Ascension 30

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ty rolls slowly rolls onto the apron as Showtime continues to slam the mat and looks disheartened that he can’t get the three. Ty pulls himself up on the outside of the apron and tries to keep himself steady despite the bad knee with his eyes focused on that as Showtime notices and launches him at the champion, grabbing his head and slamming into the top of the turnbuckle. He steps on the bottom rope and pulls his adversary up with him, pulling the champion up every step of the way. He gets his face right up into Ty, telling him the situation, Ty tries resisting but Showtime elbows him in the head and then holds his foe in position, ready for the Final Act, the look in his eyes is determined, he can feel the moment coming. He leaps off into the air with Ty, during which a struggle happens and they land but Ty is holding Showtime in the Final Séance which has both men planted far from the ropes and Showtime is screaming in pain, refusing to give up and continuously reaching for the ropes as Ty locks in the hold tightly. Showtime continues to reach for the ropes and looks determined not to give up, he looks over towards the championship belt sitting by the timekeeper, he then looks down and has no choice but to tap to the joy of the crowd.

Harrys: The winner of this match as a result of a submission, and still World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: This rivalry has reached its end, Showtime tried his hardest. You can see the victory meant everything to him, but the power of the Final Séance was too much. Ty Burna is still your Champion!

Cohen: Seabass, as much as I would like to see it go the other way, there is no denying that this was one well fought match, the winner and loser should feel nothing but proud here!

Connor: And the crowd was into this one like no other!

Showtime is leaning on the apron, holding his head, looking hard fought and dejected as the crowd continues to applaud as Ty is presented with his title. He slowly pulls himself up with the ropes and raises the championship to the joy of the audience as pyros overhead go off and the lights turn red as the Master of the Ouija takes in the moment, presenting his prize to the crowd of Madison Square Garden.


The lights go out and the crowd roars in anticipation. The chaos symbol suddenly flashes up on the tron and the lights flicker as Ty Burna and Serafina make their way out to the entrance stage. They walk down the ramp slowly, Ty raising the WZCW World Heavyweight Title high into the air as the crowd cheers once more. Serafina and Ty enter the ring and Ty grabs a mic from the ring assistant. He holds the mic to his mouth, a smirk on his face as the crowd roars once more to a deafening pitch.

Ty: After Kingdom Come, after the trials and tribulations set in front of me, I return to you, still your WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Ty raises the title up high into the air as the crowd pops once more. Ty lowers the title and hands it to Serafina before pulling the hood of his cloak back.

It was a truly a night that will live on in infamy. The grandest stage where once more I rose to the occasion, and watched my hated rival crumble under the pressure. It seems fitting the Final Act lead to the Final Seance, as the spirits spoke of my victory, it was Showtime's final desperation to claim what is mine that made it all the more sweeter when he gave up, his last gasp at glory gone, and now back into the shadows as nothing more than the peasant he truly is.

So now, what left is there to do? I have no doubts the people wish to know what my intentions are. It is simply this. I will continue to reign over this company as the World Heavyweight Champion. No matter the challengers they put in front of me, I will continue to destroy each one systematically. Who is left to confront me? Showtime has been discarded, but yet I have a feeling he will return wanting another shot at me.

Ty lowers the mic and lowers his head for a moment, as the crowd begins booing at the mention of Showtime. Ty raises his head once more, his demeanor changed.

Showtime, I will never grow tired of showing you why you are not my equal. I will never grow weary of decimating you, and my victories over you are a testament to the delirium you have concocted. Are you the next challenger once more? Have you recovered mentally or physically? No. The truth is Showtime I look for new challenges. Another man with a similar spirit as my own. A man, such as Austin Reynolds.

The crowd pops at the mention of Reynolds. Serafina hands Ty the World Heavyweight Title before Ty continue speaking.

Then my opponent this evening, a man who believes himself worthy of this very title. Could it be him that will face me at Redemption? I know that he will bring everything he has to defeat me tonight, validating his claim to the rightful ownership of this belt. Yet it will not come to be Reynolds. The Ouija has spoken its truth, and you will falter. And yet, there is only one man who truly has a claim to a title shot, and that man is a false king. The man who carries the gold briefcase, the very opportunity I sought for so long last year in my battles with Vengeance and Corey Payne. That man is Big Dave. A man who I built up, yet failed me at Lethal Lottery. I gave you every opportunity Dave, yet each time you lost your grip on it. It was only after you earned that opportunity yourself, have you proven to us all that you are ready. I hope the lesson was learned well. Yet you are no king. You are a king with no title, no crown, no kingdom. I am the King of Darkness, a true King that has earned his right to be called as such. So you may bring your briefcase down Dave, cash it in whenever you feel the urge, and once more by my hands you will fail.

The lights begin to dim as Ty raises the World Heavyweight Title high up into the air. The crowd buzzes until only a single spotlight shines down around Ty.

Next week, I will become the longest reigning WZCW World Heavyweight Champion in history. My name will be synonymous with success. And so it is Showtime, Reynolds, and Dave, your names will be merely entries added to my list of victims.


Thus it is written.

The lights completely go out and a haunting laugh can be heard throughout the arena.

So it shall come to pass!

The chaos symbol flashes across the tron once more before we cut to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Tank! hits the speakers and the crowd begins cheering as Action Saxton emerges from the curtain jumping up and down sparing with the air, slowly making his way down to ringside.

Anderson: Introducing first, from wherever he damn well pleases, weighing in at 270 pounds... Action SAXTON!

Connor: Whilst Saxton was one of the few men not to appear on the PPV, he looks to gain momentum here tonight against the Elite X Champion.

Cohen: But if God isn't on his side then how will he overcome the champ? By clicking his fingers?

