Ascension 119 - Elite Contendership: Batti versus Vee ADZ: Callie Clark (Special Ref)

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Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
A shocking main event last week where Callie Clark defeated Batti for the Elite Openweight Championship. With Gold Rush fast approaching we must crown a number one contender and while Batti would seem the likely choice as the former champion, Vee ADZ has been making waves recently and has earned himself a chance to challenge for the title. This week will pit two rising stars against each other, the winner will face Callie Clark at Gold Rush for the Elite Openweight Championship but Callie Clark will act as special guest referee. Will she influence who wins this match? Would Callie rather face the woman she took the title from or the man who defeated her sister last week?

All three MUST RP, the winner gets an Elite Openweight Champiosnhip Match HOWEVER if Callie has the best RP, than Matrix will pick who he faces out of Batti/Vee.

Deadline for RPs is Monday 3rd July 23:59pm (Central)

Extensions are available on request.
His muscles were sore after that fight with Gabi Clark and Mark Keaton. It had been a couple of days since then, but still his calves trembled when he walked. Every muscles in his body had strained to its limit. He just stood there completely naked; bowed down to the wall and had his hands pushing against it. The little bruises he acquired as a result of that compelling match were wetted down by the warm water flowing from the shower. The water flowed down his body and started to relax his muscles. The first muscle to relax was his cheeks. His cheeks spread wider bringing a glee to his face as he relished the victory. It wasn’t just a smile of victory but of accomplishment. He earned himself a championship opportunity for the Elite Openweight Title. The smile slowly transformed into a grin, an impudent one, when he thought about defying the odds to win a handicap match.

Few drops of water flowed down his eyebrows, finding its path between his eyelids. His vision was slightly blurred by the water drops dripping from his eyelids. He looked through that blurred sight at a mirror. The impudent grin that adorned his face almost resembled his doppelganger Vlad.
“I just am seeing myself in you…”, the voice of Vlad slowly went pass his ears.

The voice brought his back to his original thoughts. Quickly, he realized that it wasn’t an accomplishment. It’s just an opportunity he had earned. He turned the knob down to stop the shower and walked out if it. He looked at the mirror again. It is him, the same humble boy from the county of Crawley. A boy chasing his dreams.

He dried his hair with a towel before covering his lower body with sweat pants. He tossed the towel to his bed. He walked to his closet but was distracted by the sound of his doorbell. He walked to the door, quite hastily and opened it. His lovely girlfriend Sara was standing there with her charming face and everlasting smile. Her bright orange t-shirt matched with her beautiful lips. She dropped her bags down and embraced Vee around his neck. He felt his day had been enlightened further by the presence of Sara. He smiled and hugged her back tightly. She felt his warmth against her body and he smelled her aroma. Her physical presence had made him forget all the pain he had endured in the past couple of weeks.

Vee: I am really surprised! You didn’t tell me that you are coming.

Sara: Its Midsommar and I had a couple of weeks off from the university. I decided to pay you a visit!

Vee: I’m really glad to see you, my dear.

He gave a small but pleasant kiss to her cheek. He lifted her bag and welcomed her inside. She locked her arms to his and walked along with him. She was very much elated to see her boyfriend after a long while. Soon they reached the living room, she hugged him again.


Few hours later…

A candle was lit in the middle of a small dining table. Vee and Sara were sitting opposite to each other facing the candle. Both their face was glowing, not just by the candle light but also feeling their physical presence after a long time.

Vee sliced his steak with a sharp knife and pushed it between his lips with a fork. He swallowed it after chewing for a considerable amount of time.

Vee: Are you sure you don’t want to join me to the cinema? I’m granting wish to a group of special children by watching Spiderman Homecoming with them. Though I’m a DC fan, I’ve to say, it will be fun.

Sara, who was starring at her boyfriend with her beautiful eyes till then, lets out a smile.

Sara: I told you, I really am tired after the long flight.

