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Ascension 25

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
From Meltdown 50:

Ty blocks a punch and whips Everest into the ropes. He comes back off, ducks a clothesline and nails a diving, flying forearm as he comes off the other side. Everest springs back up, grabs Ty’s legs and nails a slingshot into the corner of the turnbuckle!Ty stumbles back after that shock to the head before Everest hits the Rock Slide!!!!! Everest slowly hooks the leg

Ty kicks out!!!!!.

Everest is visibly devastated and frustrated but without hesitation, he picks up Ty’s leg and tries lock in the Mountain Climber again! Ty gets an inside cradle!!! 1.......2........Everest forces himself out at the last second!

“What an incredible exchange of pinfalls! I can’t believe this match is still going on!”

Ty is apoplectic and punches the mat in frustration. As he directs his anger at the official, Everest gets up slowly. Ty turns around, sees Everest almost upright. He runs off the ropes whilst limping slightly and and hits a huge Consecrated Banishment which makes a forceful contact with his head, which then rebounds off the mat. Ty falls on him and hooks a leg.

........................................................................................ ..............................
Everest kicks out!!!

“Holy S**t!!!!!”

“Did he do that? He really kicked out of Consecrated Banishment?!”

Nobody can believe that Everest is still in the match after that devastating kick to the head. Ty is pale with exhaustion as he realises he needs to reach down even further to beat his man. Everest has turned to his stomach but has barely moved since. Ty grabs Everest’s limp wrist and wraps his thick thighs around Everest’s throat.

“That’s it!!! The Final Seance, it’s locked in!!!”

“Damn, Everest is in an awful position. Ty has got that locked in tight dead in the middle of the ring.”

Everest tries to fight it but Ty has a dominant position. Everest continues to struggle and uses his free arm to elbow Ty in the chest but Ty drops back. As his shoulders hit the mat, Everest screams in pain. With his arm outstretched, Ty wrenches back and turns onto his side and Everest taps!!

Harrys: “Your winner and STILL WZCW World Heavyweight champion by submission, Ty BUUUUUUUUURRRRNNNNAA!!!!!”

The crowd roars their appreciation as they recognise the toll that has been taken on both men in the match. Ty limps to the ropes and clutches the title to his chest as “Blackened The Sun" hits. As he gingerly escapes the ring, Everest is just about getting up himself, Ty gives Everest a lingering look that betrays both pain and respect. Ty makes his way up the ramp as the fans cheer for both men. Serafina walks out at the top of the ramp and Ty turns around. He nods to Everest before raising the World Title high into the air before walking to the back. Everest plays to the crowd for a few moments when suddenly Big Dave runs in from the crowd. He turns Everest around and hits Checking Out.

Copeland: What is the meaning of this?

Cohen: Dave is taking out Everest and proving he is better, that's the meaning Seabass.

Dave stands over the downed Everest and stares down at him. The crowd boos loudly as Dave tosses Everest to the outside. Dave follows him and tears off the cover of the announce table and throws the screens to the side. He tosses Everest on top of it and climbs up himself. He lifts up Everest and drops him face first with the Stamp of Authority! The table collapses and the crowd begins booing loudly once more. Dave sits up with a sick grin on his face as Everest lies out cold within the wreckage of the table.

Copeland: We're out of time here on Meltdown 50! I'm sure Dave will have an answer for his actions on Ascension, for Jack Cohen, I'm Sebastian Copeland, good night!

The camera pans out as Dave gets to his feet and stares down at Everest before the feed goes out.

*Opening pyro goes off*​

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Ascension 25! We're a few nights removed from what was a historic Meltdown 50, and tonight we celebrate our 25th show with a great lineup for you.

Cohen: For once you're right Connor, tonight we'll see Showtime retain his Elite X Title against that masked idiot Ba....

Dave makes his way out to deafening boos from the crowd. He walks down the ramp with a slow, purposeful stride. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, grabbing a mic from a ringside assistant.

Big Dave: I suppose you're all wondering why I decided to destroy Everest after the World Title match? Or why I decided to not screw Ty out of his title and ultimately face Everest myself for the title? It is very simple.


Everest makes his way out and stands at the entrance ramp as the crowd goes wild for him. Everest walks with a slight limp in his step but raises a mic up as he stares down Big Dave.

Everest: Go ahead Dave, explain to my people why you're jealous of the Pinnacle of Perfection! Explain why you attacked me out of pettiness because I once again was in another five star World Title match, and well you're stuck here facing just one half of the tag team champions.

Big Dave: Everest, you fail to see what this is all about. I am not jealous of a man who as of late has thrown away every generous opportunity he's been given. It's time for you to realize Everest, your luck has run out, and I'm going to be the final nail in the coffin for your career.

Everest: I think I've heard this all before Dave, I'm washed up, I'm too old, I can't keep up with the new kids in WZCW.

Big Dave: I don't care about any of that Everest. The last couple months you have been nothing more than a thorn in my side. You have cost me matches, and you nearly cost me my spot in the Lethal Lottery.

Everest: Speaking of the Lethal Lottery, I just got off the phone with Chuck Myles, and he's informed me that I will be another participant in the Lethal Lottery due to my performance on Meltdown 50.

The crowd erupts loudly at this news, but Dave doesn't seem phased. In fact a smirk forms on his face and he begins laughing.

Big Dave: Fantastic, just as I expected. There would be no way Myles would allow me and a bunch of nobodies to be in the Lethal Lottery. But eliminating you from the Lethal Lottery simply won't be enough for me Everest. I have a far more sinister idea.

