Ascension 104

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again



Connor: Good evening, and welcome to the 104th edition of Ascension! We have a huge show scheduled tonight, as we see Tony Mancini compete against the gentleman, elegANT in Gold rush tournament action!

Cohen: That's right, Cat! Also part of the tournament, we'll see Theron Daggershield try to exact his pound of flesh from Garth Black, as both men seek to advance and get their shot at the WZCW Title! And one of my favorites, John Doe, will be taking on the Elite Openweight champion, Eve Taylor, in non-title action!

Connor: Miss Hardwood did report that there is a suspect in the case of the missing title, so perhaps we'll get more on that tonight. And, I don't know about you, Jack, but I'm personally very excited to see Kagura Daikonran and El Caidos Dragon opening up the action!

Cohen: That could definitely be exciting, Cat, but I'm honestly waiting to see the number one contenders to the tag team titles take it to the team of Abel Hunnicutt and Constantine in the main event!

Connor: Before we get to any of the action, we have a former champion already in the ring!

The camera turns around to face the ring, showing The Beard standing with his head down, microphone in hand.

The Beard: Y'know...I came back, looking to turn my career around, and forget where I was in the past. The Pale Riders were long forgotten, and I thought I'd have my chance to show my true self. I found a hell of a tag partner, in elegANT, and he taught me a lot about myself, and what it takes to compete here in WZCW.

The crowd pops, acknowledging the recent tag team The Beard was a part of.

The Beard: We saw a little success early, but ultimately, we never got as close to the tag titles as I had hoped, and it discouraged me. I let my guard down, and didn't have my head fully in the game, and it cost me.

The Beard rubs his eyes, holding back tears.

The Beard: I'm hurt, and it's bad, and I'll need to take some time off. I will be back, and I will be better than ever. Before I go, I just want to say thank you to Miss Becky Serra, for letting me have a few minutes to say goodbye, to elegANT for being a hell of a partner, and you guys...the fans...right here in Vancouver...

The Beard pauses, allowing the fans their moment to cheer and clap. Before he can say anything else -


The Beard drops the mic and turns towards the ramp and watches as Abel Hunnicutt and his handler, Steven Holmes, walk to the ring with a purpose.

Connor: What are they doing here? Can't they give Beard his chance to say goodbye?

Cohen: He said goodbye, and now he can leave the ring! Abel and Mr. Holmes clearly have something to say, Cat!

Abel climbs to the apron and over the top rope easily, and walks straight to The Beard, before hitting him with his finisher, The World's End! Steven picks up the microphone and turns to the hard camera as Abel looks out over the crowd, standing silently over the large body of The Beard.

Steven Holmes: In case you haven't noticed it already, Abel is here to inflict as much pain as possible, but he has been held back. The chains are no more! From this second forward, Abel will be unleashed to inflict as much pain as he wants, on anyone he wants. And if you attempt to get in his way, you will feel...his...WRATH! I guarantee it! Look at him!

Holmes points to The Beard, who hasn't lifted a muscle since being driven headfirst into the mat.

Steven Holmes: One former champion has already fallen! Tonight, Justin Cooper will fall, along with his limey little partner!

Holmes and Abel both turn their attention to the ramp as the crowd roars to life, just in time to see elegANT blazing a path to the ring! He slides under the bottom rope, and leaps at Abel, but is shoved off easily! Holmes drops down and bails to the floor, followed quickly by Abel. Abel tries to get back in the ring, but Holmes holds up his cane, blocking his path. As Holmes ushers his monster to the back, elegANT checks on his fallen partner.

Connor: Wow, is all I can say, Jack. Abel Hunnicutt and Steven Holmes have delivered a strong message here tonight, using Beard as an example, and I would not want to be his opponents tonight!

Cohen: You're right, Cat, and it's a heck of a time to be a fan, because things are about to get a whole lot more interesting! Their frustration has clearly hit a boiling point after their recent failures, and they are determined to brand the name of Abel Hunnicutt into the WZCW history books!

Connor: And along the way, they'll stamp his name into everybody that crosses their path!
The camera cuts inside the women's locker room ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kagura: No more disappointments, no more excuses. Gold Rush will be mine. But first...

Kagura slams her book closed and looks at the camera.

Kagura: ...tonight, the dragon flies no more!


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall !!!


The lights dim low until a spotlight shines down to the middle of the entrance stage where El Caidos Dragon stands with his wings spread out wide. He stares up for a moment before turning around, throwing his wings back. He walks swiftly down the ramp to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope before climbing up to the second turnbuckle, spreading his wings out once more as the spotlight remains on him.

Harrys: Making his way down to the ring, hailing from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, El Caidos Dragon !

Connor: First match of the evening, and what a contest it is likely to be! We have the tag team champion, the Dragon himself, taking on the mystical Kagura.

Cohen: He better be careful. That mask might protect him from Kag's vicious mist, but we've seen how she can take abilities from fellow superstars. Just look at Ramparte on Meltdown


As her music plays, the lights in the arena dim as pink lights begin to swirl, but they quickly change to gold and then to grayish white, representing the decay in the life of the cherry blossoms as snow falls. As the lights turn white she begins to slowly walk to the ring. She clutches the book to her chest with one arm, looking around the arena. She ignores the fans attempts to cheer or boo her and walks around the ring to the timekeeper’s area. She hands the timekeeper the book for safekeeping before sliding into the ring. She smiles at El Caidos Dragon before bowing mockingly.

Harrys: And his opponent this evening, from Ise, Mei, Japan, weighing 160 pounds, Kagura Daikonran !

Connor: You may be right. She is found her evil calling with that damn book. Good thing ECD is buddy-buddy with someone that knows a thing or two about evil magic.

Cohen: Book? It was in her all along. She has everything in her arsenal to proceed Ty Burna.


Even as the bell rings to start the match, Kagura puts her hands up to pause the fight. Referee Katie Shepard and the Dragon exchange glances, wondering what she is going to do now. The shrine maiden pulls a large paper fan from the folds of her sleeve and asks the referee to kneel. She does so awkwardly, gets the fan tapped on her shoulders and a prayer from Daikonran. The geisha politely waves Caidos over to receive the same gesture of good will. Hesitant, the luchador slowly obliges. Kagura gently taps both of his shoulders and recites the prayer. Done with her religious ceremony, she hands over the fan for Katie to take away. With the referee's back turned, Kagura elbows Dragon in the gut.

Connor: Here we go again with the dirty tricks. I wish she would stop using her beliefs as a weapon. First the "blessing" of the ring last week and now this stupid prayer garbage.

