Ascension 17

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The show opens with Vance Bateman standing in the center of the ring, he has an interesting look about him, somewhat inconclusive at most. He looks up around at the crowd before he lifts his microphone up.

Bateman: Ladies and Gentleman, firstly, I want to apologise for the lack of a big introduction to this week's edition of Ascension because I feel that I have to address an important situation.

For those of you unaware, I was on my way to Meltdown last night, in fact I got there and appeared at the top of the stage, because I wanted to make an announcement. But my partner and General Manager of Meltdown, Chuck Myles, denied me the opportunity. So I felt the best place I could address this first thing on what I would consider my home, my show, Ascension.

The first thing I want to admit is that I made a deal with the devil himself last Sunday at Apocalypse, meaning I was the one who placed the no disqualification ruling, something which effectively cost Titus the World Heavyweight Championship. This decision wasn't one that I wanted to benefit Vengeance, it was more a match that I wanted Titus to take advantage of, to get Vengeance out of the way. Unfortunately Vengeance had a trick or two up his sleeve, we had chaos surrounding the World Heavyweight Title Match at Apocalypse, we had superstars down, injured, disappear, and two of them weren't even in the match, they chose to get caught in the crossfire.

Now I stand here, with a choice to make, or to be corrected, a choice has been made in response to a mistake. I have decided and the Board of Directors have approved of this, despite Unscripted having the theme of all matches having a random stipulation added on the night itself. They have approved that the World Heavyweight Championship stipulation shall remain a fixed one. And that one is...

'O Fortuna' blasts over the speakers as the lights go out with flames rising from the stage as the new World Heavyweight Champion Vengeance emerges from the flames with Tarja behind him. He walks to the ring keeping a fierce gaze on Bateman. He climbs up the stairs and inside the ring as the lights resume to their normal condition and he keeps his hood up to look more threatening to Bateman. He hands Tarja the World Heavyweight Title before turning his attention to Bateman, he speaks from under his hood.

Vengeance: It seems that living in hell is not something you're cut out for Bateman and that you would rather serve in heaven. The fact is that you made that choice and I now stand before you as the most feared man on the roster and not even Titus was clever enough to outwit me on this occasion. But the fact that you would rather see me lose this belt as soon as possible just shows how much you fear me Bateman. You never feared Titus, Everest, Ricky, Disasterpiece or even Rios, which just shows how much of champion I am. No-one wants to face me, I dare you to find the fools who would dare to challenge me!

Bateman: That's all said and done Vengeance, the fact is that while I made a mistake before, I have made an comprimise now. The fact is that it shouldn't be the opponents who fear you, but rather you fear the match you will be in. There is a match that WZCW has never had but it is highly renowned amongst the industry for being the most feared match that even the likes of you could not comprehend. It's deadlier than the Chamber you've fought in at Kingdom Come!

Vengeance: A place that effectively became my own domain as proven twice.

Bateman: That may be but the fact is that at Unscripted, the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended for the first time in...

Vengeance: You're a coward Bateman, you don't even have the courage to try and provoke me!


Cohen: WHAT?!

The crowd works up into a uproaring delight as the hood of Vengeance looks around in sharp motion, seemingly in digust with the reaction to the decision.

Bateman: And the only thing that is currently Unscripted is who your opponent will be. You'll find out next week once I decided who will face off next week on Meltdown and Ascension!

Vengeance gets up into Bateman's face and forces him back into a corner, he grabs him by the jacket and is literally shouting in his face. He's about to take a swipe before Tarja grabs his arm, giving Bateman the chance to escape. When he reaches the top of the stage, he looks back with a frank smile on his face as Vengeance and Tarja look on aggressively.

Connor: The road to Unscripted has provided it's first surprise or shock if you can call it as Vance Bateman has announced that the World Heavyweight Championship will be contested for the first time ever in a Hell in a Cell match! WZCW has never had one before and the current situation is that we don't know who's facing Vengeance for the title!

Cohen: I can't believe the call that's just been made, is Bateman crazy or a genius? I can't tell the difference?

Connor: That's the same for me Jack! Ladies and Gentleman, Ascension is coming live from Gulfport, Mississippi and we are Cat Connors and Jack Cohen here at ringside, finally getting the formal introductions out of the way.

Cohen: Never mind the formalities CC, I still can't believe it! a Cell! I have never seen Bateman be so bold to make a decision. What has inspired this action I'm not certain but it seems like it goes deeper than making a No DQ call at Apocalypse.

