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Ascension 31

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ascension opens on a crowd booing, there's no pyro or introductions as the Elite X Champion, Michael Winters is standing in the ring. He surveys the scene before addressing the crowd.

Winters: You know, I stand here before, questioning the motives of not only yourselves but of how some people work in this company. I see people wishing to conspire against the emissary of the Lord himself. You see, I was watching Meltdown last night and I couldn't help but notice, Phoenix and Sam Smith. They seem to be quite a pairing, almost a pairing that the Lord would deem himself blasphemous!

The crowd boos heavily at the statement he just made.

I mean, they even isolated an innocent man and effectively handicapped him in a match that was deemed triple threat rules. It was not written that it was changed to be isolating the individual known as Chris Jones. But it is written that you're supposed to love thy fellow neighbour, so I called Chris Jones last night and said if he wished for him to help him out, see him to the light from this darkness that Phoenix and Smith have laboured upon him. And he agreed, he wishes to see that Smith doesn't allow his conspiracy to remove the Elite X Championship around my waist happen, nor to let Phoenix get closer. So Chris Jones come up!

He stands waiting as Chris Jones walks out to no music but heads straight into the ring.

Chris, tell me, what is it you want?

Jones: Truth be told, I would like to have an Elite X Title shot, but I would rather face a champion who is worthy to face me, and certainly not behind anyone like Sam Smith or Phoenix. No, I wish to see that the Elite X Championship remains around your waist so we may compete and let the best man win!

And it shall be done! Now tonight, I must take care of matters with a WZCW Legend known as Titus. He will be the proving ground to Sam Smith that he stands no chance against myself, you, or the Lord!

'Wake Up' plays to a good reaction as Sam Smith and Phoenix walk out onto the stage, mics at the ready.

Smith: So this is the great plan to make sure you keep the title? Winters, I must commend you on the efforts you're making, but alas, I have spoken with Vance Bateman and he has said that Phoenix will be in my corner at Redemption to guarantee that when the match happens, it just you and me and nothing else gets in the way. If you are to beat me, then it through you being a better man, not because Jones wants to be sure it won't happen!

Phoenix: As for what you had to say about us Winters. Well, in the end, Smith is going to end that deceitful reign of yours because if there's one thing I know is that even the Lord will make you repent for YOUR sins, and that Titus is going to kick your ass and there is nothing anyone can do about it!

Winters doesn't like what Phoenix has to say and challenges him to come into the ring, but Vance Bateman interrupts all four of them.

Bateman: Alright, cut that out. There's not going to be any of that right now, or later tonight as Winters against Titus will see anyone interfere get suspended. As for the title match at Redemption, both Jones and Phoenix will be allowed at ringside for their respective "friends". But get on my wrong side and I'll see that neither one of you will be involved in any Elite X Title matches for a long time to come! Now get out of my arena!

All four men make their way out of the arena as Bateman has laid down the law.

Connor: Well Ascension got off to a fiery start with this Elite X situation. Hello again everyone, Cat Connors with Jack Cohen at ringside and Ascension is certainly continuing on from last night's events but setting more stones in place for Redemption. What do you make of all of this Jack?

Cohen: Almost as if everyone is on withdrawal from Kingdom Come and just want to go at each other whenever possible! I like it!

Connor: We got some exciting matches for you tonight, including our six man tag main event featuring two sets of champions. But first, let's get a closer look at the newest member of the WZCW Roster!

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

My Block begins playing as Justin Cooper makes his way out to boos from the crowd. He runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring before climbing to the second turnbuckle and staring out at the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia. He stands 6 ft 1 and weighs 253 lbs, Justin Cooper!

Show Me My opponent hits and King Shabba walks out to the top of the entrance ramp holding his crown as he peers out at the fans. They begin booing him loudly as he hands his crown to his assistant Nnamdi before walking down the entrance ramp, motioning for the fans to bow to him. He enters the ring and grabs a mic as his music fades out.

Shabba: I will not allow some American wench to introduce me to you filthy ingrates. I am Shabba, King of Zimbabwe. And I will teach you all to respect me, and the great power of Africa. And yet already I have been slighted in my very first night in WZCW. I had arranged for six of my servants to carry me to the ring, yet Vance Bateman wouldn't allow it. This has made me very very angry, and I'm going to take it out on you Justin Cooper!

