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Ascension 27

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Meltdown 52 said:
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Constantine heads out, he ignores the crowd as he just heads down with a smirk on his face.

The arena goes loud in excitement as the lights go down with the World Heavyweight Champion heading out with Serafina behind him. He stands in the centre of the stage before raising his hands the lights come up and resume down the ring before removing his hood and dropping his cloak down the ramp.

Copeland: Ty Burna will see this match as target practise, edging closer to getting his hands on Showtime Cougar, knowing that Kingdom Come will get nearer and nearer as the match goes on. It’s almost like a minor preview.

Constantine takes him down with a lariat.

Both men stand tall and lock eyes with each other and walk up chest to the chest, Constantine tells him that he doesn’t appreciate the cheap tactics and Ty responds with an uppercut

Ty then clotheslines him off the top rope, making him fall straight to the floor.

Constantine irish whips Ty into the steps

Constantine then takes Ty a few paces, eyes up the table and then hits the Collateral Damage on Ty, sending him right through the table, which has both men down and out.

Serafina is looking on, concerned for her master as the referee does a check on them before resuming the count of them. The crowd get up on their seats as Showtime Cougar runs down from the stage, he paces around the ring and stands behind Serafina with a black sack behind her, he pulls it over her unaware and takes her on his shoulder and heads back to where he’s come from, despite the resistant kicking from her. Showtime keeps nothing but a smile on his face knowing that’s getting away with daylight robbery, he turns back towards to his foe before continuing to head backstage.

Copeland: Showtime just took Serafina!

Back in the ring, Ty turns around, he goes for a quick kick, but Constantine catches him with the Axis of Evil and slowly rolls on top of him to make the cover, 1…..2…..kickout by Ty and Constantine is livid as he holds his head in disbelief, he rolls out of the ring and looks under the apron for a weapon as he drags out a steel chair and stares intently at it before looking at the champion.

Constantine threatens the ref to not get in the way, while he is focus, Austin Reynolds runs down and grabs the chair through the ropes and takes it with him while heading back up the ramp, Constantine turns to find the chair is gone and notices Reynolds up the ramp who points behind him, Constantine turns and Ty is back up and goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Constantine ducks and hits the Collateral Damage on him one more time, he goes for a cover but Ty once again has him in the Final Séance in the middle of the ring, Constantine can’t reach the ropes as he screams in pain and refuses to give up despite the pain. He tries to roll to get Ty off of him but nothing work as Ty has the move locked in tight, Constantine reaches one more time and the hand drops suddenly. The referee checks on him and then calls for the bell as Ty releases the hold.

Harrys: Here is your winner as the result of a submission, the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: I don’t think Ty realises Serafina is gone!

Suddenly the titantron cuts to a live feed from the parking lot where Showtime Cougar is carrying the bagged Serafina over his shoulder still, with a limo nearby, he drops her off and throws her into the back area of the limo and shouts “Drive!” when he gets in with her it screeches out of the arena. Ty gets out of the ring and runs up the ramp without any hesitation, heading through the curtain and straight to the backstage area, with the carpark in sight, he reaches there and the limo is gone as Ty stands there staring intensely at the exit as Meltdown fades out to black.

*Pryos go off*

The camera pans around the arena to show the fans in excitement at another episode of Ascension going on the air.

Connor: Keystone City, Kansas is hosting Ascension tonight as we are trying to catch up with the events of last night. Showtime Cougar has kidnapped Serafina! Cat Connors along with Jack Cohen here, now Jack what do you make of these events surround the World Heavyweight Champion and his opponent?

Cohen: Well Showtime clearly wants to get under the skin of the champion and to make a quick assessment of the situation, he's succeeding!


The crowd boo's heavily as Showtime smiles and walks out confidently onto the stage in one of his custom tailor-made suits. He lets the energy of the crowd get soaked in as he continues down the ramp, thanking the crowd for the reception. He turns around to the stage and looks back with a smirk, he gives an indication to the back as some 'The Show' stage crew bring out some of his luxury chairs and Serafina with them. He grabs a mike that's been hidden on his belt to cut out his music.

Showtime: Well how of many of you saw that coming? Once again Constantine proves himself a valuable distraction as I get further under the skin of my opponent at Kingdom Come.

He enters the ring with the seats all set up, Serafina's hands and feet are bounded while her mouth is gagged while being placed on one of the seats, Showtime sits in the chair that's adjacent to her.

Do you need a drink?

He holds the mike over to her, she just mumbles aggressively under the gag.

Wow, she's silent! That's a first for the long time, you put Stacey Madison in her place!

He chuckles to himself.

Ok, ok, onto series business. Ty, my friend, as you well know, Kingdom Come is about setting the stage and the example for the rest of this company. I am doing this by setting the example of showing that you are just a front and that when you are stripped down to the very bones of your soul, you have nothing. You are made up of material, fancy lighting and Lucas like special effects, there's no depth or passion about you, hell, there's not even a personality! Maybe that's what you fear most about me Ty? The fact that someone who is much more of a man than you'll ever be has your number once again and that when it is all said and done, you will leave Kingdom Come clinging onto nothing, knowing that I was right once again.

Serafina continues to mumble aggressively, which catches Showtime's attention.

You know Ty, Serafina's a beautiful girl, young, innocent, naive. So what the hell did you do to her?! Did you watch 'Pimp my Ho' and thought she would be an improvement with those colours and hair job?! Jeez, and my stylist has been nothing but facepalming all night long at her sight, I'm serious! She couldn't sleep a wink!

He turns to Serafina.

You know sweetie. You know that Ty is going to lose at Kingdom Come, so why don't you go to a winning team while you still have a chance?

He then shoves her off the chair to the matt and gently rolls her out of the ring.

Too late!

Go on Ty, go collect your trash before the roadsweeper does. It's not like she's worth a damn at all!

The lights start to flicker and then go out completely as "Blackened The Sun" plays overhead to the crowd's reaction. The lights come back on and Ty Burna is standing in the ring and Serafina is now standing free of her restraints, Ty looks at her and signals her to go to the back. Showtime rolls his eyes at the events that are occuring.

What now Ty? You give some symbols indicating my eye? Try and kick me in the face? Insult my mother? What are you going to do Ty...

Suddenly Ty grabs Showtime by the throat and brings him closer to his face, Ty appears to be channelling the Ouija through him.

