AS65: Saxoteur vs. Rush & Sam Smith

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

The flip of a coin. On one side, two phoenixes in the form of Saboteur and Action Saxton, the WZCW Tag Team Champions. On the other, two former dominant single champions turned hungry by the loss of gold. Their fix? Destroying whomever gets in their way on their path to greatness. Saboteur, Saxton, Rush, Smith; four rising stars in WZCW square off in tag-team action. When the dust settles, who will be on the right side of the coin? On the second round heading into WZCW’s biggest event of the year, will a set of challengers finally approach the tag team champions? Could it be Rush and Smith or another team entirely?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
Saxton and Saboteur stand directly across from each other on an elevated platform. Looking on is a large audience or forgettable faces.

Saxton: Oh it’s on now sucka!

Saboteur: Oh, you wanna go? Seriously, I can’t tell…

Saxton and Saboteur then charge at each other and exchange punches, kicks, and impressive combos. Either man shows little wear and tear as they fight at full speed for about thirty seconds.

Saxton: Time to end this with a little BLACK LIGHTNING!

Saxton throws a Black Lightning kick at Saboteur, but the masked maniac blocks the attack with just one arm, and decides to launch a counter of his own!

Saboteur: I’m bored, and you blow… DEATH BLOW!

Saboteur flies at Saxton with his knee poised to strike… but Saxton leaps clean over the attack! He jumps so impossibly high that he can’t even be seen on the screen!

The scene zooms out and we see Saboteur button mashing on an arcade cabinet in a crowded arcade.

Saboteur: How cool is this? Anyone in the world can play as us in Mortal Fighter Caliber X! You know, as annoying as Jerry is, getting us in the most popular fighting video game in the world is pretty cool!

Saxton is standing next to Saboteur, unimpressed.

Saxton: I’m unimpressed. That Saxton character sounds nothing like me.

Saboteur: What are you talking about? We did the voiceovers ourselves!

Saxton: Impossible, the last time I did a voiceover was for my blockbuster 3D animated film, Action Saxton Finds that Nemo M’sucka. But forget about this video game nonsence, we’re in Shanghai, China, one of the largest, most fascinating cities in the world, and you’re sitting here playing a video game you can play in America! Why don’t you get out and do some exploring?

Saboteur: Why are we here anyway? After we won our match in heroic fashion on Ascension, we pretty much caught the first cab we could get to the airport.

Saxton: Because if I’m going to become the master of Master Chop Onion's Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation, then I need to get the approval of the Sacred Console of Chinese Kung Fu Masters. Without their approval, I won’t be allowed to operate my own school. Seriously, it’s part of Chinese law.

Saboteur: Hmm, China has some weird laws.

Saxton: You’re telling me, but it also has an amazing culture, amazing people, and some of the finest hunnies in this hemisphere! Now why don’t you check out this town and all it has to offer instead of hanging around this lousy arcade?

Saboteur doesn’t answer for a few moments as he continues to mash buttons.

Saboteur: Ha! I win! Take that Saxton!

Saxton shakes his head and shrugs.

Saxton: Maybe it’s better that you stay here, keep out of trouble. Alright Sab, I’ma bounce. It’s a long hike to the top of Mauna Kea, and if I want to get back in time for our match with Rush and Smith on Ascension then I better leave now.

Saboteur doesn’t even notice as his best black friend/black best friend leaves, so absorbed in his game. He is tapping the buttons furiously and frantically, and a painful look crosses Saboteur’s mask before he slams his fist on the console.

Saboteur: Dang, M. Shao King is tough! Hey, where’d Saxton go?

Saboteur looks around for a few seconds before he realizes that his partner must have departed for his journey.

Saboteur: You know, maybe Saxton is right. Shanghai is the largest city in the world and has some of the greatest shops, sightseeing, and restaurants in all of China! Maybe I’ll hit up a museum, or check out the City God Temple… or maybe I’ll see if I can’t find a contract for a hit and make some quick cash!

A devious grin crosses Saboteur’s face.

Saboteur: Yes, I think that will do quite nicely.


Saboteur: Ni hao, punks!

Saboteur unloads his dual pistols into a warehouse of unsuspecting enemies as he accomplishes his goal… beating level 3 of RoboCop Shooting Number 1, a game just recently released in China.

Saboteur: Finally, a game where my life experience pays off!

A little Chinese boy tugs on Saboteur’s spandex to get his attention.

Little Boy: 我想转弯.

Saboteur: What? I don’t speak Chinese, leave me alone.

