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AS61: [Mayhem Rules] Vega (c) vs. Sandy Deserts - Mayhem Title

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

The only title being defended this week features the seemingly unstoppable Mayhem Champion Vega taking on Sandy Deserts who earned the right to challenge for the title due to random stipulations thanks to the Roulette Wheel. It is no secret that Deserts used to compete in this style of match but there is new blood on the scene in Vega and he has been excelling quite well, unable to find anybody who can threaten his championship reign. Will Sandy be that person or is the older veteran too weak for the powerful Vega?

Deadline is Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per request thread.
"Friendship is Mayhem"

Current Time

Sitting in a ball on the floor against a door of a narrow corridor is Sandy Deserts, wearing an expensive golden cocktail dress . Eye-liner streams down her face as she continues to cry with tears streaming down her checks. She wipes her face, trying to get a grip of herself as leans her back, resting it against the wall. When the sadness stops flowing down from her eyes, she does her best to slowly get to her feet, brushing herself off before turning around to face a familiar door, looking at it and thinking about what just happened.


A Few Hours Ago

Colourful strobe lights flash on and off constantly as the beat of the music pumps through the speakers and into the bodies of those who occupy the dance floor, as well as those in the surrounding booths and the bar area consuming what we can assume to be alcoholic beverages. The atmosphere is active with everybody enjoying themselves - especially one of the beauties who appears to be leaving the designated dancing area in favour of another drink from the bar. At closer inspection, it is Sandy Deserts who looks to be having the time of her life with sweat almost pouring from her face. She bobs her head to the music until a bartender walks over to her. Without blinking an eyelid, Sandy smiles and orders "I'll have another please." Oddly enough, the bartender has remembered Sandy's drink of choice despite only being in the night club for a couple of hours. A little tired after moving around so much, Sandy hops up onto one of the barstools and patiently waits for her drink which arrives shortly after. She attempts to pay the barman but he waves it off, giving the drink to her on the house. "Thank you" Sandy replies, putting the money for the drink and then some into his tip collection jar for the night.

As she quickly downs the beverage, she looks around the night club trying to spot someone of interest but she doesn't find anybody on the dance floor nor in the booths. Sandy turns her attention to the entrance and surely enough, she sees the person she has been looking for and polishes off the rest of her drink. Excited, she jumps up off the barstool and manoeuvres through the crowd to get to her friend and tag team partner, Celeste Crimson, who doesn't seem quite as cheerful to see Sandy. Nevertheless, Sandy wraps her arms around and gives her a huge hug before letting go, realising that Celeste isn't putting as much effort into the greeting and not hugging back as much: "When you said you wanted to catch up for drinks, I didn't think you'd drag me to a night club." Sandy gives her an odd look before responding, "Hey c'mon now, we're roughly the same age and I've been tearing up the dance floor, beating most of the young ones with my skills." Sandy begins to dance in front of Celeste, showcasing the most basic of moves with extreme passion - the sprinkler. Embarrassed, Celeste looks away as Sandy switches to the monkey. "I also picked this place because they've got booths with their own personal waiter. I've reserved us a table already. Come." Celeste sighs as Sandy waves her forward as she walks through the crowded entrance way, pretending to swim to the beat as she leads her partner.


30 Minutes Ago

After seconds of hearing keys rattle from behind a closed door of a hotel room, the door opens slowly and the lights flicker on as the Fairy Glitter Armageddon enter the room with Sandy slightly staggering in first as Celeste follows behind, closing the door and hanging up her coat in the wardrobe without showing any ill effects of alcohol. Both girls are wearing cocktail dresses, Sandy opting for the golden option whilst Celeste goes for the ever-forgiving black whilst both girls wear high heels to match their outfits. Unfortunately for Sandy, the amount of ‘free' drinks have caused her to lose some balance, crashing on one of the double beds in the room with a sigh of relief coming from Sandy. Celeste walks up to her bedside table and puts Sandy's handbag on there. As she does, Sandy grabs the arm of Celeste: "Thanks bud... I owe you one..." An exhausted Celeste, having not only to put with the fatigue of being awake for a very long period but also Sandy's alcohol-fuelled comments, rolls her eyes and easily slips her hand away from Sandy's grip. "Don’t worry about it. My services were free of charge - just like your drinks tonight." Sandy lets out a laugh as Celeste walks over to her bed, sitting down and rubbing her head. "You're no fun. I was thinking of grabbing my dominatrix suit." Celeste lets out a long sigh as if hearing that comment has caused pain for her in the first time in her life. Sandy sits up and smiles, continuing the conversation. "Maybe I could run around the room as I chase you..."

