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Ascension 21

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Meltdown 46 said:
Harrys: The following contest is a semi final match in the Gold Rush Tournament, scheduled for one fall!

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning begins playing as Phoenix makes his way out and the crowd begins booing him as he makes his way down the ramp. He doesn't pay attention to the fans on either side of him and he slides into the ring and walks to the corner, leaning against the turnbuckle.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Heliopolis. He stands 6'2" and weighs 213 lbs, Phoenix!

Copeland: Who do you like in this match Cohen?

Cohen: It's not even a question Seabass, Phoenix will be victorious and Everest's decline as a big name will decline. It's all about the youth now, not the old relics still around.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. Everest gets the advantage and applies a hammer lock. He backs Phoenix up and whips him across the ring and connects with a quick clothesline. Phoenix bounces right back up and hits a dropkick, sending Everest into the corner.

Phoenix pulls Everest up and flips him over with a snapmare followed by a kick to the back. Everest winces in pain but gets dropped with a low dropkick from Phoenix.

Phoenix goes for a flying clothesline but Everest quickly pulls the rope down and Phoenix goes over the top rope to the outside. He crashes hard in front of the announcing table. Everest rolls out of the ring and picks Phoenix up, slamming him head first into the table. He whips Phoenix towards the steel steps but Phoenix hops up onto them and jumps back towards Everest. Everest catches him in mid air and drops him down hard with a spinebuster!

Cohen: I'm sure it's past Everest's bedtime, you know how those nurses don't like old men being up past a certain time.

Everest locks in the Mountain Climber! Phoenix struggles in the hold and tries to get a foot on the rope. Everest drags him back to the middle of the ring and locks in the hold tighter. Phoenix continues to struggle in the hold but is able to get to get a kick up to Everest. He continues the kicks and Everest loosens the hold just enough for Phoenix to escape.

Phoenix rolls towards the ropes as Everest gets up and gives chase. He goes to pick up Phoenix but Phoenix pulls him down and Everest gets dropped throat first on the ropes. Phoenix rolls him up and holds onto the tights without the ref seeing and gets the three count!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Phoenix!

Copeland: Phoenix had a hand full of tights there. I think Everest still has a lot in the tank if Phoenix has to resort to that to win.

Cohen: No it's called being smart Seabass. Phoenix caught Everest at an opportune time and did what he had to do to reach the finals.

Phoenix quickly rolls out of the ring and the ref raises his hand as Everest sits up in shock. Phoenix begins walking to the back as the crowd boos him mercilessly. Everest gets up slowly and leans on the ropes, his head lowered slightly. The crowd cheers for Everest as he exits the ring and slowly walks up the ramp.

Copeland: Who will be Ty Burna's first challenger for the belt?

*Pyros go off*

Connor: Ascension is live and we're coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts where we hope to find the other finalist for the Gold Rush Tournament. Cat Connors alongside Jack Cohen here and ready to kick off Ascension!


The crowd boos heavily as the lights go down with a single spotlight aimed at the stage with Big Dave emerging from the stage. He walks down the ramp unphased by the crowd, he reaches the centre of the ring with the lights still down expect for his spotlight as he grabs a microphone.

Connor: What does Dave have to say now?

He gives a small pan around to the crowd before he raises the microphone to his mouth.

Dave: Last week saw an action of injustice happen, and despite my negotiating and reasoninng, I am still not restored back into the Gold Rush Tournament and my ban still remains on challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship. I have also been told that if I interfere with tonight's semi-final match, I will be suspended indefinitely. You can see that this treatment of someone of my calibre is uncalled for, you have all brought this upon me and now I will see you truly regret it. For tonight, Baez, your once proud Mayhem Champion, is now only to be mayhem underneath my foot and you will have to cope with your children not being able to see their masked hero posing around like an idiot. At least it means the competition will be more defined as it should be!


Connor: Speaking of competition!

Cohen: What's he doing out here?

Everest makes his way out in casual clothing to a good cheer from the crowd, heading down the ramp with his own microphone, he gets in the ring and stands right in Dave's face

Everest: Dave. I see you come out week after week and talk about competition. You're saying it's not good enough and you're better than any of the other members of the locker room put together. Now, currently we're both standing in a similiar situation, both of us are eliminated...

Dave: YOU were eliminated, I was thrown out!

Everest: Doesn't make a difference now, we're both not in the Gold Rush Tournament, where it's proven that competition has become tougher. It's not like it was last year when I managed to outlast five other superstars to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. Granted you, your other friend and Ricky assisted in that, but that's not the point. While I could do that with my eyes closed last year, the competition has become tighter that it's almost impossible to repeat such a feat.

Now, in the time we've both been here, we've been in the ring about, three times? Usually in tag matches, either with or against us. At that time, you were dominanting the Tag Division while I was top of my A game, I was the man people looked up to. A year has gone by and that mantle was passed to Titus, but it unfortunately didn't pass to you. You have may have retired Titus and everyone's talking about you, but you're not the one people look up to. Where I took pride in holding the World Heavyweight Championship the longest, you got frustrated in holding the EurAsian Championship, where I can understand because of the ruling, but you forgot the pride you should have in being a champion.

Dave: You better be going somewhere with this.

Everest: Dave, what I am trying to say is that you pride yourself in competition and prioritised that ahead of taking pride in being a champion. So how about this, All or Nothing, you and me, one on one. I just know you would relish this chance to face me, so I'm offering it to you.

The crowd cheers in excitement at this challenge while Dave has a smirk on his face.

Dave: You're right about one thing there Everest, I would have relished the chance, when you actually meant something! You see, I don't back down from a fight normally, but since I managed to retire Titus just recently, what chance do you have?

The crowd boos Dave heavily

Everest: I'm nothing like Titus and you know it!

Dave: You're right, you're worse! Listen, don't waste mine time, or even your time coming out with this challenge. I got better things to do than mess around with you or my opponent for tonight, Baez. I tell you what, watch my match and what happens tonight then reconsider your offer. I'm sure that will be more than enough to change your mind.

