Ascension 102

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Lord And Master
Staff member


The camera pans around the arena as multicolored pyro erupts. The El Monumental is packed to the rafters for WZCW action.

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we are here for Ascension 102. We have a stacked card here tonight, headlined by World Heavyweight Champion Dr. Zeus taking on El Caidos Dragon.

Cohen: Also in action we have EurAsian Champion Titus Avison battling Veejay, as well as Matt Tastic and Ramparte teaming up in an odd pairing to take on Men of Mayhem.

Connor: Not to mention a huge tag match with Apocalypse implications. First though, we have word that Constantine has as announcement to make.


Constantine makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand. Abel Hunnicutt is by his side. Just a few steps behind them is Steven Holmes. They reach the ring and Constantine and Abel help Holmes into the ring. The crowd is booing heavily.

Constantine: Quiet, I have an announcement.

The crowd continues to boo loudly.

Constantine: Standing with me, is one of the most violent men in WZCW today, Abel Hunnicutt. With his mean streak and his guidance from the great Steven Holmes, Team Constantine is off to a great start. Now I am completely capable of beating anyone Mikey Stormrage throws at me, but I have added another top WZCW star to my team. Team Constantine needs finesse to compliment our power. It is with great pleasure that I introduce the next member of my team, Kagura Daikonran!


Kagura makes her way to the ring to mostly boos. She ignores the boos and makes her way to the ring where she is greeted by the men already in the ring.

Cohen: So a team of Constantine, Abel, and Kagura, very formidable indeed.

Connor: Can't disagree with you there Jack.

Constantine: Now before I introduce my next member...


The crowd erupts as Mikey Stormrage makes his way onto the stage, flanked by Gino Galucci and Vee A.D.Z. Mikey begins to slowly clap.

Mikey: I'm proud of you Consty. You went out and found two brand new friends. Your mommy and daddy must be proud of you.

The crowd laughs.

Mikey: I hate to interrupt, but you were just gonna go on and on about boring stuff, and no one wants to hear that. Plus I have a little announcement myself though. I found the fourth member of my team. He is going to be a great addition to Team Kick Ass. He is marvelous and masterful, as well as a little mad. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for M!


The crowd cheers, but M doesn't show up.

Constantine: Looks like your little friend is a no show. Just as I expected. You couldn't find a partner to round out your team.

Just as Constantine finishes speaking, a spotlight shines in the rafters, where M is standing with a rocket of some sort in his hand. He strikes a match and launches the rocket and fireworks begin to fill the arena as he laughs maniacally. The sparks rain down into the ring and cause Team Constantine to retreat through the crowd while Team Kick Ass laughs on.

Cohen: What a maniac! M could have set this whole building ablaze.

Connor: I'm more concerned about who Constantine's next member is.

Cohen: Just complete disgrace by Team Kick Ass.


We go backstage where Garth Black is in the trainer's room. Becky Serra is with him and the two are arguing.

Serra: You aren't cleared to compete tonight, I can't let you go out their Garth.

Black: I don't care what you have to say. I'm only concerned that you sign the contract for me and Eve Taylor at the pay per view, and that you put the Elite Openweight title on the line. That bitch is going to pay for what she did.

Serra: Fine, I'll make the match, but if you injure yourself further tonight, then the match is off.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, Flex Mussél!

Flex makes his way onto the stage to some sizable cheers. He takes a moment to acknowledge the fans before he makes his way to the ring and slides inside. He climbs the nearest turnbuckle and pops off his track suit and throws it to a fan in the front row.

Cohen: You know I swear I saw Flex eating a giant cupcake backstage earlier. Some role model he is.

Connor: Unlikely Jack. Flex is the epitome of fitness, and will be looking to pick up a big win over Garth Black here tonight.


And his opponent, from the Last Chance Saloon, weighing in at 15 stone, Garth Black!

Black makes his way onto the stage, holding his ribs. The crowd is a mix of cheers and boos for the Welsh superstar. He slowly makes his way to the ring, in obvious pain. He makes his way up the steps and into the ring, where he refuses a handshake from Flex.

Connor: You have to question the logic behind Garth competing here tonight after the beat down he suffered last night.

Cohen: Black is a true professional Cat. He will be out there rain or shine to entertain these unworthy fans.


Referee Elizabeth Prince call for the bell and the two men advance to the center of the ring and tie up. Flex gets the upper hand and secures a hammerlock. He shows his impressive strength by lifting Black from this position and tossing him down. Once Black is back on his feet, he tries to throw off a few punches, but they are each blocked by Flex. Flex fires off with a big right hand that lands flush, and he follows it up with a quick kick to the gut. He calls for the Mussel Bomb. He lifts his opponent, but Black slips out the back and tries to connect with a Pele kick, but Flex grabs his leg and begins to spin him around, an inverted Spin and Win!

Connor: What strength from Flex!

After ten rotations around, Flex tosses Black aside. He then sizes up Black, who is on wobbly legs. Flex spins and connects hard with the Flex-Decapitator! Black is down and out, and Flex makes the cover...

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, Flex Mussel!

Flex raises his arms in victory as Black rolls out of the ring.

Connor: An impressive win for Flex, as he dispatches Black with ease.

Cohen: So he beat up a near cripple. Big deal.

Flex looks unimpressed with his victory as he grabs a microphone and asks the crowd to quiet down so he can speak.

Flex: I’m not going to waste anyone’s time so let me get straight to the point. Showtime Cougar!! You’ve been hiding from me the past few weeks. You laid me out right in the middle of this ring with no explanation and have seemingly vanished ever since. Well I’m sick of waiting for you to explain why you did it. I’m not going to sit around while you explain yourself in some backstage interview, and I’m damn sure not going to wait around for some talk show segment. So if you’ve got a set of balls you’ll come out here and face me, or I’m going to come back there and drag you out!

Half the fans begin cheering Flex while the other half are very concerned by an altercation of two fan favorites. There are a few moments of silence and eventually an impatient Flex motions to exit the ring-


Showtime’s theme blares in the arena leading to a mixture of cheers out of sheer respect and boos from his recent action against Flex. Mussel waits in the ring for Showtime to appear on stage and after a few moments he does. However, Showtime waddles to the top of the entrance ramp in some kind of fat suit. Everybody in the arena is very confused by this turn of events as Showtime begins rubbing his gut with a microphone in hand.

Connor: What is Showtime doing?