After a somewhat awkward silence of Sandy staring at Celeste who has her head almost in her own lap rubbing her head, Sandy pipes up once more "Hey... I was only having a joke, Celeste. You seem like you have a headache... if you want, we can get some rest before travelling to the next destination." Celeste head lifts up and she doesn't seem to be amused by this suggestion at all. "So we can have something go my way for a change then? Wow, that's a surprise..." Celeste sarcastically replies before looking away and then looking back down. Sandy, a little taken back and confused by this comment, responds to Celeste "I'm sorry?" "Oh, and an apology too!" Celeste gets up from her position and walks to the bathroom, turning on the light. Sandy slowly gets to her feet and heads over to the entrance of the bathroom, leaning on the door frame where she sees Celeste looking at herself in the mirror with Sandy's face in the background of the reflection. "I might be a little intoxicated but I sense that you aren't too happy right now - are you okay?"

It might have been the tone of voice Sandy used or maybe the fact that she was a bit drunk but what she said triggered something in Celeste, causing her eyes to twitch suddenly with anger starting to fill her face. "No... no Sandy, I'm not okay." Celeste turns around to face Sandy with Sandy having a look of concern on her face. "What’s up, then? Tell me wha- "What’s up? I’ll tell you what is up: I train my arse off to be in peak physical condition - something that is quite difficult for someone my age to do - and no matter what I try, I always end up on the losing end and getting the short stick. In the last few weeks, I've had title opportunity after title opportunity and for some reason; I cannot muster the energy to pull off the victory. Hell, I've hardly had any luck with winning regular matches." Celeste goes to turn back around until Sandy speaks: "It happens to the best of us, Celeste. It's not y-" "And yet" interrupts Celeste, wagging her finger, "The prodigy child and 'legendary' Sandy Deserts comes along and finds herself gearing up for a shot at the championship she once represented, gathering more hype than myself earning a World championship opportunity. Hell, Saboteur got more television time than I did.

Celeste turns around and leans on the basin, bowing her head. After hearing the true thoughts of her partner, Sandy is left at a cross-road of what to do: does she respond or is this something she should dismiss? She finally decides to comfort Celeste, approaching her slowly and going to rub her shoulder. However, Celeste unexpectedly stands up and throws Sandy's hand away "I don't want your pity." Celeste storms out of the bathroom and back into the main room with Sandy following. "Then what do you want from me? I don't understand." Celeste instantly turns around and gets into Sandy's face. "I want you to be my tag team partner and not some ****e who jiggles her product around to get what she wants." Now Sandy gets a bit angry, straightening herself up as Celeste was looking down on her, giving herself some breathing room. "Whoa, whoa Celeste... I have absolutely no idea where this has come from and I can understand that you are frustrated with losing all the time..." Celeste twitches her neck. "... but if you haven't noticed, I'm in the same boat as you as I haven’t had many wins since returning. I even lost to you when it came down to finding out who would be the next Elite X contender was and we had no quarrels then... and just like your World championship shot, my Mayhem contenders match got randomly drawn and we had no control over these things yet you are the one who tells me off about competing for a singles championship when we are supposed to be a team? How dare you suggest that I’ve flaunted and paraded myself around to get this title opportunity? If anything, I should be the one calling you the ****e!"

Celeste snaps at this comment and slaps Sandy her across the face. The look of intensity from the eyes of Celeste almost scares Sandy. “Get out” says Celeste in a calm and collected tone. Sandy is unresponsive to this request; causing Celeste grabs a nearby lamp and pegs it at the wall, shattering it into shards all across the floor. " “GET OUT!” As Celeste continues to release her anger, Sandy quickly backs out of the room and exits just as Celeste told her too. Sandy shuts the door behind her and begins to cry as she slides down the door to a sitting position.


