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Ascension 32

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Meltdown 56 said:
Barbosa kneels on the mat and the ref tries to raise his hand but Barbosa pulls his arm away quickly and gets up to begin stomping away at Dave. Kravinoff enters the ring and joins in, both men delivering the beatdown to the King for a Day winner. Suddenly Everest runs out with a chair in hand and slides into the ring. Barbosa turns and gets a chair to the midsection and a shot to the back. Kravinoff quickly rolls out of the ring and pulls Barbosa to the outside as well.

Cohen: What's this old artifact think he's doing? He's ruining the best part of the show!

Copeland: In a odd surprise, it looks as if Everest has come down to save Dave from Barbosa and Kravinoff!

Barbosa and Kravinoff back up the ramp staring down Everest as he helps Dave up. The two men stare each other down for a moment before shaking hands and turning towards the other two retreating to the entrance stage.

We open to Barbosa and Hunter Kravinoff standing in the middle of the ring as boos come down around them. Kravinoff has his arms crossed in front of him while Barbosa stands there, staring out at the crowd in a catatonic state.

Hunter: Tonight my partner Barbosa and I face off against two men who have held everyone down here in WZCW. Big Dave our fraudulent King for a Day, and the relic Everest. Now it will be our humble request that Mr. Bateman or Mr. Myles please give Barbosa the opportunity to win the King for a Day title shot at Redemption.


Big Dave makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp to cheers from the crowd. He raises up his gold briefcase before speaking.

Dave: Hunter, the way I see it, Barbosa had all the opportunity in the world to win this King for a Day shot. Yet he couldn't get the job done and now he's resorting to let am imbecile like you try to talk his way back into another chance at it. I have a better idea for Redemption Hunter, since you're the "brains" of the operation why don't we go one on one and settle this issue.

Hunter: Gladly, if you put that KFAD title shot on the line.

Barbosa: WHAT?!?!?

Dave: You don't get it do you Kravinoff? This KFAD title shot is mine, and mine only. You nor Barbosa will get an opportunity at this, although for Barbosa I do have one gift for him.


Everest makes his way out to a pop from the crowd. He looks towards Dave and nods his head before removing his sunglasses and placing them in his jacket.

Dave: My friend Everest here has decided he wants to be the one to put all four Barbosa's in their place. And we're going to start tonight, right here on Ascension.

Barbosa: The plan isn't working!

Hunter: You have yourself a deal you two. And after we embarrass both of you at Redemption, you'll have no choice but to put that KFAD title shot on the line against one or both of us David.

Dave: Oh you won't have to worry about that Kravinoff, after I drop you down with the Stamp of Authority, you'll be running back to Africa or Canada with your tail tucked between your legs!

Everest: Because this is our world! And we just let you live in it!

Dave's music hits as he and Everest turn and make their way to the back as Barbosa begins to argue with Kravinoff.

Connor: Two more matches added to Redemption as Big Dave will face Hunter Kravinoff, and the wily veteran Everest will take on Barbosa! Will the situation erupt later tonight in our main event?
We see King Shabba backstage with Leon Kensworth.

“King Shabba, you took out Justin Cooper on your WZCW debut. Tonight you face The Agony, the second half of that much talked about tag team that never truly formed. What are your thoughts on this match please?”

King Shabba is ignorant to Leon’s questioning. His assistant Nnamdi appears and Shabba whispers in his ear.

“His Majesty will not address you at this time – you are not yet worthy to break his concentration. I can tell you this much – he is going to show why he is simply superior to everyone in this company. It is just a shame that it has to be done in this stupid country.”

Shabba strolls off with his nose in the air and Nnamdi follows loyally.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

The theme from “28 Days Later” hits and The Agony makes his way onto the stage. He lifts his head and stares forward before heading toward the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Louisville, Kentucky and weighing in at 298 pounds, The Agony!

The Agony rolls into the ring as his music cuts out and “Show Me My Opponent” blares through the arena and King Shabba comes out from behind the curtain, Nnamdi in tow.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa and weighing in at 223 pounds, “The King of Zimbabwe” King Shabba!

Shabba gives his crown and robe to Nnamdi who heads backstage as the bell rings. The two men begin to circle, with Shabba looking up at the much larger Agony. Shabba charges at Agony and begins swinging away at him, but Agony just shoves the King away. Shabba runs at Agony again and swings away, this time seemingly dazing Agony. Shabba scrambles to the top rope and comes off with a dropkick. Agony steps to the side, however, and catches Shabba in midair. He lifts Shabba to his shoulders and takes him down with a Samoan drop. Agony covers Shabba, 1…2. he kicks out at 2. Agony grabs Shabba by the hair and pulls both himself and Shabba back to their feet. Agony stares at Shabba for a moment before lifting him for Agony’s finishing maneuver, but Shabba slips out and runs the ropes and comes off with a shoulder block that doesn’t move Agony at all. Shabba runs the ropes again and goes for a tilt-a-whirl arm drag, but Agony holds onto Shabba, lifts Shabba onto his shoulders, and scores with a fireman’s carry gutbuster. Agony goes for a cover, 1…2… Shabba kicks out.