Little Boy: 请,我想转弯!

Saboteur: Look, if you want to talk to me, come back with subtitles. Until then, get the heck out of here!

The little boy runs away crying, which attracts the attention of the arcade manager.

Manager: Hey you, Mr. Spandex man, you gotta leave now!

Saboteur: What?! Why?

Manager: That little boy asked you for a turn, and you no give him a turn. China law says you gotta share!

Saboteur: Darn communists and your sharing… I paid for this machine, I’m going to finish my game!

Manager: No! You leave now!

Saboteur: Hey man, you can’t talk to me like that, I’m semi-famous in America!

The manager studies Saboteur for a short while before his face lights up.

Manager: Oh, I know you! You Lindsay Lohan! I love Herbie: Fully Loaded!

Saboteur: What?! No, I’m Saboteur!

Manager: Oh, you stupid professional wrestler fathead, friends with black professional wrestler fathead. You suck!

Saboteur finally drops his fake guns and turns to face the manager.

Saboteur: Oh yeah? Well our tag team championship belts say otherwise. Who do you like anyway?

Manager: I like Steven Holmes! I like watching him beat you stupid American fatheads like stupid Showtime Big Cat!

Saboteur: First of all, Showtime Big Cat isn’t American, he’s Canadian, and therefore unworthy of your affection anyway. Second of all, nobody likes Steven Holmes, that dude is the worst!

Manager: No, you the worst with your stupid jokes and stupid black partner. He like Chris Tucker, always taking away the glory from Jackie Chan! I no have to take this crap from you; you leave my arcade now!

The manager grabs a broom and starts whacking Saboteur in the hindquarters with it.

Saboteur: Ouch! Hey man, cut it out, I’m leaving, I’m leaving! Sheesh!

The manager is relentless in his pursuit of Saboteur and continues smacking Saboteur with the broom until Saboteur is out of the store. Saboteur stands in front of the arcade for a few moments, rubbing his behind, before taking a seat on a bench.

Saboteur: Well, I guess this gives me a chance to look at those files on Rush and Smith that Jerry sent us.

Saboteur pulls a folder out of his pocket (it’s a big pocket) and flips it open.

Saboteur: Let’s see, “Name: Rush. Occupation: Professional wrestler. Super old, kind of cranky.” Okay, so we take away his prune juice and he can’t wrestle. Perfect. Now for this guy… “Name: Sam Smith. Occupation: Former-lawyer, professional wrestler.” Sounds boring. Where’s the spice? What makes Sam Smith special? Oh, there’s more here, “Emotionally broken and dysfunctional, probably still emotionally vulnerable after being left by his fiancé, Chelsea.”

Saboteur takes a deep breath before tossing the folder up in the air in frustration.

Saboteur: Well what the heck am I supposed to do with that? Man, this trip is starting to become a real waste of time!

Saboteur gets up from the bench and kicks a rock into the street out of frustration. With a heavy sigh, Saboteur begins to make his way down the street.

Saboteur: Man, this might be the biggest city in the world, but I guess there’s nothing for Saboteur here.

Saboteur walks past a store named, “Katanas R Us.”

Saboteur: Twenty three million people live here, and there’s nothing for me to do.

Saboteur walks past a building with a sign that says, “Museum of 1970’s American Sitcoms.”

Saboteur: I guess Shanghai is no place for little old me.

Saboteur walks past a storefront that says, “Spandex & More Outlet Store.”

Saboteur: Maybe I can find a boat back to the US or something. It would be better than sticking around this… whoa!

Saboteur finds himself in front of a window display with the most beautiful woman in the world in the window. Well, she’s not so much a woman as a very realistic looking, life-sized doll of sorts. Saboteur looks up and sees the store’s glowing neon sign, “Mr. Wang’s Sex Shop.”

Saboteur: Heh heh, Mr. Wang. I get it!

Saboteur enters the store and looks around for a moment before he is quickly greeted by an eager shopkeeper.

Mr. Wang: Hell, welcome to Mr. Wang’s Sex Shop. I’m Mr. Wang.

Saboteur: Wait, you mean the name isn’t a pun? You’re actually Mr. Wang?

Mr. Wang: What pun? What you mean? Why you say my name like that?