Everest: Alright then, I will. But I'm fairly certain the challenge will still stand, but I'll let you have a chance to think about it. Good luck!

Dave: I don't even need luck!

Dave drops his mic as 'Always' starts playing again as he leaves the ring, going up the ramp as Everest watches on with a smirk on his face.

Connor: Well Everest made the challenge. He wants Big Dave at All or Nothing, but Dave's telling him to consider his challenge by watching him tonight.

Cohen: And that's where Everest will change his mind and tuck his tail inbetween his legs.

Connor: I doubt it, but who knows what will happen. Right now, let's kick off with a match that has had some heat building for a while, it's Mr. Baller against Jordan Lights, that's our opening bout for Ascension up next!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Mr. Baller by Royce the 5"9 begins blaring through the speakers as Mr. Baller jumps out from the curtain with basketball in hand. The crowd begin eliciting a negative reaction for him as he walks down to the ring whilst keeping the ball spinning on his finger.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, first, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 230 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Baller continues taunting the fans as he is in the ring ready to go, showing off his looks. The music switches to Suicide Messiah by Black Label Society, as well as the tone of the crowd, as Jordan Lights comes out pumping his first into the air. He stops and stares at Baller on the stage, with Baller returning the favor.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 255 pounds, "The Justice" Jordan Lights!

Lights does not take his focus off Baller as he enters the ring, with both men getting face to face.

Connor: You can literally cut the tension in this match like a knife through butter. These two have been quite involved with each other over their tenure in WZCW, dating back to when Baker and Karzai were still members of this roster.

Cohen: Baller better have his head screwed on for this match then! Ha!

The referee does his best to separate the two and signals for the bell once both men co-operate. Both men exchanged some very heat words until Lights says something Baller disapproves of, enticing him to attack with multiple fists that gets Jordan down to one knee. Lights manages to push away Baller momentarily, but comes back for more. Lights delivers a stiff European uppercut that sends Baller back, followed with some fists of his own and then a big boot, knocking him back to the corner. Lights goes to work with some forearm smashes and knee strikes before the referee pulls Lights off of Baller. This allows Baller enough time to kick Lights in the face using the corner for support. Lights is taken aback and Baller explodes out of the corner with a clothesline, taking him down. Baller goes into the mount position and begins pounding on Lights who is covering up. Again, the referee interjects, pulling off Baller this time and allows Lights to get to his feet. Lights charges at Baller and delivers a swinging neckbreaker, with Lights going for a cover... 1... kickout by Baller.

Connor: It's been nothing but strikes up until this point. A very intense match.

Cohen: Maybe they only know five moves?

Lights puts a sleeper hold onto Baller and tries to wear him down. Baller manages to elbow his way out of the submission, getting to his feet. He waits for Lights and delivers a big dropkick. He gets up and hits an elevated standing leg drop on Lights, following with a cover... 1... 2... kickout by Lights. As Lights struggles to his feet, Baller gets ready along the ropes and hits a springboard back elbow. He goes over the prone body of Lights, does the ballin' taunt and hits a standing moonsault. Baller smiles for a cover... 1... 2... kickout. Baller goes to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles slowly, waiting for Lights. As he turns around, Baller hits a big crossbody and goes for another cover... 1... 2... kickout. Lights is stirring and Baller does an arm drag, followed into an armbar. Lights is writhing in pain as Baller wrenches the arm. Lights tries to struggle to the ropes, but Baller prevents him, eventually leaving them in centre. The crowd begins willing Lights on and he feels the energy of the crowd. Slowly, but surely, he makes it to his feet and punches his way out of the submission. He hits a flurry of more punches, before Irish whipping him. Lights hits a dropkick on the rebound, and hits another as Baller gets to his feet. Baller runs at Lights again and gets a powerslam for his efforts... 1... 2... kickout. Baller gets up and walks right into a sidewalk slam... 1... 2... kickout. Lights signals for the end and awaits Baller. Lights tries to go for the C.Y.A. but Baller counters and hits a jumping DDT on Lights, stopping the momentum. Baller catches his breathe and waits for Lights. He hits the whisper in the wind and Lights is down. Baller catches the position he is in and delivers The Buzzerbeater. Baller contemplates a cover, but instead goes for the The Gamechanger. The crowd and Lights do everything they can to prevent the loss, but eventually Lights has no choice but to tap out.

The referee signals for the bell and Baller's music hits. The referee has to remove Baller from the submission and he gets up to his feet proud at what he has done.

Anderson: And the winner of the match, Mr. Baller!

Cohen: Baller picks up his victory as a living zombie. Not too shabby for someone who has no brains.

Connor: It was a well earned win on the record of Mr. Baller, taking down his rival Jordan Lights without leaving any questions. Lights did what he could, but tonight was Baller's night.

Mr. Baller exits the ring and heads back up the ramp as Lights is starting to get to his feet, with the referee checking on him.

We're backstage with Blade who's getting ready for his match next, he turns and finds Phoenix in his face.

Blade: Well...funny how you still show your face despite knowing how fortunate you were at Unscripted. I see you're doing well for yourself in this Gold Rush Tournament.

Phoenix: Indeed. Funny how the pay per view you debuted on will be the event that I become the World Heavyweight Champion!

Blade: Ha! Please Phoenix, if you couldn't finish me off properly, what chance do you have against Ty Burna? Let alone any of the three you could face next week?

Phoenix: The same reason that I am actually in the tournament and you are not...

Phoenix gets right in Blade's face to emphasise his point.

Blade: Just remember Phoenix...doesn't matter what happens right now, because I control your fate. Much like I will control Doug Crashin's fate, just you watch.

Blade breaks away from Phoenix and heads off.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Black Betty begins playing as Doug Crashin makes his way out to a number of boos from the crowd. He walks down the ramp with his head lowered and enters the ring slowly. He looks around at the fans, a serious look upon his face.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Yokohama, Japan. He stands 6'4" and weighs 240 lbs, Doug Crashin!