Connor: King Shabba may be a monarch, but The Agony is the one ruling this match so far.
Cohen: How dare you speak about royalty like that, CC!

The Agony quickly gets back to his feet and waits for Shabba to do the same. Agony lifts Shabba for his finisher once more, but Nnamdi runs out from backstage and jumps onto the apron. Agony drops Shabba and runs over to knock Nnamdi off the apron, but he jumps off before Agony can. Agony turns around into a float over DDT from Shabba. Shabba stumbles around, dazed, but runs the ropes and hits a double leg drop. Shabba gets back to his feet slowly and starts beating his chest. Agony slowly gets back to his feet, and turns around into the B2K. Shabba falls onto Agony for the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, King Shabba!

Nnamdi slides back into the ring to celebrate with King Shabba and escort him back up the ramp as Agony slowly begins to stir inside the ring.
We go backstage to Titus standing by with Leon Kensworth.

Leon: Titus, you were victorious alongside Phoenix and Sam Smith against Chris Jones, the Elite X champion Michael Winters, and a man who has been a thorn in your side lately, Constantine. Any thoughts on the match.

Titus: Of course Leon, you see Phoenix has been around for awhile, but Sam Smith won us the match on Meltdown. It just goes to show that the fresh talent WZCW has been bringing in is getting better and better. As for Constantine.

Suddenly almost on cue Constantine walks into the picture, Mia following suit. Constantine crosses his arms and smiles towards Titus who's demeanor suddenly changes.

Constantine: As for me Titus, now that we've got you back on your winning ways, it's time we settle things inside the ring at Redemption. I told you if you won that I would gladly give you a shot at the Powertrip, so what do ya say?

Titus: I say I'm going to shut you up for a change Constantine. I'm sick of listening to you talking over a former World Champion such as myself.

Constantine: Former being the keyword there Titus. Ever since you returned you can't get back to the top as easily as you did before. Perhaps a high profile match against someone as respected as myself will get you right back there. I mean it has done wonders for Austin Reynolds and Showtime, look at them they've got a world title shot now.

Titus suddenly snaps and smacks Constantine across the face and the two begin brawling in the backstage area. Constantine gains the advantage and sends Titus back first into a metal box. Titus winces in pain and Constantine is all over him now, raining down rights as Titus tries to cover up. Constantine stands over Titus and smiles wide.

Constantine: I'll see you at Redemption, Titus. The Powertrip is going to show everyone who they need to be looking up to.
“The following match is for one fall”

Cage’s Psychotically Deranged begin to a great reaction as Kurtesy emerges on the stage.

“On his way to the ring, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 235lbs, this is Dr Steven Kurtesy!!”

Kurtesy gets in the ring as he prepares, looking forward to facing his opponent.

“The doctor looks good despite how tormented he must be about Holmes’ behaviour last week.”

“And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing 220 pounds, this is MISTER...BALLER!!!!”

“I don’t think Baller cares too much. He has got all his focus on Steamboat Ricky at Redemption.”

As Mister Baller begins, Baller comes dribbling his basketball and showing off arrogantly to the fans as he walks to the ring.

“And what a match that could be. Two generations ready to collide!”

“Baller will need to bring his game face if he wants to have a chance.”

Baller enters the ring and he quickly ties up with Kurtesy. The doctor whips him off the ropes but Baller fights back with a spinning heel kick. Kurtesy gets back up and retaliates with a pair of arm drags.

“Typically good in ring skill from Steven Kurtesy.”

“This guy knows his stuff in the ring. Baller won’t be able to surprise him, he will just have to be a little more vicious.”

Kurtesy keeps hold of the arm and slams him down to the mat, using the arm to control him. Baller reaches back with his legs and catches Kurtesy with a headscissors to reverse the armbar.

Baller kips up and stomps Kurtesy before strolling around the ring in an arrogant display of self-promotion. Suddenly Steamboat Ricky emerges at the top of the stage. Baller is furious at his mere presence.

“This isn’t right, what is that crock doing here?”

Ricky points at Baller and shakes his head before waving and then turning to walk off. Baller stomps the mat and talks angrily to himself. As he turns to refocus on Dr Kurtesy, he is already standing behind him and drops Baller to the mat with The Straight Jacket! Kurtesy sits up, wraps his leg around Baller’s neck and locks in Kommon Kurtesy. Baller is trapped and has to tap out!

“Your winner by submission, Steven Kurtesy!!!”

“Baller allowed himself to get distracted and paid the price.”