Showtime: It’s funny you mention balls Flex, because with all this fat I’ve accumulated I haven’t seen mine in weeks. But you would know all about that wouldn’t you? After all you spend most of your life as an overweight child not being able to see his testicles, let alone use them for any significant purposes.

The crowd begins to become uncomfortable by Showtime’s cheap shots.

Showtime: For most of your life you were a joke Flex, now you’re just a joke with a chiseled body. Which is why I laid you out. You had the nerve to turn down a match against me? Against a Hall of Famer, multiple time World champion, and one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step in a ring? I’ve now realized that the only reason I’ve been on a losing streak is because I’ve been so stupefied by the idea that someone like you has beaten me. I need to rectify that mistake Flex, because if I can’t beat you then I don’t deserve to have my career continue any longer. So face me at Apocalypse Flex! So I can prove that your biggest win, your bragging accomplish, is nothing but a fluke.

The fans are fully against Showtime at this point and they show it by showering him with a parade of boos and jeers. Flex is shocked by what he’s hearing from Showtime and has yet to respond on the mic.

Showtime: Come on! Face me! Are you a coward? Maybe I should go find one of the two successful members of Cerberus to fight me then…

Flex: YOU GOT YOUR MATCH! You want me to face you at Apocalypse? You want to prove it was just a fluke? Then you’re going to get your chance. But I’ve beaten you before Showtime, and it wasn’t with underhanded tricks or outside shenanigans. It was because I was simply better than you that night. I’ve only gotten better since that night, while you’ve wallowed in your pity and self-doubt. So get ready Showtime, because the reason I said no last time was because I know I can beat you again, and when I do beat you at Apocalypse…your career is over!

Cohen: Flex is a monster! How dare he try to bully a man like Showtime into retirement.

Connor: Showtime may have just awakened a sleeping giant inside Flex, and it may be a giant he simply can’t beat.

Showtime drops his mic and backs away into the backstage area as Flex stares a role right through him as the show goes to commercial.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Making his way to the ring, from Bollywood, India, weighing 251 pounds, “The Showbiz himself” Veejay!

Veejay makes his way onto the stage to modest cheers. He has his hood over his head as Saffron makes her way alongside him. She waves to the crowd as Veejay makes his way down the ramp. He climbs the steps and pops off his robe, before climbing into the ring and climbing the turnbuckle and raising his arms.

Connor: So a showdown of actors here tonight, as Bollywood powerhouse Veejay takes on Hollywood powerhouse Titus Avison.

Cohen: I fancy Titus in this one. He has the experience and the newfound mean streak.


And his opponent, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Titus Avison!

The crowd is all boos as Titus and his signature smirk make their way onto the stage. He ignores the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp, his eyes locked on Veejay. He climbs up the steps and into the ring, before he heads to the center of the ring and holds his title belt up high.

Cohen: Did I mention the championship? Titus has the glam, the gold, and he may just walk off with the girl tonight when he beats Veejay.

Connor: Not so fast Jack. Titus looked shaky last week in a loss to Matt Tastic, he may be ripe for the picking tonight.

Referee Keith Morse goes over last minute instructions, before he calls for the bell.


The two men circle each other, neither making a move. Titus takes a few steps forward, looking like he wants to engage, but as soon as Veejay steps in Titus steps back out. He smirks at Veejay, but then eats a lunging punch from his opponent. Veejay uses the opportunity to tie Titus up and work to secure his back. He lifts him and plants him with a back suplex. He rolls back and then connects with a dropkick when Titus is on his feet. He makes a quick cover...One!...but one is all he gets as Titus is quick to kick out. Veejay allows Titus to stand and the two men tie up again. This time Titus gets the upper hand and secures a headlock. He uses it to drag Veejay to the nearest corner and set him up. He connects with a couple of chops to the chest before he Irish whips him across the ring. Veejay connects chest first with the turnbuckle. Titus runs up and rolls Veejay up. Keith Morse slides into position...One!...Two!...but Veejay kicks out. Titus locks horns with his opponent again and both men struggle around the ring, trying to get the upper hand. Veejay, being the bigger and stronger man, eventually backs Titus into the ropes, where the ref steps in to force a break. Veejay puts his hands in the air, but Titus sneaks in a slap to the face before he rolls over the top rope and out of the ring before Veejay can retaliate.

Connor: Simple cowardice on the part of the champ.

Cohen: You call it cowardice, I call it strategy. He is simply catching his breath.

On the outside Titus taunts Veejay, urging him to exit the ring. Veejay exits the ring and the champ takes off running. Veejay gives chase, but Titus slides back into the ring. When Veejay slides back in, he catches a boot to the face. The champ then begins to stomp away at Veejay as he tries to get to his feet. Titus connects with a Eurpoean uppercut to stagger Veejay once he is on his feet. He then grabs an arm and Irish whips him into the ropes. Off the rebound Titus connects with a swinging neckbreaker and makes a cover...One!...Two!..Three!

Cohen: Titus wins! I knew it all along.

Connor: Not so fast Jack.

The referee quickly reverses his decision though, as he notices that Titus had his feet on the ropes. Titus begins to argue with the referee, allowing Veejay precious time to recover. With Titus still arguing with Keith Morse, Veejay comes in and locks in a cobra clutch, then using it to plant Titus with a bulldog. Not letting up, Veejay grabs an arm and and lifts his foe. He throws him across the ring and off the rope rebound connects with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He then rolls Titus over and grabs a leg, securing a half Boston crab. He leans back, applying extra pressure to the hold. Titus does his best to crawl to the ropes, the referee right on top of the action.

Connor: This could be it, the pain on Titus' face tells the story.

Titus makes one last desperate lunge to the ropes and manages to just get his fingers around the bottom rope.

Cohen: Titus prevails again!

The ref orders Veejay to release the hold. He reluctantly does so, and Titus rolls out of the ring, clutching his leg. Veejay follows but Titus was playing opossum and tosses Veejay into the ring steps. He then grabs him and tosses him into the barricade. He rolls back into the ring and urges the referee to count as fast as possible, but Veejay is back in the ring at a count of six, plenty of time to spare. Titus stomps his foot in frustration before he grabs Veejay and plants him with a DDT. He then calls for the The Red Comet and climbs to the top rope. Just as Titus leaps, Veejay rolls out of the way, causing Titus to crash and burn. Veejay then hoists Titus onto his shoulders for the Victory Lap but Titus slips out the back, and with a unseen punch to the dick, sets up and hits the Tit Drop! He hooks the leg...One!...Two!...Three!

Here is your winner, Titus Avison!

