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Ascension 39

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

Connors: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Ascension! I'm Cat Connors alongside Jack Cohen." After a hugely historic night at Unscripted, we had some questions answered and new ones raised."

Cohen: "But there's one question on everyone's lips and it's because of the huge World Title match in our main event here tonight."

Connors: "Can Big Dave stand up to the challenge of a vicious and destructive Ty Burna in his first title defense here tonight."

Cohen: "Or will the devoted leader of the Apostles of Chaos reclaim his historic second World Title here tonight. He will have numbers in his favour"

Connors: "But Dave will have the champions' advantage and Ty will have to beat him fair and square in the centre of the ring."

Connors: "What a massive welcome for the new champion!"

As Big Dave strides out, he gets a massive reception and is clearly in awe and pleasantly surprised. He poses on either side of the stage before bounding down to the ring. he poses on each turnbuckle, taking his time to pose before eventually grabbing a mic.

He goes to speak but is interrupted by a round of loud cheers and chants of "New World Champ". He smiles and moves the title from one shoulder to the other.

Dave: "From the bottom of my heart, thank you for that reaction."

Dave: "It was a long hard road but we finally did it. I cannot believe that it happened but in the middle of that ring, after a hellacious Hell in a Cell, I pinned Ty Burna, 1...2....3 and took his most precious possession. The rematch is going to be just as hard. Neither of us will be 100% but I am going to do everything in my power to defeat the dark powers that he will command. And -"

Dave looks on with a grimace as Ty, Chris KO and James King emerge with Serafina.

Ty: "Oh Dave, you must see yourself as the fountain of hope with that belt around your waist. But trust me when I say that you have no idea what we are capable of. I will bring the full force of the Chaos that has dominated this company."

Dave: "Ty, this company has been dark for far too long. There is no way that I will let you bring back those dark times. Now that I have this title, I don't want to let go."

Ty: "Oh that's funny Dave. You think that you have a choice. That's cute."

Dave lays the title down on the mat in front of him.

Dave: "Look, if you send your girls to the back, we can do this right here, right now. I'm not afraid of you."

Ty waggles his finger and grins wickedly.

Ty: "No Dave, I'm going to make you wait and then the suffering will be exponentially greater."

Dave picks up the title and raises it high above his head as Ty leaves, barely taking his eyes off the title.

Connors: "I tell you, I can't wait for that huge rematch."

Cohen: "Dave's had his moment but it's time for Ty to take back his rightful property."

Connors: "And it's going to come at the end of a huge show where we will see the Elite X champion Sam Smith and Mayhem champion Alex Bowen in action as well as the new World Tag Teams Champs Mind over Matter."
We come back from commercial where Sean Cruz is standing in the middle of the ring, the Mayhem Championship on his shoulder as the Ascension theme hits and Vance Bateman makes his way out. The crowd boos as Bateman begins to speak.

Vance: Sean Cruz. It is unfortunate that we have to strip you of the Mayhem Championship. You see, we found a banned diuretic in your locker after Unscripted went off the air.

Cruz: Banned diuretic? Sir I don't even take any supplements. Are you sure it was my locker?

Vance: No excuses Cruz. We have no choice now but to hand the title back to this man.

The Faded Line hits and Bowen makes his way out to a number of boos from the crowd. He walks down the ramp with a smug look on his face. He enters the ring and walks up immediately to Cruz, grabbing the title off of his shoulders. He takes the mic from Vance who exits the ring.

Bowen: You had to cheat didn't you Cruz? You figured you couldn't beat the King of Mayhem so you take a banned supplement to gain an edge.

Cruz: I have no idea what you're talking about Bowen. I won that title fair and square at Unscripted. You know, isn't it strange that the moment you lose the title, the person that takes it from you suddenly has a banned substance he's never seen before show up in his locker room?

Bowen: It doesn't matter Cruz! You see I am the only one that has the right to carry this title. You and the rest of the idiots in the Mayhem Division are worthless. You can't even carry my bags. Now let's get our tag team partners out here so I can show everyone what being the King of Mayhem really means!

Paradise hits as Armando Paradyse makes his way out. The crowd boos as he saunters to the ring. As he enters he looks at Bowen and then looks at Cruz, shaking his head in disgust. He walks to his corner and stands at the turnbuckle as Cruz looks despondent.

Anarchy in the UK hits as Scumm makes his way out slowly to the top of the entrance ramp. He stares out at the crowd before walking down the ramp to the ring. He enters the ring and stands next to Bowen as Anderson begins the introductions.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Sean Cruz and Armando Paradyse!

Connor: Something seems suspicious about this whole situation Cohen.

Cohen: What that Cruz was a lying cheat? That's not suspicious at all CC. We all see through his facade now.

Anderson: And their opponents, the team of Johnny Scumm and the Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen!

Just before the ref signals for the bell, Bowen holds his hand up and grabs a mic from the ringside assistant. He gets right in Cruz's face and raises the mic up to speak. Cruz has had enough and punches the mic right out of Bowen’s hands and starts clubbing him. Scumm and Paradyse both jump the pile and the ref sorts them out and gets order. Bowen exits the ring and Cruz and Scumm will start. They both go in for a lockup. Scumm works into a side headlock. Crus moves his arms around and then pushes Scumm off and into the ropes. Scumm bounces back and Cruz takes him to the mat with a Headlock Takedown. Cruz holds Scumm to the mat as Scumm kicks his legs trying to break free. Scumm gets his legs around Cruz face and the two break holds. Both men to their feet, Cruz takes Scumm down with an Arm Drag. Scumm is up, but Cruz grabs the arm and pulls Scumm forward into a Jawbreaker. Cruz goes to cover Scumm. Paradyse takes himself in by the count of 1. Cruz is annoyed with Paradyse who tells Cruz he wants some ring time. Paradyse starts stomping of Scumm to keep him to the mat. Paradyse lifts Scumm up to his feet and then lifts him off his feet in a Military Press position. Paradyse walks around the ring, showing off his strength. Scumm squirms and eventually rolls down the back of Paradyse. Scumm leaps to his corner and takes in Bowen. Paradyse sees Bowen being tagged in and decides he wants nothing to do with him. Paradyse walks over to Cruz and slaps him in the face, making a tag. Cruz holds his check and then gets in the ring and lets Paradyse get to the apron. Cruz then decks Paradyse with a forearm, dropping him to the floor. Bowen from behind with a clothesline, knocks Cruz to the mat.