Vee responded back with just a smile before slicing another piece from the meat.

Sara: Your schedule with WZCW had become a bit busy lately. How’s the preparation for your match against Batti going so far?

Vee swallowed another well crunched meat down his throat. A small smile formed across his lips.

Vee: I really feel like I am ready for this challenge. The matches that I’ve been having in the last two months with the strongest competitors in WZCW had shaped me up for this match. I have never felt better in my life.

Sara: Of course, you had your fair share of success against the likes of Justin Cooper, Garth Black and Mark Keaton. But you don’t seem to perceive what I am trying to ask you. I am asking about how you have prepared for Batti? Sometimes, men don’t think women as a big competition.

Vee couldn’t help but giggle. He stopped slicing the steak and rested his forearms to the table.

Vee: What do you mean? I won’t take Batti lightly at any cause. She has accomplished what I couldn’t since I signed to WZCW. She had actually won a championship. But I really feel sorry for her that she couldn’t even defend it once. She had been humiliated by Titus and Clark Sisters in consecutive weeks and what’s more embarrassing is she lost the title to one of the Clark Sisters! I really feel sorry for her though.

Sara didn’t utter any word. She took a glass of water and slowly sipped it between her lips. All the time, she had her eyes fastened at Vee. She gave a smile, but in a mocking way at Vee.

Vee: What?

Vee asked her in a quizzical yet more of a childish way.

Sara: You too are similar to most men under this circumstance. Men used to think women as a weaker sex. Don’t get offended though. You may not think truly in that way, nevertheless, you do have this unintentional thought that women are weaker. Especially in a profession that demands stamina, strength and great posture.

He just looked at her without saying anything. He waited for her to finish a piece of steak and to continue.

Sara: It wouldn’t be a surprise if the Gold Rush final this year is going to be all women. Yemerz versus Eve Taylor. I fancy that to happen. My thoughts aside, but you don’t think that will happen possibly, do you?

Vee: Constantine is one of the greatest…

Before Vee could finish Sara stopped him with an uncharacteristic defiant voice.

Sara: YES, he has a tremendous career and will leave a great legacy when he retires at Kingdom Come. But all Yemerz needs is just a night to prove that legacy and legends don’t matter at all. Likewise is Batti! She made the impossible when she defeated Xander LeBelle, a masterful technician, to win the Elite Openweight Championship. She may be under 5 feet and weighs less than 7 stones but she is unpredictable. You can’t afford to feel sorry for her.

Vee: I don’t know whether you’re right or wrong about my perspective for women in professional wrestling. But I have to admit that I have a poor record against female competitors. One thing I can be very sure of is, I do see a competition in her. She will bring all the unpredictability to the ring when I face her. If I beat Batti, her chance to get near the title again will be thinned. She is aware of that. Even if she is not, her boyfriend Ramparte will be much aware of that. With him by her side, I can’t afford to take her lightly even to the slightest. He has been a great influence for her.

Vee moved his chair behind and stood up to his feet. He walked over to Sara and planted a kiss on top of her head and hugged her softly.

Vee: And you have been a great influence for me.


An hour later…

The sun already had started to disappear but not without illuminating the entire sky with its bright orange rays. Vee dawdled towards his car; he absolutely has no interest in going to a marvel studio’s movie. But he couldn’t resist when the group of special children requested him to accompany them with their cute little voices. He was wearing a bright yellow t-shirt with a big Spiderman logo inked on it. He looked utterly ridiculous in that outfit.

He hoped into his car and inserted the key in the slot. He took a moment to look at himself in the rear view mirror.

???: What’s the waiting is for? Start the car already.

Vee adjusted the rear view mirror to get a glimpse of the messy hair and frightening eyes of Vlad. He wasn’t surprised though; he had been expecting the visit of his doppelganger for a while. He hadn’t paid a visit in the last couple of days. He started the engine.

Vlad: I had been waiting for hours inside this car for you.

