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Ascension 52

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

Similar to last nights Meltdown, a huge amount of pyrotechnics go off to celebrate the return of normality back to WZCW where the fans in the arena are cheering loudly for the start of the show. The camera swings past the audience to see various signs and happy faces until we cross over to the announcer's table.

Connor: Good evening everyone and welcome to the Ascension. I'm Catherine Connor and I am here with the legendary Jack Cohen.

Cohen: I'm flattered, CC.

Connor: Well, you did prove me wrong at the All Stars 2 event the other day.

Cohen: And this is why I prefer you over Seabass because you actually remembered. Although it was good to stretch my legs again and stack another victory on my already impressive record, I'm glad that my position is here now. I don't think I could be doing the crazy things that most of the guys on the roster do these days.

Connor: I had a good time in Japan, hanging out with the Tag Champions as well and...


The crowd boo's loudly as Drake Callahan comes out in complete formal attire with the World Championship draped over his shoulder. Another man comes out behind him who is also wearing formal attire who has platinum blonde hair and a slick grin on his face.

Connor: I guess catch-up time is over then.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your NEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion; Drake Callahan!

The crowd boo's heavily now as Drake gets introduced, showing off his belt and getting an applause by the other man. The two then walk down to the ring with the second person up-selling Callahan to the crowd as he strides past them without a care in the world.

Connor: Who is that other guy with Callahan? Is that his manager?

Cohen: He looks hauntingly familiar, CC. I remember the face but I can't match it with a name.

Both men have made it into the ring with Callahan staring out into the booing audience as the other man continues to clap in support of Drake and grabs a microphone. He hands it over to Callahan and he waits for the crowd to quiet down before speaking.

Callahan: What an absolute disgrace.

The crowd boos at the simple fact of Callahan talking.

Callahan: I cannot believe that I, the man who won two separate matches on the same night at Redemption to be crowned the World Heavyweight Champion of this company, have been relegated to open the second-rate B-show. My title win was not the main event and now I've been cast aside from the flagship show. It's another conspiracy to keep me down and not be fully appreciated in the spotlight that I deserve!

More boos are thrown the way of Callahan. Drake turns around and points towards the other man.

Callahan: This is why I've turned to a third party; an insurance policy if you will. This third party right here is the only person who truly sees the injustice and has dedicated himself to help me achieve the credit that is apparently too much to ask for in this company... I believe some of you have already met this man: Max Powers.

Cohen: That's his name! I knew it was something awesome.

Powers steps up to the plate by taking the microphone off Callahan and standing center of the ring as Callahan walks to the ropes, leaning on them with confidence.

Powers: Before I get started, may I remind you that this man here is the World Heavyweight Champion of the company that you have given your money to in order to watch this show tonight so I suggest for next time, you should give him a much more welcoming reception and show your appreciation for such a gifted performer.

The crowd boos at Max, who they see is already going to be a pain in the arse.

Powers: A gifted performer who is the best thing going for this company, a gifted performer that will be the future of this company... a gifted performer that no-one can defeat. A performer of such a calibre who should be getting a contract to match but sadly, this company has yet to get its business affairs together and take care of this delicate situation. You see ladies and gentleman, my client Drake Callahan will be needing a contract renewal as his current contract is set to expire soon and if we don't see that our needs and demands or met, Drake Callahan will be packing his things and leaving for greener pastures along with the World Heavyweight Championship.

The crowd aren't liking the idea of the championship leaving and show their disappointment. Powers smirks at the statement as Callahan shrugs his shoulders towards the fans.


The crowd has a change of tone and begins cheering as the former champion "Showtime" enters the arena, wearing semi-formal attire and a smile on his face. He poses for the fans before walking down the ring, interacting with the fans of the front row.

Cohen: Things are about to get a little heated here, CC.

Connor: As if the legal threats weren't enough.

Show requests for a mic whilst he is at ringside before entering the ring to confront the champ. Show keeps his distance from the two as both Callahan and Powers have kept one half of the ring to themselves. The crowd chants for Showtime and he smiles in appreciation, waiting for them to calm down before speaking. Show goes to speak but Callahan steals the mic off Powers.

Callahan: No.

Show, a little confused at this and taken back by the response tries to talk again.

Callahan: No. No... no, just no. You have NO right to be out here at all. Whatever you think this is between you and me is over, Show. The most recent encounters that the two of us have had resulted in myself walking away the victor, both on 74th episode Meltdown and Redemption so there is no possible reason I can think of that results in you deserving another shot at me.

The crowd boos at this statement as Callahan looks dead into the eyes of Show, who doesn't appreciate being interrupted. At this point, Powers takes the mic from Callahan.

Powers: My client will not be defending his championship against someone he can beat on any occasion, especially one who is as over-the-hill and as stale as you.

The crowd "ooo's" at the personal shot taken at Show. Cougar gives Powers a look that could kill, causing Max to jump a little and pace behind Callahan for protection although it does not stop Show glaring at him. This gives the crowd a reason to laugh at Powers, taking refuge behind the champ.

Showtime: Are you two done?

Just as Callahan takes the mic off Powers and goes to speak, Show interrupts them.

Showtime: Yes? That's good to hear Drake, thank you for answering so politely.

The crowd cheers and laughs as Callahan is not happy at the response.

Showtime: Look, I will agree about how you defeated me on those occasions. I cannot deny it, it's in the record books as Drake Callahan "W", Showtime Cougar "L." I will also agree to an extent that I may not deserve another title shot but if we are going to touch legal contracts, the one I still have entitles me to a rematch... but, that is not the reason why I am out here.

Callahan looks confused.

Callahan: Then why are you out here wasting my time if you're not out here to challenge me? What was the point of interrupting me in the middle of something very important?

Show chuckles at the question.

Showtime: Well for one, I'm out here to stop you wasting everyone else's time on matters that you could discuss behind the scenes and making everyone else fall asleep due to boredom.

The crowd laughs at Callahan who looks really pissed.

Showtime: Trust me, I'm in the show biz and I know a thing or two about keeping people entertained. But getting back on track, winning that championship was probably one of, if not, the greatest moment of my wrestling career and I treasure the memory of defeating Steven Kurtesy for the title back on the 50th anniversary of Ascension.

The crowd applauds along with Show.

Showtime: For the short-lived time that I was champion, it felt amazing to be on top of the world and finally achieve what I've been striving for... but to have it taken away as quickly as I won it got me thinking: what is the point of calling yourself the best in the world when you can lose a title like that shortly after you won it? I was one of Ty Burna's toughest opponents and we've had our fair share of wins against each other but for some reason, he was able to stay undefeated and keep that title for a year yet I was only champion for not even a month? If I can't be a dominant champion like that and if I've achieved everything else... maybe its come time for Showtime to say his final goodbyes.

