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AS7: Corey Bowen/Obisidius vs. Max Karzai/Jordan Lights (Special Ref: Steve Kurtesy)


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Four Teams battle for the chance to face the Tag Champions at Kingdom Come in an elimination tournament. Veteran Corey Bowen will re-team with Obsidius to take on the WZCW newcomers Max Karzai & Jordan Lights, AKA the Heavy Artillery. Who will look to go one further to try and reach Kingdom Come and will one half of the champions Steve Kurtesy's role as the referee play a factor?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st December 23:59 EST
Leon Kensworthy is seen sitting in an empty waiting room impatiently constantly looking around and checking his watch. The official WZCW carry bag is sitting upon Leon's lap containing something inside. He stares at the clock on the wall that reads 4.44pm. He redirects his attention to a large computer screen below the clock that shows patient schedule times, which reads "Leon Kensworthy - 4.45pm." Leon lets out a huge sigh and tries to remain seated.

Leon (whispers to himself): C'mon...

As the second hand on the clock hits 4.45pm, the computer makes a short 'bing' noise.

Computer: Leon Kensworthy's appointment at 4.45pm. Please proceed to Office Room 4. Thank you.


Kensworthy gets up, takes his bag and walks out of the waiting room through the corridor to room 4. As he approaches closer to the room, voices can be heard emanating from the room.

... you're hurting me. Play nice.

You know you like it rough, especially with that Copper Steel Rod you carry around.

Ugh, wow... right there, right there... it actually feels good when you do it like that!

A confused and disgusted Kensworthy slowly approaches the door and knocks on it loudly.

Can I come in?

Hold on one second...

Hey, put that away first...

That's right, can't forget about that.

I know I won't.

Multiple mystery noises are heard such as metal chiming, objects being slammed down hard, movement of furniture and the calming down of a monkey. The door is unlocked and Sandy Deserts opens the door fixing up her skirt and hair. Kensworthy enters the room and Deserts closes the door behind him. She smiles at him whilst Leon looks at her weirdly.

Err... thankyou ma'am.

Deserts: Pleasure's all mine sir.

I'm sure the pleasure is all your's.

Kurtesy: Being a little cheeky there Mr. Kensworthy!

You're one to talk.

A little cranky too... what's wrong Leon?

Oh nothing... I just heard something that I never thought I'd ever have to endure again. But no matter, I'm here for a small chat Dr. Stevie.

Take a seat then... drink?

No thanks.

Leon proceeds to take a seat and places the bag on the ground. Kurtesy pours three glasses of straight Wild Turkey. Before Leon can say anything, Kurtesy hands one to Deserts and takes the two remaining and drinks them quickly like shots. He then pours himself another and takes it over to his sitting chair. Sandy goes over to the desk and sits down on the chair behind it. She puts her feet onto of the desk and slowly sips her beverage. Leon looks over to Deserts for a second before turning to Kurtesy.

So Kensworthy, what's this visit about? Just here to chat about business or chat about business?

Excuse me?

You know, chat about business a.k.a. WZCW or chat about business a.k.a. your personal problems.

Oh... right... WZCW of course.

Kurtesy finishes the rest of his glass and puts it aside.

You have my undivided attention.

Leon smiles and picks up the bag from the ground. He removes a shirt from inside to reveal a black and white striped shirt folded neatly. Leon begins to unfold it to reveal a close to moo-moo size shirt and gives it to Kurtesy. Steven looks at the shirt with Leon having a huge grin on his face.

Wow... just wow... you went on the Subway diet didn't you?

Wait, what? No, that's for you.

Are you trying to recommend the Subway diet on me?

No, no, nothing to do with Subway. That's the official referee shirt for special assignments in WZCW. You are going to need that for the upcoming Ascension.

Have I been relegated to refereeing duties?

Well, yes. Don't worry, its not a permanent thing. You and William Teach are special guest referee's for some pretty important matches this week. It concerns you and the Tag Team Championships.

Ah huh... so this is what they were alluding to on WZCW.com.

