steps for Bateman to watch over. Show has just managed to get onto his feet and holds his gut as the referee asks what is going on. Bateman smiles.

Bateman: Ring the bell or I will fire you.

Connor: What the hell is happening? What's got into Bateman?

The referee looks at Show and apologises, ringing the bell.

Callahan charges at Showtime, looking to take him out early but Show trips the legs of Callahan, looking to lock in the Commercial Break again. Show is too weak however and Callahan reverses easily, pushing Show away. Show gets up and turns around into a kick in the stomach followed by a devastating Faded Memory. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... 3!

Bateman: Announce it!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Drake Callahan!

The referee rings the bell and ends this match quickly, much to the dismay of the audience. Bateman claps as the referee raises Callahan's arm in victory. He brings in the belt and hands it to Callahan before shaking hands once more and exiting the ring. The crowd has a massive disdain for Bateman as he walks up the ramp with a smirk, leaving Callahan to gloat in the middle of the ring, standing on top of Showtime with the belt held high.

Connor: What did we just witness?

Cohen: Drake Callahan just beat Showtime Cougar in singles competition, only nights before their scheduled match at Apocalypse for the title.

Connor: This match wasn't supposed to be scheduled! It was supposed to be Showtime vs. Barbosa.

Cohen: And it was, Cat. But Bateman promised both men that they could pick their opponents this week. Callahan obviously didn't pick an opponent so Bateman made it Barbosa vs. Showtime. Keeping his word like a good employer, Bateman still kept his promise.

Connor: Why would Bateman do this? What is the motivation for Bateman to turn his back on Showtime like this? Why Bateman? Why?

The screen fades to black as Callahan is in Show's face who is still knocked out, telling him he is going to retire for good and holds the title up in the air once more.
Who Wrote What:

Numbers - Opening
Harthan - Elite X Tag match
Echelon - Stormrage/Saxton
Showtime - Howard/Saboteur, Segments
FunKay - Callahan/Kurtesy
FalKon - Showtime/Barbosa, Segments, Ending

Hope you've enjoyed the first 2 shows. Aftershock is next... followed by Apocalypse! Yay PPV round!
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