Connor: Paradyse’s resentment to Cruz makes this match almost a handicap match.

Cohen: Paradyse is jealous because he knows that we could’ve been Mayhem champion if he entered at Cruz’s spot and is angry at his partner because he screwed up that fluke victory.

Bowen stands over Cruz on his knees and delivers a Bionic Elbow to the forehead. He repeats the shot 2 more times. Bowen lifts Cruz to his feet and puts his arm under Cruz’s shoulder. Hip Toss. Bowen with the cover, gets a short 2 count. Bowen stays mounted over Cruz and starts punching at the face. 6 shots get in before Bowen reaches out and tags in Scumm. Scumm lines Cruz up and delivers a punch to the face as Cruz rises to his knees. The blow knocks Cruz to mat and Scumm helps him to his feet. Scumm lifts Cruz up with a suplex. Scumm rolls on top of Cruz. 1... 2.. Kickout by Cruz. Scumm locks a Kneebar on Cruz and tags in Bowen. Bowen starts stomping on Cruz as the ref counts up to 4 before Scumm lets go.

Connor: Scumm and Bowen showing a lot of teamwork so far.

Bowen casually lifts Cruz up and hooks underneath his arm again. Bowen waits a long while before lifting Cruz up for a Hip Toss. Cruz floats over and counters with a DDT. Both men lay on the mat for a few seconds before Cruz starts crawling to his corner. He reaches out, but Paradyse is not there. Paradyse is outside the ring and is over in Scumm’s corner where he trips Scumm off the apron and then rams him into the stairs.

Connor: What is Paradyse doing? He is suppose to be working with Cruz.

Cruz is up by the corner. Bowen crashes into him with a huge splash, knocking Cruz hard into the corner. Paradyse leaves Scumm and returns to his corner as Bowen pulls Cruz away. Bowen puts Cruz in an Abdominal Stretch. Cruz cries out in pain as Bowen begins to really stretch back. Cruz is trying to shake free, so Bowen tags in Scumm. Scumm enters and starts punching the open midsection of Cruz. Bowen lets go and Scumm goes for the cover. 1... 2.... Cruz kicks out! Scumm is furious and puts Cruz in a Sleeper hold. Cruz swings his arms, but slowly begins to fade. Scumm is shaking Cruz’s limp body as the ref raises Cruz’s arm to see if he’s still conscious. After 2 arm drops, Cruz’s arm stays up the 3rd time. Cruz uses the crowds cheers and gets up to his feet. Cruz grabs Scumms head. Jawbreaker! Both men lie out on the mat. The ref begins to a 10 count. Scumm is crawling to the wring corner as Cruz inches closer to Paradyse. Crus reaches out and makes the tag. Paradyse walks in and boots Scumm in the face, knocking him back into the ropes. Scumm bounces back and Paradyse lifts him up and throws him to the mat, Flapjack. Scumm slowly gets up to his knees. Paradyse runs off the ropes and back at Scumm. Running knee knocks Scumm to a vertical and then a neckbreaker put him horizontally back on the mat. Paradyse doesn’t go for the pin and taunts the crowd and Cruz inside the ring.

Cohen: Paradyse is cruising. Ha, get it.

Conner: But he should be focused and going for the pin.

Paradyse wants to put this away and kicks Scumm to set up the Paradyse Plunge. Bowen gets in the ring and strikes Paradyse in the back. The ref gets in Bowen’s face and is unable to see the low blow done by Scumm off the distraction. Bowen shoves the ref to the side and performs a Diving knee drop Bulldog on Paradyse. Scumm with the pin. 1... 2... Cruz breaks it up. Cruz starts unloading punches on Bowen. Cruz jumps up and hits a Dropkick, knocking Bowen to the mat who rolls out of the ring. Cruz goes to attack Bowen some more, Scumm grabs him and Irish Whips him across the ring. Cruz leaps onto the second rope. Springboard Crossbody! Cruz readies himself and is looking to hit his Superkick finisher on Scumm. Bowen grabs the Mayhem Title and slides into the ring. He goes to hit Cruz with it. Cruz turns around and goes to Superkick Bowen. Bowen jumps back before the kick is made and rolls out of this ring with the belt. Cruz is up by the ropes taunting Bowen. Scumm is up and runs at Cruz. Crus turns. Superkick on Scumm. Scumm falls back and a recovered Paradyse makes the pin. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Armando Paradyse and Sean Cruz!

Cohen: Impossible. Paradyse and Cruz were totally outmatched this match. The champ was screwed again.

Connor: Jack you can analyze this anyway you want. The fact is Cruz got the better of Bowen this contest.

Cohen: I think someone else thinks he did better too.

Paradyse celebrates like he just one the biggest match of his career. Cruz has not taken his eyes off Bowen after Superkicking Scumm. Bowen holds the Mayhem Title up and says Cruz is not worthy. Paradyse now gets in Cruz’s face and brags about his victory as we go to commercial.
Titus is scene walking backstage. Suddenly a dark figure emerges from the side and corners Titus againt a wall. It is Barbosa.

Barbosa: Titus... we were just looking for you.

Give us what is ours!

What I meant to say was... let us be civil about this. You stole what is rightfully the property of ours and we would like it back.

Titus: I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't steal nothing from you.

Barbosa: Now Titus... we know you're behind this cause Baez stole it and he is your property.

Titus: No... Baez is a free man now.

Barbosa: Do not waste any more of out time! We know you took it!

I mean... he was your property and as you can see our patience grows thin.

Titus: Okay... you got me. I don't want your KFAD contact though. You will get it back after Ascension tonight.

Barbosa: That's a wise idea Titus, but since we no longer have to break you with our hands we must ask, why did you have that rat Baez take it last Meltdown.

Titus: Look... there is a very big title match tonight between Ty Burna and Big Dave. Two guys who I have a lot of unfinished history with. And I want to be the one who gets in the ring with them next, perferably as champion. The last thing I want is for your deranged self to be mixed in to an already overcrowded title scene. Barbosa I want nothing to do with you, I just wanted to make sure either Ty or Dave was still champion after tonight. Are we clear? No beef?

