Ascension 45

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Ascension opens and Vance Bateman is standing in the middle of the ring with mic in hand.

Bateman: Welcome ladies and gentleman to WZCW's Ascension!

The crowd cheers respectively.

Bateman: Now I say WZCW's because this is the only show we have where Ty Burna cannot change or alter the matches at whim or without discretion. A show where Ty is not in control and our wrestlers are safe from his chaotic wrath and our audience experiences the kind of fun and entertaining shows there are used to seeing in WZCW. And do we have a show for you here tonight. Something I'm sure will top the Last Man Standing match Blade and Rush had on Meltdown, the EurAsian Champion Black Dragon, that's right the champion that is exclusive to Meltdown, demanded he perform this week on Ascension in an Empty Arena Match with Apostles of Chaos member Chris K.O.

The crowd begins to cheer even louder and a small W-Z-C-W chant can be heard.

Bateman: And that's not all that's great about tonight's shows. Our Elite Champion, Steven Holmes, will defend his championship against the up and coming Triple X. There will be two more King for a Day qualifying matches, Phoenix vs Matt Tastic and Bomb vs Titus. And then there is our main event, One of the biggest stars in WZCW, Showtime David Cougar, takes on the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Steven Kurtesy, and you know that those two wrestlers will bring down the house to close our show tonight.

The crowd explodes with chants of Kurtesy.

Bateman: Yes it will be a great show this week. My only wish was that every show could be like this, free from the wrath of Ty Burna and his Apost-


Myles: Vance... I couldn't agree with you any more. I thought I'd be happy to sell WZCW and be free from all the stress that goes on here, but after having to work with Ty Burna for these past months, I don't wanna leave WZCW anymore, not with Ty Burna running this ship down off the edge of map. This company is our legacy and Ty is going to end it if he becomes champion again at Kingdom Come.

Bateman: What do you suppose we do then?

Myles: We buy it back from Ty Burna... he won't sell it to me again, but maybe with our combined worth. I know this will put us in a hole, but I know you can't stand working with Ty any more than I-


Burna: I think the words that I'm looking for that you people use often is.... upset. I'm upset that you, Vance, are out here having a shareholders meeting with a former member and you did not invite me to be included in your discussions. At least I would be upset if I could feel what you two feel. WZCW is mine and it always was when I was champion and now that I hold half ownership of WZCW in my hand I am never going to let it go. Not for any sum of money that you two clowns could ever put together. You better just get used to the way I run things around here because I am here to stay for a long time and given your guy's age and health, I don't think it will be long before I run the whole company.

Ty Burna goes to leave the stage.

Bateman: Wait a minute Ty. Wait a damn minute for a second you sniveling pug.

The words and anger in Bateman's voice have gotten Ty's attention and he turns around to listen.

Bateman: Now I agree with Myles that WZCW is our legacy. Together we made it into the best wrestling company in the world and I don't want to see you for one second destroy what we have created...... However, unlike Myles who says he doesn't want to leave anymore, I have had enough of working alongside and I don't want to sit by and watch this disaster in the making happen while you wait for me to crock. If you want control of WZCW so much why don't he settle the matter at Kingdom Come.

The crowd pops and Ty Burna seems curious about what Bateman has to say.

Burna: I'm surprised you're willing to settle this Vance in such gentlemanly manner... and just to be fair because you wouldn't stand a chance verse me, I'll happily fight you after I beat Kurtesy for the...

Bateman: Don't think for a second I'm going to get into the ring and dirty my hands with your wretched soul. You have a match at Kingdom Come so we are not going to have you wrestle a second match. What you do have though is a team of followers ready to fight for you and I have a whole roster of wrestlers who can't wait to get their hands on you and your Apostles. So what I'm proposing is a 4 on 4 elimination tag team match. You and your Apostles against 4 of WZCW's stars. If my team wins you have to relinquish your ownership of WZCW and if my team loses... I will give you my share of the company.

The crowd buzzes at the proposed match up.

Burna: It sounds appealing Bateman, but if I have you on the verge of cracking already, why would I give you a guaranteed out come Kingdom Come.

Myles: Burna it sounds like you’re not confident that the men you have alongside can get the job done.

Bateman: Ty you’re right that we can wait this out till god knows when, however you can’t deny that your team has not been performing up to your standards. They have begun to crack and after Barbosa decimated Toyota, I doubt you would even be able to find a fourth person who would want to be on your team. If you don’t want to accept this match because you know you’ll lose, I’ll understand.

Burna: You both think you’re having a good laugh out of this. You know what... I accept your guys little challenge. My team at Kingdom Come will be victorious over what ever group of guys you can put together and I will rule WZCW.

Bateman: It’s not just guys that will be on our team Ty Burna. Let me introduce you to our first member of Team WZCW.....


Celeste comes out to a loud ovation and stands right beside Ty. The two have a stare off until Ty looks back at Bateman and Myles and returns to the back.

Connor: Welcome to WZCW’s Ascension, I’m Cat Connor with Jack Cohen, and if you just tuned it Bateman and Ty Burna announced a huge 4 on 4 Elimination Tag Team match happening at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: And the stakes couldn’t be higher CC. Whoever’ team wins, Ty Burna’s or Vance Bateman’s, will have full control of WZCW. So far we Ty Burna has Chris K.O., Mister Alhazred, and S.H.I.T, and we just found out representing Bateman is Celeste Crimson.

Connor: Can’t wait to find out who else will fill out the rest of the teams. Coming up though is the first of two King for a Day qualifying matches. Phoenix will go one on one with Matt Tastic. Stay tuned that match is next.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a KING FOR A DAY Qualifying match!


The arena goes dark as flames erupts from the entrance stage as the bass beats on the PA system. Flashes of light accompany the flames as Phoenix makes his way out from the back to a warm pop from the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Kobe, Japan, weighing 223 lbs, Phoenix!

Connor: Ladies and gentlemen, we continue the trend of this week’s shows with another KFAD qualifier. Phoenix has been around the WZCW for some time now, but the brass ring always seems to elude his grasp.

Cohen: On top of that, his return has been a bit of a flop. Can this match be a turning point for the WZCW veteran? I don't think so.

Phoenix is now in the ring as he patiently scans the entrance stage.


Matt Tastic confidently steps out of the back as the crowd pops huge. He walks to one end of the entrance stage and mutters something under the noise of the music and crowd. He proceeds to do the same thing on the other side as the crowd continues to cheer him on.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Southwester, Puerto Rico, weighing 225 lbs, The Hunter, Matt Tastic!

Tastic is now entering the ring as he makes his way to all four corners and works the crowd.

Connor: This crowd seems to be still relishing Matt Tastic’s performance at the Lethal Lottery. He has been talked about all week and has developed quite a cult following after his Lottery performance.

We cut to a video clip of the Lethal Lottery.

We see that Baller has landed on the forgotten stretcher from earlier and is holding himself stable by having his hands resting firmly on top of the outside barricade. Half of the crowd is cheering from the spot, while the other half is booing over Baller not being eliminated. Baller is able to stand up firmly on the stretcher as he gestures how awesome he is. The crowd boos as Tastic looks on from the ring. He looks at the crowd and then back at Baller. The crowd pops huge as Tastic begins standing on top of the turnbuckle. Suddenly, Showtime gets up from his lying position and pushes Tastic to the outside. Tastic is barely able to land on top of the stretcher. Baller catches him out of instinct and the two of them are able to use the barricade as stabilization and remain alive in the match!