Connor: Who knows Jack, I'm just as confused as you are. The only thing I can confirm right now at least is two things, one the title being defended in a Cell, second, Chris Jones was wrongfully framed for stealing the Mayhem Championship. Regardless of what you saw on Meltdown, it was not Chris Jones who was in that car, it appears that Chris Jones' car was stolen and he came in using a rented Corvette on Meltdown. As for the current location or who is in possession of the Mayhem Championship is still unknown. It's barely been ten minutes into Ascension and so much is in the air you could cut the tension with a knife!

Cohen: How about a commerical break and we'll get right into the wrestling?

Connor: Good idea, we'll be back in five!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Suicide Messiah begins playing as Jordan Lights bursts out from the entrance apron. He slams his fist down as the crowd cheers for him. He makes his way down and enters the ring, hopping up to the second turnbuckle and doing his gavel slam taunt once more.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He stands 6'4" and weighs 255 lbs, Jordan Lights!

Ode to Joy begins playing as Steven Holmes makes his way out to boos from the crowd. He begins making his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, holding his head high as the crowd continues booing him.

Anderson: And his opponent, from London, England. He stands 6'1" and
weighs 240 lbs, Steven Holmes!

Connor: At Apocalypse Steven Holmes came up short in the Mayhem ladder match, well seemed like everyone did as it appears someone stole the title. Jordan Lights meanwhile cost The Ghetto Superstars the Tag Team titles, and well, looks like Baller has dissolved because of the pressure of a singles career.

Cohen: A shame really. Baller never even got a chance to avenge his loss by taking out this wannabe judge Lights.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lockup in the middle of the ring. Holmes gets advantage and applies an armbar to Lights and backs him into the ropes before whipping him across. He connects with a clothesline and quickly goes for an elbow drop on the downed Lights but misses as Lights rolls out of the way. Lights connects with a quick European uppercut before whipping him into the corner. He follows up with a clothesline in the corner and begins throwing knees into Holmes' midsection before the ref breaks it up. Holmes rushes Lights but counters with a powerslam, covering him for a two count.

Connor: Lights has taken advantage in this match up, is Holmes still feeling the effects of that brutal ladder match?

Cohen: He'll be fine CC, he's just shaking the cobwebs loose and he'll take Lights down here in no time.

Lights pulls Holmes up and connects with a few forearms. He tries to lift Holmes up but Holmes counters and hits an belly to belly suplex. He applies a body scissors and begins squeezing the air out of Lights. Lights struggles against the hold and reaches out for the ropes. He drags himself over more and finally reaches the ropes, causing Holmes to break the hold. Lights struggles to his feet as Holmes goes for a clothesline. Lights ducks down and hits a dropkick, knocking Holmes into the corner. Holmes steps out from the corner but gets hit immediately with a high knee strike. Lights goes for the cover but Holmes reverses it into a rollup, nearly getting the three count!

Connor: A smart counter there by Holmes. He almost got the three count on that roll up there.

Cohen: Holmes is clearly the smarter wrestler here. He played possum and used Light's aggression to his advantage.

Both men slowly get to their feet, Holmes goes for a high knee of his own but Lights moves and hits a bulldog on Holmes. Lights goes for the cover and gets a two count. He pulls Holmes up and signals for the C.Y.A. He sets Holmes up but Holmes counters with a DDT. He moves quickly and locks on the Elite Sleeper!. Holmes cinches in the hold as Lights struggles against it, trying to reach the ropes. The ref checks on Lights who seems to be fading.

Cohen: Look how easy this was CC, Lights should be tapping in no time.

Connor: He's still fighting against the hold, but he has to do something quick or be forced to tap.

Holmes continues to keep the hold in deep, and as soon as Lights gets near the ropes, Holmes applies a body scissors to go with the sleeper. Lights stops moving and the ref raises Lights hand once, it drops. He does it a second time and it drops again. On the third attempt, Lights suddenly gains a surge of energy and with one last burst, tries for the ropes. He comes up just inches short and soon blacks out. The ref checks on Lights once more and signals for the bell.

Anderson: Here is your winner by submission, Steven Holmes!

Connor: Impressive victory by Holmes tonight here. Though isn't it strange he has yet to have a true pinfall or submission victory? He won tonight but Lights never quit or tapped out.

Cohen: What does it matter CC? Holmes earned an impressive victory tonight, and that is what is important. Look at Lights, out cold on the mat. That tells me who won this match.

Holmes finally releases the hold and pushes Lights' limp body aside. The ref raises his hand as the trainers check on Lights.