Back to the Present

Sandy is still standing in front of her hotel room door with a key-card in her possession trying to hold back the tears as she wipes the last of them away. She takes a deep breath before slowly approaching the door, swiping her card through the automatic lock and opening the door. She tries pushing the door open but something seems to be blocking her path, forcing Sandy to shoulder barge the door, leaving her enough of a gap to enter the room comfortably. As she enters the room, she sees a flipped table on the floor that was blocking her entrance and slips around the carnage. Looking into the room she sees that clothes, pieces of glass and lamps are scattered across the ground with the beds in upside-down positions. She looks up from the ground and sees Celeste leaning on the window, looking outside who appears to be breathing heavy but at a slower pace. She notices Sandy creeping up behind and she turns her head to see her, who stops halfway across the room to leave Celeste plenty of space. Nothing is said as Celeste continues to stare out the window and Sandy tries to piece everything together. Eventually, Sandy is the one who breaks the silence.

"For the sake of our friendship, I'm going to ignore that this night never occurred and that you didn't lay your hands on me. I will apologise if I said anything stupid as not only am I slightly influenced by alcohol right now but the situation became really heated and I reacted with the wrong choice of words. What you and I have is too much to cherish that an outbreak like this shouldn't cause us to split, even though my decision to continue going after the Mayhem title may be the exact reason why your concerns were voiced in the first place. You may not agree with my decision but as my friend, you have to respect it. This is my first major opportunity in WZCW that I have earned and I'm not going to throw it all away. Just like I supported you when you went after the Elite X & World titles, I only ask for you to support me in going for the Mayhem title... a championship whose rules got me famous for being who I am as a wrestler. It holds a special place in my life and the significance of the Mayhem title to me is unparalleled, something I don't think you fully understand. So whether you like it or not, I'm going out there when it comes time to face Vega for that prize he carries around his shoulder and I’m going to do my very best to take that title away from him. You'll still be my friend in my eyes regardless whether I walk out with the title or not and I’d still like to continue being a tag team but if my shot at the Mayhem title is going to end our friendship, then so be it...

Sandy looks to her right and sees that her bag full of belongings had been miraculously untouched during this entire ordeal. She grabs it and pulls out the handle so she is able to wheel her bag, putting it on the ground and opens the door whilst Celeste continues to stare out the window. Before Sandy leaves, she says one more thing: "I’ve said my piece - I’m leaving this decision concerning our friendship up to you - I hope you make the right decision, Celeste. I'll see you at Ascension." She turns around, exits the room and leaves the room, beginning to walk down the corridor. A tear streams down from her eye as she pulls out her phone. "Yeah, I need a Taxi please."

Where We Last Left Off...

Medellín, Colombia
FARC-EP Guerrilla Safe House


That's four shots. Two left. This one could be it. There's a 50% chance that this next chamber will be the one with the bullet in it. For your sake, I hope the odds are in your favor.

He smiles as the lights flicker again. He places the gun to his head, but before he squeezes the trigger, Vega speaks up.

Actually you're wrong.

The revolutionary soldier furrows his eyebrows in slight confusion. He humors Vega...

Oh? How so? Perhaps you have forgotten simple mathematics?

Or perhaps you truly do believe that I am a fool.

The soldier lowers the gun down to the table having never squeezed the trigger while still a bit confused.

I know what you did. You didn't load the gun in a random chamber. You knew exactly which chamber you loaded. You know as well as I do that there is a 100% chance that that bullet is not in that chamber. You know you can put that revolver to your head, squeeze the trigger, and smile a foolishly confident smile because that bullet was always in the 6th and final chamber the entire time. That's why you volunteered to go first, because simple mathematics dictates that I would end up with the 6th shot.

So go ahead, squeeze the trigger and pretend to be brave. Then, do with me as you wish. If you give me the gun, I'll have 1 bullet in one gun with my hands tied. You're three men with fully armed AK's. I'm a dead man either way. I know the games we play are never fair. At least give me the dignity of dying at my own hands. I'm sure it's a dignity you would want granted to you one day... in this twisted life we live.