Connor: Unbelievable!

Copeland: Showtime was just playing possum and now we have the #1 and #30 entrant on the outside and on top of a stretcher. If either one of them fall off they are done!

Baller and Tastic pull themselves up and are now both standing on the stretcher. They begin trading punches. Tastic punches Baller, and he flails his arms as if he is about to fall off, but he recovers at the last minute! Baller hits Tastic, and the same routine occurs! Baller begins pushing on Tastic’s shoulders as Tastic leans back from the assault. All of a sudden, Tastic performs a judo leg sweep as Baller loses his balance and Tastic throws him off of the stretcher and into the outside mat!

Cohen: No!

Copeland: #1 just eliminated #30. I can’t believe this!

Cohen: I still can’t believe that the #1 entrant eliminated the #30 entrant!

Tastic and Phoenix stand facing each other as the ref calls for the bell. They shake hands before locking up in the middle, but Tastic sweeps the leg and sends Phoenix to the mat. Tastic quickly follows up by wrenching the arm of Phoenix. After the release, Phoenix rolls away as he grips the arm and pulls himself up to his feet. Tastic does not let up as he quickly charges Phoenix with a clothesline, but Phoenix ducks! Tastic bounces off the ropes as Phoenix lifts his elbow and smashes it into the face of a returning Tastic.

Tastic grips his face in pain as he turns away for a split second. This is all the time that Phoenix needs in order to charge Tastic. He connects with a running knee lift as Tastic falls back onto the mat.

Connor: These two men seem to be evenly matched in every way. They both bare the same height of 6’2, and only two pounds separate their weight.

Phoenix approaches the grounded Tastic and uses his boot to flip him over onto his stomach. Phoenix quickly mounts Tastic and locks in the camel clutch! Tastic’s arms begin flailing as Phoenix pulls up on his grip. The ref gets to his knees as he watches for any sign of Tastic tapping. The ropes are a mere half a foot from Tastic’s hand, but Phoenix has the clutch tightly locked! The crowd perks up from the spot and several people in the audience begin jumping up and down over the current event. Tastic realizes that he cannot grab the rope, so he opts to grab Phoenix’s hands. Tastic slowly begins to pry Phoenix out of the clutch as Phoenix struggles to remain in control. Suddenly, Tastic unlocks the hold as Phoenix hops off of Tastic and steps back. Tastic pulls himself up with the ropes.

Phoenix seems to be favoring the same arm from earlier as he tries to follow up on the recovered Tastic, but no! Tastic pulls a drop kick out of no where and Phoenix falls back on the mat. Tastic quickly recovers and meets a rising Phoenix with a DDT! The impact on the mat is deafening as the crowd cringes.

Cohen: Woah! That sounded like a cranium buster right there.

Tastic goes for the cover. 1…….2..Kick Out! The crowd perks up from the break up as Tastic takes a breather in a seated position. He finally begins to rise as he grips a handful of Phoenix’s hair. He pulls him up and grabs two handfuls of hair as he turns it into a hairpull backbreaker! Phoenix holds his back in pain as he slowly rolls around on the mat. Tastic makes the cover, 1…..2..Kick Out! Tastic looks over at the damaged Phoenix as he breathes from tiredness. Tastic rises to his feet once more and grabs the head of Phoenix. He begins to pull him up but Phoenix flails his arms and pushes Tastic back. Tastic attempts to step forward, but Phoenix sends a forearm to the face of Tastic, causing him to walk backwards and bounce off of the ropes. Phoenix takes the opportunity to go for a step-up enziguiri. No! Tastic grabs the leg. The crowd doesn’t know how to react as both men are fan favorites. Tastic shakes his head in disapproval as Phoenix looks out to the crowd and then turns the tides by nailing a dragon whip!

Connor: Wow! Tastic just ate a devastating dragon whip kick! The crowd doesn’t know how to handle this match.

The impact of the kick causes Tastic to fall into a nearby turnbuckle. He slumps in it in a standing position. Phoenix looks at the positioned Tastic and looks at the opposite turnbuckle. He runs over to the opposite turnbuckle and slaps his face in preparation. He runs from there and performs his signature Liger Kick to Tastic in the turnbuckle! Tastic slumps down as Phoenix quickly recovers a few feet away from Tastic.

Phoenix looks out to the crowd as they cheer his antics on. He signals for Rebirth as several members of the audience rise to their feet. Tastic has very slowly began rising to his feet in a dazed state. Phoenix waits in anticipation.

Tastic stumbles out of the turnbuckle as Phoenix goes for his finisher, Rebirth, a modified 450 degree kick. Tastic ducks his head and Phoenix misses the kick! Caught off guard by the miss, Phoenix is now standing with his back turned to Tastic. Tastic grabs Phoenix’s injured arm from behind and whips him onto his stomach. He follows up the mauever by locking in the Cross Buster! The crowd perks up huge as Phoenix swings his other arm wildly as he screams in pain. The ref slides onto the ground as he checks on Phoenix. The ropes are no where to be found as the crowd is full of excitement.

Connor: This could be it! The Cross Buster has to be taking a toll on Phoenix's sore arm!

Cohen: Just tap Phoenix, you are done!

Phoenix begins to claw at the ground as he tries to move himself and Tastic with one arm, but to no avail! The Cross Buster is locked in perfectly and a weakness cannot be discovered in time! Phoenix extends every part of his hand out as his fingers tips somehow hope to extend and reach a the distant ropes! He holds his hand in the air for a moment, but reluctantly begins to tap it on the mat.

*Ding ding ding*

Anderson: Here is your winner, via submission, Matt Tastic!

Matt Tastic immediately releases the hold after the bell rings throughout the arena. His music begins to blare through the PA system as the crowd cheers his hand being raised by the ref. After a short celebration, the ref and Tastic begin checking on Phoenix to see if he needs assistance. The resilient Phoenix gets to his feet quickly and is clearly appreciative to the help that Tastic offers. The veteran raises the hand of the winner and both men take the applause of the crowd

Connor: There you have it, another name added to the list of men who will compete at Kingdom Come IV for the KFAD contract. And a great show of respect between these two here tonight

Cohen: The match looks better and better with each added participant! It's soft behavior like this which is why I'm going to enjoy seeing Matt Tastic getting pummeled in the Chamber!


Ricky Runn is backstage, stretching before his match. Austin Reynolds stands in front and smiles. Ricky kneels to tweak his legs one more time. Austin moves down to his level and looks in his eyes.

"This is it Rick. This is the chance you wanted, that you deserve, this is the time where you show the world that you don't need me out there. Go and give the world a high flying masterclass. Remind those who love you why you are the future and show those who doubt you why that belt means you are one of the best wrestlers in this company."

Austin smiles as he sees a fire in the eyes of his protege.

"The Sons of Destiny have had their faith crushed. Go finish Overlast off so we can focus on stealing the show at Kingdom Come."

Ricky gets up and sprints out of the changing room, he can be heard enthusiastically yelling to himself as he runs away.

"Kids these days...."
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Mick Overlast walks out to loud boos from the crowd with Scott Hammond beside him. They look at the crowd with disdain before heading to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Scott Hammond, Mick Overlast!