The crowd boos heavily at the possible retirement announcement made by Show, about as loud as when Drake entered the building. Callahan, Powers and Show look around the arena, hearing the pleading of the crowd for Show not to go.

Showtime: However, doing that would be too much of a selfish move and from the expected reaction that you guys gave me, it would be unfair for you guys if I just left.

The crowd cheers as they hear the positive news.

Showtime: It's kind of similar to how you threatened to walk out of the company Drake with the belt around your waist because you "aren't getting the respect that you deserve." That's not fair for the fans and I do not care if I ever see another championship opportunity again so long as I get to come out here and compete for these fans that love me as much as I love them.

The crowd roars in approval and begins a Showtime chant, eliciting a smile on the face of Show.

Showtime: There is one thing though that I must get off my chest: I don't think I'll be able to live with the fact that I cannot beat Drake Callahan. I'm not out here to challenge you Drake. I'll leave that decision up to you since your agent there seems to have your balls locked up in his trophy case. What I am here to tell you is that if I can't beat you in a one on one match, then I will retire from WZCW.

The crowd has a mixture of boos and pleas towards Showtime. Callahan seems to be shocked by the announcement as well, looking towards his manager Max who isn't sure how to react.

Showtime: Think about that for a while Champ, and then tell me when you're ready to step back into the show.

Show places the mic on the ground and exits the ring, walking up the ramp backwards reminding Drake to think about it. Powers tries to get an answer from Callahan about that but Drake is in deep thought. The crowd does not know how to react to this as well.

Connor: Showtime retire?

Cohen: That is probably the best way to get the attention of a man who has something you want and won't bother giving you a chance to get it. He's laying a lot on the line but for the reward of gaining the World title, it seems well worth the risk.

Connor: Looks like we'll just have to wait for a response from Callahan first.

Just before we go to commercial break, we go backstage to where Vance Bateman has been watching the entire encounter from a television screen, thinking about what has happened and trying to peace together a solution. He is not sure how to react to this either.
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Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 240 pounds, from "The Dawn of a New Era", Connor Reese!

Once the beat kicks in he slowly walks to the centre of the stage and strikes a pose, flexing his middle fingers in time with the rhythm. At the same time as the singer, he lets out a woo of his own and spends the opening chorus energetically moving around gesturing for the crowd to get up and join in. Once the verse starts he starts walking to the ring still following the beat. On his way to the ring he makes sure to walk past the hard camera, "Woo"ing straight into it before quickly rolling into the ring and going over to the corner climbing it quickly as the second round of nananas starts. As soon as it stops, the music cuts out he jumps off turning 180 degrees in mid-air.

Connor: And we welcome you back to this broadcast with Connor Reese making his way to the ring. Reese was almost the winner at Redemption but found himself coming just short as Ace Stevens stole the title back at the last second.

Cohen: He's a rookie who just didn't deserve it and got outclasses by his betters! All there is to it.


Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 228 pounds, from Brooklyn, New York, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Ace Stevens!

Ace stands on the stage with his back to the ring, pumping his fist in the air in time to the drum beat. When the vocal comes in, he turns around and struts down to the ring. As he walks toward the ring, Ace adjusts his hair, jacket and just generally tries to look as cool as possible.

Connor: Jack, you can't mean to tell me you think that anything Ace Stevens did at Redemption was remotely acceptable. He's a discredit to the belt!

Cohen: He's a savvy veteran and a world class champion! His victory at Redemption was among the greatest feats I've ever seen! Outlasting six men to be the victor at the end - truly a feat to be remembered!

The two men are separated into their corners and the ref checks them both for any foreign objects. Satisfied that both competitors are clean, the ref signals for the bell and we are underway. The two face off against each other briefly before locking up in the center of the ring. Stevens gets the better of it and shoves Reese into the ropes, catching him with a knee to the gut on the rebound. He grabs hold of Reese's head and smashes it into the corner. He follows with a shoulder into Reese's gut and continues with the move until the referee backs him out of the corner. Before breaking he kicks Reese in the gut and then backs off. He waits for Reese to stagger over to him and uses a snapmare to take him down to the mat. Stevens looks out at the crowd arrogantly and slicks his hair back before dropping an elbow on Reese. Stevens mounts Reese and punches him repeatedly in the head before being called off for closed fists. The ref warns him for it and Stevens switches to a tight headlock, pushing Reese into the mat. Reese tries to fight his way out but Stevens keeps it locked in tight. Reese eventually forces his way to a vertical base as the crowd eggs him on, fighting out with blows to Stevens's side. Stevens backs off for a moment but closes again quickly, but is met with a hard chop that sends him spinning.

Connor: In the early going it seems like Stevens could use a reminder that this is not, indeed, a Mayhem rules match. Those warnings could become a disqualification if he's not careful.

Cohen: He doesn't need no stinking rules! This is the Mayhem champion we're talking about!

Reese connects with a few more stiff chops but Stevens counters with a stiff knee to the gut that cuts off Reese's momentum. Stevens take a moment to draw a breath but instead slides toward the edge of the ring, pulling Reese along with him to the apron. Stevens slides outside and hits stiff forearm shots to Reese's throat on the apron. He then gets back in the ring and shoves his boot into Reese's throat to choke him. He pulls him back to the center of the ring for a cover getting one, two, but only two. He pulls Reese to his feet and takes him down with another snapmare before connecting with more stiff shots to Reese's chest. He then puts in a facelock and wrenches it hard, looking for a quick submission. Reese once again fights valiantly to his feet and breaks out of the hold with punches, but Stevens takes control right back with a stiff blow to the face. He whips Reese into the ropes but Reese catches himself on them and stops his momentum, leading Stevens to charge at him. Reese fights him away with an elbow shot, and Reese takes a moment to recover in the ropes. Stevens charges again and gets a boot to the face for his troubles. Reese follows with a quick roll up pin and gets one, two, but only two. Stevens pops up after the rollup and connects with a clothesline that knocks Reese to the ground. Stevens grabs an arm of Reese and then stomps into his chest with repeat blows. Stevens sets Reese up for a swinging neckbreaker but Reese pulls away at the last minute and slips behind Stevens, going for another roll up and getting one, two, but only two.

Connor: So far the champion is in total control, or almost - a few roll up attempts have us wondering if Reese intends to steal one.

Cohen: Yeah right! Like the great Mayhem champion is gonna lose to a roll up!

Stevens pops up and tries again for a big clothesline but Reese ducks under it this time and answers with another brutal chop. He repeats the chop and then goes after Stevens with kicking combinations that send him into the corner. He hits him in the corner with a running high knee and then backs off to hit the ropes, rebounding as Stevens staggers out and catching the champion with a charging European uppercut, his signature Cataclysm! Reese drags Stevens to a corner, hits the ropes and leaps, flying off for a Vader bomb attempt! But Stevens rolls out of the way at the last second, just avoiding disaster! Both men are up on their feet rapidly and Stevens goes immediately for the Last Laugh! But Reese just ducks under it, slipping behind Stevens and hitting him with a reverse DDT! Stevens gets to his knees and is caught square with the EXTINCTION EVENT! Reese covers, getting one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Connor Reese!