Barbosa: Crystal clear. We promise.

Titus fixes his shirt and walks away. Barbosa stops him and smiles a sick smile.

Barbosa: Unless we don't get back our KFAD contract. Then my dear Titus, we promise to make sure you never get a chance to fight Ty, or Dave, or anyone ever again. We clear?

Titus nods and walks off camera as Barbosa continues to smile sickly.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Baez makes his way out to boos from the crowd. He walks around frantically on the top of the entrance ramp before walking quickly down the ramp to the ring. He slides in and hops up to the second turnbuckle, staring out at the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 225 lbs, Baez!

Connor: Well you heard from Titus earlier tonight, Baez is a free man and he has to be elated over a relatively easy break from Titus.

Cohen: I don't fault Baez for stealing the KFAD. It's all Titus' bad influence that's the problem here.

Sam Smith makes his way out to cheers from the crowd. He points out to the crowd before tapping the Elite X Championship around his waist. He makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, unstrapping the belt from his waist and holding it high into the air.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!

Connor: Sam Smith was victorious over Holmes, thwarting his plot to take the Elite X Championship, although it seems as if Holmes is not ready to give up.

Cohen: As he shouldn't. Smith is a disgrace as Elite X Champion. Holmes obviously would make the far better champion. Someone that WZCW can be proud to have represent the company.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up. Smith gains advantage and applies an armbar, wrenching the arm of Baez. Baez rolls through and reverses the armbar before whipping Smith across. He goes for a back body drop but Smith counters with a kick to the face. Baez stands up straight and Smith connects with a stiff clothesline, dropping Baez to the ground. Smith drags him up and pushes him into the corner. He hits a few strikes before driving a knee into the midsection. He whips Baez to the opposite corner and Smith rushes towards him but Baez gets a boot up. Smith backs away with a hand to his face as Baez pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle. As Smith turns around Baez connects with a beautiful dropkick, knocking Smith down. Baez immediately goes for the cover 1......2.......Smith kicks out.

Cohen: Look at how smart Baez is, using Smith's aggression against him. That leads to counters that you see right there.

Connor: That may be true but Smith's aggression is what's got him to where he's at now.

Baez gets up and stomps away at Smith for a few moments before lifting him back up. He applies another armbar and kicks him in the midsection before connecting with a sweep. Smith drops backwards, the back of his head hitting the mat. Baez grabs hold of Smith's leg and applies a leglock, keeping the Elite X Champion grounded. Smith reaches for the ropes and gets his arm underneath. The ref forces Baez to break the hold. Baez is quickly to his feet and stomps on Smith once more. He lifts him up and whips him across the ring. He lifts Smith up and drops him with a flapjack. Baez doesn't give Smith a chance to recover, pulling him to his feet once more. He goes to lift him up for a vertical suplex. Smith dead weights it, but Baez hits a few knees to the midsection before lifting him up. Smith floats over and connects with a huge spinebuster! Baez rolls out of the ring as Smith lays out on the mat in the ring.

Connor: Fantastic spinebuster by Smith. He laid out Baez with that move and now Smith has a chance to recover.

Cohen: A lucky break. Baez had this match under control. Once he gets back in the ring Smith will be in a world of hurt.

Smith pulls himself back up to his feet as Baez is still on the ground on the outside. Smith exits the ring and grabs hold of Baez, connecting with a neckbreaker onto the ground. Baez holds the back of his head as Smith is back to his feet. He grabs Baez by the hair and tosses him back into the ring. He paces around the ring and is prepared to get back in when suddenly he's attacked from behind by John Constantine!

Connor: What in the hell is he doing here?

Cohen: Constantine is back! No doubt looking for revenge on Smith for putting him on the shelf for so long.

The ref has no choice but to signal for the disqualification as Constantine is all over Smith, throwing lefts and rights. As the assault continues, Steven Holmes walks down the entrance ramp slowly. Meanwhile in the ring Baez has come to and is watching the mugging from inside the ring. Constantine holds Smith up as Holmes walks up to him. Holmes grabs hold of Smith's jaw and stares at him until rage flashes across Holmes face. He backhands Smith hard and Constantine sends Smith face first into the ring post. Holmes tosses Smith into the ring. Constantine and Holmes immediately follow suit. Baez exits the ring and makes his way to the back as Constantine and Holmes continue to deliver a beating. Holmes lifts Smith up and shoves him towards Constantine who delivers the Axis of Evil! Smith is laid out in the center of the ring as Constantine and Holmes stand over him. The two nod to each other and shake hands as the crowd's boos rain down around them.

Connor: It looks as if Holmes has recruited Constantine in his mission to destroy Sam Smith. I don't think Smith can stand up to this formidable duo.

Cohen: I love it! Constantine and Holmes are going to put Smith out of commission!

Referees and Security run down to the ring and separate Constantine and Holmes away from Smith. The two exit the ring with smug looks on their faces at the damage they've done. The refs check on Smith meanwhile while Holmes and Constantine exit to the back.
We see Action Saxton throwing some kicks of machismo while walking backstage. Some girls swoon at him as he strolls by. As he turns the corner, he nearly collides with Saboteur who has his katanas unsheathed and is throwing some moves himself. The point of the blades end up aimed squarely at the point of Saxton's chin but the burly star is unfazed.

Saxton: "Sab you sword shaking sucka. You nearly shaved me boy! I'm not due to shave for another six months."

Saboteur glares at Saxton and the bulky star stares back.

Saboteur: "Hot damn Saxton. You should be looking where you are going instead of throwing kicks and thrilling chicks then."

Saxton: "Get out my way boy. I got me six tubs of ice cream to eat before our match."

Saxton walks away and Saboteur grimaces at him, both katanas point at his back.

Saboteur: "Bloody ice-cream thief. I will make him pay!!"
We see Jack Skinner preparing for his upcoming match near the gorilla position when Wasabi Toyota comes into the fray with a small duffle bag. He sets it down as Skinner looks at him confused and goes on the defense.