Connor: Blade isn’t here tonight after injuries suffered in the Last Man Standing match!

Cohen: The Sons can handle themselves without their leader!

After getting some last minute advice from Hammond, Overlast gets into the ring and looks out at the crowd for a moment.

Ricky Runn emerges onto the stage looking pumped up. Austin Reynolds walks out behind him and gives Runn a quick pat on the back before they head for the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Austin Reynolds, one half of the tag team champions, Ricky Runn!

Runn holds his tag title in the air and locks eyes with Overlast while grinning. Overlast’s face remains expressionless. Runn hands the belt to his tag team partner and the referee calls for the bell. The two men circle each other and tie up in the centre of the ring. Overlast uses his wrestling prowess to bring Runn to the mat with a side headlock takedown. He keeps the headlock on, wrenching the neck of the tag champion. Runn knees Overlast in the back and breaks free. Runn gets up quickly and runs off the ropes and catches Overlast with a headscissors that sends him across the ring. Overlast lands in the corner and uses the ropes to get up and Hammond shouts at him to the do better. Runn smirks as the crowd cheers him on.

Connor: The speed and agility of Runn has caught the Son off guard!

Cohen: This is a wrestling match, not the monkey display in the zoo!

Runn picks up Overlast and dropkicks him, sending Overlast backwards into the corner. Runn charges forward and hits a big monkey flip out of the corner on his opponent. He goes for the first pin of the match, 1… 2… Kick out by Overlast! With Reynolds cheering him on, Runn runs off the ropes and goes for the Rick Roll but Overlast gets his knees up and goes for a quick pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Runn! Overlast kneels over Runn and delivers several right hands to the head until the referee forces him off. Overlast gets up and delivers a sick stomp to the throat of Runn. As Runn clutches his throat, coughing, the referee warns Overlast. Overlast ignores the warning and picks up Runn before slapping on a Dragon Sleeper. Runn thrashes his arms around but Overlast has the Sleeper locked on tight. Reynolds starts pounding the ring apron to will on his team mate, with the crowd clapping in unison with Austin. Runn manages to move forward towards the ropes, bringing Overlast with him. He gets to the ropes and puts his foot on one rope. The referee starts the five count with Overlast showing no sign of letting go. Suddenly, Runn puts his other foot on the rope and uses the bounce to backflip and land behind Overlast. Overlast turns around and Runn attempts an Enziguiri but Overlast ducks under it. Runn lands on his hands and knees and Overlast grabs him around the waist, picks him up and hits a Belly to Back Suplex! He hooks the outside leg, 1… 2… Kick out by Runn!

Cohen: It’s incredible how good the Sons have become under the tutelage of Blade!

Connor: Dear god, why don’t you just start up a Facebook fan page for them!

Cohen: Already have.

Overlast leans back into the ropes before coming forward and dropping a knee across the forehead of Runn. He goes for another quick pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Runn. Overlast remains focused and picks up the champion and whips him at the ropes. Runn returns and Overlast goes for a Tilt-a-Whirl backbreaker but Runn manages to land on his feet and this time nails the Enziguiri perfectly! Overlast is dazed but he gets back up only to get hit with a high angle Dropkick. Overlast gets up again and Runn whips him off the ropes. As Overlast returns, Runn leans forward for a Back Body Drop but Overlast grabs Runn around the waist and lifts him up, hitting a devastating Piledriver! Both the crowd and Reynolds look shocked as Overlast turns Runn over for the pin, 1… 2… Runn gets a shoulder up at the last split second! The frustration begin to show on Overlast’s face, despite Hammond telling him to remain calm. Overlast gets up, bringing Runn up with him and picks him up for a Brainbuster. Runn manages to knee Overlast on the head and drops down behind him. He pushes Overlast forward into the ropes and as Overlast bounces backwards, Runn hits the Ricky Runndown out of nowhere! Runn covers Overlast, 1… 2… The referee stops the count as Hammond gets up on the apron!

Connor: That’s ridiculous! Hammond should be sent to the back!

Cohen: That won’t be necessary, looks like Reynolds is going to deal with him!

Reynolds runs to the other side of the ringside area and pulls Hammond down off the apron as Runn looks on from inside the ring. They begin brawling and Hammond gains the advantage with a knee to Reynold’s gut. Hammond picks him up, going for the London’s calling but Reynolds elbows his way out of it, gets off Hammond’s shoulders and dropkicks him, sending Hammond back first into the ring post! Inside the ring, Runn turns around and Overlast gets him in a small package but Runn shifts his weight and ends up putting Overlast’s shoulder on the mat, 1…. 2…. 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Ricky Runn!

Runn gets up and the referee raises his arms! Reynolds slides into the ring with the tag titles and hands Runn his title. The two men raise their titles to applause from the crowd. Suddenly, Overlast attacks Runn from behind. Before Reynolds can react, Hammond attacks him from behind too. They both grab a tag team title and stand in wait, stalking their rivals. As the tag team champions get up, they’re nailed in the head with their own titles by the Sons of Destiny! Overlast and Hammond look at each and smirk before turning towards the crowd and holding up the tag titles to loud boos.

Connor: Stay classy, Sons…

Cohen: They’re just making a statement! Blade would be proud!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is a qualifying match for KING FOR A DAY, and it is set for one fall!

The crowd roars at the mention of the King for a Day match, but is quick to quieten down, in anticipation of the participants. Then, it hits:


Anderson: Introducing the participants, first, from Keystone City, weighing 225 pounds; THIS...IS...TITUS!

The former two time world champion enters the arena, a grin on his face, he points to the sign for Kingdom Come IV, hanging high above the ring. He nods, intense as the smile drops. He moves down the ramp, high fiving the fans on the way down.

Connor: Titus was extremely unfortunate to be the victim of a returning Michael Winters’ rage, and ultimately that played a role in his elimination.

As Titus climbs high onto the turnbuckle, he keeps his eyes locked on the sign, grinning as he does so.

Connor: Titus seems intent on getting his place at Kingdom, Come IV. Could he stake his claim to become the king?

Cohen: I always thought he was better placed as a court jester.

His eyes still locked, Titus is snapped out of his trance by the change of music, signalling the arrival of his opponent tonight.


Anderson: And his opponent, from the United Kingdom, weighing 261 pounds; BRAD BOMB!

Bomb storms onto the entrance ramp, accompanied by a strong, positive reaction. He grins manically, pleased with the response of the crowd. He keeps his eyes locked on Titus, in contrast to Titus’ own entrance where he focused on the Kingdom Come sign. He slaps some fans hands, but moves at a fast rate, quick into the ring.

Cohen: Bomb looks focused. I’m going to go on the record and say I’m picking him to win this.

Connor: Perhaps, but Titus is resourceful and crafty enough to make it. This is a fact.