Suddenly Shabba drops the mic and hits the Royal Flush and lays out Cooper on the mat. The ref signals for the bell and Shabba puts a foot on his chest as the ref counts, 1....2.....3!

Anderson: Here is your winner King Shabba!

Connors: Well that was over quickly, I don't think Justin had any idea what was coming.

Cohen: All hail to the true King! This Shabba wastes little time in getting the job done.

Shabba gets up as Nnamdi enters the ring and raises his hand high as boos and chants of USA fill the arena. Shabba looks agitated at the chants and drags Justin Cooper off the ground and dropkicks him into the corner. Nnamdi exits the ring and pulls a table out from under the ring apron as Shabba begins pounding away on Cooper. Nnamdi slides the table in and enters the ring after, setting the table up for Shabba. Shabba tosses Cooper out of the corner and hits the B2K, knocking Cooper onto the table. Shabba climbs up to the top turnbuckle as the crowd boos him loudly before he flies off the top rope and hits a double leg drop, sending Cooper crashing through the table. Nnamdi immediately helps Shabba up as his music hits and Nnamdi places the crown back on Shabba's head as trainers spill into the ring to check on Cooper.

Connors: What was the point in that? Shabba already won the match he didn't need to add injury to insult.

Cohen: He made an impression CC, what else do you want from a promising rookie like this? Cooper had it coming to him.

Shabba and Nnamdi exit the ring as trainers continue checking on Cooper, who hasn't moved since going through the table.

We're backstage with Action Saxton who's teaching a yoga session to some young rookies, but using a mannequin to demonstrate the moves.

Saxton: Now hold your legs behind your head like this.

The sounds of screams and pain can be heard off camera as the Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen walks by.

Bowen: Are you ready to endure the challenge? Can you survive and prove yourself worthy?

Saxton: Man, I ate a freshly made meatball sub at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, of course I'm ready for the challenge!

Saxton begins to walk off with Bowen.

Trainee: Hey, Action! What we do next?

Saxton: Hold that position for the next twenty minutes, if you pass out, you fail!

Saxton heads off with Bowen, getting ready for their match as the groans of pain and agony get louder.

Connor: Well it's time for Bowen's Challenge, but is Action Saxton up to the challenge of rising up to get the Mayhem Title shot? Find out next!
Anderson: The following non-title triple threat will be contested under Mayhem rules and is scheduled for one fall!

“The Hills Have Eyes” hits and the Mayhem Champion comes out onto the stage.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan and weighing in at 247 pounds, the Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen!

Bowen poses in the ring with his belt as “Tank” plays throughout the arena and Action Saxton makes his way onto the stage.

Anderson: His first opponent, from Wherever He Damn Well Pleases and weighing in at 270 pounds, Action Saxton!

Saxton climbs into the ring and tears his shirt off as his music cuts out and “Mr. Baller” hits and Mr. Baller comes out from behind the curtain with his basketball.

Anderson: And their opponent, from Miami, Florida and weighing in at 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Baller climbs into the ring and stares down his two opponents as he takes off his jumpsuit and the bell rings. The three men cautiously look at each other until Baller slides out of the ring and searches under the ring for a weapon, with Saxton following behind. Saxton pulls Baller up, scores with a backhand to the face of Baller and follows up with a discus punch to the jaw that drops Baller with a thud. Saxton turns around and is met with a dropkick from Bowen. Bowen reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Baller has started getting up and uses the steel ring post to help support himself. Bowen gets a running start and swings the chair at Baller, who ducks and causes Bowen to drop the chair. Baller grabs a swinging neckbreaker and drops the Mayhem champion on the chair. Baller climbs onto the apron and jumps off to hit Bowen with a double leg drop, but he doesn’t see that Saxton has gotten back to his feet and drills Baller in the jaw with a shuffle side kick. Baller hits his upper back and neck on the apron on the way down and lands next to the now stirring Alex Bowen. Bowen slides the chair into the ring and goes over to meet Saxton. He goes for a chop but Saxton ducks it. Saxton goes for another discus punch, but Bowen ducks it and hits Saxton with a bulldog. He picks Saxton up and rolls him back into the ring.

Connor: Fast and furious action thus far. It really looks like the there won’t be a winner in this match, just a survivor.