Connor: What an upset! In a quick but physical bout, Reese has defeated the champion!

Cohen: No way! That was a fast count! Check the tape! A travesty of justice!

Connor: "So does this mean we have a new number one contender for Ace?"

Stevens rolls out of the ring holding his head and looks angrily at Reese as he snatches his title belt. Reese celebrates enthusiastically as the referee raises his hand, soaking in the crowd and his victory. We see Reese point and gesture for the title as we go to commercial.


Barbosa is backstage and we see him approach S.H.I.T. in a corridor

“You. I.....I need to talk to you now!”

There is no care in the former World Champion as he approaches the man-droid without the usual caution reserved for him.

“I need to discuss how you care for your lack of direction. I need answers.”

Barbosa’s tone is urgent and a tad desperate to get an answer that he can use. S.H.I.T. is ignorant to his pleas.

“You seek resolution and support after your failures.” The robot pauses as if negotiating a series of complex calculations. “Weak! Weak! WEAK!!! Barbosa is weak like Alhazred.”

S.H.I.T. wanders away as aimlessly as he walked in and Barbosa is left in a speechless rage.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!


On his way to the ring from Sydney, Australia, he weighs 240 lbs, Justin Cooper!

Justin appears at the top of the ramp with a sinister grin on his face. He slowly slides his right hand across the rim of his hat while flicking his left up in the air before sauntering down to the ring as the crowd boo him loudly.

And his tag team partner from Atlanta, Georgia, he weighs 283lbs, Logan Burnside!

The Beast heads out to the ring, walking quickly and ignorant to the crowds reaction.

“This is a potentially very talented duo, very unpredictable and it will be interesting to see if their opponents can figure out how to break them.”


And their opponents from Atlanta, Georgia, he weighs 218lbs, Scott Williams!!

Williams slowly walks out to the stage. He takes his time as he enjoys the biggest moment of his career so far despite the crowds’ mild reaction to him.


And his partner, from Southwester, Puerto Rico, he weighs 225lbs, he is Wrestlings’ Super Saiyan, Matt Tastic!!

“Listen to this!”

"I'm hearing nothing. I don't live in a world where Matt Tastic is popular!"

Matt walks out to the biggest reaction of the four as he gets to the top of the stage. He then heads to the ring and his arrival forces Cooper and Burnside to leave the ring. He spies Williams on the outside before climbing the outside of the turnbuckle and posing for his fans.

Matt Tastic gets in the ring and Cooper reluctantly gets in as well. Cooper gives Scott Williams an evil look as he climbs onto the apron and demands that Logan Burnside keeps an eye on his opposite rookie. Tastic tries to tie up with Cooper but Cooper kicks him in the gut. Cooper then whips him into the corner but charges into a boot as Matt lifts his legs towards his charging opponent. Matt lifts himself onto the middle rope and leaps off hitting a diving clothesline. Matt goes for a cover but Burnside storms in and kicks him in the back. The ref tries to prevent further interference but in the meantime Scott Williams has run in and tackles the big man who doesn’t budge.

“Hey, what’s Burnside doing?”

“That’s not Logan’s fault, Williams attacked him!”

The two rookies lay into each other, exchanging punches and pulling each other around the ring and the bell sounds to end the match. Matt Tastic tries to help his partner but Justin Cooper hits him below the belt and then nails him with Your Final Verse!

Suddenly Vance Bateman can be heard, running out from the back and muffled as he grabs a mic and struggles to catch his breath.

“What the damn hell is going on here!?”

Vance reaches the middle of the ramp and has now regained his breath.

“This was supposed to be a great match to hype up our announcement on Aftershock of which you all will be playing a great part and instead I see two rookies having no respect for our officials and two supposedly respected veterans, not taking responsibility of it all! I’m not having that, not one bit!”

“So here’s what I’m going to do. On Aftershock, we are going to have Matt Tastic one on one against Justin Cooper. Mr Williams, Mr Burnside, you will not be wrestling. You can take your asses to ringside and watch on as those two go at it. Now get out of my ring, you’re all done for the night!!”


Barbosa is seen again backstage. This time he charges into the dressing room of Mr Alhazred, who is fortunately only doing up his boots.

“You! You were the one to give S.H.I.T. his absolute lack of care for his own lack of direction!” Barbosa pulls Alhazred up by his collar and against the wall, speaking through gritted teeth. “I need to know how!”

“It’s an anomaly, a hitch in the programming. He....I never gave him a direction and......”

“That’s not good enough!!”

“What do you want me to do!?!”

Barbosa lets out a deep guttural growl, drops Alhazred back down onto his seat and storms out of the room. Alhazred pats himself down and sorts his collar out before grumbling to himself.

“...God damn psychopath.”
Anderson: This next contest is scheduled for two out of three falls and it is for the ELITE X CHAMPIONSHIP!

The crowd roars with approval as we prepare ourselves for the championship contest.

Cohen: This should be good...

The audience adjusts itself as does Anderson, awaiting the participants to enter the arena. There is an undercurrent of emotion as the crowd prepares to either cheer wildly or boo mercilessly. When they hear Killswitch Engage:


Cheers echo throughout the arena as the crowd rises to it’s feet. Triple X comes bounding out, and for the first time in a long time, he is without the prized Elite X Championship. He makes his way to each edge of the stage, hyping the crowd up for his shot to reclaim the gold.

Connor: Triple X had a good run as Elite X Champion and now he has a shot to reclaim his championship, only a short time after losing it.

Cohen: He may have a chance, but he’s coming up against the next stage in wrestling’s evolution tonight.

As Triple X enters the ring, a big grin on his face, the music changes, preventing X from completing his usual ring entrance. This new music creates a different reaction from the crowd as the booin g starts early:


Entering the arena, Mick Overlast has the Elite X Championship fastened tightly around his waist. He stares at the ring for a moment before flashing a sly, slick grin. He poses on the ramp as Triple X waits for his nemesis inside the ring. Overlast slowly begins to strut his way to the ring, cautious of the aerial threat Triple X possesses.

Cohen: First we were fish, then we were monkeys, and now we are humans, but take a look at the next stage of evolutionary chain.

Connor: You really are fond of this evolution thing aren’t you Jack?

Cohen: Darwin would be proud.

We return to our competitors with Overlast posing on the turnbuckle, his championship no longer around him, but being held up high for all to see. He drops down and bounces, waiting in the same corner. His music dies and we go to Selena Anderson for the introductions:

Anderson: Introducing the participants, first the challenger...