The soldier stares at Vega, unsure of how to respond. He bites his lips as he grasps the revolver again. He begins to look angry, his eyes look more and more intense. He points the gun right at Vega's head as he takes a deep breath... and pulls the trigger.


The soldier slams the gun down onto the table and leaves his hand on top of it, pressing it down with some force before shoving it back over to Vega. Vega has to catch is as it slides off the table with his tied up hands, but he manages anyways. Once it's in his hands, he sits up straight and looks back over at the soldier sitting across from him.

You think you're so wise because you had a plan this whole time. It was you who were drunk with confidence.

Oh really, wise man? Since you are so unfoolish, how do you explain getting caught?

It was all part of my plan.

The soldier sitting down reaches over and picks up his AK-47 and points it at Vega as he laughs to himself. At this point, all three soldiers have their rifles aimed directly at Vega.

Oh, you're plan. Right, right. Well, what do you have to say now that your plan has failed?

Vega simply smiles.

Who said my plan failed?

The soldier sitting at the table laughs. The other two soldiers standing up begin to laugh out loud as well. Vega even joins in with them as the lights flicker on and off a little bit. Without warning, as the lights continue to flicker repeatedly, Vega squeezes the trigger.


New York City
United Nations Headquarters
Present Day


The games you play? They're just like video games. You're safe in this office here in New York City, just like you were safe back home, never in the field... like me. I know about the unfair games this twisted life has to offer all too well. Vega saved my life by risking his. I'll never turn my back on that.

Right, when he refused to carry out the hit on you.

No. That was him sparing my life. I'm talking about the time in Colombia.

Hewitt looks confused. He slowly exhales smoke through his nostrils as he stares intently into Alexis' eyes.


Alexis nods her head as Hewitt can't seem to comprehend this.

What are you talking about, we got you out of Colombia... Interpol did.

During a failed assassination attempt, mind you. But that was the first time I left Colombia.

First time?

You know Vega and I turned rogue in '94. Well in '95 I decided to go back to see if I could find out what happened to my family. If they were even still alive. The Revolutionary Army thought I was dead, so I thought I was safe. I left Vega a letter telling him I had to go back and that he should continue to live in anonymity without me. A few months into my visit in Colombia, I was captured by FARC soldiers and held captive once again. Vega never listened to my plea for him to live his life without me. He followed me to Colombia... and he saved my life all over again. He infiltrated a FARC safe house as a hostage and got me out of there.

How did you guys manage to do that!?

-To Be Continued...-


New York City
United Nations Headquarters
Two Weeks Ago


We find ourselves in the same exact place we left off. Alexis and Agent Hewitt of Interpol are standing on the rooftop of the United Nations Building in NYC. As we learned last time, Hewitt is a former colleague of Alexis' whom she still stays in contact with. He believes the agency was wrong in the actions they took against her, so Hewitt provides her with what little information Interpol has on her and Vega's whereabouts. Alexis has just learned that her and Vega's trail is clean, and neither Interpol nor the C.I.A. have any idea what either one of them is up to. It's the middle of the day as we can clearly see the sun shining brightly upon both of them during this rendezvous, but the weather is still cold as we can clearly see Hewitt's breath in the air as he speaks up in his English accent...

So, out with it. How in the hell did you two manage to pull off that feat? Escaping from FARC captivity? Bloody hell.

Well, like I said... I went back to see if I could find my family, or find out what happened to them at least. I left a letter for Vega telling him why I left, and that he should forget about me and continue living his own life in anonymity. I arrived in Colombia and headed right for the city of Cali, where my family lived. I made it into town and found my parents home...

A solemn look comes across Alexis' face as she looks down towards the ground.

...or at least, what was left of it.

What do you mean?

Her head remains tilted towards the ground, but she looks up at Agent Hewitt with her eyes as she gently bites her lips.

Cali, Colombia


A younger looking Alexis is standing there with black hair instead of the lighter blonde color we're used to now. She's wearing black boots, blue denim jeans, and a black tank top with matching sunglasses. She's alone, and standing directly in front of an old broken down one story home made with stone walls. The door is built from thick oak wood and held together with black iron. The windows on the side are broken, glass remains on the dirt floor. She walks towards the home, and opens the door.