Burna: Your time will come.

He releases Showtime and shoves him down to the canvas and leaves. But before he heads up the ramp, he turns back and utters the words

Thus it is written. So it shall come to pass

Showtime smirks at the sight of what has occured.

Connor: Well Ty Burna has corrected the situation, but is Showtime having the last laugh?

Cohen: It's almost as if he expected him to do this...curious.

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, after all the excitement that's just happened, let's get on with Ascension, right after this break!
”The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a fatal four way for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!”

“On his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs 247 lbs, this is Alex Bowen!!”

Alex comes out, runs around and high fives fans then runs to the ring. He hops into the ring and goes up to the top rope, claps the fans and then hops down. He is interrupted by I Made it by Kevin Rudolf.

“From Sydney, Australia, he weighs 253lbs, Justin Cooper.”

Justin walks out and stops at the top of the ramp, he looks around at the fans. He then runs to the ring and slides in, Justin gets up and climbs onto the turnbuckle where he looks out at the crowd with a blank and unemotive stare. He gets down and goes to a corner

From Copenhagen, Denmark, he weighs in at 264lbs and is the WZCW Mayhem champion, this is FERBIAN!!!!

The music plays and builds up as the lights drop down to a glowing blue, Ferbian emerges and interacts with the fans on his way to the ring. As he gets in the ring, he is interrupted by Jones’ music.

“And finally, he weighed in at 227lbs from Ontario, Canada, this is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, the Saviour, Chris Jones!!”

The arena lights dim as Amaranth by Nightwish begins. Smoke starts to rise from the entrance, and when it clears, Jones is shown standing there, as though he appeared from nowhere. He then walks to the ring, ignoring the crowd, and enters the ring. He stands on the turnbuckle closest to the entranceway and stretches his arms to his sides and the crowd greets him with a mainly negative reaction.

“This is going to be frantic to say the least.”

“I’m calling screwjob. There’s no way Jones has a fair shot in this environment!”

Once Jones gets to the ring, the referee rings the bell, Alex Bowen begins by hammering Ferbian with elbows. He floors the Dane before going after Jones. Cooper has backed off and exited the ring. Bowen and Jones exchanges straight punches. Cooper comes back in with a Stop sign and smacks it over Jones and then Ferbian comes in with a baking tray which he slams over Bowens head. Both men attempt a cover and get a pair of two counts.

Cooper then goes after Ferbian but he is ready for him. Both men swipe their respective weapons but they bend on contact and fall to the floor. Cooper runs the ropes and Ferbian swings his arm for a lariat but Cooper ducks and hits a shoulder block as he comes back. Cooper tries to cover but Bowen grabs his leg and pulls him out of the ring, before slamming him face first on the apron.

“The chaotic nature of this match is already clear to see.”

“Jones has already been taken out of it and both Cooper and Ferbian have had chances to take the win!”

Jones slides back in as Cooper and Bowen fight on the outside. He picks up Ferbian who starts firing back punches once he realises that it is Jones, the man who replaced him as Mayhem champion, who is facing him. Ferbian dominates Jones then goes for the Deal Breaker but Jones ducks it and mule kicks Ferbian below the belt. He goes for the Lifesaver but Ferbian powers out of it. He sends Jones to the ropes where Cooper pulls the ropes down sending Jones to the floor!!

Cooper pick Jones up and drops him on the announcers table. He backs away while Ferbian climbs the top rope. He launches himself off the top rope but instead of going for Jones, he collides with Cooper.

“The all-out action that we are seeing here is exactly what makes this division so entertaining.”

“This division is archaic. Weapons have nothing to do with wrestling and that is what makes Chris Jones so great. He can win matches on his own!”

Bowen moves Jones away from the announcers table and whips him into the ringside barrier. He then takes Ferbian and rolls him into the ring. He goes at Ferbian with a double axe handle then sets up for the End of Days but Ferbian blocks the double underhook and then reverses it into the Deal Breaker! Ferbian goes for the cover, 1....2......Justin Cooper interrupts the pin!!!

Cooper picks up Ferbian and drops him with the Final Verse but before Cooper can cover, Jones rolls in and hits him with the Lifesaver! He throws Bowen out over the top rope and goes back to cover Cooper, 1....2.....Ferbian breaks it up again, with a fist drop this time.

“Both the Final Verse and the Lifesaver have connected but still no one has won this match!”

“That damn Ferbian is ruining this match for Chris Jones. That piece of Danish bacon is jealous of Chris Jones’ success in WZCW!”

Ferbian picks up Jones and whips him off the ropes. As he comes back he knocks him off balance with a big boot before he drops him with a signature snap DDT. Instead of going for a cover, Ferbian backs off to the ropes and signals for The Dane. As he moves in, from outside the ring, Bowen approaches behind him and wallops Ferbian with a chair! Ferbian crumples to the mat. Bowen climbs the turnbuckle and hits the Eat My Ass leg drop. He slowly covers Ferbian, 1.....2.......Ferbian kicks out!!! Bowen gets up and is visibly annoyed. Jones gets up and shoves Justin Cooper head first into Bowen’s gut! Bowen is floored and then Jones takes Cooper, takes him down with running neckbreaker and then locks in the Angel Lock!

“Angel Lock!! This submission has claimed so many victims for Jones and Cooper is trapped!”

Bowen and Ferbian are nowhere to be seen. Jones wrenches the submission and Cooper is forced to tap out!

Your winner by submission and still the Mayhem Champion, The Saviour, Chris Jones!!”

“Somehow the champion has managed to retain his title in this frantic encounter.”

“It’s because he is a spectacular champion and long may the reign of the Saviour continue.”


Stacey Madison is running backstage, with her camera crew in tow. As they turn the corner, they nearly crash into the Ratings Winner.

"Austin! Just the guy."

"Hey Stacey, look I can't talk."

"But I just want to ask you about John Constantine's challenge for a match at Kingdom Come. I mean he has through his entire tenure in WZCW, had your number and beaten you twice."

"So you dont think I should take it huh?"

"You aren't seriously considering it are you? Do you have a death wish? I mean, that is the next step for you."

"Stacey, I know exactly what I am doing. And you will find out along with everyone else later. "

He walks off, leaving Stacey with a disgusted look on his face. Austin turns and catches her. He walks back.