Everest: And that would be?

Big Dave: There shall be a number 20 match already set up for the Lottery, but how about we decide who starts first? Everest, I challenge you to a rematch, the loser will star number 1 in the Lethal Lottery. Trust me when I say you won't last three minutes in the Lottery once I am done with you.

Everest looks around at the fans who have started chanting his name. He raises his eyebrow for a moment and quickly looks back towards Big Dave. A big smile crosses his face.

Everest: Another opportunity to put you in your place? That sounds perfect to me Dave, you're on!

Everest's music hits and he poses for the crowd before making his way to the back. Dave watches on from the ring before finally exiting and making his way up the ramp.

Connor: You heard it here first on Ascension! Big Dave will be taking on Everest once again at Lethal Lottery, the loser gets the unfortunate opportunity to start number 1.

Cohen: That is genius! After Dave beats Everest to a pulp, Everest will have to crawl to the ring, and to try and last 19 other men? He won't make it!

Connor: Well in any case this is the final show for the year, and let's start it off right! Austin Reynolds takes on Kravinoff next!
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Austin Reynolds comes out onto the stage and poses for the crowd before heading down the ramp and high-fiving some fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, from The West End of London, England and weighing in at 190 pounds, “The Ratings Winner” Austin Reynolds!

Reynolds does some more posing in the ring as “Ecstasy of Gold” hits and Hunter Kravinoff enters the arena with his portrait of Sigmund Freud.

Anderson: On his way to the ring, from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is being accompanied to the ring by the father of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud, Hunter Kravinoff!

Kravinoff sets up the portrait on the outside of the ring before heading up the steps and between the ropes. He stares down the crowd and Reynolds as the referee calls for the bell to begin the match.

The two men lock up right off the bat. They struggle for a few seconds before the lock up is broken off. The two men circle for a moment before they lock up again, this time with Kravinoff gaining the advantage and backing Reynolds into the corner. The referee begins the five count, and Kravinoff breaks cleanly at 4. Again they lock up, and Reynolds backs Kravinoff into the turnbuckles. He breaks cleanly at 3. The two men stare each other down, before locking up for a fourth time. Kravinoff gains the advantage with a side headlock. Reynolds backs Kravinoff into the ropes and shoots him off the opposite ropes. Kravinoff rebounds and nails Reynolds with a lariat. Reynolds rolls under the bottom rope before Kravinoff can follow up. What Reynolds doesn’t see, however, is Kravinoff gaining a head of steam off the far ropes and connecting with a Heat Seeking Missile to Reynolds on the floor. Reynolds collapses into a heap as Kravinoff rolls back into the ring and tells the referee to begin counting Reynolds out.

Connor: Hunter Kravinoff is really taking it to Austin Reynolds here in the early parts of this match. He is doing what he can to make sure this rough stretch Reynolds is going through continues here tonight.

Reynolds is able to roll back in at 8, but is immediately met by stomps from Kravinoff. Reynolds is face down, and Kravinoff sets for a curb stomp. Reynolds fights it off, however, and rolls to his back and connects with a kip up frankensteiner. Kravinoff’s momentum carries him back to his feet and into the ropes. He rebounds into a monkey flip from Reynolds who follows up with an Asai moonsault into a pin, 1…2… and Kravinoff kicks out. Reynolds picks up Kravinoff and whips him into the corner. He runs in for a shoulder charge, but Kravinoff gets out of the way and Reynolds’ left shoulder goes hard between the ropes and into the post. Reynolds slumps away from the post again, but Kravinoff runs over and hits a dropkick to the lower back of Reynolds, driving his shoulder into the post once more. Kravinoff pulls Reynolds out by the back of his trunks and lifts him for a backdrop driver. Reynolds is able to land on his feet, however, and connects with the Millions and Millions. Both men are down, Reynolds trying to stretch out his shoulder and Kravinoff trying to shake out the cobwebs from the kick to the head.

Connor: Both men are pulling out all the stops here today. No matter who wins this match, both men will still be feeling its effects tomorrow.

Cohen: Kravinoff will pull this one out, CC. Reynolds has been mentally and physically damaged by the Showtime Powertrip for weeks now. Kravinoff will take advantage sooner, rather than later.

They both slowly get back to their feet and begin throwing right hands at each other. Reynolds connects with a hard shot that sends Kravinoff back into the ropes. He rebounds and goes for a Muay Thai flying knee, but Reynolds is able to duck out of the way. Kravinoff spins back around and is met with a knee to the guy by Reynolds. He sets for the Ratings Killer, but as he goes to lift Kravinoff, his shoulder gives out. He shoves Kravinoff away, and then connects with a discus lariat. Reynolds goes for a cover, 1…2… and Kravinoff gets his shoulder up. Reynolds rolls under the bottom rope and to the apron. He waits for Kravinoff to get back to his feet and goes for the Ego Crush, but Kravinoff is able to hold on and score with a bucklebomb. Reynolds stumbles out of the corner and Kravinoff locks in the Ugandan Death Knell. After a couple seconds, Reynolds taps out.

Anderson: The winner of the match, Hunter Kravinoff!

Kravinoff holds on for a couple extra seconds before releasing the hold and getting his hand raised by the referee. He retrieves his portrait of Freud and heads up the ramp as Reynolds slowly tries to get back to his feet.
We cut backstage to Baez and Alisha sitting in a locker room. Baez is staring down at the floor, a determined look on his face.

Alisha: Baez. Baez. BAEZ!

Baez looks up startled and jumps out of his chair looking around quickly.

Baez: WHAT?!!?!

