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Ascension 51

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Connor: Good evening folks and welcome to Ascension. I'm Cat Connors and beside me as always we have Jack Cohen. Jack we are just a couple weeks away from WZCW's next Pay Per View, Redemption.

Cohen: Just a couple weeks away. My god, the fall out that's happened since Kingdom Come has made Redemption seem like an eternity away. A lot of wrestlers in the back are looking for their own personal redemption and I think we are going to see some big things here tonight that will have a huge direction for our next PPV.

The crowd pops loudly as the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Showtime David Cougar walks out onto the stage ramp. Showtime holds up his title at the top of the stage and then starts walking down the ramp.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime David Cougar!

Showtime makes his way to the stair and walks up them and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He holds the belt up as flash bulbs light up in the audience. He hops over the ropes and paces around the ring. He takes the mic from Selena Anderson and helps her exit the ring. Showtime taps the mic a few times to quiet the fans and then prepares to speak.

Showtime: Last Meltdown...

Steven Kurtesy walks out onto the stage and gets a very good applause as well.

Connor: Steven Kurtesy is here now and will be in the Main Event tonight against his former rival Steven Holmes. I wonder why he would interrupt Showtime right now.

Cohen: I'll tell you why CC, it's regarding his rematch.

Kurtesy climbs into the ring and is handed another mic by the ring announcer. He takes the mic and then shakes Showtime's hand before speaking.

Kurtesy: I just first want to congratulate y....

???: No.... no... no. Enough of this conspiracy.

The audience boos loudly as Drake Callahan is now on the stage ramp already with a mic in hand.

Callahan: No... see here's how it is. Steven, you faced Showtime two weeks ago and you failed to beat him. I on the other hand, faced him just two weeks prior to that and I beat him. So I should've been the one to face you and I should be the one in there holding the World Heavyweight Title. If anyone is getting a title match soon it's me.

Drake gets to the ring and climbs up the stairs.

Callahan: You better listen up there T.V. boy. You too Professor Doc.

Showtime and Kurtesy both shoot each other strange looks, but then shrug and let Drake continue.

Callahan: I should've headlined Ascension 50. Instead, I got to face Brad Bomb. What the hell has Brad Bomb done in his entire career. And after I decimated him guess what my award was for this week? A match verse The Masked Gentleman. What the hell is that? This guy is literally a nobody. Both as a wrestler... and the fact nobody knows who he is. I'm sick of fighting these scraps. I'm sick of fighting these nobodies. I deserve to be in the main event, but you want to know why I'm not. It's all a big conspiracy to keep the unstoppable Drake Callahan down. I've seen guys like Blade and Matt Tastic get chance after chance and fail each time. Those guys are nobodies. Where are my chances? They ain't coming to me so I'm going to start demanding they be brought to me. Nobody is going to stop me from getting my title sho...

The crowd pops, mainly because somebody interrupted Drake and Barbosa emerges from behind the curtain. The three men all look to Barbosa as he marches down the stage ramp. Barbosa slides into the ring, prompting Drake to back to the corner. Barbosa stands up and walks over to Showtime and the two immediately start trading punches. Kurtesy goes to help Showtime, but Drake decided to emerge from his corner and he and Kurtesy starts trading punches.

Connor: All hell is breaking loose in that ring.

???: ENOUGH!!!

The loud shout interrupts the fighting as Ty Burna walks out on stage, looking rather unhappy.

Burna: Everyone in that ring better be thankful that Big Dave cost me my WZCW Title because none of you would even have anything to say at all regarding a title match. I would end you all the second you stood up to me in that ring.

All four men stop and stare at Ty Burna on stage. Showtime grabs his mic off the mat and speaks.

Showtime: So tell us then our great and powerful leader, who am I defending my WZCW World Heavyweight Title against. Come now, tell me you don't have a plan at all after I beat you yesterday on Meltdown.

Ty Burna grits his teeth on stage at Showtime's remark and raises his mic to speak.

Burna: Showtime you were bloody lucky to escape Meltdown with the title and I can tell you you'll be just as lucky to escape Redemption with it. Showtime you will be defending your title against.... Steven Kurtesy!

The crowd cheers as Kurtesy raises his arms.

Burna: ... and the monster who proved himself to me inside Hell in a Cell Barbosa!

The crowd give a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. Drake Callahan waits for his name to be called, but it doesn't come.

Callahan: What? That's it. Kurtesy and Barbosa? This again right, conspiracy I tell you. Nothing but...

Burna: Shut... your little whining mouth Callahan. I swear if I hear one more utterance of conspiracy from you tonight I will give you reason to truely complain. Those are not the only opponents Showtime will face at Redemption. Those are just the two men who will not have to earn there way into the match.

The crowd goes silent, as curious as the wrestlers inside the ring about what Ty Burna means.

Burna: I booked Celeste Crimson verse S.H.I.T. as a number 1 contenders match, but it's not for a future title match, it's to be included in the Main Event at Redemption. And there will be two more qualifiers to complete in the 6 Pack Match that will be for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. The other two matches will be Titus verse James King, and Drake you will be in the other qualifying match against an opponent I have yet to decide, but I'm sure someone though will be more than happy to step up and fight you Drake. So there you have it, the WZCW Title match will be the biggest question mark on the whole card. No one will be safe and I can promise you Showtime, Kurtesy, Barbosa, that anything can and will happen in this contest. Try to prepare yourselves.

Ty Burna laughs as Showtime looks around at his three possible opponents. Drake seems to be still unhappy with the decision and storms out of the ring first. Barbosa stare down Showtime and Kurtesy and then flips backwards over the ropes and lands on his feet on the outside. Kurtesy and Showtime stand in the ring and look at each other and then down at the WZWC Title.

Connor: What a match we have booked for Redemption now. Jack who do you think is favoured to win at Redemption?

Cohen: I have no idea CC, we don't even know who will be in the match yet. Anybody could win it and what's more, Ty could probably make any changes we want to it. It's pure and utter chaos.

Connor: Seems to be the slogan of WZCW or late, well folks we don have a exciting show for you tonight. As mention Kurtesy will go one on one with Steven Holmes in our main event and we also have a huge Tag Team match featuring John Constantine, Triple X, Sam Smith and Mick Overlast, but coming up next we have a Mayhem Title match, Ace Stevens defends against Derek Jacobs.
The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Mayhem Championship!


On his way to the ring, , weighing 285lbs, from Chicago, Illinios, he is The Mercenary, Derek Jacobs!!

Derek makes his way to the ring with a smarmy look on his face. He taunts the crowd before climbing into the ring and he intimidates the ref out of the ring,

Connors: “Derek Jacobs earned his shot in the first ever Relay match last week.”

Cohen: “He gets his chance here tonight against a Mayhem Champion who is coming up on top against every challenge he has faced.”


And his opponent from Brooklyn, New York, he is the reigning and defending Mayhem Champion, Ace Stevens

Ace stands on the stage with his back to the ring, pumping his fist in the air in time to the drum beat. When the vocal comes in, he turns around and struts down to the ring. As he walks toward the ring, Ace adjusts his hair, jacket and just generally tries to look as cool as possible.

Connors: “Stevens has come through a ferocious match at Kingdom Come to regain the title but it was a Mayhem Rules match last round against the legend Steamboat Ricky that really validates him in my eyes.”

He gets to the ring and when he reaches the turnbuckles, he undoes his jacket and reveal the Mayhem title to the crowd. He jumps from the buckle and Derek Jacobs gets in his face. Stevens just raises the belt into the face of the bigger man.

Cohen: “The win he got there really sets him apart from everyone else in the division. Ace Stevens is a future legend and he is only going to get better!

Jacobs ties up with Stevens and the bigger man easily forces him into the corner. Stevens flails and manages to break the tie-up by raking Jacobs’ eyes. Jacobs backs away and Stevens pounces, taking charge by kicking Jacobs in the back of the legs. Stevens aims an elbow at the back of Jacobs’ neck. Jacobs drops to his knees, clutching the back of his head.