"You don't deserve the ratings."

Austin smiles and walks away calmly, leaving Stacey fuming.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"The Saints Are Coming" by U2/Green Day hits the speakers and the crowd cheers as Johnny Sherman walks out from behind the curtain. He raises his hand to the crowd, walking down slapping the hands of fans and hi-fiving them.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Down Under, weighing in at 255 pounds, "First Class" Johnny Sherman!

Cohen: Sherman has a tall task to handle tonight as he is set to face newcomer The Agony. I think the phrase Johnny will be using when he sees this guy is "Fair Dinkum!"

Connor: Don't forget, Johnny's got a lot of wrestling background supporting him. Let's see if experience will go over the youth tonight!

Sherman is in the ring, preparing himself as "28 Days Later" hits the speakers. The Agony steps out to a supportive crowd with his head lowered. She goes straight for the ring without losing focus, rolling underneath the rope to get into the ring. The fans are amazed by his size.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Louisville, Kentucky, he stands at 6 feet, 9 inches and weighs in at 298 pounds... The Agony!

The referee checks on both men as the music begins to die down, and both are ready. The ref rings the bell.

Sherman immediately goes on the attack with a surprise dropkick, but Agony is unphased by the attempts. He goes for another, but Agony still stays strong. He tries for a big boot to the face, but Agony blocks it and delivers a dragon screw. Sherman can't believe what the big man just did and tries for another attack, but Agony hits him with a discus elbow, followed by a knee to the gut, then a running jumping high knee. Sherman staggers to the corner and tries to recuperate. Agony runs into the corner, which Sherman evades. He hits a corner clothesline to Agony, which has little effect. He goes for the 1st Class Kick, but Agony catches him mid-air and hits him with a Samoan drop. Agony signals for the corner and the crowd cheers, as the big man goes up. He waits for Sherman to get up and hits a diving forearm smash. Agony is up and tells it's the end, waiting for Sherman. He picks him up and delivers the REVERSE ANGLE SLAM to Sherman, knocking him out. Agony then locks in the DEMENTIA submission on Sherman, who tries to get out and fight... but ends up tapping to end the match.

The ref signals for the bell, the crowd cheers and Agony's music hits.

Anderson: Here is your winner... The AGONY!

Cohen: Wow! He absolutely dominated his opponent tonight! This guy seems a little creepy, but he can go far in this industry.

Connor: Unfortunately for Sherman, this just wasn't his night at all.

Agony slides underneath the ring and heads back up the ramp as the ref checks on Sherman who is having a bit of a problem comprehending what just happened.

We're inside Vance Bateman's office who has Chuck Myles with him, who's pitching an idea.

Myles: I mean it's perfect Vance old buddy! You get them separated so they can only focus on individual goals, meaning Kingdom Come isn't affected. But further more, he did prove himself ideal for this match after his victory last night. Not to mention he's had experience with cages before.

Bateman is at first reluctant but then is open to the idea.

Bateman: Chuck, I would say you're a crazy person but I agree with you on this one.

Myles: Then it's settled! Steven Kurtesy is in the King For A Day Match, he earned it through his victory last night. So that means he will join Gordito, Barbosa, Baez, Dave and the winner of Kravinoff/Phoenix later tonight. I think if there's one thing that's guaranteed, is that this year's King For A Day keeps the animals caged, willing and able to destroy each other, the problem takes care of itself!

Myles turns and takes his attention to the Elite X Championship on the peddle stool that's in the room.

Myles: Still not found a home for this poor thing yet?

Bateman: I'm still debating my options.

Myles: Well with the way Kingdom Come is shaping up, you might want to make a decision soon or you won't have any challengers for it. Heh. Could be worse. Right, I have a few business deals to attend to, but I'll catch you later!

Myles leaves as Bateman just glares at him on his way out. His phone suddenly rings

Bateman: Yeah?

WHAT?! I'm on my way!

Bateman heads straight for the door.


In another part of the arena, Becky Serra is with Hunter Kravinoff and Sigmund Freud in front of the Ascension logo.

Serra: Ladies and Gentleman, my guest at this time is none other than Hunter Kravinoff. Now Hunter it just announced that Steven Kurt...

Kravinoff: Becky, to answer the question before you ask it. It doesn't matter if Kurtesy is in the Chamber or not. My focus right now is to face Phoenix, get the victory during the middle of his crowd pandering and then focus on getting into the minds of my opponents at Kingdom Come. Freud believes in me and it won't be long before the others believes in what he says about them too!

Serra: Right. So you don't think Freud believes that The Chamber is the perfect stage for you and your...troubles?

Kravinoff stares blankly at Becky before walking off, Phoenix then appears the other side of her.

Phoenix: To answer the question Becky. The Chamber is the perfect stage to be born again!

Phoenix heads off as Becky looks a little confused.
The camera pans around the arena as the crowd get excited for the next match.

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, we’re scheduled to have a triple threat match, but I’ve just received word that there’s something problems, we got Ascension General Manager, Vance Bateman here.

Bateman appears on the titantron.

Mr. Bateman what’s the problem with our next scheduled match?

Bateman: Well Cat, it appears that Doug Crashin lost his plane ticket at the airport and cannot make his way down for Ascension tonight, so we won’t be seeing the triple threat match that was meant to be scheduled. With that in mind I…

Johnny Klamour runs in and interrupts Bateman.

Klamour: Excuse me Vance, but I just heard there’s some commotion going on in the locker room. Something involving DK Wilton. Come quick!

Klamour and Bateman heads towards the locker room area

Bateman: What the hell’s going on?!

They reach the locker room area to find DK Wilton is being restrained by security as Jordan Lights looks on angry at him.

Lights: You screwed me out of my bet, you changed the odds and I want my money back.

Bateman: Lights! Get out of here!

Lights heads off as Bateman walks up to Wilton.

Gambling on match odds against my WZCW roster? On my show?! There’s only one thing for you! DK Wilton, you are suspended until further notice. In the event of your return, should I catch you gambling again, you will be fired! Security, get him out of here!

Security remove Wilton out of sight.

Klamour: But Vance, Wilton was in that triple threat as well!

Batemen: Dammit! Well then Scott Hammond gets the night off! But I need something as this will cost me.

Everest appears out of nowhere.