Entering the ring, Bomb poses for a moment, acknowledging the crowd, but he is swift to stand toe-to-toe with Titus. They lock eyes, Titus smiling the entire time. Bomb’s face has dropped into an intense look. The referee signals for the match to begin. Despite the bell sounding, neither man moves except for their mouths, trash talking, as the crowd offers a split reaction over these two fan favourites. Titus looks at the Kingdom Come sign once again, pointing at it, letting Bomb know that this is what’s about. Bomb nods, and lets Titus have it with a strong right hand! Staggering back, Titus is a tad shocked, but is quick to reply with a stiff kick to the thigh of Bomb. Dropping to one knee, Bomb is open for a variety of kicks which Titus unloads on him, knocking him to the mat. Titus goes for a quick cover. 1...KICK-OUT! Bomb’s power is the main talking point of the kick-out, throwing Titus considerably far in the air. Titus charges at Bomb, taking him down with a clothesline. Bomb is back to his feet very quickly though, and so they repeat the process. Titus again is quick to the cover. 1...KICK-OUT! Again Titus is thrown off rather than anything else. He sees Bomb in position for the Tit Drop! He takes a run up and looks to deliver the finisher already, but the larger man counters the attempt into a nasty spinebuster. He falls into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Connor: Looks like we’ll be seeing a game of speed vs. power here.

Bomb rises, bringing Titus along with him. He whips the Oscar winner into the corner, and runs at him, executing splash. Titus falls to the mat, and Bomb attempts another cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! He gets to his feet and decides to stand on Titus’ back, using the ropes for additional leverage. Simple, yet brutal. Titus screams in pain as the full force of another human being comes down on top of him. The referee gets to four on his count and Bomb is forced to break. He lifts Titus up again, and drops him with a sidewalk slam. Cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Bomb shakes his head, and once more goes back to pure force, unleashing forearms across the prone Titus’ back. He decides that enough is enough and that he’s going to end this one quick. Getting up, Bomb signals the end is near, and places Titus in position for a powerbomb. After a slight delay, Bomb hoists Titus up high. Looking to spin 180 degrees for the full execution of Detonator, it costs him, as he goes to slam forward. You see, Titus uses Bomb’s own momentum to deliver a hurricanrana! He holds on for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Cohen: Why does Titus continue to prolong his eventual demise?

Connor: Perhaps because Titus wants to win?

Both men are dazed, but both are attempting to get up. Titus is slightly quicker and subsequently it allows him to charge at Bomb. However, Bomb seems to have it scouted, looking to drill the veteran with a hard boot. Titus is clever though, and senses it coming, ducking underneath; he uses the ropes for a springboard, executing a Kesagiri chop. This causes Bomb to stagger a little, opening the door for Titus to hit a bulldog. The ex-Red Mask looks to hit the move, but Bomb counters, keeping a hold of Titus as he tries to will the 261 pounder forward. Bomb counters the move into an atomic drop, before clattering into Titus forcing him back into the corner. Keeping himself close to Titus, Bomb throws a couple of shots into Titus’ kidney’s, making sure he wears the former champion down, but also allowing himself to recover from Titus’ flurry. Eventually, Bomb backs himself out of the corner, allowing him to build enough space between himself and Titus to simply charge, looking to deliver a thunderous splash. However, Titus drops out of the way, looking to execute a victory roll. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Bomb looks enraged by this and looks to regain dominance, bouncing off the ropes for some sort of vicious move. At the same time, Titus is looking to hit something big, and capitalise on the possible momentum swing, so he bounces off the opposite ropes. They come together in the centre, Titus hoping to hit a crossbody, and Bomb hoping to hit a big clothesline. They nearly mirror each other, so much so in fact that the crack heads, both men crumpling into a heap! The arena, in unison, groan at the sound of the thud.

Connor: Oh my, I felt that!

Cohen: I think everyone did CC.

After the referee checks to see both men are fine and able to continue, the crowd begins to chant for Titus. Then, the crowd decides to chant for Bomb. They begin going back and forth, willing both men to their feet, hoping that their respective candidate rises to the moment. It is Titus who is up first, and smashes Bomb back to the mat with a stern kick to the back of the head. Titus remains on his feet, but staggers to a corner. He is obviously partially drained due to the punishment he has received, but, for the umpteenth time tonight, he looks at the Kingdom Come IV sign, nods and ascends the turnbuckle. He points at the prone Bomb, seeking to deliver a Tit Drop from the top rope! He flies through the air (with the greatest of ease), but Bomb is quick to respond to upcoming threat, and instinct kicks in, grabbing the former movie star, and nailing him with a powerbomb! He is quick to a cover. It appears to be all over. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The arena is stunned, but happy at the same time, wanting to see this battle of wills continue. Bomb is obviously livid with this and questions the referees competence immediately following the kick-out. He insists it was a three count, but the referee stands by his decision. Bomb, rather than taking it out of the ref, channels his fury, turning it on Titus, whom he lifts in position for a Detonator. This time, delivers it with precision, before hooking Titus’ legs. 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, and a participant in King for a Day; BRAD BOMB!

Cohen: See, I told you!

Bomb rises to his feet, standing tall. Much like Titus has throughout the match, he looks at the Kingdom Come IV sign. He points at it and signals that he’ll wear some gold around his waist soon. Titus lies on the mat, conquered for now. He is clearly in some discomfort having just tasted the powerful finisher of Bomb. Brad offers the veteran a hand, which Titus takes. Bomb lifts him to his feet, and offers him some applause, which the crowd joins in with. Titus offers Bomb some words of encouragement ahead of the biggest match of his career at Kingdom Come.

Connor: Some respect shown here by Brad Bomb. He knows Titus went through one hell of a beating and nearly managed to even take the win.

Cohen: Maybe he would’ve taken the win if it weren’t for his obsession with our Kingdom Come sign.

Cohen’s words seem to signal Bomb’s departure from the ring as Titus looks up at the sign, deep in thought.


A mysterious man walks in the shadows of the backstage corridor. A large hat covers most of his face but the mass of humanity that surrounds him is ignorant to his presence anyway.

"As always, an interesting take on the social structure of man. We are so similar to the animals. Insects, birds, we are just like them all really."

He walks away from the hive of activity backstage, invisible in his departure as he was on arrival.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Elite Championship!


Triple X emerges from the back with a pint full of energy. The crowd eats it up as he runs from side to side on the entrance stage. He returns to the middle and raises his arms up in the form of a “X.” The camera shows several members of the crowd mimicking the gesture.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds, Triple X!

X slaps hands of fans as he makes his way to the ring. He enters it and begins to work the crowd as his music continues to play.

Connor: I don’t think I have ever seen a star that has risen as fast as Triple X. He went from appearing on Aftershock, to being a premier superstar in the Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: It is all hype Sarah, Triple X is a fad. The flavor of the month, nothing more.


Cohen: Now, you want to talk about the real deal?

Steven Holmes slowly steps out from the back with the WZCW Elite Championship draped over his shoulder. Constantine is with him as Holmes gives him verbal direction as they make their way to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Buckingham, England, weighing 235 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite Champion, Steven Holmes!

The crowd tunes up their chorus of boos as Holmes pays them no attention.

Connor: Well, Holmes was certainly no stranger last night whenever he made a pit stop on Meltdown.

Dave grabs hold of his arm and drags him up to his feet before suddenly lifting him up for the Stamp of Authority! Constantine struggles against the hold and desperately grabs for the ropes. Holmes suddenly jumps from his chair and onto the apron, grabbing hold of Constantine's arm and pulling him to the ropes. The ref gets in Holmes' face, warning him not to interfere as Dave lets go of Constantine. Dave faces off with Holmes but Holmes points behind Dave. As Dave turn, Constantine pops up and lifts him, delivering a devastating Axis of Evil! He hooks the leg, 1..........2.........3!