Vee: Glad that you didn’t make your dramatic appearance. My girlfriend Sara is here. She would’ve freaked out to see you and me together.

Vlad: Together… hm… I know she is here. That’s why I waited in the car.

Vee: How thoughtful of you.

Vlad: Though, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversations.

Vee sighed with a disdained look adorned his face. He took a sharp turn around the corner and accelerated the car.

Vlad: Hey, pardon me. But I don’t have any business between you two. I have to admit though, she really is your biggest influence. And what she said about your perception of women is absolutely true.

Vee: How could you think like that? All I see in Batti is a competitor.

Vlad: Maybe you do; maybe you don’t. I don’t care about that. But you lack something in your eyes. The lust for the championship.

Vee: Honestly, I don’t have any lust. All I have is love for this profession. I love winning but that’s different from having a lust for championship. Stop with your clichés.

Vlad: It maybe a cliché but it’s the truth. Count the WZCW superstars who had debuted after you and had accomplished a championship! Starting from John Doe, Noah Ryder, Logan McAllistar, Mark Keaton, Xander LeBelle and now the latest addition, Callie Clark. I don’t know how many more will be added to the list. It’s all because of what you think as a cliché. The lust for championship.

Vee drove through the narrow passage between two speeding cars. He was taking sharp turns and driving methodically as Vlad was driving his mind towards the Championship.

Vlad: Even if you don’t admit, I know that you don’t desire any championships.

Vee: I do… I do… I just don’t crave like a dog for it. I just want to prove everyone including myself that I am destined for success.

Vlad: That’s exactly where you fail to realise something very important. In this world, my friend, success is measured by possession. What have you perceived so far as success is all wrong.

Vee: For me success is… I mean…

Vee failed to notice a truck coming ahead of him until it came quite closer. He torqued the steering wheel to the left and immediately to the right and evaded an apparent collision. Vlad let out a maniac laugh by the time he steadied his wheels.

Vlad: Success means nothing to you unless it is earned. Just think well. You have earned this opportunity. You have earned a way to succeed. Now all you need to do is have your eyes on the championship.

Vee took a short glance at the rear view mirror; Vlad was grinning at him with his eyes starring right at him.

Vlad: Unlike your girlfriend, I am not going to lecture you about perception on female competitors in professional wrestling. Because you’ll be having more than one headache in your match against Batti. There will be Ramparte, who probably will be rigorously training and mentoring her. Not to say the least, Batti had lost the championship without even defending it successfully at least once! She would be desperate to not be called as a onetime wonder! Moreover, there will the champion, Callie Clark. Monitoring her obvious opponents not as a spectator but as the match official. You’re once again in an intricate situation. Sort yourself out of it.

Vee gave a weak smile at the mirror which reflected back to Vlad.

Vee: I suppose you have a solution for that too.

Vlad: Keep your eyes open.

Vlad whispered in Vee’s ears. Vee just realised that he just had reached his destination. He saw a car about to park in the only available vacant spot. He turned his car at an immense speed and raced to that spot and drifted his wheels to gain the spot before the other car could drive in.

Vee: I have my eyes open. My eyes will be on the Elite Openweight Championship.

He turned his head behind to only see an empty seat. Not so surprising, was it?

Noise came at her from all sides. Batti barely made it out from behind the curtains before reporters swarmed the now former Elite Openweight Champion. They buzzed like angry bees, one trying to ask the same question louder than the other. She clutched her stomach and tried slipping away, but there were too many. She felt incredibly small.

"I don't want to answer questions right now..."

They persisted, barking at her to say something for, or for the next magazine. Anything to upload onto their Youtube site. Cameras noisily flashed. Microphones were shoved into her face. The inexperienced superstar's back was against the wall. She broke down, her body aching too badly to keep standing. She slid down and sat on the floor - her arms wrapped around her knees.

"Just go away. Please go away. No comment!" she shouted.