Cohen: That's offensive, Cat. You should never ridicule anyone for their faith. Shameful.

Kagura delivers a chop to the back of the neck. Caidos winces and grabs hold of the adjacent ropes to keep her from executing a barrage of strikes. The Japanese superstar skips maddeningly over to the other side of the ring with a wicked smile spread across her face. She even taunts the luchador by dropping to her knees in mock meditation. The crowd boos mercilessly at her arrogance. Katie Shepard calls for them to meet in the center of the ring. El Caidos Dragon locks up with Kagura Daikonran in a battle of wills. It puts Kagura on one knee, and that's enough for ECD to hop onto her shoulders. She tries standing up, staggers, ECD shifts his weight, changes his position, and brings her down with a thunderous Tornado DDT. Staying on offense, he runs the ropes, leaps, grabs hold of them, and somersaults over Kag's prone body...Moonsault! Quick count-



Kagura kicks out almost before the 2 count. Caidos waits for her to get to her knees. When she is, he attempts another Hurricanrana...and nails it! The maiden's head smacks against the mat loud enough for cameras to pick up on it.

Connor: El Caidos Dragon in rare form tonight.

Cohen: What the hell do you expect? We are on the edge of the Gold Rush pay per view. Everybody wants to make their mark tonight.

A stiff kick to Daikonran's legs stops her from getting back up.

"Caidos Dragon!" *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

"Caidos Dragon!" *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

"Caidos Dragon!" *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

El Caidos Dragon soaks in the cheers. The geisha crawls to the edge of the mat and then slithers out of the ring. ECD follows her in hot pursuit. Katie Shepard starts the ring out count at 1! Kagura limps closer to the timekeeper station where her magical book lies. The Dragon stands on the apron, focuses in on her, and jumps. He takes her out with a deadly Missile Dropkick to the back! 2 ! She stumbles, trips on her robe, and her face goes head-to-head with the book. Caidos slowly gathers himself off of the ground and pulls Kagura up by her long black hair. 3 ! Humiliated, Kagura stomps on his foot and pushes him into the ring post. He is knocked down. 4 ! As if getting back at Dragon for embarrassing her, she tries peeling off his mask! 5 ! He resists her, and smacks her hands away. This is met with a sharp knee to the face- the back of his skull connects with the post again. 6 ! Finally paying attention to the referee's count, Kagura delicately steps over the luchador and wades over to the steel steps. 7 ! She blows the audience a kiss. They jeer her in unison.

Connor: Oh come on don't let her win this way!

Kagura takes another step. Another pause. 8 !

Cohen: This is why she's still in the Gold Rush tournament! You're witnessing a new kind of demon. A pretty one.

Caidos stirs, and gets on all fours. Daikonran leisurely stands on the top step now- she towers over the ring apron. 9 ! ...... ECD slides in! He slides in just as the shrine maiden steps through the ropes and Katie Shepard readies herself for a 10 ! And they're toe-to-toe! ECD delivers a right hook, Kagura a left, the Dragon another right, another left, a kick finds itself across her face, a heel cuts into him, and a display of expert striking moves from the two combatants before being broken up by Katie. They go right back at it again- ECD with a Violent Flurry of knife edge chops, a punch, and then a roundhouse kick plants Kagura into the ground. He drops to the cover.

1 !

2 !

3 !

A shoulder is up. He slaps his biceps and roars to the approval of the fans. With his opponent down, he lifts her up slightly from behind and wrenches her arm to her shoulder.

Connor: The Dragon Clutch! He's going for it!

Cohen: Look at Kagura!!!

Her eyes roll up into the back of her head in horrifying fashion. Unaware, ECD continues to apply the hold and pushes her down so he can bridge the move and apply it properly. Kagura powers out of the hold, reverses, and hits a Saito Suplex! She holds on...another Saito Suplex. The Hat Trick is locked as she attempts and executes a third Saito Suplex. Caidos down and out, the geisha somberly strides to the opposite end of the ring. She takes a knee, and psychotically starts tearing the hem of her ceremonial gown apart!

Cohen: The hell?

She rips a lengthy hole, exposing her leg up to the thigh. Kagura bites her lip and waits for the Dragon to arise. Kagura spreads her arms out like a vulture. With ECD hunkered down and almost completely up, she takes flight. First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto! The signature running knee attack catches the tag team champion off guards as he crumbles to the floor. Pleased, Kagura places one sandal over his chest as Katie Shepard begins the count...

1 !

2 !

3 !

No! The Fallen Dragon slaps her foot away. Peeved, Kagura grabs his wrist, twists despairingly, and hits the Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto! The suplex drives Dragon's back into the mat and Kagura is there hooking the leg-

1 ...

2 ...

3 -

Dragon battles out with barely anything left. Unamused, Kagura places her hands together in mock prayer and whispers to Dragon that the end is near. She grabs his wrist again, this time placing it over his head...Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami, the two-fisted heart punch !!! She telegraphs the finisher, but ECD takes advantage and ducks! Kagura turns around and is rammed out of the ring!!!

Connor: ECD hangs on by a thread!

Cohen: This will only make Kagura angrier.

She flips over the top rope and lands in No Man's Land. Caidos embraces the ropes to keep from fainting. Katie Shepard starts the 10 count for the second time this bout with 1 !. With his strength almost drained, he looks on to the WZCW audience, who have started clapping in cadence for him. 2 ! Inspired, Caidos starts to descend a turnbuckle. The Japanese superstar is out cold. 3 ! He turns his back on the prone Kagura. He steadies himself, wobbling uncontrollably. 4 ! In position, he smacks his chest proudly and points to the sky in honor of a deceased wrestling icon. 5 ! He bows his head jumps- Dragón de Vuelo !!! The splash is met with the awe of onlookers as Kagura gets the worst of it. 6 ! Both wrestlers down now as ECD gives a thumbs up before losing consciousness. 7 ! Kagura tries to raise her hand up as well, seemingly to call for the powers of her book. But her wrist gives in by the count of 8 !

"Phantoms!" "Phantoms!" "Phantoms!" "Phantoms!" "Phantoms!"

9 !. Neither one show any signs of moving. By the call of 10 ! the landscape doesn't change as El Caidos Dragon successfully keeps Kagura from getting the win.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, as a result of a Count-Out, this match has ended in a No Contest !!!

Connor: Kagura didn't win, but neither did Caidos. At least we can say this match didn't end with shenanigans.

