Ascension 2 - Murfish vs Blade

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

A singles clash between veteran Murfish and relative newcomer, Blade.

RP deadline is August 25 at 11:59 PM.
Blade is sitting in his locker room with his head in his hands talking to himself...

Blade: How the hell am I supposed to deal with all this crap... All these assholes, coming in from all angles... Trying
to do whatever they helplessly can to try stop me from my progress... Why me? Is it because I'm destined for
greatness that fate is trying to make sure that I'm worthy? I've never doubted my destiny before... But I've been here for two weeks and already I'm paranoid...

There's a knock at the door.

Blade: Oh God.... Come in, Becky...

Rebecca opens the door slowly and and stands in doorway

Rebecca: Is this a bad time, Blade?

Blade: Well, it's a good time if you wanna get hurt. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend coming in...

Rebecca: I'll... Uhh... Take my chances. It's what I'm paid for, right?

Rebecca smiles weakly and Blade shoots her an angry look.

Rebecca: Sorry... Well Blade, seems like you're the centre of alot of attention right now. Wanna give us your thoughts on

Blade: How'd I see that coming....

Blade sighs deeply

Blade: Where to begin? Sanna trying to destroy my only friend in this company? That moron Baller trying to fuck with me?
Or the fact that I've been thrown into a match with Murfish even though my arm isn't fully healed from my match
with Celeste?

The crowd give a mixed reaction, which Blade doesn't acknowledge.

Rebecca: Wow, you didn't say anything to the crowd, you really must be in a bad mood... But, umm, yeah, you can talk about whatever you want.

Blade: Fine... Baller,If you feel the need to "make an impact" then obviously you doubt your skills as a wrestler.You know you won't be noticed in the ring for putting on great matches or beating top level opponents. So you interfere in the match of two wrestlers who are better than you, cause that's the only way you'd ever get noticed. You know how I made an impact? I got in the ring with Celeste, and I matched her move for move for 10 minutes.

Blade looks down, takes a deep breath and looks up again, with a fury in his eyes. Rebecca moves away from Blade slightly while holding the microphone, looking afraid.

Blade:And you have the nerve to take credit for costing Celeste the match? All I saw was you getting elbowed by Celeste. You didn't even get a chance to lay a finger on her. No, it was Celeste's lack of focus that cost her the match. She didn't have to go for you, I know you would've been too scared to get in the ring with Celeste, a wrestler who destroys guys like you for fun, and me, who's wanted you in the ring for weeks. You really didn't have anything to do with the outcome of that match. Any wrestler could've come down and she would've been distracted, she simply wasn't focused.
Get over yourself.... You're not special. And you have yet to show that you can beat either me or Celeste.

Blade stops to take a breath. The crowd are cheering wildly. Blade hears the crowd reaction and nods.

Blade: Exactly.... Now me and Celeste don't exactly see eye to eye, but I'm still going to enjoy watching her destroy Baller just as much as she's going to enjoy doing it. And if Baller beats Celeste, then that's just as good. I want him to be at top form for when I go one on one with him. Just so he can't make excuses....

Rebecca then picks up a cushion of the seat and holds it close to her face. Blade stops mid-sentence and looks at her.

Blade: What are you doing?

Rebecca: Just in case...

Blade: Well I've vented my anger for now, don't worry....
Now onto you Sanna... Why do you feel the need to attack Karnage? From the moment you came into WZCW, you've had the talent to go far. And now look what you're reduced to. You can use your tortured soul crap as an excuse all you want, but there's no excuse for being so cowardly.

Blade lowers his head, and his hair falls over his eyes as he slowly shakes his head. The crowd have no changed from being as loud as possible to completely silent, hanging on Blade's words.

Blade: I didn't know you and I crossing paths would be part of my destiny... But that's what it seems like... And for that reason, I pity you. Karnage and I, we will be out for revenge. So you better carry around that chain like it was a part of you, cause you're gonna need it.

Blade takes out a cigarette and lights it up before sinking back into the chair and closing his eyes

Rebecca: Blade....?

Blade: Are you still here?

Rebecca: What about Murfish? Don't you have something to say to him?

Blade's trademark smirk spreads across his face as looks directly into the camera.

Blade: Very well... Murfish, good luck. You're going to need it because at Ascension, I'm gonna be looking for someone to take out my anger on. So you better bring your very best if you want to make it out alive.... Not that I'd expect anything less from you.

Blade sits back in his chair, closing his eyes again.
Murf!sh Co. Executive Meeting: Notes

Murfish enters the Leiderman Suite, which is located on the top floor of Murf Tower. Murfish is wearing a typical pinstripe suit and Versace shades, the latter of which he takes off. He moves to the head of the long, ovular table in the center of the room and clears his throat.

Murfish Alpha: Good turnout today.

At the table sits Murfish wearing a polo and khakis, Murfish in jeans and tee shirt, and Murfish in corduroy slacks and a sweater.

Murfish Alpha: Now we have come together on this day to discuss the most recent numbers of Murf!sh Company and it’s subsidiaries…

Murfish Beta: The numbers aren’t looking very good, Murfish. Performance has been off on both Meltdown and Ascention. Marketing research show that our appeal is growing ever more limited. Finally, as much as it pains me to admit, we’re going to have to discontinue the Murfish action figure line.

Murfish Gamma: No, oh no. I thought the numbers were only slipping in the playset department. We don’t need to cut the whole line. Think of the kids, men.

Mufish Delta: Calm down. All companies have to trim fat every now and then. We need a change to set us on the right path. Do we have ideas for any new projects?

Murfish Beta: Well the construction of OB’s Bar and Grill and OB’s City Retail Complex have been halted until we raise more funds. We could increase advertising for the Murfish: Dance ‘Till You Drop Or I’ll Drop You album, but as it is the cd’s sales should do fine on it’s own.

Murfish Gamma: What about the movies?

Murfish Beta: Murfish: Fun with the Kids tested well, but the results for Bleed Green: The Murfish Saga were poor at best.

Murfish Alpha: We can still fix that. Maybe we should add in Kevin Spacey in one of the many non-sequential side plots. That should help.

Murfish Delta: Look, there is one factor that we’re all ignoring right now. In ring performance has to improve in terms of match outcomes and the quality of the matches.

Murfish Beta: True, we were expanding and making considerable profits once we hit the stride of the first WZCW run. During the break, business hit an abrupt slump. That was to be expected, but, given our performance since returning, we’ve actually begun to lose significant business again.

Murfish Alpha: Alright, so we need to focus on the next match. No big deal. Who’s the next opponent.

Murfish Gamma: Blade, he’s a bit of a new comer. I don’t know much other than that.

Murfish Delta: He’s got talent, sure. What he also has is a bit of an injury from his match against Celeste.

Murfish Alpha: I…um…vaguely remember her. She is a chick, right? Good wrestler from what I remember.

Murfish Delta: Yeah, so it should be that bad. He’s green, so try to exploit his mistakes. He’s probably still overwhelmed by the flashing lights and noise of the show, so give him a lot to worry about.

Murfish Alpha: That all sounds good. It’s good if he’s hurt. Boy do I like a guy who breaks easy. It’s time to take action, and restore confidence in out company.

Murfish get’s up from the head of the table and prepares to leave.

Murfish Beta: You’d better not mess this up. We only have a small window in which we can recover.

Murfish Gamma: Do it for the sake of the action figures, dammit!

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