Connors: “Jacobs is a big man compared to Stevens but the champ knows the rules inside out.”

Cohen: “Ace will know that he can negate Jacobs’ strength and size. And how he does it will be crucial to the outcome.”

Stevens nips outside of the ring and grabs a chair and a table. The chair is slid into the ring and eventually the table follows. By this time, Jacobs has come around and leans on a corner. The hired gun spies Stevens charging with a chair raised above his and hits a big boot to the face that dazes the comedian. The chair drops to the mat. Jacobs lifts Stevens up and drops him face-first across the corner turnbuckle. Jacobs goes for a cover, 1.....2.....Stevens gets a shoulder up. Jacobs grabs Stevens by the throat and drags him up. Jacobs drags Stevens into the corner, where he squashes Stevens using his entire weight to press him against the ropes.

Connors: “Jacobs is good enough to use his size to control Stevens.”

Cohen: “But Stevens knows that he needs to avoid Jacobs. He has done that well against the likes of Marquel and Ricky.”

As Jacobs backs away, Stevens collapses and he tries to crawl away. Jacobs stops him as he is half way through the ropes but the mouthy comedian kicks out at him and Jacobs lets go. Stevens falls to the mat. Jacobs follows him but Stevens has a head start so he grabs the chair. Stevens leans again the corner with the ring steps and Jacobs lifts the chair but he slams it down against the ring steps!! Jacobs drops the chair and grabs his fingers. Stevens climbs the ring steps and jumps onto Jacobs, the big man catches him as he acts more like a landing pad but Stevens adapts and bites Jacobs’ nose!! Jacobs tries to drop him but Stevens clings and begins to claw at his forehead. Jacobs appears confused and charges forward, Stevens lets go and drops to the floor but Jacobs carries on going and charges head first on the ring post!!

Cohen: “The big buffalo has crashed to a halt.”

Connors: “Great move by Stevens.”

Stevens comes to and drops Jacobs with a DDT to the ringside flooring, cover by Stevens, 1....2....Jacobs kicks out. Jacobs gets up slowly, holding his head but Stevens is on him like an animal. Stevens tries to lift Jacobs up but he stumbles underneath the weight. Stevens abandons the idea of an airplane spin. Jacobs lashes out but Stevens ducks and hits a swinging neckbreaker! Stevens covers him again but lazily this time, 1....2 Jacobs kicks out again! Stevens slams his hands down on the ringside mat. He then looks underneath the ringside apron before moving around to the other side of the ring where he sees the table that he got out earlier. He sets it up about a yard away from the edge of the ring. He goes back to bring Jacobs around the edge of the ring but the mercenary is inside the ring already. Stevens instinctively goes inside to chase him but Jacobs pounds on him as he enters the ring. Jacobs chokes the smaller man on the floor, using all his strength to strangle the oxygen from the champion. Jacobs eventually relinquishes the choke.

Connors: “Jacobs is on top here. All that strength really could be a deciding factor.”

Jacobs goes outside and pulls a small bag from underneath the ring. When he reveals the contents, we see a large fork. Jacobs wields it with intent as he observes Stevens moving slowly.

Connors: “I knew Jacobs had a certain weapon that he wanted to use.”

Cohen: “This is his Spanish announce table, will it help him win though?”

Jacobs grabs Stevens head and brings him close but Stevens hits Jacobs below the belt before raking the eyes once again. Stevens really got the eye there and Jacobs is severely impaired. The big man charges again but Stevens ducks and bends the ropes. Jacobs goes right over and lands on the apron, nearly falling out of the ring entirely with the table set up close by. Stevens sees an opportunity and grabs Jacobs by the head and drags his head over the ropes, where he runs off and hits The Last Laugh, Jacobs falls back with such force that he falls off the ring apron and through the table!

Connors: “Jacobs crashes through the table thanks a brutal strike to the face from Stevens.”

Cohen: “Ace got so much power behind that strike! Jacobs was helpless to stop his frame crashing back into the table!”

Stevens makes his way outside and covers Jacobs amongst the wreckage of the table! 1....2....3 Stevens retains his championship in a brutal match!!

Your winner by pinfall and STILL MAYHEM CHAMPION, Ace Stevens!!

Cohen: “This win may cement Ace’s place as one of the best Mayhem Champions of all time.”

Connors: “And he moves on to the Scramble at Redemption with all the momentum in the world.”

Ace gets up to the top of the ramp and exhaustedly raises the belt above his head.

Connors: “The Scramble is going to be frantic and Ace is going to need all the luck in the world to keep the belt.”

Cohen: “Ace Stevens doesn’t need luck, he is just that damn good.”
After a quick commercial break we return to the ringside area cleared of all debris as well as Derek Jacobs and Ace Stevens.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome at this time, Steamboat Ricky!

The crowd pops loudly as Steamboat Ricky and his newly slimmed down frame makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in hand. He motions for the crowd to quiet down.

Ricky: I've thought long and hard about what match I was going to have with Alex Bowen. A tables match? No that wasn't good enough. A chairs match? Not enough weapons. A regular Mayhem match? That won't be enough to prove who's better. No you see Ricky's been thinking and since in the past my accolades involve many firsts, I think it's time I have yet another first in my career. You see at Redemption, I'm going to take Alex Bowen to school, in a Stairway to Hardcore match!

The crowd pops loudly as Ricky's intensity continues to escalate as he speaks.

Ricky: Bowen! I'm going to show you what Mayhem and hardcore really are. I'm the innovator of Mayhem, and you'll find that out the hard way as I carry you up before dropping you right on your head!

Ricky drops the mic as the crowd cheers loudly, chanting his name as Ricky stares off into the distance as we go to commercial again.
Anderson: The following contest is set for one fall!

The crowd cheers as it prepares for the next battle. Then, they come alive as the music hits them like a Tank:


Anderson: Introducing the participants: first, from Wherever He Damn Well Pleases, weighing 270 pounds; ACTION SAXTON!

A large pop fills the arena as the ultra-powerful Action Saxton enters the arena. He shadow boxes on the top of the ramp before strutting down to the ring, focused but still having a good time. Great shrieks of pleasure are heard over all other noises as the ladies go crazy for Action Saxton! He moves into the ring, continuing to shadow box before ripping his shirt off to see his highly desirable physique.

Connor: Action Saxton is certainly a man in great shape.

Cohen: Now, now CC, anyone listening would think you’ve got a soft spot for Saxton.

Connor: Maybe, does that bug you Jack?

Cohen: Disgusting notion...

Just as everyone’s having a good time, things get a bit more serious as one half of the tag team champions prepares to enter.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Leeds, England, weighing 223 pounds, he is one half of the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS; JAMES HOWARD!

Howard’s entrance is oddly similar to Saxton’s. He too shadow boxes, but he doesn’t look to be out for fun. Howard is all business and that draws a little bit of jeering from the crowd as they want to have a good time with Action Saxton.

Cohen: James Howard is a serious man with serious potential. Believe it or not, I like this guy.

Connor: That is a bit of a surprise, but then again he’s been impressive lately with a great singles win over Austin Reynolds a few shows back along with the capture of the tag team gold at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Exactly, the guy’s a serious threat which is more than I can say abou--huh?

Jack Cohen stops dead in his tracks because just as he’s about to take another shot at Mickey Stormrage, the man himself makes an appearance, suddenly bursting through the curtain as if a large force has flung him onto the stage. All becomes clear as Saboteur follows Stormrage having just flung him through the curtain. Howard ‘s attention is swiftly drawn away from the ring and Saxton as he sees his partner and fellow champion is in some real danger. Howard discards the hoodie he had entered in along with his championship belt and sprints toward the narcissistic masked mercenary. Saxton too notices that trouble is afoot and he leaves the ring, much to the referee’s chagrin.

Connor: Well looks like our hopes of this one starting anytime soon have been dashed.