Cohen: Are you blind??!? That was shenanigans! ECD purposefully kept Kagura from beating him by sacrificing himself. What a dirty cheap trick he used there. She deserved to be beaten fairly.

Caidos Dragon is the first person up. Kagura twitches herself awake, but by then one half of the tag team champions vacated the arena. She started collecting herself.


Ramparte stood on the runway, staring down at the fallen Kagura with unrivaled fury.

Cohen: Well, this is interesting.

Silent, The Recluse strolled down the aisle. He licked his lips as he approached the exhausted geisha. He gave her a cold sneer before walking away down the runway and closer to the ring. She looked on questioningly, until it dawned on her what he was about to do.

Kagura: Stop! Get away from it, Ramparte!

Ignoring her, he went over to the timekeeper's table. Daikonran's book had fell from its perch and lied upon the ground. Ramparte stooped down, picked it up, and carried it back to the runway.

Kagura: Please, no!

He gestured at his throat, reminding her of what she had done to him. Tears hid around the rims of his eyes. She begged and pleaded but he raised the sacred text up in the air. Dr. Zeus's voice was overheard from the loudspeakers of the building:

"The Trinity helps its own this night.
You stole a voice, Kagura, now he shall steal your might."

And with that, the book erupted into flames within Ramparte's hands! He dropped it passively next to the shrine maiden who quickly set out to snuff the burning book with her own robes. They too caught on fire as she rolled helplessly around on the runway. Ramparte smiled creepily down at the girl as EMTS came pouring out with fire extinguishers. The book showed no signs that it was ever on fire, but Kagura continued to frantically pat herself down. With her entire gown ruined and his enemy in cinders, the bookworm quietly stepped away and sauntered through the arena's curtains.

Connor: This was a message, Jack. Don't screw with powers you don't understand. Ramparte is right at home with the fantastical. Kagura is a novice.

Cohen: Yeah, but only one of them can't speak. All Ramparte did was cost Kagura a gown. Not exactly a strong comeback.

Connor: No, but I think it's just as impactful psychologically. He humiliated her and showed her what he can do all in a minute. Ramparte isn't taking this sitting down.

Cohen: Neither is Kagura. Did you notice that that damn book doesn't even have a scratch on it? I'd be careful if I were Ramparte, or else something more important than his voice could be taken away from him.
Kensworth: Leon Kensworth here with the newest WZCW superstar Tony Mancini.

The camera pans out and we see an angry Tony with Gino Rizzoli looking menacing at his side.

Kensworth: Now Tony you debuted last week in a losing effort to John Doe but tonight you face elegANT in a Gold Rush qualifying match. What are your thoughts on all this?

Tony looks at Leon like he's lost his mind and looks like he's about to take a step towards him when Gino puts his hand on Tony's shoulder and whispers something in his ear.

Tony: Meltdown was a fluke Leon. I had Doe right where I wanted him when the ref distracted me and caused me to lose the match.

Kensworth: He stopped you from using a pair of brass knuckles you were passed from the outside.

Tony: Allegedly, no one can prove I was going to use those. That's not what's important though. What's important is that tonight I make history by going into the annual Gold Rush Tournament in only my second match with the company. I plan on making history twice by being the first to win the WZCW World Championship in his first two months.

Kensworth: You have a long way to go before that happens. Tonight you face elegANT who is no slouch. He's a former Elite X Champion so he knows what it means to hold gold and with his cousin militANT training him we may see a new side of WZCW's resident gentlemant.

At that Tony whispers something to Gino who laughs at whatever Tony told him.

Tony: He's done nothing but lose recently, no one remembers the fact he was a champion. As for his cousin it won't matter. He can train with the whole colony, the queen herself for all I care I will continue his losing streak and move one step closer to the WZCW World Championship.

With that Tony motions to Gino and they both walk off leaving Leon standing there with a dumbfounded look on his face.


Anderson: The following contest, scheduled for on fall, is a Gold Rush qualifier!


Introducing first, from Little Italy, being accompanied to the ring by Gino Rizzoli, weighing 275 pounds, Tony Mancini!

There are some boos as Mancini makes his way onto the stage. He stops to give an obscene gesture to a fan in the front row before he climbs into the ring and awaits his opponent.

Connor: A big opportunity for the rookie Mancini as he takes on elegANT tonight.

Cohen: I think this kid has what it takes. He will certainly have a mean streak over elegANT.


And his opponent, from the lap of luxury, weighing 179 pounds, the gentlemanly insect and friend to all, elegANT!

The crowd cheers as elegANT makes his way onto the stage. He waves at the crowd as he makes his way toward the ring. Once inside he shakes hands with referee Elizabeth Prince. He then takes off his top hat and sport coat.

Connor: The former Elite champion will hold a decided experience advantage over Mancini, we will see how that plays out tonight.

Cohen: I think Mancini's power advantage will overcome the speed and experience that elegANT will have.

The referee checks both competitors for foreign objects before she calls for the bell.


The two competitors circle before they tie up in the center of the ring. Mancini slips behind and lifts elegANT for a slam, but elegANT flips out and connects with a dropkick to the back of Mancini. He stumbles forward toward the corner. elegANT runs him into the turnbuckle and rolls him up form behind as the referee slides into position. One!...Two!...Mancini kicks out at two.

Connor: elegANT already showing his ring presence by using the turnbuckle to his advantage.

The two men are back on their feet, and again they circle. elegANT raises his hand, inviting Mancini for a test of strength. Mancini looks at elegANT awkwardly, but accepts the strength test. elegANT does his best, but can't overpower Mancini. Tony wins the test and pins elegANT's shoulders to the mat. The referee gets into position to count the pin. One!...Two!...elegANT kicks out at two.

Cohen: What was elegANT thinking there?

Back on their feet and Mancini charges at elegANT, looking for a lariat. elegANT acrobatically flips out of the way, and bows to the crowd, only to turn around and be hit by the W.G.T.. The high impact spear knocks elegANT to the ground, almost splitting him in half.

Connor: What a spear!

Cohen: Mancini was a Guido Torpedo!

The referee gets into position as Mancini hooks a leg. One!...Two!...Three!

Anderson: Here is your winner and moving on in the Gold Rush Tournament, Tony Mancini!

Gino rolls into the ring and shoves the referee away, before raising the hand of Mancini to boos as we go to commercial.