She walks in to find the remnants of a ransacked home. There are no furnishings, no sign of any recent life. The mood is eerie. Alexis walks through what we can assume used to be a living room. Something on the wall catches her eyes, perhaps because it's one of the few things left in this room besides the dirt and debris. She slowly makes her way over to what looks to be a crooked picture frame with cracked glass hanging on the wall. There is too much dust covering the broken glass to see through it.

Alexis carefully uses her hand to wipe away the dust to reveal an old picture. From the quality of the color and clothes the people in the picture are wearing, it looks to have been taken during the '70s. There is a family in the picture. A husband has his arm around his wife, and in front of them stand two boys. In the mother's arms is a little girl in a pink dress. She has two pink bows holding up her pigtails. The entire family is standing outside, and behind them is the very house Alexis is standing in. It serves as the backdrop, a happy home for this happy family.

Alexis smiles as she reaches for her hair. She runs her hands through it slowly, and for just a few moments, positions her hair so that it looks like she's wearing pigtails too. She can see herself in the slight reflection of broken glass. The cracks distort the sight of herself a bit, but she notices something else. Not in the picture... but in the reflection. Alexis turns around just in time to see the butt of an AK-47 rifle rapidly coming directly towards her face. The impact knocks her unconscious.

New York City
United Nations Headquarters
Two Weeks Ago


I lost track of time, but later on Vega told me I had been in captivity for 18 days. It seemed like a lot longer, but it always does. Being stuck alone for so long can make you go a little crazy. And when beatings and torture are your only forms of human interaction... days can feel like months. They kept me in the same room for 18 days. They knew I was either an American or European, either way... it meant I was a more important hostage to them than just another little Colombian girl they can lay waste to. The more I refused to talk, the worse they'd beat me. Whatever they did paled in comparison to the first time I was in captivity by them.

When they made you as Interpol?

Yeah. See, that time... it was the months, that felt like years.

Agent Hewitt simply shakes his head, unable to imagine the pain and horror Alexis has had to endure.

I began thinking that the only means to an end was to come clean. I thought to myself, they'll either force me to work for them again, or kill me. Either way, it was better than being raped and tortured all over again. If they hadn't broken me the first time, they were certainly damn close this time. But then...

Alexis just laughs to herself as she shakes her head.

But then... what?

Medellín, Colombia
FARC-EP Guerrilla Safe House


We find Alexis in handcuffs laying on the floor of a dark and dirty room. There is a table in the middle of the room, and two chairs on either side of it, but she prefers the comfort of the cold floor instead. One dim light bulb hangs above her, and it flickers on and off randomly. In the distance she can hear the sound of shuffling feet approaching the door. A cringe comes across Alexis' battered face, as this sound usually means that pain and torture are just around the corner. The door swings open and a man is violently hurled inwards onto the table. His momentum carries him over the table as he falls off the edge onto the chair. Both he and the chair fall onto the floor.

Alexis is startled by the sudden inclusion of a new prisoner. His hands are bound with rope, unlike Alexis' which are handcuffed. The man is on his restrained hands and knees with his head hanging low as he struggles to breath. His hair hangs even lower, drenched in blood and sweat. Blood can be seen trickling down from his face onto the floor, but Alexis can't get a clear sight of who this person is.

Four FARC soldiers walk into the room, all wielding AK-47 rifles and wearing matching green army outfits and black boots. On of the soldiers approaches the downed prisoner and viciously punts him right in the face. The man's head is sent whiplashing in such a manner that his hair is flung clear away from his face just long enough for Alexis to get a clear look before his lifeless body collapses down next to her.

It's Vega.

Pick him up and sit him down.

The soldier who just took Vega's face off with his combat boot orders two of the soldiers to lift up Vega with his thick Hispanic accent. As they drag him over to one of the chairs, the soldier barks out another order to the remaining soldier.

And you, take here outside. This... is a man's game.