Titus raises his arms in victory before he rolls out of the ring and grabs his EurAsian title, holding it high above his head as he walks up the ramp to boos.

Connor: So with a little assist from a low blow, Titus Avison walks out with a victory.

Cohen: The referee didn't see it, so it didn't happen. Congratulations to Titus on a hard fought victory.

Just as Titus reaches the curtain, he quickly stops and heads back down the ramp. Just a few steps behind him is Noah Ryder with his King For A Day briefcase in hand and a referee. Just as Ryder is about to hand his briefcase to the referee, Veejay grabs a mic.

Veejay: No, you aren't going to do this while I'm here Noah. It would be complete disrespect to me for you to cash in right after Titus cheats me out of a win.

Ryder requests a mic of his own, and in the time it takes the attendant to give him a mic, Titus grabs his title and quickly escapes through the crowd.

Ryder: I'm sorry Veejay, I mean you no disrespect. I just couldn't sit back and let Titus steal another victory.

Veejay: Then prove to me you are sorry. Give me a shot at you. You and me at Apocalypse, one on one. No gimmicks, no BS, just two competitors trying to see who comes out on top.

Ryder takes a moment to ponder before he nods his head in agreement as the crowd cheers.

Connor: So a big match just been made. Veejay vs. Noah Ryder. I for one look forward to it.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Matt Tastic makes his way out to an ovation from the audience. But he doesn't seem interested in any of the crowd's adulation. He wears a brooding scowl as he storms towards the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Southwestern, Puerto Rico, "The Invincible" Matt Tastic!"

Cohen: "Invincible" my ass. Look at what happened to Matt last week. Someone with a mask takes him out, just like that.

Cohen: "I'd imagine that's the reason for the unhappy appearance. I'm not used to seeing Matt this...well, angry?"

Cohen: "Well, sure you are, Cat. He's an angry man. An angry, angry Cuban."

Connor: "He's from Puerto Rico, and somehow, that's the least problematic thing you just said."

Matt enters the ring, barely acknowledging the audience. He grabs for the microphone from Harrys, and screams into it.

Tastic: "Listen, I don't have much time for this bull-"

The microphone is cut off, as the crowd cheers on Matt Tastic. He hits the mic over and over, extremely angry. He screams so loud, that the entire arena can hear him.

Tastic: "Sound guy, turn back up my mic, dammit!"

The crowd cheers at this, as Tastic's microphone regains its volume.

Tastic: "Now, Eddie, Armando, I really don't care what you're calling yourself now. I'm going to beat the piss out of you necause its law. And Logan, you may be a tough new guy, but you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, compadre. But after I'm done with you, I have some unfinished business with someone who knows damn well who he is! So, we can play this one of two ways; either you can come down and I'll beat you before I take care of this tag match, or I'll beat this tag team on my own, and come hunt your ass down. The choice is yours, puta! Either way, I'm delivering a whole lot of kickassery tonight!"

The crowd goes nuts at the idea of this. Matt Tastic paces the ring as he awaits someone to come out to the ring.


The crowd seems a little let down, as they see Ramparte walk to the ring, microphone in hand.

Ramparte: "Wait, Matt, wait."

The music stops as Ramparte makes his way down to the ring.

Ramparte: "Matt, I know you're upset, and I can see why. You've got every right to be mad, but you're also picking a fight with three men. You're picking a fight with someone you don't even know, and a pair of men who want to bring back Mayhem rules."

Matt Tastic: "Yeah, pretty much. And I don't mind adding a fourth, if you have any plans of stopping me."

Ramparte: "Matt, just calm down. I'm not about to stop you. I've not always seen eye to eye with you. But I can say, I've always been upfront in who I am. I wouldn't attack someone behind their back; if I was to attack you, I'd do it to your face. So, if you find yourself needing help with this...scavenging coward...I'll be more than happy to have your back."

Ramparte makes it into the ring, and offers a handshake to Matt Tastic. Matt Tastic sizes up Ramparte, cautiously observing his hand.

Matt Tastic: "Tonight, I'm going to beat three men within an inch of their life. If you want to sit back and watch, you're more than welcome to it."


The crowd boos at this, as Eddie, Logan, and Brittany make their way to the ring. Logan has a microphone in his hand.

Logan: "Ok, ok, ladies. That's enough, from both of you. Look, I'm just like Ramparte over there; if I'm going to attack you, I'm going to do it to your face. And boys, that's exactly what we're going to do tonight. We're going to attack you, and we're going to beat you to a pulp. Whoever that masked man, he can take the scraps."

Logan and Eddie motor to the ring, sliding under the ropes and rushing after Ramparte and Tastic. Harrys barely has time to make it out of the ring, as Logan tosses clubbing blows to Ramparte. On the other side of the ring, Matt Tastic kicks in the stomach, and punches him in the face. The match has already devolved into a brawl, as James Aubrey calls for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Logan has taken control of Ramparte in the corner, throwing knees into the stomach. On the other side of the ring, Matt Tastic is wildly punching at Eddie Romero, who tries to block the blows.

Connor: "And already, we have a mess in the ring. These men are out to cause mayhem tonight!"

Cohen: "Ref better restore some order, and fast!"

Aubrey tries to restore order in the match, and pulls on Logan's shoulders. On the other side of the ring, Armando throws kicks to back away Matt Tastic. But all this manages to do is give Matt Tastic enough space to connect with a vicious clothesline. The clothesline sends Eddie out to the floor. As he turns around, he notices Logan setting Ramparte up for a muscle buster. He flies halfway across the ring, to save his partner from what would be a hellacious slam. He hits Logan in the back

Connor: "And already, we have a mess in the ring. These men are out to cause mayhem tonight!"

Cohen: "Ref better restore some order, and fast!"

Aubrey tries to restore order in the match, and pulls on Logan's shoulders. On the other side of the ring, Armando throws kicks to back away Matt Tastic. But all this manages to do is give Matt Tastic enough space to connect with a vicious clothesline. The clothesline sends Eddie out to the floor. As he turns around, he notices Logan setting Ramparte up for a muscle buster. He flies halfway across the ring, to save his partner from what would be a hellacious slam. He hits Logan in the back, which causes him to let go of Ramparte. Logan turns to Matt, who wildly swings at him. Ramparte takes this time to clear up his senses, and comes off the second rope with a double axe handle. This brings Logan down to a knee, as Matt and Ramparte make eye contact. Tastic's eyebrows arch a little, as Ramparte offers a handshake. Matt considers this once more, and this time shakes hands. The two bounce off the ropes together, and hit a tremendous double clothesline on Logan.