He slides underneath the bottom rope and does a circle around the ring pointing to the fans. They cheer as he does the 360 and stands in the middle of the ring, ripping his shirt off to reveal his torso manliness. Anderson is doing her best to look away and not be mesmerized. Saxton's music stops for a moment who waits in anticipation for his opponent.


The crowd begins to boo heavily as Michael Winters slowly walks out with the Elite X Championship around his waste and his arms outstretched. He stands on the stage and slowly forms a cross on his forehead before methodically making his way down the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 267 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion... Michael WINTERS!

Cohen: Now here is a respectable and honourable man! He is a great role model for kids due to his faith in God.

Connor: Yeah, he also teaches people to spit on those who are different to you and cheat to succeed in life. Great role model.

He climbs on the apron and stares through the fans as they boo him. He goes to bless the crowd but instead shakes his head and enters the ring. He takes off his championship and shows it off to Saxton before the referee takes it away. The music dies out as the referee comes back to check on both men who are staring each other down. The bell signals and the match is underway!

Winters is talking trash to Saxton who does nothing but stare at the sucka. Winters can see that he isn't listening to him at all and slaps him right across the face that earns boos from the crowd. Winters just looks up to the heavens as Saxton feels his face. Saxton turns around when Winters is looking, points to him and yells with the crowd "YOU!" Saxton hits multiple punches on Winters with the crowd yelling multiple onomatopoetic sounds, followed by a backhand, then a discus punch... ending it off with the megaton punch to knock Winters down. The crowd cheers as Saxton holds his fist tight waiting for Winters. Saxton hits a couple of knife edge chops on Winters before whipping him across the ring, catching him with a spin kick. Winters rolls to the outside and tries to regroup with Saxton getting on the apron and dives at Winters with a overhead chop. He grabs the head of Winters and smacks it against the guard rail to the approval of the fans. He picks up Winters and goes to drag him over to the announcers table but Winters is able to push Saxton into the ring post and take him down. He catches his breath for a moment before stomping on Saxton in quick succession. He picks up Saxton and throws him into the ring, sliding back in to go for a cover... 1... power out by Saxton to Winters surprise. He quickly goes on the attack delivering some vicious European uppercuts to Saxton. He tries to counter with a punch but Winters ducks and locks him for a Full Nelson Slam. He pins... 1... Saxton again overpowers Winters. He shakes his head as Saxton gets up, prompting Winters to hit a gutbuster on Saxton to keep him down. Another pin... 1... and another power out.

Connor: A lot of resiliency shown by Saxton here. Winters hasn't been able to get a two count.

Cohen: Saxton hasn't been able to pin Winters yet so you be quiet, heathen.

Winters waits for Saxton to get up and goes for a clothesline but is unable to knock down Saxton. Shocked, he tries for his flying forearm smash which makes Saxton stumble down to his knees. He goes for something else but Saxton counters with a shuffle side kick. Saxton waits for Winters and traps him, giving him a series of headbutts before letting go. Winters is caught off guard as Saxton a big karate chop on him, knocking Winters down. Saxton signals for the end as Winters gets up. Saxton tries for the Black Lightning but Winters manages to dodge it and hits a quick neckbreaker to stop the momentum. It takes a few seconds for both men to recover and get to their feet, with Saxton hitting a roundhouse kick out of nowhere. It stuns Winters to fall through the middle ropes and land on the apron. Saxton goes over and picks him up to try and perform a move on the apron but Winters thuds the eye of Saxton. Winters goes for a shoulder thrust but instead punches Saxton straight in the groin which the referee doesn't see from the angle. The crowd boos as Winters pulls Saxton's head through the ropes in a headlock position and gives a quick smirk at the crowd before DDT Saxton's head onto the apron's edge. Saxton gets caught in the whiplash effect of the middle and top ropes as Winters watches on from the floor at the limp Saxton. He gets into the ring and pulls Saxton up to hit the CRUCIFIX and goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3!

The crowd boos as Winters music hits and the referee gives him his championship, raising his hand in victory. He does a quick prayer to God before getting up and exiting the ring.

Anderson: Here is your winner, the WZCW Elite X Champion... Michael WINTERS!

Cohen: Did you see that innovative DDT that Winters pulled to gain the victory? It was all Saxton for the end of the match and then with one move it ended like that.

Connor: All thanks to using dirty tactics, of course. That's another tarnished win on the record of Winters who hasn't been able to win cleanly since the championship came into the picture.

Winters heads up the ramp as Saxton is nearly to his feet holding his groin, shaking his head at what has transpired. Winters turns around once more to smile at Saxton and holds his arms outstretched whilst Saxton points at Winters and mouths "Michael Winters, I'm coming for you sucka!"

We're backstage with Steamboat Ricky who's making his way through the backstage area, getting handshakes, high-fives and calls of "Welcome back" from the different people he passes. He stops for a moment before looking left and right, in step on either side of him are Titus and Everest, the crowd gives a huge roar in appreciation of the legends.

Ricky: Well, here we are. Feels like only yesterday I was World Heavyweight Champion.

Everest: Which I then won from you.

Titus: Which I then won from you.

Ricky: Point being! It's good to be back!

They all shake hands and nod in appreciation.

Titus: Right, we must get on, got some Tag Champions to face off against. Last time I recall doing something that was when they were in the...rW...

Ricky: Ok, let's not dwell on the past now! Off you go!

Titus and Everest head off as Ricky smirks and shakes his head before heading off.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Wake Up hits to loud booing for Smith as the lights go off. After a few moments, he emerges, a cocky grin on his face.

Connor: He earned a shot at Kingdom Come, and he’s feeling confident because of it!

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds, Sam Smith!