Toyota: Before we go out there tonight, I just wanted to let you know that tonight is my last night here. Vance Bateman has granted my request as long as I provide for one more good match. Jack, I'd like to ask from you... would you give me a good match?

Skinner drops his guard as a sympathetic smile comes across his face. He pats the back of Toyota.

Skinner: Sure thing, Wasabi. I'd be honoured to have your last match. I shall see you out there.

Skinner walks off, leaving Toyota to think deeply for a moment before heading in the same direction.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Connor: Toyota's leaving?

Cohen: Good riddance. Didn't like that whole sappy repentance thing anyway.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as Jack Skinner walks into the arena through the strobe lights, mentally preparing himself for the task at hand.

Anderson: Introducing first, from New York City, weighing in at 150 pounds; Jack Skinner!

Skinner enters the ring and looks around the arena before he waits in the corner for his opponent.


Despite their confusion, the crowd cheers massively for Toyota as he slowly makes his way out to the ring. He doesn't wave to the audience as he usually does and cannot muster the energy to smile. He looks around to see happy faces in the crowd as he gets to ringside.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Matsumoto, Japan, weighing in at 550 pounds; Wasabi Toyota!

Toyota climbs into the ring, continuing his observation around the arena. Skinner comes up to Toyota and tells him that the fans love him and he should be proud. A slight smile creeps to his face as Skinner extends his hand to which Toyota shakes back. The crowd cheers as the two men show respect for each other.

Cohen: What just happened?

Connor: I think we are seeing a new side of Jack Skinner. It's great to see that there is a little good in people like Skinner, something Wasabi would be proud of.

Cohen: Why would he want to pander to that quitting oaf? Who cares about brownie points these days?

The referee rings the bell and the two men circle each other. They lock-up in the center with Toyota obviously getting the advantage and pushes Skinner in the corner. There is a clean break as Toyota moves back to the center of the ring. Skinner does a couple of stretches and takes a deep breath, making himself look bigger which the crowd finds amusing and he goes back to Toyota and tries again but Toyota pushes Skinner back again to the corner. After the break, Skinner grabs the arm of Toyota and uses it as weights to pump his arms out, making the crowd laugh. A smile comes across the face of Wasabi as the two lock-up together. Toyota begins to push Skinner back but stops, pretending that Skinner's strength is too much and is pushed back by him. The crowd eats it up as Toyota has a struggling look on his face as Skinner pushes Toyota as if its nothing. They back into the corner and Skinner gives off the clean break, showing off his muscles. Toyota gives off a laugh as Skinner does multiple muscle poses before going on the second turnbuckle and taunting for the fans instead of towards them. They begin to turn for Skinner and cheer him. He sees Toyota moving closer and jumps off the turnbuckles to do a punch, which slightly touches Toyota but the big man acts if it was a massive blow and drops to the ground instantly. Skinner sees his opportunity and ascends to the top rope and poses for the fans before jumping off the top with an elbow drop. He lands on Toyota and goes for the pin... 1... 2... 3!

The ref rings the bell as Skinner pretends to have gone through the most exhausting match of his life and jumps up and down in celebration.

Anderson: ... Here is your winner; Jack Skinner!?

Cohen: I'm at a loss for words at how these two men have just ruined our industry.

Connor: Skinner made Toyota's last match a fun experience and Toyota played along. Whatever is bothering Toyota, hopefully this will put a smile on his face for a while.

Toyota is up and goes over to Skinner, giving him a big hug that almost squashes Skinner. He thanks him for the match before going over to the announcers and asking for a microphone.

Toyota: Thank you!

Toyota puts the mic down as he exits the ring and heads up the ramp. The crowd cheers and applauds Toyota as he leaves, sending him off on a big ovation. Skinner stands in the ring, leading on the fans to cheer louder as he gets closer towards the curtain.

Connor: Goodbye, Wasabi Toyota.

We see Ricky Runn backstage stretching out when The Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds walks in.

Ricky: "Hey Austin, long time no see bud."

They shake hands and exchange an awkward bro-hug.

Austin: "Heh yeah I know. Sorry about that. Life's been crazy. I'll be back next show and we can get on with getting those belts."

Ricky: "Damn straight."

Austin: "But I wanted to come have a quick chat. About your match."

Austin sits down while Ricky stretches out his other leg.

Ricky: "I can't wait to get out there and kick some ass."

Austin: "Yeah I know, look I just don't want you to get suckered in. Showtime is still a snake out for himself and don't get me started on Stark and Susumu. They may not get on but if we want their belts, they will try and use all their smarts to prevent us plus they will want to hurt you as much as possible while I'm not there to watch your back."

Austin: "Just watch your back."

Ricky nods as he goes to leave for his match.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Sabotage hits and Sabotage makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. He holds his arms out and rotates 360 degrees before making his way down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans before sliding intot he ring. He hops up onto the second turnbuckle and holds his katanas in front of his chest in the shape of an X.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 198 lbs, Saboteur!

Tank hits and Action Saxton makes his way out to cheers from the crowd. He walks down the ramp, throwing rights and lefts into the air before walking up the steps and entering the ring. He rips his shirt off and tosses into the crowd, throwing more rights and lefts before staring down Saboteur.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 270 lbs, Action Saxton!

Connor: These two have seen a lot of each other over the past couple months. This very easily could have been a match we saw at Unscripted with a World Title shot at AoN on the line. Instead Gordito claimed the title shot and now these two face off for a bit of pride tonight.

Cohen: Both of them are idiots. Saboteur isn't sure which way is up and Saxton thinks he's stuck in the 70's.

The ref signals for the bell and Saboteur yells into the air and the two meet in the center of the ring, trading blows from the get go. Saxton gains advantage and backs Saboteur into the ropes before whipping him across. Saxton goes for a shuffle side kick but Saboteur slides underneath the kick, sliding all the way out to the apron. He springboards off the ropes and connects with a dropkick, but Saxton no sells it and Saboteur bounces off. Saboteur gets up groggy and Saxton connects with a hard right. Saboteur spins around and suddenly connects with a Pele kick! Saxton staggers backwards and falls through the ropes to the outside. Saboteur shakes the cobwebs out and sees Saxton getting to his feet on the outside. He runs to the ropes and jumps through them, crashing into Saxton on the outside! Saboteur is to his feet and holds his arms up to cheers from the crowd. He pulls Saxton back up and slowly drags him over to the ring. He tries to roll him back in but Saxton suddenly lifts him up and drops him down hard across the apron. He connects with a hard right before shoving Saboteur back into the ring. He climbs up and enters the ring but Saboteur meets him with a kick to the chest and Saboteur wraps his arm around Saxton's head, bringing him forcefully with a bulldog! He covers him, 1......2......Saxton kicks out!