Bliss hits the PA and Blade makes his way out to a mixed reaction. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp and does his signature taunt before making his way down to the ring. He slides off his sunglasses and sets them down before entering the ring and doing his pose once more.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland. He stands 6'2" and weighs 235lbs, Blade!

Connor: Doug Crashin has publicly stated this will be his final match for quite some time if not for good. The number of injuries he has accumulated over the years has finally caught up to him. Will that be enough motivation for him to pick up the victory?

Cohen: Well it's either that or have Kurtesy and Holmes do his dirty work and take out Blade while the ref's back is turning. Either way is fine by me.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. Blade applies an armbar and whips Crashin into the ropes and hits a quick clothesline on the rebound. Blade kicks Crashin in the midsection and throws him into the corner. He hits a few punches before another kick to the midsection. He tries to whip Crashin to the opposite corner but Crashin reverses it and Blade crashes into the turnbuckle. He stumbles forward and gets caught by Crashin with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Crashin quickly goes for the cover and gets a two count. Crashin drags Blade up and hits a few kicks to the midsection before hitting a spinning kick, knocking Blade to the ground. Blade rolls to the outside and Crashin goes for a baseball slide but Blade moves out of the way and pulls Crashin to the outside. He slams Crashin's head into the apron before unloading with a number of punches.

Connor: Blade is going to town on Crashin on the outside. Crashin needs to cover up or get away before this gets ugly.

Cohen: CC it's Crashin, it's always ugly with him involved.

Blade throws Crashin into the ring post and Crashin's head bounces off. Blade walks slowly up to Crashin and kicks his leg out from him before throwing him back in the ring. Blade quickly drops an elbow across Crashin's forehead before sliding into the ring at the count of 8. He stomps away at Crashin before lifting him up and hitting a vertical suplex. Blade motions to the top rope and he climbs it slowly. He poses at the top and coms flying off going for a Frog Splash but Crashin moves out of the way and Blade crashes hard. Crashin gets up as does Blade, and Crashin out of nowhere locks in the Tazmission! Blade struggles against the hold and backs Crashin into the corner to break the hold. Crashin runs forward and hits a bulldog, dropping Blade face first into the mat.

Connor: That high risk move cost Blade there. He almost got caught by Crashin's submission.

Cohen: I don't get why people want to jump off the top rope. I really don't. You more often then not miss and you do just as much damage to yourself as you do your opponent. You don't win either way.

The crowd boos as Crashin poses before picking Blade up and hitting another overhead suplex. Blade gets up dazed and Crashin rushes forward and hits a hard clothesline. He drops a leg across the chest of Blade and goes for a cover, getting a two count. Crashin gets up and signals for the Crashin Cuntter. Blade gets to his feet and Crashin goes for the kick but Blade catches his foot and quickly hits an enziguri! Blade drags Crashin up and hits a German Suplex. He bridges and gets a two count from the pin attempt. Blade gets up once more and starts draggin Crashin up when Crashin suddenly goes for his Cutter once more but Blade shoves him away. Crashin turns around and gets kicked in the midsection. Blade lifts Crashin up and hits The Halo! He covers Crashin and gets the three count.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Blade!

Connor: Impressive victory by Blade tonight. Crashin put up a valiant effort but came up just short.

Cohen: That's the story of Crashin's life, always coming up just short.

Blade gets up and the ref raises his hand. He slides out of the ring as Steven Holmes and Steven Kurtesy enter the ring and help Crashin up. Crashin looks frustrated and slams his fist on the mat before standing up. Blade walks backwards up the entrance ramp and waves to the Crashin Movement. The Crashin Movement all
exit the ring and begin walking up the ramp slowly.

We're backstage with Ty Burna who's in a darkened room sitting over a Oujia Board, he's whispering the words "Constantine, Beckford or Gordito" as the glass continues to change its shift between the letters B, C and G before it settles in the centre and spins rapidly...
Anderson: The following non-title tag team match is scheduled for one fall!

"Reckless Youth" by Pillar plays through the speakers. Tucker Graham runs out quickly and stops at the top of the ramp as Alexander Steele quickly walks out to join him. They raise their arms before starting down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 434 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Reckless Youth!

They meet at the back side of the ring and slide under the bottom rope. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms as "We Are One" blares from the PA system. Scott Hammond bursts out from behind the curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises one arm in the air. He then turns his attention to the entrance curtain, and points both hands towards the entrance, as Wasabi Toyota steps out from behind it.

Anderson: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 825 pounds, the Brothers in Arms!

Hammond slides inside the ring as Toyota climbs the stairs and enters with him. Toyota stands behind Hammond in the centre of the ring as Hammond drops to his knees. Toyota raises his arm as pyros go off in the ring behind them. Both teams head to their respective corners and discuss strategy.

Scott Hammond and Alexander Steele will start the match for their respective teams. They lock-up for a moment, and break after neither man gains an advantage. They lock-up again, with Steele gaining the advantage with a knee to the midsection. He stands Hammond back up straight with an up kick to Hammond’s chest and then locks in an abdominal stretch. Hammond starts getting loose, but Steele locks onto his opponent’s arm and takes him over with a rolling armbar. Steele wrenches back on the right arm of Hammond, who is finally able to work his legs around the bottom rope to force the break. They stand up and go for another lock-up. Hammond goes for the knee this time, but Steele catches his leg. Steele trips Hammond’s other leg out, and cinches in an Indian deathlock. Hammond reaches down to try and unhook himself, but Steele is able to trap Hammond’s arm and turn it into a anaconda strangle. Hammond struggles around for a few moments until he can find the ropes with his feet once again, forcing Steele to break the hold. Hammond looks angry as he shakes out his arm and tags in Wasabi Toyota.

Cohen: Steele may have thought he was hot stuff after that chain wrestling he used on Hammond, but let’s see him try that against this behemoth.