Cohen: Let me know when the wrestling starts back up.

Bowen crawls over to Saxton and goes for a pin,1…2.. Saxton powers out. Bowen heads over to the turnbuckle and climbs up as Saxton starts getting to his feet. Bowen jumps off and hits and knee drop bulldog. Bowen crawls into another pin, 1…2… Saxton kicks out. Bowen rolls to the outside and goes under the ring. He pulls a barbed wire baseball bat out and holds it up to a pop from the crowd. Bowen throws it into the ring but before he can crawl in, Baller comes out of nowhere and cracks Bowen across the back with a kendo stick. Bowen screams out in pain as Baller starts unloading on the back of the Mayhem champ. Bowen finally collapses on the floor and Baller slides into the ring with the kendo stick. Saxton is back to his feet, but is doubled over by a kendo stick show to the gut from Baller. Baller swings again, but Saxton catches the stick and breaks it in half. Baller picks up the barbed wire baseball bat, but before he can use it, Saxton hits him with a karate chop. Bowen crawls back onto the apron, but Saxton sees him and throws the chair over, hitting Bowen in the head and back to the floor. Baller stumbles back toward Saxton who hits the Black Lightning. Baller is down and Saxton goes for the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Action Saxton!

Saxton gets his hand raised in the ring and climbs on a turnbuckle to celebrate. The referee checks on Baller in the ring and ringside attendant checks Bowen, who is bleeding on the floor. Saxton heads up and poses on the stage as the ref and the ringside attendant help Baller and Bowen, respectively, to the floor.

We're backstage with Big Dave who stands focused and ready as the camera pans out to see he's holding some weights in position as Hunter Kravinoff, Freud and Barbosa walk up. Dave puts the weights down.

Kravinoff: You know, Freud believes in fairness and feels that as Barbosa defeated you last night, you should only grant him the opportunity to take the King For A Day shot given he's now surpassed you!

Dave takes a couple of paces forward to get close up into all three's faces.

Dave: You had an opportunity at Kingdom Come, you failed. You'll have to pry that opportunity from my cold dead fingers to get even near consideration to take it.

Barbosa: That can easily be arranged!

Dave: You know, if it wasn't for how close you two are, well, three, five, I've lost count. Maybe you wouldn't need to rely on each other to get the victories you need. You wrong me and I accept that you got the pin, but all that does is gain my interest, so you better be warned. Especially as I saw your true nature last night, I saw the real you.

Barbosa's expression changes suddenly and Kravinoff takes him away by the arm as Dave watches on intently right before Everest walks past and they both nod at each other in acknowledgement.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Ecstacy of Gold hits the speakers and Kravinoff emerges from the curtain with his favourite portrait to a flurry of boos. He walks confidently down the ramp with a smile on his face and a murderous look in his eyes.

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by the father of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud, from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda, weighing in at 245 pounds... Hunter KRAVINOFF!

Kravinoff leaves the picture of Freud next to the steel steps and enters the ring, preparing himself for the match. As the lights go down, the music dies down and some sections of the crowd begin to cheer.


The crowd pops huge as orange lasers blast through the arena. Everest slowly walks out and soaks in the reaction of the fans before heading down to the ring with a focused look on his face.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds... "The Pinnacle of Perfection," EVEREST!

Cohen: I can already tell this is going to be good.

Connor: After what happened at the end of Meltdown, I don't think this is going to be your standard wrestling contest.

Everest gets into the ring and the two men stare each other down, getting into each others faces. The referee has to separate them and signals for the bell.