Everest: Excuse me sir, I’d like to have a few things to say to the fans, might take as well.

Bateman: That’s good enough for me, get out there right now!

Everest heads off as Bateman looks displeased at the events that just occurred.


Back in the arena Everest heads out in some training gear and a new t-shirt as the fans cheer him on, he acknowledges them as he makes his way down the ramp.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Everest!

Connor: Everest had a night he’d like to forget as he lost to Big Dave in that qualifying match last night on Meltdown, wonder what he wants to say?

Cohen: Your guess is as good as mine CC! Maybe he’s retiring?

Connor: I hope not!

Everest climbs into the ring and poses on the turnbuckles, he eventually received a microphone and waits for the crowd to quieten down before he proceeds to talk.

Everest: Thank you!

Well some commotion in the back there gave me a chance to have a heart to heart with you fans here tonight. Firstly, I want to get one thing straight, Big Dave beat me to go to the King For A Day, now we have had our problems for a number of months, but I wish to say that I hope last night is end of our dispute and he has no hard feelings between us and I wish him luck in the King For A Day Match at Kingdom Come.

The crowd boos heavily at Everest’s kindness to his adversary.

I know, I know. I’m disappointed too, but there’s little that can be done about that situation. But it means I can do whatever I can with my situation. I have been with this company for a very long time and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!

The crowd cheer in excitement at this remark.

I plan to make history by being the only person to compete in all three Kingdom Comes, much like I’ve competed on every show and pay per view that has ever existed because it’s what I want, and it’s what you all want!

The crowd cheer once again.

So the question that I ask is, what should I do for Kingdom Come? Should I follow a title? Compete for the Elite X Champion? The Tag Team Titles? Maybe even repeat the first Kingdom Come and win the Mayhem Championship?

The crowd all pop to each idea.

Maybe I get involved in some dangerous match where I fight blindfolded and one arm tied behind my back? Set the mark for everyone in the back there, no-one else has done it before!

The crowd continue to support this.

Maybe I could compete against someone I…

Something takes Everest’s interest. He goes and point out towards the crowd.


I’m surprised I didn’t see you earlier, but come here!

A guy in a hoodie starts walking through the crowd and heads to the security, Everest gives it the ok to let him in. The man in the hoodie climbs into the ring and stands near Everest, his face is blocked out.

I should have known being in this city tonight that you would be here, even under that hood I still recognise you from miles away. We’re amongst friends here, so let’s just enjoy the moment.

The man grabs the hood and removes it to reveal himself as Titus, the crowd roars in ecstasy.

Cohen: What’s he doing here?

Connor: Well we are in Keystone, he must have bought a ticket.

Everest gives him the microphone while he gets another for himself.

Everest: Titus, my old friend. It’s been a long time, how are you? You look good!

Titus: Very well thanks Everest. I can tell you one thing, I get chills from standing in this ring right now! Especially when I’m in my home city of Keystone!

The crowd roars on in support.

Seems you and I had a common foe of late. I mean Big Dave forced me to retire and you had your fair share of troubles with him.

The crowd boos heavily once again.

Everest: That maybe so, but there’s little that can be done. So what you been doing? I heard you’re up for another oscar.

Titus: Yeah, well I couldn’t keep up my first love of wrestling, so I went back to Hollywood and still kept in touch with the fans through my website and twitter, I appreciate all the support you still give me despite no longer being employed by this company!

Though one thing I kept thinking about more than anything is how, yes Big Dave forced me to retire, and I lost the Championship to Vengeance a month before. But the more I kept thinking about it, the more I thought about what actually went wrong was when I won the championship from you in the main event of Kingdom Come last year. Everything that I had accomplished when downhill the moment that happened and if there was one thing I could correct, it was to start again, from that match and take everything in my stride as it should have been.

Everest: I share similar sentiments with you my friend. I mean, things didn’t exactly work out well for me since losing to you at Kingdom Come. I lost focus and went after the likes of different folk like USA, things didn’t pick up again until I faced Big Dave, but there’s a number of months I wish I could take back from then. But I like your thinking, that Kingdom Come is the place to start off by wiping the troubles away. It shouldn’t be about championships, or rivalries, it should be about having one fantastic match, and we both know how to do that!

Titus: That we do my friend, that we do!

Everest: It’s just a question of who to face, there’s a lot of youths that would provide a challenge. Hell, I’d happily do the rematch with you on any given day.

Titus: I appreciate the offer, but I have a film I got to be shooting next month that I am not free to be at Kingdom Come. Nor can I return given the circumstances of my match at Unscripted. However, I got this DVD here and this piece of paper which I’d thought I’d share. You guys want to see a bit of Titus giving it the old act up right?

The crowd cheers on in excitement, so Titus passes a DVD onto a stage tech and tells him to play it on the Titantron. He runs up and goes behind the curtain, eventually the titantron goes blank and footage starts playing.

Bateman in his office as he's pondering over ideas regarding the Elite X Championship situation. There's a knock at the door which grabs his attention as an assistant comes in with some papers.

Assistant: They're ready to see you Mr. Bateman

Bateman: Very well, send them in.

The assistant goes outside and brings in three guys, The Agony, Action Saxton and Armando Paradyse. The assistant then hands over the papers to Bateman.

Titus: Sorry guys, I taped this from my TV last week as the trailer appeared in this commercial after it, just let it play out.

The footage plays on until the end.

Get these sent to HQ straight away for filing.

Assistant: Yes sir! I'll take care of this duplicate for you.

The assistant heads off as the three new debutants stand still, Saxton and Paradyse try their best not to smile but can't hold it back.

Bateman: Well now, go and get yourselves acquainted with the staff, don't screw this up! Now leave please!

The three guys head off as Bateman gets back to work.

The footage fuzzes and cuts to a camcorder of Titus in makeup, a baseball cap and moustache, he appears to walking down a corridor. Titus notions to the crowd to keep an eye on things as he stands ready.

Titus: Hello viewers, this is video entry number 109, I have just been playing a new role in a TV series I’m set to be in. It’s about a man who reached the top and struggled to the point he lost his job, we will then watch how he will take where he has been and start anew.

I think this is going to be such a breakthrough role for me because there’s nothing like putting your skills to the test and getting comfortable to the point you feel right at home with the role.