Saboteur: Oh, no reason. But I came in here because of that beautiful creature that you have on display in your window, Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang: Oh yes, everyone come into Mr. Wang Sex Shop and ask about her. She very special Chinese Sex Doll, built with top secret government technology to look, and even feel like real woman. Her blond hair really grows thanks to nanite technology, and her eyes look like real eyes because they are made from special unbreakable plastic. And in between her legs there’s an incredibly realistic…

Saboteur: I’m already sold on the specs, Mr. Wang. I just want to know how much she costs.

Mr. Wang: Oh no, she not for sale, she way to valuable. I use her to draw customers into the store and then sell them junk they don’t need, like leather riding crop or sensual private jelly.

Saboteur: Mr. Wang, I refuse to leave this store until you sell me that beautiful Chinese Sex Doll! She’s the image of perfection, and I can’t live my life without her.

Mr. Wang rubs his chin, deep in thought.

Mr. Wang: I tell you what, you big famous wrestling star, right? I give you beautiful Chinese Sex Doll for free if you let me build knockoff Chinese sex dolls in your image.

Saboteur: Jeeze, I don’t know, if any of those things ever made their way to America it would probably reflect pretty badly on me, and probably WZCW too. After all, I’m one of the most family friendly guys in the company!

Mr. Wang: America? Please! These things would violate about two-dozen custom laws! Saboteur Sex Dolls will never leave China.

Saboteur thrusts his hand forward.

Saboteur: Mr. Wang, you have yourself a deal!

Mr. Wang: I’m not shaking your hand! I have no idea where it’s been! Now if you excuse me, I need to go clean up the screening rooms. Just grab the doll on your way out.

As Mr. Wang leaves to do something disgusting, Saboteur grabs the Chinese Sex Doll, tucks it under his arm, and leaves the shop. When he’s out on the curb he looks into the dolls eyes and smiles.

Saboteur: I think I’ll name you Chelsea.
Signal Panic, Inc. Presents
Action Saxton & Saboteur
"Council Encounter!"

The death of Master Chop Onion had sent a shockwave through Action Saxton's life. The old kung-fu master had given him a chance when no one else had, trained him in the art of kung fu that had given him so many opportunities in his lifetime, taught him right from wrong, and had rescued him from a life of mediocrity. Only Fakename McGillicutty was more influential in the development of Action Saxton, and now both of them were long-gone.

If anything, it hurt much more now that the Badass Brother had had the chance to accept it. During his match with Constantine and Kravinoff, it hadn't quite sunk in, but as he sat in the middle of a circle of some of the greatest kung fu masters in the world, it weighed on him more heavily than Mikey Stormrage on a feather bed in a bouncy castle. As the tag team champion looked around the darkened room and into the stern faces of the members of the Sacred Council of Chinese Kung Fu Masters, he felt an emotion he hadn't felt in a very, very long time.


"All rise!" said one of the kung fu masters, raising his large top hat and standing up. He stroked his beard and stared at Action Saxton pensievely as the rest of the masters got to their feet. "We are gathered here today to assess the suitability of one Action Saxton to join our illustrious council of elders and to replace the late Master Chop Onion as leader of Master Chop Onion's School of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation. All those who understand the purpose of this meeting, say 'hai'."

There was a general murmuring of consent throughout the room from the masters in assembly, and they all took their seats again.

"Action Saxton, it was the great Master Chop Onion's dying wish that you be instated leader of his dojo. Normally, we in the council do our best to ensure a member's final wish is carried out, but that does not mean we are one to buck tradition and go instating willy-nilly! We have a long-standing tradition of making sure only the best of our kind are allowed to take head chair."

"Mmmnyes!" said a man in a pink gi with a very large moustache, who was sitting to the right of the master in the top hat. His high-pitched voice echoed throughout the chamber. "All potential applicants must be given a thorough evaluation!"

"It is as Master Betty says," the head master said. "Shortly before his passing, Master Chop Onion let us know of his wish, and since then we have been meditating and waiting for this day to come."

The head master cleared his throat.

"After many days of rumination and debate, the Sacred Council of Chinese Kun Fu Masters has deemed you, Action Saxton, unfit to take the position as head of Master Chop Onion's School of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation."

"Aw, what the hell?" Action Saxton's words exploded out of his mouth before he knew what he had even said. The Council gasped, but the master in the hat folded his arms.

"It has already been decided," he said. "You, Action Saxton, may be a talented individual in the realm of kung fu, but you do not uphold the code of honor that we strive for! With your friend holding you back, you will never reach the potential you strive towards. When the two of you are together, you..."

He pointed towards Action Saxton, who was still seated in the center of the circle.

"...are too silly!"