The crowd once more offers loud vocal support for the former champion.

Anderson: ...from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 220 pounds; TRIPLE X!

X offers his signature pose for the crowd, showing it off to all four sides of the arena as the cheers grow upon the announcement of his name.

Anderson: And his opponent...

The cheers morph into deep booing. The champion takes a few seconds to look at the audience and smiles, pleased with the reception.

Anderson: ...from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 235 pounds, the reigning ELIE X CHAMPION; MICK OVERLAST!

Once again, Overlast smiles, holding his championship up high and proud. The boos intensify as Overlast does this. Once again, the boos feed Overlast. Now the official makes his way into the centre of the ring, asking for the Elite X Championship from Overlast, who compiles. The referee holds the belt up to both X and Overlast, before raising it up for the arena to see. He brings the belt down and as he goes to hand the belt to the outside, Overlast snatches it from his grasp, and in one fell swoop downs Triple X with the championship! The champion tosses the belt to the outside as the official screams at him for his behaviour.

Connor: What a dirty, cheap tactic on Overlast’s part.

Cohen: Dirty? Cheap? No CC! Intelligent. This is why Overlast is our Elite X Champion my dear.

Connor: That’s what you think, but I hope the referee checks Triple X before the match begins.

The referee does not though, and instead reluctantly rings the bell to get us underway. Overlast goes for a swift cover, hoping to win the first fall quickly and decisively. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Overlast is immediately drawn to the referee, staring right at him and through him. The official is defiant though and holds a “two” signal in his face. Overlast is angered by the gesture and vents some frustration with several stiff fist shots to Triple X’s face. The high-flyer attempts to cover his face, blocking a few of the blows. Overlast realises this might not be the best route and gets to his feet, rubbing his face, attempting to snap out of this fit of rage. Quickly glancing at the ropes, Overlast chooses to bounce off them and drops his knee over the face of X. Cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Again, Overlast backs off, this time sizing Triple X up. As the former champion get to his hands and knees, his mid-section is exposed and Overlast sprints, punting X right in the ribs. The force sends Triple X out of the ring. As X writhes in pain on the outside, Overlast follows him outside of the ring. He stomps away a few times on X, reaffirming his dominance thus far. Overlast again, glances around, looking to use his environment to his advantage. An idea comes to mind suddenly as he jumps to the apron. Modifying his elbow drop from the top rope, Overlast comes off from the apron, planting his elbow in the sternum of Triple X.

Cohen: Marvellous, simply marvellous. A thing of beauty.

Connor: Can’t argue there, that elbow was delivered impeccably by the reigning Elite X Champion, though I still whole-heartedly disagree with how he started things. Rather ugly.

Cohen: Whatever gets the job done CC. Whatever gets the job done.

Overlast rolls back into the ring, breaking up the referee’s count. He, naturally, returns to his assault on Triple X on the outside. Triple X is again to his hands and knees, a position which makes Overlast think of yet another move, involving the ring apron. He analyses his opponent’s position and decides to go for it. Leaping from the ring apron, extending his legs outward, Overlast seeks to execute his finishing move; Steel City Statement! However, Triple X has been given ample time to recover and at the last second, rolls to his right, avoiding any contact as Overlast smashes into the padding on the outside. As Overlast gasps and grimaces, the crowd pops, knowing the tide may be about to turn. X notes his opening and while swallowing hard, sucking up the pain he’s absorbed so far, he unleashes a wild right hand, a knockout blow if you will. The force is so great it knocks not just Overlast down, but also sends Triple X himself over the body of the champion. As the official counts both men down, Triple X notes this is potentially a way to gain the first fall. He crawls back towards and then into the ring. The process is slow, but steady. Just as X slides in the ring, Overlast reaches out, grasping the ring apron and attempting to hoist himself back into the ring. Overlast crawls under the bottom rope, but does so slowly, allowing Triple X even more time to recover. As Overlast rises to his feet, he notes Triple X running towards the ropes, so the former son of destiny gives chase. This though is a mistake as Overlast bounces off of the middle rope, executing the flying chuck. He goes for a pin. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Both men rise to their feet, Overlast dazed and confused, Triple X riding a wave of momentum. X fires off some elbow smashes into Overlast’s face, forcing him back across the ring. Both men now find themselves in the centre, Overlast now wobbly on his legs. X backs off and delivers a spinning heel kick. Rather than go for the cover however, X has another idea in mind and waits for Overlast to start getting to his feet. Triple X backs off and goes for a long run-up, choosing to run right into and up the turnbuckles, signalling the Whisper in the Wind. Overlast however is a crafty champion and notes the move being used, “collapsing” into the ropes, disjointing the momentum and move of X. This crotches Triple X on the top and Overlast flashes a devious smile. Now, Overlast is in control once more, and he knows it, taking his time to recover and get to his feet. Slowly, Overlast weighs up the options, and then he develops a plot. He pulls Triple X’s head downward, keeps hold of it, takes a step back and swings, executing a devastating swinging neckbreaker. He goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Frustration is now beginning to set in for Overlast who once more gets in the referees face, but clams himself down soon afterward, realising his championship is at stake. Overlast looks out into the crowd and nods, almost making himself believe in what’s to come as he peels Triple X from the mat. He hooks X’s arm over his head, in position for perhaps a suplex or maybe even Overlast’s Overlasting Impression. He trash talks a little, before raising X up in position. Overlast however has made a crucial mistake and left X in the air long enough for the challenger to adapt. As Overlast struggles with the challenger, X puts his feet on Overlast’s shoulders and forces him backwards, flipping at the same time; Yoshi Tonic! The move catches Overlast by surprise. 1...2...3!

Connor: Triple X wins the first fall!

Cohen: What!?! How did that happen?

The winner of the first fall, by pinfall, Triple X!!

As Cohen asks the question, Overlast offers a look on his face that is equally as quizzical. He shakes his head in confusion and then anger. Triple X is somewhat exhausted but has enough to raise his arm as a sign of victory. As he offers a weak smile, Overlast is boiling over with rage. The angered champion grabs X by the back of the throat, choking, nay, strangling him. The referee begins to count the move. 1...2...3...4...BREAK-UP! Overlast relinquishes the hold, but only just. He goes right back into it. The process is repeated with the referee counting to 4 once more. Again Overlast breaks just in time. He goes for a hat trick of chokes, but the referee steps in and warns Overlast against it, lest he face a disqualification and the loss of his title.

Cohen: What is the referee doing? He’s impeding Overlast’s strategy.

Connor: I think any strategy Overlast had is well and truly out the window based on this fit of rage he’s throwing.

