Ascension 112: Eve Taylor vs. Mark Keaton

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Deadline is Monday, Novembers 14th, 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.​

Mark Keaton kept his hand on the curtain as he spied the scene before him, hovering over his street and kicking up all the loose garbage in the area. The helicopter gently settled in the middle of the street. A man in a dark blue suit ducked out of the machine and jogged across the street to his studio apartment.


Mark pressed the security button and waited in his kitchen for his new visitor. He opened the door and the man stood there in his expensive looking suit, puffing and out of breath with dark black sunglasses on.

“Aren’t you a little short to be a Prime Minister?” Mark smirked then lit a smoke.

“Oh, sorry! The glasses! I’m Justin Trudeau. I’m here to rescue you.”

“You’re who?”

“I’m here to rescue you. I’ve got your R2 unit. I’m here on behalf of Canada.”

“Canada? Alright then. Can I grab a few things?”

“There’s no time!”

“Alright man.” Mark whipped on his leather jacket and turned off the light in the kitchen.

They ran to the chopper, it lifted off and Mark watched as gangs entered his apartment and started ripping it to shreds. An explosion flipped a car nearby as Detroit citizens ran around shooting machine guns.

The helicopter flew higher and he watched the city get smaller, memories started flowing in quickly, like a warm, piss colored tide. He remembered his first encounter with Sheriff Kinrad, his many parties with hot ladies, Mayor Whatshisface awarding him with things, the time he got so drunk he entered the Annual Detroit marathon and set a record for finishing two days later, music started playing in the background as the memories continued to flow…..


“.…and I think you’d fit in well.” Justin finished his long conversation.

“What? I wasn’t listening. Start over dude.” He lit another smoke much to the protest of the pilots.

“I was saying, it’s 2016! Canada needs a new hero! They already worship you in Toronto so that’s where I’m taking you. I have a house ready for you on Lakeshore on Murry Street. WZCW is flourishing in Toronto and I think you’d fit in well.”

“Great! I heard my RMK Leather Jacket was the hottest selling item in Canada too! So screw Detroit! I’m all about Canada now!” Mark held his hand up and gave the Prime Minister a high five.

“I think that….”


1 Hour 22 minutes later

“.……having to make choices, paying the electric bill or feeding your kids! It’s 2016! We have to save the future and….”

“I really want to interrupt! The main reason being that I seriously don’t give a shit about what you’re talking about man! And I think we’re approaching Toronto.” Mark thumbed at the window next to him and Justin Trudeau nodded.

Mark gave the man a quizzical glance as the Prime Minister quickly fitted himself with a parachute. He saluted Mark and jumped out of the helicopter.

“I have a conference down here today!!!! Enjoy TORONTO!!!” Justin screamed as he flew in the sky towards the city, the wind rippling his face and somehow not moving his hair at all.

“Radical.” Mark sat back down and watched the city pass under the helicopter. It looked huge and new to him, as they neared his destination his excitement grew at the new adventures he would have in Canada.

“Approaching your destination. Please don’t show too much excitement, it’s not that big a deal.” The pilot announced as Mark stood up to get ready to exit.

The helicopter started to lower towards the narrow street a few blocks away from Lakeshore, the trees swayed and dust curled in the air as the helicopter eventually rested in the middle of the street. An old lady driving a Mazda honked her horn at the chopper. Mark jumped out of the helicopter and immediately displayed double devil horns hand signals towards the people watching the action. A few people cheered. He took his metal cigarette case out of his jacket and flicked a smoke in his mouth, he smiled at the crowd and flipped the case up in the air, but it didn’t land in his outstretched hand, it hit the rotating blades of the helicopter and smashed through the windshield. The case smacked the pilot in between the eyes and knocked him out, he passed out on the controls and the helicopter lifted off of the street, did a front dip then dove right into a nearby house!


The entire house and helicopter exploded sending flaming wood and metal all over the street. Mark picked up burning pieces of front patio and lit his smoke with it.

“Canada just got 95% cooler!” He snarled as he walked towards his new house.


Murry St Toronto Ontario Canada
Major 80’s Party celebration for Justin Cooper on his victory at Lethal Lottery!

Mark Keaton finished necking with an attractive Asian woman dressed as Madonna near his refrigerator, his house was filled with men and woman dressed in eighties costumes and the eighties music was blaring from his ghetto blaster he had sitting on the dining room table. He staggered over to the kitchen counter and swiped a Moosehead Dry beer and drank half of it before heading towards the front door.

“Who is it? If it’s The Canadian Mounties then I’m not home!”

“It’s one-half of the tag team champions!”