Connor: "and just like that, this looks a well-synched team!"

Cohen: "I'm willing to bet this won't last long."

The two men gang up to attack Logan McAllistair, but Logan pushes the two back. Matt and Ramparte roll up to one knee, and Logan gives a gigantic roar. Eddie Romero has made it back up to the apron, as Aubrey takes this time to restore order in the match. He orders for one man to get into the corner, and pick a legal man. Ramparte and Tastic look at each other, and Ramparte decides to cede way to Matt Tastic. Matt makes it up to his feet, and sees that he has to mix it up with Logan. The two circle each other, with Matt bouncing off the ropes. Just as he reaches Logan, he slides underneath him, using his speed to his advantage. Logan turns around to a knee to the gut, followed by a hurricanrana. Matt cradles one leg, as Aubrey goes down for the count.

One, just one!

Barely one at that, as Logan kicks out with an authority. But as he makes it to his knees, he's met with roundhouse kicks to the chest. Matt Tastic hits two of them, as the slap of boot on flesh resonates in the arena. Again, he bounces off the ropes, and delivers a spinning wheel kick on Mr. Mayhem. He goes for a quick cover.

1...2, just two!

Logan kicks out at barely two. He makes it back to his feet, as Matt now comes after him with a lariat neckbreaker. Tastic falls the big man once more, as the crowd goes wild!

Connor: "Matt is using his speed to get the better of Logan."

Cohen: "I can't wait for Logan to just go ahead and squash this cucaracha."

Matt goes to lift his opponent by the head. But as he does so, Logan rakes him in the eyes. The crowd boos at Logan's cheap tactics, but Logan seems ambivalent about their demeanor. He takes this time to cynch a lock in on Matt Tastic, and flings him into the air with a T-Bone Suplex! Matt's neck and back hit the mat with a thud, an already weakened back due to spinal surgery. Logan soaks up the boos of the audience, and taunts them as he lifts up Matt. He twists Tastic around, and hits a thunderous release German Suplex on the Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling. Logan glides over for a cover, leaning on Matt nonchalantly.

1...2... just two!

Cohen: "All Logan has to do is attack the back area. Matt can only take so much damage to the neck and spine."

Connor: "This is your typical speed versus power match. And sometimes, power can be more overwhelming."

Logan looks to his partner, who is beckoning for a tag. He drags Matt over to his team's side of the ring, and tags in Eddie. He then slides outside of the ring, and drags Matt's leg to the ringpost. Logan applies a ringpost figure four, which Aubrey counts to four for him to break. 1...2...3...- as Aubrey counts, Armando has been climbing to the second rope. He hits an elbow drop from the second rope, as Logan releases the hold. Matt writhes in pain, as the referee admonishes Romero. He starts to stomp on Matt Tastic, taunting him as he goes. He allows for Tastic to get to his knees, taunting him to reach for his partner. He scuffs his shoe at Matt Tastic's face, which seems to incite a rage in Matt Tastic. He looks up, seeming as though what has just happened is unfathomable. Matt Tastic realizes that he is being mocked by Eddie Romero...and tackles him to the mat, throwing wild punches while mounted on the former Mayhem champion. Relentlessly, Matt pounds away at Eddie. Aubrey does his best to pull Matt off of Eddie, but to no avail. Matt's face is beat red, and the rage of the Super Saiyan has overtaken the Grand Slam Champion. He screams out to the heavens, as Aubrey finally pulls Tastic away. Tastic is forced back to his own corner, where Ramparte, seemingly not content to watching, tags himself in. Immediately, Matt turns to swing at his partner. He pulls Ramparte in close, grabbing at his neck, and almost throttling him. Ramparte's face is nearly as red as Matt Tastic's, but the two recognize a common enemy. Logan has entered the ring, and is rushing at both men. He hits an avalanche in the corner, which dazes both men. Eddie gains his bearings, and orders Logan back to the corner. Logan looks on, puzzled by Eddie's request. Eddie asserts that he's got this, and demands Logan return to the corner. Logan's questioning look has now turned to anger; he holds his arms up in the air, and can be heard screaming, "I'm your partner; I'm helping you!" Eddie and Logan go chest to chest, in what seems like a very heated argument.

Connor: " looks like there's a lot of tension between Eddie and Logan that's brewing up."

Cohen: "Ah, damn it. Is it really so much to ask for a tag team where the partners like each other?!"

Brittany is now on the apron, trying to call attention to her men. Now, all three seem to be in a heated dispute. As they bicker, James Aubrey takes this time to try and get Brittany off the apron. Ramparte and Matt Tastic look to one another, and give a knowing look. Matt sides out of the ring, to grab a cup of soda from ringside. A fan offers their drink happily, and Matt Tastic guzzles it. He rolls back into the ring, where all three seem embroiled in a heated, heated argument. Finally, Logan throws his hands in the air. "Fine. I'll go back to the corner. How about that?! I'll just stay in the god damned corner!" Logan walks back, while Eddie is still jawing with him. Logan's back is completely turned to his partner. Brittany, however, is not willing to let the matter die. She and Eddie argue, with James Aubrey still ordering her off the ring apron. Eddie finally walks away from Brittany, but Aubrey finally gives the ultimatum to Brittany to either get off the apron, or get her team disqualified. But as Eddie turns around, he walks right into a combo spit from Matt Tastic and Ramparte! Ramparte spits his black mist right into the face of Eddie, while Matt spews the entire cup of coke on him. Eddie is blinded, and holds his eyes in agony. Brittany jumps down from the apron, but the second she does, she sees what has happened. Logan looks on, and a crook of a smile forms on his face. Matt then superkicks Eddie right in the face, which turns him right over to Ramparte. Ramparte kicks Eddie hin the stomach, and sets him up for the Denouement! He connects with authority, as Matt Tastic lunges after Logan, to keep him from breaking up the oncoming pinfall. Ramparte covers, and Aubrey counts.


Aubrey calls for the bell, as Brittany shrieks from the ringside area. Matt slides back into the ring to celebrate with Ramparte. Meanwhile, Logan walks towards Brittany, and takes her hand. They watch at ringside. They don't leave Eddie; they simply wait for him to roll out of the ring.

Harrys: The winners of this match, Ramparte and Matt Tastic!

Matt goes to the second rope to salute the crowd, as Ramparte gets his hand raised. Outside of the ring, Logan browbeats a downed Eddie, as Brittany looks on. After the match Matt rolls out of the ring as his opponents are cleared out. Matt grabs a microfone as Ramparte sits catching his breath.