What do you mean alluding? They have the entire rules and regulations posted up already! There is a Tag Team Tournament to decide who will become the number one contenders for your Title at Kingdom Come, the biggest PPV of WZCW. You will be officiating one of two qualifying matches between the teams of Corey Bowen & Obisidius going against a new team known as Heavy Artillery.

You know Kensworthy, I'm starting to think management doesn't trust me. I mean, I was the replacement for Matthew Fox, I was a lumberjack for the EurAsian Title match at Lethal Lottery and now I'm a referee? On the bright side though, I can say that I will be undefeated with a perfect record going into Ascension this week.

But you've only had one match?

I'm 1-0. By my calculations, I'm undefeated with a perfect record just like William Teach... considering that the Lethal Lottery doesn't constitute losses, only wins.


But I'm not complaining, I could use this to scout my possible opponents for Kingdom Come. I haven't been in WZCW long, so I have the advantage. Everyone here has no idea what I am capable of, save for William Teach and Sandy Deserts.

I'm sure she does.

Right. I am walking into this match focused on watching the action. It allows me to see what submission variations each man has in their arsenal, how each team works together, what everyone is know for doing concerning strengths and weaknesses... the whole kit and caboodle. Considering that I am a psychologist by trade, it only allows me to analysis both teams further.

Sounds like we have a biased referee on our hands.

Biased? On the contrary, I am drawing this straight down the middle. I have no preference on which team wins. Quite frankly, I don't care who makes it to the number one contendership spot. Just as long as whoever wins are willing to make the match at Kingdom Come a spectacle. I've heard some people talking about how Teach and I don't deserve these titles... well the best way to show them wrong is by defeating the team that started from the bottom to work their way up to us.

When it comes to me reffing my match, you can expect a more fair result than the current WZCW officials. But may I stress the word result.

What do you mean about stress?

Well, I will be making sure that there will be no outside interferences, fair counting concerning pinfalls and the like, and refraining myself from getting involved in the slightest. But, let's say if Max Karzai or Corey Bowen wants to get a little Mayhem on the match... I could turn a blind eye and pass it off.

Wouldn't that be abusing your powers?

Don't worry Leon... I'm a Doctor. I know what I'm doing. It'll be good practice for when the winning team faces me and Teach at Kingdom Come, because I guarantee that things are going to get a little extreme.

Leon looks at his watch to reveal that it is 4.54pm.

Well, Kurtesy... I'd love to stay and chat but I finish in a few minutes. Before I go, let me give you some advice... watch yourself in the ring and play by the rules. You are a target too.

Trust me, if anyone decides that they should attack me... I will have an exit strategy ready.

I've heard that excuse before.

Leon and Deserts begin to laugh at the comment, with Kurtesy sporting a small smirk. Leon gets up and turns around to walk out of the room. Leon stops and walks back over to Kurtesy to pick up the referee shirt.

By the way, you'll need to find a good Laundromat. Teach will be wearing the same shirt for his match on MeltDown and he will pass it on to you.

Only one referee shirt?

I know. The reason everyone gets when they ask that question is "one size fits all" apparently.

Damn... well, thanks Mr. Kensworthy.

Leon packs the shirt into the bag, shakes Kurtesy's hand, smiles and waves at Deserts, and leaves the room. Deserts finishes the rest of her beverage and puts the glass on the table. Kurtesy gets up and turns his attention to Deserts. She looks at him seductively and proceeds to go to where Kurtesy is standing.

Well Doctor, where were we?

I believe I was Teach-ing you something.

Deserts smiles and turns her back to Kurtesy, whose bodies touch. Deserts turns her head back at Kurtesy in a flirtatious manner.

I'm ready Doctor.

Almost immediately, Kurtesy applies an Abdominal Stretch on Sandy who winces in pain.

See how I have my body position?

Of course, I'm in the submission stupid!

How does that make you feel?

Painful. Who knew this simple move could deliver so much pressure... but I am enjoying it. It's pleasurable.