"Now you see here, suckas-" Saxton started to say, but was cut off.

"We want no trouble in the council!" said another master from behind Saxton. "You are bad role model for children!"

"Sucka, I love children-"

"You will never win!" said a master in a skull helmet with a very deep voice.

"Sucka, I win all the-"

"You have all the ability in the world, Action Saxton," the man in the hat boomed, "and you refuse to use it. You place yourself in a team with the spandex-wearing simpleton and spend your days being ridiculous! from the first day you set out into the world of WZCW to spread our craft, you have done nothing but embarass yourself and this council."

"Shut the hell up!" Saxton roared.

"And now you disrespect me, the high elder!" the hat man gasped. "Do you wish to face my one-inch punch?"

"I want you to stop talking so I can say my part, sucka," Saxton replied.

"Nothing you say will change our minds," the man said. "From the moment you filmed your embarassing trip to the airport to the time you belittled the young student you were meant to train, you have done nothing but bring a bad name to our council and Master Chop Onion's dojo."

Action Saxton sat in his chair, seething with rage. The man in the hat looked down at him smugly before continuing.

"With that said, it is tradition that we allow the candidate to say his piece before starting the final and official voting. Action Saxton, if you wish."

Action Saxton glared at the floor. Slowly, he lifted his head to glare at each individual master around the room.

"Come, Action Saxton, we are waiting," the hat master said.

Still glaring, the Badass Brother raised a large fist to his lips and cleared his throat.

"Y'all suckas need to listen up, and listen up good," he said. "Y'all suckas are sayin' all the things to me today I know you've been sayin' since the day I walked through China's front door. You all sayin' 'Oh, Action Saxton is too silly, he ain't focused, he ain't good enough!'. I say, it ain't me, it's you suckas who are too old to understand what truly makes me as damn good as I am!"

He took a step forward, towards the hat master, who to his credit did not move an inch.

"I am sick and tired of hearing this from all sides, from everywhere I go. People always be sayin' I got the talent but not the drive. People like you be sayin' I like to have too much fun to be taken seriously. They say I should be more like the serious suckas, like Rush or Sam Smith, the biggest and the baddest. They say that because I'm in a tag team that I'm somehow holdin' myself down."

"And they are correct!" barked the hat master. "If you do not think for one second that you are squandering your abilities by teaming with that spandex-wearing idiot and spending your time creating yourselves in videogames instead of properly training for your contests, I do not know what to tell you!"

"Well, sucka, you gonna have to be speechless, because where you see failure Action Saxton only sees success." Action Saxton turned to the other masters, one-by-one. "Suckas, if Master Chop Onion taught me one thing, it was that there is always another way of doing somethin' right. I wasn't your typical student, but that crazy-ass m'sucka took me under his wing and molded me into one of the best damn fighters any of you have ever seen. You know what I can do. You've seen it with your own damn eyes. If you think for one second just because I'm hoppin' through time instead of conducting interviews that this somehow makes me less of a fighter, you've got another thing coming."

He walked up to Master Betty.

"Master Betty," he said, "you love bird-watching in your free time, is this correct?"

"Mmmmnyes," Master Betty replied.

"Is it true you like to seek out the goofy-looking birds, like flamingos, because they make you laugh?"

"W- well," Master Betty stammered. "I enjoy the birdies because..."

Betty sighed.

"Yes. That is why."

"And you can't tell me you suckas are goin to kick Master Betty out because this sucka does something that ain't kung fu all the time," Saxton continued. "Just because he ain't always talkin' trash and kickin' ass, just because he likes to look at goofy-lookin' birds in his free time don't mean he's unworthy of bein' a kung fu king!"

"That is beside the point!" the hat master said, pounding the desk. "Whether or not Master Betty enjoys Silly Birdwatching is highly irrelavant! Your association with the masked moron has made you weak, Action Saxton."

"And I wholly disagree with your stupid-ass assumption, sucka!" Saxton roared. "Bein' in a team with Saboteur has made me stronger than ever. We managed to become two-time WZCW tag team champions, and that is something only one other team has ever been able to boast. This kung-fu stuff ain't just about bein' the best individually, and it ain't just about bein' all serious all the time like those suckas Sam Smith and Rush."

The hat master harrumphed. He leaned back in his chair. "You've gotten me curious," he said. "You are continually mentioning these two individuals. Please, enlighten me as to why."