Cohen: A good bit of mayhem outside of the mayhem division; what’s not to love?

Saboteur sizes up Stormrage for a kick or two, but before he can execute any sort of offence, Howard reaches the top of the ramp. He refuses to stop though, taking down Saboteur before firing off with repeated punches from a mounted position. Before too long though Saxton has too reached the scene of action and he fires off with a vicious karate chop to the cheek of Howard. As Howard smacks the floor, Saxton offers his hand for the stunned Saboteur. However, a kitchen sink hits the stud and as such Saboteur also falls to his backside. With the match participants down, Stormrage begins to get to his feet, but it is a rather embarrassed Saboteur who is to his feet first. Likely red-faced beneath the mask, Saboteur unleashes a very stiff uppercut. A number of exceptionally violent strikes hit Stormrage as Saboteur vents some frustration. However, a leg sweep from a recovered Howard puts the masked man down. Before he can catch his breath, the sweet as Christmas kung fu kick from Action Saxton puts Howard down. Saxton then takes a brief moment to pose for the fans, absorbing some love from the fans.

Connor: In the midst of the anarchy, Action Saxton stands tall!

Cohen: Not for long!

Coinciding with Cohen, Stormrage nails a dropkick, sending Saxton tumbling down. He rolls toward the edge of the stage, adverting a fall through brute strength. He forces himself away from the edge quickly, and notes that Saboteur is climbing to his feet too. Meanwhile, Mikey Stormrage is charging like a beast at Saxton. The powerful Saxton grabs onto his ally and throws Saboteur to act as a counter Stormrage. The train-crash like result draws yet more big pops. But before Saxton can soak up the response he takes a shot to the gut from his adversary James Howard. Barely flinching, Saxton is deeply displeased and fires off a hair-butt. Howard staggers back, and Saxton fires off a fist of his own, but boxing specialist Howard ducks and blasts Saxton with a violent swing. Saxton though is resilient and he fires off his own right hand as a trade goes back and forth. An impromptu boxing match practically breaks out as ducking and jiving occurs. As this goes down, Saboteur and Stormrage are rising, striking one another with a flurry of forearms, feet and fists. Then, a sea of officials from backstage including referees and various others enter the arena in a bid to control the situation.

Cohen: Awwww, this was just getting fun!

Connor: Thank goodness some normality is being restored by WZCW officials.

Swiftly the officials separate the teams into two separate parts on the stage, though they struggle, bring themselves closer together, almost within striking distance of one-another. They maintain distance avoiding any true conflict. Saxton and Saboteur begin to cool down a little and talk to one another about perhaps trying to get to the ring for the match, but suddenly James Howard and Mikey Stormrage smack a few of the officials around to the surprise of the audience. This even draws somewhat a negative reception. Saxton and Saboteur give a shrug and fight their way through the crowd of officials too, thus meeting Strikeforce in the middle of the stage. Officials try to resume order, but there’s just too little of them to hold back the two tag behemoths. The crowd gives a mixed response though it’s mostly positive.

Cohen: POLICE! Arrest those men for assault!

Connor: Yes, because officials have never been assaulted before.

As Cat rolls her eyes, Saboteur fires a swinging kick towards Mikey Stromrage’s ribs. Mikey though is expecting a move like that and hoists Saboteur off his feet, before tossing him into Action Saxton. Saxton blocks though as Saboteur rolls towards the edge of the stage, similar to how Saxton did earlier. James Howard charges at Saxton, but eats a backhand to the face, dropping Howard like a jive sucker. As Saboteur rises to his feet though, Stormrage charges right towards the katana fan, not slowing down for anything. He goes to launch into a massive splash. Saboteur only notices it just as it’s too late. But, fortuitously for him, Action Saxton has seen this deathly blow coming and sacrifices himself to shove Saboteur out of the way. Like two powerful bulls colliding the thud is devastating, rather than a standstill however both men tumble over the edge. The pair crash, almost in slow-motion, into the technical area below. There are brief flashes of electrical equipment as the crowd catches its breath.

Connor: OH, NO!


As soon as everyone has stared in disbelief for a moment or two, the officials race to try and give a hand to the fallen pair. Saboteur is soon down there as well to assess his comrade. It’s not all that long before stretchers and security is surrounding this scene of carnage. The crowd is mixed with those shocked by the moment and those who have completely lost it, going nuts. There are a few scary moments where there is a distinct lack of movement from both men involved in the accident, but soon both slowly stir. James Howard has now recovered and moves down to check on his partner. Concerned, and filled with a highly dangerous cocktail of emotions, Howard decides this is Saboteur’s fault and chooses to assault the masked warrior. Saboteur however sees it coming and with one swift swipe of his foot, knocks Howard clean out. It’s now Saboteur’s turn to be concerned as he drops to the floor below. As EMT’s and other officials arrive on the scene, Saboteur goes in to talk to the injured Saxton. They communication between the two of them and Saboteur lifts Saxton out of the wreckage, refusing the medical assistance, shoving past the officials, and retreating after this dramatic scene.

Cohen: Those two are morons. Why would you refuse medical attention after that?

Connor: I don’t know, but I hope Action Saxton is alright.

Limping away, Saxton and Saboteur disappear into the distance as the medical professionals choose to try and look after the tag champions rather than pursue Saxton.
We cut backstage where Triple X is standing by with Becky Serra.

Becky: I'm here with the Elite X Champion Triple X! Now X, tonight you team up with Constantine to face off with two men who seem hell bent on taking the Elite X title from you. You defeated Sam Smith last week, and face off with Overlast at Redemption. How important is this next match?

Triple X: Every match is important Becky, last week I was able to retain my title against a man who changed for the worse in Sam Smith. No one gave me a chance in beating such a dominant former Elite X Champion but here I stand, still champion! Now as far as Mick Overlast goes, I look forward to facing off with him at Redemption.

Suddenly Mick Overlast walks into the scene, grabbing the mic from Becky.

Overlast: So do I champ. In fact I look forward to giving that Elite X Championship the proper respect it deserves.

Overlast reaches over and slaps the Elite X title as Triple X stares him down.

Overlast: See you out there, champ.

Overlast drops the mic and walks off as Triple X stares him down as we go to commericla.
Anderson: The following is a tag team contest scheduled for one fall!


Sam Smith walks out slowly as the crowd boos him. He has his head hung low, but can be seen with a smile curled up on his face. Smith climbs up onto the ring apron and poses, beginning to laugh as his head rises.

Anderson: Introducing the first, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 235 pounds, Sam Smith!


The music hits and the number one contender for the Elite X Title Mick Overlast walks out with his arms raised in the air.

Anderson: And his partner, from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing in at 235 pounds, Mick Overlast!

Overlast is right near the ring when Sam Smith approaches him. Sam sits down on the middle rope, lowering it, and invites Overlast into the ring. Overlast seems unsure as he slowly climbs onto the apron and then even more slowly enters the ring, neither man taking their eye off the other.

Connor: Mick Overlast was part of the group Sons of Destiny that was responsible for injurying Sam Smith. I wonder how they will be able to team up for this contest.

Cohen: If I were Overlast I'd be keeping one eye over my shoulder. Sam could try to injure Mick and replace him in the match at Redemption.


The Elite X Champion bounces out into the arena to a loud ovation. A big smile comes over his face as he makes his way to the ramp where he makes his “X” symbol before making his way towards the ring.

Anderson: And their opponents, first from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the reigning Elite X Champion, Triple X!

The crowd again increases its volume as Triple X’s name is announced. He speeds towards the ring, but then stops short and wages his finger at his two opponents.


The music hits and the crowd pops just as loud as John Constantine walks out onto the stage, King for a Day briefcase in hand.

Anderson: And his partner, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 265 lbs, he is the King for a Day, John Constantine!

