Ascension 37

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
At the moment however, Baller can’t quite capitalise on that as Dave prepares to deliver a spear. He runs right for Baller, but quick thinking proves useful as Baller dives out of the way and Dave smashes shoulder first into the steel support post. Baller takes his opening by dropkicking Dave right back into the post once more and rolling him up with a handful of tights. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Baller manages to maintain his advantage with a devastating DDT. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Baller is getting slightly frustrated. He to releases these frustrations on Dave with a number of stomps before hitting a standing moonsault. He looks to go for a cover at first, but decides against it, opting for something more. He drags Dave into position for the Buzzerbeater. He goes up, but Dave rolls out of the way as Baller comes back down. The basketball obsessive clutches his chest in pain as he turns around into a big boot. Baller struggles to his feet as Dave manages to nail the spear this time. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Copeland: A great back and forth clash here as both these men are showing just why they are in the main event of Unscripted.

Dave suggests that this one is all over by signalling for the Stamp of Authority! He lifts Baller to his shoulders and goes for the finisher, but Baller’s flailing is making it incredibly difficult for Dave to execute it. Dave takes a couple of elbows to the head, discombobulating him for a few moments. This offers Baller an opening which he seizes, escaping from Dave’s grasp. He hits Dave with a dropsault and follows up by running up the turnbuckle’s and hitting a Whisper in the Wind. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Baller stiffly kicks Dave in the back, positioning him for a standing leg drop. Baller takes the opportunity to taunt the fans however, which gives Dave a chance to regain his advantage. He kicks Baller’s knee and gets up. He then smashes Baller with a roundhouse kick. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Dave’s now had enough. He decides it’s time to finish this, and lifts Baller up once more. He twists Baller around with the Stamp of Authority, but it’s countered into a tornado DDT! 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Cohen: What genius on Baller’s part.

Copeland: It was a fantastic counter as this match hangs in the balance.

Both men are down, but the crowd only favours one; Big Dave. A chant has broken out and it seems to play a hand in reviving the former King for a Day. He’s to his feet first, though is shortly followed by Baller. Dave unleashes a stiff kick into Baller’s ribs. He follows it up by whipping him into the exposed turnbuckle. Baller bounces off the exposed metal and is nailed with a DDT. Dave now has full control of the match and knows now is the time to end it. He holds up three fingers to signal the third attempt at the Stamp of Authority. Once more Baller is lifted off of his feet and into position when...the lights go out? There is collective booing from the audience as it seems to herald the arrival of one man, and one man only. However, when the lights come back on, everything is as it was. The distraction has been sufficient though and Baller escapes Dave’s clutches once more. He shoves the stunned Dave into the exposed turnbuckle. He sees his opportunity and seizes it, executing the Buzzerbeater! 1...2...3!

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match; MR. BALLER!

Connors:“Good evening and welcome to WZCW Ascension! I’m Cat Connors alongside Jack Cohen and we are ready to see a huge show tonight as we go onto Unscripted!”

"Ancient Spirit" plays and Steven Kurtesy emerges from the curtain as the audience cheers for him. He has a mic in hand and makes his way down to the ring.

Cohen:“What does this guy want? Is he here to make his last will and testament or something?”

Kurtesy smiles as he greets the crowd.

“Tonight I face a legend in this company. A man who has ended careers with a vicious boot to the face and has ruled with a reign of unparallel tyranny. He is a man I will face tonight in a one on one match. But I will also be facing him in a Fatal Four Way for his World Heavyweight Championship.”

“Now Ty, I know you love your symbolism. You are ready to celebrate your year long reign by looking for a victory at the event that truly kicked it all off for you. But you’re not the only one who is seeking meaning behind the message that life sends us. I was also in that match and saw first hand how you dominated. That was my first World Title match and I’ve been waiting twelve long months for the second. Even though, when I look back, I might say that I wasn’t prepared for that opportunity, I still threw Vengeance off the roof of the Cell!”

“That single moment is what made him so easy for you to pick off and ultimately it gave you the win. Now I here I stand, one year later, I have rid myself of the physical and mental shackles of the Crashin Movement and I am a superior version of the Steven Kurtesy that entered that match last year.”

“Big Dave, Mr Baller, even Ty, should consider this a warning. I am going to Unscripted and I will emerge as your new -”

“Oh dear.”

Mr Baller booms out over the PA system and much like his reaction at Meltdown, the arena is filled with booing. Baller saunters out to the top of the stage.

“This guy is becoming a personal favourite of mine Cat. And can you imagine, Mr Baller as WZCW World Champion. It could happen you know!”

“Oh Kurtesy, Kurtesy, Kurtesy. All this big talk for a man who has barely achieved anything. You fluked your way into this match. Yeah...I said it. I read Twitter. They are saying creative clout got you your spot and it makes me sick.”

“Oh Baller, you know how stupid you sound. I am glad to see you though. Steamboat Ricky says hi.”

“Forget him! I’m onto bigger and better things. I’m going to Unscripted and the World Championship is mine! I’m going down in history as the biggest legend in this company.”


“I’d imagine Ty doesn’t take too kindly to pretenders making glances to his World title.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me. And they wouldn’t like to see him angry.”

Ty enters to the top of the stage. Baller is a little taken aback and steps out of the way.

“Oh this is cute. To see the two of you bickering about something that is not up for debate. You see, the Ouija has already decided the future of my championship. And I’ll spoil it for’s not going ANYWHERE!!!”

