Ascension 29

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

"Ladies and Gentleman" plays and the Number 1 contender Showtime David Cougar walks out onto the stage. Following closely behind him is Serafina. Showtime posses at the top of the stage to a loud chorus of boos from the audience. Showtime appears unfazed by the jeers from the crowd as he lowers his arms and makes his way down to the ring.

Connor: Showtime stated earlier in the program that he intended to call out Ty Burna before the night was over and give him a chance to turn himself in for the crimes he has commited or else Showtime would reveal to the world Ty's "Big Plan".

Cohen: Oh CC I can hardly wait. We are either going to witness a massive confrontation between the 2 men main eventing Kingdom Come, or Showtime is going rat that evil bag of scum Ty out and automatically win the WZCW Heavyweight Title before Kingdom Come.

Showtime is up on the apron. The crowd continues to rain boos down on him as he lowers the middle rope to let Serafina in before entering the ring behind her. We posses once more in the middle of the ring before walking to the announcers side and grabbing a mic.

Showtime: Thank you... you're all too kind. Yes... thank you thank you. Are you people even listening to yourselves. Do you know what you're shouting at me?

A loud YES comes from the audience followed by more boos.

Showtime: Well I'm glad to hear you all aren't deaf. Ty has at least let you keep your ears and I want you all to try and listen to the words coming out of my mouth and hopefully realization will hit your brain washed minds. This is not the way the star of your program should be treated. I am not the bad guy. I am suppose to be your hero. The person you all cheer for, believe in, want to see succeed and have his hand raised and be represented as your champion. It was not long ago before I was your hero. You people worshipped the ground that I walked on and helped me defeat the great champions of WZCW's past and secure my first real WZCW Title match at Unscripted. Remember those days. Those were good times. I was on a war with Ty then as I am now heading into the biggest event in WZCW, heading into Kingdom Come.

I swore to you all that I would bury that cursed Ty Burna and send him back to the depths of hell from where he came from and I succeeded in doing that with all your help..... But then Ty reappeared and with new found dark magic. In time he was able to sweep your memories clean of the past atrosities that he had committed and the destruction that he had caused within WZCW. You started cheering for him. But the spot light wasn't enough for Ty to share. He knew that I wouldn't trust this new found change is his demeaner. So he worked his magic on all of you and turned you all against me. I was then distracted for a while, dealing with a posser me who thought he could gain from what Ty had taken from me. I wasn't long before I should you all who the real ratings king in WZCW was and then my ticket to facing Ty came with my victory at Lethal Lottery.

But all that didn't change the spell that Ty had cast over all of you. You still cheered him as the good guy and me as the bad guy, even though I teamed with crowd favourites Gordito and Everest, while Ty teamed with evil psychos Barbosa and Big Dave. So I decided that if I am protarying the bad guy in this show I might as well play the part right. I am the best in the profession and everything I touch turns to gold. I can play every part to perfection and my recent role as Ty's nemisis has been near flawless.

So Ty this is your chance to turn yourself in. To come clean on the crimes you've committed. You have already just about everything. You've lost your humanity, you've lost the one person you never thought would turn on you, this beautiful flower Serafina. Ty, do the right thing, before you end up losing your title... and your dignity.

Showtime waits. The crowd cheers for Ty but his music does not come on.

Showtime: Alright then you leave me no choice. The big secret is..

"Falling On" interupts Showtime and Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman walk out onto the stage.

Myles: You're right Showtime. There is trouble a foot here in WZCW and if something doesn't be done soon our big main event at Kingdom Come will be ruined. But it's not Ty that is the problem... it's you, Showtime.

Showtime: What... are you kidding me. Bateman back me up.

Bateman: Showtime we received a call from the Sunnyside Mental Institute in Phoenix. The doctors there have determined you to be mentally unstable at the moment.

Showtime: I bet they told you I had Schizophrenia. They are lying.

Myles: Showtime we received an interesting video from the police who have concluded their investigation of the set of your show. They were able to salvage this from the fire. Watch.

The titantron shows a camera view from inside the studio. A shadowy figure with blond hair hanging over his face is dosing gas all over the floor. He pulls out a match and lights it. He then throws it on the floor. The flames light the room up. The man flips his hair back as the camera stops. The mans face is revealed to be Showtimes. Showtime stands in the ring shocked.

Showtime: I... I don't.

Bateman: Showtime, as your biggest supporter I have no doubt you have no recollection of those events. But you are in need of help and we are going to make sure you get the help you need at WZCW's expense of course. However due to a healthy donation to the Sunnyside Mental Institute, they've agreed to sign off on you wrestling tonight and at Kingdom Come, but right after that we will get you the help you need, along with the rest of the roster apparently. Now I want you and Serafina in the back as soon as possible. I have set up security to protect you two once more from any kind of attack.

Suddenly the lights go out and the Chaos symbol appears on the Tron, with flames flaring out from it. The lights come back on and the crowd cheers in anticipation.

Ty: Showtime!

The camera spins around searching for Ty when a spotlight finally comes down on him standing in the balcony of the arena, mic in hand and the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder.

Ty: I don't care about your pathetic disorder. I don't feel sympathy for your ordeal in that psych ward. You have just gotten a taste of what I went through, straight jackets, needles, shock treatments, the whole works I have suffered through it all. But there is one more thing you have yet to experience that I have Showtime, and that's being sent to the very depths of hell. But rest assured David, you can sit back, contemplate your future in my realm of insanity, and wait until our match tonight when I show you why I have gone undefeated for the last eight months while you wallowed away in self pity and half baked conspiracies. So hide behind your precious boyfriend Constantine but your ass will be in that ring, and I will show you just what kind of evil I can deliver upon you both.