We cut backstage to Chris Jones who's holding a piece of paper, he's in Vance Bateman's office who looks unimpressed.

Jones: You can see right here Mr. Bateman, this is the receipt for my rental car last night. It's a completely different make to the one that was seen driving off last night, not to mention that I would never be that self centred to have my own name for a license plate!

Bateman takes the paper and analyses it.

Bateman: Well it seems to be in order, but it seems to beginning to ask more questions than some being answered. It seems that whoever stole the belt had an accomplice to get it done, my hunch seems to be that it was one of the competitors of the Ladder match who launched the idea and got someone else to do it. So far, you've luckily managed to rule yourself out. That leaves five others, including the champion, I wouldn't put it past him as a ruse to make sure he kept the belt.

Jones: But sir, you saw him and Gordito were in the ring at the time that car left the scene...

Bateman: That's the point of an accomplice, to throw others off your scent so you can get away with it. I'm not easily fooled but I will get to the bottom of this. Unless you have anything else to discuss, I suggest you leave my office.

Jones: No sir!

Jones heads off out of the office as Bateman has a thought amongst himself.
Anderson : The following tag team contest is schedule for one fall. Introducing first, from way of Boston, Massachussetts, weighing in tonight at 249 lbs, he is Alexander Steele!!

For The Love Of The Game by Pillar begins to play as Steele makes his way out on to the entrance ramp. He walks down the ramp high-fiving with fans before throwing up his hood and climbing into the ring.

Anderson : And his tag team partner, from way of Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in tonight at 185 lbs, he is Tucker Graham!

Vices by Brand New plays throughout the arena as Graham comes to the entrance ramp. Tucker runs down the ramp, also high-fiving with the fans before sliding into the ring under the ropes.

Anderson : And their opponents, they are your new WZCW Tag Team Champions, weighing in tonight at a combined weight of 795 lbs, they are Hunter Kravinoff and Wasabi Toyota, the Pride of Toyota!

Teeth by Lady Gaga plays thoughout the arena as Kravinoff leads the way to the ring staringly a hole through the competition. Once in the ring, he tosses his bearskin in a corner and Toyota rips off his jumpsuit. Starting off the match are Kravinoff and Steele who lock up in the center of the ring. They go back and forth until finally Kravinoff gains the advantage and pushes Steele into the ropes. The ref comes off and counts..1...2...3....4....and Kravinoff lets go of the hold. They lock up in the center of the ring again and go back and forth again this time with Steele gaining the advantage and shoving Kravinoff back into a corner as the ref comes over and counts again...1..2...3...4....and Steele breaks the hold. They lock up in the center of the ring one more time, and Kravinoff shoves Steele into the mat. Steele trips up Kravinoff and begins to punch him as the ref is telling him to get off. He gives him 10 punches before getting off of him and allowing him to get up. Kravinoff looks furious as he charges at Steele who goes under him and as Kravinoff comes back off the ropes he gets caught with a dropkick. Both men are quick to get back up though and Steele goes at Kravinoff but Kravinoff catches him with a drop toe hold as Steele's face catches the turnbuckle. Kravinoff goes over to Toyota and tags in his partner.

Connor : This has been a good back and forth match so far.

Cohen : Whatever you say CC, The Pride has it in the bag.

Toyota goes into the ring but Steele is already up and tries to hit him with forearms to the back but it has no effect. Toyota just laughs at him for trying and hits him with a headbutt and then grabs him and hits him with a belly to back suplex which sends him flying across the ring. Steele slowly gets up as Wasabi charges at him to splash him in the corner, but he evades it and tags in his partner Tucker Graham. Graham goes to the opposing corner and charges at Toyota and hits him with some running knees to the chest. He does this once more as Toyota falls back onto the mat. He goes for a springboard move but Toyota rolled out of the way as Graham is down. Tucker is quick to his feet and he grabs Toyota who is trying to crawl to his partner for a tag. Tucker tries to hold him back but to no avail as Graham gets pulled along with him as Kravinoff hits him with a hard clothesline. He picks up Graham and sets him up for the brain buster as he hits the move and goes for the first pin of the match...1......2... Graham kicks out at 2. Kravinoff goes to pick up Graham but he gets caught with blows to the midsection as Graham tags in Steele as both men come kick Hunter in the midsection. They go for a double suplex, and somehow, Hunter reverses it and suplexes both men. He tags in Wasabi and slides Tucker out of the ring. Steele gets up slowly and is hit with a headbutt by Toyota and turns around into a double under hook DDT from Kravinoff as he goes for the cover but Tucker comes back in the ring and breaks it up. The ref forces Tucker back to his corner and Wasabi and Hunter perform a double team move of their own.