“Wow Ty, a little sure of yourself. Have you ever seeked treatment for your delusion? How about your anger issues? I know a good doctor who could assist you. After all, you aren’t concerned that this future can be changed?”

“The only thing to be changed is the destination of that title over my shoulder when Unscripted is done and dusted!”

“Try it Baller and I will kick your face off your scrawny neck.”

“Ty, it’s every man for himself. He can win that match as much as you or I can.”

“Steven, question the Ouija again and you won’t make it to Unscripted.”

“You can put me on my death bed Ty tonight and I would still be at that event, ready to take the title from you!”

At that moment, Ty raises his title. The crowd react with negativity but in the ring, Kurtesy looks on with a smiling positivity that reflects his new pensive and positive outlook. And Baller never lets his ambitious glance off the belt

“Wow, tough words from the good Steven Kurtesy. I’m really looking forward to the match between himself and Ty later tonight.”

“We may even see the Fatal Four Way become a Triple Threat, if Ty makes good on his words!”

“And add that to the Tag Title match and the Elite X Championship match-up, this is a truly stacked show!”
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

Two weeks hits to some heat from the crowd as Ewan Kampa emerges. He points out to the audience then taps his temple, smirking.

Anderson: Introducing first, from weighing in at 227, Ewan Kampa!

He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring before standing on the middle rope, pointing out and taunting the crowd.

Anarchy in the UK hits to more heat and Johnny Scumm walks out into the arena. He strolls down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 223 pounds, Johnny Scumm!

He flips off some of the crowd before getting into the ring and talking trash towards his opponent.

Cohen: Two of my favourite young stars going one on one tonight. This will be exciting!

Copeland: For once I agree with. There are two very contrasting styles here.

The referee calls for the bell and the two men circle each other, sizing the other one up. Kampa goes for a Double Leg Takedown but Scumm clubs him in the back of the head and he goes down. Scumm follows up with a kick to the head and goes for an early pin, 1.... Kick out by Kampa. Kampa gets up and Scumm backs him into the corner and unleashing a vicious chop to the chest, with the crowd letting out a “wooo!” which makes Scumm tell them to shut up, to loud boos. He Snapmares his opponent out of the corner and runs at the rope before going for a Dropkick, but Kampa leans back, dodging the move. Both men get up quickly, with Scumm throwing a right hand that Kampa ducks under and follows up with a quick Russian Leg Sweep. Both men get up again and Kampa catches his opponent with a Snap Suplex before floating over into the pin, 1... 2.. Kick out by Scumm.

Copeland: These two men are evenly matched so far!

Cohen: The future of this company is bright!

Kampa gets Scumm in a Waistlock and drags him to his feet. He nails one German Suplex, which hits with vicious impact on the back of Scumm’s head. Kampa gets up, picking up Scumm with the Waistlock still locked in and hits a second German Suplex. Scumm seems to be losing consciousness as Kampa picks him up again. He goes for the third German Suplex but Scumm hits a low blow, which the ref misses and Kampa lets go. Scumm quickly runs at the rope and returns with a devastating Spear. He goes for a weak pin, 1.... 2.... Kick out by Kampa. Scumm takes a few moments from the earlier Suplexes and uses the ropes to get to his feet. He measures up Kampa, who is clutching his ribs as he gets up. He Irish Whips Kampa into the corner and walks to the other corner before running at Kampa. But Kampa bursts out of the corner and nails Scumm with a Discus Clothesline and hooks the outside leg, 1... 2.... Kick out! Kampa tries to lock in The First Day, but Scumm elbows his way out of it. Both men quickly get up and Kampa hits a big Dropkick. Scumm goes down and Kampa rolls out under the bottom ring onto the apron, waiting for Scumm to get up. Scumm is on his feet and Kampa springboards off the top rope but Scumm counters with a Stunner! He covers Kampa, 1.... 2..... Kick out by Kampa!

: Scumm can perform some stunning reversals. Who knew?

Cohen: You’re shallow, Seabass....

Scumm gets up and stalks his opponent, walking slow circles around Kampa, who is trying to get up. Kampa is up to his feet and Scumm goes for the Facebreaker but Kampa holds onto the ropes and Scumm falls to the mat. Scumm gets to his knees and Kampa nails him with a DDT before rolling him over into the pin, 1.... 2.... Scumm kicks out! Kampa looks frustrated as he gets to his feet and calls for A New Revolution. Kampa locks in the inverted Facelock and is about to go for his finisher, but Scumm grabs Kampa’s arm and twists out of it. He drags Kampa down and locks in the Memory Loss. Kampa struggles to reach for the ropes, but he’s too far away. He rolls himself and Kampa over, but the momentum takes him back onto his front, with Scumm still keeping the hold locked in. Finally, Kampa taps out and Scumm breaks the hold!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Johnny Scumm!

The ref tries to raise Scumm’s arm, but Scumm wrenches his arm away and climbs up onto the middle rope. He shouts at the crowd and flips them off before rolling out of the ring and heading back up the ramp as Kampa looks on, angry with himself.

Copeland: A good match between these two rookies!

Backstage we see the "robot" S.H.I.T. walking backstage with his handler Gustav who is programming some last-minute instructions.

"Strength und speed amplivied...mental programmes tooned to stage drei.....S.H.I.T. ready for your match?"

The "robot" stops and appears to ponder the question.

"S.H.I.T. programmed for match mode.....Jack prepared."
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"The Robots" chimes around the arena and S.H.I.T. walks out to a cheering audience, taking a while to process the noise. After a moment of being neutral, S.H.I.T. takes a positive attitude and begins waving to the fans as he goes down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing in at 230 pounds... S.H.I.T.!