Toyota climbs into the ring and stares at Steele, who hasn’t taken his eyes off Toyota since he was tagged in. They lock-up, and Toyota shoves Steele across the ring. Steele ends up in his own corner, looks up at his partner, and tags in Tucker Graham. Graham sizes up the massive Toyota, before going in for a lock-up. Toyota obliges, but Graham sneaks behind and grabs the rear waistlock. Graham has control, but doesn’t seem to know what to do to his giant opponent. He chooses to kick away at the back of Toyota’s knees. It works, as Toyota is down onto his knees. Graham runs off the far ropes, building up momentum, but gets a throat thrust for his troubles. Both men get back to their feet. Graham scores first with a forearm to the jaw of Toyota. He sets for a Pele kick, but when Graham jumps, Toyota ducks down and catches Graham on his shoulder to drop him with a front powerslam. Toyota gets back to his feet and runs the ropes, but misses with a leg drop. Another forearm to the face puts Toyota on his back as Graham heads out to the apron. Graham signals to the crowd and hits a springboard senton back splash on his massive opponent. Graham goes for a cover, 1…and Toyota with a powerful kick out that sends Graham flying across the ring. Graham scrambles back to his feet and makes his way to the top rope. As soon as Toyota returns to his feet, Graham dives with a clothesline. It connects to the upper chest of Toyota, but doesn’t take him down. Graham gets back to his feet at hits an enziguiri. Toyota is down to one knee, and a DDT will finish the job. Graham goes for the cover, 1…2.and Toyota kicks out, but much more weakly this time. Alexander Steele calls out to his partner, and Graham makes the tag.

Connor: Tucker Graham is going what he can against Wasabi Toyota, but I really think that Reckless Youth need Toyota out of the ring if they want a better chance at winning this match.

Toyota is on his hands and knees, until a stomp to the back by Steele puts him down on his stomach. Tucker Graham locks in a crossface and Steele uses a Boston crab as well. Toyota is trying to fight out, but is still in the holds. Finally, Graham breaks the crossface as the ref’s count gets to 4, leaving Toyota with just Steele’s Boston crab to escape. Toyota begins rocking himself, and finally gets a leg free and uses it to kick away at Steele to completely free himself. Steele is back to his feet first, but stays back and seems to try and formulate a plan of attack. Once Toyota returns to his feet, Steele goes for a quick double leg takedown. Toyota holds his ground, however, and clubs Steele with a forearm across the back. Toyota tries to grab Steele to follow up, but Steele scrambles away. He gets behind Toyota and kicks away at the back of his knee. Toyota is able to drive a back elbow straight into the jaw of Steele. Toyota goes behind Steele and drops him with a belly-to-back suplex. Toyota rolls into a cover, 1…2. and Steele rolls his shoulder up. Toyota waits for Steele to get back to his feet. Once he does, Toyota connects with a savate kick, sending Steele stumbling toward the Brothers in Arms’ corner. Toyota makes the tag, and scores with a shoulder backbreaker on Steele. Hammond follows up with a leg drop from the top rope. Hammond goes for a cover, but it is broken up by Graham before the referee can even count to one. Toyota, who still hasn’t left the ring, grabs Graham before he can leave and connects with a Samoan drop and rolls Graham out of the ring. Hammond shoots Steele off the ropes, and connects with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He runs over to his corner and tags in Toyota once more, who climbs onto the second rope. Hammond goes over and grabs Steele with a rear waistlock, and begins The Walking Wounded. Toyota stays seated on Steele’s chest as the referee counts the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winners of the match, the Brothers in Arms!

Hammond and Toyota stand with their arms raised in the center of the ring, as Graham rolls Steele under the bottom rope and helps him to the back, carrying both belts.

Cohen: Hopefully Reckless Youth is enjoying their time with those Tag Team Championships, because it looks as though Toyota wants them back. Or he wants a super-sized pizza, I can’t really tell.
Connor: Before the pizza part, I must say that I agree with that sentiment, Jack. The Youth better keep their eyes on the two men celebrating in the ring right now.

We're backstage with Vance Bateman and Wilhelm Wunderbar, who's standing tall and listening carefully.

Bateman: You came close...and you came up short. You were tried, outsmarted, but I tell you what. Instead of worrying the fact you should have been the Mayhem Champion after last night, you'll get a rematch next week on Ascension. Make the most of it!

Wunderbar: Oh danke, danke Herr Bateman.

Wunderbar walks off as Bateman stands smiling looking pleased with himself.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"So What" by Metalica plays and the arena flickers between being totally dark and a set of red lights flickering to where Baez is at. He appears from a large cloud of smoke backwards before turning around holding his arm as if he was shooting from an arm cannon. He walks down the aisle pointing to the floor with every "So What". He slides into the ring and goes up the turnbuckles doing the same "arm cannon" motion.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Rat’s Ass, America and weighing in at 225 pounds, The KillJoy, Baez!


"Always" by Saliva cuts in and a small spot light shines at the stage entrance and Big Dave emerges from the back. The crowd immediately starts to boo. The spot light continues to follow Dave who remains unfazed by the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 268 lbs, Big Dave!

Cohen: It is simply a tragedy what management has done to Dave. Keeping the best in the world from competing for the world title.

Connor: Dave disrespected the belt and Chuck Myles.

Cohen: Yea, and his punishment is to beat up the scrubs.

Dave gets into the ring and leans against the corner, unafraid of Baez. Baez stands ready to fight as the bell rings. Dave casually walks over to Baez, thinking this will be a quick fight. Baez connects with a hard fist, followed by a stiff headbutt. The crowd cheers as Dave turns and stumbles back. He touches his lip and there is a minor cut. Baez goes to strike again, Dave surprises him with a Big Boot. Dave picks him up and Irish Whips him across the ring. He goes for a hip toss. Baez blocks it, ducks under Daves arm, and locks in a Full Nelson with Body Scissors while Dave is standing. Dave stumbles around and tries to use his strength tothrow Baez off, but Baez refuses to let go. Daveis beginning to tire and starts moving towards the ropes. Dave's legs give out on him, and Baez adjusts as they fall, turning it into an armbar. Baez has Daves arm on the verge of snapping as Dave just gets his hand on the rope. The ref counts up to 4 and Baez lets go.