Connor :
This has been great tag team wrestling tonight, I can't wait to see who wins this match.

Cohen : I already told you, the winner is going to be the Pride.

Wasabi runs off the ropes as Steele is down and hits him with a huge splash. He goes for the cover....1.....2.....Steele kicks out. He starts to crawl towards Graham now but Wasabi pulls him back and pulls him up. Steele turns around hits him with an enzuiguiri to the head but doesn't have much effect as Toyota still has one of his legs. Steele kicks him again and then backflips off of Toyota and breaks free and jumps to tag in Graham. Graham charges Toyota and hits him with a clothesline, but he doesn't go down. He comes off the ropes with another clothesline and he still doesn't go down. He comes off the ropes again and this time Toyota catches him in the bear hug and begins to squeeze the life out of him. He drops Graham when he seems a little faint and tags in Kravinoff. Wasabi goes to the other side of the ring and headbutts Steele who falls down to the floor off the ring apron. Kravinoff whips Graham into Toyota , who headbutts him and Graham turns around and gets hit with a double under hook DDT as Kravinoff goes fo the pin...1.....2.....3.

Anderson : Here are your winners, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, The Pride of Toyota!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall.

“Bliss” by Muse hits the arena and the crowd begin to boo and cheer respectively. As a red pulsing spotlight begins to become prevalent, the guitar riff that we have come to know as being synonymous with Blade begins. Blade stops on the stage and does his signature taunt. He looks around the crowd for a second and then begins the traverse down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Dublin, Ireland… The Zero Hunter, Blade!

Connor: After a great match with Big Dave at Apocalypse, Blade will be looking to get back on the winning trail against a more than confident Phoenix.

Cohen: Blade came off second best against Big Dave but I have to say that he is looking more comfortable because of that loss. He looks to have taken a lot from that loss and I am willing to wager that he is not through with Big Dave.

Blade continues down the ramp as the crowd extend some hands out for him to slap on his way past. Blade looks focussed though and leaves them alone. He gets to the ring and steps up onto the apron. He gets inside the ring and mounts a turnbuckle. He does his signature taunt and then waits for his opponent as he drops down onto the canvas. Blade’s music stops and “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” by the Smashing Pumpkins begins to play. The arena drops into darkness and with every beat of bass in the song, a single shot of flames flick up into the air. Phoenix looks deep into the crowd with a contented look on his face.

Anderson: And now introducing his opponent, weighing in at 213 pounds, from The Great Beyond… The Eternal One, Phoenix!

Connor: Now, here comes someone who is utterly confident after Apocalypse.

Cohen: Garth Black came out second best on that occasion and Phoenix deserved his win after all that they have been through.

Phoenix gives a little acknowledgement to the fans and then begins his journey down the ramp. Once Phoenix gets to the ring, he steps up the stairs and into the ring. He walks past Blade inside the ring and looks far into the crowd again. Blade steps across the ring and the referee begins his final preparations for the match and then signals for the bell.

Blade and Phoenix start out the match slowly as they both circle the ring, looking at each other. Both men tie up and Blade uses his weight advantage to pressure Phoenix into the corner. The referee forces himself between the two and Blade attempts to land a sly punch to his opponent. However, Phoenix ducks underneath the flailing limb of his opponent and reverses the situation as he tosses Blade into the corner. Phoenix unleashes a flurry of blows onto the torso of Blade and tops it all off with a running knee to the jaw of Blade. Blade falls to the canvas and Phoenix gets to the top of the turnbuckle. Phoenix looks to end this match quickly and is looking for the Final Flight. Phoenix tries to land the move but Blade rolls out of the way and out of the ring as Phoenix collides with the canvas with great impact. Blade rolls out of the ring and looks to catch his breath. Phoenix lies in agony in the ring as Blade climbs back in. He immediately goes after Phoenix who is getting to his feet and begins to land punch after punch to his opponent. With Phoenix on the canvas, Blade applies the Texas Clover-Leaf and pulls back on the legs of his opponent. Phoenix screams out in agony as he tries to make the ropes.

Cohen: Blade is ending it here, mark my words.