Action Saxton looked through narrowed eyes at the hatted master. "I keep mentionin' them because me and my boy Saboteur are going to be kicking their asses as soon as this meeting here is over and I am the new master of Master Chop Onion's school. Those suckas, they be clingin' to the old ways, just like your goofy-asses. Rush was someone I had a huge amount of respect for. He saved my ass during one Lethal Lottery, and I kicked his ass the next. But after he came back, he stayed stuck in the past, and I moved on. As for Sam Smith, that sucka ain't about the crowd, he ain't about nothin' but himself. It wins him some titles, but suckas, it don't win him any fans."

Action Saxton crossed his arms, still not breaking eye contat with the hatted master.

"Sucka, you and all these other suckas are just like them. You are all old, you are all stuck in your goofy-ass ways, and you all be thinkin' that just because I am a young, handsome man who likes to kick ass as much as he likes to kick it that I'm some kinda pushover, that I am not worthy of reaching the top, whether it be in the ring or in this council here. What you and those suckas seem to have forgotten is that none of y'all started alone."

Action Saxton looked off into the distance. The hatted master's gaze seemed to soften, very slightly.

"Suckas, I was alone once. I was alone in WZCW until I met my boy Saboteur. Yeah, we fought, but we bonded and learned from our goofy selves until we formed a team that is unbreakable. Suckas, your dojos ain't nothin' without students, kinda like how us wrestlers are nothin' without our fans, and how I am nothin' without my teammates backin' me up. It don't matter whether they be my friend Marceline, my old Army partner Kung Fu Jones, or my tag team partner Saboteur. Action Saxton don't work alone, and maybe it's time for you suckas to loosen the hell up and remember that that's what the old ways was all about."

Action Saxton approached his chair and looked the hatted master dead in the eye.

"If y'all think I'm too silly and that my partner is draggin' me down, I don't need this spot. But y'all need to remember what Master Chop Onion always said: 'I'm the sensei, you are my students, but before that, you and I are friends. We lean on each other any way we can. We all need love, no matter woman or a man.'

Can you dig it?

Action Saxton took a seat, the silence following his words deafening. No one spoke. No one even blinked. Breathing had stopped. It was as though time itself had frozen. It wasn't until a loud noise cut through the air, almost like the crack of a whip, that the air returned to the room.

The loud noise continued, growing louder and louder. Each master turned to the hatted master to see what was going on, and received quite the shock.

He was applauding.

Slowly, the other masters around the room joined in, a smattering of applause filling the confines of the space. As it died down, the hatted master rose to his feet.

"Action Saxton," he said, "you are right."

He chuckled.

"Perhaps us old fogies are a bit behind the times. Perhaps we should not be judging you on the way you train or those you associate with. We all started somewhere, had our wild and halcyon days, and perhaps a younger vision is exactly what this council needs. Your speech has touched my heart, and I think I finally see what Master Chop Onion saw in you all those years ago and continued to see in you until the very end."

He held out a hand.

"Congratulations, Master Saxton. Welcome to the Council."

Action Saxton looked at the master, and then to the empty chair where Master Chop Onion once sat. Slowly, he walked to the chair and laid a hand on it. He briefly turned to the sky, and then back to the hatted master.

"Sorry, suckas," he said, "but council duties are gonna have to wait. Right now, I got a friend to meet back up with and some old asses to kick. But before that..."

Action Saxton leaned on the chair.

"Y'all suckas need some official Words Of Wisdom from the newest Master."

The council members all leaned forward as Action Saxton stopped to think. Finally, he snapped a finger and spoke.

"Even if there is no God or Devil, suckas, there is always Action Saxton."

And with that, he turned on his heel and walked into the darkness and out of the room. The hatted master frowned.

"...Perhaps his second words of wisdom will be more...traditional," he said.

The councilmembers murmured amongst themselves, and then broke for lunch.
“I love the lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained.” – Zhou Dunyi

The lotus flower is considered sacred in many an Asian culture. It is a beautiful and strong flower, which blooms slowly from a pond – it unfurls gently until the leaves spread open, revealing its bright, golden center to the world. The flower has captivated generations and generations of people, even going so far as to war over the lotus flower. The lotus flower’s power is unparalleled.


Sam Smith and Rush sit in the locker room backstage at Meltdown 59, moments after their match with Technosa.

Smith: We failed.

Rush solemnly nods.

Smith: We can’t put up a performance like this against Saxoteur. We need an edge, Mac! The patients run the asylum here in WZCW – Saxoteur and Technosa are good at what they do because they’re unpredictable and because they're unlike anybody else in this business.