The guard listens to his orders and grabs Alexis. She is so shocked by the sight of Vega that she forgets to even struggle. She is dragged away without a fight as she stares directly at what seems to be Vega's lifeless face... but for just a moment, right before she is taken away, they lock eyes. In that brief moment... she sees Vega wink at her. The door is then slam shut.

New York City
United Nations Headquarters
Two Weeks Ago


By now, Alexis has her back turned to Agent Hewitt with her hands on the side of the roof as she leans against it. The sun shines off her solemn face. Hewitt has a lit cigarette in his mouth as he continues to listen on intently.

It's funny, I guess... I was in that room for 18 days. Vega was in that room for 18 minutes. Maybe even less. His mind, it works in this genius and mischievous way that normal people like us could never truly comprehend. When living feels like we're constantly running, constantly being trapped in from all angles, Vega sees a world of weakness and opportunity. His mind allows his eyes to see in angles our vision can't even comprehend.

He told me that the soldier wanted to play a fixed game of Russian Roulette with him. I've heard of this being used in the past as a form of psychological torture, and so had Vega.

Hewitt takes a moment to gather this information in as he inhales the smoke from his cigarette.

So Vega was playing Russian Roulette with a FARC revolutionary with his hands tied while two other soldiers stood guard with AK's?


He chuckles to himself and shakes his head in disbelief as cigarette smoke rapidly exits his nose and mouth.

Just another day in the life of Vega. How the hell did he manage to escape that one?

Alexis kind of shrugs halfheartedly as she shakes her head unable to answer.

What exactly happened behind those closed doors, only he truly knows. All I remember was what I heard from behind the door. A few muffled noises, some bangs on the table... probably the gun being passed back and forth. Then, I remember hearing everyone in the room laugh... and then suddenly-

Medellín, Colombia
FARC-EP Guerrilla Safe House



The loud gunshot draws the attention of both Alexis and the FARC soldier standing guard over her. She is on her knees as he has his AK pointed directly at her. His body is turned towards Alexis, but his head is facing the door. The loud bang is immediately followed by a barrage of rapid fire bullets. It sounds like a mini war zone behind the door for a couple of moments, and then... silence.

Move, and I shoot.

The soldier warns Alexis before he slowly and cautiously inches his way towards the door. He walks sideways with his rifle pointed in Alexis' direction, making sure she doesn't make any sudden moves. She isn't, she's as curious as the guard is in regards to what just went on behind the closed door. The soldier puts his back against the wall next to the door, and knocks on it with his free hand.

Hey! Que paso!? What happened!?

No response.



He looks over to Alexis one more time before he slowly pushes the door open. The room is pitch black. We can't see a thing. The soldier reaches for the tip of his rifle and switches on the built in flashlight attached to the end of the AK-47. He shines it unsteadily into the room. Nothing is clear except for the massive amount of blood all around. Slowly, he takes a couple of steps in. It's all around him. On the walls, on the ceiling... he's stepping in puddles of it. With his next step, his foot hits something on the floor. He turns around and points his rifle towards it. Briefly, we can see a bullet riddled body of a fellow FARC soldier.

Dios mio...

Startled, he takes a few steps backwards and bumps into the table. He turns around again to shine a light onto it. We can see the body of a soldier sitting down on the chair, slumped over face down on the table with his AK still in the grips of his dead hands. The living soldier continues to aims his rifle briefly at the head, just long enough to see that part of it has been blown off, before he turns away from the gruesome sight. As he does so, he illuminates other parts of the room with the built in flashlight. He finally comes across a third body, another FARC soldier. This one is on the floor with his body up against the wall, his body is also covered with bullet holes.


Alexis leans in to get a closer look inside the room. The soldier turns around to lock eyes with her. He looks confused and worried. At that moment, Alexis smiles and looks back confidently. All she can see is the light from the end of the soldier's AK-47 shine erratically around the room for a couple of moments, and then it remains still. The door is slam shut.

What the...?

Alexis furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she slowly makes her way up onto her feet. She gingerly walks over to the door while still in handcuffs, hesitant to open the door. She reaches for the handle, but just before she can make contact, the door swings open. A man stands there at the door wearing a FARC army fatigue and holding an AK-47, but that man is no soldier. That man... is Vega.

