AS9 - James Baker vs. Excellency (Mayhem Title)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

James Baker finished the year as Mayhem Champion, retaining his title by pinning Excelleny. Now in the New Year, his opponent looks to gain momentum back by having another shot at the title. With neither men looking to back down again, who is going to step up their game as 2010 gets underway and Kingdom Come draws near?

Deadline is Tuesday 5th January 2010 23:59 EST
*We are backstage where we see James Baker & Malik Jones talking to each other with James holding his WZCW Mayhem Championship belt.*

Malik Jones- Damn James, you were kick ass out there in the main event match.

James- I'm not gonna lie to you Malik, it sure does feel nice to still be the champ & I won my first ever WZCW Main Event Match.

Malik Jones- And i'm sure you know why you are still the WZCW Mayhem Champion.

James- Hell yeah dog. I did things my own way & I retained my championship by any means necessary & I also feel fantastic as well.

*James then sees Beck Serra walk by & then walks up to her & taps her on the shoulder.*

James- Hey Becky what's happenin'?

Becky Serra- Not much. I was gonna seek an interview.

James- With who?

Becky Serra- Anybody.

James- Well since i'm here & your here, if you want you can interview me. That is if it's cool with you.

Becky Serra- Well in that case then let's get this interview underway shall we.

James- For sure. Let's get this thing poppin'.

Becky Serra- So how are things in the life of James Baker?

James- The life of James Baker is goin' very well. Things are straight, my kids are safe & healthy & i'm still the Mayhem Champion.

Becky Serra- We all saw your match against Excellency & Matt Royale. It was an awesome match & you should be very proud of your efforts.

James- Thanks Becky. I know I worked my ass off in that match & I did everything possible to retain my belt. Everything's just goin' my way & a part of me feels like i've finally made peace with the man upstairs & since things between us are straight now, I can finally move on with my life & get to the level that I wanna be at & I feel blessed for that. This is a good time to be in WZCW for sure as big things are poppin' for sure.

Becky Serra- Speaking of this being a good time to be in WZCW, on the next edition of Ascension you will be defending your WZCW Mayhem Championship against Excellency.

James- Ah i'm defendin' my belt against Excellency.

Becky Serra- Yes you are James.

*Becky then gives James the microphone & then starts to speak.*

James- Well I can tell you that i'm cool with defendin' my belt against Excellency. Hell everybody already knows that i'm cool with defendin' the Mayhem Championship against anybody, anywhere & anytime.

Now last time on Ascension, Excellency was in the triple threat match for my title & plus I also pinned him to retain my championship. Now i'm not gonna go lie & say that you were horrible in the match because let's face it, you were damn near impressive & you could've won my title, but as it stands, I am still the Mayhem Champion.

Now i'm sure your probably thinkin' of a way to go to a slightly different approach for this match, but just what will occur this week that didn't occur last week huh? Well for one Matt Royale isn't in this match to try to attempt to bring down the crowd & at least this week will be a one on one match, but unfortunately for you Excellency, some things will stay the same once our match up comes around the corner & just what will stay the same you ask? Well for one I will remain your WZCW Mayhem Champion & two, you will still be considered a failure in this company.

Now just what the hell is gonna go down durin' our Mayhem Championship match? Well it's gonna be a little bit similar as to what went down last week, but what you don't know is that there's gonna be a little bit of an addition to this match and well that addition to our match is that there will be more blood & brutality in this match up.

So pretty much what i'm tryin' to get at here is that if you think that your gonna even walk out of Ascension with my Mayhem Championship. Well then I advise you to rethink that thought because not only do you have to go through "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker to even achieve that feat, but i'm as focused as I need to be & I will brutalize you to the point of where your gonna be beggin' for me to stop the brutalization & guess what Excellency?

There's not a damn thing that you can do to stop me from retainin' my WZCW Mayhem Championship & you can bank on that statement, believe that.

Becky Serra- Well good luck James.

James- Thanks. Good luck to you too & happy holidays. Now if you'll excuse me, Malik & I gotta get up on out of here.

*James Baker grabs raises his WZCW Mayhem Championship from high in the air before he & Malik Jones walk away from the area.*

Becky Serra- Well there you have it. That was WZCW Mayhem Champion "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker addressing his Championship defense against Excellency & well he seems very intent on dishing out tons of brutality. This guy is dangerous indeed.

And that is all the time we have here for this interview. I am Becky Serra & I bid you a farewell. See ya.

*The camera then fades to a black screen as Becky Serra walks away.*
Excellency is in the training room with his friend Mario.

Mario: Are you ready for you title match soon Excellency?

Excellency: At first I was not sure. But I have watched plenty of Baker's matches and I believe I can beat him for his title. I know he loves that title and would do anything to keep it. What he doesn't know is that I will do more to get it.

I don't like the look of that Baker fellow. I would watch out if I was you. He may employ dirty tactics to try to retain his title. I wouldn't put it past him.

Excellency: Don't worry so much Mario. I have encountered many dirty tactics by man dirty wrestlers and have come out victorious. I have a feeling that this well be no different. I have to be completely focused or I will lose this opportunity and I don't know if I could gain it back.

Mario: I'm confident in you. I have been with through the ups and downs. You have come out stronger than ever before and I will always be with you no matter what.

Thanks. I wish my parents were out here but they had business to attend to but I know they want me to win this title and I will do it for them and Giovanni.

Mario: Do your best out there and you will get you are desiring. I will be out there watching you and having your back if need be.

Excellency: Thats good. It never hurts to have an extra set of eyes out there protecting me. I'm so excited for this match yet I know the challenge that lies ahead of me. I know Baker is plotting his strategy and I know he is having trouble.

Mario: I'm sure he is. Well I'm about to go talk with Father Handley about a friend of mine who is having problems. I will be there before you match and good luck to you and God bless.

Excellency: Good bye and I will say a prayer for your friend before the match.

Mario leaves while Excellency lifts weights.
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