Connor: Well this has been an interesting beginning to a match. Neither of these men seem to be able to keep the other down for an extended period of time.

Cohen: Are they done yet? Can we get some real wrestlers out here and not the side show freaks?

Saboteur pulls Saxton up and connects with an European uppercut, sending Saxton back into the corner. He begins throwing blows to the body before going for a hard slap across the face. Saxton catches his hand however and backs Saboteur up as he squeezes his hand. Saboteur drops to his knees apologizing and begging not to hurt him but Saxton pulls him up and begins hitting repeated knife edge chops, the crowd responding to each one. He then whips Saboteur into the ropes and this time hits a shuffle side kick, dropping Saboteur to the ground. Saxton hooks the leg and covers him, 1.....2.....Saboteur kicks out. Saxton brings him back up to his feet and traps Saboteur's arms. Saboteur shakes his head as Saxton yells out to the crowd before delivering multiple headbutts as Saboteur looks more disoriented which each blow. Saxton delivers one more headbutt before releasing Saboteur's arms but immediately delivers a backhand to the face and Saboteur falls backwards, stiff as a board. Saxton bounces off the ropes and plays up to the crowd before going to drop an elbow but Saboteur rolls out of the way at the last moment as Saxton hits the mat. Saboteur slowly gets to his feet and hits Saxton with a roundhouse kick, dropping him hard to the ground. Saboteur slowly climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He points out to the crowd before coming off the top turnbuckle with an elbow drop of his own! He connects and immediately covers Saxton, 1.....2.....Saxton kicks out!

Connor: Huge maneuver there from Saboteur. He's got Saxton on the ropes now.

Cohen: Saxton however has delivered quite a bit of damage to Saboteur himself though CC. All it would take is one of those flash kicks from Saxton and Saboteur is out.

Saboteur rolls over and both men are very slow to get up. Saboteur is to his feet first and grabs hold of Saxton. He drags him up but Saxton suddenly breaks Saboteur's hold and begins connects with multiple kicks and punches, Saboteur backs up trying to cover up but Saxton continues to apply the pressure. Suddenly he grabs Saboteur around the head and connects with a rolling snapmare. Saxton immediately connects with a hard kick to the side of the head and Saboteur collapses to the ground. Saxton motions for Black Lightning, backing up and motioning for Saboteur to get up. Saboteur grabs hold of the ropes and turns around. Saxton goes for his Black Lighting kick but Saboteur ducks under and Saxton's leg lands on the ropes, tripping him up and dropping him down. Saboteur suddenly connects with the Death Blow! He covers Saxton, 1.....2......3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Saboteuer!

Connor: Either Saboteur had Black Lightning scouted, or he just got extremely lucky there.

Cohen: Nothing but luck CC. Eventually Saboteur's luck will run out in WZCW, and he'll hit the bricks like he should have a long time ago.

Saboteur gets to his feet and the ref raises his arm. He celebrates in the ring as Saxton rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp. He points at Saboteur who returns the favor, the two yelling at each other.
We see the WZCW Tag Team champions Alexander Stark and Hiraku Susumu walking backstage. They stop outside of the dressing room of Ale, their tag team partner for the night.

Stark: "I can't say I'm convinced Hiraku."

Susumu: "His strength and size are unparalleled in the company."

Stark: "They would be useful tools with the right direction."

Susumu: "So we would master craftsmen, crafting genius out of raw materials."

Stark: "Exactly. I mean we can handle Ricky Runn and Stan Rogers, but David Cougar could prove problematic. Then we unleash Ale on him."

They contemplate knocking on the door when Leon walks up to them.

Leon: "Gentlemen, is Ale in there?"


And with that, the tag champs walk away.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a six man tag team match-up!

The announcement from Selena Anderson gains some brief cheers before they are drowned out by the noise of Living Colour’s Cult of Personality. Onto the stage step our new tag team champions; Mind Over Matter!

Anderson: Introducing the participants. First, weighing in at a combined weight of 385 pounds, they are the current WZCW World Tag Team Champions; Alexander Stark, Hiraku Susumu; MIND OVER MATTER!

Cohen: Now this is a pair of young men I can get behind. They have it all. Brains, brawn and cunning. Reminds me of me in my younger days.

Connor: I’m surprised you can recall that long ago Jack.

Cohen: Careful now CC.

As the champions enter the ring, the loud funk metal dies down and is replaced with the sound of Drones by Rise Against. The tall shadow of Ale is cast over the arena as he steps foot on the top of the ramp.

Anderson: And their partner, from Peru Indiana, weighing 400 pounds; ALE!

Cohen: Combined with this gentleman, I can see this trio being unstoppable tonight.

Connor: But inexperience may well be a weakness.

Almost the moment Cat ushers the word “weakness”, the familiar tune of Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva rings out, drawing the boos of the arena as the Lethal Lottery 2011 winner steps foot on the stage.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Winnipeg in Canada, weighing 219 pounds; “SHOWTIME” DAVID COUGAR!

Cougar walks out with an unusual lack of pizzazz. He’s not happy, and he’s certainly not smiling as per the norm. He turns to the entrance way, expecting his “partner” Stan Rogers to follow in his footsteps with the same music. Unfortunately for Cougar, the music changes to a more classical tune as Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries blasts through the arena to a big cheer.

Anderson : And his partners. First, from St. Louis Missouri, weighing 260 pounds; STAN ROGERS!

Rogers face is in complete contrast to Cougar’s. It has a smile stretching a mile wide and looks happy, something that may well be new to Rogers in WZCW. Cougar looks at him with disgust, but Rogers simply doesn’t care. Cougar turns to walk down the ramp, and insists that Rogers follow, but the big man ignores the demand and stays at the top of the ramp.

Connor: It looks like Stantime are having some problems here.