Smith gets into the ring and awaits his opponent. My Block hits to more booing as Cooper walks out to the ramp, looking bruised and sore, rubbing his neck.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 253, Justin Cooper

Cohen: I wanted so badly to see this guy get rid of that damn juggalo!

Connor: Unfortunately for Cooper, Bowen can take a beating like no other!

Cooper gets into the ring and onto the second rope, looking out into the crowd, scowling. He hops down and the referee calls for the bell. The two lock up in the centre of the ring and Cooper gets the advantage, getting Smith in a headlock and taking him over onto the mat. Smith elbows his way out of it and both men quickly get up and Smith hits a sudden dropkick. Smith gets up, smirking as Cooper looks a little shocked. He gets to his feet and the two go to lock up again, but Cooper goes behind Smith and takes him down before hitting a series of right hands. The referee breaks it up and Cooper picks up Smith before Irish Whipping him. Smith comes back off the ropes and hits a hip toss before going for a quick pin, 1.... Smith kicks out quickly. Cooper picks him up and backs him into the corner. Cooper swings a right hand but Smith ducks under it and hits a loud chop to Cooper’s chest, causing Cooper to clutch his chest, before hitting a Snap Suplex. Smith gets to his feet and starts stomping on the sore neck of Cooper, who is trying to get to his feet. Smith picks him up and hits a big DDT and quickly goes back to stomping on Cooper’s head and neck, slowly and methodically taking apart his opponent. He puts Cooper in a headlock and wrenches back, causing Cooper to scream out in pain. Smith puts a knee to Cooper’s neck and pulls his head back, Cooper again screams out before the referee reaches his 5 count and Smith lets go.

Connor: Well Smith has a clear strategy: Make what sore even more sore!

Smith flips Cooper over and goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Kick out by Cooper. Smith picks up and pushes him into the corner. He hits some shoulder thrusts to the gut and then lifts up Cooper, placing him on the top rope. Smith climbs up to the second rope and goes to Superplex Cooper off, but he fights back, hitting right hands to Smith’s head. Cooper grabs Smith’s head and jumps off, hitting as Jawbreaker off the top rope! Smith head bounces backwards as he lands on the mat, looking totally dazed. Cooper goes for a cover, 1... 2.... Smith gets a shoulder up! Cooper gets up, picking up his opponent too and hits a Fisherman Suplex, keeping the leg hooked for another pin, 1... 2.... Kick out by Smith. Cooper looks a little frustrated as he rubs the back of his neck. He gets up and signals he wants to end it. Smith slowly gets to his feet and Cooper goes for Your Final Verse but Smith blocks it and hits a big Spinebuster. Both men lay on the mat for a several moments before Smith starts to drag himself over to the corner. He gets up to the top rope and hesitates for a moment before leaping off, going for an elbow drop. Cooper rolls out of the way and catches Smith’s arm before locking in an Armbar! Smith’s face contorts in agony as he tries to grab the ropes, but to no avail!

Connor: A combination of his elbow hitting the mat and that armbar must be excrutiating!

Cohen: Tap! Just tap you fool!

Smith lifts his hand as if he’s going to tap, but balls his hand into and pounds the mat instead before using all his strength to claw his way to the bottom rope. He grabs it and Cooper uses his five seconds to wrench the arm as much as possible. Cooper finally lets go, arguing with the ref who is warning him for not breaking sooner. Cooper moves the ref out of the way and walks towards Smith, who has just sat up. Smith grabs Cooper by the pants and pulls him forward, sending him head first into the top turnbuckle. Cooper stumbles backwards and Smith turns him around and hits the Final Judgement. Smith goes for the cover, 1... 2.... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Sam Smith!

Smith slowly gets to his feet and climbs to the second rope. He raises his arms, smirking, before pointing to his waist.

Connor: Good victory for Smith today as he builds momentum towards his title shot!

Cohen: Who cares? Cooper might not get the Mayhem title rematch he deserves!

We're backstage with the Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen who is watching Ascension in a backstage area with his championship belt resting over his shoulder, Leon Kensworth walks, mic in hand as always.

Kensworth: Alex Bowen, excuse me. Firstly, congratulations on retaining the Mayhem Championship at Kingdom Come. Now we got news that instead of facing a new challenger each week, you're planning on putting a challenger through their paces like you did Justin Cooper this evening.

Bowen: Well Leon, if there's one thing that Justin Cooper proved is that he is as tough as they come, but I felt he needs to some proving ground so I will put him through the rounds and if he survives, then I will give him the rematch he deserves. And I...

He stops as Justin Cooper arrives worn out and sweaty.

Cooper: You man, you can take your trials, whatever you want to call them and shove it! I don't want no part of your crazy schemes, you're afraid of me and wish to hide from me and my deserved rematch. You're going to get yours one day and I will be there to see it, if you were a real man then you would have defended against me tonight!

Bowen: And if you were hardcore, then you'd be asking to bring on the next challenge!

Cooper is lost for words and leaves in a huff.

Well, clearly he fails the trial, so I need a new challenger to endure the!

He points to someone beyond, the camera spins around to reveal Action Saxton recreating the Mona Lisa with Lego bricks, Leon runs over to him.

Kensworth: Action Saxton, you've been named as the next person to endure the trials of Alex Bowen to earn a Mayhem Title opportunity, do you accept?

Saxton: Fool, don't interrupt my painting session, but as for the trials, you're damn right I accept! There is no trial that Action Saxton won't accept, unless it's a lawsuit from my mother, bring on the challenges!

Kensworth: Well you heard it here first, Action Saxton is the next challenger to endure the trials of Alex Bowen, will be tough enough to survive and earn his Mayhem Title opportunity?

Saxton: Leon! Painting! Leave!