Phoenix begins to crawl across the ring but is still some way from the ropes. Letting out more screams of agony, Phoenix continues to move across the ring and is inches away from the ropes. Blade, noticing this, pulls him back into the centre of the ring and as he looks to apply some pressure to the hold, Phoenix reverses the move into a small package and the referee begins to count the fall. 1… 2… Kick out! Blade, on his knees, looks absolutely shocked at what just happened and as Phoenix tries to get to his feet, Blade runs at him looking to land a heavy uppercut to his opponent. However, Phoenix sees it coming and dodges the move. He hits Blade with an enziguiri and as Blade falls to the canvas, Phoenix applies the camel clutch.

Connor: Wow! How the tables have turned! What a back and forth match we have here.

Cohen: Come on Blade! You are better than this!

Blade reached out for the ropes this time and eventually reaches them as Phoenix applies more pressure to make sure that the most possible damage is done to Blade’s legs before he breaks the hold. The referee gets in=between the two men and forces Phoenix off of Blade. The referee warns Phoenix about his future behaviour and Phoenix nods his head in agreement. As he goes back over to Blade, Blade takes him down with a roll up and manages a two count before Phoenix kicks out. Both men stand up and Phoenix attempts to hit Blade with the Rebirth. However, Blade quickly moves out of the way and as Phoenix lands and turns back around, Blade hits him with the Blade Runner. Blade climbs on top of Phoenix and picks up a slow three count.

Anderson: Here is your winner, by way of pinfall... Blade!

Connor: Quite an abrupt end to that match but Blade picks up the win here in what I would call a close match.

Cohen: Listen, CC. All that matters in this line of work is who picks up the W and tonight, that was Blade. Things could have gone differently but at the end of the day, Blade is the winner here tonight.

Connor: Truer words have never been spoken, Jacko. However, this is not over between these two great superstars. This is just a small battle in a much larger war.

Blade gets to his feet and rests against the ropes. Phoenix begins to stir and Blade walks over to him. The crowd are expectant as they think an attack is coming. Blade picks up his opponent from the ground and shakes his hand. The crowd are stunned into silence and so is Phoenix. Blade holds both of their hands up and then leaves the ring as the fans applaud loudly.

We cut backstage to Austin Reynolds who's walking up to the arena way, he has a few stage crew slapping hands with him and congratulating him on a good debuting Ratings Spike on Meltdown.

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, no doubt Austin Reynolds had some watching on the situation but after an interesting debut of the Ratings Spike where we saw some early exchange of words. We will now see our Elite X Champion taking on the debuting John Constantine, it's up next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Hero by Skillet hits and the capacity crowd boo loudly as Constantine emerges before throwing his arms up in the air.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Washington DC, ‘The Power Trip’, Constantine.

Connor: After weeks of waiting, we finally got introduced to Constantine at the Apocalypse Pay Per View.

Cohen: Mr. Constantine is here to lead the company into a new era of prosperity!

Constantine gets into the ring and throws his arms up again, taking in the crowd’s reaction. Headstrong hits and Austin Reynolds quickly makes his way out, his eyes fixed on his opponent.

Connor: Wow, it looks like Reynolds is eager to teach this newcomer a lesson on the way things work in WZCW!

Anderson: And his opponent, from London, England, he is the Elite X champion, Austin Reynolds!

Reynolds takes off his title belt and slides into the ring. He gets in Constantine’s face and they exchange some trash talk before the referee removes the Elite X title from the ring and calls for the bell. Reynolds quickly lays into Constantine with a flurry of right hands before delivering a big clothesline. Constantine falls to the mat and quickly rolls out of the ring to try catch his breath, but Reynolds follows him. He runs after Constantine, but Constantine catches Reynolds with a Drop Toe Hold, sending Reynolds face first into the steel steps. Constantine rolls Reynolds into the ring, breaking the referee’s count before kneeling over the dazed Reynolds and hitting him with punch after punch. Constantine gets up and slowly walks around the ring as the crowd again starts to boo loudly. He walks over to Reynolds and lifts his knee, before slowly falling forward, driving the knee into Reynolds’ head. He goes for a pin, 1... 2... Reynolds kicks out. Constantine picks up his opponent and Irish Whips him into the corner, but Reynolds uses his leg to stop himself crashing into the turnbuckles. He turns around, but is instantly met with a lariat from Constantine. Constantine smirks to himself before going for another pin on Reynolds, 1... 2... kick out by Reynolds.

Connor: The Elite X champion seems to be in trouble here.

Cohen: Mr. Constantine isn’t just a great politician, y’know.