Thus it is written.

The lights go out again and the Chaos Symbol glows with more intensity.

So it shall come to pass!

Blackened The Sun hits as Showtime and Serafina look towards a now empty space where Ty was at. Showtime runs a hand through his hair and exits the ring as security comes to escort the two to the back as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"We Are One" hits the arena and the crowd goes wild as Scott Hammond bursts through the curtain, raising his arm into the air. Hammond turns around and points towards the entrance-way where Toyota comes out slowly waving to the fans.

Anderson: Making their way to the ring, first, from London, England, weighing in at 275 pounds, he is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions... the "English Enigma," SCOTT HAMMOND! And from Matsumoto, Japan, weighing in at 550 pounds, he is the other half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions... "The Matsumoto Mauler," WASABI TOYOTA!

The Brothers in Arms are confused at the specific way of introduction whilst they both stand outside the ring interacting with the fans. Hammond rolls underneath the bottom rope and Toyota uses the stairs to enter. They taunt together before getting ready for their match. Toyota goes on the apron and Hammond waits. Their music continues for a prolonged period of time as they wait in confusion, whilst the ring announcer and referee's look on in confusion at them.

Cohen: I have a feeling that Hammond and Toyota didn't read the Ascension card properly.

The music cuts off to play the Ascension them and Vance Bateman appears on stage with a microphone in his hand.

Bateman: Now, I understand the two of you walking out together for this match considering you two are the tag champs and you want to show unity, by I'll be damned if you'll be rebelling this match!

Hammond and Wasabi look on in confusion. Toyota asks for a microphone.

Toyota: We are not rebelling, Mr. Bateman. We are waiting for our opponent.

Bateman: Your opponent? I don't know what type of joke you two are trying to pull but I suggest you better face off against each other right now or there will be some serious consequences.

Hammond: If I'm not mistaken sir, this is a handicap match. The Brothers in Arms vs. DK Wilton.

Bateman: ... a handicap...? Whatever you're doing, I'm not here to play around. Right now, it's Scott Hammond vs. Wasabi Toyota. Please, don't waste any more of my time and get on with the match.

Vance Bateman heads back as Hammond and Wasabi seem confused still. The referee splits them up into their separate corners. The referee rings the bell and tells the two to meet each other in the ring, but they are beside themselves looking at the fans for justice.

Cohen: DK Wilton? I've never heard of him. Have you, CC?

Connor: Nope.

Toyota and Hammond shake each others hands before beginning to circle each other. They lock up and Wasabi uses his weight to push Hammond to the corner. The referee calls for the break and Toyota does so cleanly. Hammond nods his head at Toyota as he moves back. They lock up again and Toyota does this again, which Hammond counters at the end and pushes Toyota to the corner. He breaks cleanly and this time Toyota gives the approval to his partner. They meet in the middle again but this time Hammond twists the arm of Toyota twice, keeping him in pressure. Toyota tries reversing it but Hammond keeps the hold on. Suddenly, Toyota quickly rolls through on the canvas, untwists his arm and gets Hammond in a headlock between the massive rolls of Toyota's body. Everyone is shocked at the athleticism of Toyota as he simply smiles whilst Hammond is in the hold. He tries getting a rope break or escape, but the hold is on tight. Amazingly, Hammond lifts Toyota up into a back suplex scenario, but Toyota flips over and lands on his feet. Hammond and the referee lose their foot and fall over as Toyota lands on the canvas, shaking the entire ring. The crowd applauds in confusion at the display of events.

Cohen: Am I seeing what your seeing?

Toyota, embarrassed, picks up the referee and lends a hand to Hammond. He picks up Hammond and tries to whip him across the ring as a surprise attack but Hammond is too strong and easily whips Toyota across the ring. Hammond goes for a clothesline but Toyota ducks the attempt. On the rebound, Toyota delivers a crossbody to Hammond and goes for the pin... 1... Hammond powers out by pushing Toyota into the air. Shocked, Toyota rushes to the turnbuckles and climbs to the second. He jumps at Hammond who catches Toyota. Out of nowhere, James King and Dr. Alhazred rush to the ring and chop-block Hammond, with Toyota's weight crushing him again... the referee ringing the bell to stop the match.

Toyota tries getting up but Alhazred and King continuely beat down Toyota to him suppressed. Mister is on his way down to the ring wielding chairs and hands them to the Forgotten Powers. They get into position but are flanked by the Crashin Movement. Holmes and King begin brawling in the corner whilst Crashin and Alhazred fighting over custody of a chair. Toyota regains himself and assists Hammond up whilst the fight occurs. Alhazred gets the chair from Crashin, smacks him in the gut and begins taunting him in the ring, almost celebrating. He turns around to see Scott Hammond towering over him and his expression changes from happy to concerned. Hammond hits the LONDON'S CALLING on Alhazred whilst Toyota steam rolls Holmes and King to the outside. The Brothers in Arms eye off Doug Crashin and perform THE WALKING WOUNDED on him. The crowd cheers as Mister grabs King and Alhazred to retreat, along with Holmes pulling Crashin out and wincing in pain. Their music hits as they grab their championships and showcase them to the crowd.