Leon rushes off immediately as Saxton resumes on his painting reconstruction with Lego bricks, only the picture is now of The Scream.
Anderson: The following non-title tag team match is scheduled for one fall!

"We Are One" blares from the PA system as Scott Hammond bursts out from behind the curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises one arm in the air. He then turns his attention to the entrance curtain, and points both hands towards the entrance, as Wasabi Toyota steps out from behind it.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 825 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, the Brothers in Arms!

Hammond slides inside the ring as Toyota climbs the stairs and enters with him. Toyota stands behind Hammond in the center of the ring as Hammond drops to his knees. Toyota raises his arm as pyros go off in the ring behind them.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Keystone City, Kansas and weighing in at 215 pounds, Titus!

Titus comes down the ramp to a big pop and hi-fives fans the whole way. He comes to a stop just outside of the ring and stares up at the Brothers.


Anderson: His partner, from Los Angeles, California and weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Everest meets Titus at the bottom of the ramp and the two men stare at each other for a moment before giving respectful nods and entering the ring. They both pose on turnbuckles before they head to their corner and discuss who will begin the match.

Connor: This should be a very good matchup. Titus and Everest are WZCW legends, but only one week removed from their match at Kingdom Come, can they coexist and take down one of the most dominant tag teams we’ve seen in quite a while?

Everest will start off the match against Scott Hammond. They circle each other for a moment and lock up in the center of the ring. They fight for positioning for a moment, with Everest backing Hammond into a neutral corner. The referee begins the five count, but Everest breaks cleanly at 4. Everest slowly backs into center of the ring as Hammond shakes out his arms and exits the corner. They face off once more and lock up. This time Hammond gets the advantage and backs Everest into the corner. The referee begins the count once more and Hammond breaks cleanly at 4 with a grin on his face. Hammond backs into the center of the ring and Everest charges out to lock up with Hammond for a third time. Hammond is able to take control with a side headlock, but Everest is able to escape and grab a rear waistlock. Everest lifts Hammond for a German suplex, but Hammond is able to block it and escape, grabbing a rear waistlock of his own. Everest spins out, however, grabs Hammond’s wrist and connects with a short-arm clothesline to finally give someone an advantage in the match. Everest wastes little time before locking in a cloverleaf on Hammond. Before he can turn it over, however, Hammond grabs Everest’s head and rolls him up, 1…2.. Everest escapes. Both men scramble back to their feet, with Hammond standing back up first. He charges at Everest, who takes Hammond over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Titus calls out to Everest for a tag, but Everest instead goes for a cover, 1…2.. Hammond kicks out.

Cohen: It looks like tagging in that tub of lard Wasabi Toyota is Scott Hammond’s only chance at surviving right now as Everest is starting to heat up here.

Connor: It would be interesting to see how either Everest or Titus handled that massive Matsumoto Mauler.

Everest quickly gets back to his feet and runs the ropes in anticipation of Hammond doing the same. As he hits the ropes, Titus reaches out and makes the tag. Everest tries for a spinning heel kick, but Hammond drops down and Everest flies over him and out to the floor. Hammond gets back to his feet just in time to get drilled by a flying clothesline to the back of the head and neck by Titus. Titus rolls Hammond over for a pin, 1…2… Hammond gets the shoulder up at the last moment. Before Hammond can get away, however, Titus locks in a sleeper hold. Hammond tries fighting out, but quickly begins fading. The ref check’s Hammond’s arm, it drops once, and twice, but Hammond is able to keep it up the third time. Titus sees this, quickly releases the sleeper, and transfers into an armbar. Hammond is able to partially block the hold and reach the ropes with his foot. Titus releases the hold and Hammond slowly begins to get back to his feet. Hammond stumbles toward Titus and is greeted with a stiff Kesagiri chop followed by a DDT. Titus hops back to his feet and signals for the Red Comet and heads to the corner to ascend the turnbuckle. Before he can climb, however, Everest reaches in and tags himself into the match. Titus just stares at Everest in shock as Everest climbs into the ring with a grin on his face. Titus begins yelling at Everest who yells back. From nowhere, Hammond sneaks up behind Everest and takes him over with a German suplex, and both men are down.

Cohen: Titus and Everest had this match in the bag, but their egos wouldn’t let them finish off the tag champs.

Connor: It all comes down to whether Scott Hammond is able to make the tag here or not.

Hammond is crawling toward his corner as Everest begins getting back to his feet. Everest rushes over to try and stop Hammond, but he is still able to tag in Wasabi Toyota. Everest throws a right hand, but it is blocked by Toyota who responds with a headbutt that sends Everest stumbling back into the corner. Toyota gets some momentum and crushes Everest with a vertical splash. Everest collapses out of the corner and Toyota goes for a pin, 1…2.. Everest kicks out. Toyota picks up Everest and tries to take him over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Everest blocks it however and connects with an enziguiri. Toyota is dazed, but stays upright. Everest sees this and heads back to his corner and slaps Titus on the chest to tag out. Titus gives an angry look to Everest, but runs into the ring and hits the still dazed Toyota with a spinning heel kick, which takes the big man down. Titus jumps and up poses for the crowd for a moment before locking in an ankle lock on Toyota, who screams out in pain. Toyota tries to reach the ropes, but is unable to. Finally, just as Toyota is about to tap, he stretches out and reaches the ropes to force the break. Titus breaks the hold cleanly and waits for Toyota to return to his feet. Toyota slowly moves toward his corner as he works on returning to his feet. Titus realizes this and begins putting boots to Toyota. As he does this, Toyota falls and tags in Scott Hammond. Hammond and Titus begin exchanging right hands in the middle of the ring until Titus is able to stun Hammond with a European uppercut. Titus charges at Hammond, but is instead caught in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He locks in the anaconda vice, but Everest runs in almost immediately to break it up. Everest then charges at Toyota to take him off the apron, but Toyota pulls down the top rope. Everest lands on the apron, but is met with a savate kick and collapses to the floor. Toyota calls out to Hammond who tags in Toyota before heading over and picking up Titus after a couple stomps. Hammond grabs a rear waistlock and they hit the Walking Wounded. Toyota stays on Titus for the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winners of the match, the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, the Brothers in Arms!