Mark ripped the door open, “The COOPSTER!! Come on in you sexy old bitch!”

Cooper knew Mark was drunk already, he smiled and walked into the overly warm house. It was packed with people in their twenties, he suddenly felt a little old.

“Hey,” Mark breathed in his face as he wrapped his arm around his neck, he held the beer close to Justin’s face, “you wouldn’t believe the beer they have here in Canada man, it’s WAY stronger! This is a man’s beer dude!”

Cooper grabbed the beer off of Mark and chugged the rest of it. He wiped off his bottom lip and burped, “Damn right kid, get me another one mate!”

Mark did a major fist pump and ran to the kitchen.

Cooper surveyed the mostly drunk crowd, there was certainly trouble to be had tonight, and what better place than in Mark’s company. He thought about Mark’s last moment in the Lottery and how well he handled the accidental elimination. The kid is starting to mature.

As if on cue, Mark turned the corner with a beer in his hand, but he was flexing his arm as much as he could with his loose sleeve, “somebody should take me to the vet, cause these pythons are SICK!!”

Justin laughed loudly and grabbed the beer. “Wait a second,” His eyes narrowed at a man in the living room with a suspicious mustache and looking too awkward. “somebody is not who they say they are.”

Cooper marched up to a heavily mustached man doing The Running Man dance moves near the fireplace. He tore off the man’s mustache to reveal Leon Kensworth!

“Whoa! Everybody knows The Running Man is a nineties dance, Leon!” Cooper growled at the man.

“Hey!” Mark yelled and pointed at Leon with his beer hand, spilling the beer a little on his carpet, “I know that guy! It’s Justin Trudeau! The Archbishop of Canada!” Everyone laughed in the living room, the ghetto blaster didn’t reach that room quite as effectively.

“I just wanted to get a little undercover work done for a piece I’m writing for WZCW. It’s called Wild Party’s and Wrestling Leon painfully pulled the rest of the mustache glue off of his lip.

“Well, interview away dude! This is a celebration after all! What is a celebration without a little bit of interviewing?! AM I right?!” Nobody replied to Mark and continued to dance away.

“Alright,” Leon took a recorder out of his pocket and got it ready, “I guess I can fill my quota for this month. I’ll interview Cooper and Keaton.”

“No! Just interview me! Cooper has had enough interviews to last a lifetime right now. It’s RMK time baby!”

“He’s right. Plus I’m drinking, nobody should do interviews while they’re drinkingCooper crossed his arms and gave Keaton a stern glance.

“Pfft! I do my best work when I’m half in the bag. Come on Trudeau, sock it to me!” Mark tapped his beer on Leon’s recorder and spilled some beer on his new Metallica T-Shirt.

“Alright Mark, your opponent this week is the one and only Eve Taylor. She’s been on a rampage this season and seems unbeatable. What is your strategy heading into this match?”

Mark put his beer down on the living room table and smiled, “Listen, Leon, I don’t need a strategy! I’ve got NUKE 1,” He rolled up his sleeve and flexed his bicep, “and NUKE 1.” He rolled up his other sleeve and flexed that bicep as well.

“Nuke 2.” Cooper coughed.

“Ya, Nuke 2. Ya wanker! Ha ha ha! WANKER! I love that word, man!”

“Do you think your nuclear weapons can deal with one of the most dominant Elite Openweight Champions the company has seen in years.”

“Who? Eve Taylor won’t be a champion for long, not after she fights me.”

“No, I meant….”


“I meant that she’s….”

“EH?! Whatta sayin there Leon?”

“I’m just trying to ask you how you’re going to deal with Eve Taylor.”

“Get serious Mark.” Cooper quietly growled in Mark’s direction.

“Serious, right! Eve Taylor, you say? To be honest Leon, I’m pretty worried about my match with Eve Taylor. I’m worried that after I crush her with The VHS Lariat that she’ll have to retire. Maybe she can crawl back to that fat, slimy nerd Mikey Stormrage! Then when Mikey’s done crying about his girlfriend and why she can’t talk right anymore he can get HIS ass kicked at Kingdom Come by THE MAN! Justin Fucking Cooper! The Coopinator bitch! Give me that damn recorder so I don’t have to lean so much Leon!” Mark grabbed the recorder out of Leon’s hands.

“Listen Eve, when we go one on one at Aftershock…”


“Shut up Leon! You know, I might be considered Neutral Evil but I could switch that up to Chaotic Evil real fast man!”


“What was I sayin? Oh ya! This Canadian beer here in my home country is much stronger than U.S.A beer. Now that Donald Trump is your president and everyone is going to go gun crazy, Canada rules. Man, I think I lost my train of thought there.”