We return from commercial to see elegANT walking in the parking lot to his ant car. He has his midsection taped up and is wincing when he bumps into what looks like some sort of rocket. He stops to inspect what he bumped into when suddenly the rocket fires up and takes off, sending elegANT flying away with it. The camera pans a few feet to the side where M is standing with a remote control in his hand and a shocked look on his face.

M: Oops.

M then shrugs and tosses the remote aside and leaves.
The camera goes backstage to Constantine's locker room. Steven Holmes and Abel Hunnicutt walk up, Steven limping on his cane.

Constantine: It appears that your monster made quick work of The Beard earlier tonight. A rather gruesome beat down, even by my standards.

Abel appears unfazed by Constantine's words.

Holmes: Abel is always ready to go, I simply have to say the word.

Constantine eyes Abel up and down.

Constantine: I hope he is ready to go tonight. I have a feeling if things go well, I can help make life for Abel very comfortable.

The two old allies share a knowing smile and nod, before walking out of the locker room.


Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall.


After a few seconds of music and lights shining around the arena, John Doe finally make his appearance to the crowd. Immediately, a flurry of booing rains down on the former Tag Champion and member of The Trinity. As Doe appears, his eyes narrow in hatred of the fans who are packed into the Rogers Arena.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 210 pounds... The Left Hand of God... John Doe!!

Cohen: A true reaction from the fans in Canada here tonight to one of the most dangerous men on the roster of WZCW. Doe has been on a roll lately since losing the Tag Team Championships. But he faces off against someone entirely different here tonight.

Connor: This match has blockbuster written all over it, Jack. These two have been just as brilliant and as successful as ever as of late. But something needs to give here tonight. Doe looks focussed and he will need to be.

Doe starts down the ramp, making sure that he doesn't get too close to the fans who have given him such a nasty reception. Not taking his eyes off of the ring and the task that it represents, Doe finally makes it to the steps outside of the ring. Mounting them and entering the ring; Doe begins pacing around the canvas waiting for his distinguished opponent.


After a few more seconds of waiting, Eve's signature spotlight shines down on the Elite Champion; emerging from the darkness to a wave off booing similar to that of her opponent. Strutting around the stage area, Eve completely disregards the reception from the crowd. Facing out to the fans, she open her gown to reveal the space where her Championship should be.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Milan, Italy... The Elite Openweight Champion, Eve Taylor!!

Cohen: Well, Eve has had a hard time of late in trying to find out who robbed her of her beloved Championship at Apocalypse, folks. And given that fact, John Doe might want to make sure that he controls this match from the start.

Connor: Absolutely right, Jack. Doe is a great wrestler but there are few things more dangerous than Eve Taylor when she has a point to prove. Her quest to reclaim her Championship is all she is thinking about right now and she might want to make quick work of her opponent here tonight.

Eve continues her strut down to the ring as more lights begin to circle around the arena; almost like paparazzi flash bulbs going off. Eve finally reaches the ring and mounts the steps. Getting into the ring, she removes her gown and begins staring a hole through her opponent.


As Eve and Doe begin circling the ring, neither wrestler looks as though they are willing to give their opponent an early foothold in the match. Both wrestlers look very composed but focussed on showing the other what they can do. As the two wrestlers continue to circle the ring silently, the crowd begin to whip up into a frenzy; enjoying the spectacle of seeing these two great warriors matched together in a singles match for the first time in their respective careers. But amidst the anticipation, the two fantastic and ferocious warriors come together for the first time in the match; tying up in the middle of the ring. But Doe is ready for the current Elite Openweight Champion and immediately nails her with a knee to the gut. Doe hits the ropes quickly before Eve has any idea what just happened; following up with a devastating diving shoulder. The shoulder of the former Tag Champion catches Eve flush on the jaw, causing her to hit the canvas for the first time in the match. Eve quickly gets back to her feet but is met with another flying shoulder from Doe. One final time, she gets back to her feet, only to be met with a third flying shoulder from Doe. Doe quickly covers the Elite Openweight Champion for the first fall in the match; crushing Eve's face with his forearm as he does. But the referee doesn't even get to a count of one before the first fall of the match is broken. Doe quickly gets back to his feet and awaits the resurgence of Eve Taylor. Stalking her for a moment or two, Eve finally gets back to her feet. But Doe's attempt at further putting the match beyond his opponent at such an early stage is foiled when his attempt at a short-arm clothesline is evaded by Eve Taylor and he is soon caught by a vicious slap to the face that sends him recoiling backwards and straight out of the ring.

Cohen: Wow! Even behind that mask of his, John Doe will be feeling that. Eve Taylor has one of the hardest slaps in the entire company. When she slaps you, you know it.

Connor: Such a strong start by the former Tag Team Champion is pretty much undone after that momentary lapse in concentration. Eve Taylor, on the other hand, now knows what she is up against her tonight. And if she were in any doubt, it is clear that John Doe is looking for an impressive victory.

The crowd let out a collective sharp intake of breath as Doe raises a hand to his already bruising jaw. Moving his mouth around inside of his mask, Doe seems to be impressed by the venom from the Elite Openweight Champion. Making way around the ring, Doe finally makes it back to the ring steps and begins climbing them. On the inside of the ring, Taylor waits for her opponent and is soon granted her wish as he goes through the ropes. But Taylor is soon upon him; laying into him with a few kicks and punches that unsettle her opponent. Doe has no alternative but to be backed into the corner of the ring under the duress of the onslaught from Taylor. But the offence doesn't end there as Taylor drives her boot right into the throat of the former Tag Champion. The referee tries to call for the break but the venomous and vicious look in Eve's eyes tell the referee, and everyone else, that she is not in the mood for being second best tonight. The referee finally utilises the 5 count to break the hold; with Taylor having to relent. Doe immediately falls to his knees in the corner of the ring as Eve looks down on him. Not happy with her offence thus far, Eve puts her boot onto the back of Doe's neck and drives his skull into the mat with a beautiful kerb stomp. The crowd cannot help but let out another sharp intake of breath as Doe crashes into the canvas. With Doe seemingly incapacitated on the canvas, Eve raises her hands into the air and begins strutting around the ring.

Cohen: Well, Eve might have had a slightly slow start to the match but she has definitely put that to bed now. Doe is usually the one with the venom in his offence but Eve seems to have a point to prove tonight.

Connor: You've hit the nail right on the head there, Jack. Truthfully, Eve has had a hard time of it as of late and it's pretty clear that she has had enough of not finding any answers. John Doe, unfortunately for him, is just the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. He's going to have to start putting some offence together or this could be a short match indeed.

