AS7 - Everest/Titus Contract Signing

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

After the dust settled from the Lethal Lottery, we discovered our Main Event at Kingdom Come with Titus and Everest facing off after great displays in their respective matches. This week they make their match official at a Contract Signing on Ascension, will first blood be spilled or will they hold themselves back come Kingdom Come?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st December 23:59 EST
The outside of an arena becomes visible as the camera slowly focus’ in. The scene quickly shifts around the structure and into the underground parking gararge. After speeding around a few corners and past several obvious rental cars until the camera finally comes to stop at a vacant parking space no more than 3 feet from the entrance. A sign on the wall behind the spot says it all in big bold black letters:


The space stays empty for just a few seconds before we see a Yellow and Black 2010 Camaro speed around the corner and calmly stride into place. The door of the Muscle car swings open and out steps WZCW’s very own World Heavyweight Champion: EVEREST. He’s dressed to impress as he strolls to the entrance door in a custom made Armani suit, Five hundred dollar Alligator skin shoes and his Rolex is clearly visible. All of this pales in comparison to the beautiful gold title belt that he’s got draped over his left shoulder. He strolls to the door and without so much as a mention of identification the guard simply says “Hey Champ” and opens the door. Everest sneers a smug little smile and enters the arena.

Our scene quickly shifts to inside the arena and we are following Everest as he heads to his dressing room. Of course, because this wouldn’t be an interview segment without her, Becky Serra pops out from behind the wall and stops our champion dead in his tracks.

BECKY SERRA: Well champ, good to see you decided to show this evening.

EVEREST: (Not amused) What the hell you talking about Barbie?

BECKY: Well the last time we had a contract signing you didn’t even have the courtesy to show up. You didn’t even want to give the fans the time of day. I’m just surprised that you bothered to show your face tonight.

EVEREST: Well it seems someone has grown some peaches. You aren’t pulling any punches tonight are you. What is it? Are you trying to get that anchor job beside Katie Couric or what? Anyway in answer to your question: The reason I’m here tonight isn’t to confirm my Title match at Kingdom Come. I’m here tonight because I am THE World Heavyweight Champion and I’ve come to the conclusion that no Meltdown should be without it’s flag bearer.

BECKY: Are you serious? You are so enamored with yourself that you think that the only way Meltdown can go on is with you here.

EVEREST: Well Becky numbers don’t lie. You see the week I ditched this waste of space pile of crap show the numbers take a dive. I show up, numbers skyrocket. I know you graduated from a Community College and all but it’s simple supply and demand.

BECKY: What? For your information I graduated from the University of Virginia you uneducated inbred worthless piece………..

EVEREST: Virginia? Don’t they nickname themselves the Ho’s? I guess that make sense.

BECKY; WHAT? You son of a bi…….arghhhhhh……fine anyway you DID retain your World Title at Lethal Lottery, but really, wasn’t it more luck than skill that you won that match.

EVEREST: Becky Becky Becky now you are just trying to use your words to hurt me. Fact of the matter is I beat Lars at his own game. He begged and begged the brass for a title shot. He wanted me so badly that he pretty much put all his eggs in one basket. He told anyone who would listen that he’d bury me and my career. He promised to take my career and my World Title and prove to the world who the true World Champion is. Well you’re looking at him sweetheart. I went into the Lethal Lottery as the underdog. Me the Champ and I was the underdog. So what happened? Exactly what I said would happen. I buried that monster of a villian. I took his ass on a ride six feet under courtesy of the Rock Slide and then for good measure I finished off the match by burying his ass under a ton of God’s green earth. Bottom line Becky; the match was pure hell, PURE HELL! And I survived. Can Lars say that? I’m pretty sure he can’t but you might need to ask the worms to find out for sure.

That’s the past and from now on, I’m not looking back at that anymore. I won my match, I walked out with my World Title and that’s that.

BECKY: Far enough, why don’t we move on to Kingdom Come. It seems that history is making a full circle return as you will go face to face with Titus for the World Title.

EVEREST: Whoa Becky let me stop you right there. First of all a small correction, Titus will be stepping into the ring to face me for MY World Title. As for history, well let’s just clear that up right now. Titus befriended me when I first arrived only to stab me in the back when it mattered. Amazing how quickly people like the fans forget things like that. It doesn’t matter though, come Kingdom Come revenge won’t be first and foremost on my mind. Actually it won’t even be on my mind. The only thing I’ll be thinking about is where that opening will be to drop my old friend on the back of his head courtesy of a Rock Slide.