“No kidding.” Cooper laughed.

“Eve Taylor.” Leon suggested.

“YA! Eve Taylor! When you step in the ring with the sexiest man in WZZWC….WWZ…in the wrestling world today, you are stepping into my territory. The squared territory and I will punish you for so much stepping around. When I beat you for that Open Elite Championship Belt, I’m gonna hold it up high for your whole family to see. That’s right, I hope your boyfriend Stormrage see’s that I beat you for your title.”

“Mark, she’s not the champion anymore.” Cooper harshly whispered.

“YA! And you won’t be the champion anymore Eve! You’ll have to go back and walk on the model runway thing, and model clothes n shit. Whatever the hell you did before wrestling.”

“Maybe we can conduct an interview when you sober up a little more.”

“EH?! Eh, Leon?! You got a problem with me now?”

“Calm down Mark.” Cooper stepped in front of Mark and grabbed for the recorder. Mark roughly yanked the recorder back to his own hand.

“No, I’m not done yet, Cooper! I got more to say here! Everyone thinks I don’t have a DARK SIDE! Well EVE TAYLOR, when you fight me one on one at Meltdown, I’m unleashing my DARK SIDE on you! When I turn to the DARK SIDE there will be nothing left of you!! You will crawl on all fours and beg for me to stop kicking you but I won’t! You will be bloody and beaten, and lay at the feet of REMARKABLE MARK KEATON!”

The last few days for Eve Taylor were rough. All the thoughts in her mind circled back to her failed performance in the Lethal Lottery match; these thoughts distracted her from doing anything useful, oftentimes confining her to a hotel room bed. Her back was aching from spending so much time lying down, but the pain was nothing compared to the constant message her brain kept repeating over and over again:

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.

It was a vicious cycle to experience, as Eve could not function properly with her brain so distracted, yet her body begged to move around. Nothing she could do by herself could help her escape, and her first match since the Lottery felt like years away... so when Mikey Stormrage asked Eve over to his temporary residence for a night, she was extremely relieved, and eager, to accept a ticket out of this personal hell. It would be great not only to see Mikey for the first time since his victory, due to being busy with interviews and talk shows, but it was something to do, and something to potentially distract Eve from the plague of thoughts. At least, that's what Eve imagined would happen.

"Finally, I can take these damned clothes off."

Mikey and Eve got back to the hotel room after such an exhausting day. She was glad to get back amongst civilisation again, and have someone to converse with outside of her own mind, or some figment of her imagination. Yet, the thoughts in her head only grew stronger. She accompanied Mikey to a press conference where the spotlight was on him, and Eve was hiding in the shadows, watching from afar. She didn't mind taking a step back, especially if it was to see Mikey experience the fame and glory for his achievements, but that just made the pain sting so much more. Mikey was holding the title she thought she'd be challenging for in the main event of Kingdom Come, and Mikey was standing on the podium in front of the media she was going to address. Alas, she was not in the championship picture...

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.

As Mikey tried opening the door, fumbling the keys to the room, Eve's headache grew more painful than before, almost causing her to buckle over, and grab her head. She managed to stay strong, so Mikey wouldn't notice and distract from his road to Kingdom Come. He was the World champion in the main event after all, and he needed to be the competitor with the clearest head... but the noise from the keys jiggling around was a noise Eve couldn't bear no longer, and she snatched them from Mikey's grasp. She carefully opened the door, before giving the keys back to Mikey.

"Thanks, Eve." Mikey responded.

Eve did not look at Mikey who gave her a big smile, and Mikey didn't really take much notice. He was really glad to strip out of his formal attire, and get back into something comfortable. As soon Mikey got inside, and Eve slowly closed the door, he ripped off his tie, and threw his jacket across the room, managing to get it to hang over the chair with one fell swoop. Mikey was ecstatic to see it finally happen, and he gave himself a little cheer with a big smile on his face.

"Hell yeah. Everything is coming up Milhouse."

Mikey spun around to turn to Eve, giving her the finger guns and the open mouth smile. Eve knew he was expecting a laugh, and normally, she would give a little chuckle at his silly antics, but nothing came out. Instead, Eve looked away and there was nothing but a blankness plastered over her face. Mikey's smile faded quickly, and he stood straight to approach Eve.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Mikey queried.

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.

Eve flinched at the thought coming across her head, causing more pain to her headache. Mikey stopped in his tracks, thinking his approaching her did something to trigger her physical reaction. He took a step back, and looked really defensive.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah..." Eve said, finally breaking her silence. "It's nothing."