Oh, I’m going to be in the audience at Ascension 27 because it is live in my hometown of Keystone, hopefully might see some of you there. If you’re watching this video in the arena, then it means I have been spotted and have been allowed some time to have a heart to heart with the fans. Well, you see that paper in my hands, not me, but the me in the ring. Well I’d tell you to listen to him but I’ll just cut to the chase. It’s a photocopy of my new WZCW contract. Ladies and Gentleman…

He takes off the hat and pulls off the moustache.


The crowd is roaring like no other and Everest is smiling too as Titus stands there in the ring smirking and shrugging his shoulders.

Titus: You see, if there’s one thing you can prove is that if you sneak in a new contract to a signing session, you can get a job without any problems!

Titus holds up the photocopy of his new contract before he goes over and embraces Everest.

Titus: So Everest. Now that I’m back, we both want this match. No championships or grudges, just two of the top guys in this company planning to steal the show at Kingdom Come, what do you say?

Everest takes no time to think about it

Everest: You’re on!

They both shake hands and embrace each other once again before heading up the ramp to the sounds of “Supernova Goes Pop”, chatting and laughing with each other.

Connor: Jack, I can’t believe it. This is something I never though I’d see, Titus is back in the WZCW! And he’s going to have a match with Everest at Kingdom Come, the rematch is on!

Cohen: How the hell?! He shouldn’t be here, but he got a contract, that’s practically forcing Bateman to give me a contract when the rules state!

Connor: Screw that Jack! Titus found a loophole and took advantage. Live in the moment Jack, Titus is back in this company! Welcome back dear friend!

Titus and Everest stand at the top of the stage and raise each other's hands before heading to the back.

Backstage, we see a guy watching what's just occurred with Titus' return, the camera pans around to reveal it is Sean Cruz.

Cruz: Oh that's awesome! Titus is one of my heroes! I'm so thrilled to see him back, right in time for me to achieve my dream of getting into this company.

He spots Titus and Everest walking through the curtains and approaches them.

Titus sir! Sean Cruz, such a fan of your work. May I just have the honour of welcoming you back! I only just got my contract, I hope I get the same honour that Everest does of facing you at Kingdom Come one day!

He offers his hand to Titus who shakes it.

Titus: Thanks kid, it's good to be back!

Cruz walks on ecstatically as Titus and Everest continue walking further backstage in discussion, they stop for a second at the sight of someone, who's revealed to be Dani who stands there looking unimpressed and walks off.
Elsewhere backstage, Blade and Baez are getting ready for their upcoming match.

Baez: Just remember Blade, this may only be a one off, but I am making one thing perfectly clear! Don't get in my way![

Blade: Baez. Just focus on getting a victory tonight, then I don't have stand any closer to your breath and I can focus on the EurAsian Championship.

Baez looks like he's about explode from that comment.

Baez: Fine! But when this match is done, Gordito is mine!


They head off.

”The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a qualification match for the King for a Day match Kingdom Come!”

Ecstasy of Gold by Enrico Morricone starts as Kravinoff heads to the ring. He walks quickly with his shoulders hunched, carrying his portrait of Freud protectively.

“On his way to the ring, from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda, he is being accompanied to the ring by the father of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud, this is Hunter S Kravinoff!!!”

Kravinoff gives the crowd a cold, murderous stare as he enters the ring.

“And his opponent, weighing in at 213lbs and from the Great Beyond, he is The Eternal One, Phoenix!”

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning starts and with the lights dimmed low,. Phoenix makes his way out to a cheering crowd. He walks down the ramp slowly, his eyes never leaving his opponent.

“Both men have storied histories in WZCW but neither have had the chance to feature in the match that is on reward here. King for a Day, Kingdom Come, and one of these two will be in that match.”

Phoenix tries to take immediate advantage and he assaults Kravinoff with punches and kicks that the Ugandan hunter cant answer to. Kravinoff falls to his knees. Phoenix picks Kravinoff up and whips him off the ropes and as he comes back, he is met with a pinpoint dropsault. Phoenix lands on him for the cover.

1...2 strong kickout by Kravinoff.

“What a fierce start by Phoenix! That’s a surefire way to get the crowd behind you.”

Phoenix maintains his advantage by keeping Kravinoff moving. He picks him up again, drags him to the corner and positions himself on the opposite side, trying for a running high kick. Kravinoff sidesteps on the onrushing Phoenix but Phoenix just mounts the turnbuckle and without hesitation, he springs off the top rope and nails Kravinoff with a hurracanrana! Phoenix continues to go after him and goes for the Incinerator bulldog but Kravinoff uses the ropes to stall this and instead lift Phoenix up and reverses it into a Northern Lights suplex. Phoenix manages to somehow land on his feet and bounces off the ropes. He comes back and catches Kravinoff in the head with a flying forearm. Phoenix nips up and without hesitation, clotheslines Kravinoff to the outside.

“What would that someone delusional need crowd support? Unlike Hunter Kravinoff who only needs the comforting stare of Dr Freud.”

Phoenix confidently plays to the crowd who react to his every move. He then moves to the outside and walks around to where Kravinoff is. Phoenix is met with a kick to the gut and a stiff clothesline that snaps the neck back as it lands on the mat.

“And this is what Freud provides for Kravinoff, a sense of reassurance and stability.”

On the outside Kravinoff is visibly furious and annoyed that Phoenix has dominated the match so far. Phoenix is reeling from the surprise clothesline and now Kravinoff is slowly and deliberately measuring Phoenix with closed fist punches.

“The referee is admonishing Kravinoff but the rules do seem to be a little relaxed for this encounter.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s all in your head.”

Kravinoff positions Phoenix for a powerbomb and slams him back-first into the barrier. Kravinoff sits next to Phoenix on the floor with a smile, audibly telling Phoenix that “It is not worth it.” Kravinoff then picks up Phoenix by his hair and drags him around to the side of the ring nearest the announce tables. Phoenix is slammed into the ring steps and has no time to recover when Kravinoff dragon suplexes him on to the floor.

With Phoenix flat on his back, Kravinoff picks him up by the right leg. Phoenix clearly knows what Kravinoff may be planning as he is pleading with him. Kravinoff looks at him, looks at the crowd and then the ref (who is trying to get them both back in the ring) and begins kicking the crap out of Phoenix’s right knee!

