Ascension 41

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management


Ascension begins and Barbosa is already in the middle of the ring with the WZCW Heavyweight Championship in one hand and a mic in the other. The crowd gives a mixed response mostly of boos. Barbosa looks around at the audience and then lifts the mic to speak.

Manic: This is for you Pride of Toyota.

Barbosa falls to his knees and buries his face in the title belt as the crowd boos loudly. Barbosa continues to cry for joy in the ring until his hand strikes his face and he regain his composure and stands up again to speak.

The crowd boos loudly as a different Barbosa takes over.

Smoker: Most of you probably think we are a little crazy.

On the last round of shows before All or Nothing, with ourselves already contracted to a match at All or Nothing against Titus, we cash in and defeat the champion Big Dave, who is scheduled to face the man who won number 1 contender back at Unscripted, Gordito. Now we stand as champion with three possible contenders we could defend the title against at All or Nothing.

Depressive: The odds couldn’t have been more in our favour at the time of Meltdown. Five men plus Big Dave lay still in and around the ring. The men who beat them down returned to the back, tired and exhausted from their efforts. Titus disposed of and Showtime absent. All that stood in our way was a fallen and defenseless champion. That was our plan and so is this.

Barbosa holds up a white paper.

Depressive: As written in our contract we are only required to defend a WZCW title once a show. Therefore the chose as to who we defend against is ours. We went all in and now we leave two with nothing and soon all three.

The crowd boos as Barbosa paces around in the ring.

Smoker: So the question is who do we want to face? We could allow Dave to have his rematch at All or Nothing. There’s a good chance that he suffered some sort of injury at Meltdown, however there is the chance that a rematch so soon after defeat could invoke some inner strength and will from him. Titus has been a small thorn in our side for the past couple of months and deserves more than he got at Meltdown, but if we don’t fight him at All or Nothing, then we don’t ever have to fight him. So that leaves Gordito, who we have faced many times and have steamrolled over many times. We could sidestep him as well, but it’s also important to compete at shows and remain strong so let’s give the people what they want shall we. At All or Nothing...

Manic: The Greatest Bestest Superincredibilest WZCWest Championest Barbosest faces...


The crowd pops and Titus walks out onto the stage microphone in hand.

Titus: Hold up there Barbosa? First off you think you’re some sort of master mind in that screwed up head of yours and that you set that whole night up. The only thing you ensured was the outcome of my match you three blind cowardly mice.

Manic: There’s four of us here.

Barbosa scold himself and the audience laughs at Barbosa’s response prompting a smirk from Titus.

Titus: Well however many you say there are then. The point I’m trying to make is that I’ve beaten you. You’ve never beaten me in a singles contest though and what that must feel inside three minds I don’t know. I do know though that the fans want to see Titus in his first WZCW Heavyweight Title match in almost two years.

The crowd pops loudly.

Titus: So the words out of your mouth better be Barbosa verses...


The crowd pops and Gordito walks out on stage.

Gordito: Titus my man.

Gordito comes out and shakes Titus hand.

Gordito: Great to see you out here fighting for what you deserve. I ain’t going to take that away from ya, you were supposed to face Barbosa at All or Nothing...

Gordito turns to face Barbosa.

Gordito: But I don’t like how I’m being compared to road kill here tonight Barby. Ya you’ve beaten me a few times, but I’m also the last guy to beat you. The fans... they had a choice as to who they wanted to see face the WZCW Champion and they voted for me brother and I didn’t let them down in any match that I had to win. I’ve had a few cracks at the gold and I know if I keep trying and keep winning my chances brother I am going to beat your ass and win that damn gold belt right there.

Gordito is fired up and the crowd pops for it.

Bateman: Enough of this.

The crowd boos and Bateman walks onto the stage between Titus and Gordito.

Bateman: Now first thing... Barbosa. Congratulations on becoming WZCW Heavyweight Champion. The board is pleased by the amount of exposure received from the title change. We have also had a long discussion, myself and Myles, about what we can do with our All or Nothing main event now. You do raise a valid point Barbosa about your contract, although Myles did suggest three personalities means three different people, so three matches in one night did come up in the conversation.

The crowd cheers and Barbosa paces around the ring.

Bateman: But we didn’t want be unfair to your challengers and determine which fights you first, so we came up with a fair compromise that I think all parties will like. At All on Nothing Barbosa will defend his WZCW Heavyweight Title against... Gordito!

The crowd pops loudly. Gordito points at Barbosa, Titus is unhappy.

Bateman: And Titus!

The crowd cheers and Titus raises both arms. Bateman begins to walk out as Titus and Gordito talk on the stage and point at Barbosa.

Bateman: And Big Dave!!!

The crowd explodes as Titus and Gordito turn to look at Bateman and Barbosa shoots him an odd stare and a strange smile.

Bateman: In a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match!

Bateman drops the mic and leaves. Barbosa grabs his title belt and rolls out of the ring and stands at the bottom of the ramp and laughs. Him and Titus and Gordito stare off as the announcers voices cut in.

Connor: Good evening and welcome to Ascension. Cat Connor here alongside Jack Cohen and if you’re just tuning in here’s what happened. Bateman announced at All or Nothing for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship a Fatal Four Way Elimination match between Barbosa, Gordito, Titus, and Big Dave.

Cohen: And three of those men are out here right now CC and you could cut the tension here tonight. Big Dave not expected to be here tonight after the devastating loss he suffered last night on Meltdown.

Connor: A lot of great matches here tonight including our main event. Now booked as a Champion verse Champion match. New Heavyweight Champion Barbosa takes on Elite X Champion Sam Smith. Gordito will also be in action later tonight against Steven Holmes.

Cohen: Coming up after the break though one of my new favourites, Mr. Baller, takes on the old guy Stan Rogers. As Baller would say you better believe that.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Baller makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, a cocky smile on his face as the crowd showers down boos around him. He walks down the ramp while jawing with the crowd. He slides into the ring and hops up to the second turnbuckle, yelling at the crowd some more before ripping off his warm up suit and tossing it to the outside.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 220 lbs, Mr. Baller!

Connor: Mr. Baller is looking forward to his match at All or Nothing. The brash superstar has the opportunity to enter the Lethal Lottery last, significantly improving his chances at going on to Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Baller has a great shot at winning that final entry. After how he got screwed at Unscripted, he should just be given that spot as compensation.

Rogers appears at the top of the entrance ramp, the crowd cheering the old school wrestler on. He walks down the ramp at a patient pace, walking up the steel steps and enters the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 260 lbs, Stan Rogers!

Connor: Meanwhile Stan Rogers has had to deal with Showtime's antics since stepping foot into WZCW. Showtime has promised to answer Rogers challenge for a match at AoN, although I don't suspect him to accept.

Cohen: What does Showtime have to gain by beating this old man? Showtime is already a top WZCW star, Rogers is below Showtime's level.