Overlast shoves the referee aside, drawing an “oooooooh” from the crowd. Overlast dips down to do something to Triple X, but the challenger pops up, surprising the champion with a roll-up! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Overlast and Triple X both rise to their feet, Overlast this time backing away in shock more than anything else. Triple X however is ready for action and runs right at Overlast, seeking to deliver a running forearm smash. Overlast however is a crafty individual and notes that he is near the ropes. As X lunges in, Overlast side-steps and Triple X crashes and burns. Smashing his own throat on the rope, X bounces out of the corner and takes a devastating powerslam from Overlast. With the wind knocked out of the former champion, Overlast is quick into the cover, hooking the near leg as well and the rear one. 1...2...3!

Cohen: YES! Overlast ties things up.

"The winner of the second fall, Mick Overlast!"

Quickly out of the cover, Overlast backs off of Triple X and into a corner to contemplate his next move having gotten back to a level playing field. Triple X holds his throat and chest, still with the wind knocked out of him. Becoming impatient, Overlast decides to abandon his corner and goes in for the attack on X, though he is cautious of any roll-up attempts by his nemesis. Overlast lifts Triple X up from the mat, and although X tries to fight him off, a swift knee to the gut drops the former champion. Following up, Overlast drops X with a swift DDT. He goes for the cover and the victory. 1...2...KICK-OUT! While surprised, there is no stop to Overlast’s assault and he again picks Triple X up. X is dazed and confused after being dropped on his head and as such, is easy prey for Mick Overlast who sets him up for a swift snap suplex. A float-over into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Again, despite the kick-out, there is no stopping the assault and Overlast is straight back into the same position, this time however lifting and dropping Triple X with a brainbuster. The impact is so great that X bounces towards the far side of the ring. Overlast into the cover. 1...2...3? No a foot under the ropes! However Overlast believes he has won the match and gets up, celebrating his faux victory. He drops to his knees and looks around for his championship. He begins to sense that something is wrong though as he looks at the referee who shakes his head and points to the foot. Overlast stares in disbelief for a few seconds before his face is engulfed with a look of total anger. He grits his teeth, and leans over, getting in Triple X’s face. He screams at the challenger.

Cohen: Now Triple X has done it. He’s really pushing Overlast’s buttons.

Connor: What, by trying to survive?

Cohen: Why try and survive when you’re genetically inferior like Triple X? He should just stay down and die.

Despite the incredibly loud screaming, Triple X remains out of it, staring blankly, his eyes half closed. This only further infuriates Overlast who grabs X by the throat, hoisting him to his feet. He kicks Triple X in the ribs and sets him in position for a piledriver. Taking a deep breath, Overlast readies himself and tries to lean back and execute the move. Triple X though is nearly dead-weight and refuses to budge on the first attempt. Overlast uses all his might at the second attempt, and is about to drop Triple X but X begins to come to his sense and starts to fight. This makes the move increasingly difficult to pull off. X digs deep and uses brute, raw strength to back drop Overlast over the top rope and onto the floor. X collapses forwards as Overlast hits the floor below. The referee begins to count. 1...

Connor: A count-out victory would mean Triple X would become the new champion with a 2-1 advantage after all three falls.

Cohen: No that can’t be right. You can’t win a title on a count-out!

Connor: You can in this match Jack.

The referee is now to 4 and the count is getting higher. Triple X is beginning to rise having recovered significantly. Mick Overlast is also starting to rise. He collapses backwards into the ring apron and sees X’s back is to him and so he is quick to slide into the ring and practically runs at Triple X. However, through either the crowd or some sort of sixth sense, Triple X senses the champion and turns around to meet him just in time, planting him with a massive Samoan drop. Overlast wriggles in pain, but is to his feet quickly. As is X who executes a step-up enziguri to the back of Overlast’s skull. A cover! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Overlast uses his power to push Triple X off of him. Overlast again climbs to his feet at roughly the same rate as the now dominant Triple X and they meet with Overlast swinging his arm sloppily. The opens him up for Triple X’s Adrenaline Rush backbreaker. Overlast bounces down onto the mat and Triple X goes for another cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Overlast is digging deep for those now and it’s clear that Triple X is in a winning position at the moment. As Overlast searches the mat with his arms, trying to regain his senses, Triple X pulls him back to the mat and delivers a standing moonsault. There is no cover to follow up though and instead, X points to the turnbuckle before breaking out his trademark “x” pose for the crowd.

Connor: It looks like Triple X intends to finish this one and regain his championship.

Cohen: It was his championship CC, now it belongs to Mick Overlast.

X gets to the top of the turnbuckle and steadies himself, taking in a deep breath as he prepares to take the biggest leap of faith in his career so far. Once more he breaks out his “x” taunt to get the crowd fired up. Again he takes a breath and leaps....and crashes! Overlast moves out of the path of Triple X and he hits the mat hard.

Cohen: Can we get some ointment because Triple X crashed and BURNED!

Connor: Triple X failed badly with the Skyfall attempt as Overlast used his savvy ring ability to avoid the move.

It’s obvious that Triple X landed very badly off the Skyfall finisher as he’s barely moving. Overlast, still on the mat sees how bad a shape X is in and crawls over to his foe, draping his arm over him. 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner and STILL ELITE X CHAMPION; MICK OVERLAST!

The booing begins anew as Overlast retains his gold. Beaten and battered, Overlast raises his arm in triumph as the referee rewards him with his championship. Triple X still remains motionless.

Connor: Triple X loses this one as he panders to the crowd too much. Overlast was in the right place at the right time.

Cohen: Please, you yourself said Overlast was savvy enough to pick up on X’s idiocy. A great move by our champion. And he’s still the champion keep in mind.

Overlast is now to one knee as the referee raises his hand in victory. The other arm holds his prized championship. Slowly he makes his way to his feet where he stretches both his arms out, holding his championship in a posing position. The booing intensifies as Overlast smirks. Triple X has begun to move his arms a little and Overlast senses he could be confronted soon. The champion exits the ring and some medical officials make their way to ringside to check on Triple X.


We go backstage to where Steven Kurtesy is finishing up with his attire in the locker room, lacing up his final boot. At that moment, the sound of door opening can be heard and Showtime Cougar walks into the room. Kurtesy finishes tying his boot and stands up vertically, sizing up Show who seems to have entered in with a bit of urgency.

What do you want, Show?

Show lifts his hands up to show that he isn't looking for trouble.

I'm just here to find out whether or not we're on the same page tonight, considering our recent tussles over the championship.

Kurtesy goes back down to adjusting his boots.

We're both veterans of this business who have been Tag Team Champions before: we should know what happens when a team cannot function so you'll be glad to hear that I'm looking for the "W."

Show isn't too pleased with the answer.

That's not what I asked, Steven.

Kurtesy is now getting a little annoyed, standing back up.

Then what do you to hear?