Rush grumbles quietly.

Rush: They’re the problem.

Smith: Exactly. Professional wrestling isn’t about people like Technosa, Saxoteur, Krypto, The Beard, and all the other misfits in the WZCW locker room. It’s about people like us!

Rush nods emphatically.

Rush: We ARE professional wrestling, Sam.


Chinese legend speaks of a sacred field of lotus blossoms – the field is surrounded by two villages, one village of dragons and one of phoenixes. The two villages each held claim to field of lotuses: The dragons claimed that they were the true owners of the land, as they used the lotus as a source of food and energy. The phoenixes had their own claim to the land as well, saying that they used the lotus to heal their wounds – a practice which had been handed down to them from their ancestors. Both factions looked at the lotus flower as a symbol of life and relied on it to guide them. Neither faction could share the lotus flower, for only a “chosen” society was prophesized as being able to truly harness the power of the lotus flower. Tensions slowly rose as years ticked by – the two villages had seen many of their inhabitants come and go; new leaders had risen to power, while old ones had fizzled out, the earth around the two villages had changed drastically, but one thing had remained the same: both villages still looked to the sacred field of lotus flowers for guidance, for food, and so on. They were left with no choice; the two villages chose to go to war.

The two rival villages, the dragons and phoenixes, marched directly at each other; the ones who survived would be the ones to finally harness the power of the lotus flower. The two factions waged a brutal war against one another for centuries. Slowly, they lost sight of what had once been the goal of the war and were focused purely on their thirst for inflicting pain upon one another. Dragons and phoenixes were born into war, raised for war, and sent into war – many never understood why they were waging this war, but they fought for their own honor and the sake of their people. The centuries dragged by and the numbers of each faction dwindled. The once great and honorable societies were left with a handful of members, but the war would never end – not until there was only one group (of dragons or phoenixes) left.


Smith stares across at Rush, taking in what his partner just said.

Smith: You’re right – and we’ve been hated and vilified in this locker room ever since we spoke up against where this company is heading. Mac, management is feeding us to Saxoteur at Ascension 65 because they don’t think we can win. They don’t think we can handle two crazy and off-the-wall people and that we’ll crumble. No, they WANT us to crumble.

Rush: They’re setting us up for failure, just like they always have.

Smith: And what are we supposed to do? Listen to me, Mac – Saxoteur thrive on the fact that they’re bat-shit crazy; Saxoteur are invincible as long as we allow them that advantage. This isn’t about out-wrestling them; it’s about getting in their head. To win the war and beat the champs next week, we need them to know that we’re willing to go where none of their opponents have before. We’re the two most sadistic people in this locker room, Rush – it’s high time we let loose.


The war continued on, but the end was near. There were only two left – one dragon and one phoenix – who had seen their families, their friends, and their people die at their feet. The two prepared to head out and battle to their deaths, but stopped. They looked around at the world around them and realized what misery they had spread. There was nothing left. Their original villages were gone and the ground was scorched. Nothing had survived the war, nothing but a single lotus flower in between the two villages. The dragon and the phoenix stared at the lotus, transfixed at the beauty of the plant. Neither could believe that the lotus could have risen from nothing. That was the day the war ended. The dragon and phoenix knew that they were the last of their kind, but they knew that the lotus could survive. They agreed to a truce in honor of their ancestors and defended the once-majestic field of lotuses, waiting until their dying days for the lotus flower to repopulate the field.

The legend of the lotus flower bore a Chinese tradition: just as the dragon and the phoenix had, the Chinese would forever more respect the lotus flower, but above all else, they would honor the dead with the respect that they deserve. When any respected person in China dies, an eleven day peace treaty (one day for each century of the war) is enacted, allowing one and all to pay their respects to the fallen. Many Chinese take this opportunity to show their grief and pay their respects to the recently-dead by bringing a single lotus flower to where the respected one has been buried. The lotus flowers cover the casket and, in a way, reclaim the fallen, just as the sacred field of lotus flowers had reclaimed the bodies of all the dragons and phoenixes that had died to possess its power.


Smith reaches over into his bag and pulls out his phone. He tinkers with the screen until he finally tosses it over at Rush. Rush stares down at the screen of the phone blankly before speaking.

Rush: An obituary?

Smith smiles maliciously.

Smith: For Master Chop Onion, master of the dojo where Action Saxton went. I caught wind of it on the WZCW website – I guess Saxton’s been named the new master of the dojo.

Rush: What does it matter to us, though?

