AS9 - Ty Burna vs. Mr. Baller (KFAD Qualifier)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

After both men impressed the Board of Directors in their respective matches, Ty Burna and Mr. Baller have the opportunity to enter the King For A Day Elimination Chamber. How will the former Mayhem and EurAsian Champion fare against one of the most cunning members of the roster?

Deadline is Tuesday 5th January 2010 23:59 EST
The camera fades in as we see Mr. Baller is in the waiting room of an office. He has his laptop in hand rewinding his previous match with Titus.

Mr. Baller v Titus
The crowd pops huge at this as Titus comes out with his usual hi fives to the crowd. He then rolls under the ropes as Baller runs over and begins to stomp on Titus. Titus manages to roll out of the ring as Baller climbs out after him. Titus grabs Baller and throws him straight back in the ring, Titus gets in as the bell goes and the match is under way. Titus grabs Baller, irish whip straight into the turnbuckle. Baller bounces back, roll up by Titus. 1...2...Baller kicks out.

Baller rolls out under the ring again as he goes under the ring. The crowd begin to cheer as they know this is weapons time. Baller pulls out a trash can which has in it a kendo stick, a stop sign and for some reason a basketball. Baller throws the trash can in the ring as he goes under it for some more weapons. Titus is stood in the ring as he begins to bounce the basketball, the crowd think this is hilarious.

Baller comes out with a steel chair and finially gets in the ring. Titus goes to Baller and goes for a spinning heel kick, Baller manages to duck this and manages to smack Titus with the steel chair. Titus is a bit dazed by this stumbling around, Baller hits him for the second time. Titus crashes to the cover by Baller...1....2....kick out by Titus

Baller picks up the kendo stick and waits for Titus to stand up. Baller swipes for Titus' legs but Titus jumps over it, he then swings for Titus' head but he ducks it. BAller is looking frustrated as Titus grabs the kendo stick from Baller and cmacks him straight in the mid section. Baller is bent over above the steel chair as Titus gives the tit drop on Baller. His face smacks off the chair but instead of going for the cover Titus goes for the ankle lock. Baller taps as the referee calls the bell.

Anderson: The winner of this match as a result of submission...Titus!

Baller: God Damnit. There is something certainly wrong, I keep losing, and it’s definitely not my fault.

Mr. Baller looks up at the ceiling as he thinks.

Receptionist: Mr. Baller, Mr. Davis is ready for you

Mr. Baller walks to the glass door and heads to Mr. Davis’ office. On the door it says “Agent Mr. Charles E. Davis”

Baller: Yo what up Mr. D?

Davis: This is not a light mood matter. I am ready to drop you as a client right now as you haven’t won a match in god knows how long. You have competed with the best and you always hang with them but you never shut the door. You let the opponent dictate the match.

Baller: I know, as I was thinking in the lobby, I need to make a change with something, because I am not to blame for all my losses.

Davis: You are currently the Detroit Lions of WZCW, and we got to get that title off of you.

Baller snaps his fingers

Baller: I got it!!! Call Coach Darby right now tell him I will be at his place in 15 minutes.

Davis: You got it. And when you’re done, start preparing for your match because if you keep losing, you keep hurting me and my rep, which means you’re out of here.

Camera Fades Out


As the camera fades back in we see Mr. Baller in Coach Darby’s front door, he is on the cell phone

Baller: Coach, unlock your front door damnit, I don’t got all day

The door is unlocked and Mr. Baller enters the house

Coach: Is there a reason why you came here on such short notice.

Baller: Coach we need to talk.

Coach: About your performance, I know, it was abysmal.

Baller who was heading to the Couch, goes straight into Darby’s face


Coach Darby starts to have a little bit of sweat coming down his face


Darby starts to get ticked off

Darby: I don’t know…

Baller cuts him off


Baller punches Darby in the face and Darby quickly falls to the ground as he leaves the house

Camera Fades Out

The camera fades back in. Mr. Baller is in Vance Bateman’s office

Baller: Now Vance,

Bateman: It’s Mr. Bateman to your sir.

Baller: Vance,

Bateman: Call me Vance one more time and you will face serious repercussions.

Baller: Vance, about this wee….

Bateman: This week!!! I told you, that you would face the consequences if you continued to disrespect me. I was actually impressed with your match with Titus, and I was going to reward you with a rematch for the Mayhem Title, but instead I’ll give that to Excellency the man you beat.

Baller: That is BULLSHIT!! Who am I going to face?

Bateman: I was going to suspend you, but then I remembered somebody wanted to face you.

Baller: Who?

Bateman: Ty Burna!!! And this is going to be a King for a Day Qualifier. And WHEN you lose to Ty, you are officially off Kingdom Come. Ty is going to beat the shit out of you and keep one of the BIGGEST losing streaks of all time, intact. Now get out of my office.

Baller leaves the office and runs into Leon Kensworth

Leon: Hey Mr. Baller, I heard you arguing with Mr. Bateman, what happened?

Baller: Did I give you the right to interview me? Well I’m not going to have another Becky incident, but make sure you watch it next time. We had an argument about my opponent for next week.

Leon: Who is it?

Baller: Ty Burna in a King for a Day Qualifier.

Leon: What is your strategy for this match?

Baller: My strategy is going to be different then most of my strategies that I had with my former Coach. He always told me to try to end the match as quickly as possible, and just told me to sprint the match. I always thought to myself that can’t be right. These matches are marathons, and you got to give the same effort throughout it all you can’t sprint the first 13 miles and be out of gas for the second half. That is what I have been doing wrong every single time, and it is all Coach Darby’s fault, not mine. Now that I have fired Mr. Darby, I shouldn’t lose another match. I am the best at what I do, Mr. Davis and I made a huge mistake in looking for a Coach. Who am I to need a coach? I mean I am Mr. Baller, I don’t need no coach.