Cohen: Look at that. Steven Holmes is always looking out for his friends. Constantine wouldn’t be one step closer to a world title if it were not for Holmes.

Holmes, with much hesitance, hands over the Elite title to the referee, who raises the belt into the air. The crowd pipes up at this gesture as he hands it off to a ring side official. Constantine is at ringside as the ref sounds for the bell.

X and Holmes step up to each other in the middle of the ring. The two men size each other up as Holmes forms a smug grin upon his face. X decides to be the bigger man and holds out his hand for a handshake. Holmes looks at the hand and looks out to the crowd who seem to be cheering X’s gesture. Holmes pulls his head back and musters up a large ccumulation of mucus in his throat. With the curl of his lips, a huge spit ball flies directly into the hand of X.

X looks absolutely disgusted as turns his hand upside down and watches the saliva drip down from his palm. He looks at Holmes in a disgusted look, but is met in return with a punch to the face. X steps back from the impact, but has little time to recover as Holmes fires with another, and another, and now X is backed up to the ropes. Holmes grabs X’s arm and whips him to the other side. Momentum carries X into the ropes on the other side and he bounces back. Holmes attempts to club the returning superstar, but X ducks the maneuver and jumps up onto the second rope. He spins around and hits a flying chuck kick to the head of Holmes!

The crisp sounding kick sends chills down the spine as Holmes topples over onto the mat. X immediately goes for the cover. 1….Kick Out! X sits on his knees as he deciphers what he needs to do in order to put the champion down.

Connor: An intense start to an intense match.

Cohen: Beginner’s luck.

X picks up the downed champion and proceeds to tuck the head underneath his right arm. X prepares to execute a DDT, but Holmes stalls the move! X tries to force the move again, but to no avail. Holmes pulls his head out from the hook and grapples X around the waist. X struggles, but before he can counter he is being thrown via a belly-to-belly suplex! X hits the mat and grips his back in pain as Holmes stirs up to his feet and follows up on the rising superstar. Holmes grapples from behind and executes a belly-back suplex on an off-guard X.

Holmes rises to his feet triumphantly as he pushes his hair back. The crowd lets him know that they are not pleased with his current edge in the match. Holmes walks over to the side of the ring where Constantine is standing on the outside. Holmes seems to be instructing Constantine to do something, but Constantine is reluctant to do it. The ref notices this interaction and quickly goes to break it up. Holmes is rather pissed at the ref as he tells him to get back to the match. He gives Constantine an earful, despite Constantine telling him that he wasn’t doing anything.

Holmes returns to X, who is now on his knees and draped on the second rope. Holmes grapples the head of the kneeling superstar and brings him to his feet. X quickly finds himself locked into a standing sleeper hold via Holmes! X begins beating wildly on the forearms of Holmes as the crowd cheers him on in denial of the end.

Cohen: Good night Mr. X!

Connor: This is a move that Holmes uses far too often to subdue his opponents. Even if it doesn’t directly bring about a victory, he almost always drains the opponent to a point where they can’t physically finish the match.

X finally stops flailing his arms wildly and decides to reach up and grab a handful of Holme’s hair! Holmes screams in pain ax X pulls on the air of the aristocratic man.

Connor: I guess you have to do anything you can to win.

Cohen: Are you kidding me? That is completely barbaric!

X begins twisting the hair of Holmes and forces him to let go of the sleeper hold and physically turns him around via twisting his hair. X uses this new position to execute a neckbreaker on Holmes. Holmes hits the mat hard as he grips his sore scalp. X crawls over to the downed man and goes for another pin attempt, 1….Kick Out! X quickly pushes himself up to his feet, but then drops down an elbow into the face of Holmes. He repeats this process and smashes another elbow into the face of Holmes. X goes for the cover again, 1….2.Kick Out!

X stands up this time and opts to perform his signature move, X-Press. He positions himself in front of the grounded Holmes and hits a standing moonsault! Holmes grips his stomach in pain as X recovers to his feet to complete the signature combo with a standing shooting star splash. He goes air bourn, but comes down on top of a pair of knees! Holmes was able to tuck in his knees and now X is rubbing his sternum in pain on the ground. Holmes reaches out for a nearby bottom rope and begins to pull himself up. Constantine is on the other side of the ring, but begins to walk over to where Holmes is.

Constantine checks on Holmes, while the ref checks on X. Holmes tells Constantine that he has a plan to finish off X for good. He proceeds to reach inside of his tights and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. The crowd begins to boo as they see what Holmes is doing on the titantron. Constantine tries to reason with Holmes, but Holmes defiantly stands up with the brass knuckles on his fist. Holmes begins to walk over to X, but the ref turns around and sees Holmes with the brass knuckles. The ref looks at Holmes and asks what the hell is going on? Holmes is at a loss for words as he slowly backs into a turnbuckle as the referee points at Holmes conedemningly. Holmes quickly takes off the brass knuckles and tosses them outside into the hands of Constantine. Holmes then proceeds to blame the entire situation on Constantine.

Constantine looks up with a confused look, but the ref has made a decision. The ref points at Constantine and clinches his fist. He shoots his fist into the air and points to the back. He yells, “you are out of here!” The crowd pops huge at this as all of them are on their feet. Constantine tries to argue his case, but the ref will have none of it. Finally, Constantine backs down and begins to make his way up the ramp.

Cohen: Thank god. Constantine’s plan almost cost Holmes the match.

Connor: Oh please! At least now we will have a fair fight!

Holmes brushes off the event and walks over to X, who is still gripping his sternum from the earlier move. Holmes grapples the head of X and pulls him to his knees. Holmes sends a high knee directly into the sternum of X. X spits out what appears to be blood as he gasps for air. Holmes decides to pull X up from there and sets him up for the Imperial Impaler!

Cohen: Constantine or no Constantine! Steven Holmes is still elite.

Holmes holds onto X in an inverted position as the crowd boos him heavily. Finally, he drops to his knees and executes his finisher, the Imperial Impaler! X’s head hits hard on the mat as he is now sprawled out. Holmes goes for the cover,


Holmes doesn’t hear the last slam on the mat from the ref as he looks up from the cover. The crowd is deafening as he looks out into the audience. He looks over at the ref who seems to be looking towards the direction of X’s feet. Holmes looks over and sees the worst image that he could ever see. Big Dave is standing on the outside with his hands on X’s foot, which is now resting on the bottom rope.

Holmes stands up and yells at the referee to sound the bell and call the DQ! The referee looks down at Holmes, then at Dave, then at the roaring crowd. He proceeds to turn around towards the announcer’s booth, but instead of calling for the bell, he puts his hands behind his back and whistles into the air casually. Miraculously, the crowd becomes even louder!

Holmes’ face turns blood red as he runs over to where Dave is and begins swinging at him from over the top rope. Dave watches him from below as he smiles and takes a few steps back. Holmes is absolutely furious as Dave begins to slowly walk up the entrance ramp. All of this has camouflaged a crawling X who has made his way behind a fuming Holmes. A quick hook in-between the legs and Holmes feels his feet escape from underneath him. His back hits the mat as his legs curl over his torso, preventing him from escaping his position.


Anderson: Here is your winner, and new WZCW Elite “X” Champion, Triple X!

X pulls away from the roll-up as the crowd is jumping up and down. Holmes rolls onto his stomach as he clinches his hair in disbelief. We see the ref bringing X the belt as he grabs it and exits the ring underneath the bottom rope. He jumps up onto the barricade and dives into the crowd while clenching the WZCW Elite Championship to his chest!