“He got screwed!”

“No he didn’t. He turned his back on Kurtesy and that was a massive mistake.”

Suddenly Steven Holmes walks out to the top of the entrance ramp along with Sandaza. Kurtesy turns and notices them and motions for Holmes to come to the ring. Holmes shakes his head and slowly applauds before turning and exiting to the back once more along with Sandaza. Kurtesy stares at the stage for a moment before climbing to the second turnbuckle and poses for the crowd.
We go backstage as James King and Alhazerd sit in the locker room, preparing for their match.

Alhazerd: How dare they make us beat Paradyse Cruz just to get a Tag Team title shot. Wasn't our performance at Kingdom Come and subsequent weeks enough for them to just hand us the shot?

King: We almost defeated the World Heavyweight Champion by ourselves! Doesn't that count for something?

Alhazerd: No, no it doesn't James. In fact, let's make a statement out there tonight. Once we're done with Paradyse Cruz it will be time for the Brothers in Arms to lay down for the Forgotten Powers.

The two men stand and make their way out of the locker room as we go to commericial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Drones begins playing as Ale makes his way out to the entrance ramp as a few boos pop up from the crowd. He walks slowly down the ramp and climbs up the apron and steps over the top rope and into the ring.

Introducing first, from Peru, Indiana. He stands 7'1" and weighs 400 lbs, Ale!

Connor: This is a monstrosity of a man standing inside that ring Cohen. He could be big trouble for even the likes of Austin Reynolds.

Cohen: You're absolutely right CC. I just can't see how Reynolds can lift him up or even spin him around for an Ego crush. I think Reynolds has bit off more than he can chew here.


Austin Reynolds makes his way out to a huge response from the crowd. He points out to the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp and silver and gold pyro goes off behind him. He slides into the ring and hops up to the second turnbuckle and holds his arms out as the crowd cheers once more.

Anderson: And his opponent, from London, England. He stands 6'0" and weighs 190 lbs, Austin Reynolds!

Suddenly the lights go out and the Chaos Symbol once again flashes across the tron momentarily when...


The lights come back up to a faint dim as static flashes all around the arena as the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna makes his way slowly to the top of the entrance ramp, flames bursting forth from the corners of the entrance stage. He walks down the ramp slowly, the WZCW World Title draped across his shoulder and makes way for the announce table. He sets the World Title down and picks up a headset before taking a seat.

Connor: We've been joined here at ringside by the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Ty: It is a pleasure Ms. Connors. And Jack, have the nightmares gone away yet?

Cohen: What nightmares? Other than seeing your ugly face sitting next to me here, I haven't had any at all.

Ty: Needless to say I'm sure you're still haunted from the last time I came out here, and I would apologize but your just a pompous ass.

The ref signals for the bell as Reynolds takes his gaze off Ale and towards Ty, giving Ale the opportunity to gain control with massive clubbing shots to the midsection. Reynolds is doubled over as Ale connects with a headbutt, sending Reynolds reeling into the corner. Ale rushes forward and goes for a big splash but Reynolds gains his senses back in time to roll out of the way. Ale turns around and gets hit with a dropkick but merely shrugs it off and hits a stiff shoulder block, sending Reynolds to the mat. Ale bounces off the ropes and goes for an elbow drop but again Reynolds moves out of the way. Reynolds once again goes for a dropkick but instead focuses right on the knee, connecting and sending the big man down to one knee. Reynolds follows up by bouncing off the ropes and hitting a leg lariat which knocks the big man down. Reynolds covers him, 1...2..Ale pushes Reynolds off of him!

Ty: This Ale reminds me a lot of a former opponent of mine. Facing Rush for the Mayhem title was very similar to this, only I was able to beat his face in with a chair.

Connor: What do you think Reynolds has to do to get the victory tonight?

Ty: First and foremost don't concentrate on outside distractions. If Ale was formidable enough he would have knocked Reynolds out at the beginning of the match and this would have been over with. But he must use his speed and agility to gain the advantage. Keep the bigger man off his feet where he can do the most damage to you.

Reynolds to his feet first as Ale gets to one knee. Reynolds connects with a few shots to the head before going for a shoulder charge of his own. Ale catches him and lifts him up for a military press slam. He tosses Reynolds across the ring and he crashes hard into the mat. He holds his back in pain as he rolls out of the ring in front of the announce table. He grabs hold of the table and lifts himself up right in front of Ty. Ty begins clapping sarcastically as he watches on as Ale exits the ring and grabs Reynolds by the back of the neck and sends him back first into the apron. Ale goes for a big boot and connects, sending Reynolds' head back. Ale lifts Reynolds up and tosses him into the ring, taking his time climbing in and pinning Reynolds, 1......2.....Reynolds kicks out!

Cohen: I like this Ale, he's big, he's nasty, he's mean. I think he's a man that could beat you easily Burna.