As Eve finishes strutting around the ring, she goes back over to where Doe is toiling on his hands and knees. She reaches for the downed opponent but Doe manages to grab her and throw her through the ropes and crashing out to the floor below. Eve clatters into the stone floor and immediately grabs at her shoulder. Doe, on the other hand, stares out the ring to where Eve has landed; a smirk surely appearing under his mask. Doe seems to recompose himself before spinning his legs out of the ring and then exiting completely. With Eve still on the floor and trying to recover from the surprise attack, Doe grabs at the hair of his opponent and hoists her back to a vertical base. Pulling her over towards the edge of the ring, Doe looks set to unleash his venomous attack once more. Grabbing the hair of Eve and pulling it backwards, he slams her face right into the unforgiving canvas. Again and again, the beautiful features of the Elite Openweight Champion connects with the apron as the crowd come unglued. Leaving Eve to fall to her knees on the outside of the ring, Doe raises his arms in celebration this time. The crowd pour their scorn down upon him Doe seems utterly unphased as he grabs Eve and rolls her back into the ring as she clutches at her face. Doe slides back into the ring as Eve finally removes her hands from her face; revealing a steady stream of blood from her nose and top lip. Looking at her hands for a second as Doe continues to stalk her, Eve looks utterly stunned at seeing her own blood.

Cohen: Well, that's an unexpected turn of events. Eve probably knew that John Doe would be a vicious opponent for her. But seeing your own blood really does something to you.

Connor: Absolutely right, Jack. Eve Taylor has always been utterly fixated on her looks and if she thinks for a second that she may be disfigured because of John Doe, it might signal bad news for the former Tag Champion. This is a pivotal moment in the match.

Doe continues to stalk Eve as she slowly gets back to one knee and then back to her feet as Doe grabs her long blonde hair once more. Backing Eve up into the corner, Doe nails her with a few back elbows that continues to put pressure on the Champion and, even more importantly, open up yet more wounds on the face of the former runway model. Stiff shot after stiff shot connects with the face of the Champion until Doe is finished with her. Eve staggers out of the corner in an attempt to get away from the former Tag Champion. But Doe seems to be on another level tonight; grabbing Eve by the hair and pulling her close; nailing her with a DDT that sends shock waves through the arena and through the cranium of the Elite Openweight Champion. Doe immediately rolls Taylor onto her back and gets in position for the fall. The referee soon joins him and begins the count on the Elite Openweight Champion. 1... 2.. Eve manages to roll a shoulder out at the last second.

Cohen: Well, Doe has really managed to slow down the offence of the Elite Champion. Eve has been on such a roll since winning the Elite Championship all those months ago. Could this be the end of that fantastic run?

Connor: One thing you can always say about Eve Taylor, Jack, is that she is totally resilient. She has been in spots just as bad as this and has come back to recover. That is the reason that she is amongst the very best that this business has to offer. Doe may have the advantage right now but Taylor has the guts to turn things around.

Doe knows that he is in control of the match and slowly gets back to his feet; not daring to take his eyes off of the Champion as she slowly begins to recover. Going around to her back and looking to press home his advantage, Doe looks to apply some sort of choke hold on the Champion. But Eve manages to find the strength and courage to drop to one knee and send Doe tumbling over her shoulder with a sudden and unexpected throw. Doe hits the canvas as Taylor gets back to a shaky vertical base. No sooner has Doe hit the mats than is he back up and charging at his opponent. But as Taylor has proved in the past, she is ready for anything; managing to duck under the flailing arm of her malicious opponent and then drawing her sharp nails down the back of John Doe. Doe lets out a sudden yell of agony as Eve draws blood from his back. Doe turns around to face his opponent but Taylor seems to have found a new lease of life in this match; nailing him with a fisherman's suplex and going for the cover. The referee reaches a count of 1 before Doe manages to power out and get back to his feet. Both wrestlers are soon back on their feet as Doe looks to recover the winning advantage in the match. But Taylor continues to live up to her reputation for finding her way back into matches, nailing Doe with the Mascarana! Doe tumbles out of the ring thanks to the effect of the move and scrambles so that his back is against the security barrier.

Cohen: Well, you said it, Cat. Eve Taylor has showed everyone just why she has been so hard to put away as of late; managing to pull herself back into this match and really the screws to John Doe.

Connor: Doe must be thinking to himself 'how do I put this woman away'? And he is quite right. Taylor has been a superb Champion and it always takes a massive effort to beat her.

The referee goes outside of the ring to where Doe is beginning to recover his senses again; not daring to take his eyes off of the Elite Openweight Champion. The referee gets close to Doe, presumably asking him if he is okay as Eve looks on from inside the ring. But suddenly, Doe grabs the referee and nails him with a stiff shot to the jaw with his right hand. Again and again, Doe lands punches to the referee as Taylor looks on horrified. Getting to the his feet, Doe grabs the lifeless body of the referee and mercilessly tosses it into the security barrier with ease. No sooner has he done this than more WZCW officials appear from the back and begin sprinting down the ramp to the position of the downed referee. Eve looks utterly raging with Doe's actions as he is forced to back up from the position of the ref. Doe staggers around the ring, seemingly laughing under his ask. But Eve has had enough.

Cohen: I cannot believe what has just come over John Doe, folks. We are so sorry that you had to see that. He knew that this match was over for him and that Taylor was just hitting her stride. But he couldn't just be honourable and get back in the ring. Instead, he assaults a helpless official and this match is off...

Connor: Eve looks less than happy, Jack. Watch out!!

Eve rolls out of the opposite side of the ring and immediately begins marching towards the position of John Doe. Doe disappears from sight for a second as he bends down behind the apron. Eve rounds the corner to where Doe should be but is immeidiately nailed with a weapon by the member of the Trinity.

Cohen: WAIT! Is that...

Connor: That's the Elite Openweight Championship, Jack!

Cohen: John Doe had it all along! This has been a trap since the first moment of this match!

Doe stands over the fallen Champion, the Elite Openweight Championship clutched in his right hand and above his head in celebration. The fans are having a hard time choosing which feeling to go with between shock and anger that this match has been cut short. But Doe is not done with Taylor. Getting on top of her, Doe continues to punish Taylor's bloody features with bloodied fists. After a few more shots, Doe gets to his feet and grabs a microphone from the timekeeper at ring side.

Doe: It was me, Eve. I was the one that took your Elite Openweight Championship!

John Doe begins walking away from Eve on the outside of the ring as some of the WZCW officials make their way towards her out of protection.