Matt: That was a nice warm up. Now I'm gonna repeat my point. Mr. Masked Man, I used to also wear a mask. I used to seemingly hide my face behind one. But you know what? Everyone knew who I was. Mask or not, who I was was undeniable. I didn't use it to attack people without them knowing it was me. I didn't use it to hide and play mind games. Come on, you little b*tch. Why don't you come here face to face and identify yourself?

Ramparte gets to his feet and stands behind Matt. He places his hand on Matt's shoulder as the two wait for the man. But suddenly Ramparte pulls Matt and hits a massive Clothesline on him!! The lights suddenly go dark!!

What the hell?! What's going on!!?!

They come back on and the masked man is in the ring standing over the knocked over Matt. Ramparte steps all over Matt and curbstomps his head to the canvas before taking Matt's mic and taking off the mask he just put on.

It was always my plan to come straight, Matt. I just wanted to catch you off guard because it's what you deserved. You have no idea what I've gone through and after wondering for months who's fault it was, now I know. It's you. It's because of you it's all gone! Flex! Eve! Cerberus! It was all your doing. It was you taking our Tag Team Championships in jealousy that made Cerberus crumble. It's your fault Flex and Eve are gone. It took me so long to realize it. But Dr. Zeus showed me the way.

Oh no. Another one brainwashed by that psycho.

: At Apocalypse, I challenge you. Accept and pay for your sins. Hail Ramparte!

Ramparte drops the mic and kicks Matt again as the referee comes to help him out. As that goes on, we go to the broadcast table.

My God. Ramparte blames Matt Tastic for the end of Cerberus. Now it seems they'll be facing off at Apocalypse.

Well, it's better than nothing I suppose. Ramparte wants vindication and he's getting it one way or the other as we just saw. And he's not the only one as Garth Black will be challenging Eve Taylor for the Elite Openweight Championship.

Speaking of Championship challenges, SHIT and Titus Avison are on a collision course for the Eurasian Championship. SHIT trashed Titus' locker room, the disgruntled actor has made it his mission to get rid of the robot but on what condition will he be after the attack from John Doe on Meltdown?

Speaking of John Doe, he has no partner. And he'll have to defend without Fallout who is gone from WZCW. With Dr. Zeus and Ramparte they can fight the Phantoms of Chaos but alone?

Speaking of alone, that's the way another former member of Cerberus seems to be feeling. Not rewards for his success, he's issued a big challenge. Flex Mussel has challenged SHOWTIME!

Brave young man trying to make a statement. That happens to be the same thing Noah Ryder and Veejay are trying to do. Both men have had brushes with Titus but ended up brushing up against each other. It's a battle to prove themselves as the King For A Day Noah Ryder faces Veejay.

We have a war going on between Mikey Stormrage and Constantine. They've constructed their own teams to go into battle to see who will win and walk out with enormous contendership prizes in the Brawl To End It All.

And finally. The big one. In Kingdom Come they had the longest singles match in history. Last Man Standing it was then. But this time it's inside the deadly Hell In A Cell. World Heavyweight Championship. Theron Daggershield vs Dr. Zeus.

All that plus some pre-show matches soon to be announced. All that coming your way at WZCW Apocalypse 2016. Call your local provider.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Tag Team Match !


Steven Holmes enters first, complete with cane. He signals at the entrance way where the music turns to The Immigrant Song. Then Hunnicutt emerges, a sneering smirk on his face. He marches to the ring, following Holmes before overtaking him to hold the ring ropes open for his master. He then enters by stepping over the top ropes and bows to the crowd as Holmes presents him.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Deadhorse, Alaska, weighing in at 267 pounds, Abel Hunnicut !!!

Connor: I tell ya, it's so good seeing Holmes back in the WZCW and giving a hand to fresh blood. I expect great things from his protege.

Cohen: Anyone that comes from a place called Deadhorse already screams intimidation. Wonder what possessed Holmes to seek talent in a town named that.


A scarecrow walks out holding a book in his hand. He recites few lines from the book as the lights dim. Once the lights come back to normal, Cassanova crawls down the ramp and into the ring.

Harrys: And his partner, from The Forgotten Library, weighing 200 pounds, "The Bookworm" Cassanova !!!

Connor: Quite the unorthodox competitor, Cassanova is. Interesting that these two are getting paired tonight.

Cohen: Yeah, it really is, but seriously- what's up with the scarecrow? I get Cass is "The Bookworm", so why is that thing reading aloud? So many questions.


He rotates around in one leg followed by a somersault on the floor and bounces up and high raising both of his hands. Then he goes to the audiences on the barricade for some fan fair, gets to the ring and Springboards his way in with another somersault on the mat.

Harrys: And their opponents, Introducing first from Crawley, South East England, weighing 185 pounds, "The Valiant" Vee ! A ! D ! Z !

Connor: Looks like Vee is taking a leaf from his partner's book tonight. It's good to see guys get on the same page.

Cohen: I don't think witty same first letter adjectives are going to help them beat a Goliath and a clever librarian, Cat.


The lights go out. The music begins. A lone spotlight is seen shining down on a figure standing on the ramp in a dramatic pose. Upon the word "FIRE!" the music kicks in the full gear and so do the lights, flashing around the arena in many different colors as M walks down the ramp laughing a maniacal laugh which only he could pull off whilst the general follows uninterested in the whole show. M gets into the ring, spins while throwing off his cape into the crowd, and poses again in what may or may not be a painful position but M’s too busy being magical to care. Meanwhile the general walks around to ringside, sits on a chair and begins reading a newspaper.

Harrys: And his partner, from from the secret underground lair, weighing in at precisely 243.7 pounds, "The Malicious" Mister M !!!

Connor: But it is good to see M back, though, isn't it? He's my main man, that M.

Cohen: So we're doing the letter thing, huh? Okay. Miasmic mandrills manufacturing morphine to minors. How'd I do?


Referee Katie Shepard waits in the center of the ring for the two combatants that will start the match. Cassanova wastes no time in signaling to his stoic partner that he wants to go first, while Vee seems to be the one beginning the match instead of his alliterative friend. Cass walks to the center of the ring and stares down Vee, who stays in his corner, conversing strategy with M. With a sly grin and a slow walk, Cassanova approaches the center of the ring. The two men engage in a collar and elbow tie up. Cass quickly transitions into a side headlock, but Vee swiftly pushes him off, Cass runs the ropes, delivers a clothesline but misses, runs the opposite side, and is caught with a Northern Lights Suplex. Vee releases the hold before a count can be made and stays on the offense- relinquishing a series of open handed punches and toe kicks. Cassanova crawls away and holds onto the bottom rope to end Vee's flurry of strikes. A misplaced grin spreads over the bookworm's face.