Ty: There isn't much going on up in his head there, so maybe you're right Cohen, a kick to the skull might not do much if there isn't anything there to damage. Is that how it worked for you back in the day Jack? They hit you so hard in the head they broke their hand and your lack of a brain felt nothing?

Connor: Let's focus on the match. Reynolds is getting clobbered by Ale in the ring, yet he seems more focused on you Ty.

Ty: I think Mr. Reynolds needs a pep talk if you will.

Ty takes off his headset and grabs the World Title as Ale tosses Reynolds throat first onto the second rope and puts a knee to the back. Ty stands in front of Reynolds holding the WZCW World Title in front of his face, yelling at him to get up and fight. Ale backs off at the count of four from the ref as Ty continues to taunt Reynolds from the outside. Ale bounces off the ropes and goes for another knee but Reynolds moves and trips Ale, sending him into the ropes throat first. As the ref checks on Reynolds, Ty blasts Ale in the face with the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, sending Ale backwards into the ring. Reynolds turns around without realizing what just happened and hits a roaring elbow, sending the big man to the ground. He moves to the ring apron and springboards off and connects with a 450 splash! He lays atop Ale, 1....2.....3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Austin Reynolds!

Cohen: Reynolds cheated!

Connor: I think what you're looking for Cohen is that Ty helped Reynolds win the match. But why would he do that? Wouldn't he want his opponent for Redemption softened up?

Cohen: Ty clearly doesn't get it. Is his Ouija board working alright?

Reynolds slowly gets up as the ref raises his hand. Ty walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, clapping once more. He raises Reynolds arm high into the air as the replay goes on on the tron. Reynolds watches as Ty holds the WZCW World Heavyweight Title high into the air. Suddenly Reynolds turns and pushes Ty in the chest.

Reynolds: I don't need your help winning matches. Not like that.

Ty smirks and shakes his head as he holds the World Title in front of Austin's face once more.

Ty: It's yours for the taking Reynolds. All you have to do is reach out and grab it.

Ty's music hits as he drapes the title back over his shoulder and exits the ring, walking up the ramp to a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd. Reynolds stands in the ring watching on, anger spreading across his face.
We cut backstage where Paradyse Cruz are walking towards the entrance area. They bump into Wasabi Toyota and Scott Hammond and the two teams stare each other down before the Brothers in Arms walk away.

Connor: Who will Toyota and Hammond face at Redemption? Will it be the Forgotten Powers? Or will Paradyse Cruz continue to shock the world and earn that Tag Team title shot? We'll find out after this!
Anderson: The following contest is the WZCW World Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders match, scheduled for one fall!

"Paradise" hits the speakers and the crowd cheers as Sean and Armando come out together, raising their hands on the air. Sean slaps the backside of Armando as he runs down the ramp hi-fiving fans, which catches Armando off-guard for a moment until he shakes it off and follows him.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 504 pounds... Paradyse CRUZ!

They slide into the ring as the music changes to "I Am... All of Me" and the lights dim as the crowd boos once they see King emerging from the curtain with his hand held high, followed by Dr. Alhazred. The two of them slowly make their way down to ringside.

And their opponents, at a combined weight of 428 pounds... The Forgotten POWERS!

Cohen: Again? Didn't we already see the Forgotten Powers kick Paradyse Cruz's ass like last week?

Connor: Actually, it was on Meltdown 55 and the difference between these matches is that this one decides who will face the Brothers in Arms at Redemption for the titles.

The referee gets both teams in position and rings the bell.

Alhazred and Cruz start off the match and begin circling each other. Cruz starts running in a circle after Alhazred, who picks up the pace. Cruz is in hot pursuit until Alhazred realises what's happening and stops, waiting for Cruz. He tries for a strong punch but Cruz catches it and arm drags Alhazred across the ring, followed by another. Cruz gets Alhazred into a headlock takedown and keeps the pressure on. Cruz slowly drags Alhazred to his corner with the submission still locked in and tags Paradyse. Some ladies scream loudly as he jumps over the ropes and hits a standing moonsault on Alhazred. Cruz lets go and slides out of the ring as Paradyse goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Alhazred tries getting up but Paradyse takes him down with a snapmare, followed with a kick to his back. He then hits a leg drop on Alhazred and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Paradyse tags in Cruz who waits for Alhazred and delivers a jawbreaker, followed by a high angle dropkick. He hits a knee drop to Alhazred and tags back in Paradyse who signals for the rolling thunder. He hits on Alhazred and goes for the cover... 1... 2... Alhazred just kicks out. Paradyse tags in Cruz once again and he waits for Alhazred to get up, hitting his patent kicking combination. Alhazred goes down after a big crescent kick and Cruz goes for the cover... 1... 2... King breaks up the count. The referee deals with King who willingly gets back on the apron as Paradyse attempts to after him. The ref turns his attention to him to get back on the apron as Cruz goes to pick up Alhazred, who gauges the eyes of Cruz before delivering a strong right punch to knock him down. He slowly gets to his corner and makes the tag, which the referee sees as he has subdued Paradyse. King immediately goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Cruz.