Her boyfriend called out to her, but it was no use. His voice was lost among the several dozen that said her name. Everything engulfed her. The humiliation of having red ooze dumped on her during her celebration...twice her party was ruined...losing the title she worked so hard to get...

Batti started crying. "This is harder than I thought it would be. Bakka, Batti. You're a fuggin' bakka..."

The backstage area awkwardly fell silent. Ramparte sat uncomfortably in his wheelchair. The young blonde looked up from her knees to see what made them stop yelling. Callie Clark glared down at her.

"Well if this isn't a pretty picture", she cocked her head, exhausted but in high spirits. "Needs a filter though. Something Sepia-toned, or B&W. Maybe add a hashtag, like #SappyBatti or #DramaQueen, what do you think?"

A few reporters snickered. Batti covered her face, pretending Callie Clark wasn't there.

The new Elite Openweight Champion smiled, adjusting the belt on her shoulders. "Know what the difference is between you and me, hon? The fans will follow me, reblog me, add me on SnapChat, Instagram, Skype...and I give them what they want. A person that will dress up for them, entertain them, give them a reason to live. You care so much about whether or not they like you. L-o-l. Social media isn't about liking people - it's about getting on and seeing what people better than you are doing. I am who they click to see."

She pantomimed using a computer and tapping on an invisible mouse.

"We could have been besties. But you wanted your little kiddie beach balls and your birthday cake parties and look where you are now. On the floor, crying your eyes out. Lame. Swipe left."

Callie pursed her lips. "You don't deserve to be champion. If you think you have it bad now, wait until next week. You get to face Vee A.D.Z., the asshole that beat my sister. Oh and it gets so much better for you, boo. It's been 7 years since WZCW had a Special Guest Referee Match. I will look good in stripes, don't you think?"

She smirked and turned away, ignoring the storm of questions reporters asked in her wake. Batti Otaku shivered. The Internet Sensation figuratively kicked her while she was down. It felt like an eternity, but the lone superstar picked herself up from the floor. When Batti stood up, her whole face had turned scarlet. She brushed passed the many staffers and interview personnel who had demanded answers to questions Batti herself didn't know. But she would figure it out. When she got to Ramparte, she rested her hand on his shoulder. He gripped it warmly.

"I have some things to do. Things to work on," she said without looking directly at him. "And I need to do it alone. Don't wait up for me."


Dirty fluorescent lights illuminated the torn down boxing gym. She struck the heavy bag with her shins. Dust particles flew up into her face, but she wasn't deterred. Captain Claws, her teddy bear, sat diligently on a stack of cardboard boxes. Batti aimed high, and gave a small cough.

"Ah, anger. An old acquaintance of mine."

Batti wiped sweat from her forehead, and turned around. Tyrone Blades was there, leaning against a wall with a knowing grin.

"She's gotten to you. Callie Clark knows what it takes to press your buttons. That's good. Angry is good. Angry gets shit done. But you need to focus that somewhere else. She's not your opponent. I'd know - she's telling everyone that'll listen that she's refereeing your match. You have a potentially greater threat on the rise, child, and his name is Vee A.D.Z."

Batti Otaku returned to the punching bag. Feeling ignored, Blades took a harsher tone with her.

"Do you think I became a two time WZCW Heavyweight Champion by sulking?" he spat. "I've lost my share of titles. That's the nature of the game. We win. We lose. We build our legacies. If you want the history books to show you were a one time Elite Champion like so many before you, then go right ahead. But I think you can do more.""

He cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "Now ain't the time to be a baby. You lost. Vee A.D.Z. has secured win after win against the biggest names in professional wrestling lately. If you want to face the woman that took your title and publicly humiliated you, you gotta go through him."

"He's stacked. I don't know MMA. I can barely wrestle as it is."