Connor: Dave has severly underestimated his opponent tonight and is now in a big hole. Will he be able to get out of it?

Dave slowly gets to his feet by the ropes. Baez runs and bounces off the opposite ropes. Dave swings with a big clothesline, Baez ducks it. Dave turns and Baez knocks him down with a Dropkick. Dave gets up facing away from Baez. Baez runs up from behind him and hits a Bulldog. Baez goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Baez climbs onto the turnbuckle. He goes for a Moonsault. Dave is up and hits him in the baqck just before he jumps. Dave climbs onto the turnbuckle behind Baez. Dave wraps his arms around him and hits a huge Spider Suplex, sending Baez hard into the mat. Dave is still on the top rope. He turns around and flys with a Body Splash. He connects! The ref goes to make the count.1... 2... Baez gets an arm up. Dave lifts BAez to his feet and pushes him against the ropes. Dave Irish Whips him across the ring. Dave goes for a Round House Kick, Baez ducks underneath it and keeps running. He bounces back off the opposite ropes. Dave is ready and grabs Baez for a Powerslam. Dave is quick to his feet, takes a 2 step approach and lands a Standing Leg Drop. He goes for the pin. 1... 2... Baez kicks out. Dave stands up and begins stomping Baez. Baez continues to crawl and makes his way to the turnbuckle. Dave lifts him to his feet and Irish Whips him hard across the ring. Baez hits the corner and falls to the mat. Dave walks over and lifts him up in the air. He has Baez in his arms and swings him around his body and slams him to the mat, Catatonic Back Breaker! Dave goes for the pin. 1... 2..... Baez just kicksout in time. Dave is getting annoyed, but remains calm. He waits for Baez to stand. Baez gets to his feet slowly and Dave lifts him onto his shoulders, preparing to hit the Stamp of Authority. Supernova Goes Pop hits and the crowd pops as Everest appears on stage.

Cohen: What the hell is Everest doing out here?

Connor: Looks like he's here to watch to me.

He stares at Dave inside the ring as he makes his way down the ramp. Dave drops Baez off his shoulders and stands by the ropes closest to Everest. Both men can be heard yelling at one and other. Baez meanwhile has recovered and is standing. Dave turns and walks right into the Smash Mouth! Both me are down as Everest takes a seat by the announce table. At 6 both men begin to move. At 8 Baez is on his knees and Dave is on one knee. At 9 Dave is standing and punches Baez. Baez punches him right back and the 2 continue to exchange punches. Dave misses one and Baez wraps his arms around Daves head, 3-Quarter Headlock which he turns into a Reverse DDT. Baez is up and shakes the ropes, pumping the crowd up. Dave is on his feet and Baez drops him with a huge Clothesline. Dave gets back to his feet, Baez grabs him quickly. Huge Russian Leg Sweep. Baez goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Baez walks to the corner and climbs onto the turnbuckle. Dave gets to his feet and hits Baez. He climbs onto the turnbuckle and attmpts a Suplex. Baez punches him and eventually knocks him off the corner and onto the mat. Baez stands on the top rope, clenches his fist and hits the Nailer First. Baez with the cover. 1... 2..... Dave just kicks out. Baez slaps his mask. He climbs the top rope again,waiting to hit the Headbuster. Dave wisely crawls away from Baez. Baez hops off the top rope and walks over to Dave. Dave pulls Baez neck first into the middle rope. Dave gets to his feet and pulls Baez to center. He hooks his legs and locks in the Pendulum Swing Submission. Baez can be heard screaming in pain. He desperately tries to swing his body closer to the ropes. Baez is refusing to submit, but can`t take much more. Everest suddenly stand up from his chair.

Cohen: What the hell is Everest doing now.

Everest walks up to the ring and jumps onto the apron. The ref turns his attention to Everest as Baez starts to tap. The ref continues to argue with Everest. Dave lets go of Baez and walks over to Everest. Everest jumps off the apron in time. He and Dave begin to yell at each other. Baez crawls up behind Dave and School Boy rolls Dave, catching him completely off guard. The ref slides to make the count. 1... 2... 3. Dave just kicks out late.

Anderson: Here is your winner, The Killjoy, Baez!!!

Dave sits up after the bell has rung and is in disbelief. He immediately gets in the face of the ref, arguing that it was a fast count. Everest grabs Baez leg and pulls him out of the ring. Dave sees this and charges at them, but Everest gets Baez out in time. He helps Baez up the ramp and holds his arm up. Dave is standing against the ropes in fury.

Cohen: I... I`m...I`m...

Connor: Speechless Jack. Baez has just pulled off the unthinkable and has beaten Dave.

Cohen: Impossible... and he had help from Everest.

Connor: Well it`ll still go in the books, Ascension 21, Baez over Big Dave.

Everest and Baez are at the top of the ramp. Dave yells at Everest that this is not over. Everest laughs it off and raises Baez arm one more time, further pissing off Dave.

We're backstage in Vance Bateman's office, standing opposite his desk is Chuck Myles as well as Blade, Chuck has a smile on his face as he's just watched the events of the match that just occured.

Myles: Couldn't have happened to a better person!

Bateman: Chuck, look this isn't the point of having you here. We are getting closer to All or Nothing and we still haven't had your decision regarding the vacant EurAsian Championship!

Blade: Isn't it obvious that I should be presented with the Championship? Look at my two most recent victories...

Myles: Since when did we decide the EurAsian Championship would be used like pass the parcel? No, regardless of what you have to say Blade, I have you under consideration for the EurAsian Championship. But then Baez has more credentials right now, he just defeated Big Dave! No one has done that since Second Coming last year, you didn't even come close!

Blade doesn't take the comment with such a pleasant attitude.

But I want to see the match up next, one of these guys has got a World Title focus next week, the other two might prove something for our EurAsian situation. Much like this tournament, I want someone worthy to hold the belt...and I think I got the idea!