You are sick in the head Sandy, did you know that?

If I was sick in the head, could I do this?

Sandy takes Kurtesy by surprise, escapes the hold, grabs her copper steel rod and aligns herself behind Kurtesy to lock in a Cobra Clutch using the rod across the throat of Kurtesy.

Haha... how does that make you feel?

(choking) Hey... that's... gimmick... infringement!

The scene fades with Kurtesy reversing the hold to deliver a back suplex on the couch. Deserts is uncontrollably laughing with Kurtesy snickering as well.
The scene opens to a shot of a dusty road. The surrounding area is desert. After about three seconds, a beat up old van speeds by. The camera follows it from overhead for a few seconds before abruptly switching to the inside of the van, where Max Karzai, Jordan Lights, and Leon Kensworthy are all seated. Jordan Lights is sitting in the back seat, looking none too happy. Classic rock music is blaring on the radio, and the driver is singing along.

Karzai: I‘m on a HIIIIIGHWAY TO HELL!. Boawm, baowm, HIIIIIGHWAY TO HELL!!

Leon: Mr. Karzai! Do you think you could please turn the music down?

Karzai: Aw, come on, brother! If you want to rock out, you have to have it loud! Anyway, I need to get in the zone for the music video, man!

Leon: But I want to ask you some questions!

Karzai: What?

Leon: I want to ask- Oh for crying out loud…

Leon reaches over and turns the volume down. Jordan Lights groans from the back seat.

Lights: Thank God for that…

Leon: Anyway, I’d like to ask you some questions, and it’s easier when the music isn’t causing my eardrums to rupture.

Karzai: Oh, OK. What do you need to know?

Leon: Well, you’re going to be teaming up with Jordan Lights for the first time ever on Ascension…How do you feel about that?

Karzai glances towards the back seat at Jordan Lights, who looks cramped, Turning back to the road, Karzai answers:

Karzai: I know at first glance, me and Jordan don’t look like we’re all that similar. I’m a rocker, he’s a fighter, but people need to look past our outward appearance. Me and him, we represent the new blood of WZCW. We both have made the most of our lives to rise above the troubles we’ve had in the past. We have similar tastes in music. Our personalities mesh well. Besides, we’re friends, which also gives us an advantage.

Leon: Friends? How long has this been going on?

Karzai: Well, I saw him in the locker room soon after he earned his contract, so I thought I’d congratulate him. We got to talking about stuff, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Leon: Interesting.

Karzai: Yeah, and so I thought I’d bring him along to this video shoot, so we could take some time to get to know each other better.

Lights: I still don’t see why Leon couldn’t have sat in the back…

Leon: So…about your opponents. What do you think about them?

Karzai: Oh, I don’t know, they seem like good guys…

Leon: Yes, but how do you think you’ll do against them?

Karzai: Oh, I reckon I’ll do all right.

Leon: …You seem very flippant about it.

Karzai turns toward Leon, a glint in his eye.

Karzai: Let me sell it to ya straight, Leon. Me and Jordan…we’re hungry. We are the new kids on the block, ready to show our stuff. We’re going to prove ourselves by working together, hitting hard and fast. You know why we decided to call ourselves “Heavy Artillery”? It’s because we strike hard and old nothing back. We’ll put everything into our matches, going full tilt. I’ve had to fight most of my life, and so has Jordan. We’ve earned everything, and that’s because we’ve been willing to bust our asses to do things the best we can.

Leon: And what about the unknown factor in the match, special referee Steven Kurtesy?

Karzai: He seems like a nice enough guy to me. I have no doubt he'll be fair. And if he's not...I'll deal with it.

Karzai pulls the van over. They’ve reached the site of the music video shoot. Karzai and Leon step out of the van. Jordan Lights flings the back door open, very glad to be able to stretch his legs.
The site of the video shoot is full of metal rigging. Various props litter an outdoor stage. Leon looks at them, very curious.

Leon: Um…what is that skeleton doing to that other skeleton?

Karzai glances at him, amused.