"Yet ya beat LeBelle and put a damper on Vis Imperium's plans. There were times when I thought that was true. You aren't the most technical person on the roster. But you've pulled yourself together time and time again in that ring. That's why the crowd loves seeing you succeed. You're a real underdog. Not some pretty thing the this stupid company strapped a rocket to. Not some Mensa member with a black belt in whatthefuckever. You're a fun loving girl who can kick ass. Many find that endearing."

She stepped away from the bag to retape her hands. "Vee wants the title shot. He's mauled through a Who's Who of WZCW. What am I? Who have I beaten lately that compares to him?"

Tyrone rolled his eyes. "You must ask yourself one simple, important question child. It sure as hell isn't who have you beaten. Lucky breaks happen from time to time. No, it's not who has the momentum. It is who wants that title shot more - you or him?"

Batti Otaku thought it over, nodded, and continued striking the bag. Blades watched on from the shadows, expecting the rookie to grow tired of kicking the lumpy, shredded punching bag. She only stopped when the sun went down and the gym became difficult to see in.


It occurred to her that she hadn't talked to her friends and fans online in a long time. After a cold shower and a bowl of ice cream, Batti logged on to her laptop. She took a deep breath, and made her video Live.

"Is this thing on? Hello? Okay. Konnichiwa fedheads. My name is Batti Otaku, and I have a few things to say today."

She rested a hand on her chest, clearing her throat. The feed jumped around with views ranging from 4 to 5 people.

"I don't know if this will help me. It's been ages since I did a vlog and talked about my personal life. There's been so much going on, you know? Last time I did something like this, I was a goofy kid annoying everyone about my love for WZCW. There's a Tumblr page dedicated to my obsession. Now I'm in my dream job dating the coolest person I've ever met - in the ring or out. Lil' Batti done changed on you guys, eh? "

The blonde giggled in spite of herself. Views ticked from 10 to 13. Her gaze fell down to the keyboard. She thought about her next words carefully.

"The world around me has for sure. But the truth is, I never changed. My passion has and always will be the same since I made it here. I love each and every one of you. There was a moment when I thought I had lost you guys. I check the webs a lot. What millennial doesn't? There are so many negative comments shared over this thing, and I felt discouraged. Lost even."

"But that's okay,"
she said happily. "I realize that not everybody is going to like me. You see me on TV being my oddball self week after week and I'm sure that some of you will find it nauseating. I know I look like I don't know where I am or what I'm doing. That's me. A klutz. A weirdo in a tie and a skirt. A rookie who slipped into the biggest wresting promotion of all time. I am still that dorky chick that will share a selfie with you or Friend you on Facebook. In a way, Callie and I have that in common. But there is something I am that Callie Clark is not, and that's genuine. When I cry, it's not for a Like. When I bleed, it's not to get Shared or posted to some website for hits. It's me, performing for each and every one of you on a weekly basis. Fighting and struggling for your entertainment."

40 views. Batti spoke up, her voice finding a strength she did not know she possessed.

"Vee A.D.Z. fights for the people he loves, whether it's for his girlfriend or his family. I respect the hell out of that. I can't think of a more honorable thing to bleed for. Any other day I would want to see him triumph. To become a champion."

"Vee, if you are listening, please understand. This is not your fight to win."
She closed her eyes. "It is mine. Callie Clark embarrassed me on live television in front of the world. I cannot ignore that, no matter how much I like you. I can't think of you as a friend tonight." Batti opened her eyes and stared directly into the webcam. "You are in my way. Life isn't fair sometimes, but after I regain my Elite Openweight Championship title, I would not mind seeing you again. But where we are right now is a different matter. I have to be tough. You have nothing to gain from beating me except a title shot. A chance to add an asterisk to your name. For me it is so much more. It's vengeance. It's symmetry. Rammikun would use the word "antithesis" I think to describe what the Elite champion is to me. There are thousands - millions of little girls bullied and humiliated like I was by mean bitches like Callie Clark. I must prove that this world has no place for a person like Callie, that victims can have a voice and a fist!"