Constantine picks up Reynolds and hits him with a few right hands before Irish whipping him into the ropes. Reynolds returns and ducks under Constantine’s attempted clothesline, turns around and nails Constantine with a Roaring Elbow. Constantine stumbles back and shakes his before running at Reynolds, but Reynolds jumps over him. They both turn around and Reynolds hits Constantine with a Leg Lariat. Reynolds takes a moment to recover before going for a cover on Constantine, 1... Constantine kicks out. Reynolds starts viciously stomping his opponent. He backs off, letting Constantine get to his feet before going for the Millions and Millions, but Constantine ducks under it and grabs Reynolds by the head, hitting him with a quick DDT. Constantine goes for a cover, 1... 2... Kick out by Reynolds. Constantine picks Reynolds up and lifts him up into Fallaway Slam position. He walks around the ring, looking out into the booing crowd before hitting the Fallaway Slam. He again goes for the pin, 1... 2... Reynolds kicks out. Constantine remains calm and gets up, signalling that he’s ending it now. He measures Reynolds, who is getting to his feet very slowly. As soon as Reynolds it up, Constantine goes for Collateral Damage, but Reynolds pushes off Constantine and lands behind his back. Constantine turns around and Reynolds performs a Monkey Flip, sending Constantine crashing into the nearby turnbuckles. With both men down, the referee starts counting. Constantine starts to get up first, grimacing from the pain in his back, with Reynolds still on the mat. Constantine gets up and quickly goes to hit the still grounded Reynolds with a knee drop, but Reynolds moves. Constantine rolls onto his back, clutching his knee and shouting out in agony.

Cohen: Mr. Constantine will surely recover from that little faux pas...

Connor: Not if the Elite X champion keeps up this great comeback!

With Constantine on the mat, Reynolds goes onto the ring apron, and jumps onto the ropes, hitting Constantine with a Springboard Diving Headbutt. Reynolds goes for the cover, 1... 2.... Kick out by Constantine. Reynolds signals for the Ratings Killer, waiting for Constantine to get up. Constantine finally makes it to his feet and turns around into a kick to the stomach by Reynolds. Reynolds gets him in position for the Ratings Killer, but Constantine counters with a back body drop, sending Reynolds over the ropes onto the apron. Both men quickly get up and start exchanging right hands. Constantine kicks Reynolds in the midsection through the ropes and tries to suplex him back into the ring, but Reynolds blocks it. Suddenly, Reynolds, using the top rope for leverage, jumps up and catches Constantine with a Frankensteiner, making Constantine fall out of the ring to the outside. Constantine slowly pushes himself up, looking dazed cause of what just happened. He gets up and turns around, only to be hit with an Asai Moonsault from Reynolds. The crowd cheer loudly in appreciation with both men down. The referee starts to count them out, but neither man is stirring. The referee gets to 5, and the two men start to get to their feet, with Constantine using the crowd barricade for support. Constantine starts to slowly stumble towards the ring as the referee reaches 7, but Reynolds grabs him by the arm and turns him around before Irish whipping him into the crowd barricade. The referee keeps counting as Reynolds starts stomping on Constantine rather than getting back in the ring. The referee reaches 10 and calls for the bell.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, as both men have been counted out, this contest will end in a draw.

The crowd boo because of the result as Reynolds is still in control of Constantine on the outside. He picks Constantine up and drags him over to the steel entrance ramp. He kicks Constantine in the gut and attempts the Ratings Killer, but Constantine struggles out of it and hits Reynolds with the Collateral Damage out of nowhere. Reynolds hits the steel back first and screams out in pain. Constantine slowly gets to his feet and surveys Reynolds rolling around in agony. Constantine is about to walk up the ramp, but he stops and shakes his head. He walks back to Reynolds and picks him up. With Reynolds barely able to hold himself up, Constantine grabs his arm and pulls Reynolds towards him, using the momentum to hit the Axis of Evil on the ramp. Constantine gets up and holds his arms up, before pointing to his waist, and signalling that he’s going for the Elite X championship. EMT’s run down to check on the condition of Reynolds as Constantine finally walks up the ramp and to the back.

Connor: The EMT’s have come down to see the condition of Austin Reynolds after those hideous actions by Constantine...

Cohen: In fairness, Reynolds started it. He went after Senator Constantine instead of breaking the referee’s count!

Connor: Either way, something tells me we are going to see these two men in the ring together again very soon...

We cut to Bateman backstage who's just been watching the match with Jonny Klamor

Bateman: The last thing I need is more injuries! Someone keep a watch on Reynolds' condition, I will not my Elite X Champion being put out!

Klamor: But that's part of the business, but it seems that this John Constantine was definitely a good acquisition there. Now you were saying that you made a decision.