Alisha: You need to focus on your match tonight. You could walk into Lethal Lottery as the new Elite X Champion.

Baez lowers his head and smacks his head before sitting back down.

Baez: What in the blue hell do you think I was doing?

Alisha: You were counting the spots on the floor.

Baez: Like hell I was, I have far more important things for counting tonight. I need a ref to count to three with me pinning Showtime.

Alisha: What are we going to do about Constantine? You know he's lurking back here tonight.

Baez: I can't worry about that right now Alisha. Showtime is a tough opponent in his own right. But if Constantine shows his face..

Baez jumps up and strikes a pose.

Baez: I will introduce him to the epic style of Kickassery!

Alisha just shakes her head as we go to commercial.
The following match is a qualifier for the third annual Lethal Lottery match!

On his way to the ring, from

As Hancock walks to the ring from the ramp, he is met with a battering as Wilton emerges from behind him. The chair is smashed over the back of his neck before Wilton smashes it on his right elbow. Wilton picks him up and forces the ref to ring the bell

As he does, Wilton locks in the Blistering Solo and Hancocks screams with pain and taps without any effort from Wilton. DK drops him with disdain and then demands a mic from ringside.

“Oh yeah baby!!! DK’s going to the pay-per-view!!!!”

The crowd boo him viciously as a loud chant of “You Suck” begins.

“And you are going to see this rock star become the biggest success story in WZCW history. Because live and loud at the 2011 Lethal Lottery, I’m going to be breaking all sorts of records when this rookie is the last one standing while you are all begging for an encore!!!!!”

DK poses on the turnbuckle as his music booms around the arena.
Austin Reynolds is walking backstage following his match, disappointed with the outcome. Out of nowhere, David Cougar attacks him with a steel chair to the back! Austin is flattened and helpless. John Constantine emerges and takes the chair from Cougar, who in turn picks up Austin and holds him up with his arms behind his back.

“You know, I think the Ratings Winner is not going to be needed at the Lethal Lottery.”

From behind the camera we hear a woman’s scream and some shouting. Hayley emerges and Dominic holds her back while pleading with Showtime and Cougar.

Constantine raises the chair above his head and as he brings it down, Dominic rushes in front of Austin and manages to push him and Cougar out of the way but has the steel chair crushed on his skull!

Cougar drops Austin who crumples next to his fallen, unconscious best friend. Constantine and Showtime then leave quickly as black-shirted security arrives. Various voices scream for a doctor as the cameras are pushed away from the scene.
We cut to a different area backstage with Chris Jones staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Jones: This is it. This is when I turn it all around. Tonight I'm going out there, and I'm going to destroy Graham, and I'll be in the Lethal Lottery, where my message can be broadcast to everyone on one of the biggest stages.

He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply. He suddenly opens his eyes wide and stares in the mirror once more.

Jones: But what if I lose? What if Graham beats me? Then what? What will I do then?

Suddenly an idea seems to come to him and he slowly begins to smile.

Jones: The Savior always has a back up plan.

He turns and walks away as we cut to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall where the winner will be the next participant to qualify for the third annual WZCW Lethal Lottery!

As "Amaranth" by Nightwish hits, the lights dim and the temperature lowers as Chris Jones appears on the stage arms wide, hands open. He walks down the ramp ignoring the booing fans as he goes past.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, first, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds... "The Savior" Chris Jones!

Jones is on the turnbuckle with his arm raised and takes his overcoat off, waiting for his opponent on the second rope. The music switches to "Vices" by Brand New with the lights flashing red and yellow. Tucker Graham runs from the curtain to a cheering crowd, down the ramp clapping the hands of fans as he goes past.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 185 pounds... Tucker Graham!

Connor: This is the last Lethal Lottery qualifying match and both of these men will do anything to seize this opportunity.

Cohen: That's right, CC. Unlike some of the other matches we've had over the past few weeks, there will be no perks for the loser. Good thing our Savior can show Graham the way of enlightenment after he gets the beating of his life!

The referee signals for the bell and we are under way.

Graham moves quickly around Jones who stands his ground in the middle of the ring. Jones tries to catch Graham, but is met with a quick leg strike. He tries again but gets another for his efforts. Jones tries once more, but grabs the leg of Graham and sweeps the other from underneath him. He tries for a single-leg Boston crab, but Graham inverts himself to drop Jones to the mat and get himself for a single-leg Boston crab... but Jones kicks him off with the other leg. Graham runs at Jones and tries for a swinging neckbreaker, but Jones uses the momentum to switch to a suplex position. Jones snaps the suplex but Graham lands on his feet. Jones turns around and kicks him in the stomach, runs off the ropes and tries for a running neckbreaker, but Graham switches it to a suplex as well. Graham snaps the suplex but Jones reverses it to a fujiwara armbar that grounds Graham. The crowd applauds at the athleticism of both men as Jones wrenches the arm of Graham tightly, with the referee consistently checking. Graham slowly gets up, goes to the ropes and uses them to flip out of the move. He arm drags Jones across the ring and goes after him, but Jones grabs the arm again and locks in another fujiwara. Graham tries for a second time to get up, but Jones prevents it with an arm wrench. He twists the arm of Graham and kicks him in the stomach, then proceeds to climb to the top rope. He walks across the top and performs a diving armbar takedown. Jones goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Graham. Jones applies a simple arm submission and keeps it locked in. Graham keeps in the match and feeds off the crowd who get behind him as he slowly gets to a vertical base. Graham delivers some kicks to the legs of Jones and breaks free of Jones grip. Graham runs off the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Jones ducks and grabs both arms of Graham to lock in a crucifix armbar. Graham can't take the weight and soon drops to his knees, then his stomach. Jones smiles vindictively as he puts pressure on the arms. The referee asks Tucker, but he won't give up.