Connor: The Forgotten Powers and The Crashin Movement tried to gain the advantage before Kingdom Come via surprise attacks, but the Brothers in Arms were just to much to handle for them. We see Hammond and Toyota standing tall with the titles heading into KC... but the question is, who will walk out?
We suddenly cut backstage to Phoenix laid out on the ground, clutching his midsection and in immense pain. A ref rushes and drops to the ground to check on him.

Ref: We need medical attention here! Quick!

Phoenix: I'm fine, just let me go I can still wrestle tonight.

Ref: Stay still we're getting you help Phoenix.

Medical staff rush onto the scene and begin checking on Phoenix who tries to push them away.

Connor: Phoenix has been attacked backstage! Will he be able to compete tonight against Titus?

Phoenix continues to fight against the medical staff and gets to his feet slowly and starts stumbling down the hallway still clutching his midsection as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is a battle royale to determine the number 1 contender for the Mayhem Championship at Kingdom Come!

Connor: On Meltdown, Bowen successfully retained his Mayhem title, ensuring his place at Kingdom Come. Now we get to find out who will be joining him!

Cohen: I’m putting money on ARRRRRRMANDO PARRRRRADISE!

6 men stand in the ring, sizing each other up, every single one of them hoping to go to Kingdom Come. The men are Justin Cooper, Action Saxton, Ferbian, The Agony, Armando Paradyse and Sean Cruz. Various weapons are hanging from the ropes, ring posts and turnbuckles. The referee calls for the bell and immediately chaos begins. Cooper starts battling with Ferbian, while Armando Paradyse and The Agony try to double team Action Saxton as Sean Cruz backs into a corner, rips a chair off the turnbuckle and waits for his moment. Cooper gets the advantage over Ferbian, hitting him with a jawbreaker. Saxton is Irish Whipped across the ring by The Agony and Paradyse, but Saxton delivers a double clothesline to them. Saxton turns around and Cruz runs at him with the chair, but Saxton ducks and pull down the top rope, sending Cruz flying over onto the ground. Cruz gets up on the outside, looking angry with himself. He climbs back up onto the rope with the chair and tries to hit Saxton again, but Saxton punches the chair, which smashes into Cruz’s face and falls off the apron to the outside, semi-conscious. Saxton shakes his head at Cruz and turns around to starts battling with Paradise, who is now on his feet. Cooper has Ferbian against the ropes and turns around to run at the opposite ropes, but The Agony runs forward with a metal pipe and Cooper ducks under it. The Agony collides with Ferbian, sending the Dane over the top rope to the floor. The Agony looks on as Ferbian gets to his feet, looking dazed and dizzy after the pipe shot to the head. Ferbian is informed that he has been eliminated and furiously tries to kick the ring steps, but he misses and falls on his ass.

Connor: Well, a very eventful start to this battle royale so far! Both Sean Cruz and Ferbian are out!

The Agony swings the pipe at Cooper, who manages to dodge it again. Cooper runs off the ropes and hits The Agony with a Flying Shoulder Block, sending him over the top rope. But The Agony manages to hang on to the top rope and land on the apron. Cooper climbs onto the second rope and jumps off, trying to hit the Agony with an Axe-Handle Smash, but The Agony catches him with an elbow to the jaw. Cooper crashes to the mat and The Agony gets back into the ring. Meanwhile, Saxton is dominating Paradise, hitting him with a trash can. Paradyse is leaning back into the corner, some blood on his face. Saxton drops the dented trash can and instead takes a kendo stick off the ring ropes. Saxton runs at Paradyse, but Armando hits a Shuffle Sidekick out of nowhere! Both men collapse to the mat. The Agony picks up Saxton and tries to throw him out, but Saxton stands his ground and puts his weight down to stop the Agony picking him up. Saxton elbows the Agony in the head and hits him with the Black Lightning out of nowhere! Saxton leans against the ropes to catch his breath but he’s hit with a chair to the skull by Cooper. Paradyse gets to his feet and picks up the kendo stick and attacks Cooper, swinging it wildly. Cooper uses the chair as a shield before smacking the kendo stick out of Paradyse’s hands. A look of terror crosses his face before Cooper smashes him in the skull with the chair, sending him over the top rope to the outside.

Connor: There goes your pick, Jack!

Cohen: If you recall, I believe I picked Justin Cooper....

Cooper backs into the corner with the chair, waiting for one of his opponents to get up. The Agony starts getting up first, with Saxton not far behind him. Cooper runs at the Agony with the chair, but the Agony dodges, sending Cooper into Saxton, who hits a big roundhouse kick. Cooper stumbles backwards and The Agony hits the Reverse Angle Slam. Cooper is laid out on the mat and The Agony and Action Saxton start battling, exchanging right hands. Saxton gets the advantage, backing The Agony into the corner. Saxton walks to the opposite corner, posing for the crowd for a moment before running at The Agony. The Agony rips a trash can lid off the ring post and hits an oncoming Saxton in the head with it. Saxton goes down and The Agony tries to go for the Dementia submission hold, but Saxton tries to struggle out of it. Saxton gets to his feet and rolls through sending The Agony stumbling forward. He manages to stop himself going over the top rope and Saxton again runs at his opponent, but The Agony counters with a Back Body Drop, sending Saxton over the top rope to the top floor. The Agony looks on as Saxton gets to his feet and shouts out a few choice swearwords. Suddenly, Justin Cooper comes from behind and weakly throws the Agony over the top rope!

Anderson: Here is your winner and number one contender for the Mayhem Championship at Kingdom Come, Justin Cooper!