Cohen: Wow... never before have I heard of a 230 pound sh...

Connor: Can it, Jack.

Cohen: Hehehe...

S.H.I.T. gets into the ring as "Iron Army" hits the speakers and out comes Skinner to a booing audience, standing in a single spotlight. He shakes his head at what he sees in the ring before he heads down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, from New York City, weighing in at 150 pounds... Jack SKINNER!

Cohen: I feel sorry for Skinner having to face S.H.I.T. again... and the fact that he weighs less than...

Connor: Looks like Skinner's put on some more muscle mass. I wonder if it will be enough to match strength with his opponent?

As he gets into the ring, Skinner thoroughly examines S.H.I.T. with looming curiosity who looks charged and ready. The ref checks on both competitors before signalling for the bell.

S.H.I.T.'s match mode has initiated and quickly paces at Skinner, knocking him down with a clothesline that send him flying across the ring. A shocked Skinner shakes off the blast before noticing S.H.I.T. is already running at him and kicks him in the head. He goes for the cover on Skinner... 1... kick-out. S.H.I.T. kicks down Skinner as he tries getting up and delivers a standing knee drop. Skinner clutches his chest as he crawls backwards towards the corner to create some distance. As he catches his breath, S.H.I.T. analyses the situation and tries for a running facewash but Skinner plays possum and baits his opponent into using his own move. S.H.I.T. crashes into the corner as Skinner moves out of the way and quickly takes advantage by delivering a clothesline into the cornered S.H.I.T. Skinner goes onto the second turnbuckle and begins pummeling S.H.I.T. with his fists, reaching a count of 10 punches with sections of the crowd chanting along. S.H.I.T. walks forward slightly before dropping to his knees. Skinner moves back and hits a "big" boot on his opponent and knocks him down, allowing for Skinner to go for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by S.H.I.T. Skinner sees S.H.I.T. recovering quickly and tries a headlock to keep him down but S.H.I.T. uses his strength to push Skinner back and tries for a dropkick. Skinner evades the attack and goes for the headlock again as S.H.I.T. is on the ground and begins kneeing the head of S.H.I.T. until he stops struggling. Skinner keeps the lock on and berates the ref for not doing his job. The ref checks on S.H.I.T. to see if he is sure if he wants to quit but re-iterates that only the user can answer that question. Confused, the referee keeps the match going as he isn't sure if he wants to quit.

Cohen: I think the referee is technologically challenged. He should troubleshoot.

Connor: I'm surprised you even know what a computer is.

Skinner doesn't know how to take the situation as S.H.I.T. has powered back up to his feet and pushes Skinner back once more, creating some distance. Skinner tries going on the offensive but S.H.I.T. counters with a clothesline, then another... then finishes up with a running elbow. Skinner gets up quickly and tries kicking S.H.I.T. but he catches his foot and hits an enzuigiri on Skinner, knocking him down. Skinner is taken aback by the recent barrage and tries retreating but S.H.I.T. grabs him by the feet. Skinner uses all his leg strength to push him back into the corner and gets up, charging at him. S.H.I.T. uses the ropes to jump up and kick Skinner in the face, creating some distance. S.H.I.T. climbs up to the top rope quickly and delivers a diving punch to Skinner, almost knocking him out. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Skinner. S.H.I.T. does another knee drop before heading back to the top rope and goes for his Frog Splash but Skinner rolls out of the way in time. Both men are out on the canvas as the ref tries for a count. They slowly get up but Skinner is up first at a count of 6 before S.H.I.T. who is up at 8. Skinner lines him up in that time and hits a Spinning Heel Kick that stuns S.H.I.T., spinning him around. As Skinner gets up, a recovered S.H.I.T. tries for his Head Chop by swinging wildly but Skinner blocks the attack and switches it into a head lock. He tries taking down S.H.I.T. with the lock but notices something peculiar. He releases S.H.I.T. from the lock and then makes a small jab at something near his neck and suddenly S.H.I.T. has powered down. Skinner takes a closer look as he looks bemused at these events, waving a hand in front of the robot but no response. He then gently shoves S.H.I.T. backwards to fall hard to the mat and he's laying with his arms and legs spread from the impact. Skinner looks at the ref before applying his submission finisher Midnight Deadline and asking the ref to call it. Since S.H.I.T. is unresponsive, the referee calls for the bell.

The bell rings and Skinner's music blasts through the arena as the crowd boos at the way Skinner won the match.

Anderson: Here is your winner by submission... Jack SKINNER!

Connor: Did Skinner just beat S.H.I.T. by... switching him off?

Cohen: Cheater! That's illegal and shouldn't be allowed!

Connor: I don't think there's any rules that extend any courtesy to robots here, Jack.

Skinner has his hands raises but still looks bemused at events. He goes over to S.H.I.T. and leans in closer at the point he pushed on him. He does it again and rolls out of the ring as S.H.I.T. is powering up. He sits up and then is standing vertically again, looking to challenge Skinner but slowly realises that his opponent's music is playing and holds his head in shame as Skinner seemingly accepts the victory, regardless of how bizarre it is.

We see Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen backstage. He was just watching the last two matches.

"Damn rookies.....yeah I reckon Scumm will want a title shot at me now."

Behind him, appears Vance Bateman, but Bowen continues to mumble to himself.

"I'll take them all on....I don't mind. It'll fun to see them try."