Cohen: Unsurprisingly, Saint Christopher is in control of his opponent.

Connor: Maybe so, but the one thing that Graham just says no to is giving up so early on in the match. His size might be small, but his heart and resiliency is much bigger.

The crowd is cheering loudly for Graham to find a way, and eventually does. He gets to his feet and delivers some more kicks to the leg of Jones to release the hold. Graham continues the random kicks, followed by an Enzuigiri that brings Jones to his knees quite dazed. Graham runs off the ropes and delivers a leg lariat to Jones. Graham is up and shakes the damaged arm. Jones is up and runs at Graham, who drop toe holds him into the turnbuckle. Graham runs at Jones with knees to the chest, taking him out of the corner. He does a hip toss with the good arm and hits a leg drop. Graham delivers a springboard senton back splash for good measure and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Jones. Graham signals to the crowd the end is nigh and they cheer. He goes for the Party Foul, but Jones performs a small package... 1... 2... kick-out by a surprised Graham. Graham recovers quickly and goes for another enzuigiri, but Jones avoids the contact and hits a shining wizard into a leg-drop bulldog. Both men are down, but Jones is up before the referee can start the count. Jones ascends slowly to the top rope and tries for a moonsault. As Jones is in the air, Graham gets up and delivers a pele kick to Jones in mid-flight. Jones crashes to the ground looking out. Graham tries his hand at the top and hits the Sky's The Limit with a pin... 1... 2... 3!

The ref signals the bell, the crowd cheers and Graham's music hits. He begins celebrating as the referee holds his hands high as Jones begins to stir.

Anderson: Here is your winner and the next participant to qualify for the third annual WZCW Lethal Lottery, Tucker Graham!

Connor: Great back and forth action between these two individuals. Congratulations to Tucker Graham for qualifying, but it could have gone either way with the excellent strategy Jones played tonight.
Backstage we see Sam Smith and Justin Cooper conversing with one another as production members rush around them.

Smith: Lethal Lottery, can you just imagine winning the match and headlining Kingdom Come so early in your career?

Cooper: It was nothing to qualify for the match, it's going to be a completely different animal to win it, but I intend on going on to Kingdom Come and becoming World Champion. It's the least I can do while my partner is out indefinitely.

Suddenly Barbosa walks into the picture, he seems to be in a good mood. He stops and looks towards Smith and Cooper:

Barbosa: I won't be one to crush your dreams boys, but if you're lucky you can meet me at Kingdom Come.

Barbosa suddenly twitches and he pulls a cigar out and lights it, puffing on it absent mindedly.

Barbosa: Yes, make it Kingdom Come so I can crush you to keep what will soon be my World Title!

Barbosa walks off puffing on his cigar as Smith and Cooper look on.

Smith: Well he's certainly got a few pins loose up there.

Cooper: Just a few?

We cut to commercial as Cooper and Smith shake their heads.
Anderson: The following Mayhem rules match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Mayhem Championship!

“Wake Up” hits and Sam Smith comes out from behind the curtain and begins making his way toward the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger, from Washington D.C, and weighing in at 235 pounds, Sam Smith!

Smith enters the ring as his music cuts out as “Unstoppable” begins and Ferbian comes out onto the stage.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Copenhagen, Denmark and weighing in at 264 pounds, he is the Mayhem Champion, Ferbian!

Ferbian heads up the ring steps and into the ring. He unhooks his title belt from his waist and begins to hand it to the referee but instead, pulls it back and nails Smith in the face with it. The bell rings as Ferbian falls onto Smith and goes for a pin, 1…2. but Smith is able to kick out. Ferbian is quickly back to his feet and connects with a fist drop to the skull of Smith before going for another pin, 1…2. Smith again kicks out. Ferbian looks mad that his efforts haven’t succeeded yet so he retrieves the Mayhem belt and waits for Smith to get back to his feet. Once he does, Ferbian charges to hit Smith with the belt once again, but Smith ducks the shot, grabs Ferbian by the neck, and drops him with a neckbreaker. Smith goes for the pin, 1.. Ferbian is able to kick out.

Connor: Ferbian’s attempts at ending this early were unsuccessful, hopefully his aggression won’t come back to harm him in the end.

Cohen: Aggression is rarely a bad thing, CC, especially in these ultra-violent Mayhem matches.

Smith goes toward the opposite turnbuckle and begins removing the padding from it. Ferbian has begun making his way back to his feet but Smith connects with a right hand to the head before pulling Ferbian up the rest of the way. Smith tries whipping Ferbian into the exposed turnbuckle, but Ferbian reverses the whip. Smith is able to slide under the bottom rope and to the floor, however. Ferbian goes to give chase but is met with a steel chair from Smith, who pulled it from under the ring after he slid to the outside. Ferbian collapses into a heap in the ring as Smith tosses the chair inside and pulls a table out from under the ring and slides it inside the ring as well. Smith rolls back in and picks up the chair, only to throw it hard down onto the chest of Ferbian. Smith climbs to the top rope and comes off with an elbow drop right onto the chair. He shakes out his arm that landed hard on the chair before going for the pin on Ferbian, 1…2… and Ferbian is able to get his shoulder up. Smith looks frustrated for a moment, before quickly going to work on setting up the table he slid into the ring earlier.

Connor: Looks like Sam Smith is ready to end this match now and become the new Mayhem Champion!