The ref signals for the bell and Rogers looks to lock up. Baller wants nothing to do with it But goes for a surprise dropkick to the leg. He connects and Rogers drops to one knee. Baller is quick to his feet and applies a front head lock. He wrenches on Rogers neck but Rogers powers up and lifts Baller off his feet. He throws him across the ring but Baller lands on his feet. Baller rushes forward and goes for a clothesline, but Rogers shrugs it off and knocks Baller down with a shoulder block. Baller looks a bit stunned that his clothesline didn't work but bounces back to his feet quickly. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a cross body but Rogers catches him in mid air. Baller shakes his head as Rogers lifts him up and drops him down with a big Body Slam. Rogers follows up quickly by lifting Baller to a sitting position and applying a nerve hold. Baller grabs at Rogers' arm in pain and tries to get him to release the hold but to no avail. Balller drops to his back and brings his leg up, delivering a kick to the face. Rogers stumbles back a bit as Baller gets up and runs at Rogers, connecting with a dropkick. Rogers is knocked back and falls through the ropes to the outside. Baller waits for Rogers to get up on the outside and launches himself over the ropes! He crashes into Rogers but Rogers doesn't fall, catching Baller in his arms. He lets out a roar as he runs Baller back first into the steel post. Baller yells out in pain but Rogers doesn't let him go. He backs up and winds Baller up, dropping him on the padding with another Body slam. The crowd cheers as Rogers slides back into the ring, while Baler tries to recover on the outside.

Connor: Rogers is throwing Baller around like a rag doll out there. Baller has been using his speed but this type of power in Rogers just can't be stopped.

Cohen: Oh he will be stopped. Baller just has to pick himself up off the ground first.

Baller does just that, slowly pulling himself back up to his feet. He slides into the ring but Rogers gives him no chance to get up, connecting with a knee drop. He goes for a cover but Baller surprises him with a small package, 1..........2.............Rogers kicks out! Baller pulls himself up in the corner as Rogers gets up to his feet quickly. He rushes at Baller but Baller is able to get his feet up, kicking Rogers back. Baller lifts himself up to the second turnbuckle and jumps off, landing on Rogers and spinning him around for a DDT! Rogers hits the mat head first as Baller now looks to take control. He runs across and springboards off the ropes and connects with a beautiful moonsault. He hooks the leg, 1........2........Rogers kicks out! Baler gets up and stomps away at Rogers as the crowd suddenly turns their attention to the entrance stage, boos cascading down as Showtime Cougar suddenly saunters his way to the top of the stage.

Cohen: It looks like Mr. Cougar is ready to deliver his answer to Rogers.

Connor: The match isn't even over yet!

Baller looks towards the stage momentarily, giving Rogers time to get to his feet. Baller turns back around and Rogers lifts him up with a gorilla press. He sends him flying across the ring, but Baller is able to land on his feet again. Showtime has now made his way down to ringside, his hands in his pockets. Rogers looks over at Showtime, who merely shakes his head. Baller connects with a springboard back elbow, dropping Rogers in the middle of the ring. He drags Rogers over and motions for the Game Changer! The crowd boos as Baller jumps up and bounces off the top rope, but Rogers gets his knees up and Baller crashes into them. He holds his back in pain as Rogers is back up. He walks over towards Showtime, pointing and yelling at him. Suddenly Baller rolls Rogers up and gets a handful of tights! 1.........2..........3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Mr. Baller!

Cohen: Mr. Rogers clearly was too busy paying attention to Showtime to even bother trying to win the match. Baller looks impressive going into his match at All or Nothing.

Connor: Showtime shouldn't have been at ringside. He cost Rogers the match.

Cohen: What did Showtime do other than scout out his former partner?

Baller gets to his feet and celebrates wildly. He hops up to the second turnbuckle and holds his arm up as the crowd boos him loudly. Rogers sits up looking disappointed for a moment before his gaze returns to Showtime. Baller's arm is raised by the ref before Baller exits the ring, celebrating up the entrance ramp. Baller's music stops as Showtime enters the ring with a mic in hand.

Showtime: Pretty pathetic Rogers. You can't beat Mr. Baller, yet you want to challenge me, the greatest wrestler in WZCW history to a match at All or Nothing?

Rogers slowly gets to his feet and grabs a mic from the ringside assistant. He stares down Showtime but before he gets a chance to speak, Showtime continues.

Showtime: No, please don't waste your time. I don't want the ratings to go down during my segment because of you. Let's cut to the chase Rogers. My answer hasn't changed since last Ascension. The answer is no. I have nothing to gain by taking you down again. I'll take the night off and prepare for the Lethal Lottery. So good luck old man, go back to the Stone Ages. I'm sure someone would be glad to hit you over the head with a wood club.

The crowd boos loudly as Showtime lowers his mic and begins to make his exit it from the ring.

Rogers: Hold it right there Cougar.

Showtime stops and reenters the ring, adjusting his tie as Rogers continues.

Rogers: You want something on the line? WZCW isn't big enough for the two of us, so let me give you some incentive. Whoever loses at All or Nothing will be forced to leave WZCW. Forever.

Showtime crosses his arms and thinks about it for a moment. He paces back and forth in front of Rogers. Suddenly Showtime strikes out, his mic connecting with Rogers' head. Rogers drops to the ground as Showtime puts a stiff boot to the head. He stands over the downed Rogers and speaks once more.

Showtime: The opportunity to get rid of you for good? Fine, consider it done Rogers. At All or Nothing, your career ends at my hands.

Showtime drops the mic and puts one last boot to the head of Rogers before exiting the ring, the crowd booing loudly at the dastardly attack by Showtime.

Connor: Showtime has accepted Rogers challenge, but at what cost for one of these men? The loser must leave WZCW forever.

Cohen: Oh I can't wait for that nursing home bound idiot to be kicked out of WZCW for good. Showtime can focus on bigger things after that.

Rogers is shown slowly getting back up as Showtime stops at the top of the ramp, staring down his All or Nothing opponent before exiting to the back.


We see Blade and Scott Hammond walking to the ring. They are typically cocky and do not appear to be discussing strategy, instead they share a laugh as they strut through the backstage part of the arena.

Connor: “The so-called Sons of Destiny look to warm up for their massive tag team match at All or Nothing by taking on the number one contenders to the Tag Team Championships.”

By comparison, Austin is dead serious and very firm as he leads Ricky Runn through their approach to the match. Ricky listens attentively as the duo look to secure their first win together.

Connor: “Runn Reynolds Runn have shown incredible chemistry in the ring but they have had no luck in their previous matches together. Will this popular tandem secure a confidence boosting win as they head to All or Nothing? Or will Blade and Hammond match the results of their opponents at the pay-per-view and beat an experienced team?”

“Runn Reynolds Runn vs Scott Hammond and Blade is up next!”
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!


Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn emerge from the backstage to a huge pop. The crowd is livid over the dynamic duo as Ricky sprints to the ring and slides inside of it. The Ratings Killer takes his sweet time as he shows the fan some appreciation with some high-fives before getting into the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 390 lbs, Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds, Runn Reynolds Runn!


Scott Hammond appears from the back as the crowd shows their disapproval of his recent alignment change. He raises his arms into the air as he glares out at the crowd. Pyros shoot up from behind him as he slowly makes his way to the ring. He opts to stay outside of it until his partner comes down.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from London, England, weighing in at 275 lbs, Scott Hammond!


Red lights begin flashing as Blade steps out from the back. He poses at the top of the stage and taunts the crowd in response to a chorus of boos. He then makes his way down to the ring where he slaps Hammond on the back as he points at Runn Reynolds Runn.

Anderson: And his tag-team partner, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 lbs, Blade!

Blade and Hammond quickly slide into the ring and begin striking Reynolds and Runn. Hammond pummels Runn against the ropes and sends him over with a clothesline. He pursues him outside as Blade and Reynolds trade blows in the ring. Reynolds finally pushes Blade back into a corner, as he stays in an opposite one. The ref is finally able to get Hammond back to the corner as Runn slowly recovers to his. The bell signals and the match can officially begin.

Connors: It looks like Blade and Hammond are quick to execute the first strike in this trial tag-team match before their EurAsian Championship tag-team match at All or Nothing.

Cohen: This is a tune-up match for these two great men. Black Dragon and Chris Beckford are no match for these two megastars, and neither is this joke of a team, Runn Reynolds Runn.

Blade and Reynolds begin circling each other in the ring as Runn, who has now recovered, hops up onto the apron in his team’s corner. Blade and Reynolds lock up and Blade is able to overpower Reynolds and throw him to the mat. Reynolds rolls to the rope and pulls himself back up as Blade charges him, but is met with an elbow to the face. Blade turns in a full circle as he holds his face in pain. He goes to attack Reynolds, who is still attached to the ropes, but he gets another elbow to the face. This time he stays turned around as Reynolds bounces off of the rope and delivers a lungblower to Blade. Blade holds his back in pain as Reynolds crawls over to him and goes for the pin. 1.... Kick Out!

Connors: Austin looks very determined early on in this match. I’m sure he is hoping to overturn his team’s current losing streak tonight.

Cohen: Yeah, right! We’ve only just begun this match. There is no way that Blade and Hammond are going to lose to these two buffoons.

Reynolds picks Blade up by his hair and throws him against the ropes. Reynolds runs towards the other side and jumps up on the middle rope and attempts an asai moonsault and connects! The crowd cheers loudly at the high flying maneuver as Reynolds gets to his feet and goes for another cover. 1….2..Kick Out! Reynolds picks himself up and begins stomping away on Blade’s midsection. He then proceeds to pick Blade up and back him into his team’s corner. He tags Runn and he jumps on the turnbuckle to set up for a hurricanrana. He executes it, but Blade rolls into it and is able to land on his feet. Ricky is unaware of the reversal and gets up with out caution and is met with a clothesline from a brooding Blade.

Connors: Blade is not happy about being manhandled from Reynolds, and I’m sure he is going to let Ricky know how he feels.

Cohen: Manhandled? He was just caught off guard Connors. Jeez!

Runn gets to all fours as he tries to recover from the stiff clothesline, but he is met with a stiff kick to the neck! Blade presses his foot down on Ricky’s neck as the ref begins the count and finally forces Blade to relinquish the hold. Blade pushes his sweat and hair back as he spits at the young superstar. The crowd boos loudly at this as Reynolds has seen enough and has begun to step inside of the ring. The referee makes his way over to stop him as Blade uses the distraction to throw Runn into the corner near Hammond. Hammond locks an arm around Runn’s head and begins delivering several punches to his forehead. Blade continues to stir up the interaction between the referee and Reynolds until Reynolds finally concedes and steps out. Runn is now slumped into the corner as Blade makes his way over to him.

Cohen: Brilliant team work here by Hammond and Blade. You can really tell they are on the same page. Imagine if Myles and Bateman actually gave these guys what they deserved, a world title match.

Connors: Would they use cheating tactics to win that match, like they are trying to use to win here?

Cohen: You are always so negative Connors.

Blade kicks Runn in the gut and tags in Hammond. Hammond makes his way into the ring and takes another shot at Runn’s gut as Blade holds him up. Blade exits the ring and allows Hammond to continue the beating. Hammond pulls Runn out of the corner and grapples him and nails a t-bone suplex. He stays on the ground with him and locks in the anaconda vise! Runn begins frantically flailing his legs as the crowd perks up from the excitement.

Cohen: It’s over! Runn is going to tap!

Reynolds is quick to get into the ring to break the hold up, but Blade repays him with a falling clothesline. Hammond quickly gets up and joins Blade in disposing of Reynolds. Combined, they toss Reynolds over the ropes and Blade follows him to the outside. Hammond turns around and is met with a crisp sounding enzurguri kick to the head! Runn covers the toppled Hammond. 1….2…Kick Out! Runn can’t believe it as he jumps up and runs towards the opposite ropes. He tucks and performs a Rolling Ricky and nails it on Hammond’s torso! Again the cover, 1……..2……. Runn is pulled off of Hammond and outside of the ring by Blade. Blade connects with an uppercut and Ricky falls. He turns back around and is met by a dropsault from Reynolds! The crowd pops huge and Blade hits the outside mat hard. Reynolds runs over to Runn and helps him back into the ring. Runn is met with a recovering Hammond and attempts a spinebuster, but it’s reversed! Hammond hits Runn with a chop to the chest and turns him around from the impact. Hammond grapples Runn’s waist and hits a german suplex! Hammond pulls the dead-weight Runn into the center of the ring and goes for the cover. 1…..2…..Kick Out! Hammond jumps up into the referee’s face and argues that it was a three count.

Cohen: You want to talk about cheating, how about the shotty calling by the referee?

Connors: Well, I honestly don’t believe that a WZCW referee would ever do something like that, but I wouldn’t blame them for what happened to them all last night on Meltdown.

Hammond finally lays off of the ref as he walks over to Runn and pulls him up. He lifts him up and onto his shoulders as he signals for the London’s Calling. Runn begins elbowing him in the face in order to counter, but Hammond won’t break it. Finally Runn is able to escape to the ground. He delivers a fatigue-driven drop kick to the chest of Hammond, which sends him into the corner turnbuckle. Blade makes the blind tag and hastily goes for Runn, who is attempting to make the tag. There is only an inch between the fingers of Runn and Reynolds, but the attempt is thwarted by Blade who pulls Runn away. Blade picks him up and tucks his head between his arm and body. He lifts him up for a suplex, but holds Runn in the air as he taunts the crowd by shaking his head in approval of his own strength. The crowd boos loudly as Runn’s body remains held in a delayed vertical suplex.