The ref raises Cooper's as he hangs on the top rope with a dazed smile on his face. Saxton and The Agony start brawling on the outside, taking their frustrations out on each other. A few referees try to break them up until Cooper picks up a trash can and throws it into the brawling, taking out Saxton, The Agony and three referees! The referee raises Cooper’s hand again and he gets out of the ring, shuffling around the pile of bodies and walking up the ramp with his arms raised and a cocky smirk on his face.

Cohen: I knew he was going the win!

Connor: Either way, we officially have a new Kingdom Come match, Alex Bowen will face Justin Cooper for the Mayhem title!

We come back from commercial and the crowd is on their feet cheering and generally being loud as merchandise is being thrown towards various crowd members.

“This crowd has been hot all night!”

“These imbeciles don’t know whats good for them!”

“Well I think they are just excited about such a great main event! What a match to send us to Kingdom Come!”

“And here comes the Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds, one quarter of that incredible main event!”

“Austin has shown himself to be a sell out in the past few months. He doesn’t deserve to be in a marquee match with an American hero like John Constantine!”

Austin emerges to a huge roar, the biggest of the night so far. He takes time to acknowledge the fans on both sides of the ramp. We see that he has a mic in his hand and he begins to speak.

“In a few days time, the Ratings Winner is going to steal the show at Kingdom Come!”

The crowd roar again in approval.

“And I know that John Constantine wants to end my career in the biggest match of his life. But I simply won’t let him!! He has cheated and used every method in the book to beat me but at Kingdom Come, I cut the PowerTrip down.”

“I’ve been asked by so many people why I am so, so confident of beating him. In no small part is it down to the heart, love and support that I get from each and every one of you. All of you have shown that you refuse to accept his BS. You have all given me the belief that he can no longer away with his tricks and when it matters, we will come out on top.”

“So for that, I want to thank you all for your support.”

“But it’s also more than that; we all know the time has come for John Constantine to get his ass thrown around New York City.”

After an emotional speech, the crowd respond loudly to the talk of this big match at the pay-per-view.

“And I have been racking my mind, trying to figure out why someone who is apparently so smart, like he claims to be, would pick the matches he did. I think he has forgotten what I did to him at the Lethal Lottery! That may be the long term effects of concussions. He has forgotten what I have done to him when there are no rules on the table.”

“Well at Kingdom Come, I’m not going out there with the express desire to entertain you all and put on a match of the year candidate. It’s gone beyond that. John Constantine doesn’t deserve that privilege and there’s only so much I can do while I carry his weight. For too long, he has bullied me and tried to wreck my life. Showtime discarded him after he used him because he figured out what we knew all along. John Constantine is a bully and an egotistical prick.”

“And I don’t care whether the match has to go to three falls. I have to come out of the match on top at the end. For too long, I have focussed on how I get to where I’m going, only to be derailed by those who are jealous and only intent on using me as a stepping stone. But I can’t let that go on any longer. This time the means will justify the end game.”

“”So a normal match, a street fight and an I quit match; it’s going to be the most brutal encounter in WZCW this year and I can’t wait. John Constantine, you can’t beat me clean. You can’t beat the Ratings Winner on the big stage and this is the biggest of them all.”

Austin steps forward, closer to the edge of the stage.

“These people right here, the hundreds that will attend the special live edition of the Ratings Spike and the twenty thousand strong army that will have my back in Madison Square Garden, they are all going to witness the evolution of a star. They are going to see me get you out of my life once and for all and the final word on this whole thing will be you saying I Qu--!!”

“At last!”

“That’s not fair. Austin’s been ambushed again!”

With that, John Constantine comes out and attacks Austin from behind. Reynolds quickly regains his composure and returns fire with some forearm shots of his own. Constantine seems to get the advantage and tries to whip Austin into the stage wall but Reynolds gets his foot up and sends Constantine into it headfirst. Austin sets up for the Ratings Killer but Constantine shows tremendous power and has Austin on his shoulders! He moves closer to the edge of the stage and looks to slam him off but Austin uses his legs to flip Constantine onto the stage flooring!

“We just got a preview of Kingdom Come!”

“On free TV as well. Damn that Austin Reynolds!”

The security detail emerges from backstage to separate the two men. Constantine is enraged but Austin is slightly calmer and allows himself to be pushed back. Insults are exchanged across the ramp and Austin is hurriedly escorted backstage.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning hits and the lights flash around the arena before Phoenix emerges to loud cheering from the crowd. He scans the arena before slowly making his way down to the ring while holding his ribs from the earlier attack.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 213 pounds, The Eternal One, Phoenix!

Phoenix gets into the ring and looks out into the crowd, doubling over in pain before sitting down in the corner awaiting his opponent.


The crowd give a big pop as Titus emerges grinning. He slaps the hands of fans as he makes his way down to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds, Titus!

He slides into the ring and gets up on the turnbuckle, posing for the crowd.

Connor: There’s quite a bit of history between these men, dating back to when the rWo ruled the WZCW. But how will Phoenix be able to keep up with Titus after being attacked backstage?

Cohen: The good ol’ days... I don't think Phoenix had enough time to recover, I hate to say it but Titus should finish this match quickly.

The referee calls for the bell and the two men circle each other. They lock up, both battling to push their opponent backwards. Titus breaks the grapple and hits a European Uppercut on Phoenix, who stumbles backwards into the corner. He rubs his jaw and smirks for a moment, before rushing forward and hitting Titus with a right hand, which Titus returns. They exchange right hands for a few moments before Phoenix gets the upper hand. He Irish Whips Titus across the ring and goes for a clothesline, but Titus grabs the arm and quickly takes Phoenix over onto the mat and locks on an Armbar! Phoenix quickly manages to get his foot on the rope before any real damage can be done. The referee tells Titus to stop and he lets go and stands up. Phoenix suddenly rolls up Titus, 1... 2... Kick out by Titus. The two men quickly get up and back into opposite corners as the crowd cheer loudly.

