AS62: Connor Reese vs. Ricky Runn - Winner Receives LL Immunity

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

In what is a blow-off match to their joint win at All or Nothing, Connor Reese and Ricky Runn will rekindle their underground feud. Both men have dawned new personas, but the result of this match could drastically change their position in WZCW. Immunity in the Lethal Lottery remains in the balance as both of these young superstars square off for a heated battle.

Deadline is Wednesday, 10th of April - 11:59pm Central Time.
It was early into the afternoon, at least three days after Meltdown, where the Unintentional Assasin had once again and we see Ricky Runn, and Rob walking through a simple Thrift Shop in New Orleans. In Rob's care was Ricky's personal Witch Doctor. Voodoo Mama Juju. However due to the damage he suffered from his house collapsing on him, he was wrapped up tightly in a full body cast. Even his mouth was wrapped over, only mumbles could be heard from the witch doctor. Rob can be seen given Ricky a stern talking to.

Rob:"Okay Ricky, you're only allowed to spend Twenty bucks here. Which at a thrift shop should be just enough."

While the rather extremely low budget may be enough to upset most Spendaholics. The ever optimistic Ricky continued looking through the basically indoor garage sale. Ricky turns his attention to Juju, who was wiggling in the chair, trying to get free.

Juju:"Hrlp meee"

Rob turned his head and looked down quizzically at the Witch doctor and asked.

Rob:"Uhhh what do you think he said?"

Ricky shrugged his shoulders and took a shot in the dark.

"I think he said you should give me more than just $20 so I can Juju a new house. They sell those at Thrift shops, right?"

Juju:"You moforn..."

Rob:"What did he say?"

Ricky:"I think he said he wants some good old fashioned cola!"

Rob simply squinted his eyes before groaning. Despite not knowing what Juju said he knew it couldn't have been as long and as dragged out as Ricky made it out to be. However, Ricky's snapped quickly into focus onto a outrageously large fur coat hanging from a clothing rack. Ricky quickly put on the coat. The coat seemed to be 4 sizes too big for the slim superstar, but that didn't phase the man-child who was seemingly in love with the coat. He let his satisfaction be known and shouted.

Ricky:"Check out this big ass coat! I look incredible!"

Rob rolled his eyes at the sight of the coat, then they began to start scanning the rack and then the coat for a label, or a price tag.

Rob:"Well here's me hoping it is only $20 so we can get out of here."

After examining Ricky, and the coat rack, Rob left Juju's wheel-chair facing outward to the door. Unfortunately, Rob forgot to put on the breaks to the wheelchair, causing him to slowly wheel out of the store. All while Ricky had all of Rob's undivided attention.

Ricky:"I'm telling you man, this is it. This IS IT. This is the thing that will snap my bad luck. This will be the thing that will grant me a guaranteed spot in the Lethal Lottery. This will be the thing that gets me to win the Lethal Loterry. This is the luckiest coat of all time. This coat will get me number 30 in the Lethal Lottery, and from there I will win it all baby. Me and this coat, are going to Kingdom Come!"

While Rob watched Ricky's little speech, he had to pinch his nose and comment.

Rob:"Speaking of come... that thing smells like the shower room after the STA leave. You really should get that washed before you go out anywhere with it."

Ricky scoffed and shook his head and walked over to the register with Rob and said confidently.

Ricky:"Pft, you obviously do not know the smell of good luck my boy. If we wash it now who knows what would--"


The sound of panicked, and muffled screaming grow louder then quieter as Juju's runaway wheel chair begins to leave the automated doors of the Thrift Shop, now leaving to the parking lot. Rob looks over to Ricky and asks.

Rob:"Should we go help him?"

Ricky:"Nahh, he's a witchdoctor, he'll be alright."

While walking to the register Ricky looked into his iPhone. Looking at the text he sent to Conner Reese, he had yet to get a response back from him which put a frown on his face.