Myles heads immediately out of the door before Bateman or Blade has anything to say at all. There's a knock at the door, immediately steps in DK Wilton and Jalapeño.

Bateman: Ah, WZCW's newest acquisitions. Firstly, welcome to Ascension. I hope you have been enjoying the show.

They're both about to respond

Don't say anything, I'm not finished. Anyway, I expect you to bring class and calibre to this company, I know you both took a second try to get in, but sometimes you find diamonds in the rough...

Blade: Such as myself.

Blade walks up to both of them, examining them carefully with his eyes.

I tell you Vance, I'll take on this Wilton next week, show you that this "diamond in the rough" is purely just a mirage!

Blade walks off as Wilton and Jalapeño look on while Bateman doesn't look impressed.
Anderson: The following triple threat match scheduled for one fall, is a semi-final match of the Gold Rush Tournament to determine the next Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at All or Nothing.

“Hero” starts playing to a chorus of boos as Constantine makes his way out onto the stage with his head dipped and chin touching his chest. The tempo kicks up and he raises his head and arms before he heads down the ramp, before he stops to look behind him and then resuming.

Anderson: Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 265 pound, Constantine

Connor: Constantine being cautious after Beckford jumped him last week, no doubt he doesn’t want a repeat performance from last week.

Cohen: He just let Beckford live in the moment because this week he will destroy his dream, trust me this will happen!

Constantine climbs up the steps into the ring and looks around unaffected by the crowd as "End on 9" starts playing to a collection of cheers from the crowd as Gordito comes out quick, towards the right side of the stage area raising his right arm in a fist and plays to the crowd before proceeding down the ramp, down the left side and then pausing to raise his left arm in a fist and play the crowd some more.

Anderson: From San Franciso, California, weighing in at 257 pounds, Gordito!

Cohen: Who shouldn’t even be here as Big Dave rightfully won last week!

Connor: You heard what Chuck Myles said, after vacating the belt, Big Dave is banned.

Cohen: Doesn’t change the fact that he should be there regardless!

Gordito enters the ring by sliding under the ropes. Climbs a turnbuckle, beats his chest twice with each fist before raising them both and nodding his head, as if saying "oh yeah" right as Constantine attacks him from behind despite Beckford not being in the ring, Constantine shoves Gordito off of the turnbuckle to the outside and follows after as he unloads some rights on him before getting him up and Irish whipping him into the steel steps, having him fly over them. Constantine goes to follow only for “Enya Stomp” to play to a huge pop from the crowd as Constantine stands looking towards the stage with no Beckford in sight, Constantine points at the referee for answers but he doesn’t know, Constantine turns around to go after Gordito but Beckford jumps onto the barrier near the timekeeper’s table, leaping off with a clothesline to take down the Power Trip. Beckford looks at Gordito who’s holding his knee and resumes his offence on Constantine by getting him up on his feet and rolling him into the ring as the referee signals for the bell.

Cohen: Twice in two weeks? Beckford’s such a coward!

Beckford and Constantine stand in the middle as Beckford unloads rights on Constantine before he is shoved by Constantine into an irish whip who catches him on the rebound with a vertical suplex, he follows up by getting on top of him and hitting some mounted punches on the man from Leeds. He gets up and drops a knee on top of Beckford’s head followed by a quick cover, 1……2.. kickout by Beckford. Constantine gets up and goes for another knee drop but Beckford rolls up onto his feet, making his opponent miss and Beckford hits with him a solid kick to the head which has the crowd react in awe, he follows up with a dropsault followed by a cover 1……2…kickout by Beckford.

Gordito is back up and rolls into the ring, he and Beckford stand opposing each other but Beckford allows him pass to go after Constantine, ending up with a double team as they both get him up and provide another irish whip that is met with a samoan drop by Gordito and a senton drop by Beckford. They both look at each other for a moment before they touch fists and stand in a readied stance as Beckford runs at the ropes to bounce off of them with Gordito missing a clothesline and being met by a hurricanrana on the return, Beckford is up and ready but so is Gordito who is quick to take him down with a clothesline. Gordito gets Beckford up and takes him to the corner before he irish whips him into the other, he follows up with another clothesline followed by a half nelson bulldog to get the upper hand only for Constantine to get back up and swing with a right which Gordito catches, Constantine tries with a left but Gordito traps it too and then unleashes multiple headbutts on the former politician before he goes for a Russian leg sweep and then a cover 1……2.. Beckford stops the count.

Everyone’s had a pin attempt so far, but who’s going to get the decision?

Cohen: As said, I still can’t believe this match is taking place, none of these men should be here right now. But if I have to pick a winner, I’d say Phoenix!

Beckford gets Constantine to his feet and moves him into the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle pad, he uses the chance to ascend the turnbuckle and hold onto his foe’s head, signalling to the crowd that he’s going for a DDT, only he’s having trouble launching it, when he finally does he’s overpowered by Constantine who lifts him over the ropes, making him fall to the outside, leaving Constantine and Gordito in the ring for the time being. Gordito is up against the ropes as Constantine turns to meet the Californian with the two exchanging fists, both take it in turns with the crowd booing Constantine and cheering Gordito until Constantine stamps his foot and lifts him with a sidewalk slam, getting good impact and going for a cover 1……2…kickout by Gordito.

Constantine looks frustrated and kicks Gordito in the hurt knee a couple of more times before dragging him into the centre of the ring and locking on the STF which has Gordito screaming in pain as he tries reaching for the ropes but is still fair away, the crowd is chanting on Gordito as Constantine is shouting at him to tap he continues to reach out, edging nearer and nearer but his opponent keeps the hold on tight. Suddenly Beckford is up outside the ring, he reaches in and grabs Gordito’s arms and drags them both to the edge of the ring, allowing him to grab the rope which has Constantine annoyed and he eventually lets go before he unleashes some stomps on Gordito’s bad knee right before Beckford slides back in and hits a dropkick on Constantine, as Constantine gets back to his feet, Beckford runs at the ropes before springboarding off of them to catch Constantine with his feet with a hurricanrana, dropping the politician in the sitting corner, Beckford then runs at the same corner, using the ropes to lift himself up and planting Constantine with a corner dropkick before taking a moment to recover.

