AS8 - Matt Royale vs Excellency vs James Baker (Mayhem Championship)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
James Baker is having quite a partnership with his Mayhem Championship, now his next set of challengers is Matt Royale, who won a KFAD Qualifier last week, and Excellency, a man who just kept hold of his job. Will Baker's reign of Mayhem continue or will his challengers taste gold for the first time in this Mayhem Rules match?

Deadline is Tuesday 15th December 23:59 EST
*The setting is in the backstage area where James Baker & Malik Jones are sitting down on a couple of chairs while they are eating some food & drinking some beverages.*

Malik Jones- Well dog you did what you said you would do & that's retain your Mayhem Championship by defeating Mr. Baller.

James- Yeah, but the victory came at a brutal price though. I mean I underestimated Mr. Baller a bit out there in the match.

Malik Jones- What do you mean by that?

James- Well I didn't know that he was capable of carrying out the sorts of brutality that he inflicted on Ascension. He's one tough dude for sure.

Malik Jones- Tell me about it. My face still hurts.

James- Oh right, how's your face doing exactly?

Malik Jones- The right side of my face is sore as hell. I think I might have broken a few bones in my face.

James- Well why don't you go to the medical center & get it checked out.

Malik Jones- I will.... eventually that is.

*Suddenly a knock appears on the locker room door. James then gets up, walks up to the door & then opens it to reveal that Becky Serra is standing there with a microphone in her hand.*

Becky Serra- Hi James, is this a bad time for me to be here?

James- No not at all Becky. You can come in if you want to.

*Becky then walks into the locker room & then takes a seat beside James & Malik.*

James- Are you hungry?

Becky Serra- Yes. Give me a sub sandwich please.

James- You know the drill Malik. Give her a damn meatball marina sub sandwich.

*Malik then hands Becky a Subway Meatball Marinara Sub Sandwich.*

James- So anyways, what do you wanna talk about?

Becky Serra- Well as a result of your successful title defense against Mr. Baller on Ascension this past week, you will now defend your Mayhem Championship against Matt Royale & Excellency.

James- Wait hold up. Did you say that Excellency is apart of this match?

Becky Serra- Yeah. Excellency is apart of the match.

James- Didn't he beat up my unreliable former tag team partner Kyle Christiansen & that male french model named Rafael to keep his job?

Becky Serra- Yup he did.

James- Well regardless of how mediocre I consider Excellency to be, I will defend this title against all comers.

Becky Serra- Are there any words that you want to say to your opponents?

*James then takes his WZCW Mayhem Championship Belt from his locker & then puts it around his shoulder as he begins to speak.*

James- Well as it has come to my understanding, "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker will be defending the WZCW Mayhem Championship against Matt Royale & Excellency. Now which of my opponents shall I address first?

Malik Jones- Excellency.

James- Excellency it is then. Now Excellency was on the rise here in WZCW a while back as he was competing alongside with Titus & Trevor Steele in tag team matches, but as of late, well you've been an embarrassment to the WZCW name. The best you could do as of late is to beat two piece of crap "wrestlers" in a Deadwood Match. I mean that's pathetic. Now what does me giving a little recap of your "career" have to do with you having a shot at my WZCW Mayhem Championship? Well it means that the "positive notes" that you achieved in your so-called "career" here in WZCW will not translate into a victory in the triple threat match. You basically have ZERO chance in winning the championship as you have to go through "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker in order to achieve your championship ambitions & to be honest, that will not & I repeat THAT WILL NOT happen as long as I have anything to say about it. So Excellency, if I were you I would just live to fight another day & go back to the drawing board because you will not gain possession of my championship belt anytime soon.

*James then takes a bite out of his Chicken Teryaki Sandwitch & then takes a drink of his Pepsi before he starts speaking again.*

James- Now I switch my focus towards Matt Royale. Now unlike Excellency, Royale has had actual success as I believe that he won a few in a row until having his ass handed to him by Rush. Now when it comes to the big time matches, well nine times out of ten Royale comes up short of achieving the golden prize. Now Royale, while your probably thinking of ways on how you plan on finally winning a big time match, I however will be doing anything that I can to retain my title & if I have to hit my opponents with dirty tactics then so be it.

Now just how exactly will our match go? Well all three of us will be beating the hell out of each other & of course when both of you are brutalized just enough, I will the finish either of you off with either Da Xtreme Knockout or better yet I could finish either of you off with the All Eyez on Me & once I do that, then I will pin either of you for the three count & then get my hand raised in victory while all of the fans cheer me on.

So Excellency, Matt Royale. You two can try to come up with some lame ass plan on how you plan on trying to take the Mayhem Championship away from me, but in reality you two are not gonna take the Mayhem Championship away from me as I will come out of Ascension with the Mayhem Championship still in the possession of "Da Xtreme Gangsta" & you two can bank on that statement, believe that.

*James then gets up & heads for the door while Malik stops beside Becky.*

Malik Jones- All I can tell you Becky is that James is motivated & he plans on inflicting lots of pain, punishment & brutality on Ascension. Stay tuned.