What!? How did you...-


Vega places a green beret on his head, pulling it low to cover his beaten and battered face as best as he possibly can before grabbing Alexis by the arm and walking away from the room where the massacre took place. As Vega basically drags Alexis away with one hands, he holds the AK in his other hand. Alexis is unsure of what's going on, but walks in a rushed manner with him anyways.

What happened in there?

We were playing a game. I ended up with one bullet and three enemies, so I shot the light bulb and dropped down to the ground. The three startled soldiers squeezed the triggers on their AK's and blindly unloaded their clips into each other in the dark. I hid under the table when the fourth guard entered the room, and as his light shined on one of the dead bodies, I choked him out and borrowed his uniform. Now act like you're my prisoner.

The two walk down the hall of this safe house until they come across two other FARC soldiers dressed in the same uniform, holding the same AK-47s. Vega yanks violently on Alexis' arm in front of them. She pulls her arm away and spits in Vega's face. The draws a look from both soldiers. As they watch, Vega slaps Alexis across the face with the back of his hand. Alexis spits blood on the floor as she looks up towards the him, defeated. The soldiers chuckle as they walk past them. One of them spits on the floor in her direction before walking away.

Sorry about that.

It's okay, that was good.

Did you have to spit at me?

They bought it, didn't they?

Not for long. It's only a matter of time before they come across that blood bath. Let's move.

They continue down the hallway and turn a corner. The camera turns to the two soldiers who just crossed Vega and Alexis' path. They walk down the opposite way of the hallway towards the interrogation room. The door is halfway open, but it's completely dark inside. The two soldiers look at each other before they open the door. They turn on the built in flashlights on their AK's and shine the light in the room. Immediately, they find a groggy man making his way up onto his feet wearing nothing but socks and underwear. His body is covered in blood. Not his own, but the blood of the dead FARC soldiers around him. The other two living soldiers recognize him as one of their own, and their eyes widen in disbelief as they piece together what has just taken place.

Let's go!

One of the soldiers yells out to the other as they both immediately about face and run back down the corridor. They turn the corner and continue running, not seeing either Vega or Alexis anywhere. They come to a set of double doors and burst through them. Outside are a group of soldiers casually standing around, about a dozen in total.

Where are they!?

One of the random soldiers replies.


The two soldiers run out a little further, still looking frantically. One of them replies...

The soldier and the hostage! He's not one of us dammit!

Immediately the group of soldiers take off in a specific direction. The two soldiers who just informed them follow them as they all give chase. They run towards the side of the safe house, and then they make a right turn around the house. Immediately, the first two soldiers who make the turn are met with a couple of bullets through the chest. Their bodies drop to the ground as dirty black jeep speeds it's way onto the scene.

Several FARC soldiers have to dive out of it's way to avoid being run over. The other revolutionaries are temporarily blinded by the dirt the jeep has blown up into the air. Some more rapid fire shots ring out through the dust and another couple of soldiers are hit. They fall to the ground as the few that are left shield their eyes and try to wave the dirt away. They finally grab their rifles and aim in the direction of the jeep that is now speeding away from them. Before any of them fire a single bullet, more shots can be heard fired from a distance in their direction. They open fire back, but one of them is hit in the leg and he falls to a knee. Soon there after, he is hit in the chest and falls to the ground.

The camera cuts to a shot from inside the jeep. Vega is driving the topless vehicle, his eyes focused on the dirt road in front of him. Sitting in the passenger seat with her hands finally free from the handcuffs is Alexis, and she is holding the AK-47 that Vega stole from the soldier. She's aiming it skillfully as she fires the weapon like a marksmen. Vega drives until the safe house is out of sight, and then continues to drive some more. Alexis stops aiming the rifle, realizing they've made it. Vega and Alexis look at each other for a moment as they share a smile, and a sigh of relief.

New York City
United Nations Headquarters
Two Weeks Ago


So that's why you'll never turn your back on him?

Hewitt asks the obvious question as Alexis turns around to acknowledge him. She nods her head in agreement.