Cohen: And just like that, the momentum shifts.

Connor: Thanks to some underhanded tactics. Paradyse Cruz were rolling until the Powers took advantage of the situation.

King continuously pummels Cruz's head with foot stomps and then goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out. King picks up Cruz and delivers a series of elbows to his face, followed by a headbutt that makes Cruz groggy. King runs off the ropes to hit a clothesline to the back of Cruz's head. He rolls over Cruz and goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Alhazred is finally recovered and King tags him in. The two perform Protect Ya Neck on Cruz and Alhazred goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Cruz. Alhazred mounts Cruz and begins repeated using elbow strikes to Cruz's head. He gets up and hits a couple of fist drops to the head of Cruz. He goes over to the turnbuckles and climbs up to the second rope, delivering a diving fist drop to Cruz. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... Paradyse breaks up the count and the referee subdues him as King comes in to double team on Cruz. Paradyse complains but the referee will have none of it as King gets back on the apron. Alhazred picks up Cruz and puts him into his corner and tags in King. The two work on the head of Cruz until the ref's count gets to four, forcing Alhazred back on the apron. King tags in Alhazred again and they continue their assault. The ref forces King onto the apron as Alhazred locks in the sleeper hold on Cruz who does his best to escape but the damage to his head doesn't allow him much fight. He begins to drop to one knee and starts fading.

Connor: The strategy employed by the Powers has been working thus far, attacking the head of the opponent.

Cohen: Both physically and mentally, CC. Can you imagine Sean's face when he sees that foundation won't be able to cover those bruises?

Paradyse is rallying the fans into a frenzy to get behind Cruz as the ref raises the hand of Cruz and drops it. No response... he does it again... no response. The fans are cheering loudly now as the ref drops it for a third time and Cruz responds by slowly getting to his feet. He delivers some elbow shots to Alhazred until he lets go. He hits a couple of punches of his own until Alhazred swings for a strong punch but Sean ducks and catches him with a huge spinebuster. Both men are down and look to their partners for a tag. Alhazred gets to his partner long before Cruz and King comes in and knocks Paradyse off the apron. He picks up Cruz and lodges him on the apron, trying for a rope-hung DDT but Cruz counters with a shoulder block before King can set up the move. Cruz springboards off the ropes and hits a huge crossbody on King. Paradyse climbs back on the apron and wills Cruz for a tag as King tags in Alhazred in. He makes the tag and Paradyse springboards at Alhazred with an over castle. He hits a series of clotheslines on Alhazred, followed by a knee to the head with a neckbreaker. King comes in to interfere but Paradyse hits a dropsault on him, landing directly on Alhazred. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... King breaks up the count. Cruz comes in and hits a spinning wheel kick that sends both men over the top crashing to the floor. Paradyse sets himself on the apron and waits for Alhazred, hitting a springboard DDT. The crowd cheers as he looks at the position of Alhazred and looks at the turnbuckle. He signals for the end and ascends the turnbuckles. He gets to the top and slowly stands straight.

Cohen: No! Not like this!

Paradyse goes for the Paradise Senton!.... but Alhazred at the last second rolls out of the way with Paradyse hitting nothing but canvas. He screams in pain as Alhazred lays on the ground. King and Cruz are still recovering on the outside.

Connor: The doctor was just able to make it out of the way in time.

Paradyse is the first one up but is feeling the effects of the Senton and clutches his stomach. He goes over to Alhazred and tries to pick him up but he grabs the jeans of Paradyse and forces him onto the second rope. Alhazred gets the referee to check up on him, distracting him for King to climb the apron and hit a reverse DDT on Paradyse through the ropes, with Paradyse's head landing on the outside of the apron. King pushes Paradyse out of the ropes into Alhazred who hits the Level 5 on him. Cruz comes from out of nowhere and takes down King on the outside as Alhazred goes for the cover on the inside... 1... 2... 3!

Cruz is a fingertip away from breaking up the pinfall as the referee rings the bell to signal the end. The Forgotten Powers music hits and the ref raises Alhazred's hand as Cruz cannot believe it. He checks on his fallen partner and pulls him out the ring, waking him up so he can carry him to the back.

Anderson: Here are your winners and the number one contenders for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships... The Forgotten POWERS!

Connor: You've got to give Paradyse Cruz credit for their effort. They gave the Powers a run for their money and had a chance to take this one.

Cohen: But in the end, CC... it's the victory that counts and it goes to the Powers.