Smith gets the table all set and turns around into a European uppercut from Ferbian, who is still clutching at his chest. Smith stumbles backwards into the table but moves as Ferbian charges at him, attempting a big boot. Ferbian stops short of the table and turns as Smith lifts him for a spinebuster. Ferbian slips out and lands behind Smith. Smith turns but is caught with a flowing snap DDT from Ferbian. He signals that it is over before lifting Smith up and driving Smith through the table with The Dane. He holds onto the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner, and still Mayhem Champion, Ferbian!

Ferbian calls for the referee and points at the Mayhem Title lying in the corner of the ring, signaling for him to bring the title to Ferbian. The referee obliges, and hands Ferbian the title as he raises Ferbian’s hand. Some ring crew and medics work to pull the table pieces away from Smith and check on his condition as Ferbian heads up the ramp. Suddenly Chris Jones appears behind Ferbian and slams a chair hard into Ferbian's back. Ferbian collapses to the ground hard, and Jones stands over him, mic and chair in hand.

Jones: I said I had a backup plan Ferbian, and I spoke to the right person backstage. At Lethal Lottery, I'm taking back my Mayhem Title.

Jones drops the mic and slams the chair down hard across Ferbian's chest, causing him to curl up in pain. Jones picks up the Mayhem Title and holds it up high in the air as the crowd boos him loudly.

Cohen: The Savior is here to save the Mayhem Division once more!

Connor: It looks like we have yet another fantastic match added to Lethal Lottery. Chris Jones will take on Ferbian for the Mayhem Title!

Jones drops the title on top of Ferbian and walks away as EMT's check on Ferbian. We cut backstage to the Crashin Movement sitting in a locker room. Kurtesy has his head down as Crashin, Holmes, and Ojos Sandaza looking at him concerned.

Kurtesy: I understand your concern about Big Dave, but that means we need to stick together now more than ever.

Holmes: It's not that we are abandoning you Steven, we just feel it would serve you some good to go out there and prove yourself and defeat Big Dave alone.

Crashin: We'll support you from back here Steven, we have faith in you. You've been in a World Title match with the best in this company, you can handle Big Dave.

Kurtesy sighs and raises his head. He walks across the room and grabs his WZCW World Tag Team Championship.

Kurtesy: I suppose it's time for me to make my house call. Thanks guys.

He walks out of the locker room. Holmes and Crashin let out a sigh of relief and seem to relax.

Holmes: That went better than expected.

Crashin: I hope he doesn't get killed out there.

We cut to commercial.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!


Dr. Steven Kurtesy comes out onto the stage, takes off his sunglasses and places them on his head before heading down the ramp.

Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia and weighing in at 235 pounds, representing the Crashin Movement, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy makes his way into the ring and begins stripping down to his ring gear.

Big Dave makes his way out from backstage and slowly heads down the ramp, ignoring the boos from the crowd.

Anderson: And his opponent, from London, England, and weighing in at 268 pounds, Big Dave!

Dave climbs into the ring and stares down Kurtesy, who returns the gaze. After a moment, the referee calls for the bell.

The two men slowly circle each other, studying the other man before going in for the lock up. They both prepare for the collar and elbow, but Dave steps back, leading to more boos from the crowd. Kurtesy looks frustrated, but sets for another lock up. Dave obliges, but Kurtesy connects with a Kesagiri chop. Dave stumbles backward as Kurtesy grabs a side headlock and takes Dave over. Kurtesy holds onto a rear chinlock as Dave looks to be trying to get his bearings back as he fights his way out of the hold. He is able to get back to his feet and tries for a kick to the leg of Kurtesy. Kurtesy catches it, however, and takes down Dave with a dragon screw. Dave winces in pain as his knee is twisted and Kurtesy follows up with a single leg crab on the bad leg of Dave. Kurtesy tries wrenching back in the hold, but Dave is able to pull himself a few inches more and grabs the bottom rope.

Connor: Smart strategy thus far by Kurtesy, keeping Big Dave under control with submission holds.

Cohen: That title in front of his name isn’t just for show, CC, Dr. Kurtesy is a very smart competitor.

Dave slowly gets back to his feet as Kurtesy waits for him to get out of the ropes. Dave gets out of the ropes, but is locked in the Hypnosis almost immediately. Dave struggles, but Kurtesy has the hold locked in deeply. Dave grabs the referee, trying to find a way to escape. As he has the ref, Dave kicks Kurtesy low, sending the doctor wincing to the mat. Kurtesy slowly begins getting back to his feet. As he does, Dave runs off the far ropes and tries for a spear. Kurtesy catches him with a kick, however. Dave stumbles backward as Kurtesy tries for another kick, but Dave catches the leg and scores with a leg trap chokeslam. Dave goes for a pin, 1…2.. and Kurtesy kicks out. Dave looks frustrated for a moment before pulling Kurtesy back to his feet. Before Dave can do anything, however, Kurtesy connects with another Kesagiri chop and a pair of kicks. Kurtesy runs the ropes, but rebounds into a catatonic backbreaker from Dave. He begins going for a pin, but Kurtesy reaches up and nails Dave with a palm strike. He stumbles backward as Kurtesy gets back to his feet and in position for the Prescripted Sedation. Dave is able to slip out, however, and plants Kurtesy with the Stamp of Authority. He falls into the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Big Dave!

Dave gets back to his feet and the referee holds his hand high. Dave stares at Kurtesy for a moment before heading out of the ring and up the ramp as Kurtesy begins to stir.