The two circle each other around the ring slowly trying to figure out a strategy. Kravinoff fakes a rushed attempt at attacking to put Everest off guard but it does nothing. He becomes interested as he tries another fake attempt but Everest isn't budging. Kravinoff looks over to his portrait and nods as Freud whispers something to him. As Kravinoff turns back, Everest hits him with a enzuigiri kick to the side of the head that staggers Kravinoff. Everest follows up with a spinning heel kick that knocks Kravinoff down momentarily. As Kravinoff gets up, Everest delivers a vicious belly to belly suplex on Kravinoff and goes for a hard cover... 1... 2... Kravinoff powers out. Everest tries for a grounded side headlock but Kravinoff flips him forward to end the submission. However, Everest quickly grabs the legs of Kravinoff and tries locking in a cloverleaf. Kravinoff struggles out of it by sliding underneath the ring that makes the crowd boo. Kravinoff collects himself and goes to consult Freud for advice as the ref begins counting. Everest comes out after him and attacks him from behind. He grabs the head of Kravinoff and bounces it off the ring apron. He measures Kravinoff and goes for a short arm clothesline on the floor but Kravinoff ducks. Everest turns around and is met with a straight kick to the head, allowing some distance between the two. Kravinoff runs and tries for his own lariat but Everest evades that contact and counters with a Russian leg sweep to the floor. The crowd cheers as Everest points to his brain, indicating that the move he did was intelligent.

Connor: Everest is on to a great start here. Looks like Freud's advice isn't helping Kravinoff.

Cohen: Don't you sully the good name of Sigmund Freud, CC.

Everest picks up Kravinoff and rolls him into the ring. He climbs in after the 8 count and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Kravinoff begins crawling away to try and create some distance but Everest is on the prowl. He begins picking up Kravinoff to his feet but stops when he sees someone emerge from the stage. The crowd boos as it reveals to be Barbosa laughing maniacally with the same chair Everest used to hit Barbosa with. Kravinoff uses this opportunity to get behind Everest and hit a dragon suplex with the bridge applied... 1... 2... kick-out. Kravinoff shakes the cobwebs from his head and smiles as he sees Barbosa slowly walking down to ringside taking a spot next to Freud, where the two have a conversation. Kravinoff gets up and picks up Everest, hitting the running bucklebomb into the corner. Kravinoff follows this up with a dropkick straight to the face of Everest. He stumbles out of the corner and Kravinoff delivers a running headlock bulldog to take him down. Kravinoff goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out again by Everest. Kravinoff looks intrigued at Everest as he sets up the curb stomp. He drives the head of Everest into the canvas with full force. He does the curb stomp twice more before rubbing his foot into the back of Everest's head for good measure. Everest looks limp as Kravinoff kicks Everest on his back and puts a foot on his face for a cover... 1... 2... Everest pushes Kravinoff's foot off his face to kick-out. Kravinoff smiles at his handy work as Barbosa claps loudly for him.

Cohen: Now that's how you treat pests that get in the way... squash them with your boot.

Connor: Kravinoff might be scholar but doing something disrespectful like that is quite stupid.

Everest goes over to the ropes to try and gain leverage but Kravinoff has already measured him up and hits a Muay Thai flying knee that knocks Everest to the outside. Kravinoff sets himself up as Everest begins stirring on the floor and goes for the heat seeking missile dive to the outside. The force throws both men into the barricade with Kravinoff going head first, dazing himself. Members of the front row stand up to check on both men as the referee begins counting them. Barbosa looks concerned and stands afar to see if Kravinoff is okay. They both begin stirring but Kravinoff gets to his feet first and rolls in the ring slightly to break the ref's count before heading back to the outside. Kravinoff goes after Everest and tries to hook in the brain buster but Everest counters every attempt. Kravinoff knees Everest in the gut a couple of times before trying once more. He manages to lift him in the air but Everest reverses behind him and manages to hit a German suplex on the outside. Kravinoff holds his head as Everest catches his breath whilst the ref is still counting. Everest manages to pick up Kravinoff but suddenly hits a big knee to the gut of Everest and goes into the ring, complaining the referee about his head. With the referee distracted, Barbosa comes around whilst Barbosa isn't looking and hits the Split Personality on Everest to take him out. He picks him up and rolls him into the ring before the ref sees anything. Kravinoff quickly goes on the attack and hits the Double-Underhook DDT on Everest and goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3!

The referee rings the bell to a booing crowd as Kravinoff raises his hands in victory. Kravinoff's music hits and Barbosa enters the ring with the chair to celebrate.

Anderson: Here is your winner... Hunter KRAVINOFF!

Cohen: Congratulations to Kravinoff for teaching that old man a lesson!

Connor: They had to resort to cheating to get the victory. I hope they just leave Everest alone and not go for another sneak attack.