King gets into the ring and celebrates with his partner as Cruz and Paradyse slowly walk back to the locker room.
We cut backstage to Showtime pacing back and forth in his dressing room, his cell phone held firmly to his ear.

Showtime: You're absolutely positive you can do this? I can't be wasting my time with Redemption just around the corner. Just get the job done!

Suddenly the door opens and Showtime turns towards it, a smile forming on his face.

Showtime: Just the man I wanted to see. Come in, we don't have much time.

Connor: Showtime seems to be more worried about Redemption than his opponent Gordito this evening. That may come back to haunt him.

Cohen: Not by any means CC. Showtime has Gordito's number, but what he has to worry about is that idiot Austin Reynolds or that scumbag Ty Burna showing up.

Connor: An explosive match up to be sure. Showtime takes on Gordiot, next!
The following match is scheduled for one fall.

“End on 9” hits and Gordito comes out from behind the curtain and plays to the crowd as he heads toward the ring.

“Gordito has a huge match at Redemption.”

“That is going to be a brutal, bloody encounter that will change both men for the rest of their careers.”

Harrys: From San Francisco, California and weighing in at 257 pounds, Gordito!

“And I cant wait to see Baez take the Dirty laundry out”

“Did he pay you to make that bad pun?”

Gordito gets to ringside still enjoying the adulation of the fans but this quickly turns to loud boos when Baez emerges from behind and batters Gordito over the head with a large glass bottle.

“Damn it Baez!”

“What massive impact to the skull!”

Gordito collapses, surrounded by his own blood flowing from a massive wound but Baez is not yet done. With Gordito on the mat, he pulls a chair from underneath the ring and set s up a chair besides him.

“This is incredible. Baez wants to win this match before Redemption even happens!”

He grabs Gordito and stands him up before delivering a crushing uranage side slam through the chair! He stands up and looks up to see David Cougar at the top of the stage as his music begins.

“This is going from bad to worse.”

"You mean good to great? Ratings are going through the roof right now!"

Cougar walks down to the ring without a care in the world and as if there was nothing extraordinary about the destruction brought about by Baez and the lifeless, bloody opponent in front of him.

“Why does Cougar need to be here? There's no challenge here now!”

“This isn’t going to end well.”

Gordito is lifeless and Baez shoves his carcass into the ring. Cougar walks down slowly and as he enters the ring, Baez drops Gordito in the middle of the ring and then harangues the ref to ring the bell before he leaves the ring. Cougar approaches Gordito and in a blatant disregard for his health, grabs his legs, locks in the Commercial Break and pulls back as if his life depended on it!

“This isn’t necessary!”

“Somebody needs to get out here to stop this!”

The ref immediately calls for the bell and desperately tries to drag Cougar away which takes some doing but he does get him off eventually.

"Your winner by submission, Showtime David Cougar!"

“Gordito is destroyed, Baez is going to be delighted with Showtime’s role in this.”

Cougar celebrates as if he had won the World title and as the crowd boos he takes it all in with glee. He walks away, happy with his nights work as medics rush down to attend to Gordito.

“Is this going to be the scene on Redemption with Showtime celebrating and Gordito in a bloody mess?”

”Maybe but I know Austin Reynolds and Ty will both have something to say about that come Sunday!“

Baez reenters the ring and the beatdown is on as Show and Baez put the boots to Gordito, who hasn't moved since the brutal attack. Reynolds suddenly comes running down the ramp and tackles Showtime, taking both me to the outside as they begin to brawl all around the outside. Baez meanwhile is still decimating Gordito inside the ring before sliding out and grabbing a chair. As he turns to go back towards the ring, someone from the crowd reaches out and grabs the chair away from Baez. Baez turns around infuriated as Ty jumps the railing from the other side and enters the ring, standing over Gordito while watching Showtime and Reynolds brawl. Baez turns towards the ring and sees Ty standing there. He thinks about entering the ring but shakes his head and makes his way towards the entrance ramp. Meanwhile Reynolds and Showtime are still going at it, spilling over the commentary table as Showtime takes advantage. He lifts Reynolds up and slams him down hard across the table before turning towards the ring and seeing Ty. He stops and high tails it up the entrance ramp, joining Baez as they stare down the ring at Ty who has helped Gordito to his feet, blood still pouring down his face.

Connor: Ty protected Gordito from further damage, but is he trying to be too many places at once? Showtime and Reynolds can certainly take advantage of that at any time. And who grabbed the chair from Baez?

Cohen: Are you blind CC? It was clearly Ty's lapdog Serafina that did it.

We go to commercial as Reynolds slowly gets to his feet and stares down Ty as he drapes Gordito's arm around himself and walking him out of the ring.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Ecstacy of Gold" hits the speakers and the crowd boos heavily as Hunter Kravinoff, Freud and Barbosa walk out together with Barbosa being excited as a little kid. Kravinoff smiles as he tries to calm him down with the picture of Freud.