Mr. Baller chuckles to himself

Leon: Ty is an experienced veteran, who has won numerous titles before, while you are just a rookie.

Baller: Just a rookie!!! I am more then just a rookie!! What part don’t you understand Leon. I know you got to be dumb to be a backstage Interviewer, but how stupid can you be. I have stood my ground with the best WZCW has to offer, and now I have nobody holding me back, Ty has zero chance to win that match. In fact I GUARANTEE victory against you Ty, and when I win I will be placed in the Elimination Chamber to become King for a Day.

Leon: The two confirmed participants are Matt Royale and Corey Payne, what are your thoughts on these two men?

Baller: First, there are 3 confirmed participants. Corey Payne, Matt Royale, and Mr. Baller. Matt Royale thinks he is royalty, too bad he is going to lose his crown, at Kingdom Come. Corey Payne and I have crossed paths before but that was a long time ago, and he got the better end of me. But at Kingdom Come, we will meet again, and I will not be stopped, as I will be crowned King for a Day and then WZCW Champion.

Leon: Well that concludes this interview, thank you for your time

Mr. Baller takes the mic from Leon as he runs away

Baller: And Bateman, you are going to regret giving me this match, as your boy Ty is going down.

Mr. Baller throws the mic to the floor as he walks away

Camera Fades Out
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The camera fades in to a darkened room, the walls are colored a dark red, with the flickering light of dim candles dancing up the walls. A slow eerie song from a violin can be heard from the a shadow enshrouded corner. The camera moves towards the sound of the violin, revealing Serafina sitting on a chair and playing the instrument. As the camera gets closer, she looks up into it, her eyes showing a dull sadness in them, her violet eyes peering deep into the camera. Suddenly the violin catches fire and quickly envelopes Serafina before the candles in the room completely go out, leaving the room in total darkness.

Illusions can create many tricks. They can be manufactured such as the attempted feats of Houdini clones and they can also be as simple as the water's reflection rippling a certain way. Sometimes they do not require anything physical to create the mirage, but rather it can be all in one's mind. The confidence of one, may be just a false image of the ego's fear. It is in this illusion that one's ultimate faults may lie......

The candles suddenly spark again and provide enough light to see once more. Instead of Serafina in the corner, Ty sits on the same wooden chair with his head down, his hair covering his face.

I now stand on a precipice of success or failure. I stand on the edge of reaching the King for a Day match where I may claim my rightful opportunity at the WZCW World Heavyweight Title. A chance that has been denied to me since I have proven myself a worthy contender to that belt. No, the fools that fear the Ouija's strength have held me back, using their political power to keep me at bay. They have fed me nothing but rodents biting at my toes for the success that I have found here in WZCW. Men that have labored away for years to reach but the threshold that I have conquered immediately. At Ascension iit will be no different.

He raises his head slowly and looks into the camera, his irises a shade of dark red. He reaches out and grabs the camera, pulling it closer to him almost right against his face.

Mr. Baller, you feel the need to prove yourself, to rid yourself of the stigma of comedic effect. Your constant failings have you frustrated and angered over the fact you cannot achieve anything other than one cheap win against an opponent that may be more pathetic than yourself. You flounder in the ring, constantly blowing every opportunity provided for you. Last week you could have defeated the number one contender, and even then you couldn't execute a strike with a kendo stick. While Titus toys with his opponents, I am not so merciful. I will thrash you to the point that you beg Bateman to fire you, so as to never face me in the ring again. If you believe you can gain entry to the King for a Day match, you are sadly mistaken.

He stands up and backs the camera up into the middle of the room. A large white pentacle suddenly begins glowing under Ty as his voice deepens.

My fate has been shown to me, and my fate is to be victorious in the King for a Day match at Kingdom Come. Nothing can stand in my way. There will be no leeches to trip me up from my true calling. Doug Crashin found that out last week when he believed to have me defeated. It may have required....some...outside interference from the puzzling Serafina, but the fact remains my hand was raised in victory. Take a look at yourself Baller, you blame everyone for your failures and never fully accepting the faults that keep you from victory. Your mishaps and your undoing is no mere illusion, it is your weakness and your illusionary thoughts of grandeur that ultimately defeat you. You are like David Cougar without any success. I still haunt his dreams to this day, and even someone as successful as him has not found a way to claim victory over me, so what chance do you have against me Baller?

He shoves the camera away from him and grabs a chair next to him and hurls it across the room, breaking it into splinters against the wall. He begins breathing deeply, his hands clenching into fists.

Your chances against me Baller are nothing! I will lay waste to you and watch as you quiver on the ground in pain as the fear slowly creeps into your mind. Your entire persona will be stripped to a nothingness that not even holy light could bring you back from. Ascension is the final toll of the bell for you Baller, and I can't help but express how much enjoyment to be the one to hear the sickening crack of each bone breaking in your body. While you wither away like a cockroach getting stomped on, I will move on and become the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

He opens his fists and suddenly lifts his head up and closes his eyes, his voice becoming a whisper.

And what a day that shall be. When my rightful place as the absolute best is finally granted to me. The spilled blood of my opponents, creating the red carpet to my throne. I will earn my crown, but it will not be placed upon my head. No, it will be around my waist and glistening in gold. All will bow down to their tormentor and I will become the Exalted. Ascension is but another stepping stone, and like a weak clay brick Baller, you will crumble under the pressure.

The candles go out as Ty begins laughing maniacally, and the slow eerie violin song begins playing once more as the laughs echo off. The video feed cuts out as the song from the violin ends.
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