Bateman chuckles, surprising the champion.

"'ve given me a great idea. I'll bear that in mind. Good talking to you champ!"

Bowen is baffled as the Ascension GM walks off.
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As we come back from the commercial, we see Ale pounding on King Shabba in the ring. Shabba is out on the mat and helpless. Ale picks up Shabba and hits a massive fallaway slam. Ale goes for a cover, 1....2....Ale brings up Shabba’s shoulders before the three count!

“This match is well underway and has kind of come out of nowhere.”

“Ale is a big nasty son of a gun and he wanted no part of Shabba’s extravagance!”

Ale stomps on Shabba some more and then drops a heavy leg drop and then a second. Without moving his leg from Shabba’s throat, Ale tells the ref to count again, 1....2....but Ale moves Shabba again and the ref is unable to make the count.

“Shabba’s had no comeback to this brute strength.”

“Ale has been damn impressive but why would he not end Shabba already?.”

Ale moves away from Shabba, but then pounces and hits the Joker to Shabba’s throat! Shabba collapses but Ale grabs him again and locks in the Runaway Vice Grip! Shabba is unconscious and the ref has to ring the bell to end it.

Your winner by.....unconciousness, ALE!!

“That was an absolute demolition!”

Ale doesn’t let go and the ref can’t break it! Eventually he does and the ref reluctantly raises his hand. Ale seems unimpressed and he walks away.

We go backstage as we see Ricky Runn & Austin Reynolds walking backstage. Austin is frantically discussing strategy, telling Ricky and showing him by pointing and gesturing what he expects from his young charge.

"The new team of Runn Reynolds Runn is getting a baptism of fire by facing Stantime, the tag champs in their first match!"

We then see Showtime David Cougar strolling backstage with World Tag Team Championship belt on his shoulders. Cougar walks past the camera and we see Stan Rogers, trailing behind.

"Stantime are the best team in this company for one reason Connors and that man David Cougar is deserving of both belts as he carries this team."

"And we will see that match in just a few moments!"
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships!

The crowd pops for the announcement of the championship match and after only a brief delay Showstopper by TobyMac hits to a great reaction.

Anderson: First, the challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 390 pounds, the team of Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn; RUNN REYNOLDS RUNN!

The crowd is now in a frenzy as the ever popular Austin Reynolds and the hot young prospect that is Ricky Runn make their way to the ring. Runn has sprinted his way down into the squared circle while Reynolds is interacting with some fans on his way down.

Connor: This is the first time that Reynolds and Runn have tagged together. Will the lack of experience cost them, or can they use the boat load of energy they’re showing here to capture tag team gold?

Cohen: I think it’s fairly obvious that it’ll be the former.

As Reynolds gets in the ring and high fives his partner, the sound of Ladies & Gentlemen echoes through the arena, turning the cheers into predominantly boos, but there remain a hint of cheers. David Cougar saunters out first, both tag team championship’s draped over his shoulders as he’s closely followed by Stan Rogers.

Anderson: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 473 pounds, the defending WZCW World Tag Team Champions; STANTIME!

We see a close-up of a sign supporting Rogers as a small contingent show their support for Stan.

Connor: While the booing is obvious and loud, there remains a slight ripple of cheers for Stan Rogers.

Cohen: It seems they’ve bought into Rogers, and it’s all down to “Showtime’s” tutelage.

Connor: I don’t think so Jack. Rogers’ has real talent and the fans appreciate that.

Cohen: So why can’t they appreciate “Showtime’s” talent?

Connor: Because “Showtime” is a self-centred narcissist.

Cohen: Narcissism is underrated CC.

Both Rogers and “Showtime” are now in the ring and the belts are in the referee’s possession. He holds the them up high to show everyone what’s on offer. It seems Cougar and Reynolds will start us off as the referee rings the bell.

Connor: It looks like we’re going to get another classic here from Reynolds and “Showtime” to start us off.

However, just as Cat finishes, Cougar grins and tags out immediately, allowing Rogers to come in. The relative newcomer looks at his partner with a slight sense of confusion. Cougar indicates for Rogers to enter the ring and the strongman obliges as the fans boo.

Cohen: Ah ha! Great mind games from the veteran Cougar there.

Reynolds shrugs and circles around the powerful Rogers who is wary of the former Elite X Champion. Reynolds looks to attack with a shoulder charge, but Rogers is waiting and ducks. Stan looks to follow up with a belly-to-back suplex, but Reynolds escapes and hits Rogers in the back of the head with an elbow. He follows it up with a lungblower. 1...KICK-OUT! Rogers powers out of the cover and is already on his way up. Reynolds rolls forward; looking to execute the Millions and Millions, but Rogers grabs him and throws him across the ring. Runn checks to see if Reynolds is okay, which Austin nods to confirm. Rogers is approaching Reynolds, but the veteran is clever enough to kick him square in the knee, reducing his power/size advantage. Reynolds now tags in his partner. The young Ricky Runn comes in and hits a snapmare, before kicking Rogers in the face. Runn looks to execute Rolling Ricky, but Rogers rolls out of the way.

Connor: Both of the less experienced partners have made slight errors. Could this trend continue?