Copeland: Why is he smiling? Vee is coming strong from the get-go.

Cohen: There's something sadistic about him. It's as if he's trying to get in the brainiac's head.

Cassanova leaps back up and approaches Vee. A.D.Z. spins suddenly with a Roundhouse Kick, but The Bookworm somersaults backwards to avoid the hit in style. Cass uses the spinning momentum to bounce off of the ropes and grabs Vee by the shoulders. He monkey flips him into a nearby empty corner post! Immediately, Cass gets back up and rushes to the corner- Diving Cross Body to Vee. The librarian lands a crushing right knee to the ribs, followed immediately by an equally punishing left knee to the other side of the ribs, and tops it off with one more right knee to the ribs. He lets go of Vee, allowing the thinking man's wrestler to stagger backwards against the buckle in pain. Before Cass can follow up with another attack, Vee A.D.Z. sticks his upper body through the ropes, allowing the ref to step between himself and Cass, allowing for a moment's breath similar to what Cass did before.

Cass looks annoyed as he approaches Vee again. Suddenly,Vee steps towards Cass and hits him flush on the jaw with a stiff left. He is stunned as Vee Irish Whips him towards the ropes. Vee runs directly after Cass meeting him just as he bounces off the ropes with a well aimed single legged dropkick. This takes Cass's legs out from underneath him. Vee mounts him with a barrage of knuckles across the face. Before Katie could get to four, Vee let up and went straight for his right arm. Cassanova slips out before the move is locked in and rolls over to Abel Hunnicut. Before he can make the hot tag, Vee grabs his leg and brings him towards his and M's side of the ring. Vee tags him in, and together they set Cassanova up for a double Snap DDT.

Connor: Almost brought Hunnicut in, but it's M who gets tagged in first.

Cohen: Gee Connor, is that what happened? It's almost like we all saw that just now.

Connor: Just doing my job. No need to be a dick.

M with the quick pin!

1 !

2 !

Cassanova gets the shoulder up. The supervillain backs away from the downed opponent and points at Cass with both hands. He gets fanfare- and does a front flip into a knee strike. IT CONNECTS WITH CASSANOVA'S THROAT! Cass jerks wildly on the ground in fits of paralysis as Katie Shepard forces M to stand at the opposite side of the ring. The referee checks on the bookworm's condition. The audience boos at Katie. Cass nods that he is alright and is allowed to stand back up before the match continues.

M asks for a test of strength. Cass shakes his head no and slaps M across the face as a sign of disrespect. The maniacal one grins and slaps Cass right back. The two engage in a slapping contest.








BOOO !!!



Cassanova gains the upperhand, slapping M hard enough to bounce off of the ropes and make him walk straight into an Edge-O Matic. M writhes and tries to get up. Cass quickly leaps to the top of a turnbuckle and positions himself steadily. When M is back on his feat, the librarian leaps...and...Writer's rana! Cassanova lands onto M's face and shoulders, but M clutches and staggers with Cass on him, keeping him from completing the move. M powerbombs him into his corner turnbuckle and tags Vee A.D.Z. back in. Vee holds Cass as M climbs the turnbuckle, mimicking Cass. He jumps and it's a Mega M Flip!



The signature connects!!! Cass is down and M quickly slips out of the ring for the referee to signal the three count-

1 !

2 !

3 !

Abel Hunnicut breaks the count. The loner makes his presence known by getting a cheap shot in by kicking Vee in the back of the head. Katie Shepard sends him back to the apron.

Connor: Vee and M have done a fantastic job isolating Cassanova from his partner, but now Abel is getting anxious.

Cohen: Anxious? The man is pissed, Cat. He's ready to beat them within an inch of their life.

With Cass still out cold, Vee executes a standing somersault Senton Leg Drop. He does it in perfect form. The brainiac lifts the bookworm slowly, calling for the A.D.Z., but in a last ditch effort Cass pushes Vee with all he has to the opposite side of the ring where Hunnicut waits. Abel slaps Cass across the back harshly to make the tag! Steven Holmes's protege brings the crowd to a fever pitch as M hops back in illegally to break the momentum. It fails as Abel raises a Big Boot into his face. Vee goes for the offense but is met with a devastating European Uppercut.

With the referee preoccupied with getting M out of the ring, Holmes tells Abel to tear the padding off of his side's turnbuckle. Hunnicut does this happily, lifts Vee up into the sky, and Vee goes headfirst into the steel. Snake Eyes! As Vee teeters ready to fall to the mat, Abel lifts him back up again in a frenzy and it's a modified European Uppercut- Superiority Reflex!

Now that Katie is focused on the legal combatants, Abel Hunnicut hooks the leg for the pin.

1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

M rushes over and breaks the pin! The audience has become defiant.


*clap clap clapclapclap*


*clap clap clapclapclap*

Abel has become irate. He glances over at M and M is sticking his tongue out at him. Vee starts to pick himself off of the ground but Abel is quickly upon him, clubbing him across the back. The sounds ring out in the arena.

Connor: Seems M has gotten inside Abel's head.

Cohen: All of these mind games. Why can't we ever just have a good old fashioned brawl?

Vee limps to M. Abel allows Vee to make the tag, and now it is M facing Abel. M locks up with him, but is pushed into the ropes. He holds on to prevent a rebound. The goofiness is drained from the supervillain's face as he eyes the protege, studying him. Without notice, M rains a storm of kicks and punches into the brick wall of a man. Abel staggers but is fast with regaining the offense, hits M with a running Body Avalanche. M is down but not out, and hurries to get back to his feet. Vee A.D.Z. cheers on his partner. Abel snuffs the applause out by grabbing M and landing a flapjack.

Abel pulls M back up and goes for an STO, trying for a signature, but M reverses the move into his own Choking STO, and Abel growls as the maniacal one is on the offense. M keeps Abel down with a Spinning Throat Chop. M performs a Standing Moonsault and it misses! They both get up but Abel grapples with M and hits a Spinning Neckbreaker. Hunnicut uses his foot to pin him.

1 !

2 !

M battles out!

Cohen: Shoulda hooked the leg, Cat.

Connor: Are you quoting something?