Connors: Blade is just toying with him now Jack. Is this what you want to see in a champion?

Cohen: There is nothing wrong with confidence Connors.

Blade finally executes it fully and sends Runn hard onto the mat. He goes for the cover, 1…….2……… Kick Out! The crowd and Reynolds pop huge from this as there was definitely an uncertainty in the crowd at whether or not Runn could survive the delayed suplex. Blade can’t believe it and he quickly picks Runn up. He turns Runn around and hits his finisher, The Halo! Runn is sprawled out on the mat as Blade quickly makes the cover, 1……..2…….. a break up by Reynolds to save the count! Blade quickly gets up as he glares at Reynolds, who is still in the ring. Reynolds slides out the ring and Blade is ready to take pursuit, but is stopped by a yelling Hammond. Hammond is signaling for Blade to tag him in while Blade takes care of Reynolds. Blade agrees and tags Hammond in.

Cohen: It’s over for Ricky Runn, now! Hammond will do the final deed and put that kid out of his misery.

Blade gets out of the ring, but is met with an upset as Reynolds sends him falling with a hard shoulder thrust. In the ring, Hammond picks up Runn and lifts him up on his shoulders to execute London’s Calling. Reynolds jumps up on the apron and distracts Hammond, who allows Runn to drop off his shoulders and behind his back. Reynolds jumps off the apron before Hammond can attack him and points towards the ramp. Hammond looks towards the ramp, but sees nothing. He turns back towards Reynolds, but realizes that he is gone! Reynolds is now making a mad sprint back to his team’s corner. Runn is slowly crawling to that corner as well. Reynolds jumps up on the apron as Hammond nervously tries to grab Runn before it’s too late! The crowd is roaring as mere inches are between the hand of Runn and Reynolds. Hammond grabs the leg of Runn and begins to pull him away, but wait! He is met with a kick to the face! Runn pushes off of his other leg and makes the hot tag! Reynolds jumps into the ring with a roaring crowd behind him!

Connors: This crowd is absolutely nuts as Runn makes the hot tag and now Reynolds is in the ring with Hammond!

Cohen: Shut up you idiots! This doesn’t mean anything!

Reynolds hits a standing Hammond with a discus lariat and sends him hard to the mat. Hammond quickly recovers and gets back up, but is met with a roaring elbow and he stays down this time. Reynolds notices that Blade is recovering outside and is a possible threat to break up a pin. He looks over at a now standing Runn and signals something to him. Runn nods and runs at Reynolds who picks him up with both hands. Reynolds carries Runn over his head and towards the ropes where Blade is at on the outside. Reynolds launches Runn over the ropes and into Blade! Blade is taken out and Hammond is still on the ground. Reynolds runs over to him and grabs his legs; he picks him up and hits the Ratings Killer! Reynolds flips him over and goes for the pin, 1……..2………..3!!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Runn Reynolds Runn!

The crowd cheers loudly as the high flying tag team picks up a significant win. Runn rolls into the ring as Hammond slowly rolls out. Reynolds picks him up and the two begin celebrating as they have now snapped an unfortunate losing streak. The sound of clapping is echoed through the PA system as Alexander Stark and Hiraku Susumu (Mind Over Matter), with an unidentified man, step out from the back. Stark is holding a microphone up to Hiraku’s hand as he is clapping slowly.

Stark: Do you hear that? That’s the sound of clapping. Something that you guys don’t hear very often, and something that you definitely won’t be hearing after our match at All or Nothing.

Stark and Susumu grin evilly as the crowd boos them. Susumu gets a microphone from the unidentified man and begins to speak.

Susumu: As you may remember, if you have the mental capacity to remember that far back, we won the tag-team match on Meltdown 65 that allowed us to pick the stipulation for our match at All or Nothing.

Susumu grins at Stark, who signals for the unidentified man to hand him a scroll that he is holding. Stark smiles as he unravels the scroll.

Stark: Ahem.

The crowd boos loudly.

Stark: Ahem!

The crowd boos even louder.

Stark: The official All England rules for tag team competition as laid down by Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick.

Susumu: I will translate for you two idiots just in case you don't understand.

Stark: To ensure that all rules are correctly enforced there must be two referees present, at least one of whom must be certified as competent in enforcing the rules listed hereafter.

Susumu: Since clearly none of the refs in WZCW have been able to show any sort of competency, we shall provide a proper official. And it will be my newly acquired manservant, Takahiro.

Susumu gestures to the man who was previously unidentified. He steps forward and bows to the stream of boos that fill the arena. Stark nods and continues reading.

Stark: Foreign objects will be checked for by the certified ref.

Susumu: No funny business from either of you two. Takahri will check for any weapons you may have.

Stark: Winners shall be determined by submission or disqualification only.

Susumu: No pinfalls gentlemen. Do either of you even know a submission maneuver?

Stark: Upon contact with the ropes there is no obligation to break contact with the opponent and no count to do so will be delivered by an official.

Susumu: While you two are screaming in agony as we twist a specific body part, there will be only two options, tap, or be broken. There is no escape from our submissions.

Stark: At no point may more than one competitor from each team be in the ring. The first violation of this rule results in a warning, the second in disqualification.

Susumu: There will be no double team maneuvers. Period.

Stark: "Tags" take place either by making physical contact with your partner, or by the active partner leaving the ring.

Susumu: You do not have to tag to allow your partner in. These are similar to lucha libre rules.

Stark: Eye gouging, shots below the belt, disrespecting your opponent, spitting, hair pulling, profanity, arguing with an official, and closed fist strikes to the face are all grounds for disqualification.

Susumu: You will show us the respect we deserve. Not doing so will result in you losing the match.

Stark: Finally, at no point may the ring ropes or the turnbuckles be used to gain elevation to perform a maneuver. Violation of this rule is punishable by disqualification.

Susumu smirks at this rule as Runn and Reynolds look frustrated with this last announced rule. The crowd does not respond well to the omission of high flying moves.

Susumu: I can tell you already get this one. That means your little high flying moves, will force you to lose the title. You've been grounded, and you will stay grounded at all times.

Stark: Those are the rules gentlemen; we look forward to your paltry efforts at All or Nothing.

The tag team champions laugh as their music hits and they exit towards the back. Ricky turns to Reynolds as Reynolds shakes his head. He slaps his hand on his partner's shoulder as they begin exiting the ring.

Cohen: That is outstanding. Finally these two daredevils will be forced to fight honorably.

Connors: Mind Over Matter just took away RRR's best offensive weapons away from them. While I'm sure Runn and Reynolds can't be happy with this, they will have to adjust their style accordingly.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!!

On his way to the ring from San Francisco, he weighs 257lbs, The Dirty One, GORDITO!!

Connors: “This should be a great match, as these two superstars warm up for their huge matches at All or Nothing.”