As soon as Connor makes that comment, Kravinoff picks up Everest and locks his arms from behind as Barbosa is readying the chair to hit Everest with it. The crowd becomes desperate as it seems no-one is coming to the aid of Everest who is trying to escape Hunter's grasp. As Barbosa raises the chair, the crowd pops big as Big Dave comes sprinting down the ramp to make the save. Big Dave attacks Barbosa from behind and goes after Kravinoff who brawl with each other. Dave gets the better of Kravinoff and knocks him down with a big boot. Barbosa attacks Dave from behind and becomes beating him down. Kravinoff eventually joins in and they attempt to do a team move by whipping Dave across the ring. Dave targets Kravinoff and hits a big spear on him. Barbosa freaks out at that but Everest is up and manages to throw Barbosa over the top rope to eliminate him. Barbosa and Kravinoff regroup with Freud and grab the chair from the ring. Everest and Dave stand dominant in the ring as the crowd is cheering. Barbosa and Kravinoff back off up the ramp mouthing they'll be back whilst Everest and Dave tell them to bring it.

Cohen: I'll scratch what I said earlier, CC... this isn't going to be good. It's going to be epic!

We're backstage with Johnny Klamor and Steamboat Ricky who are in front of the Ascension logo.

Klamor: Ricky, admit it, you let Baller get the better of you. Are you planning to let him get away with it or continue to absorb the offence?

Ricky: Ya Johnny, ye be feeling rather foolish to think I'd let thee matter slip me by. But I will show that young lad that he be barking up the wrong tree and it will fall soon!

He turns to see Baez standing there, he looks for a moment before smirking then walking off as Baez looks rather disrespected who has Brad Bomb walk up from behind.

Bomb: You know, I like you this way! Silent!

Bomb walks off with a smirk as Baez looks rather displeased.
“The following match is scheduled for one fall...”

“On his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, he weighs 267lbs and is the current WZCW Elite X Champion, The Truth Michael Winters!!!”

Winters emerges to a massively negative reaction that he smiles through on his way to the ring. He carries the Elite X title with great care and confidence as he enters the ring.

“This is an Elite X Champion I can get behind.”

“What a test this will be for Winters. I’m very excited to see if he can pass it.”

“And his opponent, from Keystone City, Kansas, he weighed in at 215lbs, this is TITUS!!!”

The mere mention of Titus gets a huge pop. He takes his time getting to the ring and takes in as much of the reaction as he can before entering the ring. As he does, he focuses on Winters with great caution.

“What a match this could be. Old guard vs the new mould, classic vs revolutionary.”

“I don’t get the hype about Titus. And Winters is the future of this company. The Tit man needs to step aside.”

As the bell rings, Titus and Winters lock up in the middle of the ring. Winters kicks Titus in the stomach to break the hold, and tugs on Titus's legs to drop him to the mat. Winters immediately tries for a Boston Crab, but Titus kicks him right off. He rolls to his feet and sees a running Winters coming towards him, and before he can dodge he's knocked to the ground with a clothesline. Titus is up again and replies with a clothesline of his own. Titus whips Winters to the ropes and meets him with a spinning heel kick. He goes for a cover but Winters immediately gets up. Titus puts him in a headlock but WInters shoves him off to the ropes, Titus lowers his head to prepare for a back body drop but Winters simply kicks him in the face and hits a clubbing blow to his neck. He follows this up with a leaping legdrop down to the back of Titus's neck before rolling him over for a pin, 1.....2, Titus gets his shoulder up.

“Winters has been dominant. Titus hasn’t been able to answer the questions that Winters is posing.”

“This is why I am right about Winters – the guy is a future legend in this company.”

Winters grabs Titus's arm and tugs him to his feet, and throws a few fists into Titus's face. Titus blocks one with his arm and knees the stomach, causing Winters to double over. Titus grabs Winters's torso and drops him down with a DDT. Cover for Titus, 1.....2......Winters kicks out.Titus climbs outside and then leaps off the turnbuckle with a top rope crossbody, but Winters dropkicks Titus in the chest and he collapses completely winded to the mat. Winters gets to his feet. Winters hooks the leg, 1...2......... Titus kicks out again.

“The former World Champion has such incredible fortitude.”

“That’s overrated. Winters has his belief and that is all that matters to him!”