Connor: Completely even match so far!

Cohen: Well Phoenix has learned a thing or two while Titus was away.

They walk towards the centre of the ring and lock up again. This time Phoenix pushes Titus backwards into the corner. The referee counts to five and Phoenix breaks, but quickly hits a step up Enziguiri! Titus falls forward and Phoenix goes for a cover, 1... 2... Kick out by Titus. Phoenix gets right back to work on Titus, sitting him up and hitting a quick kick to the back of Titus’ head. Titus clutches the back of his head and rolls around on the mat before Phoenix goes for another pin, 1... 2... Another kick out by Titus. Phoenix picks up his opponent and Irish Whips him before going for a Back Body Drop, but Titus reverses, hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker. The two men are both down on the mat for a moment, before they both start to get to their feet. Phoenix hits Titus with a right hand. Titus stumbles backward a step, before hitting Phoenix with a right hand of his own. Phoenix goes to swing another punch, but Titus ducks under it and hits a Northern Lights Suplex, with a bridging pin, 1... 2... Phoenix kicks out. Titus gets up and measures his opponent, who is using the ropes to get to his feet. Phoenix straightens up and Titus runs forward and jumps up onto his shoulders, attempting a Hurricanrana but Phoenix reverses it into a Sit Down Powerbomb! With both men down, the referee starts counting. Phoenix manages to crawl over to Titus and hook his outside leg, 1... 2... Titus gets a shoulder up! Phoenix sits up and looks like he can’t believe it. He gets up to his feet and backs into the corner, signalling for the Rebirth. Titus is slowly getting up and Phoenix goes for his finisher, but Titus runs off the ropes and hits a Flying Clothesline as Phoenix is in mid-air!

Connor: No one can get the advantage in this match!

Cohen: It’s like a good game of chess, except interesting.

Titus gets up breathing heavily and he motions to the corner. He starts climbing up the ropes, but Phoenix gets up inside the ring. Titus stands on the top turnbuckle, but Phoenix leaps up to the top rope and hits and Enziguiri! Titus falls off the top rope to the mat and the crowd start a “Holy Sh*t!” chant. Phoenix draps an arm across Titus’ chest, 1... 2..... Titus gets a shoulder up! Phoenix rolls onto his back and puts his hands over his face, the frustration showing. He drags Titus to the corner and slowly climbs up to the top rope. He jumps up, going for the Final Flight, but Titus gets his knees up! Phoenix gets to his feet, bent forward clutching his stomach. Titus pulls himself to his feet and sees the opportunity, hitting the Tit Drop. He hooks Phoenix’s leg, 1... 2....3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Titus!

Titus takes a moment to catch his breath before dragging himself to the corner and getting up onto the second rope. He poses for the crowd, who cheer loudly in appreciation of the exciting match. Phoenix slowly sits up and looks up at Titus before shaking his head. Titus gets off the second rope and turns around, seeing Phoenix looking at him. Titus extends his hand and Phoenix hesitates before taking it and Titus helps him to his feet. Titus gives Phoenix a quick pat on the shoulder and rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp.

Connor: Well Titus is a classy man, and he knows the past doesn’t matter.

Cohen: Not to mention Phoenix deserving respect after that performance.
Barbosa is in the corner of the cafeteria, eyeing up a pretty, Mila Kunis look-alike backstage worker. He watches her eat for a moment, talking to her friends.

Barbosa: Just go up and say hi. What’s the worst that could happen? They could laugh...

Barbosa stands arguing with himself over what to do. Suddenly two police officers walk up to him and one grabs his arms, handcuffing him. Barbosa struggles, but the officer holds him back as the other talks.

1: You are under arrest for assaulting Johnny Klamor. Please accompany us off the premises quietly and we’ll read you your rights.

Barbosa: You can’t do this... I could hit them!


No... This can’t be happening... Although, I wonder if that girl is noticing how badass we are...

Barbosa is dragged out as he screaming more insanities at the police officers.
Anderson: The following contest is the second match of three for the Elite X Championships!

Invisible Wounds begins playing as Michael Winters makes his way out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He looks towards the crowd and looks concerned by the boos coming from them. He shakes his head and does the sign of the cross before making his way down to the ring. He slides in and raises his arm up as he receives another mixed reaction.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois. He stands 6'6" and weighs 267 lbs, Michael Winters!

Connor: Winters was able to capture the first victory in this best of three series albeit through dubious means.

Cohen: Dubious means? He "accidentally" had his foot on the rope, what's the harm in that? We've all made mistakes and I'm sure Brad Bomb understands.

Becoming the Bull hits and the crowd rises to their feet cheering as Brad Bomb makes his way out, his hoody covering his head. He walks down the entrance ramp and removes the hoody, tossing it to a lucky fan at ringside. Bomb enters the ring and stares down Winters, mouthing "You got lucky".

Anderson: And his opponent, from the United Kingdom. He stands 6'6" and weighs 261 lbs, Brad Bomb!