Cohen: Stop being an ignoramus Rogers and listen to your mentor.

Hollywood Undead signals the arrival of our final participant as one half of the duo known as Runn Reynolds Runn enters the arena. He smiles at Rogers and even nods at him with respect. They march to the ring together.

Anderson: And finally, from Chicago Illinois, weighing 200 pounds; RICKY RUNN!

Connor: Austin Reynolds is not here tonight due to a family commitment. Could that leave Ricky prone to manipulation of “Showtime”?

Cohen: What a horrible thing to suggest. You should apologise to Mr. Cougar.

The odd trio enter the ring together; though there is little unity between “Showtime” and either of the youngsters he is teaming with.The referee calls for the bell and we’re officially underway. Alexander Stark agrees to start for his team whilst the others are already on separate pages. “Showtime” quickly shouts down both men, taking the spotlight for himself. Cougar turns around to be rewarded for his selfishness as he takes a vicious clothesline. Stark covers him. 1...2...KICK-OUT! “Showtime” forcefully kicks out. Enraged, the former EurAsian champion swings wildly with a shot of his own, but Stark counters, taking Cougar down with a dragon screw leg before transitioning into a half crab. Cougar is into the ropes almost immediately and Stark breaks quickly. Angry and frustrated, Cougar tags himself out, allowing Stan Rogers entry into the match.

Cohen: What clever tactics from “Showtime”.

Connor: What?

Cohen: Rogers will be able to slow down the pace of the match and wear down the faster Stark. Like I said, clever tactics.

Rogers enters the ring and pursues Stark who moves backwards, examining what he can do to take down the powerful former champion. Stark uses his speed to get behind the large Rogers and smashes him with several forearm strikes. These have little effect on him however and he swats at Stark. This allows Stark to latch onto Rogers arm, twisting it behind before dropping him with a hammerlock DDT. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Another forceful kick-out as Rogers uses his mighty strength to throws Stark off of him. As Rogers gets to his feet, Stark makes a tag to his partner Hiraku Susumu. Susumu comes in and looks to deliver a bulldog, but Rogers counters, grabbing onto Sumusu and executing a belly to back suplex. With the smaller of the two men down, Rogers drops a knee to the back of Sumusu. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Rogers lifts Sumusu up and places him onto his shoulders, spinning around frantically and delivering the airplane spin. Rogers puts Sumusu down and shakes any potential cobwebs out of his own head. The man from Japan is still dizzy however and easy prey for a vicious bodyslam. Rogers drags the tag team champion to his corner and tags in Ricky Runn. The Chicago native follows up with a signature move; Rick Roll. 1...2...KICK-OUT! As Sumusu drags himself to his feet, Ricky looks to further his team’s advantage by attempting a springboard moonsault. However, Ricky gets nothing by mat as Sumusu manages to dive out of the way. This allows him to tag in the enormous Ale.

Cohen: Someone better call the paramedics; this’ll be messy.

Ale’s first actions of the match are to drop an elbow over Ricky’s back. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ale chortles, lifts Ricky’s head off the mat and then nails him with a headbutt. Back to his feet now, and Ale brings Ricky along with him. Ale mimics Stan Rogers’ actions from earlier with a bodyslam. He follows it up with a devastating leg drop. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ale stands on his own two feet once more, this time dragging Ricky with one arm. He places him into the corner and tags in Hiraku Sumusu. Sumusu strikes Ricky hard with a knee to the face. This sends Ricky rout of the corner. Sumusu then wrenches the arm before pulling Ricky into a brainbuster attempt. He successfully executes it and goes for the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The 165 pounder makes the tag to Alexander Stark. The pair set up for the Mind Altering Experience double team finisher as Ricky gets an unexpected breather. They go to nail the move, but they’ve spent too much time preparing and Ricky counters with a stiff dropkick to Stark, who subsequently eats the sliding kick intended for Ricky. This crucial break gains Ricky the opportunity to tag in Stan Rogers. Sumusu runs at Rogers, but eats a shoulder block for his troubles. Rogers sets up for a powerbomb on Sumusu, but Stark makes the save. He goes for his finisher; the IQ Drop! Rogers however uses his sheer strength to lift Stark into a gorilla press position. Sumusu repays his partner from earlier however as he makes the save courtesy of a dropkick. Rogers is stunned for a moment as Stark gets a schoolboy. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Stark doesn’t want to have to deal with the sure to be angry Rogers and tags in Ale.

Connor: Oh my! It looks like we’re going to get a battle of the big men right here and now.

Cohen: I hope they reinforced the ring.

Ale casually approaches Rogers, underestimating the strongman’s recovery as he manages to jump onto Ale with a Thesz Press. He then goes after Stark and Sumusu, looking to repay them for earlier, however they both drop from the apron to avoid him. What they can’t avoid though is Ricky Runn who flies over the top rope with a big dive, taking both men down. Rogers attempt at the illegal men costs him as Ale locks on the Runaway Vice Grip. Rogers may well be in trouble with one partner down on the outside and the other not interested in helping. He recognises that if he doesn’t escape soon, he’ll be in deep trouble. To the surprise of almost everyone, Rogers uses his unseen flexibility and applies a headscissors, forcing Ale to break. He takes the 400 pounder down. Both men are to their feet now, but it is Rogers who executes a heart punch, staggering Ale. This allows Rogers to put Ale in position for the powerbomb.

Cohen: Remember what I said about reinforcing the ring?

Rogers musters all his strength to pick Ale off his feet and slam him with extreme amounts of power. The toll of the move takes its effect as Rogers back off into his corner to recover. However, “Showtime” tags himself in and uses a Showstopper on his own partner! Cougar crawls to the cover on the devastated Ale. 1...2...3!


Cohen: Ah, justice as “Showtime” gains revenge. Congratulations to my favourite Canadian.

Connor: Cougar shows us what a cowardly fiend he is once more as he attacks his own teammate and steals the glory in a match he was hardly involved in.

Cohen: You say cowardly, I say smart.