Look, I know we've exchanged some words and I know I may have gone a bit personal but I apologise for that, Steven. When two men are fighting over something they both want, no matter how good their relationship is it can get a little rough... you should know that. All I came in here for was to know whether we can work together, not to ignite a fire. Are we good?

Show extends his hand. Kurtesy pauses, hesitating in shaking Show's hand.

We're good.

Kurtesy accepts the handshake and Show nods. Cougar exits and Kurtesy watches him walk out.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd has a mixed reaction to the returning Alhazred as he walks out, showcasing to everyone that he is indeed fit to wrestle by stretching and jumping up and down. He stands on the top of the stage, staring out into the audience before walking down the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from his Hidden Underground Laboratory, weighing in at 178 pounds; Mr. Alhazred!

Cohen: This is the third returning star to come back to WZCW in the last couple of days and he seems to be the only one doing it the correct way and not being ambushed backstage.

Connor: Although he is getting tossed straight into the deep end considering who he has to face tonight.

Alhazred enters into the ring, waiting for his opponent. He does not acknowledge the fans at all as he is too focused at the task at hand.


A more definitive response as SHIT walks out to a booing crowd, processing the noise and the person who stares at him from the ring.

Anderson: His opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing in at 230 pounds; SHIT!

Connor: I hope SHIT is able to determine that his former partner is someone who he has to fight. We don't need another meltdown.

Cohen: I think Barbosa has got that covered, CC. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Selena Anderson did a good job of announcing that SHIT is Alhazred's opponent.

SHIT has made it to ringside and enters the ring. Alhazred stares at the robot whilst SHIT conducts his analysis. The referee attempts to ask both of them if they are ready but they seem to focused on each other. The ref shrugs and rings the bell.

The match starts but neither competitor moves for a moment, still staring at each other. SHIT is the first one to move, getting into a defensive stance. Alhazred walks very slowly up to SHIT, talking trash to SHIT in saying that he was the one who created him to be as destructive as he is. Alhazred gets close to SHIT who has not done much and Alhazred begins poking SHIT, telling it to bow down to its master. SHIT refuses and Alhazred pushes SHIT back, eliciting an "ooo" from the crowd. SHIT takes a couple of seconds to process this as a threat and strikes back with a strong right punch, dazing Alhazred for a moment to allow SHIT to hit a dropkick to the knees. Alhazred goes down and SHIT looks to gain some momentum. He runs off the ropes and hits a one-handed bulldog on Alhazred. He mounts the fallen Alhazred and begins using repeated elbow strikes where Alhazred covers up most of the blows. The ref pulls SHIT off Alhazred to give him some breathing space, allowing the doctor to slide out of the ring. Alhazred shakes his head and tries recovering on the outside whilst SHIT exits the ring as well, going after the doctor. Alhazred expects this and gives SHIT a sucker punch. This pushes SHIT back enough for Alhazred to jump onto the apron and quickly jumping off, springboarding towards SHIT with a clothesline that takes the robot down. Alhazred manages to recover rather quickly and picks up SHIT, tossing him back into the ring but leaving his head hanging off the apron. Alhazred punishes the robot with some elbow blows before drilling his elbow into the chest of SHIT. He pushes SHIT into the ring and follows soon after, going for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out.

Connor: This is getting quite physical.

Cohen: I expected nothing less from a master and its "creation."

Alhazred mounts SHIT and begins yelling at its face, delivering elbow shots in-between the hits. As the ref did for SHIT, he pulls Alhazred off. Alhazred yells at the ref as SHIT looks to get up. He pushes the ref out of the way and hits a fist drop to stop the robot from moving. He hits a couple more in succession before deciding to go to the second rope, hitting a diving fist drop. He covers again... 1... 2... kick-out by SHIT. Alhazred quickly locks in a sleeper hold for good measure, keeping it tight to ground the bigger robot. It works for a short while but the robot has enough strength to get to his feet and hit a few elbow shots to the ribs of Alhazred. The doctor is forced to let go of the submission, allowing SHIT to run towards the ropes. The robot rebounds off and hits Alhazred with a double knee attack, smacking Alhazred in the face and bouncing him into the ropes. Alhazred comes back into a kick by SHIT, followed into a DDT. SHIT gets up and hits a running body splash, going for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Alhazred. SHIT gets to his feet and calculates a position of stalking, waiting for Alhazred to get up. SHIT hits him with the Mechanical Madness (3 consecutive clotheslines). After the third, SHIT measures up his opponent and attempts going for the Head Chop to finish things off but Alhazred knows the robot well and evades the finishing blow. SHIT turns around and is met with the Triforce combination from Alhazred that follows up with a running neckbreaker on SHIT to take down the robot. Alhazred does not go for the cover but instead decides to go for further punishment, ascending to the top rope. He goes for a diving elbow drop on Alhazred but SHIT rolls out of the way with the doctor eating all of the canvas. He gets up, holding his elbow as SHIT is up and hits Alhazred with a hurricanrana. Both competitors are laid out from the action thus far, trying to recover and get up.

Cohen: I don't know how these guys do this: it must be confusing for SHIT to use your own moves and for Alhazred to know everything that SHIT has programmed.

Connor: This match has to be more mentally draining than... wait, what the hell is Barbosa doing out here?

The crowd begins to boo as Barbosa comes out, looking terribly distraught and swaying along the ramp holding his head, talking to himself. He doesn't know what to do with himself and stops halfway down the ramp then looks into the ring. He gives a broken smile and is focused on SHIT, who has gotten up and is measuring Alhazred who is almost recovered. Barbosa slides into the ring and approaches SHIT, grabbing him on the shoulders and pleading with SHIT to answer his questions. Confused, SHIT shoves Barbosa out of the way so he can finish the match. Barbosa snaps and attacks SHIT with a clothesline, prompting the referee to call for the bell.

The bell rings as Alhazred has finally recovered, turning around to see the referee explaining what has happened to the announcer with SHIT laid out. Barbosa clutches his head and begins smacking his head, dropping to a seated position in the corner.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, due to outside interference, your winner of the match by disqualification; SHIT.

The look on Alhazred's face tells the story better than any words could describe; he is irate that Barbosa has interfered and costing him a loss.

Cohen: Something's going to go down: a clashing of the heads.

Connor: A mad doctor and an insane psychopath... a recipe for disaster.

Alhazred goes up to Barbosa, viciously picks him up to his feet and throws him into the corner, questioning what the hell he is doing? Alhazred yells at Barbosa for an answer until Barbosa blurts out his previous question from before, asking how he made SHIT the way he is. Alhazred still cannot provide an answer, causing Barbosa to get desperate and grab Alhazred by the shoulders, shaking him around and throwing him to the mat. Barbosa cannot control anything as Alhazred sits on the mat, feeling disrespected. Alhazred jumps up and blindsides Barbosa with a clothesline, taking him down with a couple of elbow shots before tossing him to the outside. Alhazred begs for Barbosa to come back for more but Barbosa does not know what to do. At that moment, Vance Bateman comes out looking livid.