Viewership was entering triple digits. Several fans from opposite sides of the globe were tuning in on Batti Otaku's live feed. She didn't even notice.

"I like you," she repeated, "but I will not hesitate to put you on the ground if it means getting my hands on Callie Clark at Gold Rush. This is a chance at something much bigger than any championship. This is a chance to show everyone that a plucky geek can beat her bully. I want her and I want her more than you ever will."

"Me plus a size 4A boot multiplied by my will to see the Elite champion bleed equals you should be worried, Vee. You should be very worried."
Batti's voice mellowed. "But I'm sure you already knew that. You're a smart cookie."

She smiled, and gave the camera the peace sign. There was nothing else for her to say.

She stopped the channel and took her time logging out. A confident grin played on her lips. She didn't look at how many were watching her final minutes of feed.

Batti didn't care. She only prayed Callie Clark would call the match fairly.
Being Elite:

It had happened. I proved the haters wrong, I beat Batti and now I was Elite, the Elite Openweight Champion that is. Don't get me wrong, Batti gave me one hell of a fight but in the end she learned the hard way I'm simply better than her, and I got to embrass her earlier in the night too. Ascension was a fun night. After the show Gabi and Bates took me out for a totes amazing championship celebration at the club, a night spent in the VIP section, exactly where we belong. Now for the first time ever I deciding to give the press a chance to talk to me, interview their new favorite champion. I had a podium set up with my title sitting on top of it as I walked up to it and glared down at the press.

Callie: That's right losers this is your chance to interview your new Elite Openweight Champion, but I'm only taking a limited number of questions so make them good.

As I scanned the crowd I saw multiple hands go up at once. The 2nd face I saw happened to be a familar one, Leon Kensworth from WZCW. I guess I should take a question from the guy who works for the same company as me right? So I pointed at him and called on him.

Leon Kensworth: Yes Callie, you beat Batti on Ascension to win that title and now you're the special guest referee this week in her match against Vee ADZ, the winner faces you at Gold Rush. How do you feel about that contenders match and will you be an unbias ref?

I shrugged at the last question, I hadn't made up my mind on what kind of ref I'll be, besides the best one ever of course.

Callie: My thoughts on the match are, does it really matter who wins? Either I'll embrass Batti again or I beat someone new in Vee ADZ. Neither of them can hold a candle to me. As far as being ubias, I guess you'll find out when everybody else does. But if either of them dare lay their hands on me I'll be putting them in their place. Next question!

I looked out at the crowd as Kensworth sat back down. After scanning the crowd for a moment I picked a short brunette to call on.

???: Yes hi, Madison Morgan here from the New York Times.

Madison Morgan: Callie, as a New Yorker, where do you think you rank amoung the many great New York champions?

Callie: I'll be honest right now, I only just made it onto that list. But one day I will be the top of that list and all of New York will consider me their goddess.

I smirked as Madsion scribbled down my answer on her notepad after sitting back down. I looked over the crowd and saw almost every hand in the room still raised but I was getting bored of this.

Callie: Okay one more question, so make it a good one!

Everybody in the room began to complain, obviously they all wanna get their questions in but I have better things to do then spend my day talking to peasents below me. After a moment of consideration I picked a man out of the crowd to give the final question.

???: Uh yes my name is Justin Jacobs, from People Magazine, Callie, you gained fame along side your sister as cosplayers and now you're building a reputation as wrestlers, which do you like better, cosplaying or wrestling?

I make a "hmm" noise as I think over my answer, this was actullay a tough question to answer.

Callie: You know that's a tough one, I love cosplaying, I've done it for years. But I've quickly caught on with wrestling and it's pretty fun too. I think I'd say wrestling, because I get to beat up my enemies, where else can you do that legally?

The crowd laughs as I grin, it really is fun smacking the crap out of people who deserve it, but this week I take a break from that to try my hand at being a ref. Who's going to win and face me at Gold Rush? Who cares right? Everybody is tuning in to see me anyway.
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