Connor: Big Dave gets the win here tonight, but it wasn’t without a huge opposing effort from Dr. Kurtesy.

Cohen: I must agree, CC. Dr. Kurtesy gave Dave everything he could handle, and if we had this match again, I can’t be sure the result would be the same.
We cut backstage to Constantine and Showtime standing just by the entrance area sharing a laugh.

Constantine: Did you see the look on Reynold's face when we crushed his friend?

Showtime: It's something I'll keep forever in my memory. I think we've done enough emotional and physical damage to him, there's no way he can beat you at Lethal Lottery now.

Constantine: He's as good as road kill Show. Speaking of road kill, you want me out there to help against Baez?

Showtime shakes his head and begins walking towards the entrance.

Showtime: I got this masked freak taken care of John, you head out and start the party, I'll be there shortly.

Constantine nods and makes his way down the hallway as Showtime's music hits.

Connor: Will Showtime continue his reign as Elite X Champion? Or will the masked wonder Baez shock the world and head to Lethal Lottery as champion? Find out next!
"Goodbye" starts playing throughout the arena, with the opening guitar riff building up Baez emerges from behind the curtain. He then walks franticly around the entrance ramp then stops at the middle of the entrance ramp starring blindly to the ring.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW Elite X Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Rat’s Ass, America, weighing 225 pounds, Baez!

Baez walks with an intense walk to the ring before rolling into the ring, he hits all four corners and stares blindly to the crowd.

The crowd boos heavily as the pyro shoots straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, the last and biggest one fades to reveal the Elite Champion as the dim blue light covers the area except for the usual spotlight that follows Showtime on his way to the ring.

Anderson: His opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Around this time last year, Showtime Cougar won the EurAsian Championship from Drake Callahan in a quick outing, will the champion look to repeat history?

Cohen: Repeat it? Showtime only makes history every other week!

Showtime rolls under the ropes and unhooks his championship belt and raises it up in front of Baez in a sign of mocking as he smiles as if he knows what is going to happen. He starts trash talking with Baez, speaking down to his adversary, he starts poking Baez while having the belt up in his face. He pokes him again but Baez shoves him back which annoys Showtime who tries for a belt shot to the head but the masked man ducked underneath it and hits a couple of rights to the head of the champion as the referee signals for the bell. Baez gives some quick kicks to the legs of Showtime which stuns him but the champion grabs him by the head and throws him into the corner and hits some rights before pulling Baez out and hitting him with a kitchen sink clothesline. He then grabs hold of the hopes and uses it to leap up and drop a knee to the head of Baez who flops up in a reflex action as Showtime hits the cover, 1……2….kickout by Baez.

Showtime rolls Baez up onto his feet and leans him against the ropes to get some momentum for an irish whip only for Baez to hold onto his hand, run behind Showtime and hit the Twist-T to drop him to the mat, Showtime rolls to his knees to get back up but Baez kicks him straight to the leg to keep on all fours, followed by a kick to the abs, Showtime rolls out of the ring to shake off the kick as he struts around by ringside as Baez looks unimpressed. Showtime eventually rolls back into the ring and stands ready for Baez as they lock up in an elbow tie up, both men standing their ground, Baez then locks his hands around Showtime’s waist and throws him over a belly to belly suplex, Showtime is back up again and goes for a clothesline but Baez hits another belly to belly, Showtime gets up again but this time he holds onto the ropes which prevents Baez anticipating another incoming attack, so he heads over to be caught out by a hard enziguri, Showtime goes for the cover, 1……2….kickout.

Connor: Pretty even match so far yet Showtime is eager to get this done with.

Cohen: You’re in a match with Baez, of course you want it over and done with.

Connor: Could be fear settling in…

Baez gets up slowly as Showtime kneels behind him in waiting, he slowly rises up as Baez turns around to face him and Showtime goes for a dropkick but Baez catches his legs and tries to go for Showtime’s Commerical Break but the Champion is quick to get to the ropes and hold on to stop any further attempts on the submission. Showtime gets up outside the apron and tries to hit a right on Baez but it is block and Baez hits a right of his own which dazes the showman on the apron Baez then hits a clothesline which drops Showtime against the crowd barrier which leaves him hanging, Baez uses the chances to get on the apron, he checks Showtime’s position and then springboards off of the ropes but Showtime catches him and slams him back first into the barrier, Baez holds his back in pain as Showtime leans against the barrier to get some energy back.

The referee is counting up to two so far as Showtime stands up straight, he kicks Baez while he is down and goes to slide back into the ring. The referee is now up to four as Baez slowly struggles forward and crawls up to the apron, six, he grabs hold of the ring edge and pulls himself up, eight, Showtime goes over to Baez to trick and kick him but Baez grabs his leg and drags him outside to reset the referee’s count. Baez slides back inside the ring as Showtime gets back up and rolls in after, Baez goes for a strike only to be met with the Ratings Crash but Baez counters it with a DDT, he goes for a cover, 1……2……kickout. Baez gets up and gets into one of the corners behind Showtime and puts his hands into a praying notion, signalling for the Smashmouth, he holds onto the ropes tight as he stands waiting but Showtime staggers, Baez turns to the crowd and shrugs at them. He turns back and gives the prayer salute in waiting, holds the rope tight, Showtime is up, he turns Smashmouth connects, cover attempt, 1……..2…….Showtime gets a shoulder up, Baez holds his head is disbelief.

Connor: He was so close, can Baez defeat him?

Cohen: He kicked out of the Smashmouth, that will only aggravate Showtime!