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by the father of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud, at a combined weight of 482 pounds, the team of Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa!

Barbosa gets into the ring as Kravinoff places the picture of Freud on a plush chair at ringside before entering with Barbosa. He points to Freud and smiles as he turns over to Barbosa who seems extremely focused and ready to rip someone apart.


The crowd cheers loudly as Everest emerges from the curtain and soaks up the atmosphere from the audience before turning to his back to see Big Dave slowly walking behind him. The two of them lock eyes as Dave stands next to him. They both nod at each other and turn to see Kravinoff and Barbosa in the ring ready to fight.

Anderson: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 473 pounds, the team of Everest and Big Dave!

Cohen: This is going to be intense, CC! I can feel it!

Connor: There is absolutely no love lost between these four individuals. I don't think this match's intentions of blowing off steam isn't going to go as planned.

Everest and Big Dave begin walking with a purpose down the ramp and then proceed to run and slide into the ring where Kravinoff and Barbosa greet them with blindside attack. The referee rings the bell.

Kravinoff continuously kicks down Big Dave as Barbosa goes to work on Everest as the two men try to get up to a vertical base. They eventually push through and begin battling shot for shot until Dave and Everest gain the upper hand. Everest clotheslines himself and Barbosa over the top rope and crash to the floor as Dave battles Kravinoff to the ropes before whipping him across the ring. Dave goes for a big boot but Kravinoff ducks and continues to run, rebounding off the ropes for a Muay Thai kick but Dave counters it into a powerslam. Kravinoff rolls to the outside after the contact and Dave follows after him. We see Everest smacking the head of Barbosa on the announcers table, somewhat angering Barbosa. Everest clutches Barbosa for a belly to belly suplex and tries to flip him over but Barbosa counters into an overhead sambo suplex of his, with Everest landing on the floor. Dave is in hot pursuit of Kravinoff who tries to gain advice from Freud but Dave manages to catch him with a big boot, connecting this time. Kravinoff crawls away and tries to escape but Dave keeps on following on the outside. As Dave turns the corner to follow Kravinoff, Barbosa appears from nowhere and ambushes Dave. Kravinoff slowly recovers as Barbosa takes care of Dave on the outside. Kravinoff rolls Everest into the ring and goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Everest. He grabs Everest and sets him up in the corner, calling over Barbosa in the process. Barbosa holds Everest in position on the outside as Kravinoff delivers a running dropkick to Everest. They make a tag and Barbosa drags Everest in the middle of the ring for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out.

Connor: Finally, order has been restored in this match.

Cohen: For now, CC.

Dave can be seen on the outside climbing to his position on the apron as Barbosa applies a front facelock to Everest, using his knees to wear down Everest. Everest eventually comes to and rolls himself and Barbosa in a full circle to the left once, followed by two circular motions to the right to confuse Barbosa. He lets go as he has a big smile on his face and rolls thrice to the left by himself, enjoying the feeling. Barbosa catches a glimpse of the Freud painting and switches his mood instantly, getting up and charging at Everest who is ready and hits belly-to-belly on Barbosa. He tags in Dave who immediately hits a leg drop and goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Dave gets Barbosa into the pendulum swing submission in the corner who screams out in pain from the move, but eventually grows to love the swinging sensation. Dave stops immediately and kicks the head of Barbosa, angering him again. Dave moves back and waits for Barbosa to get up, hitting him with his signature double roundhouse kick, knocking down Barbosa. He goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out again by Barbosa. He tags back in Everest and they perform a double suplex onto Barbosa before Everest goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Barbosa clutches his back in pain as Everest quickly locks in the cloverleaf submission hold. Kravinoff is willing Barbosa to hold on as he is trapped in the hold. Barbosa does whatever he can to crawl to the bottom rope where Everest stops the submission. He tries to drag Barbosa in the middle of the ring but Barbosa won't let go of the bottom rope. Everest tries once more but nothing happens. Everest sticks his head through the middle rope to remove Barbosa's hands from the bottom rope but Kravinoff sneaks around the ring apron to hit a flying Muai Thai knee to Everest's head, stunning him temporarily. The referee tells Kravinoff to get back to his corner as Barbosa takes advantages and hits an inverted atomic drop on Everest, followed by an STO to the ropes where Everest's neck whiplashes against the second rope. Barbosa goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out.

Connor: This match is becoming quite brutal. These men really do want to hurt each other.

Cohen: And I'm not complaining... this is great!