Connor: Bomb seems to be upset with Winters, this could be the fuel he needs to tie this series up and send it to Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Or he could just run face first into the ring post and give Winters the win by knockout, which is fine by me.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up. Bomb gains advantage right away and hits a knee to the midsection. He drops a forearm across Winters' back before whipping him into the ropes. Bomb goes for a clothesline but Winters ducks under but gets caught on the rebound as Bomb drops him down with a sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg 1...2.. Winters kicks out. Bomb gets to his feet and drops an elbow across the collarbone of Winters before dragging him up and applying an armbar. He backs him into the corner and begins throwing rights into Winter's midsection. He follows up with a knee and backs out of the corner signaling for crowd support. The crowd responds as Bomb turns and rushes towards Winters but runs right into a boot. Winter hits a hard clothesline and knocks Bomb down. Winters gets up and drops a quick elbow before applying a headlock, keeping Bomb's face in the mat. Winters brings a knee back and connects directly to the crown of Bomb's head. He rolls him over quickly and hooks a leg 1...2....Bomb kicks out..

Connor: It looks like Winters has gained control over Bomb here, that knee was vicious.

Cohen: I like it, it's about time a big man like that learns how to properly decimate an opponent.

Winters pulls Bomb up and hits an overhand right which sends Bomb against the ropes. Winters follows up with an European uppercut. He whips Bomb into the ropes and bounces off himself, hitting a strong forearm smash. Bomb bounces off the ground and is back up immediately but is met with a powerslam from Winters. He hooks the leg, 1...2...Bomb kicks out. Winters gets to one knee and looks frustrated. He slowly drags Bomb up but Bomb brushes his arms away and hits an elevated spinebuster! Winter screams out in pain and grasps at his back as Bomb lies down on the mat. The ref begins the ten count as the two men begin to struggle to their feet. Both are up at the count of eight as Winters goes for a right hand but Bomb blocks and hits a headbutt, sending Winters sprawling into the ropes. Bomb rushes forward and goes for a clothesline but Winters drops to the mat and rolls to the outside as Bomb looks infuriated on the inside. Bomb exits the ring quickly and Winters meets him with rights and lefts. Bomb covers up but catches Winters' arm and whips him into the ring steps. Winters grabs his shoulder in pain as Bomb goes for a kick to the face. Winters rolls out of the way and the ref finally begins the count.

Cohen: Who hired this ref? He should be up to the count of six by now.

Connor: Maybe he wants to give the two men a little breathing room to operate considering how important this match is?

Cohen: Who asked you CC?

Bomb holds his foot after kicking the ring steps and Winters takes advantage, lifting Bomb up and dropping him with a Fallaway slam. The ref's count is up to four as Winters is quick to continue putting the pressure on. He stomps away at Bomb before lifting him up and running him backwards into the ring apron and then goes to drop him down with a DDT but Bomb counters and drops Winters face first into the ring apron! Both men are down as the count reaches six. Winters is to his knees grasping his face as Bomb is slow to get up as well. The ref reaches eight and Winters makes a desperate slide into the ring. He gets to his feet still clutching his face as Bomb gets his hands on the apron to lift himself up but Winters stumbles back and steps on Bomb's fingers. Bomb yells in pain and withdraws his hands as the ref counts to ten and calls for the bell.

Anderson: Here is your winner as a result of a countout, and NEW Elite X Champion, Michael Winters!

Connor: Winters backed up onto Bomb's fingers! He's lucked out yet again in this series.

Cohen: It doesn't matter how he gets the job done CC, that man is your new Elite X Champion.

Winters is still clutching his face until the ref comes over and presents Winters with the Elite X Championship. A look of surprise comes across his face. He stares down at the belt as Bomb rolls into the ring and shoves Winters and begins jawing at him as Winters backs up holding his arms up like he did nothing wrong. Suddenly the Ascension theme song hits and Vance Bateman makes his way out with a mic, the crowd booing him mercilessly.

Bateman: Congratulations Mr. Winters on your victory this evening. However I think the cliche is that you wait until Kingdom Come to let the victor be decided. As such I don't have an Elite X Title match for Kingdom Come, and I will be damned if I let Meltdown's Eurasian Title shine on the grandest stage and mine doesn't. I have decided Winters you will defend your title at Kingdom Come. Since you cannot seem to get a clean win, Mr. Bomb there will be your opponent. But just to up the ante, I have decided to include this man and making it a triple threat match!

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning hits and Phoenix makes his way out, clutching his ribs. Winters face drops as he sees Phoenix walk out, Bomb still looking at the stage with an enraged look on his face.

Bateman: Not only do I feel this will add some excitement to the Elite X Title match, I have a funny feeling someone in that ring may have been the one that attacked Phoenix earlier this evening. Good luck to all three of you.

The Ascension theme hits and Bateman walks to the back as Phoenix stares down to the ring as the crowd chants his name. Winters looks hesitant at first but begins clapping enthusiastically. He turns towards Bomb and extends his hand. Bomb stares down at his hand and brushes him away and begins walking to the ropes. Winters becomes angered and raises the Elite X Title, almost to set up for a strike to the back of Bomb but lowers the title and stands straight. He walks over to the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises the Elite X Title high into the air.

Connor: What an announcement from Vance Bateman, at Kingdom Come Michael Winters will defend the Elite X Title against Brad Bomb, and Phoenix!
We cut backstage to Titus carting his bag out to the parking lot as Everest walks up from behind.

Everest: Great match out there tonight Titus.

Titus: No it wasn't, I didn't get Phoenix at 100% so I don't know if I got the ring rust off or not? He was supposed to be my final test for Kingdom Come.