Runn holds his back in pain as Rogers gets to his feet. He brings Runn up with him and sends him straight back down with a bodyslam. Rogers drags Runn’s body towards his corner and tags in Cougar, who is perfectly placed to deliver an elbow drop from the top rope! He executes it perfectly for 1...2...KICK-OUT! “Showtime” hits a leg drop and again is in the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! He’s not finished yet and decides to hit his signature move; Backstage. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Cougar now makes a tag, returning Rogers to the match. He lifts Runn off his feet and executes a fisherman’s suplex into a bridge. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Rogers picks Runn up for a big heart punch. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Rogers looks somewhat confused. “Showtime” screams at him to do something, but Rogers moves towards him and shrugs, allowing Runn a few moments to recover. He crawls towards his partner, desperate to escape from the champions. “Showtime” points and yells that Runn is moving to Reynolds. Rogers is confused and as such, “Showtime” finds it necessary to tag himself in. Reynolds and Runn are close to tagging.

Cohen: Is Rogers really that dense that he hasn’t noticed Runn?

Cougar is in, but it’s too late and Reynolds is now legally a part of the match. “Showtime” attempts to back off, but Reynolds smashes him with a leg lariat. Rogers attempts to get involved, but Reynolds executes a monkey flip. Austin unloads a discus lariat on Cougar, knocking him down. He kicks him right in the gut, preparing for a Ratings Killer! But it doesn’t come to fruition as Rogers batters into Reynolds with a shoulder block. He looks to go after Reynolds more, but takes a drop-toe-hold and a kick to the gut for his troubles. He then turns his attention to Cougar, hitting Five Star on his old foe! He signals it’s all over and sets up for the Ratings Killer, but Ricky tags himself in!

Connor: What is young Ricky Runn thinking here?

Cohen: He’s not, that’s the point.

Reynolds looks at Ricky with confusion as Roger comes from behind to clatter Ricky into Reynolds. They bash skulls as Austin spills out of the ring. Ricky is in real pain and will be in even more as he takes a devastating Powerbomb from Rogers! “Showtime” slowly crawls on top of Runn for 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, and STILL WZCW World Tag Team Champions; STANTIME!

The referee presents Rogers with the belts, only to have them both snatched out of his hands by “Showtime”. Rogers retreats as Cougar clutches the straps to his chest. Meanwhile, Reynolds has begun to stir and as he can hear Ladies & gentlemen, he can only assume the worst. Disappointment is painted on his face as Runn lies motionless in the ring.

Connor: Miscommunication was the downfall of the challengers tonight, but the champions too suffered from some of that tonight.

Cohen: Yes, but who are the champions, and who are the losers?

Reynolds goes to roll back into the ring but Showtime sprints towards him. He grabs Reynolds and shoves him head-first into the ring post then he whips him into the ring steps! The metal steps bang loudly as Reynolds collides with it, his right knee strikes the hard metal first. Reynolds is left screaming in absolute agony!

"Runn Reynolds Runn may be the briefest tag team in history, HA!"

"This isn't fair!"

Rogers comes back down and asks Cougar what he is up to. Showtime ignores him and goes to lock in the Commercial Break but Rogers stops him. Cougar is pissed but tries to grab Austin's legs again. Rogers forcefully pulls him away now and Cougar punches him in the jaw.

"Great job by Stan Rogers!"

"What a klutz, does he not realise that Cougar was just taking care of business?"

Rogers barely reacts and with anger coming off his face, Cougar scarpers up the ramp with both belts in hand. He seems to be concerned with how Rogers has reacted as he leaves quickly.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!”

“On his way to the ring, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 205 lbs, he is the Pinnacle of Perfection, Everest!”

Everest comes out to a fair reaction. As he makes his way down the ramp, he goes to interact with the fans but Chris KO interrupts this with a hard chair shot to the back. Everest crumples and KO shoves the chair down besides him. KO grabs the legend and drags him down the ramp. He whips Everest into the ring steps and the impact echoes around the arena.

“Everest was pummelled by Chris KO last week and it starts in a similar vein tonight.”

Everest grabs his shoulder and coils up in a bid to protect himself but KO is relentless. He picks Everest up by the arm and shoves him into the ring. KO demands that the official ring the bell and he does so reluctantly. In his arrogance, KO goes straight for a cover.

“Gotta love how intense Chris KO is. He just flat out refuses to give Everest any breathing space.”

1.....2.......Everest kicked out!!

“Amazing arrogance from Chris KO to think that he could put away Everest so easily.”

KO is fuming and cannot believe that the pin didn’t end the match. He gets down to his knees and gets in Everest’s face; he shouts and yells at him with furious intensity. He grabs Everest arm once more and goes to whip him into the corner. Everest hits the corner hard but rebounds with a clothesline to meet the charging KO in the face. KO gets back up and is hit with a running enziguri to the head!

“What a huge kick to the head! That could do it!”

KO collapses and Everest desperately reach for the cover, 1....2....KO kicks out!

“Great fight from Chris KO!!”

Everest stumbles to his feet. He tries to grab KO, in position for the Mountain Climber but KO fights it with elbows to the head. Everest tries to adjust into a spinning neck breaker but KO grabs the referee and pulls him into towards him and then lashes out behind him with a kick to the crotch!

"Oh come on! How does the referee not see that?”

“There wasn’t anything wrong with that if the ref doesn’t see it!”

KO hits a massive uppercut to Everest, drops him with a slam and then locks in the Burning Crusade. Everest reaches out for the ropes but can’t get there. In vain desperation, he tries to roll across but KO has all his weight on his back and Everest has to tap!

“Your winner by submission, Chris KO!”

“He did it, Everest tapped!”

“Chris KO has just beaten a company legend! What a result for the young man!”

Chris releases the hold eventually and allows the ref to raise his hand. He makes it clear that he is impressed with himself and everyone else should be too.