Barbosa tags in Kravinoff who stalks his prey, delivering a straight kick to the head of Everest who is only stunned by the move. Kravinoff hits a running bulldog to take him down to the ground. He follows up by hitting the curb stomp to Everest and goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Everest. Kravinoff distracts the referee as Barbosa unties his corners turnbuckle padding and moves out of the way. Kravinoff picks up Everest and tries for a running bucklebomb but Everest slides out of it at the last second and attempts a short arm clothesline. Kravinoff ducks and connects with a lariat of his own. Kravinoff tells Barbosa "this one's for you" and locks Everest in his own version of the cloverleaf with Barbosa jumping up and down on the rope excited by the move. Dave is on the ropes trying to get the fans behind Everest as he slowly comes to and tries getting to the bottom rope. He almost reaches it but Kravinoff pulls him back into the center and re-applies the hold. Everest is thinking of tapping when Dave hits a running spear on Kravinoff to break the hold. The referee orders Dave back to his corner and obliges but Barbosa comes from behind and tosses Dave over the ropes instead. Barbosa goes back to his corner as the referee guides him there and gets back on the apron. Dave is up and runs around the outside of the ring to take down Barbosa. The crowd cheers as the two brawl on the outside with Kravinoff and Everest both laid out in the ring. The referee tries to break up the fight on the outside as the two men get back to their feet. Kravinoff tries the Ugandan Death Knell on Everest but he reverses it and follows up with a kick to the stomach. Everest tries for the Rock Slide but Kravinoff drops to his knees and low-blows Everest. He sets him up for the Double-Underhook DDT and goes for the cover, screaming at the ref to count... 1... 2... 3!

The referee rings the bell as Kravinoff gets the pin. Their music begins to play and Anderson is about to announce the winner but Big Dave gets the best of Barbosa and chucks him into the timekeepers area, cutting off both the music and Anderson. Kravinoff sees this and exits the ring to pursue after Dave, attacking him from behind. Kravinoff begins pummeling Dave down and checks on Barbosa who appears okay. The two men drag Dave out of the timekeepers area and chuck him into the barricade as the crowd begins booing heavily. They double team Dave with a series of shots until he is lying on the ground. The two pick him up and Barbosa sets up for the Doppleganger as Kravinoff begins talking trash to Dave, spitting in his face.

Cohen: Looks like they're going to destroy their opponents for Redemption so they don't make it to the PPV.

The crowd roars with delight as Everest gets out of the ring and attacks Kravinoff from behind, then goes after Barbosa who lets go of the hold. Barbosa and Everest begin brawling with each other where Everest gets the upper hand, sending Barbosa on the retreat up the ramp where Everest goes after him. Back to ringside, we see Kravinoff up and Dave recovering. Kravinoff chucks Dave into the ring and follows him inside, signaling for the end of Dave. He goes for the Ugandan Death Knell for a second time but Dave reverses it and hits the Stamp of Authority to Kravinoff. The crowd bursts into cheers as Kravinoff is virtually out. Dave sends his hands in the air to celebrate but notices something on the outside. He exits the ring and picks up the picture of Freud, looking at it intriguingly.

Connor: It seems like Big Dave's taken an interest in Sigmund Freud.

Cohen: But not in the way someone like Kravinoff wants him to!

He chucks it in the ring and climbs in, picking it up to show Kravinoff who he has. As Kravinoff realises who it is, he pleads Dave not to do anything irrational. Dave points to Kravinoff and says "This will be you on Sunday" and kicks the picture right in the middle, tearing away at the canvas. Kravinoff screams as if he's in pain and tries to reach for the painting but can't get to it. Dave smiles at Kravinoff and hits the Checking Out on the painting, snapping it in half. The crowd roars as Dave chucks the painting on top of Kravinoff who is crying at the sight. Dave exits the ring and raises his hands to a cheering audience as Kravinoff is hugging and trying to repair the picture but its no use. Dave's music hits the arena and he slowly walks up the ramp with the crowd cheering.

Cohen: Oh my God, CC! I can't believe he just did that to the father of psychoanalytic theory! What did Sigmund Freud do to Big Dave?

Connor: Kravinoff and Barbosa have been a thorn in the side of both Everest and Big Dave in recent weeks and it was time for their revenge. Will this be the fate of Kravinoff and Barbosa at the hands of Everest and Dave, or will the odd couple take down the best this business has to offer? Find out this Sunday at Redemption as these men will take each other on, plus much more. This has been Jack Cohen and myself calling Ascension... goodnight!

The show ends with a shot of Hunter Kravinoff kissing the head of Sigmund Freud with tears streaming down his eyes apologizing for what has happened.
Who wrote what:

Numbers- Showtime/Gordito, Baller/Kurtesy, Backstage
Thriller- Agony/Shabba
Falkon- Dave/Everest vs. Kravinoff Barbosa, Forgotten Powers/Paradyse Cruz
Ty- Opening, Reynolds/Ale, Backstage

Part two of our Memorial Day special is in the books. Rep these fine hard working men, and drop a review and let us know how we're doing.
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