Abel argues with the referee as M crawls for the tag. Cass shouts to Abel to get tagged in so he can fight his rival Vee. Abel looked apathetic but went to his corner for the tag anyways. Now Vee and Cass meet up in the ring for the second time in the match. Cass is in the driver's seat- bringing A.D.Z. down and popping kick after kick into his face. Cass raises Vee from off the ground and Irish Whips him straight into Abel Hunnicut! Hunnicut falls from the ring apron to the floor. This moment of folly is met with Vee reversing the hold and hitting a Mawashi Geri kick. Cassanova springboards straight into the exposed turnbuckle! Cass's head is busted wide open! Abel Hunnicut is back on his feet from the outside, clearly upset with Cass's tactic. Holmes is there to try to calm him down. Vee grabs Cass and begins to climb the turnbuckle. He stops at the Second Buckle, shakes his head, and gathers the unconscious Cass to the very top. A.D.Z.!!!!! A Super A.D.Z. brings Cass crashing down to the mat in a small pool of red. Vee begins to cover Cassanova!

1 ...

Abel is back on the apron...

2 ...

He enters the ring...

3 !!!

Hunnicut stops, noticing that Cass is lifeless and he is still physically pissed the bookworm made him bump off of the apron. Katie Shepard calls for the bell.

Harrys: Here are your winners, representing Team Stormrage, M And VEE A ! D ! Z !!!

EMTs rush into the arena with a stretcher. M and Vee ADZ bow out, but Hunnicut remains, watching them climb into the ring. They go to work in a hurry; fastening the clearly injured man onto the stretcher.

Connor: Wow. Great showing by all combatants, but Vee and M had synergy coming in and with a flurry of tags brought the intimidating Cass and Abel a loss this evening. This does not look good for Cassanova, though. He has yet to move.

Cohen: This is a reminder to all viewers that this is not meant to be tried at home. There are real hazards here, and it's a damn shame for him. Cass may be out for a while.

The EMTs begin to roll the fallen superstar out of the arena. A few sympathetic fans applaud Cassanova in a sign of respect. Abel Hunnicut still stands in the center of the ring, watching his partner leave the building. His face is cold and expressionless.


The camera cuts backstage where Constantine is watching the match in his locker room while he is talking on the phone.

Constantine: I can count on you to be part of my team at Apocalypse? Excellent. Mikey and his loser friends won't know what hit him.

Constantine looks over to Kagura, who begins to flash an evil smile.


The camera then cuts to Mikey Stormrage and Gino Galucci, who are at the craft services table stuffing their faces.

Gino: Who do you think Constantine is going to get as his fourth member?

Mikey: Haha, you said member, like penis. HAHAHAHAHA!

Mikey begins to choke on his food as Gino gives him the Heimlich.

Connor: I hope Mikey is okay after that close call.

Cohen: Screw that fatass. I'm more concerned about who Constantine's mystery partner is going to be.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!

The big main event is here as the World Champion looks to prepare himself for Hell In A Cell at Apocalypse for the title.

I think Zeus is more than ready for that. Clearly he has no regard for anyone. And at times I think it includes himself.


Introducing first,
from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, El Caidos Dragón!

A low light illuminates over El Caidos who spreads his wings before walking the aisle.

Last night on Meltdown, Ty Burna was able to defeat Theron Daggershield. The problem is he did it unintentionally with the help Caidos' opponent here tonight.

Cohen: You say unintentional, but I was there Cat. He did it with all the intention to win.


The lights go dark for a few seconds as has become the norm with Zeus and his minions. The lights come back on and Dr. Zeus is in the ring in a robe. He removes it and his World Heavyweight Championship as Caidos looks on with a small bit of shock creeping from his face.

He's playing his mindgames again with this. As if he simply transported himself to the ring.

Cohen: First, you mean teleported. Secondly, I call it efficient. No need for a long, drawn out entrance.

Referee Jun Akiyama looks on bewildered by Zeus' entrance but see's the contestants are ready to fight.

*Ding Ding Ding*

El Caidos circles the ring as Dr. Zeus simply stands still in the center. Caidos drops the wrestling stance and goes for Zeus. He kicks him in the thigh but Zeus responds with a big right hand making him reel. Caidos doesn't stay hit though and fights back with another kick. Zeus takes a big swing but Caidos drops to dodge and hits a legsweep. Zeus falls to the canvas and Caidos goes for a pin. 1!...2-But it's barely a 1 as Zeus shoves him off. Both get back to their feet and stops Caidos dry with a throat thrust. Caidos falls back and Zeus drops an elbow to Caidos' sternum. He covers him. 1..... But Caidos gets back up bridging his way out of the hold. On their feet both men exchange a few blows but Caidos takes advantage with a couple of chops before whipping the World Champion across the ring. Zeus comes back around and Caidos flies in with a massive Springboard Dropkick perfectly to Zeus' chest.

Great Dropkick hitting it's mark perfectly. Caidos seems to have control of the match starting things here.

Cohen: Come on. This man has been playing everyone since yesterday and in a few occasions he did it without even being around. Caidos is gonna need more than a Dropkick.

Caidos takes advangate with the Dropkick and whips Zeus across the ring again. Caidos leapfrogs over Zeus as he comes in and in the second come around, he hops for a Huracanrana but Zeus stops him and pulls him back up. He tries a Powerbomb, but Caidos rolls across the back for a Sunset Flip cover. 1.........2.......-But only 2 as the World Champion gets out of it. Caidos gets back to his feet and dashes across the ropes as Zeus sits up. Caidos tries to punt Zeus' head but he drops down making Caidos miss. Zeus takes advantage of that and rolls Caidos up with a Schoolboy. 1.....2......-But only 2 on that one. The two men roll their way back to their feet but Zeus stops Caidos cold with a knee to the gut and a big Samoan Drop.

I told you. This man knows how to play the field, Cat. He acts harmless but he sure is not and he can surprise you like he did when he came into this match.

Connor: I guess I can't argue with that. But I never said the World Heavyweight Champion was harmless. Anything but.

Zeus, having slowed Caidos down, takes it easy now and walks towards his opponent methodically, thinking of his next move as he pulls him to his feet by the mask, staring at the crowd almost in a trance without seeing what he's doing. He whips Caidos across the ring and simply steps aside as Caidos comes by before knocking him back down with a Clothesline. Zeus slowly reaches out for his opponent again and grabs his head before he yells at Caidos. He slams Caidos' head against the canvas repeatedly and violently as he just screams at him. Caidos tries to fight out of it but the blows make it hard for him to get a clear shot to break Zeus' grip. Zeus stops to just yell at Caidos' ear and the Dragon uses that small gap to swing his head backwards hitting the World Champion perfectly on the bridge of the nose. Caidos can't capitalize properly because of the abuse but as Zeus comes in, Caidos shoves him off with his boots to buy himself some recovery time. Zeus gets frustrated but Caidos nips up and instantly leaps into Zeus with a front chancery with his feet in the air before steering himself to the side and driving Zeus' head to the canvas with a big Tornado DDT. He quickly goes for the cover and hooks the leg. 1........2......-But just 2 as Zeus gets the shoulder up!