*Malik then walks towards the door & then he & James walk out of the door.*

Becky Serra- Well as you just saw there. "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker address his WZCW Mayhem Championship match against Matt Royale & Excellency. James seems focused & intent on retaining the Mayhem Championship. I am Becky Serra & that concludes another WZCW Interview.

*The camera then shuts off as Becky Serra then grabs her Subway Meatball Marinara Sub Sandwitch & leaves the room.*
The scene opens to Matt Royale and his Advisor in the backstage area of Ascension.

Advisor: This wasn’t part of the plan.

Royale: Yes I know, but winning this championship can only help.

Advisor: Are you sure you’re not letting this get to your head?

Royale gives his Advisor a discerning look.

Royale: You of all people should know that winning this championship will only help the plan. It will not only prepare me for how extreme King for a Day can get, but it will also give us the momentum we need to win King for a Day.

Advisor: I’m sor…

Royale holds up his hand.

Royale: There’s no need.

The sound of running down a hall can be heard. Royale turns around to see Leon Kensworth and a WZCW cameraman slowly running toward him.

Royale: Finally…

Leon (Breathing Heavily): Sorry I’m late. I got caught up in another interview.

Royale stares blankly at Leon, while he is catching his breath, and does not answer.

Leon (Awkwardly): Ok then, I guess we should get this interview started. This week you will compete in you first title match here in WZCW against the Mayhem Champion James Baker and Excellency. What are your thoughts?

Royale: My thoughts?

Royale thinks for a moment.

Royale: Leon, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the Mayhem Championship.

Before Leon can answer Royale starts to speak again.

Royale: When I think of the Mayhem Championship. I think of hardcore junkies, pirates, drunks, satanists, and thugs. I never think of any respectable, decent people. But that will all change tonight. I’m going to be the first Mayhem Champion that people can actually be proud of. I’m going to give the Mayhem Championship something James Baker or Excellency can’t give it. I’m going to give it class. I’m going to give it dignity. I’m going to make it royalty and by the time I’m done with the Mayhem Championship it will be one of the most respected and wanted titles in WZCW.

Royale motions to Leon to ask the next question.

Leon: Do you have anything you want to say about your opponents?

A smirk appears on Royale’s face.

Royale: My first opponent, Excellency, isn’t quite what his name intends. He is nothing close to excellent. I’m pretty sure he still hasn’t won a singles match in WZCW and last week he barely escaped with his WZCW contract still intact. After seeing all this I feel it is fit to give him a new name that fits him and that name is Mediocracy. This name fits him perfectly because he’s nothing special. I still have no idea how he managed to even get a title shot. But I’ve learned that I shouldn’t underestimate any of my opponents. No matter how mediocre they are.

My second opponent is the Mayhem Champion, James Baker. He is the perfect example of the standard for a Mayhem Champion today. He’s a thug who will do or try anything to make sure his championship stays around his waist. However, he isn’t mediocre. He is actually quite good, but he has one major flaw. That is his overconfidence. He believes that our match is just going to be a walk through the park, but he doesn’t realize what he’s up against.

Royale looks past Leon straight into the camera.

Royale: Baker you’re not facing someone like Baller tonight. You’re facing royalty. You’re facing the next King for a Day. You probably think you’re going to win this match so easily because I’ve never been in a mayhem match before. Just because I’ve never been in a mayhem match doesn’t mean I can’t go extreme. You don’t know what I’m capable of.

Royale smiles.

Royale: You and Mediocracy will find out, though. You’ll know actually when I’m standing over your broken bodies holding my newly won Mayhem Championship.

Royale begins to walk away, but Leon stops him.

Leon: Wait I was supposed to ask about what’s inside that glass box in you dressing room.

Royale smiles and keeps walking as his advisor follows him.
Excellency is at a coffee shop with his girlfriend Abigail

Abigail: I'm glad you won your last match and it only get better from there. You have a chance to win the Mayhem Championship and I am very excited for you.

I am grateful as well. I came so far to be at this position and I have worked hard and I will not give up now. Baker and Royale have no idea what they are in for.

Abigail: Baker and Royale are tough opponents but you have faced tougher and I have no doubt that you will destroy them. Have you talked to Giovanni recently?

I have and he has been getting better day by day. I believe he said he will be able to attend my match and I hope he does.

Abigail: Speaking of such, have you talked to Giovanni's brother lately?

Excellency: No. I am still thinking about what he said to me and I am undecided whether I should forgive him or not. What he did was unacceptable in my eyes and that is hard to forget.

Everybody, no matter what they have done, deserves forgiveness. He truly feels sorry for what he did and just wants to erase what happened. Just think about it some more and do the right thing. He deserves it, you deserve it, and Giovanni deserves it most of all.

Alright. I will consider it more but I can't guarantee any promises. I have to meet Father Handley in ten minutes so I must go. Take care of yourself, Abigail.

Abigail: You too. Do your best and what you want will be yours.

Excellency kisses Abigail goodbye and then walks to the cathedral to meet Father Handley.
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