“Well I don’t like his methods”

“I love his methods.”

“But he gets the job done empthatically. Chris KO beats another company legend!”
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Elite X Championship!

Beethoven's 5th Symphony hits as Steven Holmes makes his way out to boos from the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 240 lbs, Steven Holmes!

He walks down the ramp with his head held high, completely ignoring the crowd as he walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. He stands in the center of the ring before raising his arm up as the crowd boos him more.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the Elite X champion, Sam Smith!!

"C.R.E.A.M." begins playing as Sam Smith walks out to the top of the entrance ramp, looking quite angered from the events of last week. The crowd cheers Smith as he walks down the ramp with the Elite X Championship strapped around his waist. He slides into the ring and lifts the Elite X Championship into the air before handing it to the ref.

Connor: Last week Holmes took advantage of a distracted Smith and picked up a victory, earning himself an Elite X Championship opportunity. Though you have to wonder, who exactly was that on the Tron?

Cohen: Does it matter? We don't need that disgrace representing WZCW. He needs rehab, not the Elite X Championship.

The ref signals for the bell and Holmes looks to lock up but Smith explodes and tackles Holmes, unloading lefts and rights on Holmes. The ref eventually pulls Smith away but Smith breaks free and goes after Holmes again. The ref pulls him back once more and Smith begins arguing with the ref. Holmes takes advantage and sucker punches Smith, knocking him back which gives Holmes the advantage to hit a high knee, sending Smith to the ground. Holmes now is all over Smith, connecting with right hand after right hand before standing and stomping him in the chest. He lifts Smith off the ground and quickly sends him over with a belly to back suplex. He goes for the cover, 1....2.....Smith kicks out. Holmes begins blatantly choking Smith and the ref begins the five count. Holmes releases the choke at four, holding his hands up before pulling Smith up with him. He spins him around and sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Smith collapses to the outside and Holmes quickly follows him to the outside. He connects with multiple strikes again before lifting Smith up and goes to whip him into the barrier but Smith counters and sends Holmes back first into the barrier!

Connor: This is a fight not a wrestling match. These two are tearing each other apart!

Cohen: I love it! They want to kill each other out there. It's really become a warzone now.

Smith continues his assault on Holmes now. He sends him shoulder first into the ring post and pulls on the arm, stretching it out as much as he can. The ref's count has continued thus far, up to 7 as Smith notices and pulls Holmes forward into the post once more before rolling into the ring and then out again. Holmes is holding his arms, trying to get feeling back into it when he notices Smith but can't react in time to dodge the clothesline. Smith yells out as the crowd pops loudly for him. He grabs Holmes and rolls him into the ring but keeps his head on the apron, hitting a hard elbow across the forehead. Smith rolls in and drags Holmes to the center, going for the pin, 1......2.......Holmes kicks out! Smith lifts Holmes head up and slams it into the mat, forcing Holmes to hold the back of his head as he eats another boot from Smith. Smith paces in the ring momentarily before going to lift Holmes up again but Holmes surprises him with a roll up and a handful of tights! 1......2.....Smith kicks out!

Connor: Holmes is barely holding on, resorting to cheap tactics to gain the victory here tonight.

Cohen: More than anything he needs to slow down Smith's momentum. Holmes has taken a beating already tonight, he needs an opportunity to regroup and come up with a better strategy.

Holmes slowly pulls himself up as Smith is quickly up to his feet. He quickly goes to lift Holmes up for the Final Judgement but Holmes with a few elbows to the head gets him off Smith's shoulders. Holmes with a knee to the midsection and quickly sends Smith over with an underhook suplex. Smith crashes to the mat and grasps at his back in pain but Holmes is quick to follow with a knee drop across the forehead. Holmes lifts Smith up and goes tow hip him into the ropes but Smith counters and Holmes hangs onto the ropes. Smith rushes towards him but Holmes back body drops Smith over the ropes to the outside. Holmes slides out of the ring and grabs hold of Smith and slams his head into the ringside barrier. Smith counters with a knife edge chop, eliciting a Woooooo from the crowd. The two continue to trade blows as the ref begins his ten count. Smith gains advantage and sends Holmes sprawling across the entrance ramp with an arm drag. Smith begins throwing rights into Holmes who tries to cover up. The ref's count is to 7 and Smith notices it. He gets up off Holmes and starts walking to the ring when suddenly a voice can be heard from the tron.

Sam! Next week your past demons will be aired for all to see. Your time is coming!

Smith has turned around and is watching the Tron when he doesn't realize that Holmes has grabbed hold of his ankle. Smith can't move and the ref finishes the ten count!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this match has ended in a double count out!

Connor: Smith was screwed again!

Cohen: Clearly Holmes was screwed more! Smith retains the title when Holmes clearly had this match where he wanted it.

Holmes releases Smith as Smith walks towards the ring questioning the ref. Suddenly Holmes is to his feet and hits Smith from behind. Holmes begins throwing rights and lefts again, holding Smith in place against the ring apron.

Connor: Holmes is clearly unleashing his frustration on Smith. He was counted out too it wasn't Smith's fault. And again the voice interrupts Smith's match. What is going on here?

Cohen: Holmes is making a point. He has Smith's number and he's going to take that Elite X title from him.

Smith is busted open now and Holmes lands one more solid strike, knocking Smith to the ground. Holmes looks at the blood on his hand before lifting his head up and staring down at Smith. Referees rush down and separate Holmes from Smith. Holmes backs up the ramp slowly as the referees check on the bloody Smith.