John meets Triple X in front of the ring. They both hold up their respective hardware and then enter the ring together. Triple X climbs onto the top turnbuckle and poses as Constantine places his briefcase near his corner. Sam Smith is going to start for his team and starts yelling across the ring at Constantine. Triple X wants to start, but John tells the Elite X Champion to let him begin. X looks at his partners cast on his wrist but nods and lets him begin.

Connor: The last time these two were in the ring together was at All or Nothing in a Triple Threat match when John’s former friend Steven Holmes won the Elite X title from champion Sam Smith.

Cohen: But what you’re leaving out CC, is that John at the end of the match hit the Axis of Evil on Sam Smith, allowing Steven Holmes to crawl over him for the cover to win the title. Sam could still be blaming John for that loss and with his injured wrist could look to exact revenge.

Smith and Constantine move around and lock up at centre. Smith grabs at the arm of Constantine and tries to wrench at it. John uses his other hand to break Sam’s grip. Sam starts swinging punches at the face of Constantine, backing him against the ropes. Smith grabs his opponent and Irish Whips him across the ring. John bounces back off the ropes and knocks Smith down with a Lariat. Smith gets back up to his feet. He turns around and John knocks him down with another Lariat, this time striking him with part of the cast. Smith gets up stumbling, feeling the effects of the blow. John grabs Sam and Irish Whips him across the ring. Constantine catches him coming back and hits a Backbreaker. He goes for the first cover. 1... 2 Smith kicks out! John rises to his feet, holding onto one of Smith’s arm, and tag is Triple X. X leaps over the top rope and lands an Elbow Drop on Smith. X rolls Smith over and lifts him up to his feet. X hits a forearm shot to the face of Smith, backing him into the rope. X goes for an Irish Whip, Smith reverses. X comes back off the ropes and hits a Flying Forearm. X kips back up to his feet and turns to face his Redemption opponent on the apron. X and Overlast taunt back and forth for a bit until X turns around to face Smith. Smith is standing and Roundhouse Kick’s Triple X in the head. X drops to the mat and Smith drags him closer to the corner and tags in Overlast.

Cohen: Never take your eyes off a calculating opponent like Sam Smith. A great champion would’ve known that.

Smith lifts X to his feet and hits a quick Snap Suplex on him. Overlast enters the ring and stands over X. He jumps up and hits a Knee Drop on his opponent. Overlast goes for the cover hooking the leg. 1... 2. X kicks out! Overlast grabs his opponents head and rolls him onto his knees. Overlast has X in a Front Face Headlock. X works his way up to his feet and starts punching at the midsection of Overlast. Overlast clubs the back on X and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. He grabs onto X’s arm and tags in Smith. Overlast holds X’s arm to the mat and drive a knee into it. X rolls on the mat until Smith grabs his arm and lifts him to his feet. Smith follows with an Arm Drag that puts his opponent to the mat. Smith grabs around the shoulder of X and uses his other arm to push at the neck of his opponent, stretching those muscles out. X tries to shake out of it and eventually works his way to his feet. Smith stops applying pressure to the neck and clubs X across the chest. Smith goes for a Back Body Drop. X flips over Smith and lands on his feet. Triples X turns around and bounces off the ropes. Smith catches him coming back and lifts him above his head. Smith turns around and slams him back first into the mat, Falcon Arrow. Smith slides over for the cover. 1... 2... X kicks out! Smith gets up and smiles back at Constantine as he pulls X over to his corner and tags in Overlast.

Connor: Smith and Overlast have done a good job keeping Triple X isolated throughout most of this contest.

Cohen: The Elite X Champion will not be able to survive much more of this two on one assault. He needs to make a fresh tag or else his winning streak will be coming to an end.

Overlast runs at X and drops an Elbow on him. Overlast stays above Triple X and sits him upright on the mat. Triple X surprises Overlast with a kick to the face. Overlast shakes it off and drives about three forearms across the chest on X and then locks in a Dragon Sleeper. X struggles to break free, but is unable to get a good hit on Overlast. X’s arms begin to go limp and the ref is about to do the routine arm raise. X instead puts his hands to the mat and starts trying to get his feet underneath him. He manages to and slowly starts to stand up. Overlast counters this effort by dropping down to the mat, hitting a Reverse DDT. Overlast goes for the cover, hooking his opponents leg. 1... 2.... X just kicks out! Overlast is in disbelief that X kicked out. He stands up and begins taunting at X to stand. X is slowly rising to his feet and turns around to face Overlast. Overlast kicks him in the gut and goes for The Overlasting Impression. Triple X pushes Overlast forward, preventing the move from hitting. Overlast stumbles forward two steps then turns around. Triple X kicks Overlast in the gut and hits a Double Underhook Drop, Heart Stopper. Both men are down on the mat as John Constantine has come alive in his corner, cheering his partner on.

Connor: Desperation move by Triple X puts his Redemption opponent on the mat. Who will make it to their corner first?

Both men start to crawl as the crowd is firmly behind Triple X. X slowly inching towards the outreached arm of Constantine when Overlast tags in Smith. Triple X almost there when Smith boots the back of his head ending his advancement. Smith continues to stomp on X and then stops and raises his arms drawing boos from the crowd. Smith smiles and laughs at Constantine as he moves closer daring John to hit him. Constantine does take a swing, but Smith pulls back in time. Smith picks X up to his feet and the lifts him onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry position. He turns to face Constantine again as he prepares to hit Nightfall on X. X slides down the backside of Smith and grabs his neck from behind. Adrenaline Rush backbreaker by Triple X. Both men are down on the mat again and John and Overlast both reach out for tags. Smith starts to crawl first, but Triple X is very close to his corner. Smith makes the tag first and as Overlast enters the ring Triple X makes the tag to Constantine. Constantine enters the ring and clubs Overlast to the mat with a Lariat. Overlast gets up and John does the same thing to him again. Overlast again gets to his feet and stumbles around in a circle. Constantine kicks him in the gut and hits a Flowing DDT. John stands up and rather then go for the pin he runs at Smith standing on the apron. Constantine goes for a low tackle and knocks Smith off the apron. John stands up and shakes the ropes electing and response from the crowd. Overlast had risen to his feet and hits John from behind. Constantine turns around and Overlast goes for an Irish Whip. John reverses it. Overlast runs back off the ropes and Constantine puts him to the mat with a Drop Toe Hold. John floats over Overlast and soon locks in an STF. Overlast cries out in pain as he slowly tries to crawl to the ropes. He is still a good distance away, but is saved from tapping as Smith enters the ring and breaks the hold. Smith continues to stomp away at Constantine and then picks him up and underhooks both his arms, going for a Tiger Suplex. John breaks his arms free and lifts Smith overtop of him. Smith goes over the ropes, but manages to land on his feet on the outside. Smith looks pissed and walks around on the outside. He turns to the nearby stairs where Triple X is standing. X leaps off the apron and hits a Hurricanrana!

Connor: All hell has begun to break loose in this match.

Cohen: The ref is losing control. John better be on the lookout for Steven Holmes at this point.

Constantine nods his head approvingly on the outside and turns back towards the ring. Overlast is to his feet and he hits John with a Running Clothesline. John bounces into the ropes and Overlast grabs him coming off and puts him to the mat with a Belly to Back Suplex. Overlast pins Constantine and puts his feet on the middle rope. 1... 2.... John manages to kick out. Overlast can’t believe John kicked out and stands and starts punching John as he slowly gets to his feet. Overlast helps John up and pushes him into the ropes. Triple X makes a blind tag as Overlast Irish Whips John, which John reverses. Overlast comes off the ropes and John hits the Axis of Evil Spinebuster. He is about to go for the pin when the ref tells him he is no longer the legal man. John stands with a confused look until he sees Triple X on top rope who leaps off and hits Skyfall on Overlast. He goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here are you winners, John Constantine, and the Elite X Champion, Triple X!

Constantine stands there, not knowing what to think from Triple X's sudden tag in. He then starts applauding as the ref hands X his title belt. X takes the belt and holds it up in the air in front on Constantine. John nods his head and goes and grabs his King For A Day briefcase and holds it up as well. The crowd cheers loudly and X nods his head and the two shake hands before being inturupted by a figure on the screen.