Cohen:”This is a horrible match up for Steven Holmes. He should have been given the week off.”

Gordito pounds down the ramp as he his music plays. He plays to the crowd and interacts with the fans. He rolls into the ring and mounts the turnbuckles to pose for his fans.

Connors: “So you doubt his ability to win?”

Cohen: “Don’t be so ridiculous. He will win tonight as easily as he will at the pay-per-view! Plus Gordito is hardly in good shape after Meltdown.”

"He looks in fine shape to me!"

And his opponent from London, England, he is the Elite, Steven Holmes!


Holmes walks down the ramp with his nose in the air and is ignorant of the fans as he walks down the ring. He walks around the ring, deliberately avoiding eye contact with Gordito until he slowly gets into the ring.

Cohen:”This is the epitome of a man at the top of his game. We would be damned lucky to see him every week here as Elite X Champion.”

Gordito ties up with Holmes but Holmes immediately takes his back and grabs a hammerlock. Gordito fights but The Elite tightens the hold. Holmes trips him and controls him with a headlock. Gordito fights back to his knees. He punches Holmes in the rib but he cannot escape the headlock. The Dirty One manages to stand up and forces Holmes into the ropes. Gordito knocks him down with a diving shoulder charge. Holmes is up very quickly and replies with a high knee. Gordito gets up quickly himself and Holmes is whipped across the ring into the corner. Holmes gets a boot up to Gordito’s face as he charges in. Holmes climbs to the second rope and hits a diving uppercut!


Connors: “What a crazy high paced start! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Steven Holmes leave his feet.”

"Mr Holmes needs to keep this up!"

Holmes goes for the cover, 1...2...Gordito kicks out. Holmes gets up and nails a knee drop to the head. He then pulls up Gordito and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Holmes pounds on Gordito’s neck and the Elitist works a neck crank to compound the pain and he then moves onto an abdominal stretch. Gordito reaches the ropes but Holmes drags him a step back. Gordito forces Holmes’ arms apart and then hip tosses Holmes over! Cover, 1....2....Gordito looks to go for the Meteor of War but Holmes counters it and goes to hit a fast, spinning neckbreaker but Gordito takes him down with a clothesline. He follows it up with a scoop slam and a side Russian leg sweep, he covers Holmes but only gets only a quick two.

Connors: “This has been so back and forth, what a great match!”

Cohen: “Holmes has been dominant thus far, what a performance from our future Elite X champion!”

The Dirty One then goes to the middle rope and hits a diving elbow drop! Cover, 1....2.....Holmes eventually kicks out after a long two! Gordito picks him up again, whips him off the ropes and goes for a Samoan Drop but Holmes drops him with a reverse DDT! Both men are down and struggle to get to their feet. They slug it out in the centre of the ring with stiff right hands. Holmes blocks a shot and counters with a massive uppercut! Holmes whips him off the ropes and locks in a sleeper as Gordito comes back but he counters by falling to the floor into an improvised jawbreaker!

Connors: “Both men have come up with some stunning counters.”

Cohen: “Holmes’ avoidance of the Meteor of War has been particularly impressive.”

"Gordito keeps looking for the Meteor of War, a move that he will hope brings him the World Championship at All or Nothing!"

Both men stumble around to find their bearings before Holmes goes for the Imperial Impaler. Gordito back body drops him out of it. The Dirty One then waits as he prepares to hit the Meteor of War but John Constantine appears at ringside. Gordito is distracted for a few second but the Power Trip backs off. Gordito turns to Holmes and goes for the Meteor of War again but he can’t lock the hands. Holmes counters again but this time, he sends him shoulder first into the ring corner post! Holmes fights out then twists the arm before taking him down and into Aristocracy Reigns! Gordito fights it bravely but as Holmes wrenches the hold some more, Gordito taps out!

Cohen: “Yes! What a win!”

Your winner by submission, The Elite Steven Holmes!

Connors: “What a massive result for Steven Holmes ahead of the triple threat Elite X title match!”

Holmes and Constantine shake hands and Holmes has his hand raised by the official. Gordito is annoyed as he sits on the mat.

Cohen: “This is absolute proof that the Elite X title is his destiny! Sam Smith doesn't stand a chance!”
We go backstage where Ty Burna and his Apostles sit inside their locker room. James King and Dr. Alhazred are sitting off a bit on their own discussing strategy while Ty looks over to Chris K.O.

Ty: It all goes according to plan. The seeds have sprouted and Chaos has completely taken over WZCW. You all did your jobs to perfect last night. Now...

Ty stands up and looks towards the Forgotten Powers. The two men look up at their leader and grow silent.

Ty: Now it your turn James and Alhazred. Deliver unto Saboteur and Saxton the punishment they deserve for getting in our way.

Suddenly the door opens up as Vance Bateman walks into the room. Ty's demeanor changes from confident to slightly angered yet smug. He turns towards Vance and walks up, getting right in his face.

Ty: Do you dare try to punish me again Bateman? You cannot stop the Chaos we have brought to WZCW. Even Myles was smart enough to include me in the 6 man match after I discarded your two attack dogs.

Vance looks incensed as Ty wickedly grins. Vance clears his throat and turns his head away from Ty's gaze.

Bateman: Very clever Burna. However your associates will be fined for their attacks on the officials last night and suspended after tonight.

Ty: Consider the fines repealed.

Bateman: It doesn't work like that Ty.

Ty: Oh yes it does Vance. You see I made sure my agent Ian had that little clause wrote into our contracts. Any attempt at fines or suspensions can be appealed immediately, and the appeal won't be heard until the next Meltdown or Ascension. Which means there is nothing you can do until after All or Nothing.

Ty continues grinning until he throws his head back laughing for a few moments before returning his gaze towards Bateman.

Ty: You may believe yourself to be in control Bateman, but you're far from it. The reckoning has begun, and you can either step aside, or be destroyed in its wake. Now leave. My associates have a match next and you are interrupting our final preparations.

Vance grits his teeth as he stares at Ty. Serafina waves her hand towards Bateman who reluctantly turns around and exits through the door. The camera focuses on the smug look on Ty's face as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


The lights dim and all three members of the Apostles of Chaos, James King, Dr. Alhazred, and Chris K.O. come out. They are decked out in hooded vests and walks slowly down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied by Apostles of Chaos member Chris K.O., at a Combined Weight of 428 lbs, James King and Dr. Alhazred, The Forgotten Powers!

Connor: Why the need to come in numbers? Jack these guys are bullying the roster, some guys need to stand up against them.

Cohen: These guys are taking guidance from the best WZCW Champion ever in Ty Burna, not that loser Big Dave. They are unstoppable right now.

The crowd pops and Saxton comes out hoping side to side swinging his huge tough guy arms. Saxton then rips his shirt off with one hand.

Anderson: And introducing their opponents, first from Wherever He Damn Well Pleases, weighing in at 270 lbs, Action Saxton!

