Ascension 2 - Excellency vs Rafael De La Noche

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Relative newcomers both, Excellency and Rafael failed to pick up wins in their respective debuts. One looks to make a comeback at the expense of their opponent.

RP deadline is August 25 at 11:59 PM.
Father Handley walks in as Excellency is sitting in his chair with his head down.

Father Handley: Don't be ashamed of yourself Excellency. Chambers was a great opponent and it was a good fight. You should be proud of yourself. I know your pleased with your efforts even though you didn't come out victorious. The important thing is that you are still here to fight another day.

Excellency: I don't feel that way Father. I prepared and prepared and prepared but still I lost. I feel so embarrased that I let myself, you, and Giovanni down. I want to put out the best performance for my parents and I wasn't pleased with the way I performed.

Father Handley: You can't expect to win all the time. Nobody is perfect especially in the profession of wrestling. Even the great ones lose and what makes them great is that they never quit after they lose. They keep working and working until they become better and that is what you need to do. You have lots of potential but you haven't fully tapped into it and that is what I'm here to do.

Excellency: De La Noche is a good opponent. He has beaten many of the best out there and he will bring his best to the ring to beat me. I will work my hardest to overcome the obstacles that have been placed before me. I have been studying his previous matches and he makes mistakes that people haven't capitalized on. I will expose his mistakes and that is when I will be victorious.

Excellency gets up and walks to the table and hands a letter to Father Handley.

Excellency: This is a letter from Giovanni's doctor. He says that Giovanni is doing better and there is a good possibility that he would be able to wrestle again. This is great and it gives me confidence that I can get back at the person who hurt him.

Father Handley: That is great news but don't worry so much about what hasn't happened yet. You need your focus to be on De La Noche because if you don't, he will beat you like Chambers did. Doing what you set out to do has to be done in small steps and you can't skip steps or you will fall back and have to start over again.

Excellency: Yes Father. I will keep my focus on De La Noche. I have to win this match, I just have to. For me, my parents, you, and Giovanni. I have been praying and praying and I know my prayers will be answered and I will come out the victor. I'm about to watch some more tapes so I will see you again before the match. Have a good day, Father.

The shot closes as Father Handley walks out with a smile on his face as Excellency sits down and watches footage.
The screen opens with Stacy Madison being seen approaching Rafael's locker room door.

Stacy:Hmm, there's a bump on his door, must have been pretty mad after his lose.

Stacy knocks on the door

After a few seconds of waiting and knocking no one replies

Stacy: I know he's in there. He's no where else to be found in the building.

Cameraman: Probably doesn't want to talk to anyone right now.

Stacy: Well too bad for him, I need to get this interview done.

Stacy goes ahead and opens Rafael's locker room door which was unlocked

The first sight Stacy notices as she enters Rafael's locker room, is Rafael himself sitting facing towards a wall with his head down. Stacy approaches Rafael who hasn't even bothered to turn his head towards her

Stacy: Hi, I'm Stacy Madison, but you know that by now I'm sure. I'm here to ask you a few questions about your match last week and your upcoming match against Excellency.

Rafael: Can't right now, so please kindly get out.

Stacy: Well you are here and talking, and since looking at a wall can't be very time consuming, I would appreciate it if you gave me this interview.

Rafael stays quiet for a few seconds

Stacy: I'll take your silence as a yes. So my first question, what are your thoughts on your lose to Steel last week?

A look of anger quickly comes on Rafael's face, he pick's his head up and for the first time since Stacy entered the room, and looks at her

Rafael: I lost, I lost fair and square to the hobo. That shouldn't have happened is what I've been telling myself everyday since the match. Steel had close to no wrestling experience in his background as far as I'm aware of, and even if he did clearly he was beneath me who was a established legend already. I should have ran through him in that match, but I didn't. I lost.

Stacy: Such a shame, I actually thought you were something special, and were gonna make a big impact here on WZCW, but evidently I was wrong if you're here looking at a wall whinning to yourself over a lose.

Rafael: I've just been trying to think where I went wrong in that match, I was sure I had him done, but out of no where he catches me and ends the match.

Stacy: That doesn't matter, he was the better man that night, get over it. If you lose to Steel, then trust me when I tell you this won't be your first lose here, get used to it.

Rafael: Used to losing? Me get used to losing? Do you know who the hell I am?

Stacy smiles

Stacy: Sure do, you're the guy who lost to Steel last week.

Rafael quickly turns around and punches the wall he was staring at, then quickly turns right back to Stacy

Rafael: Fair enough Stacy, even after all I have done so far in my career it seems I have to still prove myself to you, and few others out there I'm sure. Steel was the better man that night, I'll admit it, but 9 times out of 10, I would beat him.

Stacy: Well you're gonna have to prove that.

Rafael: Oh, but I will. Last week won't be my last encounter with Steel, far from it. After my embarrassing lost to him, I have to work my way back up to a rematch with him, which by then I'm sure Steel would have made a name for himself here in WZCW. Even if he can't beat me 9 times out of 10, he still did last week. Anyone who beats me has a bright future here in WZCW. And once Steel's career starts looking bright, I will earn a rematch to face him again, and plunge his future right back to the dark where it belongs.

Stacy: Okay, Anywa...

Rafael: But as for my upcoming match, I'm facing someone named Excellency. Someone who also lost his bout last week. Not many like losing, and I doubt very few do in this business. Excellency will be more dangerous in this match then if he actually won his match last week. He's desperate for this win I'm sure, he needs this win, almost as much as I do, almost. And when men get desperate they become dangerous, they sometimes go to lengths they usually wouldn't go to. Sadly for Excellency, it doesn't matter how desperate he gets, he's up against me. I need this win to get back on track, and when I need something, I get it.

Rafael: Excellency, you should get down on your knees, and ask whatever almighty being you pray to why he put you in a match with me. Because for you to be in a match with me after my recent lose, either your have some horrible luck, or your almighty being might not like you too much. I will get back up the ladder, I will rematch Steel, and I start the path towards this with a win off you Excellency.

As the last word leaves Rafael's mouth, he quickly turns away to grab his belt off his desk, and quickly leaves the room with belt in hand with a different look in his eyes.

Stacy: Well that was rude, I didn't even get to ask him more questions, nor did he say bye.

Cameraman: Wow Stacy, you really fired him up, that was almost nice of you.

Stacy: Fired him up? What are you talking about? I was just trying to take jabs at him while he was down.
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