Everest: Titus you've been in the biggest moments in WZCW history, Lethal Lottery II, Kingdom Come II last year with the Pinnacle of Perfection himself. We're going into Kingdom Come and we're stealing the show. We're tearing the house down and we'll make everyone realize why we are the best at what we do yet again.

Titus goes quiet for a moment and nods his head, his confidence returning. He tosses his bags into the trunk of his vehicle and slams it shut.

Titus: At Kingdom Come, we're going to have the greatest rematch of all time Everest, and you're absolutely right, I have no reason to be worried out there. Thanks for the pep talk.

Titus gets into his vehicle and drives off as Everest watches on with a smile on his face as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd boos heavily as Showtime Cougar comes out onto the stage with Serafina at his side, he gives a familiar pose to the crowd before sharing an embrace with Serafina.

The boos continue as Showtime and Serafina stand waiting for their tag partner, Constantine who nods in appreciation and head down the ramp together.

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied by Serafina, at a combined weight of 478 pounds, the team of Constantine and Showtime Cougar!

Connor: We see a rare union of Constantine and Showtime after what happened between them earlier in the month. Will Constantine be affected by the earlier news regarding Showtime?

Cohen: CC, Constantine is a man who spent his days kissing babies and showing his care and appreciation for the mentally challenged, this is a piece of cake to him!

Showtime and Constantine enter the ring and hold the ropes open for Serafina as she climbs in, they both ascend respective turnbuckles and pose to the crowd, which is received by boos.

The boos suddenly turn to a series of cheers as the Ratings Winner emerges onto the stage with such an ecstatic display of energy, he paces down the ramp, showing his appreciation to the fans.

Anderson: Introducing their opponents, first, from the West End of London, England, weighing 190 pounds, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Reynolds looks fired up and ready, knowing that this will be the last chance to inflict pain before going through the three stages of hell match with Constantine at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: You mean his last night in WZCW!

Reynolds stands by the edge of the ring, ready and waiting he looks behind towards the stage and looks excited at his partner’s imminent arrival.

The lights go out to the excitement of the crowd as they await the arrival of the World Heavyweight Champion.

Anderson: His partner, weighing 235 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

The lights come back on and Ty is nowhere to be seen, everyone looks confused, sans Constantine and Showtime who stand there smiling. Reynolds then looks beyond them and points, everyone turns towards the announce table to find Ty Burna sitting next to Jack Cohen at the announce table.

Cohen: Sweet Jesus! You scared the sh…

Connor: Language Jack!

Ty gets out of the chair and raises the World Heavyweight Title above his head, taunting Showtime and Constantine. He then eyes on Serafina which Showtime challenges him to come in. While they’re both distracted, Austin Reynolds has climbed into the ring and grabs Constantine, the ref rings the bell, and Reynolds goes for the quick small package, 1……2..Showtime rolls the package onto Reynolds shoulders, 1……..2…kickout. Ty and Showtime get into their respective corners as Constantine and Reynolds start the match, but Constantine quickly tags in Showtime who climbs into the ring as both men stand staring at each other, knowing the history that runs between them. Showtime goes for a clothesline and Reynolds duck underneath and on the rebound goes for a kip up frankensteiner, Showtime rolls forward onto the middle rope, Reynolds bounces off the ropes and leaps onto Showtime, squashing his neck on the ropes and making him bounce off.

Reynolds paces around a bit before giving Showtime a stomp, he then rolls him up to a vertical basis before running at the ropes again but Showtime gets out of stance and hits a dropkick on the Ratings Winner. Reynolds rolls to his feet and receives a clothesline for good measure, followed by a leg drop and goes for a cover, 1…….2….kickout. Showtime gets up and tags in Constantine who’s ready to go, as Reynolds get back to his feet, Constantine takes him down with a lariat, he then taunts the crowd before going for some mounted punches on Reynolds’ head. Ty paces on the ring apron, looking rather frustrated. Constantine leans against the ropes and goes for a knee drop but Reynolds rolls out of the way and the former politician meets canvas and holds his knee in agony as Reynolds gets up and tags Ty in.

Connor: Here comes the champion, and he’s ready to go!

Cohen: Watch out Constantine!

Ty wastes no time and kicks Constantine in the back of the neck, which stuns Constantine as he gets to his feet, Ty then kicks him again in the leg, followed by another and another before knocking down Constantine with a right hand. Constantine rolls up and Ty takes him backdown with a Russian leg sweep, he goes for the cover, 1……..2…..Constantine gets a shoulder up. Ty stands up and Showtime is taunting him, being rallied on by Serafina, Ty gets up into Showtime’s face and stares at him and Showtime stares at him back, this allows Constantine to roll up with a schoolboy on Ty, 1……..2…..kickout by Ty. Both men get back up and Ty goes for some running offence, only Constantine takes him down with a sidewalk slam. Constantine takes a moment before trying for some more mounted punches, only to be pounced upon by Ty with an attempt on the Final Séance but Constantine pulls out quickly and heads over to tag in Showtime while Ty tags in Reynolds.

Just as they make the switch, Showtime runs at Ty and knocks him to the floor, bouncing off the barricade. He then hits an enziguri on Reynolds who falls into the ring, cover attempt, 1……..2…..Reynolds grabs the rope. Showtime keeps an eye on Ty before continuing his offence on Reynolds by pulling him into the centre of the ring and dropping an elbow on him, he goes to climb the turnbuckle, but he tags Constantine beforehand. He leaps from the second rope and hits another elbow as Constantine runs and locks in the STF on his adversary, he holds on tightly as Reynolds tries to resist the pain being applied and tries to drag himself to the ropes but it still looks far away to reach as he keeps to resist as Constantine shouts “Come on Reynolds! Quit!”