Karzai: Well, I can’t have a video for a song called Corpse Cunnilingus if there’s no corpse cunnilingus in it, can I?

Leon: Well, um, I-

Karzai: Anyway, I have a video to shoot. Jordan will take over for me. See you in a bit.

He walks off…
Karzai: Well, I can’t have a video for a song called Corpse Cunnilingus if there’s no corpse cunnilingus in it, can I?

Leon: Well, um, I-

Karzai: Anyway, I have a video to shoot. Jordan will take over for me. See you in a bit.

He walks off…


As Jordan walks off to the backstage area, Leon begins to follow him.

Leon: Jordan, J-J-Jordan, if I can have some of your time.

Jordan pushes open a door to a trailer and takes a seat on the couch.

Jordan: Have a seat, Leon. Ask me anything you want.

Leon: Well, Max says you two are friends, I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on the friendship and the teaming.

Jordan: Well, as Max said, we became friends after the battle royal a few weeks ago. He came into my locker room after the match, we talked, I told him I was a fan of his music, and just as he said, the rest is history. And as for teaming with him, what better team is there then two good friends? I respect Max, and he respects me. Sure he looks like a bit of a weirdo, but underneath ----

Suddenly the trailer shakes, and Leon gets underneath a table.


Jordan doesn’t move from his seat.

Jordan: Leon, you're a funny guy. That's not an earthquake, that's just an explosion on the set of the video. Come out from under the table. As I was saying, underneath all the facepaint, the man has the heart of a fighter and I respect that. And if I can't team with a man I respect, then I wouldn't be a very good person.

Leon: That's true I suppose. What are your thoughts on your opponents, Corey Bowen and Obsidius ?

Jordan: Leon, I'm a fighter, it's in my blood to fight. I'd be lying to you if I was going to say I'll just lay down for the veterans. I'm hungry--no, we're hungry---

Jordan looks out the window to signify he means Max.

---- hungry for success. We've been successful on two things thus far, getting contracts to WZCW, and finding a reliable partner. We' ve got two- no, three more things to do. At Ascension we've got to beat Bowen and Obsidius, and then we've got to face Second Coming or Corey Payne and Byakko. Then, it's onto the champs. I'm looking forward to fighting all of them, and I'm really hoping for Corey Payne and Byakko. Payne is a fighter, and so am I, and I want to put his skills to the test. Max and I may not know what we're up against, and we may be in over our heads, but I'm ready for anything.
Jordan glances out of the window again, and stares at the great outdoors.

…I need to get out of this place.

Jordan gets up and leaves the trailer. Leon follows as they begin to head towards the set of the video.

Leon: Jordan, where are you going?

Jordan: Leon, have you ever been crammed in the back of a van? I need to stretch my legs a bit, I'm tired of sitting down.

They begin walking around the background of the set. They see all sorts of crazy lights and explosions and hear Max singing.

Leon: Before we close up here, what are your thoughts on the referee?

Jordan: You mean Kurtesy? He seems like a total nut, but the man is great in the ring. Who else could win the tag team championships on their first night? He says he is undefeated, well so are Max and I. We've never been pinned, and we won't be pinned on Ascension. Leon, keep a close eye on the match, because you're going to see something never seen before. Excuse me Leon.

Jordan climbs up on the stage and sneaks up behind Max. He starts headbanging around the stage. Max pauses for a second in shock and then continues singing. Jordan stops him, and they turn around and point to Leon.

Leon looks on, and starts shaking his head wildly, determined not to get put on the stage.

Jordan and Max jump down and start wrestling him onto the stage.

Jordan: Leon, I may be a fighter, and a tough guy, but even I know how to let go. This is preparation for our match. We're loosening up. You need to loosen up, too. Now get up here!

Leon sighs in resignation.

Leon: Ehh, what's the worst that could happen, right?

Leon gets on the stage and begins dancing around doing all sorts of crazy dance moves, like the electric slide and the funky chicken. Jordan and Max look on in amusement as the scene fades out.

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