Smith: What better way to get in Saxoteur’s head than make an appearance where they least expect us? I say we go pay our respects to Master Chop Onion. After all, it's the least we could do for Action Saxton – Master Chop Onion was like a father to him.

Rush smirks and nods.

Smith: They can behave as insanely as they want, Rush, but everybody is tied down to something in reality – we’ll exploit that for everything it’s worth.


Chelsea Shaw sits in a dated office. The paint on the walls is peeling, revealing the faded and dated wallpaper below. The carpet on the floor below her has seen better days – it's covered in a thin film of dirt and grime, with a piece of gum stuck in the floor here or there. Chelsea sits in a basic wooden chair on the other end of a desk, across from a man in a doctor's coat who seems about as slimy as the floor. A golden nameplate sits on the doctor's desk – "Dr. Jeremy" is emblazoned across the nameplate in thick, blocky letters. The doctor, who stands no taller than five feet tall, smiles at Chelsea, revealing his sharp, pointed teeth. He reaches up and runs a hand through what is left of the hair on top of his head and scratches his rather large belly.

Jeremy: So Chelsea, do you know the risks that come with an abortion?

Chelsea nods.

Jeremy: Have you ever had an abortion before?

Chelsea looks at the ground, as a look of guilt crosses her face.

Chelsea: Yes, I've had one. My ex-fiance and I had just gotten engaged and I just didn't think we were ready for a child.

Jeremy: Well, it happens to the best of us. Listen, I can have my secretary Sylvia set you up with an appointment right out there in reception. We're a bit busy this time of year – the high school kids go wild once they graduate – but she should be able to fit you in soon.

Chelsea stares at the doctor, mortified at the nonchalant attitude he bears in regard to his patients. She slowly stands up and makes her way out of the office.

Jeremy: See you soon, Chelsea.

Chelsea wanders over to the secretary and goes through the motions as the secretary makes her an appointment. The secretary hands her a slip of paper and Chelsea wanders out of the door of the office. She opens her car door and sits in the driver's seat. She stares at the doctor's office from her vantage point in the parking lot and buries her head in her hands, as she quietly sobs.

This is what it had come to.
Chinese legend speaks of a great war between a village of dragons and a village of phoenixes. For centuries both villages waged in combat against one another for possess of a sacred field of lotus blossoms.

Every day a new valley and village was declared to be casualties of this war. Eventually the entire world had burned and was consumed by death except for the sacred field.

Left with no alternatives, both villages were forced into a final battle on the sacred field.

The battle was violent. Blood from both armies saturated the ground. Generations after generations of warriors gave their lives for the cause until only one dragon and one phoenix remained standing on both sides of the field and surveyed their battleground.

What once was a lush, fruitful land was now a desolated wasteland. The green of the grass was now charred burnt ash. Beautiful, fully bloomed lotus’ were now broken and had been trampled into the black dirt.

Nothing remained but a single lotus in full bloom.

Rather than continuing the final battle and destroying the last remaining lotus, both the dragon and the phoenix united and stood guard together to protect the lotus. They ensured its survival and encouraged its growth and allowed it to repopulate the sacred field.

It is because of this legend that whenever a beloved and respected member of Chinese culture has been declared deceased, those that live by tradition and respect legend, suspend all combat for eleven consecutive days.

Sworn enemies mourn together. Ancient rivals join together in prayer.


Panic Signal, Inc. Presents
Rush & Sam Smith

“Journey To Destroy The Top Of The World”

At the top of a tall mountain in China, in a forest populated by lush growth, bamboo shoots, and strange wildlife, surrounded by the mists of ages and a plethora of ninja-guards stood Master Chop Onion's Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation.

Cloaked in the disguised of a traditional Ancient Chinese Ceremonial Death Robe, travellers emerge from the thick, living forest. The warmth of exhaled breaths convert to fog in rapid succession as it touches the cold, brisk mountain air. The travellers are tired. Their bodies are weaker now than it was before it began to make the treacherous climb to the top of the steep mountain. Their minds, while not completely lost or failing, is grateful for the flashing neon signs illuminating the path and directing all travellers, both katana carrying ninjas and fanny-pack wearing tourist, through the thickly covered forest to Master Chop Onion's Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation.

Sympathetic ninjas guarding the gates to the dojo silently encourage the wandering travellers up each step as they slowly climbs closer to the large wooden door. The oldest traveller is sore. His bones throb in pain and his muscles beg for rest with every step upwards. His spirit says the journey will the worth the agony and hardships of the climb.