Saxton continues to shuffle around and points down at the Apostles and says they’re next Suckas.


The crowd continues to cheer and Saboteur makes his way onto the stage. He turns back and waves forward and out comes Steven Kurtesy. The three all put there hands together in the middle and do a pre match cheer. Saboteur races down to the ring and slides in, the Apostles slowly exiting as Saxon makes his way down to catch up.

Anderson: And his partner, being accompanied to the ring by Steven Kurtesy, from None of your business, weighing in at 198 lbs, Saboteur!

Connor: Well at least it’s an even contest now.

Cohen: Do any of these guys have addresses or places of birth. I say these two thugs and that quack professor are more like criminals and bad guys than our blessed Apostles.

Connor: of Chaos!!!

Cohen: Don’t judge a book by it’s name CC.

King and Alhazred have entered the ring now and King and Saboteur will start off the contest. Saboteur swings his arms around and moves in to lock up on King. King with a boot to the gut, jumps on top of Saboteur and strikes him with quick forearms to the back. King stands up and starts stomping the back on Saboteur. The ref counts up to 4 and King stops the assault.

Cohen: The new aggressive King. He’s showing these two clowns he’s nobodies lackey.

Saboteur is to his knees as King approaches him. Saboteur swings and slaps across the face of King. Saboteur spins around and Snapmares King to the mat and follows up with a kick. King holds his head and rolls on the mat. Saboteur grabs his arm and pulls him to the corner and tags in Saxton. Saxton enters and the two Irish Whip King into the ropes. King bounces back and Saxton lifts up in the air and lets him fall face down to the mat. King rolls onto his back and Saboteur runs at Saxton. Saxton lifts Saboteur up Military Press Style and drops him on top of King. The ref gets in front of Saxton and gets Saboteur off of King and out of the ring. King rolls over and tags out to Alhazred. Alhazred runs with a clothesline. Saxton ducks it. Alhazred turns around and is met with a Knife Edge chop to the chest. Saxton follows with another before Irish Whipping his opponent into the ropes. Alhazred comes off the ropes. Megaton Punch by Saxton sends his Alhazred to the mat. Saxton goes and tags in Saboteur.

Connor: Well Jack so far it’s been Saxton and Saboteur who have shown to be the better tag team tonight.

Cohen: Try to remain impartial CC.

Saboteur grabs Alhazred and stands him up. Saboteur locks in a Sleeper hold and tries to put a Body Scissors hold as well. James King runs in with a Clothesline to the back of the head, breaking the hold. Saboteur is still on his feet as the ref gets King out of the ring. Saboteur turns around to see King leaving. He turns back and Alhazred’s Punches him hard with the Glove hand, knocking Saboteur to the mat. Alhazred grabs his jaw and then starts stomping on Saboteur. Alhazred reaches out and tags King in. Alhazred lifts Saboteur to his feet and then hits a low Dropkick to the knee. Saboteur bends over. Kings runs in with a Swinging Neckbreaker, Protect ya Neck, by the former tag team champions. King with a cover. 1... 2... kick out by Saboteur.

Cohen: Now the Apostles are rolling.

King picks Saboteur up and throws him through the ropes and out of the ring. King gets in the face of the ref, causing a distraction allowing K.O. to start stomping on Saboteur. Saxton tries to run in and the ref stops him. Alhazred now joins in the stomping, but not for long as Kurtesy has raced around the ring and is now approaching. K.O. immediately backs off and Alhazred rolls into the ring and to the other side of the corner. Kurtesy checks on Saboteur as the ref has regained some control and begins 10 count. Saboteur takes his time getting to his feet and then climbs onto the apron. King goes to attack Saboteur. Saboteur with a Roundhouse Kick to the head of King. King is not backwards to the centre of the ring. Saboteur gets in and pushes King to the side of the ring and Irish Whips him. King reverses. Saboteur baseball slides under the ropes, just catching K.O. causing him fall backwards to the floor. Saboteur hops back onto the apron. Kings runs at Saboteur. Saboteur with a Bell Clap to the head, follows with a Head Butt.

Connor: More Cowbell! by Saboteur!

Saboteur goes to enter the ring. Alhazred runs from the corner and kicks Saboteur in the leg, causing him to fall to his knees on the apron. King gets up and reaches through the ropes and grabs Saboteur’s head. He tags Alhazred in and pulls Saboteur into a Rope-hung DDT position. He drops the DDT on his opponent right when Alhazred lands a Double knee Drop to the back.

Cohen: Saboteur’s out. This match is over.

Alhazred pulls Saboteur away from the ropes and goes for the pinfall. 1... 2.... Saboteur kicks out. Alhazred quickly applies a Sleeper hold with the Power Glove arm. Saboteur swings his arms, still very much dazed from the previous move taken. Saboteur tries to wiggle himself free but is unable to escape the hold. Kurtesy and Saxton are working the crowd up trying to encourage Saboteur to escape the hold. Saboteur reaches out and grabs the ref’s shirt and starts frantically ranting to him about all the things he’ll do if he escapes this hold. Inadvertently perhaps, he uses it to get back to a standing position.

Cohen: What’s this nut doing? Let go of the ref.

Saboteur still holds onto the ref as he low blows Alhazred from behind with his foot. Both men fall to the floor.

Cohen: What... where’s the disqualification? Did you not see that.

Connor: Yes, but the ref didn’t.

Saboteur crawls towards his corner. Alhazred reaches back and is able to tag in King. Saboteur leaps forward and tags in Saxton. Saxton runs in and overhand chops King to the ground. King is back up and Saxton delivers a Mongolian Chop. Saxton locks his opponent arms against his side, hits Trapping Headbutts. King falls to the mat after 6 Headbutts. Saxton goes for the cover. 1... 2.... Alhazred runs in and breaks the count. Saboteur runs into the ring and he spears Alhazred and the two roll out of the ring. Saxton lifts King up to his feet. Karate Chop puts him back to the mat. Saxton signals to the crowd Black Lightning is coming. Saxton goes for the Crane Kick. King ducks under it and pushes Saxton from behind into the ropes. Saxton grabs onto them, and then goes to leave, but K.O. has grabbed Saxton’s leg. Saxton breaks loose and then turns to King who’s running at him full steam. My Mystery, devastating Shoulder Tackle knocks Saxton to the mat. King crawls on top of Saxton. The ref goes down for the count as K.O. grabs onto Saxton’s leg. 1... 2.... the ref stops and sees K.O. holding the leg. K.O. lets go and tries to defend his case. Kurtesy runs in and levels K.O. with a clothesline. Kurtesy stands over K.O. punching away at him. The ref has his attention on the outside. King sees this and sits up off of Saxton. As he rises, Saboteur slides in the ring and runs at King. Death Blow! A Shinning Wizard knocks King on his back. Saxton rolls him up as the ref turns to make the count. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Action Saxton and Saboteur!