The champs make their way to the back, with Toyota using Hammond's shoulder for some extra support. Titus slowly makes his way back to his feet as Everest rolls back into the ring. They stare each other down for a moment, before Titus clearly mouths "It's over" and extends his hand. Everest nods and returns the handshake before exiting the ring.
We go backstage to Becky Serra and Mr. Baller standing by.

Becky: I'm here with Mr. Baller. Baller, last night was a difficult loss to Showtime Cougar, what is your reaction?

Baller: I lost Becky. I mean what else do you want me to say? Showtime is insane and needs to be locked up for good. I'm glad I got this interview time though. I'm here to make a statement. The next PPV is titled Redemption, and after my loss to Smith at Kingdom Come and my loss last night to Showtime, I'm going to redeem myself by taking out one of the biggest names in WZCW history. You better believe that.

Baller walks off as Becky looks on as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning hits and Phoenix makes his way out to a large pop from the crowd. He scans the crowd before making his way down the ramp, slapping hands with fans at ringside. He slides into the ring and hops up to the second turnbuckle and scans the crowd once more.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Heliopolis. He stands 6'2" and weighs 213 lbs, Phoenix!

Becoming the Bull starts to play as Brad Bomb makes his way to the entrance stage to cheers from the crowd. Bomb looks out at the crowd before making his way down the ramp He stops in front of the ring and removes his hoodie and throws it out into the crowd. He enters the ring and holds an arm up as the crowd cheers again.

Anderson: And his opponent, from the United Kingdom. He stands 6'6" and weighs 261 lbs, Brad Bomb!

Connor: Both of these men came up just short at Kingdcom Come in that thrilling Elite X Triple Threat match as Michael Winters retained his title. No doubt Phoenix and Bomb look to gain another shot at the title.

Cohen: Who cares who gets another shot? Clearly Winters will beat whoever they throw at him, especially these two losers.

The ref signals for the bell and Phoenix immediately goes for Rebirth but Bomb ducks under and lifts Phoenix up and drops him down with a sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg, 1....2..Phoenix kicks out. Phoenix rolls away from Bomb and gets to his feet as the two men stare each other down. Bomb looks to lock up but Phoenix ducks under and rolls Bomb up, 1...2..Bomb kicks out. Phoenix quickly runs to the ropes and hops over Bomb. He comes off the rebound but Bomb reacts just in time and hits a back body drop, sending Phoenix crashing to the mat. Bomb drops a leg across the throat and pulls Phoenix's leg forward, 1...2...Phoenix kicks out once more. Bomb drags Phoenix to his feet and whips him into the corner. He rushes forward but Phoenix slides between the middle and top rope to the apron and Bomb runs hard into the turnbuckle. Phoenix springboards off the ropes and hits a dropkick that knocks Bomb to the ground.

Connor: These two are picking up right where they left off at Kingdom Come. No one is getting a clear cut advantage at the start.

Cohen: Can someone wake me up when this match is over?

Phoenix gets up before dropping down with a low dropkick to the side of Bomb's head. Bomb rolls over and Phoenix covers him, 1...2....Bomb kicks out. Phoenix gets up and grabs a hold of the top rope and jumps up before angling his legs and connecting to Bomb's midsection, sending the big man to the outside. Phoenix motions to the crowd and they respond with a loud cheer before Phoenix runs the opposite ropes and comes flying over the top rope on the rebound to the outside! Bomb catches him in midair however and slams him back first into the ring post. Phoenix yells out in pain as Bomb holds on and does it once more before dropping Phoenix to the ground. He stomps away at Phoenix before rolling him back into the ring. He covers him, 1...2..Phoenix kicks out.

Connor: Bomb has put a stop to Phoenix's momentum. It looks like he's going to slow the match down to his pace and keep Phoenix grounded.

Cohen: Winters would have won this match by now. Just goes to show you how pathetic his competition is.

Bomb lifts Phoenix up and twists him around before dropping him with a neckbreaker. He applies a reverse chinlock which causes Phoenix to flail out towards the ropes. The fans start to get behind Phoenix and soon Phoenix is up to one knee. He hits a few elbows to the midsection before shoving Bomb's arms away and going for a step up enziguri! Bomb ducks under however and Phoenix falls stomach first to the ground. As Phoenix gets to his knees, Bomb hooks his arm under Phoenix's head and quickly drops him down with a vicious DDT. He flips him over and hooks a leg, 1....2...Phoenix kicks out. Bomb stands up and looks frustrated as he can't put Phoenix away. He turns and walks away from Phoenix while his anger grows. Phoenix tries to get to his feet but suddenly Bomb locks in De-Activated! He locks the hold in tight and raises Phoenix off the ground. Phoenix desperately reaches for the ropes but soon begins to fade and the ref checks on him.

Connor: Bomb has Phoenix right where he wants him! There is no way Phoenix can escape this hold.

Cohen: I will admit Bomb has been very impressive this match, especially against a veteran like Phoenix.