The timeworn traveller is pleased when he hears the dojo doors unlock from the inside and is grateful when the heavy doors slowly begin to swing open for him, unsure if he would have had any strength remaining to assist is travelling partner move them open.

The burdensome doors begin to close automatically as the travellers enter the dojo. The aroma of burnt offerings and lotus blossoms creep into their nostrils and silence fills their ears.

In the heart of the dojo, reclined in a large red velvet bed surrounded by his trainees was none other than Master Chop Onion himself. His normally healthy yellow color had gone a sickly brown. His fu-manchu moustache was limp and straggly. His normally proud, muscular form was long gone. His now lean, skeletal body was cold and propped underneath the covers. The ninjas of the dojo and surrounded his bed, bowing their heads and mourned his death.

The travellers have yet to be seen and had manage to conspicuously wander into the Dojo’s Gift Shop which had been closed since Master Chop Onion’s soul had left his body. In the cover of the shadows casted by “I Visted Master Chop Onion's Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt” T-Shirts and Master Chop Onion's Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation Cookbooks and bubbleheads of Master Chop Onion himself, the wanderers remove their outer robe revealing modern attires forbidden within the walls of the dojo and surely to offend its modest residents.

“[color=RoyalBlue3]Simply pathetic.[/color]” The words exited the old travellers mouth and echoed around the circular room interrupting the prayers and mournful meditations of the ninjas paying their respects to their master.

“[color=RoyalBlue3]For seventy-five years this temple has survived. Similar to the golden era of professional wrestling, it is built on a strong foundation of respect, honor, tradition and legend.[/color]” the words continued to reverberate off the decorated marble walls as the mourner’s eyes searched the room for the source.

“[color=RoyalBlue3]It is that code that you are bounded by that allows your men like us to come here today and be free from your malice and wrath. [/color]”

The two travellers, [color=RoyalBlue3]Rush[/color] and Sam Smith emerge from the protected darkness of the closed gifts shop and into the vision of the mourning ninjas. Their eyes transform from a state of exhaustion and sadness to pure anger. As one, the ninjas rise to their feet and fall into formation, quickly surrounding the unwanted intruders.

Sam Smith reaches beside him and removes a sacred scroll from the joined claws of a jade statue of a dragon and a phoenix huddled together around a lone lotus blossom.

With that single action of evil intentions, the ninjas freeze unwanting to provoke Smith into destroying the scroll and knowing that they are unable to attack their enemy without breaking the sworn oath to live by traditions and legends.

“[color=RoyalBlue3]Like the wise and protecting dragon and phoenix, Sam Smith and I have burned the world around us.[/color]” Rush continued. “[color=RoyalBlue3]In our path of ruins we have been able to see remaining traces of something of pure beauty and truth. The tag-team division is a sliver of hope in the survival and resurrection of professional but it is endangered in its current condition.

“So much like the dragon and the phoenix safeguarded and sheltered the lotus, we stand united as protectors, saviours and resurrectors of professional wrestling.

“You believe you are special because you’ve followed your dead master’s guide and listened to his teachings. In doing so you’ve defeated armies of robots, aliens and beasts of all sizes. For over thirty years I too have defeated the armies of frauds, lunatics, and blood-thirsty ****es that have stood before me. Your battles waged on the ground while my battles have been fought inside a twenty-by-twenty foot wrestling ring.[/color]”

“Today you mourn a man and honor his teachings but tomorrow a new generation will forget his very name. The sound of his voice has already started to fade from your memories. The art of his teachings will soon be lost forever under a new order. ” Sam Smith added as both men slowly begin to walk towards their exit.

“This reverse progress and backwards thinking runs the world today and will soon run this former sanctuary. ” The swarm of ninjas follow closely, actively searching for an opening to secure back the scroll.

The travellers reach the door and motion for it to be opened. With great hesitation, it unlocks and begins to creep open. The cool, fresh mountain air struck the backs Rush and Smith, singling that their escape path was clear and anticipating their exit.

“[color=RoyalBlue3]Do not waste your time or energy mourning one man who is already dead. Rather you should be saving your tears for the two bodies that we will be sending your way soon. [/color]”

With those final words, Sam Smith threw the scroll high into the air. The ninjas, in a frenzy, all shuffled on top of one another eager to protect the falling scroll from the cold hard floor below their feet. Once the scroll was confirmed safe and intact, they looked towards the door but it was too late: the intruders had vanished just as quickly as they arrived.
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