“Showtime” stands over the downed Rogers and screams at him, pointing out that was his vengeance for Rogers actions at Unscripted. As Rogers slowly begins to stir and Ricky Runn crawls into the ring, Cougar exits. Ricky checks on his fallen partner, making sure he is okay. Meanwhile, Mind Over Matter have two chairs between them and have re-entered the ring. They smash Ricky from behind and hit Rogers, causing the strongman to roll out of the ring. The champions set one chair in the centre of the ring before both lift Runn off of his feet, looking for a double brainbuster when...


Reynolds comes storming down to the ring, chair in hand, making the save as Mind Over Matter put Runn down and flee. They grab their championships as Reynolds swings wildly, looking to hit one of them.

Connor: Mind Over Matter were looking to take out a little bit of frustration there, but Austin Reynolds thankfully made the save.

Cohen: Never mind that, he wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight. He lied to WZCW officials. That’s surely a fine, maybe even a suspension.

As Mind Over Matter taunt Reynolds with their championship gold, the former Elite X Champion makes sure his partner is fine.
Selena Anderson glances around the arena, observing it for a few moments before inhaling a deep breath, readying herself for the big time main event.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for; THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

The crowd voices its approval with huge cheers. These continue for a few moments, eventually quieting down. The volume level is raised again as the lights go out and the boos begin. The music of chaos only brings more hatred.


A mist fills the arena as the challenger for the grandest prize of all makes his way onto the stage. Flames erupt beside a hooded Ty Burna as he walks down the aisle. Burna removes the hood to reveal his eyes glowing bright red. The darkness lifts...for the moment. He enters the ring, prepared for action, motionless as his theme disappears. The boos still thunderous, his face is expressionless as we await the arrival of the champion.


The reaction of the fans is, naturally, a slightly confused one. This is not Always by Saliva and the fans cheer with an element of caution, unsure if this is their hero. Big Dave emerges to collective cheer, a big grin on his face. The heavyweight championship shines proudly around his waist as Dave looks to the crowd and nods, approving of the reaction. Dave unbuckles the belt and holds it up high, taunting the man who had held it for so long. Ty remains emotionless. After a brief walk down the aisle, Dave paces in front of the ring, jumping to the apron and entering the ring. He continues to taunt Ty with his grin as he goes to the turnbuckle and holds the championship up high. Once more, he moves to the centre of the ring, taunting his nemesis. The referee steps in to take the championship and also disarm any potential mayhem. The referee holds the championship up for all to see. Both participants stare at it for a moment. The bell rings and Selena begins the introductions.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger...

Without even hearing his name, the fans know that Selena is referring to Ty, and they let him know, booing him for the evil he has committed in the past, and the evil that may come.

Anderson: ... weighing 235 pounds; TY BURNA!

Burna holds an arm up high in recognition of his own name. In response, the crowd continues giving him a frosty reception.

Anderson: And the opponent...

Once more the fans interrupt Selena, this time with rapturous cheers.

Anderson: ...from London England, weighing 268 pounds; BIG DAVE!

The bell rings again and we’re officially underway.

Connor: And here we go.

Cohen: Indeed. This should be a great match...though it’s unfortunate we already know the outcome will be a new champion.

Dave and Ty circle one-another, sizing up the competition. The two lock up in the centre of the ring. They push with almost equal force, though it is Big Dave who forces Ty Burna into the corner. Dave swiftly nails Ty in the skull with a stiff elbow. He repeats not once, but twice before allowing Ty out of the corner. He bounces of the ropes and looks to nail a spear, but Ty sees it coming, and counters with a knee. Next comes a kick to the back of Dave’s neck and then a straightjacket stranglehold. Though dazed, Dave is wary of his position, and manages to pull Ty over the top of him, releasing the hold. Both men get to their feet, though it is Ty who takes the advantage, grabbing his foes arms and locking them up for double underhook backbreaker. Dave breaks the lock though and counters with a northern lights suplex into a bridge. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Again, both men rise at the same time, though it’s Dave who attacks first this time. He chooses a big boot as his method of offence and sends Burna crumbling down. 1... KICK-OUT! Ty is quick to try and rise, though Dave keeps him grounded with a couple of kicks; one to the back of the knee and one to the chest, sending Ty down. The champion bounces off of the ropes and drops a leg over Ty’s neck. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Cohen: I have to hand it to Dave, he’s certainly aggressive enough to combat Ty.

Connor: You’re being awfully nice about Dave, Jack.

Cohen: All in the interest of fairness my dear. I mean, Ty’s sending him back into the pit of obscurity after tonight.

Whilst our hosts have been chatting, Dave has managed to drag Ty to his feet. He whips Burna into the corner and looks to maintain his advantage. Ty however manages to blast Dave in the gut, derailing the momentum. Burna follows up with a quick spinebuster, taking both men down. There is a brief pause before Ty manages to get into the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ty unleashes a few stiff punches directly to Dave’s cranium, creating a small cut on the top of his head. He pulls Dave to his feet and lifts him up in one swift move, dropping him down with a brainbuster. He finishes the move with a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Once more, Ty blasts Dave with fists, deepening the already open wound. With a slight bit of blood dribbling out, Burna grins with sinister intent and proceeds to clobber the Londoner relentlessly. The referee tries to step in. A count of four is reached before Ty stops his assault. It isn’t long before he’s on the hunt once more however and he again proceeds to pound Dave and force the cut open further. Another break at four from Ty sees him get a talking to from the ref, but it matters not. The damage is done. Dave is now bleeding at a substantial rate. The former Full House Dave rises to a knee, but Burna sends him clattering back to the mat with a stern boot. Ty smirks once again, knowing he has the advantage.

Connor: It looks like Ty Burna has the advantage, at least for the time being.

Cohen: It’s as I said, once we enter the closing stages, which is probably where we are already, Dave’s name shall return to realms insignificance. Only a matter of minutes now CC.

Mo’ Murda is the first move we see as we return our focus to the in-ring action and Ty Burna makes a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ty seems unconcerned by this however, mainly due to his own arrogance. He saunters to his feet, pushing Dave back to the bloody ring mat with his foot. Ty is no fool though and makes sure to inflict some punishment, stomping on Dave’s head viciously. As the bloodied champion clutches his face in pain, the challenger drags him back up for a Russian leg sweep. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ty strokes his chin for a few moments, weighing up his options. He chooses to pull Dave to his feet. But, much to the surprise of Ty and everyone else in the arena, Dave is far from done and in fact lifts the stunned Ty onto his shoulders, before driving Burna right into the mat with the finishing move known as the Stamp of Authority!