Connor: This certainly won't be over any time soon Jack.

Cohen: I sure hope not. Steven Holmes was made for that Elite X title, and he'll be someone to represent WZCW like a champion should.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening!

"Ancient Spirit" plays and Kurtesy slowly emerges from the curtain, looking around the arena as the audience cheers for him. He stops on the stage, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before proceeding down the ramp, wishing peace and shaking hands with fans as he walks past. He slides into the ring and ascends the turnbuckle, using his hand to cover his eyes from the light so he can look-out into the audience once more.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 235 lbs, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!


The lights go out and flames erupt either side of Burna as he stands at the top of the entrance ramp. He slowly makes his way to the ring with his World Championship. The fans jeer Ty about 2 weeks ago. Ty wears a furious look upon his face, but that face is directed at Kurtesy as Ty refuses to acknowledge the fans.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is you WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Cohen: CC I can tell you with the utmost seriousness that the last person on Earth that I would like to be right now is that man in the ring, Dr. Steven Kurtesy. No medical training in the world will prepare him for the fury Ty Burna will unleash on him tonight.

Connor: For our viewers who missed last weeks Meltdown, Ty Burna was defeated for the first time in more than a year. Tonight he faces one of his opponents at Unscripted, Steven Kurtesy, and Ty is looking to get back on track and maybe send a message to his other opponents.

Ty is in the ring and removes his belt and hands it to the ref. The ref calls the bell and two men go straight into a lock up. Ty goes to overpower Kurtesy. Kurtesy quickly gets behind Ty with a School Boy Roll up. 1... 2.. Ty kicks out. Kurtesy looks down at Ty and smiles, knowing he was one count away. Ty looks up with anger and the two immediately lock up again. Ty Burna with his strength pushes Kurtesy backwards and throws him into the ropes. Kurtesy bounces back off the ropes. Ty looks to put this away early and leaps with a Consecrated Banishment. Kurtesy ducks under the kick and bounces back off the opposite ropes. Ty turns and goes to charge at Kurtesy. Kurtesy leaps coming off the ropes and takes Ty down with a Crossbody. The ref goes to count the cover, but Ty lifts and throws Kurtesy off him before the ref gets to 1. Kurtesy refuses to give Ty a moments rest and grabs his head and throws him to the mat with a Headlock Takedown. Kurtesy holds on to the neck and head of Ty. Ty powers slowly up to his feet. He goes to lift Kurtesy up off the ground. Kurtesy leans forward as Ty lifts and is able to take him to the mat again with a Headlock Takedown. Kurtesy wrenches the neck at Ty and Ty tries to break free of the hold. Ty again slowly gets back to hid feet, Kurtesy still holding the head of Ty. Ty goes to lift Kurtesy up again. He fakes it, lifting him slightly off the ground and back down before throwing Kurtesy over his shoulders and backwards. Kurtesy lands high on his head and neck and rolls backwards, eventually coming to a stop face down on the mat. Ty Burna rolls over Kurtesy and goes for the pinfall. 1... 2. Kurtesy kicks out.

Cohen: Ty just tossed Kurtesy over his head like he has a small piece of luggage. I wouldn't be surprised if the doctors neck was broken after that one.

Ty continues the aggressive approach and stomps away at Kurtesy as he tries to get to his feet. The ref eventually pulls Ty off of Kurtesy as he manages to get a hand on the ropes. Ty backs up in the ring and waits for Kurtesy to stand as he slowly pulls himself to his feet. Ty senses blood and runs straight at Kurtesy. Consecrated Banishment! Misses slightly as Kurtesy barely moves to the side. Ty's leg goes between the second and third ropes. Kurtesy doesn't wait for his opponent to become untangled and gives straight kicks to the leg that Ty is standing on. The ref administers a 5 count and Kurtesy stops at 3 and helps his opponent get out of the ropes. Kurtesy grabs the leg he assaulted and holds it off the ground. Dragon Screw follows sending both men to the mat. Kurtesy continues holding the leg of Ty and quickly locks in a Leg Lock. Ty is close to the ropes and is able to get both hands on them. The ref again starts a 5 count and Kurtesy releases at 4. Ty Burna pulls himself under the ropes and outside of the ring for a breather.

Connor: Ty has been on the defensive rather than the offensive for most of this contest.

Cohen: Hence the break outside. Ty is going at Kurtesy all cylinders pumping and needs to refocus himself a little to finally run down Kurtesy tonight.

Kurtesy knows he's had the advantage over Ty so far here tonight and refuses to chase after him. Ty limps around the ring slowly, formulating his next plan of attack. He slides into the ring, then quickly rolls out as Kurtesy was already there to deliver the boots to Ty. Ty barks at Kurtesy in the ring as he continues to circle the ring. Kurtesy has had enough and tries to surprise him by running straight at him. Kurtesy goes for a Baseball Slide. Ty turns and just dodges it. As Kurtesy slides outside the ring and his feet touch the floor, Ty levels him with a huge clothesline. The wind is clearly knocked out of Kurtesy as he gasps for air on the floor. Ty Burna refuses to let Kurtesy catch his wind as he quickly picks him up from the ground and pushes his backwards into the guardrail, ramming his shoulders into Kurtesy’s abdominal area. Ty then grabs the rail and starts stomping Kurtesy’s midsection until he falls to the floor. The ref is on 8 in his 10 count before Ty rolls in and out of the ring to break the count.

Cohen: Ty showing so mercy, no remorse for his winded opponent who lost the upper hand as quickly as he gained it.