Holmes: John... oh John.

Constantine looks to the screen and sees Steven Holmes. Holmes chuckles and then continues speaking.

Holmes: It's a shame what happened to you earlier this week. Accidents are an unfortunate occurance. I hope your wrist will be all better once I defeat you at Redemption. I would hate for you to use it as an excuse.

Just as I would hate for you to use as an excuse that your mind was somewhere else during our match. Say... thinking about a close friend.

Holmes stops by a limo that has a license plate that reads 'KFAD'.

Holmes: Like your trusted advisor, Forbes. Be a shame if something were to happen to him right now.

Holmes approaches the limo as the video ends. Constantine straddles out of the ring and makes a beeline up the ramp. The camera shows backstage when John emerges from the curtain. He looks around trying to find an exit and then does and goes into the parking lot. John walks down a lane and looks around trying to find his veichle. A light shines on John's leg and he turns around. A limo comes to a screetching halt right infront of John. John puts his hands on the hood, bracing for the impact that stopped just short. John walks around to the drivers side and opens the door, planning to pull out Holmes. He finds Holmes is not in the driver seat. He pulls the driver out and looks inside. Suddenly the door closes behind him and catches his wrist caught in the frame. Constantine falls to the concrete and Holmes is now seen standing over him.

Holmes: How do you feel there John? Lying helpless on the concrete, no place to run to, no where to hide when you're outside the ring. I've spoken with Ty about adding a stipulation to our match and he thinks it's a great idea. So great that he allowed me to chose it. So at Redemption it's going to be you verse me in a Falls Count Anywhere match. And John... you best believe that is two weeks time there will be no place for you to hide, no where for you to run, I will have my revenge for you ruining my Kingdom Come moment.

Holmes stands up and laughs as we get a closeup of John Constantine on the ground.

Connor: If you're just tuning in, Steven Holmes has just announced that he will face John Constantine in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

Cohen: Oh boy CC, I am very excited for this contest. The Elite Steven Holmes is going to show how extreme he can be. Maybe we'll see them fight all the way to the court house.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

Drake casually appears on the stage to a muted reaction from the crowd. Some of the more eager fans jump to their feet as Drake gives a small smile to the gathered masses before moving down the ramp. Drake continues on his way as some fans throw their hands out to touch him. Unperturbed by the fans, he reaches the ring.

Connor: Drake Callahan has been on a roll lately, Jack. He's beaten the new Heavyweight Champion before he claimed that title. And now he faces one of the fastest up-and-comers in WZCW.

Cohen: Let me make this clear to everyone, I think Drake knew that the KFAD briefcase wasn't the fastest way to get the Heavyweight Championship. He loses first in that match and then beats Showtime David Cougar the very next week. Suspicious, if I do say so myself.

Connor: He certainly has put WZCW on high alert with that win.

Drake methodically climbs the steps before walking along the ring apron. He wipes his feet before stepping into the ring and making his way over to the turnbuckle. He climbs onto the second rope and raises both arms into the air. After a moment, his music stops and he turns his attention back to the ramp which he walked down only seconds ago.

The Masked Gentleman appears on the stage with his typical attire. Clutching the white cane that he has become synonymous with in one hand, Masked Gentleman strides down to the ring. He makes his way over to the barricade to slap a few hands. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he looks at the very intense challenger that waits for him in the middle of the ring.

Connor: The Masked Gentleman has made quite the name for himself in the short time he has been with us, Jack.

Cohen: He did lose to Constantine, you know?

Connor: Regardless, he has been rewarded for his great start in the company with matches against the likes of the King For A Day and company veteran Drake Callahan. Big things are definitely on the cards for the Masked Gentleman.

Cohen: That's if he survives this match...

The Masked Gentleman glides up the ring steps majestically before entering the combat arena. Drake sizes his opponent up for a moment as The Masked Gentleman takes off his trademark top hat and red cape. Drake seems completely flummoxed by what he is seeing as he shoots The Masked Gentleman a sharp and determined look. The referee grabs the attire from The Masked Gentleman and hands them to a stage hand on the outside of the ring. He makes his final checks before signalling for the bell and getting the match under way. Both men look determined as they stand across the ring from each other. Both men begin to circulate the ring, not daring to take their eyes off of each other for a second. After a moment of pacing, they eventually tie up for the first time in the match. The Masked Gentleman tries everything to get the upper hand early in the match but it is the wily experience of Drake that creates the first opening in the match as he drops to one knee and delivers a beautiful elbow to the abdomen of The Masked Gentleman. The Masked Gentleman bends over, double in pain as Drake follows up with an uppercut from one knee. The Masked Gentleman stumbles backwards as Drake looks to dole out some offence early in the match. With The Masked Gentleman trying to get his bearings on the match, Drake charges at him before plating him with a running big boot that makes contact with the masked head of The Masked Gentleman. The Masked Gentleman hits the canvas for the first time in the match as Drake quickly covers his opponent. It is in vain, however, as The Masked Gentleman quickly pushes Drake off of him and tries to get back to his feet.

Connor: Drake knows that he can't allow The Masked Gentleman a moment in this match. If he does, then his opponent might build up a head of steam that will be hard to stop.

Cohen: Drake Callahan has been around in this business longer than most people. Hell, I have a pair of socks that have been around longer than The Masked Gentleman. This match is not going to be a problem for a man who has just beaten Showtime David Cougar.

Connor: Well, be that as it may, Drake seems like he is out to prove a point tonight.

Drake is quickly up though and pushes the advancing The Masked Gentleman back with a few chops to the chest as the crowd look on in agony. With each one of the crushing shots to the chest, the crowd let out a chorus of “oohs”. Driving The Masked Gentleman into the corner, Drake follows up with a running knee that leaves The Masked Gentleman slumped in position on the canvas. Drake wheels away in celebration, knowing that he has all of the momentum going for him this early in the match. He stands on the other side of the ring, focusing now on his downed opponent on the other side of the arena. He gives a slight motion to the crowd before running at The Masked Gentleman and attempting to nail him with a sliding kick. However, the wily and quick The Masked Gentleman has scouted his opponent well and as Drake carries out his attack, there is enough time for The Masked Gentleman to slide out of the ring via the bottom rope. Drake collides with the bottom turnbuckle groin first and lets out a sharp yell in pain. The Masked Gentleman surveys his opponent as Drake pulls himself from the corner, clutching his groin. The Masked Gentleman is quick to notice his opportunity and slides back into the ring before nailing Drake with a well-positioned elbow to the chest after a springboard from the second rope. The crowd cheer exuberantly as The Masked Gentleman crawls on top of Drake, looking to put Callahan away. The referee quickly gets to his knees as The Gent puts one arm over his opponent. 1... 2... Kick out!

Connor: That is the kind of offence that The Masked Gentleman has become known for. He is not scared to take a risk for the betterment of his cause.

Cohen: This match is still young, CC. As the match rolls on, you'll see him take less and less of these risks with fatigue setting in.

The Masked Gentleman gets to his feet now, knowing that he has to put the pressure on Drake. He ponders his next move as Callahan gets to his feet. Running off of the ropes, The Masked Gentleman looks to execute a clothesline but Drake has the same idea and both men catch the other with a flailing arm. There is a hushed silence around the arena as the momentum of this match swings from one side to the other. Both men lie motionless on the canvas as the referee begins his standard ten count. 1... 2... 3... 4... There is movement now as both Drake and The Masked Gentleman begin to stir. 5... 6… 7... Both men finally arise, looking to take control of a match that has neither been friend or foe to them thus far. The Masked Gentleman swings at Drake, catching him flush with a cracking punch to the side of the head. Drake, not one to be outdone, swings back at The Masked Gentleman, catching him with a great punch of his own. The ever-swaying momentum of the match continues as both men stand in the middle of the ring, trading blows with every swinging fist. The crowd boo and cheer as their pick for the match lands a devastating shot. This continues for a moment before The Masked Gentleman finally manages to stagger Drake with a blistering chop to the chest. Drake stumbles backwards, clutching his now-crimson chest with both hands. The Masked Gentleman sense that the match is there for him to win and charges at Drake, landing a flowing hurricarana. Drake tumbles to the canvas once more as The Masked Gentleman gets to one knee, looking onwards as the fallen Callahan. The Masked Gentleman scoots across the canvas, hoping that his offence will have won him the match. He covers Drake. 1... 2... Drake manages to finally roll a shoulder out with no time to spare.