Cohen: This isn’t fair on Constantine, this isn’t a handicap match!

Connor: Anything goes here and it certainly looks like these two want to shut him up for once.

Gordito is up on his feet, despite some staggering, he notices Constantine in the corner and with a rush of a adrenaline, he runs towards him and hits the bronco buster which has Constantine look in disgust so he rolls out of the ring. Gordito gets up back up and spots Beckford on top of the turnbuckle, he runs at him but Beckford leaps straight over, landing on both feet, he turns and lifts Gordito up with an atomic drop but Gordito uses the momentum to power himself over to standing behind Beckford before hitting him with a back body drop. He slowly staggers back up and limps slowly to the corner, climbing up the turnbuckle sluggishly, he reaches the top and leaps off with an elbow drop, but Beckford rolls out of the way, leaving Gordito’s elbow to meet the canvas. Gordito holds his arm in pain as Beckford takes a moment to recoup before they both get up to their feet. They turn to face each other right before they run at the ropes to knock Constantine off the ring edge and bouncing off the barricade, preventing him from getting back in the ring. They turn towards each other as Gordito kicks Beckford in the gut and hooks one arm and then the other, looking for the Meteor of War but Beckford unhooks one of his arms and uses the other to twist him out and counter with the Cross Drop, taking both men down temporarily as Beckford staggers back to his feet.

Gordito’s down as Beckford slowly ascends the turnbuckle, he’s somewhat dazed after all the energy that’s gone into this match, he reaches the top, looking for the Cross County, he has himself poised and ready only for Constantine to pop up from outside the ring, sliding in, pacing up the turnbuckle and slamming Beckford down to the match with Collateral Damage, both men are out of it as Gordito starts to move and get to his feet slowly, he drags Constantine up to his feet who’s barely able to stand, he places him up against the ropes and bounces him off to irish whip him, but Constantine powers out with a counter, on the rebound he lifts Gordito up looking for the Axis of Evil, but Gordito grabs one of his arms placing him down, he grabs the other and hits the Meteor of War, all three men are down Gordito rolls over and places a hand on Beckford, the referee counts 1…….2…….3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Gordito!

Cohen: No! No, I don’t believe it! He shouldn’t be even in this but he’s now in the final?!

Connor: A superb display by all three men, but Gordito managed to go that one extra and is now one step from reaching All or Nothing and that World Heavyweight Championship shot!

Gordito is slow to his feet before his arm is raised by the referee, he limps slightly, still feeling the effect of the pain to his knee, he celebrates with the crowd until the lights go down and the titantron shows a series of flames blazing away. Once again the flames slowly fade to reveal Phoenix on the screen who’s staring intently at the victor, until he finally speaks…

Congratulations Gordito, but this is where your journey will finish, that World Heavyweight Title shot is mine! Quit now before it’s too late!

The lights and titantron return to normal as Phoenix is standing in the ring with a steel chair, he makes a swing at Gordito who ducks under, leaving Phoenix to hit a revived Constantine in the back, Phoenix drops the chair as Gordito hits him with a Meteor of War which has the crowd cheering. He staggers back up to his feet staring at Phoenix only for Constantine who’s overcome the sting of the chairshot comes in, irish whipping Gordito and hitting the Axis of Evil before he leaves the ring looking frustrated as Beckford, Gordito and Phoenix are left down and out in the ring.

Connor: Phoenix tried to prevent Gordito from even competing in the final, but the Dirty One has shown he is ready. Although I hate to be the one who has to comfort Constantine after this loss here.

In the end, Constantine has shown that he doesn’t need to be in a tournament to prove his worth, he’s had the last laugh out of all four men!

Connor: Regardless, Constantine is going to be dangerous but we are now down to our final two with one match left to decide the Number One Contender at All or Nothing, that being between Phoenix and Gordito, expect nothing less from these two men!

We cut backstage to a split screen of Austin Reynolds who’s walking backstage with his Elite X Championship and Showtime Cougar walking in another area of the building, they both have determined looks on their faces.

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, if you didn’t see last night’s Meltdown, then our Main Event is something you don’t want to miss! Austin Reynolds and Showtime Cougar face off for the first time ever, but now the Elite X Championship is on the line, which of our two showmen is the superior and who will be the champion when this night is over? It’s up next!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Elite X title!

Headstrong hits to a big pop from the crowd as the pyro goes off on the ramp before Austin Reynolds emerges, a big grin on his face as he points to the Elite X championship around his waist.

Anderson: Introducing first, from London, England, he is the Elite X champion, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: This match was made a title match on this week’s Meltdown. Cougar made the challenge and Reynolds accepted.

Cohen: The biggest mistake he’s ever made, if you ask me.

Reynolds gets down to the ring and slides into the ring, holding his title up to the cheering crowd. His music cuts and is replaced by Ladies and Gentlemen. More pyro goes off as Showtime Cougar makes his way out. He motions to his waist and points to Reynolds.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, Showtime Cougar!

He slides into the ring and gets in the face of Reynolds. Reynolds stays cool, taking off his title and calmly handing to the referee as Cougar keeps trash talking. Cougar slaps Reynolds in the face, causing a loud noise to echo around the arena, making the crowd take in a collective gasp. Reynolds strokes his face for a second before smirking. He suddenly unleashes a flurry of right hands, making Cougar stumble backwards. Reynolds keeps the shots coming until Cougar is back into the corner. Cougar manages to block a shot and turns Reynolds around into the corner before opening a series of right hands on Reynolds. Cougar backs up and runs at Reynolds, but Reynolds uses the top rope to push himself upwards as Cougar goes shoulder first into the steel ring post. Reynolds performs a sunset flip on Cougar, going for a pin but Cougar uses the momentum to roll backwards on to his feet and goes to kick Reynolds who is still sitting on the mat, but Reynolds lies back on the mat, dodging the kick and follows up by rolling up Cougar from behind, 1... 2... Cougar kicks out. The two men quickly get up and a staredown begins. They walk backwards into the corner as the crowd gives them a round of applause for the back and forth. They walk forward and hesitate before locking up in the middle of the ring. Cougar gets Reynolds in a headlock. Reynolds manages to lift Cougar off his feet to go for a back drop but Cougar locks in the headlock tighter causing Reynolds to quickly put him down on his feet. Reynolds pushes Cougar off, sending him into the ropes. Cougar returns off the ropes and Reynolds goes for a clothesline but Cougar ducks under it and keeps running to the opposite ropes. He springboards off the ropes and goes for a Tornado DDT, but Reynolds counters the DDT as they’re turning and makes Cougar land on his before suddenly hitting Cougar with a Roaring Elbow. The crowd again give a loud round of applause as Reynolds backs off and Cougar sits up, holding his jaw.