Ty grabs Kurtesy and lifts him onto his shoulders. He paces around a bit before dropping Kurtesy on the guard rail. He chest and abdomen taking the impact of the fall. Ty grabs the back of Kurtesy head and lifts him up vertical. Ty hooks his arm and drops him straight on his back with a Russian Legsweep. The blow causes a load “oooo” from the audience as Kurtesy’s head bounces straight off the concrete. Ty rolls Kurtesy towards the ring and then lifts his limp body up and pushes him into the ring. The ref has counted 8 and Ty releases how close the count is. Ty slides into the ring and then drags Kurtesy further from the ropes before making the cover. 1... 2.... Kurtesy kicks out.

Connor: Unbelievable fire here tonight from Kurtesy.

Cohen: Yea and Ty’s about to put it out.

Ty picks up Kurtesy and hooks him around the waist. Ty lifts Kurtesy up to a horizontal base and then drives his back onto Ty’s knee. Backbreaker. Ty keeps Kurtesy balanced there and pushes his neck and head back while keep his body still. Kurtesy squirms and fights to get free and Ty eventually lets Kurtesy roll off his knee to the mat. Ty backs up slowly and again looks to put away with Kurtesy with his signature move. Kurtesy is very slow to his feet. With the ropes he finally gets up vertical and slowly turns around. Ty is ready and goes for a third Consecrated Banishment. Kurtesy moves, Ty tries to stop quickly and jams his leg. Ty hobbles around to face Kurtesy. Kurtesy grabs him and throws him to the mat, Judo Suplex. Ty is to his feet and swings with a Clothesline. Kurtesy blocks it and spins around, hitting a Arm-trap Neckbreaker. Kurtesy crawls over Ty and hooks the leg. 1... 2.. Ty kicks out. Both men lie exhausted in the ring. The ref begins a 10 count. By 4 Ty Burna is to his knees and at 7 Ty and Kurtesy both get to their feet. They both lock up at the centre of the ring. Kurtesy gets behind Ty, crossing Ty's arms in the process. Sleeper Slam! Kurtesy with the cover. 1... 2.... Ty kicks out. Kurtesy is up and the crowd is roaring. Kurtesy is breathing heavily, exhausted but finally in control of this contest again. He sees Ty has slowly gotten to his feet. Kurtesy runs towards the ropes. He comes off the ropes and goes for a Savate Kick. He connects with it right in the stomach of Ty. Ty is hunched over. Kurtesy goes for a Snapmare Driver

Connor: Prescribed Sedation!

Kurtesy goes for the move. Ty manages to free his head in time and Kurtesy sends himself face down to the mat. Kurtesy grabs his face and slowly rises to his feet. Ty Burna has circled to face Kurtesy. He knocks him down with Consecrated Banishment! Kurtesy is out cold. Ty sees this, but refuses to go for the pin. Instead he grabs hold of Kurtesy’s limp arm and locks in his submission move The Final Séance. The ref immediately calls for the bell. Ty Burna continues stretching Kurtesy’s arm.

Anderson: The winner of this contest by way of submission, the WZCW Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Connor: Ty Burna has won the match already. Why is he refuses to break the hold.

Cohen: A win is not good enough for Ty Burna. Dr. Kurtesy gave Ty more problems than easy solutions in this match and Ty is furious. He wants to show everyone in the locker room what happens when you piss off Ty Burna.

Ty still has the move locked in as the ref is trying to get him to let go. The crowd pops as Big Dave is scene running down the stage ramp. Ty breaks the hold as Dave slides in. The crowd is on their feet as the first real confrontation between Ty and Dave erupts and both men lay in punches on each other. Ty swings at Dave with a Clothesline. Dave ducks under it. Ty turns and Dave quickly lifts him and drops him to the mat with a Powerslam. Dave is up and waits for Ty to stand. the crowd cheers in anticipation. Ty is up and Dave quickly lifts him onto his shoulders, looking to hit Stamp of Authority. Baller then appears running down the ramp. Dave sees him on the apron and drops Ty off his shoulders. Baller straddles through the ropes, but is then sent back over them by a Clothesline from Dave. Baller lands on his butt as Dave turns back to Ty. Ty Burna has recovered and flies at Dave with Consecrated Banishment. He connects. Dave and Kurtesy are both out in the ring where Ty stands alone. Baller goes to enter the ring, but then looks up near the apron and sees Ty waiting for him to enter. Baller rethinks about it and then slowly backs away from the ring. The crowd boos as Baller tells them all to shut up and signals that he is going to be champion. Ty Burna just chuckles a bit as he limps over the the corner where his title belt is. Ty Burna picks it up and raises it to loud boos.

Connor: Such destruction laid out inside that ring.

Cohen: And to think, a year ago who would’ve imagined Baller would be the only man left standing to face Ty Burna.

Connor: Baller survived this week, but what plans could Ty have for him for next week? How will Dave and Kurtesy rebound with one show left before Unscripted? All that and so much more to be answered next time. From all us here at WZCW. He’s Jack. I’m Cat. We’ll be sure to see you next time on Ascension.
Who wrote what:
Opening: Numbers
Kampa/Scumm: Blade
S.H.I.T. vs Skinner: Falkon/Phoenix
Everest vs Chris KO, Ale vs Shabba: Numbers
RRR vs Stantime: Funkay
Smith vs Holmes: Ty
Kurtesy vs Ty: Showtime

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And thank you from us all again for being so patient with the delays.
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