Doe: And to think, you were totally none the wiser all this time. I really had higher hopes for you, Eve. I was the one who attacked you at Apocalypse and you still hadn't figured it out. There does come a time when these things just don't become fun any more. And when you were fumbling around in the dark for who it might be, I really lost my enjoyment in all of this...

Doe's words trail off as he throws the Elite Openweight Championship over his shoulder and begins walking up the ramp.

Doe: You had your chance to find this Championship on your own terms and you failed. In my eyes, you don't deserve it. This Championship needs someone who will do anything to make sure that it is safe; that it gets the attention it deserves. That's why I attacked you, that's why I took it. And at Gold Rush, we will meet again. The pretty gold colour of this Championship has polluted your mind, Eve. You are too wrapped up in what is beautiful in this world. But you cannot beat me with style. You need to unmask yourself and find something primal within you. At Gold Rush, I want the ugly Eve Taylor; the same Eve Taylor that I see with blood streaming down her face right now...

Doe lets out a maniacal laugh as Eve begins to pull herself up with help from the ring apron.

Doe: The time for beauty is over, Eve. The time of the Trinity begins at Gold Rush!!

With that, Doe drops his microphone and heads through the curtain, leaving the medics and officials to deal with a battered and bloody Eve Taylor.
The camera is seen with Theron Daggershield standing next to Leon Kensworth.

Kensworth: Theron, tonight you have a chance to get one step closer to regaining the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. What are your thought on Garth Black and this last minute insertion into the the Gold Rush Tournament?

Theron: Garr Fahl is a formidable veteran gladiator, Leonardo. Besting him will be no easy task, but in life we must play according to the way the dice rolls. Fate has rolled me a twenty, and I plan to make the most of it by besting Garr and winning the Treasure Hunt Tournament.

With that, Theron goes to roll his dice, only for Garth to walk past and slap the dice out of his hand and laugh as we walks through the curtain.



Anderson: This match is scheduled for one fall, and is the final first round match in the Gold Rush tournament!

Garth walks with a purpose, straight to the ring. He climbs the steps and chucks his bottle of water aggressively into the crowd before circling the ring.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from The Last Chance Saloon...GARTH...BLACK!!

Connor: Garth looks determined tonight, knowing he finally has his best chance at the World Title. We saw that last week as well, when he attacked Theron post-match.

Cohen: You're right, Cat. This is a reinvigorated Garth Black we are seeing tonight, and he will use every ounce of his experience to ensure his spot in the main event at Unscripted. Theron better know what he signed up for by demanding this match!


Anderson: And his opponent...He is the former WZCW champion...THERON! DAGGERSHIELD!

Theron poses on the stage before doing a display with his sword as the pyro explodes around him. The crowd cheers his name as he makes his way to the ring, holding his sword high over his head. He climbs the steps, never taking his eyes off Garth who is motioning for him to bring it. Theron stands on the apron, outside the ropes, and removes his jacket, and drops his sword.

Suddenly, Theron does the crotch chop before springboarding off the top rope with a hurracanrana!


The ref calls for the bell as Theron starts laying lefts and rights into his opponent. Garth is able to roll him over and maintain full guard, hammering down fists of his own! Theron breaks guard and rolls out of the ring, but Garth gives chase!

Connor: Theron came into this match like he was shot out of a cannon!

Cohen: Can he keep it up? I'm sure Garth knew what to expect coming in, and he seems to be handling himself just fine.

Theron turns around into a Roaring Elbow that levels him to the floor! Garth tries to drop to deliver some offense, but Theron monkey flips him over his head! Theron rolls back into the ring, breaking the count at just 2. Garth rolls through to his feet, and slowly climbs the steps to rejoin Theron in the ring. Garth steps through the ropes and gives another motion to Theron to bring it. Theron obliges, charging in as Garth sizes up a Big Boot, but Theroon has it telegraphed and throws Garth with a Dragon Screw! Theron maintains the offensive, dropping an elbow to Garth's solarplexus before jumping to the top turnbuckle and connecting with a moonsault! He scoops up Garth's leg and hooks a grapevine, wrenching at the veteran's ankle!

Connor: Did Garth Black see this coming, Jack? Theron is wise to work on the aging legs of his opponent, and maybe set up The Ultimate Weapon!

Cohen: Garth is a very smart competitor, and I'm confident he will work his way back into this match. It's still early!

Theron keeps the pressure on, yanking back on Garth's lower extremity as he struggles for the ropes. The ref checks for a submission, but Garth gives it an emphatic "no". He finally reaches the rope, breaking the hold. Theron of course gives a clean break, and allows Garth to get to a vertical base. Garth leans on the ropes for a moment, shaking his leg back to life. Theron waits patiently for Garth, but Garth explodes out of the corner, surprising him with a judo throw! He stays on top for a pin!


Theron and Garth are on their feet at the same time, and Theron charges in with a shoulder, before hitting an atomic drop! He hangs on, and hits another! Garth falls to the mat in the fetal position, protecting the jewels, as Theron lays into him with hard kicks. He lands a hard kick to the ribs that lifts Garth off the mat, and follows up with an elbow to the back of the head! Garth covers up, begging Theron off, but Theron responds by lifting him from the mat and whipping him into the corner! He follows in, attempting a clothesline, but Garth sidesteps him, driving his face into the turnbuckle! He repeats the move 9 more times before Theron drops to his knees, and then repeats it another 10 times against the middle turnbuckle, dropping Theron to the bottom turnbuckle, and blood is seen trickling from under his eye! Theron is motionless on the mat, but Garth instead bides his time, slowly walking across the ring and then running back, diving through the middle and bottom ropes, bulldogging Theron into the bottom turnbuckle, and landing on his feet on the outside!

Cohen (laughing): What did I tell you, Cat? Garth is never far from being in control of any match, and young Theron is finding that out right now!

Connor: But Theron has something under his belt that Garth may never have! A WZCW World Title reign! You can't exactly discount him either!

The ref tends to Theron, checking the cut under his eye as Garth circles the ring, exchanging not-so-pleasantries with the fans at ringside. He rolls under the bottom rope, and takes his time getting to his feet, walking to Theron's position on the mat. The ref turns and tries to push him back, but Garth just moves past him, pulling Theron to his feet, and propping him against the corner. Theron is starting to come to life, just in time for Garth to begin the 12 Step Programme! The 10 punches are followed by the kick to the gut, and a monkey flip into the middle of the ring! He crawls to Theron's position, and lazily covers him.