Phoenix shakes his head as the ref checks on him. He tries to inch closer to the ropes but Bomb is simply too strong. Finally Phoenix hooks a leg under the rope and the ref begins the count to break the hold. Phoenix holds onto Bomb and suddenly springs off the rope and flips over Bomb and hits a inverted DDT! Both men are down as the ref checks on both. Phoenix grasps the bottom rope and pulls himself back to a standing position. Bomb is to his feet as well and turns toward Phoenix who once again goes for Rebirth! Bomb ducks under and grabs Phoenix for the Detonator but Phoenix reverses the suplex attempt into a head scissor, sending Bomb to the ground. Phoenix looks out at the cheering crowd before rushing to the corner and climbing the top turnbuckle. He comes off and connects with the Final Flight! He hooks the leg, 1...2....3!
Anderson: Here is your winner, Phoenix!

Connor: Wow, what a reversal by Phoenix, catching Bomb just at the right time with that head scissors.

Cohen: Great, Winters gets a weak bug to crush instead of a redwood to chop down. I think he'll be happy with that.

Phoenix gets up and the ref raises his hand as Bomb slowly rolls out of the ring. Suddenly the Ascension theme song hits and Vance Bateman walks out with a mic.

Bateman: I suppose you'll want to challenge for the Elite X title again won't you Phoenix?

Phoenix nods his head and motions for the belt around his waist as the crowd cheers.

Bateman: Tough luck Phoenix! You see the next contender for Michael Winter's Elite X title, is Sam Smith! You see Mr. Smith has cashed in his title opportunity and decided he will be going after the Elite X title at Redemption.

Phoenix looks surprised by the announcement and throws his hands up into the air as the Ascension theme hits and Bateman makes his way to the back. Phoenix climbs up to the second turnbuckle and scans the crowd to pops once more, even with a dejected look on his face.

Connor: It's official ladies and gentlemen, Michael Winters will be facing Sam Smith for the Elite X Title at Redemption. Phoenix has to be down after that shocking announcement.

Cohen: Sam Smith? This is great! Winters has an even easier opponent than he expected!
We're backstage with Titus who looks rather deflate as he sits in his locker room, someone out of sight enters the room and sits down next to him.

Titus: Look man, I know we both said after the match we'd go our separate ways and focus on the important things, but right I...

He looks up to see it's not the man who he thought it was, but rather John Constantine.

Constantine: Sounds like you a little spot of bother there, and I thought I could make the situation better because that's what I do. I made Ricky's return feel extra special, I made Showtime become the best Elite X Champion and I gave Austin Reynolds the best thrill of his life. Now, I think it's time for John Constantine to help the legend that is Titus back on his feet because I can guarantee that you will feel much better once I've sorted your situation out. So what do you say?

He extends a hand out with an intimidating smirk on his face. Titus shrugs him off and leaves the locker room.

See, I told you that I'd have you back on your feet!

In another section of the arena, we see Dr. Steven Kurtesy and Steve Holmes walking through the backstage area to get to the gorilla position.

Connor: Well Doug Crashin maybe gone, but the Movement seems to keeping itself together despite hard times. How will they fare against the combined efforts of Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa? Find out next!
Anderson: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia and weighing in at 235 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy begins stripping to his in-ring attire as Beethoven's 5th rings out through the arena and Steven Holmes comes out from behind the curtain.

Anderson: His partner, from London, England and weighing in at 240 pounds, "The Elite" Steven Holmes!

Holmes poses in the ring and begins discussing strategy while "Ecstasy of Gold" hits and Hunter Kravinoff makes his way onto the stage, Freud portrait in tow.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, being accompanied to the ring by the father of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud, from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda and weighing in at 245 pounds, Hunter Kravinoff!

Kravinoff sets up the portrait on the floor as "Can't Get You Out of My Head" hits and Barbosa heads toward the ring.

Anderson: His partner, from Bedlam and weighing in at 237 pounds, Barbosa!

Kravinoff climbs into the ring to start for his team as the bell rings. Kurtesy immediately joins him in the ring with a big smile on his face. Kravinoff crouches down, as if to prepare for a lock-up, but instead turns around and tags in Barbosa to massive booing from the crowd. Kurtesy just shakes his head and begins circling Barbosa. As he goes to lock up with Barbosa, Kravinoff jumps down from the apron and pulls on his leg, Kurtesy turns around to tackle him and Barbosa pounces on him and trying to drop him with a roll up, 1…2… Kurtesy just escapes before 3. Both men scramble back to their feet and Barbosa stuns Kurtesy with an uppercut. He then grabs Kurtesy and hits him with a backbreaker and then a side slam. He goes in for a pin, 1…2… Kurtesy gets his shoulder up. Barbosa immediately grabs a front facelock to try to further wear down his opponent. Kurtesy is able to fight back to his feet, but Barbosa hits him with knees to the face. Barbosa lifts him up again and plants Kurtesy with a STO. Instead of going for the pin, Barbosa immediately locks in a reverse chinlock and wrenches back, causing pain both to Kurtesy’s already targeted back, but his neck as well. Kurtesy screams out in pain, but is finally able to reach the bottom rope and force a break. Kurtesy slowly gets back to his feet, but Barbosa starts charging at him. Kurtesy sees this, however, and pulls down the top rope, sending Barbosa to the floor and Kurtesy collapsing to the mat once more.

Connor: Quite a showing from the Doctor thus far in this matchup.
Cohen: Barbosa and Kravinoff will be back in this match in no time, just you wait.