“That’s incredibly smart by Kravinoff.”

“I can’t disagree. The strategy is sound.”

Finally the referee decides to count both men out but Kravinoff ignores this until he reaches five. At which point he goes back into the ring and leans on the ropes. Clearly relaxed he feels that Phoenix is incapacitated enough so that he cannot get back in. Phoenix is climbing to his feet barely with the help of the ring apron when the ref reaches eight.

“Phoenix is going to have a hard time hitting his signature moves with this injury.”

With Phoenix climbing through the ropes but struggling with his knee, Kravinoff stops him with a clubbing blow to the back of the head before he resumes a vicious attack on the knee. He dropkicks it with such impact that Phoenix s legs end up twisted in the ropes. This allows Kravinoff to be even more systematic and accurate as the joint is really exposed.

Kravinoff eventually allows the referee to help Phoenix out of the ropes but Phoenix is curled up in pain. Once upright, Phoenix is heavily limping. Kravinoff runs up behind Phoenix and chop-blocks the right knee. Phoenix is floored. Kravinoff covers him and makes a point of hooking the bad leg. 1...2...kickout by Phoenix who clearly struggled to make the kick out.

“The ref may have to intervene here. If Phoenix can’t walk how is he supposed to wrestle.”

“Let alone beat someone as good as Hunter Kravinoff. I agree, it’s not possible.”

Kravinoff is not perturbed by the two count and calmly picks up Phoenix by the arms. With Phoenix still prone on the mat, Kravinoff has to pick up all of his dead weight. He picks up Phoenix as if to hit a brainbuster but Phoenix fights out and falls behind him, seamlessly hitting a falling reverse backbreaker. Phoenix drops an arm across Kravinoff’s chest, 1....2....Kravinoff fights out!

Both men roll away from each and then use the ropes to get vertical but by the time Phoenix does,
Kravinoff gets to his feet a lot quicker. In an instant, Kravinoff drops Phoenix with a hip toss and then he locks in a double leg submission. Phoenix is screaming in pain and is trapped in the centre of the ring. Kravinoff drops the left leg and turns it into a single leg version of the submission. This hurts Phoenix further as Kravinoff focuses all of his weight and energy into torquing the knee joint as much as possible.

“Phoenix is refusing to give up!”

Phoenix begins to press himself up and moves towards the ropes. The crowd recognises this and a loud “Let’s go Phoenix” chant starts.

“And these miscreants are supporting the guy. What a joke!!”

Kravinoff realises that Phoenix is nearly able to enforce the rope break and sits down even further, to the point where Phoenix foot is nearly touching his shoulder. Still Phoenix just about manages to drag himself another foot and his fingers barely touch the bottom rope. The referee enforces the rope break and makes Kravinoff break the hold. Kravinoff refuses and nearly gets disqualified as he barely does it as the referee uses his five count.

Kravinoff, with a thoughtful look on his face, picks up Phoenix again and pops him on his shoulders for a Backdrop Driver. As Kravinoff goes to drive him down, Phoenix falls and tries to turn it into a German suplex but Kravinoff blocks it. Without hesitation and showing lightning speed, Phoenix immediately transitions it into the Return to Heliopolis! Kravinoff is desperate and his feet are flailing. He manages to turn enough so that his feet rub the ropes. The referee eagerly breaks it up.

“Hunter Kravinoff should have this match sewn up and he nearly lost it right there.”

Phoenix slowly climbs to the top rope very slowly. He tries to hit Kravinoff with the Rebirth but the Freudian Crusader recognises this and has recovered enough to roll away from the impact. Phoenix crashes and burns.

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

“What’s so funny?”

“Kravinoff was right all along. Phoenix couldn’t resist going for that last big crowd-pleasing spot. Kravinoff knew that this time would come!”

In seconds, Kravinoff nails the Ugandan Death Knell on the wrecked body of Phoenix! Kravinoff applies the Dragon Sleeper, wraps his legs around his waist and leans back. Phoenix tries to move around but Kravinoff has him totally wrapped up and he has to tap out!!!

Your winner and the next entrant into the King for a Day match, Hunter Kravinoff!!!

“An incredible encounter full of great wrestling and in the winner, Hunter Kravinoff, he will pose a huge threat in the King for a Day match.”

“Because of his superior intelligence, the Freudian Crusader deserves to be in that match.”

“Give it up for Phoenix though, a superb showing, he may have severe ligament damage but he never stopped trying."

We're backstage with Vance Bateman in his office, who's on the phone.

Bateman:...clam down!

Look, I know the situation as much as you do, but there's nothing I can do about it now. The contract is legal and we cannot terminate unless he violates regulations.

Chuck, it was a mistake and we have to live with it now. Titus is back in the WZCW as a contracted star, deal with it!

He hangs up as he turns to find Michael Winters is standing nearby staring at the Elite X Championship which is sitting on a peddle stool nearby.

Can I help you with something Mr. Winters?

Winters keeps staring and eventually turns around.

Winters: My apologies sir! I was simply admiring the piece of gold that blesses your office at this time. Which had me thinking, you are seeking out a new Elite X Champion, now while I would like to have myself be considered as a possible contender for this belt, why wait until Kingdom Come to get things decided?

Bateman: Go on...

Winters: What about a contest between two people, say a best of three series, starting from next week's Ascension and ending at Kingdom Come. The best man who gets two victories will walk out as the Elite X Champion, Ascension's champion, your champion!

Bateman is interested by this idea.

Bateman: I tell you what. Make use of your Main Event match against the former champion tonight, and your position maybe secured. I'll compare a number of the roster who isn't confirmed yet for Kingdom Come. I like the idea and I may well use it, but naturally opportunities like these are decided through merit, understand?

Winters: Perfectly sir. I'll be leaving you be now.

Winters heads off for the door as Bateman goes back into his chair to think things over.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd pops the sound of the ever popular sound that is Reynold’s theme, he enters onto the stage with the crowd in full support. He turns to the stage and indicates someone to come out, which is Gordito. They high five each other and pose to the crowd before heading down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 447 pounds, the team of Gordito and Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Well Gordito must have a few thoughts on his mind, given that the King For A Day Chamber match is all set and ready to go, while Reynolds has yet to give word on Constantine’s challenge from last night.

