Ascension 1 - Excellency vs Marcus Chambers

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

$Two of WZCW's newest and brightest clash in an exhibition, each man looking to make a statement.

RP deadline is August 4th 11:59 EST.
Father Handley walks into Excellency's study as he is preparing for his match.

Excellency: Hello, Father. How are you doing today?

Father Handley: I am doing fine. My back is giving me a bit of trouble but I will survive. Are you ready for your match?

Excellency: Yes I am. My parents will be sitting in the front row and they are pleased to see me wrestle for the first time. I've studied tapes of Marcus Chambers. He is a great wrestler and I must do my best because I know if I make a mistake, he will capitalize on it.

Father Handley: Do not overlook him. You were a victim of that in the past. You underestimated your opponents and most of the time, it cost you dearly.

I know, Father. My mind and body are completely focused on this match. I know to achieve my goal, I have to take steps to get there. This is my first step to reaching that goal and I will not overlook Chambers.

Father Handley walks to the table and picks up a pair of wrestling boots and gives them to Excellency.

Father Handley: I met with Giovanni earlier today and he is excited about your match and wanted me to give you this. He won't be able to make it, but he hopes that you win and is wishing you the best. These were his first pair of wrestling boots and wants you to have them.

Excellency: That is great. I will wear them for every match because it's a reminder that I'm not only doing this for me, I'm also doing it for him.

Father Handley: Giovanni would be pleased to know that. I believe it is time for prayer. I will let you say it this time.

Excellency and Father Handley get on their knees and start to pray.

Excellency: Lord, watch over us as we compete tonight and bless us in the ring as well is out of the ring. Bless us with health and strength and that we can come out better than when we came in. Be with us each and every day and guide us so that we can live the way you want us to live. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Father Handley:
A very good prayer, Excellency. Let's go through some strategy that you can employ so you can win this match.

Excellency: I know Chambers has been watching tapes of me as well and I feel like that we will have one of the best matches out there. I wish him well.

The shot closes as they go over strategy and watch more tapes of Marcus Chambers.
CCW cameras cut to interviewer Becky Serra as she is standing at the door of one of the newest superstars, Marcus Chambers.

Becky hesitates before she knocks and adjusts her skirt and wipes her hair away from her brow to ensure that she is looking her best to impress Chambers.

Becky knocks and suddenly opens the door without Marcus allowing her entrance. As she enters, the cameras pan on "The Enigma" as he is reading the book "Soul On Ice" by noted black power pioneer Eldridge Cleaver.

Serra:Excuse me, Marcus...

Chambers slowly looks up and Becky and shuts his book. Becky slowly moves closer to her target to begin her interview.

Serra:Marcus, what are your thoughts about your match tonight against Excellency?

Chambers strokes his chin and begins checking out Becky before he answers.

Chambers:Well, there is alot on my mind right now.

Becky moves in closer and sits on Chambers' lap and wraps her arms around him and smiles.

Serra:Well Marcus, why don't you tell me whats on your mind...

Becky takes her index finger and moves it across his chest as Marcus is seemingly hypnotized.

Chambers:There is one thing in particular.

Serra:What is it?

Becky smiles at Marcus whose expression has suddenly changed from satisfaction to anger.

Chambers:It upsets me that whenever white women see a young, successful and athletic black man such as myself, they want a piece of the pie. I mean, I can't blame you hitting on me, seeing that Marcus Chambers is the hottest thing in professional wrestling today. And I would be damned if I were to ruin it all by associating myself in any way, shape or form with the likes of you. I will not lower myself to being with the likes of you.

Becky tries to get away but Chambers suddenly grabs her wrist as Becky winces in pain.

Chambers:I am not going to be another sellout to my race like Tiger Woods or even Fredrick Douglass. You are in no way attractive. You disgust me. Black men who mingle with white women like you, are a disgrace to themselves and to our culture. Marcus Chambers refuses to taint his reputation with all of his brothers and sisters around the world who hang up his posters in their rooms and hail me as their role model. Get the hell out of my locker room and get out of my sight immediately, makes me sick just to look at you.

Becky runs out of the locker room as "The Enigma" stares into the camera.

Chambers:As far as you go Excellency, you are not even on my level. As a matter of fact, your name does not even belong in the same sentence as mine because you are a Martin Luther wannabe and I am the new blood that this business needs. I am better than you. I am in the best shape of my life and I have an entire race of people rallying behind me. Millions of people will be tuning to watch Marcus Chambers pin you for the 1,2,3. I am going to beat you down so badly, that you will be on your knees begging me to stop, just like when you were twelve years old in the confessional booth with Father Handley. Nothing and no one will stop me...believe that!!
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