Connor: It’s like a very fast, painful game of chess between these two fantastic athletes!

Cougar gets up and crack his neck before telling Reynolds to bring it on. They go to lock up, but Cougar gives Reynolds a quick kick to the gut and follows it up with a few shots to Reynolds’ head. Cougar delivers chops to Reynolds’ chest, leaving large red marks on them. He hits a quick snap suplex on Reynolds and goes for a pin, 1... 2... Reynolds kicks out. Cougar picks Reynolds up and grabs his arm, twisting it before locking in an armbar. A look of agony spreads across Reynolds’ face but he gets out of the submission by hopping up on to the middle turnbuckle and backflipping out of the armbar before sending Cougar half way across the ring with a monkey flip. Cougar gets up quickly and swings a wild right hand at Reynolds but Reynolds ducks under it and goes to give Cougar a back drop but Cougar delivers a right hand to Reynolds as he’s being lifted up, causing Reynolds to stumble backwards to the ropes. Cougar rolls off Reynolds’ shoulder onto the apron. Reynolds turns around and Cougar gives him a shoulder thrust to the gut through the ropes. Cougar tries to suplex Reynolds to the outside but Reynolds gets out of it and dropkicks Cougar, sending him flying off the apron, going face first into the announce table before crumbling to the floor. Austin signals to the crowd and points to Cougar, leaning forward and measuring him up. Cougar gets to his feet, leaning back on the announce table. Reynolds runs across the ring and goes to leap over the top rope at Cougar, but Cougar drops to the ground. Reynolds reacts quickly and simply leapfrogs over the top rope onto the apron. Cougar gets back up, wondering why Reynolds didn’t crash through the table, before turning around and getting hit with an Asai moonsault from Reynolds! The crowd cheer loudly as Reynolds gets up, holding his ribs for a moment before picking up Cougar and rolling him into the ring before going for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Cougar.

Connor: These two guys are willing to put themselves on the line for this title!

Cohen: But only one man is deserving of the title!

Austin goes out onto the apron and waits for Showtime to get to his feet. Showtime manages to get to his feet, looking slightly unbalanced. Reynolds springboards off the top rope, going for the Ego Crush, but Cougar dropkicks him out of the air! Reynolds collapses to the mat and Cougar drapes an arm over him, 1... 2... Reynolds gets a shoulder up. Cougar picks up Reynolds and hits the Ratings Crash and goes for the pin again, 1... 2... Austin gets the shoulder up. Cougar starts to look a little frustrated. He gets up and walks over to the corner, climbing to the top turnbuckle as Reynolds slowly gets up. Cougar leaps off the top rope, going for a missile dropkick, but Reynolds rolls out of the way. Cougar manages to land on his feet, but he turns around and is hit with the Millions and Millions from Reynolds! Reynolds goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Cougar gets a shoulder up! Reynolds groans in frustration before getting back up using the ropes. He measures up Cougar, who is slowly getting up. Reynolds goes to kick Cougar in the mid-section but Cougar catches it and trips up Reynolds before locking in the Commercial Break! Reynolds reaches out for the ropes but they’re much too far away. Reynolds screams out in pain as Cougar leans backwards. With the crowd cheering him on, Austin grits his teeth and starts dragging him and Cougar over to the ropes. He’s just about to lay a hand on the rope, but Cougar drags him back to the centre of the ring. Reynolds raises his hand, looking like he’s about to tap out but he clenches his hand into a fist and pounds the mat before pushing himself up a rolling forward, making Cougar fall backwards. Both men get up quickly and Reynolds runs at Cougar, but Cougar quickly hits a big Enziguiri that causes a sickening smack to echo throughout the arena. Cougar covers Reynolds, 1... 2... Reynolds gets a shoulder up! Cougar sits up and lets out a heavy sigh. He picks up Reynolds and backs him into the corner before picking him up and placing him on the top rope. Cougar climbs on the top rope and sets up Reynolds for The Final Act, but Reynolds pushes Cougar off the top rope. Cougar lands on his feet and goes to climb up the ropes again, but Reynolds kicks Cougar in the head as he climbs up the second rope. Cougar collapses forward and Reynolds gets him into Ratings Killer position. Reynolds takes a deep breath before jumping off, hitting the Ratings Killer from the second rope! They crash to the mat and Reynolds drapes an arm over Cougar, 1... 2.... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, and still Elite X champion, Austin Reynolds!

With men barely conscious in the ring, the referee lays the Elite X title on Reynolds’ and raises his limp arm. The crowd give a standing ovation as Reynolds finally manages to sit up and raises his title above his head before rolling out of the ring.

Connor: A fantastic match from these too tonight! It takes a lot to beat Showtime Cougar, but Reynolds did it, cementing himself as one of the best Elite X champions in history!
Who wrote what:

Chris Beckford vs. Constantine vs. Gordito, Backstage - Phoenix
ShowtimeCougar vs. Austin Reynolds - Blade
Big Dave vs. Baez - Showtime
Brothers in Arms vs. Reckless Youth - Thriller
Blade vs. Doug Crashin - Ty
Mr. Baller vs. Jordan Lights - Falkon

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