Cohen: Oh, come on Drake!

Connor: Looks like The Masked Gentleman has set out to prove you wrong here tonight, Jack. He's been outstanding from the get-go, even in the face of a man like Drake who could easily hurt you inside a ring.

The Masked Gentleman gets to his feet, there is an air of confidence about the upstart competitor as Drake lies recovering on the canvas. The Masked Gentleman salutes the crowd, letting them know that he is in control of the match. The recognition of their support lends itself to gaining more as the crowd begin to chant “T. M. G”. The Masked Gentleman, realising that this match could be over within seconds if he plays his cards right, moves over to the corner of the ring, hoping that some more offence will put this match in the record books. He exits the ring through the ropes and begins to climb the outside of the turnbuckles. Finally reaching the top rope, The Masked Gentleman waits for Drake to get to his feet. Drake, completely unsuspecting the upcoming attack, rises to his feet. Drake is turned away from his opponent but as he turns around, The Masked Gentleman launches himself from the top rope, looking to nail Callahan with a diving elbow. However, the veteran instinct of Drake see to it that The Masked Gentleman cannot keep his momentum going as Drake finally turns this match back in his favour by moving out of the way at the last moment. The Masked Gentleman collides with the canvas, his head and shoulders taking the brunt of the damage. Drake staggers away from the impact as the ring begins to shake. He clutches the ropes, bent over as he begins to get his facilities back. With The Masked Gentleman on the canvas once more, Drake sees his opportunity to finally put this match away. With an angered look on his features, Drake moves over to The Masked Gentleman before locking in a figure-four leglock. The draining pace of the match is telling though as Drake struggles to put all of his weight into the move. The look of sheer determination on his features shows us that he is not willing to give up though. He pulls and pulls on the legs of his opponent, heaping more damage onto the legs of The Masked Gentleman. From beneath the mask of The Gent, a pained yell emanates. The referee asks The Gent if he wants to quit but a shake of the head signals that The Masked Gentleman is not ready to give in just yet.

Cohen: I've been in that hold and let me tell you this, it hurts. Every part of you wants to tap out. Every molecule in your body wants to tap your hand on that mat to get out of that pain.

Connor: No doubt, Jack. We could be seeing the end of this match right here.

Drake continues to pile the pressure on to The Masked Gentleman as the referee continues to check on the well-being of Callahan's opponent. Just when it seems that all is lost for The Gent, a sudden roar come sup from the crowd. Inexplicably, this seems to give The Masked Gentleman some more life. He struggles around, hoping to give himself a chance to escape the move. Drake, however, is not keen on allowing his opponent to escape. The decision is taken out of his hands though as The Masked Gentleman finds just enough energy to roll Drake over, completely switching the emphasis of the move. Drake screams in agony as The Masked Gentleman applies some pressure of his own. The referee asks Callahan if he wants to quit but a quick shake of the head, coupled with a look of sheer resentment to the question blows that question out of the water. With one final stretch, Drake reaches the bottom rope and the referee signals for The Masked Gentleman to break the hold. The Masked Gentleman pulls his legs apart from Drake's and crawls towards the bottom rope. Drake is already pulling himself to his vertical basis as The Masked Gentleman reaches his ropey reprieve. Both men struggle to get back to their feet, the figure-four leglock taking it's toll on the legs of both men. However, it is Callahan who is able to stand first. The Masked Gentleman is not far behind him though and struggles over to the grizzled veteran. Drake seems to be in no mood to allow The Masked Gentleman to get the upper hand now though and lashes him a stiff fist to the face. The Masked Gentleman stumbles backwards as Drake tries to follow up. The Masked Gentleman swings an arm at Drake, hoping to catch him off-guard but Drake manages to duck under the flailing arm before hoisting The Masked Gentleman into the air and back onto the canvas with a sickening thud. Hangover! Drake crawls on top of The Masked Gentleman, knowing that this match is in the bag. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Drake Callahan!

Connor: This match took more twist and turns than a country road. But at the end of it all, it was Drake who came out on top.

Cohen: I must say, Cat, I was shocked at how The Masked Gentleman handled himself here tonight. If he was up against anyone else, this might have been the best night of his relatively short WZCW career.

Connor: The future is remarkably bright for The Masked Gentleman but it was Drake Callahan who relied on his experience to get him through this one. Drake puts another win in the record books and moves onto Redemption.

Drake gets to his feet as his entrance music begins to play. The referee garbs his hand and hoists it into the air. A smug and satisfied Drake looks down at his masked opponent with a look of caution before exiting the ring. Drake decides not to go up the isle and instead grabs a steel chair near ringside.

Connor: Oh no, Drake's not going to do what I think he's going to do.

Cohen: It's all in the name to stop the conspiracy.

Drake slides into the ring a pushes the ref away. He grabs the chair and raises it up when...


Connor: On my god, Everest is back.

Drake drops the chair and looks up the ramp. The music keeps playing, but Everest is no where to be seen. Drake laughs and then picks up the chair.

Cohen: Everest isn't coming. No one is coming to save The Masked Gentleman.

Drake raise the chair above his head, suddenly it's taken from he hands. He turns around and Matt Tastic is there chair in hand. He takes the chair and smashes it over Drake's head. Drake falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring. He holds his head and then fakes climbing back into the ring, but hops down as Tastic takes another swing at him. The crowd is cheering Tastic loudly who holds the chair high above his head. Ty Burna appears on the ramp and seems pleased.

Burna: Excellent, excellent. This is what I was talking about Drake, I knew someone would come up and want a piece of you and now we found out who. So the last qualifying match will be Drake Callahan vs Matt Tastic. Two Mayhem legends, it should be a bloody brutal match.

Ty's music hits as he leaves the stage. Drake looks back at Tastic who points the chair at him.

Connor: So now we know who Drake's opponent will be. This is a golden opportunity for Matt Tastic.

Cohen: Yea, and another screw job that will happen to Drake.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers loudly as the former World Heavyweight Champion walks out to the top of the entrance stage. He looks out to the crowd before bowing deeply in front of them. He stands up straight and makes his way down the ramp, shaking hands with the fans at ringside before walking up the steel steps and entering the ring. He bows once more to the fans to another loud pop from the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 228 lbs, Professor Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: Kurtesy came up just short against Showtime in a thrilling match last week, losing his World Heavyweight Title. Tonight he faces an old adversary in Steven Holmes, and there is no love lost between these two.

Cohen: Steven Kurtesy got opportunity after opportunity. When is Steven Holmes going to get his?


Steven Holmes walks out to the top of the entrance ramp, the crowd booing loudly at the Elitist. He stares smugly out at the crowd, his right hand behind his back as he walks at his own pace down the entrance ramp. He walks up the steel steps, wiping his boots on the apron before entering the ring. He stands in the center of the ring, lifting his arm up high into the air as the crowd boos loudly.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, Steven Holmes!

Connor: It was revealed earlier tonight that Steven Holmes will be taking on our King for a Day winner Constantine in a Falls Count Anywhere match, albeit after brutally attacking Constantine from behind after Constantine's match earlier tonight.