Bateman: STOP! Stop it right there! I'm not having two matches be ruined like this on MY show! Barbosa, Alhazred... since you guys seem to have some steam to blow off, you guys will be competing against each other on the next Ascension! Now Alhazred and SHIT, get the hell out of MY ring, NOW!

SHIT has recovered and obliges without effort, causing more mental anguish for Barbosa. Alhazred takes a moment to calm down before exiting the ring, avoiding Barbosa before he snaps again.

Bateman: As for you Barbosa, you stay there and think about what you have done because your match is next.

Connor: Wow... Bateman has just laid down the law for the second time tonight. He is really getting back into the swing of things.

Cohen: This is quite the different Bateman that I know of... he seems more like Chuck Myles than anything. Good for him though, this is his show so he should be in charge, right?

Connor: Either way, it still doesn't help that Barbosa is mentally stressed... and that's not a good thing. Hopefully the upcoming match can keep him busy.

We see Barbosa sitting at ringside thinking about everything that has happened as we go to commerical.
We come back from commercial to see that everything has restored to normality and that Barbosa has calmed down somewhat, waiting around the ringside area.


Pyro shoots straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, as Showtime walks throw the hole in the middle of the screen. Dim blue light fills the arena as a spot light follows him to the ring.

Harrys: This tag team match is scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 219 pounds; David Cougar!

Connor: The former WZCW champion, can he reclaim some of his former glory by winning here tonight?

Cohen: A tag team match featuring four former world champs shouldn’t be regulated to the B show, this is disgraceful.

He climbs to the second rope on the left turnbuckle on the outside facing in and raises both arms, thumb tips together fingers straight up. Slowly moves his arms down to the side and poses again arms straight to the side clenched fists. He gets off ropes and climbs into the ring.


Steven slowly emerges from the curtain, looking around the arena as the audience cheers for him. He stops on the stage, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath with his arms out-stretched before proceeding down the ramp, he hops onto the apron and gets onto the turnbuckle out-stretching his arms once more before entering the ring. He gets into the center and takes a bow with his hands clasped together.

Anderson: And his partner, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 223 pounds, Steven Kurtsey!

Connor: The Professor came up short at Redemption; a win tonight may just give him the moment he needs to get back on top.

Cohen: He’s got himself a great partner in Showtime, but can they overcome the odds tonight?

Kurtney gives Showtime a nod as they await their opponents…

Anderson: And their opponents, already at ringside area, from Northern Ireland, weighing 237 pounds, Barbosa! And his tag team partner...


Drake comes out to the ring with a smug look on his face. He stops at the top of the ramp and lifts the title above his head. He walks down the ramp as the crowd boos him mercilessly.

Anderson: ... weighing 215 pounds, he is the WZCW champion, Drake Callahan!

Connor: Drake Callahan had an amazing month, defeating the King For a Day winner Constantine before winning the WZCW title at Redemption.

Cohen: The WZCW champion looks great tonight; can anyone stop him?

He climbs on the apron and gets into the ring. He greets Barbosa with a curt nod, before turning around to stare intensely at his two opponents. He exits the ring while Barbosa and Kurtesy start things off as the bell rings.

Connor: So it’s Kurtesy and Barbosa to start things off; lots of history between these two competitors.

Barbosa and Kurtesy circle each other before locking up. Barbosa uses his strength advantage to push Kurtesy backwards against the turnbuckle. He begins to pound away, striking him with vicious haymakers. Kurtesy covers up and then reverses him, lighting Barbosa up with chops to the chest. He tries to Irish Whip him out of the corner, but Barbosa counters and hits an overhead sambo suplex driving the Professor onto his neck and shoulders. He applies a reverse chinlock, as Kurtesy begins to struggle. He elbows his way free and reveres Barbosa into a headlock. Barbosa shows no signs of slowing down and knocks Kurtsey away with a series of punches followed by a headbutt.

Connor: Both competitors look to be even; every time one tries to wear the other down, he counters.

Cohen: Kurtesy and Barbosa know each other so well; it’ll be hard for either to damage the other so easily.

Barbosa begins to pound away on Kurtesy, and floors him a sideslam. He drags him to the ropes and begins choking him, as the ref counts. Barbosa breaks the hold at four, but sneaks one last kick to the head which knocks Kurtesy loopy. He whips him across the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Kurtsey ducks and hits a flying crossbody, only for Barbosa to roll through. He tries for an early sneak pin…


But Kurtsey kicks out with ease and hits a Japanese armdrag locking in a side headlock. Barbosa struggles, gets to his feet, and throws Kurtsey into the ropes and knocks him down with a short arm lariat. He picks him up and slaps him in the face mocking him, before dragging him towards his corner. Kurtesy kicks himself free, gets to his feet, and scores with a dragon screw. He holds on and tries to apply a knee bar, but Barbosa kicks him in the head and rolls away. He grabs Kutesy by the face and delivers a knee strike. He whips him into the ropes, but Kurtesy ducks, only to be tripped by Drake Callahan who drags him out of the ring. The WZCW champion drives him back first against the announce table, as the ref tries to restore order.

Connor: Now that was just uncalled for by the champ!

Cohen: Drake’s smart; he took the initiative to wear Kurtsey down.

Callahan throws Kurtesy back into the ring to an awaiting Barbosa who nails the Split Personality, and goes for a cover.



But Kurtesy kicks out. Barbosa drags Kurtesy over to the corner, and tags in Callahan. He starts to hammer away on Kurtesy, and hits a belly to back suplex. He mounts him and starts raining down hard shots as Kurtesy tries to cover up; Drake locks in abdominal stretch as Kurtesy struggles on the mat. Using the cheering fans to will him on, he gets to his feet and manages to get himself free. He takes Callahan down with a backhand chop, and starts to get a second wind. He takes Drake down with a spinning wheel kick, and lunges to his corner to make the hot tag to David Cougar. Showtime jumps into the ring, but Callahan wants nothing to do with him and tags Barbosa back in.
The two competitors circle each other and move in to lock up, but Barbosa side steps him, and clubs Showtime in the back, dropping him down to the canvas. He applies a front facelock and starts kneeing him in the face; he applies a neck vise as Showtime struggles to get free. He reverses, and tries to roll Barbosa up, but he counters and both competitors make it to their feet. Showtime begins to build some momentum by hitting some short range punches. Barbosa whips him into the ropes, and he tries for a shoulder tackle, but Showtime ducks, runs of the ropes, and takes him down with a flying elbow! He plays to the crowd before hitting him with the Ratings Crash. He makes a cover…



But Barbosa gets the shoulder up. Drake begins to taunt Showtime from the outside long enough for Barbosa to recover. He tries to surprise Showtime by lunging at him, but he uses his momentum to dump him over the top rope and onto the outside! Callahan climbs off the apron and pulls Showtime out of the ring. He goes for a punch, but it’s blocked and Cougar knocks him away, only to be attacked from behind by Barbosa. Kurtesy crosses the ring on the outside and engages Callahan before his partner is double teamed. Barbosa whips Showtime into the ring post, while Kurtesy and Callahan continue to brawl towards the announce table.

