Ascension 1 - Rafael De La Noche vs Trevor Steel

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Two of WZCW's newest and brightest clash in an exhibition, each man looking to make a statement.

RP deadline is August 4th 11:59 EST.
Trevor Steel is walking into his locker room, chatting on his cell phone. Only his half of the conversation can be heard, but he wears a big smile on his face.

Trevor Steel: I know you watched. I'm happy you got to see Daddy win. Why aren't you in bed? It's kind of late, ain't it? You go to sleep, and I'll see you in the morning...

There's silence as Trevor listens intently.

Trevor Steel: I love you too. Sweet dreams. Good night.

Trevor snaps his cell phone shut, stares at it for a second, and tosses it onto his gym bag as he removes his shirt, revealing some redness and some welts, marks of a job well done in the Contract Battle Royal. He cracks his neck, stretches his arms, and takes a seat, planting his face in his hands, before flipping his hair back, and noticing Becky and Stacey in the room. They're arguing, and he entered midway through the discussion.

Becky Serra: I don't care what you think "real wrestling" is. Trevor put on a damn good showing, and he deserves his contract! You can go and talk about how great Rafael is, but I'm going to interview Trevor. You don't like him, don't talk to him. Simple as that, or is the blonde dye seeping into your brain?

Stacey throws down her hands in a huff, and storms past Trevor before flinging the door open, and leaving into the hallway. Trevor looks perplexed, and looks back at Becky, who's face is turning red. He scratches his beard, and strikes up a conversation with Becky.

Trevor Steel: So, what's all that about? I haven't seen you that worked up since I got here.

Becky Serra: It's nothing. She thinks because you're all big and tattooed, that you can't possibly be a good wrestler. She heard that you'd be taking on Rafael on the Ascension debut, and felt the need to brag about it, like he's God's gift to the squared circle. I think you're pretty good. I like your reasons for being here. You have a respect for the business. Rafael only respects himself. It's all wrong. I'm pulling for you.

Trevor Steel: This is all news to me. Ascension? A new show, huh? That must've been the big announcement. I've been on the phoen with my son all night. He's excited to see daddy is a pro wrestler now. I missed it. Good to know I've been picked to take part.

Trevor starts to unlace his boots, as Becky takes a seat on a bench against the opposite wall.

Trevor Steel: Rafael De La Nacho, that's his name, right? I met up with him a few times in the ring. He's got some stuff. A bit of a cocky attitude though. There's no place for that out there. We're all just trying to make a living, have some fun, and maybe get some success out of it. He comes in, showing off his belt made by Mattel, and thinks it entitles him to something around here. I'll give him credit for a good match, but I did something he couldn't do, and that's toss someone over the top rope. As far as I see it, we're on even ground anyway. We both lasted 15 minutes, we both got our contracts, and now we're both debuting on Ascension. Seems pretty fair to me.

Becky Serra: Exactly. But, Stacey and Johnny walk around here, touting him as the future of pro wrestling, and treat you like you'll be out of here in a week. He may have better hair, but since when does hair win a match?

Trevor and Becky both laugh at the comment, and Trevor kicks off his boots, revealing a pair of tube socks with holes that he could fit his fist through.

Trevor Steel: He probably has better socks too. Guess I can throw these away. I'll stop at Wal Mart on the way home and buy a new pack. Maybe even get my son his very own Elite X replica. He loves that guy Titus. Really looks up to him. That's why I can't let him down. I tell myself I'm here to have some fun, try to make something of myself, when what I am really here to do, is put food on the table, and make my son proud of me. If I can do that, it doesn't matter if I go out there on Ascension and lose. As long as I try my hardest. Stacey and Johnny can talk all they want about how great this guy is. I respect his skills, and I'll prepare the way I know best. I'll find a good metal show, thrash around, bang some heads, and show up at the arena ready to go. Before long, Rafael, Johnny, Stacey....They'll respect me. They'll see that you don't need to be the picture of perfection to get ahead out there. You just need some heart. I've got more than enough.

Becky Serra: Well, I really don't care what they think. I saw the smile on your face when you walked in here talking to your son, and I know he's proud of you. That should be all that matters. As far as Rafael goes, don't worry. He's wrestled the greatest Spain had to offer, and when's the last time we saw any of them make waves here? He's in for a surprise if he takes you lightly.