Ricky:"You know, I honestly don't see why I try and be friends with that guy. After he lost I tried to cheer him up, I text him everyday, and we shared a win at a pay-per-view. You would think after all we've been through he would at least be open to do a little smiling. It is going to be a bummer that I am going to need to beat him this week at Ascension. I was thinking we could at least fight like real gentleman and harlem shake in the ring. Oh well, I guess we will just have to actually fight. Which as we know by now, is something that Conner is pretty bad at."

Rob:"Umm Ricky, aren't you the one who would rather do a moonsault than chain wrestle? I'm all for talking smack, but Reese can beat you if you don't keep the offense at your fast pace he will ground you out and beat you. Don't you ever listen to his audio tapes?"

Ricky shakes his head and began to search his pockets for the money.

Ricky:"Nah man, who has time to listen to those things anyway? I'm too busy doing things that make me awesome, like cheer leading, fencing, and being super douchey on the internet... shit where is that $20?"

Rob:"Uhh, Rick. You don't actually do any of those things, and if you did I think that would make you a pompous ass. Who on Earth would work with a pompous ass anyway? I can only imagine how much the WZCW brass hate working with him and trying to pander to his every need."

Ricky: "Yeah man, whatever the case may be. He's all talk and no substance, he's a whiner, a crybaby, a showoff, and to make matters worse, he doesn't seem to care that people know he would rather talk the talk, than walk the walk. Sure, I have had some pretty bad luck as of late, and I haven't been able to pull together two wins, but I am not going to go out and start making up all these excuses and make an ass out of myself. I am going to go out there and work my ass off and win. That's why I am where I am today, and that's how everyone else made it onto the roster, they earned their keep. Conner has yet to prove why WZCW has had him stick around, and on Ascension I'm going to prove that yet again."

On that note, before Ricky can hand the $20 bill to the clerk. A loud crash can be heard from outside. Voodoo Mama Juju's wheelchair had rolled into traffic, causing him to be hit by a car. Ricky turned his head, and said to himself.

Ricky:"Oh Hamburgers"
Conference Room – STA Headquarters, Connecticut

Alexander Stark is the last to enter the room. Placing a carved figurine on the table in front of his seat he sits down. “Let us begin.”

Wunderbar looks across to him, he probably wants to say his piece and depart. That can wait. “Shall we start with Connor, or do you wish to waste my time further by subjecting me to the irrelevant details you and Sascha could discuss elsewhere?” He can definitely wait.

“I shall, I’ll be needing to hear your report from Louisiana anyway Wilhelm.” He turns to the lone female. “Sascha, SWN status report.”

“Strong numbers from Europe, merchandise is up with London reporting Anton Hero as an especially strong seller. Might be worth giving him a touring belt if that continues. Henri Middoux is still drawing well across Europe, six sellouts over the past two months across four territories. New York ran a trial event in Newark headlined by PJ Gabriel defeating “Rockstar” Sebastian Miller for the World Championship last weekend ahead of its planned expansion. The gate was good, slightly above our projections though not a sellout, feedback was also positive, especially with regards to the main event. That was also Gabriel’s last show in the territory before he heads to Louisiana with the world title which he’s excited about. He was close to Kroeger. In Louisiana, the gates have been strong despite Connor not being advertised. Wilhelm is helping fill the void, although I doubt that will last. We also finalised the distribution deal. Monthly iPPVs are scheduled to begin in May. Discussions of a talent exchange with Casino Nights are ongoing.”

“Excellent, I will be reviewing the numbers and footage later. Do you have anything else to add on the territories?” She shakes her head. “Wilhelm?”

“I replaced Connor in Louisiana for three shows after you pulled him in the aftermath of the Blaze incident. The angle is Reese feels the Kackbratzen there are beneath him. Nobody gets a shot unless they beat me. Some big guy, Ewen Longston?” Stark nods, confirming the name “He managed to. Connor was present to cut a promo. He insisted the match happen there and then. The match lasted less than a minute and ended with a clutch piledriver. The crowd went ballistic after that.” He looks Stark directly in the eyes of the frowning Englishman. “I cannot replace him, Stark. I do not incense them like Connor. If he does not return to active duty gates will drop, that is certain.”

“Connor wrestled?”
He says furiously.