Cohen: A brilliant tactic from the elite Steven Holmes. Constantine won't stand a chance against a clearly superior strategist.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up in the center of the ring. They struggle for control but Holmes is able to shove Kurtesy into the corner. The ref orders Holmes to back up which Holmes does but doesn't allow a clean break, kicking Holmes right in the midsection. Holmes quickly goes to work, delivering stiff forearms to the side of Kurtesy's head before following up with an European uppercut. Holmes backs up and goes for a clothesline but Kurtesy ducks under and begins unloading backhand chops across the chest of Holmes. Holmes covers up and the ref forces Kurtesy back away from Holmes. The crowd boos as Kurtesy tries to get around the ref but the ref stays right in his path. Holmes sneaks up and swings over the ref, hitting Kurtesy square in the face. Holmes backs Kurtesy up and whips him across the ring and connects with a running high knee, sending Kurtesy straight to the mat. Holmes goes for the quick cover, 1...........2..Kurtesy kicks out! Holmes is quick to apply an arm wrench, keeping Kurtesy grounded while pressing his free hand against Kurtesy's chin. Kurtesy grabs the back of Holmes' hair, using the leverage to pull himself up to his feet. With his arm around Holmes' neck still he drops down and delivers a jawbreaker, sending Holmes backwards but the hold is released. Kurtesy gets up and rushes towards Holmes, but Holmes back body drops Kurtesy over the ropes! Kurtesy lands on his feet on the apron however, and as Holmes turns around Kurtesy pulls down on his head and drapes Holmes' neck right across the top rope. Holmes falls backwards and Kurtesy drags him out of the ring and whips him hard into the barrier. The crowd pops loudly as Kurtesy jumps up onto the apron. He waits for Holmes to get off the barrier before coming off with a spinning heel kick, and connecting! Holmes is down as Kurtesy realizes the ref's ten count has already reached five. He grabs hold of Holmes and rolls him back into the ring and goes for the cover, 1.............2......Holmes kicks out!

Connor: Back and forth action here as Kurtesy hits a beautiful spinning heel kick off the apron.

Cohen: Holmes has got this still. Kurtesy may have been World Heavyweight Champion but he's had nothing but trouble with his former teammate since they split apart last year.

Kurtesy lifts Holmes up and whips him into the ropes. Off the rebound and Kurtesy hits a deep armdrag, applying an armlock to keep the elite one down on the mat. Holmes grabs at Kurtesy's arm, trying to break the hold before getting back to his legs. Holmes forms a fist and delivers a stiff shot to the forehead. Kurtesy shakes his head while keeping the lock held in. Holmes delivers another shot but Kurtesy quickly moves Holmes' arm around his neck and delivers a neckbreaker. Holmes drops to the mat as Kurtesy quickly exits to the ring apron, motioning for Holmes to get up. As Holmes stumbles to his feet Kurtesy springboards off the ropes going for a seated senton but Holmes moves out of the way. Kurtesy lands on his feet but Holmes turns around and hits a hard clothesline to the back of the head. Kurtesy lands face first on the mat while Holmes holds the back of his head. A look of anger forms on his face as he looks down at Kurtesy. He quickly begins stomping away on the former world champion before grabbing hold of Kurtesy's head and slamming him face first into the mat repeatedly. The ref begins a five count and Holmes finally holds his hands up at the count of four. Holmes lifts Kurtesy up by his ears, immediately talking trash to his former teammate before delivering a vicious knee to the midsection followed by a belly to belly suplex. Holmes hooks the leg immediately, 1............2.....Kurtesy kicks out! Holmes quickly applies a chinlock, his elbow pressed firmly to the mat and his legs stretched, applying as much pressure as possible to Kurtesy. Kurtesy grabs hold of Holmes' arm trying to escape the hold while stretching his leg out trying to reach the ropes. Holmes wrenches back on the hold, pulling Kurtesy's head back off the mat. Kurtesy uses this and rolls over Holmes but Holmes keeps the hold locked in. Kurtesy desperately tries to reach the ropes and finally gets the tip of his foot on the bottom rope. The ref begins the five count and again Holmes releases the hold finally at four. Kurtesy rolls over onto his back as he tries to regain his focus. Holmes doesn't let the professor rest as he delivers a brutal knee drop right across the forehead. Kurtesy rolls over in pain but Holmes rolls him back over, pressing his forearm against Kurtesy's head with a lateral press, 1.............2..........Kurtesy kicks out!

Cohen: Look at the little things Holmes does. Even in a pin attempt he's putting pressure and pain on his opponents.

Connor: It's hard to respect someone as vile as Steven Holmes however Jack!

Cohen: Yes it is. He does what's necessary to get the win. Nothing else matters but picking up the victory.

Steven Holmes stands up and lifts Kurtesy to his feet, tossing him into the corner before delivering a few hard shots to the midsection followed up with a European uppercut. Kurtesy drops to a seated position as Holmes presses his foot against the side of Kurtesy's face. Again another five count and the hold is released at four. As Kurtesy begins to pull himself up Holmes rushes forward and delivers a hard knee to the side of Kurtesy's head once more. Kurtesy crumbles to the mat and rolls to the outside as the crowd is booing Holmes in the center of the ring. Holmes follows Kurtesy to the outside and sends him shoulder first into the steel steps. Kurtesy is on his knees, grasping onto the top of the steps for leverage. Holmes walks over slowly to Kurtesy and goes to grab him but Kurtesy suddenly grabs Holmes and slams him face first into the steps! The crowd comes alive as Kurtesy is in desperation mode now, slamming Holmes once more into steps before dropping down to a seated position. Holmes slides down the steps, turning his head slightly to reveal a cut above his right eye. Kurtesy pulls himself up to his feet, sliding into the ring as he tries to recover from the previous assault. Holmes slowly climbs up onto the apron which prompts Kurtesy to walk over and grab hold of Holmes. Holmes counters however with a shoulder to the midsection. Kurtesy backs up and Holmes enters the ring but eats a sudden dropkick from Kurtesy! Kurtesy gets back up at the same time as Holmes. Holmes swings wildly but Kurtesy ducks under before hitting a stiff kick to the side of the head. Holmes drops to one knee from the strike, leaving him open for a butterfly suplex! Kurtesy quickly locks in a keylock, leaving Holmes now struggling within a submission hold. Holmes yells out in pain as he tries to roll over and break the hold. Kurtesy keeps Holmes' arm in firm control however, leaving Holmes prone on the mat. Holmes slowly grabs hold of Kurtesy's wrists and begins to get to his feet. The two struggle against one another when Kurtesy suddenly hits a modified Prescription Sedation!

Connor: Prescription Sedation! This match is over!

Cohen: I think Kurtesy hurt his wrists though with how he modified the move. He didn't get a full impact like normal.

Kurtesy keeps hold of Holmes' arms and slowly applies Solitary Confinement. Holmes is shaking his head as he struggles against the hold. Kurtesy slowly gets Holmes' arms around his neck and begins pulling back on the hold. The crowd is cheering loudly for Holmes to tap who to his credit is fighting with all he has against the hold. Suddenly a commotion can be heard as Barbosa rushes down the entrance ramp, standing on the apron. This gains the attention of both the ref and Kurtesy, who releases the hold and walks over to Barbosa.

Connor: What is Barbosa doing here?

Cohen: I don't even think he knows!

As Kurtesy and the ref are distracted, Holmes slowly begins to pull himself up. He reaches into his tights and slips something over his hand. The crowd tries to yell for the ref but Barbosa has firm hold of the referee. Kurtesy away from Barbosa and gets blasted with the brass knuckles! Kurtesy is laid out as Holmes quickly toss the brass knuckles to the outside. He quickly lifts Kurtesy up and delivers the Imperial Impaler! Barbosa finally releases the ref who turns around to find Holmes pinning Kurtesy! 1.......................2.....................3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Steven Holmes!

Connor: Unbelievable, the Professor had Steven Holmes dead to rights!

Cohen: Kurtesy shouldn't have let his submission go. He would have had the much won had he followed through instead of focusing on Barbosa.