Connor: Oh my gosh! Cohen , can you believe this? Cohen? Can you speak?!?

We see a shocked Cohen sitting at the announcer's table. Holmes is staring at the entrance ramp as Dave smiles and exits through the back.


We cut back from commercial break to see Anderson standing in the middle of the ring as the crowd has managed to calm down with a microphone in hand.

Anderson: In a few moments, the Empty Arena match will be taking place. We would like everyone in the arena to evacuate so WZCW personnel can lock-down the arena.

The crowd becomes excited once more as the security and ushers begin leading people to the exits. The arena is moving quickly to become empty.

Cohen: Haha, suckers!

Connor: We've got to leave too, Jack.

Cohen: Wait, what?

Before Cohen can defend his position, the security escorts both Connors and Cohen out with some resistance by Jack. We go to another commercial break as we have a lot of sponsors to fit in our ad breaks this week so we can increase the money of our alcohol fund: with the arena slowly emptying out of the stadium.
We cut back from the commercial break to see that everyone has evacuated the arena, all standing in the parking lot cheering as the overhead camera set-up outside pans over the huge crowd. The entire area is completely fenced off guarded by security with a temporary stage set up. Selena Anderson stands in the center with a huge titantron screen behind her. To the far left of the stage are our commentators Cat Connor and Jack Cohen, with Cohen looking disgruntled after moving to the outside.

Connor: Welcome everyone back to Ascension and as you can see, WZCW has left the building as we prepare for the upcoming Empty Arena match for the EurAsian championship.

Cohen: I still don't understand why we had to leave the arena. How do we call the match from out here?

Connor: We don't, Jack: it's an Empty Arena match. We aren't supposed to be commentating at all as we are supposed to just sit back and enjoy... although we'll need to explain the rules. Would you do the honors?

Cohen: What's there to explain? These two guys are entering a locked arena to beat the crap out of each other. It's a no rules, unsanctioned environment where apparently a referee is allowed to oversee the action.

Connor: There will be no pinfalls, submissions, count-outs or disqualifications: only the referee's discretion as to when the match stops. This match is going to be brutal... okay, I'm hearing over my headpiece that we are about to start the proceedings.

We switch to Anderson who is ready to introduce the next match.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen: it is now time for the Empty Arena match for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!

The crowd goes wild as the titantron behind Anderson shows the empty arena where a single referee is positioned in the middle of the ring and only two doors on opposite ends of the arena are open. For a moment, there is nothing happening until Chris K.O. walks through the first set of days, taking a deep breath and making his way down to the arena floor. He gets a mixed reaction from the crowd outside. Dragon is the next to come out and holds his EurAsian belt in one hand and a full cigarette in his mouth. K.O. stops for a moment as Dragon shows his title, garnering a good response from the outside crowd. The two men walk down the steps as the crowd outside goes wild.

Connor: For those of you watching this at home, this is where we cut the feed from the outside end and you will be taken directly into the arena via the camera's. So this is goodbye for now until the end of the match.


We transition from watching the titantron screen outside to a full screen shot via the camera's of the arena inside where K.O. has hopped over the barricade, sliding into the ring with Dragon nearly at the floor. He too climbs over the railing and getting into the ring. The referee takes the belt and shows it to a non-existent audience. Dragon and K.O. look at the referee weirdly as he puts the belts on the announcer's table and comes back into the ring. He addresses both men.

Referee: Let me clear about this gentlemen: I am man who is overseeing this fight and I will determine when it will end and in who's favor. I will end this match when one of you are physically unable to compete. Otherwise, there are no other rules and you can do whatever you want: just make sure you don't assault the cameramen or myself. Okay?

Both men nod in agreement. The referee signals for the match to start by telling both men to square off. He backs off from the two men as K.O. and Dragon stare at each other for a moment.

Dragon takes the cigarette out of his mouth, ashing it out of the ring before putting it back in his mouth. He tells K.O. to bring it but is a little hesitant as Dragon is still smoking. He comes at Dragon and the two men lock-up in the center of the ring. K.O. gets the better of Dragon and pushes him into the corner but Dragon exhales the smoke into K.O.'s face, blinding him for a bit that allows Dragon to push K.O. off of him and out of the lock-up. Dragon grabs the lit cigarette out of his mouth and burns K.O. on the check, causing K.O. to swing wildly and smack Dragon across the face to stun him for a moment. K.O. asks the referee for some water but he says there is none. As he goes over to check the announcer's booth, Dragon has slid out of the ring and has found himself a fire extinguisher under the ring. He un-clips it and heads over to K.O. who has found a Jack Cohen's water bottle and is about to pour it on his wound but Dragon sprays the extinguisher in the face of K.O. He keeps going until the can runs out, making a huge mess of the arena floor with K.O. completely blinded. Dragon runs at K.O. and smacks him in the face with the extinguisher as hard as he can, knocking him down to the ground. Dragon removes the object and looks at the referee, throwing his hands up in the air at the referee. He comes over and checks on K.O. and says that he's still able to compete.

K.O. slowly sits up, trying to wipe off the foam from his face. Dragon gets a bit impatient and drags him, lifting him up to hit a neckbreaker on the floor. K.O. clutches the back of his head from the whiplash as Dragon gets up, looking around for what he can do. He looks underneath the ring to check what he has to work with but is unamused as he can't find what he wants. He goes around all four sides until he pulls out a kendo stick from the fourth side. He smiles as he goes over to K.O. who has almost recovered from the neckbreaker, using the announcer's table to get up. Dragon comes over and takes a swing but K.O. evades the contact. Dragon turns around and is met with a European uppercut by K.O., disarming Dragon. He follows up with a dropkick to Dragon, sending him into the barricades. K.O. gets up and immediately runs at Dragon, hitting a running knee strike on Dragon. He hits a couple more standing knee strikes before he moves back. He goes to run once more but something catches his eye. He goes behind the announcer's desk and grabs a wheelie chair. He goes to the opposite barricade of Dragon and runs as fast he can at Dragon with the wheelie chair. At the last second, K.O. leap frogs over the chair and hits a flying spinning wheel kick into Dragon. K.O. hits Dragon first, then the chair collides into both men. K.O. shakes his head and tries getting up with Dragon taking a bit longer to recover. The referee checks out on Dragon for a quick second before backing off.

K.O. is up and grabs the kendo stick that Dragon had in mind from earlier. He goes over to Dragon as he is about to get to his feet and connects across the back of Dragon. His body shows pain but Dragon stays silent. K.O. begins wildly swinging with the kendo stick, hitting Dragon in random spots who shows his increasing pain but doesn't let K.O. hear it. For some reason, this begins to agitate K.O. and is becoming visible in his face. He discards the kendo stick and looks under the ring, pulling out the first thing he can find: a toolbox. He waits for Dragon to get to his feet, running at him and knocking him down once more with a toolbox. The box spills open, revealing an assortment of weapons across the floor. The one that interests K.O. the most is the wrench/spanner and he picks it up. Without K.O. knowing, Dragon is able to conceal some left-over metal piping as he tries getting to a vertical base. K.O. goes to whack Dragon but he brings up the pipe, blocking the attack and smacking K.O. across the wrist. It disarms K.O. and puts him in a lot of pain as Dragon smacks K.O. across the stomach with the pipe. He drops to his knees as Dragon drop the weapon before tossing K.O. over the barricade into a stack of empty chairs. The landing is nowhere soft but K.O. manages to not collapse the enter set of chairs and rests on all of them. As he tries getting out of the tangled mess, Dragon grabs two chairs from over the barricade, setting up one near the barricades and carrying the other in hand. He creates some distance and runs at the chair, using it to launch him onto the barricade and then launch himself at K.O., putting the chair underneath his legs to perform a leg drop, with the chair connecting into K.O.'s body. Both men crash and are on the floor, trying to move as the referee jumps over to check out both men. He thoroughly checks to see if there is any major damage but neither men display any significant injuries and are still responsive. The referee allows the match to continue despite both men taking their time to find their feet.