Bateman: What? Oh yes. Regarding the Hell in the Cell. I have decided to put two matches on for next week, both matches and winners will be assessed and I will decide on if they will face each other to be a single contender or if I should go with a multi-man choice.

Klamor: I see, filtering out the options and seeing who's deserving, whether it's one man or more?

Bateman: Correct. Now Myles suggested that Everest and Showtime Cougar should face off, I'm going to give him that encounter. The other match I haven't truly decided on but it will be Titus against someone who's just as elite as he is.

Klamor: Any idea as to who?

Bateman: I got a few but you'll know sooner or later...

Back in the arena

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen at this time please welcome Serafina!

Blackened the Sun begins playing as Serafina slowly makes her way out to the entrance ramp. She wears an oversized black robe, her head held down while she grasps the Ouija scroll to her chest. She makes her way down to the ring and enters it slowly again. She is handed a microphone as she paces back and forth inside the ring.

Serafina: Master still hasn't come back....master would never abandon me for this long. I don't know where he is, and everyone in the back is mocking me for it. To make it worse I have to watch as that ****e Tarja and Vengeance walk around with the WZCW World Title that my master make possible for them to obtain.

She falls to her knees and slams her fist against the mat and places the scroll down. Tears begin streaming down her eyes, causing her mascara to smear down her face.

Serafina: Master did all the work for them. He brutalized Titus for them before Apocalypse, and even blasted him with his own title belt to help Vengeance. Master Ty has made it clear he was tired of doing all the work without receiving the title itself. He proved to Vengeance he is the superior fighter time after time, and yet all Vengeance has done during the Dark Alliance is mess everything up. EVERYTHING is his fault! If it wasn't for Vengeance, master Ty would have won the KFAD title shot, instead he let Payne keep it, forcing master to take action on his own. Everything Ty has done has benefited Vengeance, yet they act as if we are the apprentices.

She stands up, anger flashing across her face. She throws her hair back and grits her teeth as she continues.

Serafina: Master Ty and I are the ones who should be on top. Instead we deferred to you two for your last opportunity, and even that needed master to fix the mess you created. What did master get for his deed? Getting sent off the entrance stage by that womanizing bastard Showtime. I promise all three of you that retribution will be ours. Once master returns it will be our time to take what is rightfully ours.

Suddenly the lights begin flickering throughout the arena before going out completely. A large burst of flame goes off at the top of the entrance ramp as well as around the ring. The lights slowly come up, Serafina now with her hood over her face. The Ouija Scroll is now missing. Serafina holds her arm up and begins chanting, her voice taking a darker tone, a voice that doesn't seem to be hers..

Serafina: I'm your worst fear.
I'm your favorite.
I'm your acquired taste.
Will you savor it?
If it blood thirst will you run from it?
No need cause I'm inside of you.
You cannot escape me I'm your last resort.
When you have a evil you cannot report.
I'm your royal sunshine malicious and heartless.

The warning of the one who's coming
Sending divine authority
The prophecy says
That people will flock to him
He will give them false hope
And when he's in power
He will destroy everything
He will change everything with one voice
If that one voice can change one person
It can change many
Many can change a city
A city can change a state
A state can change the nation
The nation can change the world
What if he is the King Of Darkness?

The lights go out once more momentarily. They come back up and Serafina is gone from the ring.
Connor: What did you make of that message by Serafina?

Cohen: Not sure really, but it seems like that Ty Burna's disappearance will not be for too long judging by that.

Connor: That might be true, but there's no telling when it comes to anything with Ty Burna!

The bell sounds

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd roars as the pyro shoots straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, the last and biggest one fades to reveal Showtime as the dim blue light covers the area except for the usual spotlight that follows Showtime on his way to the ring. He acknowledges different members of the crowd by pointing at them and winking at some of the ladies

Anderson: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Listen to the ovation here for Showtime, it’s like many are behind him for his pursuit for the World Heavyweight Championship. How will he fare when he takes on Titus?

Cohen: I have a feeling there’s only one way this can go!

Showtime climbs into the ring and then gets up on the turnbuckle to pose to the crowd. He drops the down and turns his attention to the entrance way, he has a slight look of concern on his face as his music quietens down…


The crowd cheers just as loud for the former World Champion, but so far he hasn’t appeared on the stage. Showtime looks at the ref who doesn’t know what is going on. Eventually Titus paces out onto the stage, he looks worn down and tired as he heads down the ramp, not as responsive to the crowd as he was. The crowd tries to motivate him but he’s not really showing interest in what they have to say.

Anderson: His opponent, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 215 pounds, Titus!