Cohen: Reynolds is about to tap, I can feel it!

Connor: It doesn’t look good for him, that STF is locked in tightly.

Suddenly Ty appears a ringside, he reaches and grabs Reynolds’ hand and pulls him all the way to the ropes, the referee tells Constantine to break the hold, but he refuses, the referee counts up to four until Constantine lets go. He gets up in the ref’s face and tells him that Ty should be disqualified for interfering, what he fails to realise is that Reynolds and Ty exchanged a tag and out of nowhere, Constantine is hit with a hard Consecrated Banishment, cover by the champion, 1……..2…..Showtime breaks the pin. Ty is quick to his feet as both he and Showtime stand facing each other at opposite corners, the crowd starts getting fired up, the referee tries to get Showtime out of ring, but he just shoves the referee back as Ty unleashes some rights on him, both exchanging punches with each other until Showtime kicks Ty Burna in the groin and hits the Ratings Crash. He drags Constantine’s arm over Ty and gets out of the ring. The referee has recovered and tells Showtime not to shove him again or he will be disqualified, but Showtime points him towards the pin attempt and the ref goes to count it, 1…….2…….Ty gets a shoulder up. Cougar and Serafina can’t believe it as Constantine is slowly coming to after what happened.

Constantine sits back against the ropes and tries to recoup but it’s stopped short when Ty suddenly sits up and stares intently at Constantine. Knowing he’s in trouble, he goes to tag in Showtime who drops down to the ringside and Constantine asks “What are you doing?” to which Showtime responds with “No way am I going in there!” Ty tags Reynolds back in as both Constantine and Showtime bicker with each other, Reynolds stands by the ropes nearest Constantine as Showtime tells his partner to look behind him him, he does so as Reynolds springboards off the ropes and hits the Ego Crush, followed by the cover, 1…….2……Serafina pulls the referee out. The referee argues with Serafina as Reynolds gets back to his feet, Showtime rolls into the ring and stands waiting behind Reynolds, causing Ty to get back into ring and goes for another Consecrated Banishment, Showtime spots this and ducks, causing Ty to hit Reynolds, knocking him out, Constantine gets an arm over as the referee slides back in, 1…….2……Ty kicks Constantine off of Reynolds.

Cohen: Damn this match may never end!

Connor: It’s close, that’s for certain!

Constantine staggers slowly to his feet, using the ropes to help himself up as he gets himself ready, Reynolds eventually starts moving and tries to make it up as Constantine is waiting and ready, the moment Reynolds is up and turns around, Constantine goes for the Axis of Evil, but Reynolds deadweights it and coun ters it into the Ratings Killer, Ty climbs into the ring to keep Showtime away as the referee makes the count, 1……2…….3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Austin Reynolds and the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Showtime and Ty immediately begin brawling as Reynolds is slow to his feet. Showtime and Ty go over the top rope and crash to the outside. Reynolds stands above Constantine gloating about his win when Constantine suddenly low blows Reynolds. Reynolds drops to the ground and Constantine gets to his feet and tosses him to the outside. He follows behind immediately and begins pounding away on him. Meanwhile Showtime has gotten the better of Ty and grabs him by the head and tosses him into the barricade. The barricade breaks and Ty goes crashing into the crowd. Showtime stands over Ty before heading into the ring as Serafina has entered as well. Suddenly Ascension's theme hits and Vance Bateman walks out.

Bateman: I think we must come to an understanding Showtime, for your benefit and the safety of others, you'll be placed in the Sunnyside Mental Institute until Kingdom Come. Security!

Multiple security guards come out and begin walking down to the ring as Showtime and Serafina look on nerviously. Suddenly Show grabs Serafina and sets her on top of the turnbuckle. He grabs a mic as Serafina looks terrified.

Showtime: Don't you dare come any closer! If you do I swear I'll hurt her!

Showtime drops the mic and climbs to the top turnbuckle and sets Serafina up for the Final Act. She struggles against him as the security force closes in on the ring.

Bateman: That's enough now Showtime, there's no need for any of this. Just come quietly and everything will be fine.

Showtime looks at Serafina and runs a hand down her cheek before letting go and climbing from the turnbuckle. Ty slowly drags himself out of the rubble and starts to make way for the ring when Showtime spots him. A sick grin forms on his face and he hops up to the top turnbuckle and takes Serafina down with a reverse Final Act. Ty quickly slides into the ring and looks at Showtime then Serafina before kneeling down and checking on her. Security jumps in and grabs Showtime, restraining him and taking him out of the ring. Ty's hand trembles as he looks down at the out cold Serafina. Showtime begins laughing maniacally as he's carried up the ramp by security. Ty stands and his head is lowered before slowly looking up at Showtime at the top of the ramp, his eyes glowing an intense shade of red as fire erupts from the four ring corners and the Chaos symbol appears on the screen. The lights go out as Ascension goes off the air.
Who wrote what:

Showtyme Express - Opening (Showtime with the major help on that one and Ty with the touchup)
Phoenix - Ty/Reynolds vs. Constantine/Show, Editor
Blade - Titus/Phoenix, Mayhem Battle Royale, Backstage
Falkon - Hammond vs. Toyota
Numbers - Ratings Spike
Ty - Winters/Bomb, Backstage, Ending

Rep these hard working gentlemen, and if you could take the time to drop some feedback on the show, it would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and one last up is Kingdom Come!
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