Dragon is the first to get on his knees, using nearby chairs to aid in getting to a vertical stance. Chris is still recovering but eventually exits the crash site and crawls through the chairs, trying to create some distance. Dragon is up and spots the falling chairs as K.O. continues to crawl, going over to him to deliver a few kicks on him before picking him up. He grabs K.O. by the hair, delivering a few stiff forearms before throwing him forward, near the stairs to ascend the arena. K.O. uses the railing to get up as Dragon goes for a roundhouse kick. K.O. evades and Dragon kicks the metal railing instead, causing him to hold his leg. K.O. quickly grabs the leg, sweeps Dragon's other leg and it drops him, allowing K.O. to lock in a single leg crab on the injuried foot. K.O. torques the foot specifically, causing pain in Dragon's foot. K.O. wrenches as much as he can as Dragon tries find something to break up the hold but nothing is in range. He does not scream but his arms flailing indicates the pain is there. The referee comes over to check on Dragon just in case. Dragon decides to crawl up towards the stairs, doing his best to try and trip K.O. but he keeps up by going up the stairs with him. Eventually, K.O. stops the submisson, turns around with the leg still in his hand and drags Dragon up the steps in a rough fashion. They get to the next section where K.O. picks up Dragon then grabs his bad leg again. Dragon is hopping around as K.O. tries to twist the leg but Dragon beats him by jumping up and hitting an enzuigiri, dazing K.O. enough to make him trip and fall down the stairs. He doesn't go far but enough to cause a lot of damage to K.O. and far enough for Dragon retrieving K.O. to be an effort. The referee checks on K.O. and is hesitant to say the match is still good to go.

Dragon finds a nearby chair bolted into the ground and sits on it, pulling out a cigarette from his pants and lighting it up. He rests his foot for a moment, smoking to relieve any stress he has as K.O. is slow to move, doing his best to crawl up the stairs to Dragon. It takes a lot less than Dragon expected for K.O. to near him and he reluctantly discards the cigarette, getting up and limping over to K.O. to try and pick him up. When he does, K.O. delivers a low-blow to Dragon who grabs his crotch and falls to his knees. K.O., as quickly as he can, gets to a vertical base and goes for the Butterfly Effect. He tries hooking the arms of Dragon but he doesn't seem to budge. Dragon then flips over K.O. to evade the attack... but K.O manages to switch his position mid-air and go behind Dragon instead, clutching his waist to try and hit a German suplex. The two men struggle with Dragon trying to escape but begins moving backwards to ram K.O. into something. However, Dragon's foot gives way, causing both men to fall over backwards near the edge of the arena sitting area. The two men are slow to get to their feet but get up at the exact same time, trading blows with each other near a huge drop to where electrical equipment are seen below. The two men continue hitting until K.O. gets an advantage with knee strike, setting up the German suplex once more but this time with intentions to land on the equipment below. Dragon manages to struggle out of it with elbows, causing K.O. to fall back on the ledge that separates the drop from where they are standing. Dragon thinks about pushing K.O. off but instead grabs an unbolted chair, smacking K.O. in the head and back rapidly until K.O. is not moving. The referee goes over to check K.O. but Dragon pushes the referee out of the way, blocking him from making a call. Before the referee can respond, Dragon hops onto the ledge and picks up K.O. He lifts him up into his finisher Darkness Falls and drops K.O. off the ledge face first. The massive tables breaks K.O.'s fall but the electrical equipment blows up, sending explosions everywhere and sparks flying.

The referee sees this and is in shock at what happens, pulling out a radio from his belt and calling some staff for assistance, calling the match over. As he gets down to the arena floor as fast as possible and goes over to the fenced off entrance way with a key in hand to allow the EMT's to walk in, Dragon stares at what he has done without a single bit of remorse on his face. He turns away as the referee's, EMT's and other staff on hand try to disconnect the power and retrieve K.O. from the wreckage. They manage to quickly stop the continued electrical surge and remove K.O. from the crash, strapping him to a stretcher. The referee looks around for Dragon but he has disappeared, along with his EurAsian title belt that the referee place on the announcer's desk.


We transition back to where the members of the crowd are almost in shock as to what happened with some cheering that K.O has been taken apart. The feed cuts off from the titantron with the crowd discussing as to what will happen to K.O. and where Dragon went. Anderson is being told via headpiece something for her to announce.

Anderson: Since Chris K.O. is unable to compete, the winner of the match and still WZCW EurAsian Champion; Black Dragon!

The crowd does cheer for the winner but not for long nor loud as the security begins moving everyone back inside again.

Connor: I hope Chris is alright: the poor kid's taken a lot of abuse this week.

Cohen: And it looks like we're being exposed to a side of Black Dragon we've never seen before. I'm still indifferent about him though... he could of ended it there and then but he decided to opt for a huge finish.

Connor: He must want to make a statement to the Chaos that he doesn't want any part of them anymore. He was dragged into the fight and now he has found a way out... speaking of which, we've got to move.

Cohen: Again? Can't we stay out here...
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Showtime struts out to the top of the stage, the crowd booing to a deafening pitch already. A smirk forms on Show's face as he walks slowly down the entrance ramp, sliding into the ring and hopping to the second turnbuckle, flexing and showing off before lifting his arm up into the air.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 213 lbs, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Showtime was in the final four of the Lethal Lottery, lasting until he was eliminated by his hated rival Ty Burna. Tonight he faces the World Champion Steven Kurtesy, hoping to make an impact tonight!

Cohen: Showtime is one of the premier wrestlers in WZCW. Steven Kurtesy lucked into the World Title. I'm putting my money with the man who has ended careers.

The crowd rises and begins cheering loudly as Steven Kurtesy walks slowly out onto the top of the stage, the WZCW World Heavyweight Title wrapped around his waist. He bows to the crowd before making his way down the ramp, high fiving fans the whole time. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, unstrapping the title from his waist and placing it gently on the mat before bowing once more to the crowd to another pop. He picks up the title and hands it to the referee before turning towards Showtime, a focused look flashing across his face.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 228 lbs, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Professor Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: Last night Steven Kurtesy stopped the brutal assault on Celeste Crimson. But first he faces Showtime tonight, and next week he's in a gauntlet match against all of the Apostles of Chaos!