Connor: What a counter from the champion! It may be all over now!

Cohen: D-don’t be foolish CC. Ty will kick-out. I still believe in him.

With the crowd firmly behind him, Dave turns over and on top of his opponent and into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The crowd can’t believe it as Ty kicks out with some gusto.

Cohen: Ha! Looks like Dave’s done for after all. His finisher couldn’t keep Ty down. It’s all over for sure.

Dave raises his head. Blood drips from it as he looks at the referee who signals that it was only two. Dave’s head drops out of frustration, but he pulls himself up with Ty also stirring. He’s on his own feet for the first time since he was bloodied and has to steady himself at first. Ty is now also to his feet, though the affects of the Stamp of Authority have rendered him groggy to say the least. Dave smacks him hard around the chops, snapping him back to reality. Ty retorts with a fist of his own and the pair trade a few punches. The crowd reacts with a “yea” for Dave and a “nay” for Ty so it’s obvious that the reaction is very much positive as Dave manages to gain a slight advantage through a flurry of strikes. Using both his hands and legs, he sends Ty into the ropes. It doesn’t get any better for the 235 pounder as he is whipped across the ring, only to bounce back and take a powerslam. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Dave is starting to get a sense of momentum now and the crowd feeds his adrenaline with its support. Dave is to his feet and he decides it’s time to let Ty endure a bit more suffering. He hooks the emissary of chaos’ legs and then, grabs the arms, lifting him off the mat into a pendulum swing submission! There appears to be no way for Burna to escape as he screams in agony.

Cohen: This can’t be. Come on Ty, submit now and your vision for WZCW is setback.

Connor: Wait, what’s this?

Fortuitously for the ex-champion, Burna’s Apostles of Chaos make their way to ringside. Both the referee and Dave become distracted by the duo and the British champion relinquishes hold of his submission. The referee begins to argue with the pair and Dave too looks to get involved with the heated “discussion”. This does exactly as it is intended too though and allows Ty Burna not only a chance to recover, but an opportunity to set up for his dreaded finishing move; Concentrated Banishment! The referee screams at the malevolent pair and sends them to the back. Both he and Dave turn around to resume the match, but it could be all over as Burna nails his finisher!

Cohen: THAT’S IT!

Connor: You may well be right.

1...2...KICK-OUT! The arena lets out a surge of delight as Dave gets his shoulder up mere moments before the referee can slap the mat for three. Ty begins to breathe very heavily out of anger and lets out a small scream before turning his attentions to the referee. The official tells him it was only two, but Ty insists otherwise. The referee once more shows Ty the two sign. This only serves to provoke Burna further and he stands over the referee, casting a shadow over him.

Connor: I’m not sure how wise this is on Ty’s behalf.

Cohen: And I’m not sure this is wise on the referee’s part.

The referee warns Ty concerning a potential disqualification. This seems to drag Ty’s attention back to the still bloody Dave who is only just now starting to get back to his feet. He sets up for another Concentrated Banishment, pulls back, pumps his legs, but gets caught off guard again! Once more Dave has him up on his shoulders, and once more he’s quick to swing him around. This time however, Ty is expecting it, and counters, landing on his feet and delivering a reverse STO. He hooks the leg. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ty shakes his head with disbelief. The anger on Ty’s face however begins to morph itself into a familiar, sinister grin as he realises that he has one more trick left up his sleeve; The Final Séance! He puts Dave into position for the submission and looks to choke him. Dave seems to realise what’s going on and desperately tries to fight his way out of this predicament. He uses all the power available to him to lift Ty up in a powerbomb position, but the triangle choke has drained significant amounts of energy from Dave, making his knees buckle, and returning both men to the mat below. Dave’s face turns a scarlet colour, matching the blood that continues to weep from the earlier cut. The referee gets into position and drops the hand once. He repeats and the hand drops down once more.

Cohen: YES! Succumb to the pressure of darkness Dave!

The hand goes up and the referee lets go. This time however, Dave manages to keep the hand from reaching the mat. His will is not yet broken and with the crowd in his corner, Dave begins to recover. He’s still in real danger though and he recognises this, planning his escape already by once more lifting Ty up. Burna is also defiant and manages to keep his legs wrapped around the throat of Dave, causing him to tumble into the top turnbuckle. Ty sticks a fist in Dave’s face and takes his legs away from Dave, allowing the latter to back off. This is perfect for Ty as he’s preparing for a Super Concentrated Banishment. He launches himself at the prone Dave, but the champion grabs Ty in midair. He throws him up on his shoulders, twists him and drops him down dead with the Stamp of Authority. He collapses into a cover, hooking a leg in the process. 1...2...3! Dave remains the champion and the crowd goes wild

Cohen: Damn it all!

Anderson: Here is your winner, and STILL WZCW World Heavyweight Champion; BIG DAVE!

Connor: Big Dave has done it! He has withstood all Ty Burna has to offer and then some.

Dave is on his knees and is panting, the blood still damp on his forehead. The referee hands him his championship and raises his hand. Dave holds the triumphs of war. He clutches the gold triumphantly and shakes it high into the air as he gets to his feet.

Connor: Despite all the pain and misery he’s been forced to endure tonight, Big Dave remains the world champion here on Ascension.

Cohen: This can’t be. Ty was so close.

Connor: As the old saying goes; close, but no cigar.

Cohen: Don’t butter me up with clichés CC.

Ty rolls out of the ring as Dave climbs the turnbuckles and poses for the people. The thunderous screams of the people takes us out as we fade to black, finishing the broadcast.
Who wrote what:

Falkon - Jack Skinner vs. Wasabi Toyota
Showtime - Bowen/Scumm vs. Paradyse/Cruz, Backstage
Numbers - Opening, Backstage
Funkay - Ty Burna vs. Big Dave, MoM and Ale vs. Stantime and Ricky Runn
Ty - Action Saxton vs. Saboteur, Sam Smith vs. Baez, Backstage

Rep these gentlemen. I'm still waiting for a drink or a donation. Also drop some feedback if you can.
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