Holmes slowly gets to his feet and the ref raises his arm in victory. Barbosa is quick to enter the ring. Holmes and Barbosa stare each other down for a few moments before Holmes motions to Barbosa that Kurtesy is all his. The boos surrounding the ring suddenly change to cheers as the World Heavyweight Champion Showtime Cougar runs down to the ring. He tackles Barbosa and begins throwing bombs as Holmes watches on amused. He washes his hands of the matter and begins to exit as Showtime and Barbosa continue to battle in the ring with Steven Kurtesy down on the mat. More boos are heard as Drake Callahan rushes down and soon Barbosa and Drake have Showtime outnumbered. The two have the champion down in the corner, putting the boots to him before turning their attention to Kurtesy.

Connor: This is madness!

Cohen: Ty has unearthed even more Chaos in the ring. Showtime and Kurtesy are both down as Drake and Barbosa have taken advantage!

A loud cheer can be heard once more as suddenly Titus, Celeste, and Matt Tastic rush down to the ring. Drake and Barbosa turns towards the three but Titus and Tastic both clothesline Barbosa and Drake over the top rope with all four men crashing to the ground below. Celeste meanwhile stands menacingly over Showtime, motioning for the world title while Showtime prepares to battle the femme fatale. The fighting continues when boos really begin to rain down as attention is turned towards the entrance stage. Ty Burna and his Apostles appear on the top of the stage, Ty with a mic in hand. He smirks but presses his arm against King's chest, shaking his head and keeping King from entering the fracas.

Ty: Now this, is what I've truly envisioned for WZCW!

Ty begins laughing maniacally as all seven suddenly turn towards the entrance stage. Ty shakes his head before continuing.

Ty: As much as I would love to let this play out, I unfortunately have far more important matter to attend to. Now I suggest you all exit the area immediately! And if you even look at me cross I will strip you of your opportunity for the world title, and that includes you Showtime!

The camera focuses on Ty as the lights dim and his music begins to play as we cut to commercial.
We return back from commercial with Ty Burna and the Apostles of Chaos standing in the center of the ring. Ty's music slowly dies out and the deafening boos from the crowd replaces it. A large rectangular box seems to be covered up by a black cloth standing behind Ty. He brings a mic up and begins to speak.

Ty: The time has come Christopher! The time has come to learn what fate awaits you at Redemption! I suggest you and that harlot Arianna get out here immediately!

Ty lowers his mic and turns towards the entrance stage. The crowd buzzes in anticipation of Chris K.O.'s arrival, and finally they cheer loudly when...

Chris and Arianna slowly make their way out to the top of the entrance ramp, Arianna clutching the Ouija Scroll close to her chest. Chris slowly lifts his mask off his face as he stares down towards the ring at Ty and the Apostles. Ty smiles wickedly as he looks towards his opponent at Redemption, slowly walking along the box, running his hand along the silk cloth.

Ty: I do not mince words Christopher. I told you that I would leave you cold on your back while staring up into the pitch darkness. I am going to fulfill that promise to you Christopher, for you see.

Ty suddenly rips the silk cloth away from the box, revealing a dark oak casket lying underneath. The Chaos symbol is prominently carved onto the top of the casket, the crowd buzzing even louder at the reveal.

Ty: I fully intend to lie you in your grave!

The camera cuts back to Chris and Arianna, a look of fear spreading on Arianna's face as Chris tries to remain stoic. Ty smirks as he continues to walk around the casket, his hand grazing the oak as he speaks again.

Ty: I had this specially customized for you Christopher. Down to the very choice of decoration atop the door here. Yes Christopher. At Redemption I will end you in a casket match!

The crowd boos loudly as Ty begins cackling as the Apostles slowly open the door to the casket for their leader.

Chris: I have something to show you.

Ty: What was that Christopher? Are you giving up already?

Chris: I'm not speaking to you Ty. I'm speaking to your Apostles!

Bowen, King, and S.H.I.T. suddenly look curious as the turn towards their former stablemate. Chris takes a deep breath before continuing.

Chris: You see I was able to obtain some video footage that you three may be interested. Needless to say I don't think you'll feel the same way about your so called leader after this!

Chris points up to the tron and it cuts to black and white security footage. Mr. Alhazred can be seen backing up into a locker room, his mask half torn off.

Alhazred: Why are you doing this?

Alhazred can be seen breathing deeply as if he was just in a fight for his life. Suddenly the familiar figure of Ty Burna can be seen stalking into the picture. Alhazred drops to one knee as he shakes his head.

Alhazred: What have I done Ty?

Ty: You had every intention of turning the robot and the rest of the Apostles against me didn't you? Didn't you Alhazred?!

Alhazred: N.n.n.no why would I turn my back on you now, just after helping you gain full control?

Ty: Because you wanted it all for yourself, and with the backing of your pet project who was going to stop you? I will and there is nothing you can do about it Alhazred!

Ty suddenly rushes forward, delivering a devastating Consecrated Banishment to the kneeling Alhazred. He's laid out flat on the ground, blood dripping down the half revealed face of Alhazred. Ty stands over him, staring down at his former ally. A grim smile forms on Ty's face as he realizes what he's done.

Ty: It's unfortunate your treachery led to this Alhazred. But there will be no one that can take my power from me. Slowly the rest of the Apostles will be eradicated when they no longer become useful to me. If I do not dispose of them in a timely manner, they will turn against me.

Officials suddenly burst into the room and begin checking on Alhazred.

Ty: Get him out of my sight!

The video feed cuts off

We return back live as Ty Burna is now standing right up to the ropes, his eyes wide and his lips trembling in anger. He turns towards the Apostles, their demeanor suddenly shifting as Ty holds his hands up.

Ty: That footage was doctored! You know I wouldn't turn on any of you like that! Please, are you going to listen to someone that tried to stop us?

Suddenly James King kicks Ty square in the stomach and lifts him up, connecting with the Alpha Bomb! Ty is laid out in the center of the ring as James King quickly exits the ring, his face full of anger as he yells back at Ty. Ty slowly rolls over, grabbing hold of S.H.I.T.'s leg, trying to pull himself up.

Ty: S.H.I.T., listen to your master! We must destroy that liar!

S.H.I.T. stares down at Ty, his head tilting to the side before speaking.

S.H.I.T.: Negative!

S.H.I.T. delivers a crushing chop to the head, busting Ty wide open as blood begins to trickle down his forehead. S.H.I.T. follows James King out of the ring as Chris and Arianna watch on from the entrance stage. The crowd is going wild as Ty gets his comeuppance one by one. Ty lies on the mat, reaching out for Bowen, trembling into the mic.

Ty: Alex, Alex you know I've loved you like a son! I've given you everything you've ever wanted.

Alex looks down at Ty and reaches down, the crowd booing loudly as Alex helps Ty up. Ty nods his head and tries to take a step back but Alex pulls him in closer.

Alex: You're right, you have given me everything. That's why I don't need you any more.

Alex suddenly kicks Ty in the midsection and delivers the End of Days! Ty is left crumbled in the center of the ring as Bowen exits the ring. Chris and Arianna finally leave the entrance stage, walking towards the ring as Chris enters it. He holds up the Ouija Scroll as the crowd cheers loudly.

Chris: Ty, you have no more help, no more advantage, and at Redemption, you can kiss your Ouija Scroll and your control over WZCW goodbye! Thus it is written!

Chris drops the mic and plants his foot right on the chest of the out cold Ty, lifting his arms up high into the air as the crowd cheers loudly as Ascension goes off the air.
Who wrote what:

Numbers - Ace Stevens vs. Derek Jacobs
Funkay - Action Saxton vs. James Howward
Dave - Drake Callahan vs. Masked Gentleman
Showtime - Constantine and Triple X vs. Sam Smith and Mick Overlast, Opening, Backstage
Ty - Backstage, Steven Holmes vs. Steven Kurtesy, Ending Segment

Rep these gentlemen for their hard work. Aftershock should up soon. Thanks.
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