Showtime gets a head up as Baez stands tall and looking unsure what to do next, he turns around to pick up Showtime only to caught out by a possum rollup, 1……..2…….kickout by Baez. Both men slowly get up, Showtime by the ropes, Baez at his own free will, he ascends the turnbuckle slowly as Showtime turns around, he heads on hits the back of Baez’s knee, he climbs to the outside of the apron and hits a right on Baez’s head, he climbs up to be on the same level, he holds Baez in the position of the Final Act but Baez elbows him in the head and is getting free, Showtime then knees Baez in the groin which the referee doesn’t see. Showtime then hits The Final Act off the top rope, he then gets the arm over, 1…….2…….3.

Anderson: Here is your winner and still the WZCW Elite X Champion, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: A great encounter by these two, but Showtime had to bend the rules in order to get away with the victory here.

Cohen: Age old story, what the ref doesn’t see doesn’t matter, but a great effort by Baez, no doubt he will try harder next time.

Showtime slowly rolls up to his knees with a smile on his face as he has his belt presented back to him and has his hand raised. He gets up to his feet and spots Baez still there so he shoves him out with his foot, he then raises the title as John Constantine emerges comes down the ramp applauding the victory, Showtime heads out the ring to meet him as Constantine pats him on the back and they have a chat amongst themselves as they head backstage.

Connor: Well up next we have the World Title Challengers in our Main Event tonight. Gordito and Barbosa will look to gain some momentum at the expense of their opposing challenger, who’s going to get the edge going into the Lottery? Find out next!
We cut backstage to Gordito walking towards the entrance ramp, and then another shot of Barbosa walking backstage as well. Finally we cut to Ty Burna walking down another hallway, the World Title draped across his shoulder.

Connor: It appears our World Champion Ty Burna will be joining us on commentary. Who's going to gain momentum going into Lethal Lottery? And does Ty have anything up his sleeve? Find out next as Gordito takes on Barbosa!
Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Blackened The Sun hits and the lights go out while static flickers througout the arena. The crowd pops loudly as Ty makes his way out to the entrance ramp. He holds up the World Title high into the air before walking down the ramp and around the ring. He takes a seat at the announce table next to Connor and puts on a headset.

Connor: Welcome to the announcer's table Ty. I'm assuming this is your first time announcing a match?

Ty: Let's be clear Connor, this is more about studying my two opponents at Lethal Lottery far more than giving my brilliant insight about what's going on in the ring, but I suppose I can entertain you all in the process.

Cohen: Come on! I'm the one that's the veteran wrestling voice around here.

Ty: I don't see you holding the World Title Jack, why don't you quiet down and let a real warrior talk.

Kylie Minogue begins playing and Barbosa makes his way out, a confident and aggressive look on his face as he quickly makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring. He walks directly to the corner but turns and stares down Ty on the outside.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Bedlam. He stands 6'1" and weighs 237 lbs, Barbosa!

Connor: Barbosa is, well he's certainly a colorful character.

Ty: He's a freak just like many think of me, why don't you go ahead and say it Connor?

Connor: I...I...don't mean any disrespect Ty.

Ty: Of course you don't. Nobody ever does. This Barbosa, I can relate to him and what's going on inside his head unlike anyone else.

Cohen: You really want to relate to that!?!?

Ty: Absolutely, in order to understand your opponent, you must get in his mind, and as a former resident of a psychiatric prison myself, I know exactly what's going on with him.

End of 9 hits and Gordito makes his way out. The crowd cheers loudly for Gordito who raises his arm up high into the air before walking down the ramp. He slaps hands with the crowd before entering the ring and raising his arm up once more.

Anderson: And his opponent, from San Francisco, California. He stands 6'1" and weighs 257 lbs, Gordito!

Connor: Gordito was a man who took you to your limits at All or Nothing Ty, what are your thoughts on Gordito challenging once more for your title?

Ty: Gordito has taken what I've said to heart, and he's focused on becoming the best he can possibly be. However it's just not enough against me, just like All or Nothing, Lethal Lottery will be no different.

The ref signals for the bell and Gordito tries to lockup with Barbosa, but Barbosa shifts out of the way and seems almost hesitant to attack. Gordito tries for a clothesline but Barbosa ducks under and catches Gordit on the rebound. He hits a backbreaker before lifting him once more and dropping him down with a sideslam. Barbosa seems to switch gears and begins pounding way on Gordito with almost a sick glee. The ref counts to four and finally pulls Barbosa off. Barbosa stares at the ref, allowing Gordito to get up and hit a backhand chop, causing Barbosa to back up into the corner. Gordito unloads with rights before finally backing up at the count of four. Barbosa shoves Gordito back but Gordito responds with a quick clothesline. Barbosa bounces up but gets hit with another clothesline. Once more Barbosa is up quickly but Gordito sends him reeling with a dropkick. Barbosa falls back intot he corner and stares at Gordito while he poses for the crowd.

Ty: Never turn your back on a man like Barbosa, he should have learned that by now.

Cohen: Of course he should, that way Barbosa can knock him out when he turns around.

Connor: He feeds off the crowd, why not get them involved?

Ty: Because the crowd can't lift you off the ground when you're knocked unconscious Cat.