She lifted her head up ever so slightly as the pain subsided, and slowly approached Mikey. He goes to wrap his arms around her for a hug, but she puts up her hands to stop him. Gently, she pushes his arms back into position.

"It's just a headache."

Eve places her hands carefully onto his chest, and slowly begins to undo the top button. Mikey looks at Eve right in the face, attempting to make eye contact, but Eve kept her head buried from sight. She concentrated on softly undoing the buttons on Mikey's shirt. That's the only thought she had to have in her head right now. She had to take off Mikey's shirt, and she had to do it slowly. It had been days since the Lottery, and the two haven't had time to celebrate Mikey's victory. Eve needed something else on her mind.

"Normally when a girl says she has a headache, she puts my shirt back on." Mikey joked, looking to lighten up the sombre mood.

Once again, Eve did not react, and Mikey quickly stopped laughing, doing his best to act naturally. Eve managed to undo the final button, and took off his shirt. Mikey reciprocated, and slowly pulled Eve's shirt off her back. Despite being in the warm room, a chill run up her spine and coursed through her veins... but it wasn't one of excitement, nervousness, or even reminiscent of the cold winter winds from outside.

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.

Eve flinched once more, but she managed to cover it up by putting her head against the chest of Mikey, and looked to undo his belt buckle. Much like Mikey with the keys, she began to fumble, and she couldn't work out the belt. The thought her of losing the Lethal Lottery began to overpower her. Although it was a standard belt buckle that any idiot could figure out, something felt like it was pulling Eve's hands away from Mikey's belt buckle. Something great was telling her that she shouldn't undo the belt of Mikey, because the belt reminded Eve of the belt that he had just won for the second time at the Lethal Lottery. She knew how hard it took for Mikey to win the belt for the first time, and it only took one person to take it away from him. After going through the pain of chasing the belt once more, Eve didn't want to be that one person that undid the belt around Mikey's waist.

She stopped, and she took a step back, with her left arm crossing over her chest, trying to cover her cleavage, and holding her right elbow, looking away from Mikey. He tried to reach out for her, but she took another step back as he did so, letting him know she didn't want him to touch him at that moment. He nodded immediately, and he took a step back himself.

"Look, if you're not ready-"

Eve shook her head, interrupting his sentence.

"It's not that, Mikey." She responded. "I am... ready... it's just..."

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.

Eve closed her eyes hard to stop her from flinching from the pain. After a few seconds, she opened them back up, and she did her best to focus on Mikey without her eyes wandering elsewhere.

"I don't want to be a distraction." Eve finally admitted. "You're the World Champion, and you're going to be wrestling in the biggest match of your life in a few weeks. You'll be fighting in the closing match of the biggest event to defend your title. It's a big responsibility, and I can't be here to take your focus away from it."

Mikey couldn't believe what he was hearing, and let out a laugh.

"A distraction? You've seen me play video games and work out at the gym, among other things. I can prioritise more than one thing."

"But I don't want you to prioritise me."

"Why not?"

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.

"You're my girlfriend, and yes, I've got a big match coming up, but I can't just abandon you."

"You're not abandoning me. I'm giving you the chance to concentrate on this match. We'll still be a couple, but we won't be a couple until this match is over. You need to have a clear mind."

"What does that mean?"

Eve looked directly at Mikey, doing her best not to be affected by the pain. She wanted to let Mikey know she was serious in her words she was about to speak.

"What I'm saying... I think we need to take a break from each other."

The words hit Mikey like a truck, but the pain was just as equal for her to say it. She didn't want to say these words, but it was the right thing to happen.

"You're about to compete in the biggest match ever that any wrestler could dream about. This isn't your regular title match... this is going to be THE title match, and I can't be in your way. I can't be the one to hold you back, or put more on your plate, because we are dating. It'd be unfair on you if after long days of promoting your match, training heavily, and travelling the world, I demand for you to make time for me. It'd be very selfish, because this isn't my time, nor is it my spotlight. It's all yours, and you need as much time as you can to make sure that you keep the spotlight, and the World championship on you."

Mikey is shaking his head.

"But I just said I'm fine with it all. I can handle myself, Eve. You aren't a distraction for me."

"I will become a distraction."

Both pause for a moment, trying to digest what Eve had said.

"I fear I will become a distraction, Mikey." Eve clarified.

Eve had to come clean. She couldn't play on Mikey's feelings and thoughts. She had to admit her own, and tell them to Mikey. It is only fair for Eve to be the problem, and to tell Mikey everything is on her.