Winters picks Titus up once more and whips him into the ropes, but as he runs towards him for a forearm smash, Titus is able to kick him in the face. Winters falls, holding his mouth and Titus grabs his tights, rolling him up for the pin but Winters kicks out. Titus grabs Winters and goes for a vertical suplex, but Winters slips out behind Titus and hooks his arms into a Full Nelson. He lifts him down and then kneels down, forcing Titus to land back-first hard on the mat. Winters cover but again Titus kicks out at two.

“Titus is going to have to change his gameplan here. I’m not sure if Titus can keep fighting this sustained offense.”

“Winters can pull this off. A win this significant would do wonders for his career!”

Winters grabs Titus off the floor and throws a few punches to his face. He grapples Titus, forcing him off the ground and into position for a gutbuster but Titus wriggles out of it and he hits a headscissors that he then transitions into an Ankle Lock!!

“Incredible technique by Titus! Ingenious!”

Winters struggles as Titus gains good position in the ring. Winters turns and tries to kick Titus off but the former World Champion keeps hold and keeps Winters grounded with a figure four leg lock. Winters shifts himself to the bottom rope and grabs it. Titus reluctantly lets go. Winters escapes outside the ring and heads to grab the Elite X title. He motions to bring it the ring but Titus kicks at the bottom rope to fight him off. The champ leaves his belt on the apron and he is immediately tackled by Titus, who tackled him to the mat.

“Michael, you should have brought the belt in!”

“Maybe he still has some honour left in him?”

Winters rolls around and nearly gets an advantageous position but Titus sweeps him, turns and grabs the ankle lock again.

“Titus goes back to the ankle. Will he be able to lock it in and make it count this time??”

Winters reaches the bottom rope but Titus drags him away. He wrenches again and Winters screams and then taps out!!!

“Your winner by submission......Titus!!!”


“The former World Champion showed his worth and overcame the Elite X champion. Great resilience from Titus.”

“He may have got the 'victory', but Sam Smith better get no ideas that he can beat Winters.”

“Do you blame him? Winters showed no cutting edge, that’s a vulnerability that we have not seen from him before. Smith has a huge chance now.”

"Well done Titus, well done!"

Out steps a suited Constantine on the stage.

"It's nice to see you pick up a win for once, but then that is because it was down to these pep talks I've been giving you. Admit it, if it wasn't for the trustworthy John Constantine, you would be laying there flat, holding your head in disbelief, wondering why you didn't listen. Now are you going to thank me for helping you on the right path or do you feel there is more I can help you accomplish before a thanks is rewarded?"

Titus indicates to have a mic handed to him.

"It's ok Titus, don't be shy, this is a big moment for you. Just take your time!"

"Constantine, if you knew anything better is that you have nothing to do with how my victories and losses come about. In fact, I strongly advise you to shut your mouth before I do it for you!"

Constantine starts there smirking as he crosses his arms, looking proud of Titus.

"You see, that's the fire and intensity that we know and love. You have the spirit Titus, you just need to believe in it. Maybe we should look at this carefully next week. In fact, depending on how you do next week, I might have to personally oversee your situation at say, Redemption. But as said, one week, I know you can do it again!"

Titus looks on unimpressed as Constantine paces off gently with a smile on his face as the crowd boos him out.

We cut backstage to Showtime Cougar leading the Forgotten Powers towards the Gorilla Position in the final preparation for their match.

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, our Main Event is next. Six Man Tag action is set and we're about to get it under way!
Anderson: The following contest is a six man tag match scheduled for one fall!


The crowd opens up to a roar of boos as Showtime Cougar enters onto the stage, he shakes his head in disappointment at their reaction and paces down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 213 pounds, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Showtime, the first man out for this six man tag bout, no doubt he will want to make sure his point is securely made after the announcement that he will be contesting for the World Heavyweight Championship in a triple threat match at Redemption.

Cohen: Could the circumstances be any better or unfair for our dear Showtime? I mean he's got a better chance of winning without beating the champion, but who the heck invited Austin Reynolds to the match?

Showtime rolls under the ropes and climbs the nearest turnbuckle and looks around left and right, not giving anything to the crowd as 'I Am All of Me' hits as the Forgotten Powers head out from behind the curtain, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Anderson: His partners. At a combined weight of 428 pounds, Dr. Alhazred, James King, The Forgotten Powers!