Gordito turns around and Barbosa tries for a running knee but Gordito pushes him into the ropes and lifts him up, dropping him down with a Samoan Drop. Gordito hooks a leg, 1...2....kickout by Barbosa. Gordito drags Barbosa up and hits a few more rights before hitting an European uppercut. Barbosa stumbles backwards and Gordito clotheslines him over the ropes and to the outside. Gordito plays to the crowd once more before bouncing off the ropes and goes flying through the middle and top rope. He crashes hard into a rising Barbosa and both men are on the floor as the crowd erupts. Gordito to his feet first and he grabs Barbosa and goes to whip him into the steel steps, but Barbosa counters and Gordito crashes shoulder first into the steel steps. The ref begins the ten count 1.............2..........Meanwhile Barbosa shakes the cobwebs out and grabs Gordito, slamming him head first into the steps multiple times before kicking him between the eyes. The ref's count reaches 6 when Barbosa rolls Gordito back into the ring and covers him. 1......2......Gordito kicks out.

Connor: Barbosa now back in control of this match. He appears to have picked up his aggression against the Mayhem veteran Gordito.

Ty: And that's exactly how all of us will have to be at Lethal Lottery. No hesitation, and no mercy. Barbosa has the tendency for it, but he also has shown a disinterest in matches in the past.

Cohen: Gordito is just a fool for trying to use his old Mayhem tactics, Barbosa clearly has the psycho edge in that category.

Barbosa stomps away at Gordito before pulling him up and hitting an STO, dropping Gordito onto the back of his head. Barbosa applies a rear chinlock and works on wearing him out. Gordito begins to fade as Barbosa cinches in the hold tighter. The ref checks on Gordito as the fans begin cheering Gordito to get up. Gordito begins pumping his fist and starts to get to his knees. He rises and begins hitting a few elbows, loosening the hold before Barbosa finally lets go. Gordito throws a haymaker but Barbosa ducks and applies a front facelock and hits a few knees to Gordito's face. Gordito stumbles back dazed while Barbosa follows up and sets up for a hangman's neckbreaker. Gordito blocks and spins Barbosa around, and locks his arms in tight. He begins headbutting Barbosa, over and over again as the crowd counts each one. At nine both men collapse and the ref begins the ten count. 1...........2.............3...............4

Ty: An effective counter by Gordito, he needed that to get back in this match. Barbosa can easily end any match at any time. Perhaps Gordito knocked a few voices out of his head at the same time.

Cohen: It certainly wouldn't hurt him.

Connor: A man just got smashed in the head repeatedly, and you two are joking about mental issues, what is wrong with you?

Ty: I apologize Cat, I didn't realize we were sitting with Dr. Steven Kurtesy tonight on commentary.

The count reaches 5 and both men slowly begin to stir. 6.......7.......Gordito is to one knee and Barbosa begins pulling himself up by the ropes....8......9......both men reach their feet and Gordito hits a chop block, sending Barbosa down once more. Gordito walks to the corner and signals to the crowd. He climbs to the top turnbuckle as the crowd cheers him on. He flies off the top rope and crashes down with an elbow drop! He covers Barbosa 1......2........Barbosa kicks out! Gordito sits up and holds his head, shocked that he didn't put Barbosa away. He gets up and signals for the Meteor of War. He pulls Barbosa up and hooks his arms, but Barbosa counter and sends Gordito flying with a back body drop. Barbosa collapses to his knees and begins breathing heavily.

Ty: If you will excuse me.

Connor: Where are you going?

Ty gets up and takes his headset off and begins walking around the ring with the World Title on his shoulder. Barbosa notices him and shouts a few things at him while slowly getting to his feet. Ty simply shrugs as Gordito finally gets up and spins Barbosa around and hits the Meteor of War!

Connor: Gordito hit the Meteor of War! This is all over!

Cohen: I don't think so, he's now bickering with Ty on the outside.

Sure enough Gordito takes his eyes off Barbosa and stares down Ty on the outside. Ty claps and continues pacing outside as Gordito begins shouting at him as well. Gordito backs away and signals for the belt. Meanwhile Barbosa slowly gets up while Gordito eyes down Ty and turns Gordito around this time and kicks him in the midsection. He powerbombs Gordito into the ropes and lifts him up on the rebound and drops him down with the Doppelgänger! Barbosa covers Gordito 1....2......3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Barbosa!

Connor: Incredible, Gordito had him beat, but his focus on the champion is what ultimately cost him.

Cohen: Ty was testing both men, and I don't think they lived up to his expectations.

Ty enters the ring as Barbosa slowly gets to his feet. Ty drops the World Title in the corner as the crowd begins buzzing. Ty sets up in position as Barbosa gets up, he gets knocked out cold by the Consecrated Banishment! Ty stands over both Gordito and Barbosa before walking over to the corner and grabbing the World Title and climbing to the second turnbuckle. He lifts the World Title high into the air as the crowd cheers loudly.

Connor: I have a feeling this World Title match at Lethal Lottery is going to be brutal. Ty stands tall over his challengers tonight, but will he hold on to his title when he takes on both Gordito and Barbosa?

Cohen: He certainly won't have the element of surprise in his pocket. Barbosa will be fully prepared for him next time.

Connor: We are out of time, for Jack Cohen, I'm Cat Connor. Happy Holidays from WZCW, and we'll see you in 2011!

The scene pans out to Ty still atop the second turnbuckle with the World Title held up high as the feed goes to black.
Who wrote what:

Ty - Opening, Segments, Gordito/Barbosa
Phoenix - Showtime/Baez
Thriller - Big Dave/Kurtesy, Ferbian/Smith
Falkon - Jones/Graham
Numbers - Wilton/Hancock, Segments

Happy Holidays from us on Creative, enjoy your break as I'm sure we will. We had a incredible year here in WZCW, and we want to top that in 2011. Thank you all for your support, and for the men above who put this show together, please rep them accordingly. We will see you all in 2011.
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