Cohen: Does Reynolds’ opinion honestly matter, CC? It’s not like he’s going to say yes! I bet he wants out more than Gordito does out of this Chamber match!

Both men roll under the ropes and pose on respective turnbuckles to the series of flashlights, soaking up the energy from the crowd, which suddenly gets deflated by the sounds of ‘Bliss’ as Blade and Baez make a slow emergence from behind the curtain, much to the dismay of the crowd.

Anderson: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 460 pounds, the team of Blade and Baez!

Connor: Blade must have felt pleased that Beckford retained the EurAsian Championship, as it looks for certain his challenge for the title is to go ahead.

Cohen: Well it’s a forgone conclusion. Much like how Baez will stop Gordito from stealing the spotlight once more and then win the King For A Day.

Connor: But didn’t Baez get into the Chamber because Gordito requested it?

Both Blade and Baez have reached the bottom of the ramp, Blade tries to discuss tactics but Baez immediately runs into the ring and goes straight for Gordito as the bell signals. Both men have an exchange of fists on the floor with each other exchanging control until the referee pulls them both apart. Gordito stands ready and challenges Baez to come at him, he responds with a quick kick, followed by a second, on the third, Gordito catches his leg and clothesline him down and follows up with a stomp, Baez is quick to his feet and leaps up onto Gordito’s shoulders to go for a hurricanrana but his foe falls backwards with a modified back body drop to ground the masked man, he hits double axe handle and takes in Austin Reynolds.

Reynolds leaps in and hits an elbow drop and picks up Baez to throw him into the corner, he gets on him and follows up with a monkey flip, but Baez lands upright hits the Twisted-T very quickly to take down the Ratings Winner and tags in Blade before hitting a dropkick on Reynolds to keep him down for the time being. Blade enters grabs Reynolds by the waist and sends him over for the German suplex with a bridge, 1…….2……Reynolds rolls off his shoulders. Reynolds rolls to his knees and hits a sudden dropsault to knock down Blade to the floor and goes for a tag to Gordito but Blade is quick to grab his leg and drag it back into the middle of the ring, he flips him up but Reynolds locks his legs around his head to take him down with a frakensteiner to the crowd’s enjoyment. Blade uses the ropes to help himself as Reynolds tries to follow up the offence, only for Blade to duck out of a clothesline, which sends Reynolds over the top rope, but he holds to keep him on the apron and immediately tags Gordito who climbs the turnbuckle and hits the double axe handle to knock Blade in, the referee argues that the tag isn’t legal. So Reynolds climbs back inside the ring and Gordito outside and they tag again, much to their annoyance.

Cohen: Did the ref do something right for once?

Connor: Regardless, Reynolds and Gordito seem to be quite a team for sure!

Gordito pulls Blade up to his feet, grabs his arm and then catches the other and hits a series of headbutts onto the prodigal son before irish whipping him with full might into the corner with full force that Blade drops down in a seated posted. Gordito looks around to the crowd’s excitement and goes for a bronco buster but Blade rolls under the ropes to the outside and Gordito misses, keeping him down for a moment, allowing Blade to get back in, drags him to the middle of the ring and tags Baez in who elbows Gordito hard in the abs, he then gets up, stands on his back, leaps up and hits another elbow there. He pulls him up and drops him again with a back body drop on the hurting back. Baez then tags Blade back in who wastes no time in locking in the texas cloverleaf, stretching the painful back of Gordito while Reynolds tries to cheer him on, as do the crowd.

Gordito tries to fight against the pain, Blade keeps on tight despite Gordito trying to edge closer to the ropes, he gets closer and closer but gets hold of the ropes and Baez leaps in as Blade is releasing the hold and Baez keeps stomping hard on Gordito. Reynolds tries to get in but the referee stops him. During this Blade pulls Gordito up and Baez hits the Smashmouth to take him down. Blade rolls onto Gordito and the referee sees the attempt, 1…….2…..kickout by Gordito. Baez looks frustrated and starts arguing with Blade, paying no attention to Gordito slowly crawling closer to Reynolds. The referee tries to break up the argument and Gordito gets the tag, Reynolds climbs into the ring and then suddenly trips up, the referee turns to see both Gordito and Reynolds down, he tells Reynolds to get out as Baez blind tags Blade from behind and gets in. Gordito protests with the referee that Reynolds is the legal man but the referee won’t have any of this. He gets in despite the protest and Baez catches him off guard with the Smashmouth once again and goes for the cover, 1…….2…….3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Blade and Baez!

Blade immediately leaves up the ramp with no interest whatsoever as Baez celebrates this victory like he’s won the lottery and gets up in Gordito’s face. Reynolds gets back up, slightly dazed, rolls into the ring and hits the Ratings Killer to get rid of Baez. He then talks with the referee.

Connor: Baez and Blade get the victory here, but what happened with Reynolds there? Can we get a replay of that tag please?

The replay shows Gordito making the tag with Reynolds and tripping up from the original angle, showing nothing. They try from a different angle and see something blocking Reynolds’ foot. They look at another closer angle and see a hand grabbing his foot. We’re back to live footage and Reynolds sees what happened and immediately looks under the ring to find no-one there, only on the other side emerges Constantine who stares intently at Reynolds. Reynolds grabs a mic from Anderson.

Reynolds: Really Constantine? You’ve resorted yourself to more petty interferences and for what? To get my answer?

Constantine just shrugs and smirks.

I tell you what Constantine, my answer is YES! I accept your challenge at Kingdom Come! But I won’t settle for a normal match! I want to choose my match, and I know just the perfect way! PICK…YOUR…POISON! I pick a guy, you pick a guy, the winner gets to pick our match for Kingdom Come, and I won’t settle for anything less!

Constantine nods and agrees to the challenge shouting “You’re on!”

Cohen: Great, so Reynolds now will end his career at Kingdom Come, but practically throws the matchup to Constantine. I love it!

Connor: Constantine effectively ruined what was a good match, but look at what we just got out of it. Pick your poison, the stipulations are up in the air, but one thing is for certain, these two can’t wait to unleash at each other at Kingdom Come!

Constantine heads up the ramp as Reynolds goes to check on Gordito who’s just revived as Reynolds explains the situation.

Backstage we see a split screen of Showtime Cougar and Michael Winters walking through the backstage area.