Connor: If anyone knows about the unfairness of triple threat matches, it's these two, having got so close yet missed out on the Tag Team Championships at Kingdom Come. Tonight they'll be looking to make a point.

Cohen: Of course! When you've been hard done by the circumstances, it can motivate you to do more dangerous things.

The Forgotten Powers climb into the ring and raise their arms before turning their attention to Showtime who starts discussing tactics, not paying attention to the change of tune to 'We Are One' to a motivated crowd as Wasabi Toyota and Scott Hammond come out onto the stage and raise their championship belts to the crowd.

Anderson: Their opponents, first, at a combined weight of 825 pounds, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Scott Hammond, Wasabi Toyota, The Brothers in Arms!

Connor: The Tag Team Champions continue to build up on their stock since Kingdom Come, the question remains as to whether anyone can stop them?

Cohen: Anyone who owns a food buffet!

Connor: You had to go there didn't you?

The BiA stand in front of the ring, looking at their opponents who look ready to face them, only to turn behind them as the lights go down to the excitement of the crowd.


Anderson: Their partner. Weighing 235 pounds, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty slowly emerges onto the stage to a huge ovation, he stares straight at the ring as he makes it down the ramp at his own pace and eventually stops in front of his tag partners for the evening. He nods and all three of them head for the stairs, using it to climb into the ring. Once inside, they raise their belts up in unison which is met with the familiar sight of camera flashes all around the arena.

Connor: The last time we saw a combination of World and Tag Champions was when the FHD teamed up with Everest.

Cohen: Can you please talk about something more relevant, like something that's happening today?!

The six men stand in opposite corners, ready for battle as they stare each other intently. The Brothers let Ty start off for them as Showtime stands there with a smirk on his face and climbs to the outside of the ring to a wave of boos as James King is the one to represent them to start with as the referee signals for the bell. King stands and refuses to be intimidated by the champion as they stand toe to toe, Ty smirks in respect before he knocks King down with a right, he rolls back up and is met by another right, King rolls up again and ducks under the third right and throws Ty with a german suplex but the champion sits up within seconds of the move. Showtime shouts at King to keep up the offence, so he bounces off the ropes and goes for a flying clothesline but the champion catches him with a spinebuster and he heads to his corner and tags in Scott Hammond.

Hammond heads over to meet King who rises to his feet and is met with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker as King seems to be isolated as his team mates try to rally him on. Hammond keeps an eye on them as he drops an elbow on King and goes for a pin, 1……2….Showtime kicks Hammonds head and rolls out of the ring quickly as the champion team protests the interference which the referee stops them from getting involved as Alhazred drags King closer to his corner while the ref’s back is turned. He turns around, Alhazred tags himself in as he leaps up onto the top rope and goes for the clothesline on Hammond and hits an elbow on the follow up. He continues on and rebounds off the ropes as Hammond gets back up and carries Alhazred on top of his shoulders to go for London’s Calling but Alhazred elbows himself out of the equation and follows up with a strong right hand which takes Hammond down and follows up with a cover, 1……2…..kickout by Hammond.

Connor: Alhazred has upped the pace here, can Hammond keep up?

Cohen: Of course not, he’s use to going at Toyota’s pace, very slow!

Alhazred gets up to his feet and paces around Hammond before he heads over and tags Showtime in as both King and Showtime get in as Alhazred kicks Hammond in the back of the knee, King finishes off with a swinging neckbreaker and Showtime follows up with an elbow from the second rope, he goes for the cover, 1…….2……Hammond kicks out much to the dismay of Showtime who continues the offence on Hammond with some stomps, Ty and Toyota calls him out and Showtime shouts back “Go eat a hamburger!” as he pulls Hammond up to his feet and drags him to the corner, slamming his head against the pad before lifting him onto the turnbuckle itself, he checks around before climbing up the second rope with him and Toyota puts his foot on the second rope and starts to shake it which Showtime then jumps off and points at Toyota to stop using cheap methods, on a second try, he does it again and Showtime continues to get frustrated, he turns around and gets a kick from Hammond to knock him back and in a rare sight, Hammond looks to go for a highflying move. He leaps off for crossbody but Showtime dropkicks him in the abs to drop him flat down.