Saboteur starts wildly celebrating. He raises Saxton’s arm as Kurtesy slides into the ring. The two help Saxton to his feet as the other Apostles pull King out of the ring. The three men inside the ring all walk to the ropes nearest to the Apostles and taunt at them to come into the ring and continue the fight. The Apostles shake their heads and head up the stage ramp until Vance Bateman walks out from behind the curtain.

Bateman: Now slow down gentlemen, where is it that you seem to be going so quickly to.

The Apostles look around confused.

Bateman: It just so happens that i have one final major announcement regarding All or Nothing. The card is good, but I’m thinking it needs just one more match to really make it special. Something of a grudge feud. Something where multiple groups of people are battling one and other. And by golly... I think we’ve found us a pair of groups right here. So I’m making this match official right here right now. The Apostles of Chaos, Chris K.O., James King, and Dr. Alhazred will take on the team of Steven Kurtesy, Action Saxton, and Saboteur.

The crowd pops and all three men in the ring look very pleased.

Bateman: And finally perhaps maybe some justice could be served to these thugs Ty Burna is representing. Gentlemen, now you can head off to the back.

The Apostles look at Bateman angrily, but each march past him, but not without looking back at their All or Nothing challengers in the ring.

Cohen: The Apostles are not pleased by the outcome here tonight, but CC I’m telling you know they will be a force to reckon with at All or Nothing.

Connor: I don’t know Jack, they did not look happy, but I’ll tell you who is. The new WZCW Heavyweight Champion Barbosa and he’s in action next in our main event. Champion vs Champion. Barbosa verse Sam Smith. It’s next so stay tuned.

The crowd cheers massively as Sam Smith walks out onto the stage with his belt draped across his shoulder. He stops and raises his championship up high before proceeding down the ramp at a very methodical pace.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Washington, D.C., weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion; SAM SMITH!

Connor: What a warm-up match for Smith tonight heading into All or Nothing. He looks quite determined to prove a point here to Constantine and Holmes.

Cohen: I'm not too sure about that, CC. He already has one dangerous triple threat match to look forward to losing, adding another in facing the Barbosa personalities isn't going to help his cause.

Smith climbs into the ring and goes towards the turnbuckles, making sure he poses on all four with his championship held high. Once he has finished from the fourth corner posing, he stands in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent.


The crowd boo's massively for the arrival of the newest champion in WZCW. Barbosa walks out with a smile across his face as he brings out his championship belt, not a briefcase. He lifts up the belt and begins talking to himself in the reflection, sometimes arguing, as he slowly walks down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Bedlam, weighing in at 237 pounds, he is the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion; BARBOSA!

Cohen: Here comes the soon to be greatest World champion of all time. He might be a little crazy but to achieve such a high level of success, you've got to be.

Connor: Good thing Smith can match his level of crazy then because a win for him tonight would propel him to a future championship shot. Considering he's also a champ, I don't see a win being far out of his reach.

Barbosa gets into the ring still with the smile across his face. He gets into the middle of the ring and stares at Smith with a smile, who goes up to Barbosa standing toe to toe to feature a champion vs. champion confrontation. The referee separates them before anything happens and asks them for their belts. Smith raises the Elite X high to a cheering audience before giving it to the ref. Barbosa hesitates as he continuously looks and smiles at the belt, before handing it over to the ref who is creeped out by Barbosa's apparent happiness. The ref hands the belts to a stage hand outside and signals for the bell.

Smith readies himself whilst Barbosa stands there like stone with his smile growing wider. Smith is a little confused by the expressions but stays on his guard, waiting for Barbosa to make the first move. Barbosa does nothing but continue to stand there smiling. Smith begins to slowly move to the side of Barbosa who hasn't moved a muscle and continues staring at the title he has just won. Smith sees he is frozen and quickly pounces on Barbosa with a sleeper hold, locking it in tightly. Barbosa quickly snaps out of his frozen state and becomes visibily livid, flipping Smith forward. Barbosa goes for the clothesline as Smith gets up but he evades the contact and hits a dropkick on Barbosa as he turns around. Barbosa gets up and runs at Smith again, only to be met with a sidewalk slam by Smith. He gets up and rallies the fans towards his side as Barbosa is a little slower to his feet. He kicks Barbosa in the gut and quickly hits a snap suplex, which he rolls through and goes for the pin... 1... kick-out by Barbosa. Smith wastes little time and picks up Barbosa as he gets up and performs a Northern Lights Suplex, bridging the pin... 1... Barbosa uses his leg strength to push himself and Smith up to a vertical base before the 2 count and tries sliding around for a backslide but Smith blocks the pin and flips Barbosa in front of him using the tied arms of Smith and Barbosa, then hits a neckbreaker on him. He goes for the cover on Barbosa again... 1... 2... kick-out. Smith locks in another sleeper hold on the ground to keep Barbosa from recovering and allowing himself to catch his breath.

Connor: Smith is on fire tonight. He has not allowed any offense in from Barbosa and has tried to get the victory on Barbosa quickly.

Cohen: You think the World champ is going to go over that easy? He is just biding his time until he can see an opening to strike and slip this one from right underneath Smith.

Smith continues to hold the pressure as Barbosa tries getting up, still quite angry from before. He does his best to eventually make it to the ropes, forcing Smith to break the hold. He does so without the need of the referee's count and tries to get the fans behind him. Barbosa meanwhile, has an expression change that goes to angry to sadistic, smiling as his eyes catch his title belt on the timekeepers desk. He begins talking to the belt from a distance until Smith interrupts him by picking him up. Barbosa doesn't appreciate this and strikes back with a quick knee before throwing Smith to the outside. Barbosa falls back to his knees and lowers his head, using this time to recover as Smith makes it to his feet. Barbosa lifts his head and the creepy smile is still there as he rolls out of the ring to greet Smith who tries to take a shot at him but Barbosa blocks it and hits another knee before throwing Smith carelessly into the apron, followed by ramming him into the steel post on the outside. The crowd boos as Smith holds his shoulder in pain and Barbosa smiles out to the audience. The ref's count is at 4 once Barbosa picks up Smith to his feet and brings him over to the timekeepers desk where Barbosa slams Smith onto the desk. He then slides Smith into the ring and goes over to his title, listening for a moment before nodding. Barbosa's expression changes to a more serious look as he enters the ring before the count of 8 and sees Smith almost on his feet. Smith goes right on the attack with a clothesline but Barbosa uses Smith's momentum to duck underneath, pivet both of them 180 degrees and hit an overhead sambo suplex on Smith. Barbosa nods and goes for the pin... 1... kick-out by Smith. Barbosa quickly slaps on a reverse chin lock to keep Smith grounded.

Connor: I think Barbosa is taking advice from the World championship belt... if that's even possible.

Cohen: Amazing, isn't it? He's been the champ for one day and he's already connected to it.