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, our Main Event is up next and it should be a good'un. Michael Winters against Showtime Cougar, how will they fare? Will Ty Burna get involved somehow? Find out, next!
“The following match is scheduled for one fall and is your Ascension main event of the evening!”

"Invisible Wounds" kicks in to a decent pop from the crowd as Michael Winters emerges from the stage. He gets down on one knee, bows his head and prays before getting up and heading down the ramp.

“On his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 267 pounds, Michael Winters!”


The crowd boos heavily as the Lethal Lottery winner emerges in the dim blue light covers the area except for the usual spotlight that follows Showtime on his way to the ring.

And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, he is the winner of the 2011 Lethal Lottery, Showtime David Cougar!

“The Lethal Lottery winner has a very tough challenge ahead of him as he bids to derail the massively talented Michael Winters.”

“David Cougar knows exactly what needs to be done. Winters wont be able to handle him and this is Ty’s preview for their match at Kingdom Come.”

Cougar and Winters tie up and quickly Cougar uses his height and weight advantage force Winters into the ropes. Winters sneaks out by wriggling underneath the much taller Cougar and almost eats a flying elbow. But he avoids it by sidestepping it and Showtime ends up in the corner. Winters backs away and Showtime emerges a little more cautiously.

They tie up again. Winters takes Cougar over with a smart firemans carry takedown. He tries to drop a leg but Cougar rolls away from it and then, while still on his back, he takes Winters over with a hurracanrana. Cougar doesn’t let go and traps Winters by the neck with his legs.

“This is why Cougar is so good. He can wrestle all sorts of styles and is totally comfortable with it.”

Winters grabs at Cougar’ right arm to attempt the escape but Cougar wrenches it hard. He then releases the leg lock before slowly dragging him to the corner. Cougar mounts the second rope and jumps off hitting Winters hard with the Backstage reverse DDT. Cover by Cougar! 1...2, kick out by Winters.

“I’ll give you this. Winters certainly doesn’t have any answers as yet.”

Cougar rolls Winters over and wraps his legs around Winters’ waist. From this tight waist lock position, Cougar’ begins to unleash shot after to Winters’s head and neck with his fist, forearm and elbow. A chant of “TY, TY TY!” can be heard but Showtime doesn’t acknowledge it.

“Maybe the mere mention of our World Champion can help Michael Winters turn this around.”

Cougar leans back, comfortable in his dominance. Then Winters shows the wherewithal to roll Cougar backwards, onto his shoulders! 1...2....kicked out by Cougar. Cougar gets up quicker and annoyed at the surprise pin attempt, he grabs the groggy Winters and whips him into the ropes. Winters ducks the clothesline attempt and stops himself. Cougar charges but Winters back body drops him over the ropes. Cougar is sent crashing out of the ring.

“These damn fans have been distracting wrestlers all night.”

It is Cougar’s turn to wonder what is going on as he tries to regain his bearings outside. But Winters is not to be outdone. He runs off the ropes, dives between the middle rope and top rope and launches himself with a tope aimed at Showtime David Cougar’s head!!

Winters is as hurt as Showtime and looks like he hurt his knee on landing but is psyched enough from the crowd support to keep going. He grabs Cougar by his hair and bulldogs him over the ring steps! Winters is in visible pain with his knee injury and Cougar takes the opportunity to roll into the ring. Winters climbs the apron and as Cougar gets to his feet; Winters gets in the ring. They meet in the ring and Winters is really feeling it now and with the crowd behind him, he takes charge of the fierce exchange. He looks absolutely exhausted and is moving slowly but he is still able to drop Cougar with his signature fallaway slam. Cover, 1.....2.....Cougar barely kicks out.

“Michael Winters is finally beginning to get his act together and show that he does deserve to be here.”

“Winters has massive potential. Cougar now knows he has a fight on his hands. But this knee injury could derail his chances.”

Winters is furious but is forced to regain his composure when he realises Cougar is trying to leave. He is on the outside of the ring on the apron when he reaches the number one contender. Winters sends him charging into the turnbuckle on the outside but Cougar gets a leg up to block it and then he sends Winters into it. The popular Christian backs away, clutching at his nose. Showtime quickly climbs to the top rope and jumps off but Winters ducks it. He turns quickly and tries to hit the Crucifix on Cougar but Showtime hooks a leg so Winters can’t complete it. In a seamless move, Cougar trips Winters and digs deep to lock in the Commercial Break!!!

“That devastating submission is going to target the injured knee of Michael Winters!”

“That’s why Showtime is going to be our next World Champ! What smarts he has!”

Winters twists and turns but his desperate reach cannot find the bottom rope. Realising that he is trapped and risks further injury to his knee, he taps out

“Your winner by submission.....SHOWTIME......DAVID....COUGAR!!!”

With a grin on his face, Showtime climbs a turnbuckle and signals around his waist, making his intentions clear. "Blackened the Sun" interrupts him to a hugely popular reaction and as Ty enters, he has one hand on the title around his waist and immediately locks eyes with Cougar.

The music ends and only the roar of the crowd breaks the deathly stare that champion and challenger have focussed on each other. Ty undoes his belt and raises it high to a huge pop. The Showtime climbs to another turnbuckle and repeats his gesture. Showtime’s grin turns into a bellowing laugh. Ty appears confused and shakes his head.

As he turns to leave, he is met with a huge kick to the balls by SERAFINA!!! Ty crumples to the floor at the top of the ramp. The pain and shock on his face turns to furious anger as Serafina strolls down the ramp and into the waiting arms of David Cougar.

“What a horrific turn of events!! Ty’s career long associate and confidant has turned her back on the World Champion and she’s with David Cougar?”

“Oh yes, yes, yes, yes!!! Not only is Cougar primed to take his precious World Title, he has taken his woman, the one person who knows Ty better than anyone!! I love it!!”

The camera closes in on the incandescent rage on Ty’s before fading while focussing on the passionate embrace of Cougar and Serafina as Ascension fades out.
Who wrote what:
Showtime Cougar vs. Michael Winters, Hunter Kravinoff vs. Phoenix, Mayhem Title, Backstage - Numbers
Baez & Blade vs. Gordito & Austin Reynolds, "Scott Hammond vs. Doug Crashin vs. DK Wilton", Opening, Backstage - Phoenix
Johnny Sherman vs. The Agony - Falkon

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