Now things start to get intense as Showtime took a lot of energy out of him to do the counter so he starts to crawl to his corner, as does Hammond, both corners waiting in anticipation for the tag from both men, the ref keeps watch on both sides, Showtime tags in King as Hammond tags in Toyota and the momentum shifts as the man from Japan rushes in and takes down King followed by a savate kick to Showtime, Alhazred leaps up onto the top rope and Toyota catches him with a powerslam. King is back up and runs into a samoan drop from the big man who feels fired up and drags the fallen King into the corner, getting ready for the Banzai drop. Toyota climbs up to the second rope and begins to spring right as Showtime leaps up and dropkicks Toyota’s right foot, causing him to lose his balance and fall flat on his back to the side of King.

Cohen: Showtime Cougar, always one step ahead of the game.

Connor: This match would have been over had it not been for him!

King gets back up to his knee and notices Toyota is on his back and holding his foot, so he uses the chance to go for a leg lock on him and starts pulling at the possible injury, exasperating the pain as Toyota winches in pain. King then releases the hold and stamps on Toyota’s foot a couple of times before re-applying the hold, refusing Toyota the chance to get back up or have any offence. Hammond and Ty try to motivate their team mate on as the crowd get behind him as well but there’s little he can do. Showtime then calls at King to tag him in and he does so, and before Toyota has a chance to rest, Showtime locks in the Commercial Break on Toyota and calls at him to tap but Toyota refuses to do so. He makes a reach for the ropes and grabs it as Showtime had unintentionally moved him closer when applying his submission, but he refuses to let go until the referee counts to four, and Showtime protests to the referee for biased decision making and shoves him, to which the ref shoves him back and he stumbles over Toyota, to the crowd’s enjoyment.

Showtime continues to get into the referee’s face as this allows Toyota the chance to get to his corner and makes the tag with Ty which gets a huge reaction from the crowd, the ref spots it and Showtime stops for a second as Ty stands behind him, waiting for him to turn around, he eventually does so and Ty starts unloading right on Showtime right into the corner and he pulls him out to Irish whip him as Alhazred blind tags Showtime from behind as Ty hits a running knee drop on Showtime, he turns around is met a Level 5 from Alhazred, he goes for the cover, 1…….2……kickout by Ty. Alhazred can’t believe as he thought he had the champion pinned. He calls King up and instructs to go for the finish him as they drag Ty up and King stands ready as Alhazred powers up another Level 5, he goes for the strike and Ty ducks, leaving King to receive a Level 5, Ty rebounds off the ropes and hits the Consecrated Banishment on Alhaezred and goes for the cover, 1……2…….3.

Anderson: Here are your winner, the Brothers in Arms and Ty Burna!

Connor: Some interesting tactics were used, almost having the champion taken out off guard, but we have our victors here tonight.

Cohen: I’m certain the ref didn’t see Ty get tagged in, I’m calling this a conspiracy!

Ty, Hammond and Toyota have their hands raised in victory despite Toyota trying to keep himself upright due to the injured foot, they have their belts given back to them as the champions celebrate with each other. Hammond then assists Toyota to the back to help sort his foot as Ty watches on. While his back is turned, Showtime is standing behind him, holding a chair, he stands ready and willing to take down the champion for the embarrassment caused. He waits but suddenly a fan jumps the rail and leaps onto the top rope and hits a springboard dragonrana on Showtime, causing him to roll out of the ring. The fan removes his hat and it’s revealed to be Austin Reynolds who was watching from ringside. Ty turns around slowly, as if he was aware of what just happened, he nods at Reynolds in thanks and places the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulders. Showtime calls at him from the outside, saying he will have the last laugh as Reynolds and Ty watch on before exchanging glances one more time in a tense moment.

Connor: We all know the situation, this is about the World Heavyweight Championship, Reynolds may have helped Ty from a sneak attack at this time, but it won’t be long before it’s all business and the championship is at stake. Until next time, I am Cat Connors, alongside Jack Cohen, good night everyone!
Who wrote what:
Action Saxton vs Mr. Baller vs. Alex Bowen - Thriller
King Shabba vs Justin Cooper - Ty
Michael Winters vs Titus - Numbers
Hunter Kravinoff vs Everest - Falkon
BiA and Ty Burna vs Showtime and Forgotten Powers, Backstage, Opening - Phoenix
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