Trevor Steel: Well, I need to hit the shower. It's been a long, exciting night, and I got a lot of preparation to do for my match. I'll catch you at the arena.

Trevor holds the door open for Becky as she leaves the locker room, and closes it behind her, before shuffling through his gym bag. He tosses aside a set of keys, some wrist tape, and extra laces, before pulling a CD out. He reaches under the bench, and pulls the stereo onto the seat, before plugging it in, and inserting the CD. He presses play, and listens as the static leads into his theme song. He gets an ear to ear grin, grabs a towel, and picks up his cell phone. He searches through the phonebook, before starting a text.

TEXT said:
To: Titus

Couldn't have done this without you. Thanks for bringing me here. See you at Ascension.

Trevor tosses the cell back onto his bag, and heads for the showers.
As Becky and the cameraman walk down the hall filled with dressing rooms, music can be heard.

Becky: What beautiful music, soothing.

Cameraman: Yeah, sure.

As Becky and the cameraman continue to walk down the hall, the music gets louder. They finally stop at a dressing room door with Rafael's name on it all the way at the end of the hall. The music can be heard the loudest from here.

Becky: I guess Rafael is playing the music, must be in a good mood.

Becky knocks on the door. After a few seconds Rafael responds.

Rafael: Come in, the door is unlocked.

As Becky and the camerma man step in they see a average dressing room. Not big. A locker can be seen, a mirror against the wall, and a desk and chair where Rafael is sitting under the mirror. On the desk a record player playing music can be seen, and a couple of gems assorted by color.

Becky: What song is that your record is playing? It's soothing.

Rafael doesn't get up from his chair, he just turns his head to answer.

Rafael: Concierto de Aranjuez by Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo. I put it on to relax and focus better while i do work.

Becky: Work as in those gems? Why are you assorting them if you don't mind me asking.

Rafael: They're for my title.

Becky pauses for moment, and looks over at the opened Locker with Rafael's title hanging.

Becky: Right, i do remember seeing your belt decorated with those gems on the lower right side edge. It looked very pretty.

Rafael: Those gems aren't there just for show Becky, those gems signify each of my notable victories. It's a more visual way of showing all that i have acomplished, and will acomplish.

Rafael turns back to his desk and picks up a stone, a dark red Garnet stone.

Rafael: As woman you must cleary know what this is.

Rafael turns his chair around and holds the garnet out in his palm infront of Becky.

Becky rolls her eyes

Becky: Yes I know it's a red garnet stone.

Rafael: Not just a red garnet stone, a dark red garnet stone. The shade of the color is very important. Different shade, different meanings. For example, Dark red signifys anger, vigor, willpower, malice, and wrath. Remind you of anyone?

Becky: Not sure.

Rafael: It reminds me of Lars Reidar. The malice and anger he displays in ring. The vigor in his mentality. The wrath he displays when he casts judgment on his opponents.

Becky: Wait wait, you already have a gem for Lars to put on your title? You're getting way ahead of yourself. In case you don't know, your opponent is Trevor Steel. Not Lars Reider, and it won't be Lars for a long time, assuming you do have a successful career here.

A angry look quickly comes over the face of Rafael

Rafael: Looking too far ahead? Assuming I do have a successful career here? Who do you think you're talking to? I am the reigning NSA World Heavyweight Champion. I have successfully defended my title for two long years across all of Spain. I have already done more in my life at the age of 24 then you will your whole life.

Rafael gets up from his chair and approaches Becky

Rafael: I have done more in my career already then half of what the WZCW roster will acomplish in their whole career. And you're gonna tell me that I'm looking too far ahead? You're gonna tell me that i might not have a successful career here?

Rafael stares at Becky for a few seconds

Becky doesn't respond

Rafael:I am not looking far ahead at all, I should be fighting the best of the best right now. My credentials should have me fighting the upper tier of the WZCW roster, not some filthy looking hobo. My career has been a success, and wil continue to be so here in WZCW, as soon as I'm done with Steel. I will show that Steel doesn't belong in the same ring as me by completely out classing him. I will show that his name doesn't even belong in the same breath as mine. I will make an example out of him to show the clearly blind Bateman that i belong at the top, not at the bottom fighting in royal's and fighting Hobo's. I will show him at this at the expense of Steel's well being.

Rafael: Now Becky if you don't mind, I think its time for you to take your leave.
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