Connor: It seems Caidos found a small opening. But can he capitalize?

Caidos is probably thinking he rattled Zeus' head. Too bad that thing was clearly rattled long ago.

Caidos takes his time getting back to his feet. Not for being methodical but because of the head blows he took. He tries to shake it off and goes for Zeus. He kicks him in the thighs a couple of times before running the ropes. He comes in with a Spinning Headscissor but Zeus puts on the brakes mid-spin and plants Caidos face first to the canvas. He rolls him off and gets back to his feet before grabbing Caidos and dropping him back first onto his knee for a Backbreaker. Zeus makes sure to stretch Caidos before just carelessly dropping him. Zeus takes his time and goes for Caidos but the masked man kicks his opponent in the face to create some separation Caidos gets back to his feet and runs the ropes but as he turns around, he's met with a Spinning Wheel Kick knocking him back down. He doesn't hesitate this time and pulls Caidos to his feet for Euthanasia, but Caidos shoves him off. he hits a couple of shots driving Zeus to the corner where he keeps the offense going. Series of knife edge chops which get clear wincing reactions out of the World Champion as Caidos keeps going. He climbs the ropes right on Zeus before dropping for a Huracanrana sending Zeus to the middle of the ring. He follows up with a springboard into the Dragons Lair for a cover!! 1......2.......-But only 2 and a half!!

Caidos seems to have Zeus on the ropes now. He just needs that big shot.

The problem is Zeus probably knows that too.

Both men on their feet and Caidos wastes no time. Series of chops before going up the ropes and leaping off for another Huracanrana. Zeus flies across the ring again and is perfectly in the middle. Seeing his chance, Caidos heads up the top rope and measures Zeus. He seems to go for el Dragon De Vuelo but he sees Zeus roll away. So he drops down and goes for Zeus but is met with a kick to his face. Zeus quickly gets back to his feet and goes for Euthanasia but Caidos shoves him off. He comes in but Zeus gives him another Throat Thrust and elevates him onto the ropes where he drives him to the mat with a DDT. He hooks the leg. 1........2........- But only 2 and a half. Zeus sits after the cover showing frustrations as Caidos stirs after kicking out. Zeus gets back to his feet and looks on thinking of his next move. He goes for Caidos and grabs his arm for Pulling The Plug but Caidos clasps his hands together to block the move. Zeus gives it up and stands Caidos up. He goes for Euthanasia but yet again, Caidos shoves him off. Caidos hits a kick to the gut and runs to the ropes to leap off but in mid flight, Zeus reaches out in spite of the pain and manages to grab Caidos' mask, ripping it right off him!!

Connor: Wait a minute, you can't do that!!

Cohen: Says who?! This isn't Mexico!

Caidos falls to the canvas covering his face as Zeus quickly gets him back up and powers him right back down with Euthanasia. He hooks the leg. 1.........2.........3!!! The referee calls for the bell and instantly covers Caidos' face.

Here is your winner, The World Heavyweight Champion, Dr. Zeus!!

Jun Akiyama raises Dr. Zeus' hand in victory as Caidos has his mask handed back to him.

Connor: What disgusting tactic. Removing a luchador's mask for victory. What dishonor.

Cohen: Dishonor, Cat? It got him a victory. It's not his fault Caidos is so caught up in hiding his face. He exploited it brilliantly.

Dr. Zeus poses with his World title in hand and the lights dim. They come back on and Dr. Zeus now has John Doe and Ramparte in the ring. The three stand tall as fire erupts from the posts again, but Ty runs down the aisle and Matt Tastic appears from the crowd similar to what happened in Meltdown. A brawl breaks out in the ring as Ty and Matt attack their respective rivals. Dr. Zeus manages to get away but stumbles onto the now masked Caidos. They all fight as Tastic and Ramparte fall out of the ring. Ramparte manages to Matt against the barricade while Ty pummels Doe in the corner. Dr. Zeus whips Caidos onto Ty and hits him with Euthanasia. He does the same to Ty leaving them all laying. Ramparte fetches Matt and throws him to the ring where Dr. Zeus also hits Euthanasia on him. All three once again pose. Now with the bodies of their foes on the ground, beaten. Zeus takes a mic and screams into it.

Dr. Zeus:
Despair! We are your nightmare come true! We will destroy and create pestilence to consume you! Nowhere to hide! Nowhere to run! Take the end in stride! Apocalypse spares none!

As Zeus preaches with his minions looking in the same direction as him, from behind appears Theron Daggershield with his Buster Sword! He swings and hits Doe, knocking him down. He then takes out Ramparte leaving him and Dr. Zeus alone in the ring. They stare at each other angrily with Theron daring Zeus to make the first move. Instead the Good Doctor raises his title. The lights go out again. And when they come on, Dr. Zeus, John Doe and Ramparte are nowhere to be seen. Theron grabs the mic Dr. Zeus left behind....

Davkas....... Every dusk has it's daybreak. At the Day Of Lavos in the Dungeon Of Death Match I will defeat you and reclaim the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship.

Theron goes to help the wrestlers who are getting to their feet as we go to the commentators.

Wow. Total brutality here to close Ascension as we get ready for Apocalypse.

Cat, I think we're not done. I hear something's going on in the back.


We go to the backstage area where Mikey Stormrage and his team are fighting against Constantine and his team. All sorts of plunder flies everywhere as well as bodies as seven wrestlers go wild on each other across the backstage area. Security comes in droves to try and separate all the people creating a scene of total panic. The scene closes with the pandemonium going on......


Yaz: Opening, Titus vs. Veejay, Flex vs. Black, segments
KJ: Zeus vs. Caidos, segments
Haiku: Matt Tastic & Ramparte vs Men Of Mayhem
Spidey: Abel Hunnicutt & Cassanova v Vee A.D.Z. & M
Dynamite: Segments

Hope you guys enjoy. Apologies for the delay, we had to change some plans around at the last minute. Rep the guys for their hard work and get ready for Apocalypse next round.
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