"For the longest time, I've been telling everybody that I wanted to show I was the best. I won the Elite championship on a second chance, on a rebound, from losing the Eurasian title, and I wanted to show everyone I wasn't about to let this opportunity slip through my fingers. So, I drummed the thought into my head that I was going to be the best, and I worked damned hard to prove I was the best. For a minute, I did just that. I broke records and won big matches. After all I had accomplished, I thought I was a shoe-in for the Lottery, and I believed in my own hype. I thought I'd be able to win the Lottery with ease, and my only worry was whether you were able to overcome Garth Black to become World champion again... but it turns out I was wrong. You fought your way back to the World title, and I... I..."

Eve started getting headaches again.

"I lost the Lethal Lottery. I failed."

It hurt for Eve to admit; yet, her thoughts started to become much clearer.

"All my plans for Kingdom Come were banking on my flawless victory at the Lottery, but that victory never came. I wasn't the runner-up in the Lottery. I wasn't in the Final Four. Hell, Mikey, I wasn't even cheated out of my spot. I was eliminated, fair and square. I wasn't the best, I did not win, and I will not challenge for the World championship, the only goal that I have in my life. The closest I'll ever get to the World title is by being close to you, and vicariously living through you as you defend it. I love that you are the World champion, and you've gotten the main event spot you deserve, but I can't sit on the sidelines watching you the whole time. I can't be the trophy wife you take to interviews, press conferences, fan meet-ups... I can't be the third wheel. I have my own life, and my own career, to live."

"You're not a trophy, Eve. This World title on my shoulder is a trophy, but you're my girlfriend. You are a real person, and I lov-."

"You don't get it, Mikey." Eve interrupted. "I built myself on becoming the best, and I lost the only opportunity I had at being the best. Another chance may come up along the way, but until then, I don't want to be the sad cloud who follows you around. I fear that if I do, I will do something to you that'll break us apart forever. I mean, look at me right now. I'm an emotional wreck after just losing one match. Can you imagine what I'll do after my match with Mark Keaton, the tag team partner of the guy you're facing in the main event of Kingdom Come? Mikey... I'm scared of what I'm going to do in the ring against this guy. Not because I'm going to rip his throat out, but because I'll be using him as a way to punch out my grievances, and do your bidding. I can't interfere in your life like that. It's your match, not mine... and I should be treating my match against Mark Keaton as a standalone fight. He's a rising star in this business, and he'll be a remarkable competitor one day... and being so closely associated with the number one contender, and being apart of a great tag team, I can't afford to lose...

Eve had began ranting, and she took a second to take a deep breath, getting back to the point.

"I've already lost the Lethal Lottery, Mikey. I don't want to lose another person in my life."

Eve steps forward and grabs Mikey's hand.

"I don't want to lose you."

The stare at each other for a moment. She sees how serious Mikey is taking this request, and is processing it as best as he can. Eve knows there are many questions he wants to ask by the confusion, and the disappointment, on his face, but those questions can't be asked today. They are going to have to wait for a while.

Eve slowly let's go of Mikey, and pulls herself back away from him. She looks away from Mikey, grabbing her shirt and putting it back on. She then grabs her handbag, and places it over her shoulder. It was the only thing she had on her valuable enough to place on her shoulder. She glanced over the World championship for one second, taking in the sight one final time, before she began to remove herself from the room.

"I wish you the best of luck, Mikey." Eve said, with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Mikey looked back, doing his best to hold back his own, and remaining to be the support that Eve had so desperately needed to keep her staying strong... even after she had delivered this bombshell.

"What are you going to do?" Mikey mustered to ask.

Eve threw her hands up in the air, with a tear streaming down her face, and a nervous laugh coming from Eve. She had a smile on her face, but it was from disbelief of her being unable to find an answer, as well as Mikey's question.

"I don't know." Eve responded. "I've got to prepare for my match against Mark Keaton, but beyond that... I don't know what I'm going to do... I don't know..."

Eve approaches the door, slowly unlocks it, and looks to step outside. She hesitates, looking back at Mikey one final time up close, and takes a deep breath. For a second, she just wanted to apologise for all her words, and run into his arms, but she had to do this. There was no other option.

"I love you."

As much as Eve wanted to responded, she couldn't make a sound. All she could do is look down, exit the hotel room, and walk down the pathway to street in tears. She did not turn back. She did not change her decision. She had to move forward, even if that way forward was away from Mikey. She had to give him space, and she had to figure herself out. She needed to find out if she truly was one of the best, or if her luck in the professional wrestling world was up for the scared little girl who never should've left modelling.

You lost the Lethal Lottery. You failed.
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