Smith has enough strength to make it to his feet and elbows Barbosa in the gut, forcing him to let go of the hold. He runs off the ropes and tries for another clothesline but Barbosa evades again, ducking to lift up Smith for an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a STO. Barbosa rolls over Smith for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Barbosa puts on a front facelock and aids Smith to his feet, kneeing him a couple of times to ensure he won't fight back. Once they get to their feet, Barbosa continues with a few more knees before he drops him with a DDT. Barbosa does not let go however and tries dragging Smith back up to a vertical base again, kneeing him every few seconds. He drops again for the DDT, completely the Duplicity. He rolls over Smith again for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Smith, with sections of the crowd cheering for the kick-out. Barbosa starts to get a little frustrated but he talks to himself to calm himself down before continuing the match. He gets up and then slowly helps Smith to his feet. Barbosa smiles as he gets Smith in the powerbomb position. He lifts him up and he hits the turnbuckles hard before Barbosa finishes up with a running bulldog from out of the corner. He goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Smith. The crowd cheers for Smith with Barbosa is really not liking the inability to get the cover on the champ and forces Smith back to his feet, kneeing him again out of frustration. Smith collapses to his knees, clutching his stomach from the knee shot. Barbosa sees this opportunity and runs off the ropes, coming back at Smith with full force to hit a swinging neckbreaker. He gets the pin on Smith again... 1... 2... Smith manages to get the shoulder up. The crowd cheers much louder this time as Barbosa is letting the fans uproar getting to him.

Connor: Smith is showing some resiliency and the reason why he is the Elite X champ.

Cohen: He might be surviving the onslaught by Barbosa now but sooner or later he's going to have to give in. If he continues this fight we won't make it to All or Nothing to defend his title.

The crowd begins a chant for Sam Smith to try and will him back into the contest, which Barbosa covers his ears from. The sound is almost hurting his ears as he does his best to tell the fans to stop. They ignore Barbosa's response and continue to chant, causing Barbosa to curl up into a ball on the canvas waiting for the chants to subside. However, he sees Smith beginning to recover and decides he can't wait any longer. He gets up and grabs Smith, picking him up for another powerbomb. He goes to throw Smith but slips behind Barbosa. A worried Barbosa turns around and is met by a clothesline from Smith, taking down both men. The crowd cheers as Smith is showing signs of life and they continue to keep the noise going to rally on Smith. Although Barbosa is in condition to get up immediately, the chanting of the fans feel like a force field to him, locking him down to the ground with him fighting it. The referee has already begun the count and is up to 4 when both competitors are able to get on their all fours. They continue the battle to their feet and both men get there before the 9 count with Barbosa going for the first shot. Smith blocks it and delivers a couple of punches of his own before Barbosa hits a knee to Smith. Barbosa runs off the ropes to try for another knee but Smith clotheslines him, causing the fans to cheer in an uproar. He hits another clotheslines, and another. Barbosa swings wildly and Smith ducks to lift up Barbosa and performs an armdrag across the ring. Barbosa gets up and again and runs at Smith, where Smith hits a backbreaker on Barbosa. He clutches his back and goes to the ropes to try and get some leverage. Smith helps him up and sends Barbosa across the ring. Barbosa tries a clothesline but Smith ducks, allowing him to run across again. Smith prepares himself and hits a huge spinebuster on Barbosa with the crowd cheering as he goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Barbosa. Smith gets up and continues to hype up the fans as he stalks Barbosa, who has trouble getting up due to the fans support.

Cohen: I can't believe Barbosa is having trouble trying to get to his feet! This is not like him.

Connor: It could be because he feels pressure from the fans that his championship victory was a fluke and opportunistic... that or because Smith's in control right now.

Barbosa gets up and is met with a DDT by Smith. Instead of going for the pin, Smith point to the turnbuckles and the fans cheer as he begins to ascend to the top. He prepares himself and jumps off the top, hitting an elbow drop onto Barbosa with a pin following... 1... 2... shoulder-up by Barbosa. Smith gets up and signals for the end of the match by grabbing Barbosa's legs. He locks the legs of Barbosa in the Double Jeopardy and turns over, with the fans screaming for Barbosa to tap. Barbosa has not much energy left and cannot make it to the ropes. He is contemplating tapping and Smith wrenches back, giving all he's got. Suddenly, the crowd's cheers turns to boos as Steven Holmes and John Constantine bolt from the entrance ramp and sprint down to the ring. Smith lets go of the hold and prepares for an attack but just as Holmes and Constantine are about to hit the ring, they stop at the apron and the both of them just smirk. Smith tells them to come into the ring and fight. Holmes and Constantine begin to back off and the crowd boos louder than before. Smith laughs at their cowardice, unaware of Barbosa who has semi-recovered. Holmes and Constantine laugh back, confusing Smith... out of nowhere, Barbosa pulls a roll-up on Smith, using the ropes for leverage with the ref not looking... 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your win...

Before the announcer can finish, Holmes and Constantine hit the ring and blindside Smith as he is getting up from the surprise victory, attacking him viciously before Smith has a chance to react to the initial roll-up.

Connor: Not again... can't we get through a single match without an interference?

Cohen: This is the perfect opportunity to soften up Smith before the PPV, CC. Why wouldn't they take it?

The two men continue to beat down on Smith until Barbosa gets back up to his feet. Holmes and Constantine turn around and stare off at him but he assures them that he is on his side and he starts to stomp away on Smith. The three men begin to beat on Smith again when the crowd cheers at Titus, Gordito and Big Dave coming down to the ring to make the save. Titus and Gordito go after Holmes and Constantine, taking them out of the picture relatively quickly with Barbosa and Dave left to exchange blows. Dave gets the better of him and hits a few more punches before hitting a roundhouse kick on Barbosa. He lifts him up, going for the Stamp of Authority but Barbosa slides out before its too late. He goes over to the timekeepers desk and grabs the belt before rushing off. Titus, Gordito and Dave stand in the ring strong as Holmes and Constantine leave the area quickly. Gordito helps up Smith to his feet, staring off at the men who attacked him.

Cohen: Why did these guys have to ruin the fun? We were enjoying a lovely beat-down when they showed up to spoil the party.

Connor: I'm certain the fans didn't enjoy it one bit... but I do know what they will enjoy: how everything is going to go down come All or Nothing. This has been Jack Cohen and myself calling Ascension. Goodnight!
Who wrote what:

Showtime - Opening, Saxton and Saboteur vs. The Forgotten Powers
Numbers - Gordito vs. Steven Holmes, Backstage
Ty - Stan Rogers vs. Mr. Baller, Blade and Hammond vs. Runn Ricky Runn, Backstage
Falkon - Barbosa vs. Sam Smith

Rep these gentlemen. They've put some outstanding work in the last couple days. And we're not done. Tomorrow will be the inaugural After Shock.
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