Connor: I’m not sure what to make of this, he looks broken down.

Cohen: Normally I would make a similar comment, but I just don’t have the heart in me to say it.

Showtime opens the ropes in a mark of respect to Titus who climbs in the ring and doesn’t say thank for it. Showtime isn’t sure what to do as the referee signals for the bell. Showtime isn’t feeling ready to take the first punch as he tries to talk with the ref over the situation but the referee is encouraging them to get the match going. Showtime walks up to Titus and tries to get him fired up but Titus isn’t responding, he then pokes him and Titus leans back and then stands straight. Showtime goes to the ref again before turning back and is met with a sudden clothesline from Titus which has everyone in shock. He gets Showtime up and irish whips him against the ropes and hits a neckbreaker, it seems like Titus has snapped. Showtime gets back up on his feet and is met with a slap from Titus, something Showtime doesn’t take kind to as he slowly turns his face back to Titus and he takes him down with a shoulder charge and both brawl on the ring mat. Showtime gets the upper hand and gets to his feet and allows Titus to get up to greet him with a dropkick and heads to the corner and climbs to the second rope and drops the elbow on his friend.

He gets Titus up onto his feet and irish whips him but it’s reversed by Titus and then countered by a flying clothesline by Cougar, both men stand up tall as Showtime applies the chop which gets the crowd chanting woooo, he hits another and another which gets Titus’ chest to glow red as he’s backed into the corner. Showtime stops the chops to lock him in the Ratings Crash, facing him away from the turnbuckle and hitting it, he goes for the cover 1…….2……kickout by Titus.

Connor: I really don’t know what I can say, it seems like Titus is far from the man we once knew

Cohen: Is it wrong of me to say that I like it?

Showtime is up and poised to hit a running move at Titus, but it’s scouted and is met with a spinning heel kick and then a northern lights suplex is hit into the cover 1…….2….kickout by Showtime. Both are slow up to their feet but once up, Titus tries to get another grapple move in but Showtime counters this to get behind him and drop the reverse DDT on Titus, followed by a standing leg drop which connects. He doesn’t go for the cover just yet as he feels it will take more to keep Titus down. He waits for Titus to get up, despite taking his time he does so and Showtime locks onto the head, looking for a bulldog, Titus lifts him over backwards and Showtime lands on his feet but then has his head locked by Titus who runs at the ropes and his a springboard bulldog of his own, cover attempt 1……2…..kickout.

Showtime is still down for the moment as Titus with a slight glazed look in his eye goes up to the top rope, looking for the Red Comet, but Showtime is up to his feet before Titus can set himself up. Showtime climbs up to meet him on the top of the turnbuckle as both exchange rights, they somehow end up in the opposite positions as Showtime faces inwards on the ring and Titus outwards, Titus seems to be losing his balance, which is where Showtime holds on to keep his friend from falling. He says something to him and then holds him ready to launch the Final Act, Titus tries to elbow out of it but Cougar hits him in the ribs and then launches Titus off the top rope with the Final Act which gets the crowd into a frenzy. Showtime slowly rolls on top of Titus for the pin attempt, 1……..2…….3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Showtime the victor here, but I think under the circumstances, it’s not a match he will want to remember given how Titus was.

Cohen: Titus just seems too good to be true, I think you’re right in saying that he’s snapped. Cougar fought as best he could to try and keep the peace between them when any other roster member wouldn’t.

Showtime is up to his feet as the referee raises his arm, Showtime looks at his defeated friend and tries to help him up. He does so and raises his hand but Titus shoves him off, Showtime isn’t sure what to make of it and just walks as the crowd boos at what Titus just did as he stands facing the turnbuckle and leaning against it with his face held in his hands. Showtime stands at the top of the stage with his hands on his hips and just shakes his head and walks off behind the curtain. Titus pushes his hair aside and looks around at the crowd with a worn down look on his face.

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, you can see that this isn’t what any of us would have expected but it has unfortunately happened. Hopefully Titus can and will spring back from this, but that is all with us for Ascension. Until next time, with Jack Cohen, I’m Cat Connors, good night!
Who Wrote What:

Blade vs. Phoenix (Dave)
Reynolds vs. Constantine (Blade)
Titus vs. Showtime (Phoenix)
Pride of Toyota vs. Alex Steele/Tucker Graham (SC)
Jordan Lights vs. Steven Holmes (Ty)

Rep them because you know you loved it, and if you can spare some time, rep me the person who packaged and posted it, lol, but please provide feedback on the show here:
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