Kurtesy begins fighting his way toward his corner as Barbosa starts stirring on the floor. But Kurtesy is almost there as Barbosa scrambles back into the ring, but he is too late and Kurtesy tags in Holmes who charges in with a dropkick that nails Barbosa in the jaw. Barbosa pops back up but is sent back down from a DDT that leads to a cover by Holmes, 1…2.. Barbosa kicks out. Holmes grabs the legs of Barbosa and tries to lock in a armbar, but Barbosa rolls through and tries to lock in an armbar of his own instead. Holmes gets free using his legs to drop on the bottom rope. When the referee breaks the hold, both men get up quickly. Holmes runs at Barbosa, ducks an attempted clothesline and returns with a clothesline of his own. Barbosa crashes to the mat and lands in his corner where Kravinoff tags himself in. Kravinoff rushes in, Holmes sidesteps him. Kravinoff stops himself on the far ropes and then charges at him. Holmes jumps up for a high knee but Kravinoff blocks it and slaps him down to the mat with a double underhook suplex. He goes for a pin, 1…2..... Holmes kicks out. Kravinoff tries to lock in the Ugandan Death Knell but he struggles to get the body scissors locked in and Holmes is strong enough to carry Kravinoffs' weight and gets his foot on the bottom rope as a result. The referee begins the count, but Kravinoff refuses to release the hold. Kurtesy rushes in to break up the hold, but Kravinoff quickly rolls to the outside. As the referee admonishes Kurtesy, Kravinoff pulls Holmes to the outside and slams him into the steel ring post. Holmes screams out in pain and collapses to the floor holding his back as Kravinoff rolls back into the ring and tells the ref to count Holmes out.

Cohen: Look at Hunter Kravinoff using Kurtesy to gain the advantage! Both men have to be angry at the other with how they were eliminated from the King For a Day match, but Kravinoff seems to be keeping his emotions under better control.

Kurtesy heads to the floor to check on his partner as the referee’s count hits 3. Kurtesy helps Holmes back to his feet and the former tag champ rolls back into the ring at 9. Kravinoff immediately begins stomping away at Holmes before covering him for a pin, 1…2… Holmes gets his foot on the rope. Kravinoff screams out in frustration and picks up Holmes to whip him into his and Barbosa's corner. Barbosa tags in and places Holmes on the top rope. Barbosa climbs up and lifts up Holmes and plants him with a powerslam from the top rope, Cover 1…2… Kurtesy breaks it up! Barbosa yells at Kurtesy, who charges at him once more, but the referee stops him. Behind the referee’s back, Holmes is able to get a roll-up on Barbosa , but the ref doesn’t see it. He finally turns around and starts counting, 1…2…. Barbosa kicks out after what probably should have been a 3 count. Both men scramble back to their feet. Barbosa tries for a clothesline, but Holmes catches the arm and drops him with a crucifix pin, 1…2… Barbosa slides out again. Before Holmes is able to get back to his feet, Homes is able to crawl over and finally tag in Kurtesy!

Connor: Here comes a big momentum shift as Dr. Kurtesy is in the match now!

The doctor charges in and hits Barbosa with a neckbreaker. Barbosa gets back to his feet but is sent back down with a dropkick. Barbosa gets up once more and is sent into the far ropes and caught with a dragon screw takedown on the rebound. Kurtesy pauses and the crowd responds as he taunts and teases hitting the Pescripted Sedation, but Barbosa escpaes. He lifts Kurtesy for the Doppelganger but Kurtesy falls backwards and lands on his feet. He grabs the Inmate's arms and drops backwards hitting the Straight Jacket! Kurtesy covers, 1...2.... Kravinoff breaks it up but Holmes immediately takes him down and out of the ring over the top rope! The referee goes over to check on the two men, but as he does, Barbosa drills Kurtesy with a low blow. Kurtesy collapses into a heap, allowing Barbosa to lock in the Bipolar Disorder. When the referee turns back around, he finds Kurtesy passed out in the hold and calls for the bell!

Anderson: The winners of the match, the team of Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa!

Kravinoff and Barbosa head up the ramp posing with their arms raised. Holmes rolls back into the ring as Kurtesy begins to come to, and both men just look at each other, shaking their heads.

We're backstage with Becky Serra who's in front of the Ascension logo.

Serra: Ladies and Gentleman, my guest at this time, Austin Reynolds!

The crowd roars in cheers for the Ratings Winner as he enters the scene.

Now Austin, you're about to face the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna, coming off your success against Constantine at Kingdom Come. What heights do you expect to go to for the victory tonight?

Reynolds: Well Becky, if anything that Kingdom Come did show is that there is no lengths I will not go to in order to get a victory and to make a man quit when it's all on the line. Now tonight's match will be relaxed, the pressure's off but ratings will be high and that is exactly what I am about. Tonight I plan on being nothing but a showstopper just like every other night, but this match adds a special purpose where if I win, then I can put myself in a spot to go for the World Heavyweight Championship. Ty Burna, you may have been the man to Main Event Kingdom Come, but if the figures prove anything is that I stole the show like always, tonight we collide and will make fireworks but expect my all as you are going to be looking at your next challenger right now!

Reynolds walks off as the crowd cheers on in excitement and anticipation.

Connor: Well you heard it from the Ratings Winner, now it's about to time to see him to put his words into practise. Ty Burna, Austin Reynolds, one-on-one, next!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

There's a big pop as Austin Reynolds emerges, smiling and looking happy for the first time in weeks. He looks out into the crowd and nods before going down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 190 pounds, Austin Reynolds!

He gets into the ring, jumps up to the second rope as he points to his tattoos and points out into the crowd before getting off the rope. He turns and faces the ramp, awaiting his opponent. The music stops, causing a buzz of anticipation within the arena.


The roof blows off the arena as the lights go dark. The world champion appears on the stage, his belt around his waist. He makes his way down to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Connor: After Kingdom Come, you have to wonder: Can anyone stop Ty Burna?

Cohen: Yes. Big Dave!

Connor: Not to mention Austin Reynolds is going to give it his all tonight!