I’ve said it time and again Becky. I’m walking out of Kingdom Come the same way I’m going into it -- As World Champion.

BECKY: Is there anything special you have planned for tonight’s contract signing?

EVEREST: Like what Becky? A special commemerative ink or something? Maybe a special engraved clipboard? Oh wait I know, what about a CNN broadcast simulcast with the Meltdown telecast, complete with anchor analysis.

BECKY: I was leaning more toward the surprise attack on …………

EVEREST: Beck, I know exactly what you’re asking. I’ll tell you one thing and only one thing for sure: Nothings guaranteed. Not anymore. Later tonight Titus could get calm and cool Everest, where I simply sign the contract, offer up a nice 20 second long staredown so the ringside photographers can get their pictures and then leave peacefully or Titus might see the rampaging deranged Everest, you know the one that buried his last number one contender under a ton of dirt. I could walk out to the ring look Titus straight in the eye and blast the hell out of him with his very own chair before dropping his behind right through the specially ordered mahogany table. You just don’t know.

Now if you don’t mind I’d like to have a little time to myself before I have to go out and entertain the masses so that you can cash that check of yours and get to the salon to get your roots dyed.

With that Everest opens the dressing room door and disappears inside leaving Becky once again so furious her cheeks are red.
I guess there is a time when you're the man of the moment. It's not often that the world champion is overshadowed by someone else. Very rarely in fact. Why is this the case? Well lets have a look then shall we.

Titus turns the TV on in the background

First off there's the small matter of the Ricky World Order. They guaranteed that one of them would win the Lethal Lottery. Did it happen? Well hope was always with Ace David who knew he could go far.

The TV in the background shows Titus eliminating Ace David.

Oh that didn't quite go to plan there did it? There's always the hope of Big Dave. Can you remember when it was Ace who was in charge of the FHD who always got the pins, the victories. Times have changed and the poles have switched. Now Big Dave is the man of the Full House Daves. I'm sure he did well in the Lottery, sure of it.

The TV shows the Ty/Steel/Dave melee which ends in Dave being eliminated by Titus.

Ah so two of the three eliminated by yours truly. Unlucky for them. I'm sure there's a happy ending for the rWo. I'm sure the focus was enough to have them win. Lets see then...

Ricky throws Titus out of the ring.

Ah man Ricky threw Titus out of the ring. Who would have thought that the rWo would win the Lethal Lottery?

Titus bursts out laughing.

Me either, we know what happened, I only hit the floor with one foot, bounced up. Eliminated Ricky and then eliminated Bratchny. Then the moment hits, the crowd realise. The longest reigning Elite X champion, the four time Oscar winner has survived the most intense match in WZCW history. He is the last of 20 in the ring, he is the number one contender.

Titus lets out a huge sigh of relief.

This is my chance to make it big, this is my chance to prove that I am in fact WZCW's number one. Before I talk about my opponent I'm intrigued as to how many people want a piece of the action. You have the rWo spouting their mouth out left, right and centre. I've not finished with them at the moment, but they're not my focus. Then we have people thinking they're the greatest thing since sliced bread, running around and threatening our announcers. Mr Baller I've had enough of you thinking you're number one, I've had enough of you attacking Becky both verbally and physically. It's the time the hero stood up and defended her. Next week Mr Baller v Titus Mayhem rules match and I'll show you how the big men play.

Titus cracks his fingers.

But that's not what you guys want to hear about. You want to know about what the number one contender thinks about the champion. Believe you me when I say this, I am nervous as heck for this match. If it was Lars Reidar I'd feel a lot more relaxed, I've beaten him a few times. Nope that's not the person though, it's Everest. You all know our history, former tag team partners then turned to a healthy alliance. We did well as we began to storm WZCW and Everest was all set to win the World Title. Titus in a moment of bad judgement helped Joseph Rios and in turned helped form Dynasty. As Red Mask I helped bury Dynasty as Rios, Legend et al were no more. Everest and I have sort of switched roles a bit since then. I have paid my dues, made amends and karma has balanced out. Everest on the other hand is better at the world and seems to think he's better than he is. Once I sign that contract on Ascension it will be my focus that I can go on to win the belt at Kingdom Come.
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