Garth shakes his head, pulling Theron to his feet slowly. He slaps his face to revive him, just to hit him with an STO! He pins him again!


This time, Garth leaves Theron on the mat, and circles him, nudging him with his boot as he contemplates his next move.

Cohen: Garth is just toying with him now! Any second, he'll perform the coup de grace, and end this match. Ramparte will prove to be a much tougher opponent, I'm sure.

Connor: Jack, Vee's not in this match. Performing a coup de grace would be gimmick infringement!

Cohen: What are you talking about?

Connor: Nevermind.

Garth finally pulls Theron to his feet, and walks him to the corner, propping him up with his arms hanging over the top turnbuckle. He crosses the ring again, and stops, leaning against the opposite turnbuckle. He looks around at the crowd with a grin that clearly reads "I despise all of you", and then rushes Theron, Getting On The Wagon! Theron lets out an audible "oof" as Garth stays against him, keeping his weight against his opponent. He slowly turns around, putting his back against Theron, and hooking an arm up around his neck...

Connor: He wouldn't!

Cohen: Oh, he would! It's time for a Critical Hit!

Garth releases the hold, walking out of the corner, laughing as he does so. He turns his attention back to the former champ, and walks back towards him, picking him up into a fireman's carry! He walks to the center of the ring...


He puts his foot on Theron's chest and tells the ref to count!


Garth removes his foot from Theron and spits a visible loogie in his general direction before leaving without having his hand raised.

Anderson: Your winner, advancing in the Gold Rush tournament...GARTH! BLACK!

Connor: What a blatant show of disrespect from Garth to the former champ there, Jack! What is that man's problem?

Cohen: I can't speak for the man's actions last week, but if I were to guess, I'd say this week was a display of his opinion on this company as a whole, and Theron was the sacrificial lamb. As part of the stipulation at Apocalypse, if Theron did not win the title, he could never get a shot at Dr. Zeus again. And now he's exercised a loophole with the tournament, to try and earn another shot. Garth made sure that didn't happen, on his way to assuring his own a shot at the gold.

Connor: I hate to say it, but that is a plausible reasoning, as to why he handled the ending of this match the way he did, and then spit on his opponent before leaving, as if he was spitting on the company's name itself! Ramparte better bring his "A" game next week!


We go to the WZCW Social Media Lounge where Flex Mussel's compatriot, Charles "The Cheesecake" Chesterfield is standing by with Johnny Klamor.

Klamor: Chester, you are here on behalf of Flex Mussel, who is currently hospitalized. You have been answering Tweets all afternoon on his condition, care to give us an update?

Chester: Look Johnny, I know what its like to be a wrestler. You take bumps and bruises, you get cuts and scrapes, but you tough it out. What Titus Avison did was a cowardly attack on a defenseless man though. I'm happy to report though that Flex is doing better, and is due out of the hospital any minute, which reminds me I need to pick him up. Anyway, I am here to declare right now that next week, we will see Flex Mussel in person to address Titus. When Titus said he put Flex out of action, he lied. The World's Healthiest Man is never down for long. He will be here to prove Titus and all the doubters wrong.

Klamor: Thanks Charles, I'd ask you to stick around longer but it sounds like you have places to be. You heard it here first folks, next week Flex Mussel in person to address the crowd.
We go backstage to Cooper and Keaton.

Cooper: I can't keep bailing you out of trouble. I've been around this company long enough to know you don't trifle with Ty Burna unless it is absolutely called for.

Keaton is eating a sandwich and doesn't appear interested.

Keaton: Justin, baby, we are one big hit away from the big time. Ty and his black magic routine don't scare me.

Cooper slaps the sandwich out of his hand.

Cooper: What Ty did to me last week was the ultimate sign of disrespect. Tonight we show him just what we are capable of when we knock off Abel and Constantine, just like I knocked off Chris K.O.. Now stop messing around and get ready, we are up next.

Cooper walks off, but Keaton picks up the sandwich and brushes it off and finishes eating it before catching up with Cooper.


Harrys: The following tag team contest is set for one fall and is your main event!


As the RMK appears on screen the lights dim and the spotlight shines down revealing the Remarkable Mark Keaton. He is soon joined by Justin Cooper who is not pleased to be overshadowed. As Keaton begins to play his electric guitar down the ramp Cooper walks behind him growing more and more irritated by what the rookie is doing. Eventually the two partners slide into the ring. Cooper tries to pose on his usual turnbuckle but Keaton cuts him off to pose himself. Cooper now looks enraged but takes a few seconds to calm himself and he begins to prepare for his match.

Harrys: Weighing in a combined weight of 435 pounds, Cooper and Keaton!

Connor: You have to wonder if the tag team combination of Cooper and Keaton is healthy for either man.

Cohen: It’s been healthy enough to lead them to a tag team title shot.

Connor: While both men are talented you have to admit each are always just one mistake away from turning on one another.

Cohen: Both men want the tag team titles, and until they get their shot neither of them is going to cause any serious problems.


A spotlight shines down as Beethoven blasts out and Steven Holmes enters first, complete with cane. He signals at the entrance way where the music turns to The Immigrant Song. Then Hunnicutt emerges, a sneering smirk on his face. He marches to the ring, following Holmes before overtaking him to hold the ring ropes open for his master. He then enters by stepping over the top ropes and bows to the crowd as Holmes presents him.

Harrys: And their opponents, from Dead Horse, Alaska, weighing 267 pounds, Abel Hunnicutt!

Cohen: Despite being robbed in the first round of the Gold Rush tournament Abel Hunnicutt is looking better than ever and wants a win desperately tonight.

Connor: Abel was a favorite to win the tournaments but with a first round loss one has to wonder where he goes from here.


After a long intro of the music Constantine finally appears on stage pacing side to side before eventually stopping in the middle. The lights dim as a single spotlight shines on Constantine as he makes his way down the ramp and eventually to the ring with his arms up in the air. He enters the ring via the steps and mounts the turnbuckles. He throws both of his hands up once more as the music stops.

Harrys: And his partner, from St Louis, Missouri, weighing 265 pounds, Constantine!

Cohen: One of the two number one contenders to the World title, Constantine will be looking to assert his dominance in this match.

Connor: But can he do such a thing with a partner like Abel?

Cohen: Holmes has a history with Constantine and is currently the mentor of Abel. If anyone can these two on the same mindset it’s him.