Yeah. I told him to forget about me, and instead, he saved me. He didn't have to do that. In fact, I've known Vega to be a selfish man. But in the selfish life he's lived, it's perhaps his most unselfish act. To this day I'm not exactly sure why he did it... but I'm glad he did.

And now?


Alexis simply smiles.

It's us against the world.

Hewitt smiles back.

Yeah, well... just remember even though it may be you and Vega against the world, you've still got someone else you can trust in me.

Agent Hewitt extend his hand.

Take care of yourself, Alexis.

She reaches back and shakes his hand.

You too, Hewitt.

New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day


Vega and Alexis are both on the ground on top of some blue mats laid out on the floor. Vega's wearing nothing except a pair of black compression shorts, and black taped fists. Alexis is wearing white compression shorts and a matching white sports bra, along with white tape around her fists as well. Vega is on top of her, but Alexis has her legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him in full guard. They are practicing jiu-jitsu. Alexis tries to work her way up to a triangle choke, but leaves just enough room for Vega to slip his head out from underneath and get side guard. He immediately transitions into a full mount and postures up.


Vega pounds his fist down onto the mat right next to Alexis' face. The sound echoes throughout the room. She covers her face instinctively to defend herself. Vega follows up the punch with a thunderous elbow dropped down on the other side of her head this time. His elbow pounds off the mat, the sound reverberating off the walls as well.

From this position, I can dominate anybody. I rain down blows and my victims always throw their hands up into the air trying to frantically defend themselves from pain. That's when they leave themselves wide open.

Suddenly Vega grabs Alexis' left arm as he swings his right leg over her face, falling into a perfect arm bar position. He pulls back gently, showing Alexis mercy, not wanting to seriously hurt her. She taps, but he doesn't let go.

See, sweetie, you get a rare form of mercy from me. I'm not letting go, but you're lucky your arm is still in one piece. Try to escape, kiddo.

Alexis positions her body so that her back is no longer on the floor. She is able to actually get to her knees, alleviating some of the pressure from Vega's arm bar. Just as she seems to have found a counter, he transitions effortlessly from an arm bar into his patented triangle choke. Like a snake coiling around it's prey, Vega's legs slowly squeeze around Alexis' head and neck... removing every single inch of space allowing breath and blood flow. She taps out quickly again. Vega simply loosens the hold, but doesn't let go.

This is exactly what I've been doing to this damn company. This right here.

As Vega loosens his triangle, Alexis tries to escape. Just as she makes her move, Vega transitions beautifully to an omoplata. The arm lock forces Alexis face down onto the mat with her left arm awkwardly bent backwards behind her by Vega's legs. He sits up and leans over to apply pressure onto the arm, forcing Alexis to tap once again. Vega playfully slaps Alexis' ass and laughs to himself before spinning around and ending up on her back. He uses the momentum of his movement to grab her as he spins onto his back. He wraps his legs around her waist in a body triangle as he gains perfect control of her back. Vega is attempting his fourth submission in a row, a rear naked choke.

This is what I'm talking about. I'm toying with everyone they put in front of me. This streak I'm on is down right unstoppable right now.

Alexis tucks her chin down to prevent Vega from cinching in the grip around her neck.

There's no defense for my onslaught on this company. There's no counter. There is nothing they can do. I was taught if your opponent is covering up his neck... then choke 'em through their damn face.

Vega begins squeezing his forearm against Alexis' face.

Break their damn jaw if you have to.

Alexis' face begins to contort in an awkward way, almost as if her jaw is unhinging. She taps out, and Vega lets go. Alexis rolls off of him, and Vega gets to his knees.

Sorry kiddo... but this makes you better than everyone else. Everyone, except me.

He gets up onto his feet.

I mean, do you realize I haven't lost a match in almost 5 months!? And that loss was to a man who I wasn't even supposed to face. 5 months without a single loss. I've defended my title 5 times, and this week will be my 6th. 3rd week in a row, too. I don't care if I have to defend this title every week. I'll transition from opponent to opponent showing less and less mercy every damn time. I could care less if it's an Alien, ex-rock star, or some old bitch. I'm taking out anybody this company puts in my path until they realize what they truly have in me.

And until they do... I will continue to be the most dangerous man this company has ever seen.

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