Cohen: Normally I would be in favor of throwing your weight around, but this is getting ridiculous CC. Ty is softening up Steven Kurtesy a week at a time until there's nothing left for KC.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up. Showtime gains advantage and gets a waistlock, suddenly rolling up Kurtesy for a pin attempt, 1......2....Kurtesy kicks out! Kurtesy is up to his feet quickly but Showtime delivers a picture perfect dropkick, sending Kurtesy to the mat and to the outside. Showtime poses in the ring to another round of boos from the crowd. Showtime slides out of the ring and stomps away at Kurtesy before lifting him up. He connects with a hard right and goes for yet another but Kurtesy blocks it and counters with a right hand of his own. He knocks Showtime back before going for a rolling spin kick. Showtime moves out of the way and Kurtesy's leg slams hard into the steel post. Kurtesy yells out in pain as Showtime watches intently. The ref leans out of the ropes to check on Kurtesy but Showtime waves him off, grabbing hold of Kurtesy's leg and slamming it once more into the steel step. The ref warns Showtime to get it back in the ring. Showtime obliges and tosses Kurtesy in, but not before pulling Kurtesy to the corner and slamming the leg one more time into the post before bending the leg against the post. Showtime slides into the ring and stomps at the leg before dragging Kurtesy to the middle of the ring, applying a leg lock. Kurtesy tries to struggle out of the hold but Showtime has it locked in solid.

Connor: Kurtesy is in big trouble early. Showtime is now targeting that injured leg.

Cohen: Kurtesy got reckless on the outside, and now he's paying the price. This match shouldn't take much longer.

Kurtesy begins raining down elbows onto Showtime's leg, finally getting Showtime to release the hold and kicks him away. Showtime is quick to the attack again but Kurtesy kicks him off with his good leg before rolling up onto his feet, limping on the bad leg. Showtime goes for a kick to the midsection but Kurtesy catches it before twisting Show's leg with a Dragon Screw. Now Showtime is holding his knee, but Kurtesy hits a stiff kick to the side of the head as Showtime sits up. Kurtesy lifts Showtime to his feet, hitting a knee to the midsection before sending him into the ropes. This time he connects with his rolling savate kick, dropping Showtime to the mat. Kurtesy however remains on the ground, holding his leg in immense pain. He backs up into the ropes and pulls himself to a standing position, Showtime does the same. Showtime rushes towards Kurtesy but Kurtesy back body drops him over the ropes and to the outside! Showtime lands on his feet however and trips Kurtesy face first into the mat. Kurtesy quickly spins and tries to kick Showtime away but Showtime slides into the ring to avoid it. He lifts Kurtesy up but Kurtesy suddenly grabs hold of Showtime's head and hits the Prescription Sedated! He covers Showtime, 1.......2........Showtime kicks out!

Connor: Somehow, someway, Kurtesy is fighting through the pain and is keeping Showtime off his feet.

Cohen: It'll catch up soon CC. He can't avoid Showtime forever in this match and soon Showtime will drop him.

Kurtesy struggles to his feet, holding his bad leg in the air slightly as he stands in the corner, watching Showtime intently. Showtime pulls himself back up, only to be backed into the ropes and whipped across. Kurtesy goes for a simple clothesline but Show ducks under and turns around, hitting a low chop block on the bad leg. Kurtesy collapses from the chop, grasping his leg. Showtime however flips him over and grabs his legs. Kurtesy struggles but can't get out of it as Showtime locks in the Commercial Break! Kurtesy yells out in pain as he reaches desperately for the ropes. Showtime sits down into the hold, forcing Kurtesy to carry all of his weight across the ring. Kurtesy inches closer and closer, just inches from the ropes. He yells out once more as he lifts his hand, ready to tap but pulls it back down. The crowd begins chanting Kurtesy's name and with one final effort he bursts forward and grabs the ropes. Showtime remains sitting on the hold until 4 before releasing it. Showtime doesn't let Kurtesy rest, grabbing him and tossing him into the corner. He hits a hard clothesline before lifting Kurtesy up onto the top rope. Showtime climbs up and sets Kurtesy up for the Final Act, but Kurtesy is able to hit a few elbows before a hard headbutt sends Showtime crashing to the mat below! The crowd pops loudly as Kurtesy gains his balance, turning his back towards Showtime and preparing his moonsault. Suddenly a cloaked figure comes running out from the crowd, clipping Kurtesy's leg out from him. Kurtesy drops and gets hung in a tree of woe position, his head bouncing off the bottom turnbuckle. The ref immediately calls for the bell as the cloaked figure begins stomping away at Kurtesy before pressing his foot against his throat.

Connor: The Apostles have struck again!

Cohen: It was bound to happen CC. You knew Ty wouldn't let Kurtesy's interference last week go unpunished.

The cloaked figure stands over the trapped Kurtesy, before lifting the hood and revealing Mister Alhazred. S.H.I.T. makes his way out of the crowd and enters the ring as well. Alhazred pulls Kurtesy from the corner and throws him towards S.H.I.T. He gets dropped with his own finisher, Solitary, followed by the submission Confinement. As Kurtesy struggles to breath, Alhazred presses his foot against the back of Kurtesy's head, forcing his throat down onto his own arms. The lights suddenly go out as the booing reaches a defeaning pitch. They turn back on and Ty Burna stands in the center of the ring in front of Kurtesy, a chair in hand. He motions for Alhazred and S.H.I.T. to move as he delivers a punishing shot to the injured leg. Kurtesy screams in pain as Ty begins delivering shot after shot before wrapping the chair around Kurtesy's leg. Alhazred slides in another chair to Ty, who notices that Showtime has gotten back to his feet. Ty turns towards him and the two rivals stare each other down. Ty holds his hand out to Showtime. Showtime stares down at it before looking back up to Ty. The crowd is booing loudly as Showtime begins to extend his hand.

Connor: Showtime....he can't be seriously joining the Apostles can he?

Cohen: The Apostles would be unstoppable with Showtime fighting alongside Ty!

Showtime's hand stops as he withdraws it. He shakes his head and washes his hands of it, exiting the ring as the crowd gives Showtime an unexpected pop. The camera returns back to Ty, his head lowered and anger obvious on his face. He turns towards Kurtesy and lifts the chair up, slamming the chair right onto the chair wrapped around Kurtesy's leg. Kurtesy is out from the punishment, yet the chair shot wakes him up as he slides away from the chair, holding his leg in pain. Alhazred and S.H.I.T. enter the ring again and lift Kurtesy up, holding him back as Ty stands directly in front of Kurtesy, a sinister laughter escaping the Meltdown GM. Kurtesy is barely conscious as Ty gloats over the damage done. Ty backs up as the two Apostles shove Kurtesy forward and Ty hits a devastating Consecrated Banishment! Kurtesy is crumpled in a heap as the lights dim, Ty and the Apostles standing tall as boos ring out from around the entire arena as Ascension goes off the air.
Who wrote what:

Blade - Mick Overlast vs. Ricky Runn
Funkay - Titus vs. Brad Bomb
Kermit - Steven Holmes vs Triple X, Phoenix vs. Matt Tastic
Falkon - Chris K.O. vs. Black Dragon, Backstage
Showtime - Opening
Ty - Showtime vs. Steven Kurtesy

Rep these gentlemen handsomely for their work. Aftershock will be soon.

However, it is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that Blade will be leaving the Creative Team. He's been on Creative for quite some time, and we couldn't have reached the levels we have without him. From everyone on Creative we thank him for everything that he has done and the amazing amount of work he has put into the fed. He truly deserves a round of applause and he will be missed in the Creative Room.
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