He gets into the ring and locks eyes with Reynolds before lifting his title up high. The ref takes the belt and calls for the bell and the two men circle the ring, neither wanting to make the first move unti l finally they lock up. Reynolds immediately goes on the offensive, getting Ty in a wrist lock and moving it into a headlock. Ty pushes Reynolds off him and goes for a clothesline, but Reynolds rolls under it. Ty turns and goes for a kick to Reynolds head, but Reynolds blocks and goes for a kick to Ty’s head but Ty ducks. Ty suddenly goes for the Consecrated Banishment, Reynolds dodges it by an inch, but falls backwards in surprise. He backs into the corner, looking frustrated for a moment as Burna backs up. Reynolds pulls himself to his feet and stands still for a second before running at Ty. He unleashes a series of right hands, catching the the champ off guard. Ty stumbles back into the corner and Austin hits a series of kicks to Ty’s midsection and head. Reynolds backs away before running at Ty and goes for a Monkey Flip out of the corner, but Ty pushes Reynolds off him. Reynolds lands on his feet but Ty quickly hits a running High Knee. Reynolds goes down, and Ty goes for the first cover of the match, 1.... Reynolds kicks out.

Connor: Wow, what a start to this match! It seems Kingdom Come didn’t take as much as we thought out of these two men!

Burna picks up his opponent and Irish Whips him. Reynolds bounces off the ropes and Ty goes for a Back Body Drop, but Reynolds rolls off Ty’s back onto his feet. Ty turns around and is quickly hit with Dropkick. Reynolds backs into a corner as Ty looks up, nodding out of respect for his opponent. He gets up and the two lock up, with Ty getting the advantage with a Headlock Takeover before kicking Reynolds in the back. He picks up Reynolds and Irish Whips him. Reynolds tries to return with a countering clothesline but Ty ducks under it and hits Reynolds with an armdrag. Both men quickly get up and Ty runs forward but this time Reynolds hits the armdrag. The two man get up again, in another stalemate. Ty swings a right hand, but Reynolds ducks under it and hits a Discus Lariat! Ty goes down and Reynolds goes for a pin, 1.... 2... Ty kicks out. Reynolds goes out onto the apron and awaits Ty to get to his feet. The champ finally gets up and Reynolds springboards off the top rope and catches Ty with a clothesline. He goes for a pin, 1.... 2.... Kick out by Ty again. Reynolds goes over to the turnbuckleand climbs up. Ty gets up and Reynolds goes for the Crossbody but Ty catches him and hits a Shoulderbreaker. Ty crawls over to Reynolds and covers him, 1.... 2.... Kick out by Reynolds! Ty catches his breath and stands up and hooks Reynolds legs and lifts him up, attempting an Underhook Backbreaker, but Reynolds gets his legs around Ty’s neck and reverses into a headscissors, sending Ty through the ropes to the outside. He lies on the floor for a second before starting to get to his feet. Reynolds rolls out onto the apron and gets up. He measures up Ty, who gets to his feet and goes for an Asai Moonsault, but Ty gets out of the way and Reynolds crashes into the announce table!

Connor: Oh my god, he must have broken something!

Cohen: When will he learn to stop taking risks!

Ty moves some of carnage and finds Reynolds underneath table fragments. He rolls him into the ring and goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Reynolds gets a shoulder up. Ty shakes his head and grabs Reynolds’ arm, going for the Final Séance. Reynolds suddenly bursts to life and wrenches his arm free, quickly rolling up Ty! 1.... 2.... Ty kicks out at the last split second! Ty looks shocked for a moment as he gets up. Reynolds is using the ropes to get up on the other side of the ring. Ty wants to end it, measuring him up for the Consecrated Banishment. Reynolds turns around and Ty goes for his signature kick, but Reynolds ducks it and kicks Ty’s other leg out from under him before hitting a standing Shooting Star Press! Ty clutches his ribs before Reynolds quickly picks him up and quickly hits the Five Star Backbreaker. Reynolds pins Ty, hooking the outside leg, 1.... 2.... Ty kicks out! Reynolds shakes his head in frustration and gets up and goes out onto the apron again. Ty slowly gets up and Reynolds goes for the Ego Crush. He lands on Ty’s shoulders but Ty stops him from hitting the Dragonrana. Reynolds panics and starts punching Ty’s head. Ty stumbles backwards into the corner, and Reynolds sits himself on the top rope. Reynolds hits an Axehandle Smash to the back of Ty’s head, causing Ty to leave forward. Reynolds lifts Ty up for the Ratings Killer off the second rope, but Ty struggles out of it, landing on his feet on the mat. Out of nowhere, Ty hits the Consecrated Banishment! Reynolds falls forward off the top rope and Ty drags him to the centre of the ring before going for the pin, 1.... 2.... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, the WZCW Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty leans backwards in the corner as he’s handed his title. He raises it in the air but the celebration is cut short as Showtime Cougar attacks him behind, taking him off his feet and starts to beat him down and shout abuse at him, only for Austin Reynolds to get up and exchange rights with his rival. Showtime tries to Irish whip him but it's quickly countered and the return is received by a dropkick, sending Showtime rolling out of the ring and rolling his chin as he points to Reynolds and Ty who has just got back up. The two competitors stare down at Showtime not before sharing a glance at each other and the World Heavyweight Championship which Ty reclaims and holds as they resume to stare down at Showtime.
And here it is! Who did what:

Ty Burna vs. Austin Reynolds - Blade
Phoenix vs. Brad Bomb - Ty
Dr. Steven Kurtesy & Steven Holmes vs. Hunter Kravinoff & Barbosa - Thriller
Michael Winters vs. Action Saxton - Falkon
BiA vs. Everest/Titus - Thriller
Sam Smith vs. Justin Cooper - Blade

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