“Obviously. You probably have the footage. Nothing could have stopped it, Stark. Once he decided to enter the ring, nobody else had a choice.”

“Interesting.” A still annoyed Stark looks across at Reese, who’s been staring at nothing, eyes glazed over throughout the meeting. “Before we discuss Connor, how is our other prospect?”

Wunderbar responds first. “Physically the ape is formidable as ever. The time he’s spending with Simon is justified. In ring he has reached a plateau. He is still unwilling to strike, and though his holds are effective they are not progressing. I recommend sending him out to wrestle. I can’t do much more with the restrictions imposed.” He glares at his former secretary.

“I don’t have much to add. Outside of Der Zircus he’s happier than he was before I complained. Ali’s not complaining any more either. I second Wilhelm’s suggestion that he should wrestle.”

Stark nods, time to move onto the elephant in the room. “Wilhelm, report on Connor.”

The German scowls. “He remains abnormal. Most of the time he remains like this.” He waves a hand in front of Reese’s eyes, then slaps him in the face. No reaction. “Almost comatose. But at others he will be active, albeit different to how he was before Unscripted. It almost seems as if Reese has become like Barbosa. When he is active, there seem to be three distinct personalities. One is consistent with 'Misch'. The other two are seem to be timid, and cooperative respectively.”

Stark thinks for a moment. “Sascha, what is Connor booked for this week?”

“This week Connor is due to wrestle against Ricky Runn for a guaranteed spot in the Lethal Lottery match. Sources backstage are suggesting that the winner will be the only wrestler ensured entry. As instructed all other arrangements have been postponed.”

“Runn? Troublesome. I know firsthand the consequences of underestimating The Monkey. He doesn’t look like much, but he is talented and thrives on the underestimation of his opponent. While I have no doubts that Connor is capable of defeating him, with this mental problem I am not willing to risk it.” Reese drums his fingers on the table while he digests the information. “Very well, there is no choice. Wilhelm, you may leave.” The German doesn’t wait to do so. “Sascha, we will talk about the sponsors at a later date. It seems I have an appointment to make with a Doctor." He places a new chess piece next to his own king. It seems to be a knight, albeit with a snake replacing the traditional horse.

Two days later – An Undisclosed Location, Parts Unknown

Stark takes a deep breath before he enters the office of the biologist he befriended at Oxford before he changed.

“Finally you come, Sanou.” a distinct voice comes from the darkness.

“I do, Hebi. I require your expertise.” Stark does his best to keep the nervousness he feels out of his voice.

“The prospect not turning out as you expected?” Hebi chuckles, unsettling Stark more.


“I assume this would settle our debt.”

It’s Stark’s turn to laugh now. “No, old friend it would not.”

“Then why would I comply?”

“Allow me to explain, what I ask of you and I’m sure you can work it out.” Stark waits a moment, taking Hebi’s silence as permission to continue. “It seems Connor, my prospect is suffering from a kind of multiple personality disorder and is spending an increasing amount of time completely withdrawn into himself.”

“And you wish for me to suppress these personalities.” Hebi interrupts.

“Not quite. Erasing the personalities is undesirable. I don’t want Connor’s affected like Sh...”

“Do not mention her. It would be... unfortunate.” The relish of that last word sends a shiver down Alexander’s spine.

Stark nods. “No. I hypothesise that these personalities are but parts of the whole. I don’t want them destroyed. I want them subjugated. Subjugated by someone who can play the part I need. Someone I can trust to use Reese to the best of his abilities.”

“So, you want to give your old friend a new body? You are too kind, but this one has advantages your prospects doesn’t. I will do as you ask, but it will settle our debt.”

“Connor’s body may yet be unmodified, but it is also healthy. You’re dying, Oro.” Reese actually sounds sad after saying those words. “I’ve seen your medical records. The venom is slowly killing you. Here’s the offer, you subjugate Connor’s mind and control him to play the role expected of my prospect. In exchange, the death of your body will not mean your end. And after a period of... due diligence, you can start modifying Connor’s body as you see fit. Or you can stay here and rot.”

Hebi “I accept.”

Reese smirks. “I thought you would.”
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