Connor: It’s broken out into chaos here! Both teams are fighting on the outside, and the referee has no chance of restoring order!

Cohen: We knew it was going to be a war tonight! With the history between these four men, things are personal!

Barbosa hits Showtime with a swinging neckbreaker onto the floor, as the referee counts away. Barbosa slides into the ring to break the count, only to slide back out to inflict more pain. He tries to whip Showtime into the ring steps but he reverses it and sends Barbosa back first into the steel, jarring the steps from their perch. Barbosa screams in pain, while Showtime rolls back into the ring. The referee manages to restore some order as Kurtesy and Callahan return to their corners, but Showtime hasn’t had enough. He measures Barbosa and slingshots over the top rope, taking him down with a plancha!
He rolls Barbosa back into the ring, and goes for another cover…



Barbosa manages to get his shoulder up. Showtime shakes his head, and tags Kurtesy back in the match. Kurtesy measures Barbosa and hits a butterfly suplex, transitioning into a seated cobra clutch. Barbosa struggles in pain, but can’t free himself. He rolls onto his back and begins to slide to the ropes, and manages to get his foot under the ropes. Kurtesy breaks the hold as the referee pushes him away, and Barbosa uses the ropes to hoist himself up. Kurtesy lunges forward but Barbosa low bridges him. Callahan immediately moves to attack Kurtesy on the outside bouncing his head off of the apron; Showtime tries to help his partner, but he’s ambushed by Barbosa as all hell breaks loose again. Barbosa throws Showtime into the barricade, as Callahan suplexes Kurtesy on the outside.

Connor: And again all hell has broken loose! These men are going to kill each other!

Cohen: You’ve got bodies flying everywhere! Barbosa and Showtime are beating the hell out of each other on one side, while Kurtesy and Callahan go at it on the other.

They roll him back into the ring, as Barbosa tags out to Callahan. Drake climbs to the top rope and measures his opponent, before diving off with a crossbody. He rolls into a pin attempt, but Kurtesy suddenly counters into a pin of his own…



But Barbosa breaks the count. Kurtesy suddenly finds himself double teamed as his opponents start to pound away on him. The referee breaks up the chaos, and Drake hits a snap DDT. He locks in a scissored armbar as Kurtesy begins to struggle. He begins to drag himself towards the ropes and finally manages to grab the bottom one after some effort. Callahan keeps the hold locked in, but breaks it at the count of four. He pounds away on Kurtesy some more, he picks him up and hits a tiger suplex. He goes for another pin attempt…



But still can’t keep Kurtesy down. Showtime starts to taunt Drake from the outside, distracting him. He goes for a standing moonsault, but Kurtesy counters and get his knees up. With both men down the referee begins to count. He gets to the count of five before both men make it to their feet. They begin to slug it out with punches and chops with the crowd booing Callahan, and cheering the Professor. Kurtesy starts to gain some momentum, but Callahan cuts him off with a knee to the gut. He whips Kurtesy off of the ropes and tries for a knockdown, but he ducks and hits a massive spinning chop to the neck, which takes Callahan down. He lunges to his corner and tags in a recovered Showtime, who roars into the ring.

Connor: And Kurtesy gets the hot tag to Showtime who looks fired up! Nothing can stop him from getting his hands on the man who took his title away from him!

Cohen: The bad blood between these two men is about to collide!

Showtime takes Callahan down with a series of clotheslines, he whips him in the corner and floors him with a running dropkick. He begins to pound away on the fallen Callahan, but the referee pushes him away. He hits the Showstopper, but instead of going for a pin attempt he climbs to the top rope. He jumps off and hits an elbow from the top rope and goes for a pin attempt.



And Callahan kicks out, leaving Showtime stunned. He picks him up looking for a reverse DDT, but Callahan reverses out and hits an enzuigiri, taking him down. He measures Showtime and follows up with a running boot, which floors with. He mocks Showtime and drags him over beneath the top turnbuckle, before taking his time climbing to the top, as Cougar begins to stir. Callahan readies himself on the top looking to put his opponent away with one last big move, but Showtime suddenly jumps up and hits him. Callahan loses his balance and straddles the top turnbuckle, writing in pain. Showtime starts to pound away and climbs to the top, looking for a big move of his own. He jumps off, taking Callahan with him nailing a huge superplex! The audience is in shock!

He moves into the cover…



But Barbosa moves it to break up the cover at the last second, but he’s blindsided by Kurtesy! The two of them start to brawl, as Barbosa knocks him to the outside leaving Showtime and Callahan alone in the ring. Cougar stands ready, measuring Drake for the Final Act, but he counters, rolls, and hits a DDT. Callahan gets to his feet as Barbosa rams Kurtesy in the steel post on the outside.

Connor: Showtime tried the superplex, and that didn’t work. What’s it going to take to keep the champion down?

Cohen: Barbosa’s beating the hell out of Kurtesy right in front of us; he’s been on a rampage this whole time!

He picks up Showtime and tries for the Hangover, but Showtime reverses it and pushes Drake into the ropes, as he rolls him up…



Callahan barely manages to kick out. He knocks Showtime loopy with a wild haymaker, and hits a sidewalk slam, as Barbosa powerbombs Kurtesy on the outside! He measures Showtime as he starts to stand, and this time scores with the Hangover! He covers Showtime…




Anderson: Here are your winners, the Barbosa and the WZCW champion Drake Callahan!

Connor: My god! Barbosa disposed of Kurtesy on the outside, leaving the champion to pick the former champion apart!

Cohen: We witnessed a battle of wills tonight, and Showtime just came up short against the champion.

Barbosa rolls back into the ring, while Callahan stands over Showtime. The referee hands him his belt, and he holds it in front of Showtime’s face in a mocking fashion. One thing was for certain as the screen fades to black: the bad blood was just beginning to boil.
Who Wrote What:

Echelon - Tag Team Main Event
FalKon - Opening, SHIT vs. Alhazred, Segments
FunKay - Two out of Three Falls
Harthan - Reese vs. Stevens
Numbers - Segments, Tastic/Williams vs. Cooper/Burnside

Let's keep the rep coming, guys... especially me because I put the writers' names in alphabetical order. That was a tough task to do... putting them in order and stuff... yeah.

Well, our timing isn't bad, huh? We've done pretty well with timing and show deadlines this round. I reckon that deserves some feedback... maybe.
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