As the bell rings both teams can be seen discussing something in their respective corners. It is quickly decided one on side that Abel will start off the match for his team while Cooper and Keaton can be seen arguing about which one should start. It seems neither actually wants to go up against Abel. The quarrel is interrupted by the referee however as he informs them the match needs to start. They quickly ignore the referee and go back to their squabbling. Eventually Abel gets irritated and charges at both men, however Cooper and Keaton see it coming and they pull down the top rope sending Abel’s momentum hurdling to floor outside. The number one contenders look at each other and decide to bounce off the ropes looking for a double dive on the big man. Constantine however drops down to the floor pulls Cooper to the outside and the two men begin trading shots. Distracted by what’s happening with his partner Keaton pauses in the middle of the ring contemplating what to do. The slight hesitation on his part costs him as Abel slides back into the ring and delivers a big boot to the back of Keaton’s head.

Connor: I’m honestly not sure which team I should be rooting for.

Abel rolls Keaton on his back and hooks the leg for the pin 1…2…Keaton kicks out! On the outside Constantine Irish whips Cooper into a barricade and hops back up on the apron. Abel then picks Keaton up and throws him into a corner. He begins to delivering vicious forearms and elbows repeatedly as Keaton tries his best to cover up and lessen the damage. Abel eventually stops and Irish whips Keaton into the opposite corner. Abel goes to charge at him but Keaton is able to get a big boot up partially stunning Abel. Keaton then delivers a standing drop kick that sends Abel back a bit but doesn’t knock him down. Keaton then bounces off the ropes and delivers a clothesline that still doesn’t take Abel down. Keaton then bounces off the ropes one more time looking to deliver another shot but Abel sees it coming and goes for a big boot! Keaton is able to roll under it however and charges straight at Constantine knocking him off the apron! While Abel has his attention on Keaton Cooper sneaks back into the ring and delivers a bulldog finally sending Abel to the mat. Cooper yells at Keaton to grab a leg and Cooper does the same and both men apply the Boston Crab!

Cohen: I’m not sure who to root for either! All four men are so talented, so dastardly, so mesmerizing…

Abel is writhing in pain as the ref orders Cooper to let go of the hold as he is the illegal man. Holmes himself eventually gets up on the apron in an attempt to help his client. The ref turns his attention to him and Constantine gets in the ring and knocks both men out of the submission hold. He throws Cooper into the turnbuckle hard before he falls to the outside before hitting Keaton with a lariat that knocks him silly. He gets back on his apron and Abel gets to his feet, stomps Keaton a few times, and then tags in Constantine. The former world champion proceeds to stomp a hole in Keaton before following up with multiple knee drops. He makes a cover but Keaton defiantly kicks out at two. He picks Keaton up tries to hit a vertical suplex but Keaton lands on his feet coming down and hits a classic backbreaker giving him some breathing room. He tries to crawl towards his corner but Cooper hasn’t gotten back up on the apron yet as he is still clutching his shoulder. A fresher Constantine is able to get to his feet and charge at Keaton but is met with a jab to the face. Keaton then hits Constantine with a scoop slam and covers the former world champ 1…2…Constantine kicks out! Keaton picks Constantine up and gets into position to hit a snap suplex into the turnbuckles. Before he’s able to do this however Cooper is able to get back onto the apron and tag himself in. The sudden tag distracts Keaton long enough for Constantine to deliver an elbow to Keaton’s head and then throws Keaton right into the midsection of Cooper sending both men to the outside!

Connor: Another miscommunication between Cooper and Keaton may have just affected the outcome of this match greatly!

Cohen: Or…Constantine is just so good that not even the greatness of Cooper and Keaton can combat it.

As Constantine takes a breather inside the ring Cooper and Keaton begin to stir on the outside. Constantine grabs the ref’s attention as Abel sprints to the other side of the ring and delivers a superiority complex to Keaton! He then follows up with a double foot stomp to Cooper! He chucks Cooper back inside the ring and Constantine makes the cover 1…2…Cooper kicks out! Constantine picks up Cooper and delivers repeated head-butts followed by a swinging neck breaker. Constantine hooks the leg 1…2…Cooper kicks out yet again! Constantine is starting to become a bit frustrated at Cooper’s resilience. He signals for Collateral Damage as Cooper starts to get to his feet. Keaton is starting to move on the outside but he’s nowhere near coherent to save his partner. Cooper turns around Constantine tries to hit the twisting spine buster but Cooper reverses into a devil lock DDT! Constantine is stunned as Holmes begins yelling on the outside for Constantine to tag in Abel. Cooper tries to get to his corner but Keaton is still trying to figure out his surroundings. Constantine is now visibly frustrated and refuses to tag in Abel wanting to finish Cooper himself. He charges at him but Cooper is ready and hits a flying shoulder block sending Constantine back down. Abel now gets in the ring and charges at Cooper with a clothesline but Cooper ducks and Keaton comes out of nowhere with a picture perfect dropkick, followed by Cooper tripping Abel from behind, and then hits three devastating elbows to Abel’s chest. Constantine gets to his feet only to be met with an Airplane-Samoan drop combo from Keaton. He then sees Abel getting to his feet and tackles him sending both men to the outside! Cooper then gets Constantine in position and hits the Remix!

Connor: This could be it! This might be a huge win for Cooper and Keaton!

Cooper hits the clothesline picture perfect but clutches his shoulder immediately afterwards. Damage caused by Constantine from earlier has seemed to take its toll. He goes to make the cover on Constantine but Holmes gets on the apron to distract the ref. Keaton notices and tries to stop him but Abel turns him around in an STO straight on the floor! Cooper tries to neutralize Holmes but Constantine pulls him by the tights right into The Axis! Still reeling from the massive clothesline and knowing he can’t make the pin Constantine tags in Abel. The big man quickly picks Cooper back up and delivers a devastating World’s End! He covers Cooper 1…2…3!

Harrys: And here are your winners, Abel Hunnicutt and Constantine!

Cohen: Wow, what a contest by four incredibly talented men.

Connor: Courageous effort on the part of Cooper and Keaton but the number advantage wasn’t in their favor and Constantine and Abel capitalized.

Holmes hobbles into the ring and raises Abel’s hand. Constantine clutches his head but eventually gets up to his feet and begins basking in his victory as well. Cooper and Keaton retreat up the ramp looking distraught as the legal info flashes on screen.

Yaz: Mancini vs. elegANT, segments
Dave: Eve vs. Doe
Spidey: El Caidos vs. Kagura, segments
NSL: Garth vs. Theron, Tag Match, opening

Hope you guys enjoyed the shows this round. Rep everyone for their hard work and we should see the boards by the end of the weekend.
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